#feel free to add suggestions 😄
doomspaniels · 2 years
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The Prettiest Princess is looking more adult and majestic. The Quaintise Queen? The Epicurian Empress? The Dainty Demanding Dame?
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ceapa-mica · 9 months
A Relationship with Grand Admiral Thrawn 💖 - a headcanon
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I can't stop writing! 😄 Thrawn's my newest blorbo and it's so refreshing and a pleasure to write for him.
Reader is gender neutral.
🔞 This will be a bit NSFW 🔞
I dedicate this one to @thrawnsboots
May you never recover from this one hehehe
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So, you made a certain emotionally constipated blue Grand Admiral fall in love with you? Congratulations! 🎉 Good for you!
Now let's get into this headcanon of what you can expect in a relationship with Thrawn. 💙
Secrecy. As long as you're not engaged or something your relationship will remain behind closed doors. Thrawn values his privacy and wants to keep you safe from people who might want to harm him through you.
Keeping a secret like that aboard the Chimera is still impossible though. So eventually your relationship will become the biggest open secret on the ISD.
The crew is grateful since you impact Thrawn’s mood in a positive way.
Outside of his quarters you both will keep a professional distance.
Thrawn is a busy man, but he takes as much time as he can to spend with you, whether it’s having sex in his quarters or traveling to worlds in nearby star systems he's familiar with, showing you the Galaxy.
Every date with Thrawn is special. Visiting restaurants, hours spent in art galleries and museums, or a simple picnic in a beautiful landscape. He makes sure it never gets dull, is open for suggestions for the next date, and you will have so many meaningful in depth conversations together.
Those dates can become irregular at times given his busy schedule.
When it's just the two of you, he always shows you the love and appreciation you deserve.
As your relationship progresses he teaches you phrases in Cheunh and Sy Bisti.
Thrawn’s love language consists of acts of service, gift giving and words of affirmation.
Seriously, this man spoils you, he treats you just like you deserve.
Keep in mind he treats you like everyone else at your workplace though! Safe for glancing your way every so often when no one else is looking.
I hope you don't mind a partner who's super enthusiastic about art, because oh boy, Thrawn could talk about art for hours!
He has never been in a relationship before. When he joined the Empire, falling in love wasn't in the cards for him. He didn't expect it would happen…until you came into his life.
Your long time compatibility with Thrawn depends on what your own personal goals are.
Let's say you want to be at this man’s side for the rest of your life, I see engagement and marriage in your future, if you're up to it.
As a Chiss, Thrawn is a man of tradition. He won't share you with anyone. That's unheard of where he comes from.
Being in the Imperial Navy during a Galaxy wide war complicates things, but he's determined to keep Imperial affairs away from his private life, that includes your relationship as well.
Thrawn can become a bit jealous in situations where another man gets flirty with you, but never in a toxic way. He trusts you to make the right decision and remain faithful.
He will remind you in the bedroom what you would lose if you weren’t. In other words, he ruins you for any other man.
Tbh I picture a relationship with him as healthy, he doesn't seem to be a man who disrespects his partner y’know.
From a partner, Thrawn needs someone who's competent and just… gets him. He's different, not due to being an alien, I’m talking about his mind. (He's autistically coded)
If you put a serious effort in understanding him, show genuine interest in who he really is, not just as a Grand Admiral or because of his abilities, but as a person, with all his flaws, and you still love and accept him the way he is, this man is yours for life!
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Stay tuned for the engagement headcanon coming soon!
Feel free to add to this headcanon! 💙
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kari-go · 1 year
Hi. I saw your "stud"😄, I like them, good designes! I didn't saw they being named, so just some ideas... and Adrien a bit more....
With Kagami, Maybe could be something with Matagi goesen, since there's a connection with horses
Chloé, I usually see she named Purebreed, wich I feel apropriate, since yeah, kinda "pure" in the mean of being royal, but also thinking highly of hershelf, while in reality, her parents have power.
Well, Adrien....I would suggest colour change too, with the name Gold(en) Stalion. One, colour+animal, but not just that.
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Beside Golden being a horse, I feel Adrien also has a gold connection; Golden memories is a term, if I'm cortect, they use for good memories. And Adrien cherises freedom one of the most, so I thing Kaalki would like that in him. Also, his gold colour a nod to her mother's golden locks, who might gave her more freedom than her father... and gold really fits with the white-brown, and Pegabug's wings were golden, so it's an option, I would say... something like this;
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Gold mostly just accent, but symbolism behind it:
For the bottom of the boots, it's his horse shooes, again, kinda gold~freedom, and you go anywhere on your foot, and horseshooes protect the hoof, so the animal can go anywhere too, without worries
But for the neck and wrists, I would suggest the white, since it also symbolises clarity, on the wrist he breaks free from his chains, he can go anywhere, and the neck is because his mind is clear, free from his father's influence...
