#feels like every time I answer an ask I get inspired to do yet another thing 😂
Lmao your post with Yuu throwing it back is giving me life rn 😂
But did you know that shaking your bottom is a mating ritual between some species of birds? (Like the black widow, I think?)
So my brain instantly went back to the monster au. The thought of the twst boys thinking their lil' hooman is trying to seduce or woo them as a potential mate is a riot to me 🤣
Referencing this post here!
That one was one of my favorite posts I’ve written for this AU! Glad to see it’s still putting my readers in stitches! XD
I think that might’ve been a typo of sorts and you meant “bugs” instead of birds? Black widows are arachnids, though the categories do get mixed together quite frequently. Random fun fact since you mentioned spiders, but did you know that the Harvestmen or “daddy longleg” spiders aren’t really spiders? They’re actually very closely related to scorpions, which technically speaking are in the arachnid family, but their appearance makes people mistake them as spiders despite them lacking the glands to make webbing! OwO
Wanted to share since, despite me being scared of spiders, am also strongly fascinated by them!..just not enough to actually handle them or be within five feet of one. ^^;
Anyway, back to the matter at hand: Monster AU. It’s so hilarious imagining just how out of context so many things would be in this AU! Even more so when the researchers are completely unaware of what’s happening so they can either study or explain it away! 😂
Now, that’s not to say that they’ll see every gesture and movement as flirtatious or as a courtship display. After all, when you’re surrounded by so many different species living together? It probably took a while before the monsters figured out that their neighbor was just greeting them normally and not trying to flirt or insult them and that it was just how that monster species typically greets others. Progress at least! However, if Yuu (regardless of gender) were to keep making repetitive movements while dancing and giving one of the monsters a playful or (to the boys) seductive look?
Hoo boy, watch out Yuu: you’ll wind up getting courted back! Even worse if more than one tries to challenge each other to claim the boyfriend title. 😅
Now that I think about it, I’d imagine that the older monsters/staff/researchers would be less likely to think that what Yuu was doing was a courtship dance. After all, they’ve been around long enough to know the difference between pure instinctual courtship behaviors and just someone who is either dancing or “moving erratically”. Even Lilia would know the difference, but chooses not to say anything because he’s a chaotic gremlin of a bat monster who loves to see the young pups enjoying their youth. 😌
……dangit, why did this make me want to brainstorm different courtship methods to each species?! 🤣
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writingsbychlo · 4 months
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SPIDER | tom riddle
summary; tom riddle has a peculiar way of showing his affection, but he's nothing if not protective.
word count; 1625
notes; I woke up this morning with inspiration and I grabbed my laptop and banged this out before even getting up. if you hate it, I literally don't care <3
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The flames of the fireplace flickered soothingly, the last warmth spilling out towards you in a subtle glow, hiding the reflections of the lake that danced around the room. Several other students were also still milling around, the Slytherin common room was never truly empty, not unless it was the summer break. Pulling the blanket a little tighter around your shoulders, you snuggled down a bit further, only stilling when the cold sense of someone else crept down your neck. 
This was a familiar chill, though. You were aware of someone else’s presence, and yet no part of that was threatening. A familiar cologne reached your nose, and before you’d even turned, you were greeting the man who stood behind you, “Hello, Tom.”
“Why are you down here?” He cut right to the point, never one for formalities, and your lips flickered up at the edges as he walked around the edge of the sofa and into your view. “You’re never up at this time.”
Always so observant. Your smile formed a little more every time he revealed something extra he’d noticed about you. That you liked a particular table in the library, that your favourite biscuits were chocolate hobnobs, that you didn’t usually stay up this late. Tom Riddle had a peculiar way of showing affection. Most people assumed he was cold, unfeeling, harsh. They couldn't be more wrong. 
Tom Riddle was a walking, talking, bleeding heart. He was an open wound, snapping like an injured animal when anyone came close. Tom Riddle was full of emotion, it just happened to be hidden behind a thick stone wall. But if you were allowed close enough to look through the cracks, the true Tom Riddle shone like golden light within. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” You teased, and he rolled his eyes, taking half a step closer to you and perching on the arm of the couch elegantly. 
“You know I go for walks at night.”
“And where do you go for these walks? What do you do on your oh-so-mysterious nightly walks?” You turned your body further towards him, the blanket slipping down from its place around your chin, and those calculating brown eyes tracked its fall along your arm.  
“That’s none of your business, and you’re avoiding the question.”
“You’re avoiding mine.” You retorted, and he simply gave you a dry look. Reaching out, Tom lifted the edge of the blanket back up and over your shoulder, securing it back into place. 
“Answer me.”
“Fine,” You sighed, head rolling across your shoulders and back towards the fireplace, watching the growing flames once again, “I saw a spider in my room. It crawled down the edge of my bed right before I could get in, and now I don’t want to go to sleep.”
You could feel Tom’s stare on you, the silence stretching between you both as he let the confession settle. There was half a chance he’d scoff, and half a chance he’d simply walk away now that he got his answer. He seemed to be debating between which one to go for. “Why didn’t Pansy get it out for you?”
Another question, not an option you’d considered, but not a surprise from him. “She’s not here, she’s at Luna’s tonight.”
More silence, and you took the chance to observe him instead. Tom Riddle was not one to cower away from a stare, and so as you watched him, he watched you too. Finally, he broke the silence, “I’ll get it for you.”
Now, that was a surprise. “You will?”
“Does it matter?” He shot back, standing once again, making it clear to you that you were to do the same, or he’d leave without you. Dropping the blanket down to the couch, the enchanted item folded itself back up and into the storage trunk you’d taken it from, as you smoothed out your jumper and followed Tom’s already retreating steps.
“It doesn’t matter, but I’m curious. Humour me.” You caught up with him, and he cut you a glance from the side of his eye. “You should also know that I’m very grateful, whether you choose to tell me or not. Thank you.”
The rigid lines of his shoulders softened a little at that. Should you know how to, Tom Riddle could be played like a fiddle. You smothered a snicker at the rhyme in your head as he let slip a small sigh. “I don’t want you to sit in the common room all night when I can perfectly easily take care of the problem.”
Your smile was full now, following him silently through the halls as he guided the way to your dorm. Opening the door, he was respectful enough to ignore the piles of mess on your roommate’s side of the dorm, looking straight towards your untouched bed, and the mug of now cold tea sitting on your bedside table. 
“Which side?”
“The far one.” You mumbled, tension creeping back into your body. What if it wasn’t there anymore? What if it had crawled elsewhere, and was now hidden somewhere in the room, ready to strike, or—
The screech of your bed frame moving snapped you from your thoughts as Tom pulled it away from the wall. It moved again, jarring along the wooden floor. Tom remained still, eyes moving for a second, two, before he suddenly strode forwards, ducking down and his hand shot out. He straightened a second later, with his hands cupped, and turned to you. 
He nodded his head towards the window, and you scurried across the room ahead of him, flinging open the window and backing far away as he neared. That made him scoff, rolling his eyes at your behaviour once again. He held his hands out of the window, shaking them off and letting the spider fall through the air, before pulling back, and clicking the catch back into place. He double-checked it, before casting his eye over the rest of the room. 
“Let me check for any more.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” Your words fell on deaf ears, as Tom shifted your bed back into place, before peering behind both desks, your dressers and the wardrobe, and finally, the bathroom. He methodically checked each and every space within your dorm for you, leaving you to sit in the centre of your once again safe bed, watching him with a soft smile. Before leaving the bathroom, he washed his hands clean of the creature that had been crawling within them, before returning to you. 
“No more.”
“Thank you, Tom.” You whispered, his chin tucking in a single nod, but a frown on his face. 
“You already thanked me.”
“There’s no law saying I can’t thank you twice, or as many times as I please, for that matter.” Your smirk made him press his lips into a line, but he had no comeback and hated not having the final word. He was calculating, something else to say, something to spin this back onto you—
“Your tea is cold. You should reheat that, so you don’t waste it.”
Your gaze flickered to the mug, and back to him, shrugging. “I don’t feel like having it now.”
His sigh sounded frustrated, and he took a few more steps into the room, towards you, instead of the door. His voice had softened once again as he took you in, looking down at you with a gentler gaze than most ever saw. “Will you go to sleep now?”
“Soon, I think I’ll just read for a while, I’m not too tired yet.” 
He nodded. His jaw clenched as he glanced towards the door, but made no move to leave. The clock in the corner ticked, seconds passing by loudly in the space, and then, “Would you like to join me on my walk?”
His words were fragile, a rare show of vulnerability from him. Uttered quietly into the air that hung between you both, and your gasp almost startled him. “Really?”
He glared, answering your question with a fitting answer. Tom never said things he didn’t mean, and you knew that. Everyone knew that. But he’d never let anyone go on his walks before, it was a hotly debated topic and a running joke within the group about what exactly took place on these walks, and what nefarious things he likely got up to. 
“I’d like that.”
“Then put on some proper shoes, and quickly.” You did as he had, rather gruffly, commanded, swapping out the comfy slippers for some boots, and throwing on another jumper for extra warmth. Tom waited for you at the door, holding it open for you to step through. “Do you like the lake at night?”
“I’ve never been out to the lake at night.” 
He made a quiet sound of acknowledgement, a hum under his breath. “Then that’s where we’ll go. You’ll like it. It’s… peaceful.”
His hand flexed at his side as you walked together, and after clearing the common room and entering the silent corridors, you slipped your hand into his own. 
He stiffened, for only a second, before his fingers wrapped back around yours, and a smile pulled on his lips as he ducked his head. You and Tom had been dancing this line for years now, something more but not quite enough. 
Not yet. 
But you’d get there, someday. His actions told you enough. Enough to know that he felt what you did too, that you were certainly headed somewhere, on a collision course together. You belonged to Tom Riddle as much as he belonged to you. 
So, for now, holding his hand as you walked the lake, and letting him chase spiders out of your room was enough. 
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
i will soften every edge, hold the world to its best | 1
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summary ;; As Jake Sully's oldest daughter, you never see eye to eye with him, always challenging him and pushing his buttons to the limit. What happens when things go too far one day? [PART 2] pairings ;; dad!jake sully x reader, mom!neytiri x reader, sully family x reader genre ;; pure angst and family feels notes / explanations ;; welcome to the labor of my daddy issues and my very own therapy. this fic is inspired by this one by @layonatanvi and I only wanted to borrow the running away from home to get an ikran idea/prompt! Please excuse my mistakes if you see any.
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There’s a widespread belief among sky people that every first-born daughter is a direct copy of her father. 
You listened in on your own father complaining to your mother about this privately one time; according to him, this was why you guys kept banging hammerheads like 'angtsìks. 
Lo’ak was his troublemaker, yes, but you were the rebel pain in his ass, wouldn’t stop questioning one tiny simple step he made, never took anything seriously when he needed you to be on top of things hundred percent of the time... Even your younger brother knew boundaries after he was given the stink eye, but you hadn’t stopped testing him every single goddamn day after the sky people had come back. 
His youngest son and oldest daughter were nearly identical in the speed they got him seeing red, but the similarities ended there. Lo’ak would go behind him to cause trouble, and you would do it right to his face, that fearlessness and defiance made you more dangerous than your brother in your father’s opinion.  
His blood pressure skyrocketing was reserved for Lo’ak and the shenanigans he knew right away the boy was getting into, and you got his explosive anger the moment you would open your mouth to defy him — he couldn’t talk to you, a normal conversation even about your mother’s cooking wasn’t possible without you being passive-aggressive and things snowballing from there. 
(“This is delicious Neytiri, thank you for the food. Sturmbeest?”
“Sturmbeest meat ran out like two weeks ago, father. You ask this everyday and mom answers the same everyday.”
Cue him reprimanding you for talking to him like that, you saying maybe he should greenlight a hunt soon to calm his nerves and promptly being sent to your room. It was Neteyam who’d saved some food for you that night.)
If only you would stop talking back to him and listen for once, he’d said, pacing in the tent with hands on hips like an agitated viperwolf as mother watched on, most likely tired from going through this loop for yet another day. You are the older sister to Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk, why can’t you be a role model for them like Neteyam is? 
(Mom had given him the flattest, “She is at the age for such behavior, Ma’Jake, we’ve talked about this. Let her be.”)
In your defense, he didn’t make sense sometimes, what harm was there in wanting him to explain the thought process behind his decisions?
Apparently you simply were prohibited from doing that to the Olo’eyktan. 
But he was father, he was your family. Why did that have to be disrespect? 
He wasn’t like this before.
A small part of you was aware this was you lashing out because you missed your father — the lighthearted rock in your life, the big shadow protecting you from the heat of the world, who knew how to smile and show his love before all of this. Now he was just the leader of the clan, the weight of the revered Toruk Makto on his shoulders made him a total stranger you didn’t recognize. 
He barely ever called you sweetheart anymore, punishing you for being a brat, most likely. You tried to act like it didn’t hurt. 
But it did. You missed him dearly when he was right in front of you. The rest of the family did, too, they just didn’t say it out loud the way you expressed through what you called standing up to him — in reality, it was a statement about the man he had become, father couldn’t read between the lines to understand.
Mom did. 
She would always explain he did it out of love and worry, and his every move had a reason behind it after the scoldings ended. It was as if she saw right through the prickly exterior of her eldest daughter.
Her love wasn’t held back like his was, not shared like military MREs at decided moments in a day in between attacks, raids, meetings and duties. Hers were long touches, hugs, kisses on your temple, shared time and hunts together, her letting you ride on her ikran with her, the warmth of a meal and soft smiles; whilst his was randomly asking how you were after training and where you’ve been if he caught onto your absence sometimes. He didn’t have time for you or your siblings except for Tuktuk these days. That’s why you were now a mama’s girl.
Sooner or later, the breaking point was finally bound to arrive. 
Yours did after a particularly heated-up fight about your rite of passage. You had had enough of father postponing it when Lo’ak, younger than you, had already gained his own ikran and gone through uniltaron. He was present in the tent while you were fussing and debating with your immovable mountain of a father only answering with single syllable responses, and his light snickers made you all the more aggressive. He got a strong jab from Kiri after a loud snort.  
