#feat. robert chase
bruisedconscience · 2 years
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(I never made a drabbles banner, what the heck—)
Feet kick nervously against the doctor’s exam table, spongey against the worn sneakers with crinkly paper at every tiny movement. It feels pretty familiar.
The door opens and he lifts his head up.
Chase had been assigned this patient after his previous attending had…a little falling out with him. Well, one of them, from what Chase was told. After House had seen him work with Iris using hypnosis, it’s like the Head of Diagnostics had been hypnotized into finding more D/ID cases on Chase’s behalf. It wasn’t like it was his specialty, that was, rather comfortably, surgery, thank you very much. Hypnosis didn’t even always work with every patient. It wasn’t ever one size fits all with any mental disorder. Robert didn’t fancy himself a psychologist.
So he focused on what he knew.
“Joseph,” he began after a brief knock to let the patient know he was entering (something House never did), “how’re you feeling today? Has the tenderness improved at all?”
Tenderness of what? Were chicken tenders part of his medicine? Better… Was he feeling better? That, he could answer.
“Um, okay.”
Chase wasn’t going to jump on it—assuming wasn’t ever good, but he could observe for another minute or two. His initial assessment figured that Joseph Moore wasn’t so…fidgety and shy-looking when he was in the hospital. Typically, he was exasperated, exhausted, and desperate to leave as quickly as possible.
Smaller words, maybe?
“Does it hurt on your cheek, right here?” Chase taps the spot where Joe’s bandages are on his own cheek to show where he means. Was this alter called Joe, even? Sometimes they shared names, from what Chase understood. Sometimes there weren’t many differences between parts at all. “Or anywhere new? Headaches, upset…tummy?”
“Um, I threw up yesterday. But that’s cuz of the, um, candy. It’s spooky time…so there’s candy…” He fiddles with Joe’s sleeves, hiding his fingers deeper in them because they looked…really long, like always. Like he was a skeleton creature.
Oh, Isaac was telling him things.
“My cheek hurts but I’m taking the…the mecidine. The p…mecidine.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls them out, shakes them so they rattle and he smiles at the noise. “Um. I don’t know what they are, but I took ‘em cuz it was my turn… They taste bad. Do they have, um…candy ones?” The room is getting smaller. Tucker holds the pills in his hands loosely and looks at the door. Chase glances over his shoulder, thinking House had walked in. Nope, no one.
“If you don’t want to talk with me, that’s okay. I’m only here to help you out, okay? It’s best if you’re honest with me.”
“I fink m’gonna go, actu’lly. You’re nice, but I’m, I’m tired, mister.”
“Okay,” Chase said, keeping the skepticism completely out of his voice that his brain tried to put there. “You can go. We can reschedule, okay? You come back when you… Oh—“ Chase stepped forward and caught Joe as he leaned forward, the closed pill bottle falling to the floor.
Joseph came back and sat up slowly, pressing his hand hard over his eye to try and stave off a migraine forming behind there.
He hissed and looked up at the bright lights. Hospital? Shit.
Joe looked more upset than anything.
“What did I do now?” He asked the doctor standing looking concerned in front of him.
“Uh, nothing,” Chase said. “Do…you think you did something?
More rubbing at his eyes to try and wake up. “No, just… Sorry.” He knew to lie a little better now, but Robert knew, so… “I don’t remember getting here, that’s all. I’d hate to think that…”
“Tyler,” Chase realized. “You’re worried about Tyler coming back.”
“I didn’t— Did he— How do you—“
“Your psychologist came by once he’d heard you were admitted last month, for your injuries. I’m sorry to frighten you. So far as I know, whoever I was just talking to…was young. I didn’t get a name.”
Joe sighed and saw his pills on the floor. At least Chase wasn’t bruised or bleeding, so maybe he just dropped them instead of started a fight over them.
“I don’t know all their names either, it’s fine.” He get down off the exam table to get the pills and almost fainted from the rush of blood following the movement. He got himself back up.
“I need a minute, I think. Can you…give me a minute? I’ll probably be…here, more, in a few minutes and…y’know, I’ll be more useful than a three year old or whatever.” The headaches usually did mean a little, or an asshole. Somebody he didn’t know.
Chase nodded. “Of course. I’ll go get you some water.”
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jellogram · 1 year
Johnny Eck was a performer from the 1930s who was born without any legs:
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He's primarily known for appearing in the 1932 cult classic Freaks directed by Tod Browning.
However what I'm mostly obsessed with is this account of a magic trick he did with his non-disabled twin brother (text under the cut)
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Like this is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Can you imagine
Wikipedia screenshot:
"In 1937, Eck and Robert were recruited by the illusionist and hypnotist Rajah Raboid, for his "Miracles of 1937" show. In it they performed a magic feat that amazed audiences. Raboid performed the traditional sawing-a-man-in-half illusion, except with an unexpected twist. At first Robert would pretend to be a member of the audience and heckle the illusionist during his routine, resulting in Robert being called on stage to be sawed in half himself. During the illusion, Robert would then be switched with his twin brother Eck, who played the top half of his body, and a dwarf who played the bottom half, concealed in specially-built pant legs. After seeming to have been sawn off, the legs would suddenly get up and start running away, prompting Eck to jump off the table and start chasing them around the stage, screaming, "Come back!" "I want my legs back!" Sometimes he even chased the legs into the audience. The subsequent reaction was amazing – people would scream and sometimes even flee the theater in terror. As Eck described it, "The men were more frightened than the women – the women couldn't move because the men were walking across their laps, headed for the exit." The act provided the perfect jolt by frightening people at first but then caused just as much laughter and applause. The illusion would end with stage hands plucking up Eck and setting him atop "his" legs and then twirling him off-stage to be replaced by his twin Robert, who would then loudly threaten to sue Raboid and storm out of the theater. Their act was so popular that they played to packed audiences up and down the East Coast."
