#felix morel
nofatclips · 2 years
Parkour by Fly Pan Am, live for CTM 2020 at HAU 1 (Berlin) with Animals of Distinction and United Visual Artists
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bottleblondebeachbabe · 7 months
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sofei-art · 4 months
Daily(?) Studies_pose and light
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theres-a-body-here · 10 months
I wonder how the survivors would react in a situation where somehow creep!readers mask gets pulled off.
Survivor reactions to Creep!Reader face reveal (Part 1)
Whether intentionally or not, your mask got yanked off during chase
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Instant panic
The mask is part of your charm, your character
You keep it ok for a reason
It's easier to blame your acts on the Creep character when you hide behind a mask. But with it off, you can no longer hide behind a persona. Now (y/n) has to take all the blame. You feel sick to your stomach
You don't want the sheep to see you like this
You instinctively cover your face
Only to wack it with your own whip
Yelps and cries of anguish pursue
You have to reveal your face if you want to get your mask back
Fuck it
You uncover your face and fumble around on the ground to find your mask on the floor
(My glasses...I can't see without my glasses)
You don't even care that the survivor who did this is standing shocked and watching your pathetic display
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Claudette Morel
She's almost, if not, more panicked than you are
She almost trips over herself to grab your mask and hand it to you
One of her hands is firmly covering her eyes, not wanting to see your face out of fear (and maybe empathy)
She's shaking
You grab it and quickly put it on
You take deep breaths
That's better
You look at her
She's still covering her eyes, still shaking
Your grip on your whip tightens, then relaxes
You reach out to ruffle her hair
Claudette stiffens but doesn't uncover her eyes
There's a long pause as silence fills the realm
She slowly uncovers her eyes while apologizing
"I really didn't mean to....."
You're already gone
You let her have hatch that trial
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Dwight Fairfield
Just as panicked but frozen to the spot
He's thinking of all the terrible, painful, and vile stuff you're gonna do to him. Even if it was an accident
He's trembling as he watches you look for your wolf mask
You break the stiff silence
"You're gonna help me or just stand around like a dumbass?"
You sound really pissed
Dwight squeaks and does as he's told
He finds it and hands it to you
He's not even hiding the fact he's staring at your face
You look.....pretty
"Good Boy," you hum in approval when Dwight gives you your mask
His face erupts into a blush
He's waiting for the other shoe to drop
This is the part where you skin him alive for doing that to you, right?
"10 second head start"
Dwight blinks
He yelps again and speeds off as he yells back a "Thank you"
You decide to leave him for last. Whether or not he escapes is up to your mood
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Haddie Kaur
Very short interaction
She almost just kept running
But she caught a look at your face
She took her time to observe your desperation as you fumbled for your mask
That was the face of a depraved monster
She sneered
Haddie could also feel the absolute evil that emanated from your mask
She could feel the pain it witnessed, the despair, and oddly enough, she felt denial
Haddie didn't stay too long to see what you would do to her since she saw your face
She's long gone by the time you put on your mask
You let out a growl
You can't let her leave until you threaten her
No other sheep can know what you look like
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Felix Richter
Stands there awkwardly
He's not sure what to do
On one hand, he feels bad for you
On the other hand, you're a killer
He's conflicted on what to do
Felix also takes a look at your face, his curiosity got the best of him
You look vulnerable
You're not making his internal conflict any better
He settles for a quick tip before continuing to run
"It's on your left, the bush"
He calls out as he runs towards main building
You scoff and grab it
You didn't need his pity or help
Okay maybe you did
You put on your mask and continue chasing him
Felix doesn't fail to notice when you put him on the hook more gently than before
He doesn't comment on it
Masterlist here
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hungry-and-scared · 3 months
DBD X Cabin in the woods Au?
Read right to left:
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Claudette: The scholar
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Meg: The Athlete
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Nea: The Fool
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David: The Whore
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Dwight: The virgin
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I originally didn't know who to use as the fool, at first I was going to use Jake. (You know, giving up money to go live the woods.) But instead I thought about making him the harbinger in my au.
I only wanted to use the original 4 + the two free dlc characters as the sacrifices. So I had to force them into the role even if they don't quite fit in it.
