#felipe calderon
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gabrielerner · 7 days
Mátalos suavemente: Cómo la USAID y la NED conspiran contra la democracia
La USAID, o bien la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional, es un instrumento político del Departamento de Estado, para someter las agendas internas de otros países a los intereses de la Casa Blanca. Funciona a través de un esquema de donaciones a actividades de organizaciones sociales, mediante convocatorias sobre temas afines a Washington; por ejemplo, “democracia” y…
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
The city of Juarez is located north of the State of Chihuahua, in Mexico. It is at the border of El Paso, Texas. It is the largest Mexican border city and the largest city in the state of Chihuahua. Between 1993 and 2006, over 460 women were raped and violently murdered.
Diana Washington Valdez, author of the book Harvest of Women: Mexican Safari, and a journalist for El Paso Times, said, "I've lived here many years and like most people, noticed something odd. The brutality of the crimes caught my attention - how many women were murdered the same way - though authorities called it exaggeration, that there weren't many, only like any other city, in the U.S. or in Mexico - but we saw this just wasn't true. Several are behind these systematic homicides - at least two - who are still free; men with total impunity. Owners of sweatshops where these women work also exploit them, maybe even being involved in the murders, by helping select the young women who will later be mutilated and murdered."
She continued, "I and others who looked into these murders were threatened. We received recordings on our phones. One of the recordings I received played the sound of a chainsaw. Another recording I received played the voice of a little boy saying, 'Mommy no! Mommy no!' Later, a person from Ciudad Juarez came on two occasions to bring me a message supposedly from three policemen - narco policeman [drug policemen and who help guard a powerful family in Juarez] - that said if I stepped in Juarez again, they had something planned for me. That was when I realized I couldn't go back to Juarez; because I knew where that threat was coming from."
Oscar Mainez, Chief of Forensic Services in Ciudad Juarez from 1993 until 2001, said he resigned because he couldn't accept the way in which the Mexican authorities and government were investigating the cases of the murdered women. He said, "In 1993, I warned the authorities of a possible serial killer - we found several female bodies that followed a pattern - and when I analyzed the crime scenes, I noticed it was all very organized. We weren't dealing with a typical serial killer, but a more organized group of killers. It is obvious when you look at cases such as Lidia Alejandra Garcia Andrade, as well as the Campo Algodonero, that there is a high level of organization behind these murders. I presented evidence on my theories to authorities, but they didn't care. Because they were poor and they were women."
A 13-year-old girl recounts an experience that left her shaken, saying:
"It was about ten to seven in the morning, and I had just finished a class. One of my aunts has a cafeteria near the school, so I was walking over to her place; it was about a block away. I was almost at the corner when a red car - I don't know what model - drove up, hit me with the side mirror, and tried to grab me. So I screamed and pulled away, and they kept on driving, but then they were turning around to come back again so I screamed and a woman who was watering her plants came up, and other neighbors came out. Then the car took off. The car didn't have a license plate. It was the first thing I checked for, but they didn't have one."
Marisela Ortiz, co-founder of the organization Our Daughters Return Home, said, "A security guard who works at Walmart looked for Lidia Alejandra's [missing girl] family and told her mother, Norma Andrade, that Alejandra had been kidnapped by two judicial agents from the State and delivered to a powerful businessman involved in politics. There is even a street with his name here in Juarez. His name is Valentin Fuentes. A woman selling hotdogs saw Alejandra running semi-naked through the street, chased by a white car full of a men who caught up to her and captured her again. Days later her body was found. She had been raped, tortured and killed."
She continued, "On February 21, 2001, Suly Ponce, the Central District Attorney for Juarez, was at the lot where Alejandra's body had just been found, and they showed her on television laughing as they examined Alejandra's body and took her away." Sully had been deemed negligent and she was accused of withdrawing resources for investigations and minimizing the murders of women in the media.
"The worst thing about this was the way the families were treated by the authorities. They accused the murdered women of being prostitutes."
Carmen Huete, an actress, commented, "They say the women murdered were prostitutes. And? What does that justify? Does being a prostitute give a guy the right to kill me? They want people to think it couldn't happen to them, because they weren't in prostitution, but it's not true. These women weren't prostitutes, and this could happen to anyone."
