#feel free to leave your thoughts/favorite song in the replies
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rothmorin · 7 months ago
Music Tag Game!
Tagged by: @zelder-64
Rules: Put your library on shuffle and make a poll with the first five songs so people can vote on their favorite
Tagging: @wooferdill , @pillcipher , @heaven-on-earth-is-possible , @roboticvenusian
No pressure to participate if I tagged you. This just seemed like fun and I've never really done anything like this before.
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earlysunshines · 2 months ago
secret rhymes - 22. bumping into... you? (half-written)
a/n: i need tim tams rn i'm so hungry... either that or ketchup chips or lowk i would kill for rice crackers oh myogosdkjadllksda
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after checking your phone to read the numbers plastered on your screen, you were appalled.
you've woken up at the most ungodly hour. since you passed out early, your body naturally decided to wake you up at three in the morning. maybe that's because you took a nap prior to (getting scared to death) meeting up with anton.
you rolled around in bed for at least fifteen minutes, trying to keep your eyes closed and force yourself back to sleep. nothing worked, sleep is not happening again tonight—or, well, this morning.
now you're in the bathroom of anton's grandparents' (who are the sweetest couple ever for letting you stay the night, even telling you to visit more often when you're free) house looking at yourself in the mirror. your eyes are a bit puffy after sleeping, and your hair is a bit disheveled. but now that you're up there's no going back to sleep for another few hours.
after glancing at yourself once more and splashing cold water on your face, you decide that maybe a late-night walk—and snack run—isn't the worst option. your stomach growls just a bit after you've made the decision, and you come to the conclusion that this has to happen, especially since the nearest convenience store isn't too far.
when you go back to the room, you search around for your puffer jacket, plopping it on the t-shirt you stole from anton and deciding to keep the gray sweatpants you have on. before you leave the room, you also steal a beanie—anton's. speaking of him, he's passed out on the large bed clinging onto a pillow, facing the other direction and snoring lightly. you sneak a picture, it's what best friends are for.
the store is a fifteen-minute walk away, which is enough time to clear your head and listen to a few songs from your playlist. and when you get there, you scan the to-go food section, grab one roll of gimbap, then head to the drink aisle.
you scan the options before reaching over to grab a peach tea, then your hand brushes against someone else's suddenly. startled, you glance up. the girl next to you is wearing a mask, and you've got your earbuds in, so you silently nod your head and mouth an apology before stepping back to let them take the drink.
the girl pauses, her eyes widening slightly. then, to your surprise, she lowers her mask.
it's hanni.
you both freeze for a second, taking in the absurdity of the situation before breaking into quiet laughter. "no way," she says, "what a coincidence."
"couldn't wait to see me again? it's only been a few days." you reply, voice light and teasing. a bold response, but hanni laughs brightly, matching your energy.
"you could say that, if you want to get ahead of yourself."
you chuckle softly before grabbing your own drink, and before you know it, you're walking side by side to the register together. after you two pay, hanni is the first to question you.
"so, what are you doing up at this hour?"
"i woke up early on accident, couldn't sleep after that." you admit. "i was sleeping over at my friends' grandparents' place. the house isn't far from here and i like walking..." you glance at her. "you?"
"it's one of my off days," she says, tucking her hands into the pocket of her cardigan. "but i accidentally set my alarm way too early, and once i woke up, i couldn't go back to sleep. so... here i am."
you both chuckle, the conversation flowing easily after that while you snack and sip. hanni seems pleasantly surprised by how casual it all feels, especially given how tense your first meeting had been. the two of you talk about everything—from yunjin's antics to random late-night thoughts, even snacks.
hanni finds herself smiling at the anecdote you drop about your favorite dried squid snack from a store near your house back home. when you sigh, looking up at the moon acting all sad, it makes her laugh. and then hanni starts talking about tim tams, talking about how much she misses the taste of them and that she'd do anything to have one right now. you agree with her, both of you are a tad bit homesick.
the two of you continue to talk about snacks, specifically getting heated over snacks you both hate. it's then that you catch hanni shivering a bit, offering to give her your jacket since she's only in a cardigan and a long sleeve thermal.
her eyes widen at the offer. "no, it's fine, really." hanni assures, "you're so sweet, thank you."
"just wear it for now." you slip one arm out and continue as you fully take it off. "i have a really warm hoodie underneath."
hanni hesitates, biting the inside of her lip before she takes the puffer.
"thank you y/n," hanni says as she takes the jacket, slipping it on and immediately grateful for the warmth it provides. "i owe you."
"it's nothing." you shrug, sipping on your tea and smiling. "can't have you getting sick, you know?"
hanni realizes that wow, you're even better than the little version of yourself she's made up in her head. you're real and sweet and kind and cute. you're more than just a great singer, but a great person. and with that though hanni wonders if she should tell you about, well, how she's a fangirl
before she can do so, you bashfully admit as you kick a rock, "so, uh, i've been listening to your group more lately. after running into you last time, i felt bad about not knowing much about you and the others."
"oh. you don't have to feel bad," she says quickly, her voice soft and assuring.
"well, i do." you say with a small laugh. "but i'm glad i did. i've had ditto on repeat, i made my friend from new jersey—the one from the sleepover—listen and watch the music videos. and also..." you hesitate, scratching the back of your neck before continuing, "you look really pretty in the music video and the performances."
hanni blinks, her steps faltering for just a moment before her cheeks turn pink. she looks away, biting back a shy smile. "thanks," she murmurs, clearly flustered.
before long, it's time to part ways. hanni slips off your puffer jacket, and when you put it back on, it smells more like sugar cookie than your normal scent of jasmine. and as soon as you look back at hanni, you realize that your puffer suited her well despite it being a bit long and oversized.
you stand in front of her after throwing away the packaging, mustering up some courage. "hey, before um, you know, we part..."
"yeah?" hanni asks, suddenly nervous as well.
"would it be okay if i got your number? i know it might be too forward, with you being an idol and all, so no worries if—"
"of course." hanni interrupts, smiling as she pulls out her phone. "i don't mind at all."
a smile pulls at your lips and hanni can't help but mirror your expression. you exchange numbers, and as she tucks her phone back into her pocket, she glances back up at you. "i'm glad we ran into each other, it's no surprise that you and yunjin are friends, haha."
"i'm glad we ran into each other as well. you're really interesting, i like you—your energy! i mean. yeah, you're um, you're cool." you cringe internally, maybe that wasn't the best choice of words? gosh, you sound like a child, who says 'you're cool—'
"hey y/n?"
"ah. yeah?"
"it'd be nice to get to know you more. i'd, i'd um, i'd like to hangout with you again sometime. it can be just us— o-or you know, yunjin too... maybe my members, y-you know." hanni is stuttering, and now she wants to turn and run and never look back. she looks back into your eyes, taking a quick breath in. "if you're down."
"i'd like that a lot." you respond immediately, grinning.
"right, okay." hanni smiles and it's then you realize just how short she is. it's kind of funny, but maybe you'll tease her another time. she tilts her head up just a bit to meet your gaze and the street lamp really makes her eyes stand out.
you can't believe you've just landed a new bond with not only an interesting person, but a whole idol. after getting to know hanni more, the whole idol thing doesn't really shake you as much. you just see her as someone who's really funny when discussing how much she loves eating everything and anything.
"i'll text you later." you say, "is that okay?"
"of course it is." hanni beams.
"okay." you give her a thumbs up before fixing the beanie on your head.
"you should try to sleep in again," she adds.
"yeah... i should." you giggle—hanni does too.
hanni waves at you and walks off. you watch her go for a moment, a strange fluttery feeling in your chest. as you turn and head back toward anton's grandparents' place, you can't help but smile to yourself.
it's a little past six in the morning, which means you've been out with hanni for around two hours.
two hours well spent, you conclude.
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masterlist ; previous - next
taglist ! @namojoon @ly-gushka @layonaiguess @sonotcopingatall @artrizzler19 @yerimbrit @sixflame438 @nwjnsloona @saysirhc @nimnia @somedaydream @trovao-penguins @modanisgf @c-yerim @starstruckgoateepuppy @tzuyusdoughnut @kaypanaq @peranoo @haerinkisser @electronicluminarycoffee @yoohtonyy @secretcessy @keiji-jin @awkwardtoafault @syronns @linnnsworld
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anacdoce · 6 months ago
A soft breeze of summer
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Pairing: Astarion x you (f!reader)
Rating: T
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff
Summary: "Suddenly, you turn to him, a mischievous smile spread all over your face. “Can you catch me?” You shout at him. And then you start running into the field.
Astarion feels his heart swell with love. He loves you deeply. That is one of the few certainties in his life. 
He smiles. And slowly gets up, giving you time to flee. He will play your game. And he will catch you, like he always does."
a/n: summer is ending, and I already miss it! So, this is my goodbye to summer, like a serenade, if you like.
I was inspired to write this piece by the beautiful screenshot from @casualya, and from Terrence Malick style, one of my favorite movies director.
I hope you like it as much as I loved writing it!
The divider used is from @saradika-graphics
Lots of Love to all of you 🖤
Read on ao3
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Astarion is lying on the floor, over the blanket that you carefully had spread over the summer's dried vegetation in the shade of an oak tree. One of his hands rests beneath his head, while the other holds your back, feeling your steady breathing, while you take comfort in his embrace, nestling against him.
He savors this moment, basking in the simplicity of just being with you. 
The sun is high in the sky and the day is hot, but there is a soft breeze of cooler wind that comes and goes, from time to time, soothing the heat.
Here, with you, he has no obligations, no burdens. The only thing he has to do is to enjoy your company on this perfect day of summer. To feel your heart beating against his chest, listening to the wind blowing against the field of wheat near you, that lovely sound of the dried wheat bustling against each other. 