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autisticsupervillain · 2 months
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
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Tom Hansen vs Robert Cross!
No restrictions.
After the events of Cold Fear, Tom gets reassigned to Blackwatch for his proven proficiency in combating bioweapons. Robert Cross challenges him to a sparing match to see how advanced his skills are.
Analysis: Hansen
The ocean depths are a mysterious and dangerous place. At the lowest survivable levels of Earth's surface, strange creatures straight out of Lovecraft's nightmares evolved to survive the dark, cold, crushing depths of the ocean floor. And humanity was about to unearth some of its most dangerous creatures.
In the coldest parts of the Atlantic Ocean, Russian oil diggers discovered a new form of life within the ice they were mining. Exocels. Parasitic creatures that were completely uncategorized by existing scientific theories. Capable of overtaking the higher brain functions of their host and mutating them in response to dangerous external stimuli. Naturally, the crew of the Star of Sakhalin begain trying to weaponize these new creatures to sell for a profit. Predictably, it didn't work out. The ship was quickly overrun by mutant zombies and a distress call was sent out.
The call was answered by Tom Hansen, an officer of the United States Coast Guard who really wants to be Leon Kennedy. He and his crew were sent to rescue everyone on board, only to find everyone already dead or zombified. Narrowly surviving the massacre of his crew, Tom was left alone on the ship as the only thing stopping the Exocels from falling into the shadowy hands of the CIA.
Luckily, Hansen comes equipped with every weapon a survival horror protagonist could ever need. He comes decked out with the usual affair of pistols, shotguns, and automatic weapons, each laser scoped to ensure perfect accuracy. Even his standard M1911A1 can completely pop a human’s skull like it was made from confetti, to say nothing of his MP5, AK47, and Benelli M4. But all of that pales in comparison to his sawed off M79 Grenade Launcher to blow apart any Exomutant that gets hit by it, even shredding through Exo zombies that evolved specifically to withstand bullets and fire arms.
Tom would quickly adapt against the rapidly evolving Exocels, using a modified harpoon gun whose harpoons emitted a protein gas, allowing his shots to distract Exocels with delicious smelling harpoons. Perfect for luring them into a trap or grouping them together for a grenade. Hansen has fought through squadrons of Russian mercenaries, defeated invisible Exocel zombies, dodged a steel door that was blasted at him by an explosion, and survived getting infected by an Exocel that tried to eat him alive from the inside out twice.
With nothing but raw wit, determination, and witty one liners, Tom rigged the entire ship to blow with C4 and faced down the man behind the entire disaster. Kamsky, the mad scientist turned sentient Exomutant out to replace humanity with his zombified master race. Kamsky is strong enough to completely demolish a metal bridge just by jumping right through it, generating an energy equivalent to 397,700 kilojoules.
Ultimately, Hansen defeated Kamsky, blowing the Star of Sakhalin to pieces and exterminating the Exocel threat once and for all.
Analysis: Cross
Captain Robert Cross. The Specialist. The elite of the elite and Blackwatch's greatest operative. When everything's gone to hell and the zombie apocalypse is knocking on the door, he's the man the US government calls in. He's insurance. Cross contained the viral outbreak in the underground city of Springfield. He's chased down powerful infected by himself and killed them with his bare hand, and he's the only mortal man to fist fight Alex Mercer one on one and live to tell the tale.
So when the Blacklight Virus contaminated New York and turned Manhattan into a post apocalyptic warzone, Cross was called in. His mission: Kill Alex Mercer.
Cross would prove to be the most tenacious and devastating human opponent Alex would ever face. Cross had done his homework. He'd use a shock baton to keep Mercer at a distance, fire homing rockets to harass him from afar, and control the battlefield with tactical use of land mines and fire grenades.
Now, Cross is one of the earliest bosses in the game, so he doesn't actually scale to the endgame feats Alex demonstrated. No earthquake scaling or relativistic reactions for him. Mercer at this point in the story was still getting ragdolled by Elizabeth Greene.
That said, he's still clearly superhuman. Mercer in the early game could still dodge tank shells, catch helicopters, and tear down buildings by himself. Alex could even burst clean through a two foot thick metal door, a feat that would require roughly 235,600 kilojoules to perform.
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How did Cross compete with this? He's Robert Cross, don't ask questions.
Even laying defeated, Cross still had one last trick up his sleeve. Realizing that Alex hadn't yet regained all his human memories yet, Cross would refer back to Alex's death at Penn Station, triggering a painful flashback that distracted Mercer long enough to be injected with a parasite. This virus would hamper Mercer's powers and nearly kill him, with Alex only escaping being brought in right there by sheer luck.
Unfortunately, this would be Cross's undoing. After Mercer expunged the parasite from his body, it would become its own entity, becoming the Supreme Hunter. It would then track Cross down, assimilate him, then use his memories to attempt to manipulate Mercer into helping it consume all life on the planet. Alex would only narrowly defeat it by the skin of his teeth.
In a way, even in death, Robert Cross was the biggest human threat that Alex Mercer would ever face.
Throwdown Breakdown:
This is a fairly simple fight, honestly.