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dumb-post-cowboy · 1 year
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You can bet they spend hours talking about their hyperfixiations
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pinguinmitbrille · 10 months
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Need some emotional support while running those killers? These cute stickers of David King, Claudette Morel, Felix Richter and the Lyra siblings Thalita and Renato are here to help you survive and cash in those bloodpoints!
[Pay what you want on Ko-Fi]
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ceramicatz · 1 year
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dbd tiem
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thedoctordaniel · 11 months
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Alrighty DBD fans! They've escaped killers, but how will they go against each other? Place your bets and hope they'll keep any items they find!
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keonsv · 2 years
Oh, yes. Here comes the Halloween Event 🎃
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Skins in Store:
(available for limited time)
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Skins in the Special Event Rift:
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Also we can have those extra things:
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(and Candy weapons for Plague and Trapper)
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nofatclips · 2 years
Grid/Wall by Fly Pan Am from the album Frontera - Videography and editing by Huot & Vallentin
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hellmersy · 2 years
DBD Survivor Headcanons bc I have an addictive personality and this game has taken over my life.
Zarina and Haddie: Kindred spirits, Zarina exposes the truth people don't want to see and Haddie searches for the truth people don't even believe in. Zarina and Haddie don't exactly hit it off at first but over time they come to understand each other, Zarina opens up about her father and how she still misses him and Haddie tells Zarina about her mother and her abilities and they also kinda generally bond over being the only two Arabic speaking survivors. Occasionally they teach each other different phrases in Lebanese and Hindu respectively; and while there isn't much of a difference between the two languages there are a few slang terms the two use often that don't really translate into each other so they make a point to learn them because it's something to do other than die (lol). One time Zarina called Yun-Jin Lee a "prissy, selfish bitch face" in Arabic and Haddie utterly lost it at the befuddled look on the music producers face.
Mikaela: While other survivors are granted Auric Cells on occasion by The Entity and can manipulate them into a clean shirt and a better pair of boots, this process is time consuming and takes a lot of effort and energy. Mikaela however, seems to have a sixth sense for them and can basically pull them from thin air and form a single Cell into an entire outfit with barely any effort at all. The Entity was originally very displeased with the way this girl can manipulate its realm to her whims and frequently tormented her in her sleep between trials, this however only pushed Mikaela further into her studies of the realm. Eventually, The Entity sees this opportunity for that it is and has been slowly draining her abilities (the real reason for the boon: COH nerfs lol).
David: Often fights with the killers (contrary to popular belief the physically stronger Survivors like David, Yui, Chris, Jill, Leon, Tapp, Ash, Jeff, Jake, and (surprisingly) Claudette can actually do some damage to the smaller/more human Killers). It leads to him and these Survivors being tunneled out of the trial before the first generator is even finished more often than not. But in David's case it's a little more extreme as he seems to have become the most recent obsession for The Trickster, who often leaves him knocked to the ground and records his screams after using him as a living dart board, what makes it worse is that he also seems to enjoy David's attempts to fight back. Every time someone tries to comfort him after being tortured or take the agro during trials David simply shrugs them off/tells them to stay out of the way because if it isn't him it's someone else and he can't stand to watch others get hurt for his sake. He also views every mistake during a trial as an insurmountable loss and whenever someone dies he silently vows to do better, holding himself to a degree he knows he can't achieve but stubbornly tries to anyway.
Felix and Elodie: When Elodie subjected herself to the realm in order to save her own life she never expected to find Felix. She hadn't even known he was missing and, despite their history with The Pariahs and the messy way they cut contact after their parents disappeared, the two hugged and ugly cried into each others shoulders for a good hour before she could explain anything.
Claudette: Growing up as an autistic black girl in Toronto wasn't so bad until a group of boys followed her home from school and harassed her until she closed the door in their face (her mother was the one to dry her tears and teach her to throw a punch). Calling back the way survivors actually can hurt the killers; one time Claudette punched Ghostface so hard that it knocked his mask off, making her the only person in the realm to ever see his face and he has held a grudge ever since.
