#fem cel
hauntedrose555 · 2 months
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I actually NEED a tate langdon bf
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hauntedphgrph · 10 months
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i ❤️ fem oncelers
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bueckersstrap · 4 months
surprised i didn’t get a happy mother’s day from my ex considering how much she called me mommy💔😔
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tinyetoile · 2 years
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Farore’s Favourite
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eluneu · 2 years
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“No, no! I return your - affections - entirely,” Spy said, choking on the obvious like a fool. She grabbed Sniper’s hand and wrapped her own around it, pulling it to herself as if to prevent the other woman from up and rushing out of her own home half-naked.
“Thank bleedin' Christ," Sniper said, and blew out her breath.
Art based on chapter 17 of I Can Dream About You (If I Can Hold You Tonight)
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cicadaland · 1 year
This post has been made before but there really is something about going to block a te"rf" cause she was like sending hate (in her 20s!) being an asshole etc and then seeing posts like: "I can't help it I need validation from older men that hate me #universalfemaleexperience
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thatfizzyyyy · 10 months
what if i never have a meet cute
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seldans · 2 years
god i wish i had a he/him pronoun pin
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hihhasotherfixations · 8 months
Cheating - Price x Reader NSFW
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When you find your boyfriend cheating on you, you look for refuge in your captain’s arms.
CW: fem!reader, unprotected p in v, cheating
Word Count: 6280
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If you said you didn’t expect your evening to go like this, it was an understatement.
Standing in the doorway to your bedroom, your eyes were locked on the bodies moving under the sheets.
Your boyfriend, the man you had been with for the last 2 years, lay in your shared bed on top of his coworker.
With every movement, the raggedy bed creaked, their lower halves covered by the blanket - though the thin material did nothing to hide what was going on underneath, his hips vigorously thrusting while the woman moaned - the two of them completely in their own world.
After two months out in the field, you’d finally returned from deployment, coming back a week early even. And now here you stood, watching the man who supposedly loved you fucking another woman.
It was like you were frozen. Every cel in your body wanted you to run, disgust curling through your stomach, and yet you couldn’t move. You just stood there, nauseous as you watched.
And what was even worse; the woman (though you recognised her, you couldn’t remember her name) was wearing a blindfold. Your blindfold. Your shitty excuse of a boyfriend couldn’t even have the decency to buy her separate stuff.
That thought, that rage, was enough to get you moving as you stormed over, yanking the blanket back, causing both parties on the bed to gasp.
“You absolute asshole!” You yelled, slamming your army bag into your boyfriend’s side, successfully breaking the two apart and causing him to nearly topple off the bed.
“Y-Y/N?” He asked, the colour draining from his flushed face as he looked at you, his eyes wide as he saw you standing there. Home. “You’re early…”
The woman, hearing everything, scrambled back on the bed, pushing the blindfold up to be able to see, her eyes settling on you.
Immediately, a guilty look overtook her features but you couldn’t be bothered to give her another second as you glared at your boyfriend instead.
“Look, baby…” He tried but you instantly shut him up with just a hand gesture, seething.
Standing there in your army uniform, with your naked lover and his affair partner in front of you, you were simply at a loss for words.
A part of you wanted to grab him, throw him, hurt him - do everything you were ever taught when it came to fighting - but you decided against it. He wasn’t worth a possible assault charge.
So instead, you took a step back while your emotions raged inside you. “We’re done.” With that, you turned around and walked out.
“Y/N, wait!” Your boyfriend called out, scrambling to cover himself before he ran after you but by that point you’d already reached the front door, glaring back at him before you slammed the door right in his face and locked it.
Immediately, the doorknob started to jiggle before you heard a muffled curse.
With tears in your eyes, you looked down at the two keys in your hand. You’d purposely taken his as well, locking him inside.
Sniffling, you just dropped his keys on the doorstep, leaving him to figure out how he’d get out and get them as you then proceeded to walk away and to your car, needing to just get away.
As if things couldn’t get any worse, rain started up.
Within 20 seconds it was pouring down and you ran along the street to your car.
Your usual parking spot in front of your apartment wasn’t free, which is why you’d had to park an entire block away. Now you knew why.
By the time you reached your car and jumped in, you were soaked to the bone. Droplets splattered satisfyingly on the windshield of your car while you threw your duffel bag to the backseat, letting your head fall back against the seat as you covered your face with your hands.
Within ten minutes, everything had gone to shit.
The relationship you’d been so secure in was a sham. The guys had always joked you were smitten whenever you mentioned your boyfriend; Ghost playfully complaining and Soap making crude jokes whenever he could while Gaz would nudge you. It had all been fun then. As you sat here now however, it wasn’t.
Reaching into your pocket, you pulled out your phone - only moderately damp - and scrolled through your contacts with tears in your eyes.
You needed someone, you needed someplace to stay even. But you knew your best friend would ask a million questions before going on a warpath, and you weren’t exactly in the mood to explain it to the teasing triad, seeing their jokes turn into sympathy.
That left one person. Captain Price.
Sniffling, you let out a shaky breath before scrolling through your contacts. Last time you’d contacted him outside of work was to ask him for what he wanted as a birthday gift. That wasn’t to say you didn’t speak with the man or had a bad relationship, no, the complete opposite even. When not out in the field giving orders, he was kind, supportive, understanding and funny even. And most of all, he left you be in your relationship without meddling like the others.
So, without much of a thought, you typed up a message.
‘Hey, cap.
Due to some circumstances I need a place to sleep. Could I crash at your place?’
It was vague and probably a stupid way to ask but at the moment you couldn’t muster up the energy to care - all of said energy going into the effort to not cry over the piece of shit your ex-boyfriend was.
Faster than you expected, your message turned to being read as you saw the indication he was replying pop up.
‘Without question.
You know the address?’
Sniffling, you wiped your nose with the back of your hand and smiled at your phone. Typing a quick ‘yes’, you then got another message.
‘Good. Drive safe in this weather.’
For some reason, just that was enough to make your emotions spill over the wall you’d shoddily built and you began to cry while putting your phone down and starting the ignition.
Putting your captain’s address in your car’s navigation took a bit longer because of it, though the added benefit was that your cries quietened enough for you to drive by the time you’d managed to get it on.
Despite Price’s text, you drove without much care, the windshield wipers doing overtime in the pouring rain as thunder started to rumble.
Beside you, your phone started to light up with texts and calls, your boyfriend trying to contact you though you ignored them.
Within twenty minutes, you reached Price’s house and you parked your car right in front of his door. His own was sitting neatly in the driveway, leaving room for you on the street.
Wiping your tears away one last time, you composed yourself as much as you could before grabbing your bag and phone, taking your keys out of the ignition before you got out of the car and began rushing to Price’s home.
Looking up, the door was already open with Price standing beside it, beckoning you inside.
The moment you did, he closed the door, shutting out the rain and thunder right as a lightning flash in the clouds lit up the dark outside.
“Bloody hell.” Price remarked as he then took a step back and took you in, scanning you from head to toe.
Standing there, dripping wet, you guiltily stepped back until you were standing on the ‘welcome’ mat by the door, not wanting to drip water into his wooden floor. “Sorry to barge in.” You spoke softly but at that point, Price had already clocked the puffiness of your eyes and congestion of your nose, clear indicators you’d been crying.
“Here, let me.” He spoke as he took your bag from you, setting it down on the floor next to his own. Because of course, he’d only just gotten home as well. He stood before you in jeans and a shirt, but you figured he didn’t have much time to change into that before you’d already contacted him.
“I… uhm-“ You started, wanting to offer some sort of excuse or explanation but Price stopped you with a shake of his head.
“We need to get you dry first.” He spoke, a hint of his trademark authority in his voice. “Take off your shoes and follow me. I’m not letting you put on a dirty uniform, so you can borrow from me for the time being.” He spoke, nudging at your duffle bag with his sock-clad foot to emphasise what he meant.
Simply nodding, you bent down, cringing at the feeling of your wet clothes moving with you as you untied your boots. Though you’d worn this uniform while wet plenty of times, that didn’t mean it was ever nice.
Once your shoes were off, you stood back up straight and Price motioned for you to follow him.
Doing just that, you stepped from his entrance hall out into the living room, seeing the comfortable couch to the left that you and the team had spent many a night drinking on whenever your captain hosted an evening in together.
Snapped out of your reverie, you looked up to see Price standing to the right, at the bottom of the stairs leading upwards.
“Sorry.” You mumbled but Price just waved it off, beckoning you to follow him.
When you did, he started ascending the stairs, leading you to a room at the far end of the hallway, opening it to reveal what seemed to be his own bedroom.
“I don’t have a lot of choice of clothes for you unfortunately, my apologies.” He hummed, walking over to a drawer cabinet as he opened the bottom drawer, revealing pants.
Taking out a pair of sweatpants, he handed it to you before opening the second most top drawer, grabbing a random black long-sleeve shirt from the bottom of the pile to give to you as well.
“I think those would fit best.” He hummed before his eyes trailed down, lingering on your hips as he then slightly pursed his lips. “Do you think you need uh…” He started, hesitating to actually say it, though you quickly picked up on it.
“Oh, no. I’m not that wet, thankfully.” You quickly said, holding up the pants and shirt he gave. “These are fine, thank you. I’ll just go change in the toilet downstairs.” You spoke, feeling awkward and a little skittish and suddenly, Price’s hand was covering yours, warm and calm.
“You can change in the bathroom next door. There’s a warm towel there too which you can use.” He spoke, his voice suddenly calm and reassuring, almost soothing.
