Well, I said I was making a turtle…
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Meet Fey! Her actual name is Fede (feh-deh), but I’ve taken to calling her Fey and it’s stuck. She’s a smooth soft shell turtle and she’s very timid. Fey’s the same age as Donnie and Leo.
This is my initial concept for her design, so I’m sure things will change a bit as time goes on. I need to figure out what I’m doing with her mask tails. But for right now I’m happy enough with her!
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fedeccinithistles · 1 month
@theoneandonlybabyblue Leo when you get back on board let me know. I’ve got camomile tea for you.
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killcomet · 6 years
21 Questions Tag!!
I was tagged by @daydream-hobii !!! I love you sweets!!
names: drew
nicknames: munchkin, gay dad, gay daddy, drewcifer, dad, my love/love
gender: genderfluid
zodiac: monkey and I’m a gemini
height: 5′6
time: 1:09 PM eastern standard time
favorite musicians: probably Halsey, Steve Aoki, grandson, CL, and after that idk 
song stuck in my head: badbye by rm and thoughts an prayers by grandson
last movie I saw: antman and the wasp
last thing I googled: what guttural means
other blogs: I have my fandom blog which is soft-liars-with-hard-hearts
do I get asks: eh sometimes
why did I chose this URL: I really like space and idk about the kill part
following: 81 blogs
amount of sleep I get: eh I mean I can go in 6 different times zones in a week so take that as you will
lucky number: 5
what I’m wearing: gray sweats and a pastel purple hoodie that says lover not a fighter
dream job: either a photographer or baker
dream trip: if i had to bring it down to where I really wanna see germany, the UK, japan, and south korea
favorite foods: sushi, seseme chicken, any junk food, and fedeccine alfrado
instruments: none
favorite songs: sorry by halsey, badbye by rm, I’m fine by BTS, and wannabe by HYOYEON and san e
I tag @anpandan @little-star-in-the-universe @little-bunny-jungkookie @kingdomzeldaquest @claimyourself-lightnordark @bangtansoftboys @first-love93 @stay-weird-people @unknowntalesx (no one has to if they don’t want to!!)
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For Fey - 6, 9, and 18
For Mint - 3, 19, 25
Hi Crow! ^^
Hi May!
I had this mostly answered yesterday, but tumblr ate it and I had to rewrite everything.
6: Say three nice things about yourself (physical and non-physical)
“Um… I like my little spots… Mikey says they’re freckles. And… I like how my shell is soft and flexible… and I’ve been told I’m really graceful. Oh, that sounded like bragging. I’m sorry. Um. Not physical… I… am not a bother. I’ve been told I’m a good listener… and that I’m helpful.”
9: What calms you down?
“…Sometimes I watch Winnie the Pooh. Or Cinderella. Sometimes Leo makes tea and we sit at the table and drink it… I like tea. And sometimes I sit in Donnie’s lab… I’m quiet so I don’t bother him…”
18: Do you still love stuffed animals?
*She nods hesitantly* “I have one… he’s a donkey and his name is Eeyore. He’s from my movie. Raph gave him to me on my first birthday.”
*Corrective muttering*
“Oh… Donnie says that I should have told you it was my 11th birthday so you don’t get confused… sorry.”
Fey did not have a birthday until joining the Hamato clan, with her first ever birthday being when she turned 11, roughly, since her actual date of birth is unknown.
(warning; Mint is long-winded)
3: Favorite scented candle smell?
“It’s been a while since I began living underground, and unfortunately we don’t get too many candles in the lair. It’s too likely the boys would knock it over and set the whole place on fire, or one of Donnie’s experiments would find it and explode. But I have one, and I keep it in my room. I burn it if I’ve had a long day, or sometimes when one of the boys comes to talk to me. It was a Mother’s Day gift from Mikey a few years back and I’m trying to make it last as long as I can. It smells like cherry blossoms. I guess it’s become my favorite candle scent, and I think even if I had more options I would pick that one because of that Mother’s Day.”
19: Most important thing in your life?
