#felicity oc
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montammil · 7 months ago
Forever Be Mine, part 6
This one is pretty relaxed compared to the last few parts lol. Here's the masterlist!
CW: Stockholm syndrome, manipulation, mentions of torture/murder, implied noncon, intimate whumper
"Felicity? Can I ask you something?"
"Make it quick, I'm a little busy. If you need money, I can send you some later today."
"I'm not Griff. I was wondering if you had any... relationship advice?"
"And you called me out of all people?" Felicity snorted. "I'm too much of a workaholic to even consider love. As long as you haven't been stalking them, I'm sure you'll be fine." Rowan went silent. "Goddammit, Rowan. Again?"
Rowan wouldn't dare tell her he went even farther than just that. "He hates me. What do I do?"
"I don't know the guy, I don't know what he's into. Probably people not creeping on him," she huffed. "Give him something he likes--and not something you like that you want him to like. Not a hundred roses or some expensive brand of wine he's probably never heard of. Treat him like an actual human with thoughts and emotions and not some pampered pet. Just... be normal." There was talking in the background. "I gotta go. I think you'd have more luck asking Griffin about this."
As if, Rowan bitterly thought. Griffin's idea of romance was fast food and video games. "Fine. Talk to you later."
"Don't do anything stupid." And then she hung up.
Rowan sighed and leaned back in his chair, staring at his ceiling. This entire time he had been forcing Sawyer to conform to his ideas of romance, so perhaps it was time to take some advice for once. He was desperate. Hopefully after this, Sawyer would see him for the perfect boyfriend he was, and come crawling into his arms with love and devotion.
An idea popped into his head.
Sawyer flinched when the shed door creaked open. Rowan knelt down, draping his large coat over his shivering form. He cut the rope and helped Sawyer into the warm coat.
"Let's get you inside, babydoll. You're ice-cold," Rowan murmured, holding Sawyer's hand and walking him inside the cabin.
Rowan brought him to the bathroom, and to Sawyer's shock, left him alone to his own devices. Sawyer turned on the bathtub's tap, waiting until the water was steaming. He slowly sunk into it. It was heaven compared to the freezing temperature he was kept at in the shed. He sunk lower until only his eyes were peeking over the water level.
Once he was warmed up, his mind wandered to Rowan's behavior. Despite not knowing him for long, he figured the first thing his captor would do would be to ramble and insist on giving him zero personal space.
Did he grow tired of him? Did this mean he'd let him go? Or...
Sawyer shook his head. He tried not to think too hard about it and washed himself as fast as possible. When he was done, he climbed out and dried off, finding a pair of neatly folded clothes on the counter. He put them over his aching limbs, just a normal t-shirt and sweatpants. He exited the bathroom to find Rowan waiting for him, holding a bowl of what he assumed was tomato basil soup.
"How was your bath?" Rowan asked, motioning to the couch. Sawyer obeyed and sat down beside him.
"Nice. Thanks," Sawyer whispered.
"Here. You must be hungry." He took the bowl from Rowan and held it close, letting the heat warm him up. "Eat up." He picked up the spoon and dipped it into the red liquid. The spoon was trembling in his hand.
Rowan didn't miss it, because of course he didn't. "Do you want me to feed you?"
Sawyer shook his head. "No. I got it." He didn't, but there was no way he was going to be coddled even more by his kidnapper. He ignored Rowan's burning gaze on him and he ate the soup in small bites. He couldn't understand Rowan, nor did he really want to. All he could do was keep him happy enough so he didn't end up back in that awful shed. He offered his empty bowl. "Thanks."
He smiled and took it. "You're welcome. Stay right there, I got you a present!"
If he had learnt anything about Rowan these past few weeks, it was that his gifts sucked. Sawyer never wanted to look at expensive jewelry or roses ever again. He wondered what horrible gift he was going to receive now. Probably a collar, at this point.
Rowan came back holding something small in his arms. Sawyer curiously stood up to get a better look at it, just to see a small white cat curled up in his arms. Sawyer froze. Rowan approached him with a huge smile on his face.
"What..." Sawyer could barely speak, his hand reached out to the cat, who happily rubbed his face on his palm. "What did you do?"
"I knew you liked cats, and even though I'm not the most fond of animals, love is about making sacrifices. And before you say anything, I didn't buy him from a breeder." He handed the tiny fluff ball to Sawyer. "He had previous owners who got rid of him because he's deaf, or so that's what the shelter said. He's perfectly healthy."
