#feel free to tag this as a ship though hahaha
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nikoisme Ā· 9 months ago
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I care them
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pikapeppa Ā· 3 months ago
Year-End Writer's Roundup: 2024 edition
Itā€™s that time of year, writer friends: time to take stock of what weā€™ve been up to this year! Tagging to literally ANY AND ALL WRITERS who would like to participate ā€” seriously, if you write and you see this, please take this as an invitation to fill it out! ā€” but Iā€™ll throw down some tags from the top of my head: @contrivedchaos @iamcayc @midnightacrobat @elveny @johaerys-writes @crackinglamb @alyssalenko @vorchagirl @auntie-coagulant @sweetorangepoptart @himluv @mwasaw @varric-tethras-editor and GENUINELY anyone else who wants to join in!
Words written (published or not, WIPs totally count too!!): 882 674. A decrease compared to previous years, but there is a good reason for this (even though I need to keep reminding myself that itā€™s a good thing) ā€” more details below.
Smut scenes: 44 ā€” similar to the past few years.
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New things I tried:
I wrote a fully-fledged poly ship for the first time with Halsin, Astarion and my Tav, complete with feelings and all! Iā€™ve written sexual-only threesomes/moresomes before, but this is the first time Iā€™ve had there be actual romance as well as sex.Ā 
Significant M/M sexy time, including anal sex. I probably wonā€™t write anal sex again for personal reasons, but Iā€™m glad I dabbled at least.
I wrote something that I do not intend to post publicly, purely just for me. More on this later.
Fic I spent the most time on:Ā 
My Astarion/Tav fic, just based on sheer number of words alone.
Fic I spent the least time on:
My Zoro/Reader fic, Relentless. These three chapters came together (HUEHUE) so quickly based on the sheer force of Zoro thirst. NOTHING LIKE THAT THREE-SWORD STYLE TO GET US WANTING HIS FOURTH SWORD šŸ¤£
Favourite thing I wrote:Ā 
This is tough this year aaaaaaaa. The Teia/Viago fic was one that Iā€™d been wanting to write since 2020, and Iā€™m grateful to the Veilguard hype for resparking that flame and making it happen. I LOVED writing all of my Halsin smut because Halsin just makes me SO CRAZY (I genuinely think he might be the one singular videogame boyfriend Iā€™ve felt the most feral about). My Rolan/Tav fic felt like it was born from a very bright spark of inspiration, and I had a fun few weeks just blasting through writing that.Ā 
But my #1 fave thing to write might have been the One Piece Sanji/OC fic that I am not planning to publish. Not publishing means thereā€™s been no pressure to ā€œmake it goodā€ or to figure out every detail of timelines/lore/OC backstory etc, so I can just do whatever I want. And that freedom to just make the fic mine, for me, has been really valuable this year.Ā 
Favourite thing I read:Ā 
Oh fuck, I read basically nothing this year HAHAHA. But I did read this one Sanji/Nico Robin smutfic that I REALLY loved. And I absolutely devoured a novel by one of my fave authors (Grown Ups by Marian Keyes) during our mini-vacay to Florida in February.
Writing goals for next year:Ā 
My only goal for the coming year is this: to write only what I really WANT to write.
This probably sounds obvious, but itā€™s a whole thing thatā€™s tied up with expectations of myself and self-worth and blah blah blah, so the rest of this post will be a bit of a personal essay that you can feel free to pass on HAHA.
I started therapy last year, and Iā€™m in the part of my ā€œtherapy journeyā€ now where one of the things Iā€™m working through is the fact that I hold unhealthily high expectations of myself in basically every realm of my life. I force myself to suppress/compartmentalize/ignore my own feelings because I prioritize other peopleā€™s feelings over my own, and I spend a lot of my time focusing on things that I think I ā€œshouldā€ be doing, at the expense of my own comfort levels/needs/physical or mental health etc. (ELDEST SISTER SYNDROME ANYONE?) And unfortunately, over the years, this way of operating has insidiously snuck its way into my writing.
When I first started writing fanfic in 2017, the writing was entirely born from an overwhelming desire to just get out this story in my head and make it a reality. I started writing for no other reason than because I wanted to. But as time went on and I gained a lovely following of readers, I started prioritizing my readersā€™ desires over my own. In particular, Iā€™ve gotten too caught up by the idea of being That Writerā„¢ who posts frequently and who finishes her fics: two qualities that I have often been praised for. This led to a habit of sticking to very strict schedules of always posting at least one chapter of something every single week ā€” and if I was working on more than one fic, I would pressure myself to post a chapter of each fic every week. I would pressure myself to do this even when my back pain and migraines started flaring up in 2020, because I did not want to disappoint my readers.
To be clear: all of this was pressure coming from myself. Nobody was telling me I need to post every week or that I need to finish everything I write; I was the one holding myself to these insane standards. But for years, Iā€™ve been able to meet these standards, and it hasnā€™t been a problem ā€” or so I thought.
Then this year happened. Therapy stuff happened and health stuff got worse, and for the first time ever, I started having days where I just could not make myself write. I would sit at the computer for hours, unable to conjure any words. For some of my fics, this meant weeks or even months between updates. Sometimes when the words finally came, the writing felt like a struggle or a chore rather than an act of love, because I was doing something that I felt like I had to do rather than something I really wanted.
This has been absolute fucking torture for me. I felt so shitty about myself for not being able to do the one thing that I legitimately love doing the most in the world. This was especially distressing because I have given writing advice before stating that when youā€™re writing a long fic, you sometimes have to write shit you donā€™t want to write before you can get to the good stuff. And the fact that Iā€™m struggling to do this now has left me feeling like a hypocrite and a failure for not being able to follow my own advice.Ā 
To make things worse, some of the fandoms Iā€™ve been writing for have beenā€¦ unresponsive. The ratio of hits to actual comments has been pretty abysmal. The lack of engagement and encouragement just added onto the feelings of shittiness and inadequacy, as though I was failing to meet readersā€™ expectations somehow, and I canā€™t lie: it was part of why I stopped writing for one fandom this year, and Iā€™ve never felt so bitter about finishing any fics as I did with a couple of the fics I wrapped up this year.
With time, a lot of tears and self-castigation, and ongoing therapy sessions, Iā€™ve slowwwwwly realized that I am being unkind to myself by holding myself to such high expectations, and that I need to actively combat these expectations by refocusing on writing things that I want to write rather than worrying about disappointing my readers. Iā€™m also working on writing only when I want to and when I feel good, i.e. not forcing myself to write when my head is throbbing or when Iā€™m in too much pain to sit in my office chair.Ā 
To this end, I have been writing some One Piece fic that I have no plans to post publicly: fic that is entirely self-indulgent fun. And itā€™s actually been the best exercise in returning to the hedonistic selfish joy of writing what I want, which is why I started doing this in the first place. Moving forward, Iā€™m going to keep working on writing for myself first and foremost. Iā€™ll strive to write what only what really sparks joy for me, and if that means my word count keep dropping year after year, I will try to remind myself that this is a good and healthy thing, since any words that I write should be a gift to myself first and foremost.Ā 
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queen-in-the-shadows Ā· 1 year ago
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Hellevator Captivation Chapter 2
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Summary: Chan and his 7 crew members crash landed on Zyloren-9, otherwise known as Earth, and are trying to wire their ship to allow them to connect to a rescue group. Until they take an obsessive interest in a peer who is a little too pretty and a little too innocent. They can bring specimens back for scientific studies, right?
