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celestial-blade · 25 days ago
Falling Asleep Together
Pairing: Iennyr and Poe
fic: Everything Upward
wc: 1305
notes: (another @that-chandrilan-pilot tag). you need context! this is a prequel-to-the-sequels, and Poe and Iennyr have just been picked up after a mission goes wrong. Iennyr's father, Torrin, is unimpressed.
Iennyr was glad to leave the tense atmosphere of the cockpit; just being around her father when he was in this mood made her feel incredibly immature to the point where she second guessed just how competent she really was, but she also realised quickly that was the point today. Seeing Poe still conscious and looking relatively at ease took away some of the tension she didn’t even realise she still held, but that in itself made her aware of it again. The atmosphere in the whole ship was heavy and defeated, Iennyr now feeling incredibly conflicted about her decision. They'd stopped the First Order from taking more lives, yet this was the reaction from command.
“How are you doing?” she asked him, still taking his condition as her own responsibility.
"I really messed up,” Poe sighed. There was more to it than physical pain. 
"We both did," Iennyr attempted to reassure him, although she considered the consequences from the New Republic might be a little harsher. She was incredibly relieved he was physically more or less okay, no longer on the defensive now she really felt safe as she sat beside him, and Torrin lifted the Nysillin Horizon from the surface of Lothal. "I'm sorry for getting you shot. And for getting frustrated at you back there, you didn't deserve it."
“If you’re taking the blame for the mission, I think I can take the blame for getting shot,” Poe smiled but she knew better than to take his lighthearted words without reading his face. He had the New Republic to answer to on top of General Organa, and even without knowing him that well, it was evident he was anxious about his reputation after it. 
“Whether the mission went smoothly or not, I’ve got a lot of respect for you Dameron,” she told him. It was honest. “I shouldn’t have ever doubted you.” The soft, genuine smile that crossed his face replaced his usual confident smirk, something she found she liked.
“I appreciate it.” Poe looked back to her from where his focus had previously settled on an empty space of floor, his eyebrows slowly pulling together in concern as he scanned her face. "How didn't I notice that?" He ran his thumb over her cheek, a small area stinging at his touch, before he gently turned her head to the side to get a better look at the various scratches and cuts she'd accumulated. 
"That's a little friendly," Iennyr laughed, picking up on his lack of aversion to touching her face despite only meeting her twice now, running a finger over a small scratch on his jawline herself. "You're the same."
"I don't think I am," he told her, carefully reaching up to her forehead which at first felt bruised as he touched it, but when his fingers reached into her hair she winced at the stinging sensation of a half-healing graze became more apparent. "Must've been from the explosion."
“I’ll get it checked over when we get back if things are quiet,” Iennyr reassured him, but as she noticed his right hand resting over the site of his blaster wound, she realised checking on her was a distraction from his own pain that she’d just ended. "We've got a little while on the journey, make yourself as comfortable as you can for now."
“Is it going to be a problem for anyone if I get some rest?” he asked, formality she knew she wouldn't see if they weren't on her father’s ship.
“Go ahead,” Iennyr told him. Her gratitude for the moment of quiet was nothing compared to his; she’d been a comforting presence since they’d met, a feeling of pure warmth, and that was something he’d never needed as much as he did now. Even he was surprised at how fast he’d got so comfortable around her, but she was so easy to be comfortable around. Poe’s head settled naturally on her shoulder as he fell asleep, her hand finding itself tangled in his hair as she ran her fingers through it, a gesture that comforted both of them. They were both too tired to think too hard about what they were doing. Slowly, Poe forgot about the extent of the pain in his arm as he relaxed against her, drifting off enough that he could just feel her warmth as the hum of the ship's engines faded down. She wasn't exactly sure what to do about the young man who was comfortable with her enough to nap up against her, but something about it was comforting for Iennyr too. There was a feeling that she wasn't as distant to the rest of the galaxy as she'd felt when she arrived on D'Qar, that if one person could be this comfortable around her then maybe she wasn't as cold as she'd felt she was. As Iennyr smiled softly at the idea, slowly closing her eyes too, her hand found its way to gently run through Poe's hair as her head rested against his, the contact enough to calm her too. With each passing second she lost the physical tension in her shoulders and her jaw. For once there was a sense that they wouldn't be in trouble forever, that everything would be alright; the Nysillin Horizon was a harbour of that sensation.
Both of them were asleep when the freighter touched down on D’Qar, Torrin unable to hold back his smile when he saw them. One of Poe’s arms was around the back of Iennyr’s waist, his injured arm resting over her lap in a loose embrace, and his hair a mess with Iennyr’s hand still in it. Her other hand lay over his on her thigh, and when Torrin gently shook a shoulder in an attempt to wake them, it was pure luck that it belonged to his daughter. She was a little startled to see her father looking down at her considering the position she was in, all she could really say was, “We’re here already?” Torrin just smiled.
“I contacted the General, she wants to see him now, and you after he’s gone. I’ll let you take it from here,” he told her, exiting the freighter and leaving the two of them responsible for themselves again.
Iennyr was hesitant to move at all, not really keen to receive a lecture from General Organa about her recklessness any more than she was to make herself get up and move, but she knew both were inevitable. Slowly, she attempted to neaten Poe’s hair a little, hoping the movement would be enough to wake him gently and by the time she was as done as was possible, he was awake again too.
“We’re here already?” he mumbled, quickly realising the position he was in and moving, muttering awkward apologies as he did. 
“General wants to see you before you go back to the New Republic,” Iennyr told him, stretching her arms out along the back of the bench as she waited for him to get up.
Upon descending the ramp of the Nysillin Horizon the two pilots were thrown back into the rush of the base, and it only took a few seconds for Poe to spot General Organa standing outside awaiting him.
“Hey,” Poe called Iennyr back as she went to leave the ship in the opposite direction. “If I don’t see you before I go, thanks for your help today.” He couldn’t properly explain how significantly both her quick-thinking and assistance had impacted him; he didn’t enjoy thinking about it but he suspected the New Republic would have expected him to have acted with more… independence. 
“You would’ve done the same for me,” Iennyr smiled back. They shared a nod before Poe headed in the direction of Leia to get the first discussion of his actions over with.
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mywritersmind · 4 months ago
↳ pt.1
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summary : Its the vacation of your dreams! With your best friends, rich men, live music, and flowing drinks, nothing can ruin it. Even if a certain Formula 1 driver (who seems to have an affinity for annoying you) is there every step of the sandy way.
listen up : suggestive themes! swearing! ‘enemies’ to lovers. probably my last sunny vacation fic for a while! get ready for winter fics!! cmt to be tagged in pt. 2 <3
word count : 4570
“Y/n!” Kika throws a pillow onto me. I groan in response, pulling the blanket over my head, “Get up! Get up! We’re leaving in thirty!”
I fall off the bed and start my rushed process of getting ready, we’re in Marmaris, Turkey for a little holiday. A holiday that I've been promised is for friends, yet every friend I have is with a man.
Kika, Alex, Rebecca, and Lily promised they would act like single ladies with me! That’s clearly not true because of the love they have for their boyfriends and how those same men never leave their sides.
The only other addition is someone I don’t want to talk about. Someone who’s a pain in my ass and the construction to my headache.
I’m instantly in a better mood when my friends and I start taking photos and making tik toks. I’m in a light blue dress and sandals, my skin is practically yearning to be tan but that will start tomorrow.
I have my own hotel room which I intend to spend no time in unless I'm hooking up with a hot turkish man. Lily holds my hand as we start walking. The guys said they would meet us there and I’ll never not treasure time with my girls.
The sun has already set but the sky is still a dark blue and orange. Lily squeals next to me, she’s in the cutest white mini dress, “I can’t believe we’re here!”
Kika laughs in a long yellow dress, “The trip literally made it out of the group chat!”
I eye them, “More like it was infiltrated by another groups chat!” Alex laughs and puts her hand on my arm.
“I promise it’ll be fun. I know you’re a little sad but we’ll find you someone!”
“It’s not even that- I just want to be with you guys.” They all seem a bit sad about it. It’s not like I don’t like their boyfriends, I consider them my friends too! It’s just that I was really looking forward to some much needed girl time.
“You are with us!” Alexandra frowns.
Lily swings are hands, “You’re with us and five other idiots who have money!”
This makes me laugh as we make it to the restaurant. It’s beautiful, part of the hotel, and looking right over the water.
The guys are already sitting. Charles, Pierre, Alex, Carlos all smile at me, kissing their girls as we sit. There is one missing, though. It’s hard to ignore but I'm definitely not complaining.
Drinks are ordered and our thoughts about the hotel is passed around. I became friends with this group through Lily, we grew up together and when Alex suggested I should come to a grand prix, I was hooked.
The other girls took to me immediately and were so excited to have another friend that they actually like. I don’t travel as much as them, but I do see them often enough.
We haven’t gotten together in a group like this though in forever!
I sip on my cocktail and talk to Carlos as his eyes stray past me. I turn to look at what he’s distracted by and have to fight the urge to roll my eyes.
You know those people who just really piss you off? The type that just irks you even though you’ve tried to hear your friends out?
That is how I feel about Lando Norris.
He strolls up to our table as if he isn’t late. He’s in blue jeans and a white button down that’s definitely not buttoned enough. His hair is messy and looks like he just woke up, “Hey.” Is all he says before plopping down next to Carlos and sipping his water.
Rebecca already sends me a look that screams, ‘Leave it.’ So I do, I order my food and talk to my friends while avoiding the man two seats down from me.
It’s not just that Lando bugs me, It’s that he’s repeatedly cocky and flat out annoying. He teases me any chance he gets and it never fails to ruin my day. He knows it too.
“What’s the plan for tomorrow?” Pierre asks as he puts his arm around Kikas chair, everyone’s food is nearly gone and I'm more than ready to climb into my plushy hotel bed.
Alex holds Lily’s hand, “Beach, explore, eat? That’s also my plan for every day of our trip.”
Charles nods, “My buddy has a boat out here that he said we can borrow one day.”
I smile and lean my head on Kika’s shoulder, “I'll be anywhere you guys go, with a book and an apple.”
“You still into that?” His voice already pisses me off. I look at Lando who’s staring at me, “Reading.”
I blink. “Are you still into being illiterate?”
Charles covers his laugh with a cough as Alexandra shakes her head, “Hey! You two need to keep it civil this trip.”
Carlos eyes Lando pointedly as he groans, “Why? I didn’t even do anything! The witch said I was illiterate!”
I sit up straighter immediately, leaning over Carlos as my friends talk in a haze around me, “You really wanna see a witch, Norris, I’ll fucking show you!”
“The worst thing you could do to me is throw sand in my face!” I groan as he rolls his eyes and Kika pulls me back into my seat.
“This is what we’re talking about!” When she whispers is when I realize the people dining around us are staring.
“It’s one week!” Pierre shakes his head, “One week of peace!”
I don’t dare look at Lando, my arms crossed.
He gives in peace, “I won’t start anything if she won’t.”
“Perfect, I'll have a great trip of silence.” Fine by me. I can ignore him for a week, easy.
Lily and Rebecca exchange looks as Lando speaks again, “It’ll be nice not hearing your-” Carlos slaps his arm and he shuts up.
I sigh in my seat, this is going to be an interesting week.
I start off my first full day with breakfast. I’m up early and decided to make the most of it by enjoying my food with a beach view.
I grin when I see that there’s two pieces of bacon left, grabbing them swiftly and plopping it onto my plate just when someone goes to reach for it.
I look up to see Lando. He’s sweaty and in running clothes, looking at me annoyed per usual, “Seriously? Who takes the last two pieces?”
I raise a brow, “Me. You literally just saw me do it.”
He gives me a bored expression, “Didn’t you ever get taught manners?”
“I got taught how to get what I want.” I bite into the piece of bacon just to watch him flinch. “Weren’t you taught that it’s not nice to be insufferable?”
“Can’t you share? It’s one piece.” I take another bite, pretending to think.
“Hm… No!”
“We’re supposed to be civil. Friends even!” He steps closer, “I know you would give the piece to Lily.”
“You’re too greedy.” I finish the first piece of bacon and start to walk away. He scoffs and follows me.
“Me!? Greedy?” He scoffs, plate still in hand. I eye it, it’s mostly empty except for a nutella crepe, “You know what- never mind.”
I nod, “Great job being civil, Norris. I’m so proud of you and you for giving up.”
He does not find this funny, “I can’t stand you.”
“Then sit.” His eyes narrow at my words.
“Fuck it, Free will!” and with that, he grabs the piece of bacon off my plate and runs!
“Norris!” I yell after him but when he turns, he’s smiling with a mouth full of bacon. “Dickhead.” I mumble to myself and continue getting my food.
I’m warm, I'm tipsy, and I'm listening to live music. I don’t think life could get any better. I sit up on my beachside chair, lifting my sunglasses to see Lily, Alex, Charles, and Alexandra playing chicken in the water.
Kika stirs next to me, she was asleep on her stomach but slowly sits up when she hears our friends laughing.
I watch Lando and Pierre floating and Carlos swimming towards them. Rebecca went to get drinks so that just leaves Kika and I.
“How’s the whole ‘civil’ thing going?” She’s in an orange bikini that makes her look unfairly tan.
I shrug, “Bad? I just can’t imagine talking to him normally. We always fight.” I sip my drink, the glass coats my hand in condensation but it cools me down.
“Maybe you should just fuck.” I choke on my drink. She doesn’t even attempt to hide her laugh, “Sorry, Sorry!”
“Kika!” I slow my breathing, “Why would you say that!?”
“It makes sense! You’ve got a lot of pent up energy… I’m just saying!” I shake my head, pulling my sunglasses back on and laying down again. “I know you’re attracted to him.”
I pray that she thinks my cheeks are red from the sun, and not from her words. “I am not.”
“You can't lie to me!” She laughs, “It’s not a bad thing, Y/n. You both just need to shut up for two seconds and get eachother shirtless.” Lily walks up right as she says that.
She plops down onto the sand, “Whatever this is about- I agree!���
“She’s trying to get me to- Nope! I’m not even going to say it!” I can’t have that manifestation in my life.
“I think she should hook up with Lando.”
“Completely agree. Just make it quick.”
“If he’s with her, he’s gonna be quick.” Kika jokes and I actually laugh at that one.
“Okay enough! I’m not taking any advice from you two!” I stand, pulling my hair tie out of my hair and starting down the beach.
“Think about it!” Lily yells as I flip her off.
Now all I can think about is hooking up with him. I mean, I hate the dude, but I’m not blind.
Lando is fucking fit. But it’s hard for me to see past his assholeness. So the probability that i’m going to fuck him, is slim. Very slim. Like ZERO.
Just as I'm off in my Lando Norris shirtless world, a shirtless Lando Norris walks up to me. He’s exiting the ocean, pushing his wet curls back as he laughs with Carlos.
I look away as soon as I get a glimpse of his torso. The cool water feels great on my legs as I walk in the ocean. I sink down and dunk my head, opening my eyes underwater, I see the tiny fish and shells.
I reach down and grab a handful of sand, when I get air again, Carlos and Lando are next to me. I push the sand off my hand to reveal some shells and a tiny crab, “Aw!” I smile at it, showing it to the boys.
Carlos raises his brows, “Looks harmful.”
“Harmful?” I glance at him, “He’s a baby!” I hold it closer to him and he backs away like it’s going to jump on him.
I turn to Lando and do the same, he backs away as well, “Pussy.” I say it to his face and he clearly takes it as a challenge.
He holds his hand out and snatches the crab right from my hand, “Are you just a thief by nature?”
He gives me a look before bringing his hand closer to his face to examine the sea creature. I step closer to see it, “It’s adorable.”
“It’s a crab.”
“Thank you, Norris, for your insightful words of wisdom.” I go to take it back from him but he jumps and throws his hand down.
I let out a huge laugh when I realized it’s holding onto his thumb, “Shit! Ow!”
I keep laughing as Lando panics, swinging his hand around to try to get it off. Carlos is long gone by now, not amused by his friends' antics.
The crab finally unclips itself from Lando and he looks like he was just betrayed. I grin, “Maybe I am a witch!”
He looks me up and down, holding his hand and thinking. “If you call me a bitch that crab won’t be the worst thing that hurts you today.”
And then something weird happens.
He smiles.
He just smiles and walks away.
Marmaris is stunning. The water is clear and besides me getting bitten, I'm having a great time. We end up going into town to get lunch and I'm faced with the issue of Y/n’s ass in my face as we walk up what feels like a million stairs.
I really feel like she’s doing this on purpose but I could be thinking that to just make myself feel better about checking her out.
She’s in tiny low waisted jean shorts. I can see her bikini bottoms peeking out from the sides. Her top is a crocheted cover up so her sliver of a bathing suit is still on display.
Carlos pushes my back when I slow down on the steps, I turn around to swear at him but he’s giving me an all knowing look so I close my mouth.
After what feels like hours of staring at Y/n’s backside, we make it to the lunch place. It’s hidden quite far up and we all get cramped into the room with a huge window and a view of lemon trees.
With our stupidly coupled up group, I'm forced to sit with Y/n. She’s across from me, sipping on her water and leaning on the table with her arms crossed.
When she notices I'm staring at her, she glares at me. I can tell she’s about to say something snappy, but eyes our friends and shuts her mouth.
As much as she pissed me off, I find it fun to annoy her. I like the way her cheeks heat and how her lips press together, but I would never admit that to her.
“Did you go for a run this morning?” Carlos asks me while shoveling food into his mouth.
“Yeah and the gym- it’s nice.”
“And quiet?” I nod, knowing what he means. Five Formula 1 drivers on vacation together is pretty hard to miss. But besides a stare or two, no one has said anything to us.
Lily claps her hands together, “Who wants to go golfing with me on wed-”
Y/n groans, putting her head in her hands, “No!” Kika looks horrified at the suggestion as well.
“Yes!” Carlos and I say at the same time. Lily has been a great addition to our golfing group and by far the best out of the three of us.
Rebecca laughs, “I’m with Y/n on this one. I’m feeling… spa?” This immediately perks Y/n up.
“That sounds perfect!” Alex smiles, “Girls day! Minus Lily because she’s actually good at a sport.”
Charles eyes us all, “I wanna go to the spa. I hate golfing.”
When Rebecca suggested we take a cooking class, I thought it was a great idea! I’m not the best cook so why not learn something? I had a bad feeling as soon as we entered and the room was decorated with hearts.
“Welcome! Welcome!” A man ushers us in along with two other groups. The room is large with one wall completely open and facing the beach. “Everybody get a table and we shall begin!”
“I knew I missed something on the website…” Alex cringes as we stare at the tables set for two, “Sorry? Lando, careful with Y/n and knives!”
A couples cooking class!? You’ve got to be kidding. I look at Lando the same time he turns to me, “Well, love… Let me handle the sharp things. I value my life.”
This is going to be the longest hour ever.
