#female game dev
omnia-rpg · 2 months
Welcome to Keradyr
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These are just a very small handful of screenshots of Keradyr, which is not only Yvaine's hometown, but a town inhabited by people from numerous demi-human races. Though very few people here have ever seen a human (though they have heard and read stories about them) and they can be considered rather isolated (not by choice.)
It's probably rather apparent in these screenshots that there aren't any demi-human child or infant sprites-- this is actually something that's somewhat plot and lore-relevant, which is why I'm not going into detail about that at this point in time.
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alexhillmystery · 3 months
Want to solve the mystery? Make sure to add Alex Hill: Whispers at White Oak Inn to your Steam wishlist now!
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snowhavenstudios · 3 months
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It's been a while since we posted on here, but you'll be hearing from us more often as we gear up for our upcoming Kickstarter for Drops of Death. Drops of Death is a mystery visual novel with a romantic twist, the killer is randomly selected from one of the four love interests, and you may unknowingly fall in love with them. Each love interest has a 25% chance of being the killer. There are 55+ different endings, meaning you could have a killer romance ending with your favorite characters!
Play as MC Adrien Lee, choose your pronouns, and decide between masculine or feminine sprite appearances.
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Does this sound like something you would enjoy? You can wishlist Drops of Death on Steam by clicking here. Make sure to follow us on Tumblr as well because we'll be posting more exciting things soon, including the character profiles! Stay tuned~
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pro-philosopher · 23 days
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Our demo is live RIGHT NOW for #steamnextfest! If you think you'd enjoy an #aceattorney-like game about #philosophy, then give our demo a try and drop us a wishlist!
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acecroft · 1 year
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it's equality ™
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brekkie-e · 21 days
It's insane to me how many gamer bros are complaining that Veilgaurd looks "like a generic flashy modern game" and making comments about how it looks like Fallen Order or Hogwarts Legacy. In the same breath saying that "Origins is really dead, I'm out." Type stuff. Like really? Really??? Origins is your hill to die on? You want it to look like Origins????
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This Origins??? I mean I love it. I do. I have played it countless times. But if I could have Origins with Veilgaurd graphics I would TAKE IT IN AN INSTANT. Please wake up it is not 2009 anymore folks.
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eulogyofaninsect · 2 months
The indie game we're making and three of its inspirations...
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Not pictured: Kitty Cannon and many more.
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melancholy-marionette · 4 months
Yandere Heaven Volume 02 Is Out Now :D
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Well, I'm not entirely sure how I managed it in time for the end of Yandere Jam after everything that happened to throw me off course in February/March, but by some miracle (and a general lack of sleep recently x3) volume 02 of my Yandere Heaven fandub VN project is finished and released :3
Volume 02 features a whole new scenario with a fresh set of characters to fight for your heart <3
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misunhye · 5 months
BLUSHED … a scene from my muse's past in which they received a compliment that really got to them.
Misun waved goodbye to a fan, smiling at her before her attention is caught by the next fan. The fan is smiling shyly, tucking her hair behind her ear as she sits in front of her across the table. Despite the noise surrounding them, Misun’s attention is completely on her. In the back of her head, the fan is familiar but she pushed that to the side for now.
“Hi,” she smiled, grabbing the marker and quickly glancing down at the album to sign her name before looking back up and making eye contact. The fan rapidly blinked at the amount of eye contact, covering her face shyly as Misun laughed, “Don’t be shy …” She tilted her head, staring at her before it finally clicked. “Hey, wait! I remember you. You were here last time!”
The girl’s cheeks flushed red, “You remember me?” At Misun’s nod, she groaned lowly, “Oh, God.”
“No, don’t worry! You’re so cute,” she giggled, flipping to the next page in the album. “You were telling me last time about your crush … What was her name, again? Jia?”
The fan smiled, “Close. Jiyoon. And I’m Hyeri.” The fan then continued to tell Misun about how they were studying and got close to kissing before someone interrupted them, Misun listening intently and not taking her eyes off of her except to quickly write down her answer to her question on the page.
Both girls notice the line was moving, Hyeri frowning before she said, “Misun, before I go… I think this is the last time I’ll be able to see you for awhile. I have exams soon.”
Misun frowned, too, “Ugh, school … Don’t worry about it, keep up with your studies! Unlike me.” The girls shared a giggle before Hyeri looked around hesitantly. “What’s wrong?”
Hyeri looked shy again, feeling her red cheeks, “Ah … this is a bit embarrassing to say but … Misun, I feel really comfortable with you. We don’t even know each other but I feel like I do— talking to you, even briefly, is like .. being at home. Comfortable and safe. Like you’re really my friend and I can tell you whatever.”
Misun’s heart stopped for a moment, mouth falling open a little bit. Her chest felt warms, the feeling spreading across her entire body and her vision starts to blur slightly. She doesn’t notice she has yet to reply when Hyeri said in concern, “Misun? Oh, no, are you OK?” She started to look around frantically.
Before Hyeri can get anyone’s attention, she grabbed her hands, shaking her head, “No, no! I’m OK, I just … That’s the first time anyone’s said anything like that to me.” It was true. With her members, it was very clear that they were all comfortable around one another— it didn’t need to be said. But for Misun, she needed it to be said.
