#feeling a strong 8/10 maybe 8.5 if im feeling generous
dedicatedsideme · 2 years
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Listening to: And in the Darkness, Hearts Aglow by Weyes Blood
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ofcowardiceandkings · 5 years
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UH WHOA not only am i posting art but theres so much of it lmfao
ive been meaning to do this for mmmm a long time, and i decided to get it cleaned up so i can present folks with my homebrew/headcanon/thingy for the d&d playable races !! i know ive missed a few off but these are ones ive seen more of over all in my own travels in Nerd Game lol
ive only DMed one thing so far (our lost mines of phandelver adventure was a total blast but oh boy the shenanigans) but im like ... drowning in it all, have been for a loooonng time since i first played Neverwinter Nights when i was like 11, i just didnt have a party to mess with yet lmao (fingers crossed our schedules get sorted so the campaign goes ahead soooooonnn).. so ive been developing some of these various homebrewy headcanons for uh over half my life
getting them all together in one place like this was unbelievably fun !!
gonna yell under the cut for a bit about it more but very shortly i’ll be opening for d&d character / item / creature commissions so watch this space or pop me a message to get in a queue <3
these headcanon things are half based on “that looks cool” and Sciencing. a lot of the more humanoid in some way races ive really pulled on human ancestors a lot, as well as muscle development in different sports. And Animals, because ye
i haven’t included humans in this mammoth endeavour because we should all know what a Human People looks like, and their proportions aren’t any different in the world of D&D i run at least lol similarly, because they’re an exact intersection between humans & either elves or orcs, the half-species arent included on here either [shrugs] i WILL talk about them some here though !!
i might eventually update this with some npc generators ive made using my own descriptors and headcanons >.>
ELVES av height; 5′6 | heads-high; 8.5 generally long limbed, with fine wispy hair, elves senses are very heightened. helping in this, their eyes are almond-shaped with slightly narrow pupils, their large radar-like ears are very mobile, and the underside of their noses are covered in a lightly damp pitted leather. part of their ability to maintain grace with an elongated frame, aside from longer springy feet, is aided by a tail built somewhat like a horse, with a skirt of hair down its length, only with a slightly longer bone to it than would be seen in the typical pony. excepting a very light dusting on their lower limbs, they typically have very little body hair. sometimes their skin shimmers, or freckles sparkle.
GNOME av height; 3′6 | heads-high; 6.5  gnomes are almost like diminutive elves with a few key differences. their hair tends to be wild if left alone, but is often styled wildly anyway. set rather low on rounded but long faces, their large almond eyes are keen, and small hands very nimble. it’s not sure if its due to their close environments or frequent encounters with accidents in experiments, but their skulls are surprisingly hard, and they possess small horn nubs made of bone and coated in keratin. their small petal-shaped ears are set low and point outward, and are able to move a little to catch sound. they may look fragile due to their size and build but they are pretty hardy and more than capable.
HALFLING av height; 3′ | heads-high; 6 a very hardy but soft and welcoming folk, halflings are built for walking and surviving well, often coming from a semi-nomadic tradition. they typically have round faces with stronger jaws and soft round eyes, and their large ears are pointed upright. their figures easily get a little curved and chubby, especially when they have easy access to decent food, in preparation for harder times and the odd period of hunkering down for some downtime, say in poor weather. truly the most functional part of a halfling is their short powerful legs with big fairly flexible hard feet, and lion-like tail for balance, both insulated by hair.
DWARF av height; 4′3 | heads-high; 6.5 dwarves are accustomed to life in tougher terrain, typically with large parts spent in the ground. their broad frames are also squat down with thick short limbs, for huge power and for life in tunnels. wide feet keep them steady and sensitive to significant seismic energy in the earth, and wide hands aid in their work and the feel of the rock. their large round ears stick outward and are slightly mobile, large noses help condition the air, and high-set eyes with huge irises aid their vision in darker spaces and the ability to peek over things without being fully exposed. their skulls are also very thick just in case of falling rocks. all dwarves are very hairy and grow beards, taking pride in keeping and styling it.
GOLIATH av height; 7′6 | heads-high; 10 a totally different variety of rock & mountain people to dwarves, they do share a few traits. a goliath’s thick limbs are long with a big reach and huge stride, with big hands and feet for steady movement. as well as being hugely tall, they are broad, especially in their shoulders, with a long neck elevating their head further. their facial features tend to be very sharp, but long. they have little to no body hair, and they often dont grow head hair either, but decorate their skulls with tattoos. as they get older, the upper surfaces of their body develop pebble like growths under the skin, often in similar patterns to their habitats.
FIRBOLG av height; 7′6 | heads high; 9 firbolg typically live in deep forests but are actually a giantkin - although not too unbelievable given their huge height and thick build. large parts of their body are hairy, nearly furry, and their head hair is thick and wild, and they often have facial hair too. their large heads have long thick noses with an almost bovine leather to their top lips, and wide set eyes. their fluffy ears are very mobile, but when relaxed they drop and point downward. their nails are thick and sturdy, aiding in being even more dexterous while being so big. sometimes they are covered in layers of clothing, but they possess a tiny goat-like tail.