“My lovely people in love!” The man is short, with gray hair and the biggest smile I've seen in a while, “My name is Ali and today we begin making the dough for Kemal Pasha!” Apparently the kind we’re making is sweet balls of dough with a very delicious sounding syrup.
I’m standing next to Lando who’s struggling with his apron. They have huge heart pockets and his is bright green. As fun as it is to see him struggle, I want to start cooking soon.
“Give me that.” I swat his hands away and step behind him, taking the pieces of fabric and tying a knot.
“Thank you, Sweetness.” I suspect that this teasing won’t end soon, considering the man teaching the class asked everyone what their names were and put a name tag on each table of the couples ‘ship’ name.
I tie it tight and he flinches, “Hey my girl is trying to kill me!” I roll my eyes and loosen the bow, listening to the man and thanking the woman who’s walking around to make sure everything is correct.
I pour in all the ingredients and Lando starts stirring. I look around at all the couples, they’re doing everything together while looking all lovey dovey.
It makes me miss my ex. Which is weird because we barely acted like this alone. But still, seeing Alex and Lily laugh with flour already on their faces makes me sad.
“Angel!” Lando calls for me again as I put my hand on my hip. He has his hand out that’s covered in white powder, “C’mere!”
“No!” I back up but he’s already pulling me in and squeezing my face. I frown, my face squished between his hand as he laughs. I can feel the flour covering my face. I put on a slow smile when he drops his hand, “Aw, love bug!”
Nothing about my tone is loving and I can tell he’s not excited by the way his face drops. “Now darling…” He backs away as I pour some of the flour from the container into my hand, “I told you i’ll let you lick food off of me later, not here!”
I scoff at his audacity and throw the flour right into his face. When he opens his eyes, I slap my hands over my mouth. His whole face is white and when he breathes out, some comes out of his mouth.
I hold back a laugh as he stares at me, along with the rest of the room, “Oh baby… you’ve got a little.” I motion to his whole face, “Just a little something right there.”
“Er…” The man blinks at us, “True love comes in many forms!” He laughs uncomfortably as we get back to mixing our dough.
“That was not a fair move, Love.” Lando whispers to me as I knead the dough between my hands. His face is wiped off but the flour still resides a bit in his hair and cheeks.
“All's fair in love and war.” I say sweetly.
“Alright ladies, If your man isn’t helping you with his big strong muscles…” Ali eyes us, “Remind them who you are! Men, help your women!”
I turn back at Lando, looking up at the driver, “Do you need reminding?”
He just bites his lip and turns me back around, his hands on my waist. That, I did not expect. My hands go back to the dough in the bowl and his arms move into view, copying the other couples and massaging the treat with me.
I swallow and eye the veins in his arms that go all the way to his hands. His very big hands. The same hands that softly reach over mine.
His touch is surprisingly gentle as he matches my movements. I try to not think about how close he is to me, and focus on the dough but fuck that because I can feel him behind me.
I move back a bit unconsciously and his hand goes to waist to stop me, “Do you need reminding?” His voice is deep in my ear and I fight the urge to roll my eyes even though I know my cheeks are hot.
I thank god when Ali says we will be moving onto rolling the dough into little balls.
I swiftly move away from Lando and don’t dare look at Alex or Kika who I know is looking at us. I start rolling the dough in between my hands.
Lando glances at me, his balls sort of uneven and too small, “Your balls are ugly.” Lando chokes on air and whips his head around to look at me.
“Excuse me?” I roll my eyes at his suggestive tone and show him one of mine, “Ah so you’re a ball expert? Working from experience?”
He’s so childish it makes me want to throw one of these at him. Sadly, I'm not above acting suggestively, “Never worked with any so small.” I shrug as he stares at me. That shuts him up really quick as we place them on a round baking sheet.
We take a short break while they bake and I venture outside, looking over the balcony to the sea far below us.
My skin feels rejuvenated by the sun, I’m tanner and I swear the air is just different here. Alex appears next to me, he looks quite happy, “Having fun?”
I shrug and realize that I actually have been. “Uh… yeah.”
“You know, I think everyone else thinks you’re a real couple. It’s cute.” I gape at him. Is Alexander Albon betraying me right now?
“It is not cute. He’s bullying me.” He just snorts.
I frown when Ali calls us back in. Lando and I are mostly quiet while stirring our syrup. As it boils, he nudges me. I look up to see him watching another couple.
They’re practically making out and feeling eachother up. I let out a laugh that his eyes widened at, “You’re so not inconspicuous.” He whispers, leaning down a bit.
“They are definitely not paying any attention to me…” They’re so wrapped up in each other that they don’t even notice when Ali turns their mini stove top off so their sauce doesn’t burn.
He looks down at me one last time, sending me a tiny smile. I think it’s the first time I'm genuinely attracted to him when his shirt is still on. Shit.
Besides Y/n trying to kill me with the dessert we made, we were civil throughout the rest of the class. We get to take home a small box which leaves everyone in a good mood.
“Here, pretty, I don’t think I can eat that without feeling sick.” I don’t mean to call her that, but I just say what comes to my mind. I hand her the box and takes it without any change of expression.
I’m ready to leave but Ali claps his hands together one more time, “My lovebirds!” Y/n gives me a look that I laugh at, “One more gift for a very special couple of… well, couples!”
He pulls out three pieces of paper. Handing one to the couple that was making out he says, “Most affectionate!”
Then he turns to Pierre and Kila and hands them one, “Best dessert!” I realize these papers are some typos of superlatives.
I think he’s going to go to Charles and Alexandra, but he turns to Y/n and I. A big grin on his face, he hands me a paper. I read it before he says it and my eyes widen, “The most authentic love!” I don’t look at her, I can’t.
“I hope one day you all come back!” And with that, we’re ushered back and stripped of our aprons.
Y/n is already walking down the marble steps with Lily and Rebecca next to her. Carlos just shakes his head and slaps his hand on my shoulder, “Man… Congratulations!”
I eye him as Alex laughs, “I’m framing that!”
Six hours later, i’m in a tiny white dress, my hair curled and makeup done, and on my way with Rebecca and Alex to a club.
Everyone’s already left but Alex took extra long to slick back her hair. “So!” Rebecca grins as we walk past the beach, “Plan for tonight? Hook up with a local? Make out on the beach?”
I laugh at her enthusiasm, “I’ll see where the night and vodka takes me! I really just need a hot dance partner and a good drink.”
And that’s exactly what I get. I get my drink and well.. many hot dance partners! My friends and I scream the lyrics of the songs we know, holding hands and jumping around.
The club is part of the resort we’re staying at. It’s half on the beach and half in the beach bar that has a 24 hour drink service. I laugh at the guys who are awkwardly waiting for their girls to join them again.
“Okay, go, go!” They leave me at the bar and as soon as they’re gone, a man approaches me.
He’s very tall and very blonde, “Hi.” he’s got an accent but I can’t tell from where, “I couldn’t help but notice you dancing…” I listen to the same line that a hundred guys have fed me before. “Could I buy you a drink?”
Now this is what I like! Ten minutes later I'm dancing with him and a vodka lemonade. His hands are on my waist as I laugh.
He’s hot against me, his hair sweaty and salty. His name is Leon and he really likes my dress. I have a feeling he would like me without it too.
“Are you staying at the hotel?” He asks, screaming in my ear.
I nod, “Are you?”
“I’m staying in town with a friend!” I nod and sip my drink as he talks, “Do you know him?” I frown at his words, turning to see who he’s talking about.
I roll my eyes at Lando who’s standing with a pretty girl but staring at me. I turn back to Leon, “No!”
He looks like this annoys him, “Well i’m not surprised! You’re hot!” I nod as the music continues and keep dancing with him.
He turns me around so he’s staring at my ass instead of my face. But I just slip my fingers into my hair and keep dancing. I open my eyes to see Lando again. The girl is still talking but he’s still staring at me.
I run my middle finger around the rim of my glass, the sugar lifting onto my skin. His expression stays dark and focused on me as his hand goes to his jeans pocket. I lift my finger to lips, licking off the sugar without breaking eye contact.
He brings his drink to his lips and that’s when I realize I've had a bit too much to drink because he looks too damn hot.
He’s in a light blue shirt, his silver rings and LN4 necklace sat on his skin like it belongs there. His hair is damp with I don’t know with what… sweat, water, or the air, I don’t care. His jaw ticks at Leon’s hand moves from my waist to my stomach, my head dropping back on his shoulder, and spinning back around.
He kisses me, it’s messy and drunken but I don’t care. It’s only when he whispers, “Let’s get out of here.” When I'm massively turned off.
I end up back with my friends, Lando nowhere in sight and a smile on my face as we sit at the bar and drink.
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ninguitar · 6 months ago
LOWKEY.  ◦  next.
one. the party & the after party.
❛ in which a concert you were tantalized by your friends into attending led to a one-night hook-up with band member, yu "karina" jimin, who was coincidentally a classmate, too. though incredulous and foolish, in karina's eyes, you were way too good to have you slipping through her fingers, but even so, she couldn't just act on it, leaving the two of you in an awkward predicament, keeping the feelings amidst lowkey. ❜
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WILD, BUSTLING PARTIES were never your type of scene; though, nonetheless, you attended them—out of boredom, of course. you couldn't go a month without being dragged to some lousy party by one of your friends, mainly keeho or chaewon.
while your hands interlaced with one-another, you waited for manon, hoping the girl would appear magically. running a hand through your hair, you sighed before rubbing your temples.
the scent of lavender infiltrated your nose, providing a welcome contrast to the raucous chatter of people over the roaring music. the only break in the impending noise was a group of girls engaging in animated and playful banter, all dressed in matching, biker-adjacent attire.
"uh, hey."
your mind instantly snapped away from your lost, recurring thoughts, and turning around, your head was met with a girl who gave you a delicate smile—the same girl who'd you been promptly staring at previously. careful, concentrated brown eyes rake up your figure—up and down. "can i sit with you?"
you only nodded, the tips of your fingers tracing along your knuckles, which only made the girl more confused. "i'm jimin, but karina's fine, too," karina murmurs, her hand flat on the wooden planks of the stairs.
again, you nodded, glad that you could put a name to such a gorgeous face. "y/n," you merely slur out before muttering something incoherent. "you, uh… listen to the band?"
"what?" a snicker escaping karina's breath, to which you replied with, "y’know, aespa or whatever." a lazy smile plays on karina's face at your response, as she simply giggles.
"yeah— yeah, sure, i do," karina meekly shrugs, a grin tugging on her face. god, she couldn't believe your drunken haze spurring further than the inability to even hold a conversation without giggling; though, she couldn't help but admit that she was probably even worse, considering the way she practically staggered while walking to you.
you lean back on the steps behind you, your neck craning away—only for karina's hand to meet your chin, cupping it gently, as if you were a delicate artifact. her eyes locked onto your lips, tracing the start and end of it. with your back plastered against the cold, wooden steps, you met eye to eye with karina.
"can i? i promise i don't bite," to which, you meekly nod, closing the gap between you two. her tongue darted out swiftly, as her arms snaked around your waist, pulling you even closer in any possible distance between the two of you.
phones rang, beeping repeatedly, while you two were too entangled in each other to notice—your lips against her's left karina hazed, everything seemingly like a blur. and so, for the rest of the night, you two were away—doing who knows what.
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notes. i PROMISE the future chapters will be a lot better than this 💔💔
taglist. ୨ৎ @yeetaberry127 @yoontoonwhs @1luvkarina @sed7ction @stareaa
@cceanvvaves @ariiiiii8iiiii @nwjnsloona @yjiminswallet (send an ask, or dm if you want to be tagged !! )
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symphonic-scream · 7 months ago
New Arcana Swap
(tag for now is Transboy Haru I need a new name for this I know)
Anyways. It's been like 2 hours here's everything I have so far
So it's a Fool Haru au, but as a trans guy. He's been transitioning since the year before he started high school, and he's had top surgery. Now he's in his final year, and he's being shipped out to Tokyo after a summer in Juvi, all for something he didn't do
Toranosuke Yoshida as the Hierophant with Goro as the Hermit too it's. This ex politician who has been adopting these kids who's rich and important parents abandon them
Emperor Makoto. And then with Makoto, she's been "staying" with Kobayakawa as a pupil and StuCo Prez, and once he's confessed, she reaches out to her sister and returns home to live with Hanged Man Sae. She's sorta non-binary genderfluid? She doesn't have a term coined yet. But pronouns vary each day
Makoto: thanks, so much. For saving me, for helping me find my sister again, for accepting who I am, and- and for loving me,
Haru: oh, Mako dearest,
Makoto, crying: d-dont look at me like that, Loverboy. Just- let's hurry, the others are waiting
(in case you couldn't tell yet, this is Okujima)
Haru: hey why are you so close with that pharmacist?
Yoshida: oh, cause. I take pills?
It's cause Goro's on anti-psychotics lmao
It's how he so easily got Haru in with the counsellor Death Maruki
Maruki: yep, I see your files are completely true. So, I'll get you set up with your old regime of hormones
Haru: just like that?
Maruki: yep, but I also have to give you anger management sessions. Your parole demands it
Haru: ...I understand. Just, thank you. For understanding who I am
Chariot Shiho and Lovers Futaba, and the Temperance is Kanji-
Cause his husband is the Judgement and their wife is Fortune-
Moon Joker, Magician Ryuji (he's a lil lizard), Star Ann, Empress, uh, Yusuke?
Shiho a recovering amputee. She got in an accident that ended her volleyball career, but she's trying to not get too depressed about it
She cost them the national title. She ends up starting her training again to aim for the Paralympics, and manages the school team
Shiho: hey, why was Shit Head calling you a girl?
Haru: I, I'm trans,
Shiho: THAT BASTARD! Urgh, I'm so sorry, I know a teacher who'll help report that bullshit. I'm Shiho Suzui, school cripple. Nice to meet you, transfer boy
Haru: thanks, I'm Haru Yoshida. Thanks for not, freaking out on ke
Ryuji's a little bearded dragon in the real world
And MORGANA! He's like, Shinya's age? Human
He's playing the hero, trying to take down the Yakuza that ruined his family and left him alone, but he's young and scared, and the group saves him and he moves in with Yoshida too and he's like Haru's little brother
Goro: you're getting soft, old man.
Yoshida: maybe I am. Or maybe, I'm finally doing what I was meant to all along
He runs a homey beef bowl shop and Haru helps out, and Morgana sits at the counter slurping his noodles and Goro studies away in the back booth. Little family of three brothers
Goro: thanks for changing my heart, I guess
Futaba: no problem, man
Goro: ...I, feel like I need to tell you all. My mom was schizophrenic, and I've been being treated for it since Yoshida took me in. I, I'm gonna get myeds adjusted too. So I can be reliable for you all as navigator
Shiho: whatever you need to be yourself, and to be healthy
Haru: and if you end up like that again, we'll race back in and save you
It's shown in how his palace would change every other day. Like if you wait too long the infiltration route changes
Once he's doing better again, he gets back into school, and ends up in the other third year class with Makoto
Goro: your partner is a pain in my ass. They're making it hard to get that #1 spot
Haru: isn't my love so smart?
Goro: fucking gross. Bleh. I'm going to go watch a documentary on serial killers.
Toranosuke and his three sons, such a proud dad
Haru doesn't leave Tokyo at the end of the year. He gets formally adopted, and moves from the attic to the proper Yoshida house
Naoto: so. You're the leader of the Phantom Thieves?
Haru: ...what's it matter how I answer? They got their signed confession.
Naoto: I knew it, there was no way they'd have gotten a genuine one so quickly... Those bastards... Well, hopefully our chat can clear things up. Tell me, why'd you do it? How? The more I know, the better I can help you out
Naoto recognizes the boy from his husband's class roster, from his chats about the transfer boy that seemed to affect everyone around him
Naoto: so. Your dad kicked you out?
Haru: yes. Not for being a boy, he accepted that part of me. No, I caught on about some of his shadier business deals. So, he framed me for assault, disowned me. I got lucky, that Mr Yoshida agreed to house me, otherwise I would have probably ended up back in Juvi,
Okay. More
Shiho with her slight hobble cause of her prosthetic, and when she just *can't* wear it, she's on crutches, Like at the beach
She wears her leg to the beach, but takes it off when Makoto and Morgana egg her into running out to the water with them. Makoto loads her onto their back until they reach the water and then it's just. Splashing and fun
Goro's reading a book while Ryuji lies on a towel in the sun, soaking in the heat. Haru and Futaba are munching on popsicles and watching the others
Two Jokers
Moon is Akira, and Ren was in Shiho's role
They're Futaba's foster brothers. So that's why Futaba really wants to join up. To avenge Ren. And it's why Akira helps out
Futaba: hey, so Ren's awake. He's going to need physical therapy, but he's keeping all his parts. He's, also going to testify. He won't be returning to Shujin,
Akira: he's going to finish at Kosei. It'll be a better fit for him
Makoto, fluid, having more they or he days but still having she days. Masc she days, but still
Coloured bandanas around their upper arm for their different days. Now embracing their baby punk side
And smiling so much more, back home with their sister and able to be themselves with support, and having friends and a sweet boyfriend
Hifumi for the Faith and. Justice Kasumi and Sumire TRSUT ME
Haru: hey!
Makoto, wearing a dark red bandana: hey Loverboy, can I get a kiss?
Haru: course, love. How's my girl today?
Makoto: feeling great, Sis and I are going out tonight. She said you're welcome to join if you want? And then maybe come over after later to "study"?
Haru: how can I say no to you?
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serickswrites · 6 months ago
Hey :)
Can you write a fic where whumpee is new to the team and has a dark mysterioys past - so when their framed as a traitor the team believes them.There beaten up by some members of team despite protests of not being the traitor and given to whumper o put in custody who posses as a good person and planned it all to have them.
The team eventually uncovers the truth that whumper is bad and is actually the traitir-however whumper already tortured whumpee-sexually assaulting them,branding their name into their arm.When they break into whumper's place-whimper is already dead courtesy if whumpee who managed to free thrmselvez and kill them-however they collapse upon seeing their team.
The team us guilt ridden and doesn't know how to make amends and team leader feels like a failure
It's ok if your not interested in doing it♡
Anon, Anon, Anon! When I tell you that I have had an idea like this on my back burner for a while, I cannot tell you how long it has sat there. I have scrapped this story twice. But, because you are voicing exactly what I wanted to write several times, I'm going to do this. This is a series and will be posted under the title "Monster"
Please enjoy!
Part 2
Warnings: betrayal, physical violence, unconsciousness, captivity, restraints
"Leave your weapon on the table," Team Leader said coldly as they watched Smallest Teammate.
Smallest Teammate was confusion. What had happened? Team Leader never talked to them like this. "What, I don't understand? What--"
"Put your weapon on the table," Team Leader ordered.
"We know who you really are," Teammate One hissed.