It was sad that after eighteen years of living, she was finally complimented on something that wasn’t her talent or appearance.
Hyeri looked confused, and Misun cursed herself in her head once she realizes what she said and she tries to fix it before she can dig any deeper, “Ah, I mean, like a fan. First time a fan’s said that to me.” She waved her hand, breathing in deeply and squeezing Hyeri’s hand. “Hyeri, I really appreciate that. I want to be someone you can turn to when you need me. Thank you.” She looked into her eyes unwaveringly so she knows how thankful she is.
Hyeri nodded slowly, accepting her words for the truth before smiling, “Thank you for listening to me and giving me advice for my crush. I’ll see you in the future, I promise.”
“Don’t push yourself,” Misun warned, squeezing her hand one last time, “Be careful. You and your health is more important than school.”
“As long as you do the same,” Hyeri said as she stood, collecting her album, “You need to know that you come first before anything else.”
Misun doesn’t have a chance to respond as the line moved again, and a new fan replaced Hyeri in front of her. She blinked, watching as Hyeri greets Taeil happily. Her hand froze on top of her chest where her heart is, feeling the muscle contract as she rethought their conversation.
She doesn’t think Hyeri will ever understand how much her words meant to her. She also doesn’t think she’ll ever forget those words, either.
She managed to tear her eyes away from Hyeri, turning to the next fan with a smile, repeating the same process as before, “Hi. What’s your name?”
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danzafila · 5 months
why are persona fans so fucking defensive when you so much as acknowledge the sexism in those games ohmyfuckinggod
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alexhillmystery · 8 months
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Let's go! The Indiegogo campaign for my Nancy Drew-inspired mystery game, Alex Hill, is officially live, and I'll need your support to bring it to life! 👊
Join in by backing it at igg.me/at/alexhill and spread the word to your friends, communities, and favorite content creators. Together, we can make it happen! 🙌 🕵️‍♀️
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seraphimslum · 2 months
edenfall launch! an angel and her darling eldritch approaches...
hello fellow rotten angels! welcome, once again, to the slums… this time, though, instead of playing as that deranged angel ezekiel, you'll be inhabiting eden, the eldritch within ezekiel that loves her… a little too much.
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edenfall is brought to you by a few familiar faces: josh carlat leads the game's development once again, carefully creating those crash screens and creepy text we know all too well. lorraine wong brings to you the liminal soundtrack and the slum's incomprehensible echoes. lauren kong reprises her role as ezekiel, giddy and manic and loving. juicydev ensures the eerie writing and gameplay hits just the right note, like a perfectly brewed cup of grass tea. our anonymous artist returns with their renaissance-esque renderings of the slum's angels, gorgeous and haunting. we're joined by clockworkjoker, who illustrates the slum angel's sprites with the twist of their personal style, and binaryheartgames, who delivers eden's slum devourings with green verve. and of course, i return with directing and writing this next instalment of ezekiel (and eden's) descent into the slums.
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i am excited to present you with day 1 to day 4 (with a sprinkling of day 5) of edenfall. although edenfall is not complete, as the full game is intended to be 7 days long, we intend on finishing the game around june 2024 and have a steam released planned in the near future: do look out for that!
if you love the seraphim slum universe, do consider supporting us with a donation when downloading the game: your support helps us pay for the $100 steam release fee and helps us continue developing games.
thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy your descent into the slums - as the eldritch-thing eden this time.
signing off, rosesrot
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Narantuya, second iteration.
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Since I almost finished the third preprototype, I could work on concept art a little more. This time I tried a second iteration on Narantuya, 🔥🔥🔥 and I can see more of her character this way, and she gives more of that meanie and solitary feel. The emphasis was also in reducing the "stereotypical aspects" that make a female character. Can't wait to include her into the prototype
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rosesrotofficial · 30 days
wishlist… a seraphim's guide to the slum!
hello my rotten angels. first off, happy pride! i hope everyone's taking the time to celebrate this month and getting to be themselves. :)
secondly, i'm excited to announce that the definitive guidebook to seraphim slum, a seraphim's guide to the slum, is available to wishlist on steam!
want to unravel all of the slum's secrets? this book is for you…
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a seraphim's guide to the slum will act as a companion book to your journey in the game seraphim slum. this book contains a detailed walkthrough to the four endings of seraphim slum and bonus content exclusive to this book: a comprehensive director's commentary from me about the thesis and themes of seraphim slum, a character and story breakdown, the process of creating seraphim slum, and more!
please consider getting the book if you'd like to support my work - every little bit helps me recoup the costs of putting the seraphim slum verse games on steam! :)
and of course… lest we forget…
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seraphim slum: the definitive edition will be out on steam this june! what are you waiting for? ;) wishlist now: it's time to make angels fall… in love with you.
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eulogyofaninsect · 2 months
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BUGS are the official medium of exchange in the world of Eulogy of an Insect. We refuse to elaborate further.
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luvtonique · 17 days
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The best part about developing my game is being able to make the protagonist extremely relatable.
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