#features of merchant banking
merchantservices444 · 8 months
What Are 3 Examples of Merchant Banks?
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On September 22, I'm (virtually) presenting at the DIG Festival in Modena, Italy. On September 27, I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine.
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It's been 21 years since Bill Willingham launched Fables, his 110-issue, wide-ranging, delightful and brilliantly crafted author-owned comic series that imagines that the folkloric figures of the world's fairytales are real people, who live in a secret society whose internal struggles and intersections with the mundane world are the source of endless drama.
Fables is a DC Comics title; DC is division of the massive entertainment conglomerate Warners, which is, in turn, part of the Warner/Discovery empire, a rapacious corporate behemoth whose screenwriters have been on strike for 137 days (and counting). DC is part of a comics duopoly; its rival, Marvel, is a division of the Disney/Fox juggernaut, whose writers are also on strike.
The DC that Willingham bargained with at the turn of the century isn't the DC that he bargains with now. Back then, DC was still subject to a modicum of discipline from competition; its corporate owner's shareholders had not yet acquired today's appetite for meteoric returns on investment of the sort that can only be achieved through wage-theft and price-gouging.
In the years since, DC – like so many other corporations – participated in an orgy of mergers as its sector devoured itself. The collapse of comics into a duopoly owned by studios from an oligopoly had profound implications for the entire sector, from comic shops to comic cons. Monopoly breeds monopoly, and the capture of the entire comics distribution system by a single company – Diamond – was attended by the capture of the entire digital comics market by a single company, Amazon, who enshittified its Comixology division, driving creators and publishers into Kindle Direct Publishing, a gig-work platform that replicates the company's notoriously exploitative labor practices for creative workers. Today, Comixology is a ghost-town, its former employees axed in a mass layoff earlier this year:
When giant corporations effect these mergers, they do so with a kind of procedural kabuki, insisting that they are dotting every i and crossing every t, creating a new legal entity whose fictional backstory is a perfect, airtight bubble, a canon with not a single continuity bug. This performance of seriousness is belied by the behind-the-scenes chaos that these corporate shifts entail – think of the way that the banks that bought and sold our mortgages in the run-up to the 2008 crisis eventually lost the deeds to our houses, and then just pretended they were legally entitled to collect money from us every month – and steal our houses if we refused to pay:
Or think of the debt collection industry, which maintains a pretense of careful record-keeping as the basis for hounding and threatening people, but which is, in reality, a barely coherent trade in spreadsheets whose claims to our money are matters of faith:
For usury, the chaos is a feature, not a bug. Their corporate strategists take the position that any ambiguity should be automatically resolved in their favor, with the burden of proof on accused debtors, not the debt collectors. The scumbags who lost your deed and stole your house say that it's up to you to prove that you own it. And since you've just been rendered homeless, you don't even have a house to secure a loan you might use to pay a lawyer to go to court.
It's not solely that the usurers want to cheat you – it's that they can make more money if they don't pay for meticulous record-keeping, and if that means that they sometimes cheat us, that's our problem, not theirs.
While this is very obvious in the usury sector, it's also true of other kinds of massive mergers that create unfathomnably vast conglomerates. The "curse of bigness" is real, but who gets cursed is a matter of power, and big companies have a lot more power.
The chaos, in other words, is a feature and not a bug. It provides cover for contract-violating conduct, up to and including wage-theft. Remember when Disney/Marvel stole money from beloved science fiction giant Alan Dean Foster, whose original Star Wars novelization was hugely influential on George Lucas, who changed the movie to match Foster's ideas?
Disney claimed that when it acquired Lucasfilm, it only acquired its assets, but not its liabilities. That meant that while it continued to hold Foster's license to publish his novel, they were not bound by an obligation to pay Foster for this license, since that liability was retained by the (now defunct) original company:
For Disney, this wage-theft (and many others like it, affecting writers with less fame and clout than Foster) was greatly assisted by the chaos of scale. The chimera of Lucas/Disney had no definitive responsible party who could be dragged into a discussion. The endless corporate shuffling that is normal in giant companies meant that anyone who might credibly called to account for the theft could be transfered or laid off overnight, with no obvious successor. The actual paperwork itself was hard for anyone to lay hands on, since the relevant records had been physically transported and re-stored subsequent to the merger. And, of course, the company itself was so big and powerful that it was hard for Foster and his agent to raise a credible threat.
I've experienced versions of this myself: every book contract I've ever signed stipulated that my ebooks could not be published with DRM. But one of my publishers – a boutique press that published my collection Overclocked – collapsed along with most of its competitors, the same week my book was published (its distributor, Publishers Group West, went bankrupt after its parent company, Advanced Marketing Services, imploded in a shower of fraud and criminality).
The publisher was merged with several others, and then several more, and then several more – until it ended up a division of the Big Five publisher Hachette, who repeatedly, "accidentally" pushed my book into retail channels with DRM. I don't think Hachette deliberately set out to screw me over, but the fact that Hachette is (by far) the most doctrinaire proponent of DRM meant that when the chaos of its agglomerated state resulted in my being cheated, it was a happy accident.
(The Hachette story has a happy ending; I took the book back from them and sold it to Blackstone Publishing, who brought out a new expanded edition to accompany a DRM-free audiobook and ebook):
Willingham, too, has been affected by the curse of bigness. The DC he bargained with at the outset of Fables made a raft of binding promises to him: he would have approval over artists and covers and formats for new collections, and he would own the "IP" for the series, meaning the copyrights vested in the scripts, storylines, characters (he might also have retained rights to some trademarks).
But as DC grew, it made mistakes. Willingham's hard-fought, unique deal with the publisher was atypical. A giant publisher realizes its efficiencies through standardized processes. Willingham's books didn't fit into that standard process, and so, repeatedly, the publisher broke its promises to him.
At first, Willingham's contacts at the publisher were contrite when he caught them at this. In his press-release on the matter, Willingham calls them "honest men and women of integrity [who] interpreted the details of that agreement fairly and above-board":
But as the company grew larger, these counterparties were replaced by corporate cogs who were ever-more-distant from his original, creator-friendly deal. What's more, DC's treatment of its other creators grew shabbier at each turn (a dear friend who has written for DC for decades is still getting the same page-rate as they got in the early 2000s), so Willingham's deal grew more exceptional as time went by. That meant that when Willingham got the "default" treatment, it was progressively farther from what his contract entitled him to.
The company repeatedly – and conveniently – forgot that Willingham had the final say over the destiny of his books. They illegally sublicensed a game adapted from his books, and then, when he objected, tried to make renegotiating his deal a condition of being properly compensated for this theft. Even after he won that fight, the company tried to cheat him and then cover it up by binding him to a nondisclosure agreement.
This was the culmination of a string of wage-thefts in which the company misreported his royalties and had to be dragged into paying him his due. When the company "practically dared" Willingham to sue ("knowing it would be a long and debilitating process") he snapped.
Rather than fight Warner, Willingham has embarked on what JWZ calls an act of "absolute table-flip badassery" – he has announced that Fables will hereafter be in the public domain, available for anyone to adapt commercially, in works that compete with whatever DC might be offering.
Now, this is huge, and it's also shrewd. It's the kind of thing that will bring lots of attention on Warner's fraudulent dealings with its creative workforce, at a moment where the company is losing a public relations battle to the workers picketing in front of its gates. It constitutes a poison pill that is eminently satisfying to contemplate. It's delicious.
But it's also muddy. Willingham has since clarified that his public domain dedication means that the public can't reproduce the existing comics. That's not surprising; while Willingham doesn't say so, it's vanishingly unlikely that he owns the copyrights to the artwork created by other artists (Willingham is also a talented illustrator, but collaborated with a who's-who of comics greats for Fables). He may or may not have control over trademarks, from the Fables wordmark to any trademark interests in the character designs. He certainly doesn't have control over the trademarked logos for Warner and DC that adorn the books.
When Willingham says he is releasing the "IP" to his comic, he is using the phrase in its commercial sense, not its legal sense. When business people speak of "owning IP," they mean that they believe they have the legal right to control the conduct of their competitors, critics and customers:
The problem is that this doesn't correspond to the legal concept of IP, because IP isn't actually a legal concept. While there are plenty of "IP lawyers" and even "IP law firms," there is no "IP law." There are many laws that are lumped together under "IP," including the big three (trademark, copyright and patent), but also a bestiary of obscure cousins and subspecies – trade dress, trade secrecy, service marks, noncompetes, nondisclosues, anticirumvention rights, sui generis "neighboring rights" and so on.
The job of an "IP lawyer" is to pluck individual doctrines from this incoherent scrapheap of laws and regulations and weave them together into a spider's web of tripwires that customers and critics and competitors can't avoid, and which confer upon the lawyer's client the right to sue for anything that displeases them.
When Willingham says he's releasing Fables into the public domain, it's not clear what he's releasing – and what is his to release. In the colloquial, business sense of "IP," saying you're "releasing the IP" means something like, "Feel free to create adaptations from this." But these adaptations probably can't draw too closely on the artwork, or the logos. You can probably make novelizations of the comics. Maybe you can make new comics that use the same scripts but different art. You can probably make sequels to, or spinoffs of, the existing comics, provided you come up with your own character designs.
But it's murky. Very murky. Remember, this all started because Willingham didn't have the resources or patience to tangle with the rabid attack-lawyers Warners keeps kenneled on its Burbank lot. Warners can (and may) release those same lawyers on you, even if you are likely to prevail in court, betting that you – like Willingham – won't have the resources to defend yourself.
The strange reality of "IP" rights is that they can be secured without any affirmative step on your part. Copyrights are conjured into existence the instant that a new creative work is fixed in a tangible medium and endure until the creator's has been dead for 70 years. Common-law trademarks gradually come into definition like an image appearing on photo-paper in a chemical soup, growing in definition every time they are used, even if the mark's creator never files a form with the USPTO.
These IP tripwires proliferate in the shadows, wherever doodles are sketched on napkins, wherever kindergartners apply finger-paint to construction-paper. But for all that they are continuously springing into existence, and enduring for a century or more, they are absurdly hard to give away.
This was the key insight behind the Creative Commons project: that while the internet was full of people saying "no copyright" (or just assuming the things they posted were free for others to use), the law was a universe away from their commonsense assumptions. Creative Commons licenses were painstakingly crafted by an army of international IP lawyers who set out to turn the normal IP task on its head – to create a legal document that assured critics, customers and competitors that the licensor had no means to control their conduct.
20 years on, these licenses are pretty robust. The flaws in earlier versions have been discovered and repaired in subsequent revisions. They have been adapted to multiple countries' legal systems, allowing CC users to mix-and-match works from many territories – animating Polish sprites to tell a story by a Canadian, set to music from the UK.
Willingham could clarify his "public domain" dedication by applying a Creative Commons license to Fables, but which license? That's a thorny question. What Willingham really wants here is a sampling license – a license that allows licensees to take some of the elements of his work, combine them with other parts, and make something new.
But no CC license fits that description. Every CC license applies to whole works. If you want to license the bass-line from your song but not the melody, you have to release the bass-line separately and put a CC license on that. You can't just put a CC license on the song with an asterisked footnote that reads "just the bass, though."
CC had a sampling license: the "Sampling Plus 1.0" license. It was a mess. Licensees couldn't figure out what parts of works they were allowed to use, and licensors couldn't figure out how to coney that. It's been "retired."
So maybe Willingham should create his own bespoke license for Fables. That may be what he has to do, in fact. But boy is that a fraught business. Remember the army of top-notch lawyers who created the CC licenses? They missed a crucial bug in the first three versions of the license, and billions of works have been licensed under those earlier versions. This has enabled a mob of crooked copyleft trolls (like Pixsy) to prey on the unwary, raking in a fortune:
Making a bug-free license is hard. A failure on Willingham's part to correctly enumerate or convey the limitations of such a license – to list which parts of Fables DC might sue you for using – could result in downstream users having their hard work censored out of existence by legal threats. Indeed, that's the best case scenario – defects in a license could result in downstream users, their collaborators, investors, and distributors being sued for millions of dollars, costing them everything they have, up to and including their homes.
Which isn't to say that this is dead on arrival – far from it! Just that there is work to be done. I can't speak for Creative Commons (it's been more than 20 years since I was their EU Director), but I'm positive that there are copyfighting lawyers out there who'd love to work on a project like this.
I think Willingham is onto something here. After all, Fables is built on the public domain. As Willingham writes in his release: "The current laws are a mishmash of unethical backroom deals to keep trademarks and copyrights in the hands of large corporations, who can largely afford to buy the outcomes they want."
Willingham describes how his participation in the entertainment industry has made him more skeptical of IP, not less. He proposes capping copyright at 20 years, with a single, 10-year extension for works that are sold onto third parties. This would be pretty good industrial policy – almost no works are commercially viable after just 14 years:
But there are massive structural barriers to realizing such a policy, the biggest being that the US had tied its own hands by insisting that long copyright terms be required in the trade deals it imposed on other countries, thereby binding itself to these farcically long copyright terms.
But there is another policy lever American creators can and should yank on to partially resolve this: Termination. The 1976 Copyright Act established the right for any creator to "terminate" the "transfer" of any copyrighted work after 30 years, by filing papers with the Copyright Office. This process is unduly onerous, and the Authors Alliance (where I'm a volunteer advisor) has created a tool to simplify it:
Termination is deliberately obscure, but it's incredibly powerful. The copyright scholar Rebecca Giblin has studied this extensively, helping to produce the most complete report on how termination has been used by creators of all types:
Writers, musicians and other artists have used termination to unilaterally cancel the crummy deals they had crammed down their throats 30 years ago and either re-sell their works on better terms or make them available directly to the public. Every George Clinton song, every Sweet Valley High novel, and the early works of Steven King have all be terminated and returned to their creators.
Copyright termination should and could be improved. Giblin and I wrote a whole-ass book about this and related subjects, Chokepoint Capitalism, which not only details the scams that writers like Willingham are subject to, but also devotes fully half its length to presenting detailed, technical, shovel-ready proposals for making life better for creators:
Willingham is doing something important here. Larger and larger entertainment firms offer shabbier and shabbier treatment to creative workers, as striking members of the WGA and SAG-AFTRA can attest. Over the past year, I've seen a sharp increase in the presence of absolutely unconscionable clauses in the contracts I'm offered by publishers:
I'm six months into negotiating a contract for a 300 word piece I wrote for a magazine I started contributing to in 1992. At issue is that they insist that I assign film rights and patent rights from my work as a condition of publication. Needless to say, there are no patentable inventions nor film ideas in this article, but they refuse to vary the contract, to the obvious chagrin of the editor who commissioned me.