Smallest Teammate's mouth went dry. "I can explain, let me--"
"You sold us out!" Teammate Two stepped forward angrily. "You sold us out after we accepted you!"
Before Smallest Teammate could open their mouth, Teammate Two swung, their fist connecting with Smallest Teammate's cheek. Smallest Teammate didn't try to fight back. They hunched over themself as Teammate Two and Teammate Three surged forward.
"You sold us out!"
"How could you!"
"Whumper revealed exactly who you are!"
Teammate One's words froze Smallest Teammate's heart. Whumper. Whumper had infiltrated the team. Whumper had found them. "I'm not....Whumper....they..." Smallest Teammate couldn't get a good word in as the team was unrelenting in their beating.
"I don't want to hear another lie from you," Team Leader said, their voice very close. Smallest Teammate could see them through the flailing limbs of their team. "You lied to all of us. You lied to me. And you sold us, all of us, out."
"Pl-Pl-Please," Smallest Teammate tried. Their body hurt. Everything hurt. The team was relentless in their beating. If they fought back, they would prove Whumper right. And so they had to hope that the team wouldn't kill them.
"Whumper has graciously offered to take you off our hands and turn you into the proper authorities," Team Leader sneered as they stared down at Smallest Teammate. "They will be here soon to collect you."
And though Smallest Teammate wanted to respond, wanted to beg for mercy. They couldn't. The darkness that had edged their vision for so long as becoming all consuming. They could only hope that Team Leader would realize their mistake sooner rather than later. And that Whumper wouldn't kill them yet.
Tags: @acer-whumpstuff
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alivingfire · 1 year ago
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he'll see i'm not so tough
a @steddiebang fic
author: alivingfire artist: @knitsforthetrail betas: hibiscus & @hamiltonsteele
150k | explicit | tags: steve as kas the betrayer; secret relationship since s2 planned posting dates: november 21-december 2
When Steve gets trapped in the Upside Down, Vecna offers him a deal: become lieutenant of the monster armies and gain some of Vecna’s power, in exchange for being the bait to lure his friends back to rescue him. Steve takes the deal, believing wholeheartedly in the Party’s ability to save him and finally kill Vecna, but discovers quickly that his power to infiltrate the memories and dreams of people in the real world is very limited; in fact, he can only visit one person in his new monster form. 
Thus begins Steve’s haunting of Eddie Munson, who, coincidentally, has been in love with Steve since they started secretly hooking up after a Halloween party in 1984.
“Something wrong, Munson?” says a voice, and Eddie yelps and rolls out of bed. 
When he pops up on the other side, he sees a very alive Steve Harrington perched on his own bedroom windowsill. His face is exaggeratedly wild and sharp, and his hair is windswept. His skin is silvery-blue in the moonlight. His fingernails are dark and long and curved like claws. He’s in a Hawkins Swim t-shirt and light wash Levi’s, and there’s dried blood on his bare arms.  
He’s like the film negative of a boy Eddie knows by heart, like a cover version of his favorite song.  
And then he smiles, and his teeth are sharp.   
“Hey, babe,” Steve says. “Did you miss me?” 
Eddie, bravely, faints. 
longer excerpt under the cut:
The vine around his left wrist uncurls, and Steve lifts that arm automatically to see his palm glowing like a lantern, and more than a dozen strings of light shooting straight up at the sky. The strings are golden-hot and hard to look at, too much on Steve’s overloaded senses.
“Look at that,” Vecna says, moving that large clawed hand from Steve’s face to wrap around Steve’s free wrist. “That’s a power I never gained, try as I might. All that love and affection you have for your friends has connected you securely to them. Even as a dead man, you have ties to the world above. Eleven did not plan for that. Could not plan for that.”  
Steve stares at the lights, too, and the more he looks, he feels like he can see differences between them. One seems weaker than the others and looks like wood smoke and has a ruddy red tinge that, for some reason, Steve knows is the string tying him to Will Byers. One is pinkish and looks wrapped in lace: Nancy. Robin’s looks like water dripped with nail polish, swirls of navy blue. He can pick out Dustin’s, then Lucas, El, Max, Jon, Erica, even Mike. Eddie.
He can’t think about this. He rips his gaze away. 
“Why are you showing me this?”  
“I can teach you how to visit them. How to talk to them,” Vecna says. “Through dreams and hallucinations, yes, but you could see them, and they could see you. See that you’re alive.” 
“But trapped.” 
“Yes,” Vecna says. “The only way either of us could ever truly leave this place is if Eleven opens the gates back up, or if Max dies to finish the ritual I began. And I’m assuming you’re not willing to do that second option.” 
“Fuck you.” 
“As I thought. So, here is my deal: if I give you my powers, it would not be for free. You will act as my lieutenant here in this realm. You will control the beasts in my stead, and do as I command. If you are convincing enough, your friends will come to rescue you, and when they do I won’t make you fight them, but I will be there to welcome them, and this will finally be finished.” 
“Then why would I do this?” Steve laughs, incredulous. “Why would I draw them here, if they’re just going to die for it?” 
“Because you doubt me when I say that I would win against them,” Vecna says. He lays it out like a winning poker hand. “You believe in your friends. You believe they could beat me. And if they do, you could be saved.” 
“And if I say no?” Steve asks. 
Immediately, the pain comes pouring back, his vision going blurry, the colors fading from the world, his mouth filling once again with blood. His thoughts are slow and dripping. He groans and slumps forward, barely held up by the vines around him. 
“Then I leave you like this,” Vecna says. “It won’t take long for you to die. Your friends will never know what happened to you, and I will spend as long as I need to working to get back to the other world without you. And I’ll have help, because your friends cannot keep the government from meddling once more. Every crack they make in the barrier between worlds is one I can exploit. I will get through some day. At least this way, you have a chance to stop me. You have a chance to live again.” 
Steve breathes unsteadily and looks back down at his palm. He thinks about those tiny connections to people that he loves, and thinks about leaving them to fight this fight without him. 
It’s stupid. He isn’t the person who should be making this deal. He knows that Vecna manipulates and twists to get what he wants. But his logic makes sense, too. 
Steve doesn’t know what to do. He’s not the planner. He’s not the right one to choose this. He’s- 
Two weeks. Robin, Dustin, Eddie, Erica, Max, Lucas, Eddie, Jon, Will, Mike, Eddie, Joyce, Claudia, Wayne, Tommy, Carol, his parents, Eddie- they all think he’s gone. He remembers how he felt when Hopper died. He can’t- 
His jaw creaks when he opens his mouth. 
“Fine,” he says, pain cracking his voice into something horrible, weak, pathetic. He sucks in another breath. “It’s a deal.”
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pynkgothicka · 2 years ago
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21 KNJ
Synopsis - Your brothers ex best friend stays with you while he gets back on his feet.
Pairing - Yandere! Kim Namjoon x Fem! Reader
Tags and Warnings - Dark themed, violence
Authors Note - This took me so long my god.
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
“Its just for a bit, just until Joon gets back on his feet.” You followed behind your brother as he rushed to clean up your shared apartment. He'd just told you that he invited Namjoon, his friend since middle school, to stay at your place. “Besides you always liked him as a friend what makes this so different?”
“Its not him. It's just that I don't like having my space invaded, besides I haven't seen him in years!” You said finally standing still. The doorbell had rung and you were expected to get it. You show one last glare at your brother before going to the door and peering through the hole.
A dark haired male smiled back at you, eyes almost closed as he beamed at you. “Who is it?” You sung out in a sort of tune of inquiry.
“Uhh Kim Namjoon!”
You unlocked the door pulling it open, Namjoon now towering over you. He only got more attractive then you remembered. He wore a dark denim jacket and a pair of jeans. “Hey man!” Your brother said pushing last you, giving his ex best friend a huge hug.
“Thanks for having me, even though we're not as close anymore.” Namjoon said sheepishly. “And who is this?” Namjoon asked pointing at you. “You finally got a girlfriend or something?”
Did he really not recognize you?
“Ew gross, man that's my sister. I know you remember her.” Your brother quickly corrected.
Namjoons face quickly dropped at his mistake before he placed a hand on his face, turning to you almost annoyed in himself.
“I'm so sorry! I didn't even recognize you. It's been so long.”
“Its no biggie, honestly your alrig-” You were cut off as Namjoon walked past your brother and pulled you in for a tight hug. His newfound strength nearly suffocated you, his earthy scent infiltrating your senses.
“Once again super sorry.” Namjoon apologized one more time before pulling himself away from you. You smiled at him before leaving for the two to catch up.
Hopefully you could just avoid Namjoon during his stay.
“What you doing?”
You jumped at the voice booming behind you. Sat at your desk, you were patching up your brothers work shirt.
“Patching up some clothes, what's up?” You asked getting back to your work. Namjoon went to your bed and sat down, black hair messily on his head. You didn't look at
“Cool cool… So your brother told me your 21 now right?”
“Yeah… What brought you guys to that conversation?”
“I was asking about you, since I didn't remember you by looks. And with your brother a big working man, I want to have someone to talk to while I'm here.” Namjoon said as you shifted uncomfortably benath his gaze. You could feel his eyes glued onto your work.
“Your needlework is amazing…” You heard in your ear. Heat instantly rose to your head as you sheepishly laughed.
“Thank you. You can come watch if you really want too.” Why did you say that? Almost as if he heard your wishes, he pulled up your small chair and sat down watching you work.
It was intimate.
And that intimacy was something you cherished.
It'd been around a month with having Namjoon stay with you and your brother. It was going smoother than expected. You could talk to the literal giant of a man almost like you were his ex best friend.
Namjoon could talk for hours. One of his main things he reflected on was art. But sometimes he'd talk about his future and, surprisingly, It was actually nice to hear him talk about it with such optimism.
“I want a traditional life style… but without the misogyny.” Namjoon told you while you were cleaning the small kitchen. You let out a small chuckle at his humor. “I just want me, my wife, and maybe a few kids. She'd stay at home and just be happy, not trapped. Just happy, happily waiting for me to walk through that front door and we'd just talk. Then we'd go to bed and just be happy.”
The way he was so passionate about what he wanted really drew you into him. “It's untarnished and pure.” You added quickly looking away. You caught Namjoons gaze as he watched you finish your cleaning.
“Yeah… Thats exactly what I mean.” Namjoon mumbled now full on staring at you. “Hey you wanna go get something to eat?”
“Umm why?” You ask dropping the towel you were using back in the sink. “Not to be rude, I just want to know what's the occasion!” You said voice peeking towards the end of the sentence. Namjoon laughed grabbing his keys in front of him.
“I mean not like we cooked at all today so let's go eat out. My treat.”
You eventually did accept to go out with him to dinner. So Namjoon treated you to pizza, and made your own makeshift picnic in the park.
“So why are you staying with us?” You asked pulling a slice of pizza from the rest. Namjoons face dropped for a moment before he sighed.
“It's my parents, something happened between me and them. We'd been fighting alot recently, and and I couldn't deal with it anymore. So I left. Then I realized I needed a place to stay, and I remembered your brothers number, so got in contact and here I am.”
You couldn't have been more sympathetic of his current situation. You wished you could be there more for him but he was vague for a reason, and maybe you shouldn't pry. After he went silent, eyes straying from your own, you decided to speak up.
“Well, I'm glad your here. You've really brightened up me and my brothers lives. To say you didn't recognize me at first.” You both laughed, Namjoon shaking his head. “But seriously stay as long as you need too. I don't mind you being here, in fact I prefer it. I'd rather it be just you and me at home. Which is way better than it being just me at home by myself.”
Namjoon perked up excitely. His body language shifted almost entirely, breathing now a tad bit deeper. “You do… you just seemed so reserved .”
“I just think you're cool and easy to talk too. I really like you Namjoon.”
Namjoons face shifted from one of comfort to one of shock, then to a weird mixture of both. He moved his stray hand to your own, thumb rubbing on the top of it. You began to heat up, and leaned into his touch. His body coming closer than ever. Your eyes looked at the setting sun, the violet hues of the night sky.
“Isn’t this nice?” Namjoon said, his head sitting on top of yours.
“Yeah… It is. I don’t want it to end ever.”
You made it back to your apartment, having gotten closer than ever with Namjoon. You fished for your house mey out of your pocket. Then you opened the door, holding Namjoons hand to lead him in.
You then made it face to chest with your brother who stood by the door brandishing the gun that was given to him by your brother.
He took your forearm and jerked you away from Namjoon, who stood like a deer in headlights. “Hey dude don't grab her like that?” Namjoon began but he was
“You stay the fuck away from her. You make another move and I'll blow a hole in your chest.
“Whats wrong?” You said trying to pull away from your irrational brother. But his grip was vice and unrelenting.
“This fucking asshole lied. You've been staying with us to hide from the fucking police.” Your brother yelled in Namjoons facs, the end of the gun now in his chest. “I should've known not to trust you again, let alone let you anywhere near my sister.”
“Your overreacting. Dude she's a adult, and I didn't do anything…. Just let me inside.” Namjoons voice ever the calm. Your brother turned off the safety Intimidating Namjoon. But even you could see that your brothers grip was shakey.
“Tell me what is the problem…” You say, ending your struggle.
“He's been lying to us! I saw the news. Your parents are dead and your using us to hide.” Your brother yelled. Namjoons left eye ticked slightly. “I know what you are, dude your fucking ballistic. You fucking ended our friendship with your crazy ass decisions.”
“Shut up.” Namjoon seethed out.
“You with your rich ass parents ignored how you acted. You nearly killed a kid with your barehands. All over my sister… I thought you changed but your still that fucked up kid from long ag-”
“Shut the fuck up!”
You fell back as your brother was shoved forward, the gun flying out of the way. Your body hit the ground hard, as Namjoon began to punch your older sibling. His face began to bleed more, as blood flew on all three of you.
You went to grab at your brothers arm, trying to drag him away. “Leave him alone Joon! Stop!” You cried out as your brothers face was now caved in onto itself. The only thing on your mind was to try and spare him from death.
Finally things went silent as you watched your brothers chest stop, rising and falling. Namjoon still was punching at his chest and you crawled away looking behind you for the gun that flew.
Oh God he was going to kill you.
Namjoon stopped his eyes going directly to look at you. His dark hair stuck to his face and his usual denim was splattered in blood.
Your right hand finally touched the gun as you held it towards Namjoons now standing body. Your finger held onto the trigger, now suddenly your body was stiff. Namjoon had made it all the way towards you the gun still shakey.
He kneeled down, his hand moving the gun to his forehead. “Pull it. I know you want too. It's okay.”
And you did but nothing happened.
Namjoon laughed.
“I forgot I took out those bullets, that's something huh?”
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amoebaforce · 1 year ago
How do you think some few characters (Hien, Yugiri, Gotsetsu, the twins maybe, or really whoever you think would have the most fun reaction I just want to know it isn't just me who thinks about this) would react to the WoL forgetting to take off or just not taking off the imperial armor after the quest where you get it in stormblood? Mayhaps due to comfort reasons or just being so used to changing armor often that the thought never crossed their mind that it was the Wrong Armor.
I swear this totally isn't exactly who you think this is and I'm totally not just wanting input from more people on this kinda thing (lying lmao)
ohh this definitely has comedy potential, anon... but also some angst potential, given all that uniform represents. here's some little blurbs for you <3
characters featured: Hien Rijin, Yugiri Mistwalker, Gosetsu Daiten tags: very light angst, this one is pretty spoiler free, gn!WoL
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Hien stares for an improper amount of time, feeling his brow knit tighter with each passing moment. Is this a prank? Some kind of joke he's too out of touch to get? But as the seconds tick to minutes, the punchline never comes, and Hien clears his throat.
"Are you... going to change?" he asks, struggling to phrase the question eloquently. The WoL blinks at him.
"Change?" they repeat. Hien gestures to their breastplate. As their eyes follow suit, the Warrior blanches. "Oh, shit! Sorry, I wasn't even thinking-"
"No, no!" Hien blurts. "There is no rush, I just thought-"
They both pause, realizing they are each apologizing for imagined slights. Hien's pinched expression cracks first. A chuckle rumbles in his chest, and before he knows it, the two are laughing at themselves.
"Thanks for reminding me," the Warrior says sheepishly, already taking off their gauntlets.
Hien bobs his chin, feeling his posture slip just a tad looser. At least he wasn't the only one feeling a little clueless. "Of course."
Yugiri knows all too well the visceral discomfort of disguising oneself as an enemy -- so when she steps into the hallway after a long post-mission debrief to find the WoL still dressed in Imperial armor, the shinobi bristles.
"Why do you still wear it?" she demands.
Her tone leaves little room for speculation about what it is. The Warrior freezes, suddenly feeling as guilty as a child caught with their hand in the pantry, although they can't exactly explain why.
"I... forgot about it," they admit. Yugiri stiffens ever so slightly, and the WoL cringes. Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say.
"I'm always changing armor," they add hurriedly. "After a while, it all starts to feel the same."
Yugiri's gaze slices up and down their body once more before she turns away, folding her arms.
"Perhaps. But it does not all look the same. You would be wise to remember that."
She disappears around the corner, quick and silent as a knife.
Gosetsu isn't the jumpy sort, but when a figure strides across the courtyard in that unmistakable metal plate, the old samurai finds his heart gripped in a swelling panic. His mind swims through a dozen questions at once. How can an Imperial soldier stalk these halls without kicking up a swarm of guards? Why aren't there any calls to arms ringing through the air? Are they under attack? Where is Hien? Then, just as his hand dips toward his sword, Gosetsu does a double take.
There are familiar weapons strapped to that soldier's back; there is a familiar set of eyes peaking out of their helmet. It is no enemy infiltrator, but the Warrior of Light themselves, still swathed in the armor they'd worn on their earlier mission. Gosetsu's skin prickles with relief.
"Ho there," he calls, willing his voice not to waver. The Warrior gives him a friendly wave, slowing to a stop.
"Hey, Gosetsu," they say cheerily. "What's up?"
The samurai cocks a brow. "I should ask you the very same! You might well give an old man a heart attack walking around like that."
The Warrior jolts as his words sink in, then scrambles to take off their helmet. An apology bubbles in their throat, but Gosetsu claps them on the shoulder before they can form it into coherent words. His laugh booms.
"Ah, but maybe it is good to keep old men on their toes, too!" he muses.
Then, Gosetsu turns and waltzes off, leaving the Warrior standing bewildered in the center of the courtyard.
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tangerinesgf · 2 years ago
Hey dear, how are you doing?
Could you maybe do another Tangerine one for either number 15 or number 2?
I really really love your writing. <3
I just can't get enough of our favorite fruitboy.
Sending you lots of love.
Tags/Warnings: jealousy, suggestive language, suggested smut, language, little bit of violence
Prompt; A tries to embarrass B at a party and when they get home, B punishes A.
A/N; I'm doing good, thanks for asking :) And thank you so much, I'm so glad you like my writing, hope you like this too!! Sending lots of love back!
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Tangerine was yours and you were his, it was definitely not something the two of you kept secret. Sometimes the two of you liked to test it though, you mostly.
You loved to get Tangerine all riled up, bring out his possessive side. You knew you shouldn't applaud that behavior, but every once in a while you just couldn't help yourself. Like tonight for example.
You and Tangerine had to infiltrate a fundraiser for some sort of charity. It was fairly easy and therefore also equally boring. You were mostly just there for arm candy while Tangerine did most of the talking with all the rich pricks.
The two of you were always very handsy with each other, not caring about what other people thought. So when you had walked in together everyone knew that you were off limits. And even though no one there knew either one of you, Tangerine just had this aura around him that made everyone respect him almost immediately. The message was clear; hands off my partner.
But there were always people who didn't care about any of that and still wanted to try their luck with you. Normally you'd shrug them off, but as you were getting drink for you and your boyfriend you found yourself bored to death at this party and wanted to have some fun with it.
You were at the bar when two men, seemingly brother approached you. They started chatting you up and because you knew that Tangerine regularly looked over at you, you decided to go with it this time. You laughed at their awfully bad jokes, made physical contact from time to time. Tangerine was absolutely seething from the other side of the room as he watched you. The men he was talking with saw it too.
Tangerine absolutely lost it when one of the men placed his hand on your lower back almost possessively. "Looks like your plaything got bored." Said one of the men standing next to him.
Without thinking he punched the man in his face, most likely breaking his nose. Tangerine didn't care, he paid the man no mind as he walked over to your still flirting with those two fucking pricks. You didn't even see Tangerine walk over before he grabbed your arm and practically dragged you away from the two men.
He doesn't say anything on the drive back to the hotel, but you could tell he was fuming on the inside. When he didn't need both of his hands on the wheel, one of them was holding possessively onto your thigh.
The second you close the door behind you, Tangerine pushed you against it, his ocean blue eyes staring into yours.
"Hi." was all you offered him. There was an innocent smile on your face, the kind a kid would have after trying to make up for a broken vase.
"Oh, so now you're playing innocent, are ya?" Tangerine raised his eyebrow at you.
"I don't know what you're talking about, baby."
“Aww, did my precious little dove think I’d just let that little stunt go?” Tangerine teased, the smirk on his face growing.
“Well you’re sadly mistaken toots, think I need to remind ya who you belong to."
"Do your worst." you challenged him.
"Oh, I plan to." His voice was darker, more serious and you could feel the wetness between your legs growing, soaking your underwear.
Before you could even think of what to say next Tangerine grabbed you by your hips and threw you over his shoulder and you squeaked in surprise. "Tan!"
He carried you to the bed, throwing you onto the pillows on your back. He quickly stripped himself down to his boxers because crawling back over you, straddling your hips.
"Now you're gonna let me do whatever I want to ya without touching me and if you're a good girl I might even let you cum." He slowly started to hike up your dress, his soft lingering touches already leaving you breathless.
"And if not well.. I guess we'll have to see how many times you can handle being edged, won't we?"
God you hated it when he did that, but you knew it was inevitable. Tangerine only told you not to touch him because he knew you'd lose that fight with yourself.
If Tangerine was gonna get his way tonight and let's be honest he most likely would, you were sure you wouldn't be able to walk for the next couple of days.
You made a mental note to make him jealous more often.
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grudge-core · 2 years ago
tag: Brutal, betrayal, mafia
tropes: angst, enemies to enemies. pairing: Jeon Jungkook x reader A/N's note: so it's my first time writing fan fiction on Tumblr feels kinda weird. but I tried my best summary: Jungkook is the heir to a mafia empire, the most notorious in the whole of Seoul. You are an undercover rookie sent in to infiltrate your select team and bring the empire crumbling down.
part 1/ part 2/part 3
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"I have a mission for you." Kim Namjoon says while looking at the screen on the table. "You will see and do things that no one should ever see." he explained "Don't let that shit get to you" he looked up from the screen staring at me with a cold brown gaze.
"Who's the target, sir?" I asked with a firm and confident voice. He turned his screen around and showed me a picture of a man "The boy, Jeon Jungkook". The boy looked completely innocent but then again I should be careful with his tactics. "The heir of Jeon Jung-Hyung, Soon to be the King of the mafia empire." he looked at me as I fixed my glasses "The allegations of his crimes are drug dealing, murder, illegal importation of guns and vice versa." Namjoon said "His side-kicks, Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung. Jeon's mother passed away when he was very young, two or three years? She was murdered by her relatives. Her death made him like this" he sighed "but remember you're job is to work logically not emotionally" then there was a knock on the door "Come in" Namjoon said with a loud voice. in came my senior Jung Hoseok, he gave me a little smile which I gladly returned. Hoseok gave a file to Namjoon "Sir, here is all the information we could find about Jeon Jung Hyung and his son" "Thank you, Lieutenant Jung, you may leave" Namjoon opened the file and looked through it. "L/N you may go now," he said without looking "Yes sir" I was about to leave when "Y/N, I trust you" he looked at me with a little concern in his brown eyes. "Thank you sir for trusting me, I'll do my best to get a hand on him" I reassured him and exited his office.
I sat down with a sigh leaving my lips. I looked at the time. it was almost lunch time, I'm not hungry but I also not full so I continued to do my work on the Jeon case. After a while Hoseok Hyung came behind me "hey y/n, I'm hungry u wanna come with for some Tteokbokki and gimbap? drinks on me." He smiled. "uhhhhh....sure, I need a break anyways" I smiled back at him.
"So how are you gonna handle the Jeon case" he said while taking a bite from his Tteokbokki "I'm still thinking..." I took a sip from my drink. Well if you ever need a good detective one of my friend is best in the town" he said while chewing "first chew your food or else you'll choke" I said while stirring my Tteokbokki, Hyung swallows his food and says "His name is Kim Seokjin, he's a detective for 6 whole years so he is pretty experienced and you know what he's handsome too" he whispered the last part. "I'll talk to him, give me his number and address" I took a bite from my gimbap. he threw a smirk at me and i obviously know what that means. "don't you even dare Hyung, I'm not gonna talk to him because he's handsome alright?" I shook my head.
I plopped on bed closing my eyes for a bit then suddenly my phone rings. I took my phone from the dressing table and looked at the caller id. Kim Namjoon. I picked up the call "yes sir" I said with my usual firm voice "y/n can you meet me at the fountain, please I need to talk to you about the case" meet? at this hour? "sir but isn't it too late?" i said with a frown on my face "uhhhh...okay?" I get up from the bed "and make sure to take the ally ways" ally ways? Everyone know that ally ways are not safe at night, then why the heck is telling me to take the ally ways? "sure sir" I took out a pocket knife and my gun and also some bullets. you never know what will happened next.
(I'll probably make many parts of this series so stay tuned!)
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pseudowho · 1 year ago
hiii ☺️
i’m so OBSESSED with “Infiltration”, it’s absolutely delicious! do you happen to have a tag list? don’t want to miss any new chapters but life can get so chaotic at times
Hey! I'm writing the next chapter of Infiltration Wednesday or Thursday, so keep an eye out 🤭 It DOES have a Taglist so I'll add you on. I think I forgot to put the tags last time.
Thank you SO MUCH though, I feel like the story's only just getting started...
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galacticwildfire · 1 year ago
Fire Meet Gasoline | Poe Dameron
Poe Dameron x Solo Original Character
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Hope Solo’s haunted by the night the temple burned. Having gone rogue she hunts the First Order in search of answers until a fateful encounter with Poe Dameron brings her back to the Resistance and Leia puts her daughter under his command to find Luke Skywalker.
Word count: 8.3k
Tags/warnings: hondo ohnaka reminiscing the clone wars, boba fett, r2 being sick of skywalker bs, mentions of war crimes/torture, ptsd, descriptions of injury, typical skywalker bs over ranks, absent father/angry daughter, meet cute, flirting, ego's, simp poe, exhausted leia
A/N: hey guys first chapter is finally up after I swore to rewrite this in march and the prequel will be up in it's entirety very soon as well. First half of the chapter spends some time setting up the story before Poe comes in. I promise Han and Luke aren't as bad they are through her eyes, Leia pov next chapter will give context. Also all my stories are written for adults with adult themes, I use appropriate tags but read at your discretion.
32 ABY | Two Years Before A Force Awakens
It was meant to be a simple run, picking up the package from the contact and ensuring its safe passage. Whenever Hondo Ohnaka tells me it's an easy job that I'd handle with no problem I know to expect some sort of trouble in the form of a skirmish or firefight, but I didn't expect that skirmish to be with tie-fighters.
I'm used to taking them out, but I prefer being the one ambushing them instead of the other way around.
"Solo, you're alive!" Hondo laughs anxiously at the look on my face as I walk into his outpost on Batuu and slam the box down on the table. "Careful now, that's fragile!"
"What the hell did you send me to get that the First Order would want?" I ask him and he curses as he downs the rest of his drink. "Hondo, I swear-"
"Those bastards have finally done it!" he declares to no one in particular. "I knew it was only a matter of time before they targeted my business, just like the Empire did. One empire falls and another-"
I don't wait for him to finish his dramatics before I pull open the box but freeze when I see what's inside. "We already raided Grakkus the Hutt's vault, where did you find this?"
"Maz Kanata," he answers and raises his hands in his defence at how I gape at him. "Like myself she feels a certain sense of nostalgia when it comes to Jedi relics and well, it just so happens I had one of my men infiltrate her castle to steal one."
"Maz Kanata is a friend," I remind him but he doesn't seem awfully phased.
"Which is why I did not tell you what you were getting or who it was stolen from," he tries to reason as I hold the kyber crystal in my hand, a real kyber crystal. It's cracked and faded from the years, no use to me but it would still be priceless. "Well, it's not as impressive as I was hoping for, but I don't suppose you can use your Jedi magic to make it look pretty again for me?"
"No," I answer curtly, there still being one question I need the answer to. "How did the First Order just happen to know I'd be transporting a kyber crystal when I didn't even know what I was carrying?"
"They didn't," he answers and now I'm the one cursing as I realise what's happened, that they weren't targeting the shipment, but me. "It is not profitable for the First Order's tie-fighters to be repeatedly destroyed by one rogue Jedi in a starfighter, embarrassing for their reputation, so I'll let you put that one together."
"Shit," I whisper, knowing if the First Order's profiled me then the Resistance is only going to be one step behind them in figuring out who's been tormenting First Order patrols in the Outer Rims. 
Which means Mom will know exactly what I've been doing out here.
"I still do not understand, you want to kill the bastards but left the only organisation willing to do it," Hondo says, a pirate but still a jedi and rebel sympathiser at heart, and like all supposedly legitimate former criminals running illegal operations, he's worried they're going to put his business at risk. 
"Because if I shoot first I break the Galactic Concordance and every other damn treaty they've signed which puts the Resistance in trouble with the senate and risks declaring open war," I answer, frustration still thick in my voice after all this time. "Which I did and got permanently grounded to avoid starting said war, but thankfully it made me realise it's no fun fighting a cold war when I can be out here taking the fight straight to them without consequences, and the last thing I need is to be held back."
But I didn't just fire first, I wiped out one of their elite ground squadrons to try to find out where Ben is on what was meant to be reconaissance, to ask their captain where Snoke has my brother stationed. Except I didn't just ask and he had a nice little electric shocker in his pocket to stop me from finishing my interrogation. When Mom heard about the mess I'd left I wasn't just demoted from captain, but forbidden from partaking in any off base missions at the insistence of every single member of high command pending complete expulsion. 
And so I left. Almost a year later I still haven't showed my face.
"Haha, you do come from that Skywalker boy, he liked committing war crimes too," Hondo laughs and my eyes roll back in my head, preparing to hear for the tenth time how he once fought the man who became Darth Vader and lived to tell the tale since the galaxy now knows that unfortunate truth. "Good with a lightsaber, although I cannot forgive him for killing my good friend Kenobi and you know, all the rest. But once I acquire the right weapon we must duel for old times sake."
I never thought a pirate could so intimately know two utterly separate generations of my family through swindling them but there always seems to be surprises. "So you can get your ass handed to you again?"
"He liked to insult me as well, although not as well as Kenobi," he remembers fondly and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't found his stories of working with and against Anakin and Obi-Wan interesting, to hear what my grandfather was like from one of the few people still alive who knew him during the Clone Wars. "So did your father, I'll never forget when I tried to steal the Falcon from him, I'm still mad someone else beat me to it."
My spirits sour at the mention of him and I pour myself a drink from the bottle on the table only to grow more bitter at the taste of the Corellian whiskey, then quickly put it down remembering another story Hondo once told me. "Well I fully intend to steal it back and if my father wants it he can come and find me."
Somehow that wound is more raw than anything that happened the night the temple burned despite the permanent scars it left me with. A father packing up and leaving because he couldn't look at my mother without seeing Ben, and he couldn't look at me for reasons I still don't understand. I'm sure he only stayed as long as he did because Chewie refused to leave me behind, until eventually Dad didn't care anymore and left both of us. 
"A lasar sword wielding maniac with the knack for piracy is a formidable opponent," he acknowledges and informs me. "From what I hear he is keeping low, owes money to the worst of the worst, people not even I, Hondo Ohnaka, would double cross and that is saying something. But I have no doubt he would be very proud his daughter is giving him a run for his credits and has certainly made a profitable investment."
The thought he'd be proud of what I'm doing is the opposite of what I want, but the rest is hardly news. "What can I say? I'm the best pilot there is."
I'm not quite sure how I ended up as an investment for some of the most established underworld figures there are. It began with me looking in all the wrong places for Dad and instead finding old friends and foes of his who were quite curious to see what I could do for them. Being nineteen with no credits, my weapons, and a ship in desperate need of maintenance, I was happy enough to oblige them. 
Perhaps I hoped working for the very people who'd betrayed Dad time and time again would be enough he'd track me down out of anger to smack some sense into me like he should have done to Ben, but no. He's a ghost like the rest of the men in my family. 
Still, in this unexpected change of career path I've learned a thing or two about profit and have turned my transport, my dear Shiraya, into an armoured starship that could almost be called luxurious, along with my more recently acquired and heavily modified Naboo Starfighter that I make use of for the contracts Boba Fett provides me to hunt down the First Order patrols trying to interfere in his operations.
"Speaking of which," Hondo continues to try to distract from the payment he owes for the delivery. "Boba has a contract for you."
Now those are always good words. 
"But first," I say and look at the kyber crystal knowing it could go for half a million credits even in this state since genuine kyber is so rare, especially since this one appears to have been used in a saber at some point, no doubt dismantled for parts long ago. "I want half of the profits."
"Oh no, you merely transported the goods," he says and negotiates. "Ten percent."
I hold his eye carefully. "Thirty."
"Fifteen and don't you try those Jedi mind tricks on me," he says and I just smile to myself. "Fifteen percent which you will receive once I find a buyer."
"Twenty five and I'll be coming for my credits," I promise him as go to head out the door to where R2 awaits. My faithful companion since I was twelve years old, my best friend, my only friend, although always eager to get off this planet since he has a longstanding grudge against Hondo for numerous Clone Wars era offences. 
But he won't exactly like where we're going next either.
"Come on R2, to Tatooine it is."
The evidence of the recent Boonta Eve celebrations are still evident from the bottles on the streets and firework shells scattered across the sand. People are still settling their debts from the races as a New Republic news channel plays from one of the holoprojectors in the square and I hear the Resistance mentioned fleetingly in arguments over funding for the ever decreasing Republic navy. A reminder that I've never been gone from base this long. 
For Mom's sake I held it together and threw myself into forming the Resistance with her after the temple burned, but when Dad disappeared without a word that was when I began to finally lose it. Mom and I had our fights to the point we became notorious for them. I'd run off for a week or two and stay with Lando, but eventually I'd always go home. 
Until now.
But after what I did she was horrified. One mention of my brother's name from the First Order captain, or rather his new name, and I snapped and learned just what a lightsaber is capable of doing to a lifeform. Even if he was the one who took his own life they still blamed me for his death since they knew the First Order certainly would and feared retaliation. I'd previously engaged the enemy and disobeyed orders countless times, I was known for insubordination and worked alone in the field since we didn't even have enough pilots for an active squadron, so when they told me I couldn't step foot in my x-wing after what I'd done I was shocked. I shouldn't have been, I'd pushed command to the brink too many times to count, but the torture of an unarmed evil man had them debating if I should be removed from the Resistance entirely. 
And so I made the decision before they could and took off. 
But not alone, never alone as long as I have R2 with me, even if he has been difficult this past year. R2 complains the whole way to the palace, while he's loyal to a fault he has made it clear he does not agree with my choice of lifestyle. Even if I'm walking around with more credits than Dad ever did while he's in debt to the worst of the worst. 
I hope that wherever he is he knows it too, that he abandoned his daughter to go back to the only thing he was ever good at, only for me to put him to shame.
I'm a recognisable enough figure by now as I walk through Mos Espa, the place Anakin Skywalker was found by the Jedi Order, a place I've now come to frequent having long ago deterred anyone trying to collect Dad's debts from me from trying that again, and being under the Daimyo's protection gives me privileges.
Perhaps Boba Fett thought it would be ironic to have Vader's grandaughter being the one serving him, or maybe he found humour in Han Solo's daughter being on his payroll, either way it's been profitable for both of us. He's getting old to say the least and muscle is a needed supply in these parts. Jedi have been myth for decades and the sight of Vader's own blood with a lightsaber is enough to deter most trouble, the rest I deal with.
"Solo," Boba says as I enter the palace that once belonged to Jabba the Hutt, my visions have showed me well enough what transpired here when Mom was his slave along with other unfortunate visions of my family's history here on Tatooine. Psychometry, to this day I still can't decide if it's a gift or a curse. "I have a contract."
"Hondo told me," I say and eagerly ask "First Order?"
"They've been patrolling well beyond the border regions and now they've turned their attention to my sector," he informs me. "I had one of my men string up a First Order spy we found in the city but we know there's more and I have it on good authority there's a squadron or perhaps more of tie fighters patrolling the system."
"I'll take them out," I say immediately and he gives an approving nod but stops me before I can leave. 
"You know Solo, it's past time you accepted the offer of membership to the guild," he says, and while the offer certainly flatters me I know the consequences of formally making myself a scoundrel for hire. "You can start making real coin then."
Except it's far more complicated than that when I still have legal duties. Mom did not pass down her responsibilities as Princess of Alderaan to me on a whim, she did it out of necessity. When the truth about her real father was exposed she was ruined, the senate and her allies had turned on her, so with full faith she stood there and transferred whatever powers that title still gave her to me. They could force her resignation and silence her voice, but not mine. 
"A princess joining a bounty hunting guild isn't good press for the Resistance," I say, knowing the moment my name is processed in the guild's database that information would be sent straight to the New Republic which would very much complicate any business I might have to conduct in the senate. Even if I've left the Resistance I cannot betray Mom's trust in me when it comes to those responsibilities. "Besides, its loyalties are too loose for my liking. The same as most of the people out here who keep trying to exploit me into paying off Han Solo's debts to them."
It's a miracle Boba Fett doesn't do business with the Empire's successor considering his loyalties were always famously for hire, but from the stories I've heard and those he's told me he has personal reasons to detest the Imperial remnants that the First Order came from, having made himself an enemy of them long ago. It's only because of the stories he's told I know there is one other survivor like me out there, although from a different destruction of a different temple many years before my own. 
Mom would be disappointed in my current career to say the least, but I only ever take work from those who were friends of the Jedi or the Rebellion, even if they didn't necessarily begin that way. Boba is as far as that line blurs, but considering he turned on those remnants to help save a Jedi youngling that's good enough for me.
"I would advise you to remember princess that it's the people out here who were the lifeblood that kept the Rebellion running, especially in its early days," he lectures. "They were the ones who smuggled weapons and all the rest to their bases without the Empire intercepting it, without them the rebellion would have been over as soon as it began. Even the Jedi in the Clone Wars did business with our kind, your grandfather included as Hondo's no doubt told you. Like him I'd met your grandfather long before he became Vader when I was just a child, he was much like you are now and just as self righteous. The biggest difference between Anakin Skywalker and Vader was that at least Vader kept his mouth shut when he didn't need to open it, a lesson you could learn."
"I was trained to be a politician before I was ever trained to be a Jedi so that's not gonna work," I retort and he shakes his head. "And there's a very big difference between smuggling weapons for a rebellion and smuggling people for traffickers."
He doesn't like that response but somewhere a line has to be drawn. "Your mother might be high and mighty about working with us low lives despite marrying one, but I would have thought you'd be smarter than that."
"I'm smart enough to know the moment the senate learns we do any business with smugglers and crime lords they cut all funding and support," I challenge, still politically adept from my upbringing and time served in the senate. "We can't afford to make more enemies than we already have."
"We?" he repeats and I lower my eyes. "I thought you said you weren't part of the Resistance, that you were too efficient for their liking, which you are. You've got a ruthless streak that would make you a damn good bounty hunter, or a mercenary for hire if that's more your style, but you're too afraid of what your mother would think to fulfil that potential, or maybe you just don't have the backbone I thought you did."
His words are true which is why they sting, except for the part about having a backbone. My first instinct is to lash out in defence but I bite my tongue, remembering who it is I'm standing in front of. I'm certainly not afraid of him but he's one of the few people in the Outer Rim's I'm willing to work for considering he's the only one willing to pay me to go after the First Order. And maybe I've found a certain wisdom in Boba Fett considering the enemy I face. The rest of the Resistance worries about stormtroopers and tie-fighters, but I know there's a different enemy only I can face and what better way to learn to kill the Knights of Ren and Snoke than from a man who is more than experienced in hunting and killing those trained in the force.
Mom would be horrified, but I know they're out there and I know I'm the only one who can destroy them since Luke's run away, which means I need preparation that she can't give me while she chases a ghost.
"You forget my focus isn't on credits, but on killing as many of those bastards as I can until I get close enough to their leader to strike him down," I say and nod my head in respect to the Daimyo. "And that's what I'm going to do."
But before I can leave he warns me "I bet Vader thought he'd do the same, but he didn't have a backbone either."
Something in me goes cold, but if there's anyone who has the grounds to challenge me on Vader it's his right hand man. "In the end he did. He killed Palpatine."
"When they were all but defeated above Endor," he says and I try to keep my face neutral, having never thought the day would come when I'd ever defend anything Vader did but things change. "Anakin Skywalker was known as the hero without fear and yet he became a slave, from what I hear for the second time in his life. Even if he did kill him in the end he was still a slave to his master. I wonder if Kylo Ren thinks he's going to do the same," he challenges and my face falls, my throat tightening at the very mention of his name. "So it is true then."
My hand tremors slightly and I'm at a loss for how he could have that information, managing only one word. "How?"
"Vader's grandson conveniently dies just like Skywalker did during Order 66 and now a new Vader pops up as the First Order's enforcer," he says and tilts his helmeted head. "Educated guess. You know what they say, history repeats."
My body may be cold but I can feel something burning in me at those words, remembering it all, everything up until the moment lightning hit the temple. Seeing his eyes turn yellow as he raged with his saber drawn, screaming that Luke was dead and that he'd betrayed us. 
Luke was his master and mine before Ben had taken me as his apprentice despite Luke's disapproval. I'd asked Ben to not hold me back and he did just that, something Luke never did. He was my brother, my teacher, and I tried to walk away from him and my training to form the Resistance. That was my final mistake that sealed what would happen that night.
And so my voice shakes as I insist. "He's no Vader."
"Someone should tell him that then," he remarks and leans back on his throne. "Because from what I hear he's earned himself quite the reputation, black mask and all."
I feel sick and without another word leave the palace with a purpose, knowing every tie fighter I take down is one less between me and killing their Supreme Leader. I thought I could never feel more horrified than the night the temple burned, concussed and choking on ash with lightsaber burns to my arm and thigh, only one of which I actually recall receiving, but when we discovered that Snoke, the creature that had seduced Ben to the darkness, was the mysterious leader of the First Order I watched Mom fall to her knees. 
Whatever Mom believes happened that night, whether I'm lying about not remembering or have suppressed it, I truly don't remember what happened after lightning struck the temple, there's only flashes of screams and pain. Once we felt Ben turn we let everyone believe he died in the fire, no one would dare ask a grieving mother to account for a missing son.
From the start I knew I was searching in vain, for an uncle, a father, a brother. All ghosts. Luke can stay hiding in exile for all I care, but for so long I thought I could bring Ben back so Mom wouldn't have to suffer the loss of a son as well as a husband and a brother. So I wouldn't have to suffer the loss of a brother as well as a father. My idiot brother who became so delusional when he discovered who the man he worshipped, Anakin Skywalker, truly was. As at odds as we were, he was the he only other person in the galaxy who knew was it was like to be the heir of Skywalker, of Vader. To be vilified for sharing blood with a man we never knew, for being able to wield a power so many distrust. Now I'm alone in that. 
For so long I tried so hard to do what she asked of me, but whenever I would step foot on Hosnian Prime to petition the senate for funding I would hear the whispers, the speculation. When a temple full of children burns to the ground and Luke Skywalker disappears people want answers, answers I couldn't give. Answers I can't give. 
But when I'm the only survivor people look to put the blame somewhere.
It's only fitting in their eyes that it's on the blood of the Jedi Killer himself.
R2 beeps at me as we scout the system, I thought by now he'd give up trying to get me to go home but he hasn't. I thought when I left Mom I'd no longer have to look at someone who's afraid I'll turn into Vader, or my brother, but R2 has seen too much to not be afraid I'll fall as well. Except much to my sorrow I can hardly fault him for it knowing what he's seen.
"How about after this we go to Naboo for a little while?" I propose to him, it's only a stone's throw from Tatooine and where I've resided in my free time. With the Lakehouse all but forgotten during the Empire's reign I've found refuge there, having put most of my spare credits into restoring it since it fell into ruin. The Naberrie family had said it was meant to be where Padmé raised her children, and that all that was left to her she would want to be passed onto me and I do what I can to preserve her memory. For a long time Naboo was my home almost as much as it was her's, and R2 likes that idea, Naboo having been his home once as well.
The N-1's controls are engrained into my memory from my training and education there, having been the youngest starpilot to ever fly as part of their starfighter corps at the mere age of twelve. I'd grown up in N-1's as much as the Falcon, although I had become quite fond of my x-wing that no doubt still resides on D'Qar, that better still be there and waiting for me, even if it never saw as much action as I wish it had.
I like to think Dad would be proud of me if I could tell him that by the age of twenty I'd become a quadruple ace, even if those kills were achieved with contracts like these instead of with the Resistance. Perhaps he'd be horrified instead despite being the first one to put me behind laser cannons in the field. Any reaction would be acceptable if it meant I could just see him, but now I'm seeing another target.
"Here we go R2, you see them?" I say, eyeing a group of tie's coming out from behind one of the moons. "This is where the fun begins."
Even if he pretends to be worried for the sake of my self preservation, an override of his loyalty programming installed by Luke to keep me from getting myself killed, I know he loves this almost as much as I do. When a droid's been in action for nearly seventy years he tends to become more independent than his programming and I know he's missed being shot at even if he'd disagree. 
"It's just target practice R2," I tell him as I prepare to ambush, taking a moment to see if the First Order's bothered to make any modifications to their tie's with the amount I've been taking out, having collected data from the wreckages, but it seems they're happy to keep sending them out as cannon fodder. "Let's see, take them out in the open or herd them into that asteroid belt?"
He agrees with the asteroid belt, and so do I. Tie's aren't as nimble as a Naboo starfighter.
"I count eight, should be easy pickings," I say and prepare to attack. "Let's get em."
I debate strategy as I come up behind them to ambush, my instincts tell me now might not be the time to play around and I have the nagging feeling there's more where these eight have come from and so instead of taking my time I fire the proton torpedo I've been itching to use right into the centre of their formation. The shot takes out the tie's in the centre with the exception of the flanking ships that scatter at the blast and sure enough another formation comes up behind me from one of the moons.
This just got slightly more dangerous now that they're the ones trying to push me into the asteroid belt, but only slightly. "Easy R2, follow my lead and prepare for a L'ulo stand."
After taking out the flanking ships I cut the engine's thrusters and pull up hard a fraction of a second later in the same manoeuvre that L'ulo taught me when he joined the Resistance, a manoeuvre he taught me could only be done in atmosphere, space is a little trickier to pull it off in but manageable with counter thrusters. The nose of my ship slams upwards to slow the acceleration of my fighter so the tie's behind me overshoot, counting ten in total that head straight past me for the asteroid belt, finding myself surprised by the amount they have to spare, but at least the amount I'll get paid will more than cover the cost to replace the torpedo.
Now to scatter them and pick them off.
"Alright R2, fire up those thrusters for me," I say and a second later they come back roaring as I roll the N-1 before slamming the nose down again and shoot forward to herd the second formation into the asteroid belt, grinning as I follow after the scattering ties, manoeuvering the belt with ease and by the time I exit the tie's are either destroyed by my laser canons or their own shitty piloting. The First Order clearly have pilots to spare but not instructors. 
But in the heat of the moment I failed to notice the x-wing that had followed me through the belt and my heart stops at the realisation I didn't see it, a mistake that could have me dead if it was a First Order ship.
"The hell?" I whisper at the sight once I recover from the momentary shock. "The Republic shouldn't be out here..." It's then I take in the model of the x-wing and realise it's a T-70. It's a Resistance X-Wing. "Fuck." R2 beeps at me and I remind him "Who taught me to curse R2? I'd settle somewhere between you and Mom and if she's sent a fighter after me... no- no, she has no idea where I am."
At least I hope not.
A transmission comes through the radio as R2 begins to lecture me, a man's voice interrupting him. "Naboo starfighter identify yourself."
R2 feels the need to point out it's the Resistance, not so kindly suggesting we should follow them home. I never knew a droids patience could wear thin but R2 may just be getting too old to deal with Skywalker bullshit. 
"Yes R2 I'm aware it's a Resistance x-wing," I say before answering the transmission and replying to the pilot. "No, I don't think I will."
He doesn't seem to like that answer, but plays along. "Before you get cocky are you aware you were just ambushed by a squadron of tie-fighters belonging to the First Order and that I came to assist?"
He hasn't identified himself which means he's impersonating a New Republic officer by ordering me to identify myself, most pilots wouldn't pick up on the difference between x-wing models, but I know better. 
"I was the one ambushing them," I grin, a little smug I'd taken them out before he could even get a shot, finding his voice unfamiliar which means he's a new pilot who wouldn't know mine. "I'd thank you for your assistance but you were a little late."
His ship pulls up beside mine, close enough to see clearly into the cockpit, and I make out a grin beneath his helmet as he says "It's a shame, I thought this patrol was about to get interesting."
"I didn't think New Republic pilots were allowed to engage," I say since he's failed to identify himself and I want to see how long he keeps this ruse up, but I can't help but like what I see and tease. "Am I under arrest officer?"
I hear him laugh and study his face as best I can, finding it attractive and unfamiliar even with it being obstructed by his flight helmet, but my stomach drops at the markings on his ship and helmet that tell me I'm certainly not mistaken in my identification that he's with the Resistance, spying an orange and white astromech with him. "It's your lucky day, I'm not New Republic."
"Thought not," I say, continuing to play naive. "They aren't allowed to patrol this sector anymore so that leaves the question of who you are."
He continues to play along and I realise he's enjoying this. "Take a wild guess?"
"A moonjockey in a beaten up x-wing?" 
"Beaten up?" I hear him repeat in offence and I can't help but smile. "Not everyone's got the credits to be flying state of the art N-1's so why don't you tell me what organisation you're with?" he asks, knowing I'm sure as hell not part of any New Republic starfighter corps if I'm attacking the First Order without provocation. "Bounty hunters guild or something like that, hired security?"
"Something like that," I answer before remarking "Maybe I'm just a pilot like you who's sick of those bastards and decided to take matters into my own hands."
He seems to like that answer as much as it surprises him. He keeps his ship level with mine and only then does it occur to me that my face could be recognisable from his angle since I can certainly see his, but he doesn't seem to have a damn clue who I am.
"You know," he begins. "The Resistance is looking for pilots."
I have to hold back laughter at the irony. "Is that so?"
"I was tracking the tie's that got behind you before you went into the asteroid field, counted fourteen you took out with those cannons, makes you a double ace, triple if you count the one's you herded into the asteroids."
"I'm a quadruple," I correct a little too proudly. "And that was easy work."
Somehow nothing clicks in his head which makes me wonder where the hell the Resistance believes I actually am for one of their pilots to not register who I must be. Even if he's a newer recruit I'm the daughter of Leia Organa and Han Solo, hell I was the best pilot they had before they permanently grounded me. People know who I am and I'm slightly offended he doesn't. 
Which is why I'm confused as much as amused when he offers. "You're a hell of a pilot, I've only ever known two pilots to pull off that manoeuvre you did and I'm one of them, definitely the only other one to be able to pull it off in space. If you're as good as you seem I can put you in touch with General Leia Organa herself."
I can't help but look back at R2 to make sure he's hearing this but instead of laughing along he beeps at me to consider it, to go home.
"I know I'm a hell of a pilot," I state. "Best one there is."
"Well I don't know about that," he says and wonder just how good he thinks he is. "But I'd be willing to see what you've got."
The challenge is clear in my voice. "Is that so?"
Instead of backing down like a responsible Resistance pilot should he takes it on. "That's right."
He tilts his helmet towards me and I make out the stubbled face beneath the helmet, even obstructed I can't miss the stupidly handsome grin he flashes me and he knows it. Typical flyboy.
Except I might actually like this one.
"Alright hotshot," I say and fire up my thrusters, finding myself genuinely curious. "You know, I never got your name."
"Commander Poe Dameron," he says and it rings a bell even if I know it won't come to me until later. "Of the Resistance if you haven't put that part together yet."
I roll my eyes and even R2 has to laugh at that until something clicks and I very quickly change my mind about liking this one. 
"Commander huh?" I say, realising he must be something then for a man who wasn't there a year ago to get promoted so quickly to a rank I never even held. It almost makes me bitter, nope, it definitely makes me bitter. Almost three years, there since the damn beginning and I was never even considered for that rank, then a new flyboy turns up and takes it. "You must be a real hotshot then."
"The best," he says and R2 begins calculating the jump to hyperspace before I can even give the command. "And you still haven't identified yourself."
"And I'm not going to," I say as I prepare to take off. "But I'm sure you'll figure it out Commander, give General Organa my regards."
He's taken back enough by that remark that I get a head start on him, my ship being far faster than his is with the illegal modifications to the thrusters and while he pursues I quickly lose him through the asteroid belt, getting far enough out of his line of sight until I'm satisfied before jumping to hyperspace so he can't follow and once I'm clear I realise my hands are trembling slightly.
Even if he has no idea who I am, Mom will piece it together if she hasn't already. If the First Order's profiled a rogue Naboo starfighter in the Outer Rims targeting tie fighters I know she has to have the same intelligence from Threepio's spy network. 
If she doesn't know what I've been doing, she's about to.
And if she thought me engaging the enemy was bad, she's going to lose it when she realises what I've been doing in the year since I left base. 
She jumps to hyperspace and I sit there purely stunned, the slight hit to my ego overshadowed by her piloting. I've never seen anyone ever fly like that except for myself, pulling off stunts I thought were impossible until I'd done them in the heat of a skirmish, and not just that, she pulled them off like they were nothing. 
I've come to think of myself as one of the best pilots in the galaxy, knowing it's not ego or arrogance but pure fact. I know damn well what I can do in a cockpit and the results I produce, but she might be the first person I've ever met who could possibly, potentially, have me beat.
I should be mad about that possible fact, but that's the last thing I'm feeling right now, and maybe there's a few butterflies flying about amongst the overwhelming awe. 
"She's something huh BB?" I find myself saying and shake my head in wonder. "Is this what love at first sight feels like because wow..."
No adequate words to finish that sentence come to mind and for a few more minutes at least I sit there stunned until getting it into my head that I have to tell Leia about her. For whatever no doubt valid reason she hates the First Order and she's picking them off like they're nothing, Leia's had me doing recruiting the past few months since I joined and I think I just hit gold.
I have to recruit her.
My heart's still racing from the encounter as I come out of hyperspace and enter D'Qar's atmosphere, asking myself who the hell she could be and what training she has to have to be able to fly like that. She has to be ex navy, or from a planetary starfighter corps, but even then I can't begin to comprehend that a rogue pilot who flies like that is picking off tie-fighters and hasn't been recruited. 
I've gotta tell Leia about her and then go track her down.
"Another boring patrol?" Snap asks as I climb down from my ship but I can't help the grin on my face and the moment my feet hit the ground I can practically feel myself pumping with nervous excitement and so can he. "Get some action then?"
"Oh I wish," I answer and can't help but blurt everything out to him. "Thought I was gonna get some when I tracked some tie-fighter's trying to ambush a lone starfighter but turns out she was the one ambushing them. I counted her take down fourteen with my own eyes and when I caught up to her and asked her to identify herself she just laughed like it was nothing." I find myself shaking my head, knowing it wasn't just her flying that left an impression. "Let me tell you Snap, she's something else."
"So Poe Dameron sees someone blowing up tie fighters and falls in love?" Snap teases while working on his ship, half listening. "Sounds about right."
"You should have seen her man, the manoeuvres she pulled, she pulled a L'ulo stand like it was absolutely nothing and let me tell you when I saw her I swear I did fall in love," I say and can't help but gush a little since it's just Snap. "Brunette with these big eyes, the messy eyeliner you know." He suddenly stops what he's working on but I don't take much notice. "She's got an attitude on her and she's damn beautiful too, but that's beside the point. I've never seen anything like what she did in the field, hell I don't even know where she learned a L'ulo stand but she did it in space. In space Snap! I thought I was the only person that's ever pulled that off." 
He looks over and clears his throat before asking "She identify herself?"
"No, she didn't," I admit, still a little mad she got away without identifying herself but she has to be contracted by someone in the sector to be taking them out with missiles like it's nothing. Hell I wish the Resistance had the spare credits to use torpedoes on tie fighter formations. Not that we're meant to even shoot at them of course. "But I've got another patrol in the sector in a few days and I'll track her down, she'd be a hell of an asset."
Cautiously he asks "And how old was she?"
"Early twenties maybe?" I guess and he nods, like he knows something I don't but my mind's racing a little too fast to think about that. "She was amazing, hell I've never seen anyone fly like that, except for me of course."
Snap nods slowly and slaps a hand on my shoulder. "Might want to mention that to the General."
"Already on it," I grin, maybe a bit ahead of myself but Leia's had me doing recruiting and I'd be neglecting my duty if I didn't follow this up, but I'd be lying if I said that's the only reason I'm excited. "You know, I think she was flirting with me."
He's visibly surprised and looks like he's struggling to keep a straight face as he says "Maybe not mention that part to the General."
The grin's still on my face as I come to Leia's office still in my flight suit but she hardly seems phased by the informal visit, if anything relieved to see me in one piece. "Poe you're back, did you find any activity around Tatooine?"
"Oh yep," I say and sit down across from her, practically buzzing with an excitement I haven't felt in a long time. "Two squadrons of tie's, I was following their trail when they were ambushed by a pilot in a Naboo starfighter and she took them out like they were nothing, fired a damn torpedo right into them."
"She?" She wears the same expression Snap did now. "Did she identify herself?"
"No, she took off before she did."
"Well did you get close enough to see her what she looks like or anything else identifying?" Leia asks and her sudden interest surprises me, but it's the desperate edge to her voice that really takes me aback.
"She was pretty," is the first thing that comes out of my mouth, even if it's an understatement, but I quickly realise I misspoke with how she raises her eyebrows at that answer.
"I'm going to need a little bit more than that Commander Dameron," she says with the fond but frustrated tone that's become familiar and I quickly try to redeem myself. 
"Early twenties, brunette, wasn't wearing a helmet and it um-looked like her hair was braided," I start trying to describe and realise she looks a bit like Leia but considering I just blurted out that she's pretty I won't say that, that would just make things weird. "Fair skinned, human."
I can't quite read her face as she clarifies "So she was flying a Naboo starfighter, and did she have a blue and white astromech, an R2 unit?"
"Yeah," I answer in surprise and at the look that crosses her face realise "You know her."
A thought quickly comes to mind but I dismiss it just as quickly. I know Leia has a daughter who's a pilot, Leia's said as much, but from what I've heard she's at university and doing political stuff in the core worlds on Leia's behalf so there's no chance it could be her and besides, there's no way the kid of Leia Organa would be out there acting like that and taking jobs for hire in the Outer Rims. Well considering that's Han Solo's kid as well it's possible but still, from what I've heard about her and seen on the holonews she's more of a politician like Leia than a hop in an x-wing and blow something up sort of fighter, otherwise she'd be on base leading the wing Leia put me in charge of.
Still, Leia takes a deep breath, having to stabilise herself. "I know this Naboo starfighter has gained quite the reputation in the Outer Rims," she reveals to me and feel that cloud of grief that so often follows the General, hear the ache in her voice that's so common but this time there's hope amongst it. "We've been trying to build a profile and the information you've just brought me is far more valuable than anything else you could have collected. Thank you Poe."
"I'm meant to go back out there in a few days," I begin, knowing I'm not gonna be able to let this go. "She's a hell of a pilot and I really think she could be a great asset."
"So do I," she says without missing a beat, amusement written across her face.
"She said she's sick of the First Order and it seems like she's being contracted to take out tie's in the sector so I told her the Resistance was recruiting and she said to give you her regards."
She stills now. "You spoke to her?"
"Yeah," I say and her face changes. "She might have a bit of an ego but from what I've seen she lives up to it. I've seen a lot of pilots but I don't think I've ever seen anything like her, she was picking them off like they were nothing, pulling stunts I've barely been able to pull off."
It hurts my pride a little to admit that but it's true, she really is something else and I need the General to see that as well. 
She purses her lips together and nods before asking "What else can you tell me?"
"Claimed to be a quadruple ace which not even Biggs Darklighter was but-"
"Not about her boasting," Leia sighs and I start to get the sense she actually must know her personally only to jump in my seat as she loudly exclaims "Quadruple ace?! How many kills is that?"
"Twenty or more," I answer and can't hide my concern as she puts her head in her hands. "General?"
"So you're telling me this rogue pilot has made herself a quadruple ace by hunting the First Order for sport?"
Not how I'd put it but I still nod, not seeing a problem with it. "Sounds about right."
"Force give me strength," she murmurs and asks "What impression did she give you besides being pretty and please use your head when you open your mouth this time."
I press my lips together slightly embarrassed, realising I definitely had the wrong choice of words there so try to make up for it now. "With the modifications to her starfighter she's got to have some credits to spare. Took her for the type to be doing contracted work to take them out since it's Tatooine and the people there wouldn't want the First Order anywhere near their business. When I asked if she was part of one of the guilds or something like that she said something like that and that she's sick of those bastards and decided to take matters into her own hands. Her words not mine."
She leans back in disapproval, but surprisingly not towards me. "Did she now?"
Before I can say anything else to put Leia off recruiting her I stress what I came here to say in the first place. "Which is why I recommended she consider the Resistance and that I'd put you in touch."
"You did?" she says and I realise I might have overstepped but stand by my decision.
"With all due respect General, you didn't see what I did out in the field."
"I'm quite aware of her skills," she says but before I can ask any more questions she waves me off. "I'll handle her, you focus on your patrols and have Snap fly a reconnaissance mission in the sector to see where those tie fighters were based, there's no doubt more where they came from."
"General, I can-"
"No, because you'll blow them up," she says knowingly. "That's if this rogue pilot doesn't get to them first. Thank you for bringing this information to me, could you write up a mission report as well."
She's frustrated, but not with me for once. She really does know this pilot personally.
I'm left with questions but the pained look in her eyes keeps my mouth shut and I nod. 
"Of course General."
"Thank you," she says again, genuine gratitude in her voice. 
Over the past few months I've been here I've felt the unmistakeable shroud of mourning that hangs over her as it does now, having become familiar with it from my own father. Except I've never seen such raw emotion in her eyes before, which leaves me wondering what history she and this rogue pilot could possibly have.
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theazureangel · 2 months ago
Luminos Promise - 10
Author - Important Note: English is not my language, so orthographic errors may be
Generators running.
Energy values ​​high and stable.
Power distribution to the base sectors was adequate.
Ciel smiled contentedly as she read the reports she was getting from the operators and soldiers. It had been two weeks since they took over the factory and Ciel has been busy overseeing the power production they needed and managing its distribution around the base.
She didn't have to worry again about how to distribute the power reserves they had around the base and make sure there was enough for the reploids inhabiting it, especially since Cerveau's lab, Ciel's lab, and the Command room were the sectors that consumed the most power.
Ciel's eyes then went to the map that was open on her computer, where the power they produced was distributed to another sector, as she had agreed with Ix.
She never thought Ix was in the coastal area, from what she knew from Jill, one of the reploids that was saved by him, had taken him there because it was the safest place to take shelter at the time, even though the area was an hour and a half away from the warehouses, there wasn't as much patrol activity by the Pantheons as in DEM City and the most worrying thing about that area was actually the mavericks that were nearby.
"Ciel." The sudden call made her abruptly break out of her train of thought and she quickly turned around, finding Zero behind her.
"Hey, Zero, there you are, is something wrong?" she asked closing the reports on her tablet before turning to him completely, for the first time noticing that the other was holding a tray of food.
"Milan asked me to bring you something to eat and make sure you were resting." Zero explained seeing Ciel's confused look, the blonde looked at the time on her computer, noticing that it was already past lunch, she bit her lip, she couldn't have spent that much time in her lab right?
"I'm… I was just reading some reports, nothing important," She could almost hear Passy scolding her for not taking care of herself as she should, but just as she expected her voice, she couldn't hear anything, which made her heart clench, however, it didn't show anything in her expression as she accepted the tray with a thank you, feeling a little more embarrassed than usual, it wasn't the first time she forgot to eat, so most of the time someone brought food to her room, but it was much more embarrassing considering that Zero was the one who brought it to her "I know I told you this before, but thanks for helping us with this, I don't have to worry about some things anymore." She said as she took a cup of vegetables, she assumed Milan asked one of the reploids to do it since he was busy preparing some missions, he certainly cared a lot about her right?
It was a bit embarrassing now that Ciel thought about it, she couldn't remember the last time she cooked for herself, normally she was focused on her research or leading the resistance missions so she was too busy to do it.
"It's nothing." Was the only thing Zero answered, both of them remained silent while Ciel ate until the plates were empty, it was then that Zero turned to look at her "What are you doing next?"
The question caught Ciel off guard, the girl put the tray aside as she pondered the answer for a bit, there were many things she wanted to do, in fact and now with the disruption devices that Ix had recently finished, the soldiers could go unnoticed during their missions, especially when infiltrating the city to get supplies, and not worry about being detected, but other than that, there were some things that worried her more than others "I would like to focus on saving lives of the reploids that were recently tagged, I know there's a type of transport that takes inmates from time to time that we could raid, besides that… I want to destroy the disposal center near here to prevent more reploids from being killed en masse." There were so many options, and as much as she wanted to save the lives of those poor reploids, Ciel couldn't do everything at once and risk the members of the base like that, or Zero, she needed to think of a plan carefully for that.
There were many things that worried her, but the main one was creating a stable and efficient energy source that would feed all of Neo Arcadia and thus be able to end this nightmare without involving more innocent lives in the middle.
Zero looked at Ciel carefully as he listened to what she had in mind about the missions, it was true, so far they focused on the survival of the resistance, but now that they had what they needed, the main objective was to save the labeled reploids. "Whatever the mission is I'll do it," Zero spoke confidently. "But try to rest. You've been working hard ever since we took over the factory." He had noticed, most of the time Ciel would focus too much or worry too much about the missions and his research that he barely took into account sleep and food, Zero may not remember much, but he knows that shouldn't be the case.
Something about this bothered him, though he doesn't know why exactly.
"I'll try." And that was the best Zero could get, he knew that, he accepted it anyway. Ciel supposed that sooner or later Milan or Cerveau would tell Zero about her carelessness, or that Zero would notice it himself, how embarrassing, no matter how hard she tried, it was something that slipped out of her hands when she was overwhelmed by work, "Now that I think about it, do you remember anything?" It had been a while since they did an initial examination of Zero's memory, she wasn't sure if she had recovered any particular memory since then.
Zero leaned back in the chair, closing his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest, most of his mind was blank, however, fragments of incomplete conversations and confusing voices came to his mind, but one of them was the clearest, one that had the name of X "You must when I can hear, sometimes they are blurry, other times they are clear." The answer made Ciel's blue eyes open, the girl's deep blue eyes showed joy and relief.
Silently, Zero wondered if Ciel was more concerned about his memories than she had initially shown,
"I see… I'm glad, I was worried you wouldn't be able to remember anything…" Ciel smiled softly as she brought a hand to her chest in relief. It wasn't much, really, but it was better than she expected, she feared it would take Zero longer to remember anything, or anything, at all. "It's a good start." she muttered under her breath.
Electricity crackled loudly as Gunvolt ran into a group of Pantheons, his grip tightening on the handle of his new weapon, Liberator, firing at each of them before releasing a wave of lightning when the electricity was enough. The pieces flew into the air, scattering until they fell to the ground, nothing more than shards.
Gunvolt kicked out of pure reflex as a Pantheon approached him from behind, swinging a staff of electricity which Gunvolt fired at and overloaded as he sent a bolt of lightning into his arm. The arm exploded and with it, electricity shot towards the pantheon's core, overloading it and causing it to fall to the ground, Gunvolt turned around, looking around carefully before noticing a movement hovering near him.
The adept noticed it was a flying drone, he quickly fired in its direction, electricity flowing in waves as he launched himself at it and destroyed it with a kick.
Unbeknownst to Copen and Lola, they were on top of a tall building, watching it the whole time, they were making sure the team didn't have any problems and if they did, they would be willing to interrupt the fight in case Gunvolt had any problems, but so far, nothing had happened that they should worry about.
"He's doing pretty well," Lola commented to her creator, she did analysis on Gunvolt's equipment and physical condition, he hadn't suffered any damage so far.
"Yes, there doesn't seem to be any faults with his equipment." Copen muttered under his breath, critically analyzing the fight Gunvolt's fighting style was somewhat different than it used to be, more physical rather than long-range.
Another change caused by the lost memories, though Gunvolt seemed to have some sort of muscle memory, considering the sharp reflexes and also the way he used the septima without problems.
Though perhaps Copen shouldn't be surprised, from what he understood back then, Gunvolt was trained to fight and was also one of Quill's best agents that Sumeragi unfortunately had to face, at least that was the information he got from Nori back then.
He remembers that back then he had to be very careful around Gunvolt after underestimating him in their first encounter.
Oblivious to her creator's thoughts, Lola turned to look at him "Do you really think he'll ever fight? I mean, he was previously only forced to fight that mechaloid." That prospect had Lola worried and uneasy, she couldn't imagine for the moment that Gunvolt would be involved in her fight against Neo Arcadia.
He's been living a quiet life (well, as much as he could be in his circumstances) and acted like a boy according to his age (at least mentally) the fact that his memories were sealed was horrible, but it made Gunvolt have an innocence that was probably taken away from him a long time ago due to Sumeragi.
Lola didn't want to involve him, she's witnessed many battles and knows how fighting is capable of changing people. At least, she would like Gunvolt to live in a peaceful way where Mytyl, Kohaku and the children couldn't because of the conflict they were unwillingly involved in.
"You said it, he was forced to fight, we don't know what could happen." Despite the harshness with which he spoke, Copen's voice was soft, Lola knew that he didn't like this more than her, they were on the same page. If they could go to a more peaceful place to not get involved in the fight, they probably would, but she knew that so far, in the conditions the world was in, it wouldn't be like that.
Maybe one day, or at least, that's something Lola prayed for.
An explosion brought the two back to reality with a shudder, they quickly looked down, scared, Gunvolt had left the area, Copen pushed himself with his thrusters and flew into the air, heading to the adept's location.
He found him against a wall, there were pieces of Pantheon scattered all over the place.
"What happened?" Copen asked in a slightly demanding (and worried) tone watching as Gunvolt coughed to get the smoke out of his lungs, Copen quickly helped him up and moved him away from the smoke and damage.
"I don't know… I dodged a pantheon and… the next thing I knew there was… an explosion." Gunvolt coughed, Copen frowned and searched the area, he noticed some devices in the area floating nearby.
"Ah, I remember these things, we saw them in that old lab, they store incredibly volatile energy." Lola commented as she scanned the composition of the devices.
"What are those things doing here?" Gunvolt asked, confused, the last thing he expected was to find something so destructive around here. The Azure Striker winced as Copen touched the back of his head where he was hit by the wall, at least that was the only wound he could get, the rest of the team had protected him from the rest of the damage.
Lola scanned the area and checked their location, "It seems we're close to the warehouses, after our visit to that place, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to reinforce the security a bit." Maybe they shouldn't be surprised, it seemed like they even reinforced the area. They needed to be a bit more careful from now on.
Copen frowned when he heard that, "We better retreat, that explosion probably drew some attention." The last thing Copen needed was for Neo Arcadia to send scouts around the area and find out where he lived.
"Okay, it's getting late anyway." Gunvolt noticed that it was getting dark, he turned to Lola and looked at her "Lola, can you help me make dinner?" It's become quite common since Gunvolt started his cooking practice.
Lola waved excitedly, "Of course!" Spending time in the kitchen with Gunvolt was fun for the two, especially since even though Lola didn't know much about cooking, she was able to help out. Plus, she really enjoyed seeing the progress Gunvolt had made since they started.
The three of them returned to base, Copen soon finding himself listening to the two discussing ingredients, from his spot while drinking coffee freshly made by Gunvolt.
"You know, I wish I was human, some recipes look really delicious and I'd like to try them out." Lola commented, hovering over the food Gunvolt had prepared, it was some ramen and meat they were able to get recently in town.
She remembered those times when Mytyl would occasionally eat a nice piece of chocolate cake whenever Nori allowed her, chocolate was always one of Mytyl's favorite sweets, Lola always wanted to try it.
"Really?" Gunvolt asked as he took the chopsticks and bowl and then sat down at the table. Lola always seemed somewhat enthusiastic about cooking, maybe it was because of this.
"Yes, like pancakes! They always looked delicious and I always wanted to know if desserts tasted as delicious as they said!" Lola exclaimed. She remembered the sweet things Nori brought to Mytyl, she always asked Mytyl how it tasted.
"Copen can drink coffee, and reploids can eat like a human." Gunvolt couldn't help but remark a little amused at Lola's enthusiasm, even though Copen didn't have the need to drink or eat to gain energy like a reploid, the cyborg drank many cups of coffee a day.
"That would require a lot of upgrades, and just so you know Gunvolt, the boss won't give up coffee for anything in the world." Lola let out an amused snort as she said the latter, it was no secret to anyone that Copen loved coffee, even when Mytyl made an effort to try to get him to try sweeter or softer things like milkshakes or tea, it was to no avail.
"I still don't hear that it's not possible." Lola giggled and pushed herself against Gunvolt playfully, the azure striker chuckled softly before taking another bite of his food "By the way, Copen gave you permission last time for the interview right?" That was another topic, Lola had been excited about the interview ever since she was able to contact Neige's coworker, and he doesn't think there's any harm in doing an interview, but Lola always asked Copen's opinion for it, though knowing that it made Lola happy, the blond doubts that it would bother her.
Lola bounced in the air, her joy palpable. “Yep! I’m glad Neige complied, her partner recently contacted me so I’m excited!” Copen had agreed, as long as she was careful of course, and actually, he had spoken to the reporter not long ago, in fact, he wanted her in a couple of days to interview her.
“I’m happy for you.” Gunvolt smiled, glad that Lola seemed to be achieving success with her songs.
“Come to think of it, haven’t you been talking to Neige lately?” As far as Lola knew, ever since she got Neige’s contact, Gunvolt had been talking to her, of course the first time he called was accidentally during Neige’s working hours at the office, so Neige informed him that they could only call her during certain hours.
"Yeah, even though work keeps her busy, she ends up diverting her conversation to work somehow, she's complained a few times that there are restrictions at the publishing house that prevent her from reporting everything that's happened in the city and there are editors who actually downplay information except for the new reploids labeled as mavericks and other news." Gunvolt's hand scratched the back of his head as he thought of the bitterness Neige hadn't been able to hide when she talked about the restrictions, whatever it was, she was very frustrated with the way work was handled at her publishing house, and Gunvolt knew that Neige was someone who worked very hard on her research only to have all the information she collected suddenly swept under the rug.
"I mean, they cover up illegal activities? Wow, that must be a hard blow for Neige." Lola felt sorry for the girl, she noticed that Neige was passionate about her research, she probably tried very hard to collect all the evidence possible, to inform herself and to do her research well to write her article only for it all to go down the drain.
"They must want to keep the city in ignorance, they cover up all the news so there is no mass panic and they hope that they will forget about it over time." Listening to the conversation about Neige, Copen couldn't help but give his conclusion on the matter.
"Seriously, these guys are just like Sumeragi." The only adept in the room shuddered at the venom dripping from the idol's voice, "They just use a scapegoat to end innocent lives while the city believes that they are heroes." The AI ​​couldn't believe that they were downplaying the news to antagonize the innocent reploids who were labeled as mavericks, the people deserved to know that the city wasn't as safe as they thought, but they preferred to keep that idiot X on a pedestal of glory.
"With the way she investigates, do you think she knows what's really going on?" That was something Gunvolt had been suspecting, there was more than just bitterness and frustration in Neige, she investigated too much to stay in the dark about the situation around Neo Arcadia.
Copen pondered his answer "… I wouldn't be surprised if she suspects, or in fact, already knows something, she seems to investigate sources well, but with the restrictions she has…" There was probably more to Neige's job that prevented her from revealing the information she had on the maverick cases…
Gunvolt remained silent, deciding to finish his meal even though the conversation made him no longer have an appetite, his thoughts circulated on what Lola and Copen had said about Neo Arcadia and Sumeragi, were things really as similar as they said? A bitterness settled in his chest as he assumed that Neige was against everything that was happening but he couldn't do anything.
A bitter feeling began to settle in his chest, Gunvolt remained silent for the rest of the afternoon until he went to sleep.
There is a proud figure towering over him, a luminous sword extending with green light, raised with glory despite the arrogance it gives off.
The figure speaks to him, despising him while proudly boasting of himself.
He points him out as a traitor, even though they were never allies at any point, so he doesn't understand his reasoning.
Some of that pride honestly irritates Gunvolt, but at the same time, he detests the position they both fell into.
He knows he has no choice, he trained for this, Quill trained him for this, to fight and face the corruption of Sumeragi.
So they take their positions, blue flashes and bursts of light face each other in a frantic and devastating battle that would leave only one survivor.
That's exactly what happens, the proud figure falls, cursing him angrily before silence takes over the room.
He looks back at the remains of a black sword whose glowing green gem dulls and falls to pieces.
(He's naive, he's naive, he's just a child who thinks he's being vigilante when in reality he's just spilling blood…)
Gunvolt gasps, air rushing into his lungs suddenly with the action itself, but somehow, he feels like he's drowning and unable to breathe, he abruptly gets up from the bed before clumsily heading to the bathroom, something pushing against his stomach and up his throat as images of the battle to the death replay in his head, soon he finds himself on his knees, gagging coming out of his throat before the contents of his stomach pour out of his mouth and into the toilet.
Once the contents are emptied, a sob leaves his mouth, he feels disgusted and vulnerable, there is a strange feeling of terror and fear that expands within him and is directed at none other than himself.
Another sob leaves his throat when flashes of that dream, no… That memory come to his mind feeding his horror and Gunvolt can only shudder in reaction to the images that are increasingly gaining strength in his head.
"Gunvolt?" Copen's voice comes accompanied by a knock on the door that makes a cold sensation spread through Gunvolt and makes him freeze with fear.
"L-Leave me alone, Copen!" Another sob escapes from the blonde's lips without being able to avoid it, his body trembles as he remains kneeling on the floor.
He must look pitiful.
"Gunvolt? Boy? Are you okay? Do you feel sick?" That was Lola, the idol's voice was interwoven with concern.
He doesn't deserve this, he doesn't deserve this kind treatment from both of us.
He hears the door open, Gunvolt feels a hand on his back and a violent tremor takes over his body without him being able to avoid it, he moves away from the touch automatically, but despite this, Copen does not remove his hand and instead, reaches for his back, the touch is kind, gentle, Gunvolt thinks he does not deserve it "Gunvolt, look at me." The words are soft, but firm, Gunvolt does not want to do it but he forces himself to direct his blue eyes to Copen's red ones.
It feels wrong to look into his eyes now.
The Cyborg clumsily pulls Gunvolt into a hug, runs his hand along his back in a circle before carefully helping him up "Come, wash your mouth, I'll heat up some soup for you." Gunvolt does not answer, he simply nods silently obeys as he follows Copen, who has him by the arm.
He really does not want to tell Copen that he has a monster behind him.
Disposal Center, the name of the place itself made a bitter acid run down Ciel's throat and made her feel sick.
Not only because of what it implied but because of what she knew of places like this, when Neo Arcadia started labeling innocent reploids as mavericks and arresting them, they took over some old factories and renovated them as disposal centers to get rid of any reploids that the higher-ups deemed to be mavericks.
It was because of that that it was known that once they were arrested, there was no hope for those reploids to be released.
There were stories that Ciel had heard of reploids that they were able to rescue, apparently they used a kind of platform to crush the still-living reploids, the remaining parts were reused as spare parts for Neo Arcadia units.
Honestly, Ciel has never heard anything as horrible in her life as that and every time she thought about those innocent reploids, locked up and probably screaming for their lives knowing that they were going to be crushed alive, she felt like crying.
This was one of her constant worries.
The Resistance was within the area near the Elimination Center, it had not been a careless action, it was intentional, she hoped that with the location it would be easier for them to get there and be able to free the reploids sentenced to death, and for a long time Ciel had been thinking about how to destroy that place.
However, to do so they would have to overcome the biggest obstacle, Aztec Falcon, one of the High Commands of the Strong Air Battalion commanded by Harpuia, was in charge of supervising the Elimination Center.
But now they had a chance, with Zero and even with Ix they could achieve it.
And they needed to do it soon.
According to Colbor, some of their suppliers had been discovered and accused of collaborating with Mavericks and immediately taken to the Elimination Center.
"They will be eliminated today." Ciel muttered quietly in concern before turning around to look at Zero, showing him a map they were able to obtain earlier from the Elimination Center. "We need you to immediately go there with Ix, Zero. I need one of you to draw Aztec Falcon's attention while the other destroys a group of generators to destroy the factory." He hoped Ix would agree to this, otherwise the mission would be more difficult.
That will ensure that this center is not used again and if this worked, they could go after the other three that were under Neo Arcadia's command, but the priority was this one, which was guarded by Aztec Falcon, even incapacitating it.
"Alright, I will contact him to discuss this in this regard." Zero turned around and walked to one of the computers, one of the members following him to open the communications line.
"Can't we be the ones to destroy the generators?" Milan asked, placing a hand under his chin thoughtfully. He really didn't want to leave all the work to Zero and Ix.
"I need you two to go take out the reploids in the cell area." Ciel pointed to a specific spot, where there were a group of cells where they housed the reploids for four days at most and then eliminated them.
"Alright, we'll be getting ready." The reploid replied.
Copen tapped his finger on the table as he looked at the newly made plans, there were only a few things left to complete them, but no matter what he did, he couldn't fully focus on them, instead, he was focused on something else, or rather, someone.
Copen's red eyes turned to the figure of Gunvolt, who was absentmindedly reading some articles from the net with a blanket over his shoulders, the azure striker had been strangely quiet since he was found vomiting in the morning, Copen wasn't entirely sure why, but it was making him anxious, and not just him, Lola was worried, if the looks she gave him or her failed attempts to start a conversation were anything to go by.
Copen's red eyes turned back to the plans, resigned and knowing that he couldn't concentrate, he quickly saved them and checked that the copy had all the modifications he made to the original to get up from the table.
He really needed to know what was wrong with Gunvolt, he had worried him too much not to worry.
Before the albino could do anything, a beep caught his attention, Copen looked over his shoulder and noticed that he was from the resistance, he quickly looked at Gunvolt again before making contact.
"Ix, this is Zero, Ciel needs you to report for a mission." Zero's deep voice came out of the communicator instead of Ciel's.
"Now?" Copen couldn't help but narrow his eyes, usually Ciel gave notice days in advance, it must be something too urgent if they were contacting him so abruptly.
"Yes, we will try to rescue some reploids and destroy the Elimination Center. Some of the resistance suppliers were captured and taken there, as I understand it one of the High Commands is in charge of protecting the Center, one of us must incapacitate him." Copen processed the information and quickly guessed the plan, trying to get the reploids out and destroy the factory was going to draw a lot of attention, they needed to buy time to avoid any setbacks that might come their way.
"I'll go, how much time do we have?" He needed to do a quick scan of the area first, Copen didn't like groping around in an unknown area.
"Half an hour at most to prepare and get there, since they are allies of the resistance, they will most likely be eliminated this afternoon, I will send the meeting point." Ciel's voice came over the line this time, it was a little agitated and full of worry.
"Alright, I'll meet you there." Copen hung up the line as he received the coordinates of their meeting point. The cyborg sighed, the elimination center, huh? He's dealt with something like this before, in prisons where minos waited to be executed by the jailers, even some other adepts suffered the same fate. The cyborg shook his head gently, clearing that thought "Gunvolt…" Copen turned around, his red eyes meeting the blonde's cautious blue eyes "I'll be leaving on a mission soon… Lola and I will return later."
That caught the attention of both Lola and Gunvolt, who finally turned to look at him. "Wow, just like that, boss?" Lola asked in a daze, floating towards him directly.
"W-What happened?" After hours of silence, the azure striker decided to speak, the blond stood up from his chair while hugging the blanket over him, looking confused and alarmed.
"It's something urgent, some resistance suppliers were caught and sent to the Elimination Center, they decided to rescue them before it was too late." He explained, taking his weapon from the table before looking at him seriously. "When I get back, we'll talk." He noticed the adept tense up, anxious. Lola looks between them, worried, but doesn't say anything as she follows Copen into the transevers room.
"Don't you think it's a little sudden? We shouldn't overwhelm him." The AI ​​muttered worriedly once they entered and the door closed behind them.
"Maybe, but I can't let it go on like this, I have suspicions that it is, but I need him to tell me." Copen already had suspicions that it was a memory. If so, this was just a sign, Gunvolt's sealed memory could come back over time, and this only brought some worries to Copen.
One of those worries was what Gunvolt might remember, there were things that Copen didn't want the azure striker to remember, like Sumeragi and Dermezel, they were traumatic memories without a doubt and Copen feared the adept's reaction accordingly.
Memory was very susceptible (That's what the doctor explained to him when Copen asked) and Gunvolt in the state he was in could be influenced by those memories, maybe he wouldn't be the same person he was now, but neither would he be the person Gunvolt used to be before.
If suddenly moving away from Copen was a reaction caused by a memory, Copen had the worry that said memory was about him and the battles they had.
He didn't want Gunvolt to hold any kind of resentment against him or even be afraid of Copen if that was what he remembered.
Keeping silent, Copen programmed the coordinates quickly before standing on the platform and activating the teleportation.
For some reason, he had a feeling things would be complicated and he didn't like that.
Gunvolt clenched his fists when he heard the door close, he took a deep breath before exhaling, he really didn't want to worry Copen and Lola so much, but every time he thought about that adept, the violent fight, the way they exchanged attacks and blows in a way that only indicated they were seeking each other's death until that was actually what happened, it made him feel horrible.
Was it really him? Was that really how things were? Why? What led him to take another person's life? Did he regret it at any point after that?
He placed a hand over his heart, feeling the frantic beats against his palm before looking at the door.
He suddenly regretted not talking to him sooner, he doesn't like being alone, but he couldn't do much except wait for Copen, however, deep down he feared what would happen when Copen returned.
The numerous heavy drops fell from the sky in a heavy rain as Zero and the Resistance soldiers finally left the base and headed to the meeting place to wait for Ix, Zero's body and hair were soaked in a matter of seconds, the weather forcing Zero to adjust his field of vision to look past him. He needed to be aware of his enemies, the Disposal Center wasn't far away, therefore Neo Arcadia sent Pantheons and units to keep the place safe, so Zero wouldn't be surprised if they encountered enemies soon.
Blue eyes visualized a white figure beyond him "Ix." He called out, just as red eyes looked at him. He was just as soaked as he was and his hair was falling into his eyes, forcing Ix to push it out of his face.
The unit he was always accompanied with, Lola, came out behind him, shaking herself off, "Man, I didn't expect it to rain so suddenly, I'm glad I'm not human, I'm sure I'd get sick." the battle pod spoke, her voice muffled by the torrential rain.
"Damn, what's with this rain?" Colbor complained as he was soaked to the bone along with the rest of his companions in a matter of seconds, practically cursing the abrupt change in weather, considering it would make things a little more complicated "Everyone be careful of the unevenness in the area and keep an eye out for the Pantheons!" He warned as they moved through the terrain cautiously. DEM City was in total disrepair and since the rain covered the ground completely, it was totally dangerous to not be cautious when advancing through the city, one wrong step and they would be in trouble before they even reached the Disposal Center.
Shots rang out in the area, red lights entered the reploids' field of vision who tensed and raised their weapons, Zero pulled out his Z-saber, the blade extended and dimly illuminated the reploid under the dark weather, the legendary reploid rushed forward, fiercely swinging his sword over the pantheons as the soldiers behind him opened fire.
"Rising Cyclone!" Strong gusts of wind shot towards the Phanteons and Carryharms that were hovering over the resistance soldiers, the metal bodies were quickly torn apart before Copen attacked the rest of the enemies that were approaching his position.
Before anyone could imagine it the abandoned streets of DEM became a battlefield in a matter of minutes as the resistance group struggled to make their way through the horde of enemies coming to intercept them. Zero and Ix moved to the front, covering and securing the soldiers while taking care of most of the enemies.
Even though the Disposal Center wasn't too far from their starting point, the terrain and ruins around them made the journey more difficult and the weather only made things worse as the water made the ground and ruins around them slippery, often the soldiers and Zero had to scale crumbling walls, sliding down the rough streets.
Sometimes they had to split up because of this, luckily Ciel and Lola helped map out some safe routes for the reploids while Zero and Copen went ahead to finish off the enemies so they wouldn't be overwhelmed.
For a while it went on like this until they reached an open street not far from the Disposal Center, black smoke billowing from the chimneys and rising into the sky, Ciel's voice then reached each other's communicators "I just mapped out a route to the gate in the prison where they're holding the reploids, I need you two to split up now while Zero and Ix go up front."
Colbor nodded before looking at Zero and Ix, "Alright, looks like we're splitting up from here, we'll wait for the signal to go in." He told them before turning and addressing his companions, "Alright, you heard Miss Ciel, let's go!" However, before they could do anything, a tremor shook the area and a thunderous noise filled the air with a horrible cracking sound.
"What the hell!?" Colbor and the other resistance reploids looked around frantically.
Lola let out a gasp as her scanners suddenly picked up an enemy. “Boss! I just picked up an enemy signal!”
Copen’s eyes quickly looked at Lola, shocked by this. “How!?” How could this enemy have appeared out of nowhere?
Zero quickly brought his hand to his communicator. “Ciel, what’s going on?” the blonde asked, hoping to get more details from the scientist.
“Our scanners just picked up a large-scale mechaniloid! According to the trajectory, it’s heading this way and it’s loaded with a bomb.” There was a tremor in Ciel’s voice, the girl was scared, Zero could hear the voices of the soldiers and Milan screaming in the background, probably trying to find a way to stop it. “Z-Zero! Please!…”
Zero gritted his teeth, he really didn’t expect this to happen at this moment. “Continue with the mission!” The reploid said before turning around and activating his thrusters at full power, starting to run away from the Elimination Center.
Copen clenched his jaw, watching as the other walked away from the place before visualizing a group of enemies approaching, the cyborg growled as he raised his weapon and fired, drawing the soldiers' attention to the group of pantheons that was approaching their position "Damn it, just when we were about to…" one of the reploids muttered as he raised his weapon and began to shoot.
"We don't have time! We have to continue with the mission," Colbor spoke over the gunfire, receiving incredulous looks from the remains of his companions.
"But Colbor, what will happen to the others?" One of the reploids asked, scared and helpless, if they lost the rest of the resistance, then…
Colbor shook his head, "We can't leave right now, judging by the activity here and the smoke, they've probably started the elimination process. We have to trust Zero on this!" The black-haired youth exclaimed, the rest of the reploids looked at him in doubt before nodding.
"Go ahead, I'll take care of them." Copen replied, Colbor nodded before walking away with the rest, they quickly disappeared between the buildings and the rain.
"This is going to be complicated, boss." Lola commented with concern, finding more signs of incoming enemies, if this continued, they probably wouldn't be able to do anything. Copen didn't say anything, he looked ahead while aiming with Divider.
Damn, he had no choice, right?
Gunvolt flinched when he heard a loud beeping noise emitted from Copen's computer, breaking the silence in the emptiness of the building, the blond looked at the computer in bewilderment before standing up from his spot in the dining room and approaching the computer.
Was someone from the Resistance trying to establish contact with Copen? No, that was absurd, Copen should be with them, so who was it?
Bewildered and confused, Gunvolt answered the comm line, flinching when the sounds of gunshots, metallic screeches, and thuds reached his ears as well as the sound of rain falling and almost made him cover his ears, "Gunvolt? Are you there?" Copen's voice came from the computer, making the blond feel anxious, Copen never called from a mission.
"Copen?" Gunvolt called out, unable to help but feel worried when he heard the noise in the background. Was Copen fighting right now? "Copen? What's going on? Are you okay?" He asked, flinching when he heard a nasty noise that actually made him cringe.
Whatever was going on there, it had to be a pretty violent scene.
"The mission got complicated, I think they set a trap for the resistance and they're fighting back, I'm surrounded right now, but I need someone to sabotage the factory's generators, I'm sure you can do that with your septima." Copen's explanation was rushed, probably why he was fighting and barely had time to stop, however, the details were enough to worry Gunvolt enough about what could be going on there.
"Boss, are you sure about this? We can't just do something like that!" Lola exclaimed from the other line, her voice sounding on the verge of hysterical at the thought that Copen was actually planning to involve Gunvolt in this.
(She didn't want Gunvolt to fight, not now when she wasn't even sure they could fight each other once inside the Disposal Center.
But more than that, she didn't want him to be overwhelmed by the battle or be forced to fight from now on.)
"I hate this as much as you do, Lola, but we literally don't have time for this." Gunvolt bit his lip, listening to the argument between the two from his spot. Was it really that bad? What was even going on? He never thought Copen would end up being overwhelmed.