And it was embarrassing how much it helped to calm your nerves. But then again, maybe it was an instinct weened into you given your captain always was the voice of reason and calm on the battlefield. That’s what you told yourself at least.
Walking into the bathroom with the clothes in your arms, you gently shut the door behind you, letting out a shuddering breath as you leaned back into it, closing your eyes.
I the span of an half an hour, everything was flipped upside down and even if you’d already broken down, it didn’t feel like you’d truly processed what had happened.
Just shaking the thoughts off for now, you decided to change, getting into the sweatpants and tightening the draw string around your hips before switching shirts as well, adjusting the clothing where necessary.
Once done with that, you looked around to see a white towel hanging next to a grey one on a heated rack. Reaching out, you ran your hands over it, feeling the grey one damp - most likely used by Price to take a shower earlier when he got home. Moving over to the white one, you grabbed it, pleasantly surprised by the warmth and softness of it.
Using it to dry your hair, you were soon done and politely hung the towel back on the rack, making your way out of the bathroom after.
Moving downstairs, you heard the sound of a kettle whistling, making a small smile form on your face, knowing how proud your captain was of his kettle, passed down to him by his late mother.
Coming off the stairs, you saw Price by the kitchen counter, busying himself with pouring two cups of tea.
“Thank you for letting me borrow these.” You spoke softly, catching Price’s attention who looked up at you and smiled.
“Not a problem, love.” He hummed, making you blink at the nickname. “Come with me to the couch.” He beckoned before picking up the mugs, taking the lead.
Following him, you gingerly sat beside him while he placed your mug on a coaster, for which you softly thanked him.
“What’s going on then?” He asked after a moment, turning his body to you.
Looking over at the man, instead of the stern look you expected - one you’d seen plenty of times when reprimanded during training - his face was soft, a worry line on his forehead and his eyes slightly creased. Concern.
“I, uhm.” You mumbled, reaching out to grab the mug of tea as you cradled it, revelling in the warmth as it warmed your chilly bones.
“Take your time.”
It was the way he spoke it. Soft and in a whisper, a care shining through that broke you, causing tears to rapidly fill your eyes.
Seeing that, Price shifted closer, placing a comforting hand on your leg as he squeezed.
“I found my boyfriend, uhm-“ You started, taking in a shaky breath, trying so hard not to cry, trying to stay composed. “With another woman.”
Your voice cracked and diluted into a whisper near the end as you hid behind the mug, feeling pathetic.
“Oh, sweetheart…” Price breathed out, moving closer until his hip was pressed to yours, his right hand slinging over your shoulders while his left carefully took the time to put the tea back down. Wasting not a second after, he pulled you into himself.
Being so suddenly pulled into a hug, your face screwed up and you started crying all over, your breaths small and fast and your sobs pained.
“It’s okay.” Price soothed, holding you tightly.
Slowly, you curled your arms around his waist, crying into his shirt. “He was just there, doing it in our bed.” You cried and Price gently held you, rubbing your back.
“It’s not your fault.” He spoke softly, almost muttering into your hair and you nodded, trying to believe it as you felt yourself melt into his warmth and the comfort he brought.
“I broke up with him on- on the spot.” You sniffled, not wanting to sob in front of the man you looked up to. “He tried to run after me.”
“But he didn’t?” Price asked, a little confused but you shook your head no.
“I locked him inside the house.”
At that, a small, baffled laugh escaped the brunet. “You locked him inside? That’s my girl.” He grinned, pulling you in tighter as he rubbed your back again.
Just then however, his eyes landed on your pocket, his smile replaced by a frown.
“Your phone keeps going off.”
Sniffling, you wiped your nose and looked at your pocket. Though you kept feeling the thing buzzing in your pants, you were too far in your head to register it. Now however, you remembered and reached into the pocket, pulling your phone out.
Unsurprisingly, your boyfriend’s contact was displayed on the screen. You’d lost count of the amount of messages and missed calls.
“He’s been trying all night.” You muttered, making the brunet frown.
“All night? Even despite-? You should turn it off, love.” He spoke while the both of you watched the call go to voicemail.
“I can just ignore it.” You sniffled, trying to wipe your eyes. Yet right then, his contact came onto the screen again as he once more called.
While you were ready to ignore however, Price wasn’t as inclined. “Can I?” He questioned, holding out his hand for your phone.
Shrugging you handed it over.
Gently taking it from you, the man turned the screen towards himself. Glaring at it and the contact on it, Price suddenly swiped the green button, answering the call and making your heart lurch into your throat.
“Y/N, I-“
“Listen, mate, you need to stop.” Price interrupted, making your boyfriend halt in his steps.
“Who are you?”
Because your face was pressed to Price’s chest, you could hear every word your boyfriend said, even if a little quiet.
“You think that’s the most important thing right now?” Price scoffed in answer. “You need to stop texting and calling, you’re hurting her.”
“I’ll do as I please, it’s my girlfriend, dude. Now who are you? Why is she with you?”
Almost amazed at the gall of this guy, Price looks down at you, his brows raised and his head shaking in disbelief over how he kept blabbering.
“She’s not your girlfriend anymore.” Price spoke calmly. “She made that quite clear, didn’t she? Now it’s none of your business but I’m her goddamn boss. You hurt her so bad that she’s seeking refuge with her boss. And you think that warrants you still calling her your girlfriend? No, mate.” Price spoke, gripping the phone tighter, his jaw clenched.
“Just send her home to talk.”
“Absolutely not.”
“What’s your problem?!”
“You disrespected and hurt one of my best soldiers. That’s my problem. Now if you can’t treat her right and fill her needs, I sure as shit will. Call this number again and I’m coming over to shut you up personally.”
With that, Price ended the call, placing your phone on the table with a huff.
It took a second before the silence fully set in and Price looked down at you, swallowing. “Sorry, I- uh. I couldn’t have him talk about you anymore.”
He seemed almost embarrassed by practically yelling over the phone at a man he didn’t even know.
“Thank you.” You whispered, the tightness in your chest seeming a little looser before you let out a sigh. “How big do you think the chance is he’s now going to accuse me of cheating?”
“Moderately big.” Price sighed, pulling you up a bit to sit better in his arms. “I don’t know how you dated that asshole for so long, I’m sorry to say it so bluntly.”
Letting out a sigh, you shook your head. “It’s okay, I don’t know either. Just… was too blinded to see it, I guess.”
“Hey, you couldn’t have known he was cheating.” Price speaks softly, tilting your chin up to make you look at him.
You nod, letting out a shuddering breath before tightening your hold on the man as your thoughts raced. “I’m so angry, Price. I just want to do something to get back at him. I thought about beating him up when I- but I decided against it because of legal shit.”
A chuckle rumbled from his chest at that, pleasant against your cheek and you glance up at him. “Probably for the best, though I can understand your want.” He hummed and you sighed.
Looking down again, you shifted a bit before your tongue darted out to moisten your lips. “Price?”
“What did you mean saying that if he didn’t take care of me, you would?”
At your words, Price froze a bit, his eyes locked on a point across the room, darting a bit as he thought, his body shifting awkwardly.
“Well…” He started. “You deserve someone who loves you. He evidently didn’t.”
Pulling yourself back from his arms, Price instantly brought them down to his sides, crossing his legs and refusing to look at you. Somehow, he’d had the idle hope you wouldn’t read between the lines.
“I’ll go see if we can order some food.” He mumbled, deciding ignoring was the best course of action, yet as he began to move to stand up, you grabbed his wrist and tugged him back down.
Falling into the couch with a grunt, your hand was on his cheek and turning his face within a second, your lips connecting to his.
Shocked, Price stayed still for a second, not knowing what to do before his brain caught up on what was happening.
His left hand shot to the back of your head, tangling into your hair as he pulled you closer, starting to reciprocate the kiss in full, his mouth meshing with yours with no further hesitation.
Your eyes closed, you felt your captain kissing you so eagerly. And you felt more alive than you had in months of your past relationship.
Losing himself in your lips, Price felt his heart hammering in his chest as his right arm curled around your waist, grabbing and lifting you, turning until you were on his lap, making him tilt his head up to keep kissing you.
Shifting your hips, your hands dragged down his chest as you kissed him, the bristles of his muttonchops grazing against your skin in a drag more delicious than anything you’d ever imagined.
Finally, Price pulled back, his breathing heavy and laboured as he looked up at you. “Jesus, love.”
Panting softly, you looked down at Price, seeing his usually bright blue eyes darkened, his pupils wide as he looked at you, an almost adoring look on his face.
“I’m sorry-“ You started, only for Price to move both of his arms to your waist, pulling you in closer, forcing your legs to spread a bit further to accommodate his hips.
“Don’t you apologise.” He warned, leaning in to ghost his lips over your jaw, pressing a little kiss right below your ear. “You and I both know I don’t mind.”
Swallowing nervously, your hands tightened on his shoulders. “Yes but… it’s not right.”
“What’s not right is your boyfriend treating you like shit. You deserve more, sweetheart.” He rasped, shifting his hips a bit, making your eyes widen as you felt something press into you. “Let me make a proposition.” He said softly, one of his hands cupping your chin to make you look at him.
“I’ve seen you staring at me, I know what goes on in that mind of yours. But you were loyal to your boyfriend. That’s good. But he’s your ex now.”
“What are you saying?” You whisper.
At that, Price smirked, running his knuckles down your cheek. “I think you know. You want to get back at him? I can give you that.”