He closes his eyes, relaxing his body to the music of the cicadas nearby, singing nonstop a love song to summer. It’s peaceful. It's perfect.
Your breathing is heavy and even. You fell asleep in his arms, and he can’t help feeling the amazement of this simple and precious act of yours. It's still a surprise to him the safety that his arms can offer you. Just months ago, he couldn’t have dreamed of having these perfect moments in life. To have something so precious to care for. To have you. He. A vampire. Living a perfect and quiet life. Filling his undead heart with such a great love for this lovely being who chose him over everyone to spend the rest of your days with. 
Astarion smiles at his thoughts. A genuine and contented smile. It's so nice. He is happy. Truly happy. 
He breathes in deeply, summer scents all over. And yours. Your familiar and unique scent. Not your perfume. The smell of your skin, of your sweat. He can't help but to squeeze you. Are you really there? Are you even real? Is this happiness his to feel?
You stir, and he feels guilty for waking you. You were so peaceful…
You yawn, stretching your arms. “Was I sleeping for too long?” 
“For some time, yes.” He replies, softly.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” 
“Nothing to be sorry about, my dear. My arms are yours.” He says sincerely.
You move and sit beside him, and Astarion feels some kind of emptiness when you leave his embrace. He could have stayed like that forever, holding you close.
He watches as you stand from his side and walk straight to the edge of the wheat field. Your bare feet, moving slowly through the dried grass. You stop when you reach the first strands of wheat, brushing your hands through the golden ears, tilting your head slightly upward, enjoying the soft breeze.
Astarion shifts to properly look at you, leaning on his elbows. And what a beautiful sight you are. You stay there for a while, with your dress swaying gently in the wind. Your free hair dancing in the air. You are like a living painting, another sweet memory to guard in his memory.
Suddenly, you turn to him, a mischievous smile spread all over your face. “Can you catch me?” You shout at him. And then you start running into the field.
Astarion feels his heart swell with love. He loves you deeply. That is one of the few certainties in his life. 
He smiles. And slowly gets up, giving you time to flee. He will play your game. And he will catch you, like he always does.
He starts running, chasing you. He doesn't see you, but he can hear you laugh, your joyous, nervous laughter. And he keeps chasing.
After a while he spots you, with your back turned to him. You don't see him, so he takes that advantage and puts in practice his stealth skills. Astarion crouches, concealing his presence between the wheat, approaching you slowly and silently.
You search for him, but he is nowhere to be found. But he sees you, and he knows you are waiting. You are waiting for him to catch you. Oh Gods! How he loves you…
He is close to you now. And he can hear your racing heart, leaving a tender smile on his lips. When he finally is close enough he leaps to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and rolling with you to the ground. 
Astarion positions himself above you, basking in your image while you laugh, with your glittering eyes. But not because of the sun, but because you are looking at him.
“It’s not fair Astarion!” You protest, tapping his chest, leaving there your hand to caress his skin.
“I don’t play fair, Darling.” He smirks, entangling his fingers in your hair.
You stay like that for a while, only gazing at each other. And Astarion sees how your eyes smile at him, how your lips crave for his. Your mouth, slightly open. Waiting. Inviting him. And he obliges, kissing you gently. He closes his eyes and he feels your lips in his. And he feels how you hold your breath at his touch, at his much-desired touch. And he waits, brushing his lips softly on yours. Finally you gasp, and you hold him. You hold his head, gripping his hair fiercely, pressing him against you, pressing his mouth against yours. Your lips, urgent against his. 
He doesn’t know for how long you kissed, and he doesn’t care. He is not in a hurry. 
When your lips finally part, you glare at him, leaning your head to the side. You don’t speak, but no words are needed. Astarion can feel your warm love embracing him.
You reach for a wheat ear, plucking it from the ground. Then you tuck a strand of his hair behind his pointy ear, as the wheat you just plucked.
“There. My beautiful summer elf.” You cup his face and kiss the tip of his nose softly. No one else has ever kissed his nose before. Just you. Only you.
Astarion smiles. A big wide smile, revealing his fangs. He feels light. Light like a feather. And he feels loved. Truly loved. You make him feel this way, always.
“Do you love me?” He hears you whisper, a faint of fear in your voice.
“My sweet little girl… I love you. I love you more than I ever thought possible. And today I love you more than I did yesterday, and less than I will tomorrow. I love you, Darling. Don’t you ever doubt that. Ever.” Astarion rests his hand in your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb, and you lean into his touch, pressing your face against it. And you smile, a sweet and tender smile, full of love and reassurance.
You make him happy, a happiness he never believed he could have. You care for him, in a way he thought no one ever would. And he will do everything in his power to watch you smile, like you just did, for as long as you bless him with your presence in this world.
Thank you so much for reading my story. Likes, reblogs and comments are very welcomed!
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kaiyunsim · 3 months ago
abscence of you —
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pairing : bf!jaehyun x gn!reader
summary : you and jaehyun are caught between love and personal needs. you both watch as your relationship slips away, knowing they could never give eachother what they needed the most.
genre / warnings : angst, swearing (1 f-word), reader is lwk a red flag, maybe more
a/n : I LOVE BOYNEXTDOOR AND GRENTPEREZ ! also i rewrote this like two times cuz i was unhappy and still kinda am but i hope u guys enjoy ! (lmk if u want more cuz i like writing angst)
currently playing : absence of you - grentperez
— not proof read — wc : 1.1k —
you are always busy with making music but jaehyun never minded it because it’s your passion and he found it cute that you put your efforts into something you both like. he hasn’t seen you in a while thought and he really started to miss you so be wanted to surprise you at your apartment.
jaehyun opened the door quietly, not wanting to disturb you, knowing you are probably working on something. he made sure to get ramen that isn’t that spicy and has some mushrooms because it’s the way he likes it but also gets your favorite. he leaves the takeout on the table and sees you typing on the laptop.
“i got your favorite, let’s eat,” he says with happiness, finally getting to see you after a while. he approaches you and gives you a back hug.
“thanks, give me five minutes to finish this,” you say, not taking your eyes off the screen.
he only nods, moving to the table and unpacking the food and set up the table for the both of you. eventually, ten minutes pass and he just watches you work.
“are you going to eat before the food gets cold?” he asks gently, trying to remind you.
you glance at the clock, “oh, shoot. sorry, i lost track of time,” you reply, getting up and taking your seat at the table.
jaehyun begins to eat and you are about to start before your phone starts buzzing. you pick up the phone and start answering texts and he just watches.
“do you ever just stop?” he asks gently again. bothered, but not wanting to cause trouble.
you look up from your phone, which is now facedown on the table, and frowns slightly, “what is that supposed to mean?” you asks.
“forget it.” he pushes it off.
after that, you guys don’t see eachother for a while due to your conflicting schedules. whenever you could spare some time, he would be working on his songs. whenever he would be free, you would be busy with songs of your own.
the next time you would both see eachother is when you went on a hangout with your friends. they wanted to invite jaehyun so they asked if he wanted to join and he accepted.
you picked him up from his place and they all meet up at your place. it starts off as awkward before sungho, being the oldest hyung, wants to break the ice and asks a question to the couple.
“so what’s the next for you two? moving in together? engagement?” he asks lightheartedly, the last questions were in a more joking manner.
he replies half jokingly, rolling his eyes, “if i can ever get them to take a break from producing music on soundcloud.”
you laugh awkwardly, “what? i like where we are now. there’s no rush”
and the silence came back, as if nothing ever happened. but something did happen, tension increasing and sungho started to feel awkward.
his smile falters and he chugs the rest of his drink, not wanting to push the answer out of you.
later, you give jaehyun a ride home and the tension continues to seep into him but he decides to break it.
“you didn’t have to laugh it off like that…” jaehyun comments hesitantly.
“what are you talking about?” you ask, confused.
“the future, us. do you think about it?” he clarifies.
“of course, but i’m just… not ready for anything long term. there’s still so much i wanna do”
“yeah, and i guess i’m not a part of it” he murmurs to himself.
“hey thats not fair. im trying to build something for myself. that doesnt mean i don’t think about us” you answer. you sound somewhat annoyed at the constant comments from him.
“of course you think of us,” he says sarcastically.
“i don’t have time for this” you roll your eyes.
“you don’t have time for me, you mean” he says, raising his voice slightly.
“i didn’t ask you to come” you exclaim, matching his energy.
“jesus fucking christ y/n, i’m sorry i wanted to see my partner after a long day of promotions. i’ll just schedule an appointment next time.” he says sarcastically, throwing his arms up.
just as he says that, you stop the car as you guys are in front of his house. he undoes his buckle and gets out of your car, not wanting to deal with more of you for today.
days later, jaehyun hasn’t reached out, and neither has you. both being consumed by their own thoughts.
jaehyun replays their argument, torn between guilt and frustration. he wonders if he’s asking for too much or if you love him as much as he does you.
you try to focus on your work but feels a hollow ache whenever you check your phone and find no messages from jaehyun. you wonder if he’s tired of you completely.
jaehyun decides to stop by your place to talk. he just wants to communicate how he feels. when he arrives, he sees you on a video call with your team, all animated and smiling. he watches you through the party opened door, realizing how vibrant and alive you seem in your own world.
you spot him and quickly end the call knowing your team would understand. you open the door, your smile fading as you see the look on his face.
jaehyun looks at you with a weak smile, “you’re amazing, you know that?”
“what?” you reply, confused with where he’s taking this.
“you’re incredible at what you do, i just…”
he pauses.
“don’t think there’s space for me in your life.”
you sit there. letting the words sink in.
you shake your head, “that’s not true jaehyun, i’ve always wanted you with me.” you say, gripping onto his hands, eyes starting to water.