Nea and Jeff: Art bros, Jeff can relate to Nea's "no fucks given on the outside, silently scared on the inside" and sees a bit of himself in her. The two can often be found drawing near the campfire, silently enjoying each other's presence.
Dwight: As more survivors have come into the realm, as in people with actual leadership experience (i.e. Ash, Elodie, Zarina, Chris, Jill, Jonah and Haddie), he's sort of taken a backseat on the whole leader thing; but the others often ask for his opinion since he's been in the fog the longest and might have some insight to their newest plan.
Steve: Since the Steve we have in DBD is the Steve from post-season one pre-season 2 of ST he's still pretty much all brovado that no one expects for him to keep up, but constantly surprises everyone by delivering. Someone gives this kid a flashlight and the killers literally just don't pick people up because they're that paranoid about him appearing out of thin air. Picking a survivor up under a pallet when Steve is in the trial? NO HOOK FOR YOU! The down side of this is that he kind of has an ego about it and when he messes up he gets real heated and it's an argument with David that starts this sort of rivals to besties arc where they get angry and wail on each other until they can't stand and then laugh about it after, Tapp (poor soul) tried to separate them one time and he got kicked in the balls for his troubles and Ash laughed so hard he choked. Steve's also been a little lonely since Nancy and Jonathan disappeared from the realm (I wasn't able to get them before the chapter was pulled so they're not in my game 😭) and he hopes they're both okay and are taking care of Dustin and the other kids for him.
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sofei-art · 2 years
🔥🔥Merry Christmas guys!
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Hi, and welcome to my DBD ask blog! On this post you can see a little about me, what I plan to do here, and who this blog will mostly focus around.
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About Me;
My name is Oopsie, you can find my main account @oopsie0503 although any dead by daylight art will probably be posted here from now on! I use he/they pronouns and am a huge fan of dead by daylight and it's characters and lore.
No hate speech or bigotry of any kind will be tolerated here.
More HCs will be revealed the more asks are sent, so ask away and ask anything!
I will try my best to follow the lore.
Feel free to send asks about characters who aren't on my list of characters.
Shipping related and interaction asks are allowed! There are certain ships I have a soft spot for but it isn't too hard to get me on board with other ships. Try me!
No pedophilia or incest (no rin x oni or Freddy x Quentin etc unfollow if ur into that.)
Here's a list of characters and some basic HCs that will probably get the most attention when asked about. You can ask about more characters than these, or ask these characters about others not on this list, etc, but those asks might not be answered quite as well.
Ace Visconti, He/Him, Bi
Claudette Morel, She/Her, Lesbian
David King, He/Him, Gay
Felix Richter, He/Him, Gay
Jeff Johansen, He/They, Bi
Meg Thomas, She/Her, Bi
Mikaela Reid, She/They, Lesbian
Talbot Grimes (pre-blight/human), They/He, Gay/Asexual
Vittorio Toscano, He/They, Gay
Anna (The Huntress), She/Her, Homoromantic/Asexual
Caleb Quinn (The Deathslinger), He/Him, Bi
Danny Johnson (The Ghostface), He/They, Pan
Evan Macmillan (The Trapper), He/Him, Gay
Frank Morrison (The Legion), He/Him, Aroace
Joey (The Legion), He/Him, Bi
Julie Kostenko (The Legion), She/Her, Bi
Ji Woon Hak (The Trickster) He/Him, Pan
Max Thompson Jr (The Hillbilly), He/Him, Pan
Phillip Ojomo (The Wraith), He/They, Bi
Susie Lavoie (The Legion), She/They, Bi
Talbot Grimes (The Blight), They/He, Gay/Asexual
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robinsarm · 1 year
After the Bridge has Burned (Finale)
Warnings: None
Words: ~3.1k
POV: Felix
Light was the first thing that Felix perceived as he slowly slipped out of the comfort of sleep. His brow pinched together, annoyed by the sun rising earlier than he would have preferred. Felix moved to get up and close the curtains but quickly found that he couldn’t move his left arm. Briefly confused, Felix braved the unyielding sunlight to see what weight he was feeling pinning his arm to the bed.