Biting your lip, you looked down, blushing as that left you staring at you sitting on his lap, practically on top of his crotch. “I-“
“Hey.” His voice was suddenly a lot softer as he made you look up at him. “You can say no, yeah? I’m reading between the lines here but if you don’t want this, just say it.” He spoke softly, his arm around your waist shifting to loosely hold onto your hip.
“You’re my boss.” You whisper and Price nods, a little dejected but masking it fairly well.
“I understand. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” He smiled kindly, taking in a deep breath, shifting to sit up to lift you off of his lap, only for your hand to land on his chest and push him back into the couch cushions.
Surprised, Price blinked up at you. “I’m not uncomfortable.” You spoke lowly. “I… want this. But what if we get in trouble?”
Hearing those words, it was like the flip of a switch as he got the green light. Reaching up, he placed his hand on your cheek. “We won’t get in trouble. Because right now I’m not your captain. We’re off duty, there is no ranks here.”
“That’s such semantics.” You whispered and Price chuckled, his hand on your hip starting to wander back, partially splaying onto your ass where he lightly squeezed.
“Semantics is all we need, darling. Tell me you want this.”
Biting your lip, you nodded. “I want this.”
“Good.” Price grinned before leaning in, kissing you.
Wasting no time, he parted his lips, his tongue swiping yours as he asked for entrance, his hips starting to rock into you.
Grunting softly, you opened up, feeling his tongue start to delve into your mouth and explore, his hands wandering up and down your body as he rocked his hips, searching for friction.
Throwing caution to the wind, you began returning in kind. Placing your hands on his shoulders, you started grinding your hips, earning a groan from Price while you kissed, your lips feverishly moving against each other, desperate and needy.
Gripping your hip with his left hand, Price moved his right down your stomach, teasing his shirt that you were wearing up, a little groan leaving him as his palm brushed against his own joggers currently on your hips.
Breaking the kiss, he instantly started kissing down your jaw and to your neck. “Fuck, you look so heavenly in my clothes. It was such a mistake to give it to you.” He panted, his right hand gripping the waistband of your pants. “Wanted to take them off you straight away.
Smiling softly against his hair, you felt him nip at the skin of your neck, his hand grazing your lower stomach making butterflies crash around. “Do you really have such little self-control, sir?” You teased and Price bit down hard on your neck with a groan.
“Told you, there’s no ranks here.”
“You did, but I think you like it, sir.” You grinned and Price tensed beneath you, his hips twitching.
“You’re playing a dangerous game.” He whispered. His hand starting to slip past your waistband, moving into your pants. “I’ll play along.”
Biting your lip, you felt his fingers explore down, rubbing the fabric of your panties, barely grazing your clit.
“Price-“ You whispered, feeling him buck his hips up into you, making you whimper, desperate for more.
“I know.” He hummed, his finger finding your clit, pressing it through the fabric of your panties, making you whine as he started circling his finger on it.
Biting your lip, you tried to push your hand into your pants as well, wanting to move your panties for him but Price stopped you, grabbing your wrist and tutting softly.
“None of that now. I’m taking my time with you.” He whispered, moving his finger down to the seat of your panties now, feeling how damp the fabric was, your slick soaking into it.
Unable to take it, you reached forward and grabbed onto the fabric of his jeans. Unbuttoning it, Price groaned softly, feeling his erection jump.
Carefully reaching in, you bypassed his underwear, feeling him instantly, his length straining against the confinements of his clothing.
Licking your lips, you carefully wrapped your fingers around it, your heart beating a little faster as you felt the width, sitting heavy in your palm.
“Go on, love.” Price encouraged, his breathing a little faster as he felt your hand on him, his own fingers finally pushing the fabric of your panties aside as he instead started running his fingers through your folds, feeling how wet you were.
Shuddering out a breath, you started trying to pull him out, only to stop as Price sunk a finger into you, his mouth on your neck starting to suck little hickeys while he kept encouraging you to continue.
Steeling yourself, you pulled him out, hard and big, making you bite your lip in equal nervousness and excitement.
“You’re so warm.” Price whispered into your ear, slowly thrusting his finger in and out, quickly adding a second, making you groan faintly. “That’s it. My girl.”
Shifting your hips, his fingers dragged through your walls and you started moving your hand up to the tip, using your thumb to rub over his slit, starting to spread his precum.
“Good girl.” Price praised, his teeth grazing your earlobe as he started scissoring his fingers, his palm finding your clit and rubbing into it.
“Hn-“ Suppressing a whine, you held onto the man with your free hand, your eyes closing. “Price, I want you…”
Groaning softly at your admission, Price smiled to himself, kissing under your ear and down your neck, sucking softly every now and then.
“I want you too but I don’t have a condom, love. Didn’t exactly prepare for this.”
“I’m clean.” You whispered, having always used protection with your boyfriend.
“I meant it more for your comfort than mine, sweetheart.” Price rumbled a chuckle. “Don’t want any happy accidents, do we?”
“I’m on birth control.” You whispered, grinding your hips, desperate for friction even as Price continued to softly pump his fingers, scissoring them and caressing your walls.
“Are you sure?” He asked, stifling a groan as you squeezed your hand around him.
“I want you.”
Letting out a little strained huff, Price pulled his head back and kissed you while pushing a third finger into you, gently moving it in and out, stretching you open.
Whimpering in response, your eyes shut as pleasure curled through you, his palm still digging into your clit while he moved his fingers.
“Please-“ You whined again and he couldn’t resist anymore.
Pulling his fingers out, you groaned at the kiss, feeling him retract his hand completely before he lifted you up and quickly turned the both of you around, pushing you down onto the couch while he leaned over you, his hips between your legs still.
“Are you sure, sweetheart?”
Without hesitation, you nodded and Price stuttered out a breath, reaching down to pump himself a few times, purposely using his right hand to spread your slick onto himself, a little groan leaving him.
“Take it off for me, sweetheart, yeah?” He asked, using that time to take his turtleneck off, throwing it over the back of the couch, watching you strip of all your clothes except your underwear.
Pushing his own pants down to his knees, he shifted to lean over you, his hands on either side of your head.
“You’re so pretty for me.” He whispered, his eyes roving your body. “Imagined this so many times and now here you are.” He smiled, leaning in and kissing you, his hand moving down in the meantime, starting to push your panties down your legs, slowly taking them off completely, leaving you bare beneath him.
Panting softly, you looked up, seeing Price hovering over you, his chest covered with hair, leading down to his stomach where it gathered in a point, running down until it flared again into a happy trail.
His cock stood, hard and the tip red, clearly just as needy as you felt.
Seeing you blatantly ogling him, Price smirked, leaning over you again, his right hand grabbing himself as he pressed his tip against your entrance.
“Are you ready, love?” He whispered, starting to glide the head through your folds, smearing your slick onto himself, spreading it.
“Yes, god, please-“ You practically begged, seeing the man’s lip curled up as he then positioned himself by your entrance again before pushing into you.
While he took it slow, your mouth fell open at the stretch, your eyes falling shut as you focused on his cock slowly pushing in.
“There you go, doing so good.” Price whispered, his breathing sped up in excitement as he slid in. You were so wet, making it easy.
About halfway in, he felt resistance and Price groaned. Your walls were wrapped so snugly around him and he carefully pulled out, keeping it slow to keep you comfortable.
“F-Feels good.” You whispered, feeling him slowly thrust in and out, slowly working more and more of himself into you.
“You’re taking me well, love.” Price praised, unable to take his eyes off of the slick coating his cock every time he pulled out, watching his length disappear into you just a second after.
“Sir-“ You whined and Price groaned, pushing in a little harder. Starting to speed up.
“That’s it. My pretty girl.” He gasped, reaching down to start playing with your clit.
“Ah-“ You whined and Price bit his lip, starting to increase his thrusts, watching you take more and more of his cock.
“Come on, take all of me, love.” He encouraged, pushing his hips forward, trying to push past your tight walls before he pulled out until the tip, thrusting back in after, repeating the process and working himself into your heat. “Almost.”
“Price-“ You moaned, the stretch making you gasp as he rubbed your clit.
“I know, I know.” He soothed, pushing his hips forward until finally, his hips were flush with yours, his entire length inside you. “Good girl, fuck-“
Panting, Price gripped your thigh, pulling your leg around his waist. “Please move.” You begged and he nodded, starting to thrust, making sure you were taking him entirely every time.
“You feel so good. So tight.” He praised, leaning down to bite into your neck while his hips moved.
“Price-!” You moaned, throwing your head back while he sped up.
Groaning into your skin, Price fucked into you, his eyes closed as he focused on your tight cunt wrapped around him.
His fingers still played with your clit, making a heat spread through you as you whimpered.
Reaching up, your hands tangled in the hair on the back of his head and you pulled his face up and away from your neck, instead slamming your lips to his, to which he quickly reciprocated.
Thrusting into you, Price’s right hand moved from your thigh to your ass, squeezing it appreciatively while he delved his tongue into your mouth, his other hand moved from your clit to resting on the side of your neck, his thumb splayed around the front of it, making him have a light hold on your throat while he kissed you.
Moaning into his mouth, your toes curled as he worked his cock inside you again and again, your heart pounding as a sheen of sweat started to appear on both your bodies.
Breaking the kiss, Price groaned against your lips, his right hand shifting to rub your clit again, making you clench around him.
“Oh fuck-“ Price moaned ever so softly, speeding up his thrusts as he felt a heat grow, his climax impending.
“Price, sir-“ You whimpered out a moan, Price pushing harder on your clit while he pounded into you fast and deep, making sure to hit all the way inside.
With every thrust into you, his cock hit your G-spot, making your back arch as you felt your walls begin to clench.
