feifood · 3 years
haven't been in your inbox because of my busy schedule but may i request some hcs for aone, tendou, and bokuto seeing their s/o wearing their spare jersey during one of the boy's practice match?
Wearing their Spare Jersey
Aone, Tendou, Bokuto
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hihi anon welcome back !! Hope you’re not too stressed out from your busy schedule, please take care of yourself love <33 Here are those hcs hehe I had so much fun writing these :))
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He is SO blushy blushy 
I happen to headcanon Aone as someone who blushes easily so you can just imagine how red his face gets when he sees you wearing his jersey
Yes he gave it to you and yes he knows that you were obviously going to wear it but he wasn’t expecting at this practice match adlfdfh
The game hasn’t even started yet and he’s already out of breath LOLOL 
Futakuchi’s like ‘Aone you good????’
Aone straight up CRUSHES the opposing team in that game because the thought of you cheering him on (IN HIS SPARE JERSEY) makes him so much more focused and play so much better
Tendou is loud as hell about it
The minute you walk into the gym with his jersey on he spots you and he basically lets out a shriek
Everyone in the area thought a bird got stepped on or something
DASHES over to you and just starts gushing over you because you look so good??? In his jersey???? And you’re here to cheer him on??? Please give him a minute he’s so overwhelmed
The opposite of Aone in the game -- baby is so distracted that he doesn’t keep his eye on the ball the entire time
He’s too busy staring at you
After the practice match Semi advises you to maybe not wear the spare jersey to their actual games so the team can make it to nationals aksjdhfkjh
A mix of the other two
VERY loud when he sees you at first but he doesn’t really shriek like Tendou, he’ll just keep yelling your name and pointing to the jersey you’re wearing
Akaashi is like ‘Yes Bokuto-san I can see Y/N now come on the match is starting’
Similar to Aone, this man excels in the game suddenly
No more emo-mode, no more bad serves/recieves,  he is just simply thriving 
After the game Akaashi basically gives you the entire schedule for their future games so you can show up in his jersey and help his team win 
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feifood · 4 years
Can I have some hcs for Bokuto, Akaashi and Kuroo when their s/o is in the middle of an online class and they wanted some attention from their s/o? You can ignore this if it's uncomfortable for you ♥️ Thank you so much! I just read through your masterlist and I love your works so muxh!
Seeking attention during s/o’s online class
Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo
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hello anon !! I’m so glad to hear you like my works hehe, it makes writing them so much more enjoyable <33 Thank you for being so kind in your request :)) I hope you like these hcs and have a great day/night !!
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Bokuto had a free period right before lunch and you two had planned to go to this new restaurant fo lunch so he thought why not show up to your house early?
He knew that you had class though, so he just planned to sit in your room and wait patiently until your teacher was done the lesson
But oh my goodness he didn’t realize how boring your teacher was
They’re so monotone !! And Bokuto can see you trying to not fall asleep in this online class
And then he started to get kind of needy for attention because if you’re not going to pay attention in class then at least pay attention to him :((
Starts to poke u on the shoulder and since your camera is on people can see this random hand coming from the left nudging you LOLOL
You gotta type in the chat “sorry my little brother is here” just to cover for Bokuto’s lil tricks asdhfjhf
He’s just making weird faces behind the screen where the camera can’t see him and you’re trying your best to hold in the laughter
IT WAS VERY challenging and you got a lot of questions in the class chat asking what you were looking at the entire time adhfjhf
Akaashi was already over at your house, he was needy when he got here
He wanted your attention RIGHT AFTER he woke up so of course baby makes his way to your house
But you were just starting to join a call for class :(( so he’s like fine I’ll take a nap on your bed then
Halfway through the class when you were just sitting there taking notes, he started shuffling in bed and waking up dfkjashdfj
Your classmates were like ‘why is that pile of clothes moving behind you???’
You had to lie about your internet and leave class early because you knew that Akaashi just got more needier whenever he wakes up from a nap and unless you wanted your classmates to see your boyfriend give you a big bear hug there was no other choice but to leave the call
You hang up and you’re like Akaashi I was in class !! He’s like yes and? you’re not in class anymore right? so that means you can come cuddle :))
Kuroo was doing his work while you were in class and he finished his work early so he started to listen to the lesson with you
Your professor starts to go over some basic theories and Kuroo’s just like ‘seriously?? this content is so easy’
Doesn’t matter if he even knows the teacher or not
He starts to be the most participative kid in class (even tho he’s not IN THE CLASS)
Starts to ask the teacher these very complicated questions just for the hell of it
After class you’re like sir what was that about
He’s like I just wanted you to pay attention to me hehe so what best way to do that by getting everyone else's attention as well?