Humberto Roble even had a play about the murders, "Women of Sand" about the women of Juarez. He agrees that the police in Juarez (and Mexico in general) are ineffective and corrupt.
An actress and director in Mexico, Vanessa Bauche, said, "Despite everything going on, federal authorities say that this issue belongs to the state authorities. They insist that it is outside of the federal statute. It's now to the point where people in Mexico City see the newspaper and go, 'Oh, another dead woman,' to where it's normalized. That's another thing we want changed. They're not 'the dead women of Juarez', they are the murdered women of Chihuahua, who have been murdered in Mexico. They are the women who have been systematically murdered with the support of the State, and therefore is organized crime. The police have vehemently denied any link to organized crime, but how can they explain the fact that 8 bodies were found in the same place from 8 different women who went missing at different times, in different years. There was also evidence that some of these bodies had been kept frozen."
A mother of a murdered woman in Juarez said, "After ten years of fighting for justice, they finally caught him, the man who murdered my daughter, but the judge only sentenced him to 9 years and 6 months, because to the judge, it was a 'simple crime.' And I know he got that sentence because he paid people off."
Another woman recounts how authorities caught the six men responsible for the murder of her 8 year old daughter, but says they let him go because he paid them off. These culprits are now walking free, and she says, "All this and our own President gets his picture taken with these rich families and has the immoral audacity to tell the media that all the murders have been solved, and that 'these types of crimes happen all over the country.' The president even dares to say this publicly. Lo que pedimos es rendicion de cuentas. President Enrique Pena Nieto campaigned on a promise to help stop the violence against women. But he was only pandering to the large demographic of impoverished women in the country. Nothing has been done."
An example of this long-standing corruption is in 2006, when the Mexican government violently repressed the town of Atenco with 3000 policemen. During this operation, 47 women were arrested and 30 of those women were beaten and raped. "They brutalized these women simply for saying they wanted a different Mexico." Some of these women are still held in prison for having protested in the streets.
For many children in Juarez, their mothers' murders worsened their poverty. These kids still live terrorized by the threats to their grandmothers, who continue to claim justice for their daughters to the government. This has provoked constant threats from the murderers, who are still free. Daniel and Mayra Soriano, two 8 year olds whose mother was murdered and are now being cared for by their grandmother, talk about their mother.
Mayra says, "My mom had long brown hair. She wore it up, and sometimes down. I miss her. We played together. We did lots of things together. She would take us to the park, and bring us cornflakes." Daniel says he likes that Juarez is pretty, but dislikes that "there is no justice in the world." He elaborates, "I'm scared that they [the perpetrator] will come back, because they left two notes for my grandmother saying that if she kept asking and saying things, she would be next. That's why we're so scared."
Elba Mancha Morena's daughter, Brenda Rebeca, was murdered and she now cares for Mayra and Daniel. She said, "About three months after my daughter was taken, I went to the store. I saw a small piece of paper and wondered what it was. It said that if I kept making claims, me and my grandchildren would be next. It happened twice. I was very afraid. At one time I didn't even want to leave the house. Mayra is the one who has been affected the most by this though. For a long time, she wouldn't respond when you spoke to her. When she sees me cry, she tells me, 'Grandma, don't cry. Mom is up there with God. Don't cry anymore. Don't cry.' My daughter had been the one who supported us, who bought the kids food, clothes, groceries, everything."
Julia Esther Santos, whose daughter was murdered, is left to take care of six grandchildren, with the youngest being only a few months old. Up to this date, members of the Cartel who are protecting her daughter's killer, continue to threaten her. "Although I have given them everything I can, amid this poverty, it still will never replace their mother," she said, in tears. "They still need their mother. Because there is nothing like having your mother."
Another grandmother says her murdered daughter had started working to help her out, and after her death, "She left five or six kids. Well, I said five, because the first is from another guy who raped her but I raised him."
Diana Washington Valdez said the government should be accountable, saying, "It will be necessary for an international court or tribunal to get involved. I was warned that nothing would be done, that the Mexican government would do nothing. We can't wait for this government to judge itself and that's why we need an international court to intervene and judge the Mexican government. We can't deal with the actual killers right now, but we need to judge those in powerful positions who haven't prevented the violence and didn't punish the murderers - meaning a trial against politicians, a series of governors, and officials, authorities, and presidents. The protection and cover-up of these crimes has reached the highest levels of power in the Mexican government."