“That’s it, good girl. Needed me inside this pussy so bad, huh?” Price panted, his thrusts starting to stutter.
Nodding desperately, you whined out, bucking your hips into his thrusts, making him hit even deeper, the tip of his cock brushing your cervix. “Fuck!” You cried out, causing Price to groan, his hand retreating from your neck to instead hold your hips up, making sure to keep hitting that exact angle over and over and over.
“He didn’t deserve you. Didn’t deserve to taste you, to feel you, to love you.” Price rambled, slowing down though he went rougher, starting to chase his high.
“Price, I’m-“ You cried out, throwing your head back as you felt his thumb push down firmly on your clit, a pressure building up in your abdomen.
“Go ahead.” He groaned. “I’m not far behind.”
Moaning, you sharply arched your back, feeling hum thrust in, your cunt stretched so wide on him while he circled your clit with just the right amount of pressure.
Unable to hold it in, it took just one more thrust for you to fall over the edge. Your orgasm hit hard as you moaned, your eyes forced shut as you clung onto Price, your nails digging into his shoulders while your walls spasmed and clenched around his shaft.
Gasping, Price continued to fuck you through your climax, your cunt tightening repeatedly around him and making him moan.
Releasing your clit, he caught himself with both hands on either side of your head, desperately thrusting into you, feeling your heat and the tightness overwhelming him.
“Fuck, you’re so perfect, so good for me.” He groaned, panting harshly as he thrust a few more times before feeling himself start to twitch.
With a groan, he pulled out, his hand shooting down to rapidly jerk himself, needing just a few strokes before he too was cumming.
Moaning, he released his load onto your stomach and chest, thick, white spurts landing on your skin and pooling in the grooves of your flesh.
Jerking himself a few more times, Price then let go, panting harshly as he opened his eyes, looking down to see you laying beneath him, your eyes hazy, your chest heaving, and your skin painted with his seed.
Trying to catch his breath, Price hovered over you, his eyes glazed as his gaze slowly ran up and down your torso, unable to look away from his cum splattered onto your skin - thick, white and possessive.
“Fuck, I wanna take a picture and send it to that asshole.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss you. “Show him who’s taking care of you now. Taking proper care of you.” There was a slight smile in his voice and you gently kissed back, instantly taking Price with it as he leaned closer, kissing you eagerly.
While the night started terribly for you, neither Price or you would see much sleep before sunrise.
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nilsavatar · 11 months
Parings: Neteyam x Fem!human
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Genre/Warnings: NSFW/MDNI +18, no use of Y/N, SMUT, violence (Neteyam almost killed Spider’s sister), biting (tasting of blood, marking, possessing behavior), P in V, manhangling, oral (f receiving), fingering, praising, cursing, pet names (muntxa-muntxate, yawne, mate, yawntu, yawntutsyìp, baby, tawtute), feral Neteyam (he gets intoxicated by a plant), friends to lovers, edging, breeding kink ((as requested by the lovely @layla2-49 Hope you'll like it, darling), rough, overstimulation, fluff, ANGST. All characters are AGED-UP.
Summary: It is the panopyra flowering season, and Celeste is assigned to collect samples of the strange plant. On her way, she meets Neteyam who offers to accompany her albeit with some hesitation. Panopyra are known to create hallucinogenic effects on those who stand too close to them and to ignite the mating instinct. In the presence of a human, he can rest assured it will have no effect, right?
Word Count: 5,5k
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If Spider could be summed up in a sentence, it would be said he was like a stray cat; always around. With his playful and at times intrusive manner, he'd adopted himself into the Omatikaya, winning over their hearts.
But Celeste?
As much as they were siblings — twins — the two were polar opposites in every way imaginable, like day and night. Spider was sunny, energetic, almost impossible to contain, and thrill-seeking. For him, being in contact with people was as vital as breathing. Celeste was a reserved and private person despite her curious nature. Interested in the village's happenings, but never overstepped her boundaries, only getting involved when required.
The sun and the moon.
When they were together, the guy's light was so blinding to eclipse her in his shadow. Perhaps that was the reason why today, on a rare occasion she went out alone into the forest to collect samples, Neteyam struggled to recognize her. His arrow's tip was well aimed at the back of her head, waiting for a misstep, a suspicious movement to justify piercing her skull. Maybe, if he hadn't been alone as well, if Lo'ak had been there with him as planned, he wouldn't have risked murdering the life of Spider's little sister. Unlike him, Lo’ak and Kiri were at home at the lab, in constant contact with the scientists and the girl. On the other hand, it wasn't easy for Neteyam to carve out time to unwind and have fun. Not when the weight of his clan's future leaned on his shoulders, and on his head hung the Damocles blade of the older brother. Presumably, the last he had really spent time with her were still children, before he began the grueling journey as the next olo'eyktan in line.
Let's thank the electronic whistle of the throat-comm she wore around her neck if he stopped his hand; on the other side, he recognized Norm's unmistakable calm timbre. “Be there soon. Just need to collect the last sample you asked for.” “Got it, but be safe. Stay close to the edge of the woods and don't turn off the tracker, OK? If you're lost or in danger, call Jake right away.” “I grew up in this forest. Chill out.” “You grew up right by this forest,” he corrected. Celeste rolled her eyes, both annoyed and unimpressed, tired of hearing the same recommendations over and over again. Yet, she avoided comment or complaint, aware it would only lengthen that torment. Just as she reassured the man and turned around, the words died in her throat, cut off by a high-pitched shriek that ripped through the air. “Cel! What's going on?!” Not over three feet away from her, a man, a young male Na'vi who must have been stalking her up to that moment, stood there, in all his glory, staring down at her. Indecipherable gaze and bow well in view. With slow, measured steps, he approached her, never breaking eye contact. Celeste was trembling more and more with every inch of distance the native consumed, her heart drumming frantically. It seemed about to explode in her chest. The blood resounded straight in her ears, deafening her; her saliva dried up, and a sudden chill took over her entire body. She was terrified, to say the least. Yet, in the lucidity of those brief seconds of horror, she noted one thing. A strand of beads woven into the young man's songocord. The same one the twins wore on their wrists. “N-neteyam?” At the uncertain sound of his name, in lips parted in an amused grimace. “You scared me half to death! Geez!” Better to avoid telling her he was about to kill her for real. “False alarm, Norm. It's just Neteyam.”
Just Neteyam. Although, in all likelihood, Celeste would have used the exact definition had any of his relatives stood before her, he didn't like the sound of it for one bit. He wasn't just Neteyam.
“Phew, you almost gave me a heart attack.” Yeah, tell me about it… “I feel way better now that you have someone with you. Hey, kid!” “Hi, Norm,” he pressed on the girl's communicator. Close, too close. The trail of his skin stunned her. Since when had Neteyam's smell become so... so good? Since when had he become like this? Tall, muscular, toned. His hair, much longer than she recalled, crossed far past the shoulder blades' line, grazing half his back. Where had that hint of round cheeks of yesteryear gone? His face was defined and masculine. Sharp cheekbones cut the contours of his visage down to his chin.
“The tawtsngal (panopyra - sky cup), then.” “No need to trouble yourself. I know the route. Besides—.” Celeste fell silent under his glare. Did she actually think he would leave her in the forest at the mercy of predators? He was already alarmed none of the AVTR Program was with her. “It's flower season,” he said like there was a darker meaning. “We're gathering some stem samples just for that, to examine the bioluminescent receptors. To figure out how their glow interacts with the environment. Fauna seems to get a little lovey-dovey around those things,” she giggled.
And not just them, he would've liked to retort, reluctant to get close to the plant at specifically that time of year.
“That's why I gotta come with you, no question asked. Panopyra blooming coincides with some species mating season. Animals go crazy and get extra aggressive around the plants. It's like they get in a trance. What was your plan if you came across an animal in heat? This could be lethal even for us Na'vi.” Now that he'd thrown that frightening possibility in her face, she felt foolish for not having thought of it sooner. She could be so naive, even though she knew the dangers that lurked in every limb of the lush greenery. All deadly to a tiny alien being like her. “Stay close to me,” he said in a peremptory tone as he cleared a passage through the dense network of shrubs. A sort of command that irritated her beyond belief. However, what bothered her even more was realizing she wasn't irritated at all. The unfamiliar note that tainted his voice, making it scratchy and an octave deeper, went straight to her abdomen; where she felt slight persistent flutters tickling her belly. Like many butterflies flapping their wings in a swirl. Another characteristic to add to the list of missed things during the years away, holed up within the human outpost's aseptic walls. When the boyish huskiness had yielded to the incumbent adult tonality. A full-bodied texture, soft and even a little dark, resonated in his throat in an enveloping musicality like a warm blanket. Yet one that knew how to mess with her head. She felt the pressing need to explain herself, to take the scientists' side. For yes, as much as the lab concentrated a handful of the brightest minds on Earth, in some regards, their genius made them fearfully ingenuous; they got an almost childlike confidence. As if the research spirit, to always go one step further than the acknowledged, silenced the inclination of self-preservation. Blind and unable to conceive of the existence of danger. Wasn't that also part of their charm, though? People who still looked at the world with the wonder of their inner child.
Celeste supposed she looked just like that in Neteyam's eyes: a baby.