Hansen should be pretty even with Cross in terms of stats. Cross scales to Mercer catching helicopters, while Hansen can dodge explosions, both being roughly in the hypersonic ranges of speed. If anything, Hansen should even be slightly stronger, 397,700 kilojoules vs Cross's 235,600. Buuuut, that's where it all swings the other way.
Cross is better equipped. His electric baton is a better melee weapon, his homing rockets allow him to destroy or get around Hansen's cover, while his incendiary grenades and mines give him better battlefield control over Hansen's mostly stock arsenal. Everything short of Hansen's grenade launcher is just completely outpunched by Cross's destructive weaponry.
And skill is something that Hansen can't even compete with. Hansen is a regular Coast Guard officer in out of his depth against the zombie outbreak he's faced with, while Cross was hand picked to be a part of Blackwatch, an organization designed specifically to combat such bioweapons. Cross's status as a legend by Blackwatch standards, as well as his ability to fisticuffs Alex goddamn Mercer, puts him on a different level of skill entirely.
Hansen would compete evenly initially, maybe even getting an early advantage with his greater strength and superior reflexes, but once Cross had his number, he'd be swiftly outmatched and beat down.
Then, Cross would offer him his hand, compliment his right hook, and welcome him to Blackwatch.
This Throwdown's Winner is....
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Robert Cross!
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wolfboy88 · 1 year
tag game: shuffle your library, list 10 songs, and tag 10 people
Tagged by @metagalacticx
Tagging @marrowbite @sydney-winchester @ruthless-rainbow @raekensarcher @shinigamimailjeevas @ksbbb @maplefire18 @thiamsxbitch @chasing-chimeras @sterekshipper-writer no pressure, only if you wanna
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jalwyn21 · 2 months
hey hey:
just recently found your blog and honestly it’s such a breath of fresh air. everyone’s always kissing ts’s a** and I’m over it.
anyway, I wanted to ask what are some of your favourite artists/most listened to? not joe related, but I’m always on the lookout for new music to listen to. plus I know you mentioned you were never a sw*ftie so curiosity got the better of me hehe.
- 🐌
I listen to a lot of old music like : Elvis, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Queen, The Who or Kansas. Or 90s pop like Backstreet Boys and Ace of Base (don't judge me 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣 sometimes I want something light and fun 🫣🫣🫣)
But, you know what? I'm gonna put down a list of some of the songs I listened to in the last couple of weeks and if you like the song you can check out more from that artist :
Passenger - Things That Stop You Dreaming
Divisionary - Do The Right Thing
The Script - Flares
Jensen McRae - Massachusetts
Victor Lundberg - I'm A Ghost
Jim Croce - Lover's Cross
Fauxliage - All The World
Lou Rhodes - Each Moment New
Skipinnish - Going home
Susan Enan - Bring On The Wonder
Ella Roberts - Siúil a Rúin
Volcan Peaks - We'll Meet Again
Birdy - Words As Weapons
James Blake - Retrograde
Bird Of Figment feat. Cody Francis - Beauty In The Mundane
Erutan - The Willow Maid
Loving Caliber feat. Megan Tibbits - I Wish You Were Mine
Gamma Skies - Skip the Small Talk
The High Kings - Chasing Rainbows
Of Monsters And Men - King And Lionheart
The Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
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bzedan · 8 months
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[Main image description: A redraw of a scene from Bee and Puppycat, with Jon holding up Garfield, a happy look on Jon's face. Garfield's back is to the viewer and he is wearing a teal jacket with a purple collar and big pink shoulder bows. The back of the jacket reads "2024 January" across two ribbon banners, with a picture of Pooky the bear's face between the ribbons.]
Short playlist for one of those long-feeling months. The description I put on the playlist was "aiming for a decent start" and that's the vibe. We got this! Chase and I have been talking about why Nick Lutsko's music always seems to hit for us, beyond him being very good at working skeletons into things and also using puppets, and it has come down to a specific realist-pessimism in tone that does not deny hope or optimism.
Related media to some of the songs:
This month's playlist cover is inspired by the video for 'cliché - revisited' by mxmtoon, which features Bee and Puppycat themselves.
'Swinging On A Star' is featured (as sung by Bruce Willis and Danny Aiello) in the 1991 film Hudson Hawk, which is a charming film if one for a very specific audience.
"Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too" is one of two Black Mirror episodes I've seen and I remain forever fond of it, probably due to the particular approach to the Nine Inch Nails covers.
The Devil and Daniel Johnston is a great doc, available on Archive dot org. His music has been threaded through a lot of my adult life.
Anyway here's a link to January's playlist on Spotify, with the track list below the cut.
