#female power lifter
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rightnewshindi · 10 days ago
गोल्ड मेडलिस्ट महिला पॉवर लिफ्टर यष्टिका आचार्य की गर्दन पर गिरी 270 किलो की रॉड, गर्दन टूटने से हुई मौत
Powerlifter Yashtika Acharya Died: राजस्थान के बीकानेर शहर में हुए एक दुखद हादसे में प्रैक्टिस के दौरान जूनियर नेशनल गेम्स की गोल्ड मेडलिस्ट महिला पॉवर लिफ्टर (भारोत्तोलक) की मौत हो गई। पुलिस के मुताबिक मृतक पॉवरलिफ्टर का नाम यष्टिका आचार्य है, जो कि 17 साल साल की थीं। पुलिस के अनुसार घटना के वक्त यष्टिका जिम में वजन उठाने की प्रैक्टिस कर रही थीं, इसी दौरान गर्दन पर रॉड गिर जाने से उनकी मौत हो…
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alliskit · 17 days ago
BG3 Headcanons Nobody Asked For.
Part 5: Body Types.
From the HC that Gale and Halsin are chubby, to twink Astarion, and curvy Shadowheart, we've all got ideas on what they would really look like if not dolled up in base form digital body types.
Feel free to give me yours in the comments.
He's canon 5'9. That is average male height IRL. It's easy to picture him taller and it was hard to picture him not taller until I had a chat with someone about body types and sports.
He is built like a soccer/futbol player.
He has low body fat, so he's cut.
He's lean muscle, so he it's not bulked.
He starts off slim, but as he has more blood, he bulks a little.
Starts / Ends
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This girl is very tall, but not like giant. Some tend to make her like 6'5, but she's more like 6'.
I would compare her to someone like Ilona Maher, a rugby player.
Bulk muscle, smaller chest, but not non-existent like in some female bodybuilders.
She's got legs that can run, but also ground to throw and axe.
She's the middle (if you don't know who Ilona is.)
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I HC that she is SHORT.
She is like 5'2-5'3.
She is built very thin and wiry as all gith.
All lean muscle.
She's built like a female marathon runner.
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She's a little above average in height around 5'7-5'8.
She's got that booty.
I picture her a lot like a volleyball player. Thick legs.
She's got a great rack.
She's pear-shaped.
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I don't think Larian did him justice because I know he would be out here looking like Michael B. Jordan in Black Panther.
The dude is fighting monsters, he gets a really nice thicc pack. (And so much more)
He is a little taller at 5'11-6'.
He is built like an American football player.
I know this one is me taking some liberties, but he deserves it.
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He is a cancer/addiction survivor who is in healing.
He is skinny, but with all the activity starts to get a little muscle and fat.
He is average height as well. He's like 5'10. (HC is that he is only average in height and he knows it.)
He would look a lot like Joaquin Phoenix from Joker at first.
He would fill out, but not be cut by the end. Still fit, though.
Start / End (it's an Aidan Turner still from Rivals lol love this man)
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He is huge, but not cut.
Biggest boobs.
He is built like a power lifter or pro wrestler. He could throw shot put or javelin in the olympics.
He is ALMOST 7', I HC him at around 6'6-6'7. (He's not Shaquille O'Neal.)
He is essentially the Mountain from Game of Thrones.
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She is shorter than you think. She's 5'4-5'5.
Drow are shorter than the other elves usually.
She would be built like a basic female athlete. She is cut, but she has shape.
Hourglass waist.
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tribbetherium · 6 months ago
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Today as abundant and diverse as they were back on their home planet, the ants were among one of the most successful terrestrial invertebrates that had been introduced to HP-02017. Descended from a select few species, introduced as detritivores, pollinators and seed dispersers, these remarkable hymenopterans have since spread across the globe and occupied the niches similar to Earthly ants, such as seed-eaters, leaf-cutters, scavengers, predators, fungus farmers and even honeydew-ranchers: though the livestock of those ranchers are somewhat different, with the niches of sap-sucking true bugs instead filled by beetles and lepidopterans.
Some species, however, have begun taking on niches unlike any of their Terran forebearers. Raftants, aquatic species native to floodplains, developed specialized castes to act as oars and floaters to propel the colony along the surface. Perhaps stranger, at least for ants, are the lonestingers: ants that no longer live in colonies and have become solitary, with all individuals being winged and wasplike, no longer producing wingless sterile workers and taking on a niche akin to solitary wasps and bees.
One of the most unusual species in the Middle Temperocene, however, are the lime ants (Citromyrmex polyregina), an abundant and widespread species found all across South Ecatoria and the neighboring islands. Easily recognizable by their distinct yellow and black coloring, these ants are generalist omnivores diet-wise: consuming both plant and animal matter, though prioritizing carbohydrate-rich sugary food like fruit, sap and nectar for the active adults, while saving protein-rich seeds, bugs and meat to the larvae to encourage their growth. Like most ants, they communicate by pheromones, travelling across the forest floor in single file to scout out food sources they can carry back to the colony. They, too, have specialized castes for their vital activities, such as small minor workers that participate in foraging and nest cleanup, major workers that act as heavy lifters and back-up defense, and soldiers, armed with large heads and powerful mandibles who defend the nest, cut up large pieces of food, and even ferry around the smallest workers hitchhiking on their bodies.
But one truly remarkable characteristic of the lime ant is its behavioral flexibility, thanks to an unusual recessive gene, the Q gene, that causes the species to produce three separate types of queens, depending on which alleles they acquire. Each one lives a completely different lifestyle: one that affects the behavior of their corresponding colonies as well. These genes mix together during nuptial flights, where alates from different colonies pair together queens and drones that in turn, produce offspring that are homozygous QQ, heterozygous Qq, or homozygous qq. This is further complicated by male ants being haploid, and thus males are always only Q or q.