Why won't they grant a variance? Why, they are so large – the magazine is part of a global conglomerate – that it would be impractical for them to track exceptions to this completely fucking batshit clause. In other words: we can't strike this batshit clause because we decided that from now on, all out contracts will have batshit clauses.
The performance of administrative competence – and the tactical deployment of administrative chaos – among giant entertainment companies is grotesque, but every now and again, it backfires.
That's what's happening at Marvel right now. The estates of Marvel founder Stan Lee and its seminal creator Steve Ditko are suing Marvel to terminate the transfer of both creators' characters to Marvel. If they succeed, Marvel will lose most of its most profitable characters, including Iron Man:
They're following in the trail of the Jack Kirby estate, whom Marvel paid millions to rather than taking their chances with the Supreme Court.
Marvel was always an administrative mess, repeatedly going bankrupt. Its deals with its creators were indifferently papered over, and then Marvel lost a lot of the paperwork. I'd bet anything that many of the key documents Disney (Marvel's owner) needs to prevail over Lee and Ditko are either unlocatable or destroyed – or never existed in the first place.
A more muscular termination right – say, one that kicks in after 20 years, and is automatic – would turn circuses like Marvel-Lee/Ditko into real class struggles. Rather than having the heirs of creators reaping the benefit of termination, we could make termination into a system for getting creators themselves paid.
In the meantime, there's Willingham's "absolute table-flip badassery."
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Tom Mrazek (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:An_Open_Field_%2827220830251%29.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
Penguin Random House (modified) https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/707161/fables-20th-anniversary-box-set-by-bill-willingham/
Fair use https://www.eff.org/issues/intellectual-property
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monstersinthecosmos · 3 months
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okay I think we should take inventory of what we learned about Marius's house.
In fact, the impression was one of comfortable messiness.
(i think the tiktok kids started calling ADHD clutter clustering or something LMAO marius de romanus cluster girlie i guess. thanks i hate it)
Here's some stuff that Marius had on his island!!!!!!!
stone benches
a lighted oil lamp on a stand
a pair of heavy wooden doors
a sarcophagus with a plain lid, cleanly fashioned out of diorite
The lid plated in iron and contained
a golden mask, its features carefully molded, attached to a hood made up of layered plates of hammered gold.
a pair of leather gloves covered completely in tinier more delicate gold plates like scales.
a large folded blanket of the softest red wool with one side sewn with larger gold plates
Magnificent Grecian urns on pedestals in the corridors
great bronze statues from the Orient
exquisite plants at every window and terrace open to the sky.
Gorgeous rugs from India, Persia, China c
giant stuffed beasts mounted in lifelike attitudes-
--the brown bear,
--the lion,
--the tiger,
--even the elephant standing in his own immense chamber,
--lizards as big as dragons,
--birds of prey clutching dried branches made to look like the limbs of real trees.
brilliantly colored murals covering every surface from floor to ceiling
a dark vibrant painting of the sunburnt Arabian desert complete with an exquisitely detailed caravan of camels and turbaned merchants moving over the sand
a jungle warming with delicately rendered tropical blossoms, vines, carefully drawn leaves
creatures everywhere in the texture of the jungle-
--worms in the soil-
too many monkeys in the jungle,
too many bugs crawling on the leaves.
thousands of tiny insects in one painting of a summer sky.
a large gallery walled on either side by painted men and women staring at me
Figures from all ages these were-
--Greeks and Romans,
--knights in armor,
--Renaissance people in doublets and leggings,
--the Sun King with his massive mane of curls,
--people of our own age.
droplets of water clinging to a cape,
the cut on the side of a face,
the spider half-crushed beneath a polished leather boot.
a library, blazing with light.
Walls and walls of books and
rolled manuscripts,
giant glistening world globes in their wooden cradles,
busts of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses,
great sprawling maps.
Newspapers in all languages lay in stacks on tables.
mummified hands,
exotic shells.
bouquets of dried flowers,
figurines and fragments of old sculpture,
alabaster jars covered with Egyptian hieroglyphs.
comfortable chairs with footstools,
candelabra or oil lamps.
a forest of cages.
birds of all sizes and colors
Potted plants crowded against the cages-
--ferns and
--banana trees,
--cabbage roses,
--other sweetly fragrant nighttime vines.
purple and white orchids,
waxed flowers that trapped insects in their maw,
little trees groaning with peaches and lemons and pears.
a hall of sculptures equal to any gallery in the Vatican museum.
adjoining chambers full of paintings,
Oriental furnishings,
mechanical toys.
fine rosewood paneling with framed mirrors rising to the ceiling.
painted chests,
upholstered chairs,
dark and lush landscapes,
porcelain clocks.
A small collection of books in the glass-doored bookcases,
a newspaper of recent date lying on a small table beside a brocaded winged chair.
the stone terrace. where banks of white lilies and red roses gave off their powerful perfume.
a pair of winged chairs that faced each other
a dozen or so candelabra and sconces on the paneled walls.
brocade cushions
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ff12-ultimania · 7 months
Ivalice is segmented into nine regions, each characterized by its unique climate, topographical features, and quality of mist, collectively shaping the vibrant and diverse environment of the world.
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Region Guide: Deserts of Dalmasca
This expansive desert dominates most of the Dalmasca region, featuring the typical rugged landscape with scattered bedrock formations. It is divided into two main sections, Estersand and Westersand, with the royal capital Rabanastre situated in the middle.
Estersand serves as a vital hub with established trade routes connecting Rabanastre and Nalbina, facilitating the passage of diverse travelers through the desert. Villages on both banks of the Nebra River, which courses through the heart of the desert, offer resting spots for many merchants on their desert journeys. In contrast, Westersand is infamous for its fierce sandstorms and sees fewer travelers as it lacks direct connections to other cities. The western edge of the desert leads to the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, a region abandoned even by the Rozarrian Empire.
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acceptccnow · 11 months
Discussing POS & Merchant Payment Processing
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In the fast-evolving digital landscape of today, the capacity to welcome credit card payments is a paramount necessity for businesses of all sizes. Merchant account processing and payment processing have ushered in a transformation in the world of commercial transactions, reshaping the dynamics of buying and selling goods and services. Let's explore the realm of point of sale (POS) systems and merchant payment processing to comprehend their significance and the array of benefits they offer to your business.
Merchant Account Processing: The Solid Foundation of Success Merchant account processing acts as the bedrock upon which any thriving business is built. This indispensable service empowers businesses to securely accept credit card payments. With the explosive growth of online shopping and the dwindling popularity of cash transactions, having a merchant account has shifted from a choice to a fundamental necessity. These accounts establish a pivotal link between your business and the vast payment processing network, making it possible to accept a wide spectrum of payment methods, including credit cards and debit cards.
The Power of Embracing Credit Cards Opting to embrace credit card payments can be a game-changing decision for your business. It has the potential to expand your customer base significantly, as a considerable number of consumers favor the convenience and security of credit card transactions. Whether you run a physical store, an online shop, or a combination of both, accepting credit cards can be a catalyst for a substantial boost in your sales and can propel your business to newfound heights.
Payment Processing: The Crux of Effortless Transactions Payment processing encapsulates a series of steps, commencing from the moment a customer initiates a purchase to the moment when funds are safely deposited into your bank account. It encompasses transaction authorization, fund capture, and settlement, all while incorporating robust security measures to ensure the safeguarding of customer data. Modern payment processing solutions are engineered to be swift, secure, and hassle-free, ensuring a seamless shopping experience that elevates customer satisfaction and fosters long-term loyalty.
Revealing the Advantages of a POS System A POS system assumes a pivotal role in the realm of merchant payment processing, adeptly managing sales while providing invaluable insights into the dynamics of your business operations. The key advantages of POS systems include enhanced efficiency, streamlined inventory management, data analytics that support well-informed decision-making, and fortified security measures to fortify customer payment data.
Selecting the Ideal Payment Processing Solution The process of choosing the right payment processing solution demands a comprehensive evaluation of factors such as transaction fees, security features, integration simplicity, and the quality of customer support. The decision should seamlessly align with the nature and requisites of your business, irrespective of whether it operates primarily online, within a physical space, or adopts a hybrid approach.
Merchant account processing ensures the secure embrace of credit card payments, while payment processing simplifies the intricate web of transactions. POS systems inject operational insights and efficiencies, enhancing inventory management and data-informed decision-making. By electing the most fitting payment processing solution, you unlock a realm of benefits and set a strong foundation for long-term success in the fluid and ever-changing landscape of today's marketplace.
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padfootagain · 7 months
Pirates! (VII)
Chapter 7 : The Moving Sands
Hello, lovelies! Here we go with a new chapter for this Caspian fic!
I’m sorry, I got the dates wrong on my planner, hence the little delay, I know this was supposed to come out yesterday… SORRY :/
I hope you like this new chapter! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Caspian x Pirate!Reader
Warnings: depictions of violence in later chapters (fight scenes… nothing too terrible), slow burn, fluff!
Summary: As ships disappear across the sea, Caspian is forced to go investigate himself. But to win against the wild uncharted waters he must cross to reach his people, he needs to bargain with pirates. And then, he finds you…
Word Count: 2282
Masterlist for the series – Caspian’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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Caspian didn’t know what to think of you.
You were a riddle, and he wanted to figure out how to read right through you.
On one hand you were a pirate, with a reputation bloody enough to scare your rivals. On the other hand, you were kind to your crew. When, four days after your departure, you crossed path with a merchant ship, you didn’t attack them. You let them sail in peace.
So, what kind of person were you? Good or evil?
As Caspian pulled as hard as he could on a rope, studying carefully the movement of the sail as he maneuvered, he let his mind ponder on this question. His aching muscles and blistered palms bothered him, but he did not complain. He was used to this, the pain through his arms, the shallow breath, the warm sun shining on his wet brow. He was used to it, it was a familiar feeling, really. And it stopped him from thinking, perhaps it was the fact that his hands were occupied in a task that required instinct more than thought. He could feel the tension in the rope, peek upwards to the movement of the sail and he knew what to command to his hands before he could properly think of it.
He loosened his grip only slightly, then pulled harder, using his weight to bring the sail about. And while he watched the red fabric catch the wind, he thought of you, of your features and your voice and the way you looked at him with mischief and defiance.
“Slow down!” you commanded, your voice steady and certain, and Caspian, like the rest of your crew, maneuvered the ship to obey your order without a second thought.
From the corner of his eye, Caspian saw you moving across the bridge, waving at Sophia and silently giving her an order to place the Dawn Treader behind your ship. You would be their guide.
And he admired you, at this moment. Standing by the helm, studying the wind in silence and the shape of your sails as they expanded under the breeze. All leather and white shirt and sword and knives and a blue feather on your tricorne hat. There was something about you that drew him to you. He had noticed it already on Saint Iron, but the more time he spent with you, the more obvious it was…
“Steady on!” you ordered, voice ringing again across the murmur of the waves.
At the top of the mizzen mast, the two squirrels who watched your course silently indicated to alter course, aiming for the right. You guided your ship in that direction.
You were about to enter the Hundred Banks, that some also called the Moving Sands. A collection of tiny lands made of sand, that moved with the currents that carried the material to form and destroy the small islands. Some of them could barely be seen from the surface, still underwater, and caution was vital now.
Caspian’s eyes filled with wonder at the sight of the specks of creamy-white that erupted from the blue waves. Under the cloudless sky, some almost seemed like foam, others were large enough to be hosting the crew of both ships. A bad idea for a resting spot, though. The treacherous surface would capture your ships and you would be left stranded there, with no help in sight.
He heard you cursing under your breath, and he turned to you at the sound. He was, after all, standing on the deck, right under the higher floor of the helm.
“Bloody Narnians,” he heard you cursing as you turned around to check the position of the Dawn Treader.
“Peter! Get your arse up here!”
Your gentle mood had disappeared, and you were frowning in an annoyance that was bordering anger when Caspian hurried up the stairs.
“Yes, captain?”
“Tell your idiotic friend over there to stay behind us, if he doesn’t want to die stranded like a moron.”
You were surprised to see that he was refraining an endeared smile.
“Yes, captain.”
“Hurry, you’ve got work to do!”
He nodded, strode to the back of the ship, wrapped his hands around his mouth for his voice to be carried further upon the wind.
And you couldn’t help but turn around, look at Peter stand there, by the banister, the wind caught in his hair, the dark locks flying around his face. And he was all leather, and a large purple shirt, high boots that made your heart stutter.
You cleared your throat. After all, you needed to make him fall for you. It would allow you to get information about Narnia. Useful, even vital information, indeed.
The fact that your cheeks warmed up at the sight of the tanned skin revealed by the open buttons of Caspian’s shirt did make your mission more pleasant, there was no denying it.
“The Dawn Treader will follow,” he informed you, and indeed, the ship was already altering its course to follow yours to perfection.
“Good,” was all that you could manage as you noticed the glimmering sweat on his temples, and found the detail extremely endearing, for some strange reason.
“Can I do anything else for you, captain?”
There was this crooked smile of his again. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight…
But you shook your head, bringing yourself back to the task at hand. The purpose was to make him fall for you, not the other way around… by Aslan’s tail, you really did need to get a grip…
But how would you seduce him?
You put on a flirtation smile, tilted your head a little, your tone honeyed when you spoke again.
“Thank you, Peter.”
But you saw the small frown that flashed across his brow, the way he tensed at your tone.
You stood straighter, set your eyes on the horizon again.
“Now, get going. Try to make yourself useful.”
Too cold. You saw it in the way he gave you a short nod, in the slumping of his shoulders as if he was disappointed.
You let him walk away, focusing on the treacherous path again.
How to get under his skin, without letting him in?
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The crossing of the Hundred Banks was long and tedious, slow progress made through treacherous waters. It was exhausting, for everyone in your crew, but most of all for you, as you stirred the helm without any break for most of the day and night.
When darkness fell upon the world, you ordered for two longboats to be lowered down, and a small group of your crew went ahead, using lanterns to guide you and watch out for treacherous sand you couldn’t see in the shadows of the night.
The sand now shone silver under the moonlight. You recognized the constellations above you, the long trace of purple and red that crossed them. You were still on course, despite the detours needed to safely go through these parts.
You barely noticed Charlotte walking up to you: through your exhaustion and your focus on the sky and the tiny flames up ahead, there was little your brain could notice anyway.
“You should get some rest. We have less than an hour left of night. Dawn will soon rise. You can get a few hours of sleep, I’ll handle it.”
