#feel free to add suggestions
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noyoucantpinmedown · 1 year ago
The Quarry ships + Taylor Swift songs
Dylan/Ryan: Gorgeous, Labyrinth, Lover, The Great War, willow, The Archer
Nick/Abi: Treacherous, State of Grace, Question...?, Fearless, Sweet Nothing, Cruel Summer
Emma/Abi: Cornelia Street, Delicate, dorothea, cardigan, Paris, gold rush
Laura/Max: Lavender Haze, Paper Rings, You Are In Love, peace, Mine
Jacob/Emma: august, Midnight Rain, Wonderland, Blank Space, Say Don't Go
Kaitlyn/Jacob: seven, Dress, You Belong With Me, Everything Has Changed, Stay Stay Stay
Emma/Kaitlyn: Glitch, Suburban Legends, cowboy like me, Don't Blame Me, Sparks Fly
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backstabbingfarter · 1 year ago
no one gets him like i do. no one gets it
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campterodactyl · 1 year ago
Drinking Game / Bingo
( special Indian movies)
1 sip every time :
- butt / abs / boobs shot.
- per outfit change during musical numbers
- product placement ( +1 if it's pepsi)
- dramatic sound effect
- wrist grab
- slap in the face
- almost kiss
- tilt of the mustache
- dizzying circular dolly shot
- ugly crying
- random instance of nationalism (Vande mataram! / Jai Hind)
- arranged marriage (+ 1 if it's between cousins)
- belly pinch
- way too much dust
- way to much wind ( fan obviously pointed at actors) +1 if indoors
- usage of sign language
- ref to antother existing indian movie / actor ( +1 if it's Titanic)
-mention of Hitler or discovery chanel
- freeze frame
-Man vs the machine (man wins)
- Screeching tires ( +1 on dirt)
- hey! ( ray)
- poor taste in jewellery (+1 for oversised watchband)
- bangles are the girls best friend
- eagles screeching
- color lenses ( +1 for men )
- ugly wig
- puncture tire to pick up girls
- off with their head !
- Menacing Tongue / finger
- caracter and actor have the same name
- the drag of the shirt from the back to signify being cool or about to get real.
- 5 years old level of manipulation *and it works*
Level hardcore :
- Glass breaks
- head bobble/wobble
1 Shot for:
- Intermission
- Random gratuitous guest appearance ( don't try this one with Om shanti Om, you've been warned..)
- Title drop
- Train scene
- Actually kiss
- Rain scene
Adding the sensitive ones behind the line
- suicide ( attempt / theat)
- rape (attempt/ threat)
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makingqueerhistory · 2 years ago
Hi! Do you have any posts about asexuality and or aromanticism and queerplatonic relationships?
Thanks for running this blog!
Yes! We love asexual, and aromantic history here!
Early Asexual Feminists: The Asexual History of Social Purity Activists and Spinsters
Catherine Bernard: A question in studying asexual history
Redefining the Dandy: The Asexual Man of Fashion
Florence Nightingale
Zinaida Gippius
Charlotte Payne-Townshend
Langston Hughes
The Golden Orchid Society
Kristina King of Sweden
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abiscuit · 3 months ago
Hello Tumblr.com, boy do I have the post for you
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This is my very serious very cool graph that I woke up this morning and felt the very express need to make.
I’m sorry to the 2004 Batman fandom, I have not actually seen that show, I hope I am right. I will watch it soon enough.
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fave-fix · 7 months ago
make that character fat. make that character have acne. make that character wear glasses. make that character have a big nose. make that character use crutches. make that character have crooked teeth. make that character use a wheelchair. make that character have an insulin monitor. make that character wear teeth braces. make that character poc. make that character mixed. make that character religious. make that character have a cane. make that character have a tooth gap. make that character wear a nicotine patch. make that character mave scars. make that character an amputee. make that character queer. make that character use aac. make that character have facial deformities. make that character use sign language. make that character gnc. make that character have yellow teeth. make that character have freckles. make that chatacter use finger splints. make that character have stretch marks. make that character have visible injection sites. make that character use joint braces. make that character have curly hair. make that character have piercings. make that character wear cultural clothing. make that character tattooed.