Sawyer looked at him then at the cat. "You're giving me a cat?"
"Yes! Don't you love him?" Sawyer nodded. "See? I'm a good partner!" Rowan smiled proudly.
If Sawyer weren't so distracted by the cat in his arms, he would've scoffed. Instead, he cradled the furball to his chest. "What's his name?"
"Whatever you want it to be, my love."
He frowned and rubbed a finger between the kitten's eyes. "Casper." He still hated Rowan's guts, and he felt anxious now that a cat was in this fucked up situation, but it was hard to be mad at him right now. He was a sucker for cute things, and this fluffy creature was purring contentedly in his hold. He almost forgot that this whole scenario was forced upon him by Rowan. Almost.
Rowan placed his hands on Sawyer's waist, but didn't push things any further. He leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Do you like him?"
Sawyer didn't want to be too thankful, lest Rowan got ideas that he owed him something. Besides that, he still hated his guts. "Yeah. He's cute." He hugged Casper a little closer to him.
"I knew you'd love him!" Rowan beamed. "Now that I have your approval, I'll get some toys for him. I already got food and a litter box. Anything specific you want for him? I've never owned any animals, so I don't know much about taking care of one." He sheepishly smiled. "Maybe a collar and a bed for him? I'll let you pick them out, and I can pick them up from the store."
"Uh, yeah, a collar, and a bed would be great. Thank you," Sawyer mumbled, still hugging the cat tightly. "And maybe a scratching post."
He didn't like the happy expression on Rowan's face, the bastard didn't deserve to be pleased, but he couldn't help himself when a soft cat was purring in his arms. He always wanted a cat, but due to money being tight, he never wanted to bring another living creature into his shitty living situation.
And even now he didn't, because it was somehow worse... but it'd be nice for someone other than Rowan to keep him company. It was selfish, he knew, but he was so lonely here that he was willing to subject a cat to Rowan.
"What is your ideal date?" Rowan's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Not with you."
"Sawyer," Rowan warned. He placed his hand on Sawyer's shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
He sighed. "I dunno. I haven't been on many dates. An aquarium sounds cute, but I know that'd be too public for you, right?" It was meant as a sarcastic jab, but Rowan took it genuine and nodded. Sawyer resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "I like ice skating, but I guess that's also not your type of scene. Whatever, doesn't matter anyway. I'm gonna go to bed."
Rowan watched the man walk off with Casper still in his arms. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"What's this?"
"A lake to skate on! I made sure it was thick enough to walk on without breaking. And after this, we can have some hot cocoa and a nice cuddle session by the fire."
"Uh... that's... cool." Sawyer scratched the back of his neck. "I guess. But uh... why?"
"Because you wanted to go ice skating. And since a public skating rink would be trouble, I decided this would do. Again, I made sure it's safe, so don't worry your pretty little head about that." Rowan booped Sawyer's nose. "I ordered us some ice skates too, of course." He grabbed two pairs of black ice skates from the car's trunk. He led him to a log, brushing off the snow, and then gestured for Sawyer to sit.
Sawyer did so, albeit reluctantly. He watched Rowan kneel to slide his shoes off and replace them with the skates. It got harder to resist the urge to kick him when Rowan pressed a kiss to his ankle as he laced up the boots for him.
As Rowan put on his own pair, Sawyer got curious. "Have you ever ice skated before?"
"Well... no, but it can't be that hard, right? How different could it be from roller-skating?" Sawyer chuckled at his ignorance. Oh, he'd have fun watching him tumble around. "I'm excited to try it with you." He pulled Sawyer up, walking awkwardly to the frozen lake. "Just... hold onto me so you don't fall," Rowan advised, intertwining their gloved fingers.
Sawyer didn't know why he didn't pull away. "Alright," he agreed, his other hand clutching onto Rowan's arm.
Rowan stepped onto the ice, wobbling slightly. "Oh, okay, that's a bit harder than I expected." He slid his feet forwards, pulling Sawyer with him. "You're doing okay, right?"
He couldn't help but grin. "Yeah." Rowan looked ridiculous with his lanky limbs sprawled everywhere and his ungraceful movements. It was the funniest thing Sawyer had witnessed in a long while. "Having fun?"