In other words: Chan and the others take a liking to you and decide they want to take you back with them, they just need to connect a rescue shipā€”and convince you to walk onto the ship without any questions.
Warnings: drinking! (all characters are of legal age); (eventual): yandere; teratophilia; noncon/dubcon; mxm; memberxmember; mmf; VIOLENCE; mentions of murder (none of the MCs die); more warnings on individual chapters. Please feel free to send an ask or message if you feel I miss any warning tags!
WC: 1962
Author's note: Sorry this is so late!!! I am 45 assignments behind and everything is due on the 2nd of December hahaha (pain) but here ya go! It's been done for a while now, I just haven't posted till now ahah
Jisung dragged you into the living room, where it looked like a few of the frat members had set up shop for smoking, and pulled you to sit between Felix and himself around the coffee table. Felix rested his head on your shoulder, talking with Chan about the next character on Genshin Impact and how it looks like Chan, while Jisung had yet to let go of your hand, and you could have sworn you saw him just looking at you from the corner of your peripheral vision.Ā  Slowly, the rest of the boys, plus a few others, filtered in and took up a circle on the rug. Jisung and Chan had been taking turns refilling both yours and Felixā€™s drinks, and you were pleasantly buzzed by the time that Innie placed an empty bottle on the table, shooting his signature smile, fox eyes and all, at the surrounding group. ā€œLetā€™s play a game!ā€ As Minho placed shot glasses on the table, enough for all of you, someone suggested playing the game Paranoia, and Minho began filling them with some cheap vodka.Ā  Someone else was passing around a blunt, but between Jisung and Felix, the boys were making sure it stayed away from you, and you saw none of them hitting it either.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s not from our stash, canā€™t guarantee itā€™s good.ā€ You felt Felixā€™s breath against your neck more than heard what he said, but hummed in affirmation nonetheless. Thatā€™s fine, I still have my walk back to the campus dorms after this. You hadĀ 
Innie was the first to spin, the bottle landing on a random girl sat across from you at the coffee table. All you see is him leaning close to her ear, a smirk on his face and a blush on hers, before hearing a meek ā€œChan,ā€ slip between her lips. Thereā€™s a distinct difference between before and after she says it, as though she canā€™t believe she just admitted to whatever it was he asked. The girl flushed red and hid her face behind her hands, and everyone started laughing at her reaction, but whatever the youngest had asked must not have concerned him much, as the man did not drink. Soon enough the game became a mix of drink or dare and paranoia, and next thing you knew it was your turn.Ā 
You glanced around the circle, picking your desired target. Locking eyes with Chan, you chuckled and sat up on your knees, making your way over to the man and leaning into his ear, making sure not to be overheard as you uttered your next words. Perhaps you had a little too much liquid courage by this point, but you would be blind and lying if you said you didnā€™t find any of the SKZ Frat hot and hadnā€™t thought about any (and all) of them making their way into your pantiesā€“ both separately and together.
You pulled back from where you leaned into his shoulder, an evil glint in your eye as you chuckled under your breath before making your way back to your designated spot between Felix and Jisung. Chan could only stare as he watched you making your way back to your seat, his eyes hopefully locked on your ass in the jeans that made it look oh so tempting; you could feel his eyes on you. As you sat down, you stared right back at him, ā€œwell? Answer or drink Channie.ā€ You gave the man a smirk as you heard his answer.
ā€œYesā€¦.ā€ He glanced at you, clenching his jaw ever-so-slightly, but the rest of his posture was relaxed. You hadnā€™t pissed him off, only annoyed him slightly it seemed. At this point, everyone was hanging on to the conversation, wondering just what you had asked him.
ā€œAndā€¦? The rest?ā€
Chan squeezed his eyes closed, his face and ears tinged a bright pink, and sighed out his answer. ā€œHyunjinā€¦ā€ You let out a sweet giggle, covering your smile ever so slightly. ā€œAnd Han.ā€ This had you gasping, a small ā€œohā€ escaping your lips as you brought your thighs together just slightly, a shiver running through you at the light rasp in Chanā€™s voice.Ā 
ā€œOkay thatā€™s it I want to know what about me!ā€ Han and Hyunjin both took a shot, and Chanā€™s blush deepened.
ā€œOh easy. I asked him if he would ever consider a polyamorous relationshipā€¦ā€ The two boys nodded, albeit looking confused as to what that had to do with them. You brought your drink to your lips, your smirk deepening before you continued as they took sips of their drinks, ā€œand who he would bring into the relationship first.ā€ You took a long sip of your mixed drink as both Hyunjin and Jisung sputtered, coughing as they turned from looking at you, to each other, to Chan, and back again.Ā 
You cackled, draining your cup and standing. ā€œIā€™m going to get another drink, play on and Iā€™ll be back. Anyone need another?ā€ Chanā€™s face was a deep shade of red, Hyunjin and Jisung now staring at him wide eyed and slack-jawed, with only Felix asking for another drinkā€“ sprite with some rum pleaseā€“ and a brownie, and you made your way to the kitchen.Ā 
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā As you made your way back to the living room, you ran into Jeongin, who told you he was going to grab some lime, salt, and tequila for some bodyshots to spice up the game. ā€œSpicier than what I was getting started with?ā€ You pouted, your lower lip turned down. Sure, poly relationships arenā€™t ā€œthat spicyā€ for a party game, but it opens the door to better questions!Ā 
ā€œAh, ani ani ani, the questions all died down when you stepped away!ā€Ā 
Ah, you mouthed, nodding and heading back so as to let the younger grab the items. As he returned, the goods secured, everyone got animated about who would be first. ā€œWell, since you embarrassed me, itā€™s only fair I get a shot at revenge.ā€ Chan pointed at you, his eyes narrowed but a smile on his face as he laughed. He walked over to you, leaned close to ear, his breath fanning over the side of your face and neck as he brushed your hair away from your shoulder. ā€œWho is the most likely to die first in a zombie apocalypse?ā€ Chan pulled away, smiling at you, and you burst out in a full belly laugh.