You were too tired to argue, and agreed instead.
“Come and wake me up if anything seems off. And wake me up after we’re out of the sand.”
“Yes, captain.”
“Did you sleep?”
“Yes, I’ve slept with the first team.”
“Lucky you…”
“Come on, grumpy. Go to bed, before you become truly insufferable.”
“You’re talking to your captain!”
“I’m talking to a woman who hasn’t slept in over thirty-six hours and could fall unconscious any minute now.”
“And looks stunning doing it. You forgot that part.”
“It’s good to have dreams, apparently.”
“Shut it.”
You let her take the helm anyway, walked away with a silent thank you written in your tired smile, and headed for your cabin.
You noticed at once that Peter was up. He was watching the tiny boats ahead, leaning on the banister.
As you walked closer, you noticed that he had wrapped cloths around his palms.
“Are you hurt?”
He jumped at the sound of your voice, turned around in a jolt and you noticed at once that he spontaneously took a fighting stance, that his hand came to his hip looking for his sword. He heaved a relieved sigh as he saw you.
“I beg your pardon?” he asked.
There was a limited crew on the bridge now. Most were asleep, resting after an exhausting day. There was no one to hear your words, and only a handful to see the scene from afar.
You couldn’t push away the thought that Peter looked stunning like this, standing in the twin lights of the lanterns and the moon, a mix of silver and gold dancing over his features.
“Your hands,” you went on, a worried frown evident on your brow. “Did you hurt yourself?”
“Oh, it is nothing. Blisters.”
You nodded.
“My hands are calloused, but working the ropes for so long under such heat is a lot, even for me,” he smiled, but you didn’t.
You shifted, from one foot to the other, uneasy.
“Come, I’ll take a look.”
“It is nothing…”
“It’s an order, Peter. I’m still your captain. Come on.”
You raised an eyebrow as he smiled, amused.
“What is it?” you asked.
“Nothing, I just… I am not so used to being given orders, it is a nice change.”
You raised an eyebrow, a playful smile forming on your lips.
“If you’re lucky, I’ll manhandle you too.”
He laughed, an earnest wave spreading in the space between the two of you. You liked that sound…
So, that was it. Playful. He liked it confident, but still kind. A little teasing, a little defiant, perhaps…
“I’m sure you would make it unbearably agreeable.”
You were surprised by his answer, and merely nodded towards the door leading to your cabin in response.
This time, Peter did not argue. He followed you, let you guide him towards your cabin. A simple one. A couple of lamps, a desk covered with parchments, maps, and ink. A bed. A large, locked chest. A couple of chairs.
“Sit down,” you pointed at one of the empty chairs, reached for a stool, some water and some cloth.
He obeyed, looking at the room while you settled before him. He let you take his hand in yours, unwrap the bandage he had made.
The water was cold against his hands, it made him jump, he apologized for it. He didn’t even flinch as you cleaned his wounded skin.
“Ask Amelia tomorrow, our cook. She’ll give you gloves.”
“It is nothing. Blisters come and go.”
“Your skin needs to heal. There is no need to hurt yourself.”
He noticed the way your fingers trailed across the unharmed part of his palms and fingers too, but he didn’t say anything about it. He merely stared at you, instead.
Perhaps it was because he was out of breath under your gentle touch, perhaps it was because he was underestimating you. Indeed, you recognized the patterns of callous skin on his hands. The ones owned by a warrior, holding a pommel and being highly trained.
Peter was a soldier. He was dangerous. Despite Bethy’s words, you couldn’t trust him. What if he was stronger than you in single combat?
Finally, you reached for some clean bandages, placed them around his palms.
You were surprised by his next question.
“Do you play chess?”
Before your frown, he nodded towards the set placed on a small table in a corner of your room. You couldn’t refrain a fond smile at the sight.
“I used to.”
“Not anymore?”
“I don’t have anyone to play with on this ship.”
“Really? Who did you play with, then?”
“My mother.”
You were surprised by your answer, by the fact that it was the truth and that it was natural for you to let the words out. As if you were not baring your soul, your past…
You shifted, uncomfortable. You were the one who ought to get under his skin, not the other way around…
“I apologize. I did not mean to intrude, or upset you.”
“I am not upset,” you lied, tightening the knot around his hand a little too tightly, and immediately regretting your gesture. You left it like that, though, as if it had been done on purpose.
“My father taught me to play,” Caspian spoke, his voice quiet. “A long time ago. I used… I used to play with a friend of mine who is long gone now…”
His eyes were unfocused as they stared at your board. He shook himself quickly, sadness lingering in his dark eyes for a moment longer, a tinge of melancholia that disappeared as he focused on you again.
“Thank you, for my hand.”
You cleared your throat.
“You’re welcome.”
When Caspian stood up to leave, you didn’t know what came over you exactly. Was it a plot to connect with him and seduce him? Was it earnest longing?
No matter why, the words were out before you could think them properly.
“Would you like to play? One day? When we have time?”
His features broke into a grin, and you hated yourself for the warm sensation spreading across your heart.
“I would love to, captain.”
His smile lingered on his lips as he walked away, and Caspian kind of hated himself for the warmth that was spreading through his chest at the sight of your smile.
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mariacallous · 10 months
Palestinian graphic designer Bilal Tamimi’s YouTube videos from the village of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank have received 6 million views during the past 13 years. His uploads document joyous festivals and peaceful protests—but also violent skirmishes between Nabi Saleh’s 600 residents and occupying Israeli soldiers. “I need to show to the world what’s happening in my village and the suffering of my people from occupation,” he says.
The platform has helped Tamimi broadcast to his more than 20,000 subscribers, but he’s locked out of YouTube’s revenue sharing program that pays a share of ad sales to more than 2 million video creators in 137 countries or territories. When Tamimi tries to sign up, YouTube’s app says, “The YouTube Partner Program is not available in your current location Palestine.”
The internet has given some Palestinians a global audience, but many benefits of online life that billions around the world can take for granted simply don’t work for people in Gaza and the West Bank. In addition to YouTube’s partner program, money transfer services such as PayPal and ecommerce marketplaces, including Amazon, largely bar Palestinian merchants from entry. Google tools for generating revenue from web ads or in-app purchases are technically open to Palestinians but can, in practice, be inaccessible due to challenges verifying their identity or collecting payment.
As Israeli forces have bombarded Gaza in pursuit of Hamas, tech workers’ and rights activists’ frustrations with the region’s digital inequality has grown. Palestinians are barred from YouTube’s Partner Program and struggle with intermittent connectivity. Israeli YouTube channels in the program could be bringing in some revenue from conflict-related content. Popular Israeli singers have drawn views with songs honoring victims of Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, while travel advice channel Traveling Israel has received millions of views on historical explainers.
Human rights organizations say the disparity in access to online sources of income weakens the Palestinian economy. "Many Palestinians who work online struggle to be paid," says Marwa Fatafta, a policy and advocacy manager at the rights organization Access Now. YouTube’s policy “fits a larger pattern of tech companies’ discriminatory approach to Palestinians.”
Google spokespeople, who asked not to be named for safety concerns, say in a statement that the company is committed to creating economic opportunities for Palestinians through services and training. The YouTube Partner Program won’t be available in the Palestinian territories until Google launches a local version of YouTube, which involves customizing features and options to the language and culture. "We continue to invest in the infrastructure that's needed to offer more tools to monetize with Google to ensure it’s a seamless process and follows local legal requirements,” one of the spokespeople says.
To get a sense of how Palestinians are excluded from or face barriers to tapping the world’s largest ecosystem for making money online—Google’s—WIRED reviewed popular Palestinian YouTube channels, news websites, and apps associated with the region. Interviews with content creators, activists, and current and former Google staff familiar with the region and company policies helped fill out the picture. The investigation revealed how a series of Palestinian projects and companies hit financial dead ends when attempting to monetize online in ways easy for people in countries such as the US and Israel. Others resorted to complicated geographic workarounds that siphon off revenue.
The Google sources not authorized to speak to media allege those challenges reflect years of internal politics and neglect of Palestinian users at the company. The sources say a localized version of the company’s search engine, Google.ps, launched in 2009 only after a desire to provide more relevant results narrowly beat out concerns about public backlash for an action some people could view as endorsing disputed territories. But there hasn’t been management resolve in recent years to risk changing the status quo to introduce a Palestinian YouTube that would give local creators access to monetization.
US congressman Mark Pocan of Wisconsin says Israel’s current attack on Gaza underscores how wrong that pattern of online exclusion is. “When massive companies make money hand over fist from creators but deny them their fair share just because of where they live, that is just plain wrong,” he says. It is crucial, he argues, that “Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have equal opportunities for economic participation.” In May, Pocan led several Democratic US lawmakers in urging PayPal to allow Palestinian accounts. PayPal, which declined to comment, hasn’t changed its policies.
Duty First
Tamimi, 57, started posting on YouTube in 2010 and views it as a duty in service of his villagers, not a way to get rich. He first tried to join the service’s revenue sharing program a few years ago as a way to defray his costs. “I would for sure try to improve my work, to have a good camera,” he says. “And maybe I can help other people who are doing what I am doing through workshops and cameras.”
Today Tamimi uses an iPhone 12 Pro Max he bought himself and camcorders and equipment donated by B'Tselem, a Jerusalem-based nonprofit organization that aims to document human rights issues in Palestinian territories.
Tamimi’s focus on winning attention over profit is no different than other YouTube creators, says Bing Chen, who once led global creator initiatives at YouTube. “Revenue is of course an incentive, but fame is more so,” says Chen, who now develops and invests in creators through his company AU Holdings.
You don’t need a fancy camera or editing to draw an audience. When Israeli professors analyzed about 340 TikTok videos from 2021 related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict they found pro-Israeli videos had higher production values but received lower engagement. They argued that viewers preferred Palestinian content because public sentiment tends to favor those seen as victims.
At a time of widespread suffering now on both sides of the border and an intense period of global attention on the region, Palestinian channels like Tamimi’s could be drawing record engagement and revenue—money that could, one day, make rebuilding easier.
Instead, Tamimi has withdrawn from YouTube. He started posting only infrequently after his village stopped organizing weekly protests around 2018 and with no income available feels no loyalty to the Google service. When an incident flares up, he is now more likely to livestream on Meta’s Facebook, where he draws thousands of viewers. “YouTube is like an archive,” he says, not a place to share new content.
Geographic Gaps
YouTube’s revenue program for creators, known as YPP, launched in 2007 and pioneered the concept of a major social media platform turning amateur stardom into a well-paying job. It now has competition from Meta, X, and TikTok—which also don’t offer their programs to people in Palestinian territories—but remains the leader in influence and geographic reach.
Despite YouTube’s dominant position, WIRED’s review found that YPP doesn’t let in creators from over a quarter of the world's 100 most populous countries, most of them in Africa. It welcomes people from many countries with smaller populations than the Palestinian territories, where, combined, an estimated 5 million people reside. Creators from Iraq and Yemen, also Arabic-speaking places troubled by conflict, are listed as supported.
Chen, who helped develop YPP while working at YouTube, believes that the platform’s leaders may want to avoid funding creators whose content puts them at risk from local authorities, and also worry that language barriers or limited staffing could make it difficult to provide suitable customer service.
But it’s not impossible for platforms to work with creators in Palestine. California-based fundraising service Patreon gets money to Palestinian users through the payments provider Payoneer, and smaller money-moving tools such as Saudi Arabia’s PayTabs say they support transactions with Palestinian accounts.
Other parts of Google’s vast empire claim to serve Palestinians businesses, but people reached by WIRED say the reality is very different.
Google documentation says the Google Play app store allows developers from 163 markets, including one listed as “Palestine,” to sell apps and in-app purchases and that Google’s AdSense advertising system supports 232 countries or territories, including “Palestinian Territory.”
Odeh Quraan, who runs a Ramallah-based software development agency called iPhase with overseas customers, says the sign-up process for AdSense requires entering a PIN mailed by Google. But Israel controls the flow of mail to the West Bank, and many items never arrive, he says. He circumvented that by using Stripe’s Atlas service to establish a company in the US state of Delaware without ever setting foot there. But it comes with downsides. “Taxes are a headache, and transferring money from the US bank account to the local banks has turned out costly,” Quraan says.
Three out of 12 popular Palestinian news websites display ads using Google technology, compared with 11 out of 12 well-known Israeli news sources, WIRED found. One of the Google spokespeople says the company in late October began notifying websites in the region about a virtual alternative to the mailed PINs, though the option is not stated in public support documentation.
Elsewhere in Ramallah, software development company Mongid stopped offering in-app purchases from an ecommerce app on Google Play and abandoned a YouTube channel with tutorials on using online learning tools because it was too difficult to receive revenue via Google, says CEO Mongid Abu-Baker.
This month, he and two other app developers interviewed by WIRED have been stymied by a new Google Play requirement that all developers get verified by global professional services firm Dun & Bradstreet. Neither the Palestinian territories nor their country code for phone numbers are listed as options on sign-up webpages, and Palestinian developers must seek customer service from Dun & Bradstreet through offices in Israel rather than an Arab country.
Abu-Baker calls the lack of recognition an affront on his identity. “Palestinian companies hold an importance no less significant than any other worldwide,” he says. He downgraded his account to avoid verification and now worries about losing access to some Google Play features.
Efrat Segev, chief of data and product for Dun & Bradstreet in Israel, says hundreds of Palestinian businesses have finished verification over the past two years and that complaints are few but that it is trying to remedy the concerns. Google declined to comment.
The difficulties faced by Abu-Baker and others in Palestine clash with messaging from Google’s leaders in California about its work in the Middle East. Last year, Google chief financial officer Ruth Porat announced that the company would spend $10 million over three years to help Palestinian graduates, developers, and entrepreneurs “advance their digital skills and find employment.” Just weeks before the recent war broke out, Google said it aims to serve 3,500 Palestinians from the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem through the investment.
Asked on stage at a conference this month about Google’s role in contested areas like Gaza, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said his company can be a critical technology partner. “We don't see it in the geopolitical context,” he said. “We see it in an enabling context.”
Some Israeli creators, like those in Palestine, feel Google isn’t living up to that. Oren Cahanovitc, owner of the Traveling Israel channel, says videos discussing politics are being flagged by YouTube as not suitable for ads. Corey Gil-Shuster, the Tel Aviv-based creator behind the Ask Project, which interviews Israelis and Palestinians about their views on the conflict, says he’s seen the same pattern.
YouTube’s screening tools can deem videos showing violence or capitalizing on war as inappropriate for advertisers, although partner program participants also get some revenue from paid subscribers to YouTube who don’t see ads. That business, and revenue stream for creators, is growing.