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hegory-grousing · 1 year ago
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im not a writer so this doesn't have real dialogue. mad libs I guess. I imagine this happens often on their lunch dates hehe
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skrs-cats · 6 months ago
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gideonisms · 1 year ago
Anyway here are some things I think we should do during the alectopause:
get really into paul/pyrrha
make drawer bread fanart
group trip to melbourne before. You know
pick two unlikely characters to ship and create a 100k word sff epic fic based on the idea that they might hatefuck
turn our griddlehark fics into wildly successful booktok romances that eventually get us cancelled on whatever remains of twitter
get on the right medication
create a gideon nav workout routine that involves fighting our friends with swords
have sex with at least one mutual
watch utena
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captain-dville · 2 months ago
*So they were doing this.*
*There was no way around it: Jonny was terrified as he sat on the side of the wheel-out medical bed, watching @scientist-cognizi potter around getting set up. They'd done what they could to make the medical bay look less like a lab, though Jonny had been unhelpful in explaining why exactly - he'd thrown a bedsheet over the equipment they weren't using, and refused a medical gown in favour of just stripping down to his trousers.*
*He could hear the irregular tick - czztick - tick of his mechanical heart all too loudly in the quiet room. He squeezed @everybodys-favourite-gunner 's hand reflexively, hoping it wasn't too obvious how quiet he was being, or how his shoulders were trembling. Then he did the same to @drumbbot-brian's hand on his other side.*
*He saw Raphaella reach for a screwdriver, and tensed up - then he let his gaze flick over to Nastya where she was leaning against the wall, watching over everything, and felt his breathing steady just a little.*
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glowcowboy · 2 months ago
i am having a beautiful vision of having a sims themed wedding and it fills me with delight that i cannot adequately voice. said wedding must include:
random guests doing pushups
random ppl we did not invite showing up
no one is dressed appropriately
someone starts a fistfight
someone dies and i get mad at them for dying at my wedding
someone gets crumplebottomed
no one sits anywhere they’re supposed to
required to have: a piano, a bar, a cake, and a wedding arch
someone starts saying their vows but then they get distracted and go swim in the ocean instead
someone rides their bike thru the middle of the ceremony
at least 3 ppl pass out from heatstroke
fruitcake. exactly two people like this. neither are the people getting married
3 ghosts show up. i invited 0 of them
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kaybeemes · 23 days ago
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im attempting a nuzlocke atm so its got me thinking about kbms but pokemon….. further thoughts and some sketches below the cut 👀
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Mithrun is a former region champion who got paranoid that one day someone would beat him, so he kinda snapped and became an antagonist
He used the power of his former champion team to summon a legendary (maybe giratina? idk) to assure that he’d always stay champ, it backfired, now he’s starting his journey over again as a regular trainer
The only pokemon I’ve thought about him having (both before and after) is an Abra bc of the teleporting so feel free to suggest others. I considered Gogoat and some sort of snake pokemon for his former team (for obvious dungeon lord reasons) but I’m not sure if those are really his style
The Canaries are his former grunts from when he was an antagonist (tho Pattadol’s probably more like a former commander, not grunt) who stuck around and help him out now
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Milsiril is a former Ghost type gym leader who knew Mithrun when he was region champion. Since she saw how much misery being a trainer brought him and how devastated other trainers were when she beat them, she highly discouraged Kabru from becoming one
Kabru really wanted to be a trainer anyways and studied hard for it, but since his original hometown was decimated by out of control pokemon, he decided to be more practical and became a pokemon ranger instead. He’s very good at befriending pokemon alongside his partner pokemon, Lucario
He’s with Mithrun on his trainer journey now, helping him re-learn how to not just succeed in battles but also really care for and appreciate his pokemon beyond their strength and simultaneously Mithrun is subtly helping/encouraging Kabru to follow his dreams of being a trainer
I have vague ideas for the main 6 of dunmeshi also (the toudens being trainers filling out a pokedex, marcille being a contestant star who has unconventional and powerful pokemon, senshi being a pokemon caretaker/nursery worker, Chilchuck being a former gym leader, izutsumi just tagging along for the hell of it), but im thinking of this narrative through a kabumisu lens so im not really concerned with what they’re up to
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knightbun · 2 years ago
just some observations I’ve made
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dan-whoell · 9 months ago
they're opening up a theme park. every roller-coaster is named after various 'hills' over the years (moving hill, phwedding hill, etc). there's one of those rides that's a big tower that shoots you up into the sky (like Drop of Doom/Tower of Terror) and its called Hard Launch. various photo op spots with cut outs of them from different eras. interactive 'internet support group' show. sims characters walking around. cherry blossom trees everywhere.
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chrisrin · 2 years ago
none of these are set in-stone and i didn't draw most of my designs with weapons but here's what their weapons are in my head! (debatable/up for change)
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venusinta · 7 months ago
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commission for t4tnarusena (twt)
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