“but not enough to make me feel like i belong.” he says. finally being able to confess his feelings.
they both sit in silence. neither knowing what to say. finally, jaehyun breaks it.
“i love you, y/n. but i need more than this…”
jaehyun walks away, not wanting to turn back, leaving you stunned with tears streaming down involentarily. it’s not like you were sobbing, but god damn did you wanna crawl up and just cry. but your breath hitched, refusing to cry further
in the quiet of your apartment, you whisper his name into the empty air, knowing it was the closest you’d ever get to having him back.
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berzahoes · 1 year ago
sing a song for you | tom blyth
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summary: reader is on tour with hozier as his opening act and debuts a new song that tom helped write
an: yes this was because i am listening to hozier right now.
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tom had taken some time off from doing interviews to finally attend one of your shows, well your opening act since you were on tour with one of your favorite artists, hozier. thankfully the show was near his brooklyn apartment so he didn’t have to drive far. he messaged you a couple of times but he knew you wouldn’t respond since you were busy preparing for the show.
when it was finally time to leave, tom made sure his apartment was locked and drove to the venue. as he parked his car, he quickly texted the cast group chat that he had arrived since rachel, josh and hunter were also attending. rachel texted back saying they were getting merch and that she had bought him one of your shirts.
before he could put his phone away, you called. “hey, i just arrived. rachel, josh and hunter are getting shirts.” he spoke into the phone.
“i could’ve given them free shirts. remind me to send them stuff later. sorry i didn’t text back. i just had the best conversation with beth about fleabag.” beth was your best friend and also your guitarist.
“you will take any opportunity to talk about fleabag and i love it.” tom smiled as he walked to the venue. he saw multiple people wearing homemade and official merchandise with your lyrics or logo and it made him happy.
“so i actually have a really important question.” you said.
“yes, love?”
“remember the song we made when you were filming billy the kid? i talked with the record label and it’s going on the next album,” you continue. “but i want to sing it tonight and the band said it was okay. and i want to ask you permission if it’s okay for me to sing it.”
“love, it’s your song. you don’t have to ask.” tom chuckled.
“yeah, but this song is half you half me. you’re getting writing credits on album, not just the song, tom. you helped a lot.” you reply.
“so does this mean if you win a grammy for the album, i will too?” he teased. “sing our song, i would be honored to hear you sing our song for the first time.”
“i love you.” you said then hung up.
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“hello all of you lovely people!” you spoke into the microphone. the crowd cheered, tom being one of the many people that yelled the loudest. “you’ve been such a great crowd that i thought it would be a good time to sing a song that has never been heard by anyone other than me and the love of my life. he’s here tonight by the way along with our friends.”
you could feel yourself blush as tom yelled “i love you!”
“i love you more,” you replied. “he and i wrote this song in a day on the set of his show. thank you for being such a great crowd and i hope you all love this song as much as i loved writing it with my husband.” you smiled. you and tom would often call each other husband and wife even though you weren’t legally married. it was just a habit.
“that’s my wife!” tom yelled. rachel had gotten her phone out to record the performance and, of course, tom’s reaction.
watching the video that you sent me. the one where you’re showering with wet hair dripping
tom was amazed at your talent. he looked around the venue and saw how everyone was so focused on you. he then started to mumble the lyrics. he liked how you two were the only ones who knew the lyrics. it was your special moment. rachel had turned the camera from you to tom and noticed how in love tom looked. it was clear that you and tom were soulmates.
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nogenderbee · 9 months ago
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @wabatle request: omg wowie requests are open!!
i know we were talking about the ddlc girls, so if you feel like it, you should just write about whatever random dating hcs you have!
no pressure, obviously, so take care and DRINK WATER ♡♡♡
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yeah!! Omg I love the free hand I'm getting here >w<
Anyway, I tried my best to do lil nice dating hcs but we'll see if it's actually good! Hopefully you'll like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ gf!Sayori who wakes up early just to make sure she'll get to walk with you to school
✧ gf!Sayori who rambles to other literature club members about you, they thought you two were dating even before you did
✧ gf!Sayori who's friends always know every smallest and cutest detail due to her rambling so much
✧ gf!Sayori who eventually stops hiding her depression from you
✧ gf!Sayori who sees you as her only comfort space and let's herself show her true feelings around you
✧ gf!Sayori who openly admits you're her reason to wake up during romantic moments, and shows you how much she's glad to have you by her side
✧ gf!Sayori who goes on playground dates with you despite the age
✧ gf!Sayori who's still childish and genuinely get's distracted sometimes whenever she spends time with you
✧ gf!Sayori who's gonna get way too quiet when someone starts flirting with you
✧ gf!Sayori who can only be calmed from jealousy and insecurity by you spoiling her with affections~
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your hungry sleepyhead!
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✧ gf!Yuri who opens up only when you two are alone
✧ gf!Yuri who turns into such a rambler when she's around you, other people have hard time believing it's her when you tell them about it
✧ gf!Yuri who recommends you books with little notes
✧ gf!Yuri who doesn't need you telling her when you're done reading a page, because she already got your peace remembered and always flips a page in the perfect moment
✧ gf!Yuri who often finds you a bit more interesting to look at than the book
✧ gf!Yuri who'll turn into tomato whenever you catch her staring, shakily replying you just had some dust on your face (spoiler: you didn't)
✧ gf!Yuri who sometimes will leave little notes in books she borrows you to make your day and show her love
✧ gf!Yuri who finds letters and small poems easier way of telling you she loves you
✧ gf!Yuri who's gonna bluntly tell the person flirting with you to get the heck away, not holding back for once and you can't believe it's still the same girl...
✧ gf!Yuri who'll get all shy when you remember her about how she acts when she's jealous
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your shy bookworm~
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✧ gf!Natsuki who slows down her temper just for you and your comfort
✧ gf!Natsuki who usually has sleepovers at your place
✧ gf!Natsuki who bakes your favorite sweets at least every week because she loves hearing all the compliments and seeing your smile
✧ gf!Natsuki who's never gonna admit it, but she actually spends more time on baking when she knows you're gonna be trying what she makes
✧ gf!Natsuki who either gets you into manga or shows you the best ones you ever read!
✧ gf!Natsuki who shows you she can indeed write romantic poems, even if they're a bit silly at first
✧ gf!Natsuki who will never yell or insult you seriously
✧ gf!Natsuki who'll turn into softie and comfort you when she sees she accidentally hurt you with her sarcasm
✧ gf!Natsuki who's ready to insult anyone who has the guts to flirt with you, and she makes sure that they leave first
✧ gf!Natsuki who'll talk shit about the girl that just flirted with you
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your tsundere!
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✧ gf!Monika who writes you many songs about how she feels about you
✧ gf!Monika who always takes pictures of you two on your dates
✧ gf!Monika who's like your mom when it comes to caring about your health
✧ gf!Monika who gives you new poem around every 3-5 dates because she just loves them too much to not express it
✧ gf!Monika who's affections are always silent but hard to miss
✧ gf!Monika who loves surprising you with poetic love lines in the middle of your date
✧ gf!Monika who remembers small habits of yours and your preferences
✧ gf!Monika who sometimes steals glances at you, especially in Literature Club
✧ gf!Monika who'll wave at you with small smile whenever you catch her staring
✧ gf!Monika who'll stare daggers at any girl that approaches you and you'll never know if she's really planning something or just a great actor...
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your perfect pianist~
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hischierswhore · 6 months ago
FOR THE BETTER | chapter 2
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✰ warnings: mentions of alcohol, drunk jack hughes
✰ nat’s note: i’m back once again! thank u all for the love you have showed chapter 1, it’s truly appreciated.
✰ additional note: there are 2 insta posts that align with this chapter! click on the masterlist link below to view them 🤍
✰ masterlist
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february 24th 
“Sing that verse again” Julian said. He was one of the producers on your upcoming album, and you were currently recording the first single. 
“Break my heart & I swear I’m movin on, with your, favorite athlete!” You sang, trying to sound as melodic as possible. 
“Perfect!” Julian said as he removed his headphones and headed into the booth to go over some things with you. Jack, Luke & Quinn were all sitting on the couch nearby, watching you record the song. 
When you stepped back into the room with the boys, you wanted to know their thoughts. 
“Sooo do you guys like it?” You asked, afraid of what your brothers would say.
“I really like the chorus. Super vibey, you know?” Luke got up and started dancing a little before Quinn yanked him back down. 
“It’s got a good message. So far it’s my favorite” Jack said, to which you replied “It’s the only song I’ve recorded, Jack”
“Okay well it’s insanely good, Y/n/n. We’re very proud of you” Quinn smiled from his seat. 
“Thanks guys. Also don’t feel like you’re being held hostage in here. Feel free to go out and do your own thing. I’ll be fine” You gave the boys a light grin and each their own hug as they decided to head to the rink to get some practice in. 
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Later on that evening, after spending the entire day at the studio planning out concepts for a music video, you went back to the apartment you shared with your brothers. Quinn was leaving in the morning, as he had to go back to Vancouver. 
Yes, the breakup sucked and you wished you hadn’t gone through it at all, but you were doing a lot better than you thought you’d be. Spending most of your free-time writing new songs or recording melodies that pop into your head at random points throughout the day. 
Your brothers were always concerned for you, seeing as this was your first true heartbreak, but you were handling it better than they thought. You seemed happier, which your brothers all missed because you were always so full of energy. 
Just as you were writing in your room, someone had knocked on your door, presumably Jack letting you know that dinner was ready. You placed your journal down and made your way to open the door. Jack stood there, admiring the doorframe as he waited for you. 
