#female zane
nakacockroach · 2 years
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mentally-a-slut · 2 months
thinking about writing a slice of life mystreet fic and by thinking about i mean drafting it up rn anyone interested?
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colesluvr · 1 year
When Your Powers Are Taken | All Ninja x Female Reader
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REQ: I HAVE A REQUEST!! How abt all ninja x female reader; when your elemental power is taken by aspheera (like kai’s was taken)
can i be frank with yall, i kinda like this lmaoo. kinda want to make a p2 to this, how y/n will react to losing her power. thx for the request, i really enjoyed writing this!! hope yall enjoy! <33
if you want me to make this a seprate reaction i'll write that as well, just holla <3 by that i mean each of thme having their own reaction to y/n losing her power
E/P: Elemental Power
"No! Don't!"
It was too late. 
With one push of the block, aligning the puzzle in it's proper pattern. It glowed bright color's and the pyramid started to rumble. Dust and pebbles fell from the top of the room. Everyone stood in a line in front of the large chamber, waiting to see what will happen.
Suddenly, the door exploded, causing everyone to duck down as dust filled the room. Laughter soon emerged from the chamber, and you opened your eyes to see a large, blue, female snake slither out with a staff in her hand.
You squinted your eyes, coughing from the debry that fell upon you. You tried to get abetter iew of the snake lady in front of you. 
"Free at last," She said as she looked around. She looked forward to see 8 figures on the ground, "Where is he?" Was the first thing she asked. Looking oward Lloyd. 
"Who?" Lloyd grunts as he tried to stand, "The treacherous deceiver. The one who imprisoned me." She spoke, "Tell me where he is, and I, Aspheera, will show you mercy." The snake demanded. 
"I believe she is looking for the boy mentioned in the hieroglyphics." Zane guessed as everyone sat up from the ground.
"What do I tell her?" Lloyd whispered, looking over to Nya who got in his face with a worried tone, "Tell her the truth! We don't know." 
They all stood, Lloyd starting to speak, "Uh, that was a while ago..."
The blade on the snakes staffed began to glow purple as her rage increased. Raising her weapon, she shot a bright, purple beam to Lloyd, knocking him into the nearest wall. 
Clutch Powers dodged Lloyd's body as it made contact with the stone. The ninja's pulled up their hoods while you got your weapon in hand, all of you ready to fight. 
"Let her have it!" Jay shouted, shooting a spark of electricity toward the Serpentine. 
"Uh," Clutch spoke as he hid near the wall of the exit, "I'll get help!"
"Help from who? The camals??" You shouted at the explorer who ran away. "Y/N, focus!" Nya shouted at you, both of you dodged the blast of purple energy shot at from the snake. 
The Serpentine chuckles as all the Ninja's and your's powers blew right off her, leaving not even a scratch on her. 
Her hand pointed toward you as you were the only one in front of her. Her eyes and yours locked, "You are a E/P elemental?" 
"The one and only! Name's Y/N! Not so nice, to meet  you!" You shot a blast of E/P at the Serpentone when you shouted to meet,watching her once again take the hit without ant damage. 
You watched as her head slowly raised, her hissing loud and clear in your ears. 
"Your E/P, enlightens, me." Aspsheera spoke softly, slowly slithering her way toward you as she continued, "For too long I have been trapped in this cold, dark place."
 You stepped back  from the snake as she got closer, and closer. 
"I will take your E/P!"
"I'd like to see you try, snake!" You tempted, ready your power in your hand. Before you can land a hit, you saw her wave her staff to the side and toward you raising up, however your body followed with her staff. 
You felt your body freeze, you couldn't move. Your feet were lifted from the ground as you felt the power inside you fade away. It hurtI. You let out screams of pain, trying to break free from the Serpentines hold. 
However, the purple hold had you in a tight knot. You weren't able to escape and endeered the pain. 
"Y/N!" Kai cried your name, attempting to get up and stop the snake. 
"What's happening?" Cole cried "She's stealing her elemental power!" Zane shouts, answering Cole's question. "We must stop her!"
They tried.
They really tried. 
When they attempted their spinjitzu on her, she gave them a taste of theirown medicane, somehow still being able to steal your power.
You felt your eyelids get heavy, and your body grew more and more tired by the second. Next thing you knew everything went blank. 
"She knows Spinjitzu." Lloyd mumbled in a worried tone. 
"How?!" Jay cried, twice as confused as Lloyd. 
Suddenly, your body fell straight to the floor, but you didn't move. Not even an 'ow' left your lips. Bad sign.
You were knocked out cold. 
"Y/N!" Lloyd called out your name, everyone running to your body. 
"I..thank you, elemental. In return for your gift, I shall spare your lives." 
Next thing, well, no one knew, was there hands chained up to each other and pinned to the wall high above the ground. However, you were still knocked out in between Zane and Nya. 
"May you enjoy your time in this place, as much as I did. Farewell," Aspheera, who was now the color of your E/P, bid her goodbyes, slithering toward the exit.
"You won't get away with this!" Lloyd yelled over to the snake.
They all watched the Serpentine leave, Lloyd looked back at your unconscious body. Your head was hung down low as your right arm was raised in the air by the chain that pinned you all to the wall. 
"Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me?" He cried, pulling himsef forward to try and see you better. Nya was able to reach over, holding herself forward with her feet, as she pulled down your mask that coverd the body half of your face and look at you with a sadden look. 
"Zane, how is she?" Cole asked, looking ove rto his Nindroid friend who was already steps ahead of him. 
Zane took a moment to scan your body, before responding. 
"Her vitals ar stable. She's alive. She should recover shortly." Zane spoke with a soft smile.
"Good." Lloyd sighed, looking at the chain above him,
 "Now we just have to figure out a way out of here."  
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
What are the ninja/other characters top 3 favorite colors? Do any of them have stories behind why it's one of their favoruites?
Believe or not I have mentioned their second-favorite colors but I have more peeps to add to the list-
Kai: 1. Red (No explanation needed) 2. Gray (reminds him of his sister) 3. Amber (...no explanation needed)
Jay: 1. Blue (because it's Nya's favorite) 2. Yellow (his actual favorite) 3. Red (...no special reason)
Cole: 1. Orange (always was his comfort color/reminds him of his mom) 2. Pink (a color that has always made him happy) 3. White (a color that always serves to calm him)
Zane: 1. Pink (and he will NOT be shamed for it) 2. Light Blue (reminds him of his mom) 3. Purple (reminds him of Pixal <3)
Nya: 1. Blue (no explanation needed) 2. Maroon (she's still partial to it/reminds her of her brother) 3. Gray (it really does grow on her)
Lloyd: 1. Black (still stuck in his goth phase) 2. Magenta (...) 3. Green (despite everything he still finds a certain amount of comfort in it)
Jesse: 1. Marigold (very specifically Cole's eye color) 2. Pink (you can't wear that much pink and NOT love it) 3. White (begrudgingly; he can't help that he looks great in it)
Antonia: 1. Purple (Has always been partial to it; plus it's Nelson's color) 2. Orange 3. Black
Harumi: 1. Green (until it isn't) 2. Pink (until it isn't) 3. Black
Olivia: 1. Red/Maroon (her favorite accent color with no special meaning whatsoever) 2. Navy Blue 3. Yellow
Miranda: 1. Blue (the color of her favorite ninja) 2. Fuchsia (the color of her real favorite ninja) 3. Purple
Skylor: 1. Red (she's been swayed) 2. Amber (predictable, but it keeps her connected to her mom) 3. Yellow (she likes warm colors)
Pixal: 1. Green (it is a VERY important color to her) 2. Purple (aesthetically pleasing to her) 3. White (provides comfort)
Sunni: 1. Blue (for her favorite ninja) 2. Yellow (she's legally obligated to like yellow) 3. Pink (but only if its pastel)
Harleigh: 1. Gray 2. Blue 3. Black (ooh I'm throwing curveballs here)
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pessimistic-cherry · 4 months
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I love Pinterest so much
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blackashbluephoenix · 10 months
I'm working on my season 5a/6 Marvey AU today and it took me an embarassing amount of time to realize that Rachel called her Dad first when Mike was arrested (before even telling Harvey) because her first impulse was to find a way to force Mike to turn on Harvey. The worst night of his life and she sics her angry father (who will now hate Mike forever) on him to manipulate him into betraying the one person he might love more than her.
She didn't just think about it for a second like she admits to Mike when they fight, it was her main goal from minute one. She only backs off when Mike freaks out when she vocalizes it. It's like she only realizes in that moment that he may actually leave her if she tries to push the issue.
I get that she resents how close Mike and Harvey are and she feels like Harvey put Mike in this position. But Mike's just as guilty as Harvey is, and she wouldn't have given Mike the time of day if Harvey hadn't brought him in. He's the only reason she has Mike at all, and her first impulse is to throw him under the bus regardless of what Mike wants.
It just makes Rachel's entire character feel icky. Like I know Gibbs tries to get her to make a deal to go against Harvey later in the season but the fact that it's literally her first impulse without Gibbs even making the offer is just... ick.
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80s4life · 1 year
Word Count: 4,522
Status: Requested!
Ask: Pleeeeeaase write more of Cal from titanic. Literally any prompt I’m so hungry😭
Ask #2: Pleasee could we have more cal hockley content, specifically more chapters for "the things I've never done" and even more short stories if you have the time, I love your work 💕 [THANK YOU SM! I WAS STARTING TO GET SELF CONSCIOUS OF MY WORK AGAIN]
Ask #3 will have an attachment to a separate Cal fic as well, so no request will be shown here until that one.
@: Three cutie pie nonnies!
Relationship: Caledon “Cal” Hockley x Female!Reader
Fandom: Titanic 1997
Summary: Thrusted into the roaring 20′s, all you wanted to be was free and outgoing as all the booming women in city. However, your father’s deal with the devil seals your fate in the hands of your advisor and boss, Caledon Hockley; a man who is haunted by memories, stubborn in his ways, and opposed to the newfound strength in the young women of America. You’re a slave at his will in his eyes, yet you’re just as free as the new reformed women in your own. You’re stuck at a standstill in this endless game of chess, but who’s the pawn?