“It was me who pushed for it.” “This is an avatar job,” he stoned sternly, “And why were you alone to begin with? How come you didn't ask one of us to come with you? Someone to keep you safe.” He gritted his teeth, “Ha! You're even fucking unarmed.” She had never seen him so heated, which made her hesitant to respond. “Hm... these plants are close to the lab, so I thought—.” “You thought? Going into the forest unescorted and defenseless. You call it thinking?” His look was fierce, burning, and untamable, it pinned her to her spot. “No, you haven't put any thought into it. The lab is located in the farthest corner of the clan's territory, right on the border with neighboring clans. Imagine if you stumbled upon a total stranger in my place. You're lucky I didn't hurt you, Celeste!” Anguished filled his voice.
She was lucky he didn't kill her.
Where was all that anger coming from? He hadn't felt this way when he'd crossed her shortly before, regardless of the way. Something had clicked the instant she'd told him he didn't need to go with her. That sentence did hit a nerve. Was she really so unwise as to ignore what lay behind tall trees and in thick bushes? Even Spider, despite being all too prone to let Lo'ak influence get the better of him, dared not challenge the forest. Or maybe it was a consequence of that unfounded sense of rejection that had made his heart sink? She didn't want him there.
Well, why should she? They barely knew each other by now. And for that, Neteyam would always blame himself; he had left her to her own devices. Though aware of her reluctant nature, and her need for constant prodding, he'd stopped trying to bring her out of her shell at some point. I'll see her tomorrow. We can watch a movie if she's not up for coming to the village.Tomorrow I'll take her to the clearing. Nah, we're skipping that, going to the waterfall. Yeah, I'm sure she gonna love it.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. A tomorrow that never happened.
Time had passed anyway, and now he stood before a young woman with whom he had no common ground, nothing to hold to apart from the fond memory of a feeling that once bound them together. With whom his initial reaction was to scold her, his own detested paternalistic attitude surfacing. The forever babysitter.
Great job, Neteyam, really. Congrats, he gave himself a sarcastic tongue-lashing.
“I felt like going out.” The whisper possessed the disarming impact of a shout, hinting at an unspoken longing between the words. “Sorry,” he said, halting his steps, “I shouldn't have.” Against all logic, she mustered a smile for him, but it appeared more strained and pained than heartfelt. “Thanks.” Neteyam cast a quizzical look her way, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. His mistreatment still stung, like a slap across the face. Why thanking him? “For caring about me.”
Although locals considered the panopyra to be at the extreme of a plant, it actually didn't approach any taxonomic concept of the same. Somewhere in between plants, animals, and fungi. Because of its sensory tissues and saprophytic lifestyle, scientists classified this species as a zoopantae. Its shape resembled a jellyfish and represented an evolutionary lineage close to a primitive form of nervous system. As an epiphyte, it grew attached to the branches of trees via tentacle-like outgrowths, with which it formed a symbiotic strategy. A curious feature was it grew upside down, transforming its body into a sort of cup, from which natives collected dew and mist to make a nutritious, nourishing drink, and the motive of its Na'vi name. But that wasn't its only use; the vine-like stems were strong and flexible, perfect for making nets, traps, and woven objects of any kind. Furthermore, the phosphorescent tips lured in unsuspecting prey with their faint electrical signals, yet they appeared to serve a purpose beyond that. The latter caught the attention of the research team. The sensory cells seemed to have an aphrodisiac effect during flowering when the spores fluttered in the air. Young Na'vi frequently wore them while searching for a mate.
Did that truly reflect the reality, though? Did panopyra alter hormones so strongly that it led to a state of mental instability? Or was it pure chance that animals displayed exceptionally unusual behaviour in the presence of the plant while facing heat? The plan was to gather samples, find the source of the bioluminescence, synthesize it, and conduct field trials. Celeste never imagined that arriving at the site during the bloom height accompanied by a Na'vi man would cause her to go straight to the experiments. Nor did she herself word become the lab rat.
The zooplantae structure grew near Utraya Mokri (Tree of Voices); a sacred place to the Omatikaya, to which they weren't normally allowed access. A rule they had never dared to evade, even as children, and the girl was quite impressed with Neteyam's idea. Other colonies were nearby, she suggested, but the young man argued that their location ventured too far into the dense forest. Eclipse was upon them; the sunset's warm orange light colored everything the dying sun could reach. Night was looming - the time of day when predators were at their busiest. Neteyam would never purposely endanger her if he could avert it. He was a pragmatic man, of innate wisdom for his age, always opting for the most favorable outcomes scenario. He would worry later about the consequences of violating the purity of this place (assuming anyone found out). As if coming there at that particular time of the year wasn't equally reckless, if not more so. However, Celeste was human. Nothing should have taken place, right? Just indigenous species were subjected to the hypnotic effect of panopyra, so on her, it wouldn't have resulted in any behavioral changes. And without a potential mate, reflexively Neteyam could consider himself safe.
Right? To his misfortune, he would find out the hard way.
If only scientists had consulted the clan, they would have their answer by now, but he had learned from an early age that confirmation from them was not enough. Humans had to have proof, tangible and repeated demonstration of a phenomenon through the scientific method. Opinion formulated on empirical basis was not reliable; they had to thumb their noses at it. And the two of them were going to rub all their noses in it!
Neteyam watched her at arm’s length as she took notes in her haphazard handwriting alongside pen sketches. Attentive eyes never left her slender figure except to check their surroundings, ears flicking at every little rustle or distant call. When he looked back at her for the umpteenth time, Celeste was squatting in front of a budding panopyra whose stems she was prodding with her pen. Despite the new model mask, her senses were not sharpened enough to fully feel the fragrance the plant was releasing with every slightest touch. Her weak eyesight could not see how the spore dust clung to her, unlike him. And that detail would have been easy to ignore, except that it accentuated the delicious scent of her skin even more.
It was powdery, sensual, and velvety, with the central notes of peach combined with citrus, centifolia, and jasmine. But the enchantment occurred in the mysterious background of her perfume; where the spices, cinnamon, amber, and subtle hint of underbrush blended with her epidermis. She felt stuffy, but the trail of the lab that lingered on her was also part of what the woman was all about.
Just a little more. Celeste had almost finished jamming the tip of the last stem into the slide. Just a little more and they would be gone. He could start breathing again. Even a small distance weakened the intensity of the plant's influence. He could have held on, except…
“Shit!” moaned the girl in a ragged sigh as she shook her left hand. Neteyam’s already flaring senses snapped and without registering the movement, he was on her. Her hand, whose wrist he was clutching, a palm away from his face. He inhaled so eagerly, Neteyam, that for a moment she feared the skin would peel off her fingers, which were sprinkled with viscous nectar. His nostrils flared and his mouth twisted into an ecstatic smile from which his canines sprouted, longer and sharper than they had ever seemed.
She dared not breathe a word, Celeste, as the Na’vi tugged her wrist higher and his nose took up her arm to the crook of her neck, where his hot breath gave her goosebumps.
“T-teyam,” the tone was hesitant, but the nickname sounded like an invitation. His eyelids, which had remained closed up to that point, snapped shut, revealing two impossibly gigantic eyes. Na’vi eyes had always made some impression on her. So big and round. They reminded those of lemurs. But now, wide apart at their largest, a little protruding and out of proportion, with the pupil reduced to a dot and so yellow as to glow, they had something sinister. The twin orbs stared at her with the sly insistence of a tarsier; they seemed to peer into her soul, and Celeste was astonished to feel fascination rather than revulsion or fear.
Then, all of a sudden, the pupils widened until they covered the iris almost entirely, and there the chills preyed on her whole body, and her heart beat wildly fast. “Muntxa (mate),” was the only word that eluded his dry lips; the cavernous, grave voice rose from his throat in the beginning of a roar. Celeste squeaked as he towered over her under his weight, the turf making a soft bed. Neteyam’s hands ran all over her body as he searched for access to her clothing. His tail rolled possessively over one of her thighs. He rubbed his chin against her trapeze with the stubbornness of a cat marking its territory. And that was what he was doing. He was releasing his wake so that other males would stay away from her.
She was his.
Normally, a Na’vi male would have been satisfied with that, but not Neteyam. Not when rivals included humans as well. And especially not in a hallucinogenic state. He would leave nothing to chance; in fact, he bit her, slowly but sufficiently for his tongue to be stained with the taste of her blood, and sucked greedily where a female of his species would have a particular gland. An extra scruple to warn even those fools enough to dare to ignore tsaheylu. The moan of pain that rose from Celeste’s lips was like music to his ears. “My tawtute’s so delicate. My fragile little mate.”
He repeated that phrase again, and again, and again. The word muntxate became a litany that stunned her. She felt soft in his muscular arms; Neteyam could have picked her up with a spoon. She barely felt the tickle of the wafer-thin white strands that snaked under her clothes and ran up her body to the nape.
The roots of the Tree of Voices.
Suddenly, her mind became incredibly alert. She could feel... everything. The strength of the tree’s mighty roots anchoring themselves in the ground, the sap flowing through the leaves in the same rhythm as the blood in her veins. The deep connection bordering on the supernatural that she felt with the surrounding nature was indescribable. And, more surprisingly, she could breathe Pandora’s air without feeling asphyxiated by its toxic texture. Yet she didn’t feel complete. Something was still missing. Something that might have seemed infinitesimal in the immense network that connected all things together, but for the reality reduced to her person was much more. Imposing. That was everything.
Celeste opened her eyes, and everything seemed to stop. No longer the rustle of leaves or the buzz of twilight animals. The forest, the sky, the distinction between day and night, light and dark. All vanished. Only Neteyam existed. The warmth of his body, the steadiness in his gaze, the gentleness of his voice that rang in her ears, although he had not uttered a word.