It's a great designe, so I wouldn't change it up much, I just felt by giving it gold you can add symbolism with the colour and it's abscence....
Wish you a nice day! 😊
Horse!Kagami is Yabusame (Japanese horseback archery). Horse!Chloe is Chariot but Purebreed sounds really good too! I think I'm gonna use it for dog!Chloe.
That's a good idea, it does look better, but gold isn't in the horse's palette so I kinda can't...
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unvale-io · 2 months
Hiya Unvale
I’ve been a user for a while now and I’m genuinely curious if you guys plan to add more features?
Like more questions for the traits section of the profile etc
I just love using your site. It’s so much easier and less of a headache than Toyhouse (which was my previous placement for my ocs but the coding on that site is so freakin confusing)
Now I may be misunderstanding things but is there a way I can add characters to folders? I have many ocs that all have separate projects and I don’t wanna confuse where certain characters are from and what they’ll be featured in. So far I’ve got maybe 4 comics that’s not going to be a part of the main series but will be featured in main series as mini easter eggs or just characters that will have some impact to my main oc.
I do not know if that’s what the world is for.
Also! When will we see the verification check? This way people can’t pretend to be massive artists. How would that work?
I think what might work (and this is a suggestion and idk how well this will go) message or email the people that are trying to get the check and to see if they’re real ask a few questions. Now I know this may or may not prove anything. I just don’t like some platforms (while I understand why) I rather not expose my personal information especially if it’s going to be sold on sites? If that made sense? That’s my major worried with platform like twitter and instagram (they both have a certain following requirements and a subscription fee) I’m worried if I do give out my personal information, my account might get h@cked and my data will be leaked and that’s my biggest fear with most of the platforms I have. It’s why I don’t have anything of my information on any sites because they’re not trustworthy.
Now I’m not saying that will happen, but this is just one of my major fears I have, I love the site so much because it’s gotten me to really flesh out my ocs on questions I’d never thought to ask before, and I hope it gets a app version so I don’t have to use a site to get on.
hi there! this is bri, UnVale's co-founder! i'll do my best to answer your questions!
we do plan to add many, many, many more features! we're just a small team right now (7 people), so we're just releasing things as we can. in june we released our Question of the Day feature and last month we released our Report button for site safety! (you can actually see all our recent releases here: https://blog.unvale.io/tag/changelog/ our next feature is going to be expanding some of our social functionality on the site. i do agree that more traits would be really awesome! definitely feel free to send any requests/ideas to our team. 😄 worlds is a great way to organize your projects, comics, etc! you can definitely use it to organize your characters based on the stories they're part of or in whatever way you see fit. i agree that we'll definitely need some kind of verification check in the future. it's not a problem we have a lot on the site right now (and, when it does happen, we can handle it on a case-by-case basis), but we'll need some kind of verification process in the future. to be honest, i don't know what that's going to look like, but i really appreciate your thoughts here! i'll pass them along to the team. 💖
anyway, that's all i have for now! i hope that answered your questions, and thanks for the compliments on our site! we've worked really hard on it, and--i promise-- the best is yet to come !!
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I’ve been sitting on this for a bit but fuck it I’m drunk enough to get real and freaky on main.
In Service of Magic really does something for me in a gender fulfillment sense and I don’t know how to explain it really. The only real way I can describe it is that it reminds me of this omegaverse!X-Men: First Class fix with a an Alpha!Mystique/Omega!Beast dynamic happening in the background that gripped me far more than the main pairing. It has played weekly in the back of my brain since reading and it’s been ten years, and In Service of Magic makes me think of it in the same way. There’s something about your fic that really fulfills me in a way I don’t have the words to describe, so thank you.
Don’t know where I am going with this so I will end with cringe suggestion:
Omegaverse: fem!Alpha!TavxOmega!Rolan
(Feel free to delete man I am so deliriously out of it)
❤️❤️❤️ ahhhh thank you so much. truly. I am so happy that it connects with you. I’ve just finished planning up to C15 (as in, I’m still surrounded by post it notes at this moment, lol) and I’m so excited to write it; it’s been in the back burner for too long and meanwhile I have been consumed with so many thoughts that needed organising.