Warnings: forbidden, early 1900′s morals and customs, Reader is a maid, Cal is the head of the house, Post-Titanic sinking, mature language, kinda spicy, PTSD, domestic violence (included in a PTSD episode ONLY), Kind of a Beauty and The Beast AU for inspiration
{gif is not mine, credit goes to @locke-writes​}
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It was all an act of practicality from the start: your father owed his father money and he had a set of nimble hands to rid himself of. 
Nathan Hockley was a millionaire who dealt in the steel tycoon business in Pittsburgh. Your father had a habit of gambling with the wrong people, which had allegedly caused your father to have an uncomfortable run-in with the powerful man. Unable and too stubborn to do so, your father handed you off as a way of reparation for the damage the bastard had caused.
Nathan’s son, Caledon Hockley, was the exact replica of his father. He was cunning, stubborn, powerful and wealthy; a disrupting mixture of facets that could either lift or crush you with a simple snap of a finger. He was dangerous, among many of his other qualities, which made your business in the Hockley’s presence just that much harder.
With the pandemonium that followed the sinking of the Titanic in 1914, the physical and mental effects had taken ahold of Nathan’s deeply treasured and only son, practically keeping him on house arrest until he was “better”. However, to both Nathan and Caledon’s dismay, 6 years had done nothing for his declining health, the reasoning behind why Nathan had administered you into Caledon’s household in the first place.
All of these events have led you up to this point, your suitcase rolling behind you as one of the many maids in the manor lead you up to your room to unpack. You haven’t seen this young and precarious man yet, but something is telling you that you most likely don’t want to. You are soon to be given your list of instructions to follow immediately and precisely; left to your own devices to either stay afloat or drown in the fury of the Hockley men.
Maria, a young maid in her 20′s, around your age, approaches you with a pure and youthful grin, a light blush to her cheeks. Her hair is cut into a cropped bob of black hair with short but soft curls, her lean frame with modest green eyes making her endearing - intoxicating. “You must be Miss Y/L/N?” her cutesy, high pitched voice only adding to her allure and picturesque innocence.
“Yes, that’s me,” you mutter, displaying your hands as if to show yourself off in sarcasm.
“No need to be so glum!” she giggles, bowing her head to catch your eyes and raise your line of sight. “I’m Maria Espinosa, but I’d assume the least you’d want right now is formalities.”
You snort, but let her continue nonetheless.
“I’ve your instructions - written myself, of course!” she smiles brightly; any harder and she might break her face. “As you know, with your appointment into this manor, the rest of the faculty will be let off, per Nathan Hockley’s request. But, don’t fret, the list is simple, short and can last all day without having to pay too much mind. Every Tuesday and Thursday, there will be a grocer that will restock the cabinets, refrigerator, etc. and help you with the cleaning. You are not to touch the east wing and only reside within the west - this will help eliminate the messes to clean and prevent extra exertion-”
“Sorry, if I may be crude, why are we not to go in the east wing?” you ask, curiosity getting the best of you.
“It was...” Maria drifts off, choosing her words lightly, “After the accident in 1914, the east was torn by his own hands. It was once used for balls and such, but after the Titanic,” she whispers the name as if someone might hear her, “Caledon was bedridden and sick, upset, angry, any emotion in the book. He used that wing as a way to let those emotions out.”
You stay silent as you stare at her with morbid curiosity and fear, nodding once before returning your attention to the list. The rest seems easy, not like the job was ever hard to begin with, just an annoyance for better words. 
Maria clears her throat, “Anyway, you must make at least two meals a day, mainly breakfast and dinner, both at 8 am and 8 pm. Caledon might decide not to have lunch some days, but if he does, make sure it is brought to him by 12 pm. He doesn’t like tardiness, so as long as you follow the rules as tightly as you can, you won’t be a target. Any questions?”
“No, no. I’d presume you’d want to be heading out?” you smirk at her mischievously and instantly watch as her taut muscles relax.
“Very much so, yes! It’s been forever since I’ve had a moment of freedom.”
“Well, don’t let me keep you, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” you shoo her off playfully. This is your family’s mess to clean, the least you can do is let her be free of the shackles that are now passed down and chained to your ankles. 
Maria is halfway through the door when she turns to you from the foyer, “I’ll do a monthly checkup to make sure everything is in line, and for a little company in your lonesome, okay?”
You smile gratefully, hands coming up to play with your nails, “Thank you, you’re very kind. Though, I don’t want to be a burden.”
“A burden? You just gave me my freedom!” she exclaims, laughing as she waves a hand. “I’ll be back by the end of the month! Settle in and enjoy the quiet!”
The moment the door slams shut, your shoulders droop heavily. Your eyes scan the spacious mansion with frightening curiosity. You’ve never even remotely been near land such as this, and now that you’re inside, it feels almost too much. You let your hands glide the carved wooden banister as you walk up the huge steps to the second floor, taking a left down a hall.
Your legs carry you down the long corridor, and, as you place your key into the fob, your eyes lay onto the door across from yours: ‘Lord Hockley’ carved neatly on the door. There’s a rustling behind it and footsteps that approach the other side of the door, eliciting you to push the key one click further and dive through the door as quickly and quietly as possible.