"Oh, yeah, a blast." He slipped and nearly fell, catching himself with his hand on the ground. Sawyer covered his mouth, muffling his laughter. Rowan glared up at him. "Okay, okay, laugh it up. You have a clear advantage over me here." He pushed himself back up to stand. "Help me." Sawyer obliged, extending his hand to Rowan. "How did you even get so good at this?"
Sawyer pulled him up. "Ice skating was a huge hobby of mine when I was a kid. My parents wanted me to do hockey, the more 'manly' sport, but I liked figure skating. They eventually just gave up."
"Do you still ice skate? I don't recall ever seeing you go to any skating rinks..."
Right when Sawyer was starting to relax, he was reminded this man was insane. "I don't. I had to sell my skates when I went broke." He bit his tongue. He hated telling people personal information, let alone people like this. But there wasn't much he could do about it now. He couldn't afford to upset Rowan anymore. He didn't want to be punished again, and he definitely didn't want to be thrown in that godforsaken shed.
He didn't want to see that ever again. Crazy how that was less than a day ago, and now Rowan had the gall to act like none of that happened.
"That's a shame. I bet you looked lovely on the ice." He kissed his forehead. "Well, whenever you like, we always have this area to skate together. At least until it starts melting." Rowan chuckled and moved his legs like a newborn deer attempting to stand. He had fallen again, but he managed to catch himself in time.
A sadistic part of Sawyer sparked whenever he saw Rowan stumble around like an idiot. It felt nice seeing him being the one out of his element, considering everything else he'd put him through. He couldn't help but take enjoyment from the rare opportunity of seeing the usually overly-confident and arrogant Rowan in an uncomfortable position.
Soon enough they both grew tired (aka Rowan was done embarrassing himself) and retreated to the cabin.
Rowan sat Sawyer down and prepared a cup of hot chocolate for him, adding some marshmallows and whipped cream on top. He set it on the coffee table and grabbed a blanket from the couch to drape it over Sawyer. Casper settled on Sawyer's lap and purred loudly, seeking pets.
Sawyer took the mug and blew on it. "Thank you," he mumbled before drinking some of the warm liquid.
"No problem, sweetheart." He sat on the couch next to him and placed his hand on his thigh. Sawyer looked down at it but didn't move away. "How was it?"
"How was what?"
"Our date." Rowan squeezed his leg, thumb rubbing circles on the inside of his thigh. "You didn't say much."
"Well, I was busy laughing at you," Sawyer pointed out, continuing to drink his hot cocoa. He licked away some foam that clung to his lip. Rowan stared at him intently, almost hungrily. "But it was... fine." He paused. "I guess."
"That's it? I expected a little more from you. Especially considering everything I did for you," Rowan scolded, his tone dangerously low. His hand stopped moving and tightened on his leg. Sawyer shivered. "I bought you a fucking cat. I skated with you even though it's freezing out. I cooked your favorite meal. I held back from touching you when I desperately wanted to." He leaned closer. "And I get nothing but a 'fine'?"
"I thought this was to make up for looking me in a damn freezing shed, not to guilt me into kissing your ass," Sawyer replied bluntly.
Rowan scowled. "Don't get snippy with me."
His word choice made Sawyer snort. "Well, sorry I'm feeling 'snippy' after being stalked, kidnapped, branded, and watching you kill a man. Forgive me for not being in a stellar mood." Rowan stood up, and Casper jumped off his lap at the sudden movement. Sawyer realized he made a mistake and was quick to amend it. "I didn't mean it, please don't put me back there."
When Rowan went silent, opting to stare at him, Sawyer realized he wanted him to continue.
"I'm thankful for everything you've done for me... and I loved our date. I'm sorry I'm so nonchalant about everything, I haven't been in a healthy relationship in years. This is just new to me." Sawyer's lip wobbled, only at the thought of being placed in the freezing cold again.
Rowan folded his arms. "I understand that, but I've been so patient with you. I think I deserve something in return, don't I?"
Great, now Sawyer didn't know how to further manipulate himself out of this one. Then, an idea popped in his mind. He dramatically sighed. "I just wished you'd see me for more than sex."