DRAGONBORN av height; 6′6 | heads-high; 8 dragonborns diverged from true dragons in the ancient past, likely due to a strong magical influence of some kind, but not so long ago that the bloodlines of dragons are absent from the race of dragonborn. (the illustration shows the typical head-shape and placement of ears, each bloodline has its own features). their chest is still very round like an animal, with deep chest muscles, a slightly less mobile shoulder, and short upper arm. their 4 clawed hands and feet somewhat resemble that of a true dragon, but smaller and a little less dangerous. the length of a dragonborn’s tail can vary from just the length from hips to floor, or up to their full height, and as well as being very useful for balance and dexterity, can be used for fighting. different bloodlines can interbreed, with it being a matter of chance which line is present in offspring (although metallic is more dominant over gemstone, and chromatic over both ... (ah yeah gemstone, ill get to that soon))
AARAKOCRA av height; 5′ | heads-high; 8.5 as an avian species, especially one capable of flight, the aarakocra’s bones are hollow, making them on the one hand very agile but a little fragile. their large wingspan nearly brushes the floor, and their wings attach high on their back, through to a deep avian keel. their arms have a long forearm, which is covered in bird-like scutes, and their 4 clawed hands are still remarkably talon like which quite short palms and very mobile thumbs. their legs are very long and powerful, and backed by a typically wedge shaped tail. more often than not, their physical appearance takes after raptor species of birds, but different populations can trend towards many different appearances, including parrots and waterfowl.
TABAXI av height; 6′6 | heads-high; 9 tabaxi are an unusual sight in many places still. their cat-like bodies are very flexible and suited to their athletic climbing lifestyle. their long hands and feet have very a powerful grip, and they can retract their front claws. their long feline face is something like a cheetah or a clouded-leopard, with large highly mobile ears, large eyes and a strong nose. 
av height; 6′6 | heads-high; 8
orcs are very powerfully build, with heavy muscles and thick bodies overall. compared to other humanoids they can look a little gorilla-like. their short legs are usually a little bent to carry weight better instead of busting knees when locked. their course wiry hair grows profusely all over their body. their strong nails often grow out a little pointed. their large thick heads have high heavy brows and protruding lower jaws, short round noses and low bud-shaped ears which stick outward. the lower jaw and sometimes upper contain tusks, sometimes multiple tusks, which are greatly cared for and very impressive.
HALF-ELVES av height; 5′6 | heads-high; 8.25 a half-elf’s build will be somewhere between human and elf, often inheriting something of an elf’s eyes and nose leather, shorter elf ears, and maybe a small tufted tail something like a rabbits
HALF-ORCS av height; 6′ | heads-high; 8 a half-orc’s build will be somewhere between human and elf, often inheriting something of an orc’s skin colour and dark and profuse wiry hair, shorter orc ears, and some small tusks.
GOBLIN av height; 4′ (stood straight) | heads high; 5.5 bat/cat-like ears, nose something like bear/cat, domed head, arms/legs same length, sparse wiry hair, claws, short digits, lithe but very strong and hardy
HOBGOBLIN av height; 5′3 (stood straight) | heads high; 8 bat/cat-like ears but pinched at the base, nose something like bear/cat, very domed head, arms slightly longer than legs, claws, sparse wiry hair, quite broad
BUGBEAR av height; 7′ (stood straight) | heads high; 7.5 bat-like ears, long domed head something like a lion/bear, arms very long, nearly totally covered in thick fur, big tusks and often fangs, very bear-like hands/feet, big claws, very broad
TRITON av height; 5′2 | heads high; 7.5 lithe but well muscled, quite streamlined for a humanoid, frilled ears, pretty flat face, fins on limbs/back, “hair” is tendrils/fins/etc, short strong legs & long arms, long webbed fingers, long flipper feet, gills along front/side of chest
YUAN-TI PUREBLOOD av height; 5′9 | heads high; 9 domed angular faces, lips are not humanoid, triangular eyes, scales, quite flat nostrils with sense pits following along underside cheekbones, very little cartilage in ear, some may have cobra hoods extending out of ear instead, very tall and thin with small hands/feet, reptilian claws
CENTAUR av height; 7′ | heads high; 10 fairly stocky pony body (usually about 4′10 at withers), very muscled front end, long neck & sloping human-shoulders, long faces with long broad noses, prominent lips, horse-like ears sticking up and out, their whole scalp can grow hair but shaved sides are common, can grow hair nearly all down human-spine
KOBOLD av height; 2′6 | heads high; 5.5 almost alligator-like head & eyes, tiny nub horns, quite animal-like chest, arms/legs same length, thick stubby tail same length of body, 4 digits with stubby claws, lithe but strong for their tiny size
KENKU av height; 4′ | heads high; 5.5 corvid features, deep chest but no keel, longer arms than legs, 4 digits with talons, hands human-like but scaled, wedge-like tail half of leg height, not-quite fully bird feet.