You flop onto the bed with a huff, trying to calm the beating of your heart just enough to allow you to unpack and prepare dinner within the course of 3 hours. When your room is finished, you nod in satisfaction, taking a bath in the connected bathroom and changing into a thin, sheer dress before exiting your room and back down the steps to the kitchen.
Finally do you take the time to read the list on your own. It includes very detailed and descriptive instructions, easy nonetheless, of medication usages and what to do with each, meal plans, recipes, a map of which rooms to clean and how to clean each one, and Caledon’s nightly and morning rituals to follow precisely.
Shrugging your shoulders, you roll your neck to release the tension before opening the cookbook up to the recipe designed for today’s date. “Pork roast,” you state alloud, cringing at the echo of your voice being followed by more movement in Hockely’s room.
Your mind roams as your eyes get lost at the sight of the luscious woods out the window, hands deftly whisking away at the pork roast’s grease with the intent of making a nice gravy to coat the dry, but tender pork roast. Shaking your head, you peer down and try to busy yourself with the already settling boredom you’re consumed by. 
You can hear the halls creak, the water drip from the faucet, birds chirping outside, the soft sway of the wind, random clicks, ticks, and other noises. You’re destined to go insane.
You jump unexpectedly with the sound of a crash from upstairs. The noise comes from the general direction of Caledon’s room and you all but groan at what the sound indicates -  what your being here demands. 
Putting the roast of low, you close the lid with a soft click before ascending up the stairs to Caledon’s room. You stand outside the door, hand on your heart, as you try to calm your rapid heartbeat and breathing. This was to come about sooner rather than later, so you should be glad it’s happening now. However, the banging continues within the room and you know that even if you had met him in a few months, the hell that follows him would never be escaped for as long as your father’s debt remains.
Knocking on the hard wooden door, you speak softly, “Lord Hockley? Is everything alright?”
You’re not given an answer, only the sound of something heavy being thrown and falling to the floor.
“Lord Hockey?” you call out again, louder this time. Unsurprised, you are followed by no answer once more. Annoyance creeps into your words a third and final time, “Lord Hockley, I will come in there myself if you do not open this door. Now,” you demand.
Shrugging when no voice calls to you form the other side of the door, your hand twists the doorknob and pushes the door open. You legs carry you only so far before they stutter to a stop just past the door frame. 
Just before you, there is a disheveled, sweaty Caledon Hockley, fit from youth and some maturity in his thirties, shirtless. His eyes look crazed, like a madman, as his hands grip a chair at his desk with white knuckles. Around the room, there’s shelves torn down, broken, books in a disarray on the floor. His bedsheets are thrown about with the other chair from his desk propped against the wall in his fury.
You stare wide-eyed, but somehow, not alarmed in the slightest. You were accustomed to this sort of outburst, especially within the hard working men. You saw it in your father - even in your younger brother. “Lord Hockley,” your voice is softer again, all annoyance and anger lost at the door. 
His eyes snap up to you, as if he had just noticed your arrival or presence. “What are you doing in here? You are not to barge in a man’s room, that is uncouth for a woman of your age and status. What is wrong with you?”
“Lord Hockley-” you try to start your confession.
“A woman is not to speak up to a man; are you ferel? Are you-?”
You don’t allow him to finish his slandering, “-I am mentally efficient, Lord Hockley, and very aware of my positioning here. However, I did knock, three times to be exact, with no answer. There had been a ruckus in here for about-” you peer up at the clock above his desk, “-an hour and a half now. I came to be of assistance, but if my help is unwanted, I’d happily leave you to your self-pity on your own?”
He has no other emotion present except bewilderment plastered to his face; eyes wide, mouth agape, and at a struggle for words. His fists clench and unclench as his eyes pan down to stare at the floor, appearing deep in thought.
“Lord Hockley, if I may be so bold?” you ask, scanning his body language and searching to find the meaning of this man’s crazed outburst.
“Go ahead,” he mutters, a hand going up to rub some hair from his eyes, still staring at the floor. 
“You may confide in me if that means helping your mental health?” you offer. You know this could go one of two ways: either one, he’ll turn you away, suffer alone, and claim that men have no such weaknesses, or two, he’ll let his guard drop and release him from these dark episodes he’s no stranger to. The latter seems rather unlikely.
“I am not mental.”
“I did not say that. I was simply insisting that everyone has a dark place their mind goes to, which is a detriment to a person’s mental health. Let alone someone who is expected to heal quickly and pick up the family business, am I correct?”
Just as you thought you were getting somewhere, Cal’s eyes snap back up to yours with anger, the malicious anger tearing at his body again, “You know nothing of my family’s business and nothing of me. You have no audacity as to even assume or place yourself in my shoes. I should have you thrown out or hanged for your mouth alone. Get out!”
“Just trying to be of service, sir, since I’m at your will!” you smile sickeningly, bowing to him and sliding through the door just as a book is picked up and thrown.
You let out a deep breath of air on the other side of his door, now in the safety of the hallway. Your throat tightens with a soft sob, tears welling in your eyes. You truly feel as a prisoner on death row, hands and ankles encased in heavy metal cuffs; struggling to walk under the watchful gazes and heavy chains slowing you down, keeping you locked in this manor. 