And embedded if you like that:
'Love Shack' - The B-52's
'Everybody (Backstreet's Back)' - Joseph C. Phaze
'The Leftovers (Main Title Theme)' - Max Richter
'Santanico's Fight Club' - Robert Rodriguez
'Time After Time' - Samantha Crain
'Enjoy The Silence' - Dead On A Sunday
'フロム天国 ' - RIM feat. EMA
'through the chimney' - demon gummies
'Hello Rainbow Road' - Kimiko Glenn
'(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang - Remastered 2006' - Heaven 17
'Robrash' - TR/ST
'cliché - revisited' - mxmtoon
'Walcott' - Vampire Weekend
'All I Want Is You' - Barry Louis Polisar
'Windy - Remastered Version' - The Association
'Tried And True' - Ween
'Running up That Hill (Middle English)' - The_miracle_aligner
'Lightning's Girl' - Nancy Sinatra
'Neon Moon' - Brooks & Dunn
'Fresh Blood' - Eels
'Lovely Head' - Goldfrapp
'Rice' - Young Fathers
'Swinging On A Star - Single Version' - Bing Crosby
'On A Roll' - Ashley O
'Baby's On Fire - 2004 Digital Remaster' - Brian Eno
'Your Motion Says' - Arthur Russell
'Nothing To Declare' - MGMT
'All Night Long (All Night) - Single Version' - Lionel Richie
'Land Of Plenty' - OMC
'Buffalo Stance' - Neneh Cherry
'Virtual Insanity - Remastered' - Jamiroquai
'Software' - Nick Lutsko
'Halah' - Mazzy Star
'Wicked Game' - Widowspeak
'Phantom Birds' - Matt Berry
'Big Flame (Is Gonna Break My Heart in Two)' - Doris Wilson
'Big Time' - Angel Olsen
'Devil Town' - Daniel Johnston
''71: I Think I'll Make Another World' - The Magnetic Fields
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lookninjas · 1 year
Putting the playlist results from this poll into a separate post because why not?
Track listing:
And now: Jānis Pētersons' Celebrity Hot Tub Party! (2.7%) -- "Baļļītē," Citi Zēni feat. Labvēlīgais Tips
Maybe if I keep playing Icelandic synthpop, I just won't need sleep. (4.1%) -- "Moves to Make," Daði Freyr
The trauma comes from my Christian upbringing. The beats are by Robert Miles. (5.4%) -- "Holy (Til You Let Me Go)," Rina Sawayama
Martin Gore explains optimistic nihilism to the masses. (5.4%) -- "Shame," Depeche Mode
And we'll call it… Cryptid Mingle! (5.4%) -- "Song For a Future Generation," the B-52s
An existential crisis you can dance to: French version (10.8%) -- "Doesn't Matter," Christine and the Queens
An existential crisis you can dance to: British Version (13.5%) -- "True Faith," New Order
The world might be fucked, but at least we CAN fuck, so I guess there's that. (13.5%) -- "Screwed," Janelle Monáe feat. Zoë Kravitz
God might be chasing me but I'm fast as fuck, boi! (17.6%) -- "Leaving the Light," Genesis Owusu
I am a: a) Man. b) Woman. c) Guilt-Ridden Murderous Diety (21.6%) -- "I Am Not a Woman, I'm a God," Halsey
(backup link to the final playlist because the embed was misbehaving)
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manysmallhands · 2 years
My Albums Of 2022 - Second Tier (pt. 1)
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One of the problems that I had this year was that I heard about a half dozen albums in the first nine months of 2022, and was then inundated with new stuff from October onwards. This has meant that I’m aware of a lot more good albums that those that I’ve written about at length but I don’t know them well enough to have a lot to say on the subject. However, I think I can probably manage a round up of both the best new to me stuff, and a few that are great without quite being the best. Tumblr won’t let me put more than 10 links up in a post, so these will have to be split into two: this is January To June
Doe St’s slacker rock has plenty of obvious influences, with Pavement and fellow Aussies Chook Race both springing to mind. But their self titled debut was a great example of that thing in indie where someone takes the thing you think you’ve heard done to death and finds a way to make it feel fresh enough to go around again with. In this case, the tunes hit a perfect spot, the untrained harmonies have a lazy charm to them and the guitars have just the kind of scratchy restlessness that I like.
Aldous Harding’s forth LP “Warm Chris” was as warm and idiosyncratic as expected, but needed more effort than I was prepared to put in back in March. However, a few listens recently have brought its quality home to me: it’s earthier than 2019’s Designer but just as tuneful, and at its best when pursuing the stranger paths that seem to come to her so intuitively.
Denzel Curry branched out on Melt My Eyez, See Your Future, his most successful record to date, which veered between jazz based Robert Glasper collaborations and hard DnB beats with Slowthai, with plenty to go in-between. The whole thing pulled together in a way that was satisfying enough if slightly uneven, though Denzel's charm and punchy delivery were consistent features.
Pop-punk trio Joyride! returned after 6 years sounding exactly the same as they'd always done and, if Miracle Question didn’t quite reach the same heights of brilliance as their masterpiece Bodies Of Water, it followed a similar enough template in both style and quality to remind me why I love them all over again.
Sault released no less than five albums in 2022 (two of which were doubles) as well as an EP and a lengthy single and, to be honest, in the end I couldn't be arsed with it all. But there was plenty to admire if you could hold focus for long enough, with the choral soul crossover Air being the record I returned to the most, an album that combined elegance and joy with a genuine experimental flair. 
Black Star returned for the first time in over 20 years and released their album on a paid-for podcasting platform, in a move that I'm going to call dumb. But in spite of all that, No Fear Of Time turned out to be an absolute belter: Bey and Kweli brought some typically insightful politics to the project and the rhymes hit hard alongside Madlib’s disjointed and occasionally soulful beats. 
Warpaint shed some of their angst on the sun-kissed Radiate Like This album, working with a soulful, feminine vibe that made for perhaps the most listenable record they’ve ever released. While the lyrics at times left something to be desired, there was enough elegance and beauty to feel like it marked a welcome step forward.
Yaya Bey’s second album, Remember Your North Star was a surprisingly unusual proposition: while there was clearly a more straightforward neo-soul record hiding somewhere in its coattails, almost as big an accent was placed on ambient experiments as the introspective funk pop at its heart. Either way, North Star's sheer quality and unexpectedness made it one of the most intriguing and enjoyable albums that I heard this year.