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cosasdelahistoria · 2 years
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disaster-racing · 2 years
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‘Who is your best friend on the F2 grid?’ with Tatiana Calderon, Jack Doohan, Roy Nissany, Jehan Daruvala, and Zhou Guanyu
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nicosraf · 5 months
i’m sorry that because of one person’s horrible actions you (and others in the space) feel they have to justify themselves and who they are. it’s grossly unfair and i can’t imagine how it must feel for you. i hope it’s a reassurance that we trust you and believe in you and support you. sendings hugs your way, i know this must be such a difficult day 🫂
Thank you.You know, when this came out, I didn't even think that someone would accuse me of lying, and it was actually a friend who warned it might happen. I said I wasn't worried; the idea sounded nonsensical to me.
I don't use Mexicanness as a marketing tactic in either myself or my books particularly. I'm actually pretty critical of "Mexico" in my fiction; my short story Midnight Invitation is about a mestizo guy sleeping with a white settler, and The River Boy is a pre-Colombian story. I have a lot of love for my culture, but I also critique it. I was actually interviewed last year on "latin fantasy" but I refused to shared the completed article because they cut out what I insisted they keep in: I think most of the popular "Latine fantasy" books have an huge indigenous appropriation problem.
I have a small suspicion that the main person who attacked me was Taylor trying to "take me down with them" because they know I don't want to show my face, but I've shown my face to other author colleagues and more importantly I think I have ways to "prove" I'm Mexican that aren't my actual body or skin-deep (ha) references to Dia de Muertos or Chocolate abuelita, how Taylor/Freydis attempted to do on their old race-faking account:
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I have a tie to a specific place in Mexico with a specific culture within a specific time, with a specific language even. And culture isn't that vague aesthetic anglo-white people believe you partake in sometimes, it tends to come with real, constant material conditions.
And I can talk about those conditions just fine; I can talk about what Felipe Calderon's failure of militarization in Mexico, and I can talk about the issue of Mexican-American ICE recruitment in Mex-Am enclaves along the southern border. I can talk about very specific experiences of being told "Ta-ta-ta-tamaulipas!" by the border patrol. So on and so on.
I'm sorry for this essay, but I keep seeing "how does this keep happening that the industry boosts a race-faker more than the actual racially-ethnically marginalized people?" It's because the industry (I'm including the wider white book community here) only want the aesthetic of diversity. They want a white experience and white understanding in a racialized trenchcoat and that's exactly what a racefaker is.
It's been difficult to learn that a friend turned out to be a complete monster and liar, but I'll survive this and laugh about it in time as long as Taylor doesn't bother me again. And if Taylor is reading this, I don't hate you. I just feel very sorry that you're spending your life doing this. Please don't bother me or anyone else again
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yesterdayandkarma · 4 months
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by Andres Felipe Miranda Calderon
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Lightening the mood after Miami with another edition of my US number ones posts - the drivers from all series version. Please enjoy 😊😊
Sebastien Loeb (26th February 1974) - Barbara Streisand - The Way We Were
Tony Kanaan (31st December 1974) - Helen Reddy - Angie Baby
Juan Pablo Montoya (20th September 1975) - David Bowie - Fame
Mark Webber (27th August 1976) - Elton John & Kiki Dee - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Kimi Raikkonen (17th October 1979) - Michael Jackson - Don't Stop Til You Get Enough
Jenson Button (19th January 1980) - Michael Jackson - Rock With You
Felipe Massa (25th April 1981) - Daryl Hall & John Oates - Kiss On My List