They stared at each other for a long time. She confused, he enraptured. A wide smile crossed his face from side to side, and his eye sockets shone as if he were about to cry as he caressed her cheek and kissed her with a newfound gentleness. She had never seen him smile like that, which made her heartbeat quicken more than the kiss itself. His kisses were caressing, engaging. They guided her as if they were dancing, as if they were trying to teach her the steps of a fast, but also languid and sentimental waltz. Celeste recognized Neteyam’s true soul there, despite his aggression.
Ma’yawne, she heard him say, though without speaking. How could she when their lips were still clinging to each other in a cuddle that was getting hotter and hotter? The rhythm with which they mingled pressed in unison with the speed of his thoughts, of his sensations pouring into her as if they were her own.
He slid more on top of her, pinning her to the ground with a voracious kiss as he trudged to remove her shoes. His fingers quarreled with the laces, then went up her calf, her knee, her pelvis, until there was nothing left to separate them. He inhaled her pleasant fragrance and immediately felt different, more vigorous. The innate and almost animalistic recognition that this was his female, the member of his own species to which he was predestined. But how was that possible?
Sucking the breath from her lungs, his wet kisses lingered on her lips, letting the desire to burrow into her skin and be taken creep ever stronger. They were bathed in a cloud of spores that blurred his vision, but he didn’t need his sight to know where Celeste’s warm irises were. He could feel them searching for him in the haze, wandering over his face and crossing to his own.
This makes no sense, she thought. You are Na’vi; he laid a hand on her chest, Your heart is Na’vi. Their mouths didn’t come off for a second. I shouldn’t be feeling all this. Feeling you.
One of his hands slipped until he found his braid and lifted it in front of her. Celeste followed it in length until her gaze landed where the tips of his hair revealed the nerves of his tswin. A myriad of emotions followed on her face.
Bewilderment. Surprise. Awareness. And finally… Embarrassment.
His kuru was connected to the tubular outgrowth, anchoring to her nape. The ultimate intimacy. Ripples of light spread around them, two atokirina dancing together in the air.
Nawna Sa’nok accepted you as her daughter. His eyes were luminous, honest, infinitely deep. I am with you now, Cel. We are mated for life.
He laid his head down, and her arms enfolded him. They started exploring each other with sparkling eyes. Neteyam went to his knees and stared at her with trembling anticipation. Celeste just nodded, looking at him with eyes full of meaning. Their mouths found themselves again, with even more passion, overwhelming frustration, almost fury. She clung to his forearms as if it were worth her life; she wouldn’t let him go. Arching her back, she clung to him as she stroked the stripes on his back and shoulders, then intertwined her fingers in his hair when Neteyam moved his lips to cover every inch of skin to her intimacy.
And so he tasted her. Sensual and tender, his thumbs caressing her asscheeks as he slowly slid his tongue into her womanhood to get a better taste. His tongue and the way it pressed against her walls made her push her head against the moss and let him explore her further. A small tingle in her lower abdomen told her how much she wanted him, how much she needed his touch, craved it.
“So soft,” Neteyam murmured against her skin, kissing and squeezing the fat of her thigh. She relished in the way his mouth sucked at her skin, leaving marks that would last for days.  He giggled and began to draw circles around her cunt, watching Celeste squirm beneath him. Her only thoughts were how desperately she wanted to ride his smug face. And his ability to know exactly what she was thinking was shaking. Tsaheylu, baby. He tilted his head to look at her flushed expression. Her breath caught as she expected him to fuck her with his tongue, already a whimpering mess, and he hadn’t even started yet. Ride my face. His demanding tone only added to her excitement and the speed of her heartbeat. Celeste moved back and forth on his tongue as he watched her with hooded eyes, moaning at her taste. She grabbed his hair with both hands and picked up the pace, disengaging herself and waiting for the rush to hit. The intense sensation in her stomach revealed its formidable power. “Oh fuck,” she whimpered, throwing her head back as she continued to pleasure herself on top of his big mouth. “T-teyam—. I’m about to cum!” An animalistic growl was all she got in return. His fingers plunged into her thighs, trying to steady himself as she lost her mind against him. “Oh-oh, shit! Shit, shit, shit. Cumming!” It drained her of all energy, leaving her limp in his arms. A whine of his name echoed through the air as he licked a long strip down her folds to her core, which, thanks to the bond, went straight to his cock. And so a surge of courage came over him as he inserted a digit into her sex, enjoying the little gasp she gave as he cupped it tightly in his hand. “Gonna let me breed your tight pussy, yawntu?” Another moan, this time coming from somewhere deep within. “Gonna carry my kids in that tiny belly of yours?” So that was the person he became in the darkness of his hut when he could be his true self with no filter. Her cheeks turned red. “T-that can’t happen, Tey. Different species can't get pregnant with each other.” “The Great Mother would make it possible. We’re meant to be.” He rubbed his still-clothed cock against her heat, massaging her clit. “Now, say it. Are you up for starting a family with me? Carry on my lineage? Say you want me to fill you up ’til your tummy swell with my heirs.”  “I-I…” “You? C’mon, open that pretty mouth of yours and tell me.” He didn’t stop to rub on her, he was driving her mad. “Y-yes! Gimme your cum, gimme your babies, gimme everything, Teyam!”  “At your command.” He tore off her thin clothes with one hand, shredding everything in one go, and threw her back onto the moss. Then he removed his tewng. His eyes never left her, growing darker by the second. The band of the hunting knife was plastered to his sculpted chest, so sturdy, drawn by hard work. Soon, every layer that separated them was gone.
For goodness’ sake, Celeste’s eyes seemed to fall out of their sockets. Neteyam was huge.
“It will never fit.” He let go of her legs to give her a hard, sloppy kiss, pulling her lower lip between his canines, a move that sent waves of glee throughout her whole body and the bond.  “Everything will be fine. Just trust me, yawntutsyìp.” He used his fingers to gently pull her lips apart, catching a glimpse of her wet cunt. Celeste shuddered at his touch as he moved his thumb over her swollen clit. She sighed his name as his leaky tip probed against her ring. He moved it along her swollen clit, still feeling her swollen folds throbbing from her orgasm. He pushed in with a hiss and her mouth fell wide open from the stretch, his cock ready to tear her apart. “Wiya (damn), so fuckin’ tight,” he threw his head back, grip tightening around the back of her knees as he worked his way into her. He smirked as he watched his length disappear inside her clenching walls, his hips beginning to move. “There you go, scarfing it down.” The human girl bit down on her lip when his tip pushed against her G-spot.
Celeste raised herself up just enough on her elbows to watch the point where their bodies connected, to see his gigantic dick disappear and reappear, disappear and reappear, wondering how his fragile little body could accommodate it so well, amazed at the bulge inside her belly. Her lips could be bleeding from how hard she bit them, her eyebrows knitted together. Desperate whimpers were the only sounds she could manage as his thrusts became so heavy she was sure she could feel him in her very core. His eyes were on fire, locked with hers. Enchanting. Rough hands went to the back of her neck, interlocking his fingers behind it, holding it in place as he rutted inside her. “We’re really meant to be. Shaped for each other so perfectly,” her folds squeezed him in after each sentence. He spoke with mirth; he was enjoying the way she was falling apart for him. 
She couldn’t tell what came over her, but when she reached to grab him by his shoulders and pull him with all her strength on top of her, she sank her nails as hard as she could into his cerulean flesh, and then bit. Hard. Neteyam wailed from the pain; her teeth sharper than he ever thought. But the pain, mixed with pleasure, sent him over the moon.  He switched positions in a flash; Celeste was now on top of him as he held her in place. “Do it again. Bite me.” He took her by the nape of her delicate head against the column of his neck, turning just enough to expose himself to her. “Bite me. Right here,” he pointed, where below was the mating gland. Neteyam encouraged her by driving his hips upwards into her core, making her cry out; he just hit the spot that could make the human girl lose it.
She applied pressure to his neck, feeling it pulsate under her lips, and he started moving again, rushing his cock inside. “Don’t be afraid. Bite me with all you got.” Chomping down on the flesh with all her might, Neteyam’s jaw ticked in response, and the coppery taste of blood wet her tongue. “Y-yeah, yawne. Mark me like you own me.” His voice strained, shaky even, overwhelmed by just how much pleasure it was giving them both, with Neteyam thrusting as rough as he could. “Ma’ lor muntxate (my beautiful mate).” She put her entire weight into the bite that was chomping his trapeze, her mind flying out of her head as she felt him reaching his peak. Too much. His cock was opening her too rapidly, and Celeste couldn’t even sit straight anymore. "T-tey, I can't hang on for much longer." Pushing her onto the moss, and sliding right back into her gummy walls, he pinned both her wrists over her head, slamming himself inside her so deeply, it felt like he wanted to rip her apart. “Just a little bit, ma’tawtute. Almost there. Hold out for me.” His thrusts sped up to the point her whole frame bounced on the solid ground, whining and closing her eyes shut, orgasm approaching with full force. “Yes, yawne, just like that. You’re so good to me. Taking all of me so well.” 
Those praises pushed her over the edge, and soon she realized she was screaming his name and squirting all around him, while he was still hammering his own into her cervix. His hips lost control as he painted her walls with his warm cum, bawling from the strength of his climax. He didn’t stop even when Celeste was sure he’d given her everything he had to give, filling her to the brim with his load and continuing to slowly rock his hips into her overstimulated cunt.
After a moment, he looked down, his expression turning sorrowful, realizing what the intoxication had caused him to do, now that its hallucinogenic effects were wearing off.  “Cel, are you okay?” A tired nod was all she managed, still so out of it to concentrate on anything else but the sensation of his cum dripping down her tights. “I’m so, so sorry. What I did—.” She shushed him by laying a finger on his lips. “That was amazing. You are amazing. Whatever triggered this, it allowed me to look inside your heart and there was no will to force me to do anything.”