(There’s gonna be more after that because OMG, we’re only just up to the beginning of the oviposition at that point and that was one of the main points of the fic - but I just have so many feelings and ideas about Phaere and Rolan’s dynamic and I want to get them all out. At this rate, it’s going to go long!)
Whilst it’s not a traditional omegaverse fic, there are definitely going to be omegaverse elements, especially in the oviposition stuff. and I guess also in the way that Rolan and Phaere are kind of “fated mates” (given that Phaere will only ever feel pleasure from one other person). They’re bound together from the very first, and now they have a lot of relationship to work out, and I can’t wait to make them grow together whilst still keeping their dynamic.
I rarely engage with omegaverse stuff because I find a lot of the bioessentialism in mainstream omegaverse frustrating, but that’s often because in het I think it regularly falls along expected gender lines. The idea of alpha!f!Tav x omega!Rolan, though, has me DROOLING. Unph. I will let the ideas percolate on this one… and add it to my prompt list 👀 I’ll have to go read some alpha!F x omega!M omegaverse fics for ideas… you got a link to that X-Men one? 😄
(… oh boy. Rolan goes into heat after Cal and Lia are rescued in the Shadowlands, and Tav takes him as her mate? groan.)
I’m genuinely so glad you sent this ask in ❤️ and I hope you enjoy what I’ve got planned for ISoM!
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thesweetsimmer111 · 1 year
I love your mods with everything I have! I don't think I could live without your toddler and baby mods! You're one of my favorite modders for the game! This isn't a request since I know you don't take those, more a suggestion, I guess? lol Have you ever thought of trying to bring the couch snuggle interaction with adults and children and adults dancing with children from the sims 2 to 3? they were always my favorite interactions and I feel like the sims 3 really lacks in cute interactions for adults and children. Feel free to ignore this if I'm bothering you ^-^
Hello and thank you! 😊 I have thought of a few games and things from TS2 for TS3! The couch interaction might be a little challenge for me since the way it would be coded is different from what I've ever done, but it's definitely possible. I'll for sure add these to my list of suggestions though! 😄
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For the ask game: 8. Buffy/Anya Neighbors AU - 👀👀👀!! YES?!?!!! 28. if you're lonely, come be lonely with me - I love this title, very curious who/what it could be about 😄
also can I just say I am impressed at the amount of things you've started and ideas you have, looking forward to checking out more of your fics when I can!
Send me an ask with a title that intrigues you from my list of wip's and I'll tell you something about it or post a snippet from it.
Buffy/Anya Neighbors AU:
“What do you think?” Buffy asks, despite already knowing the answer. “Is it salvageable?” Anya steps closer and looks at the charred mess cooling on the baking sheet on the stovetop. “Maybe I could cut off the burnt pieces and he’d never even know?” Buffy suggests, digging in the drawers for a knife.
“If you’re trying to seduce him with your womanly prowess, you’re definitely going to fail,” Anya says bluntly.
No one is trying to seduce anyone else, but apparently that concept isn’t getting through to Anya anytime soon, so Buffy opts to ignore her. “I’m doomed,” Buffy agrees. She sinks to the ground with her back to the kitchen cabinets, not caring that she’s being pathetic in front of Anya. Anya just witnessed Buffy nearly set her kitchen on fire. After that, sitting on the floor hardly counts as humiliating. “I just wanted…” Buffy doesn’t know where she was going with that, exactly, so she doesn't finish her thought. Buffy wanted not only a boyfriend, but to not be so alone anymore. To find someone to spend her evenings with, and have that turn into nights and mornings as well. To have someone to listen to her hopes and dreams, her fears and insecurities. She wants someone to spend her life with, and she doesn’t understand why finding him is proving to be so hard.
“Well, you’ll just have to seduce him with your looks instead,” Anya says, leaning her hip against the kitchen counter. “Which will be easy since you’re very attractive,” she adds simply, like she’s making a casual observation of a fact, making a sad Buffy on the floor feel a lot better about herself.
if you're lonely, come be lonely with me actually already has two chapters up on AO3! The last four on my list of wip's are things I've already posted at least the first chapter of. I kinda included them in case any of my readers wanted a peek at a future chapter and probably should have specified - sorry! Feel free to send in another ask if this fic doesn't interest you, or if you just want to know more!
Summary: On her first day at Sunnydale High, Buffy befriends a student she witnesses being bullied by the most popular girl in school. Cordelia Chase used to be popular as well, until Harmony Kendall threw her out of the group. Cordelia isn’t sharing why she was evicted, but that’s understandable. Buffy has stuff she isn’t sharing either, like her secret identity as a slayer, or the fact that she can’t seem to stop staring at Cordelia’s lips.