Homozygous QQ queens develop into what is known as the despot morph: a sedentary, highly-aggressive queen with a bulky body and large mandibles. Her colony dwells in a fixed, permanent nest that occupies the same space for as long as she lives, which can be as long as fifteen years. During which time, their nests can grow into immense proportions, spanning tunnels and chambers many meters across and inhabiting up to 100,000 inhabitants. Despot morph queens tolerate no other reproducing female in the colony, and a single despot morph queen rules supreme: aggressively killing any other breeding female in her nest, be they rival invaders, her own alate daughters, or a worker that starts laying unfertilized eggs. All of her genetically fatherless drone offspring will be Q drones. If she mates with a Q drone, all her female offspring will be despot morphs as well, and if she mates with a q drone, half her offspring will be despot morphs, and half her offspring will be Qq heterozygous: the communal morphs.
Communal morphs, the second kind, are long-bodied and capable of traveling long distances on foot, unlike the sedentary despot morph. These queens, the most common kind, are different from despot morphs in another way: they tolerate the presence of other communal morph queens, thus producing a polygyne colony that is much larger than those of despot morphs, with as many as nine or ten queens and colonies growing to up to a million or more. Their large colony size instead favors them to constantly be on the move, foraging for food in an area and building smaller temporary nests and moving on once food becomes depleted in migrations every few months, with the queens marching along in the swarms and the brood carried by the workers as they go. With multiple queens that can be regularly replaced as they die, the colony as a whole can survive significantly longer than those of a despot morph, which is important as their nomadic lifestyle also leaves them with a higher mortality rate due to exposure to environmental factors and predators. Being heterozygous Qq, they can produce either Q drones or q drones, and a communal morph queen that mates with a Q drone will produce half despot morph offspring and half communal morph offspring, and a communal morph queen that mates with a q drone will produce half communal morph offspring and half qq homozygous offspring: the usurper morph.
Usurper morphs are unusual as they do not build colonies at all: they never shed their wings and remain solitary, similar to the lonestingers. As they disperse from their parent colony during the nuptial flight, they mate once with a drone and store his sperm, but do not start laying eggs right away. Instead, over the course of their long lifespan which may last many years (but rarely as long as the despot and communal morphs), the usurper queen instead infiltrates the nests of the other two kinds shortly before the nuptial flights begin, lays her eggs inside, and leaves all the effort of childcare to the workers of the colonies. Covering the eggs with pheromones to trick the colony into accepting them, she functions in essence as a solitary brood parasite whose progeny are raised by others. As she does not form a colony: none of her offspring become workers and soldiers, and instead always hatch into queens or drones: drone offspring are always q as they are born from unfertilized eggs. If she mates with a Q drone, half of her daughters will be communal morphs and half will be usurpers, and if she mates with a q drone, all her daughters will be usurper morphs.
This unusual arrangement likely evolved as an advantageous trait due to fickle, changing seasons and environments, allowing the species as a whole to persist. When food is plenty despot morphs become more common, able to defend a productive patch of land. When food is scarcer, communal morphs dominate, able to travel long distances to scout out new foraging grounds. And when times are the toughest, the most common morph becomes usurpers: being solitary, they need less food than a whole colony and can depend on the few hardy colonies to rear their young. Through a complex set of environmental dynamics, genetic inheritance, and competition between the queen types, the lime ant proves itself an adaptable and tenacious species that finds great success in the forest floor ecosystems of South Ecatoria.
Despite its complicated and bizarre life history, however, the local northhounds that occupy its range, in particular the vulpins, have found a rather mundane use for this abundant species. When threatened, major workers spray formic acid from specialized nozzles in their abdomens as a ranged mechanism. This, however, has been exploited by the vulpins who intentionally provoke the ants to get them to spray their acid onto food items: in effect acting as both a preservative to ward off fungal and bacterial growth on food, and as well as a seasoning that imparts a sour, citrus-like flavor onto said food. While toxic in large quantitities, the ants' formic acid is harmless in small amounts to larger creatures like the northhounds: making for a surprisingly ideal additive in the vulpins' cultural fondness of imparting different tastes in their primitive form of 'cuisine'.
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evidence-based-activism · 3 months ago
Sex Differences in Physical Strength
A while ago, I explained the substantial issues with IOC study on Transgender Athletes, and explained how the physical advantages for men in sports also apply to transwomen. However, I wanted to make an additional post highlighting the evidence base for sex differences in physical performance. These differences underlie arguments for important issues like sex-segregated sports and self-defense laws.
This 2023 review [1] of several hundred studies found:
Female grip strength (a proxy for overall strength) is around 75% of male grip strength, starting around age 15
Men are stronger in all muscle groups, but this difference is more pronounced in upper body strength tests
When comparing male and female power-lifters with the sex-relative body masses, female power-lifters strength was between 46-64% that of males
There is no evidence that a neurological factor (i.e., voluntary activation) underlies this difference
Instead differences in "muscle mass, size, and fiber type" are most likely responsible
Despite lesser strength, women demonstrated greater muscle endurance than men
This 2024 review [2], again, of several hundred studies, discusses the physiological differences that may underlie this, including sex hormones (e.g., testosterone, estrogen), body composition, organ size, among others. This review confirms and extends the research in [1].
This 2022 review [3] describes the sex differences underlying differences in endurance sports. Importantly, males and females each have some advantageous traits, but when examined holistically men's physiology confers them a performance advantage. This 2022 review [4] discusses the impacts of sex differences in oxygen utilization.
This 2023 review [5] further discusses the biological factors that underlie these differences, extending the discussion to the molecular level.
Together these reviews illustrate undeniable sex differences in physiology. Please see the initial link for an examination of how these differences apply to all biologically male individuals.