ā€œSeriously? Thatā€™s your so-called ā€˜revengeā€™ Channie? Okay, Iā€™ll play. Felix.ā€ As soon as you get his name out, said male is pulling at you to sit down.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā ā€œI want to know, and weā€™re doing body shots instead, and I choose you, so! Letā€™s go!ā€ Felix pulled at your jacket, no patience, making you shuck it off, and licked at his thumb, tilting your head to the left with his other hand before rubbing the wetness onto your collar bone and making sure the salt stuck to the skin there. Next a lime wedge was shoved skin first into your face, ā€œOpen up, they were washed.ā€ You did as the boy commanded, and he handed you a plastic shot glass, resulting in him receiving a confused look. ā€œUhm, thereā€™s really only one place it could go, haha.ā€ You pinned the boy with a deathglare, but placed the cup within your cleavage, trying to ignore the blush rising to your cheeks. The next thing you hear is the group counting Felix down, ā€˜hana, dul, set!ā€™
Felix licked the salt from your collar bone, with you squeezing your hands into fists to hold back from shivering more than you already had. He dipped his head to wrap around the cup between your cleavage, his plump lips skimming the sides of your breasts ever so slightly, pulling a small sigh from you through your nose. Finally, Felix brought his face centimeters from your own, wrapping his lips around the lime wedge shoved between your teeth, your lips just skimming the others before he pulled back and you released the wedge from your mouth.Ā 
This. This was Channies revenge. He had to have known the boys would want to know the question, or something, it had to have been planned! Your brain was working in overdrive, your eyes shut tight, and you were sure your face was beet red as you let out a shaky exhale.Ā 
Youā€™ve known these guys for a year, and yes theyā€™re hot, but they are friends. You canā€™t go catching feelings or anything besides the usually flirty jokes! This was nothing, it was just a joke. Get it together. I mean, they all probably see you like a sister or friendzoned you anyways so get a grip. Aishā€¦ as much as I can tell myself this, it won't change that Iā€™m attracted to all of them.
Within a fraction of second from Felix finishing his shot, you let out a shaky exhale and opened your eyes, flicking them from face to smirking face before meeting Felixā€™s eyes. ā€œSo? What was the question?ā€ Felix was bouncing ever so slightly where he stood from the anticipation.
ā€œUhā€¦ ahah, Chan asked who would most likely die first in a zombie apocalypse.ā€ You gave a sheepish chuckle, rubbing at the back of your neck before rambling off an explanation, ā€œI chose youā€¦ mainly because I think youā€™d feel bad and offer to let the zombie bite you.ā€ The rest of the guys broke out in peels of laughter, Jisung nearly falling off of his chair from how hard he laughed, and Felix was right along with them, a smile across his face and laughing as well.Ā 
It was nearing midnight and everyone was still going pretty hard, plenty of people dancing or making out with each other lining the walls of the frat house. More people had come to join the game after Felix had done his body shot, you opting to just sit and watch the game progress, snug between Chan and Changbin, Felix cuddling across you and making sure your drink was full.Ā 
The next thing you knew, Chan was leaning in your ear, his voice low and nearly angry, his jaw set and fist clenched tight. ā€œI think itā€™s time you leave now.ā€Ā 
ā€œIā€” Chan did I do something? Whatā€™s wrong?ā€ You swiveled your head, leaning back towards Changbin so as not to hit him as you did so, confusion sweeping your face. You glanced at the rest of your boysā€” your friends, seeing the same look taking over their faces. ā€œI.. yeah. Okay. Iā€™ll be going then, yeah? Uhmā€¦ Just send a message in the morning or something I suppose.ā€
Felix had risen off of you at this point, the same angry look on his face as all the others, and you hanged your head, grabbing the rest of your things from where you sat, and rushed to the door. Tears were stinging at the corner of your eyes, they had never treated you that way, something must have happened when you werenā€™t paying attention. You made the five minute trek back to your door in relative silence, keeping an eye out for your own safety since your usual escort of at least one of your friends werenā€™t with you. Stepping through the threshold of your dorm room, the tears started slowly, and you made your way to the shower, stripping off your clothes and turning on the hot water to wash up, wiping the few tears that managed to escape your eyes.Ā 
Quickly going through the motions, you get out of the shower and dry your hair, dressing in a comfortable pair of sweatpants with a sweatshirt before climbing into bed and snuggling into your pillow. This will all resolve itself in the morning, itā€™ll be fine.
All, in fact, was not fine by morning.
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Tag list: @yevene @sky-angel101 @cloudieclair @salfetkablog
Persephone's Circle: @moonlightndaydreams @channieandhisgoonsquad @thightswideforhanin @queenmea604 @bethanysnow
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maithall Ā· 2 months ago
welcome to the maithall blog! šŸšŸ¦ˆšŸ’ššŸ’™
oooo lala... a more dedicated introduction
this blog is specifically dedicated to the Project: Eden's Garden ship Damon x Desmond !
please feel free to submit any maithall content in my ask box, whether it be Just Thoughts, memes, shitposts, fanart, headcanons, fanfics, or more! no nsfw or things unrelated to maithall though please
you can just call me 'eel'. i have no other socials than this account and @swimmingeel on AO3 (a personal discord exists but i will not be giving that out). please link back to my tumblr if you are reposting on other platforms, if only to spread the word of Maithall
some guidelines...
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this is a SFW blog. i checked my followers and some are teenagers. please please please don't interact with me with anything nsfw (this means going forward i won't reblog/like anything that's iffy). so sorry if you've made nsfw maithall content that is very cool, i just think it'd be incredibly weird of me to promote it on this page to minors...
likes and followed will always be public. those will be kept SFW as well! i just like stuff i think is cool hahaha. please let me know whether or not i should unfollow an account
specific ship art will be tagged underneath #maithall and #poisonarrow. otherwise it'll just be the character tags
sometimes i may post things unrelated to maithall. these will be untagged
otherwise please just conduct yourself politely and cordially when interacting with me, the page, or any of my followers
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stay safe that's all i wanted to say for now šŸ’™šŸ’š
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shadowkoo Ā· 1 month ago
get to know your mutuals - tag game
tagged by ā†  @aaagustd & @xomakara šŸ’š
what's the origin of your blog title? ā†  shadow to represent all things dark & spoopy (i am the mistress of all evil, princess of darkness after all so it only makes sense) and koo bc jungkook is my ult bias ofc
favorite fandoms: ā†  kpop, supernatural, & marvel are the main fandoms i am active in but i have a million interests that i could really delve into if i had the free time to join more fandoms
OTP(s)/shipname: ā†  not really a big shipper anymore unless i'm throwing myself in there for funsies, but i will appreciate a good fic & fan theory (i am a larry girl at heart, that ship raised me LOL)
favorite color: ā†  green, purple, pink, brown, yellow, i don't think there's a color i hate tbh
favorite game: ā†  everyone always thinks this is crazy when i admit it but my siblings and i were never into video games so i never really played them unless i went to a friends house for mario kart. do iphone games count bc candy crush and 2048 are my time passers when i don't feel like reading or writing!!