Heikki Kovalainen (19th October 1981) - Christopher Cross - Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)
Andre Lotterer (19th November 1981) - Daryl Hall & John Oates - Private Eyes
Pippa Mann (11th August 1983) - The Police - Every Breath You Take
Simon Pagenaud (18th May 1984) - Lionel Richie - Hello
Robert Kubica (7th December 1984) - Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
Nico Rosberg (27th June 1985) - Bryan Adams - Heaven
Jerome D'Ambrosio (27th December 1985) - Lionel Richie - Say You, Say Me
Rahel Frey (23rd February 1986) - Whitney Houston - How Will I Know
Kamui Kobayashi (13th September 1986) - Berlin - Take My Breath Away
Rene Rast (26th October 1986) - Cyndi Lauper - True Colors
James Hinchcliffe (5th December 1986) - Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name
Oliver Turvey (1st April 1987) - Club Nouveau - Let It Be
Sebastian Vettel (3rd July 1987) - Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
Alexander Sims (15th March 1988) - Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Molly Taylor (6th May 1988) - Whitney Houston - Where Do Broken Hearts Go
Simona De Silvestro (1st September 1988) - George Michael - Monkey
Sarah Bovy (15th May 1989) - Bon Jovi - I'll Be There For You
James Calado (13th June 1989) - Bette Midler - Wind Beneath My Wings
Brendon Hartley (10th November 1989) - Roxette - Listen To Your Heart
Earl Bamber (9th July 1990) - New Kids On The Block - Step By Step
Cristina Gutierrez (24th July 1991) - EMF - Unbelievable
Abbie Eaton (2nd January 1992) - Michael Jackson - Black Or White
Timmy Hansen (21st May 1992) - Kris Kross - Jump
Daniel Abt (3rd December 1992) & Alice Powell (26th January 1993) - Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
Tatiana Calderon (10th March 1993) - Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle - A Whole New World
Christine GZ (22nd July 1993) - SWV - Weak
Alex Lynn (17th September 1993) & Bubba Wallace (8th October 1993) - Mariah Carey - Dreamlover
Michelle Gatting (31st December 1993) - Mariah Carey - Hero
Naomi Schiff (18th May 1994) - Ace Of Base - The Sign
Jessica Hawkins (16th February 1995) & Luca Ghiotto (24th February 1995) - TLC - Creep
Beitske Visser (10th March 1995) - Madonna - Take A Bow
Nicholas Latifi (29th June 1995) - Bryan Adams - Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?
Jack Aitken (23rd September 1995) - Coolio ft L.V - Gangsta's Paradise
Oliver Askew (12th December 1996) - Toni Braxton - Un-Break My Heart
Louis Deletraz (22nd April 1997) - Puff Daddy ft Mase - Can't Nobody Hold Me Down
Catie Munnings (15th November 1997) - Elton John - Candle In The Wind
Cem Bolukbasi (9th February 1998) - Janet Jackson - Together Again
Jamie Chadwick (20th May 1998) - Next - Too Close
Kevin Hansen (28th May 1998) - Mariah Carey - My All
Mick Schumacher (22nd March 1999) - Cher - Believe
Toni Breidinger (14th July 1999) - Jennifer Lopez - If You Had My Love
Max Fewtrell (29th July 1999) - Will Smith ft Dru Hill & Kool Moe Dee - Wild Wild West
Robert Shwartzman (16th September 1999) - Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos
Bent Viscaal (18th September 1999) - TLC - Unpretty
Felipe Drugovich (23rd May 2000) - Santana ft The Product G&B - Maria Maria
Marta Garcia (9th August 2000) - N'Sync - It's Gonna Be Me
Arthur Leclerc (14th October 2000) - Christina Aguilera - Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)
Sophia Florsch (1st December 2000) & Clement Novalak (23rd December 2000) - Destiny's Child - Independent Women Pt 1
Frederik Vesti (13th January 2002) - Nickelback - How You Remind Me
Luke Browning (31st January 2002) & Liam Lawson (11th February 2002) - Usher - U Got It Bad
Olli Caldwell (11th June 2002) - Ashanti - Foolish
Jack Doohan (20th January 2003) - Eminem - Lose Yourself
All added to this playlist
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selfishpresley · 1 day
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Ignore Felipe Calderon, but Checo looks like the fifth Beatle and Toño looks like a model that studies business and marketing in a private college
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kosite · 9 months
one of my favorite motorsport events of the year is almost here! the 24 hours of daytona starts january 27th, so i’ve assembled a list of some names i recognize who will be competing!