Importantly, however, these differences are rarely relevant in day-to-day life (i.e., for almost all jobs, for non-physical activities, etc.). These differences are primarily relevant when considering "competitions" between individuals whether they are recreational (e.g., sports) or antisocial (e.g., physical fights, abuse, etc.).
References under the cut:
Nuzzo, J. L. (2023). Narrative review of sex differences in muscle strength, endurance, activation, size, fiber type, and strength training participation rates, preferences, motivations, injuries, and neuromuscular adaptations. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 37(2), 494-536.
Hunter, S. K., & Senefeld, J. W. (2024). Sex differences in human performance. The Journal of Physiology, 602(17), 4129-4156.
Besson, T., Macchi, R., Rossi, J. et al. Sex Differences in Endurance Running. Sports Med 52, 1235–1257 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-022-01651-w
Santisteban, K. J., Lovering, A. T., Halliwill, J. R., & Minson, C. T. (2022). Sex differences in VO2max and the impact on endurance-exercise performance. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(9), 4946.
Landen, S., Hiam, D., Voisin, S., Jacques, M., Lamon, S., & Eynon, N. (2023). Physiological and molecular sex differences in human skeletal muscle in response to exercise training. The Journal of physiology, 601(3), 419-434.
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sad-endings-suck · 11 months ago
Mizu’s Period
I’m getting kind of sick of the weirdly agreed upon headcanon within the fandom that stipulates Mizu simply must not menstruate very much if at all, solely because Mizu is often injured, possesses a slender build as well as an athletic lifestyle, and in many ways is androgynous in appearance (but that last point is always unspoken ofc).
There also seems to be an odd obsession with using fanon theories that are not directly disproved nor proved in the canon, such as “Mizu never eats enough” as evidence for the Mizu’s Uterus Is Not Like Other Girls Reproductive Organs™️ headcanon, that presumes Mizu is just so special she’ll bleed from everywhere except her pussy.
Like… is it perfectly possible that Mizu does not often get her period due to her extremely active and dangerous lifestyle? Yes, of course! Does Mizu’s slender and athletic frame make this seem like more of a possibility? It could, but her physique in of itself is not “evidence” per say, especially since Mizu’s body looked exactly the same when she was living a much easier and more comfortable lifestyle on the farm with Mikio, and they clearly had plenty of food. Mizu also wasn’t training intensely if at all for the 8-12 months she was married to Mikio. Yet her build remained the same. So it’s perfectly probable that Mizu’s physique is most greatly impacted by her genetics and thus not greatly affected by physical activity.
And for everyone that’s about to shout “but women athletes that compete at the highest levels often loose their periods for a while!” yes absolutely, some of them do. They also work out for 2-6+ hours a day six to seven days a week, use treadmills, bench press, and eat ridiculously curated diets that specifically target certain macronutrients and involve carefully curated portions that must be eaten at the right times on the right days. The fuck makes you think Mizu is doing all that?? My girl inhales whatever food is put in front of her as long as she has good reason to believe it is safe (i.e not poisoned). Do you really think modern day Olympic power lifters, track and field runners, artistic gymnasts and rhythmic gymnasts are all slurping down full servings of soba or dumbplings just whenever? Fuck no. Also, the current top women athletes in the world from the aforementioned Olympic sports I just mentioned, all have vastly different body types. As well as extremely different dietary needs, training routines, workouts, and just plain genetics that would have naturally given them certain bodies regardless of sport.
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as evidenced by the above photos of various female olympic athletes: power lifter (top left), track and field runner (top right), artistic gymnast (bottom left), and rhythmic gymnast (bottom right).
Mizu is not a power lifter, or a sprinter, or an archer, or anything of the sort. Mizu does not train to be incredible at one thing, nor does she base what she eats or how she trains on when she will be preforming at a specific event (such as Olympians do). She is a swordsman, a blacksmith, and an all around athletic person that needs to stay in a state of constant readiness for any physical activity. Such as climbing, swimming, horseback riding, using acrobatic techniques, performing martial arts, working on a farm, and so much more. All of which is presented as such in canon. Not to mention Mizu lives as a lower-class individual in Japan during the 1600s. What ever gave you the idea that she was dieting and training like a modern athlete? Mizu is not a sportsman, she’s a killer.
So can we just stop, please? Plenty of people menstruate. Its perfectly normal and natural. And as someone who has been at a much lower weight at different points in my life with less than desirable health conditions (to say the least), menstruation does not magically halt just because you (stranger on the internet) thinks it “logically” should under such circumstances. That’s not how it works. Bodies are weird, and everyone’s body works a bit differently. And if Mizu actually was as sick and muscular and thin as everyone seems to have headcanoned her as, then how the fuck is she mopping everyone she fights? If Mizu is “so active and low weight that she can’t be getting her period” then how do you explain the fact that she is able to preform at peak physical level while being so active? Make it make sense.
And for the love of god, please stop acting like menstruation is “special” or “other” or “weird”. It’s not. Get educated, and get over yourself.
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cindylou-who7 · 9 days ago
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These were the drawings I did where I did a minor tweak to the designs of the main girl in Villainous. While a love the show, it does really only use one body type for the main girls (Aside from secondary characters like Penumbra and other background female characters who get various body types and forms). So lemme explain. (NOTE: THIS ISN'T TO HATE THE SHOW! THIS WAS DONE FOR FUN!)
Dementia: The show and the creator himself, gave shown and confirmed that Dementia is wickedly strong, constantly gets into fights and she's a weight lifter. I thought it would make sense if she was slimmer, more toned and had muscles. The creator, Alan, has made it clear she has them, but the shown draws her so skinny. And because she's constantly getting into fights, I feel like she's be pretty scarred up.
Miss Heed: The show juggles a lot between giving her lipsticks, or a big rack or big hips. I honestly feel like she'd have an hour glass figure with both and she seems like the type to have painted nails and lipstick on 24/7. She's also possibly in her 30s like Flug as they went to school together, so I feel like she shouldn't look AS young or skinny? But that's just me.