You couldn’t even be mad at him for this he’s jus too cute
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feifood · 3 years
Kageyama, Suga, Noya and Bokuto with a s/o who's midsized and has a bit of a belly an is very self conscious about it so they usually wear comfortable clothes that kinda hide it while also being stylish without them trying. But they think that they're fat and ugly cuz we really be our worst critics sometimes boo😫🤦🏽‍♀️
S/o Who’s Insecure about their Body
Noya, Bokuto
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Hey hey anon, I been writing Kageyama and Suga a lot lately, so I thought that for this request I’ll only do Noya and Bokuto because those two need some love -- I hope that’s alright with you :))
Enjoy these hcs and take care of yourself <33
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Noya is very perceptive even if he may seem like he isn’t
So it’s not a surprise when he sees you stand in front of the mirror sometimes and poke at the parts of your body that you wish looked a certain way
That’s also when he realized that it may be the reason why you usually wear loose clothing
He’s not complaining at all though, he thinks you still have one of the best fashion senses he’s ever seen, but it sucks how you’re doing so because you’re insecure and he doesn’t like that :((
He didn’t say anything at first because he hoped that you’d come to the realization of how perfect you are but you don’t over a period of time and so he decides it’s time he gives you a little reminder
Noya’s always complimented you, but now he’s kicked it up a notch and will NOT stop with the kind words
Also encourages you (but not being too pushy) to wear some clothing you don’t usually wear, the ones that expose a bit more skin, are a little bit tighter around your waist than your usual loose hoodies
Of course if you’re not comfortable doing so yet he won’t force you into them akjdshfkj
But he really does want you to start feeling more comfortable in your own skin, and if his little actions don’t work then he WILL straight up verbally say it -- he’ll explain how he’s noticed that you’ve been nitpicking at your ‘imperfections’ and this man will make it his life goal to make you feel confident for who you are
Takes Bokuto a little bit more time to notice it
It’s not that he doesn’t pay attention to you, but he’s constantly admiring you and it just didn’t even occur to him that it was possible that you didn’t like your own body
But the sad truth hits him one day and this man does not waste time to remind you of your worth again
Unlike Noya, he won’t try and make things subtle, he will straight up just say it out loud one day and you’d be confused as hell
Straight up just ‘I think you’re perfect’ when you two are watching a movie on the couch
You’re like ‘um ... thank you? Where is this coming from?????’
He’s just like ‘just wanted you to know :)’
He so sweet about it omg
But after that he’ll have an actual talk to you about it --explains how he’s realized how you frown at your reflection sometimes and how you always talk about the clothes you want (that are less loose than the clothes you usually wear) but you never actually buy them
How sometimes when he compliments you, you frown a little bit at the reminder of your appearance
Then gives you this long speech about the things he likes about you
At this point he’s just rambling but it’s very very sweet and he’s concentrating so hard because he desperately wants to get his point through
Ends up making you PROMISE to not look down on yourself ever again and he reminds you that he’s always there whenever you’re feeling a bit off 
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feifood · 4 years
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Your wish is my command anon <33 Hope you enjoy reading babie Iwaizumi and Bokuto are so fun to write about hehe 
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Grocery Shopping
He’s most likely the one that organizes the entire trip
Writes the grocery list, knows exactly what aisle everything is somehow, and probably has meal plans all laid out for the entire week
Iwaizumi’s probably very strict on healthy eating, and will allow cheat days but when it’s not a cheat day he will be STRICT as hell so buying the right ingredients is very important to him
I would say most likely he’s handling the raw ingredients and your getting all the snacks adhfdfh
He’s a personal trainer so he’s bound to give you tips on healthy eating even though you didn’t ask
Gives you that look of ‘are you serious’ whenever you try to sneak your favourite brand of junk food into the cart
A lot of lighthearted arguments in the grocery store omg
But in the end of the day of course, how can he say no to you?
Don’t worry babes you’ll still get that snack you insisted that you two buy
When you two are at the cashier that’s when he really gets a good look of everything y’all put into the cart and he’s always like ‘when did you even sneak this in here?’
You never actually respond to that question because you’ll be using that trick again next week when y’all come back for more groceries >:))
I would say grocery shopping with Bokuto is the exact opposite as grocery shopping with Iwaizumi
Bokuto know that you two are here to buy veggies and fruits and whatnot, but his legs always unconsciously carry him into the chips aisle
You’re gonna have to keep track of where he’s going all the time because he WILL leave your side to go check out that sale on cookies and you will not be able to find him trust me 
So basically you’re the Iwaizumi in this case
You have to make sure that your cart isn’t full of junk food by the end of the trip
If it was all up to Bokuto, you two would simply be eating chips for the entire week
It’s not that Bokuto doesn’t try to be healthy, he still composes the grocery list with you, will plan out meals with you, etc
But once he enters through the doors of the store he just can’t control himself
He’s not shopping for the week he’s shopping for cheat day and cheat day only
A part of me is saying that Bokuto will accidentally drop a jar of salsa or something
But only once, because that one time was enough to shake him up for life
He is now afraid to pick up any types of products sealed in glass containers, so he’ll grab you into another aisle and ask you to put it in the cart
When at the cash register, he’ll look at all the things you two picked out and he’ll go ‘not enough snacks’ 
(Even though your purchases are like 60% snacks)
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feifood · 4 years
May I have a hc for Bokuto with a s/o who always brings him a bento for lunch? 👀 Thank you so much!