You weren’t the perpetrator, you know this, but you were framed to support the guilty with your own naivety and love.
You drag yourself back down to the kitchen to finish the man’s meal with dejection, but still devoted for the greater future - when you no longer have to be a maid in this manor and be free, lost in the world again.
“Lord Hockley?” you call once more at his door, only this time, you’re holding his tray of dinner. “I have your meal, are you decent?”
You hear a muffled ‘Yes’ and proceed through the door cautiously.
It seems he’s settled now, sitting at his desk with notes and papers scattering the floor and desk. He hadn’t cleaned the room, which you suspected you’d have to clean in the near future. However, you notice the bed is drenched in liquid, and when you look back at him, you notice sweat beading at his forehead, a thin sheen of sweat glistening against his skin.
“Lord Hockley?” you call again, stepping closer towards him. He chooses not t answer you, so you press further. “You’re sweating.”
“I’m very well aware of what my body is doing.”
“Are you feeling ill? I can help you if-” you are cut off by his fist meeting the solid oak of the desk.
“I do not need any assistance from the likes of you, nor do I want it,” his voice is stern, scary.
You try not to lose your temper so easily this time, so you give him a kind, tight-lipped smile. “Of course, my lord, you are a man after all. A man is able to take care of himself just fine, though he installs many maids within his manor. Maids like me,” you giggle dryly, “What shall I do instead, since you are able to clean, cook, and much more without the help of the ‘likes of me’?”
Caledon only groans, “Just leave the food here, you are dismissed. I’ll leave my tray for you to clean in the morning.”
“Oh, how kind,” you roll your eyes, scurrying to the door.
“Oh, and Miss, maybe you could find a better countenance and leave your convictions in your pillow when you arise. Wouldn’t want to explain to my father - and yours - as to why you were no longer needed and let go.”
You can hear the sinister smirk in his voice, but you choose to ignore it - for now -  and head to bed briskly.
The next two weeks follow you in a similar form. You do as your told, albeit begrudgingly, and get into many of your childish arguments. Your interactions with the man are nasty and violent at times, always finding yourself dodging an object, taking threats, and coming in the next morning asking for more. 
More, more, more; you ask for more because there is nothing else to be given. You have to take everything as a grain of salt. You have to because this means your father’s life and yours. If you manage to screw up, and you will, they will not only have your father’s head, but yours for Caledon’s punctured ego.
Though, somewhere within those weeks, you started to care less and less.
“Lord Hockley?” you knock at his door, tray of food in hand. He once more gives you no answer, so you push in.
Greeted by no light in the room, you walk around in the darkness, knowing this room like the back of your palm now. Placing the tray of food on the oak countertop and go to strike a match, lighting the candle on the desk. Going around the room, you light each and every one of them until the room is dimly lit enough to see.
On the bed, you find Caledon, sweat having gotten worse as you’ve noticed he never leaves his room. When you step closer, he is shivering, teeth chattering. Worried, you go to place the back of your hand to his forehead, but quickly draw your hand back when he jerks upright.
“Lord Hockley!” you jump, the ghost of his skin still lingering on the pads of your fingers. “You’re burning up, I need to help assist you now. You’re very ill and the sickness has gone on long enough-”
“No!” his voice rips through you quiet pleas, rattling off the walls.
“But, Lord Hockley-”
“I said ‘No’! I do not want assistance, I am a grown man!”
“’You can take care of yourself’, yeah, yeah, bullshit!” you scream, the frustration, fear, and hurt finally meeting your words as you are blinded by your emotions.
“What did you say?” Caledon looks at you in disbelief.
You cringe as you can guess what is about to take place in mere minutes, but you don’t hold back anymore. “Is your bigotry deafening your hearing or did you hear me call bullshit?”
Shakily, Caledon gets off his bed, his frame towering yours as he glares down at you with pale skin and dark, chocolate brown eyes.
“Your father wouldn’t want you to be sick, knowing that you would have to run his business soon.”
“My father-” Caledon cuts himself off, a hand going to wipe his face. “This has nothing to do with the business.”
“No? Well then, why else would I have to pamper you like a king? Is it because you’re defective?”
Caledon’s pacing now, trying to calm his increasing ragged breathing.
“Or is it because your useless to him? Mentally unstable?” you continue, trying to get a rise out of him.
“You know nothing of his business nor my personal life!” Caledon snaps back to you, anger finally bursting.
As his anger ensues, he takes steps close to you each time, piercing his thick index finger into you chest for emphasis. “You are nothing, you are worthless. I am a wealthy businessman. I am a strong, independent man with power. People would miss me if I were gone!”
“If you’re such a big man, you wouldn’t lock yourself away in your room like a toddler.”
That’s what finally did him in. You pressed a personal button when your short quips finally hit a nerve, testing his masculinity. Before you have time to react, a glass vase is hurled at you. It was a short throw, and was nowhere near your face, however it caught you by surprise and smashed against your hip.
You ignore the pain, though all you wanted to do was bury yourself in a hole. You came here to help him, but all you are returning is anger and hurt that is most definitely placed at you. 