G-Lo: As a young hero sidekick in training, I completely understand why she's so thin as her powers allow her to stretch, but she's also made of jello. So I feel like it would make sense if she had a more jello like appearance, especially since she's so young. I would honestly love it if shows started experimenting with giving young girls and boys different body types instead of always having them skinny in cartoons.
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tobiasdrake · 2 years ago
I love Akane. She's one of my favorite characters in DR2. She's funny, awesome, and full of personality. I need to make that clear because I am about to complain about this character at length.
Akane is a prime example of the "Character who is fantastic whenever saying and doing things onscreen but really deserved better writing around them than what they got" phenomenon.
Let's start with her fucking Talent. The Ultimate Gymnast.
Akane's Talent is the most arbitrary in the entire franchise. It never comes up. It never influences the course of the story. In fact, it has no influence on her personality or skillset either. It's literally just there.
Akane's skillset is general all-around athleticism. She has the natural physique and huge appetite of a shonen protagonist. These are explained by her growing up in extreme poverty and scrounging for food for her and her siblings, and by her constantly having to run away from people.
A generous interpretation of that is that she was a food thief. But given that every anecdote about her past is sexualized in some way, I have concerns about what she was running away from. Akane comes from a lot of abuse.
In any case, she did a lot of parkour growing up and then one day, one of her abusers was like, "You should do gymnastics." So she did, and her naturally powerful physique allowed her to excel. She doesn't actually care about gymnastics but it pays the bills. It's just an activity she was able to drop into with her physique for easy money.
Like. Okay. Gymnastics? That's not an activity you can just drop into and then coast on pure physical acumen.
Like. Sure. I could buy Leon being naturally gifted without trying because he's a pitcher. His job is goal-oriented. All he has to do is get the ball over the plate. There's a lot of technique that goes into that but if he's got the skill to do it, then he's got the skill. He's not being judged on the precise placement of his fingers on the ball's stitching. If he can get it in the catcher's glove, he wins. Regardless of how he makes that happen.
Gymnastics is a cutthroat industry that's more artistry than objective. It's judged on technique by extremely unpleasable dicks who will throw a fit if they see so much as a bra strap sticking out of a leotard. You can't just drop in and go on pure physical strength alone. That's like saying, "I'm naturally graceful so I just started doing spur-of-the-moment ballet performances." That's. Not. How. That works.
There are plenty of athletic activities you could have given your Girl Goku character. Ultimate Distance Runner. Ultimate Weight Lifter. Ultimate Street Brawler. Things where a character being naturally strong but having no patience for training or routine would make sense. Hell, you name-drop parkour in her backstory; why not make her Ultimate Parkour?
Instead, you chose gymnastics. A field where physical ability only matters insomuch as it helps you carry out your well-rehearsed and thoroughly practiced routine, which is judged primarily on technique and not on how high you can jump.
And then you gave her gigantic tits that are constantly falling out of her shirt because she doesn't wear any kind of support whatsoever, and barely even buttons up her top. As a character design choice for the master of a field where having large, unrestrained breasts inhibit the ability for athletes to progress beyond a certain point.
The fact that Akane doesn't give a shit and just lets her ladies fly fits well with the idea they seem to be going with here: A female shonen bro who's socially uninhibited and coasting on naturally gifted physical superiority. Girl Goku barely even notices that her tits are out. It fits the personality archetype.
But it's a bizarre character choice for a gymnast. And it's made weirder by how much of her backstory is about being sexually harassed and assaulted. She tells an anecdote about this time her weirdo stepdad wanted her to serve food without panties and how she refused to do it. But she also doesn't care if her tits fall out of her barely-closed top whenever she gets excited.
If you want her to be the fanservice lady, sure. I'm just saying it's weird that the fanservice lady's backstory is about how much it sucks to be groped and harassed all the time. And that her well-endowed chest clashes with her Talent background which in turn clashes with the rest of her backstory and personality.
It's also weird that she doesn't have an ounce of muscle tone on her body. She's as skinny as any of the other girls. In stark contrast to Sakura Ogami's ripped physique, Akane is built like Junko Enoshima. A skinny hourglass frame to accentuate her fanservice lady appeal. She's given some strong poses in her sprites, but her body could easily be mistaken for any of the other girls in the group.
Not being super ripped does make sense for a gymnast. But, as noted, certain other attributes of hers certainly don't. And also, she's not trying to be a gymnast. She just does that on the side. She wants to be a fighter. Sakura Ogami is what Akane actually styles herself after. So why doesn't she look like it?
And on the topic of her fighting: Okay. Like. You made this character whose defining character traits are a bottomless appetite and an equally bottomless battle-lust. And then you made her trash.
Akane's actual fighting ability seems to be summed up simply as "She tries". She makes an effort. Never gets anywhere. Never wins a fight. She just constantly loses to Nekomaru, to Monokuma, to Sakura herself in some of the bonus side content. Her career is an endless string of L's. The one time she wins a fight is against Nagito, who isn't even trying to defend himself.
She's not so much a badass fighter lady as she is enthusiastic about losing. She's written like the shonen hero's lady sidekick. And. Like. That's her whole thing.
You made a female character who is defined by her love of fighting and then immediately put her next to a male character who can effortlessly defeat her and then explain to her why she's trash at the only thing she does.
In a battle anime, this would be the setup for Akane to work hard, master her art, surpass Nekomaru, and then kick a big bad villain's teeth in. But this is not a battle anime. So getting beat up by Nekomaru and then getting beat up by Monokuma is all she gets. She just sucks at her one thing, she never gets a chance to surpass the guy who's better than her at it, and that's all she gets to be.
There was a bit of that to Sakura as well, but it was just in her backstory. It wasn't what defined her role within the plot itself. But for Akane, it's what defines her role within the plot itself. Being too weak to surpass her male counterpart at her main skill is Akane's actual plotline.