Palestinians lack the opportunity to receive checks from YouTube at all. The Israeli creator Gil-Shuster says the disparity was news to him and that the fix seems clear. “Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza, obviously,” he says, “should have equal right to benefit from monetization as anyone else.”
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appeartoothers · 1 month
B-u-y Verified Paypal Accounts: Secure Your Online Transactions!
B-u-ying verified PayPal accounts is risky and violates PayPal's terms of service. It can lead to account suspension or legal issues.
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Verified PayPal accounts offer users increased transaction limits and added security. But purchasing these accounts is fraught with dangers. You risk engaging with fraudulent sellers, facing account suspensions, and possible legal consequences. It's always best to create and verify your own PayPal account.
This ensures compliance with PayPal's terms and offers a secure, long-term solution. Taking shortcuts might save time initially, but it often leads to bigger problems. Using legitimate methods to verify your PayPal account protects your financial interests and secures your transactions. Always prioritize safety and legality in financial dealings.
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The Importance Of Paypal In Today's Digital Transactions
PayPal is a leading force in the world of digital payments. It has revolutionized how we transfer money online. With its simple interface and robust security, PayPal ensures smooth transactions for both businesses and individuals.
Why Paypal Dominates
PayPal dominates the digital payment world for several reasons:
Global Reach: PayPal is available in over 200 countries. Users can transact in multiple currencies.
User-Friendly Interface: The platform is easy to navigate. Even beginners find it simple to use.
Instant Transactions: Payments are processed almost instantly. This speeds up business operations.
Wide Acceptance: Most online merchants accept PayPal. It is a trusted payment method worldwide.
Security Features That Set Paypal Apart
Security is a major concern in digital transactions. PayPal offers top-notch security features:
Encryption Technology: PayPal uses advanced encryption to protect user data. This ensures that sensitive information remains safe.
Fraud Prevention: PayPal's system detects and prevents fraudulent activities. Users are alerted to any suspicious transactions.
B-u-yer Protection: PayPal offers B-u-yer protection on eligible transactions. This ensures that B-u-yers receive their items as described.
Two-Factor Authentication: PayPal users can enable two-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of security to their accounts.
Table: Benefits Of Using Paypal
Global Reach
Available in over 200 countries and supports multiple currencies.
Easy to navigate, even for beginners.
Instant Transactions
Payments are processed almost instantly.
Wide Acceptance
Trusted by most online merchants worldwide.
Understanding Verified Paypal Accounts
In today's digital age, online transactions are crucial. PayPal is a trusted platform for sending and receiving money. A verified PayPal account adds an extra layer of security and credibility. This section will delve into the details of verified PayPal accounts.
The Verification Process
Verifying a PayPal account involves a few simple steps. First, link your bank account or credit card to your PayPal account. This step helps confirm your identity. Next, PayPal will make two small deposits into your bank account. These deposits usually appear within 2-3 business days.
Once you receive the deposits, log into your PayPal account. Enter the deposit amounts to complete the verification process. Your account is now verified. This process ensures that you are the rightful owner of the linked financial information.
Benefits Over Unverified Accounts
Verified Account
Unverified Account
Transaction Limits
Higher limits
Lower limits
Enhanced security
Basic security
More trust
Less trust
A verified PayPal account offers higher transaction limits. Unverified accounts have restrictions on the amount of money you can send and receive. This can be inconvenient for frequent users.
Security is another key benefit. Verified accounts are less likely to be flagged for suspicious activity. This reduces the chances of your account being frozen. Enhanced security features protect your financial data.
Credibility is crucial for online transactions. B-u-yers and sellers trust verified accounts more. This trust can lead to smoother and quicker transactions. Verified accounts are also less likely to face issues with receiving payments.
In summary, a verified PayPal account offers numerous advantages. Higher limits, enhanced security, and increased credibility make it the preferred choice for serious users.
How To B-u-y A Verified Paypal Account Safely
B-u-ying a verified PayPal account can be a great way to streamline your online transactions. But, it's crucial to proceed with caution. This guide will help you understand how to B-u-y a verified PayPal account safely.
Choosing A Reliable Source
Selecting the right source is the first step. Ensure the source has a good reputation. Check customer reviews and ratings. A reliable source will have many positive reviews.
Look for contact information on the seller's website. This includes email, phone number, and physical address. Avoid sources that only provide a contact form. Real businesses will have multiple ways to contact them.
What To Look For In A Seller
A trustworthy seller will offer clear details about the account. Check the account’s history. Make sure it has no previous disputes or chargebacks. The seller should also provide proof of verification.
Ask about the account’s creation date. Older accounts tend to be more reliable. Inquire if the account is linked to a real bank or credit card. This ensures it is fully verified.
Look for sellers who offer a money-back guarantee. This shows confidence in their product. Also, verify their customer support. They should be available to assist you post-purchase.
Check reviews and ratings
Contact Information
Email, phone number, physical address
Account History
No disputes or chargebacks
Proof of Verification
Verified by real bank or credit card
Account Creation Date
Older accounts are more reliable
Money-Back Guarantee
Shows seller’s confidence
Customer Support
Available post-purchase assistance
By following these steps, you can safely B-u-y a verified PayPal account. This ensures a smooth and secure transaction process.
Avoiding Scams: Red Flags To Watch Out For
B-u-ying verified PayPal accounts can be tricky. Scammers are everywhere, and you need to be careful. Knowing the red flags can save you from losing your money. This guide helps you identify scams and find trustworthy sellers.
Common Tactics Used By Scammers
Scammers use various tactics to trick you. Understanding these tricks can help you avoid falling for them.
Unrealistic Prices
Scammers offer too-good-to-be-true prices. They lure you with cheap deals.
Urgent Sales
They push you to B-u-y quickly. They claim limited-time offers.
Lack of Information
They provide minimal details about the account. They avoid questions.
No Reviews
Legitimate sellers have reviews. Scammers lack genuine feedback.
How To Verify A Seller's Credibility
Ensuring a seller's credibility is crucial. Follow these steps to verify them.
Check Reviews: Look for reviews on different platforms. Genuine sellers have positive feedback.
Ask for Proof: Request screenshots or video proof of the account.
Contact Details: Verify the seller's contact information. Legitimate sellers provide multiple contact options.
Payment Methods: Use secure payment methods. Avoid direct bank transfers.
By following these steps, you can ensure you are dealing with a credible seller. Protect yourself and your money.
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Telegram: @Seo2Smm
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Setting Up Your Verified Paypal Account
Setting up a verified PayPal account is simple. Follow these steps to get started. A verified PayPal account offers extra security and trust for transactions.
Initial Steps To Take
First, visit the PayPal website. Click on the "Sign Up" button. Choose the type of account you need.
Personal Account: For shopping and sending money to friends.
Business Account: For selling products or services.
Fill in your details. Use a valid email address and a strong password. Click "Next" to continue.
Linking Your Bank And Cards
To verify your account, link your bank and cards. This step is crucial for security and seamless transactions.
Go to your PayPal dashboard.
Click on "Wallet" at the top of the page.
Select "Link a bank" or "Link a card".
Enter your bank or card details.
PayPal will make small deposits to your bank. Check your bank statement. Enter the deposit amounts on PayPal. Your bank account is now linked and verified.
Go to PayPal dashboard
Click on "Wallet"
Select "Link a bank" or "Link a card"
Enter your bank or card details
Linking your cards follows a similar process. Enter your card details. PayPal will verify your card. Once done, your PayPal account is fully verified.
Enhancing Your Account's Security
Securing your verified PayPal account is crucial. It ensures your financial data remains safe. Learn how to enhance your account's security with simple steps.
Two-factor Authentication
Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for your PayPal account. This adds an extra layer of security. Even if someone knows your password, they can't access your account without a second verification step.
Follow these steps to set up 2FA:
Log in to your PayPal account.
Navigate to Settings.
Click on Security tab.
Select Two-Factor Authentication.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.
With 2FA, you receive a code on your phone. Enter this code to log in. This makes unauthorized access difficult.
Monitoring Account Activity
Regularly monitor your account activity. This helps you spot any unauthorized transactions. Check your account statements frequently.
Here’s how to monitor your account activity:
Log in to your PayPal account.
Go to the Activity section.
Review recent transactions.
Report any suspicious activity immediately.
PayPal provides alerts for unusual activity. Enable these alerts in your settings. This keeps you informed of any potential threats.
Consider setting up email notifications. This ensures you are always aware of account activity.
A table can help keep track of your monitoring schedule:
Review Transactions
Check Alerts
Update Security Settings
Keeping a schedule helps you stay proactive. It ensures your account remains secure at all times.
The Legalities Of B-u-ying And Using A Verified Paypal Account
B-u-ying and using a verified PayPal account can seem easy and practical. But before you proceed, it's crucial to understand the legal aspects. This guide will help you navigate the complexities involved.
Understanding Paypal's Terms Of Service
PayPal’s Terms of Service clearly outline what is allowed and what isn't. According to these terms, B-u-ying a verified account is a violation. The account should be created and used by the original owner only.
Using an account that you did not create can lead to severe penalties. These penalties include account suspension and permanent bans. PayPal can also freeze any funds in the account.
B-u-ying an account
Account suspension
Using an account not in your name
Permanent ban
Attempting to verify false information
Funds freeze
Legal Implications To Consider
B-u-ying and using a verified PayPal account can have serious legal implications. Unauthorized use of another person’s information is illegal. It may be considered identity theft or fraud.
Using false information to verify an account can lead to legal action.
Authorities may investigate fraudulent activities.
Legal penalties can include fines and imprisonment.
Understanding and adhering to PayPal's rules is essential. Violating these rules can lead to severe consequences. It's always best to create and verify your own account.
Managing Multiple Paypal Accounts
Managing multiple PayPal accounts can be a game-changer for businesses and individuals. It helps organize transactions, manage finances, and streamline operations. Understanding the pros and cons, and following best practices for security and compliance, ensures smooth operation. This section will explore these aspects in detail.
Pros And Cons
Better organization: Multiple accounts help keep personal and business finances separate.
Enhanced security: Reduces the risk of fraud by limiting access to specific accounts.
Improved tracking: Easier tracking of transactions and payments.
Complexity: Managing multiple accounts can be time-consuming and confusing.
Cost: Some accounts may have fees associated with them.
Compliance: Ensuring compliance with PayPal's policies can be challenging.
Best Practices For Security And Compliance
To manage multiple PayPal accounts securely, follow these best practices:
Use strong passwords: Create unique, complex passwords for each account.
Enable two-factor authentication: Add an extra layer of security by enabling 2FA.
Regularly monitor accounts: Check your accounts frequently for any suspicious activity.
Keep personal and business accounts separate: This helps in better tracking and security.
Stay compliant with PayPal policies: Regularly review PayPal's terms and conditions to ensure you are in compliance.
Managing multiple PayPal accounts can offer significant advantages. It requires careful planning and adherence to best practices for security and compliance. By following the guidelines outlined above, you can maximize the benefits and minimize the risks associated with multiple PayPal accounts.
The Role Of Verified Paypal Accounts In Business
In today's digital age, having a verified PayPal account is essential for businesses. It helps in building trust and ensuring smooth transactions. Verified accounts offer numerous benefits that can enhance your business operations. Let's explore their role in more detail.
Gaining Customer Trust
A verified PayPal account assures customers of your credibility. Customers feel safe when they see that your account is verified. This boosts their confidence in your business.
Trust is crucial for online transactions. Customers are more likely to B-u-y from you if they trust your payment methods. A verified account signals that your business is legitimate and secure.
Below is a table highlighting the importance of trust:
Increases customer loyalty
Reduces fraud risk
Enhances brand reputation
Streamlining Transactions
Verified PayPal accounts simplify transactions. This makes it easier for customers to make payments. They also speed up the payment process.
Here are some benefits of streamlined transactions:
Faster payment processing
Reduced transaction errors
Improved customer satisfaction
Efficiency is key in business. Quick and error-free transactions save time and enhance customer experience. This can lead to repeat business and positive reviews.
Verified accounts also offer higher transaction limits. This is beneficial for businesses handling large payments. It ensures smooth and uninterrupted operations.
International Transactions With Verified Paypal Accounts
Engaging in international transactions can be tricky. Verified PayPal accounts simplify this process. They provide a secure, reliable method for sending and receiving money globally. Discover the benefits of using verified PayPal accounts for international transactions.
Currency Conversion Features
One of the standout features of verified PayPal accounts is their currency conversion capabilities. These accounts automatically convert currencies. This allows you to send and receive money in different currencies without hassle.
The currency conversion feature uses current exchange rates. This ensures you get the best value for your money. You can view the conversion rates in real-time. This transparency helps you make informed decisions.
Automatic Conversion
No manual exchange needed
Real-Time Rates
Best value for money
Informed decision-making
Cross-border Fees
Cross-border fees are an important factor in international transactions. Verified PayPal accounts offer competitive fee structures. This helps you save money when sending or receiving funds across borders.
The fee structure is clear and straightforward. You know exactly what you are paying. This transparency eliminates unexpected costs. It also makes budgeting easier.
Here are some key points about cross-border fees with verified PayPal accounts:
Lower fees compared to traditional banks
Transparent fee structure
No hidden costs
Using a verified PayPal account for international transactions offers many benefits. It simplifies currency conversion and manages cross-border fees efficiently. This makes your global financial dealings smoother and more predictable.
Dispute Resolution And Protection Policies
When you B-u-y verified PayPal accounts, understanding PayPal's dispute resolution and protection policies is essential. These policies ensure both B-u-yers and sellers feel secure during transactions.
How Paypal Protects B-u-yers And Sellers
PayPal offers various protections for B-u-yers and sellers. These protections help prevent fraud and resolve disputes efficiently.
B-u-yers benefit from PayPal's Purchase Protection program. It covers eligible transactions in case of issues like non-receipt of items or items not as described.
For sellers, PayPal's Seller Protection program provides coverage for eligible transactions. It guards against chargebacks, reversals, and claims.
Below is a table summarizing the key protections offered by PayPal:
Protection Type
Purchase Protection
Non-receipt, not as described
Seller Protection
Chargebacks, reversals, claims
Navigating Disputes Successfully
Disputes can arise during transactions. Knowing how to navigate them is crucial for maintaining trust and security.
Follow these steps to resolve disputes:
Open a dispute through the PayPal Resolution Center.
Communicate with the other party to reach an agreement.
If needed, escalate the dispute to a claim for PayPal to review.
Provide any requested documentation to support your case.