“First, dinner’s almost ready. Secondly, there’s a gala next month that all the players must attend. They said we could each bring a plus one, and I know you haven’t really been out in a while since you’ve been writing so if you want to come with me & Luke, you’re more than welcome to” Jack smiled at you, truly hoping you’d say yes because he hated seeing you locked up in your room and avoiding social interaction. 
You’d lived in New Jersey for a while now, but you never made the effort to meet your brothers’ teammates. It would be a nice change of scenery. 
“Why not, sounds nice” You smiled as you accepted Jack’s invitation. 
“As long as it’s not within the next week because I’ll be filming the new music video”
“No no it’s not. I think it’s like the 16th or something”
“Okay great. I’ll free my schedule”
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march 16th
After much assistance from your stylist, you decided to wear a black sheer Givenchy dress. It adorned your features perfectly, and you felt like the most stunning woman in the world. 
Due to your brothers being actual players on the team, they were required to walk the red carpet. You were just behind them, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. Afterall, it was your first time meeting the team so naturally you wanted to set a good first impression. You took some solo pictures and made your way into the venue.
As you followed your brothers so they could introduce you to everyone, one man in particular caught your eye from across the room. He had a white dress shirt on, his suit jacket discarded somewhere in the room. He made eye contact with you over his glass of wine before directing his attention back to the man infront of him. 
Your mind stayed on the mystery man all night, eyes scanning the room every now and then in hopes of making eye contact once more but unfortunately, he’d disappeared from your line of sight. Turning your attention back to Luke and his teammate Dawson, trying to actually make friends with a few of these guys. 
Just when you were about to head to the restroom, you felt an arm sling around your shoulders. You turned to find Jack, who appeared to be a tad bit drunk, with 2 men following right behind him. 
“Y/n, this is Jesper & Nico. Nico & Jesper, this is Y/n” Your brother slurred. Jesper reached out and you shook his hand. Jesper was extremely sweet and easy to talk to. When you looked over at the other name, your heart dropped. It was the man you’d made eye contact with earlier. 
“Pleasure to meet you” He said, his voice nearly making you fall to your knees. The damn accent literally made you weak in the knees for a moment. You were lost in his eyes for a moment, taking in all his features before being pulled back into reality.
You noticed his hand was out, just as Jesper’s was, for you to shake. Your face flushed bright pink the moment your hands made contact. You looked to the ground in attempt to hide your blush at the simple action. You smiled at the man before excusing yourself, desperately needing to go the the restroom to get yourself together. 
The second you were behind closed doors, you braced yourself on the sink, holding onto it for support. This felt completely different from what you’d felt in the past. You had butterflies in the pit of your stomach from the second you walked in. 
This couldn’t be happening, at least not now. You’d spent the past month and a half putting up walls, making it extremely difficult for you to trust anyone, and Nico waltzes into your life and makes them crumble within seconds. 
You didn’t want a relationship right now, but Nico made that extremely difficult. All with just a single look. 
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taglist: @lovelynikol16 @dancerbailey3 @ashloveshockey
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forjongseong · 2 years ago
the other woman // heeseung (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: heeseung x fem!reader
genre: smut (minors dni) // warning: aged-up reader and Heeseung, profanity, oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex, implied cheating, basically PWP since this is so short. // wc: ~1.4k
summary: tonight is the night you see Heeseung, again, but you begin to wonder how much longer you are able to withstand the tortuous pleasure that is your weekly rendezvous with him, knowing that you are the other woman.
author’s note: I did a thing... this is my first (and maybe last?) Heeseung fic written in a you-POV.
before I explain just listen to this song first (if you haven't already), preferably while reading the lyrics:
I've had this thought for a while and somehow I feel like Heeseung suits the role better (I'm so sorry), and please do not go into enha's lives and start calling Heeseung a cheater okay lol this is definitely not a jab at to what happened to Jay
anyways I am also leaving this out here without a taglist and just let people find this through normal tags or reblogs.
let me know if you think I should write more for Heeseung! (and of course what you think about this one, feel free to scream in my asks).
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The flash of red on the tip of your fingernails caught your sight as you fixed the curls on your freshly styled hair. It was Heeseung’s favorite color on you, you remembered him saying. You also remembered, vividly, how he said he loved the feel of your long red nails scratching his back. Since then, whenever he requested to meet up with you, you made sure to spend enough time to perfectly manicure your nails.
You flinched at the sound of the doorbell, and you swiftly made your way to the front door, passing the living room with a large vase sitting on top of the coffee table, filled with fresh-cut flowers. When you reached the foyer, there was another large vase filled with flowers. Most of them were from Heeseung, but when he did not have the time to send you some, you would always get a bouquet for yourself.
“God,” Heeseung muttered as soon as you opened the door for him. “Fucking finally.”
He loosened his tie and immediately leaned into you for a passionate kiss. The way your lips greeted him made him moan into your mouth, and you felt his hands snaking around your waist before moving down to squeeze your buttocks. Your tongues danced with each other for a few seconds before Heeseung pulled back, moved his face down to your neck, and took a deep breath as the tip of his nose grazed your skin.
“You always smell perfect,” he whispered, leaving a teasing lick down your jawline before moving up to peck your lips again.
You merely chuckled as you pulled him inside and closed the door behind him. Your fingers were tangled in his tie as you grabbed it and started dragging him slowly, and he followed behind you, keeping one arm around your waist so he could caress your body even longer.
“Did you wait for me too long?” Heeseung asked as you both entered your bedroom. His jacket was long gone, and he had chucked his tie somewhere on the floor while he was walking.
“It’s never a long wait if it’s for you,” you replied, sitting on the edge of the bed and crossing your legs.
Heeseung chuckled softly and slowly kneeled in front of you. “What a queen,” he said, pushing the hem of your nightgown up, revealing your legs. He kept pushing until the fabric reached above your knees, and he leaned in to give your knee a chaste kiss.
He then placed both his hands on your knees and started to spread your legs ever so gently. You sighed as you felt him kissing your inner thighs, moving from one leg to another. The kisses became wetter, sloppier, and all you wanted to do was for him to kiss you where it mattered the most.
You began brushing his hair back, letting out soft grunts from your lips as you feel his mouth inch closer to your core. The moment you felt his warm breath tickling your skin, you pulled on his hair and centered him between your legs, earning a heartful chuckle from his mouth.
“This is what I have been looking forward to the whole week,” Heeseung said, not taking his eyes off your clothed cunt.
“Heeseung,” you breathed. “Less talking, please.”
You swore you could hear him snicker before the force of his hands pinning you down made you lay back and close your eyes shut. He tugged your panties to the side, keeping them hooked on his fingers as his lips began to abuse your folds. He did not even start with soft kisses—you felt his tongue enter you instantly and the unholy moan you let out was one that your neighbors would talk about the next morning. His one arm keeping your leg down was not enough to keep your body from writhing under his touch, and you had lost the will to keep yourself quiet for the rest of the night.
It was what he did best, you thought, him eating you out. You remembered that one time he said that going down on you was a change from an 'old routine'. You figured that he did not get to do it much in the past, yet it was your favorite thing to receive from him, so you never complained.
Until now, when he unlatched his lips and lifted his head from between your legs.
You stared at him with a bewildered look on your face, and you see the smirk forming on his stained, wet lips.
“Don’t want you to finish too soon, darling.”
Heeseung unhooked his finger from your panties before roughly tugging it down, and then he pushed your nightgown all the way up until it revealed your breasts.
“Glad to know you’re excited too,” Heeseung continued, lightly pinching your nipple and chuckling when he heard you yelp.
“What did I say about talking?” you said, placing a hand over his wrist.
Heeseung clicked his tongue and leaned in, closing the gap between your bodies. You did not notice when he started unbuttoning his shirt, but the feeling of his chest brushing against your tits was already making you lose your mind.
“Maybe you should kiss me more if you don’t want me to talk,” he whispered against your lips.
You accepted the challenge and pulled him in by his neck, causing your teeth to clash. You both quickly got over it with him nibbling on your lower lip and you whimpering into his mouth. You then quickly got over him, pushing his shoulders down as you properly straddled him, keeping your lips locked throughout the whole process.
The night went on like your usual rendezvous with him—carnal, intimate, and passionate. The way you wrapped around him felt like second nature, and the feeling of his lips touching every inch of your body made you silently pray to a god, that you did not even believe in, to make the night endless and for the sun to never rise.
Your thighs wrapped around his waist as you climaxed, yanking his body towards you until you felt his thrusts getting sloppier and losing rhythm. He kissed your cheek with an open mouth as he finished inside of you, and for a second it was almost like you were fighting each other to breathe the same air.
Heeseung caressed the skin under your thigh, making you unwillingly let go of the grip you had around him. You looked at his face and saw beads of sweat forming around his forehead, so you gently brushed his hair back, your hand lingering on his cheek for a second. He reached for your hand and kissed the back of it before pushing himself up and away from your body.
You watched as he stood up and checked his reflection in the mirror of your vanity table. He licked his lips and ran his fingers through his hair twice before he cleared his throat and started picking up his scattered clothes. You noticed the unusual rush in his behavior, so as you struggled to sit back up, you mustered the courage to ask him the question you dreaded the most.
“Do you have to go back to work?” you said softly, eyeing the clock on the wall. “It’s not that late. You can stay.”
Heeseung looked at you with an apologetic smile on his face. He was buckling his pants on and then tucking his shirt in.
“I have to get back to my wife,” he said openly. “I promised.”
You had heard him mention his wife numerous times before, but every time he does it, his words still stung.
“I’ll send you flowers in the morning, be there to receive them,” Heeseung continued, putting on his wristwatch. “And I’ll call you before my next visit.”