And, even though you haven't read the other chapters, no reason you can't get a little snippet of something not-yet-posted! Here you go:
There’s a shuffling sound that Buffy realizes is Cordelia getting on the ground in front of her. There are light touches on Buffy’s shins, her hands, her knees, everywhere Cordelia can reach with Buffy all curled up and crouched like this, almost as if she’s checking Buffy for injuries. Cordelia cups Buffy’s face in her hands next, tilting her chin upwards, probably so she can get a good look. Buffy scrunches her eyes shut tighter. Thumbs sweep gently across Buffy’s cheeks. “You’re crying,” Cordelia announces, more statement than question.
“Yeah,” Buffy rasps, because she can’t come up with anything else to say. She doesn’t know how to explain that while she is still scared, that emotion is taking a backseat to the ones Cordelia is bringing to the forefront, drawing them out of Buffy with the gentleness of her hands on Buffy’s cheeks. She doesn’t know how to explain that now she’s crying more out of relief than anything else. Buffy leans into Cordelia's touch the same way sunflowers lean toward the warmth of the sun, toward what keeps them happy and healthy, toward what gives them the strength to keep going another day.
Thank you for your compliments about my list of wip's! Honestly I think it's representative not only of all my ideas but also of my inability to focus long enough to finish a single fic and my nervousness about posting certain ideas I have haha. I hope you enjoyed!
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andrecasal · 1 month
Building an NPM package
If you're new here, I'm André, a tech entrepreneur and founder of LaunchFast, a stack designed to help web developers significantly speed up their project development time. I post daily updates on my journey and progress. ------------
Today I worked to improve the “npx -y launchfast” command. Here’s what got done:
Improved text colors
Added TS support
Added a stepper
Absorbed the input for folder input
Explained why the script needs a GitHub Private Access Token
Add support for multiple package managers (npm, yarn, pnpm)
Show the number of steps
Improved text colors
One of the CLI UI components is called a note. A note has a title and a description. The description used to be faded out. I've improved the contrast ratio to make sure developers don't skip that section.
Added TS support
I caught myself running the script 3 times in a row and having basic type errors, so I decided to use TypeScript.
Developing with TypeScript is such a breeze ♥️
You avoid running invalid code because all type errors are gone, you get auto-completion, and GitHub Copilot’s suggestions are better.
Added a stepper
When you’re building a CLI, it’s often the case you need a stepper. This is a simple technique.
The steps variable is just an array of functions you call with a shared context, so they share data between themselves.
This allows me to isolate each step into its function, making the code more modular and manageable.
Absorbed the input for folder input
When npx -y launchfast is done getting the info from the user, it runs npx create-remix@latest. Unfortunately, the create-remix command doesn’t have the best error validation for the folder name, failing when the user inserts an absolute path (without ./).
Luckily, create-remix accepts a folder name as an argument, so I ask the user (with proper validation) the name of the folder he wants to create and pass that down to the create-remix command.
Here’s what that looks like at the moment: const command = npx --yes create-remix@latest ${ctx.folderName} --package-manager ${ctx.packageManager} --git-init --install --init-script --template andrecasal/launch-fast-stack --token ${ctx.privateAccessToken}
I’m happy my users don’t have to type that in manually 😄
Explained why the script needs a GitHub Private Access Token
I was afraid of making the prompts too long.
I sacrificed clarity because of it.
But after hearing almost every developer wonder what the GitHub Private Access Token was for, I changed the prompt to something more obvious:
“We need a Private Access Token (PAT) to download the template. Open GitHub to create one (use the default read-only scope, scroll down, and press "Generate token")?”
Add support for multiple package managers (npm, yarn, pnpm)
Adding support for multiple package managers was surprisingly easy.
It’s as easy as running npm --version and catching an exception.
Now the CLI supports installing LaunchFast with npm, yarn, or pnpm.
Show the number of steps
A nice tip I’ve got from testing with users was to show the user where he was in the process. So I’ve added a “Step n/total: ”. This makes navigation and managing expectations considerably easier.
Next Steps
Tomorrow I’ll try to make Fly’s CLI installation automatic. The challenge with this is not installing Fly’s CLI itself, but reloading the environment variables so that the fly --version command is recognized. I’ll let you know how I solve that.
Then I’ll apply all the other minor improvements to the CLI and test with new developers to see how they feel about it.