“You’re sick and it is my job to take care of you, so your father won’t have my ass because his baby boy isn’t okay. It’s my job to make sure you are very well satisfied. It is my job that you get your linens washed, food prepared, room cleaned, and make it my duty that your estate is fully functioning all on my own!” you jab a finger in his direction, placing more distance between your bodies until your back hits his door, his body on the other side of the room behind his desk.
He goes to say more, but you cut him off with more furious blows.
“Though, what isn’t my job is to allow you to threaten me. It isn’t my job to be belittled and yelled at by you. It isn’t my job to allow you to throw objects and whatever anger you have and hurl them at me! That is not my job, nor what I will allow any longer!”
“I never asked you to be here. I didn’t want you here. You forced yourself into my estate to protect your father. You knew what you were getting into just by the public papers alone. You knew what was to be expected and yet you came here anyway. You made a prisoner and a victim of yourself.” Caledon’s gaze does not falter and neither does yours.
“You’re correct, Lord Hockley, I may have known what I was getting myself into. What I didn’t know nor expect was the childish frustration and blatant disregard for human decency. I’ve tried over and over again to be kind, but against your better judgement, you couldn’t allow me to be the person to hold such compassion.” 
Your eyes are welling up with tears now as you feel a warm liquid flow down your palm and to the tips of your fingers.
“You do not understand what is bothering me and you never will,” Caledon finally starts to calm himself, the self-pity returning as he recounts lost memories you cannot decipher.
“No, but I have made it abundantly clear that I was here to help assist you. However, you saw it as being weak, so it wasn’t in your cards to even allow me the common courtesy of being a human being. You felt as if I was lying to you.”
“God, you are so annoying,” Caledon groans.
“The feeling’s mutual.”
“You know, when you’re silent, I almost like you -  wait, are you injured?”
“No!” you yell almost instantaneously. 
“Did I do that? Its dripping on the floor, what happened?”
“The glass,” you almost stutter, the atmosphere changing quickly. “The glass shatter and cut some of my hand, I’m fine.”
“You’re hurt.”
“And, you’re ill.”
Caledon sighs, his shoulders slumping. Motioning for you to exit the room, Caledon says nothing as you make a silent pact to clean up. 
You are suffering whiplash from the sudden change of emotion and it leaves you on edge, but with the cooling of his mood, it allows the adrenaline and some stiffness to leave you. Confusion overtakes your mind.
Guided into the kitchen, you start to take out numerous medications, searching for something to accommodate his symptoms. Caledon walks up to you quietly, almost afraid to get too close.
You do not say or look at each other, finally finding the right medicine and sliding it to him on the counter before sitting down on one of the bar stools. He sits beside you carefully, taking the medicine. 
Taking some gauze and wiping away the cuts with an alcohol wipe, you struggle to wrap your hand. That is, until a warmer, larger one goes to encompass it gently, waiting for an action of opposition to its intentions.
Caledon gaze burns the side of your head before you finally acknowledge him with fear. Softly, he starts, “…Just allow me to help?”
You nod softly as the tears form in your eyes again. Some time passes before you finally work up the nerve to ask, “Why do you do this?” 
Caledon looks up from you hand with confusion, which urges you on to elaborate, “Why does your mood change so swiftly, so suddenly?”
Sighing, Caledon gives you a firm look, as if he’s deciding whether to trust you or not -  to tell you. “The Titanic,” he starts, “When I survived, I lost almost all of who I was. When I returned home to my father, I was constantly burdened with memories. They would consume me, control me, until I felt like a madman. The only solution was anger. When the anger takes control, there is no longer that burning sadness, guilt, and regret; no hoping I’d done something differently. I couldn’t allow myself to do that because I was no longer that man anymore.”
“It’s scary,” you croak, peering into his eyes.
“It is, but what’s worse is the life I’ve lived after the episodes. My father found me defective, worthless. I will never be able to fully recover, which is bad for business. He locked me away in this estate to stay hidden from prying eyes, bedridden to remain unseen even in this secluded property. I insist on doing the simplest actions myself because it makes me feel as if I’m showing my father I am still capable, just changed.”
You nod slowly as you take in this new information, grateful. The man has finally opened up to you, he’s no longer a stranger in his own home as it seems.
Calmly, Caledon pats your hand, signalling that the wrapping is done. A hand reaches up to tuck a strand of hair from your face, resting it on your cheek just afterwards. “I know I’ve hurt you, but please, try to understand me, I’m not asking for your forgiveness... I just wanted you to understand-”
“You don’t need to ask that, I already forgave you a long time ago,” you smile softly, placing one of your hands on his opposing cheek. “We will learn to adapt, just as you have many times before. We are no longer strangers, yeah?”
“Yes,” Caledon smiles with glossy eyes.
“We will work on this together. You are not alone anymore.”
Caledon looks at you with uncertainty.
“I am here, always. Understood?”
Kissing his forehead softly, you other hand goes to be placed on his shoulder, “Repeat it.”
“I am not alone,” a tear slides down his cheek.
“Not as long as I’m alive,” you smirk, placing a kiss to each of his eyelids.
“Never again,” the both of you say together, lips finally meeting as if to seal the promise the both of you now shared deep in your hearts. 
“Never alone.”