It was so bizarre how the same person who had just minutes before fucked her into oblivion was now staring at her with the most intense, loving eyes, his topaz eyes tugging at her heartstrings. “Nga yawne lu oer (I love you).”  “Nga yawne lu oer nìteng (I love you too).” 
The happiness that simple words brought to him was impossible to contain, as Neteyam laid on his side to cradle her in his arms. He whispered words of adoration and gentle praise in her ear, and it was this that caused Celeste to drift off into a much-needed sleep.
A whole new life awaiting.
Special thanks to @pandoraslxna for the prompt!!
[@neteyamssyulang sorry I didn't you right away, I was so eager to post that I forgot😅]
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hauntedrose555 · 1 month
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wosoragebaiter69 · 8 months
north london is-
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celin bizet x fem!reader
request: here
A/N: i love spurs (please don’t hate me)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Today was a big day, North London derby day. It’s a must win game for Arsenal if the team is to stay 2nd on the table (if Man City win their game) and also to brag about North London being red.
As much as you hated Spurs with a passion, you could never hate your girlfriend. Celin was everything you needed, but as always the task right now is to beat them. Be better.
You didn’t run into her a lot of the field, being on the other side as a right-winger, same position as her.
You line-up in the tunnel, confident in your ability to do what’s needed to beat the lilywhite side of London. You look at the team next to yours and meet Cel’s look, you mouth a ‘good luck’ along with a smirk before turning and walking out onto the field.
The game is rough, rougher than the Chelsea match, Arsenal is keeping possession but Tottenham’s defence and keeper are absolutely incredible. There’s obvious tension between the two teams but nothing too bad as of yet.
At half-time it’s 0-0, Leah is giving you all a talk and she seems really annoyed.
“Who the fuck are we? Arsenal. We have never lost a fucking North London derby ever, so don’t make this the first, am I clear?” Hums of agreement scatter through the room.
“I will not allow this team to lose to a team so fucking behind, let’s go.” She finishes, you nod fully agreeing with everything she’s saying.
You go back out with more passion, harsher passes and more physicality. Spurs do similar. It’s in the 58th minute when it all comes crashing down. Marta Thomas shoots and it hits the back of the net. She’s celebrating with her team while yours feels shattered.
You try not to let it bother you but ultimately, it’s getting you in the head. It’s clear the Lilywhites pick up on it and start targeting you a lot more.
When the 83rd minute rolls around, Grace Clinton shoves you a little too hard and you immediately react by shoving her back. It leads to a brawl in which you’re holding each other by the shirts.
“Fuck you Clinton!” You bash, as players come over to seperate you, along with the referee.
“Don’t come at me when you’re the one who can’t take a little shove.” She pushes you back and you stumble. If the look on your face was anything to go by, you are really fucking mad. Just as you’re about to make a countermove, someone is in front of you.
That someone so happens to be your girlfriend.
“Hey, it’s not worth it. Don’t get a red or make it worse for yourself.” Her voice is stern and her Norwegian accent slips out stronger. You huff, walking away ignoring your teammates and looking at the ref who gives both you and Grace yellows.
When the full-time whistle blows, you collapse on the field. Arsenal has lost. Arsenal has fucking lost for the first time ever. You can feel the tears that are threatening to fall. North London is… white and God it pains you to think that.
You’re brought out of your trance by two pairs of boots in front of you, looking up to see Cel and Grace.
“Hey, sorry about uhh pushing you and stuff like that.” Grace says, scratching her neck.
“All good, all apart of the derby am I right?” She nods and it looks like your girlfriend agrees too.
“Well, I’ll leave you two too it.” With that she walks away to where Beth and Jess are celebrating.
“You played really well today.” Cel says, sitting down next to you.
“We still lost, we shouldn’t have.” You sigh, annoyed at everything to do with the game.
“Yeah well, I disagree. After this I’ll drive you home and we can watch movies and order in, sound good?” You nod your head and rest it agaisnt her shoulder until you’re called over to be with your team.
- - - - -
At home, you immediately plop onto the couch. Exhausted from playing 90 minutes and stoppage time.
“What food do you want?” Cel asks.
“Is that Mexican place open? I want nachos.” She nods putting in the other before going to sit with you.
“So what do you wanna watch?” She pulls you into her, so her arms can wrap around your whole body.
“Hunger Games? We can binge them all.” She laughs softly.
“Alright, or as many until you fall asleep.”
You start watching the movie and around 20 minutes later the food arrives, you feast and it’s like the game is being pushed to the back of your mind. You feel better with Celin.
By the end of watching the second movie, you’re asleep and Celin takes the opportunity to lift you up and place you in bed. She gets in not long after, and even while you’re unconscious you’re trying to find her in the sheets.
She smiles, cuddling into you and also falling asleep.
anon i hope ur happy with this, and it was also very fun to write 🤭 gives me a break from all the other barca things i have to write
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bueckersstrap · 4 months
unfortunately i’m missing my ex at this hour
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rumblebat · 11 months
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Cell & Frieza were the winners of the poll!! You folks sure know how to pick them! >;3c Please enjoy the story, mind the CW’s, and read at your own risk.
rating: [MA-X] - for a mature audience cw: smut/(n)sfw, threesome, language, slight dub-con, implied fem reader (with gn pronouns), lack of protection, slight breeding kink, frieza reverts back to his 2nd form word count: 2,584
sneak peek: "If you wish to be treated like a slut, so be it, but don't say we didn't warn you..little one.~"
x (you are here) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x
You sat on the couch, sighing and looking around at the other guests at the party. You were invited by Zarbon to join in on the fun. It wasn't like he wanted to invite you, it seemed more like a pity invite. Your eyes rolled as you watched the guest have their fun.
"Why am I even here...?" You mumbled to yourself, leaning back in your seat. The spot next to you filled, causing you to look over. The Lord and Empire of the Universe himself sat beside you. 'What the hell is Lord Frieza doing here?!'. You blinked and looked at him as he drank from his cup.
"Not much of a party person, are you (y/n)?" Frieza asked, looking into his cup. You stared at him. He turned his head, his piercing red eyes looked back at you. "Well?"
You quickly looked away and nodded your head. He was right, you weren't much of a "party person". All you did was do your work, keep your head down, and go back to your quarters to repeat the next day. Frieza watched your body language and chuckled to himself.
"My, aren't you a nervous one? Don't worry, unwind a little. It is a party after all. Not a party for me, but you should still have fun." He hummed and took another sip. You nodded your head and looked back at him. Before you could ask a question, a large shadow loomed over you both.
Frieza's eyes looked up. His nose scrunched at the figure in front of you both. "Cell…" He choked out in disgust, "And what do I owe the unplease..?" The figure chuckled deeply. "No pleasure at all? That's a little rude of you, Frieza?" You looked up, nearly hurting your neck. The figure was an odd one. He looked like a large cicada but had a gorgeous face and pale hands. You couldn't keep your eyes off of him, and he noticed. Cell crouched down and took your hand, gently kissing it. "Well, are you cute enough to eat.." He purred, "I'm Perfect Cell, little one…but you can just call me Cell." He said, his charming yet deep voice almost threw you into a trance.
Frieza clicked his tongue, clearing his throat. "This is my acquaintance that works for me, (y/n). Isn't that right?" You nod, not losing eye contact with Cell. His deep, hungry gaze switched over from you to Frieza. "Oh? And how come they couldn't say their own name??" Cell questioned the smaller tyrant. Frieza smirked, nearly wanting to rip Cell apart. "Maybe if you stop staring at my workers like some kind of five-course meal, they can speak." Cell laughed and nodded his head. "You think that's the reason? Fine." He looked back at you and smiled, "Tell me your name, little one."
You looked at him then back at Frieza. His face was covered in hidden anger. "Go on. Anwser the rouch." Cell growled at the insult, but then quickly changed back to his charming self. "Um…I'm (y/n)." You answered with a warm smile. Cell chuckled and gently rubbed your cheek. "There we go..~" Your breath nearly got stuck in your throat. Frieza leaned over and swatted his hand away. "Enough of that, Cell. Don't you have more people to absorb?" He hissed. Cell chuckled and grabbed your wrist, "Sure, you could say that…and thanks to you, I found the next person I want to taste." He said, looking at you. Quickly, Cell stood up and looked in the direction of Zarbon. "Hey, Zar. I found my closet buddy!" You were completely lost. Closet buddy?
Zarbon walked over and looked down at you, his towering figure along with Cell's was something truly beautiful to look at. Zarbon's face changed and looked at Cell, "Them? Really?" Cell proudly nodded and held you up by your wrist. "Why yes. Is there a problem?" Zarbon scoffed and shook his head, "Of course not… just didn't take you as the type of person to be into lower life forms. You are a kinky bastard." He softly pushed Cell, causing him to chuckle too. "Now, make your way to the closet -" Before Zarbon could finish his sentence, Frieza shot up from his seat. "You aren't taking them, without me!" Cell and Zarbon both looked down at the tyrant. Zarbon was shocked and nearly dropped to the floor. "My Lord, are you…are you serious about this?" Frieza grabbed your other hand and held it up. "I was going to have them in the closet with me when it was my turn. If Cell takes them now, I want them as well." Cell rolled his eyes and huffed. Zarbon looked at all three of you, nodding his head. Of course, he couldn't say no to his boss.