LIZARDFOLK av height; 6′6 | heads high; 7 iguana-like, egg-shaped head, neck wattle, line of back spines varies in height, long arms and legs, very reptilian hands and feet with long claws, elbow spikes
GRUNG av height; 3′ | heads high; 6.5 large heads, neck leads nearly directly into torso, super flexible, very long limbs, triangular body, short upper arm, shorter thigh, large hands/feet, 4 digits
LOXODON av height; 7′6 | heads high; 5.5 large head, trunk as long as torso, short legs / long arms, huge bones under thick muscle, thick skin, 4 digits with thick nails, large hands / rounded cushioned feet, v e r y broad and thick build, small tail with tuft at the end, 
TORTLE av height; 7′6 | heads-high; 7 thick wrinkled skin encased in huge shell, stooping posture with neck extending forward, very long arms & short legs, 5 digits with reptilian claws, boxy head, heart shaped from above with features set far forward, tail to balance stoop
MINOTAUR av height; 7′ | heads-high; 9 powerful build with thick bones, typically well muscled, bovine head on thick neck, often very large horns, fairly long tufted tail, big hooved feet, broad 4 digit hands with thick nails, hair length varies
listen this was a lot easier in the edition i first encountered lol anyway, until anything else comes up in extra material im just applying a few square & rectangle venn diagram rules
a useful word; planetouched. i dont really know why WotC seems to have dropped that term for at least 5e (i missed 4e entirely) but it refers to a “mortal native outsider” with lineage or influence from a plane other than the material, so “a material plane native creature with non-native plane influence, which can die”
GENASI height depends on material plane parent the result of a material plane / elemental pair (usually genies). they usually take after their material parent in build and broader features, but their elemental heritage comes through in features like magical hair, bright coloured eyes, unusual body temperatures, innate magics, etc.  genasi can interbreed with themselves, and the crossing of two elements can produce some interesting results (im working on that :>)
TIEFLINGS height depends on material plane parents this is the first of the squares & rectangles, and tbh its basically canonical. a tiefling is the result of a material plane humanoid being born with fiendish* influence. the word ‘tiefling’ refers specifically to a human with fiendish influence, but is also an umbrella term for ALL fiendish planetouched creatures. these DO have some names mentioned in the play material ! fey’ri = elves, tanarukk = orcs, wisplings = halflings, maeluth = dwarves, etc. so all fiendish planetouched are tieflings, but not all tieflings are human-based. the fiendish influence can be dormant for years or just string along for decades. AnyWay, all of them have horns, most have tails, odd skin or eye colour, and others can have all sorts of extraplanar features. *(fiends are another venn diagram thing in D&D, its an umbrella term for both demons and devils) 
AASIMAR height depends on material plane parents aaand this is the second of the squares & rectangles, the not-strictly-canon one. okay duplicate what i said about tieflings, but make it about celestials not fiends, basically lmao. aasimar is an umbrella term, but also a human/celestial planetouched specifically! unlike the above, since its my homebrew concept i dont have other words specifically for other races’ celestial planetouched, but i’ll get there watch this space lol EnyHoo, they all tend to have a strange glow about them in general, but usually in their eyes, and maybe hair especially. it isnt uncommon for them to have a kind of halo around themselves, or glowing glyphs/runes/sigils on or around them either. while MOST dont have full wings, a dusting of feathers isnt unusual. the features of celestials can vary a lot more. for example, unicorns and leonals are actually celestials!
aaand the slightly odd-ball;
WARFORGED height depends on build purpose these are an interesting case, as warforged are actually constructs, brought into this world by the fusing of organic muscle (like wood or leathery material) to an inorganic shell (like stone or metal), imbuing a life-giving fluid of some sort to act like blood, and bringing life to it by a powerful ritual - a unique glyph etched into their heads. as their name suggests they are usually created to become soldiers, or other army positions, although they could be suited to other purposes. unlike most constructs, they are fully self-aware and have a mind on par with humans. they do not need sleep (but require rest) and they also do not naturally reproduce. if they live longer than their purpose, then they are turned loose to deal with the world as they wish. as they are MADE they can vary greatly depending on who made them, and for what exact purpose - although they tend to have beak-like mouths, and 3 digit hands and 2 toed feet.
AV. HEIGHT CHART FROM LEFT TO RIGHT !!! human - elf - dwarf - gnome - halfling - orc - goliath - firbolg - dragonborn - aarakocra - tabaxi - kenku - hobgoblin - bugbear - yuanti - triton - kobold - grung - lizardfolk - tortle - centaur - minotaur - loxodon
oooboy that was a lot of waffle :L
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forestlion · 7 years
RANKING: Die Mannschaft (WM14) by Someone Who Doesn’t Know Anything About Foosball
the rankings will be from... on a scale from 1 to 10. i cannot tell you what kind of scale it is, it just is a scale,,, of uuuuhhhhhhh Fußball
(i found them boys who be playing on this list)
1) Manuel Neuer
the legitimate number 1 (literally), absolute tall ass icon, legendary Torboy, king of coca cola and head and shoulders adverts, inventor of bavaria. he is probably also what the world things a german looks like, generally. i must give the man who played all WM games by HIMSELF (torwart goals count double)...... a good and good 10/10, legendary meme icon father
2) Roman Weidenfeller
no idea....whom the fuck this is? the only thing i did google was that list (linked above) and thats all i do be knew.............it LOOKS LIKE hes a Towart and also very very old for a Footballer (its not soccer). so, frankly, the only real goalie in my heart and shoulders is Manu, so....i can only give this Anonymous Man a.... like, a 2/10.,, 
3) Ron-Robert Zieler