Wait for PayPal's decision on the dispute.
Effective communication is key during this process. Both parties should stay professional and provide clear information.
PayPal's dispute resolution system helps ensure fair outcomes. It protects both B-u-yers and sellers in online transactions.
Integrating Paypal With Your Online Store
Integrating PayPal with your online store can boost your sales. PayPal offers a secure and convenient way for customers to pay. This integration is simple and enhances the shopping experience.
E-commerce Platform Compatibility
Most major e-commerce platforms support PayPal. Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento offer easy PayPal integration. Ensure your platform is compatible before proceeding.
E-commerce Platform
PayPal Integration
Built-in support
Plugin available
Extension available
Setting Up Payment Gateways
Setting up PayPal as a payment gateway is straightforward. Follow these steps to integrate PayPal with your store:
Create a PayPal Business Account: Visit PayPal and sign up for a business account.
Link Your Bank Account: Verify your bank account to complete the setup.
Access API Credentials: Log in to PayPal and navigate to your API credentials.
Configure Your Store: Enter your API credentials in your e-commerce platform.
Test Transactions: Make test purchases to ensure everything works correctly.
By following these steps, you can set up PayPal quickly. This ensures a smooth payment process for your customers.
Paypal And Cryptocurrency: A New Frontier
PayPal has entered the cryptocurrency market. This move changes how we B-u-y and sell goods online. PayPal users can now use crypto easily.
B-u-ying Verified PayPal Accounts can enhance this experience. You get access to seamless crypto transactions. Let’s dive into the details.
B-u-ying And Selling Crypto
PayPal allows users to B-u-y and sell crypto. This includes Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. The process is simple and user-friendly.
Log in to your PayPal account.
Navigate to the Crypto section.
Select the cryptocurrency you want to B-u-y.
Enter the amount and confirm the purchase.
Selling is just as easy. Go to your crypto balance. Choose the crypto to sell. Enter the amount and confirm.
Security Considerations
PayPal offers strong security features. This ensures your crypto transactions are safe. PayPal uses encryption to protect your data.
Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security. Enable this feature in your PayPal settings. Always use a strong and unique password.
Go to Settings.
Select Security.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication.
Be cautious about phishing scams. Never share your PayPal credentials. Verify emails and links before clicking.
The Future Of Online Payments And Paypal
Online payments are evolving rapidly. PayPal has been a leader for years. As technology advances, PayPal must adapt. The future holds exciting changes for this payment giant.
Emerging Technologies
New technologies are transforming the online payment landscape. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are becoming mainstream. Many people now prefer decentralized financial systems. PayPal is exploring ways to integrate these technologies.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another game-changer. AI can enhance security and improve user experience. PayPal is investing in AI to detect fraud and automate processes.
Mobile payments are growing fast. More people use smartphones for transactions. PayPal's mobile app must stay user-friendly and secure.
Impact on PayPal
Enhances transaction transparency and security.
Offers new payment options for users.
Artificial Intelligence
Improves fraud detection and user experience.
Mobile Payments
Increases convenience and accessibility.
Predictions For Paypal's Evolution
PayPal will continue to evolve. Here are some predictions for its future:
Integration with more cryptocurrencies: PayPal might support more digital coins.
Enhanced AI capabilities: PayPal will use AI for better security and customer service.
Expansion in emerging markets: PayPal will target new regions for growth.
Improved mobile app features: The app will become more intuitive and secure.
PayPal's evolution is essential for staying competitive. Emerging technologies will shape its future. The company is well-positioned to lead the online payment industry.
Customer Support For Verified Paypal Accounts
Having a verified PayPal account provides many benefits. But, sometimes users face issues and need help. This is where customer support comes in handy. Let’s explore how you can get help and solve common issues.
Accessing Help
PayPal offers various ways to get help. You can visit the PayPal Help Center on their website. It has many articles and guides. If you need more help, you can contact their support team directly.
Help Center: Find articles and guides.
Community Forum: Ask questions and get answers from other users.
Contact Support: Reach out via email or phone.
You can also use the PayPal mobile app to access support. It has a chat feature for quick help. Always keep your account details handy when contacting support.
Common Issues And Solutions
Here are some common issues users face with verified PayPal accounts and their solutions:
Account Login Problems
Reset your password or contact support for help.
Transaction Holds
Check your email for details and follow the instructions.
Unauthorized Transactions
Report the transaction immediately to PayPal.
Verification Issues
Ensure you have submitted all required documents.
If you follow these steps, you can resolve most issues quickly. Always keep your account secure to avoid problems.
Real-life Success Stories: The Impact Of Verified Accounts
Many users have experienced positive changes after B-u-ying verified PayPal accounts. These accounts offer a range of benefits for both individuals and businesses. Let's explore some real-life success stories to understand the impact.
Testimonials From Users
John Doe
After B-u-ying a verified PayPal account, I saw a boost in my sales. My customers now trust my business more.
Jane Smith
The verified account made transactions smoother. I no longer face payment delays.
Mike Johnson
With a verified account, my online store gained credibility. More people now shop from my site.
How Verification Boosted Business
Increased Trust: Verified accounts signal reliability to customers.
Smoother Transactions: Less likely to face payment issues or holds.
Better Conversions: Higher chances of turning visitors into customers.
Enhanced Credibility: More people trust and engage with verified accounts.
Businesses that use verified PayPal accounts often see a notable increase in sales. Trust plays a vital role in e-commerce. Customers prefer to B-u-y from businesses they trust. Verification provides that trust.
Many users have shared their success stories. They speak about how their businesses have grown. They report fewer payment issues. They highlight better customer satisfaction rates.
Overall, verified PayPal accounts have a significant impact. They improve trust, transactions, and business growth.
Comparing Paypal To Other Payment Platforms
When comparing payment platforms, understanding the differences is crucial. PayPal is a renowned platform, but how does it stack up against others? This section will help you compare PayPal with other payment platforms to make an informed decision.
Features And Fees
PayPal offers a wide range of features:
Global Accessibility: Available in over 200 countries and supports multiple currencies.
B-u-yer Protection: Ensures safety for purchases on eligible transactions.
Merchant Services: Includes invoicing, recurring payments, and business loans.
PayPal's fees vary based on transaction types:
Transaction Type
Domestic Transactions
2.9% + $0.30 per transaction
International Transactions
4.4% + fixed fee based on currency
Other payment platforms like Stripe and Square also have distinct features and fees:
Developer-friendly API, supports multiple currencies
2.9% + $0.30 per transaction
Point of Sale (POS) system, robust analytics
2.6% + $0.10 per transaction
Choosing The Right Platform For You
Identify your business needs to choose the right platform. For global reach, PayPal is excellent. Stripe is ideal for developers needing a customizable solution. Square is best for businesses needing a POS system.
Consider these factors:
Transaction Fees: Lower fees can save money over time.
Features: Match the features to your business requirements.
Ease of Use: Ensure the platform is user-friendly.
Remember, each business is unique. Choose a platform that aligns with your specific needs.
The Psychology Behind Secure Online Transactions
Online transactions have become a part of our daily lives. People B-u-y and sell goods and services online. But, many still worry about security. Understanding the psychology behind secure online transactions can help ease these worries.
Building Trust In Digital Payments
Trust is the foundation of digital payments. Without trust, no one will make online transactions. People need to feel their money and data are safe. This trust is built through several factors:
Brand Reputation: Well-known brands are trusted more.
Customer Reviews: Positive reviews build confidence.
Secure Websites: HTTPS and security badges matter.
Each factor plays a role in building trust. Together, they create a safe environment for transactions.
The Importance Of Verification
Verification adds an extra layer of security. It confirms the identity of users. Verified accounts are less likely to be involved in fraud. This makes transactions safer for everyone.
B-u-yers and sellers both benefit from verified accounts:
For B-u-yers
For Sellers
Protects against scams
Ensures real customers
Increases trust in the platform
Reduces chargebacks
Provides peace of mind
Builds a positive reputation
Verification is crucial for secure online transactions. It helps build trust and safety for all parties involved.
Tutorial: Maximizing The Benefits Of Your Verified Paypal Account
Owning a verified PayPal account opens a world of opportunities for smooth online transactions. Whether you are a business owner or a frequent online shopper, a verified account offers enhanced security and additional features. This tutorial will guide you through the advanced features and customizing account settings for your verified PayPal account.
Advanced Features
Verified PayPal accounts come with several advanced features that can simplify your online financial activities. Here is a list of some of the key features:
Higher Transaction Limits: Verified accounts can send, receive, and withdraw larger amounts.
Enhanced Security: Enjoy an extra layer of protection with PayPal's fraud prevention tools.
Merchant Services: Access advanced tools for invoicing, subscription services, and sales tracking.
Multi-Currency Support: Easily send and receive payments in multiple currencies.
Customizing Account Settings
Customizing your PayPal account settings allows you to tailor your experience to your needs. Follow these steps to optimize your account:
Log in to your PayPal account and go to the 'Settings' menu.
Update Your Profile: Ensure your personal information is accurate and up-to-date.
Link Bank Accounts and Cards: Add your bank accounts and credit cards for easy transactions.
Set Up Notifications: Customize notifications to stay informed about your account activities.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Add an extra layer of security by enabling two-factor authentication.
Manage Privacy Settings: Adjust your privacy settings to control who can see your information.
By utilizing these features and customizing your settings, you can make the most out of your verified PayPal account. Secure your transactions, manage your finances, and enjoy a seamless online experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Get A Verified Paypal Account?
To get a verified PayPal account, link your bank account or credit card. Verify your email and phone number. Follow PayPal's verification process.
How Do I Get A Genuine Paypal Account?
To get a genuine PayPal account, visit PayPal's official website. Click "Sign Up," choose your account type, and enter your details. Verify your email and link your bank account or card. Ensure all information is accurate and secure.
How To Fully Verify A Paypal Account Without A Bank Account?
To fully verify a PayPal account without a bank account, link a credit card or debit card. Confirm the card by entering the PayPal code from the card statement.
How Do I Get A Verified Paypal Badge?
To get a verified PayPal badge, link and confirm your bank account or credit card. Provide necessary identification documents. Ensure your PayPal account is in good standing and follow all verification steps in your account settings. Verification increases trust and security.
Purchasing verified PayPal accounts can streamline your online transactions. Ensure you choose a reputable provider for safety. Verified accounts offer security and credibility. Always follow legal guidelines and PayPal's terms of service. A verified PayPal account can enhance your business and personal transactions.
2 notes · View notes
fazilakhatun · 1 month
B-u-y Verified Cash App Accounts
B-u-y Verified Cash App Accounts
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts offers the convenience of immediate transactions with added security. Secure, authorized accounts reduce fraud risks and enhance payment efficiency.
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 In today's digital era, managing financial transactions smoothly and securely has become imperative for individuals and businesses alike. Verified Cash App accounts provide a reliable solution for making rapid payments and transfers without the hassle of traditional banking processes. These accounts undergo a stringent verification process, ensuring that users' identities are authenticated, thus minimizing the chances of unauthorized activities.
 Not only does this bolster confidence in digital transactions, but it also simplifies the user experience. Opting for a verified account on Cash App can significantly improve the way you handle money online, bringing peace of mind and a level of assurance that your financial dealings are safe and recognized by the platform.
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The Cash App by Square, Inc has revolutionized money management. A verified Cash App account opens doors to seamless financial transactions. It's a badge of trust in a digital realm filled with uncertainties. Let's dive into why a verified status is the key to upping your Cash App game.
The Perks Of Having A Verified Account
Higher sending limits: Enjoy the freedom to send more money weekly.
Bitcoin trading: B-u-y and sell Bitcoin directly within the app.
Direct Deposit: Get paychecks deposited right into your account.
Investment features: Grow your wealth by investing in stocks with as little as $1.
Increased security: Verified accounts come with an extra layer of security checks.
The Risks Associated With Unverified Accounts
Limited functionality: Send and receive money within smaller limits.
Withdrawal woes: Face restrictions on accessing your money from ATMs.
No Bitcoin fun: Miss out on cryptocurrency transactions.
Investment restrictions: You can't tap into stock market investments.
Potential delays: Encounter slower transaction processing times.
Unverified accounts may face scrutiny and hold-ups. Verification breathes trust into your digital wallet, lifting many restrictions and granting peace of mind.
Essential Steps To Verify Your Cash App Account
Verifying your Cash App account unlocks a plethora of features and benefits. Essential steps ensure a smooth and secure verification process. Let's dive into how to achieve this.
Providing Personal Information
To begin the verification, you must provide specific personal details. This includes your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your Social Security number. A government-issued ID might be required.
Understanding The Verification Process
Enter personal details accurately within the app.
Submit any requested documentation through the app interface.
Allow processing time, which may take several days.
Watch for confirmation of verification status.
Why B-u-y A Verified Cash App Account?
B-u-ying a Verified Cash App account opens up a world of quick and secure financial transactions. With a verified account, you can send and receive money with peace of mind. Experience instant online payments and money management without the usual hassle.
Convenience For Online Transactions
Imagine paying for your online shopping cart with just a few taps. Or splitting dinner bills without exchanging cash. A verified Cash App account makes these transactions effortless. You can quickly transfer funds to friends, family, or merchants.
Access To Higher Transaction Limits
A major benefit of verified accounts is the increased transaction limits. With verification, your weekly sending limit boosts significantly. This means you can:
Transfer larger sums of money effortlessly.
Handle big transactions like rent or loan repayment without restrictions.
Maintain fluid cash flow for your personal or business needs.
You can forget about being held back by low limits. A verified account supports your larger financial ambitions.
The Legality Of B-u-ying And Selling Cash App Accounts
When discussing financial services, we often touch upon Cash App. It's a popular platform for instant transactions. Cash App requires account verification, which involves confirming identity. This process ensures safety for both the user and the platform. Now, some users might consider B-u-ying a verified account. Why? To save time or bypass personal verification. The critical question arises: Is it legal to B-u-y or sell Cash App accounts?
Navigating Legal Considerations
Understanding the legality of B-u-ying and selling Cash App accounts is essential. The Cash App terms of service forbid sharing, B-u-ying, or selling accounts. This policy ensures user protection against fraud. Users agree to this policy upon account creation. It is important to read and understand these terms.
Account sales can lead to banned services.
False information in account setup violates terms.
Legal repercussions may include fines or prosecution.
Potential Consequences Of Illicit Account Trading
Trading verified Cash App accounts can have serious repercussions. Users often overlook risks for convenience. Yet, consequences are far-reaching and damaging.