The moment Felix’s eyes landed on a still asleep Ace—sleeping comfortably on his right side—his heart melted. Memories of the night before finally rushed back into Felix’s sleep deprived head. How he’d carried Ace up to his room, laid him down gently into his bed before curling up beside him. They’d fallen asleep quickly—or at least Felix had. He’d drifted off faster than he would have liked to admit (jet lag had finally drained him of his ability to stay awake), but not before stealing a few more wanted kisses from Ace.
Felix felt so incomparably happy at that moment. Lifting himself up, Felix wrapped his other arm around Ace’s back and pulled him into his chest, lightly squeezing the man in a full body hug.
A short grunt left Ace’s throat.
“Sorry,” Felix said and planted a kiss into Ace’s messy hair. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Don’t apologize. This has to be the best way I’ve woken up in over a month,” Ace mumbled into Felix’s chest before loosely wrapping his arm over Felix’s waist.
“How are you feeling?” Felix asked, unable to ignore Claudette’s stitch work—bright blue—woven into Ace’s head.
“Head still hurts, but laying nestled up to you is making it better.”
Felix preened knowing that Ace still wanted to be this close. He couldn’t deny there was still a nag in the back of his head telling him that Ace was just putting up a façade. He ignored it of course, but Felix didn’t know if those worrying voices would ever go away.
“Should I close the blinds? Get you some water, maybe?” Felix offered, rubbing slow and light circles into Ace’s back as he waited for an answer.
Ace remained quiet for longer than Felix expected. Before Ace even gave his answer, Felix knew that Ace was struggling to say yes; probably thinking he was bothering Felix again or being too needy by acknowledging that the sun was bothering him.
“Is the sun too bright for you too?” Ace asked, trying to turn Felix’s offer into a benefit for the both of them.
“I could go without it for a little bit longer, if that’s what you want to hear.” Felix smiled and kissed the left side of Ace’s forehead. “Give me a minute. I’ll go get you some water.”
Leaving the warmth of Ace’s body felt like torture. Felix didn’t want to move. He wanted to grow old resting peacefully next to the man of his dreams. But the man of his dreams was also in pain and needed water from downstairs.
Slowly Felix rolled away and out from under the covers. The feel of Ace’s hand sliding off Felix’s side made him immediately regret getting up.
“Thank you,” Ace said quietly, his voice still sleepy.
Felix smiled. “Of course.” Felix knelt one leg onto the bed and leaned over to give Ace another quick peck on the lips. “Anything for you.”
Ace hummed softly at Felix’s words, his eyes still not fully open. The sight of Ace riddled with sleep was always one of Felix’s favorites.
Felix stepped over to the window and pulled the curtains closed; Felix mentally thanked Claudette for having black-out curtains in this room particularly. Quietly, Felix turned and slipped out of the room, leaving his door partially open behind him.
Felix could hear the heated discussion in the kitchen before he was even halfway down the stairs. The door at the bottom of the staircase was already open, Élodie standing in the doorway—her body facing towards the kitchen. She was still in her pajamas. Felix heard her speak first.
“He’s not down here at all?” Élodie asked, her voice tinged with concern. Felix paused on the stairs to listen.
“Unless he’s sleeping with Meg, no he’s not down here,” Jeff answered.
We’re they talking about Ace? Felix wondered and almost made his thoughts vocal when Élodie’s head turned and found him eavesdropping. Her worried expression turned into surprise mixed with something else Felix wasn’t catching. Guilt maybe?
“Hey Felix. Did you sleep okay?” She asked.
“Felix!” Haddie’s voice shotgunned up the staircase before he could answer. “Is Ace up there with you?”
“I did,” Felix answered Élodie first with a smile while making the rest of his way down the stairs. “Yes, he is,” Felix said, answering Haddie next.
A sigh of relief escaped both Haddie and Jeff—both of whom were still in their sleeping clothes as well, standing in the threshold between the kitchen and the living room.
Felix felt a hand wrap around his bicep. Looking down, he found Élodie holding onto him, giving him a pointed, questioning stare.
“He’s with you?” Élodie emphasized quietly.
Felix was helpless to do anything other than smile. He’d been smiling so much in the last five minutes his cheeks were beginning to hurt—a welcoming pain compared to last night or any of the previous months.