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melloraconteur · 8 months
That boy is a monster! (Destruction is in his nature) | Zane Ro'Meave
Cont. Child abuse (Implied and mentioned), Character death (mentioned), Reader is called "Crane"
Synopthesis-> And the boy wondered, what is a monster to do when backed into a corner? what is a monster to do when his birds want to spread their wings. Says the storyteller, their voice becoming mournful, He had decided to do what monsters do best, destroy. The boy didn't know what would become of them, of himself...
Zane has always hated his brothers. He hated them with everything he had and would ever be. That's what he whispers at night, with Crane, the daughter of the nobleman curled beside him, her warm soft hands wiping away the tears that wet his cheeks. 
He hates his brothers with everything he is and will ever be.
Confession: Zane doesn't hate his brothers but wearing your heart on your sleeve is asking someone to stab it. 
Vylad used to be his, one of Zane's people despite the jealousy the arose in him whenever their mother made it clear on which child she loved.  
(That was before Zane was the one to find his brother, assassinated in his own bed. That was before Zane could see his brother's mangled corpse when he was too tired, when the shadows played mind games and played him like a puppet.) 
(Zane doesn't acknowledge that he is now the eldest of his brothers at age 19. He doesn't acknowledge that his brothers, Garroth and Vylad, will never age past 17 and 15 respectively.) 
He has a favorite memory of the three of them. When Garroth isn't raging, when he and Vylad aren't the objects of his ire. When they were just that, brothers. 
It goes like this. 
They are in Garroth's room, Zane on Garroth's bed with Vylad curled up beside him. The two of them are waiting for Garroth to finish up his classes with the other school boys. 
He looks over to Garroth as he enters, not expecting to see his brother look so lost with his hand poking at his cheek. His eyes turn icy when he sees the hand-shaped bruise that mars otherwise perfect tan skin. 
He is quick to unravel himself from Vylad, the younger boy making a sound of protest only to be hushed by Zane. 
Zane pulls Garroth into his bed, being gentle as he wipes the tears that wet Garroth's cheeks. Vylad moves to the other side of Garroth to comfort him. Zane lets him cling to his clothes, lets him cry softly though it is unbecoming of the Ro'Meave heir to cry for so little.  
A spark of anger makes itself known inside of Zane, that he cannot do anything to ease his brother's sorrows aside from offering his room as a sanctuary. He loves his brothers, loves them with his bleeding heart despite the difference love they receive from either parent. He loves them enough to burn the world to ash for them, just so that they would be warmed by the flames.  
For now, he lets the anger slide away and focuses on Garroth, who has fallen asleep from crying though it is the middle of the day. He looks over to Vylad, wondering if he should teach him the lesson they have known since they could talk. 
(Vylad has not yet learned this skill that his older brothers have known since birth. He will learn by the time he is ten how to obey a heavy-hand just like they had to.)
Love will kill you, love is giving someone a blade and turning your back to them. the voice hisses in his ear, reminding him of what he has to lose 
Zane has always wore his heart on his sleeve, he gave people the blade and hoped it wouldn't kill him. 
(Zane is tired of rotting from the inside out, he is tired of being a monster, a weapon. (He wants to rest where he won't taste blood and earth in his mouth, where the sun will be loving instead of painful) 
(He wants his Crane, his best friend to be his place of rest.)
By the time Zane is 19, the amount of people in his corner had dwindled down to one. 
Crane, the daughter of the nobleman who stood by his side for the last 8 years. 
He will not let her be taken too, he refuses. 
(So, the boy in the body of a monster does a thing, a terrible thing to the girl with the soul of a bird.) 
(He chains her to the earth, where her wings cannot be spread to take flight.) 
Zane sends a marriage proposal to her father. He will not let his Crane leave. 
Not when he loves her, needs her.  
Remember, ten steps ahead is how you win. the voice reminds him, arrogant like his father. 
Careful, do not push too far. another voice warns him, sounding gentle and warm (almost like his mother.) 
And the boy wondered, what is a monster to do when backed into a corner? what is a monster to do when his birds want to spread their wings. Says the storyteller, their voice becoming mournful, He had decided to do what monsters do best, destroy. The boy didn't know what would become of them, of himself...
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legorumii · 2 years
" I've rejected affection
for years and years. "
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╰╮Be Mine , Zane Julien x GN Reader.
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It was Valentine's day in Ninjago city. The city had been decorated with red hearts and all the couples on display were smiling and holding hands, kissing or cuddling under the glow of pink and red lights. Zane was currently in a room with Kai and Jay, he felt like his circuits were going to heat up at any moment. Why? Because he was planning on asking you out. "So, you wanna ask Y/n out, eh?" Kai smirked at the robot that was in front of him. Jay just gave him a sigh, shaking his head a bit. "Yes, indeed I do," Zane answered back.
"Well, you're in luck. `Cuz I'm good at dating advice!" Kai said, raising an eyebrow at the other ninja. Jay rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. "'Good at dating advice?'" He repeated back incredulously, "You mean BAD at dating advice." Jay shot back but the hot head just ignored the male. Kai goes up behind the nendriod and put his arms on his shoulders, "So, all you gotta do is-" "Just be yourself." Kai jumped at the voice. The three looked at the source of the voice and saw that it was Nya there leaning against the door with her arms crossed.