song stuck in your head: ā†  i couldn't tell you the name of it or who it's by but the intro song for single's inferno season 4 bc i've been binge watching that all day lol
weirdest habit/trait? ā†  i wouldn't say it's weird (pls be on my side hahaha) but i definitely do the cricket feet thing when trying to fall asleep
hobbies: ā†  reading, buying books, writing, thinking of new fic ideas (my wips page hates me), finding new music to listen to, painting, pottery (though i haven't thrown or built anything in agessss), gardening, tanning on the beach, rewatching my comfort tv shows & movies, traveling & flying (i love airports tbh i typically fly 2-3 times a year to go somewhere fun), pretending like i know how to dance
if you work, what's your profession? ā†  I'm a graphic designer for a marketing agency that works with big name brands in the hair & beauty industry!!! i bet you've seen a social post i've designed hehe
if you could have any job you wish, what would it be? ā†  i wanted to be a children's book illustrator & writer when i was younger, at one point i also wanted to be an art teacher but i don't have the right credentials for that (i don't think anyway), my absolute DREAM job is to own a cute witchy apothecary store with handmade spell candles, artisan soaps, natural perfumes, charms, oils, etc. with an attached community garden šŸ„¹āœØ if i had the funds for that i would put my whole heart and soul into making that happen
something you're good at: ā†  reading a book in one sitting, i have always been a fast & focused reader. someone could be screaming to get my attention and i would be in my own little bubble all zoned out until they blocked my view of my book or kindle hahaha
something you're bad at: ā†  anything with numbers, i went to art school for a reason šŸ’€ don't ask me any math questions bc my brain does nothing
something you love: ā†  my friends and family, my fur babies, getting tattoos, eating good food, having a day with zero plans or expectations
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: ā†  i'm not usually a yapper so i honestly don't know if i could talk hours about anything LOL unless i'm like super angry about something and am ranting about a situation then i could probably talk for quite a while
something you hate: ā†  waking up early bc i have to get up and not because i want to get up, people being rude to service industry workers, people who don't take care of their pets and animals in general and treat them poorly
something you collect: ā†  books, feathers, mushroom decor & trinkets, books about witchcraft, astrology, medicinal medicine, etc., perfume, it's not really 'collecting' bc i use them/plant them eventually but seed sharing!!! i am lucky to know a few fellow gardeners that mail me seeds from their last season's crop and we all share stuff back and forth each year
something you forget: ā†  klsdj;alskdjf everything tbh if i don't write it down it's not remembered
what's your love language? ā†  acts of service and quality time
favorite movie/show: ā†  gilmore girls, gossip girl, greys anatomy, friends, sex and the city, game of thrones, supernatural, twilight, hunger games, there's so many more but i'm drawing a blank
favorite food: ā†  my comfort food is smoked trout and frybread LOL that's my native side coming out hahaha, but i also love a good pot roast, pizza ofc, and i am a sucker for an ice cold diet pepsi with cheetos and a kitkat (my ultimate junk food trio)
favorite animal: ā†  cats, dogs, BATS, RACCOONS, bunnies, deer, birds, idk i just love nature and things that exist there tbh
are you musical? ā†  not even slightly LOL i can sing in the shower and headbang and that's pretty much it. i took one (1) singular guitar lesson and never touched it again and sold mine a few months later (it was an at the time current hyperfixation hobby and the interest died after i learned how much work it was lmao)
what were you like as a child? ā†  i'm the baby of the family, my sisters are 8 and 10 years older than me so i always heard them complain when i was younger that i got away with so much more than they ever did HAHA and bc of that i was always pushing boundaries and doing things bc i simply wanted to lol, i was just at artsy as i was now and always had dirt stains on my clothes from playing outside and in the woods
favorite subject at school? ā†  for high school it was art, native studies, native language, and drafting (house plan design), and in college it was ceramics, photography, and graphic & computer art
least favorite subject? ā†  art history bc i had the WORSTTTTTT professor ever
what's your best character trait? ā†  i am a great problem solver, i always have a solution or a plan to try
what's your worst character trait? ā†  i am lazy and ummotivated most of the time (i blame my double taurus placements for that lol) and the more someone tells me to do something the less i want to do it. STUBBORN.
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? ā†  hmmm maybe that i had more ice cream in the freezer since i ran out hahahaha
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet? ā†  my great grandma hazel, my family says we are so alike so i think meeting her when she was the same age as me would be so cool. she passed when i was a baby so i have no memory of her besides the photos i've been shown and the stories my mom and grandma have shared with me
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love): ā†  diet pepsi by @bratzkoo | save a horse by @seonghwaddict | freaky friday by @aaagustd | the athlete by @beomcoups honestly there are so many but these popped into my head first
tagging: ā†  @sailorsoons @lovetaroandtaemin @unholywriters @kitten4sannie @spookyserenades @pars-ley @svtiddiess @yoonguurt & anyone else that wants too!!
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luscinai Ā· 2 months ago
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What made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? Ā mostly vibes. for the most part, everyone i write are people i have some sort of personal understanding with one way or other. as for lu herself? a shower thought that came up during my brief aspiring author era and committed until present day, 10 years later.
Is there anything you donā€™t like to write? not really! the problem is usually i don't feel like i word it well enough, not that i don't like to write it. so i tend to get chicken shit about it hahaha.
Is there anything you really enjoy writing? anything that goes hard into the analyzing the psyche of the character(s) and/or relationships. could be a fight, could be an intimate moment, could just be straight up no plot angst.
How do you come up with headcanons? literally just a stray random thought can make me think of a headcanon. i yap so so so so so much. a thought, a song, a post, something i see, literally everything and anything.
Do you write in silence or do you play music? both. when i zone too hard i just write in silence but that's also when elevator music starts playing in my head and/or i've already phased out of existence at that point. a la writing while i dissociate the fuck out of myself, but that's usually when i have my best works lmao. otherwise, i tend to go for music without lyrics, classical or atmospheric or anything similarā€”to my great misfortune, my ears are sharp when i don't want them to be, so i find myself latching onto the lyrics and losing words when i'm jamming too hard.
Do you plan your replies or wing them? big fan of balling! though. that's also the only type of writing i can do lmao. i do tend to prefer plotting the big beats if there are any though. instant gratification or w/e with less effort.
Do you enjoy shipping? to everybody's misfortune ... yes. way too much, actually. i'm ashamed of how much i fixate once i latch on lmaooooo. ask the person who tagged me for this one.
Whatā€™s your alias/name? rena! well. specifically serena, actually. but somebody called me rena, and it's just been my thing ever since.
Age? old enough to do most adult activities.
Birthday? nov 3rd.
Favourite colour? fluctuates between red and pink.
Favourite song? can't give you a favorite song because i don't have any, but i can give you the next best thing, which is my currently looped most song: spectator --- friday pilots club.
Last movie you watched? can i be so fr when i say the last time i watched a proper 2hr+ movie is perhaps 5 or so years ago?
Last show you watched? arcane s2. still sobbing btw.
Last song you listened to? according to spotify it's free bird --- lynyrd skynyrd. yeah don't judge i like the guitar riff.
Favorite food? ... would not be able to tell you. i'm a glutton.