You were struggling to keep the tears from falling down your cheeks, and when Heeseung turned to face you, you beamed at him, blinking several times to clear your vision.
“Gosh, you’re gorgeous,” he muttered, more to himself. He then walked to your side of the bed, placed his hand on the small of your back, and kissed your lips hard before letting them go with a smack.
Heeseung walked to the bedroom door and held the handle. He turned to look at you and smiled before closing it shut. You stayed sitting on your bed for a while until you heard the front door closing, and then you collapsed to your bed, screaming your lungs out into the pillow.
The other woman will always cry herself to sleep The other woman will never have his love to keep And as the years go by, the other woman will spend her life alone
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© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved
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!!! do NOT copy, translate, or repost any of my work to your blog or ANY other platform.
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crumbledcastle28 · 2 years ago
Joel Miller: Marked Me Like a Bloodstain
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader (afab; she/her)
Excerpt: "Wait," you whispered, "let go."
He did, and you laid him down flat on his back before leaning down on his middle and pressing a soft kiss to the scar. You traced it again, sketching designs of stars and infinity signs around it.
"I'm sorry you went through that," you whispered, and kissed it again, "but I'm glad you're here."
He kept eye contact with you as you did this, and although he'd never admit it, a slight mist lined his eyes. "Me too, baby. Me too."
Warnings: all fluff, Joel's insecure (what's new), descriptions of blood and getting impaled (also what's new), kissing, references to oral sex, major descriptions of scars, please think before you read.
A/N: title feel familiar to anyone else? (I made this title before the breakup rumors I'm so sorry)
Word Count: 1.5k
Pedro Masterlist
If you'd like to leave a like, comment, ask, or reblog, it would be much appreciated <3
(Gif credit to owner)
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The rise and fall of Joel's chest was even underneath your cheek, but the rhythm of his heart was not. With each drag of your nail across his sternum, pecks, and stomach, his heart would escalate and cascade, in perfect tempo with your fingertips. It was like a song, it never ceased to follow, and you couldn't help but smile into his warm skin after a particularly apparent inflation.
A flush of heat on his neck told you he noticed too.
"Somethin' funny," he asked with a chuckle, causing you to only giggle louder into his neck.
"Yes,' you whispered against his pulse point, pecking it slightly.
“I ain’t even gonna try to play it off," he replied, "your fingers are drivin' me nuts."
You placed your free hand on his scruff-dusted cheek and pulled his pouty lips to yours, making him groan delectably as his pointer finger continued its task of tracing over any and every inch of your exposed back.
You were never going to leave his bed.
Your nude body was warm against his own--a mix of the warm meal the two of you had shared and the slowly cooling summer night--as he kissed you back. Usually, on a night like this, you would taste each other until the sun rose, and do it once more for good measure, but not tonight.
Tonight was a jewel, an artifact, a golden crown. It was one of the rare nights that all Joel wanted to do was lie next to you, talk about anything and everything, and just be.
You pulled away and pecked his nose before tucking yourself back into his chest, sighing with relief, but never removing your eyes from his face. These nights were your favorites, purely because you could stare at him endlessly, and memorize him enough that, even in your old age, you would still be able to picture every detail of his face.
The sharpness of his jaw, the streaks of grey in his dark brown hair, the patchiness of his stubble, the exact arch of his nose, the slight wooden hint in his scent, and the drips of honey in his eyes when the setting sun hit them just right.
Naked, in every sense of the word. Your addiction to it would surely be the death of you.
Your fingers continued their mission to feel every part of him as you stared up at him, and he stared down at you, likely committing every bit of you to memory the same way you were for him. You couldn't deny the flood of warmth that bloomed across your chest at the thought.
Your fingers continued their mission to feel every speck of skin on Joel Miller as they traveled lower and lower, and no matter how many nights you had done this, felt as much of him as you could, Joel always stiffened up when you did. Always. And this time was no different.
You had found that words never seemed to help him shred himself of his insecurities, no matter how poetic the prayers that fell from your lips.
It's me, Joel, only me.
Please, don't hide from me, baby.
I love you. Let me know you.
Nothing. It was when your lips were used for other purposes that Joel's body began to meld into the mattress.
As your fingers traced every mole, mark from the sun, freckle, and scar, your lips pressed a kiss onto his chest, bicep, neck, and face, alternating between them all. He exhaled, finally letting go, as his eyes fluttered shut.
"I love you," he whispered, eyes still closed but lips parted in rhapsody, "I love you."
You didn't respond with your words, only another kiss.
His deep breaths filled the air as your fingers made their way down, down, down to his lower stomach. They made it to the two moles above his belly button, one of your favorite places to admire on him, but as they made their way further and further to his left side, the muscles on his abdomen began to tighten, and his breaths shallowed.
You removed your lips from his collarbone at the feeling. "Joel--"
"No," he whispered huskily, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he said, "Keep goin'."
You nodded, and he pressed kiss after kiss to your hairline as your fingertips went from soft skin to a long stretch of indented, deeply textured skin. It was wide, and rugged, and old. You felt over every inch of it, noting how it felt deeper towards the center, but more soft on the edges.
You propped yourself up slightly to look at it; its stretch across his abdomen, its darkened tone, and how it was slightly raised from the rest of his tanned skin.
It was the biggest scar you had ever seen on his body, and in your life.
"How have I--" you began, looking back at his solemn face, "--how have I never noticed this before?"
"I never let you," he responded, his tone full of both disappointment and relief, "never wanted you to see it."
You couldn't help the tears that lined your eyes as you asked, "What happened?"
And he told you. Every detail. How it felt when the pipe entered his body, how it felt pushed up against his organs, and how it felt coming out. He described everything from that point on as hazed and muffled, except for the look of fear in Ellie's dark eyes.
"That's what kept me walking," he said, wiping the tears from your cheekbones as he spoke quietly, "her eyes. Her need for my heart to keep beatin'."
He described the next few months as dream-like, like he never really knew when he was awake or not, unaware what was real or figments of his imagination.
"It was hell," he said, "but she stayed with me through it all, and she's the reason I'm alive."
You nodded, understanding that in order to keep himself sane, he had to focus on Ellie's role in it, not his own.
Still, you couldn't hold your tongue as you said, "I'm sorry you had to go through that."
He shook his head at your tears and kissed your forehead once again. "S'alright, got some of the best sleep of my life."
You laughed breathily into his chest as he held you close, once again running his hands up and down your naked back as he did. He exhaled deeply, like he had finally gotten a heavy weight off of his chest, and you pressed a kiss to the middle of his sternum.
But you weren't done yet.
"Wait," you whispered, "let go."
He did, and you laid him down flat on his back before leaning down on his middle and pressing a soft kiss to the scar. You traced it again, sketching designs of stars and infinity signs around it.
"I'm sorry you went through that," you whispered, and kissed it again, "but I'm glad you're here."
He kept eye contact with you as you did this, and although he'd never admit it, a slight mist lined his eyes. "Me too, baby. Me too."
You laid down on top of him, completely letting your body weight onto his, and tucked yourself into his neck once again. You always loved how well it fit there. His hands went up into your hair to massage your scalp, and you practically hummed.
"I don't mind bein' scarred," he said into your hair after a few beats of silence, "means I'm still survivin', and that means I'm still with you."
You smiled against him, and the unique silence of understanding between two people who know each other better than anyone else was the only thing that filled the room. These moments, this silence, was priceless.
"Besides," Joel said suddenly, carving through the silence huskily, "marks are good, means it meant something."
You nodded, murmuring a small "mhm" as you did. Your eyes were beginning to grow heavy, and the depth of his voice was only lulling you more.
"You've marked me, in a way," he said against your face, and your eyebrows came together in confusion.
"Yeah, not in a scar way though," he said, and brought your hand to his beating chest, "but just as permanent. More like in a...a bloodstain way--a good bloodstain--in here. You've marked my heart with it."
Your eyes met his own, and it didn't take you thirty seconds before you both started laughing in perfect symphony.
"A 'good bloodstain'," you said through your laughter, feeling a tear drip onto your face once more, "I never took you for a poet, Miller."
"Well, I ain't," he said in reply, his face beginning to flush, "that's why that was so terrible."
Through the both of your smiles you were still able to kiss him, whispering against his lips, "I know what you meant."
Because you did. You had marked each other, internally, in a way that could never be removed, and as you kissed him one last time before falling asleep wrapped in warmth and love, you couldn't help but agree with him.
Tag list: (if you'd like to be added please let me know!)
@leahkenobi @untitledarea @avengersfan25 @lexloon​ @aninnai @darling-murdock @daphne-turner @ellesvoid
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beom-s-author · 1 year ago
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+ When they call you clingy
Choi Soobin:
Everything was so strange. You had a ton of homework to deal with. You were trying to stay busy with your own life, but you noticed that your boyfriend Soobin was very exhausted when he came back. His under eyes were sunken. You decided to put your work aside and take care of him, but the stress and fatigue had completely exhausted him. He was too unhappy to notice your effort. When he came home, his favorite meal was ready. You covered your living room with blankets, just like you did most nights with him, and turned on a ridiculous love drama from the 80s from the movie. Everything was so classic but you thought this would bring him back to his senses. But you were wrong...
When he comes back to house again, he was unhappy again. He seems exhausted like he always in comeback terms. But you decided to not give up from him. He always did when you are at your worst down. So you gave him an understanding smile. But he didn't respond back like he always did. He didn't hug you or smile back. And this was the last straw.
"What's wrong? You didn't talk with me this week." You asked to him. You were waiting for a respond.
"Can you be a bit welfare? You are so clingy." And yes,he said it. Trying for something is being clingy? And you asked yourself this abput 3 times before shutting the door behind you. You just heard his whisper as 'shit'.