Part two coming up when i can get it together. In the meantime, why not read some long-ass reviews of my ten favourite records of 2022!
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
In Venice Beach, naive Midwesterner JB bonds with local slacker KG and they form the rock band Tenacious D. Setting out to become the world’s greatest band is no easy feat, so they set out to steal what could be the answer to their prayers… a magical guitar pick housed in a rock-and-roll museum some 300 miles away. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: JB: Jack Black KG: Kyle Gass Lee: JR Reed Dio: Ronnie James Dio Open Mic Host: Paul F. Tompkins Lil’ JB: Troy Gentile Security Guard: Ned Bellamy Security Guard: Fred Armisen Car Chase Cop / Gang Leader: Kirk Ward Truck Stop Waitress: Amy Poehler The Stranger: Tim Robbins Satan: Dave Grohl Guitar Center Guy: Ben Stiller Girl: Lara Everly Girl: Brittany Eldridge Girl: Melissa-Anne Davenport Gang Member: John Ennis Gang Member: V.J. Foster Gang Member: Jay Johnston Drunk Frat Dude: Colin Hanks Al’s Bar Waitress: Stephanie Erb Gorgeous Woman: Amy Adams Tattooed Biker: Milos Milicevic Ecstatic Woman: Molly Bryant Poopy Guy: Michael Rivkin Stand Up Comic: Gregg Turkington Exploding Head Guy: Patrick M. Walsh Fainting Woman: Bevin Kaye KG’s Mother: Evie Peck Young KG: Mason Knight Bully: Erik Walker Betty Black: Cynthia Ettinger Billy Black: Andrew Lewis Caldwell Tarot Card Reader: Laura Milligan Frat Boy #1 (uncredited): Jason Segel Bud Black (uncredited): Meat Loaf Sasquatch (uncredited): John C. Reilly Film Crew: Casting: Jeanne McCarthy Executive Producer: Georgia Kacandes Songs: Jack Black Stunts: Jack Gill Executive Producer: Ben Stiller Original Music Composer: John King Makeup Designer: Barney Burman Second Unit Director of Photography: Paul Hughen Supervising Sound Editor: Elmo Weber Stunt Double: Cole S. McKay Visual Effects Supervisor: David D. Johnson Casting: Juel Bestrop Executive Producer: Cale Boyter Stunts: Mic Rodgers Songs: Kyle Gass Writer: Liam Lynch Producer: Stuart Cornfeld Editor: David Rennie Executive Producer: Toby Emmerich Executive In Charge Of Production: Erik Holmberg Second Assistant Director: Heather Grierson Production Design: Martin Whist Sound Effects Editor: Derek Vanderhorst Director of Photography: Robert Brinkmann Executive Producer: Richard Brener Original Music Composer: Andrew Gross Second Unit Director: Rick Avery Supervising Sound Editor: David Bach First Assistant Director: Milos Milicevic Stunts: Doug Coleman Stunts: Tim Trella Stunt Driver: Angelique Midthunder Art Department Coordinator: Mike Piccirillo Stunts: Robert Chapin Set Decoration: Don Diers Costume Designer: Dayna Pink Stunts: Terry Jackson Stunt Double: John Ashker Special Effects Makeup Artist: Toni G Stunts: Tom Elliott Special Effects Makeup Artist: Justin Stafford Special Effects Makeup Artist: Mike Smithson Stunt Double: Rick Miller Stunts: Larry Rippenkroeger Stunts: Sean Graham Art Direction: Maria Baker Stunts: Ian Quinn Script Supervisor: Pamela Alch Stunts: Brian Machleit Sound Effects Editor: Clayton Weber Still Photographer: Zade Rosenthal Stunts: Frank Torres Aerial Director of Photography: David B. Nowell Hair Department Head: Linda D. Flowers Key Hair Stylist: Merribelle Anderson Makeup Artist: Ralis Kahn Hairstylist: Yeşim “Shimmy” Osman Sound Effects Editor: Marc Glassman Visual Effects: Brent M. Bowen Camera Operator: Michael FitzMaurice Sound Effects Editor: Orada Jusatayanond Costume Supervisor: Hope Slepak Stunts: Dean Bailey Stunts: Eliza Coleman Makeup Department Head: Kate Shorter Stunt Coordinator: Scotty Richards Production Supervisor: Ralph Bertelle First Assistant Camera: Thomas Vandermillen Stunt Coordinator: Brian Avery Visual Effects: John Coats Stunts: Kevin Abercrombie Special Effects Makeup Artist: Scott Stoddard Stunts: Joni Avery Stunt Driver: Ed McDermott II Special Effects Makeup Artist: Michael Marino Second Second Assistant Director: Velvet Andrews-Smith Steadicam Operator: Jon Myers Stunt Driver: Jody Hart Stunts: Roger Richman Second Second Assistant Director: Ivan Kraljević Stunts: Danny Wynands Stunts: Jeff Brockton Stunt Double: Tad Griffith Stunts: Buck McDancer Special Effects Coordinator: Andy Weder Stunt...