Immediate account suspension or permanent ban
Possible loss of funds within the account
Legal action for breach of contract
Always respect the legal framework of financial services. Ensuring compliance prevents risks for all users.
How To Spot A Genuine Verified Cash App Account
Navigating the digital finances world requires vigilance, especially with apps like Cash App. Users often seek the security of verified accounts. Understanding how to recognize a real verified Cash App account is essential for safe transactions. Here are key indicators to help spot a genuine verified account.
Identifying Verification Badges
The most direct way to identify a verified Cash App account is through the verification badge. A badge is a check mark that appears next to the account's name. This symbol signifies that Cash App recognizes the account as both authentic and reputable. Follow this checklist to confirm the badge’s legitimacy:
Position: The badge should always be right next to the user's name.
Color: It must be white within a green background.
Shape: Look for the typical check mark shape.
Tapping: Click on the badge. A genuine badge will have a pop-up confirming verification.
Checking Account History
Another reliable method to confirm if a Cash App account is truly verified is by examining its account history. Conduct a thorough review with these steps:
Access past transactions to assess regular activity patterns.
Check for a history of successful payments and receipts.
Ensure transparency in transaction details.
Review feedback or comments from other users.
Real verified Cash App accounts will often have an established transaction history. This history reflects consistent and transparent financial dealings.
Avoiding Scams In The Verified Account Marketplace
When shopping for a verified Cash App account, it's vital to stay alert. Scammers are everywhere, waiting to pounce. They create realistic traps, aiming to snatch your money. To stay safe, knowing their tactics and how to dodge them is crucial.
Common Scam Tactics
Scammers are crafty and use various methods to deceive B-u-yers seeking verified Cash App accounts. Here are some tricks they often use:
Phishing Emails: Emails mimicking official Cash App communication to steal info.
Too Good to Be True Offers: Unrealistic bargains that tempt and trap.
Impersonation: Posing as Cash App support to gain trust and swindle money.
Advance Payment Frauds: Asking for money up front with no intent to provide the account.
Tips For Safe Transactions
To ensure a safe purchase of a verified Cash App account, follow these tips:
Why It Helps
Confirm the seller's identity and account legitimacy.
Secure Payment
Use a method that protects your funds until the account is securely transferred.
Check Reviews
Past B-u-yer experiences can indicate reliability.
Direct Support
Contact Cash App directly for any doubts or clarifications.
By staying informed and careful, you can ensure your purchase is fraud-free. Stick to these practices to keep your transaction secure.
The Cost Factor: Pricing For Verified Cash App Accounts
Finding and purchasing verified Cash App accounts involves a key element: understanding the cost. Price can be a deciding factor for many when choosing where to B-u-y these accounts. Let’s delve into what makes up the pricing and discover how to appraise the value of a verified Cash App account.
Estimating The Fair Price
Finding a fair price for verified Cash App accounts requires research. Here are some facets affecting cost:
Account features: The more the features, the higher the cost.
Verification level: Details in the verification process can increase price.
Account history: Clean history might command a premium.
Market demand: Popular times may push prices up.
Costs can range widely. So, what should you pay? Aim for a balance between feature richness and budget. Use a simple equation:
Value = (Features + Verification + History) / Price
An account is a good B-u-y if the value score is high.
Comparing Prices Across Sellers
Comparing various sellers is crucial. Finding the best deal means checking multiple aspects:
Seller A
Seller B
Business hours
Seller C
Put sellers side by side to see who offers the best deal. Consider quality, price, seller feedback, and customer support before you B-u-y.
Transferable: Selling Your Own Verified Cash App Account
Imagine unlocking the value of your verified Cash App account in a marketplace. Yes, it's possible! You can transfer ownership to someone else. Let's navigate the process of preparing and setting terms for such a transfer.
Preparing Your Account For Sale
Before the sale, your Cash App account needs a tidy up. Purge personal information and ensure no links exist between you and the account.
Remove personal transactions.
Update settings to default.
Ensure the account maintains a zero balance.
A clean, impersonal account is more appealing to B-u-yers. This turns your account into a secure asset, ready for transfer.
Setting Terms For The Transfer
Agreeing to terms ensures a smooth transfer. Have clear conditions on how and when the transfer will occur.
Set a fair market price for the account.
Payment Method
Choose how you want to receive funds.
Transfer Date
Decide on a specific date for the account handover.
With these steps, your verified Cash App account is prepared for sale. B-u-yers get a valuable asset, and you enjoy the benefits of a smooth transaction.
Pros And Cons Of A Verified Cash App Account
When pondering a Verified Cash App Account, weighing the pros and cons is key. Such an account can offer enhanced features. Yet, it's not without its downsides. Let's delve into both to see if verification fits your financial needs.
Exploring The Advantages
Verified Cash App accounts tout a range of benefits:
Higher Sending Limits: Users enjoy increased transaction limits.
Inclusive Features: Direct deposit and Bitcoin trading become available.
Boosted Security: Verification adds a layer of protection to your finances.
These perks make a verified account enticing for avid users.
Acknowledging The Drawbacks
With advantages come inevitable drawbacks:
Privacy Concerns: Personal data is necessary for verification.
Verification Process: Some users find the process cumbersome.
Account Scrutiny: Verified accounts may face closer monitoring.
Consider these factors carefully before making your decision.
Security Measures To Keep Your Purchased Account Safe
For those who B-u-y verified Cash App accounts, security is a top priority. Your financial information needs to be kept under a secure umbrella. Implementing robust security measures ensures your account stays protected.
Implementing Two-factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security. When logging in, you'll need a second piece of information. This could be a code sent to your phone or email. Here's how you set up 2FA:
Open Cash App settings.
Go to the 'Security' section.
Click ‘Two-Factor Authentication’.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete setup.
Regularly Updating Security Settings
Stay ahead of threats by updating your security regularly. This includes your password and security questions.
Change your passwords every few months.
Review security questions for strong, unguessable answers.
Check for any unfamiliar devices or login activity.
Alert Cash App support immediately if something seems off.
Enable 2FA
Extra security step
Update regularly
Latest security features
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Understanding Cash App's Policies On Account Verification
Cash App requires users to verify their accounts to access additional features. These include higher transaction limits and direct deposits. Verification involves providing personal information, such as your Social Security Number. This ensures a secure and compliant platform.
Reading The Fine Print
It's crucial to read Cash App's terms of service carefully. The fine print details the verification process. Users must agree to these terms to complete account verification. The fine print contains important information like the documents needed and the verification timeframe.
Types of identification accepted
Limitations on unverified accounts
Steps to verify your Cash App account
The Role Of User Conduct
User conduct influences account status on Cash App. Verified accounts must adhere to Cash App's acceptable use policy. Failure to comply can lead to suspension or termination of verification status. Engaging in fraud, unauthorized transactions, or other illict activities can affect account functionality.
Follow platform policies strictly
Avoid violating terms to maintain verification
Report suspicious activities immediately
The Role Of Customer Support In B-u-ying Verified Accounts
When B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts, customer support is your guide. From setup issues to verification hiccups, a strong customer support team ensures a smooth transaction and post-purchase experience. Trustworthy support can make all the difference in getting your account up and ready.
Seeking Assistance For Account Issues
Got a problem with your new Cash App account? Quick help is crucial. The right support team will:
Resolve login troubles fast.
Answer your security questions with care.
Fix verification glitches without delay.
Navigating Post-purchase Support
Once you own a verified account, you need ongoing support. A responsive customer service offers:
Swift guidance on features.
Help with transaction concerns.
Assistance in account recovery cases.
Consistent support means hassle-free account management.
Maximizing The Benefits Of Your Verified Cash App Account
A Verified Cash App account unlocks new financial territories. Enjoy higher transaction limits. Discover exclusive features. Learn to maximize these advantages.
Making The Most Of Increased Limits
With verification, your Cash App world expands. Send and receive more money everyday.
Send up to $7,500 per week
Receive an unlimited amount
Here's how to use those limits:
Plan big purchases
Pay bills ahead
Split large expenses with friends
Exploring Additional Features
Verification comes with extra perks. Direct Deposits. Bitcoin B-u-ying. ATM withdrawals.
Direct Deposit
Get paychecks early
Access funds faster
B-u-y and sell Bitcoin
Dive into cryptocurrency
ATM Withdrawals
Use your Cash Card to get cash
Easier access to your money
Unlock these features. Level up your financial game.
A Step-by-step Guide To Purchasing A Verified Account
Welcome to the ultimate guide on securing your own verified Cash App account. Today's digital landscape demands not only convenience but also security and legitimacy. By the end of this guide, you will learn how to confidently navigate the world of digital payments with a verified Cash App account.
Choosing The Right Marketplace
Start by finding a trustworthy platform. Look for indicators of authenticity such as user reviews and security measures. Ensure the site has clear terms of service and a privacy policy.
Check for encryption: A secure connection is vital. Look for "https://" in the URL.
Read user feedback: What are other B-u-yers saying? High ratings and positive reviews are good signs.
Assess support options: A reliable marketplace offers customer support. Does the site have contact details?
Completing A Secure Transaction
Once you've chosen a marketplace, it's time to focus on transaction security.
Verify the seller: Confirm the seller's credibility. Look at their transaction history.
Use secure payment options: Always opt for payment methods with fraud protection.
Keep records: Save all transaction details. These can be useful in case of a dispute.
Following these steps will lead to a safer purchase of a verified Cash App account. Look for secure check-out procedures before finalizing the transaction. Ensure the account you receive matches the seller's descriptions.
Long-term Considerations After B-u-ying A Verified Account
Once you've bought a verified Cash App account, the journey doesn't end. Keeping your account in good standing is vital. Let's dive into the long-term strategies to maintain your investment.
Maintaining Account Verification Status
Stay active and ensure regular transactions. Cash App reviews account activities. Inactivity may trigger re-verification processes.
Regularly review transaction history.
Keep banking info up-to-date.
Avoid suspicious activity to prevent flags.
Compliance with Cash App's terms is crucial. Read updates to these terms to stay compliant.
Updating Personal Information
If your personal info changes, update your Cash App immediately. This includes:
Legal Name
Contact Details
Accurate information keeps your account secure. It also eases the resolution process if issues arise with your account.
The Ethics Of Account Verification And Purchase
The digital landscape is constantly evolving, including how people use financial services. One controversial practice is the purchase of verified Cash App accounts. This raises questions about the ethics involved in account verification and purchase.
Debating The Morality Of B-u-ying Accounts
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts walks a fine line ethically. People argue over its morality. On one hand, some see it as a quick step to accessing features without hassle. On the other, critics argue that it bypasses necessary security measures and undermines trust.
Convenience vs. Compliance: Does the need for easy access outweigh compliance with set rules?
Fairness: Are purchased accounts fair to users who go through the proper channels?
Security Risks: Do these accounts compromise the safety of the digital financial space?
Assessing The Impact On The Digital Economy
The sale and purchase of verified accounts hold implications for the digital economy. We must assess this impact critically.
Positive Impact
Negative Impact
User Growth
Spike in user numbers
Inaccurate representation of active, legitimate users
Service Integrity
Potentially quick expansion of service usage
Loss of integrity and trust in the service
Market Dynamics
Creation of ancillary marketplaces
Distortion of market and unfair advantages
Scrutiny reveals both sides of the coin: stimulating growth yet possibly undermining trust. B-u-yers and platforms alike bear responsibility for maintaining a secure digital ecosystem.
Real-life Stories: Experiences With Verified Cash App Accounts
Every day, people just like you navigate the world of digital payments. The surge in online transaction platforms brings countless narratives of triumph and lessons learned. Here we share compelling tales from users who have embraced verified Cash App accounts.
Success Stories
Meet Sarah. She's an online tutor. After getting her Cash App account verified, her payment process simplified. Let's delve into her story:
Instant Payments: Sarah started receiving fees immediately after class.
Satisfied Clients: Her students appreciated the ease of payment.
Financial Tracking: Sarah tracked her income with Cash App's history feature.
John also shared his experience. With his verified account, his online store saw a sales peak:
Sales dipped due to payment hurdles
Customer trust increased, boosting sales
Lengthy checkout times
Streamlined, quick transactions
Lessons From Failed Transactions
Not all stories sparkle. Emma faced a roadblock. She ignored the verification step and faced consequences:
Transaction Limits Hit: Sales were lost after hitting her unverified limits.
Customer Complaints: B-u-yers were frustrated with declined payments.
Then, there's Mike, who got scammed. He learned:
Verify Recipients: Always ensure the recipient's account is legitimate.
Scam Awareness: He now knows the common signs of fraudulent accounts.
These stories teach valuable lessons. Verify your Cash App account. Secure your transactions. Embrace a hassle-free financial journey today.
Alternatives To B-u-ying Verified Cash App Accounts
Thinking about verified Cash App accounts, there are safe paths to explore. Trust is crucial in digital payments. This section explores grounded alternatives to B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts.
Building Trust Organically
Creating a verified account doesn't have to be a shortcut purchase. Begin by setting up your account with fact-based details. Promptly provide necessary verification when requested. This builds a strong foundation. It's a way to earn legitimacy without cutting corners. Display consistent behavior. Engage in transactions that reflect reliability and honesty. This attracts positive feedback. Over time, an organic reputation for trustworthiness will develop.
Exploring Other Payment Platforms
Alternative trusted payment services exist. Consider platforms like PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo. Each offers its unique verification process to ensure security. Below is a list of widely-used platforms:
PayPal: Global reach with robust security measures.
Venmo: Popular for its social element and ease of use.
Zelle: Integrates with many banking apps for quick transfers.
Legal Repercussions For Misuse Of Verified Accounts
Exploring the purchase of verified Cash App accounts opens a world of ease and financial fluidity. Proper use is paramount. Ignoring rules can lead to severe outcomes. Let's discuss the risks tied with the misuse of these accounts and how to stay within legal boundaries.
Understanding Potential Penalties
Unlawful behavior with a verified Cash App account invites trouble. You face heavy fines and restrictions. Below are penalties you might encounter:
Legal fines: Paying hefty amounts to settle violations.
Account suspension: Losing access to your account immediately.
Criminal charges: Facing court and potential jail time.
Preventative Measures To Avoid Legal Trouble
To use verified Cash App accounts safely, follow these steps:
Read terms and conditions: Know the rules well.
Maintain one account per user: Multi-accounting is a no-go.
Report suspicious activity: Stay alert and report.
Take these preventative steps to keep your account in good standing.