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Reading this made me so hungry ....... I should go downstairs and munch on some crackers hehe
Here you go anon !! I hope you enjoy some happy Bokuto <33
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Bentos for Bokuto:
The first time you do it, it was just a nice gesture and he was very very thankful for it
The second time you do it, he starts to pick up that this could be a frequent thing
And then he realizes you’re bringing them in every single day and he is flattered to the ends of the Earth I tell you
Slowly overtime though, he started to rely a bit too much on you whoops
Even before your daily gifts for him, Bokuto tended to always forget to bring his own lunch to school
Happens about once a week I’d say
But as he started to get more used to you bringing him one everyday, he started to forget his lunch wayyy more frequently
If he has early volleyball practice in the morning, he doesn’t even try to make his own bento, that just how much trust he has in his s/o at this point
And I mean how can he resist the things you cook for him ?? They’re so good he wouldn’t sell it for a million dollars
Even though you’ve done it thousands of times at this point, he still smiles so hard his face starts to hurts whenever he sees you pull out a bento that you made for him
But don’t get the situation wrong !! He’s not just using you for food !!
Always has his manners about this whole thing and always makes sure to  show his thanks
Whether that be buying you a big gift every once in a while or paying for that snack trip to the convenience store, he’s never short to return the favour
Bo is just so thankful for you and loves the things you do for him 
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feifood · 3 years
Could I request a platonic friendship relationship with Bokuto, Akashi, and Kuroo? Like the s/o is female and she's basically like one of the guys and likes to bully Bokuto with Akashi and Kuroo but will soon comfort him afterwards with a hug and she likes to put her legs over them when they're chilling too, maybe she also like to use the guys as a pillow when practice runs late into the evening. Just something sweet and loving between friends y'know nothing romantic, maybe s/o is asexual too not enough asexual stuff and it makes me sad.
Asexual S/o who Gets Along w/ His Friends
Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo
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hey anon -- I’m writing this now after I wrote the actual hcs and I hope I got the concept right akdfjkhsdfjh ALSO i totally agree on how there aren’t enough asexual reader hcs so I am here to deliver :)) Okay that’s all I hope you enjoy and take care lovely <33
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I think Bokuto is going to be the most clueless about what being asexual REALLY means, so if you could please teach this poor baby a little bit
But he won’t force you to be his teacher !! It’s his own responsibility to educate himself and he knows that so dw
Definitely probably gets a little bit jealous when he sees you being so chill with his friends (he is NOT that toxic jealous type)
He trusts both you and his friends a lot, but he just sees you make jokes to his friends or put your legs on over them and he just wishes it was him who you were talking to :((
He just really wants attention pls shower him with affection
But aside from that he loves how you get along with his friends because he can’t even imagine what it would be like if you didn’t get along with them -- how chaotic it would be
Honestly thinks it’s so cool that you’re close to his friends
Doesn’t get jealous ever really when you use your friends as a pillow or give them platonic hugs because he knows it’s all friendly up in here
When he finds out your asexual he insists that you two have a talk about the things that you’re comfortable and not comfortable with -- also asks you if he mention to others if you’re asexual 
Sometimes he finds it funny how you get along with his friends so well, just seeing you joke around with him makes him chuckle a little bit
ALSO LOVES how even though you hang out with his friends, he’s the one you cuddle with at the end of the night 
It just makes him feel 304239845 times more special hehe
Kuroo probably wouldn’t mention to anyone that you’re asexual like ever
Not because he wants to hide it or something, he just doesn’t think it’s his place to talk about your sexuality
If you insist that he’s allowed to then he’ll ask you a bunch of times if you’re sure because the last thing he’d want to do is tell someone something that you didn’t want them to know
Also I feel like he’ll really like hanging out with his friends when you’re around because 1. he likes seeing you happy and talking with your friends (who are also his friends) and 2. he is TOTALLY going to show you/your relationship off if the chance ever comes
Kuroo is just adorably annoying like that hehe
He can also switch very quickly from treating you like ‘one of the boys’ to treating you as his beloved (it’s like an on/off switch at this point and it’s quite impressive)
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