Élodie’s face lit up with Felix. Physically unable to contain herself, Élodie crashed into Felix, wrapped her arms around his torso and squeezed the air out of his lungs.
“Gosh Élodie,” Felix teased but hugged her back anyway.
“Sorry, sorry,” Élodie said, easing back but still holding onto his arms. Her eyes were bright, even as they filled with tears—happy tears. Felix matched the sentiment and pulled her back in for another hug.
“I don’t mean to interrupt,” Haddie spoke up after a minute of silence. Felix’s attention turned to her once Élodie released him again. “You two are good then?” Haddie asked, giving two reserved but hopeful thumbs-up.
Felix chuckled and nodded once. “Yes. We’re doing much better.”
“That’s great man,” Jeff said, smiling. “But what changed?”
“We talked,” Felix explained briefly. He walked past the group and into the kitchen, retrieving a water bottle from the refrigerator.
“They yelled is what they did,” Meg’s voice entered the room just as suddenly as she did.
“And again, I’m sorry for waking you up,” Felix added.
Meg waved him off, inserting herself into Felix’s space to search through the refrigerator. “I’m giving you shit, Felix. I’m glad you two made up.”
“It’s only been two years,” Haddie added.
“Two years I want to start making up for,” Felix said while making his way towards the stairs again. “Sorry to just leave but—”
“Go!” The group of friends shouted in unison—Jeff and Meg both pointing up the stairs to drive the point home. Felix jumped slightly but quickly relaxed, realizing that his friends meant well. Their insistence seemed almost sweet.
“We’ll let you know when we’re starting breakfast,” Élodie reassured him. She threw her arms around him one more time for a brief tight hug. Felix loved the revitalized affection Élodie was giving out so freely. It’d been far too long since he’d gotten excited hugs from her. In recent months, he’d only ever been receiving the ones edged with pity.
Felix hugged her back, meaningfully, and dropped his head close to her ear.
“I owe you everything,” he whispered, tears quickly rising to sting at his eyes.
“You owe me nothing.” She pulled back and smiled. “I just need to know that you’re happy.”
“I am,” Felix said, nearly breaking down at the two short words.
“Then that’s all I need,” Élodie told him, then grabbed him by the shoulder and forced him around to face the stairs. “Now, go back to him.”
Felix gave her one final smile over his shoulder before doing as instructed. His heart felt like it was flying in his chest as he ascended the stairs and made his way back to his room.
Closing the door behind him, Felix traversed the darkened space with ease. Ace remained as Felix had left him, sleeping on his side with his arm outstretched. Ace’s eyes briefly found Felix’s when he knelt up onto the bed.
“What was the yelling?” Ace asked in a gravely, still-half-asleep voice.
Felix smiled. “The others, basically pushing me back up the stairs after I explained where you were.”
Ace hummed, obviously still drugged with exhaustion. He looked so peaceful, and Felix was almost jealous of that. Given the day he endured yesterday, Felix should still be out cold from jet lag alone. But now, all Felix wanted to do was dive under the covers and hold on to Ace again for as long as his conscious mind would let him. In its purest form, Felix felt giddy—a foreign emotion to him.
“I need you to sit up,” Felix said and grabbed a hold on Ace’s wrist.
“Why?” Ace protested.
“Because you need to drink water,” Felix said.
He helped Ace up with a supportive hand around Ace’s back and shoulders. Handing the bottle of water over, Ace sipped on it slowly between pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Do you want to go back to sleep?” Felix offered, taking the water bottle from Ace once it was half gone. Ace nodded without pausing to consider then reached up to grab onto Felix’s shirt. Felix took his hand and squeezed it, smiling alongside his fluttering heart.
After putting the water bottle down on the nightstand, Felix knelt up onto the bed again, taking Ace in a hug and guiding him back down onto the mattress.
“I’m sorry I left,” Ace mumbled into Felix’s shoulder before he could even get the covers over the both of them. Felix paused, looking down at Ace with a confused pinch in his brow.
“What?” Felix questioned as he settled down.
