educationadda1997 · 3 months
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moviemosaics · 5 months
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Dune: Part Two
directed by Denis Villeneuve, 2024
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shakespearenews · 22 days
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dannycardfan824 · 2 years
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saph-y · 6 months
What’s the name of your Tarnished? Do you have any headcanons about him?
I have a few ! Nothing very precise, as I'm still playing and try to avoid spoilers, the lore of ER is pretty obscur. So instead my headcanons about my tarnished are just whatever happens in my game or how I play. Here's some !
His name is Thomas-Feguson, that... is an elaborate private joke between me and @/selkys about one of our OC (Fergus, who would be his brother in another universe xD) and wanting my chara to be named "Tom" in honor of Tom Cardy, but sounding more... idk. Medieval appropriate I guess xD
At the begining Melina says that Torrent chose the tarnished and I like to think this is the only reason he was raised : the horse has a good vibe about him
Same for Ranni's spectral wolves. I guess pets like him ? x)
Doesn't know what "becoming the Elden Lord" implies and at this point he's to afraid to ask.
Right eye is blind. He used to be a good archer but not so much anymore.
At first he fights like a coward, it forces him to become ingenious
Right until he finds a strange dagger drenched in blood... He's still cautious but sometimes now he gets a little blood-drunk from its use. This is probably fine for his sanity.
He starts to care about all this shit to help the few friends he makes. He's actually super loyal and would die for them. Unfortunately they often die first. He kind of carries on a bit for them, and a bit because... well he doesn't know himself I think. To see where this goes maybe.
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(this is my guy btw. He's very on brand of my OCs both for his design and his story, I didn't try to be original xD)
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The first battle duo: Brooke and Chess
Hello darling watchers, I’m M, the watchful eye, and the game master of the game. let’s talk about fighting duos.
The first one is quite interesting. Same and different at the same time. Chess has had a very though life and the toughness won’t end now either. She has been forced out of her home, used as an experiment pig and she is living in a world that is not kind to humans like her. She sure does have fire magic, but I don’t know how that goes well with her opponent. Only time tells what Chess does or can she go on to the next round.
Her opponent is magical girl Brooke Feguson, with her dragon as her weapon. Brooke sure is a sunshine, but who know if that being almost obnoxious sunshine will be her downfall. Who wouldn’t kill off the annoying one if you had the chance. Who knows? The dragon on her side has an affinity to water so it has a slight advantage on Chess. But Chess doesn’t have to kill sin the dragon. She needs to kill Brooke.
@astellarium @concealeddarkness13
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alterna2mag · 2 years
Lo mejor de In-Edit 2022
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El Festival Internacional de Cine Documental Musical, In-Edit, que este 2022 cumplía 20 años, se celebró en Barcelona del 27 de octubre al 6 de noviembre. Un año más, la programación ha estado plagada de documentales de gran calidad. Los ha habido sobre Leonard Cohen, la banda sudafricana National Wake, Ennio Morricone, Joaquín Sabina, el krautrock de CAN, el italo disco, la bossa nova, el punk, y un largo etcétera. Elaboramos nuestro particular top 5 con una selección de documentales que nos han sorprendido gratamente este año.
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Sinéad O’Connor: Nothing Compares - Kathryn Ferguson | 2022
Todos conocemos la historia de esta artista polémica y carismática. El documental abre en el momento en que, en el Madison Square Garden, una muchedumbre abuchea a O'Connor impidiendo su actuación. Ese momento clave, muy incómodo, es utilizado por Feguson para iniciar el relato de una vida fuera de lo normal. Pasamos a la infancia y juventud de O'Connor, una época cargada de traumas, incluyendo una madre maltratadora, y su paso por diversos colegios y centros religiosos de acogida. Este caldo de cultivo dota a nuestra protagonista de una personalidad férrea pero que arrastra una mochila complicada. Su voz no pasa desapercibida, ya alguna de sus profesoras quedó prendada de ella, invitándola a cantar en su boda. La joven Sinéad pronto se abre paso en la industria de la música, pero no a cualquier precio. Reivindicativa, luchadora y poco voluble, hace de la protesta su estandarte y no le teme a nada ni a nadie. Su arrebato de activismo rompiendo una foto del papa en Saturday Night Live, en horario de máxima audiencia, fue el principio del fin de su carrera. Estaba en la cumbre de su éxito y a pesar de todo, no le tembló el pulso. La industria, como todos sabemos, no tuvo piedad. Volvemos al Madison Square Garden. Hay quien dice que la carrera de Sinéad terminó en ese momento. Pero lo cierto es que ella ha seguido, a su manera, dedicándose a la música.