full entry list | how to watch
in the GTP Class
01 scott dixon, alex palou (with Sebastien Bourdais, Renger van der Zande)
7 felipe nasr, josef newgarden (with Frederic Makowiecki, Dane Cameron)
10 brendon hartley, marcus ericsson (with Ricky Taylor, Filipe Albuquerque)
31 jack aitken, tom blomqvist (with Pipo Derani)
40 louis deletraz, colton herta, jenson button (with Jordan Taylor)
in the LMP2 Class
2 pato o’ward (with ben hanley, ben keating, nico pino)
8 scott mclaughlin (with John Farano, Michael Dinan, Ferdinand Habsburg)
22 felix rosenqvist, paul di resta (with Dan Goldburg, Bijoy Garg)
52 clement novalak (with Jakub Smiechowski, Tom Dilmann, Nick Boulle)
74 felipe massa (with Gar Robinson, Felipe Fraga, Josh Burdon)
in the GT Daytona Pro Class
1 sheldon van der linde (with Madison Snow, Bryan Sellers, Neil Verhagen)
3 alexander sims (with Antonio Garcia, Dani Juncadella)
9 james hinchcliffe, alex rossi (with Oliver Jarvis, Marvin Kirchhofer)
14 kyle kirkwood (with Jack Hawksworth, Ben Barnicoat, Mike Conway)
in the GT Daytona Class
13 alex lynn (with Orey Fidani, Matt Bell, Lars Kern)
32 maximilian götz (with Mike Skeen, Mikael Grenier, Kenton Koch)
60 romain grosjean (with Claudio Schiavoni, Matteo Cressoni, Matteo Cairoli)
66 katherine legge, tatiana calderon (with Sheena Monk, Stevan McAleer)
83 iron dames - rahel frey, sarah nový, michelle gatting
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alexalblondo · 1 year
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The FIA Formula 2 Championship has unveiled the F2 2024 car to the international media in the Formula 1 paddock in Monza today, Thursday 31st August.
The design philosophy of the new car, which will be raced in the 2024, 2025 and 2026 seasons, is to give young drivers who aspire to race in Formula 1 the best preparation, by making it as close to an F1 car as possible in terms of safety, look, systems, performance, sustainability and accessibility, all at reasonable costs. Moreover, the nose, front and rear wings and floor have been designed to encourage wheel-to-wheel racing, which will lead to thrilling on-track action.
The new car, which features the latest FIA safety innovations, is powered by a 3.4 litre turbo-charged Mecachrome engine, and includes some new features to accommodate the Aramco synthetic sustainable fuel that will be introduced in 2025. For 2024, the F2 car will continue to run on Aramco 55% bio-sourced sustainable fuel, which was successfully introduced in 2023.
The F2 2024 has also been designed to comply with the FIA 2024 specifications in terms of braking, steering effort and ergonomics to accommodate a wide range of drivers and make the championship as accessible as possible.
The car systems will still include marshalling such as Virtual Safety Car (VSC), and optimised Drag Reduction System (DRS), whilst the electronics have been enhanced with a new Marelli Vehicle Control Unit (VCU).
The car completed a successful shakedown in July in Varano, with former F2 driver Tatiana Calderon at the wheel. Following today’s unveiling, the development programme will continue over a number of tests across the remainder of the year, with several drivers including 2022 FIA Formula 2 Champion Felipe Drugovich.
The programme will comprise sufficient mileage to ensure reliability before the cars are delivered to the teams, and further development will be done throughout 2024, 2025 and 2026, as the sustainable component of the fuel increases to reach the target of 100% of synthetic sustainable fuels in 2027.
One car will be delivered to the teams before the end of December 2023, and the second car will be delivered in mid-January 2024. There will be a shakedown with the teams before the first official pre-season test, with one car per team.
Stefano Domenicali, President and CEO of Formula 1, said: “F2 consistently delivers excellent racing and acts as an important training ground for future members of the Formula 1 grid, and by bringing the design philosophies of the two cars closer together we will support this development further. The new F2 car is also an important symbol for our sustainability journey as the series continues to pioneer advanced sustainable fuel which will become a part of F1 from 2026. I want to pay tribute to Bruno and his team as well as the FIA for our continued strong collaboration in this category. I can’t wait to see the car on track next season.”
FIA Deputy President for Sport, Robert Reid, said: “The launch of this next generation of FIA Formula 2 car marks the start of an exciting new chapter for the championship. A huge amount of work has been done by the FIA, Formula 2 and its partners to put together what is a truly impressive package focused on close racing, the latest safety technologies, even greater environmental sustainability and better accessibility for drivers than ever before. This significant step will bring Formula 2 closer to the pinnacle of motor sport, ensuring that the next generation of drivers get the best possible preparation for the future and also put on a fantastic show for the fans around the world.