“I’m sorry I left you in the driveway.” Ace constricted the hold he had around Felix’s torso. “I was angry for no reason and if I hadn’t have left, none of this would have—”
“Ace, stop,” Felix interrupted gently, enveloping him in a firm, reassuring hug. “You had every reason to be upset with me. I wasn’t doing that great of a job at pleading my case either. You have nothing to apologize for.”
“I still feel like I need to,” Ace said, looking up and meeting Felix’s eyes. Felix knew he’d never get tired of Ace’s eyes—a beautiful mocha brown. They appeared to be so uniquely Ace, like no other color would work to paint the ring of his irises. That shade of brown was Ace’s, and now Felix could love it up close all over again.
Felix smiled, dipped his head down and pressed his lips against Ace’s. “If it’s forgiveness you want, you have it. I just hope you can forgive me too.”
“The feeling is mutual, Felix,” Ace said, smirking as he stole another quick peck. “Especially if I’m allowed to sleep with you like this from now on.”
The prospect of spending the rest of their lives together—getting to start over and work forward from here on out—made Felix’s chest swell with joy and anticipation. He wanted so badly to take Ace home and get him settled in. But he knew that was going to be a process and they’d get there eventually—if Ace wanted to come to Germany at all. Still, the idea was enough to get Felix excited for what tomorrow held (and that wasn’t an emotion Felix could say he felt very often).
Felix pulled Ace close, gently resting his chin on top of Ace’s hair. “As long as you want me, I’ll be here.”
Ace hummed, finally settling and letting his body relax in Felix’s hold. Felix could feel himself doing the same, letting gravity pull him into the comfort of the mattress. His eyes were following suit and ready to close for another few hours of blissful sleep.
That was until a familiar song began playing from the nightstand behind Ace. Felix eyed the light now shining like an LED.
“Is that…one of Kate’s songs?” Felix questioned, feeling as though the voice matched hers.
Ace sighed and tried to roll over. “It is. Kate set it as her ringtone for whenever she calls.”
Felix shifted faster than Ace, reaching over him to collect the phone. Without thinking, he tapped the button to accept the call and placed the phone to his ear. Ace kept his hand raised having expected to receive the phone but now was left to give Felix a puzzled look as he answered with a purposefully accented, “Hello?”
“Who’s—” Kate’s perky voice started, cutting short when she must have realized who answered. “Felix?”
“ Ja ,” Felix said as he rolled onto his back. Ace followed, resting his chin on Felix’s chest—still questioning him silently but with an added grin.
“Why do you have Ace’s phone?” Kate demanded.
“Because he is sleeping next to me and I don’t want to wake him up,” Felix lied, giving Ace a wink. Ace rolled his eyes incredulously but didn’t say anything.
“He…with. Wait, really? Does he know you’re there?” Kate asked, a bitter tone of disbelief present with her last question.
“Yes he knows I’m here. I was the one who carried him to bed,” Felix informed her.
Felix lifted his free hand to Ace’s back and picked up on his slow rubbing from earlier. Ace hummed slightly before letting his head lay with Felix’s chest. He closed his eyes as Kate finally got around to her reply.
“So…y’all are alright? Like, alright, alright?” Kate asked. Her voice was noticeably tentative, like she wanted to hope what she was asking was true but knew full well that it could also not be; either choice could be the correct one, but only one was going to hurt her. Felix understood the hesitancy.
“Yes, Kate. We’re alright,” Felix confirmed gently.
Felix waited for a response, keeping the phone firmly pressed to his ear. He only checked it once to make sure the call hadn’t dropped. When the phone returned to his ear, Felix heard the unmistakable sound of shaky breathing.
“Kate, don’t cry,” Felix pleaded. His words brought Ace to attention, the man sitting up with a concerned expression.
“I’m happy you asshole,” Kate said through a mix of tears and laughs.
Felix chuckled as a grin pulled out his mouth. “You should be happy. You’re half the reason Ace and I could make this work.”
Ace’s head tilted. Being thrown for a loop on current discussions was not something Ace liked to be caught in. He pointed to the phone and motioned for Felix to hand it over.
Felix mouthed the words, “ one second ,” while Kate continued.
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t much help in making sure Ace was okay.”