After that’s done, I’ll record a demo video to put on the landing page 🚀
That’s it, folks. I hope this post is useful to you. Feel free to dive into the open source code or ask me questions on 𝕏 in case you’re building an NPM package or a Remix Stack initialization script.
Cheers, and have a great weekend ♥️
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finnishhockeyelf · 6 months
Hi :) I was wanting to make my favorite player (Olli Määttä) a poster for the last game I’ll go to of the season. I usually make a few through the season, and the last time i saw him he signed my Team Finland jersey. To keep with the trend, i was wanting to make him a poster in Finnish this time :)
I was wondering if there were any sayings or phrases or something that were popular for hockey games in Finland that would work for a poster? Or if you recommend just translating something I would usually write? Thank you so muchhhh 💙🤍🇫🇮
First of all, what a lovely idea! I really appreciate that you're putting great effort into this, amazing!
I wish I knew some finnish hockey jargon that usually is written in the signs but I've only been to one hockey game in my entire life (crazy and bit of embarrasing ik) so I really have no idea if there's some inside knowledge on finnish cheer signs. I bet just translating something you'd write in english is perfectly fine! I hope you asked someone else too, someone with bit more imagination might have much better answer for this! Or if my fellow finns see this, feel free to add your suggestions 😄
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ai-bees · 2 years
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"Reduced training cost and churn?😅 You must be kidding😄!....This can't be done🙅‍♂️." But guess what🤨?.... Our team has cracked it, and curated a 𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗘 𝗕𝟮𝗕 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝘂𝘁𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸 📓😀 for you! But before that, let's discuss some crucial facts about the 👉 importance of b2b sales outsourcing. Any sales leader may have 👨‍💼👑 Sisyphus-like feelings as a result of the vicious circle of training and customer win-back. Aspiring sales development representatives (SDRs) 👨‍💼 are pushed to the top ⬆️ just to watch them roll off to a new opportunity, so the process can start all over again. HOW?🤔💭 💁‍♀️ Let's analyze this typical SDR employment cycle. ⌚ Months 1 to 3 🧑‍💼 SDR completes the onboarding and ramp-up process. ⌚ Months 4 to 17 👨‍💻 SDR is operating at full workflow capacity. ⌚ 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 17 𝘁𝗼 18 👨‍💼🎉SDR is now promoted in or separated from the company. With an SDR's typical annual compensation being 💲76k, we can calculate that.... Just the cost of onboarding and ramp-up for each individual is roughly 💲19k. Other costs💸, such as the time and materials required to hire, train, and manage the SDR, are not included in this. Now....you must be thinking, so what?🤷‍♂️.... 𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝘄𝗲 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝘂𝘁𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗲𝗮𝗺!?🤔 ✅ When you have expert sets of hands working for your sales, you free up your in-house team for other tasks. ✅ Also, now your team can focus better on how to keep your customers stuck with you for a longer duration. I AGREE😌...that the connection between outsourcing and customer retention is not directly related to each other. However, because of the function that outsourced teams play.... Your team 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 may now devote more time and resources to providing excellent customer service, creating features that customers want, and obtaining referrals🤝😀!! The rise in customer retention is strengthened ✊ by this. Wanna learn more about - B2B Sales Outsourcing❓ Then we suggest you check out this article and get your💡Free Downloadable B2B Sales Outsourcing Guidebook💡 ai-bees.io/downloads/comprehensive-guide-for-outsourcing-a-sales-team?__s=a4nyfoshtq2ixovznywu If this post adds value to your business, do share 📤 it with your colleagues 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 and team!
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Minor Update (22 August 2022)
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Hey guys 👋 I’ve been spending the last few days fixing some typos and grammar errors and add little little improvements, mostly on Chapter 2, but I also did a little tweaking on the overall chapters we have so far.
General and Overall Fixes and Improvements:
Added the ROs’ Artbreeder portraits in their Character Guide screen. Click here to see all of them if you haven’t.
Added a toggle for enabling Russian Cyrillics in the story for some terms, words, phrases. If disabled, all the Russian words will be written in Latin Alphabet instead. Below is an example.
Russian Cyrillics toggled on:
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Russian Cyrillics toggled off:
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Added the option to toggle on Russian Cyrillics and Patronymic Name before the story start (after the content warnings).
Fixed the terms and forms of address that Grandpa (and Grandma) are called by MC, Ash, and other people to more proper and correct ones.
Fixed the tattoo selection system to be more streamlined and flexible. Readers can now describe their MCs’ tattoos design. Click here to read more about it.
Chapter 1
Added a bit more bite into Ronald’s (the bully) verbal insult.