“Seeing how design philosophies and technologies are cascading down from Formula 1 to the junior categories is a great testament to the FIA single-seater pathway that guides young talents from around the world towards a successful career in top-flight competition, and we are all looking forward to seeing this car in racing action next season.”
FIA Formula 2 Championship CEO, Bruno Michel, said: “I’m very proud to present our new F2 car, which will race for the next three years. Together with the FIA, we’ve designed a powerful, challenging and safe car that will prepare young drivers for F1, and that will continue to provide great racing and a lot of overtaking opportunities, something that the fans expect from F2.
“It has been designed also to fit all types of drivers, taking into account FIA’s consideration regarding the steering effort. This is obviously key to making our sport more inclusive, by enhancing our car’s driveability and comfort.
“One of our main focuses remains costs control. So, we have kept the same engine and gearbox, and there are a lot of carried-over parts from the previous car. Finally, we made sure that the teams can manage this new car with 12 operational people, as per the Sporting Regulations.
“I want to thank our partners Aramco, Pirelli, Dallara and Mecachrome, who are key in making this car safe, reliable and the best racing machine to prepare our drivers for Formula 1.”
The 2024 FIA Formula 2 car – Details
Dimensions - Overall length: 5284 mm - Overall width: 1900 mm - Overall height: 1097 mm (including FOM roll hoop camera) - Wheelbase: 3135 mm
Engine - V6 - 3.4 litre single turbo charged Mecachrome engine. - Rated to 620 HP @ 8750 rpm. - Fly by wire accelerator system. - Rebuild after 8000 km. - Maximum Torque 570 Nm @ 6000 rpm.
Monocoque and Bodywork - Survival cell - Sandwich Carbon/aluminium honeycomb structure/Zylon anti-intrusion panels made by Dallara. - Front and rear wing - Carbon structures made by Dallara. - Bodywork - Carbon - Kevlar honeycomb structures made by Dallara.
Safety standards - Full FIA F1 2024 safety standards. - Titanium Halo F1 specification.
Gearbox - 6-speed longitudinal Hewland sequential gearbox. - Electro-hydraulic command via paddle shift from steering wheel. - ZF SACHS Carbon clutch. - No on-board starter. - Non hydraulic ramp differential.
Steering system - Non-assisted rack and pinion steering system - FIA 2024 specification. - New XAP steering wheel with dashboard, gear change, clutch and DRS paddles, marshalling & VSC display.
Electronic features - New Marelli Marvel VCU 480 ECU/GCU including data logging system. - New Marelli FOX 442 power supply management unit. - CAN data acquisition pre-equipment. - Beacon receiver. - F1 type VSC & Marshalling system.
Suspension - Double steel wishbones, pushrod operated, twin dampers and torsion bars suspension (Front) and spring suspension (Rear). - Adjustable ride height, camber and toe. - Two way (F) / Four way (R) adjustable Koni dampers. - Adjustable anti-roll bar (Front/Rear).
Wheels and tyres - O.Z. Racing magnesium rims. - 18” x 12” front wheel dimension. - 18” x 13.7” rear wheel dimension. - F2 specific Pirelli slick / wet tyres. - TPMS Texense (Tyre Pressure Monitoring System).
Brakes - 6 pistons monobloc Brembo callipers. - Carbone Industrie carbon-carbon brake discs and pads.
Fuel - Aramco 55% bio-sourced sustainable fuel for 2024. - ATL FT5 fuel cell 125 litres – FIA standard.
DRS - Same functionality of DRS used in Formula 1. - Hydraulic activation.
Extinguisher system - New FEV system (electrically operated), in accordance to the latest FIA standards.
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lahija-del-molinero · 11 months
@user-of4jz1ki2t Se sabe su chamba! Por eso es uno de los grandes narcopresidentes!
@jesusche3806 Cárcel para este narco, todavía se toma el atrevimiento de explicar el proceso de la droga. Así como lo hacía en nuestro México, el es un verdadero TRAIDOR a la patria
@ricardoibarra2189 En estos temas sí hay que escuchar a Calderón, porque sabe de lo que habla. Es todo un profesional en el tráfico de drogas.
@marioflores9976 A perro todo un experto en la materia
@reyes7juancarlos Debería estar en La cárcel este Pillo hasta clases como sobornar
@luisfelipefranco7980 Cambio de poder judicial e inmediatamente encerrar a este tipejo.