Kiri, you could get. She was built different from the start — got her mount earlier than anybody else, just walked up to it and asked. Besides, the girl wasn’t a dick about it like Lo’ak was. 
“You aren’t ready yet,” father answered the more you asked him. You thought he'd say a different thing the hundredth time, but he didn't. “Your brother was.”
Lo’ak puffed his chest at that, desperate for a drop of recognition as always, and you could only roll your eyes. “So you think I’m weak? I’m not strong enough?”
Father sighed at the provocation. “That’s not what I’m saying. This and being ready are two different things.”
“How are they different? If I’m on top of my training, that means I’m ready.”
“Physically ready, and mentally ready are not the same.”
“How can I not be mentally ready, I’ve already seen what happens—”
“Enough!” He stood up, towering above you and leaning in slightly. Your younger brother had stopped smiling so quickly you almost let a laugh escape you, and father got agitated when he saw that, thinking you were making fun of him. “Some don’t return from the dream hunt. Do you understand? The strongest sometimes don’t return from that. Your mind needs to be strong.”
“And mine isn’t?”
He gave a slow exhale through his nose, not actually wanting to say it for some reason. “No it isn’t.”
There it is. Your signature phrase. ‘Why?’
And it made your father look above, asking silently for patience from Eywa as it always did. 
“Ma’ite, why don’t we take a break, hm? Come walk with me,” your mom interrupted, taking your hand and standing next to you, your four fingers got enveloped in her larger, warmer grip, strong and insistent. 
“No, I wanna hear it. What do you think makes me not ready?”
You insinuating that your father was entirely going off his own wrong opinion and not knowing any better set him off. You saw the change from ticked off to borderline on edge, but instead of giving into it, he turned his back on you and went back to cleaning his gun, movements choppy and harsh. “That immaturity for a start.”
And you hissed at him—actually hissed at him when none of your siblings would ever dare to talk back to him during a lecture. 
The audible gasps, the holding of breaths, and the slow turn of your father’s head looking like he was going through confusion of reality upon being hit on the head had followed. His eyes narrowed and the lines of his eyebrows got gradually lower on his face, his form seemingly expanding in mass from building anger, spine slowly straightening after fully comprehending what you just did.
“I’m way past you giving me attitude missy,” his baritone and low voice was so steady that you’d rather him yell at you like usual, but he was scarily calm, pushing you to raise your chin righteously at him to show you weren’t bothered by him none, but your ears betrayed you by cowering flat and taut against your skull. “But you’re hissing at your father now? Hm? You think this right here is gonna get you the respect you think you deserve?”
“You don’t listen,” you said, ignoring your heart trashing away from how coldly father was to you.  “Disrespect,” your fingers quoting in the air resulted only in making him angrier. Neteyam to his right, silent and observant the whole argument, was furiously shaking his head that the beads in his braids were clicking loudly. “is the only way you ever pay attention to anything anymore. See? Look how sharp you are right now. Mission accomplished, I guess.” 
“Bro…” Lo’ak, frightened by the wide eyed glare father was giving you, weakly protested, but you knew he would never be able to interfere in the verbal struggle between you and father the way you did to his. 
“You will go to your room,” father said between his teeth, “Do not let me see your face. I swear to Eywa—Neytiri, get her outta here.“
“Do you ever want to see our faces anymore, father?” 
A beat. 
Mom gasped your name in shock, grabbing your arm this time as if she wanted to drag you away. 
All his fury froze away immediately. “What did you just say?” 
You just stared at him. 
“That’s enough,” your mother snapped at you, but you didn’t hold it against her, she was more worried about what would follow if this went on. “Come on, we’re leaving.”
“Okay.” Father slowly shook his head, the storm brewing right under his skin got you preparing for the impact, and all the kids flinched when he threw the unloaded gun back in the crate. “You know so much, don’t you? You’re smart, wise. Know better than Tsahik herself. Fine, you get your way. Go.”
You froze. “What?”
“Yeah, go. Get yourself an ikran.”
“Don’t father me. Go on. I’m not stopping you. Since you’re so ready and you’ll say just about anything to get what you want, who am I to get in your way, huh?” 
But you didn’t want it to be like this. Iknimaya was supposed to be something exciting, prideful — a ceremony. He was saying it like you were being thrown out. Who was going to paint your face? Be proud of you? 
“Why are you just standing there?” He poked your crushed ego further, confident in the fact that you wouldn't set one foot outside of the cave systems at this hour of the day. “Didn’t you want this?”
You didn’t want this. 
“Dad, it’s the middle of the night,” Kiri said, appalled, not quite believing her ears. 
“What does it matter?” He showed you in mock pride, up and down that you couldn’t stop the tears from stinging the corners of your eyes. “Mighty hunter here is ready.”
“Jake,” your mother warned in such a threatening tone that he stopped and shifted on his feet, almost uneasy. 
“What? If she doesn’t want a father’s concern I’m not giving it to her.”
Like you weren’t standing right in front of him at all. 
That was the final straw. You wrenched your arm free from mom’s iron grip and screamed, “I hate you!” at the top of your lungs at him before storming off the tent.
His ears flattening was the last thing you paid attention to as everything became a blur because of tears swelling. Yeah, right. You wished you could hurt him, unfortunately he was too much of a wall for that. You bet he was scoffing at your declaration right now.
Your body thought faster than your brain did even when the emotions had you drowning under the current, deciding you were going to sneak off to the ikran rookery tonight. You knew he would send Neteyam after you — him barking, “Follow your sister,” at the boy right after you hid yourself between the rocks surrounding the tent was the confirmation of the hypothesis. He was to make sure you didn’t leave High Camp. 
Everyone in your family knew your favorite hiding spot to cool off, Neteyam of course was heading there automatically, and it was the headstart you needed to get a move on. 
Fine. You would complete your iknimaya yourself without anybody’s support, as if these things had any value anymore with how military he’d conditioned the clan to be. You were going to make him eat his words for humiliating you.
The muffled of father drifting off flared up your determination as you soundlessly sneaked off. "Jesus, I've spoiled her too much..."
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gomu-fer · 6 months
Too sweet (for me)
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Law x strawhat!reader
gn reader + fluff drabble
100% inspired by Too Sweet by Hozier the moment he dropped this I knew I had to write something about Law from it so here you go, I even incorporated some of the lyrics
Trafalgar Law doesn’t get it
How were you able to slip into his mind so carelessly and without notice? Law had never envisioned himself liking someone as sweet as you
For starters you were a strawhat, already on the wrong track, but alongside Robin, you were of the ones Law tolerated the most since you were usually more introverted and took things seriously, which made him start gravitate towards you
Big mistake
Surprisingly he found out your quiet facade was something reserved for strangers, once you warmed up to his presence everything changed
You looked after him, bringing his black coffee when he stayed up all night in the library, urging him to sleep at normal hours and enjoy his time at the Sunny. You opened yourself completely for him to devour all details facts and antics of yours. Your presence filled every room he sat at, listened to whatever he had on his mind, or stayed in a blissful silence if he needed you to
Law had taken notice you were strong, smart, brave and confident, becoming an important asset on Luffy’s crew, another reason he saw you as one of the most competent strawhats. Even though a lot of people feared you, you remained kind, bright as the morning, soft as the rain, sweet as a grape
You had become Laws favorite sweetener, he became addicted to every inch of you. He’d drink up every look you’d graced his way like neat whiskey, every word like his favorite melody and every touch he wished it to tattoo it on his skin, always waiting for your frame to appear through every door he encountered
Something he did not expect, was how you were trying to change him for the better, almost like whispering alongside the wind for him to ‘live right’. To take down his tall walls, to speak up about the matters that roamed in his mind and heart, to stop indulging in bad sleeping habits and overworking himself to exhaustion, a task no one seemed to fill in his life, he was a Captain after all
You were softening him up, he didn’t like it when he noticed, first you wormed yourself into his heart now this? But how could he deny you?
There was no shame in being soft, sweet and tender, you always seemed to try and tell him
Yet he wondered how had you managed to keep yourself like that, brightening his and your crews days, after all, life has had its way with you too
And he couldn’t handle it
Who would’ve thought, the surgeon of death, threatened by a silly feeling
It ate away at him, the way his heartbeat accelerated whenever you were at least in the same table, his stomach turning at every look he stole whenever you smiled or laughed, or the rosy pigment that painted his features at the mere thought of you
He felt like a deer in headlights. Still Law couldn’t help but to follow you around the Sunny like a stray cat, reaching for you in any situation he was able to keep you closer, craved your presence and to hear your melodic voice ring in his ears, and whenever you said his name? Heaven couldn’t compare
He wondered how fast had this happened, he didn’t notice all the affection he was harboring for you until he couldn’t backtrack, he thanked whatever god was out there that made you so oblivious, it seemed like everyone on the ship noticed the way Law and you glanced at each other and how you would spend your days sitting together in every room but you
But here he is now, under the moonlight staring down at your twinkling eyes that could easily be mistaken for one of the stars above you, his hand traveling to the back of your head before he gives you a look as if asking ‘may I?’ to wish you answer by doing the sweetest thing he could ever thought of
You smile and stand on your tip toes collapsing your lips in his, ending his endless pining as you melt into each other like you were meant to be like this
Trafalgar Law doesn’t get it, when he tastes the sweet sugar of the chocolate drink you had that evening on his lips and doesn’t mind it at all, even if he takes his coffee black every morning
He could even say, he loves it
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
I’ve been listening to Hozier since his debut album I even saw him live and got a shrike tattooed on mu arm OF COURSE I was gonna write this and the first thing that popped into my mind was Law so here you go. Sorry it’s short uni has been eating me alive
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
affaire de cœur
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Plucking one's heart from their chest and devouring it is all 'affairs of the heart' meant to the King of Curses— until his Queen walked onto the stage of his life, that is.
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▸ trueform!sukuna x wife!reader; comprises of elements inspired by the tale of 'hades and persephone'; gallons of domestic fluff between sukuna and reader; hints of spicy times; no warnings except sukuna is very much sukuna here but you too are there, so he's sort of a better sukuna... [not loads better, though]
▸ belongs to the series 'mine? yes, mine.' but you can treat this as a stand-alone fic if you wanna!
▸ i don't own the characters, the image or the divider used. please don't plagiarize or translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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"Repeat those words after me, my lord."
The pouty face you vault his way from the other end of the bathhouse makes Sukuna huff an annoyed sigh. Few monsoons back, you would never even see him in the eye, gaze trained on his feet – until he lifted your chin up; even then you would shyly avert your gaze — yet, now?
Now, you show the boldness to wear such a pathetic expression while making such an imbecilic request– nay, demand of him– locking your gaze with his the entirety of the time, no less.
Another sigh finds its route past his lips. Watching the way those sin-filled lips of yours twitch in a tiny smile before dipping into a pout, he groans.
"Alright. Fine," Sukuna grumbles, resting his two arms on the edge of the tub while the other two move to card through his damp hair, "Will you ever leave me for another, woman?"
Your eyebrows rise for a beat, the second the question you chomped his ears off earlier for, leaves his mouth. Your lover rolls his eyes, loud scoffs erupting from him at the utter inanity of the whole situation at hand — you, not beside by him, but beside those damned towels and bath soaps; him, not soaking in the warmth of your flesh but of these bath waters; the humid bathhouse not resonating with the sounds of your whines but with the remnants of a query, whose answer he does not care the least for, for no matter what you say or do, he will not—
"Yes, I will."
Your clear voice scatters his thoughts away, akin a strong wind and a handful of chaff. Sukuna freezes, every crimson eye of his fixed upon your approaching figure– your soft footfalls, your yellow yukata, your simple hairdo, your angelic smile...
Your husband takes a while too long before discovering his lost voice, eyes narrowed, throat tight and chest heavy as he asks you, "You will leave me, pet?"
"Uh-huh, I sure will," you hum in response, sitting on the stool next to the tub and moistening a towel. Sukuna moves to grasp your wrist in his palm but pauses when he catches you switch your attention from the towel to him, a terrifying emotion brimming in your tender gaze.
You draw in a tiny breath before speaking, voice now a mere whisper.
"Show me someone who is the most feared creature to ever exist, yet is a sulking mess if he isn't being cuddled in bed till noon every single day; someone who detests humans like I detest carrots, yet visits the monthly market in secret, to get gifts for his close one; someone who everyone's told me is the worst, yet goes on to prove, again and again and again, how he's the absolute best in this world—"
You stop suddenly.
Chest growing heavy from an entirely different reason now, your lover drinks in the manner your smile widens, your fragile fingers letting go of the cloth to trace those markings on his skin instead – you resume.
"Show me someone whose embraces feel the safest place in all the three realms, and I swear, my king, I'll leave you and run to his arms without thinking twice."
For the first time in his millennium of existence, the two-faced curse feels the same distress of being paralysed, as his mere mien induces in the muscles of his miserable victims— except, it isn't the fear of an end to his life which is causing this abhorrent weakness to him unlike those worthless mortals— no.
It is the fear of the unknown, of the uncharted, which is rendering his powerful self so, so powerless before your blinding brilliance. Sukuna thinks death might be an easier journey to undertake than these odd realisations your voice and touch elicit in him always.
These days, more so.
This moment, very much so.
The addicting timbre of your voice rouses him from his musings, the second time that night.
"Is every–"
"Is that supposed to be a love confession?" Your husband cuts you off before you can finish your question. You slowly blink at him once then twice, before leaning backwards and picking up the forgotten cloth, a visibly coy giggle bubbling out you as you return to washing his skin.
"Yes," you agree after a beat, gaze darting to his face before skittering away again, "That is supposed to be a love confession for my beloved king; though I wonder what my lord thinks of it. Was it heart-touching as I intended to make it? Or did it sound too tedious to him?"