Favourite season? winter. i want it as cold as my goddamn freezer, thank you.
tagged: @reawakcn tagging: steal it from me, but also @rubycaped, @nguyetvan, and @mutatiio :D
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orangeshinigami Ā· 1 year ago
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Mutuals only / Slow replies & low activity blog. Multiship / Multiverse / OC & Crossover friendly! Mun is 21+ so mature themes may be present, everything will be tagged accordingly though. Est. Nov. 2023.
Discord available upon request for plotting & rping purposes.
( Header credit:Ā RIDLEEYĀ / Icons credit:Ā THE-CURSED-ICONSĀ &Ā LOCKEDTOWERSĀ / icon border credit:Ā TOSKASRPH & as of Jan. 2024 I started using a border made by POOHSOURCES )
Update March, 2024: Icon border / post divider / banners credit - CROWDITS
MAINS: @adversitybloomed (ship exclusive) / @lockedtowers & @cautionsissued / @glacialdeath / @toomanydamnmuses
Mobile friendly guidelines under the cut.
Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to read these!!
You can call me Bibis, Iā€™m 26 years old and roleplaying has been one of my hobbies for over ten years, Iā€™ve been a part of the Bleach fandom for about that same amount of time too. However, I still havenā€™t finished reading the manga (Iā€™m always working and when I finally have some free time I have no energy to do anything guys, help). But Iā€™ll eventually finish it, I swearā€¦ Or Iā€™ll at least watch the anime bc Iā€™m super hyped about this revival. ANYWAYS, yes, this is just a heads up that I do know some things about the last arc of the manga but not everything. But donā€™t worry, depending on what we choose to write, Iā€™ll do my reasearch!! <3
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ichigo or Bleach obviously, also no icons / headers and stuff used here were made by me unless otherwise stated.
I work 44 hours a week (sometimes more) and Iā€™m still finishing my university course, so my activity will be low, especially from monday to friday. Please understand that I might take a long time to reply ā€“ this doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not interested in writing with you / donā€™t like your character or anything, Iā€™m really just super busy most of the time.
No godmodding please. You control your character and I control mine, thank you very much.
Plotting!! I love plotting SO MUCH and can get super excited over it and come up with 5415114 AUā€™s, hahaha. Seriously, if you have an idea about how our characters could interact or want to build a whole new AU for them, PLEASE do not hesitate to hmu!!Ā 
Feel free to turn memes / asks into threads, just make sure to make a new post for it rather than just reblogging the answered ask.
My discord is available to mutuals upon request, we can plot or even rp through there too!! Given my busy schedule, itā€™s easier for me to be active and reply to stuff there.
Shipping can be super fun, but only if there is chemistry. So there has to be a lot of plotting and our characters need to interact a few times for me to consider shipping them!! Instant shipping / pre-established romantic relationships are not really my cup of tea. I wonā€™t write romantic ships with minors, btw, please donā€™t insist.Ā 
My main verse is set when Ichigo is around 18 years old and finishing up high school!! But if you wanna interact with older Ichigo, or have a plotting idea that would work best with the older version of him, do let me know!! Like I said before, I truly love plotting, so donā€™t be afraid to throw your ideas at me, Iā€™ll most likely be just as excited as you are to discuss them.
Since Iā€™m well over the age of 18, you might see NSFW themes (such as violence, drugs, sex) on this blog from time to time. I have no triggers and I may be a little forgetful when tagging that sort of thing. Please if you see anything thatā€™s triggering to you that you believe I didnā€™t properly tag, send me a message and Iā€™ll fix it right away. I want this to be a safe and fun enviroment not only for me but for my writing partners as well!!
Thatā€™s about it!! Iā€™m super friendly ooc, I promise. So send me memes and questions whenever!! Iā€™ll be happy to answer all of them. :]
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tormentum-ab-intra Ā· 9 months ago
Hey, I'm Tormie!
You can also call me Tor. Whichever. It's only Tormentum if we're being formal ;) I'm an artist! I also write. I've been putting off making this info post for a hot minute, but here we are, finally!
Here there be whump. You can expect to see general oc content, gore, whump, nsfw (or as nsfw as tumblr will let me get away with, at least,) nsfwhump, and a fuckton of monster ocs. I'm Tall Giant Longlegged Monster OCs McGee, baybey. (I have a fandom blog, mainly for One Piece stuff, @tormie-tormie-chopper if that's more your speed! I post there once in a blue moon.)
Commissions open! If you want a sick pet portrait or a spooky illustration of a creature oc, check those out here or visit my Ko-fi page for character headshot comms here :>
I don't have any masterlists yet, but hopefully I'll get around to making those soon!
Here there be freaks, and here freaks are welcome. Let's be weird and fucked up and into weird and fucked up things together <3
My blog is not intended for minors.
Bigotry, hate speech, and so on are NOT welcome. TERFS are not welcome. I'm not interested in starting or engaging in discourse, so racists, homophobes, transphobes, bigots, zionists, and the like will be blocked expeditiously. Like just be chill and I'll be chill back.
Look below the cut for askbox info and info on my tagging system.
Some common general tags I'll be using: -#tor draws for anything with my own artwork in it -#tor animates for anything with my own animations in it -#tor thinks for posts containing thoughts or rambles. -#tor's corner is basically the #tor thinks tag but like. for really brief and/or asinine stuff that doesn't have anything insightful or interesting in it. me sitting in a corner talking to myself basically -#tor answers for answered asks. -#tor speaks for announcements. -#tor writes for posts of my own writing, e.g. drabbles and such. -#torque for queued posts. (get it? because tor...queue? torqueue? torque? ahaha....hahaha........ah. I'll see myself out.) -oc: [character name] to indicate which ocs are in a post -I will usually tag tropes where applicable, characters in the post, ships in the post, and any other relevant aspects.
Some common CW tags to look out for or block according to need: -#nsft for explicitly nsfw posts and artwork, or for posts with links to explicitly nsfw fics or artwork (because I know tumblr won't let me post certain things and I may have to share links to those things instead.) This doesn't include nonsexual nudity though. -#suggestive for posts and artwork that are risque or mildly nsfw in nature but don't describe or depict anything explicit. somewhat hit or miss whether i actually use this one ngl -#nsfwhump for posts and artwork that are nsfw and depict noncon -#gore for all posts and artwork with excessive or graphic depictions of severe injuries -#body horror for posts and artwork with body horror, particularly when depicted in intense or grotesque ways. -#blood for posts and artwork with excessive amounts of blood in them. I probably won't use this tag for posts that only have small amounts of blood in them unless the blood is somehow the focus or part of the focus. -#eyestrain for posts and artwork with intensely bright and saturated colors, flashing effects, and so on. -Additional tags for relevant triggering subjects will be added when applicable. I will always try to tag my posts and artwork accurately, especially when it comes to potentially triggering subjects, but if I've missed something, feel free to let me know!