Choi Yeonjun:
You didn't realize how time passed. You were working a pat-time job after school and taking care of your sister's daughter on the weekends. With all this work going on, you didn't realize how much pressure your boyfriend was under. He was coming home and you were sitting across from each other. That day was both yours and his free day. The documentary on the screen that you have been looking at for an hour has finally finished. When you raised your head and looked at him, you realized that he was already staring into space. Then a strange conversation took place.
"Babe..You are looking tired.."
"Yeah..whatever.." he was cold as ice. You gulped. He was never like that.
"Is there any problem? I don't like unhappy Jun."
"Why are you caring this now? You were like a ghost this week and now you are asking this? You have to be clingy,right?" As his words hit, you can feel your eyes are getting teary. Your pupils get wise and you gulped. Your eyelashes are threatining you to drop the tears. But you wiped them immedietaly and go out. He was watching you from distance.
Choi Beomgyu:
Everything was a big mess. You were all over him and asking for his problem. Because he was too distant and cold this times. You were trying to reach him but he was hiding in a big ice cub like he always did. You always broke this ice cub but now it was impossible. He was staring at the void and holding a pen in his hands. He was trying to compose TXT's new song and now he was too depressed with that. You went near of him and grabbed his pen.
"Why are you so desperate to write this? You can do this later honey. Just take a quick break."
"You can't understand me. I am doing a job which is important not like you. You are sitting at your clinic and listening people's words. This is boring and unnecessary." He crossed the line this time. Your job was your dream job. And now he was daubing it now. You looked angry.
"I am also doing a job which is important. And why don't you respect towards to me? I guess we are sensitive about this topic."
"Yes we are. My job is requiring space and relax behaviours not clingy and weird actions as a psychopath has." He crossed the line again and now you weren't tolerating now.
"I am apprehensive about you! You are not talking, eating, even sleeping. How can I be relax about it?" You replied back.
"Do you know what? If you are complainant like this why don't you leave?"
You gulped with his words. You were now sad more than being furious. You go to your room and grab your coat with your purse and phone. You shut the door. He watched you with empty eyes. He couldn't recognize how he hurt you.
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wintersongstress · 10 months ago
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— mornings ;
In the time of spring when the bark of trees and the flat of pavements were washed with rain, Simon liked to visit the farmer’s market after his morning run. He had left you today in your shared bed, doubtlessly still dreaming as the sun dithered behind the veil of clouds, and shrugged on a hoodie, getting his trainers out from a rack in the closet. His route was dewy with a gentle mist, not enough to keep people from going about their day, but it was the good kind that cleaned the city air and sweetened the long brooms of blossoms hanging over the sidewalks.
The canopy over a flower stall dripped onto his hood as Simon stepped underneath it. Bundles of flowers were arranged in buckets with chalkboard plates sticking out, the signs advertising 3 for £10, and he browsed for a bit, thinking of you.
There was a time when all Simon knew about flowers was the memory of a window box in his childhood kitchen. Long gone, he remembers his mother potting red and pink flowers and relishing the process—the fulfilling feeling of dirt beneath her fingernails and the satisfaction of roots tenderly planted. One day a hummingbird flitted to the window while he ate his toast before school, and it was a still moment of wonder as the tiny bird prodded the ruby petals before zipping on, quick as light.
Now he was in love with his own hummingbird. A love rare and fleeting, one that, when you don’t catch it in your hands and earn every moment of keeping it, would flutter away and never return. Love could speak in flowers, he decided, when he first began to visit your flat and admire the fresh bouquet you kept on your table every time he came. I like them, you had said simply, and he smoothed a petal between his two fingers. And though he saw himself as a brute with hands better suited for violence than caresses, he wanted to learn about the gentler things in life he once thought could never be part of his.
Simon frees his nose from his face mask to smell a strange spire of green, bell-shaped flowers he had never seen before.
“Those are called Bells of Ireland,” the aproned shop lady pipes up from behind her booth. He glances over and finds she isn’t put off by his tall, dark, and out-of-place presence in the least.
“I’ll take them,” he replies. Their scent was light and earthy, like mint and lavender mingled, and their bells resemble leaves with their vein-like texture. Rare and exquisite, and perfectly you. He also picks out a cluster of mauve roses and peachy ranunculus, thinking about the way you smiled with your eyes closed when you smell his bouquets, your lips still curved when you kiss him afterwards, and lays them all on the counter.
“What a lucky girl,” the woman comments, gathering his selections and bundling them in wax paper secured with a rubber band. Simon wasn’t so sure. He always thought you could do better than him, but you would never let him catch himself thinking like that out loud. No matter what he believed of his nature, he vowed to fight like hell to be the kind of man you did deserve. So he pays the woman and bids her good day, heading on to the next stall with you on his mind as he picks out fresh strawberries and bread for the beginning ingredients of a wholesome breakfast. 
At home, Simon fills a vase with the tap and trims the flower stems, arranging each fragrant bloom in harmony with the other. He brews one of your favorite teas and sets out the honey, tending to a sizzling pan in between, then decides to open your bedroom window to gently wake you.
A warm and pleasant wind sways the curtains. Amidst their wispy movements you lay on your back, breathing deep and slow, until the song of church bells and finches twittering from the chimney tops flutters your lashes to take in the tranquil morning. Simon draws his knuckles across your forehead and follows your cheek. With sleep soft in your pretty eyes, this was his favorite view of you.
“There she is, my everything,” he murmurs.
“Hmm. I was dreaming.” With a brush of his thumb over your smiling lips, you open your eyes and gaze at him warmly, happily, holding his hand there.
Funny…he muses.
You kiss his caressing hand. “You smell like oranges.”
“I made breakfast.”
And with that you’re throwing the comforter back, springing to your feet and wrapping a sweater around your nightgown-clad form.
“It’s not going anywhere, love,” he chuckles. These mornings were you had the whole day together were his favorite. You sat out on the balcony, taking in the trees with their sprouting green tips and cutting into your French toast, planning your day together with your bare foot resting over his socked one. The sunshine of your presence fills the depths of his chest to the brim with contentment, and he wants it to last forever.
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Next Door Neighbor
Nanami Kento x Reader
(Song Inspiration: He Gets Me So High by beabadoobe I dig the beat to the music)
He waited patiently in front of the elevators in the lobby. He hoped that he pressed the button on time. It’s been three years and he still couldn’t get your schedule right.
“Hey neighbor.” Nanami turned around and softly smiled at the sight of you walking inside the building. “How’s work?”
“It was good,” he answered. “Light day. How about you?”
“Busy,” you answered. “We’re in the middle of this big project. I have to quickly finish this design by tomorrow morning. Ah, Kento-kun it’s so stressful.”
“You’ll do fantastic,” he said. “I’m planning to cook dinner. I’ll bring food over for you.” Your smile brightened.
“Thank you, Kento-kun!”
“I’ll make your favorite.” You blushed.
“Only if that’s okay with you.”
“I’ll be over in a couple of hours.”
It all started when he saw the pile of the boxes sitting in the corner of the lobby. He saw you grumbling to yourself as you picked up two boxes. He thought you were beautiful when you turned around with the boxes in hand. He couldn’t help but chuckle because you were struggling carrying the boxes to the elevator.
So, he went up to you and took them from your hands before you dropped it. You were surprised, thinking you were going to be excited that you were going to have help. But it surprised him that you rejected the offer, not wanting to take up his time. But he smiled at you, and he saw a hint of pink appearing on your cheeks. You gave in and he helped you for the next hour.
Nanami helped you unpack your things and helped you arrange your new place. You offered him dinner, and he accepted. And because you were new to the area, he ordered food and paid for it. You yelled at him and he didn’t mind. But as the few years passed, the two of you would help each other out and keep each other company.
He waited again at the lobby, waiting for you to return from work. It was his favorite part of the day. And he’s hoping that he could one day build up the courage to ask you out on a date. He could feel his heart skip a beat from the sound of your laughter. But once he heard the source from your laughter, his shoulders slumped.
“Thank you for walking me back,” you said. Nanami couldn’t help but turn around. You stood in front of a male who wore a business suit. He assumed a coworker. The man took a quick glance over at Nanami and frowned before he smiled at you.
“No problem,” he said. “Say, are you free this weekend? I would love to take you out for a date.” Nanami hit the up button for the elevator. He didn’t want to hear you accept the man’s date.
“I’m sorry,” you said, leaving him in shock. “You’re a nice guy but I honestly like someone.” The guy felt embarrassed. But he couldn’t be mad nor upset.
“I-It’s okay,” he replied. “Who is it? Someone at work?” You lightly laughed and shook your head.
“Just someone I’ve known for a while. I’ll see you next week,” you said. When you turned around, you smiled to see Nanami enter the elevator. “Hold up!” Nanami’s finger was already pressing the button to keep the door open.
“Good day at work?” he asked. You nodded.
“The project should be done soon,” you said. “I’m going to show you later, because I need and value your opinion.”
“Okay,” he said softly.
“Kento-kun, are you okay?” you asked. Nanami gave you a soft smile.
“I’m okay.” You frowned. You somehow feel like he was lying. “You don’t believe me.” You shook your head. “I promise, I’m okay.”
“Kento-kun, wanna come over for dinner?” Nanami smiled.
“You relax today,” he said. “Work on your project. I’ll make us dinner. I’ll knock on your door so you know it’s done.” You blushed and then nodded.
Two hours passed. Nanami can feel his heart pound the moment he walked up to your door to knock it. He knocked it but he quickly walked back inside his place, hand against his heart. He cleared his throat when he heard the doorknob turn.
“I’m here!” you announced. Nanami watched you walk inside. By the time you walked closer to him, your eyes widened. “Kento-kun.”
