feifood · 3 years
If you’re not too busy can you do a Tendou, Suna, and Noya headcannon with a chubby s/o?? Hope you have a great morning/afternoon/ evening/ or night!!!
W/ a Chubby S/o
Tendou, Suna, Noya
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LOL HI ANON TYSM FOR THE APPRECIATION !!!! Am so grateful that you like my work and I love this idea very very much so ofc I’d fulfill the request hehe so I hope you like it and please take care of yourself love <33
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Absolute personal hype man just praises all day everyday
Babes if you were self conscious about being chubby Tendou will quite literally eliminate and throw those insecurities into a ditch with his kind words and praise
This dude doesn’t ever judge like EVER 
But he do always admire and you bet you’re his favourite person to admire
Even if you’re not feeling down/uncomfortable in your own skin he still wouldn’t hold back with his compliments because there’s just so many things that he loves about you Tendou thinks that he’ll never be able to finish listing them all
AND YOU BET that he’s going to be bragging to others about his s/o
Not someone of many words compared to Tendou, but Suna still got his own special ways of showing you how lovely you are
The quiet touchy type -- he’s always got a hand on your thigh as he watches the movie playing on the screen or will literally cuddle you with a death grip around your waist
‘Rin, let go I have to use the bathroom’ and all you get is a muffled ‘no>:(’
Eventually he has to let you go and he’s just pouting the entire time you’ve left him alone
On top of that he likes to play with your chub if you let him,, gently knead your thighs or use your tummy as a pillow
He’s also someone who weirdly LOVES to squish your face,, especially your cheeks because they’re so soft n he thinks you look so cute
ALSO Suna just gives off the vibes that he’s good at roasting people so if someone ever makes a nasty remark about your appearance Suna will quite literally make them cry with his words
Noya is a mixture of both because he cannot get enough of you like EVER
Praises just coming out of his mouth 24/7 he doesn’t stop talking simply because he feels the need to express his appreciation for you constantly
Also a very consensually touchy type of person -- loves cuddling and loves playing with your chub,, he’s gotten used to it so much so that he actually feels a sense of calmness/relief whenever he does so
NOYA SHOWS YOU OFF A TON. He literally views you as a higher form of being and you can bet Noya will not shut up about how amazing his s/o is 
AND he makes cuddling sessions mandatory >:))
If you’ll let him, Noya would love to go shopping for you and buy you clothes that you wouldn’t usually wear
For example if you tend to stay away form a type of clothing because you’re not very confident with the thought of your body type in it, Noya would quite literally go and buy exactly that to prove to you that you can look absolutely stunning in it
And I think this goes without being said but anyone who ever trash talks his s/o is going to summon his demon from within,, good luck to them
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feifood · 3 years
Kageyama, Suga, Noya and Bokuto with a s/o who's midsized and has a bit of a belly an is very self conscious about it so they usually wear comfortable clothes that kinda hide it while also being stylish without them trying. But they think that they're fat and ugly cuz we really be our worst critics sometimes boo😫🤦🏽‍♀️
S/o Who’s Insecure about their Body
Noya, Bokuto
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Hey hey anon, I been writing Kageyama and Suga a lot lately, so I thought that for this request I’ll only do Noya and Bokuto because those two need some love -- I hope that’s alright with you :))
Enjoy these hcs and take care of yourself <33
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Noya is very perceptive even if he may seem like he isn’t
So it’s not a surprise when he sees you stand in front of the mirror sometimes and poke at the parts of your body that you wish looked a certain way
That’s also when he realized that it may be the reason why you usually wear loose clothing
He’s not complaining at all though, he thinks you still have one of the best fashion senses he’s ever seen, but it sucks how you’re doing so because you’re insecure and he doesn’t like that :((
He didn’t say anything at first because he hoped that you’d come to the realization of how perfect you are but you don’t over a period of time and so he decides it’s time he gives you a little reminder
Noya’s always complimented you, but now he’s kicked it up a notch and will NOT stop with the kind words
Also encourages you (but not being too pushy) to wear some clothing you don’t usually wear, the ones that expose a bit more skin, are a little bit tighter around your waist than your usual loose hoodies
Of course if you’re not comfortable doing so yet he won’t force you into them akjdshfkj
But he really does want you to start feeling more comfortable in your own skin, and if his little actions don’t work then he WILL straight up verbally say it -- he’ll explain how he’s noticed that you’ve been nitpicking at your ‘imperfections’ and this man will make it his life goal to make you feel confident for who you are
Takes Bokuto a little bit more time to notice it
It’s not that he doesn’t pay attention to you, but he’s constantly admiring you and it just didn’t even occur to him that it was possible that you didn’t like your own body
But the sad truth hits him one day and this man does not waste time to remind you of your worth again
Unlike Noya, he won’t try and make things subtle, he will straight up just say it out loud one day and you’d be confused as hell
Straight up just ‘I think you’re perfect’ when you two are watching a movie on the couch
You’re like ‘um ... thank you? Where is this coming from?????’
He’s just like ‘just wanted you to know :)’
He so sweet about it omg
But after that he’ll have an actual talk to you about it --explains how he’s realized how you frown at your reflection sometimes and how you always talk about the clothes you want (that are less loose than the clothes you usually wear) but you never actually buy them
How sometimes when he compliments you, you frown a little bit at the reminder of your appearance
Then gives you this long speech about the things he likes about you
At this point he’s just rambling but it’s very very sweet and he’s concentrating so hard because he desperately wants to get his point through
Ends up making you PROMISE to not look down on yourself ever again and he reminds you that he’s always there whenever you’re feeling a bit off 
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