It's honestly aggravating how misused Akane is. She's a poorly conceived and poorly designed rare example of a female version for an archetype dominated by male characters, whose story is about how bad she is at measuring up to men in her field. And it's absolutely wild that we got her from the same series that just gave us Sakura last game.
I love this character.
I just wish the creators cared even a little bit about her when they were making her.
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deforest · 9 months ago
ok so got all my 1RMs for the next cycle of my training, going to back to work on basic power moves to bulk up my foundational strength—and hopefully break my plateaus for cleans, snatches, and jerks.
back squat: 185lb
front squat: 175lb
strict/overhead press: 80lb
pendlay row: 95lb
deadlift: 215lb
bench press: 100lb
most of these are just past or just about Intermediate level-ish for female lifters, so, as i’m always saying, it could be worse.
i’ll make note of these again at the end of the 9 weeks training cycle. go team
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taylortruther · 1 year ago
this is so random but Taylor's arms made me realize that I have gotten severe Body Misjudgment issues from instagram bc her arms are objectively speaking quite toned but since i mostly follow gym girlies or female wrestlers who do proper bulking I do not register them as such? It's such a minor thing but it is fucking with my head lmao
omg no her arms seem really buff to me. like it's def not the arm of a power lifter or wrestler or something but i'm motivated for the gym now for sure
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nameofallteams · 6 months ago
569 Best Fitness Team Names To Crush The Competition
When forming a fitness team, having a cool and motivational name can boost your group's morale and set the tone for success. Whether you're participating in a fitness challenge, charity run, gym event, or simply working out as a group, your team name should embody strength, energy, and determination. Here’s a list of 569 fitness team names to help inspire and motivate your squad to dominate the competition. Strong and Motivational Fitness Team Names These names are all about power, strength, and motivation, perfect for teams looking to crush their goals and take the top spot. - Powerhouses - Iron Titans - Strength Squad - The Mighty Flex - Champions in Motion - Iron Warriors - Fit Force - Power Surge - Peak Performance - The Dominators - Beast Mode Crew - Fierce and Fit - Muscle Masters - Pure Power - Hustle and Muscle - Alpha Athletes - Max Out - Iron Legends - Stronger Together - Super Strength Funny and Playful Fitness Team Names Keep it lighthearted with these funny and playful team names, perfect for bringing some humor to your fitness journey. - Swole Patrol - Flex Appeal - The Buff Muffins - Gym Class Heroes - Weights Before Dates - Six-Packs in Progress - Too Fit to Quit - Buns and Guns - The Fitness Avengers - Cardio Queens - Treadmill Titans - Squad Goals - Couch Potatoes No More - Fit Happens - WOD Warriors (Workout of the Day) - Sweat and Sassy - Fit Chicks - The Glute Squad - Squat Goals - Sore Today, Strong Tomorrow Competitive Fitness Team Names For teams that thrive on competition and are ready to win, these names emphasize drive and victory. - Victory Vibes - The Competitors - Goal Getters - The Speed Demons - Warrior Fitness - Ready, Sweat, Go - Unstoppable Force - Champions Circle - Power Players - Elite Crushers - The Hustlers - Game Changers - Top Performers - Fitness Furies - Defenders of the Gym - Peak Condition - Fight for Fitness - Fast & Furious - The Winning Formula - Victory Push CrossFit-Inspired Team Names CrossFit teams need names that reflect the intensity and community of the sport. These names are perfect for CrossFit competitors. - WOD Squad - AMRAP Stars (As Many Rounds As Possible) - Box Jump Bandits - The Barbell Beauties - Elite Lifters - The Burpee Bunch - Deadlift Divas - Rope Climbers - The CrossFit Crushers - Rep Masters - The MetCon Monsters - The Kettlebell Kings - Snatch Squad - The Wall Ball Warriors - Sweat Equity - Overhead Overlords - Functional Fitness Fanatics - Flex Freaks - The Pull-Up Pros - Squat Snatchers Cardio and Endurance Team Names If your team excels in cardio or endurance challenges, these names reflect stamina and staying power. - Run and Done - Endurance Empire - Cardio Kings - Heartbeat Hustlers - Speed Racers - Marathon Maniacs - The Finish Line Fighters - Pace Setters - Cardio Crushers - Racing Rebels - Faster Together - The Sprint Squad - Turbo Charge - Long Distance Dominators - Speed Seekers - Heart Rate Heroes - Peak Performers - Pedal Power - The Mile Masters - Revved Up Runners Gym and Weightlifting Team Names For the heavy lifters and gym-goers who pride themselves on their strength and dedication, these names are perfect. - Iron Addicts - Gains Galore - Heavy Lifters - The Bench Bros - Barbell Brawlers - Squat Squad - Lifting Legends - The Rack Pack - No Pain, No Gain - Pump It Up - Weights and Dates - The Deadlift Dynamos - The Bench Press Brigade - Flexing on You - Bulk City - The Powerhouse Pack - Lift Nation - The Weightlifters - Ripped and Ready - Iron Grip Women’s Fitness Team Names These team names are designed for female fitness groups who want to showcase their strength, empowerment, and unity. - Fit and Fierce - Wonder Women - The Lady Lifters - She Squats - Femme Fit Force - Strong Women Squad - Sassy and Strong - The Wonder Warriors - Girl Power Crew - She Hustles - Glutes and Grit - Lady Hustlers - The Strong Girls Club - Power Femme - Beauty and the Beast Mode - Fit Goddesses - Iron Queens - The Empowered Ones - Female Force - Flexing Femmes Boot Camp and HIIT Team Names Boot camp and HIIT training require high intensity and discipline. These team names reflect the toughness needed for such programs. - HIIT Squad - Boot Camp Bosses - The Sweat Soldiers - High Intensity Heroes - The Burnout Brigade - Full Body Assault - The Circuit Crushers - Boot Camp Badasses - Hard Core Hustlers - Fitness Ninjas - The Conditioning Crew - Quick Burn Team - The Interval Incredibles - Hustle Harder - Push-Up Perfection - Total Body Beatdown - Circuit Breakers - Sweat Squad - The Core Crushers - Fierce Fitness Warriors Running and Marathon Team Names Whether your team runs for fun or races competitively, these running and marathon team names will get everyone to the finish line. - Sole Mates - Blister Sisters - Run Like the Wind - Pace Chasers - Feet Fleet - Fast and Flawless - The Joggernauts - Runners High - Sole Survivors - Chafed to