He made sure everything was perfect. He hoped you like it. He watched you carefully walk around the dining table that he set up with dinner, flowers, chocolate, and candles. Nerves hit him hard since you haven’t said a word. The confidence he felt fell.
“L-Look, it’s okay if—“ He was surprised when you suddenly hugged him. His arms slowly enveloped you.
“I didn’t take you as a romantic, Kento-kun,” you said, words mumbled in his chest. Nanami chuckled. He slowly pulled away from the hug. He cupped your left face, softly stroking your left cheek. You couldn’t help but lean into his palm.
“I overheard you talk to the guy in the lobby,” he said. “I felt as if I should confess to you somehow before anyone else does. But if you don’t feel the same way, I will respect your boundaries and—“
“I have feelings for you, too,” you said. “Ever since you helped me move my things to my apartment that day.”
“Th-That long?!” You nodded.
“I mean, I had a feeling you liked me but also I didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
“Then, let’s go on dates and see where we hit off,” Nanami said.
“I would like that, Kento-kun.”
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elliespassagerprincess · 1 year ago
You’re boygenius one is sooo iconic btw
Can you do petals on the moon-wasian project
Petals on the moon - (ellie williams x reader)
Iconic??? Thank you sm anon, like literally this made me smile but anyway I hope you enjoy&lt;3
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This story is inspired by the song Petals on the moon by Wasian Project, if you can please listen to the song as you're reading:)
Pairing: Ellie x fem!reader
remember requests are always open feel free to leave one or just send me a song and I'll take it from there :)
HUGE Warnings: Mentions of murder, kidnapping , descriptions of a dead body, depression, graphic descriptions of suicide and funerals (please don't read this if you aren't in the right mental state)
Summary: In which Ellie regrets her decision
wc: 2.0k
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Feeling down
Orange juice
To get me through
As it rains
I conclude
I need help
From someone new
"you know you're going to get cancer if you keep smoking that shit" she heard Joel's voice talk from behind her.
"Getting cancer sounds better than living" Ellie replied as she took another puff.
Smoke filled the air as Joel walked behind her, placing a cup of orange juice next to her.
Ellie looked down at the cup, and she let out a sigh as she remembered the time you mentioned you hated the orange liquid.
"Ellie what the fuck is this?" she heard you talk from the kitchen.
"It's juice" Ellie spoke, eyebrow raised, confused on why you were asking.
Were you really that stupid?
"I know it's fucking juice you idiot, I meant the flavor"
"It's orange juice... it's my favorite flavor"
"Ellie this shit is sour"
"ok so what do you like? apple juice?"
"As a matter of fact I do"
"you are so fucking disgusting" Ellie muttered as she took the box of orange juice from your hands.
She opened the top and she brought the base to her lips as she started drinking directly from the box. Ellie heard you make gagging noises before you walked back to the kitchen. A smile spread onto her lips as she continued to enjoy the juice.
"Ah fuck" Ellie cursed she felt her finger tips burn. She looked at her right hand realizing she was so lost in thought that her cigarette had completely burnt down.
"I don't want this" Ellie said as she pushed the cup back to Joel before she threw what was left of the cigarette on the floor.
She heard Joel sigh from beside her, as he grabbed the cup and gulped down the orange juice within seconds.
The air around them was silent, the moon was already high in the sky, and the light of the stars filled the air.
It was cold, but what else would you expect in September? September was your favorite month. Ellie remembered the day you walked into her and Joel's house wearing a stupid bee costume.
"Halloween is month away, you idiot" Ellie mentioned as you walked in with a huge smile on your face.
"So? I can start preparing"
"Dude you're literally so fucking weird"
You gave Ellie a small smile before saying "but you love me don't you?"
All Ellie could do was chuckle at your antics before you ran out the house screaming "I'm going to try on another costume!"
She heard the door slam.
"Of course I love you, how couldn't I?" She whisperered to herself.
Ellie was snapped back to reality when she heard Joels voice.
"What?" she questioned.
"Are you going to her funeral tomorrow? " Joel asked again.
"Yeah" was all she responded with.
"Don't start with your it's not your fault bullshit Joel"
"Ellie but it wasn't-"
"it was!" She almost yelled.
Joel tried putting his hand on her shoulder but Ellie pulled away. She stomped to the front door of their house before she turned to look at him saying: "it was my fucking fault"
Joels eyes softened, and he opened his mouth to speak but Ellie quickly interrupted him.
"I should've opened the door, but instead I was too busy sucking up to Cat"
Ellie took a deep breathe before she continued talking: "She died because of me"
"Goodnight Joel see you tomorrow" was the last thing Ellie said to him before she walked into their home.
So take me in your spaceship
Throw me up into new places
Blast me into silence
Let your guidance get me through this
Gravity is pulling me
Along and I can't find a way
To understand
Why I'm here again and again, oh
Ellie felt alone.
What she's feeling now is something that she couldn't even describe.
It felt like there was a hole in heart that couldn't be filled with anything, it felt like she was walking around without a purpose, without guidance.She didn't have anyone to talk to since you've left.
Ellie didn't know if she's never appreciated you enough. Or if she ever showed you enough love. But now you weren't here anymore, made her realize all the times she has neglected you. All the times she could've spent with you but she was busy with bullshit.
She wish she could bring you back to life, even if it was just for 5 minutes so that you could fill this hole that you left.
Ellie wondered what it would be like to live in space. Floating around aimlessly, wondering if you might see an alien or two. This is what her grief felt like. Like she was aimlessly living her life, like she was floating around hoping that someone would come fill the hole in her heart.
No hook ups, no cigarettes, an no amount of orange juice could fill her.
She was supposed to remember the good times the two of you had, but it seems that tonight she was plagued by your last moments.
The way you knocked on the bathroom door that night she and cat were hooking up in, the way she heard you crying and knocking on the door, begging her to open up.
All she did was pull away from Cat's lips and she yelled a quick "fuck off" before her and Cat's lips connected again.
She remembered the loud sob you let out after she yelled out you.
At the time Ellie thought you were being overdramatic. Maybe you were drunk, maybe you had a bad hookup, but she never expected that your body would be found 4 days after that.
If she had just opened the door that day, you would still be here with her. You would still randomly show up to her house to annoy the shit out her and leave.
But now here Ellie lays in her bad. All alone.
Without you.
Yeah, she thinks being sent into space would be better than feeling this empty.
I feel like everybody's singing out of tune
I feel like I can't help but always be so blue
But in the end I know I must keep pulling through
And brace myself for all the hell-like petals on the moon
Ellie felt out of place.
Everyone standing outside your grave deserved to be here. But she didn't. She couldve stopped your death, but yet she was selfish.
She wanted to prove to Dina and Jesse that she wasn't in love with you. Everyone in Jackson knew Ellie loved you, but she was too stupid to admit her feelings, like a fucking pussy.
And now she couldn't even tell you.
If she never decided to prove a point that day, if she never decided to even invite you to that party you would still be here with here and this stupid fucking funeral would not be happening.
Her eyes followed the coffin as it was lowered into the ground.
She knew you were in there, but she didn't want to believe it. The girl she was so helplessly in love with was being lowered six feet under for the rest of eternity.
The crowd erupted in the song "Amazing grace". Some people were singing, some people were crying.
This is all her fucking fault.
Ellie heard Joel softly crying from behind her. And all Ellie did was shamefully look away.
She had to stay strong for Joel.
You were like a daughter to him and he isn't taking you death well. As strong as Joel pretends to be, Ellie knows he's struggling.
She knows he started drinking again. She knows he barley sleeps. She knows he's concerned for her mental health.
Did she deserve it? Did Ellie deserve his love and pity after letting you die in such a gruesome way?
Ellie has your blood on her hands, and yet Joel tells her it wasn't her fault.
Feeling cold
Train delayed
You've gone home
And I'm afraid
Sun divine
Hold me up
Into the sky
Ellie remembers the day your body way found like it was yesterday.
The night after the party Ellie woke up with a pounding headache.
She groaned when she heard Joel barge into her room with a frantic look on his face.
"What do you want Joel?" Ellie asked through a yawn.
"y/n didn't get home last night"
And Ellie immediately sat up.
"Where is she Ellie?"
"I-" she opened her mouth to talk but Joel's phone started ringing.
The only memory she had was you crying and begging her to open the door.
Then the search started. They searched every street, every river and every ditch in Jackson to find you.
4 fucking days.
4 fucking days of searching and interviews, and you still weren't found.
Ellie was on a train when it suddenly stopped, she pulled out her phone to text Joel and to tell him that she'd be late to the search that afternoon.
"They found a body, on the tracks!" Someone yelled from the front.
And Ellie's heart dropped to her stomach.
It was yours.
Your skin was cold meaning you had been dead for days. Your beautiful skin was littered with bruises and cuts. And around your neck were hand prints indicating that you had been suffocated.
Your cause of death was suffocating which means you were alive during the torture you faced.
If only she had opened that door. If only she wasn't filled with lust in that moment.
All Ellie could do was look up to the sky and hope that you were in a better place.
Maybe you've gone to that "home" called heaven religious people keep talking about.
Born again, alone again, again
Home again, you're gone again, again, again
Will somebody be there for me when all my friends have left?
Even if I'm undone in the end, ooh
Ellie stared up into the sky admiring the clouds. She walked towards the huge oak tree that the two of you always hung out at.
"C'mon ellie" you begged her one night.
"Dude it's literally 3am"
"So?" you yelled as you jumped onto the bed.
Ellie let out a groan she pulled a blanket over her head.
"We can go the oak tree and tell eachother scary stories" you told her as you pulled the blanket off of her head.