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Nightclubbing: The Birth of Punk Rock in NYC - Danny Garcia | 2022
La magia de este documental es que te traslada a los entresijos de un local mítico como fue el Max's Kansas City, restaurante reconvertido en club de música en directo ubicado en Nueva York. Estuvo operativo entre 1965 y 1981, y por el pasaron los nombres más populares de aquellos años. Desde los New York Dolls hasta Billy Idol, pasando por Patti Smith, Blondie, Alice Cooper o Iggy Pop. La propia Debby Harry trabajó de camarera en Max's. Danny García se rodea de grandes figuras para aportar su contribución en forma de testimonio. Así, un desmejorado Alan Vega (Suicide) explica su visión del local, un divertido Alice Cooper aborda con detalle todo lo que se cocía entre bambalinas o una elocuente Jayne County, muy habitual en el Max's, describe sus experiencias sobre las tablas del club.
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Studio 54: Nada que ver con todo lo demás - Jorge Rodriguez | 2022 Otro local mítico, en este caso, en Barcelona, fue protagonista de un documental en In-Edit. Studio 54: Nada que ver con todo lo demás, es un alocado viaje al interior de la que fue la primera macro discoteca de Barcelona. Uno de los pases, la sala 5 de los multicines Aribau, llena a reventar, contó con un warm-up a cargo de Raúl Orellana, Dj asiduo en Studio 54. El ambiente era de fiesta total y se veía a mucho público que, a buen seguro, era fiel visitante de la discoteca en sus tiempos mozos. El director, Jorge Rodríguez, también invitado, presentó el documental entre los aplausos del público. Quizá el metraje fue largo en exceso, sin tener en cuenta que además asistimos a un pase especial de festival con 10 minutos extra. Rodríguez explicó que la entrevista con el Dj Ángel Molina duró unas 10 horas. Se entiende que con tanto testimonio recopilado el montaje fue una ardua tarea. Una coral de ex trabajadores, Djs y muchos, muchos asistentes a la discoteca, comparten sus vivencias en Studio 54. La transgresión, la convivencia de muy diversas tribus urbanas, la libertad y sobre todo, la diversión que ofreció este lugar único, difícilmente se volverá a manifestar en esta ciudad. El concepto importado de Estados Unidos, en combinación con la cultura local dio como resultado una sala irrepetible. La fiesta de 39 aniversario reunió en la Sala Barts, donde antiguamente se levantaba Studio 54, a muchos de los que en su día pasaron por allí, en una celebración de nostálgica casi a la altura de sus fiestas temáticas icónicas.
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Anonymous Club - Danny Cohen | 2021
Acercamiento a Courtney Barnett a través de tres años de grabación. Ella registra algunas vivencias en una grabadora y la cámara la acompaña por diversas paradas en sus giras. Danny Cohen da en el clavo y se cuela en la intimidad de la artista, que transmite sus dudas creativas e inspiracionales. Por momentos parece perdida, ausente, a la par que despierta la empatía del espectador. Courtney ha alcanzado el éxito muy joven. Llena grandes escenarios en festivales y aun así se enfrenta a dudas existenciales. Anonymous Club humaniza a esta artista, que afronta el directo en pequeño formato, durante una gira en solitario para encontrarse consigo misma, con la misma predisposición que los grandes eventos. Introspectivo y cálido, el documental llega al corazón.
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In The Court Of The Crimson King: King Crimson at 50 - Toby Amies | 2022 50 años de King Crimson, ahí es nada. Toby Amies aprovecha la ocasión para aproximarse a la banda en un documental. Hasta ahí todo bien. Lo original del caso que nos ocupa es que el hilo conductor de la historia gira en torno a Robert Fripp y su modo de ver su trabajo, dedicación y relación con el resto de la banda. Una sombra alargada que se refleja en todo. Perfeccionista, maniático y controlador, se presenta como un hueso duro de roer y con el que es difícil trabajar, e incluso rodar el propio documental (en ocasiones cuestiona las preguntas que se le hacen). Disciplinado hasta el extremo, Fripp ensaya cada día y exige excelencia a los demás. Jakko Jakszyk, Michael Giles, Bill Rieflin, Gavin Harrison y muchos otros, cuentan su paso por la banda, cómo es trabajar con Fripp, y cómo es formar parte de King Crimson.
Estos han sido los documentales galardonados este año:
Mejor Documental Internacional: 
Look At Me: XXXTENTACION - Sabaah Folayan | 2022.
Mejor Documental Nacional: 
Sonic Fantasy - Marcos Cabotá  | 2022.
Mención Especial: El Káiser de la Atlántida - Sebastián Alfie | 2022.
Premio del jurado al Mejor Cortometraje: Dear Michael - Joan Bover | 2022.