Perfection - The Marathon Mob - The Sprint Sisters - The Running Rebels - Finish Line Fanatics - Keep on Running - Run, Rest, Repeat - Runway Crew - The Speed Racers - The Quick Striders - Lace Up and Go How to Choose the Perfect Fitness Team Name Selecting the best name for your fitness team depends on your group's vibe, energy, and goals. Here are a few things to consider: - Reflect Your Team's Personality: Think about whether your team is serious and competitive or lighthearted and fun. The name should capture that essence. - Inspire and Motivate: The name should energize the team and help push everyone to their limits. Choose words that ignite passion and determination. - Keep It Memorable: A great team name should stick in people’s minds. It should be easy to remember and fun to shout during a competition. - Stay Relevant to Your Activity: Whether your focus is on CrossFit, running, weightlifting, or HIIT, choose a name that aligns with your chosen sport or exercise type. With this list of 569 fitness team names, you’ll be sure to find the perfect one that will not only represent your group but also motivate everyone to reach new heights. Get ready to crush the competition and take your fitness journey to the next level!. Read Also Read the full article
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aurum-rays · 9 months ago
Pyaar lafzon mein kahaan
I don't remember when I started watching the show, probably around 2016, on Youtube. I really liked PLMK. This drama reminded me of the female friendships in shows like Dill Mill Gaye and Remix that I used to watch as a kid. However, I didn't finish watching PLMK because it became quite problematic soon. The dynamic between Murat and Hayat became so complicated and abusive that it reminded me of another show that had an immense following in my teen years, Arnav Singh and Kushi Kumari Gupta’s Iss Pyar Ko Kya Naam Doon, which also had a toxic dynamic between the leads, as far as I remember.
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PLMK was that comfort show which showcased wholesome female friendships and their work lives until it didn't. Naturally, I was put off and, like all the shows I quit in the middle for reasons like this, I went to the wiki page to read what happens with the storyline. I was glad I stopped watching. However, I still go back and watch those first few episodes every now and then for my three favorite girlfriends and the really pretty clothes.
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The initial episodes of PLMK are absolutely fun - living with roommates, working for a boss you hate, and doing everything in your power to avoid the marriage conversation with parents. The group calls in the middle of the day, complaining about your bosses and gossiping with friends at the end of the day. It all sounds like a perfect montage of female friendships. The Urdu dubbing of the show is on point, and the actors excel in their roles. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to strangle Didam or even Derya. But Tuval has to be my favorite character of the show without a doubt, and sometimes Chala too.
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Ipek and Asli are the roommates I would love to have. One is a sarcastic, head first kinda gal and the other is sweet and empathetic. If the show was just about these three roommates and their struggles in life and at work in a male dominated world I would've watched the hell out of it. But I don't want to talk about what the show could've been instead I want to focus on the few episodes i watched and keep watching again and again. In short the things i liked in the show and I don't mean just cute clothes.
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Hayat’s desperation of finding a job so that she's not married off. Been there done that.
Born in a South Asian family, I could totally relate to Hayat masquerading as Suna to finally get a job, thus freeing herself from emotional blackmail and marriage threats from her family. Ultimately, it is wrong to pose as someone else, but luckily, Suna and Hayat have an understanding. Hayat is now a salaried individual, and Suna Pektas can follow her passion for studying birds. However, the chaos that ensues due to their qualifications difference is something to truly watch and enjoy on screen.
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Khadoos boss and mean girls at work.
Hayat and Murat's "meet not so cute" is where this duo's "born to be enemies" plot takes off, and most of the time, their banter is fun to watch. Hayat whines about her new job to her friends Ipek and Asli, and their attempts to provide her with random solutions is something we've all done. Chala personifies the "work stress" we all experience. She is always on her toes, and her dynamic with her recorder should have earned her the title of best duo of the show.
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Tuval is the best thing that has happened to the show. The way she calls Hayat her “nanhi gudiya” is so cute. I love Tuval madam. Everytime she's on screen my eyes were glued to my phone and I would go back and rewatch all her scenes. Tuval and Didam’s banter is also something I thoroughly enjoyed. She is the only one that can humble Didam and bring her down her high horse.
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I like that Asli, Ipek, and even Fareeda Aunty are not just one-dimensional characters written to support Hayat. They have their own traits and personalities. In conclusion, PLMK is my mood lifter show ( the wholesome parts) that I rewatch many times.
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foxehrobot · 10 days ago
I work with someone who once flirted with bodybuilding (which, for people who do not know, is a *completely* different beast than weightlifting, or powerlifting, or crossfit). She looks great even now, as a failed bodybuilder (turns out weighing every gram of your food is hard and she was hungry all the time).
I'm an amateur lifter. I don't look like her. In normal clothes I probably don't look like someone who lifts three times a week.
But I can outlift her and, according to the board in the gym, quite a few other female rec lifters. But part of that is because I eat a surplus of calories because otherwise my bench press suffers and I notice.
I could weigh my food down to the last gram and min-max and balance my power at the bench and the amount of fat I carry, but it's not worth it. I have so much else in my life and I'd rather have fun on the bench than be hungry. Leave that shit to the bodybuilders and the weightlifters.