That night as the two of you lay under that beautiful oak tree and she looked over to you and she realized how in love she was with you.
That day changed everything for ellie.
She stood under the oak smiling at the memories.
Ellie climbed up the tree, as she pulled out a rope from her pocket.
You were strangled to death, she will die the same way.
She tied the rope onto the branch, and she slowly climbed out of the tree.
As she hopped out the tree her eyes landed on where the two of you carved in your initials all those years ago. And for the first time since your death Ellie started crying.
All the emotions she bottled up. All the guilt she felt. All the anger she felt just come out.
Ellie fell to her knees and she started sobbing. With tears in her eyes her hand reached up to touch the marking and a new wave of sadness flooded her.
She doesn't know how long she sat there sobbing, but hours must've went by.
Her throat felt raw from all the sobbing, her eyes felt puffy. Her whole face hurt.
Ellie looked to the rope that was hanging from the tree.
She looked at it, and she heard it calling her. The loneliness she felt and every ounce of pain she currently felt will all fall away if she just hung herself. She knew everything would be ok, and that she'd finally be with you again.
Ellie quickly got up and she gave your initial a kiss, before she got the chair that she secretly stole from Joel earlier that day.
Ellie placed the chair below the rope and she got onto it. She out her head through the rope, and she jumped kicking the chair to the side.
It felt like someone had kicked her in her something, the air was completely knocked out of her.
Is this how you felt in your final moments?
Ellie was in pain. Everything hurt. Now she knows what it felt like. What you had to go through. What she had put you through.
Ellie stared at sky as she felt more and more at ease.
The physical and emotional pain she was feeling this entire time was fading away.
Ellie's eyes rolled to the back of her head she took her last breath. Her body went limp.
She was finally put out of her suffering.
And for the first time since your death Ellie felt free.
Who knows, maybe she'd see you in the after life....
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Authors note: well idk why all my work has been so depressing but anyway just remember you are loved and go always be kind....
Yours truly,
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barrenclan · 11 months ago
i forgor if anyone’s requested this yet but andy you’re a star is a very deepprowl coded song
Yeah... yeah... yeah.
Leave your number on the locker and I'll give you a call Hey, shut up, hey, shut up, yeah Leave your legacy in gold on the plaques that line the hall Hey, shut up, hey, shut up, yeah
Andy, you're a star In nobody's eyes In nobody's eyes but mine
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I love the Footloose dedication, it's definitely got big Pinecorm energy to me.
I feel your heart It's beating time with mine You thought love, love Love was on the line
Break down the walls Well, you've got to cut the ties Well, there's pain Pain burning in your eyes
It's time to fight Well, it's time for tearing free Well, come Come running straight to me
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AWH yeah, she really does have big Pearl energy. Oh the yearning...
I was fine with the men Who would come into her life now and again I was fine 'cause I knew That they didn't really matter until you <- yeah. Egrettail
Who am I now in this world without her? Petty and dull, with the nerve to doubt her What does it matter? It's already done Now I've got to be there for her son <- SCREAMING. EGRETTAIL
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The name sounds familiar so I probably have gotten recommendations for them before, but not for these particular songs. For Spiracle, I would say it's DarkProwl to me.
Our bitter hearts are made out of sand Let me give you all the love that I have Before it slips right through my hands
So many days You've spent giving all your bullets my name If you can't shake the thrill of this game I'll let you shoot me all the same
Why do you let them eat away at your mind? Now you're waking like a dog in the night But you look like an angel in the light
I want the parts of you you only show To the corner of your bathroom mirror I want the parts of your hand-grenade heart That beat slowly with anger and fear
I want your quiet, your screaming and thrashing The salt on your lips and the hands that God gave you And I want your violence, your silent sedation Your moon eyes, your telescope, morbid fixation
I want you, butterfly, I want you, sailor I am your lover and I am your jailor <- normal boss/lieutenant dynamic
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Ouuugh yeah, that is definitely Thrasher. The apathy in how he destroys other people, along with the anger and righteousness for his own pain.
I am done pretending You have failed to find what's left I will suck you dry again Some are not worth saving You are such a pretty mess I will choke the life within
After the lights go out on you After your worthless life is through I will remember how you scream I can't afford to care
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BLACK FRIDAY MENTIONED!! My favorite Starkid musical...
What if tomorrow comes to break the dawn And take the night away What if tomorrow- What if tomorrow comes to break the dawn And there's no one to stay
Tomorrow will come Tomorrow won't come Tomorrow come today
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That's so real... they'd be so perfect for edgy PMVs.
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Waiter waiter! Another darkprowl!!
The bitter breeze from the wounds and melodies I've been fooled, I was never one to question Now you're here like a ride to take me anywhere I need to be
I wanna watch you wreck all the paintings in my house As you run down my wall (Holes of my life) Wash away these things I never needed
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I can see it being Slugpelt for sure! Rainhaze would be the magical clam, if this were animated or something.
The daughter of the ram and the fish Always had one secret wish That someone would love her Someday
The clam in his wisdom replied "It's the person you are inside That's the problem My dear"
"Sadly, you were doomed from the start There's an incurable longing in your heart And not even magic Can fix that"
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n-evermores · 1 year ago
Gale is always asking what he can do for Tav. So I decided to compile some fluffy SFW headcanons of little thoughtful things Tav does for Gale during their journey. I'm sure I'll think of a hundred more later. So feel free to add your own in the replies!
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I can imagine Tav low-key picking flowers and herbs for him while on their journey to Baldur’s Gate and then presenting him with a bouquet to brighten his day.
Tav leaving sweet little notes for him randomly in his books for him to find.
Tav putting themselves in a dangerous situation just to retrieve a magical item for him. Gale would be touched, but also tell them to never do that again.
Tav slowing their pace when Gale gets tired from his condition and pretending like their the one who needs to rest for Gale doesn't feel like a burden on the party
Tav cleaning up after he cooks so he knows he's appreciated
Tav purchasing new robes for Gale, and having them dyed specifically for him (maybe for his birthday or some other occasion, or just because).
Tav gifting him some very fancy wine
I can imagine a bard Tav writing Gale a song or writing him a poem
Tav making sure to compliment Gale on other things rather than just his magic so he knows he's enough as he is.
Tav paying attention to all of Gale’s favorite foods and making sure to gather the proper ingredients so he can cook all of his favorites.
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randomsillyfangirl · 2 years ago
I've got my eye on you - Jake Peralta x Reader
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I'm expanding 😍
But if you follow me for Pablo Gavi x Reader, dw I'll still be writing mostly him!! I'm just bored and absolutely LOVE Jake so I wanted to write this lol.
In this, you're also a detective. But new to the 99 team with your partner- your bestie. Also bc I love Jake and Amy, you and Amy won't be enemies. Let's just say that in this world they never dated.
You and your partner walked into the 99th precinct building with a criminal, sending them to confinement. You and your partner high-fived each other. Jake Peralta noticed from his desk and turned to look at the duo. Charles swivel around to him on his chair, " impressive, right? Second day and already solved a case." and Jake nodded leaving his desk.
" Peralta. Nice to meet you...? " Jake introduced himself to you. " l/n. Nice to meet you Peralta." you responded smiling. Jake coughed, " you can just call me Jake." he spoke. " call me y/n then." you continued through conversation.
You two were interrupted by Captain Raymond Holt. " Squad. Id like it if you'd make y/n l/n and (besties f&l name) feel welcomed and assist them in any cases. " and you smiled, seemed like this precinct looked out for each other, unlike your old precinct.
Jake smiled and checked his watch, " Cap-iy-tan, since its around lunch time, I will be taking y/n out to lunch- to make her feel welcomed and what-not " and you smiled, since your partner had already started talking to Gina- is that a good friendship? Probably. Hopefully.
(Not gina slander I swear I love her 🙏)
Outside of some random street food place, you and Jake were talking. " my favorite Taylor Swift song? Definitely (your fav Taylor Swift song)! It's a lyrical masterpiece! " you told him. Jake smiled widely, " no way! Mine too!!" the two of you laughed.
" you solved a case in two days.. That's impressive. Mind helping me back in the precinct? " he asked you and you nodded,"of course! And I didn't solve it in two days. Me and my partner did. I can't take full credit. " you said, then taking a sip of your drink.
In the breakroom you, jake and amy were trying to solve a crime. " so, if the fires were all started at 12:34pm that would mean..." Jake was starting, " that means it must be that the person is free after around 12:00pm. Since they're all so close by. " Amy finished Jake's thought. You were trying to think, then you developed a crazy theory. " you said there's a gas station right around the corner, right? " you asked, both detectives nodded. " maybe, the fire-starter works there. Brings gasoline with them to their new target? And since they're all targeting big brand businesses- it could be from a small business owner? " you asked and Amy grabbed her laptop. " that makes sense. All we'll need is a list of the gas stations staff! Then we can narrow it down!" Amy looked at you, which made you feel happy- you really helped.
And it turned down your theory was right. A small business owner started the fires. You smiled with Jake and Amy while bringing the perp in. Jake looked at your smile and smiled more. Charles noticed and teased, " do I sense loveeee? " . " what? Of course not.. I barely know her., Charles " Jake denyed.
However over time as he started to work more with you, he couldn't help but look over at you, smile when you smile. And you felt the same for Jake, doing the same thing. You both had a crush on each other...
" You keep on staring dude, what's wrong with you? " Rosa told Jake, noticing he kept on staring at you. Jake huffed, " I've got my eye on her.." . " yikes. Isn't her best friend friends with Gina? If you two started anything, they will not stop gossiping about you. " Rosa continued to speak ." yeah! I know that Rosa!! " Jake dramatically replied. " id gossip about you too " Rosa said walking away laughing.
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