Premio del público al Mejor Cortometraje: $kydrvg 3.0 - Maker Fly | 2022.
Premio del Público al Mejor Documental Musical (este año, compartido): 
No Callarem - Claudia Arribas, Violeta Octavio, Carlos Juan Martínez | 2022, y DIO: Dreamers Never Die - Don Argott, Demian Fenton | 2022.
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erinthegardn · 6 years
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Agent Faust 💕
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lawenforcementtoday · 5 years
Enough is enough. It's time we stand together. Blue family, will you help us spread the word?
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Denis Villeneuve's forthcoming Dune adaptation is shaping up to be pretty special. The first look image of Timothée Chamolet's Paul Atreides, released yesterday (top image), didn't reveal all that much. However, today's new images give us a much better taste of what to expect this December (assuming of course that the c-virus doesn't have other ideas).
There are a couple of things I'm a bit iffy on; the stillsuits look a bit too busy to me, but aesthetically they look kinda cool and Gurney Halleck - played by Josh Brolin - still doesn't look ugly enough, but that's a minor gripe, I still think he looks amazing and will bring an aggressive edge to the role that Patrick Stewart - as much as I loved him in the film - failed to bring.
There is much to savour here; Chamolet himself looks perfect as Paul and I'm looking forward immensely to seeing his performance. I rather like Zendaya as Chani and Oscar Isaac brings noble regalness to Duke Leto. I'm intrigued by Sharon Duncan-Brewster's casting of Liet Kynes; I don't know much about her, but I'm intrigued by what she'll bring to the character that was played so well by the late Max von Sydow in the 80s original.
So far, it's generally looking all good; I really hope a trailer isn't far behind...
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falllpoutboy · 4 years
all these dumb mfs on the tl talking about “this is why we need to vote” ok and? either way we’re still gonna end up with a elderly white cishet man who cant speak properly war criminal like we need to abolish the police system immediately i trust biden as much i trust trump which is a grand total of 0 btw.
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seymourmusicclub · 3 years
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luveline · 2 years
YOU LIKE NEW GIRL?? i knew you had taste, but this!!! who's your favorite character??
I do!!!! my fave is winston but im talking post stealing feguson winston
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claritalunaluna76 · 3 years
Louis Tomlinson is a well-known name, be it from his time in the record-breaking band One Direction, his stint as a judge on X-Factor or from his chart-topping debut solo album Walls. As is photographer and director Charlie Lightening who is known for directing some of the most iconic music documentaries of modern times.
The pair crossed paths in 2019 when Louis attended a screening of As It Was, a documentary directed by Charlie about Liam Gallagher.
Louis has often said publicly how he’s a fan of Oasis, the band Liam was in was with his brother Noel and their music influenced him growing up. He even credited Noel as composer on his track Walls, as it sampled some Oasis tracks.
As It Was, was a hugely popular documentary that went on to win Best Non-Fiction Documentary at the National Film Awards.
Charlie is from Manchester so is very much a northern lad like Louis who grew up in Doncaster. He has a degree in Photo Media from Manchester Metropolitan University. In an interview with Clash Magzine from 2010, he told how he got his first big career break in 2002 when directed Ronnie Wood’s live DVD featuring Slash. He then went on in 2003 to shoot behind the scenes footage for Kylie Minogue and shot the commercial for her ‘Love Kylie’ Lingerie range, after a chance meeting with her stylist William Baker.
He then met Mike O’Keefe who at the time was head commissioner at BMG, which later became Sony Music, where he is now VP of the creative department. In his role as VP Mike has commissioned over 1000 videos to be created for various artists including working with Louis and his One Direction bandmates on some of their music videos.
Mike began to commission Charlie to work on numerous behind the scenes projects for the artists he worked with. He later began to direct the music videos for some of Sony’s biggest artists including The Script.
Between 2005 and 2010, Charlie would continue to cultivate relationships with artists he worked with and grow his company Lightening Productions working with the likes of Kasabian and Jamiroqui and Britain’s Got Talent Winner Paul Potts.
Meanwhile Louis Tomlinson‘s musical journey was just beginning. Louis auditioned for the popular reality singing contest, X Factor which was created by music exec and TV’s “Mr Nasty”, Simon Cowell. Having auditioned as solo artist, Louis was asked if he would like to be part of a band with four other contestants, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik. Having been in band at school, The Rogues, and willing to take the lifeline being offered to him Louis along with the other four lads said yes. One Direction was born. They would ultimately finish third in the show behind Rebecca Feguson and winner Matt Cardle, but go on to become one of the biggest bands the world has seen since The Beatles and The Spice Girls.