“My sons. They’re older now and don’t need me like they used to…  but I have the privilege of helping them figure out who they want to be, and what works with their individual needs, wants, and dreams. They amaze me, and I couldn’t be prouder.”
25: what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
“Oh, that’s a tough question. …I can’t pick just one, because the boys all gift in different ways, and each and every gift is special for its own reason. I guess I’ll narrow it down to one from each of my sons that meant the most to me.
Raph, my oldest, collects teddy bears. I’ve also been teaching him how to sew, in case something happens and I’m not able to patch things. Well, he put the two things together and he made me four little turtles, small enough he could fit two in each of his hands. They sit on my bedside table where I can see them first thing in the morning.
Leo’s the older of the twins, and he’s the leader of their little group now. It was a difficult adjustment for all of them, and Leo shut me out. But over the past few months he’s made sure to find me one evening a week so we can have tea and spend some time together. I get to hear all about what’s going on in his crazy life. I look forward to those evenings every week.
Donnie is the younger twin, and he loves to spend hours at a time in his lab, upgrading already existing tech, or creating new things. It’s incredible what he comes up with! To answer your question, I made an off-hand comment a few years back after family movie night about how I missed having a record player. About a week later, I wake up one morning and Donnie’s standing in the doorway to my room and asking me to follow him. He made me a record player and he found a few records to go with it. I use it every day.
Mikey is my youngest, and his passion is cooking. He’s my usual sous chef, though I do rope one of his brothers in once a week to make sure they all know how to cook. But Mikey really enjoys it, so it’s a nice bit of quality time for us. A while ago now, on the twins’ eleventh birthday, I let Mikey help me make the cake. Ever since then, Mikey has taken it upon himself to make a cake for my birthday every year.”
Thank you for asking!
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For Fey: 10, 17, 20?
Fey Answers
10: What’s something you’re excited for?
“Raph found a Piglet stuffed animal… I’m going with him and Mikey and Donnie and Leo to get it. To match with my Eeyore. Mikey said they’ll all keep looking and one day I’ll have everyone… it feels warm to think about.”
17: Fairy Lights or LED Lights?
“… I like fairy lights… they’re… soft. And warm.”
20: What do you want most in the world right now?
“Oh, um… I’m… I’m okay. I don’t need anything…”
Fey finds it very hard to ask for or dream of things. She worries she’s too selfish. But, if she were honest, she would say she would like to have a movie night with her brothers, maybe Jupiter Jim’s Pluto Vacation IV (she likes musicals.)
If she were even more honest, she would request they watch a classic animated Disney film, like Cinderella or Aladdin or Snow White. She wouldn’t ask for a specific one, she’d let her brothers decide, and she would be legitimately happy with whatever they chose. You see, Fey’s favorite thing in the world (other than her loved ones) is Winnie the Pooh. Her second favorite is classic Disney, and she has a special fondness for Disney Princesses.
Thank you for the ask!
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Guess it’s about time I made one of these :P
Howdy! I’m Crowsandturtlesandbatsohmy, but I go by Crow. I’m a Christian, a writer (both of fanfiction and original work), and I doodle sometimes! My Fandoms: • Batman • TMNT • Star Wars • Toilet Bound Hanako-kun • Kimi Ni Todoke • Haikyu!! • And more that fade in and out!
My Tags: • Crow’s Cawing - I answer asks and/or ramble, either in the tags or in the post. Basically if you want my nonsense this is the tag you’re looking for ;) • moot-moots - A tag for anything involving my moots :) (based on the “noot-noot” sound.) • Mint Hamato - A Rottmnt au where I gave the boys a mom, whose name is Mint. The au doesn’t have a name yet, but once it does I’ll update the tag. • Destinies’ Keeper - My own personal TMNT iteration. I haven’t posted very much for this yet because it’s still in development with a lot of work to do, but Donnie’s the oldest here. • Fedeccine - My turtle oc! (Because Fey leads to fairy things XD) • crow’s doodling - I doodle sometimes, and the ones I post will go here.
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