One thing that has made me a much more well-adjusted person is a clip I once saw of Hank Green saying that anyone can be in amazing shape as long as being in amazing shape is one of their top three priorities.
(This is obviously a generalization that isn't true for everyone. But it is true for most people and I'm proceeding from there.)
This "top three priorities" framing has genuinely reduced my tendency toward jealousy and self-comparison a lot. Now when I feel envious of someone’s spotless, aesthetic home, I think to myself, “Having a spotless, aesthetic home is probably one of their top three priorities. It’s definitely not one of mine, so I shouldn’t expect my home to look like that.”
Or when I see an influencer with a body that takes a ton of work to maintain: “Maintaining that body is obviously one of her top three priorities, because it’s her livelihood. My livelihood is my brain, so I’m never going to prioritize my body like that.”
It also helps me to identify areas that I actually DO want to prioritize more. I realized in recent years that my envy for my friends who prioritized writing more than I did was NOT going away, so I started to prioritize writing more. (Not top three, but higher priority than it has been in the past.)
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thearbourist · 1 year ago
Canadian Female Power-lifter April Hutchinson Erased From Ontario Museum London Exhibit
The London Museum in London Ontario Canada has erased April Hutchinson from the exhibit that she was featured in and also helped to set up.  What was this woman’s crime?  She advocates on her own time that her sport should be segregated by sex.  That is, she should not have to compete against men who happen to ‘identify’ as women.  April is being punished and erased because she wants a fair…
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xolta · 1 year ago
Super hero fighting game idea i based off ai generated images.
So I was goofing around with ai and i kinda sparked my imagination what if i used these images as the base for a imagery fighting game. Staring a cast of super heroes and super villains. With each hero and or villain with there own back ground. Below each charater is the ai generated image that inspired me to wirte up the charters names and back grounds.
Black Phoenix: A Immortal god like begin, that as invited the cast to his fighting tournament in search of some one who can challenge him in battle. Dose this fighting tournament every 100 years on a different planet offering the winner one wish. Finale boss of the game. become playable after beating him.
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EarthSatter: A Intergalactic conquer and warlord who has rule over many worlds. He will use his wish to become ruler of the universe.
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Gallahad: A knight that drank form the holy grail becoming immortal, he has been a champion of good for many centuries. Considered to be Earth's first super hero. His wish will be for ever lasting peace.
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Jet Woman: A cyborg super heroine form the future year of 2065, set back to get the wish before Earthsatter. She was modified by rebels to undo the future were Earthsatter is master of Earth.
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Rose V: The last surviving member of The V Force a team of super hero who battled Night witch. After her comrades died vigilantly defending Earth, her only wish is to bring her team back to life.
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Night Witch: A evil witch form a other planet who wants to use the souls of the people of earth to summon her domonic master the Dark Monarch into the world.
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Dr. Demon: Lawyer by day demonic super hero at, by using down the demon stone. He transforms to bring evil to justice after the death of his father. Wishes to bring his father's killer to justice.
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Mammoth man: A hero form another dimension of magic and swords. Been on a quest to find a way home. He protect castle Greenskin. Wishes to go home.
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Sliver Century: Not hero or villain, he found an alien super suit as a child. Uses it to be a one man army for the highest bidder. Wishes to become the universe's richest man.
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Rejian: A young boy bounded to the body of a dragon by a cult. Uses his power to defend his home nation form the dragon cult's evil. Can't return to his normal form but his still a child in heart and mind. Wish for toys.( joke ending?)
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Shadow man: A 1923 mob enforcer who won the last tournament 100 years and wished for immortality. Becoming Galahads nemesis and leader of the world's largest crime syndicate. Will wish for Galahad's death.
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Volt panther: Falsely empersioned for killing her husband and was about to be executed by electric chair. She survived do to her mutant power of shoring energy and releasing it. Now fights for all falsely empersioned. Will wish to clear her name.
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Steel amazon: Female Russian Wight lifter injected with nanites during the last days of the cold war. Was frozen for decades and now finds a strange new world. Fighting for the people of Russia. May have a crush on Galahad, may use her wish to make him love her.
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Moon Shadow: Consider by some to be Earth's smartest man, he became jaded by humanity at a younge age and plans to make the worlda better place by taking it over. To this end he built the robot hero Scarlet King. Wishes for Scarlet King to rejoin him in his conquest.
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Scarlet king: A Robot super hero created as a weapon by Moon shadow but soon rebelled and now uses his powers for good. Disgueses him self as a mild mannered reporter in human form. Wishes form his "father" to become good.
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Birghtstar : A comic book super heroine brought into the "real world" by the mad god Heloth for reasons unknown to us all. She is still adjusting to the "real world." Wishes to be made flesh and bone.
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~Unlocakable fighters~
The Dark Monarch: The demonic ruler of a helish plane that needs the souls of the living to escape his prison. What he plans to do with earth his deiffinalty not going to be fun for any one. Master of Night wish.
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The mad god Heloth: A god of pure and utter insanity. Some say "her" mind was splintered into many fragments by the act of creating the universe, before the begging of time. Her motives like her sanity are broken and vague. Might be black and white phoenix's mother.
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White Phoenix: A immortal god like begin that is said to be the other sister and opposite to her brother. Has entered to stop him meddling in mortal affairs out of what she assumes is boredom.
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Viperskulltor: A evil lich form mammoth man's home demsion and his arch nemsis. Wants the power of Castle Greenskin to take over it. Wishes for Castle Greenskins power.
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Anget Race Solar: A hot headed stunt driver with a massive chip her shoulder and lives for danger. Becomes a goverment agent and super spy. She drives the solar 09 super car. Wishes for a vaction.
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Zephyr J: Zephyr j is the first of its kinda antonymous anti kaiju mecha, given a burning scene of justice and need to protect humanity. It can change size at will and is ready to save the world. Dose not make a wish.