“Are you kidding?” Felix immediately countered. “You’re the main reason we went to the motel. You easily saved his life, Kate. I owe you for that.”
“That’s not what I’m referring to, Felix,” Kate sighed. “I’m very grateful that you listened to me last night, but I never should have kept Ace’s secret. I should have gotten him some real help when we met up again all those months ago.”
“Kate,” Felix started but quickly fell silent.
There were a lot of things he could say about that. In hindsight, everything seems so clear. Yes, Kate should have gotten Ace into rehab, but what would have happened then? Would he have gotten out and gone right back into his vices? Would she have lost Ace as a friend forever because she pushed him into a center he didn’t want to go into? All questions they’d never have answers to because that wasn’t what happened. What did happen may not have been the best outcome, but it did help in a way Felix could easily recognize—because Élodie did the same thing for him.
“Kate, you were there for him, and that’s all that matters. He needed a friend first, not a trained professional telling him what he’d done wrong.”
Felix’s eyes caught Ace’s again. Even though Ace most likely couldn’t hear what was being said, there was a look of understanding written clearly across his face. He smiled and Felix smiled back.
“Thanks Felix,” Kate said quietly, sniffling after a pause. “That was a lot sweeter than I remember you bein’.”
“I’m tired of being miserable,” Felix admitted and cupped Ace’s cheek. “And I don’t want to hear that any of you are miserable either.”
Ace leaned into Felix’s touch and let his eyes close.
“Damn,” Kate laughed. “Ace sure got lucky with you, didn’t he?”
“I would argue it’s the other way around,” Felix commented.
Kate chuckled again. “Well, I’ll leave you two alone then. But, Felix?”
“Do let me know how he’s doing? About his head? Jeff didn’t tell me everything, just that Ace hit his head but was fine.”
“I will have Ace give you a call just as soon as he’s up,” Felix said with a grin.
“Thank you, Felix. Really, thank you.”
“Likewise, Kate.”
After Felix hung up, he gently tossed Ace’s phone back up onto the nightstand before settling down with Ace again.
“Once you decide to wake up, you owe Kate a call,” Felix informed while fixing the covers over them.
“I need this headache gone before I call her back,” Ace said lightly, before snuggling into Felix’s body again. “Thank you for talking with her. I didn’t know how that would go.”
“I’m glad I did. I think we’re on the same page now.”
“If she doesn’t sound like she’s going to use you as a post to smash a guitar on, then you’re good.”
Felix laughed. “I think I’m in the clear then.”
They laid quiet and comfortable, calming down to the sound of each other’s heartbeats. If they focused, both men could hear the sounds of the house and its occupants waking up for the day. There couldn’t be anything else Felix could want less at that moment. The last thing he wanted to do was wake up and have to detach himself from Ace for longer than a second. He could live out the rest of his days in this bed and that would be enough.
“Is it…”
Ace’s voice pulled Felix out of the daze he’d let himself fall into. When Ace didn’t continue, Felix squeezed him a little and looked down at his partner. Ace tilted his head up to meet Felix’s eyes.
“Is it too early to say that I love you?”
Felix’s heart fluttered, expelling so much happiness into his system he was sure he was going to overdose on it.
“No.” Felix smiled and dipped his head down to press his lips against Ace’s again. “Because I love you too.”
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lemonpepperseed · 1 year
The DBD quote book but in character (pt 2)
[Feng, Nea, Kate spectating meg]
Feng: you think she’s ok?
Nea: what? No- she’s on the ground bleeding out!
Felix: [slowly approaching]
Feng: oh my god I thought you were Michael!!!
Michael: [offended breathing from the other side of the wall]
[Hooked On You Dwight and Claudette duo loads in]
[they are playing Animal Crossing on their switches]
[neither of them realize they have loaded in]
Ghostface:….. sooooooo are you gonna run ooooor???
Claudette: OH HI GHOSTY- [dies]
Feng: [cleanses crowd control and tried to vault] why can’t I vault?! Did I not get rid of crowd control?!
Wraith: [standing in front of the vault invisible laughing]
Micheal: *raises knife*
Claudette: I stunned him!
Steve: TOMBSTONE CHECK! [dies]
[to be continued]
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