Tweaked a bit of the personality stat changes during the comic bookstore meeting with Yvette.
Chapter 2
Added a “Cutesy” style of clothing for MC.
Added options for all types of MC (smoker, trying to quit, and non-smoker) to whether try to stop and discourage Ash from smoking or not.
Added an option for MC to put on some make-up, or light make-up, or none at all when getting ready for the party.
Added more feminine types of clothing for NB MC for the party.
Added an option to be wary and concerned of Luka’s choice of partner.
Tweaked a bit of the personality stat changes in the second part of the chapter.
Tweaked the heir interest point. Now, MCs who have no interest at all to be the heir will correctly have 0 points on the heir interest point.
I think those are all the changes I’ve made for this update ❤️ Thank you all for reading and for all the support 🥰 And I also want to say thank you for those who gave suggestions and those who helped me with Grandpa’s proper title in Russian 😄 and also to @vega-ai who helped me with the Russian translations so far in Chapter 2 🙏
I will now be taking a proper break, rest, and relax for a bit 😌 I just wanna say that there might be some days where I will answer a lot of asks and there might be some that I won’t be able to, so I’m sorry beforehand about that 😅
Also, I just want to remind you guys about the 1K followers event going on right now. I’ve gotten some one or two asks for Yvette, Viktor, Ash, Rin, and one on all the casts. I would love it if you guys can send some more questions or maybe comments for the characters directly 😁! Feel free to ask questions or send those comments for all the other secondary characters as well, like Luka, Jackal, Takashi, Grandpa 😆
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ava-achlys · 3 years
Masterlist ⚡
Hi there! Here's a little list of works I've done, I'll keep updating as I add more stuff. If you see other fics floating on my page that aren't on here, I'm still deciding if I want to keep, rework or delete them completely. You can also check the tag #achlys: tbz imagines . Thanks for dropping by, and feel free to say hello or drop some suggestions for what you wanna read next, and I'll try my best!
I'd appreciate if you guys are detailed when requesting a fic, unless you'll let me have free rein to do whatever I want with your prompt 😄 Also do let me know if you prefer to be anon when I post your fic 🙏🏽 Happy reading!
🤍, Achlys
f - fluff a - angst r - rough s - soft c - crack
🖤TBZ Smut Collection❤
Lee Sangyeon 🌠
Captive [r , a , sub! Sangyeon]
Dream Come True [f , s , softdom! Sangyeon]
Thigh riding (hard thoughts/short drabble)
Sideways [r , f , dom! Sangyeon x sub! Haknyeon]
Bae Joonyoung (Jacob) 👼🏻
Coming soon!
Kim Younghoon 🧁
Scarlet Night [f , s]
Coming soon!
Lee Jaehyun (Hyunjae) 🐻
Refresh [r , dom! Hyunjae]
reaction to walking in on another member
Intoxicated [r , a , hard dom! Hyunjae]
Lee Juyeon 🐈‍⬛
Best Friends AU series
Curiosity [c]
Exploration [c]
Time-Out [c , r]
One Shots
Breaking Dawn [a , r , sub! Juyeon]
Focus [f , r , s , sub! Juyeon]
Tear [a , s , sub! Juyeon]
Needs [f , r , dom! Juyeon x sub! Eric]
Stereotypes [f , s , sub! Juyeon]
Moon Hyungseo (Kevin) 🌙
date night (soft thoughts)
Choi Chanhee (New) 🌸
reaction to walking in on another member
Sweater Paws (short drabble) [s , sub! New]
Ji Changmin (Q) 🦇
reaction to walking in on another member
Of Roses and Thorns [f , s , a , dom! Q]
Red Lights [f , r , dom! Q]
Ju Haknyeon 🐥
Howling Storm [r , f , sub! Haknyeon]
Drink it [r , f , sub! Haknyeon]
Teach Me [a]
Sideways [r , f , sub! Haknyeon x dom! Sangyeon]
Sohn Youngjae (Eric) 🦄
One Shots
Spoiled [r , f , sub! Eric]
reaction to his gf not wearing a bra
Kiss Me If You Can [f , s , a]
Needs [f , r , sub! Eric x dom! Juyeon]
Rubi's PlayCube (Neighbor AU)
Girl Next Door [f , r , c , dom! Eric]
Incognito [f , r , dom! Eric]
Let's Play Pretend [f , r , c , dom! Eric]
Kim Sunwoo 🦝
reaction to his gf not wearing a bra
Hands Off [a , f , s , softdom! Sunwoo]
Reflection [a , c , r , dom! Sunwoo]
💛TBZ Lists/Headcanons💜
TBZ as CamBoyz - Hyung line
sub! TBZ kinks/hard thoughts - Maknae line
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writingwife-83 · 3 years
About Me 🙋‍♀️
I figured I should make one of these and pin it to the top of my blog. I’ll edit/add things on this post if ever needed.