 The Future Of Cash App And Digital Wallet Verification
The digital payment landscape is rapidly evolving. As Cash App and other digital wallets gain popularity, so does the need for robust verification methods. These advanced systems ensure secure transactions and build user trust. The future revolves around enhancing security while maintaining user convenience.
Predicting Trends In Financial Technology
The world of financial technology is always on the move. Here are a few trends we expect to see:
Biometric security will become more common.
Blockchain technology will play a bigger role in transaction validation.
Artificial intelligence will enhance fraud detection processes.
Users will expect more control over their data.
Evolving Verification Methods
Verification processes are becoming more advanced. Here's what's on the horizon:
Multi-factor authentication will be a must for all users.
Real-time ID checks will make transactions safer.
Machine learning will help verify users faster.
Privacy concerns will result in anonymity-enhanced verification.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Accounts represent the forefront of these innovations. Verified accounts integrate these technologies, offering users peace of mind and a seamless experience.
Frequently Asked Questions Of B-u-y Verified Cash App Accounts 
Is B-u-ying Cash App Accounts Safe? 
B-u-ying Cash App accounts poses significant risks including fraud and account suspension. It's crucial to ensure transactions comply with Cash App's terms of service and prioritize security to avoid potential legal and financial repercussions. 
How To Verify A Cash App Account?
 To verify a Cash App account, submit your full name, birth date, and the last four digits of your SSN in the app. Verification typically takes 48 hours. Upon approval, benefits like increased transaction limits become available. 
What Are Benefits Of Verified Cash App Accounts?
 Verified Cash App accounts offer higher sending and receiving limits. They also allow users to B-u-y, sell, and withdraw Bitcoin and invest in stocks. Full verification adds a layer of security and credibility to transactions. 
Can I B-u-y A Cash App Account Legally?
 Purchasing Cash App accounts is against Cash App’s terms of service. Engaging in this practice can result in legal issues and permanent bans from the platform. It's best to create and verify your own account legitimately.
 Navigating the digital finance landscape requires reliable tools. Verified Cash App accounts offer that dependability, ensuring smooth transactions. Embrace the confidence in transferring funds with verified security. Don't let uncertainty hold you back. Secure your verified account and step into streamlined financial management today.
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leobsmith · 4 months
Your Chance to get $750 to your Cash Account!
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Cash App is a mobile payment service developed by Square, Inc. It allows users to send and receive money to friends and family, as well as pay for goods and services using a mobile app. Here are some key features and aspects of Cash App:
Peer-to-Peer Payments: Cash App enables users to send money to other users quickly and easily using their mobile phone number, email address, or $cashtag (a unique username).
750$ Cashapp
Cash Card: Cash App offers a customizable debit card called the Cash Card, which is linked to the user's Cash App balance. Users can use the Cash Card to make purchases at retail stores or online, withdraw cash from ATMs, and even earn rewards on certain purchases.
Bitcoin Transactions: Cash App allows users to buy, sell, and store Bitcoin directly within the app. This feature provides users with a convenient way to invest in cryptocurrencies.
Direct Deposit: Users can set up direct deposit to receive paychecks or government benefits directly into their Cash App account. This feature eliminates the need for a traditional bank account for those who prefer to manage their finances through the app.
750$ Cashapp
Cash Boosts: Cash App offers a rewards program called Cash Boost, which provides users with instant discounts on purchases made with their Cash Card at select merchants. Users can choose from a variety of Boosts, which may include discounts on coffee shops, restaurants, and popular retailers.
Security Features: Cash App employs various security measures to protect users' accounts and transactions, including encryption, biometric authentication (such as fingerprint or Face ID), and optional security features like passcode locks and transaction notifications.
Fees: While Cash App is free to download and use for sending and receiving money, it may charge fees for certain transactions, such as instant transfers or Bitcoin transactions. Users should review the app's fee schedule for more information.
Overall, Cash App provides a convenient and user-friendly platform for sending money, making purchases, and managing finances on the go
    Enter to Win 750$ Cashapp Dollar
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omninoz-technologies · 5 months
The Next Big Thing: Exploring the World of Cash App Clone
In today's fast-paced world, managing finances has become more convenient than ever before, thanks to the emergence of innovative mobile applications. Among these, the Cash App has garnered significant attention for its user-friendly interface and seamless money transfer capabilities. But what if you could replicate its success with your own custom solution? Enter the Cash App Clone – a revolutionary concept that is reshaping the financial landscape.
Understanding the Cash App Phenomenon
Cash App, developed by Square Inc., has become synonymous with peer-to-peer payments, allowing users to send and receive money effortlessly. With its straightforward design and intuitive features, it has amassed millions of users worldwide, transforming the way people handle their finances.
The Birth of Cash App Clone
Inspired by the success of the Cash App, developers and entrepreneurs have sought to create their own versions of this popular platform. These clones aim to replicate the core functionalities of the Cash App while offering additional features tailored to specific user needs.
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How Does a Cash App Clone Work?
A Cash App Clone operates on a similar principle to its predecessor – facilitating secure transactions between users. Users can link their bank accounts or debit cards to the app, enabling them to send money to friends, family, or merchants with just a few taps on their smartphone.
Features That Make a Cash App Clone Stand Out
While the basic premise remains consistent across Cash App Clone, developers often integrate unique features to differentiate their product. These may include:
In-app chat functionality for seamless communication.
Integration with popular payment gateways for added convenience.
Personalized reward programs to incentivize usage.
Budgeting tools and financial insights to help users manage their money effectively.
Benefits of Using a Cash App Clone
The adoption of a Cash App Clone offers numerous benefits to both individuals and businesses alike:
Convenience: Instantly send or receive money anytime, anywhere.
Accessibility: Reach a broader audience with cross-platform compatibility.
Cost-effectiveness: Avoid the hefty transaction fees associated with traditional banking methods.
Security: Benefit from robust encryption protocols to safeguard sensitive information.
Flexibility: Customize the app to suit your specific requirements, whether it's for personal use or business transactions.
Security Measures to Safeguard Your Transactions
With the proliferation of digital payment solutions, security concerns have understandably become a top priority for users. Cash App Clone addresses these concerns by implementing stringent security measures, such as:
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is used to prevent unauthorized access.
End-to-end encryption to protect sensitive data during transmission.
Regular security audits and updates to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
Future Prospects of Cash App Clones
As society continues to embrace digitalization, the demand for innovative financial solutions is expected to soar. Cash App Clone is well-positioned to capitalize on this 
trend, offering a convenient and secure alternative to traditional banking methods. With ongoing advancements in technology, the possibilities for future iterations of Cash App Clone are virtually limitless.
In conclusion, the rise of Cash App Clone represent a paradigm shift in how we interact with money. By harnessing the power of mobile technology, these clones empower users to take control of their finances with ease and confidence. Whether you're a tech-savvy individual or a forward-thinking entrepreneur, embracing this revolution could be the key to unlocking financial freedom in the digital age.
Ready to explore the future of financial technology? Dive into the world of Cash App clone and discover the next big thing in digital transactions. Join us at Omninoz  to stay ahead of the curve and revolutionize the way you handle your finances. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!
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bladeoffrontiers · 5 months
patch notes for fallout 4
less bug fixes than I hoped but it's not surprising. pc now has widescreen/ultrawide will be nice for a lot of people. the free creation club stuff is always nice.
New Creation Club Content Free for Everyone
Enclave Remnants brings the Pre-War cabal, The Enclave, into the Fallout 4 storyline. In this new quest, “Echoes of the Past,” can you stop The Enclave from spreading their dangerous ideology and gaining a foothold in the Commonwealth?
Along with workshop items and the Enclave Colonel uniform, we are including the following previously released Creation Club content:
Enclave Weapon Skins
Enclave Armor Skins
Tesla Cannon
Hellfire Power Armor
X-02 Power Armor
Heavy Incinerator
Makeshift Weapon Pack
Whether it be grenades or piggy banks, there's no shortage of objects you can transform into murderous projectiles with this collection of unique weapons. Included are two grenade launchers, a Nail Gun, Baseball Launcher, Saw Blade launcher, and piggy bank based weaponry.
(Quest "When Pigs Fly" starts at a merchant workshop northwest of Greenetech Genetics.)
Halloween Workshop
On the eve of the end, the New England Technocrat Society has thrown a spooky Halloween gala for anyone with the nerve to attend. Drop in on this fa-boo-lous pumpkin-lit soiree replete with witches, cauldrons, and ghouls, and unlock 38 new spine-tingling Halloween props to decorate your settlement! Includes new wearables, such as the iconic De-Capitalist helmet!
(Quest "All Hallow's Eve" starts by tuning into the Mysterious Signal on your Pip-Boy.)
Changes and New Features
Native PS5 and Xbox Series applications. Includes performance and quality mode options.
Performance mode: 60 FPS target, 4k resolution, standard settings, relying on dynamic resolution scaling.
Quality mode: 30 FPS*, 4k resolution, ultra settings, should not require dynamic resolution scaling.
*When connected to a 120Hz display, Quality mode will target 40 FPS. When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode
Bug Fixes
Resolved issues preventing Japanese and Chinese users from connecting to Bethesda.net (this restores access to Mods).
Resolved issue preventing save data from properly loading during the prologue.
Resolved issue that could prevent the Vault 111 Door from opening on new games.
Resolved issue that could prevent the quest “Go Home” from advancing.
Resolved issue that could result in Codsworth being broken on the ground after fast traveling.
Resolved issue with mipmaps in DLC.
Resolved issue that could result in a softlock when in dialogue with Prestson Garvey.
Resolved issue preventing autosaves while fast traveling in Power Armor.
Fixed issue where text would occasionally disappear in the Creation Club menu.
Resolved issues with text formatting in the credits in Japanese and Chinese.
Resolved issue causing the camera to fail when leaving furniture after an extended time.
Fixed issue that could misplace quest markers while the VR Workshop Creation was installed alongside Automatron.
Resolved issue with player movement in some underwater areas at Thicket Excavations.
Resolved issue that could cause corruption within the Settlement system resulting in wrong resource counts and/or destroyed settlements.
Resolved issue where the “Level Up” notification would display even if there was not a level up available.
Fixed some flickering in Vault 111.
Stability improvements.
PC Only
Resolved issue preventing saves being made under Windows Usernames with Cyrillic, Chinese, or Japanese characters.
PlayStation Only
Resolved issue that could keep the Pip-Boy light on when reading holotapes.
Resolved issue that could prompt users to free up 0kb worth of space when attempting to save even if space was available.
Fixed crash that could occur while loading a save that was made immediately before dying.
Resolved issue that would prevent Codsworth from checking on Shaun in the intro.
Xbox Only
Resolved issue where users would not always be returned to the main menu after signing out of their profile.
Resolved crash that could occur if the player had unlocked all perks.
Fixed lighting issue that could occur during Airship Down.
Encountering a BNET error will now return you to the main menu instead of asking you to log in again.
Resolved issue that could result in significant drop in frame rate when a Gas Canister is ignited by a Molotov Cocktail.
Addressed some visual artifacts that could occur when dynamic resolution was triggered.
Creation Kit
Removed non-functional “Hot Load” button.
Removed non-functional “Material Editor” button.
Editor IDs longer than 99 characters will no longer crash the editor.
Resolved crash that could occur while viewing a quest’s Objectives tab.
Resolved hang that could occur while adding a reference to a layer.
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Kashmir Hill’s “Your Face Belongs to Us”
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This Friday (September 22), I'm (virtually) presenting at the DIG Festival in Modena, Italy. That night, I'll be in person at LA's Book Soup for the launch of Justin C Key's "The World Wasn’t Ready for You." On September 27, I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine.
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Your Face Belongs To Us is Kashmir Hill's new tell-all history of Clearview AI, the creepy facial recognition company whose origins are mired in far-right politics, off-the-books police misconduct, sales to authoritarian states and sleazy one-percenter one-upmanship:
Hill is a fitting chronicler here. Clearview first rose to prominence – or, rather, notoriety – with the publication of her 2020 expose on the company, which had scraped more than a billion facial images from the web, and then started secretly marketing a search engine for faces to cops, spooks, private security firms, and, eventually, repressive governments:
Hill's original blockbuster expose was followed by an in-depth magazine feature and then a string more articles, which revealed the company's origins in white nationalist movements, and the mercurial jourey of its founder, Hoan Ton-That:
The story of Clearview's technology is an interesting one, a story about the machine learning gold-rush where modestly talented technologists who could lay hands on sufficient data could throw it together with off-the-shelf algorithms and do things that had previously been considered impossible. While Clearview has plenty of competitors today, as recently as a couple of years ago, it played like a magic trick.
That's where the more interesting story of Clearview's founding comes in. Hill is a meticulous researcher and had the benefit of a disaffected – and excommunicated – Clearview co-founder, who provided her with masses of internal communications. She also benefited from the court documents from the flurry of lawsuits that Clearview prompted.
What emerges from these primary sources – including multiple interviews with Ton-That – is a story about a move-fast-and-break-things company at the tail end of the forgiveness-not-permission era of technological development. Clearview's founders are violating laws and norms, they're short on cash, and they're racing across the river on the backs of alligators, hoping to reach the riches on the opposite bank without losing a leg.
A decade ago, they might have played as heroes. Today, they're just grifters – bullshitters faking it until they make it, lying to Hill (and getting caught out), and the rest of us. The founders themselves are erratic weirdos, and not the fun kind of weirdos, either. Ton-That – who emigrated to Silicon Valley from Australia as a teenager, seeking a techie's fortune – comes across as a bro-addled dimbulb who threw his lot in with white nationalists, MAGA Republicans, Rudy Guiliani bagmen, Peter Theil, and assorted other tech-adjascent goblins.
Meanwhile, biometrics generally – and facial recognition specifically – is a discipline with a long and sordid history, inextricably entwined with phrenology and eugenics, as Hill describes in a series of interstitial chapters that recount historical attempts to indentify the facial features that correspond with criminality and low intelligence.
These interstitials are woven into a-ha moments from Clearview's history, in which various investors, employees, hangers-on, competitors and customers speculate about how a facial-recognition system could eventually not just recognize criminals, but predict criminality. It's a potent reminder of the AI industry's many overlaps with "race-science" and other quack beliefs.
Hill also describes how Clearview and its competitors' recklessness and arrogance created the openings for shrewd civil libertarians to secure bipartisan support for biometric privacy laws, most notably Illinois' best-of-breed Biometric Information Privacy Act:
But by the end of the book, Hill makes the case that Ton-That and his competitors have gotten away with it. Facial recognition is now so easy to build that – she says – we're unlikely to abolish it, despite all the many horrifying ways that FR could fuck up our societies. It's a sobering conclusion, and while Hill holds out some hope for curbing the official use of FR, she seems resigned to a future in which – for example – creepy guys covertly snap photos of women on the street, use those pictures to figure out their names and addresses, and then stalk and harass them.