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boundlss Ā· 11 months ago
how would you describe your favorite OC? what is your favorite fandom in which you write? what are your favorite ships on here (feel free to tag?) what trend would you wish to see on here? what new addition would make your Tumblr experience so much better?
how would you describe your favorite OC?
well, it's obviously twain, so i'd probably double down on calling him the main character of the mountain goats dimension. or on a serious note, i'd probably say he's something like a study of reclaiming personhood from a life that did nothing but take that away from him. and in the merits of telling stories. there's a lot of things that twain is. actually, i think first and foremost he's a fantastical interpretation of mark twain's "tall-tale" sort of storytelling, where this one guy has done a lot more than should be possible for most human beings.
in fairness i'll also include cyran since twain isn't on this blog, and i would describe HIM as a sweet young man who's forgotten about everything that made him sweet, and now he's trapped himself in a cycle of craving love and attention but being unable to accept it from anyone.
what is your favorite fandom in which you write?
it's probably cheating to say baccano! because i don't really do all that much on @drfeelgreed anymore and in fact everyone but me in the baccano! rpc has sort of moved away from baccano! or tumblr altogether---which is, incidentally, WHY i don't do things on that blog anymore---but i actually think i've never enjoyed writing in a fandom more.
i've recently added some more fandoms to my blog that i don't have a great read on like avatar and hellaverse ... well, i don't want to judge too quickly but they seem like pretty alright places so far at least from an outsider's perspective.
what are your favorite ships on here (feel free to tag?)
obviously my number one ship forever and ever is vel/tempest with @revenanthearts . i say this all the time privately so to the right people this shouldn't really be a surprise at all ... well, but to NOT the right people, it would serve you to know that i literally think about the vel and tempest all the time, constantly, 24/7. it's amazing how despite starting as two completely unrelated characters made years apart from eachother, they ended up with deeply intertwined storylines in both of their final iterations when we started playing my campaign. they're about as close to actual soulmates as i have ever seriously called a ship between two characters.
of course some honorable mentions are dirk and tsukasa ( you know that though. You Are Here ) and then cyran and dharlan. that's restricting the answer to this blog for once, though.
what trend would you wish to see on here?
to be honest i don't like thinking about or participating in trends because it is stressful. maybe a trend where every roleplayer on tumblr watches, reads, and writes about baccano!, the hit light novel series by ryohgo narita. hahaha.
what new addition would make your Tumblr experience so much better?
oh! i have one that has actually been announced! i am VERY MUCH looking forward to the addition of communities to tumblr because i think it will be a very good addition for roleplayers of all ilk to actually have a much better shot at finding blogs they like! i think it shifts the website more towards a forum layout than it has historically been and that sort of thing suits roleplay communities. so that will be really fun for me.
ooc stuff. / accepting.
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pan-de-queer Ā· 1 year ago
20 Questions Game
Tagged by @jadedloverart! for once, i've finished work early and am free to write fic and answer tag games today hahaha thanks for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
31 lmao, feeling a lil fandom old or whatever haha
2. Total AO3 word count
157,459 ??? wild considering i mostly post one-shots hahaha
3. Fandoms you write for
for the past few years it's been supercorp but you can also find bechloe, junksen/embry, some choices (the cyoa game), and les mis sprinkled in my ao3. all wlw too
4. Top 5 fics by kudos -
ruined nights make for perfect first dates (bechloe)
'cause you know all of my secrets (supercorp)
maybe i matter (because i knew you) (bechloe)
love tastes like spring and blood (bechloe)
kept my face to the sun (you drive away my shadows) (supercorp)
most interesting thing for me abt this is that ruined nights is the shortest one out of all five of these??? love that ppl liked it so much tho
5. Do you respond to comments?
as much as possible yeah! which reminds me that i haven't replied to @jadedloverart's comment on my fic. and other comments. i should do that hahaha
6. Fic w/ Angstiest Ending -
i don't end with angst haha i'm angst with a happy ending or bust lmao BUT the closest to angst would probably be love tastes bc the issue isn't solved until the very end
7. Happiest ending? -
all of them šŸ’• but if i had to choose then probabbbly cause you know
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not that i'm aware of!
9. Do you write smut/what kind?
nope! never been interested in writing it mostly bc my brain sees it as "action with even more emotions" and i have a hard enough time with action as it is lol
10. Do you write crossovers?
used to! and if you count the mcu+comics!marvel crossover i only posted a tidbit of, then yes, i still do
11. Ever had a fic stolen?
again, not that i know of
12. Ever had a fic translated?
yeah! can't remember for what tho but someone very kindly asked and i said ofc!! and then they sent the link but i can't remember where lmao
13. Ever cowritten a fic?
a long long time ago haha, wouldn't be opposed to doing it again though!
14. Favorite ship?
it's been supercorp since the pandemic! but who knows where the winds of my silly lil whims might take me?
15. A wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
all of them šŸ’• lmao jk jk but seriously i have a LOT of wips and i put them all under ONE file so it's like wading through a garbage dump trying to see what i'll do next and that's just for supercorp, i have separate untouched wips for allll my other old fandoms too lmao (some wips i doubt i'll ever finish for sc though are the undercover fake lovers one, the coastal cleanup one even though it SHOULD be easy in theory, the hanahaki au that's lena's version instead of kara's, and the one based off of emily the song by jeremy zucker)
16. Writing strengths?
anything descriptive! i can go in depth about shit forevveeerrrr
17. Writing weaknesses?
dialogue. like i can WRITE it and i can even write it WELL but that dialogue came from the bloodbath of thousands of drafts so
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in a different language?
many thoughts! number one being that if you don't know it, get someone who's above average fluent to help you if you feel like the language is needed in the story! and if the language is fake (like using kryptonian) then make the inclusion of it make sense! other thoughts are for my thinking only šŸ’• (and my unfortunate friends who have to listen to me lecture)
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
MAYBE ranger's apprentice or percy jackson
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
i can't pick favorite for my babies but i'm hella proud of all my supercorp fics rn! it had been so long since i joined a new fandom that i felt suuupppeerrr awkward posting at first! but it's been a nice experience shifting fandoms ever since :)))
for the no pressure tags! @nostradamus0 @sssammich @ridiculously-over-obsessed @tiny-maus-boots and anyone else who wants to join!