My Tumblr-
I do not routinely follow back. I just like to keep my dash pretty minimal and curated.
I mostly post and reblog content related to BBC Sherlock, Star Wars, writing, and fandom. My ship and fandom preferences are my business. Don’t like, don’t follow.
I always read the tags on reblogs.
I do not post or reblog content that’s explicit, so this blog is safe for under 18.
I view reposts as theft, and I don’t want that on my blog. I try to be careful, but if you see that I’ve reblogged something that is a repost, please let me know so I can delete it.
I disagree with the use of A.I. art, so if I see you routinely creating or reblogging it, you’ll be blocked. If you see me accidentally reblog A.I. art, please let me know so I can delete it.
I am careful about tagging ships and possible triggers if it’s something I’m aware of, in case anyone has filters. If I forget to tag something or make an error, don’t hesitate to politely let me know!
I love receiving asks, but anon is currently turned off due to a number of rude ones I’ve gotten.
I care deeply about the serious issues going on in the world, but tumblr is not where I express that. This blog is primarily for my writing hobby, so it’s just for fun and entertainment.
This is my main blog, but I am also a mod on the blog sherlolly-ily-fest.
I’m never going to be willing to spread a stranger’s request for money on this site, so please don’t ask me to.
My Writing-
I still have a handful of fics from early years on FanFiction dot net, but I have all my fics on Archive of Our Own. I do see and respond to comments/reviews on both sites.
I mostly write for sherlolly from BBC Sherlock and reylo from Star Wars, but I do occasionally write for some other ships.
I do not write mature or explicit content, so if you prefer that in fics, I’m not for you.
I have never abandoned a multi chapter in all the years I’ve been writing fanfics. If I’m gradually posting a WIP, you can feel confident that I won’t permanently drop it.
I value feedback and polite suggestions, but please understand that fanfic is free and therefore it’s my call as the writer to decide how I want things done. Don’t like, don’t read!
I only allow works of mine to be translated with my permission, and I do not ever give permission for my works to be copied and reposted. If you wish to share a fic of mine, you may only do so by sharing a direct link to where I have posted that fic.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading and here’s some virtual cookies! 😄🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
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imp-printed · 2 years
Okay, so I’ve been wanting to try fic/book binding for ages.
The problem for me however isn’t the physical aspect of putting the book together, it’s the typesetting.
I’ve tried looking for guides, but I’ve got ADD and the guides I can find, through google and the renegade publishing guide/advice/FAQ google doc, can’t hold my attention, and it makes me want to gnaw my own hands off.
In all honesty I just want the suggested margin measurements best for your basic A4 printer paper. (I know there’s more to typesetting, but header/footer/side margins seem to be where my mind decides to throw a fit)
I’m probably making it harder then it needs to be tbh but nothing else has helped.
Thank you for your time
Hello, and thanks for reaching out! The more community members, the merrier 😄 !
(Please note that if you'd like an expert opinion, feel free to ask in the discord/reach out to my fellow Renegade members kate2kat & pleasantboatpress here on tumblr - they work primarily in A sizes, whereas I am a filthy US american.)
When I started out, I took my software's default margins and tweaked them til they looked okay to me.
"Default": 2.5 cm for every margin.
Tweaked: 2.5 cm for the top OR bottom margin, 2 cm for all other margins.
I know these are very basic, but it's a good place to start playing around to see what works for you.
A rule of thumb is to have 10-12 (maybe up to 14) words in an average line of text. Narrow margins and small font sizes reduce the final page count, but can make the page crowded/more difficult to read, and whether that tradeoff is worth it is up to you - a test print of a page or two really helps me here.
Give your page numbers and running header/footer with the title & author info (if included) breathing room. Look at the page proportions: even if top & bottom margins are exactly the same, when there's something interrupting the white space up top it makes the bottom margin seem wider by comparison.
Look at the innards of all kinds of books and make a note of what you do and don't like in the layouts; plus, copying examples is a great way to produce a period look. The golden ratio, for instance, can be used to imitate certain medieval/renaissance manuscripts!
TL;DR: start with the measurements above & then change them as needed based on the following:
What is being printed (are you replicating a look? Trying to save paper or stretch a short fic?)
Personal preference (where do you want the page #s/ author or title info, if any? Does a crowded page or any big blank space bother you?)
Your printer (most won't print to the paper's edge, leaving a 0.5 in. wide border of untouchable space) & the peculiarities of the software you use to typeset
Hope this or one of my fellow bookbinders helps! I'd love to see what you end up making :)
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Clois!! (I'm not picky about the show)
Hey! Thanks for asking....I'm tagging @sci-fi-pony as she asked for DCEU clois (Please know, though: mine is a kinda universal perspective when it comes to them, so)
So even if (some of ) the following tend to be canon (only) in the comics, I see them working really well with the DCEU as well as all other incarnations!
Here we go:
Who was the one to propose?
CLARK!! (No doubts- whatever incarnation 😄, and he was extremely nervous about popping the question, and not screwing the whole thing up!)
Who stressed more over wedding planning?
Lois, possibly - coz Clark would've been in and out- saving the day (doesn't mean he wasn't stressed though!)
Who decorated the house?
While moving in? Both. Taking the time to find the perfect spot for everything Otherwise- I'm betting Clark. (I picture him to be picky about indoor decor (also- he's the one who puts in an effort to keep everything neat and tidy and properly in place,)
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Who does the cooking?
Again, CLARK! 😂. And he's an exceptional chef- Lois is absolutely appreciative of that, and Clark simply spoils her with heavenly meals and desserts.
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Who is more organized?
Clark (Wow- Kent you've outdone yourself!)...we all have seen the state of Lois' desk at the planet(and outside)!
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I agree this one looks comparatively neater, though:
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Who suggested kids first?
IMO- Lois. (As surprising as it may appear to be! And I'm pretty sure it wasn't an intentional conversation- it came up and they had a long enlightening talk).
Who’s the cuddler?
I think they're both pros in that field (which is saying something, as Lois is pretty foreign to that sort of thing)
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Who’s the big spoon/little spoon?
Clark's the big spoon, definitely. It works the other way too, sometimes! (That is-when she isn't purposefully sprawling herself over him)
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What’s their favorite non-sexual activity?
Date nights- up in the sky a.k.a flying together. (What am I saying? Rephrase- ONLY DATE NIGHTS; no funny business)
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Who cooks?
No- I'm not changing my opinion, it's still Kent!
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Who comes home drunk at 3am?
LOIS! And Clark's all momma bear mode later...(it physically pains him to see her in that state lol, so instead of reprimanding- he's actually very caring and considerate about the whole issue) Although this is a different scenario....it's pretty much self explanatory
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Who kills the spiders?
Who falls asleep first?
Lois. But she makes sure that he falls asleep first after one of those infamous "nightmare" episodes.
A head canon?
My head canons literally suck but.. they love slow dancing (Lois is terrible at it and was initially mortified by that idea but, still...)- may it be on Valentine's day, their anniversary or any other festive/non festive occasion- it just comes naturally.
Their relationship summed up in a gif?
Very impossible for me to do that, sorry! However- I'm open to your ideas!
Do they have any “rituals”?
This isn't totally a head cannon but : Every New Year's Eve, Clark would zoom them both to watch mesmerizing firework displays from the top of the world. (As cheesy as that sounds)
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Who has the most patience?
Clark. Yeah- who's surprised?
So there's that!! And I did dig the internet for a G.I.F, lol I couldn't come up with one that could perfectly sum up their relationship!
You guys wanna add something, feel free!
Thankyou so much for asking!
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bethpeaches123 · 3 years
Hey! I’ve logged into my old hunger games blog after years, since I’m falling back into that obsession again lol. I’m wondering if you have some suggestions of good thg blogs that are still active after all these years? Thanks!
Hey there anon! Welcome back to your blog!! I'm excited that you've come back around, this is a great little community!!
I'm relatively new here, I joined around April 2020, but I've met lots of new and older members since then who've made me feel really welcome. I love it here. 😊
Here are just some of the folks that I follow that are active, and are either newer blogs or some you might've already known from back in the day:
@everlarkficquestions - lifesavers when you can't find a fic!
I know I'm forgetting people and I feel really bad about that, (I hate forgetting people - I'm often forgotten so I know how crappy it is, so my apologies, folks) so please, anyone else add to this list! These are just some of the blogs that pop up frequently on my feed and I interact with. And though you're anonymous, feel free to send me a message/ask/whatever if you ever want to chat! I'm quite chatty. 😄
Have a great day!!
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