With all the fighting slightly subsiding, Zarbon leads you and the other two to a large closet. "Seven minutes is all you have. Not a minute over…unless Lord Frieza says so." Zarbon nodded down at the smaller alien. Cell nodded quickly and shoved you into the closet. "Yes, yes. Unless the purple brat says otherwise. We get it, now let's get a move on. I'm hungry…~" He hummed, ducking into the closet. His ominous chuckle slightly echos. Frieza cringed at his disgusting wording and sighed. "Zarbon, if I knock twice before the time is up. Open the door." Zarbon blinked and slowly nodded, not understanding the meaning of that.
In the closet, you sat on the floor. Once the door closed, everything was eerily quiet and dark. You looked around, catching a glimpse of Cell's and Frieza's eyes. They both looked at each other, but Cell's was the one that moved closer to you. He held you up and pinned you to the wall, leaning over to gently place soft kisses around your neck. He wasted no time. You, on the other hand, tried to push him away. This was happening way too fast. You grunted and gasped, moaned, and begged for him to slow down. He only chuckled and exhaled against your skin causing you to shudder.
"Frieza never told me you smelled so good when you're scared…~ But there is no reason for that, I won't hurt you or do anything to harm you unless you want me to…~ I'm here to only have fun.~" He growled in his chest, feeling a strong hand touch his shoulder. Once he turned his head, the figure behind him didn't look like Frieza. It looked more like his father, but it was Frieza; just his second form. "You're enjoying yourself too much. You'll ruin your appetite that way.." Frieza's deeper voice shocked you both. Cell smirked and chuckled at the sentence. "Fine, then come and share this with me." Frieza scoffed at the proposal and pulled you away from the wall. Gently placing you against his bigger and broader chest.
Cell continued to kiss along your neck, gently grinding up against you. Your head started to feel light and you nearly yelped when Cell bites down. Frieza growled at this, slowly guiding his hands to your chest. You mewled out, trying to keep quiet. Frieza leaned over to kiss the shell of your ear, "You don't have to be quiet. If they hear you, I'll deal with them…~" He huffed, licking along your ear. You nodded and started to moan softly. Cell looked over at Frieza, who had the same idea in mind. They both nodded and laid you on the ground.
You opened your eyes and looked up, seeing both of these large figures towering over you. You felt so small, weak…yet, you wanted to have both of them. "H-hurry up.." You said softly. They both looked down at you, their eyes seeming to glow brighter once you said that. "I want to..keep going." Cell crouched down to you and cocked his head to the side. "Well, aren't you impatient? Fine, we'll get on with it. Frieza?" He said, looking back up at the larger alien. Frieza chuckled and got on his knees. "I hope you don't mind us both having our way then." You shook your head, signaling that everything was okay for you. Frieza smirked and quickly got to it, taking off your bottoms and undergarments. Cell did the same to your top. Once you lay nude on the floor, Frieza got to work. Quickly placing cold kisses on your thighs, dragging his tongue along them also. You shudder and meet the soft lips of Cell. Frieza raised your legs, pulling you closer to him. He leaned back down, slowly eating you out. You moaned loudly into the kiss, causing Cell to grunt. The sudden spark of pleasure nearly drove you wild. Cell couldn't take much longer of this. He pulled away, gently pawing at this black codpiece, and growled.
"(y/n)." Cell began, and you opened your eyes to see a large member in front of you. "Open your mouth, wide." He panted out. You had no idea where his member came from, but there was no time for that. You opened your mouth, lulling out your tongue. With no warning, Cell shoved his member deep inside your throat. He growled and placed his hand on your throat. "Getting weaker I see?" He cooed, groaning as you clawed and tightened around his member. Frieza watched as Cell rocked his hips against your face. "Give them time to breathe, Cell. They are still my employee." Frieza said through slurps. Cell nodded his head and panted, pulling away from you. You coughed and breathed out, "D-don't worry, If I need to breathe. I'll tap your leg…j-just give it to me please!" You said, hunger filled your eyes. Cell nearly lost it at your words. "If you wish to be treated like a slut, so be it, but don't say we didn't warn you..little one.~" Cell placed a heavy hand on your throat again, jamming his cock back into your mouth. Your muffled cries and moans caused Frieza to lose control. His usual regal and proper attitude was completely out the window.
Quickly, Frieza sat up and huffed. He put his decency to the side and started to stroke his bulging member. Cell chuckled at Frieza, "Don't worry Frieza, we still have a few minutes left…take your time with the dessert.~" The empire didn't listen. His mind was too focused on your smell and the pleasure that coursed through him. He lifted your legs up again and rushed his cock inside of you. You screamed out, Cell hunched over at the sudden pain. You dug your nails into him. "Ah! Damn it!!" Cell growled and moved his hips back before pumping his cock in and out of your throat. "F-Frieza, stop being so damn hard-headed and be careful! You're not the only one doing something here!" Frieza glared up at him, bucking his hips into you, "Why don't you just shut it, Cell? Enjoy them while you can. They're all mine once this idiotic party is over." Cell clicked his tongue and pulled out. He quickly moved you away from Frieza and rolled onto his back, gently laying you on top of him. Your back met with his cool, hard chest.
"Now Frieza," He began, "If you aren't going to properly share your dessert with me, I'll just have to take what I want." Cell said as he started to spread your legs wide. Your face grew a deep shade of red, "Now then, (y/n). You've been awfully quiet, and I find that quite rude." He started as he aimed his cock at your slick opening. "I want you, to tell us what you want.." He said in a gruff whisper. You whimpered and gasped as you were slowly filled, "P…please.." You started, "I..want to cum! I want you both to make me cum!" You cried. Cell chuckled deeply, looking up at Frieza, "I'm sure we can both fit, why don't you join me?~" Frieza's red eyes glowed with lust. He eyed you and glared at Cell, "Fine. I'll join.." He crawled over to you both, caging you between him and Cell. His member rubbed up against Cell and nudged up against you.
You both looked at Frieza, Cell kissed your neck and whispered, "Relax, just let him in. You'll enjoy this, I promise." You gulped and panted heavily. Frieza managed to squeeze inside and howled in slight pain, but soon melted into pleasure. You threw your head back, resting it on Cell's shoulder. "That's it, just give in.~" He huffed and started to buck his hips up. Frieza matched his pace, moaning softly. You were on the verge of screaming out for them to stop, but the pleasure soon started to swarm you. As they both hit your most sensitive spots, you cried out their name. Cell laughed loudly, spreading your legs wider and pounded deeper into you. Frieza hissed and grabbed your ankles, pushing your legs back. You felt like you were being ripped apart. The pleasure started to build up more and more for everyone. Cell panted, turning your head to look at him, "You feel so good. So…perfect. I could eat you up in one fucking bite!~" He growled and grabbed your jaw, wrapping his other arm around your torso. "Speak up, pet. Tell us what you want! Now!" Frieza glared down at you, "Listen to us and we'll give it to you!" He adjusted himself, fixing the position he was in to squat over you. This caused him to go deeper.
Your eyes rolled back, you were nearly there. "F-fuck!! Please!! Just…let me cum!!" You cried out, repeating the word 'please' over and over again. The two men looked at each other through the darkness and nodded. Ramming their raging cocks deeper inside of you, their pace quickened. Cell gave you soft praise while Frieza degraded you, you were in a whirl of emotions and pleasure. "I knew you were a weak slut when I hired you!! You're nothing more than a sick, twisted bitch that needs to be bred!" Frieza roared out, cumming inside of you. He hissed and exhaled through his teeth, riding out his orgasm like a feral animal. He leaned over, letting go of your ankles, and clawed at the walls. Cell chuckled again before letting out a low moan, he leaned over to bite you. You were overstimulated and wailed out, crying and cumming at the same time. Your legs started to shake as you managed to squirt your essence on the tyrant and the android. "Y-yes! Yes!" Cell panted out, pumping his and Frieza's cum deeper in you, "Let go! Give in to your desires!" He kissed your neck and back. You bite your lip, your eyes start to roll back before everything started to fade.
Frieza let out a low groan as he pulled out of you. Cell hummed in delight as he pulled away too, gently placing you on the floor. "Well, that was delicious. Thank you, (y/n), for the meal. I couldn't get enough.~" He said, amused at his work. Frieza, back in his usual form, came over to look at what was done. The entire closet was a mess and it smelled. He scrunched up his nose and looked at Cell, "We should help clean them up. I would hate for our new toy to be any more humiliated." Cell nodded and helped, "Our, lhuh?" Frieza stayed silent and glared as he gently cleaned you. "Don't fucking push it."
**Please do not repost/claim/edit my stories story & title card by @rumblebat character(s) (c) Akira Toriyama tips + commissions | wattpad
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ymirluvs · 5 months
.・。.・゜✭・ cels intro !・✫・゜・。.
hey im cel !
🕯️ ༺ . ୨♡୧ ִ༻ 🕯️
main interests : love and deepspace, attack on titan, resident evil, tokyo ghoul, bridgerton, demon slayer
[ i do NOT write: r@pe, cnc, somno, incest, p3dophilia, lolicon, b3astiality, + most dark romance , etc ]
i write for mainly fem! reader & gender neutral :)
★ i write sfw & nsfw ★ pls feel free to send requests! still new to posting/writing so it may not be the best :,)
your girl is a sucker for angst and slowburns 😔 (love fluff too) but im also permanently ovulating it seems so yeah smut is coming your way !
+ don’t be shy, i love interacting so let’s be friends (please💀💀) <𝟑
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thedogsleg · 2 months
They cant take the word femcel from me. Theyre trying to take the word femcel for me. By the time winter comes clean girls will be fem cels.
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