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newcountryradio · 5 months
New Country 27e jaargang  #T1229(S788) (C32)van 13 mei 2024  (wk 20) uitzending op Smelne fm & Crossroads Country Radio
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Album van de week:  Scotty McCreery – Rise & Fall   
Classic album:Alabama – Feels Alright           1981
Hits of the Year : 1991
Maandfavoriet : Randy Travis - Where That Came From
Maandartiest : Rosanne Cash    
3 in 1:    Steve Wariner      
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Rosanne Cash -  Never Be You     *maandartiest
Mark Wills – Wish You Were Here    #1 25 jaar
Morgan Wallen – Last night   #1 2023
Darius Rucker, Jennifer Nettles - Never Been Over  
MacKenzie Porter - Chasing Tornadoes
Zach Top - Sounds Like The Radio
Reba McEntire - I Can’t
Josh Turner – Heatin’ Things Up
Sam Hunt - Outskirts #1.
Scotty McCreery - Red Letter Blueprint   Album vd week
Scotty McCreery - Slow Dance   *album
John Denver – Back Home again    Entertainer    1975
Mark Chesnutt – Brother Jukebox
Darius Rucker – wagon Wheel   1966
Merle Haggard – Things Aren't Funny Anymore
Randy Travis - Where That Came From favoriet 
Hayden Baker - Walk With Me Jesus (Live & Acoustic)  sofi
Alabama - Love In The First Degree classic album
Alabama - Feels So Right classic album
Wesley Dean -  Blood Brothers.
Nate Smith, Lee Brice, Hailey Whitters - Drinkin Buddies
Steve Wariner – All Roads Lead To You      (3 in 1)
Steve wariner -  Holes In The Floor Of Heaven
Steve Wariner –  Two Teardrops.
Scotty McCreery - Love Like This  album
Post Malone - I Had Some Help (feat. Morgan Wallen)   #1 album.
Cody Johnson - Mammas Dont Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys (Live from the ACM Awards)
Wyatt Flores -  Running Out Of Time
Flatland Cavalry, Randy Rogers - Let It Roll.
Hayden Baker - Don't Meet Your Heroes (feat. Brad Paisley)
Brian Kelly - - Trucks, Ducks, Bucks & Beer  (Truck Song
 Rosanne Cash  - The Way We Make A Broken Heart  maandartiest
Emily Ann Roberts -  The Building  juweeltje
Ernest - Why Dallas (feat. Lukas Nelson)      
Scotty McCreery -  Cant Pass The Bar        Album vd week
Mark Blomsteel - Barbed Wire  Dutch corner
Change Of Key - Paper Doors into the Past .  .Dutch corner.
Ilse Delange - Softly Spoken   Dutch corner
Willie Nelson - Made In Texas
Garth Brooks - Shameless
Clint Black - Loving Blind
George Strait - You Know M Better Than That
Garth brooks - Unanswered Prayers
Alabama - Down Home
Shaboozey - A Bar Song (Tipsy)
Seldom Scene - Wait A Minute  
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thetldrplace · 6 months
Sicily: An Island at the Crossroads of History. Ch. 5- The End of the Kingdom
William, 'the Bad', took over in 1154. What prompted the nickname 'the bad'? He suffered from two main misfortunes: the first is that he was not his father, whose shoes it would be tough to fill; and the second, and more pertinent to the question of why he was nicknamed the "bad", is that his biographer hated his guts.  
William was a thoroughly oriental (when you read "oriental", it means "eastern", which for many of us means the far east. But for Europeans at the time, the 'east' was what we now call the middle east.) character, more like a Sultan than a King. Many of the Norman barons, particularly in Apulia, had no real love for his kingdom. They found themselves a leader, Robert of Loritello, who proposed a joint venture with Michael Paleologus of Constantinople, to drive William out of southern Italy. Remember that the "Kingdom" included Sicily, the island, and the territories on the southern end of the Italian peninsula. 
In 1156, Campania and most of Apulia, the aforementioned territories on the Italian peninsula, were in Byzantine hands and it looked as if William would be chased out. But William fought back and the Greeks went chicken, lost the battle... and everything they had gained to that point. The Pope had sided against William, but having chosen the losing side, was forced to sign the Treaty of Benevento in 1159.  
William returned to Sicily with a rather higher international standing than before the war, but internal discontent. His emir of emirs was assassinated in 1160, and less than a year later, a palace revolt took place in which William's young son, Roger, was killed, and William himself was lucky to escape alive.  
When he returned in 1162, Muslims and Christians were at each other's throats.  
He died in 1166. He was not a great king, but then again, following after his father Roger II would have made nearly anyone look bad in comparison. He was an excellent soldier, but he lacked equilibrium, and was unable to maintain the delicate balances on which the safety of his realm depended. 
His 12 year old son William was to be the new King, but until he was old enough to be taken seriously, his mother found a capable administrator, one Stephan du Perche, to run things as Chancellor. He instituted some fair and needed reforms. No small feat in the atmosphere of distrust that existed. It may well be that such a thing may have required an outsider too. It's possible that no one inside would be considered impartial enough to have been trusted.  
In 1167, William moved the court from Palermo to Messina, but the Greek population there would not accept the French, and in 1168, a rebellion broke out that left no Frenchmen alive. Surprisingly, the young 14-year-old king rode out and faced down the crowds. Ballsy move, and the people, when confronted with their king, ditched the attitude and support for the rebellion died away. In the aftermath though, it was decided that Stephen du Perche and the French would be better off out of Sicily altogether. Steve never understood that the nation's strength and survival depended on maintaining unity, and that was by nature heterogenous and fissile, and that unity must be imposed from above.  
This is a relevant bit of history. How does a government oversee a multi-cultural, and easily divided, citizen base? Tolerance and respect are necessary ingredients, certainly. But tolerance and respect for those that are different from us isn't our natural state. We don't understand, and often just plain don't like, cultures that are different from our own. So we will need to tolerate them and render them respect, but if we can't do it on our own, then it needs to be enforced. Anyway... on with the history... 