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Comsic Dodo: Cosmic Dodo is alien police officer who as acendeitly brought a war to earth form his own world. While on earth he takes on the human form of Dead Biologist I.M. bird. He Now defends earth as a secret hero . He wishes to save earth form the war he borught here.
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Klaus Von Luger: A Nazi super spy who placed hi brain in a robotic body at the end of ww2. Now he leads the neo nazi group S.K.U.L.L and is the arch nemesis of Race Solar. Wishes for the 4th reich.
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Paperclip King: Hank Smith was a normal up and coming small business owner who sold office supply's. Until one day he so called hero cosmic dodo ruined his life ( on accident) by destroying his business, unable to pay his debts he turned to a life of crime and now is out for revenge. Wishes for revenge.
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Dar'mosignt the kaiju master: A beging form a under ground civilaztion lost to time. Believe he and his kind are the right full rulers of earth and now sends his army of Bio Kaiju to take back what they believe is his peoples birth right. Wishes for his people to take back Earth.
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~DLC 2~
Skull Anget: An cyborg agent of S.K.U.L.L
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M. Steven and crash doodle: A Cartoonist given the power to crate life with his enchanted pen. His pens powers may be Heloth's doing. He as crated and controls the "hero" Crash man aka crash doodle. They mean well but some times people wonder if there good guys or not. Wishes for respect.
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Mr. Face: Mr. Face comes form a failed Creepy pasta arg game were he was created to sell kids nfts. But now that he his free form his video world he wants to sell body parts form the victims he cuts up. No idea if "he" has been given life by Heloth. Wishes for a chain saw that never runs out of gas.
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Jack o doom: A stay at home dad who streams video games for a living is worried about the state of the city he and his family lives in. So he puts on a costume and becomes the comuity hero Jack o doom. Wish for super powers.
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~alt skins~
Neo Black Phoenix Neo white phoenix Neo Paperclip king Neo night witch 70's zephry j Dark monarch manga form Good of halloween jack o doom Cyber Kluas von luger Rose V mach 2 Birghtstar human Sane Heloth Neo Scarlet king Kaiju Masters King Moonshadow Anime cosmic dodo crash and doodle neo Good future jet women neo volt panther Sliver century full robo cyber race solar Heroic shadow man mecha Rejian 1940's steel amazon actionfigure Viperskullator actionfigure mammoth man 1940s Gallahad 1940's earthshatter super skull anget Dr. Demon female Mr. face pixel version
~dlc skins~
Heoric moon shadow female earthshatter 1940s Migo action figure Gallahad Migo action figure steel amazon Anime figure black phoenix Anime figure white phoenix 1970's Birghtstar anime steel amazon anime Gallahad low poly cosmic dodo anime figure rose v anime figure volt panther 1940s holth anime figure dark monarch 1940s dark monarch
so Lucha jack, K.o. the robot mascot, Sam and Colt xeno clad would be cross over charters
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kaija-rayne-author · 1 year ago
And on top of that, people don't know what actually strong people look like. Media has completely warped what we think of as healthy, not to mention functional, muscles. They don't have that pretty, made in a gym, I've-dehydrated-myself-to-the-point-of-hospitalization-for-a-shirtless-picture type muscle.
Real muscle often has a good coating of fat on it. The fat supports, insulates, and powers the muscle. I'm fat, but even though I'm chronically ill, I'm still incredibly strong. I was a committed weight lifter, dancer, and martial artist before I got sick. I regularly shock stock clerks who offer to lift my groceries into the car because I use a cane.
They often can't easily lift something that I don't have a problem with. They look perfectly 'healthy' and sometimes buff. I look like a tall, fat, middle aged homemaker who walks with a cane.
Here's some pics of actually strong people.
Men's Health strong man.
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Eddie Hall, strong man
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Gabriele Burgholzer, middle weight strong woman winner and one of the strongest ten women in the world.
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Robin Coleman, another of the strongest women in the world.
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Skinny isn't strong. Skinny often isn't healthy. Pretty muscle is just that, 'pretty'. (Straight up, I find the ultra cut look disturbing and kinda gross because I know how people abuse themselves to look like that.) Even ill, I could probably outperform on functioning muscle jobs like farming vs a gym bunny.
Human bodies just don't work that way.
We're also supposed to put weight on as we age as protection for our bones.
The fat phobia in society is just so illogical and harmful.
You know what fat is, right? It's stored energy. A fat person is likely to last longer under harsh conditions (which, honestly, these fantasy worlds are brutal) than someone without an energy store.
I really wish people would educate themselves about this.
Fat doesn't mean you can't do typical fantasy adventure stuff. Give me a truly strong male presumed character (they came close with Halsin, but he needs more fat). Give me a chubby female presumed option. We'll still be beating up meazels when the skinny misses are fainting.
I'd even hazard a guess that a chubby to fat person would be able to cast more magic more frequently than a skinny one. Why? Mana is energy. Fat is stored energy. Our bodies store energy the way they do because it's survival instinct. We're not supposed to be super skinny.
Also, goblins and meazels aren't real, tossing eldritch blast isn't real, what the fuck do you care if I want to play a chubby strong character who could actually survive in that world? (Those pretty muscles aren't taking those characters far at all.)
Look, I love the game a lot! But Larian fucked up by not having body mass sliders.
it's so funny when ppl"s defence of no fat characters existing in video games is "uh they wouldn't be able to physically do the things the character does" like damn i hate to break it to you but skinny bitches can't physically cast a fireball in real life either but nobody has a problem with that
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kurakurakura99 · 1 year ago
I think that if you draw a female character from an anime or a game or EXSPECIALLY A GACHA GAME and she is more muscular than official depictions, like full extra layers of Bulk, your a fucking hero. Draw them like a fucking power lifter. Shape them like industrial machinery.
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