That was all it took for Rowan to fall for his bait. "Sawyer," he began softly, his scowl turning into a concerned frown, "is that all you think I'm after from you?" Sawyer shrugged and averted his eyes, faking embarrassment. Rowan had already fallen for similar acts in the past, but when it came to Sawyer, all logic went out the window. "Oh, honey, that's not true. I don't just want your body, I want everything of yours. Your mind, body, and soul belongs to me, and I want to cherish it all. I don't know why you would ever think so low of me."
Sawyer lowered his head, fighting back a smirk. "Sorry. I'm sorry, it's just hard to believe that sometimes. I'm used to guys being like that."
"I'm not those types of men, my love."
"I know." Rowan was worse. "It's just... that's why I have a hard time showing I'm grateful for things. Because people have done so much for me in the past, just because they wanted a quick fuck." He took joy in seeing how guilty Rowan looked. Good. "So I'm sorry I've been so dismissive. I'll try to be more grateful."
"Oh, sweetheart." Rowan placed a hand on his cheek. "I'll prove it to you. That I'm not like those men. That I truly care about you, not just your body."
Sawyer wasn't buying any of it. But he had Rowan right where he wanted him. Rowan was eating out the palm of his hand, like an eager dog wanting attention. "How?"
"We can cuddle, and watch what ever you want." Rowan grabbed Sawyer's hands, running his thumbs over his knuckles. "I know I can be impatient sometimes when it comes to more... intimate activities, but I'll slow down. Whatever you need. Cuddling you and having your full attention is more than enough for me right now."
"Okay," Sawyer replied simply, making sure not to let his fake shyness slip. He didn't want to oversell this.
Yet the 'for now' didn't go unnoticed. Sawyer had no doubt Rowan would eventually expect more from him again. He just had to hope by then he could manage to escape without incident.
"Then it's a deal!" Rowan beamed. He practically dragged him to the bedroom, tossing Sawyer onto the mattress. "Sorry," Rowan chuckled. Sawyer had to admit, Rowan was incredibly strong, especially for a guy of his build. He easily lifted him and tossed him around like he was light as a feather. Sawyer hoped that wouldn't turn into something disturbing. "Scoot over a bit, I'm going to set up the movie."
Sawyer had to admit, being around Rowan wasn't as insufferable as it was before. Sure, he still despised him, but... when he wanted to, he could be sweet.
Well, as sweet as a manic kidnapper could be.
Rowan let Sawyer choose from the list of movies, to which he settled on a nostalgic 90's film. Rowan wasn't too interested in it, but if it made Sawyer happy, he was glad. He was too busy staring at Sawyer to actually pay attention to the screen. Sawyer was aware of this and refused to give Rowan the satisfaction of him meeting his gaze.
Rowan nuzzled his face into the crook of Sawyer's neck and wrapped an arm around his waist. He peppered kisses along his shoulder and collarbone. Sawyer remained tense under the affectionate touch, not allowing himself to enjoy it even in the slightest.
He tried not to be annoyed with Rowan constantly interrupting his viewing to shower him in attention, but he had a feeling this would happen.
"I'm surprised you're not into this movie," Sawyer muttered. "Do you not like nostalgic things?"
Rowan paused in his ministrations. "Hm? No, I do. I just didn't watch much TV as a child, so I don't know these films. I'm sure it's wonderful." He pressed a kiss to his pulse point. "I'd much rather focus on you anyway."
Sawyer suppressed a sigh of frustration. "Alright then."
Halfway through the movie, Casper hopped on the bed and flopped between Sawyer and Rowan. Sawyer cracked a smile and patted the bed to coax him closer, so he could pet him. Casper purred happily and headbutted Sawyer's hand.
Rowan was less happy. "This is our moment, can't he wait?" he whined.
He huffed and rolled his eyes. "He's a cat, Rowan. He can't see what we're doing. He just wants cuddles."
"So do I!" Rowan exclaimed indignantly.
"You're such a child." Sawyer rolled his eyes, but still scooted closer to Rowan's side, just to shut him up. He leaned against Rowan's chest, keeping a hand on Casper's head to stroke him. He could feel Rowan grinning above him and he repressed the urge to shove him away in disgust. He focused on the screen in front of them, determined to ignore the arms wrapping around him possessively.
It still felt nice to relax for the first time since he had been kidnapped. Not that he was warming up to Rowan, surely not... Sawyer just appreciated having his nerves calmed after that horrible week he endured.