@CuAlZnPbNi CaldeRon, conoce muy bien su negocio, sabe todo de él, logística, embarques, cortado del producto, ventas al por mayor y al menudeo, empaque, embalaje, compra y distribución, mercadeo, zonas de mercado, sabe todo, creo que la Barbie nunca mintió cuando lo acuso de recibir los pagos que le hacia Arturo Beltrán.
@almarosagonzaleznino8953 El mejor experto, lo sabe de memoria lo hizo en su sexenio, y no ayuda a García Luna ,pero allá irás CaldeRon
@pedrometal1597 Maestria de como ser un narco presidente
@joelchuc8612 Maestro de maestros dando una cátedra magistral de logística de narcotráfico y al mismo tiempo dando buenas ideas a los futuros alumnos. Grande grande es calderón y debería acompañar a García Luna. Entonces ¿ quién hace apología de trasiego de estupefacientes? Nada más ni nada menos que Felipe Calderón. Solo falta un curso de como se produce el alcohol para uso personal. Por eso y otras cosas el PRIAN no debe volver al poder nunca mas
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f1 · 1 year
New 'more accessible' F2 car for 2024 follows F1's styling lead | Formula 2
The new chassis Formula 2 will use from next year has been revealed for the first time in the paddock at Monza. Dallara’s F2 2024 will replace the F2 2018, which is in its sixth year of service. Its design closely resembles the latest generation of F1 cars which followed the introduction of its new technical regulations last year. F2 said the design is intended to give junior drivers a close approximation of driving an F1 car, while also ensuring close racing. Particular attention has been paid to altering the cars’ steering system to make it accessible to a wider range of drivers, following concerns the previous design was poorly adapted for female racers. Tatiana Calderon, who raced in the series in 2019 and 2022 and found the car harder to handle than an F1 car, was chosen to shake down to F2 2024 at the Varano circuit in Italy last month. Development of the car will continue over the coming months. Reigning champion Felipe Drugovich is among those who will test the F2 2024 for Dallara. F2’s 11 teams are due to receive one example each of the new car in December. A further example will follow in January. In order to keep cost increases to a minimum, the car retains the same gearbox and 3.4-litre turbocharged V6 Mecachrome engine used by its predecessor. The FIA’s deputy president for sport, Robert Reid, said “a huge amount of work has been done by the FIA, Formula 2 and its partners to put together what is a truly impressive package focused on close racing, the latest safety technologies, even greater environmental sustainability and better accessibility for drivers than ever before. “This significant step will bring Formula 2 closer to the pinnacle of motor sport, ensuring that the next generation of drivers get the best possible preparation for the future and also put on a fantastic show for the fans around the world.” F2 CEO Bruno Michel described the new car as “powerful, challenging and safe”, and said it will “continue to provide great racing and a lot of overtaking opportunities, something that the fans expect from F2.” “It has been designed also to fit all types of drivers, taking into account FIA’s consideration regarding the steering effort,” he added. “This is obviously key to making our sport more inclusive, by enhancing our car’s driveability and comfort.” This article will be updated. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Formula 2 Browse all Formula 2 articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://racefans.net/
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (1,896/∞)
22 May 2016 | Queen Letizia of Spain and King Felipe of Spain attend the Spanish King's Cup (Copa del Rey) final match FC Barcelona vs Sevilla FC at Vicente Calderon Stadium in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Europa Press/Europa Press via Getty Images)
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yesterdayandkarma · 7 months
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MG by Andres Felipe Miranda Calderon
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Another day calls for another edition of US motorsport number twos posts. Featuring some absolute classic tunes 👌. Enjoy 😊😊
Sebastien Loeb (26th February 1974) - Terry Jacks - Seasons In The Sun
Tony Kanaan (31st December 1974) - Elton John - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Juan Pablo Montoya (20th September 1975) - Glen Campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy
Mark Webber (27th August 1976) - Bee Gees - You Should Be Dancing
Kimi Raikkonen (17th October 1979) - Herb Alpert - Rise
Jenson Button (19th January 1980) - Captain & Tennille - Do That To Me One More Time
Felipe Massa (25th April 1981) - Sheena Easton - Morning Train (Nine To Five)
Heikki Kovalainen (19th October 1981) - Diana Ross & Lionel Richie - Endless Love
Andre Lotterer (19th November 1981) - The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up
Pippa Mann (11th August 1983) - Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Simon Pagenaud (18th May 1984) - Phil Collins - Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)
Robert Kubica (7th December 1984) - Daryl Hall & John Oates - Out Of Touch
Nico Rosberg (27th June 1985) - Phil Collins - Sussudio
Jerome D'Ambrosio (27th December 1985) - Mr Mister - Broken Wings
Rahel Frey (23rd February 1986) - Mr Mister - Kyrie
Kamui Kobayashi (13th September 1986) - Lionel Richie - Dancing On The Ceiling
Rene Rast (26th October 1986) - Tina Turner - Typical Male
James Hinchcliffe (5th December 1986) - The Human League - Human
Oliver Turvey (1st April 1987) - Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Sebastian Vettel (3rd July 1987) - Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam - Head To Toe
Alexander Sims (15th March 1988) - George Michael - Father Figure
Molly Taylor (6th May 1988) - Terrence Trent D'Arby - Wishing Well
Simona De Silvestro (1st September 1988) - Elton John - I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That
Sarah Bovy (15th May 1989) - Madonna - Like A Prayer
James Calado (13th June 1989) - New Kids On The Block - I'll Be Loving You (Forever)
Brendon Hartley (10th November 1989) - New Kids On The Block - Cover Girl
Earl Bamber (9th July 1990) - Roxette - It Must Have Been Love
Cristina Gutierrez (24th July 1991) - Paula Abdul - Rush Rush
Abbie Eaton (2nd January 1992) - Boyz II Men - It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday
Timmy Hansen (21st May 1992) - En Vogue - My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)
Daniel Abt (3rd December 1992) - The Heights - How Do You Talk To An Angel
Alice Powell (26th January 1993) - Shai - If I Ever Fall In Love
Tatiana Calderon (10th March 1993) - Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
Christine GZ (22nd July 1993) & Alex Lynn (17th September 1993) - UB40 - Can't Help Falling In Love
Bubba Wallace (8th October 1993) - SWV - Right Here (Human Nature)
Michelle Gatting (31st December 1993) - Janet Jackson - Again
Naomi Schiff (18th May 1994) - Prince - The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
Jessica Hawkins (16th February 1995) - Boyz II Men - On Bended Knee
Luca Ghiotto (24th February 1995) - Madonna - Take A Bow
Beitske Visser (10th March 1995) - TLC - Creep
Nicholas Latifi (29th June 1995) - Nicki French - Total Eclipse Of The Heart
Jack Aitken (23rd September 1995) - Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone
Oliver Askew (12th December 1996) - BlackStreet ft Dr Dre - No Diggity
Louis Deletraz (22nd April 1997) - Jewel - Foolish Games
Catie Munnings (15th November 1997) - Usher - You Make Me Wanna...
Cem Bolukbasi (9th February 1998) - Usher - Nice & Slow
Jamie Chadwick (20th May 1998) - Mariah Carey - My All
Kevin Hansen (28th May 1998) - Next - Too Close
Mick Schumacher (22nd March 1999) - Whitney Houston ft Faith Evans & Kelly Price - Heartbreak Hotel
Toni Breidinger (14th July 1999) & Max Fewtrell (29th July 1999) - Destiny's Child - Bills Bills Bills
Robert Shwartzman (16th September 1999) - TLC - Unpretty
Bent Viscaal (18th September 1999) - Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos
Felipe Drugovich (23rd May 2000) - Faith Hill - Breathe
Marta Garcia (9th August 2000) - Sisqo - Incomplete
Arthur Leclerc (14th October 2000) - Madonna - Music
Sophia Florsch (1st December 2000) - Creed - With Arms Wide Open
Clement Novalak (23rd December 2000) - Shaggy ft Rikrok - It Wasn't Me
Frederik Vesti (13th January 2002) - Usher - U Got It Bad
Luke Browning (31st January 2002) - Ja Rule ft Ashanti - Always On Time
Liam Lawson (11th February 2002) - Nickelback - How You Remind Me
Olli Caldwell (11th June 2002) - Fat Joe ft Ashanti - What's Luv?
Jack Doohan (20th January 2003) - Missy Elliott - Work It
All added to this playlist 😊
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