"I'm pretty sure If you just be yourself they'll accept it regardless." She explained, looking over at them. Zane smiled at the female and nodded, then turned back towards the others. "Now, I shall make my leave now. Thank you for your failed attempt at your "dating" advice, Kai." Zane told him as he left the room. Once the android was gone Jay couldn't help but laugh at Kai as he stared at the door in shock.
Zane walked around the monastery, looking for you. Of course, he found you right away - you are always easy to find in this place - you were outside, looking at the sky. He took note of your features. You seemed more relaxed than usual, but maybe that's just him. "Greetings, Y/n." he greeted you gently, causing you to look up at the nendroid. "May I sit with you?" He asked and you smiled, nodding your head at him.
You both sat down in silence and listened to nature. Zane looked at you from the corner of his eye, noticing how your gaze shifted across the sky. He smiled to himself as he saw how happy you appeared with everything around you. It was beautiful to see you so relaxed. It was almost… peaceful. Then, you spoke up and Zane snapped out of his thoughts, turning his attention fully to you. "Didn't know anyone else would want to come out here today," You admitted softly. Zane looked at you and smiled a little, "My apologies for disrupting your peace, Y/n." The robot replied. "Nah, It's fine."
There was silence again and Zane couldn't help but overheat. He was nervous..but at the same time excited. This was the first time he's ever asked someone out. "Y/n…" he started before looking at you, making you turn your face to him. "Would you care to go with me on a date?" His words came out quicker than he expected. It almost sounded rushed, but he didn't care, he needed to hear what you said. And hopefully, it's a yes. Your reaction made his circuits race even more. You stared at him with a blush on your cheeks as your eyes widened in surprise.
Your eyes softened a little but they soon fell back into a soft expression as you nodded. "That sounds lovely, Zane," Was all you said before pulling him closer by the hand. Your free arm wrapped around his shoulders while you placed a soft kiss on his lips. His eyes widened but then softened as he let out a sigh.
"Thank you." He whispered against your lips and held your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
" Now I have it and damn it
it's kind of weird. "
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all content belongs to @legorumii do not repost or translate on any writing website!
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strawberico · 1 year
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Was going through my old ig account and found this!!! I had completely forgotten I made this lmao 💀💀💀
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nakacockroach · 2 years
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filthysin · 1 month
starter for @highinfidclitys based on this
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zane had his hand on her thigh, stroking her soft skin as he smiled at her. "come on just one more hit, i promise. you're going to feel so good." zane insisted as he handed her the bong for another hit. "you like feeling good don't you." zane asked as he peppered small, teasing kisses on her neck. they were best friends, but zane had found out a while ago that she was easily influenced when she got high. so each time they did it, she would end up riding his cock, and zane really liked that. and he was really horny now and he wanted her, she was sexy when she was high, so willing, and the sounds she made, he hadn't heard anything that beautiful before. "we can have a little fun." he suggested as his hand wandered under her skirt and to her panties, touching her over her panties as his other hand cupped her face and he leaned in for a soft kiss, doing anything to convince her doing this again was a good idea.
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astro-tag-9 · 5 months
For the fictional character ask:
Sun: Capricorn
Moon: Taurus
Rising: Libra
Thank you if you do this! And btw this is such a fun ask game! \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
Thank you! 💞
🩵Rachel Zane🩵
(From Suits)
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sailforvalinor · 5 months
Man, I wanna go on a life-changing shopping trip with Tindwyl!
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ludovicawrites · 8 months
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kousaka-ayumu · 1 year
Main Characters
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Lydia Montgomery Garmadon(Lloyd)
Age: 16
Height: 152cm(4,11)
Hair colour: pale blonde
Eye colour: Vivid Green
Race: Human
"A human who just arrived at Aoibara Town unexpectedly after following a glowing butterfly with her bunny companion Jiu, yet something was off about her."
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(I changed her clothes so that she could be more seductive like, she's confident in herself)
Katarina "Kai" Smith
Age: 16
Height: 157cm(5'2)
Hair colour: Dark Brown
Eye colour: Blood Red
Race: Vampire
"A vampire princess who was a hothead yet flirty at the same time who was the heir to the throne. But can be a girl and boy-stealer at times."
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(I changed her pupils to be more cat-like)
Jasmine "Jay" Gordon/Walker
Age: 16
Height: 155cm(5,1)
Hair colour: Dark ginger
Eye colour: Electric Blue
Race: Cat
"A cat girl who was a loud and outspoken, but can be a motormouth at times, but can be an understanding friend and is a great inventor."
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Cassandra "Cole" Brookstone
Age: 18
Height: 159cm(5′2)
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: Amber
Race: Human/Ghost hybrid
"A young woman who is a child of a human and a ghost, who is a great singer of the bar "Masquerade Rose", but is also a cake eater."
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Zariyah "Zane" Julien
Age: 18
Height: 162cm(5'3)
Hair colour: blueish white
Eye colour: pale blue
Race: Android
"An Android who didn't remember who her parents we're and was orphaned for most of her life, who was taken in by a man named Edur."
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