Before the ending credits finished rolling, Sawyer's eyelids grew heavy and he found himself dozing off, head resting against Rowan's chest. He heard Rowan's soft chuckling and a kiss being pressed against his hairline. He grumbled, too tired to care about the intimacy, and just sunk deeper against Rowan's warmth.
Taglist: @morning-star-whump
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embretheworld · 12 days ago
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oc doodles
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cat-gh0ul · 2 months ago
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Old felicity i never posted...fuck it we ball
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peacenfly · 2 months ago
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i don't have a new sim of 2025 for y'all. but here's a felicity update
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meshumo · 6 days ago
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i test you with the thread of fate again, again, again
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556ch0cl8 · 6 months ago
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crazy nugget strawpage and doodle dump, last pic have their relatives
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boiling-potato · 2 months ago
".... although I wonder why your hatred is so strong as to be against every member, with trickster I understand but with the rest? My oh my I just don't understand you my friend" -viktor
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Headcanon is Viktor can see through everyone's bullshit, including Casimir so he can't really hide any of his true feelings around Viktor,,, and it kinda annoys Cas a little of how smart his friend is lol
Also, side note but I just realized,, when I was making this it kinda dawned on me that Trickster,, is such a terrible friend/master here. Think about it, she does in fact replace every single one of them, she takes people who suffered and put them in a house full of murderers to be either; becomes a murderer themselves or become a victim. And once she puts them there, she kind of disappears for a couple of years not caring if the person survives or not. The reason why the original members become who they are now is she doesn't realize that what she's doing is wrong, she doesn't realize that what they're doing to her is also unhealthy. The reason why Trickster doesn't like being there is once she comes back, her family doesn't let her back out for a couple of years, wanting her to also stay with them forever, also killing her and tormenting her all over again but she thinks it's normal to have a family like this.. Yeah, I guess I just wanted to rant about it hahah
Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY (and a late Christmas) TO MY DEAR FRIEND, LILAC!! (aka @dackychansworldofhoshino ) Buddy I know we haven't been friends that long but we're really glad to have you here, being part of the milkshake mansion and also being one my sweetest mootss~!!! Hope you enjoy your special day with the people you love and loves you back!! And again, happy birthday!! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡🎄🎄🎁🎁❤️❤️💕💕‼️‼️✨✨
Casimir, Trickster and the Milkshake Mansion belong to yours truly, me~!
Viktor (the guy with the braids) belong to our birthday boy, @dackychansworldofhoshino !!
Luck (the cute guy with wings) belongs to @lucytsukii !
And Felice (the curly haired cutie!) belongs to @chipi-chupi-chips !
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montammil · 7 months ago
Still adding songs, so feel free to recommend anything, but I made playlists for my main OCs (plus Griffin and Felicity, since I plan on adding them sooner or later into FBM)
Rowan Burnett
Sawyer Manning
Griffin Burnett
Felicity Burnett
Marshall Jackson
Lawrence Cross
Sadie Mills
Nathan Lam
Charlotte Stephenson
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filurig · 9 months ago
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realised i didnt include good profile shots of my Blorbos when making refs of them (lazy) so i doodled these relatively quick for Reference ...
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fereldanwench · 1 year ago
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screwzara · 1 month ago
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Felice belongs to @chipi-chupi-chips
Luck belongs to @lucytsukii
Milkshake Mansion belongs to @boiling-potato
Eris belongs to me :))))
If the lighting is awkward, its cuz I'm still half asleep even tho it's 3 pm rn lol
Edit: in case ur wondering what i drew behind the white box, I drew nothing there lol, got lazy and just didn't draw their hands there
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hunny-waffles · 1 year ago
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I know I haven’t formally introduced her but I couldn’t wait to post these.. I drew my welcome home oc in all the commercial styles from the update!! I love all of them so much and it was so fun to recreate them,, but here you go, this is Felicity Fleece’s informal introduction! <33
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meshumo · 1 month ago
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blighted-lights · 10 months ago
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so sorry to my followers this is now a softstep blog. context for this one is that, while on the lost light, softstep was assigned mandatory sessions with rung. rung thinks they're going great!
softstep,,, not so much
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peacenfly · 5 months ago
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I am another solid mystery, when it comes to you.
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tvheadfalls · 19 days ago
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Day 2: I want you to heal me / Day 3: I want you to kiss me
when in doubt. ocs
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