his fucking name oh my giodhgohiaheig.......another goalie....how many does 1 Die Mannschaft need???? 3 apparently, i think hes the last one. again..... WHOM is this GUY. fucking... Ron-Robert, my GOD. nerd ass name imma give him 1/10
4) Jerome Boateng
I KNOW HIM,,,,, finally,,, another one. i vaguely remember an AfD asshole saying something about he wouldnt want him as his neighbour (?) and GOD ... FUCK the AfD,,. on my handy dandy list it says Boateng is defense and....good on him, someone needs to be defending.... the Ball. 8/10
5) Erik Durm
another “whomst” for me but i feel like.... i heard his name somewhere....anyway....Durm? Durmstrang? thats the only connection i can make, 3/10
6) Matthias Ginter
whom.... the FUCK. Matze?????? 1/10
7) Kevin Großkreutz
“damit bleibstu die komplette halbzeit mit cool” another legendary advert icon.... made relevant by german comedy Blödelduo Joko&Klaas and thus, proud owner of an Umberto Award,,, for this i must give him a wholesome 8/10
8) Benedikt Höwedes
is ist just me or does this man look like hes from the north?? maybe its the last name lmaoooo anyway..... uuhhh..... i do not have strong feelings about this feller. a plain... plain ol guy. hes so plain hes probably from NRW, 4/10
9) Mats Hummels
now THAT is a guy ive heard of!!!!!! his name is, frankly, funny and iconic. Mats???? very northern. Hummels????? love me some bumblebees. his gf has also proven that she cant dance in germanys version of Strictly Come Dancing called Let’s Dance. im also ngl hes kinda cute........ and looks, esp with his hair and beard, like 3 other guys i know. 8.5/10
10) Philipp Lahm
HE!!!!!!! he was the captain right?????? the foosball leader?????? what a tiny boy. small child. shorty. shawty. when the Die Mannschafter are standing in a line next to each other (during the national anthem) and the camera glides over their heads its always TALL TALL TALL TALL tiny ass philipp lahm TALL TALL TALL, makes for....comedic fodder for a century...its a classic, 9/10 for this banter
11) Per Mertesacker
isnt this man also a tallest man? one of the tallest lads? i think he is? also, according to his name, another nordy boy. i love when you can TELL where someones from (within germany) just by their name. nobody would read “Per Mertesacker” and assume this man is from Munich. 5/10
12) Shkodran Mustafi
yes i know this guy too.... god...i feel like.... i need to throw a Gut Kick in die Runde at this point.... Fußballstudio here i come.... i know my ish, i know my footsies.... i will give this man..... 7/10 bc uuuhhhhhh 
13) Julian Draxler
im ngl. im already exhausted. i thought this was gonna be like 11 boys but here we are at nr 13, only like HALFWAY through........ this is the tough work my mama warned me about. anyway and furthermore..... Julian is a Boy name. sounds very young. i had a julian in my class in my time, did not care about him. 3/10
14) Mario Götze
he shoot the last goal didnt he!!!! the winning goal!!!! icon!!!! also my classmates, when they were talking about Fooseball (in public??!!!) called him “pummelig” (chubby) which.......Whom is out there playing for the National Die Mannschaft and whom is NOT, Jonas Fabian????? GOD. 10/10
15) Sami Khedira 
im....im losing content and things to say about these guys.....they be playing ball. with their feet. they get more money than they will ever need. and all of them are either midfielders or defenders, which is boring. everybody should be striker, now THAT would be interesting...anyway... 7/10
16) Christoph Kramer
wh...who...whose..........????????? what a mystery, 0/10
17) Toni Kroos
another one from the north????? its only... theyre only either Bavarian or Northern, arent they.... also Toni Kroos reminds me of Toni Garn (?) which is a model i believe? im educated on all fronts...........fucking hell uh...uhm.... der toni, jaja... Kroose Krabbe... i dont know..... 5.5/10
18) Thomas Müller
get you a man with the most common german name of all time, who is also bavarian and a footballer. this man just might be the most german guy on this very earth.....i also thought hes a striker but the list says hes a midfielder so i dont....... i wouldnt..... 4/10
19) Mesut Özil
Özil!!!!!! this man has the power to see!!!! because he..... his eyes.....oahgiehrgiagh there was a Meme where people compared him to Finding Nemo and aighiawgh he reacted really sweetly and im......i did cry (i didnt) 10/10
20) Lukas Podolski
LU LU LU LUKAS PODOLSKI EYOOOOO Poldi x Schweini bffs Forever xDD :PPp just kidding but its been like that hasnt it. now theyre selling Chips together. uhhhhh yeah. yeah. hes iconic id say, 9/10
21) Andre Schürrle
this is a blond man. thts the only trait i know. his name sounds like he should be from the south west? which, i am too, so, i gotta give him a.... a 8/10
22) Bastian Schweinsteiger
i will say this. Poldi und Schweini are.....theyre not...listen. theyre not goodlooking but they have STANS out here, even in my very much not Footballfriendly group of people i know. Schweini is a silver fox now, apparently, which makes him even more desirable (this man has been selling me Funny Frisch Chips for the past decade now and ive HAD it).  Poldi and Schweini are an iconic twosome though, so, i gotta give Bastian a 9/10 as well, i suppose,
23) Miroslav Klose
him!!!! Rihanna stans him, which makes him automatically cooler than he probably deserves.... he is also the oldest footballer alive, i think? and the only striker listed!!!!!!! ledge, 10/10
24) Joachim Löw
JOOOOGIII WIR WISSEN WO DEIN AUTO STEEEHHHTTT legend. fashion icon. hair goals. dialect and accent goals. my southern belle..... jooo, des schaffma jogiii! 100/10 ufbasse jetz!!!!
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My scores for E3, because apparently now i’m a dumb 4channer who thinks this /v/ meme shit matters, like it’s not gonna affect sales or anything it’s pointless as all hell [this is lenghy, but hear me out ok]
4/10 - people will probably play the games regardless of how shitty this presentation was but... It felt pretty insulting. 
Battlefield V is probably gonna make a lot of money regardless cuz people like war games and it seems pretty well done, the more footage they have shown seemed better than their weird advertizement that made world war 2 seem very wacky, which honestly regardless if you’re a sexist neckbeard or not, seemed like a poor advertizement move. 
No one watched this lol and it was just 1 GAME and a fun cute musical that made people who aren’t strong enough to musicals die, 6/10 because it made nerds die and their song is catchy, i dont really care about their 1 game.
 9/10 - I'm giving this much of a high score because I would play practically almost all of these games showcased (they’ll probably be available on PC which I’m biased for cuz I have a gaming PC), no kidding, I pretty much liked everything I saw and it was fairly straight to the point. Many gamers don’t appreciate the finer details of each game and think they’re generic but that’s just fanboys who haven’t played a single game outside of their favorites. 
Also my cousin uses those Xbox One netflix rip offs that gives you games so i’m happy for him. The presentation had a lot of diamonds in the rough games that will I will probably appreciate more over time (they might even become cult classics like Metro or Dying Light) than any of other games at other e3s. As for the stuff I won’t be playing: It’s mostly harmless so eh.
There was an abundance of trailers! It was like one after the other, pure goodness, it seems as if they left out all of the Sports games to EA to present and the only thing they showed that might not be anyone’s cup of tea was “Forza”, but honestly? I appreciate it, it seems like a good racing game even if I’m not one to buy racing games.... But the more you think about the number of good games presented, the less you’ll think about that, I mean they showed DEVIL MAY CRY 5!!! 
...The Funko Pop game made me scream though.
8.5/10  I cannot deny that these are games I will want to play regardless if they’re good or not. Sad to see nerds not enjoy the opportunity to meet ANDREW W.K. but I’m glad all of the divisions they own are making sequels to stuff I already like, so pretty much Bethesda played it safe.
Devolver Digital:
 8/10 It’s like that one b-movie film your college students made and you had a laugh with creating.
Square Enix: 
5/10 seriously, 30 minues of just trailers? Most of which we saw?? I guess it could be worse but who uses E3 screentime for mostly MMORPG deals! The new stuff was too vague to be excited about too.
7/10 - I liked it when they made funny quirky things and their games are probably gonna be okay like usual, Ubisoft has dedicated fans that like their collectathon games they release every year, and it’s usually that one game you play when you’re bored and got nothing else, it’s okay. 
Gamers hate fun and dancing and all that stuff but I kind of find stuff like that exciting, while nerds who never went outside and who are sensitive as all hell to any representation of fun find it “cringey”. A panda dabbed, and that settles it, Ubisoft was the only E3 Brave enough to dab this year. 
PC Game Conference (it was fairly long):
I know none of you watch this one cuz y’all fake as hell but listen... Fuck you LOL, these are the type of games people actually play over 400 hours and really get people’s money. Like these are games built to last that might be on the best-selling Steam front page for MONTHS, like how Frostpunk was comfirmed last year during this conference, PC Gaming has been known for sleeper hits that nobody knows about (because the attention goes to cinematic experiences on consoles most of the time) but suddently everyone’s playing it. 
PC gaming has always been an alternative lifestyle and seeing as many people didn’t watch this one, that just proves the point that it still relatively alternative. Maybe it’s because everyone sounds dumb as fuck when saying “PC GAMER MASTER RACE” and acting like an elitist. 
The PC Gaming conference is always more of a talk show than a regular E3 which is why I respect it every year, fuck the hyperactive gamers that just wanna see flashy trailers, this one’s more SOPHISTICATED!! It feels a lot more human and less artificial. Either way, lot’s of what you might’ve expected: Simulators and Survival games you’ll probably spend 3 years playing until they make a better minecraft clone. 
Gamers like to act as if they’re tired of Battle Royale (already? It’s a new fad it still is here to stay for a little more) but the numbers and success of it doesn’t lie that it isn’t a fad that proves itself to be highly tempting to try out for developers. Go cry to valve that they didn’t release Half-Life 3 cuz you haven’t played any other FPS game without even researching that Valve pretty much fired all of it’s developers and you’re just being annoying.
I feel as if I need to comment what I saw at this e3 cuz nobody watched, they made a mod I liked from skyrim into a fully-ass game, they’re rebooting Star Control which not a single gamer today knows of, the HP Lovecraft open world detective game also seems very good. YAKUZA IS COMING TO PC!!!!!!!!! Killing Floor 2 stuff, Road Redemption stuff, SHARK RPG, cute indie games, Jeff Goldblum was there, Wall-E with a gun in VR which seems to have promissing good vr design by Insomiac games (yes the spyro people), 2 games about Taxi driving... Like sure I think it’s a good format for story telling but.
A cell-shaded art game, star citizen is still being made, and it’s gone to the point nobody really wants it anymore even if it’s... Still being made you know? So most guys are wrong that it was gonna be canceled. After that was the technical graphic card stuff which gamers don’t have enough capability to understand, stuff like 9k laptops that SELL a lot mind you. Rich people love that technical stuff. 
A space defense sim game, Don’t Starve Sequel, Just Cause 4 detailed explanation of the engine, Overkill’s The Walking Dead gameplay which has been in development hell for years now now has a release date, I discovered Clementine’s voice actor is white... Go figure, a literal pixelated roguelike (not what you think it is, it’s Noita), 
Theme Hospital REBOOT!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! And the doctors were cute. Probably one of the funniest games presented... Followed by REALM ROYALE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That harvest moon clone with a cute art style is still being made: Ooblets, no release date sadly. Anno is still going, cyanide and happiness still exists? and they’re making a battle royale? lol okay. How was Hitman 2 not announced during Square Enix?? Anyways it’s here at the end, the trailer was amazing and it’s coming out this year. 
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I don’t have that much strong feelings because it’s just a normal conference and not a special one you know? But I’ll give it a 8/10 or 7/10 im not sure cuz I seem to like most games and I found Frankie cute.
Yo usually Sony makes like a huuuuuuuge thing about their conferences (like this year they didn’t even showcase indie games) but this year they started from a church for the sake of immersion?? It reminded me a little of their first E3s during the 90s, and it almost felt like a indie gathering for musicians, I swear to god, Sony is borderline experimental trying to balance out their E3 across stages. Jeb played the banjo and people just ACCEPTED it... AND THEN someone played some JAPANESE FLUTE? aRT. It might come off as a bit arrogant for some tho.
Nerds hated it and thought it was bizzare, which is why it means it’s good. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BITCHES. Anyways could have been a little more fast-paced... But then again when it was fast-paced it was just like: Huh? What was that? I’m a big Resident Evil Fangirl, RE2 was my childhood but ignoring that for a sec: finally, Death Stranding gameplay, remins me of shadow of the colossus but post-apocalpytic, survival horrorish and abstract sci-fi.
 Kind of feels more Metal Gear than MGSV did already Cuz Norman Reedus sounds like snake a lot more than the 24 hours guy, and because from what I’ve seen in the footage, someone acts like Otacon to “Sam”. I think most now can figure out the plotpoints of this game with what has been established. I might be a bit sad at the fact that this will be a PS4 exclusive just like Metal Gear Solid 4, which I still haven’t played fully because it’s PS3 exclusive and I only have a gaming PC. 
Also this E3 was surprisingly entirely SINGLE PLAYER, I sorta don’t believe in the “single player doesn’t exist” myth honestly, especially now. I’m not sure if that makes Sony’s E3 better or worse, maybe it needed more variation, like I’ve commented, usually they have an indie showcase which this year did not. There were few games shown but for what it was worth, it’s still interesting... But yeah just 5 games? No Spyro? (easy picking), nothing extra? I can understand why many people felt this E3 was upsetting.
Here it is, the most overhyped developer of all of E3, the source of “Nintendo wins E3 by doing nothing” memes because Nintendo fans really don’t care about anything except Nintendo and then act surprised when they only care about Nintendo when they try to be a little more open-minded (and fail) even if other E3s probably make more games built to last in comparisson, cuz we gay people only care about NINTENDO YOU KNOW? Shade asside... 
I was pleasantly surprised this E3, it wasn’t just a series of okay at best releases, a strong 9/10. 
BUT THEN???? IT WAS JUST THAT??? NO PRIME 4 NO ANYTHING LIKE JUST 3 GAMES BASICALLY? (maybe there was 5 games but eh) I mean smash is good.. It’s pretty much just an update of the last smash, every character is REALLY FUCKING GOOD BUT.... JUST THAT? jeez.. Like, the only stuff I wanted from it was Mario Party and Smash... Okay maybe that 1 Mecha game. Also I guess fornite is now on Switch but I can play that anywhere else really.
I guess a 7/10 is all I can give to just Smash, if there was a little more I’d give it a 9/10 for sure but... ehh Just Smash? jeez, fuck... i MEAN I kind of get it, Nintendo doesn’t do “e3″ normally, they usually do 1 big game at E3 and then wait a couple of months to do that little seasonal announcement thing they do across the year, ugh.. Okay. Yeah I guess i shouldn’t have expected much. Still isn’t it weird that Miyamoto was in Ubisoft’s E3 but not this one??? what!
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aworldoforange · 6 years
When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? Album Review
Out of sheer curiosity, I listened to Billie Eilish’s new album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? even though I never really listen to her music. Overall, it’s a solid album that strongly benefits from moody production and satisfying vocals. Even if the lyrics do sometimes get lost when the vocals go on the quieter side. Here’s my track by track review:
(I skipped the first track because it’s just an audio intro to the album with no actual song, even though it does indicate that Billie Eilish definitely enjoyed herself making this album)
bad guy 7/10- The first song establishes a persona that fits into all of the stereotypes of antagonists in books, movies, and TV. It almost seems sarcastic, especially how she says “Im the bad guy, duh” in the chorus but even if it isn’t this song is still moderately enjoyable in its production and lyrics.
xanny 5/10- Maybe it’s because it was so early in the album but I don’t remember much about this track. I remember the production being solid and the vocals being much quieter and softer than the previous song. Sometimes too soft so that you can barely hear the lyrics. My rule of thumb is any song that doesn’t leave any impression on me after the first listen typically isn’t a song I care for.
you should see me in a crown 8/10- This song picks up the pace again, exuding angst and confidence in a strong but eerie way. The production and lyrics definitely match this and it is quite memorable.
all good girls go to hell 8.5/10- Another song that is strong because of its thematic elements. don’t remember much about the production except that i liked it. The lyrics stood out most to making specific allusions to religion that felt edgy and satisfying to listen to.
wish u were gay 6/10- This song made me a bit mad. In my opinion, Billie shows her vocal abilities best on this song and the production was most enjoyable here. However, i didn’t enjoy its lyrical content which was about how Billie wishes her crush was gay so that she didn’t have to feel so bad about rejected by him. Although there seems to be no malicious intent in these lyrics, they decidedly are tone deaf in 2019 and serve as a reminder that artists need to be held to higher standards in being socially responsible with their lyrics.
when the party’s over 8/10- I initially didn’t like this song when I first heard it a few months ago, however I realized that I enjoy it on the album because it fits with the moody atmosphere of other songs in contrast to hearing a song that can be depressing to hear in comparison to all of the typically more upbeat songs on the radio. Not a fan of the video for this at all (in general I think I just like Billie’s music and not really her visuals) but the song truly has meaning to Billie and pulls at something emotional inside the listener when hearing it even if it does take some time to grow on them like it did for me.
8 4/10- This is easily my least favorite song on the album. This song plays around with production a little too much for my liking to the point where it doesn’t only distort Billie’s voice but also any emotion and meaning this song carries. Some may like this song but I suspect many will prefer to skip this one on the album.
my strange addiction 5/10- This is another song I didn’t particularly care for. It cleverly uses audio clips from The Office (don’t know why exactly but still interesting) which you may find funny or confusing (I found them interesting but confusing). This song mainly suffers from having an odd out of place vibe, almost like it doesn’t belong on the album. The lyrics and production somewhat fit, as if it’s something you would probably like if you liked a majority of the previous tracks but not enough.
bury a friend 5/10- This is another song I didn’t care for. The production started out promising as a dark and mysterious thumping. However, as the song progressed the lyrics made less and less sense to me. It was also hard to hear these lyrics since the vocals were very soft and warbled over the production. The sounded edgy and interesting but didn’t seem to add up to any emotional meaning outside of that. The album’s title is a lyric in this song, however the connection between that title and this song is confusing and doesn’t make any sense to me. Some may enjoy this song but honestly this is a skip for me. I also looked up the video hoping for some insight on the song’s meaning only to be more confused and like the song even less. 
ilomilo 9/10- I’m completely lost on what this song’s title means but I know I definitely enjoyed this song’s production and lyrics. The lyrics are sweet and there is a strong sense of emotional longing present that made the song pleasant to listen to. The plinky production also strongly contributes to this pleasantness.
listen before i go 7.5/10- This song is emotionally very heavy and will resonate strongly with those fighting depression and anxiety. However, I found the song to be a bit too heavy and depressing at times. Her vocals were compelling and fit the depressing vibe of the song very well. What I got from this song is that she was about to commit suicide and was giving an emotional goodbye to those she loved. The sirens at the end of the song mostly confirmed this interpretation. Although many will resonate with this song, if you are depressed I don’t necessarily recommend listening to this as it may just may make you more depressed and trigger you. Listen to something more positive and empowering and seek out someone to talk to who can help you. Music can be therapeutic but with songs like this that isn’t always the case so listen with caution.
i love you 7/10- This song is sad but also bittersweet. The lyrics are decidedly more memorable than the production. The lyrics are about Billie exasperated with loving someone from what I understood. Would make a suitable ending to the album if the next track wasn’t there.
goodbye 6/10- I am really intrigued when artists do overtures where they reference all of the songs in their album in one remix-like song. So the concept of ending an album with references to every song on the album from end to beginning is very intriguing in theory. However, the way this was executed it didn’t work for me. It was clever for her to reference what she felt were the most significant lyrics in each song but removing the unique production of each song and just referencing lyrics took me out of this song and made it feel very disconnected. On her next album, I hope Billie revisits this concept either at the beginning or end of it and incorporates the production aspects of each song. 
Overall, this album was a mixed bag for me. Some songs were good, some were just okay, and some were songs I have no desire to hear again. The main takeaway from listening to this album is that I learned that although I am not a Billie Eilish fan, I do enjoy some of her music and will keep an eye on what she puts out in the future.
Must Listen Songs:
you should see me in a crown
all good girls go to hell
when the party’s over
Grade: C
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paradox-oflife · 4 years
tagged by @lememecollector
Get to know me uncomfortably well tag: long post warning
1. What is your middle name? It’s Chinese lmao but if you can read it -> 語寧
2. When is your birthday? December 5th
3. What is your zodiac sign? Sagittarius :3
4. What is your favorite color? Red
5. What’s your lucky number? 12 or 7. These numbers just seem to pop up in my life a lot.
6. Do you have any pets? A very old, old golden retriever. I mean, he’s still healthy, he’s just reaaaal old.
7. Where are you from? Born in Northern California, lived in New Zealand for a chunk of my childhood, but I moved back in like elementary school
8. How tall are you?  153 cm, 5′0 feet tall that's right im a midget square up
9. What shoe size are you? 8.5 or maybe 9 depending on shoe brand
10. How many pairs of shoes do you own? like 4. sneakers, flip flops, semi-formal, and formal shoes
11. What was your last dream about? I have the most vivid and bizarre dreams. Last night, I had a dream about me eating at a restaurant with me friends. And I looked up to the night sky and I could see like, the universe in all its colors and glory. It was beautiful. Also there was something about cocaine??
12. What talents do you have? uuuuh I can play a couple of instruments. piano/cello/ukulele/bass
13. Are you psychic in anyway? define psychic. otherwise not really.
14. Favorite song? Read My Mind by the Killers. Or All These Things That I’ve Done by the Killers.
15. Favorite album? It’s so hard to choose. Top 3 in no particular order: Continuum by John Mayer, Sawdust by the Killers, Bury Me at Makeout Creek by Mitski
16. Favorite movie? Spirited Away. Or maybe Kiki’s Delivery Service. Or Akira.
17. Who would be your ideal partner? Someone who just vibes with me yknow. I can just talk for hours with them.
18. Do you want children? Mm. Not in the near future I guess. If I do, I’d have 2. Because it’s always great to have a sibling.
19. Do you want a church wedding? Yeah. But I don’t like having a really big wedding. I like being low-key.
20. Are you religious? Yeah. I was born and raised Christian. Non denominational, but I guess the closest would be Oneness Pentecostalism? Anyways religion is one of the few things I actually take pretty seriously.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? One time, and it was for stitches. Dumb story.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? No, I will literally get an anxiety attack if I hear police sirens when I'm in the car. I pray that I don't.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Nah. Would be cool but idk how i’d react.
24. Baths or showers? Showers, but if I’m feeling it, a bath would never hurt.
25. What color socks are you wearing? Not wearing socks rn B). (also why do Americans not go barefoot more often lol. Its considered normal in NZ)
26. Have you ever been famous? No. I guess it’d be cool to be semi-famous. Like those small youtubers with a thousand subscribers. But I could never handle the pressure.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Noooo hell no
28. What type of music do you like? Alternative/indie rock
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? LMAO no, and never will. It looks so uncomfortable when you get out. Like... what if there’s bacteria in the water or something.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two to three
31. What position do you usually sleep in? Honestly I have a hard time falling asleep so im always too tired to really remember
32. How big is your house? My parents house. Pretty decent sized. Average two story American house. Well, im only here until the pandemic is over bc college lol
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Cereal or bread.
34. Have you ever fired a gun? The only gun I've ever fired was a nerf gun
35. Have you ever tried archery? No. Never really had a chance.
36. Favorite clean word? Mm... I use chur a lot irl. Then I found out its nz slang and no one actually knows what it means in the states lmao.
37. Favorite curse word? Ah... I don't actually swear that much. Maybe like shit? idk
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? like 18 hours. sorry but I am one hell of a sleeper
39. Do you have any scars? one. very small, hardly noticeable on my cheek.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Well it wouldn’t really be secret if I knew about it right?? lol. I’ve had three. Two were boys in elementary school, and one was a girl in 10th grade. It was awkward bc im straight but. yeah.
41. Are you a good liar? Im a pretty down to earth person. So I don't lie a lot. But id say im alright.
42. Are you a good judge of character? For the most part, yeah.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I can do the southern USA accent, like the cowboy movies lol. The surfer accent, “duuuude”, like the turtle from Nemo. Im pretty bad at the Scottish accent. I can do a received pronunciation British accent, which is the standard accent you hear on tv. I can do Australian pretty well. And of course, my original accent, the kiwi accent. The standard one and the Maori one.
44. Do you have a strong accent? Eh. Not really. Sounds pretty American if I’m speaking slowly. But when I’m relaxed or talking fast, people tell me I sound kind of British. So I guess I have some weird combo of nz/american
45. What is your favorite accent? Australian is my favorite in general. But I love listening to thick Scottish accents. They’re so funny idk why
46. What is your personality type? INFP-T
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? A dress for wedding
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yup.
49. Favorite book? Aw man there’s so many. Fahrenheit 451 is always fun to reread
50. Left or right handed? Right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? um YES
52. Favorite food? my dad’s fried rice hits the spot like no other. I also like green onion pancakes
53. Favorite foreign food? The three colored egg thing idk what its called in English?
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Probably more on the messy side, but I try!
55. Most used phrased? thick kiwi accent: “Oh, chur bro!” or “chur cuzzy!”
56. Most used word? Honestly it’s probably something like dude or bro
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Maybe 20-30 min on an average day
58. Do you have much of an ego? I try not to, id like to say im pretty humble when it comes to things. maybe too much.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck, but when im bored I CRONCH
60. Do you talk to yourself? Sometimes, usually if its im trying to remind myself of something
61. Do you sing to yourself? In the car usually, but its soft humming most of the time.
62. Are you a good singer? I mean, the most I can do is be on pitch. Nothing ordinary. I whistle like 24/7 in public tho
63. Biggest fear? Externally, probably needles. Internally? My friends are only pretending to like me
64. Are you a gossip? I don’t spread gossip but I listen to it sometimes. Actually, when it comes to the whole beauty community on youtube, I listen to a lot of it.
66. Can you dance? NOPE
67. Can you name all 50 states? Yup
68. Favorite school subject? For me it was orchestra and literature
69. Extrovert or introvert? according to the Myers briggs test im 78% introverted
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No and it makes me nervous
71. What makes you nervous? Everything. Anxiety :)
72. Are you scared of the dark? Nah. I live in a suburban area so nothing really happens, but if I’m out in a major city no thanks
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Depends how big. If it’s like a typo or something, I don't really care. If it’s something major then I’ll try to correct them
74. Are you ticklish? I used to be. But if you taser tickle me I will scream, or if you squeeze my thigh.
75. Have you ever started a rumor? No
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Eh ive been the leader of a club before. That’s it.
77. Have you ever drank underage? No!! Dont drink too much when you’re a minor it hurts ur brain :(
78. Have you ever done drugs? No
79. Who was your first real crush? lmao I had one in like 3rd grade but that was a long time ago.
80. How many piercings do you have? I got ear piercings when I was like 8 but I didn't do anything with them and the hole closed lol
81. Can you roll your R’s? Yes
82. How fast can you type? Accurately? around 88 bpm. As fast as I can? more like 120.
83. How fast can you run? I was always more of a explosive runner. But I pretty much sucked at long distance runs. I think my best mile time was like 8:38??
84. What color is your hair? I believe its black/dark brown. can't be sure. im colorblind
85. What color are your eyes? Dark brown.
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