If she's right, this is Ton-That's true legacy, and the legacy of the funders who handed him millions to spend building this. Perhaps someone else would have stepped into that sweaty, reckless-grifter-shaped hole if Ton-That hadn't been there to fill it, but in our timeline, we can say that Ton-That was the bumbler who helped destroy something precious.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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womansfire · 11 months
world building ,  ( one : safe houses / properties . )
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palazzo serenzo , via degli archi , 12 florence , italy . occupying the two upper floors ,  this apartment has 4 bedrooms + 2.5 baths .  the roof has an outdoor seating area ,  nice for little outdoor dinners .
intro :  palazzo serenzo is a historical and land marked building from the 15th century .  the di conti family were a prestigious and one of the most prominent noble families in florence ,  and also allies to the medici family .  the di conti's head :  alessandro di coni commissioned the architect leonardo de'amici to build them a home that inspired the citizen's of florence .  much is a mystery about the family since ,  not much is known about them .  they however used their amassed wealth and title to serve as a symbol and for the overall well being of the city and her people .
their family can be traced back to wealthy merchants who amassed great wealth and power through their successful trading ventures .  with their wealth ,  the di conti family became influential in the arts ,  education ,  politics ,  banking and then some .  the matriarch isabella di conti was a poet and dedicated to italy's rich history and artistic expression .  she loved to host salons and invited some of the most influential guests .  
thus making their home a hub for intellectual and artistic exchange .  the family supported many renowned artists ,  architects ,  and scholars at the time . 
 they were known for the passion for collecting rare artifacts  (  some of which are said to be hidden within the palazzo , kept in a secret wing from prying eyes .  )  most of their collections from paintings to manuscripts are in mia's possession today .
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as one approaches the palazzo ,  their eyes are drawn to it's entrance .  framed by intricately carved stone arches which are adorned with delicate floral motifs .  the heavy wooden doors were crafted from oak and fitted with brass handles and hinges .  stained glass windows are attached to the doors which filter rays of colors into the atrium .  at the far end of the atrium is an imposing statue of diana the huntress .  the staircase leading to the upper floors ,   the balustrades crafted with intricate scroll work that seems to intertwine like delicate vines .  each step is a testament to the masterful craftsmanship ,  with the polished marble or white and red ,  gleam from the natural light through the windows .
the di conti family played a pivotal part in the political landscape of florence ,   often holding positions of influence and participating in key decision - making processes .   alessandro was such a diplomat and politician ,   and his first born son :   marco would follow in his father's footsteps and also become a influential politician .   they were esteemed for their diplomatic skills ,   strategic alliances ,   and their commitment to preserving the city's cultural heritage .   there was an attempt on alessandro's life during the conspiracy to assassinate the important men in the medici family .   what also is a bit of a conspiracy is that he was also hiding a very important artifact that contained a supernatural magic that could give the handler wealth ,   unbeatable strength and power .   but of course ...   that's nothing but a conspiracy .
the family's crest is a shield that is dividend into four sections .   the upper left and lower right sections showcase a deep royal blue color ,   while the upper right and lower sections are adorned with a rich emerald green .   the upper left section has a golden lion :   representing courage ,   strength ,   and leadership .   the lower right section features a silver crescent moon :   symbolizing wisdom ,   enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge .   the upper right section ,   there is a stylized golden olive tree :   representing peace ,   abundance ,   and prosperity .   lastly the lower left section showcases a silver key :   symbolizing guardianship ,   authority ,   and preservation of family secrets and legacies .   above the shield there is a regal golden crown which is obvious ,   representing the families noble status and heritage .   supporting the shield on each side ,   there are two majestic silver griffins :   representing courage ,   protection and watchfulness .   below the shielf there is a flowing ribbon that has the family's motto in latin :   vigilans et fortis ...   vigilant and strong .
mia's residency in the ancestral palazzo of the di conti family represents a continuation of their legacy , as she finds herself surrounded and enamored by the remnants of the bygone era .
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the apartment : mia bought the upper two floors of palazzo serenzo ,  and more of a recent purchase since returning to public life .  it was during this time that she was working as a fixer ,  and fully taking on the persona .  the apartment contains four bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms ,  her master bedroom being on the top floor facing the east .  the apartment has a large eat - in kitchen  (  obviously a more modern kitchen considering most kitchens in the 15th century would have been on the bottom floor .  )  a separate and formal dining room with a large farmhouse table ,  a library that adorns hundreds of books adorning the bookcases .  an official office and a room where mia holds her weapons and work related items .  like mia's brooklyn warehouse ,  the apartment  (  and ultimately the entire palazzo  )  has been fixed with the top tech and security systems available .  making the palazzo safe and secure for anyone who has malicious intent .  the armory is more traditional ,  housing some 13th - 15th century military artifacts and then some .  with the captivating blend of historical charm and timeless elegance .
the apartment begins at the entrance ,  with the heavy wooden double door ,  leading to a long hallway that showcases the first fresco  (  a celestial panorama ,  one with a rich night sky ,  adorned with twinkling stars and constellations .  with a radiant full moon and surrounding it with some etherial figures of mythological creatures .  )  another fun fact about the di conti family is that they were catholic but also believed in science too .  some believe the patriarch of the family was also an astronomer .
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the hallway holds many artifacts and paintings from the di conti family personal archives ,  and some that she has bought and collected over the years .  tall windows with dark wooden panels invoke natural light into the rooms ,  because their open most of the year when she's there . the living room is further down the hall and to the right ,  though the room doesn't have any frescoes .  the real focal point is to the grand fireplace that is still in use to this day during the cold winter nights .  the walls are left natural ,  with the only painting done for the renovations and upkeep of the original state of the apartment .  there are exposed beams through out the apartment ,  though in some rooms the ceilings opt for a more traditional italian look with the original woodwork and floral etchings into the wood .  the floor is mostly terracotta and tile ,  therefore mia opts for many persian and turkish rugs to cover the floor .
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she has a vanity table on the opposite side of the room ,  a large walk - in closet and her master bathroom just through that .  there within she has a extra large ornate gilded mirror ,  which is mostly made of brass .
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** below mia ,  an elderly couple lives in the ground apartment and who also have the old kitchen of the palazzo .  luciano and maria amato :  a retired professor of literature and a traditional housewife respectively .  they both are warm ,  friendly ,  charming and most definitely consider mia one of their children .  they offer wisdom and humor in her life ...  absolutely nothing will harm them for as long as she's there . **
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elliemarchetti · 2 years
Five Ways to Seduce a Male [2/5]
Part two of my @acotargiftexchange for @aldbooks
Beware, Elain is getting bolder
Part 1
Words: 1.008
2. Meet in a Secluded Place
Cerridwen showed her the place on a cool spring morning, with clear skies and a pleasant breeze that made the long stalks of emerald green whisper its secrets. It was a corner of peace and silence just outside Velaris, a shady valley on the banks of the Sidra, with a weeping willow as the only witness of those who came and went. Elain hadn’t asked her friend why she’d sought the solitude of that location, but she had been grateful for her suggestion, for convincing her that perhaps to speak honestly with Lucien she needed to be away from the house and its prying ears. Her mate arrived with Helion the previous day to celebrate Nyx’s birth, or the near tragedy they escaped, depending on the point of view. There was no way to articulate how grateful she was to Nesta for what she did, for what she sacrificed to allow this reunion, but as she cradled her nephew lovingly, she found herself wondering if she would ever have a moment alone with the emissary again, whether she would ever have a chance to live a life of her own now that everyone seemed to have moved on in a race she didn’t know she was in. So, before Lucien could leave without saying goodbye, she approached him and asked softly, almost inaudibly, if he was about to stay long enough to take her on a walk the next day. She knew she’d surprised him, and perhaps she’d ventured too much, after she broke his heart in every possible occasion. She was almost tempted to retreat flushed with embarrassment when he agreed with a slight bow, a hint of satisfaction easing his features.
“Tomorrow morning after breakfast?” she stammered, and whatever his answer was, Elain was already bathed and dressed by the crack of dawn. Sleeping had been nearly impossible, but she knew she needed rest, unless she wanted to show up with deep dark circles and a very bad attitude on their very first date. Not that the male needed to know she saw it that way, but for the occasion, she asked Nuala to prepare some sweet delicacies, pick an awful lot of fruits and choose a small bottle of white wine, nothing too heavy or too complicated, easily concealable in an ordinary wicker basket and at the same time a statement she was sure would make her intentions perfectly clear. She paid methodical attention to what he liked, she knew her mate loved peaches and apricots, and also those hairy fruits of the Summer Court, the ones with green and gold flesh, but she also added a few grapes and a bunch of tangerines, which reminded her of autumn and the perfumes she used to brew when there was little beauty in her life.
“It hasn't been that long since our last walk in the city," Cerridwen pointed out, eyeing her shaky hands as she tied the satin laces of her booties, perfectly matched with a sensible hat Mor gifted her for the birthday she still adamantly wanted to celebrate.
“It’s different with him,” Elain whispered, almost to herself, although it wasn’t quite true. He picked her up as early as she hoped for and they walked in a relaxed silence, first entering the city slowly waking up and leaving its paved roads in less than half an hour. It didn’t escape her how polite and well-liked Lucien was, even in a place he couldn’t accept as his home. Sure, Feyre found him an apartment right in the middle of Velaris, but he choose to live with Jurian and the Queen, and although he said it was more practical this way, she knew it was partly her fault.
“Do you befriend every merchant and innkeeper wherever you go?” she asked, as they left back the chatter and the sounds of civilization. For a moment, the placid flow of the clear waters of the river was all she could hear and she feared the heat she was feeling wasn’t solely because of the sun warming her bare shoulders.
"Sometimes it's easier that way," he replied, the lost gaze of someone struggling to find the exit in the labyrinth of memories. They sat in the shade, under a curtain of branches shielding them from curious eyes, her mate’s hair falling over his face, covering the golden eye almost completely. A part of her, what little remained of her humanity, insisted she had to feel sorry for that wound, maybe even be repulsed, but in truth, all she did was admire how Lucien’s facial expressions must’ve adapted to the disfigurement first and the fox mask later. Feyre dropped the information almost casually, while trying to help her adjust to a world made of things far more complex than the rules of mortal society, and Elain thought there was nothing more fitting for the cunning male. She knew little of the Fae who cursed the Spring Court, after all, Amarantha’s name was still sort of taboo and brought a tinge of sadness into the people she loved, but once Rhysand said she was obsessed with hurting Lucien, probably because he stood up when no one else dared to. Knowing he was brave enough to tell such a dangerous creature to go back to the hole she crawled out of made her incredibly proud, but she had known for some time now that the dreaded General of Hybern must’ve been so cruel to him not for his insubordination but for his great powers, hidden under years of abuse and low self-esteem. One day, however, that shell would break, and a creature of golden feathers and claws would emerge, with wings of light and sunbeam and a flaming eye. Elain stiffened at the thought, something not entirely hers, too sharp, too abstract, almost an imagine received as a gift, one of the enigmatic visions the Cauldron gave her. It had been months since she’d last saw something, and again, against her will, she had a prediction of death and violent glory.
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acceptccnow · 1 year
High-Risk Payment Processing Techniques: Best Practices
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In the ever-evolving realm of e-commerce, payment processing takes center stage, enabling businesses to smoothly accept credit card payments and ensure seamless customer transactions. However, for industries deemed high-risk, such as credit repair and CBD sales, navigating the payment processing landscape presents distinct challenges. In this article, we dive into the intricacies of high-risk payment processing methods and present best practices to guarantee secure and efficient transactions. Whether you're a newcomer to high-risk payment processing or looking to refine your current strategies, these insights will steer you toward favorable outcomes.
Understanding High-Risk Payment Processing Effective navigation of the high-risk payment processing sphere necessitates a clear comprehension of high-risk industries. Sectors like credit repair and CBD sales often fall into this category due to intricate regulations and an elevated risk of chargebacks. Consequently, high-risk merchants require specialized payment processing solutions tailored to mitigate associated risks.
The Importance of Merchant Accounts Merchant accounts form the backbone of efficient payment processing. These accounts, specifically designed for high-risk businesses, facilitate the secure transfer of funds from customers' credit cards to the merchant's bank account. Establishing a high-risk merchant account ensures seamless payment processing, enabling businesses to broaden their customer base and enhance revenue streams.
Exploring High-Risk Payment Gateways High-risk payment gateways serve as virtual checkpoints between customers and merchants. These gateways safeguard sensitive financial information by encrypting data during transactions. When selecting a high-risk payment gateway, emphasize security features and compatibility with your business model to guarantee safe and smooth payment processing.
Tailored Solutions for Credit Repair Businesses Credit repair merchants face unique challenges due to the industry's regulatory landscape. Obtaining a credit repair merchant account equipped with specialized payment processing solutions can aid in navigating these complexities. Implementing robust Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures ensures compliance and fosters customer trust.
CBD Sales and Payment Processing CBD merchants operate in a market brimming with potential but also shrouded in uncertainty. Shifting regulations demand a flexible approach to CBD payment processing. Collaboration with experienced payment processors well-versed in the intricacies of CBD sales and the utilization of age verification systems can streamline transactions and bolster customer confidence.
Mitigating Chargeback Risks Chargebacks pose a significant threat to high-risk merchants, frequently arising from disputes, fraud, or unsatisfactory service. Proactively address this issue by providing exceptional customer support, transparent refund policies, and clear product descriptions. Consistent communication can forestall chargebacks and maintain a healthy merchant-consumer relationship.
Future-Proofing High-Risk Payment Processing Advancing technology necessitates the evolution of high-risk payment processing techniques to stay ahead of potential threats. Embrace emerging solutions like AI-driven fraud detection and biometric authentication to enhance security and streamline payment processing. Staying informed and adapting to industry trends ensures the future-proofing of payment processing strategies for high-risk merchants.
High-risk payment processing amalgamates industry knowledge, tailored solutions, and cutting-edge security measures. Whether operating in credit repair or CBD sales, a comprehensive understanding of high-risk payment processing intricacies is imperative. Leveraging specialized merchant accounts, payment gateways, and proactive chargeback prevention methods enables high-risk merchants to confidently accept credit card payments and cultivate long-term customer relationships. In an ever-evolving landscape, embracing innovative payment processing solutions guarantees a secure and prosperous future for high-risk businesses.
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