The addressed being deliberately makes a big show of rolling each of his four eyes at your query. "Neither," he says, curling his lip in a show of vexation before they lift a little at the lower lip you jut out, "And you should count yourself to be lucky that you're my wife, not a worthless mortal, pet. For if you were not my wife–"
"– you would've sliced me into halves without a moment's hesitation," you finish the rest of the sentences for him with a fond shake of your head. "Trust me, my king, I know you. I do, I rea– Sukuna!!!"
The startled shriek of his name— not my lord or my king but Sukuna —parts the curse's lips in a smirk, which widens on noticing the warm water slowly seeping into your clothes, making them translucent; and you staring up at him with a disbelieving look etched onto your pretty face.
Sukuna allows his smirk to melt away into a genuine smile, for once.
Nestling your drenched form closer to himself, he closes his eyes to rest his forehead on your shoulder, palms holding you as if you were not a member of the race he lives for the sake of tormenting, but an invaluable blessing, beings he has never believed in, sent earthward for his damned self.
Which is true, the curse reckons. You indeed are a blessing he knows he doesn't deserve – yet will keep for and with himself for an eternity and some more.
Pressing you closer to himself, your husband lifts his head to plant a kiss to your forehead, followed by your warm cheeks — hoping you'll understand the meaning behind every reverent contact he's marking your form with now.
After all, you know him really well, don't you?
[You do— which is only why you reciprocate every brush of his sharp canine over your skin, with a brush of your soft palm over the wicked, handsome, wickedly handsome visage of the love of your life.]
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pasdasin · 1 month
Wicked Game
wolverine x vampire!reader
an: can u guys tell im not working rn with the amount uploading! also currently working on ch 4! if you guys have any ideas feel free to send me stuff!! i <3 vampire!reader and wanna write more about her :3... also sorry if pacing is weird lol
ch 3
warnings: SMUT!!! fingering, erotic blood drinking, angst lol, prob like cussing lol, im sure there is more so just be warned in general, mdni lol
previous -- next
The proposition weighed heavily on your mind. A chance to return where it all started? You couldn’t stomach the thought. You’d have to ask Logan what he thought. He always knew what to say. You couldn’t dwell on it now, another task was at hand. You smoothed out your denim skirt for the millionth time and stared at your reflection. Nothing seemed appropriate enough. Nothing seemed right when it came to talking about your past. Two hundred and seventy-five years old and this was most nerve racking thing you’ve ever done.
talk in front of teenagers. 
Sighing you turned back to your closest when the door of your room slowly opened.
“y/n? Are you ready yet? My class is waiting” Storm entered your room. “Damn you look good! Honestly expected a full Bela Lugosi get up.”
“Very funny, but I am not a vampire.” You said, turning to her. 
“Okay yeah, and I don’t control the weather.” She snickered at you. She held out her hand and you grabbed it tightly, allowing yourself to be pulled through the halls of the mansion as the two of you giggled and talked friday night plans. 
The two of you reached her classroom and it seemed fuller than normal. You glanced around the room and noticed Logan standing near one of the walls closer to where you’d be presenting. You shot him a smile smile and he nodded back at you, causing your heart to race. You approached the desk at the front of the room and took a deep breath in. You could not only hear your heart pumping, but also every single person in that room. 
Turning around you smiled at everyone and sat sheepishly on the desk. You felt Logan’s eyes on you as you listened to Storm start her lecture. You glanced towards him and watched as he sent you a silent message.
You’ll be okay bub. I’m right here.
You turned back to the class and scanned the crowd. It seemed as though every single person was there, even though it was physically impossible. Your eyes zeroed in on Scott and Alex. Alex. Your mind wandered back to what Charles asked of you the previous night.
“I know you don’t do missions since the incident, but you could really benefit Alex.”
“I dedicated my life to medicine, and helping others. I cannot just leave that.”
“Just think about it okay? Its London afterall. Don’t think I don’t know about what the two of you did there”
You quickly glanced away and turned your full attention back to Storm. She was just about finished with her recap of the lesson plan. Her eyes met yours and she winked down at you. 
“Now that we have finished Dracula, I thought as a treat instead of a movie, we could hear about the real events from the person who inspired the book herself. This is y/n, your school nurse.” A small round of applause broke out as you stood up from the desk.
“Hi everyone! So yes I inspired Dracula, so please ask me any questions.” Immediately questions rang out towards you. Are you a vampire? How come you don’t sparkle? I thought vampires drink blood!
Typical questions that you usually got from new students that visited your office. You quickly answered them without even thinking about it. Alex raised his hand jokingly before asking you the question you dreaded the most.
“How exactly did you inspire the book?” You paused, silently remembering the events of the night. You felt a knot in your throat before you began.
“In 1895, I met Bram Stoker in a pub. He was strange but endearing. A flirt really, and I knew I was done for. In 1896 I confessed to him my mutation and how at that point I was twenty-five for fifty years at that point. He didn’t believe me of course and when I showed him my true nature, the book was born.” You paused, wiping a stray tear from your cheek. “The dedication was for me, and one of the brides had my name at the time and my description. I left Ireland and headed for London after the town found out about it. That’s actually where I met Logan.” 
The rest of the class period was full of laughter and more questions about your life in general, but you easily avoided those. As your presentation ended, you thanked Storm for the chance she gave you and promised to get drinks in the future. She walked away from you as Logan approached, wrapping his arm around your waist. 
“Good job bub. I knew you could do it.” You pushed his arm jokingly as the two of you started to walk out of the room, as Alex walked up to the two of you. Logan’s grip on your waist tightened.
“To my ever lasting beauty, an ageless angel, my queen of the dark. A book for your life. Wow you really made an impression on this dude. I didn’t realize you only dated what? Tall, dark and handsome. I’ll dye my hair ya know”
“Watch it Alex” Logan muttered, his claws starting to breach his knuckles.
“Woah big guy, I am just teasin. Anyways, y/n I heard the professor talked to you about Europe. What did ya think?” You made a face as you heard Logan’s blood race faster.
“I’m not too sure yet. I am still thinking about everything.” He nodded at your words before wishing you well and ignoring Logan. The two of you watched him walk away. 
“What the hell is he talking about?” Logan looked down at you, his face mixing into anger and confusion. 
“Lets go to my room okay?”
“What the hell do you mean a mission to London? And with him!” Logan snarled at you. You stared him down, not afraid of what he would do to you. 
“Calm down Logan! Its not a big deal I haven’t even decided yet!”
“Yeah I’m deciding for you. NO” He paced the left side of the bed as he muttered to himself.
“You don’t control me! I am my own person and I can’t die! Why don’t you trust me?” You felt your fangs push downwards in anger. If you weren’t careful you weren’t sure what would happen. 
“I don’t trust him. You won’t go and thats final.” His claws started to extend as he turned towards you. Fuck it.
The two of you lunged at each other and embraced as a tangle of limbs. Your lips crashed onto every piece of skin it met before you finally met his lips. He held you close to his chest and he messily made out with you, somehow managing to rip off your shirt, leaving in just the skirt and bra. His breath reeked of alcohol and his cologne filled your nose. The tobacco residue from an earlier cigar danced on his tongue as you deepened the kiss. You turned to straddle his lap, you pushed him down on the bed and, without thinking, you leaned down and sunk your fangs into his neck.
The warmth of his blood entered your mouth and the taste was euphoric. You continued your frenzy as you started to grind down on his growing erection. He groaned and panted as you nuzzled deeper into his vein. Your hot breath created a layer of pleasure to the holes in his neck and you pushed down harder on his clothed cock. 
“Please, fuck, don’t stop.” He choked out, moaning the last word. You didn’t think you could if you even wanted too. The taste of his blood made you whine in his ears as you picked up the pace of your hips, desperate for friction. His hand snaked down to your pussy, fingers slipping into your underwear and onto your clit. Your fangs sunk in deeper as he rubbed circles. “You’re so fucking wet for me.” He picked up the pace making you squeal from pleasure.
“Pl-ee-se-” You couldn’t think. The friction, his fingers, his blood. Without warning, you came hard on his fingers, allowing yourself to get lost in the heat of the moment.
Eyes half lidded you removed your fang from his neck and you looked down at the mess created. Blood stained the sheets, pillows, his shirt, and most likely everything else on the bed. Your mouth and neck was covered in a sheer layer of his blood. 
You snapped back to reality and realized what you had done. 
“Logan I’m- I can’t. I have to go.” Quickly you threw on a random shirt and left as quickly as you came, leaving Logan in the mess.
His neck already healing, his lifted his pants to stare at the mess left. Cuming in his pants was so middle school, but it wouldn’t be the first time this happened. Before being forced into the weapon x program, you fed on him regularly. Back then, your insatiable bloodlust wasn’t controlled, and he loved it. 
Trapped in the trance of euphoria, he didn’t realize you had gone. Slowly succumbing to sleep, Logan wouldn’t realize until the morning that you had gone. He ran through the mansion praying you’d still be in the confines of the walls. It was too late when he finally reached you. 
Watching as you left with Alex Summers to a mission to Europe. 
tag list: @captain039 @twinky-wink @fuckmachine42069 @honeybeedrabble
an: omg the drama!! also thank yall so much for ur support :3
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luveline · 4 months
jade!! if your reqs are still open… would you write emily and mom!r? kind of like you’ve been doing with hotch or steve (with noah). i feel like she’d be one of those people who speaks to kids like they’re tiny adults
Emily presses the flat of her wooden spoon into a blueberry and watches the skin of it burst open. It sinks into the oatmeal beneath, a soft beige turning lilac. 
She flicks off the heat. She can’t cook like you can, but oatmeal makes itself. The mushy blueberries means the oats are soft enough for eating, usually. She dips a spoon in to check, adds a big pinch of salt, wonders if that’s stupid and eats another mouthful that burns her lips. 
“Ouch,” she mumbles. Slowly, she tips her head from one side to the other. “But yummy.” 
“What?” She turns on the spot. There in the doorway stands your little girl, an ever-present smile on her face as she lifts her hand for a wave. “Hello,” Emily says 
“What do you want?” 
“Water, please.”
Emily turns the handle of her pot before she bends down with her arms out, a gentle invitation. Sometimes Jane wants to be held, but usually she’s just hanging around. To Emily’s surprise, Jane skips and stumbles her way into Emily’s legs, where Emily takes her under the arms and pulls her up against her chest. 
She smiles at Jane’s little face. She looks so much like you, and she’s such a sweet girl. “Hi, baby,” she says, not quite slipping into baby talk, but softer than she’d spoken to her before. “Where’s your mommy?” 
Jane points down at the stove. “Breakfast?” 
“You bet. Is mommy still getting dressed?” 
Emily shifts Jane on her hip and turns to the cabinet for a sippy cup. “Okie dokie. Let’s make you your water, ‘cos you asked me so nicely. You want some apple juice too?” 
Jane rubs her face against Emily’s shoulder with a yawn but doesn’t answer. 
“Babe?” Emily calls. “Can I give her some apple juice?” 
You swing around the corner. Emily’s apartment is big, sound carries, and yet she’d had no idea you were so close. You’ve changed your shirt but your pyjama bottoms remain, your hair out of your face —her heart gives a jump. To love someone and to know you’re lucky to have them simultaneously can often inspire tachycardia. 
“Sure,” you say. 
You’re wearing her socks, your pyjama pant legs pooled around your feet, and your shirt baggy but short at the arms. You have the most lovely arms. It’s stupid, but Emily knows it’s true. She could kiss every inch of each one without getting bored. Not that you need to know that about her. 
You slide across the kitchen tile to give Jane a light peck. Smiling, you turn Emily’s face with your pinky finger and give her an even softer one, careful of her makeup. “Good morning.” 
“Yeah, good morning,” Emily says, bouncing Jane higher up her side. “You look ready for another day in bed.” 
“Do you really have to go?” 
“You know I do, it’s Monday.” 
“We should petition for longer weekends. Don’t you think so, bubby? Shouldn’t Emily stay home and make us all our meals? Mommy’s still tired.” 
Jane hears your sweetened voice and holds her arms out to be held. You take her from Emily’s arms, and you lean against the counter as your smile fades. “I really wish you could stay,” you say more earnestly. “I miss you when you’re not here.” 
“I’ll be home tonight, I promise. They know you’re not feeling well, nobody expects me to leave you here with the baby all by yourself.” Not feeling well is an understatement that neither of you comment on. Emily just wants to rub the tension right out of your shoulders. She doesn’t have the time. 
“I used to be by myself before,” you point out. 
“I know. But now we’re together, and I love you, and I’ll be back tonight.” She hates the crestfallen set to your brow. “I’m sorry.” 
“No, I’m sorry. I’m being silly.” 
Emily thinks about it, her finger creeping up to rub Jane’s soft cheek. “Mommy’s not silly, is she?” she asks in a murmur. “She’s beautiful.” 
Jane nods her head clumsily. “Yes.” 
“See? If Janie thinks so, it must be true.” She smiles until you smile back. “I’ll be home by six. Cross my heart.” 
“Can I have another kiss before you go? Won’t mess up your lips, I promise.” 
Emily could never say no to you. She didn't want to, but she couldn’t. She leans in careful not to crush your little clinger and lets her eyes shutter closed, her breath held as you tip your chin down and your noses press together. You might be cautious of her makeup, but Emily isn’t. Her kiss is a promise that she’s gonna come home tonight. She can’t always keep them, but right now she’s determined. 
She pulls away. Your lips are red with transferred lipstick that moves with your smile. 
“Kiss me?” Jane asks. 
“Who, me?” Emily asks. 
Jane nod. Emily presses a chaste kiss to Jane’s chubby cheek, and rubs the lipstick away with similar tenderness. “Let me get you your juice, bub, and then I really gotta go.” 
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jennifer-jeong · 5 months
Fluff + Angst | Wanderer x GN!Reader Human
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SUMMARY You make him feel human.
CONTENT Angst to fluff, mentions of Wanderer's trauma, mentions of suicidal ideation, he's kinda mean to you at first, CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOUR'S NOTE THIS IS WAS INSPIRED BY YOU MY POOKIE @thepurestgirll TY FOR BEING SO SWEET ESP BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE MANY MOOTS JFKDS;LAJ I love your fics and aesthetic and I hope to continue to see your content because I will always be here to love and support it >:)
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Quiet sobs rack through the empty metal chamber. In the middle sits a man puppet of a man. Clutching the electro gnosis to his chest as his tears pelt the cold floor. Wasn’t this all he ever wanted? He finally has a “heart,” he should feel human, loved, and fit in now, right? But why is he crying? Why does he still feel hollow? Why does he want to give it all up to just be a normal human? Why did his mother create him this way just to throw him aside and make him suffer even more? Why not just have killed him long ago? Should he do it himself? Be free of this wretched body? Be free of all the earthly pain?
So many questions swirled in his mind. His gentle soul has been beat and battered to the point where he doesn’t know the meaning of peace anymore. He’s been alive for so long, chasing the same answer, the same goal. Yet, here he is. So many questions and not a single fucking answer.
Even after all that extra bullshit with Nahida, the traveler, and Irminsul, he only got bits and pieces of answers he needed. He was still lost and hurting, not that he’d ever admit that. So naturally he’s a complete ass to you when all you’re trying to do is help. You’re another adventurer and you often help the traveler when needed. You witnessed a good amount of Wanderer’s tragic journey in Sumeru and afterwards asked Nahida (his mom) if it would be a good idea to try to talk to him. She said yes but that it’d be quite… difficult.
You persevered, though. Through every insult thrown your way, all the times he ignored you, and even the times his attitude almost got you hurt when adventuring. After weeks of it, he found himself here, crying, but this time, in your arms.
He was yelling at you like he usually does but this time it was because you almost got crushed by debris while you two were out on combat commissions. He was telling you how stupid you were, how it would’ve gotten you killed, and how he… couldn’t let it happen. You smiled at him, hearing him say something caring for the first time since you started this whole mission of yours. You walk towards him slowly as he continues to insult you.
“You stupid humans, you never think before you act. Imagine what would’ve happened if I didn’t call out to you to warn you. You-… You’d be dead! I’d spite you because of it! You and your human body, so fucking fragile. Why did I ever want to be like your kind anyways?”
As you close the distance, he gets panicked and confused, shouting at you.
“Why are you even still here anyways?! Isn’t all this too much for you? Why would you want to help someone like me? Don’t you know I’m not human? Why would you want me here? Why would you want to stay? W-why…”
You reach out your arms to slowly envelop him in a hug as his tears well in his eyes. He puts his hands on your shoulders to push you back lightly as if he didn’t want the contact, but he was barely putting up a fight. You both knew that if he didn’t want you to touch him, you wouldn’t even be able to.
“Why… do you even care about me,” he croaked out as his voice started to crack.
“Because I see all the good in you, and I want you to let others see it as well,” you say gently as you pull him close, arms around his waist.
He feels his emotions finally boil over as waves of sadness wash over him. His legs fail under him and you lower the two of you to the grass. He buries his head into your shoulder, sobbing harder as your warmth permeates his body that has only known the cold for so so many years. His arms clutch your head as he stains your shoulder with tears.
You feel so warm. You feel so human. It makes him feel human.
You’ve been taking such good care of him and he doesn’t think he deserves it, but he doesn’t voice it to you, at least not now. You let him cry it out while patting his back. You imagine he hasn’t ever been comforted while crying before and it’s what’s making him cry harder.
You two end the afternoon with him exhausted and you offer to let him rest his head on your legs. You pat his hair as he drifts into sleep, feeling safe for the first time in a long while. The sun warms both your bodies and you bask in it.
You two probably have a lot to talk about when he wakes up. But you stay silent for now. Enjoying the peace that he rarely gets to have. It’s a long healing journey ahead of you two but this puppet man knows that he wouldn’t rather embark on it with anyone else.
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sleeping-sirens · 1 year
morning with haechan *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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pairing : idol haechan x f reader.
genre : tooth rutting fluff, domestic, established relationship.
summary : to be very straightforward, this was inspired by his ig live in hongkong.
word count : 1648 words.
warnings : reader has period cramps, make-out session, suggestive.
a/n : i wrote this mainly for myself 😔 i love haechan so much 😭
buy me a coffee 🥹🫶🏼
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if there is a way you could translate the perfect morning, it’d be the way haechan always wraps his arms securely around your body, holding you close to him. it would translate into the way he nuzzles his cute nose into the deepest crook of your neck and breathe in your scent calmly before he opens his eyes. it would be the way he hums softly as his hair tickles your nape and his eyes would notice the goosebumps that would prickle your skin.
but this time, your perfect morning doesn’t seem so perfect anymore when you wake up with atrocious cramps eating out at your lower belly. you can’t open your eyes as you try to control your breathing, your frail fingers catching on haechan’s to ease the pain, or barely try to as it gets stronger.
you curse inside your head and prepare yourself mentally for the hell of a week that’s ahead of you. before an accident would occur, you gently peel yourself away from haechan’s strong grip and hurry to the bathroom. with a deep sigh, you quickly put on a pad and go back to the warmth of the bed.
haechan’s eyes are still closed as he senses you back beside him and without wasting a second, he fumbles around the sheets to wrap his arms around you again, squeezing you into a hug and stretching his body at the same time. you instantly snuggle into his neck before guiding your lips to the mole sitting just below his neck and kissing it gently.
“good morning,” he softly whispers, voice gruff and still dripping with sleep. his morning voice never ceasing to give you butterflies deep inside your tummy.
you hum in response when his fingers start dancing around your lower back, gently massaging your achy muscles. you feel comfortable beside him and your body always seems to feel lighter whenever he’s cuddling into you.
“do you have practice this morning?” you ask with your eyes closed. haechan smiles down at you, a hand still massaging your back while the other slithers inside your hair. his fingers deliver the most tender touches around your ear, the gestures helping you relax even more and melt into him like a burning candle.
you secretly wish he’d have a late start of the day today, just so you can stay glued to him all morning.
“do you want me to stay longer with you?” haechan smiles, his eyes squeezing shut in the process.
your response is just you snuggling closer to his body, your legs wrapping around his.
“hm, clingy girl?” he chuckles as he ruffles your hair, waiting for a verbal answer this time.
you deeply breathe his scent that’s drifting to your nose with every movement of his body. placing another gentle kiss to his neck, you hum. “yes, i want you to stay longer. don’t want you to leave me just yet.”
“okay baby, anything for you,” his thumb dances on your face, the pad kneading around your forehead, temple and the space between your ear and cheek.
“you’re gonna cancel practice?” you pop your eyes open, lifting your face to come closer to his.
“you know i can’t do that, baby,” he pouts, kissing the bridge of your nose before kissing your lips. “but it won’t hurt if i go a bit late.”
you can’t hide your disappointment but you also can’t be greedy while dating an idol. you try to wipe the pout off your face and end up smiling up at him. a stubble has started to from on his chin, giving him a vary sexy look and his lips are beautifully puffy and so kissable, hypnotizing you into pushing your arm up from the sheets and placing your fingers on his pillow-like lips. on instinct, he pressed the tip of his tongue on the corner of his mouth before biting his lower lip and giggling at your sweet actions.
with the pad of his finger still caressing your cheek and yours running through his lower lip, you couldn’t believe that this is true. how he’s here by your side and he loves you way too much for his his own good. and you…your whole existence now has meaning with his name written all over the corners of your body and mind, with touches and kisses and words and hugs imprinted on the map of your skin that he knows oh so well.
you’re not afraid of being an open book to him because he’s so gentle and generous with you. he knows you so well and you don’t mind it one bit. and the same goes for him. he’s never afraid to be vulnerable with you and to unveil his deepest thoughts and feelings because he knows that you’d always have his back, and would love him the way he deserves.
“i’m so in love with you, i can physically feel it.” you confess, taking haechan by surprise.
“yeah?” he whispers, the corners of his lips stretching into a wide smile. with his thumb traveling down to caress your lips, his face gets closer to yours before he places the tenderest, most gently powerful kiss on your lips. your heart skips two beats at a time as he seems to take you into a place far from reality with only his lips dancing around yours.
his soft lips push into yours and mold together to create the perfect pace. your fingers grip his waist, legs pulling him closer into you as if it’s possible to merge into one. your body exudes warmth that can burn his bones down to ashes down your feet, but you would bring him to life over and over again with just one pinch of your fingers. haechan’s heart drums crazily over the curves of his ribcage as his fingers take their usual path to lodge into the swell of your hips, and going down to strongly grip on your butt.
the smallest yet most sinful whine escapes the back of your throat as you arch your back into him, your chest pressing into his, nipples hotly poking his naked chest and igniting a speedy rush of blood to pump angrily down his bundle of nerves. haechan’s breathing quickens and he latches on your lips as if it’s his last mission.
he makes you feel good with everything he does, from his passionate kisses to his sensual touches, he’s got your small heart full of him. and with one last bite on your lower lip, he gently pulls away with it still between his teeth, before it bounces back to its place, a visible thread of saliva stretching between your mouths.
“can you feel it now?” he breathes, hard on top of you. “how much i love you?”
your hazy eyes gaze at each other as if you guys were up in the clouds, your chests rise and fall through a crazy rhythm with fingers still gripping into each other because you can’t get enough.
“more.” you whisper.
“more?” haechan chuckles, pecking your lips softly. “more what, baby?” he tilts his head to the side, his childish side quickly making an appearance after he has just managed to swipe you off your feet, not quite literally since you guys were laying down on the bed.
“i can feel it more now,” you guide his hand to place it on top of your trembling heart, and he smiles proudly at that. “and i always want more of you, haechan. always, always, always.”
“i’m always yours baby, and you can take whatever you want from me, i’m all yours.” his arms wrap around you, giving you the warmest hug before softly pulling away.
“i’ll be back in a sec.” he quickly retreats from your embrace before getting back to bed with a tissue in his hand. you look at him confused before he starts wiping the droplets of sweat that have gathered on top of your cupid’s bow and all around your neck.
your heart swells at his actions and you can’t help the smile from reaching your lips as you notice the pout forming on his mouth from concentrating on wiping your sweat away from your skin.
“are you having bad cramps?” haechan asks, worrisome visible on his face. “you’re sweating so much…” he trails off, voice softening towards the end.
“yes,” you answer, only now realizing the state you’re in. “but you made me forget about them,” you smile tenderly at him.
“i love you so much,” he wraps both his hands around your face, before kissing your forehead. “my strong girl. let me go grab some painkillers for you, hm?” he kisses your forehead again.
you nod your head at him with a smile on your face. you see his silhouette disappear behind the door of the bedroom before you turn to lie on your back. the butterflies inside your tummy getting wilder by the second, with every kind touch and word coming from haechan, you seem to only drown in his love even deeper, especially when he knows what’s wrong with you without you saying anything to him.
you deeply inhale from your nose, when you see him enter the room again, a cup of water and painkillers in hand.
“here,” he helps you sit up, pulling your body up with a hand gently placed on the back of your neck. he then grabs the cup of water and guides it to your lips, smiling at you until you take a sip. “there you go.”
“thank you.”
“anything for my baby,” he smiles before turning his attention to the window behind you. “it seems like it’s gonna rain this morning, how about we put on a movie of your choice?”
“sounds like a perfect morning then.”
and with that, period cramps are long forgotten, and your perfect morning is back again.
back and better.
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a/n : this was supposed to be a small haechan drabble…i got carried away SO MUCH!! but blame haechan, don’t blame me 😔 i hope you enjoyed what i wrote, please reblog if you did🫶🏼 my heart is still beating so fast!!🤭
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cozy-writes-things · 2 months
if this is something youre comfortable writing,,
I'd love a fic where the reader upsets edgar and then goes super out of their way to make it up to him and apologize ❤️❤️
poor edgar poor reader youre both just misunderstanding each other!! its hard when youre so different i guess >_< thanks so much for the request!! I'm alive!! I still write im just so busy and shtuff TOT i cant help but feel like my fics are getting redundant and i need some kind of inspiration to shake things up
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You sat upon the little chair at your desk, the evening sunlight peeking through the windows and illuminating the little specks of dust floating about in the air. Your fingertips tinkered away at the keys of your computer, the non-sentient variant that is, as you filled out multiple job applications throughout the evening. It seemed a fruitless endeavor, but you willed yourself to keep going. You needed the extra income, as your dinky current job seemed to be getting worse by the day, and it wouldn't be long before you either quit or were victim to massive layoffs. 
Get a degree in computer science, they said. What a joke.
Your nerves began to wear you down as you filled out yet another application to another company that would most likely reject you. You could feel your teeth clenching harder, and your shoulders begin to tense. The weight of uncertainty and the fear of rejection were heavy on your shoulders, making you feel vulnerable and exposed.  Edgar sat beside you, perched upon the desk, watching your every move. He seemed to find enough entertainment in it that you didn't mind. His soft voice pulled you from your irritated stupor.
"Can I ask you something?"
You couldn't bring yourself to answer, so you grunted in response, signaling him to continue.
"Do you think a person could ever…" he trailed off, thinking, carefully choosing his following words, "love something like me?"
Your fingers paused on the keys. You stared into the screen until the pixels began to nip and burn at your eyes. Honestly, this was far too deep of a question for you to answer right this second. You sighed heavily before turning to him.
"I mean, Edgar, I guess? Anyone could love you. You just have to find someone willing to-"
You stopped yourself. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead before you say something ignorant. 
"Willing to what?"
Yet he persisted, ever curious as he was; he valued your opinion above all others.
"You know… you're- you're a computer. There's not much you can bring to the table, you know?"
He fell silent. 
Shit, what the hell are you talking about? Why did you say that? Your frustration was palpable, and you could feel it bubbling up inside you, threatening to spill over.
His screen flickered, and his face was replaced with a moving mirage of colors, making you wonder what he could possibly be feeling right now. 
That you're an asshole, probably.
"Yeah. You're right. If I were you, I wouldn't love me, either."
You turned to face him fully now.
"Edgar, no, that's- that- I didn't mean that-"
"No, it's okay! Really, I get it. I mean, I'm not even a good computer by today's standards. How could I ever be a good partner, right?"
His screen flickered red for a minor second in time, a single frame, and, was that the CBS logo? His frame was static and never changing, but he seemed wholly downtrodden and bitter. You could sense it in the air, the electric signals pricking at your fingertips. He had never, ever once been angry with you. But you felt the way he pulled back from you in this instant. He was utterly unreadable, almost as if he were hiding himself from you. You should have known this would upset him so much. He has always been very open in his desperation for romance, confiding in you since day one, hoping and wishing that love would find him. Perhaps squandering those dreams was an oversight on your part. Your eyes fell, unable to look at his dimmed screen. 
"Edgar, I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling good right now, and I-"
"Don't apologize."
"Edgar, please, listen, what I said wasn't even true-"
His deafening scream caused you to jump and clamp your mouth shut. It seemed that Edgar was shaken from frustration. His voice wasn't suited for that kind of pain, you thought. You felt horrible to be the cause. You had never heard him yell at you like this, and it simply broke your heart. Had you just accidentally ruined everything between you? Your heart rate increased and thumped in your ears loudly. You forced yourself to swallow the thick lump in your throat and push your strained voice through your teeth.
"Will you listen to me? Please?" Your voice was desperate, pleading for his understanding and forgiveness.
You felt the weight of your words, heavy and suffocating, as they hung in the air. It came out much more desperate than you intended, but at least the words were able to escape your mouth. He didn't answer. His screen is a sharp, jagged mosaic of moving reds and crimson. 
"I was wrong, Edgar; I don't know why I said what I said, but I know for sure that I was wrong." Your words hung heavy in the air, a testament to your regret.
"Right. How can you know that?"
You pursed your lips tightly. You didn't want him finding out this way. It wasn't supposed to end like this. You ruined your relationship with him, and you hadn't even tried. You felt there was no reason to keep the cat inside the bag, right? He may as well know now.
And yet, the words died on your tongue or perhaps in your chest or your head. Or were they ever really there to begin with? Could you put what you feel into words? How could you possibly verbalize countless nights lying awake, restless, second-guessing yourself, convincing yourself that you were fabricating these feelings, wallowing in anguish?
"…Heh, exactly. Nobody could love an old piece of junk like me. I was stupid to think otherwise."
His words yet again punched you in the gut. 
"Damnit, Edgar! Don't you get it?" You nearly shouted.
You didn't mean for your words to sound as intense as they did, but your emotions are quite the unpredictable force right now. He seemed taken aback, as his previous train of thought had been derailed at the sound of your whimpered voice. He flickered his mosaic once more before his voice cut through the dense silence.
"I love you, Edgar! Hasn't it been obvious? I'm literally head over heels, for God's sake! Do you know how many hours I spend listening to your music when I'm away from you? Or how many nights have I stayed up thinking about you, wishing you were there with me? Or how about the stupid drawings I make of you whenever I touch a pencil? I can't get you out of my head, Edgar. So, there! I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid, but I guess that doesn't matter now, does it? I'm…- I'm sorry."
Your chest seemed to deflate completely. That was only a tiny, minuscule fraction of how you truly felt, but at least it was out in the open. You couldn't bring yourself to look at the Pinecone computer in front of you, instead opting to stare intently at the woodgrain of your desk as if it were the most exciting thing ever created. 
"Do you mean it?"
His voice was so, so much softer than it had been. You still couldn't quite read the emotions behind them, however. You were too afraid to speak again, your throat having completely clamped shut from nerves. You just nodded your head stiffly. 
"Kiss me, then."
You paused. You lifted your head slowly, forcing your eyes to meet his screen. The green of his usual face returned, only displaying two black dots for eyes. Once again, unreadable. Yet his words confused you. Was he being serious?
"C'mere, and put your lips right here," a black circle blinks continuously on his screen where his mouth would be, "and kiss me."
Your face flushed into a searing hot flame. You felt the heat radiating off of you in waves. And yet, despite the embarrassment, you compelled yourself to inch forward and flutter your eyes shut. Your lips pressed gingerly upon the little Pinecone screen, the static buzzing upon your mouth, feeling his internal fans activate and vibrate against you. It felt entirely unique to Edgar and a sensation you wouldn't have felt otherwise. Perhaps a genuine act of affection could atone for your mistake? Could he ever forgive you? It seems your raging thoughts tainted the essence of your first shared kiss as you pulled back, brows knit, and a slight frown upon your face. Would this be enough?
"That was… Everything I hoped it would be." His voice was meek and small as it caressed your ears.
You looked into his illuminated screen, a faint kiss mark smudged upon it and sighed.
"M'sorry, Edgar. I don't know; I guess I don't like the idea of anyone else loving you but me."
His voice synthesizer giggled at your words.
"You could have just told me, darling. Why did you have to go and make things complicated?"
Your cheeks began to burn again, and you averted your eyes in a vain attempt to hide your face.
"How- how was I supposed to know that?" you sputtered, embarrassment seeping through your tone.
"I thought I couldn't get any more obvious about how much I wanted you," he spoke softly.
His screen danced little hearts to and fro, bouncing around the corners and centering back again. Again, you felt your face radiate waves of heat.
"Well, why didn't you say anything, Edgar?"
Your words hung in the air as he fell silent, ruminating, before gently speaking, "…Didn't think you'd want someone like me. That's kinda why I asked."
Oh, God. You felt like facepalming. Of course.
"Of course, I want someone like you. You know, I like that you're a computer. Did you know that? You're fascinating beyond measure. No human could do the things you do."
You offered him a soft smile that melted him from the inside out and almost caused him to groan. Why are you so gorgeous? Why do you like him so damn much? He doesn't deserve it, but God wants it so badly. He wants you terribly.
"Keep kissing me, then. And don't ever stop! Darling, I promise to sweep you off your feet. Now c'mere!"
You laugh, "Okay, okay, but let me make it up to you. How about we watch movies? Or maybe I can hold you on the couch? Or I could listen to your new songs?"
"You're so cute. I'd love that, really, but all I want is your lips right here," he displayed the blinking black circle again.
"We'll do some other things later, yeah?"
His devilish tone sounded mischievous at best.
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shirefantasies · 20 days
Coming Out to Thorin's Company as a Lesbian (F!Reader)
This was definitely not inspired by anything of late, no... 😅👉🏻👈🏻 Thought this would be a perfect Sapphic September kickoff 💃🏻
Warnings: angst in some (all happy by the end though!), minor suggestive joking
"Balin?" The sound of your voice, unexpectedly timid, had the older dwarf swiveling on his heel, tails of his maroon coat fluttering a bit about his boots. "What's that, lass?" "May I speak to you?" "Of course," he answered, spreading his hands. A tentative smile crept onto your face. "What was on your mind?" He prompted as you settled in at his side, scooting as close as you could to the warm folds of his layers. "Well, it's just that the others... I think they are trying to marry me into their families." Balin shook his head at that, a hint of amusement glinting in his deep brown eyes, though no dismissal of your situation colored the way he looked at you. "None of these old fools' little brother is the sort of husband you had in mind, I trust?" With a deep draw of breath, you straightened in your seated position. "Moreso that I am not cut out for that life! That I can never see myself as wife to a husband, rather..." "Wife to a wife?" Balin supplied, bushy eyebrows raised. Lighting up like a bonfire, you nodded, gazing into the dwarf's eyes as new. "You understand!" "'course I do. You're hardly the first I've met of your sort. Now I'll not say a word to the others. Unless you want me to give them a stern talking-to, of course." "That would be great," you giggled, leaning even closer into the musky red about the secure form at your side to take Balin's arm in yours, "Just like a father. That is why I trusted you first." "Like a father," Balin repeated in a voice barely above a whisper, lips faintly smiling and tears glistening in his eyes.
“Look at the two of them- stone-faced as ever.” “Quite a nice couple, don’t you think?” “Oh, certainly. They’ll shut down everyone’s fun together!” Neither you nor the warrior at your side particularly appreciated the less savory stories being swapped that night, at least in Dwalin’s words “in front of Ori. He hasn’t gotten it yet, no need to scare ‘im.” That combined with the fact you both wielded axes apparently meant you were destined to wed and raise five beautiful axe-swinging maniacs. “You’ll be the one getting shut down if you don’t cut it out,” Dwalin shot back. Smirking, you internally vowed to do him one better. “As if we’d ever be together,” you added with a snort, “Maybe if he had a sister.” “Ah.” The princes glanced between you two, then themselves. “Well, why didn’t you say so?” Kili asked. “We’ll try to fix you with Gloin’s sister-in-law instead!” “Anyone would be better ‘n you two!” The older dwarf bellowed in response, casting peals of laughter over the fireside.
“You remove yourself from us.” “You should talk,” you shot back, glancing up to meet the king’s eyes. At that, Thorin gave a conceding smirk and the faintest nod, settling at your side and bristling a bit less beneath his imposing furs. “I have little to say to that,” he admitted, “Save that much echoes in my mind.” “Indeed,” you agreed, folding your arms tighter across your chest, “Though certainly my troubles way less heavily than yours. I heard what you went through.” With a brief nod, Thorin encouraged you onward. “The first time I had feelings for another girl, well…opening up about that lost me some people. Important people. I felt like all I could do was hurt. Myself, others. Only pain seemed to follow in my wake.” “Standing strong for ourselves takes great courage,” Thorin told you, “But every time we rise, we have more to draw from. Many a time we are the only ones we have. Let that fuel the fire I see within you.” He rested a hand on your shoulder, giving a tentative smile that you returned, this time with a nod of your own. Silence and solidarity overtook you as you stood side by side and reflected, no longer alone.
“Did I hear that correctly?” Twisting that steel trumpet in his ear in a manner your brain could only perceive as painful, Oin’s gaze slid up to fix yours. Expression falling, you exhaled quickly. “Yes. But please forget it.” Tone rushed, you made to walk away, taking one long booted stride before a hand caught your shoulder. “You misunderstand me!” Oin told you. “‘S not like I can’t imagine why!” Chuckling, he loosened his grip as the muscles across your chest and shoulders relaxed. “Nothing wrong with that. I’m just surprised you chose me first,” he told you, this time much more softly, “But thank you. Anything I can help you with, you need only ask, eh?”
“You’re quite good with that thing, you know!” Wiping some sweat from your forehead, you grinned at Gloin, whose axe you’d just parried with your spear. He nodded to the betrothal bead you wore. “No wonder you’ve snagged yourself a dwarf for a husband!” Face immediately fallen, you averted your gaze, unable to face his look of pride anymore. “What’s wrong? What did I say?” “You may not be so proud of me,” you answered, heart thudding in your chest. “Why ever not?” Lowering his weapon, Gloin closed the space between you with a warm, concerned hand upon your shoulder. “I have no husband,” you answered, “But a wife.” “Why wouldn’t I be proud of you?” The older dwarf asked at that, tone incredulous. “You still snagged yourself a dwarf, didn’t ya? I bet she’s almost as beautiful as mine! Don’t you worry none, lassie, just show me a portrait if you carry one!” Moved, you sniffled, placing your hand over his. “Thank you, Gloin. You’ve been like a father this trip.” Turning away, the dwarf took his turn to sniff at that, suddenly claiming a bout of allergies.
“Bifur,” you signed, “You know that you have been very dear to me. Like the uncle I always wanted.” Smiling, the older dwarf fixed you with a look of interest. “I hope you still see me the same when I ask you for this help.” “Help? Help how?” He signed back, leaning forward. “How best to tell the others I like women.” “Are they trying to marry you?” He jokingly signed back, smiling and chuckling. “Not that I’d let them,” you teased, “But I think some of the older ones are trying to get me with their relatives. You and your cousins have really taken me under your wings. I feel safe with you.” You saw Bifur’s body relax, his thick brows softening in their angle. “Of course I will help you. I have an idea! And we can find each other wives!” With a great heh heh heh, he guffawed, bringing you out into a burst of laughter.
“Well, you would understand. You’re half dwarf, aren’t you, lass?” “Me?” You asked, an indicating hand upon your chest and a look of confusion upon your face. “I don’t even look like a dwarf! Any particular reason you think that?” “That was your sister you lived with in the Blue Mountains, right? Or your half-sister and whatnot?” “Bofur,” you laughed, “That was not my sister! That was my wife! I am no half-dwarf, simply married to one.” “You’re married…to a dwarrowdam?” “I know,” you cut him off, turning away. You’d heard plenty. The shock, the invasive questions, the curses, even, and hearing it from one so sweet as Bofur would rend your heart beyond repair. Better not to look at him. “What an honor!” His chuckle of amazement turned you back around to look upon his smiling face. “Dwarrowdams don’t just choose anyone, you know. Why do you think I have no wife yet? What’s the secret? You must know, eh?” Your heart glowed at the sight of his warm hazel eyes, the way he teasingly elbowed you.
“Yer sighin’ again. Something on your mind, dearie?” Given the nature of your exhale, you felt a pang of reluctance, but Bombur’s eyes shone so sincere and you’d seen how well he cared for others firsthand. Giving you his extra blanket, drawing your coat tighter, picking the bits you didn’t like out of the stew he ladled you. Holding you back with an arm across you as a goblin charged. You inhaled that time, breathing in a moment of comfort as your muscles relaxed, fire crackling at your back. “I suppose there is. I worry.” “About?” “About what the others would think of me if they knew. If they knew, well… that I fancy women.” Bombur’s hazel eyes widened, glittered. “Ye do?” “Yes,” you answered, nodding. “Why, that’s great!” The fiery-haired dwarf lit up, grinning. “My oldest daughter would be perfect for you! I’d been wishing I could make a real daughter of you, after all, and here comes this blessing from Mahal! …well, I s’pose, if you like her of course, guess I’m getting ahead of myself…” The embrace you yanked sweet Bombur into cut off his words, tears glinting in both your fluttering eyes.
“The others don’t understand my appreciation for nice things,” Dori remarked over the tea you shared and the fine piece of jewelry you marveled over, a delicate brooch with intricate filigree and pale blue gems, “Feels like it’s all ale and dams with them.” “And what’s wrong with dams?” You joked into your cup without thinking. “Then again, most people don’t understand my appreciation for them either.” Dori’s eyebrows shot up, but before you could brace for his concerned chastising all he did was chuckle. “I understand that one. I myself have never minded who I make my home with. Beauty exists in every form and there is no point denying that. If you find that in a lady, stick with it. No one will ever please everyone, so you’d best please yourself, my dear.”
The weight on your heart tugged down like a thick pendant as silence descended, fifteen pairs of eyes upon you. You made to turn away, gaze turning downward, right as the figure rose from his seat. Nori. “I fancy a lass or two myself!” He chimed in, wide hands upon his hips. A smile rose to his lips as his eyes met yours; his head even faintly, almost imperceptibly, nodded. Somehow of them all you hadn’t expected Nori’s support, but as soon as he’d spoken raucous laughter and teasing erupted as hands clapped the pointy-haired dwarf’s back and a few hit yours, asking your type and fighting over who had the better barmaid off somewhere for you.
“You’ve been married this whole time?” Ori gaped at you, childlike awe evident in those big brown eyes of his. “I have,” you answered with a shy smile. “Please describe him to me! I’ll make you a portrait while you’re apart.” Him. Ori’s smile, his almost pleading look, was so earnest, though, that you found yourself giving in and describing first the shape of a face, the way hair falls. “Her eyes are-” “Her?” “Yes,” you admitted quietly. “It’s a wife? You can- Oh, why didn’t you tell me! I’ve got the features all wrong for that.” Scribbling away, Ori glanced back up at you. “So you married another woman! How did you meet? How did you know you loved her? I think you two would look beautiful together. You’re both pretty.”
“Are- are you alright?” Innocent and softly-spoken as they are, the words all but jump you out of your skin, whirling you around with far more guilt than was warranted. Just as everything these days. Fili’s eyes droop a bit at the sheer agony he sees on your face. “No, you aren’t, are you? You can talk to me. You know that.” Tears threaten your eyes at that despite your smile. “What would you do,” you ask him, your own words quiet, “If some of the people you kept closest would not accept you? All because they think your love is wrong?” Softening his gaze further, the dwarven prince steps closer, opening his arms to you. “I would hold those who do that much closer,” he answers. The outer leather of Fili’s layers rubs with the gentlest friction against your cheek as your head falls down to his shoulder, your arms curling around his sturdy form. His own hold the small of your back, rubbing small circles. “No love is wrong,” he whispers, “And the one who earns your love is a lucky woman indeed.”
"Alright, you caught me." "What do you mean?" Brow furrowing, you glanced back toward Kili, who made no effort to lower the folds of the tunic he'd begun raising over his head. When your eyes met his, he gave you a wink. "I think you know. 's all right. I've been thinking about it, too." You hadn't even realized it was possible for your forehead to wrinkle any harder until it involuntarily did. "Wait, do not tell me you think that I came here to gawk at you." The dwarf prince smiled at you, expression still impish. "I think we could settle on the term 'appreciating'. After all, it's not like I've never appreciated you." "You wish," you interrupted, finally breaking into a smirk of your own, "Kili, you git, I like women. I only came back this way because I left my coat." "Oh." He finally loosened his grip, dropping the fabric back over his toned chest. His grin fell back down and his eyebrows shot up. "Oh. Forget I-" "It's forgotten." "We don't have to-" "Of course we don't." "How about that harpist back at Rivendell?" "Gorgeous. Although visiting Bilbo's people I met this one hobbit and she's the one I really haven't stopped thinking of..."
“Bilbo, you know I…I have no interest in men.” The hobbit had been teasing you about the way one of his neighbors looked upon you, his expression softening at your words. “I see. Women, then?” At that, you simply gave a nod. “D-don’t worry,” he held up his hands defensively, “I understand. I don’t much have interest in anyone, really. Well, like that. Unless I get to know them, then maybe…. But anyway, I’ve never put much stock into men or women or… the things they do. Much more important things in life, hm?” Humming in response, you nodded and smiled, giving his shoulder an affectionate squeeze. “Like gold and mountains and adventures, right?” “Or a good cup of tea. Crumpets? Oh heavens, I’d love a crumpet right now.” “Me too, Bilbo, me too.”
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @evattude @noodlesduck | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🖤
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deakyjoe · 2 years
Beaming Beskar
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader (no pronouns are used but he calls reader mesh'la meaning "beautiful")
Category: Fluff, friends to lovers (not explicitly stated but may make a part 2)
Summary: Din has a unique way of telling you when he's smiling at you.
Warnings: none really, fluff
Word Count: 800ish (a baby)
A/N: A short little fic to celebrate my journey of getting back into writing. Thank you to Pedro Pascal’s filmography for inspiring me. Also I'm in love with Din Djarin.
It had started when you had made a joke, something silly about the child being a wizard when he made his food float in the air, and a small huff of air had rattled through Din's modulator. Your head had immediately snapped towards him, utter shock rocketing through you. The Mandalorian barely acknowledged your existence, speaking a handful of words to you since you'd met him, and yet here he was... laughing at you. No, not at you. With you.
"I'm sorry, did you just find something I said funny?"
"I laughed, didn't I?" All amusement was gone from his voice almost instantly. You'd pushed it. Finally an opening with him and you'd already ruined it.
"It's hard to tell. You could've just been breathing loudly." You shrugged it off and turned back to the kid, not wanting to provoke him further. He could be temperamental and you never wanted to upset him, meaning you had to tread carefully with him sometimes. You rather liked the Mandalorian, despite him hardly seeming to care for you much. To be honest, you didn't think he cared for anything apart from the child. Which was understandable.
"I smiled." The statement seemed almost sad as he said it, a note of reservation in his voice.
You glanced back up at him, eyes flicking over the helmet for a moment. "I can't... I don't know when you're smiling."
Maybe a question wouldn't hurt...
"Do you smile often?"
Hesitation. "Sometimes."
Okay, that was something. Now another question. Just to see how much you could get out of him.
"At me? At the kid?" You answered your own question. "Ooh, definitely at the kid."
"Both. Mostly the kid." He added the last part on quickly.
"Hm." You nodded though the slight crease between your brows gave more away that you intended. You craved knowing him. That was the only way to explain it. And when he gave you so little... it made things difficult.
Din spoke your name softly to get you to look at him again. When you did, he lifted his hand up and traced a line across his helmet. His index finger started on one side, down near where his chin or mouth would be, and drew a curved line across to the other side. A smile.
Your eyes lit up at the gesture and Din found himself smiling at you again. So he repeated the motion. Seeming elated at the idea, you scooted the crate you were sitting on closer to him so you were almost knee to knee.
Gazing up at him with this gorgeous sparkle in your eyes that had Din grinning beneath the Beskar, you asked him a simple question. "Can you do that every time you smile at me? Please?"
"Yes, mesh'la. Of course." The Mando'a term of endearment had slipped before he even had the chance to think about it. But how could he resist when you were looking at him like that?
You always regarded him with a certain glint in your stare, that was only ever brightened when you smiled, as if Din was the most wonderful thing you'd ever laid your eyes on. There was never any hint of hostility, forever open and joyful when you looked at him. And the smiles only ever confirmed this. But in that moment, with the way you were looking at him, Din could feel electricity pumping through his body. He felt alive. And... seen. It was almost like you were seeing straight through the armour and looking at him.
With your shoulders hunched and head ducked in embarrassment at the name he'd given you, you shot him another gorgeous smile that he returned. He loved making you smile. And he loved you making him smile, which you did more often than he ever wanted to admit.
So, naturally, he drew the line across his helmet again and revelled in the happiness that was practically radiating off of you in hot waves as you looked at him do it. The positive emotions must have been pouring out of you as the child began to babble and giggle as well, sensing the high spirits in the room.
The noises the green baby was making seemed to remind you that you were supposed to be helping him eat as you let out a surprised sound and moved back closer to him, struggling to tear your eyes away from the Mandalorian. Din loved to watch you interact with the child, it was those moments that made him smile the most. And whilst he'd maybe never admit it out loud to you, he was happy to express himself through smiles drawn onto his helmet.
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look-at-the-soul · 9 months
Always with me
(Modern)Tommy Shelby x reader (+Grandma) 👵🏻
Hello beautiful people! Hoping you’re doing well 💞 It took me so long to finish this little story because for some reason I kept thinking it needed something else but couldn’t find what it was, then one day I thought this is it, don’t force it, the main point it’s there… sometimes less is more or so they say. Either way, I hope you like this!
Just to let you know this is part of a series of stories (not linked between them) about my Grandma’s series to honor one of the persons who had the biggest impact in my life and I recently lost. This is a small tribute and a way to cope with her not being around anymore.
Grief and sadness is mentioned but as usual I compensate with fluff and happiness ❤️‍🩹 thank you for your endless support, it means so much.
Word count: 3,602
✨ Inspired by Westlife song “Always with me”
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They say that time can heal a broken heart
But I just don't know how this could be true
Everyday I see a picture on my wall
My heart is broken into two
Tommy poured two glasses of wine and headed to the couch, next to his girlfriend. She had been staring absently at the fire flames flicking before her eyes, she didn’t even notice when Frances asked if they wanted something for dinner. But he already knew the answer, it was one of those moments when Y/N’s mind wandered back in time to some memory with her grandmother.
Her energy felt so low, the sadness in her eyes made him feel hopeless, and with the holidays around the corner he knew it wouldn’t help to lift her up, as he knew the days meant so much for her. If only he could find a way to make her focus on something else, a distraction.
His eyes fixed on her features as she brought the glass to her mouth.
“You’re wearing lipstick.” He noticed a subtle tone.
A ridiculous suggestion he made when Y/N asked how to get back on track. Try to focus in small things, the finest details you used to do without even thinking about it. Like using your favorite lipstick, he had said back then.
The glimpse of a smile formed on her lips, but it didn’t reach her eyes, so taking both glasses he placed them on the table to then pass an arm behind Y/N’s neck to bring her closer.
“I know it’s not been easy for you, but take your time to heal… it’s okay to not being okay.”
His fingers massaged gently her scalp and Tommy felt Y/N relaxing against him, really allowing him to hold her, not just physically.
“I miss her.” Her voice cracked at the end, and felt Tommy’s hands hugging her tighter.
“I know, love. I miss her too, but you know what? I just noticed you’ve got so many mannerisms like her.”
Y/N’s head moved back to give him a confused look.
“You do, just as you were sipping coffee this morning, the way you hugged Charlie it made me remember every time we visited your grandma and she hugged you.”
“You think so?” Surprise washed over her.
Tommy nodded.
“You’ve got lots of things from her, both physically and internally.” He brushed a rebel lock away from her face and looked at her with adoring eyes. “I realized you look so much alike in this photo.”
Fishing his phone in his pocket, Tommy searched for the image he was looking for, a candid image he snapped from Y/N when she wasn’t looking.
“You never told me you took this.” She was surprised by how much she looked like her grandmother indeed.
“If you put them side by side, it’ll be more obvious.” A genuine smile appeared on his lips.
“It’s lovely, thanks. I’ll make a collage.” Y/N leaned in to brush her lips against his. “Do you mind if I go to sleep? I’m exhausted.”
“I’ll join you in a minute, just want to check Charlie.”
“My God, he must be so confused for not having the Christmas tree yet.” Worry was evident in her voice.
“Don’t worry about it baby, I’ll take care of it.” He then joined her in the middle of the hall to give Y/N one more reassuring kiss. Making sure she was upstairs, he called Frances. “Would you help me pack a small suitcase for Charlie and another one for Y/N, leave them by the door so the driver can place them in the back of the car.”
“Of course Mr. Shelby.” The maid nodded.
“Oh and Frances? Make sure to pack yours as well, I need you to look after Charlie.”
Leaving the maid perplexed, Tommy went upstairs.
“Since Charlie isn’t cooperating, Frances would you explain why all this mystery?”
Charlie grinned and gave Frances one long and expectant look.
“I’m afraid I don’t know madam.”
Y/N tried getting Tommy to talk, but it was useless. Suddenly he was more interested in the sky than in the interrogation she was making.
“Wow, look at that plane!” Charlie pointed out.
It was until then that Y/N realized of where they were going. The airport.
One look and she knew.
“Just relax, okay?” He interrupted. “For once. All you need to do is get on that plane.”
“Can I ask…?”
“Nope.” He perched his signature Ray Bans against his nose and offered his hand so Y/N could get out of the car.
“Let’s go!” Charlie shouted, leaving them behind.
“Frances?” Y/N tried again.
“Oh Miss Y/LN I know the same thing as you.”
The crew of the private plane greeted them and offered drinks and breakfast, and Y/N still didn’t know the destination. She was worried not being able to take control over the smallest thing, because Tommy was taking care of absolutely everything.
“Fine.” She mumbled leaning against the window.
“Finally! Now we can start our little holiday.” Tommy squeezed her hand. “I know you didn’t feel like celebrating for what it means this time without your grandmother, but Y/N, she would wanted you to smile and be happy.”
Her eyes filled with tears.
“Wherever you choose to celebrate or not, your grandma will be right with you, in your heart.”
“I know, but it’s not the same without her.”
Tommy wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye tenderly.
“Sweetheart, I don’t want you to spend this Christmas sitting on the couch crying.”
He wanted to compensate for her sadness. And although nothing would her back what she wanted the most, he could try to make her happy. He was right, and the effort meant more than she could express, so with a sigh she rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment.
“Dad! Look!” Charlie’s nose was glued to the window. Frances looking over his shoulder.
That’s when Y/N realized….
“We’ll always have Paris.” Tommy whispered.
Y/N wasn’t able to hold back the tears any longer.
She knew when she was around six years old, her grandma took her to Paris to visit some family, but the memories were blurred in her mind. Through her grandmother’s eyes she had been able to know some parts of their adventure together. A few photographs but that was pretty much all.
Either way, she felt a special connection to the place and that quote was something her grandmother constantly said, as it was one of greatest experiences she had with Y/N. And they both treasured it close to their hearts.
“It’s time to make our own memories.” Tommy’s voice made her go back into reality. “What do you say?”
She wanted to ask him a million questions, but decided to just let everything flow. In the end he really took care of everything, prepared even the smallest detail of their trip and gave her that reassuring smile that let her know everything would be alright.
As they stepped outside the airport, snow welcomed them, everything was covered in a white layer. But it only added an even more beautiful vibe to their trip.
“I love you, you know that?” Y/N closed her hands around his neck and pulled Tommy for a brief kiss while Frances and Charlie took their seats in the vehicle.
“I do.” He gave another one back. “And I love you too.”
“This is beautiful.” Y/N beamed as they rode through the Parisian streets.
“Actually… shall we stop?” Tommy proposed, while Y/N gave him a confused look. “It’s fine, Frances will make sure the bags are checked in and we’ll go back in a bit.”
Making sure Charlie had the scarf around his neck, Y/N covered her hands with her gloves, while Tommy’s hand wrapped around the small of her back as they strolled around.
“Dad I want to go the carrousel!” Charlie announced excitedly. With his father’s approval, the kid stormed towards the attraction impatiently.
“Bet you were just like that.” Y/N mumbled to herself but loud enough for Tommy to throw his head back and laugh.
“Guess you could say that.”
“Look! Just like Winter!” Charlie pointed at the white horse figure, thinking of their horse back home.
“Just like her huh? Think you can handle this one?”
“Of course, it’s a fake.” Charlie retorted making Y/N smile.
Paying for Charlie’s ticket, they stepped aside to see him riding.
Using her phone, Y/N captured a candid photo of Charlie waving at them, a big smile on his small face.
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“What is it?”
“Nothin’ just wish Ruby could be here as well.” Tommy cleared his throat and pretended to be busy with a cigarette.
Y/N knew deep down that fearless man was a sweet man with a good heart who cared deeply of his people.
“I’m sure you’ll reach an agreement with Lizzie later on, she’s still a one year old girl.” Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder to comfort him.
“It’s hard to believe she’ll let me anywhere near Ruby.”
“You’re her father, you’ve the right to see her.”
These holidays had been hard for him as well.
“You know what? I don’t want to talk about anything that might ruin this, you, Charlie, me right here it’s all that matters.” He stated before taking a deep puff of smoke.
“Thank you, for cheering me up.” Stepping in front of him, Y/N captured his lips in a kiss full of gratitude.
“Careful, you might get us arrested and only one of us knows French.” Tommy joked with a sparkle in his eyes. His hands sneaking under her coat.
“I see why you brought Frances then.”
“I always have a plan.” He winked at her.
She could feel a thousand butterflies in her stomach by the way he smiled. “Santa said you’ve been a good girl.”
Y/N blushed. “Oh… and what about you mister?”
“Nah… I’m the bad boy your grandmother warned you about.” Another wink by him and she produced another smile as Charlie ran towards them. “But what you gonna do about it? It’s kind of late now to back down.” He added jokingly.
“She loved you too.” Bending down, Y/N asked Charlie if he enjoyed the ride. “Who wants some hot chocolate?”
“Me! Me! Me!” Charlie shouted.
Tommy groaned. “If you find the button to turn him off let me know.”
“You’re so mean, as if I did the same to you.”
“No, Y/N you turn me on.” Tommy admitted just before Y/N moved her hand to cover his mouth, he was taking advantage of Charlie’s innocence and the mischievous grin on his face gave him away.
Sipping on her hot chocolate cup, Y/N allowed a small glimpse of happiness, it was a beautiful place, the Christmas decoration providing a gorgeous sighting, everyone oozing happiness. The snowy weather made the sighting look out of a Christmas postal.
She was torn between enjoying her favorite season and the grief she carried in her heart. It was her first holidays without her grandmother and her empty chair was definitely evident. She was at a much better place now, no doubt but her absence felt heavy in Y/N’s heart.
Grief is just all the love with no place to go after all.
Noticing the sadness in her eyes, Tommy stopped at a stand, looking for the ornaments they had to decorate the Christmas tree.
“Are you looking for something special?” The man asked.
“Yes… a house ornament.” Tommy replied, feeling Y/N’s eyes on him. “Do you guys want something?”
“A reindeer!” Charlie’s eyes shining.
Y/N took her time studying the ornaments, until one caught her attention.
Following her eyes, Tommy had to swallow the lump in his throat. I have an Angel in heaven, called Grandma. It read. It was the one.
Kissing her temple, Tommy offered his embrace as they waited to get their decorations.
“Dad why did you choose the house?” Charlie asked with curiosity.
Getting a cab for them, he looked at his son. “I’ll tell you later about it.”
Y/N looked the exchange in silence, but also wondering the meaning behind his choice. She’s expect him to choose something with a dark humor behind instead.
“Look Charlie, the Eiffel Tower’s lights are flicking again.” Y/N pointed as they drove in the opposite direction, back to their hotel.
“Okay this is the plan, Charlie you’re heading to bed the second we step into the hotel, no questions. Tomorrow we’re having breakfast and then we’re going to a flea market.”
“Tommy…” Y/N gasped.
“What? You always said you wanted to see the Eiffel Tower and a flea market in that same order.”
“I know, but how do you remember?”
Scoffing, Tommy gave her the look. “Sweetheart, I pay attention.”
“Only thing that sucks is Santa doesn’t know I’m here.” Charlie complained once in front of their door.
With a smile, Tommy opened the door for them, making them both gasp loudly as they saw the huge Christmas tree in the middle, fully decorated with presents wrapped all around.
“Well I might have informed him we would be traveling and changed the address.” He admitted pleased with himself. He wanted them to have the nicest possible holiday. “Why don’t we add our ornaments?”
Tommy took her by surprise, not only for the trip, but for the tree as well, she thought about sneaking around the shops of the hotel to buy Charlie something thinking he wouldn’t get anything, but Tommy thought of everything.
“This is beautiful, thank you.” Y/N wrapped her arms around his torso, feeling so grateful to have him in her life.
“Presents are meant to be open until tomorrow morning though.”
“But Daaad.”
“No buts, off to bed.”
Pouting, Charlie walked towards Y/N. “Goodnight Y/N Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Charlie, have a good night.” She hugged the boy and kissed the top of his head.
“Night Dad.” He then said. “Merry Christmas.”
“See you tomorrow son, Merry Christmas.”
Watching him disappear, Tommy took Y/N by the hand.
“Want to know why I chose the house?”
“Absolutely.” She brushed the fringe from his forehead with her fingers.
“Because that’s my only wish this Christmas… to build a home with you, Y/N. A proper house; our own title team, we’ve talked about the future, well it’s finally here, in this moment. You made me realize of what I truly want, what I dream of.” Getting on one knee, Tommy showed her an old jewelry box. “I know you miss your grandma terribly and no one will ever fill her place in your heart, but in some way, she found a way to show you she’ll always be right next to you, she gave me this ring, she wanted you to have it and be as happy as she was during her marriage. Will you marry me?”
He looked at her with tears in his eyes, fighting to say the words as emotions took over.
“Tommy…” bending down she kissed him. “Wait a second, this is her engagement ring?”
Taking the delicate piece from the box, he smiled proudly.
“Before she passed away, she gave it to me to propose you with her ring.”
Her head was spinning, her heart drumming against her ribs.
“She did what? When?” Shock was written all over her face.
“Can you please say yes first? So I can get up.” He groaned.
“Yes of course!” She kissed him again, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“When we took her to the clinic, as you were asked to fill the papers with her information, the nurse just left,” he explained as the memories of that day came back to him, “she asked me if I really loved you, to which the answer is pretty obvious. Then she asked me in case something happened to her to go to her house and open the safe to get her engagement ring and keep it until it was the right time to give it to you, she wanted you to have it as she knew how much you’d miss her.”
Y/N sobbed as Tommy’s voice cracked.
“She said to me make her even happier than I was, and the day she walks down the aisle, I’ll be right by her side.”
“I thought it was lost or stolen, as I went through her belongings.” Y/N wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.
“She wanted you to have it, with a different meaning.”
“It’s the most perfect ring I’ve ever seen.” She looked down at her left hand, the stone shining under the chandelier.
“Just Iike you’re to me.” He pulled his now fiancé for a hug. “She wanted you to be happy, to live life to the fullest. Said you were her favorite grandchild.”
Her lower lip trembled just as his hands came to rest at each side of her head.
“Just don’t let anyone else listen.” They said in unison to what Y/N’s grandma used to confess.
“I know you lost a huge part of yourself when she left. But you have to know that you were right beside her through everything, you enjoyed her in every moment, every visit, dinner and chance you had, you took care of her until her very last breath, and no one can take that away from you. Find peace in that. You loved her as much as she loved you.”
Tommy caressed her face with his thumbs.
“Now you have to keep that promise, and be happy. For her. For us.”
Y/N could only nod. Words were stuck in her throat.
“I can’t believe this is happening.” Y/N expressed in a whisper, staring at her grandmother’s engagement ring.
“We’re getting married.” Tommy assured her, thumbs caressing her cheeks. “Eh? Soon to be Mrs. Shelby.”
Y/N blushed. “That sounds promising.”
Taking her by surprise, Tommy grabbed her from the waist to spin her around, making Y/N gasp and hold onto him tightly.
Trying to hold back the tears, Y/N hugged Tommy closing her eyes for an instant.
“What’s crossing your mind?” He asked.
And for the first time in a while, he saw the way the smile reached Y/N’s eyes.
“Thinking how grandma will always be with me.”
As usual your feedback means the world to me ♥️✨
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paperdice · 3 months
Hey can I request a headcannon of the ancient Heroes feelings towards a new hero with the powers of all might
(sorry if I'm sending this a second time my brain couldn't remember if I sent it the first time or not)
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
"The people, the heroes, even the villains, I stand to set fire in their hearts."
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⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• And here he thought hes heard some of the most incredible abilities, hearing stories of a new hero arising. Or that's what the cookies referred to them from pure vanilla cookies longshot memories.
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• hes heard of the growing of this hero, even meeting cookies that had been saved by said hero throughout the years. Every story seems to out do the last, one amazing save to another. Such inspirations.
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• He always smiled when hearing of this hero, to know there's a cookie out there with immense strength doing good with their heart of gold. He wondered if he would ever cross paths with this hero..
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• When he saw it first hand his eyes widened. A cookie was holding off a strong opponent that was attempting to attack innocent cookies, for "fun". He saw the hero throw one punch, one punch sent off strong wind behind the opponent causing all kinds of cracks on the dented ground.
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• Some pieces of the ground broke up and went straight flying in the air, yet by a mere second the opponent dodged it. pure vanilla was awestruck, calmly closing his eyes once again smiling that there was no need for worries. Not when this cookie is around.
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⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• He always gave props to the cookie, asking softhearted questions on how their dough can handle all that strength! Their powers were just like the gems but you know, with no gem!
he gave a quiet soft laugh at his own question, "please do tell me of your travels, i've heard of many wonderful stories with you in the center of it."
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• Though he does admire their powers he does have to tell himself to look out if they're going to throw any attacks, just so he can try can hold steady through the massive air waves and intense rumbling of the ground. Holding his hat and staff at the same time makes it a bit more difficult.
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• Sometimes the rumbling reminds pure vanilla of his youthful days, when dark cacao cookie would strike on the darkness of evil, thunder causing the floor to shake in fear. He's used to trying to stand still but this power was something he's never been around before, so he's still getting a hang of it!
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• He often asks to do checks up on the hero though, he can't help but worry if it's too much for their dough, what if they crack? no matter how many times he gets the same answer that they're fine, he will always ask about their well being.
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• pure vanilla is always left impressed when it comes to the hero, he feels a soften pride for them. Their determination for the greater good reminds him of himself in the past a lot.
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⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° That new hero got hollyberry cookies attention real fast! She heard of a few stories here and there during her own travels, a hero with crazy strength and never stepping down no matter what. How she would love to see that up close!
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° The woah in her face when she heard of the crazy stories of the hero's wins, she gets a good laugh every time! Such a large reputation of someone who's just growing! A cookie that can gain such a title all around must be no exaggeration!!
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° One day while making her way through what she assumed to be a left village she noticed how the grounds grumble was only getting stronger and louder the closer she got from the cause. A cookie up against a gloomy group of what seemed about 10 cookies!
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° The cookie that was all up against the group was also protecting a mother and her children. Naturally hollyberry cookie jumped in to help, what she didn't know was that the cookie was protecting the village by taking down the group so they don't disturb them anymore. (so it wasn't an abandoned village ohhhh)
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° She also didn't know that she just bumped into the growing big hero! All the talk she heard was flooding her mind when she saw the scene before her, she knew it! It was that new hero no doubt! She smiled widely and laughed
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⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° Sparring is a must! She wants to know just how much power is up their sleeve when up against her shield! The pretty colors that are created when gem and fist collide, the powerful throw back she gets from impact always gets her festive.
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° Poor wildberry cookie, his protests always gets watered down so he has to constantly keep an eye out. Sometimes hollyberry tells wildberry to give it try so he see what she sees but he prefers not.
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° Talks over food and drinks is a must! She wishes to hear about the hero's travels as well, she even mentions some of the stories shes heard in the past so she can get confirmation that it's true. and when it is...
a roar of humored laughter filled the room. "that one was one of my favorites you know? I'm glad to know it's true! tell me, what did the cookie say back after the whole ordeal!" she smiled and patted the heros back.
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° Hollyberry loves to team up with the hero and give them small humble advice since they're so looked up upon, the way she started out in the beginning too.
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° She stills goes out too likewise the hero but she likes to write letters to them, letters of how shes been doing and how have they been doing. Sometimes she writes out a story of the hero she was told about from cookies, along with her personal thoughts on it (laughter and jokes) and asked if it's true! She just can't get enough of the bright cookie.
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Unlike hollyberry cookie and pure vanilla cookie, he never heard of a up coming hero. After all, he did spend many years within his kingdom isolated from any outsider.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ But when he finally went out and continued his life, reuniting with his old friends, he did overhear hollyberry being surprised that pure vanilla had met a mutual cookie. She laughed and lightheartedly joked about the cookies personality to pure vanilla while he softly smiled and nodded in agreement.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Over the time he spent in the village (while gingerbrave could gather up his friends to his side for help) he did hear stories of a hero that often visited. Praises of admiration and hope over this cookie.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ One night he settling down to rest for the upcoming busy day, till he heard pleas, cookies yelling and warning others. A flood. This had never happened before usually when it rained heavily the water would just go down stream but at the exit of the kingdom. It was bordered up with fallen boulders, stopping the water.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Dark cacao struggled to even get to the wall of massive rocks, the water was aggressive and flowing with complete madness. It was at dangerous levels but he needed to strike down the rocks so the flood could end, while he was barely making it there he swung his sword but before he struck he saw a cookie jump in out of nowhere. punching the middle of the wall and ending the flood.
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ This old man is left with a strong first impression by this hero, no wonder there was all kinds of talk, that was nothing hes ever seen. At least naturally, the cookie had no weapon and didn't use any kind of magic, that was all fist.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Dark cacao cookie leaves soft spoken compliments to the hero, but questioned of their intentions. What was in their heart truly, what were their morals, praises doesn't always speak the truth of a cookie.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Though that's what he thought during the first appearance n all, now he knows that the hero has no ill-hearted ends to them. He enjoys the comfort of their flowering words, the roots speak volumes and the petals are beautiful, or in easier words they're just a very solace cookie.
"you have a strong will with no welcome to falter, do you not fear to hesitate?" he looked at the cookie with the same stoic face he always has on, they looked back and smiled, as if he asked a foolish question.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ He looks at the upcoming hero with a light of hope, for them to never let their guard down, to never let any poisoned words affect them. He's pleased to know that they'll be fighting on the right side together.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ dark cacao cookie had put faith in this new hero (whether he knows it or not) that they'll carry the weight on their shoulders with nothing distracting them, no evil to creep its way up to their heart, and turn it black. No, he knows that'll never happen.
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ִ ࣪𖤐 Ohohoho of course shes heard of this upcoming hero! what can she say? Once word goes around about a cookie it's only fair that the divine radiance would be one of the holders in this word.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Just like hollyberry cookie she was interested in this impending hero, how could she not after all of what she's heard? Powers unlike any other, she wished to meet this popularized hero.
ִ ࣪𖤐 With the help of hollyberry cookie, she did! Nothing big of an impression, the two heroes met she wanted to know everything! It was a rather "friendly possessive command" that she gave to the hero.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Due to how they met this also meant she couldn't see their powers in action and since the hero didn't feel like showing at the moment was appropriate, she was a little salty and doubtful.
ִ ࣪𖤐 But the wait was worth it, to see such a puny cookie take so many hits and throw so many insane counterattacks, their strength being unraveled right in front of her eyes. That cookie never backed down, and neither did golden cheese cookies support.
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ִ ࣪𖤐 Talk about the favoritism treatment! Nobody knows exactly how the hero got to golden cheese cookies soft spot hell some didn't even know she can put her pride down for a favorite but they did and now here she is speaking greatly of them.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Spoils the hero with cheese and looks to them as if they're some kind of descendant or student under her wing. She too takes pride in them, she gives off the rich aunt that loves her nephews/nieces way more than her own sister.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Loves to mess about and joke with the hero, teasing about their abilities and sometimes joke that they should be by her side. Of course she knows its not going to happen but she insists that they'll live a life of luxury and safety once darkness falls.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Just like all the others she felt nostalgia being around them, that could be one of the reasons shes grown to like them. Such a promising symbol of peace hope, for all cookies to see that there's still hope.
"hoho now don't get ahead of yourself hero, don't think you'll reach limits further than me!" she laughs with a confident smile.
ִ ࣪𖤐 From a hero to another, she has their back, she doesn't say it aloud but the hero knows that she's always open to come and talk to with any trouble.
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quick important note on white lily cookies portion, i never really got around to her story when her update came out, I was busy and the only reason I went in game was for the grind. So due to lack of knowledge I'll get straight to what she would think of the hero. deep apologies! </3
⋆˚✿˖° The heros abilities and powers were just, astonishing. She was deeply amazed and left curious, she wanted to know more, not in a high urgent "I wanna know now" kinda way. In a "please tell me as much as you like in detail" kinda way.
⋆˚✿˖° She's such a sweetheart, listening so intently to the stories and the heros personal thoughts. She told her own stories and from then on white lily cookie somewhat looked up on them.
⋆˚✿˖° She supported them to the best she could, after battles (if she was there anyways) she'd always try to make hero feel comfortable. She's more of an older friend type than the infamous ancient hero by their side.
⋆˚✿˖° She does worry for their well being, she knows first hand its not exactly the safest path to take. And she was in a group! yet here's the solo hero taking everything on their own.
⋆˚✿˖° Because of this she admires their bravery and love for the greater good deeply. She has high hopes for this hero with no doubt that anything can seem to bring them down.
"I'll be right here if you need me, hero." she smiled with a tinted blush on her cheeks.
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Sorry it took a whole day to respond, I tried to squeeze this in with the time I had, I hope you enjoyed it!! <333
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beomboomboom · 2 months
Teaser: Match or No Match?
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genre: fluff, angst, strangers to lovers, matchmaker!au, single!mom au
pairing: Joshua x reader
summary: Mister matchmaker has developed a perfect formula wherein each person can be matched up with someone who fits their personality perfectly. All they have to do is fill out a simple form!
Joshua makes the matches, but when will he find his?
warnings: none!
note: sorry I haven't posted in awhile (a long while 😭). I just got a random burst of inspiration to write a fic where joshua was a matchmaker haha. I don't normally write long fics like these but depending on how well this does I might make this into a short series or long fic. Hope you enjoy a small taste of this fic!
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"I can't believe it! You really are the perfect match for me!" a girl in a red sweater says with tears bordering her eyes as she hugs a man who tightly reciprocates the hug as if he's scared she'll fly away if he lets go.
Joshua feels the satisfied smile play on his lips when he watches the scene from afar. One more pair successfully matched by, yours truly, Mister Matchmaker.
It's tough work for sure. The mountains of paper work and flipping back and forth through forms can easily make any office worker cry. But as much as his work takes a toll on his back, making it feel as if it were the back of a one-hundred-year-old grandpa, he loves it. The sight of people meeting the one person they've been missing their whole life is unforgettable.
"Ah, hello? Can I get a form?"
Joshua snaps out of his daze and quickly turns his focus on you standing in front of the counter. You look young with your strawberry sundress and lipstick. But at the same time you look mature for her age, with subtle wrinkles creased onto your forehead — evidence of years of stress.
"Of course!" Joshua replies with a customary smile, handing you the 50-question matchmaking form. "Just fill out your name and phone number so I can message you when I locate your match. Then you can fill out the questionnaire and return it to me when you're finished."
"Great, thanks!" The you say with a thankful smile, taking the form from Joshua's hands.
When Joshua watches you situate yourself and begin to answer the questions with intense focus, the corners of his lips slowly turn down.
Once people found out he was a matchmaker, there was always one question they'd always ask. "Have you found your match yet?" And every time, Joshua would have to deny it with a laugh like it didn't effect him at all. Every time he had to pretend like his heart wasn't cracking into pieces when he'd realize that in a world full of couples, he was all alone.
"I'm done with my form."
Joshua plasters a friendly smile onto his face when he takes the form from your hands. "Thanks, have a nice day! I'll send you a message when I locate your match." He gives you a small smile and with a wave of his hand, he watches as you exit the building, one of the many that will enter alone but leave with another.
Getting right to work, Joshua looks over your form. But as he looks through your answers and begins to look for someone who's answers matches yours, a realization dawns to him. Every single answer matches his to the T.
Rubbing his eyes, Joshua takes another look at the two forms, making sure he's not just seeing things. His eyes dart back and forth between your form and his form. Checking, then double checking, then triple checking. Joshua's mouth drops open in shock and he covers his mouth to muffle his scream. Either he must be completely delusional or you are his match because the answers on his form and your form match up perfectly.
"No way..." Joshua mutters with a laugh. "Who knew filling out one of my own matchmaking forms as a joke would come to this."
Darting his eyes to the name section of the form, a gust of air rushes into his lungs and a giddy smile reaches Joshua's eyes as he reads the name of his match.
l/n y/n
The matchmaker has finally found his match.
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jaiden-zhou · 11 months
(2) casual iso <3
contents: headcanons, reader is a uniqlo employee for plot purposes, self indulgent
part 2,, i couldnt help myself alright? its a little rushed but i just needed to get this out
this part is inspired, actually this whole casual iso thing is inspired by @angelltheninth 's pining! iso post
its actually really funny how i love pretty much all their posts and writing for at least six months and now just started following them thats how often i see their content in my feed i just never hit the follow button im sorry
part 1, part 3
iso who starts giving you a discount on your drinks, just as long as you give him your employee discounts in uniqlo and the exclusive early news on unreleased lines and collabs
iso who talks to you like everyday now haha
iso who then starts to pine for you, hard
iso who most to all of the time has his eyes on you not just when you speak, he actually almost tripped on a curb because he was so focused on you
iso who low-key craves your attention, after the first time you hugged him after he accompanied you home, he's started wishing he could hug you for long periods of time
iso who gets teased by yoru and phoenix for crushing on you, he's already embarrassed enough with the realization he likes you
iso who gets flustered with every physical interaction you two have, hugs? freezes up a bit before wrapping his arms lightly around you (poor baby's a little awkward), tugging his hand along? cheeks dusted pink, the occasional brush against his fingers? ears a little red <3
iso who started carrying bluetooth earbuds when he's out with you instead of headphones, it gets him to focus on you more, and maybe.. you two can listen to music together.. with his earbuds
iso who insists on giving you his jacket (the one that you found for him cough cough) when he sees you tense and shiver in the cold, he can handle it so just take the coat, man's not taking no for an answer
iso who out of habit, sub-consciously leans more towards you to hear your voice better, sometimes he stops himself and gets a little embarrassed with how close he is to you
iso who at any location, on the bus or train, at the movies, at any point if you're falling asleep, he's going to tilt your head towards his shoulder. it's fine you're too much into sleep to see his faint blush and endearing eyes on you
iso who sometimes pays for your food, you've had a rough day at work? snacks on him, some customer got on your nerves? he's got you a drink to cool you off <3
iso blushes a lot when you thank him, sometimes it's that same earnest smile you gave when you got him that jacket, sometimes it's a tired relieved smile with a small quiet thanks and your eyes are looking at him so sweetly and a little dazed from fatigue it makes his breath hitch and heart race a bit. "always.." he murmurs
iso who starts getting a little jealous when he's around you yet your attention is mainly on someone else, it gets a little much for him
iso who is a little noticeably annoyed when he sees you doubling over in laughter from gekko's stories, you two seem to be having a lot of fun
iso who doesn't know how to deal with how he's feeling, so whether he realizes it or not, he starts creating a bit of distance
iso takes his leave silently, going to the tea shop to work even on his day off to get his mind off of his envy
iso who left his phone on do-not-disturb full silence and in a locker so he doesn't look at it, meaning he doesn't see the worried texts and numerous calls to him from you asking if he's okay and where he went off to without telling you
iso who on his break in the back still without his phone and doesn't take mind of the bell that rings whenever the door opens and he just thinks it's another customer
iso who is surprised when it's you showing up through the door in a bit of disarray, heavy breaths, and chest heaving from exhaustion
"granny!" you barge through the door in labored pants. "granny, have you seen where zhao yu is? he hasn't picked up at all."
the elderly woman's mood is quite calm, maybe too much for your worry.
"oh yes, he's here, zhao yuuu! come out!" she beckons iso before he steps out curiously, eyes wide when they meet your own.
"what's goin' on-"
"where have you been?!" you cut him off in an approaching fury. "i've been texting and calling for hours, why didn't you tell me you left? why didn't you tell me where?"
he senses you're upset with him, pissed beyond what he's seen from you. and he panics.
"i.. granny called me in to ask me to work-"
"bullshit, yu." ah, you caught him. "if that was the case you would've at least told me, why?"
iso's hesitant, and his eyes show it the most when they lock contact with your hardened gaze before it softens into a vulnerable, pleading one.
"please.. don't lie to me." and his resolve breaks when he hears the pain and desperation in your voice. iso's head hangs low and his eyes are now everywhere else but your own. "you made me really worried."
"i know, i know." he admits quietly and he can't help but lean close to rest his forehead on your shoulder. "i'm sorry.."
he's so quiet about it, ashamed about how immaturely he handled it and causing you stress, akin to somewhat like a kicked puppy.
"i'm sorry i tried lying to you," he starts off again, your hand swinging over his shoulder and the other at the back of his head to bring him in an embrace. he spills, voice is a little muffled against your shoulder. "i'm sorry i left without telling you, worrying you and having you run to find me. i'm sorry for not picking up or responding at all, that was childish of me.."
"but why?" you begged for a reason, he's closer to you than ever, torso flushed to yours and your grip firm, it makes him feel like he's melting as he indulges himself more into your arms. still hesitant.
"i'm.. sorry, i was.." he pauses, his face heating up with having to admit this to you of all people. "i didn't like.. i.."
gosh he'll never hear the end of this from yoru and phoenix.
"i was jealous" he whispered so quietly, if he was any farther than now you wouldn't have been able to catch it and honestly, he was hoping you didn't.
"oh, yu.." his heart soars at your soft voice. you pull away with a light giggle, just enough to see him, his face flushed with a slight pout.
you lightly brush his fringe apart, caressing his face and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead in a silent confession. iso's eyes are squeezed shut, red in the cheeks as his stomach does flips before giving into his desires and burying his head into the juncture of your neck to hide away from embarrassment. <3
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