By 1168, William 'the good' was of age and crowned in Palermo. His reign was marked by peace and security. But...... he lacked some political wisdom. The search to find him a wife had been something of a celebrity thing in Sicily. A few matches were proposed but William wanted to know what they looked like before he'd commit. Joan, an English princess, daughter of King Henry II, but born in France, was a looker, so the marriage was on. They were apparently in love and happy. 
Then the lack of political wisdom showed up. In 1183, Frederick Barbarossa proposed marriage of his son Henry with princess Constance of Sicily. The problem was, that if William and his wife Joanna didn't have any surviving kids, the reign would pass from the Norman Hauteville line to another house altogether. But while William and Joan still hadn't had any kids, they were young and there was time. Except, in 1189, the very thing they were hoping wouldn't happen, happened: William II of the Hautevilles died, and Constance became ruler, giving the kingdom to Henry of Hohenstaufen. This was the end of Norman Sicily. 
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nickmacleanjazz · 11 months
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Nick Maclean Quartet feat Brownman Ali's CONVERGENCE is now officially released! You can stream it on all of the various platforms, but if you really want to support the creation of new jazz art consider buying a digital copy on Bandcamp! https://nickmacleanquartet.bandcamp.com/album/convergence
PURCHASE (digital or physical) or STREAM CONVERGENCE now! Maclean.Browntasauras.com ---------------
"Don't ever become a pessimist, Ira; a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun - and neither can stop the march of events." - Lazarus Long (from Robert Heinlein's 'Time Enough For Love', 1973)
I love this quote from Heinlein, and coupled with another bit of Lazarus Long wisdom "Pessimist by policy, optimist by temperament..." I think the sentiment aptly sums up the creation of this record.
'Convergence' was first started in 2020, after Brown and I returned from our Canadian National tour with Ben Duff and Jacob Wutzke. Ben and Jacob are a special breed of player. Brown and I developed a real chemistry with them on the road, and we desperately wanted to record this incarnation of the group. Tunes were written, players assembled, a tour was booked to get us ready for the studio... and everything was very quickly cancelled by the subsequent "march of events" - the Covid pandemic.
At the end of 2021, amid more lockdowns and a new unknown Omicron variant, Brown and I decided "screw it, let's take a gamble on 2022". So for the second time, we assembled our band, we booked our tour, we booked our studio time... and we hoped beyond hope that circumstances would allow us to prepare and record this album. And then, a series of amazing things happened.
We got a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts... and then another one from the Toronto Arts Council... and then finally the Ontario Arts Council came back with a THIRD grant. Suddenly not only had I the budget to pay my musicians something they deserved, we could record in Canada's top recording studio AND hire a crack team of videographers to get stunning footage of the sessions - all for a project that Brown and I strongly felt had the right mix of tunes and musicians for something magical to potentially happen.
To make the mixture even more exciting, we had a number of guest artists coming in to record with us as well. One of Canada's great jazz bassists, the multi-Juno winning Mike Downes - a musician I have long admired and taken inspiration from - and the young, rising star drummer Mateo Mancuso lent their substantial talents to us for our version of 'Eye of the Hurricane'. The original bassist of the ensemble, the incredible Jesse Dietschi (who's just released a phenomenal record called 'Gradient') joined us on the Herbie classic 'Dolphin Dance'. And one of Canada's greatest latin percussionists, Luis Orbegoso generously added his incredible conga and bell playing to the Brownman original 'Wisdom of Aurelius'.
This was all incredible... and terrifying. We had such an opportunity, but so much depended on no lockdowns, no cancellations, and no-one catching Covid.
When you listen to the record, hopefully you'll agree with me that this story has a very happy ending. This record's name 'Convergence' owes to the extremely fortuitous circumstances that allowed its completion, but there were many near misses that could have spelled doom along the way - all in a global environment that was anything but fortuitous. What I've learned from this, and another lesson I plan to teach my quickly-growing daughter, is that Convergence depends on your autonomous choices just as much as it does on blind luck. Without being an "optimist by temperament", you'll avoid the risks necessary to chase your goals. Without being a "pessimist by policy", the contingencies and planning vital for mitigating those risks will be inadequate to see those goals through. On very rare occasions, those who strive to embody these principles will be able to turn random good fortune into Convergence. Because they were very lucky, yes. But also because they were ready.
This record is very special to me, not just because of the incredible/terrifying circumstances of its creation, but because every single person on this gave so much of themselves, so much of their personalities, and so much of their heart. I'm so proud of the music that was captured, I'm so humbled by the reverence and care that was taken by everyone involved. Thank you all.
In particular to my rhythm section Ben Duff and Jacob Wutzke - you both are a FORMIDABLE force full of heart, personality, and irreverence. You are a shining example of the next generation of modern-minded jazz musicians and I hope to be working with you both for many years to come.
To my producer and my featured trumpet player Brownman Ali... what can I say? It's been nearly 10 years that you've been mentoring me and working closely with me on so many different projects, how on earth do I sum up nearly a decade of deep inspiration, formative lessons, and artistry in a paragraph? I can't, so I'm just going to say THANK YOU. You sound like a world class KILLER all through this album. Your treatment of my melodies is inspired and your soloing shows a creativity and a personality that is both highly expansive and all your own. You never fail to impress in your role as my producer and the attention and wisdom you bring to every project we've done is unparalleled and has helped to create an album I'm fiercely proud of. Thank you brother, I love you.