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tierra-paldeana Ā· 1 year ago
Tumblr media
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?
from the moment i saw rika, i fell in love. basically the same experience everyone else had when they saw her in game - thinking she was a boy, and then having your world rocked the moment you discovered she was a girl hahaha. ever since that day she became a very big source of comfort, as someone who considers herself gnc. matter of fact, rika as a character makes me feel so cozy she raises my self esteem and makes me even prouder to be gnc hahah!
but i also had that instinct of mine of 'what if i take her and make up her backstory and give her trauma'... i waited until the DLCs came out to start developing stuff though.
is there anything you donā€™t like to write?
anything related to non-con. also sorry but netorare and related topics are also a no. i'm prolly missing stuff but those are the things i hate the most off the top of my head-
is there anything you really enjoy writing?
i love shipping of all kinds (platonic, romantic, familial, etc), i love putting my characters through anguish and angst only to get sweet catharsis and comfort by the end, i love fluff a ton, and also character exploration rps (i'm not sure how to describe it tho-)
how do you come up with headcanons?Ā 
i feel them as i go. sometimes i see something that causes a thought to pop into my head and i write it down. other times i'm simply listening to music or doing something else, i start thinking and connecting dots, sometimes even from canon info from the games, and i start making up theories and stuff- however, other times i come up w a hc that i apply to most of my muses by virtue of me already being biased by other things-
like rika being 10% feral? that's because i'm a fucking furry---
do you write in silence or do you play music?Ā 
i got some playlists and random ambiance videos that i pop in and listen to in the bg, especially if i'm writing something that necessitates a specific mood that i have just the right music for. usually they're not songs (as in, sung, with lyrics) otherwise my brain gets distracted and i can't concentrate.
do you plan your replies or wing them?
i try to plan them, but it depends on how i'm feeling most of the time-
do you enjoy shipping?Ā 
i FUCKING LOVE shipping, as i said earlier-
whatā€™s your alias/name?Ā 
favorite color?
orange and blue!
favorite song?Ā 
most songs by owl city, i'mma be honest.
last movie you watched?
alice in wonderland, with a friend who hadn't watched it
last show you watched?
currently watching the pokemon anime!
last song you listened to?
a horse with no name, by america!
favorite food?Ā 
pasta, chicken fillets with pepper sauce...
favorite season?
do you have a tumblr best friend?
not yet- this blog's still in its infancy, i think haha, and i haven't interacted with anyone outside of @laprimera on discord cause i'm super awkward and don't just give my discord away, despite considering myself an ambivert- i might start giving it out more tho once i can get over myself ><
tagging: feel free to steal this lul
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mischievouschan4 Ā· 1 year ago
I have read Transference several times, and love your take on QuiObi. What is your fave SW ship, and also, what is your favorite QuiObi fic or series? Mine is Re-Entry by Flamethrower
Omgggg @dhawerdaverd, you're making me cry! I'm literally still amazed that people want to read it once, let alone several times! THANK YOU!!!!
Honestly, QuiObi was what got me back into the SW fandom way back in 2022, and even though I was quickly swayed into Obikin (preference is AniObi šŸ˜ˆ), I think I gotta stay true to my first. QuiObi, especially after reading Master and Apprentice, is just so juicy. So much potential!
That being said, I need to shoutout my fav QuiObi author, @thesilverqueenlady for playing a big part in my obsession hahaha I literally love every single one of their works, but recent highlights include:
Submission of the Conquered
And the series Luminous Elements Are We
I'm a sucker for some good angst and a guaranteed happy ending šŸ™Œ
Now... if we're talking rarepairs, QuiObiAni is my go-to, obviously hehehehe šŸ˜ and I LOVE @dreaminghour's work:
The series A Family Affair (probably some of the hottest smut I've read in my LIFE, part 3 was just *chefs kiss* but this one is a bit spicy, so heed the tags and read at your own risk, please!)
Unmoored (one of two pieces of fanwork that finally kicked me into gear to start writing Transference)
Alrighty LOL sorry if that was TMI about my preferences šŸ™ˆ Please keep this a judgement free zone!
(I will read Re-Entry at some point, it's just... very intimidating to start, and I've found that I can't write AND read at the same rate that I used to at the same time. But feel free to wax poetic about it to me! Maybe that'll encourage me to start sooner!)
Thank you so much for the asks, and I so appreciate your continued support for my writing šŸ’ŸšŸ’ŸšŸ’Ÿ
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flamigoat Ā· 10 months ago
āœØQuick Reminder!āœØ
I have a suggestive/NSFW account called @flamswhams ! Iā€™ll be posting fictional pinup art, fanfics, reblogs, and plenty of shipping nonsense stuff over there. The usual hahaha!
If you are an adult and are interested in that kind of content feel free to check it out! Every one of my posts will be flagged with mature community guidelines so only adults can see them. (Though if anyone has any advice on them please let me know! I want to handle this as responsibly as possible!)
I posted art there yesterday, but it doesnā€™t seem to be showing up in the tags. Though maybe itā€™s just because itā€™s a new account. Still, I thought Iā€™d let you guys know, since you might not be able to see it. If anyone knows about this problem feel free to let me know! :D
Hint: Itā€™s Rayman x Rabbid Peach relatedā€¦ šŸ’–šŸ§”šŸ˜³
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moonnue Ā· 1 year ago
20 Questions ā™„
Thank you @anisaanisa for tagging me! ā™„ I've been meaning to do these tag games but I'm always busy-- I'm actually free at the moment! And it's cool that it's a fanfic quiz, since I've just gotten into posting my stuff hahaha
How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 6 so far! I've got lots in the works but I don't like sharing 'till I'm done :3c
Whatā€™s your total AO3 words count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for InuYasha, Portal, and for the little Toothfairy fandom but as far as what I've posted I'm currently, and very obviously, into Baldur's Gate 3. Other fandoms I've written for are Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Spice and Wolf
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hands On A C(l)ock (441) Portrait of a Vampire (366) Shower Break (337) Cheeky Little Pup (73) Erotica of a Vampire (51)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I don't orz. I first posted to Ao3 in 2020 and then walked away so when I came back to post the next part I was like !!! oh shit!!! people left comments LOL I felt embarrassed for just letting them sit there and now I'm kind of stuck. Plus, I feel weird going to everyone and just saying "thank you!" I REALLY APPRECIATE IT I'M JUSTā€¦ā€¦.. AH!
Whatā€™s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Not posted but it's going to be the KagKik fic I'm writing :3c Otherwise I don't like angst oops
Whatā€™s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Shower Break, I guess? or Cheeky Little Pup? Idk, I'm even looking at my WIPs but I'm not sure how some of them are gonna end yet!
Do you get hate on fics?
Technically I experienced my first recently when I had a person try to accuse me of stealing their fic and then went on to try and drag my name through the mud. That was exciting! (sarcasm)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
it'sā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. it's my main thing. oops. i write second person f/o x reader fic cuz i'm cringe and free <3
Do you write crossovers? Whatā€™s the craziest one youā€™ve written?
SOOO NOT WRITTEN! YET! But I do have a ton in mind. I think the craziest one I'd ever want to write if I got the balls to do it would be an RSK x Madoka Magica fic cuz I just think. It would be fucking funny. Given RSK are real people so I'm like ehhh maybe not. Otherwise I think the only other one is an InuYasha x Labyrinth crossover but that ain't too wild. It's been done before!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! Also, I can't help but find it strange, the idea of stealing fic. Do people actually do this lol
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Technically? Friend of mine write together from time to time, but again, nothing posted.
Whatā€™s your all-time favourite ship?
You x Your Favorite Character
Whatā€™s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a story started that's about Naraku getting isekai'd into another world where he's the hero of it. I think it's pretty funny but getting myself to start it has been a little tough.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm really good at capturing character voices. I also think I'm good at describing emotions.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I think my sentences could stand for a bit more of a unique structure. I don't like writing place descriptions very much, I'm very character focused.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sureā€¦? Why not! Do it!
First fandom you wrote for?
InuYasha <3
Favourite fic youā€™ve ever written?
Care For A Wet Dog, oddly enough, even though it's unfinished. I don't know, there's something about it that I really like. It's older and I think I kind of miss how my writing used to be? Then again whether anyone else sees a difference, I wouldn't know.
not tagging anyone just cuz i...... i don't know who to tag! uh! i dont want to bother anyone lol! so if you see this and wanna do it please do! and tag me in it because if i inspired you to do it i would love to read it! (and maybe keep you in mind for any future tags? maybe? hm? *nudge nudge*)
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thatgirlwithasquid Ā· 1 year ago
I got tagged by @hg-deranged-edition (ty <3)
20 Questions for Fic Writers (& Artists)
1. How many works do you have on ao3(Tumblr)?
41 on AO3, but I think I have another 2 one-shots on Tumblr that I never got round to cross-posting
2. What's your total ao3 (Tumblr) word count?
253,123 which... wow ok neat
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A lot lmao. I organised my google drive a few months back and I have a lot of folders now hahaha. A quick count says I've started something for 24 fandoms, good lord.
The ones I've actually posted for are Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Andi Mack, Detroit: Become Human, Arcane, Encanto, The Host, and Little Nightmares
4.What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Playing Pretend : 2,204 kudos
Severus Snape and the Burden of Responsibility : 694 kudos
Thirium Pooling in His Chest (Bleeding Different, Feeling the Same) : 511 kudos
Communication and Cuddles : 440 kudos
Not Quite Less Than Romantic : 396 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to make a point to respond to every comment, but I fell out of the habit. It's something I really want to get back into doing, because I really appreciate receiving them <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Either I've Been There For A While or Severus Snape and the Burden of Responsibility (I got a fair few distraught comments on the latter lol)
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Playing Pretend, probably. That one's just a lot of cutesy friends to lovers that I wrote in a state of sheer obsession when Encanto first came out. Or maybe To Cherish and be Cherished which is just 400 ish words of fluff
8. Do you get hate on any fics (Art)?
I've been lucky enough that people engaging with my writing have been overall really kind. I have had like 2 slightly rude comments, but I don't think that was intentional :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have! It was a challenge cause my ace brain doesn't like working that way, but I wrote a voyeurism/exhibitionism Jonathan x Jason fic. I actually feel quite happy with it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't posted any, but I do have an abandoned wip in my drafts, if that counts?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if anyone wanted to translate my stuff I'd be perfectly happy with that.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I am open to the idea of that. If anyone wants to co-write a fic feel free to reach out :)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Cunningway!! At this point I think everyone knows lmao. I feel like I bring them up a lot, even though I am trying to not be obnoxious about them. I just love them a lot!
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Uh, is saying 'all of them' cheating? There are so many wips in my google drive that, realistically, I'm never going to go back to. But if I had to pick one... maybe the this untitled Thomally fic I was writing?
16. What are your writing strengths?
lmao fuck if I know. Coming up with ideas, maybe? Everything else is a bit of a struggle.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sustaining my ability to focus. I also feel like I struggle with balancing speech and description.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Idk. I've done it before in Playing Pretend to match how the characters speak in the film, but I can only speak English so... I gave it a go? I don't mind reading dialogue in other languages in fic, if I need I just have google translate open to understand what's being said.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Depends how we're looking at it. Technically WWE when I was like 7 but idk if I'd count that. The first time I wrote fanfic and was aware that was what it was would've been Andi Mack, but the first fandom I wrote for on AO3 was Little Nightmares.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I feel like I'm most content with the writing in Thirium Pooling in His Chest (Bleeding Different, Feeling the Same) but I am probably proudest in myself for Ceramic Hearts because that fic was a real labour of love.
tagging: @half-oz-eddie @brightside-of-the-upsidedown @bigdumbbambieyes (no pressure!! hope you guys don't mind being tagged. I was really blanking on this aha)
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forcebookish Ā· 2 years ago
So we've talked in the comments a few times but I wanted to say I agree with everything you've said about TopMew it's so annoying that they either ignore them and only focus on Top supposedly cheating not noticing how Boston is assaulting him but Top is the bad guy while Boston gets a blind eye tbh I feel TopMew gets so overlooked anyway cause everyone is forcus on SandRay (which I am finding boring I love sober Ray but I'm not feeling Sand at all) and BostonNick (I love Nick but hate Boston it's quite annoying I don't even go on any only friends tag I just stay in the fandom
omg i feel like i'm starting a topmew cult šŸ¤­
but yeah! i keep seeing the same people who love boston fucking HAAAAAAATE top. and like, look no one has to like my favorite character, but willfully misunderstanding him to support their own excessive, disproportionate hatred?
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it would be one thing if the fandom were all in for every slutty bitchy man on the slutty bitchy man show, but like you said, apparently boston's the only one who gets a free pass. (side-note: i maintain that top is a slut and a bitch; while boston is a player and an asshole. so far, i have been proven right *flips hair*) we're okay with the sexual predator, who literally refers to people as prey and hits the person he's been sleeping with? if we're going to take the trailer as gospel (which we shouldn't tbh), why is that overlooked?
and if they really care so much about the cheating subplot, again, why does boston get a free pass?????!? it takes more than one person to cheat. he's supposed to be mew's best friend, they've known each other for yeeears, and he fucks the guy's first boyfriend. for me? burnt fucking bridge. i'd kick him in the pool too!!!! that is the real betrayal, not whatever top does.
i also find sandray boring šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ i'm kind of the opposite though, i'm a little over ray and sand seems like he'll have a more interesting arc. but as characters and a ship they don't do a lot for me.
i mean,
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(before anyone comes for me: THIS IS A JOKE! i don't actually think he thinks that lmao)
but i might change my mind about them!! i like firstkhao at least, so it's not like they're a chore to watch but definitely not a dynamic i'm into. i liked them well enough in the first episode and i mean, it does look like they're going to have public sex, which... if you've read my guncher fic, you know i am into lol so they might win me back
nickboston are probably the most doomed by the narrative, which makes fandom being more into them all the more annoying. i guess because they're """""messy""""šŸ™„šŸ˜’ at least mark's getting the attention he deserves, he's one of the best actors in the show (i'm not going to go into anyone else's acting because i will be harpooned). and nick, ugh, i just want to scoop him up into my pocket and take him away from it all. stop having sex with the walking red flag who dresses like a grandma and has a serial killer wall of photos of men he's fucked šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the dick cannot be that bombšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
thanks for popping in and encouraging me to ramble!! hahaha
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