The Azure Striker opened and closed his hands, clenching them into fists. He couldn't just stand there. Whatever it was, he needed to help Copen. Something in his head was screaming at him. He couldn't afford to lose him, not him, not Lola.
(He couldn't afford to lose the only people who were with him and who he dared to call family.)
"Okay, I'll be right there. I just need to put on my gear."
There was a protest from Lola, but it was quickly drowned out by Copen's voice. "Okay, okay, Lola has a beacon equipped, try to catch its signal with the transevers to teleport here." Gunvolt nodded even though Copen couldn't see him, he turned around, walking to the table where he had Liberator resting on it before taking his gun, tightening it in his grip.
He didn't really think he would do this, but he wasn't going to stop now, Copen needed help.
0 notes
yesistolethisurl · 1 year ago
WIP Wednesday
EDIT: just saw that I got tagged by @rowanisawriter for wip wednesday right as I was posting this, whoops!
hey there! we're back at it again for another wip wednesday. "Beachside Introductions" is still trucking along (just passed 2k words and i may have finally settled on a solid direction for it), but I wanted to share a completely different piece that I've tentatively title "Feint."
The premise I'm working with right now is that Gale decides to challenge Wyll to a game of chess to take his mind off not being able to find his dad even after infiltrating Moonrise Towers, and gets much more than he bargained for.
(not tagging anyone this time, but if you're dealing with burnout, dear reader, i'm sorry, and I sincerely wish you a good and long rest in the near future 🧡)
Gale still maintained that he knew enough of the alchemical arts to be dangerous, but ultimately decided to yield to Master Wroot's expertise in the matter. Or, as he had put it, “any damned fool with enough pot ash and charcoal knew enough to be ‘dangerous.’” Point taken, Gale consigned himself to being more an observer than an assistant. Every once in a while, he could see Wroot's gaze flicker over towards the main room before refocusing on his sublimates and salts.
Just as well. Work and busy hands did not a cure for rejection make, but it was a tempting balm.
He turned the board towards the flickering hearth, jostling some of the still standing pieces in the process. An original 1362 edition from Auroras Emporium, if the stamp was to believed. It was unlikely that all of the pieces were originals, having to survive rowdy patrons since that time, then the effects the shadow curse had had upon the greater valley surrounding Reithwin.
The ironic thing, perhaps, was that the curse likely contributed to how well preserved the set was. No rain to impart humidity, no sunlight to blanch and strip the color from the board and pieces. Entombed and preserved not out of care, but through the emptiness and disinterest by the surrounding monstrous denizens of this place.
A part of him that couldn’t help but feel nostalgic at the feel of a pawn between his fingertips, though. It all felt worlds away in this grim swathe, to be setting up the board for him and Tara, or his mother, when time allowed. His first cautious attempts at shuffling pawns about, looking to his tressym companion for approval after making a move, only for the pieces to be swept away by the spectral blue of her mage hand. She’d never been so cruel to pounce immediately, but that didn’t mean she went easy on him.
Clattering wood and wax brought him back to the present as a piece dropped to the floor. The Mystra and Cyric pieces toppled over one another, the Elminster the only piece left standing. All of the others, knight, priest, tower, and pawn alike, scattered about. A Time of Troubles recreated in miniature.
He gathered them up, much to his knees consternation, and reset the board, each piece in their place, awaiting his hand.
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schnuffel-danny · 6 months ago
ACTUALLY, while I am at this, here's my most controversial take on this topic-
Pompous Pep shippers crosstagging their ship art with Badger Cereal IS a huge problem, it's annoying, it can be upsetting, but it is NOT the reason why non-shippers do not want to post Badger Cereal! The crosstags will have the ship name tagged as well, it can be blocked, one look at the blogs will usually tell you if OP is a shipper or not, there are ways to realized you stumbled across ship art in a matter of seconds. The issue is that, despite Pompous Pep shippers actually being very open about being shippers, people have gotten it into their heads that EVERYONE is secretly a Pompous Pep infiltration agent trying to rot the Danny Phantom tag from the inside. This leads to Every. Single. Post. Showing Vlad and Danny even as much as standing next to each other to be met with "Hey, random artist I know nothing about, are you drawing a child rape right now?" How do you think the artist feels in that situation? How do you think I feel when someone goes out of their way to assume that about my art? I barely have memories of my entire childhood, starting before I could even do basic fucking math, that were not sexual, and I'm just supposed to see shit like this and think to myself "Oh, that is a normal and adequate assumption to make! I drew an adult and a child hugging, this means I had the secret intention of showing a relationship between a rapist and his victim! Thank you, kind soul, for showing me that I am incapable of drawing a hug between family members that is not pornographic in nature. I have learned my lesson, and will be sure to bring up how my art of two family members showing affection, is in no way sexual, each time I draw such an image. This way everyone in the audience, including myself, will be forced to think about the worst kinds of child abuse, when even merely glancing at a family photo. Your kindness has truly saved me." like does that sound normal to you????? because it's fucking not! fucking think for one second before you post a god damn comment or send an ask look through a person's blog, literally just click on their art tag, click on their fandom tag or whatever, you don't have to do a full background check, but for god's sake don't immediately flash your inability to think with anything other than your 12 inch discourse boner
" where is all the Badger Cereal art???" I ask the void as if I'm also not a part of the problem, as someone who fears drawing Vlad and Danny being affectionate, because what if someone says some weird shit to me.....
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 years ago
Hi Steph!! Hope you're doing well! Can I ask what your comfort reads are? I love to read other peoples comfort fics - makes them better in a way. Mine are 'Performance in a leading role', 'Midnight Blue Serenity', 'Nature and Nurture', and 'I Feel Like I Don't Even Know Him'.
Hey Nonny!
Ahhhhhh!! What a great idea! I often list my FAVE fics, but never my comfort fics! And it gives me a chance to post a bonus list people will enjoy, hahha. So I'm sorry I sat on this so long... just wanted to sit on it a bit, and decide how I wanted to do this.
First, your comfort fics, because they're all great (I haven't read the last two, though, so I'll take your word for it!)
Performance In a Leading Role by Mad_Lori (E, 156,714 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Hollywood / Actor AU, Secret Relationship, Falling in Love, Slow Burn, Romance, Coming Out, Fluff and Angst, Pining) – Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world? Part 1 of Performance in a Leading Role
Midnight Blue Serenity by BeautifulFiction (E, 151,907 w., 19 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Gay Bar / For a Case, Drugs, Pining, Case Fic, UST) – When Sherlock infiltrates a club in order to track down a serial killer, his altered appearance is enough to make John question his assumption that Sherlock is beyond his reach. However, is he the only one who appreciates his flatmate's charms, or is Sherlock at risk of becoming the next victim?
Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68 (M, 203,273 w., 57 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Parentlock, Cloning, Kidlock, Dev. Rel.) – The British Government accidentally clones Sherlock Holmes. Which brings a baby to 221B Baker Street. Part 1 of Nature & Nurture
I Feel Like I Don't Even Know Him! by MutedSilence (NR, 26,108 w., 25 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting || Fake Relationship, Developing Relationship, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Couple’s Counselling, Paternal Greg, Protective Mycroft, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, For a Case) – John is leaving therapy Sherlock needs to get into the office of a couples counsellor. A frantic Sherlock bumps into John as he's making his way out. John - with nothing better to do - agrees to pretend to be a stranger's boyfriend for the afternoon. Beats going home.
NEXT! I actually have a few multi-fandom comfort reads right now for all my current ships, if that's okay?? I like sharing great reads in other fandoms I'm a part of since DBH and Red Dwarf are kind of tiny fandoms, lol, and since I'm a rec blog, never hurts to help those people also get traffic from an unlikely source, hahah. I just don't file them as diligently as I do with Johnlock, so apologies for the tags.
Let's do a top 20, and I'll start with Johnlock obviously, and then give you a few from each of my other current fandoms, if you are willing to fandom jump! Some are probably obvious, and maybe not, but I hope you enjoy all of them!
Bit of a "fave fics" and bit of a "I read these as palate cleansers or if I want to read something familiar", hahha! You may notice a trend that I tend to veer towards long comfort reads... usually after a string of fics I didn't enjoy, I jump to a different fandom and read something long and familiar.
Of course these aren't EVERY single one I have ever re-read, I literally just went down my list of iBooks and put down not just the recent re-reads, BUT the ones that I KNOW the story off-heart just by the title.
AND I also avoided listing MBS and PiaLR since you listed them up there, but they are ALSO my comfort reads as well and glad we share a similar love for them.
I have enough fics for a second Johnlock list... I just REALLY wanted the chance to showcase some other fandoms, so I shall wait for another ask to add more :)
And, as always, if anyone has some comfort reads of their own, from ANY FANDOM, I STRONGLY encourage y'all to make this a community post and share what makes us happy when we need a snuggle in the form of a fanfic!
Hope y'all enjoy!
See also:
Top 30 Read-Again Fics (March 2019)
Top 30 Read-Again Fics Pt. 2 (Sept. 2019)
Fave Read-Again Fics (10) (Dec 11/20)
26 Pieces by Lanning (E, 28,236 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Torture, First Time, Happy Ending, Schmoop, Past Abuse) – Mycroft gives Sherlock the apparently simple task of solving a puzzle box containing a stolen microchip. It isn't simple.
Classified(s) by blueink3 (E, 36,153 w., 4 Ch. || Wedding Date AU || Fake Relationship, Jealous, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love, Happy Ending, Mary is not Nice, Escort Service) – Clara's American father is the ambassador to some such territory that Great Britain probably used to own, but she (and Harry’s undying love for her) is the reason John is getting on a flight at 12:30pm, flying across the second largest ocean in the world, and pretending to be in a perfectly happy, healthy relationship with an undoubtedly perfectly coiffed stranger. See, Clara is not only American (and wealthy to boot), she's also best friends with John’s ex-fiancée. Whom she's placed in the wedding party. As Maid of Honor. And John just happens to be Best Man. Bloody brilliant.
A Promise Made to Be Broken by PlantsAreNeat (E, 37,018 w., 7 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Pining, Slow Burn, RST, Eventual Relationship, Primarily POV Sherlock) – A young John makes an ‘if we’re still single at 40, we’ll get together’ pledge to a woman who ends up all wrong for him. She keeps reminding him of the promise, and won’t let go of it. John asks Sherlock to pose as his boyfriend at a family wedding, so as to dash her hopes permanently. Sherlock, who has at last acknowledged his feelings for John, reluctantly agrees despite knowing how painful it will be to ‘have’ John, but not keep him.
Corpus Hominis by mycapeisplaid (E, 47,709 w., 12 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Case Fic, Fluff, Romance, Frottage, Angst, Anal, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Spas / Massages, Shampoo, Jealousy, Fake Relationship) - John knows the human body intimately. He’s had plenty of opportunity for study as a doctor, soldier, and lover. There’s one particular body, however, he knows very little about. When Sherlock launches himself head-first into a new obsession and they get sent on a case in an unlikely location, the pair discovers each other’s bodies with confusing yet delightful (and sometimes hilarious) results.
Triage by scullyseviltwin (E, 51,612 w., 14 Ch. || Character Injury, Introspection, Pining Sherlock, Falling in Love, Slow Burn, Sherlock POV, Toplock) – Sherlock’s mind goes exceedingly, devastatingly quiet and gray-blank. When he speaks it’s through a thick haze, it’s through molasses, he’s so disconnected from the words that it may as well be the unconscious shooter speaking.
Coventry by standbygo (E, 52,020 w., 26 Ch. || Dollhouse AU || Case Fic, Slow Burn, Sci-Fi / Fantasy, First Kiss / Time, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, BAMF John, Falling in Love) – “Let me get this straight,” John said, wondering when his life had become a science fiction film. “Some guy orders up a personality, a person, to his specifications, and they program this into a real live person, who has consented to do this, and she goes to this person and acts as his wife, or lawyer, or Royal Marine, or Navy Seal or what have you, and she has all the skills, all the knowledge, everything? Then you say the magic words, and she follows you back to The House, and they erase it all until her next appointment?”
Bridging the Ravine by SilentAuror (E, 58,887 w., 3 Ch. || Post S4, Couple For a Case, Bed-Sharing, First Times, Confessions, Awkwardness, Sex Trafficking, Massages, Wet T-Shirt Contest, Group Therapy, Past Loss of Child) – Sherlock and John go undercover at Ravine Valley, a therapy centre for same-sex male couples in an investigation into a possible human trafficking ring. As they pose as a couple and fake their way through the therapy sessions for the sake of the case, it quickly becomes difficult to avoid discussing their very real issues. Set roughly six nine months after series 4. Part 1 of the The Ravine Valley series series
Perdition's Flames by i_ship_an_armada (E, 63,435 w., 21 Ch. || Treklock AU, Est. Rel, Genetic Engineering, Angst & Fluff, BAMF!John) – Sherlock would do anything to save him. Risk anything. Give anything. His money, his life. His soul. What he does, though, is change both of their destinies forever. Genetic re-engineering is the only option left. It turns out researchers underestimated the life expectancy and potential abilities of genetically re-engineered subjects. The British government and what would eventually become the United Federation of Planets, however, had not. Part 1 of PF Universe
You Have Drawn Red From My Hands by J_Baillier (T, 67,085 w., 17 Ch. || Three Garridebs, Heavy John Whump, Hurt / Comfort, Pining, Heavy Angst, Case Fic/Adventure, Slow Burn, Sick Fic, Injury, Guilt & Depression, Just Talk Already Please, Medical Realism, PTSD) –  John getting injured leads Sherlock on a path of guilt and revelations.
The Horse and his Doctor by khorazir (T, 129,003 w., 13 Ch. || Horse / Vet AU || Magical Realism, Horses, Vet John, Horse Sherlock, Implied Alcoholism) – Invalided after a run in with a poacher in Siberia, veterinary surgeon John Watson finds it difficult to acclimatize to the mundanity of London life. Things change when a friend invites him along to a local animal shelter and he meets their latest acquisition, a trouble-making Frisian with the strangest eyes and even stranger quirks John has ever encountered in a horse.
The Picnic; or, the Drawbacks of Loving an Angel by sorrowfulcheese (G, 3,776 w., 1 Ch. || Post-Apocalypse/Canon, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Misunderstandings, Moving On, Picnicking, Idiots in Love, Crowley POV, Cranky Crowley, Mutual Pining, Light Angst with Happy Ending) – Aziraphale lures Crowley out for a picnic. It doesn't go remarkably well.
A Brief History of Touch by chamyl (E, 11,849 w., 1 Ch. || Moments in Time, First Kiss/Time, Heavy Mutual Pining, Romance, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Masturbation, Almost Kiss, Touch-Starved Crowley, Angst With Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Blow Jobs, Emotional Love Making, Friends to Lovers, Body Worship, Promise of Forever With a Ring) – Six thousand years of pining, stolen glances, almost-touches, plummeting towards the inevitable end.
Homecoming by Queen of the Potato People (T, 3,805 w., 1 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Rimmer Returns from Being Ace, Reunion, Character Study, Introspection, Angst with Happy Ending) – How does being Ace Rimmer work out for the smeggiest possible version of Rimmer in the entire multiverse? How and why does he return to Red Dwarf? This is one possible take.
Hand in Glove by lizardkid (T, 14,223 w., 1 Ch. || RED DWARF || Post-S9, Internalized Homophobia, Repression, Hurt/Comfort, Lister Whump, Worried Rimmer, Ableist Language, Cuddling) – Lister is mortally wounded in an accident. Rimmer is forced to reassess everything.
“Someone to Watch Over You” by Metalkatt & VeronicaRich (E, 72,347 w., 23 Ch. || S8 Canon Divergence, BAMF Rimmer, Coming Home, Dimension Jumping) – Ace Rimmer may have waited too long to go home again, but with some help, he might just get the happy ending none of his predecessors did. Part 1 of Further Watching
Easy As Anything by komodobits (E, 141,203 w., 12 Ch. || Canon Adjacent, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Bickering, Developing Relationship, Slow Burn, Pining, Soft-Light Sex / Mutual Masturbation, Humour, Top Rimmer) – Sex isn’t supposed to be this difficult. Maybe they’re just really bad at it. Part 1 of the Easy!verse series
blue horizon in the making. by ohmaggies (NR [G], 2,086 w., 1 Ch. || Post Story, Human/Android Politics, Introspection / Reflection, Living Together, Media / People are Bad, Pre-Slash, Cynical Hank, Bed Sharing, Anxious/Worried Connor, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Soft Hank) – Hank looks peaceful like that, younger somehow and rested, and his growing hair falling softly across his face. Connor likes it, he decides. He likes Hank, more importantly. As a friend, as a drinking buddy, as whatever he's capable of feeling for him- just as anything other than a machine. Connor reflects.
Sleight of Hand by Relvetica (T, 14,360 w., 1 Ch. || Everyone Lives Ending, Hank POV, Mutual Pining, Coping with Deviancy / Emotions, LED Mood Ring/LED Removal Discussion, Human/Android Politics, Human/Android Relationship Discussion, Stubborn Connor, Worried Connor, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Comforting Hank, Experimenting Connor, Introspection, Heart-To-Heart, Obsessive Connor, Love Confession, Trying to Understand Love, Sexuality Discussions, Ken-Doll Android Anatomy, Bed Sharing, Comforting Each Other, Hiding Out, Running Away Together, First Kiss, Open Ending) – Some good endings only really count as good endings because they end before it gets bad. On the other hand, some end before they get better.
Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance by ImogenGotDrunk (T, 16,912 w., 2 Ch. || Pacifist Route, Pre-Slash, Pre-Deviant Connor, Depression, References to Suicide, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Alternating POV, Connor’s Freckles, Enemies to Friends, Connor-Centric, Introspection, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Connor’s Path to Deviancy, Obsessive Connor) – Hank made his view on androids very clear. No one could mistake where the Lieutenant stood on that particular subject. But as he and Connor begin working together, his opinions seem to drastically change. The only conclusion Connor can come to is that he himself is responsible for it. It must be another instability in his software. After all, changing Hank’s mind was never part of the mission.
Moving Forward, Circuit by Circuit by  DoAndroidsDreamOfElectricPolarBears  (E, 50,605 w., 18 Ch. || Post-Ending AU, Amnesia, Connor Whump, Alcohol Abuse, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Android Slavery/Trafficking, World Building, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Hank Being Hank, Memory Loss/Wipe, Rebuilding Relationship, Case Fic, Protective Hank, Interrogations, Police Work,  Love Confessions, Fixing Connor, Caring Hank, Friends to Lovers, Going Undercover, Self Depreciation, Bed Sharing, Kissing and Hugging, Flirting) – After the liberation of androids, society is changing ... for everyone except Hank. To him, it seems that life has returned to normal -- especially with the absence of his partner. That is, until he finds Connor, components modified and memories erased. The two must work together to catch the man responsible (and sort out their feelings along the way).
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