"Convergence" releases Oct 27 (Can) & Nov 24 (Int) on Browntasauras Records ---- :: Nick Maclean - piano :: Brownman Ali - trumpet/producer :: Ben Duff - bass :: Jacob Wutzke - drums with special guests :: Mike Downes - bass (track 5) :: Mateo Mancuso - drums (track 5) :: Jesse Dietschi - bass (track 1) :: Luis Orbegoso - congas & bells (track 11) -- Revolution Recording -- recording studio (Kim Cooke , booker) Stephen Koszlerzler -- head tracking engineer Luke Schindler -- assistant tracking engineer Wayne H Ferguson -- piano tuner Josh Bowman -- mix engineer Justin Gray -- mastering engineer Dean Shu -- cover art Daryl Angier -- liner notes - Thom Varey -- director of photography Brittany Farhat -- camera crew Matthew Fong -- camera crew - Canada Council for the Arts -- funding Ontario Arts Council -- funding Toronto Arts Council -- funding - Browntasauras Records -- record label Stephen Danic (Browntasauras Records) -- publicist ---- WATCH singles from CONVERGENCE ROAD WARRIOR (blazing uptempo swing): https://youtu.be/qfOno29FcXM DOLPHIN DANCE (introspective ballad): https://youtu.be/61856iZ__0c VERBOTEN (irreverently funkified): https://youtu.be/lexWg8YLXDQ WISDOM OF AURELIUS (Latin jazz odyssey): https://youtu.be/-cPAbdH6qkM ---- For more info: Maclean.Browntasauras.com NicholasMaclean.com Brownman.com Browntasauras.com
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angelloverde · 1 year
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"Mo Soul" Player Playlist 29 July
Billy Cobham Feat. Mike Stern - Wireless Communication
Robert Glasper Feat. Q-Tip & Esperanza Spalding - Why We Speak
Say She She - Trouble
Nubiyan Twist - Figure Numatic
Reuben James - Tunnel Vision
Adi Oasis - Whisper My Name
Fusion Affair - Dasha
FKJ - Us
El Payo - Black Girl From Soweto
Eric Hilton - Earth Ship
Franc Moody - Dopamine
Flevans Feat. Laura Vane - Invisible
J. Rawls - Grand
Malcolm Strachan - Cut To The Chase
The New Mastersounds - Watchu Want
If you really want to enjoy music and help musicians and bands, buy their lp’s or cd’s and don’t download mp3 formats. There is nothing like good quality sound!!!
(Angel Lo Verde / Mo Soul)
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Your Odyssey
For Antonia and Liam
On 9 June 2023
Robert McClean
In the celebration today, an ol' man appeared,
Gazing from the walls of St. Mary's Church, revered.
Uninvited, he stood close, a silent overseer,
Observing the wedding with a presence sincere.
 His name needs no introduction, we all know,
St. Arthmael, with a radiant glow.
In the 6th Century, he walked the land,
Son of a Breton King, a noble strand.
 Renowned for healing, the sick he restored,
Establishing monasteries, serving the Lord.
Wise sermons he delivered, guiding the way,
But his greatest feat saved Brittany one day.
 A fiery dragon threatened a village place,
Arthmael faced it bravely, in that dangerous chase.
The dragon met its end, drowning in a river,
And Arthmael earned sainthood, a holy caregiver.
 Arthmael's life now seems relatively cruisy,
Our 21st century world isn't always easy.
We face challenges like Covid and strife,
Navigating daily hurdles in this journey of life.
 Riding London transport, working each day,
Confronting illnesses that come our way.
Saving up for travels to New Zealand's coast,
Around the World there are troubles from pillar to post.
 The signs of the times, across common sea shores,
Climate change, conflict and rumours of wars.
Environmental degradation that must be addressed,
Extreme views, fake news, causing distress.
 But Antonia and Liam, your imprint and legacy,
May not be marked, by ground-breaking chivalry.
You are not (to our knowledge) the son or daughter of the King,
But you have power in the promise sealed by the wedding ring.
 The people you heal, are affected by your generosity,
The wise sermons are your words, devoid of animosity.
The monastery you built, is a safe welcoming home,
The missionary quests, are adventures to roam.  
 For you are the dragon slayers at earth’s crossroad,
Who dispatch fears and concerns like a smooth railroad.
For we fight on the battlements of life, together you stand,
We are sure you can tackle anything, on any day, hand in hand.
 Surrounded by kindred spirits, you are now forever flatmates,
To get rid of dragons or a bull coming through the gates.
Let this day, be a slingshot for your odyssey,
Your love, supported by our love, be a memory for all eternity.
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thotyssey · 1 year
Friday (4.28.2023)
FRIDAY (4.28.2023) Your daily guide to New York and New Jersey nightlife programming. UPTOWN / BRONX 4WEST LOUNGE: “Flirt Fridays” feat. Chavis (5pm) TRIAD: Dorothy Bishop: The Dozen Divas (7pm) SUITE: Karaoke feat. Victoria Chase (9pm) TOOLBOX: Janae SaisQuoi (9pm) LAMBDA LOUNGE: DJ dance party (10pm) HELL’S KITCHEN / MIDTOWN RED EYE: John Roberts’ “Danger” music video release party…
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View On WordPress
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio SunLounge Romania (March 10, 2023)
23:56 Matthew Kramer - I Want You Back (Feat. Liv) 23:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:50 The Dream Catchers - Flower Of Spring (Suntheca Lounge Mix) 23:46 Zouave Feat. