#felizes os felizes
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conatus · 2 years ago
"Felizes os felizes" carrega o ritmo do teatro de Yasmina Reza
Não dá para dizer ao certo se “Felizes os felizes” é um livro de contos ou um romance. Por um lado, possui vinte capítulos independentes entre si; por outro, os personagens desses capítulos estão todos entrelaçados. De qualquer forma, é um livro ótimo. Yasmina Reza já disse em entrevista ao The Guardian que uma das suas maiores preocupações ao escrever um livro é dar um ritmo à história. E ela…
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samijey · 7 months ago
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Whoever in WWE production changed camera angles as soon as Jey took Sami's hand owes me millions in emotional damages but at least the beaming smile from Jey immediately after was caught in 4K
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sol941sblog · 1 month ago
Há olhos que escondem mistérios, e, ao mesmo tempo, revelam perfeições...
There are eyes that hide mysteries, and, at the same time, reveal perfections...
هناك عيون تخفي الألغاز وفي نفس الوقت تكشف عن الكمال.
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keibi2718 · 1 year ago
Buenos días cumpleañero ❤️
Felicidades amor de mi vida ❤️ por un año más de vida, un año más dónde has adquirido nuevos conocimientos y has demostrado a las personas y a ti mismo de las grandes cosas que puedes lograr, estoy muy orgullosa de ti y de todo el esfuerzo que le pones a cada cosa que haces, de tu determinación en el momento que te propones algo lo consigues, eres un excelente trabajador, un excelente novio y muy buen hermano, eres un chico muy dulce que cada día me enamoras más :') cada día te amo más y más, mi amor y mi admiración por ti van a seguir creciendo al pasar de los años tenlo por seguro, gracias por compartir conmigo momentos especiales y también los significativos para ti y tu familia como hoy que es tu cumpleaños, mi guapo cumpleañero como me encantas precioso, gracias por permitirme conocer más de ti,
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oh-phoenixx · 16 days ago
"Albus Dumbledore" (this one got away from me a little bit and isn't massively alligned with the prompt) - @into-the-jeggyverse - 897 words
Harry wrote home to James one day in his sixth year, saying that he and Dumbledore had attempted to find one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes, but that he’d discovered it was a fake. He wrote as well of Dumbledore’s death at Snape’s hand. It didn’t even occur to James at first, to be angry at Snape, or to grieve the loss of his old headmaster. No, James’s first instinct was the rage that burned in the pit of his stomach, that made his hands shake and drop the letter, that made everything but Dumbledore’s manipulation irrelevant to him. His sixteen-year-old had been dragged along, into a situation where he could have very possibly lost his life. Some very quiet, almost cruel part of James, was glad that Dumbledore had died. 
James had already known that the Horcrux was fake, and yet was not even consulted before his son was put in that position. He had known it was fake, and known every detail of that god-forsaken cave as though he had been there himself. He had known it like a dull ache consuming his body since he was nineteen years old. Since his ex-boyfriend had sent him a letter which he’d very nearly thrown in the fire. But James could never have ignored Regulus, no matter how long it had been since they’d broken up and no matter how much he was disgusted by Regulus’s choices. 
My dear Jamie,
I know that long ago now you will have given up on me. I know that the things I have done, you would consider repulsive. This is no confession of coercion. I had a choice and I made it. That is not to say that I have not regretted it every day since. I chose my family over you, I chose the Dark Lord, and I wish I hadn’t. 
I understand that you will never forgive me for becoming a Death Eater. I do not expect you to. But I couldn’t die knowing you thought me your enemy until the very end. There has not been a day since I took that mark that I have not wished I took your hand instead. My love, if there are alternate universes, I will fight in every single other to be yours, to make up for the cruelty I have chosen in this one. 
I intend to have Kreacher deliver you this letter, only once I have accomplished my goal. If you think to come and save me, I promise you it is not possible. I am making this choice as I made the last. I only hope this one would make you prouder. 
If this goes wrong, as I suspect it will, Kreacher will tell you what I have done when he delivers this. I am sending a letter to you, and only you. Please do not tell Sirius. Let him think I died the spitting image of our parents. It will hurt him less.
I leave no will. I care nothing for my worldly possessions. Just know that I am yours; body, soul, all of it.
Goodbye, James.
R. A. B.
James had read and reread this letter. It didn’t matter that he had memorised it, that he knew every word. He would read it regardless, if only to see Regulus’s handwriting, if only to know that in his last moments he still thought of James. 
And, of course, James had moved on. He loved Lily, loved Harry even more. But his dreams still played like altered memories; James and Regulus curled up, Regulus’s calming voice reading poetry aloud to him; or, James and Regulus stargazing in the Astronomy tower, Regulus naming every star while James was only concerned with looking at him, the only one that ever mattered. James knew these moments had really happened, but in the dreams they were…different. James could see wrinkles on Regulus’ forehead and cheeks, flecks of grey amidst the man’s black hair. In these dreams, Regulus had never taken the mark, he had never felt that he had anything to make up for, he had never tried to play the hero. He had lived, and that would always be enough for James.
James thought of Regulus every single day. He yearned for this dream-Regulus, this soft and older version of the boy he had loved and continued to love. And he felt guilty every day, too, for wanting this when he already had a perfect family. Why could he not feel entirely content with that?
When Harry came home that summer, looking more broken and exhausted than ever before, James sat him down and told him of who R. A. B. really was. Lily, though she looked conflicted, rubbed his back comfortingly as he spoke. 
“You…You knew that the real Horcrux was gone?” Was the first thing that Harry asked. 
“Not just gone, Harry,” James said softly. “Destroyed. Regulus…Regulus destroyed it before he died.”
James hid his bitterness, hid his anger towards Dumbledore. He was dead now, and there was nothing James could do about it anymore. Which of the two dead men ‘he’ was, James was unsure. 
Neither James or Harry ended the conversation feeling any lighter. If anything, James’s grief and wrath seemed to crowd the room as he spoke of them. James was happy about this, in some twisted way. All around them was where Regulus deserved to be.
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delythessaex · 2 months ago
Aproveitando para começar nos meus novos queridos, aqui vai um starter call para eles! Escolha uma frase daqui e se você quer starter com o DECLAN (03/05) ou o ORPHEU (05/05) + teu char. (Se quiser pode especificar quem fala a frase!)
Usarei a DELYTH para responder outros starters e inters individuais, mas caso alguém queira, pra ela deixo (02/03) para não me afogar em dívidas.
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anditwentlikethis · 5 months ago
craque, o maior beto do plantel e um dos fundadores do poder da amizade (sem ordem específica).
Sou tua fã, Francisco 💚
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docces · 2 months ago
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fuyu-art · 4 months ago
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For you: @ilovescp @merichita @larry-koops-again @motleythings @the-saiko-artblog @natii-art HAPPY HALLOWEEN FOR EVERYONEEEEEEE
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elfistar · 1 year ago
FOWLFEST 2023 + mini comics
DAY 1 - Meme day.
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DAY 2 - Character's diary/journal.
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DAY 3 - AUs
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DAY 4 - Oc appreciation.
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DAY 5 - Favourite scene + mini comic.
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DAY 6 - Prequel day.
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@eusouanozzkkkkk @artemis-fowl-incident-report
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alejandro2069 · 1 year ago
Hoy es el cumpleaño de la mujer mas bella que Dios me dio como MAMÁ. Alegre y triste porque no estoy en mi pais.
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sol941sblog · 17 days ago
Wherever you go, invite God to go with you. Have a nice day everyone.
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lysso-o-deus-da-loucura · 1 year ago
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Nome: Minnie Mouse-Princesa Amada
Custo🎨: 2 | Lor: 1 | Raridade: Comum
Força: 2 | Força de vontade: 3
Tipos: Sonho-Princesa
Número de coleção: 13/204 • 1
Os Status são regulares
Só possui suportes pelo Tipo Princesa
Resumo breve: Personagem de Deck Princesa para arrumar a curva de Tinta
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dormiloncito · 4 months ago
HOLA JEEEN! Dulce o truco! 🎃🎃
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HOLA BLAZE!!! 😄😄 gatito naranja para ti, y un copito de nieve como bonus para bi-han!!!
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sleepyheadnat · 1 month ago
Ganhei dois batons do Boticário, e eles têm um cheirinho TÃO BOM. É doce, mas sem ser enjoativo; acho que compensa o fato de a embalagem ser mais sem graça que picolé de chuchu.
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anditwentlikethis · 1 month ago
Pintaram um mural para o Paulinho no México
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