Interestingly during the Bootcamp stage of his X Factor audition when all contestants had to pick from a list of roughly 40 songs to sing. Self-proclaimed huge Oasis fan, Louis surprisingly chose not to sing one of the Oasis tracks on the list, he opted instead to sing Adele’s cover of the Bob Dylan track Make You Feel My Love.
While Louis was busy captivating the world as one fifth of the worlds biggest boyband, Charlie Lightening too was finding his own career was also going from strength to strength. He began working with one of Louis’s Oasis idols, Liam Gallagher. Directing video content for his band Beady Eye. He also worked with Paul McCartney on his world tour.
In 2015 One Direction an indefinite hiatus, in 2016 Louis began his career as a solo artist releasing a collaboration with Steve Aoki.
He also released a collaboration with Bebe Rexha, which saw his friends and younger sibling Lottie have cameos in the accompanying video which was shot in his beloved home town of Doncaster.
Known for rarely being able to bite his tongue, Louis took to Twitter 2019 to post some frank and exceedingly honest about how he saw his own career.
The post marked an exciting turning point in the acclaimed singer/songwriters career. Later that year he teamed up with Charlie Lightening for the first time, after Charlie had been approached by Sony Music asking if he would like to work with Louis. He agreed and so, Louis with Charlie’s help released in to the world his “statement of intent” and the first glimpse of the sound of his first album. Kill My Mind was the first of a trilogy of videos the duo would work on that would tell an intricate story spanning across three separate releases. It showed how both Charlie and Louis worked well, both seemingly on the same page creatively.
Subsequent releases in the trilogy, saw both Louis and Charlie reunite with Mike O’Keefe who commissioned We Made It and Don’t Let It Break Your Heart.
The entire series of videos captured Louis’s huge fanbase and they were delighted when both Charlie and Louis announced they would be releasing The Director’s Cut of the videos, which neatly threaded all the story together and featured unseen footage which further added to the compelling narrative being told within the videos.
The release of the short film saw both Charlie and Louis head to Youtube Spaces in February 2020 to host Q&A about the project. Both were extremely candid about working together with Charlie admitting “No disrespect but I wasn’t thinking about the fans, I was thinking about Louis and about what we could do together.” This showed the depth and respect the two have for each other and why creatively they bounce off each other so well.
During the Q&A Charlie discussed how the videos were shot individually and that seeing them released with reaction from Louis fanbase helped them shape the narrative as they moved forward to film the subsequent videos. Louis commented on how great his working relationship was with Charlie ” That’s what’s been good about mine and Charlie’s working relationship, I don’t have to spend ages saying this is what I want and this is how I want it to look. I think Charlie kind of understands who I am and who I wanna be, so it was a really collaborative process, which was really important to me.”
We also got to see an insight in to the banter the northern duo have with them being asked how Louis acting skills were. Charlie responded “Amazing”, with Louis calling him out “ Don’t bulls*** lad, don’t bulls***. Then conceeding he was “Aright”. Charlie explained that when people such as Louis grow up with cameras in their face they have a certain level of comfort in front of them and how they know what they can do and how it will translate on screen.
For Louis the video he is most proud of is Walls, which was of course directed by Charlie and saw them reunite with Mike O’Keefe who commissioned the pair to make a visually stunning video.
Louis described the video as being “important”, and “the scale and size of it, it being filmed in the desert. That one just really stands out.” Charlie also felt that “Walls was a real moment.”
The creative duo teamed up again in December 2020 to create a live stream show which became the best selling live stream by a male solo artist in 2020.
Charlie will be accompanying Louis on his highly anticipated world tour in 2022. Louis has also told fans he is working on a documentary to be released sometime in the future. Charlie has accompanied Louis to recent studio sessions as he works on his second album which he will release an independent artist in partnership with BMG.
In the three years Charlie and Louis have been working together, fans have seen Louis release content that reflects who is an artist and seeds for what is to come in the future. Charlie doesn’t appear to be fazed by the large and passionate fanbase with Louis has. He just wants to make content that both he and Louis enjoy and are proud of as if they like it and believe in the art they create together, it will translate to Louis fans loving it. Through working together it’s as if Charlie has opened a window in to Louis’s world and is allowing us to see the man behind the music.
Let us know at @TBHONEST_UK, if you are excited to see what Charlie and Louis work on together next!
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analog-kyle · 7 years
Untitled by Hogarth Ferguson Via Flickr: :: Post about this trip :: Website :: Tumblr :: Instagram ::
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imaginedsoldier · 4 years
Will literally never forget Tony Feguson trailing off mid-press conference to say "You know, this is a rat race. But I'm no rat. I'm a fuckin turtle. Ninja turtle. So which one's your favorite? I like Michaelangelo."
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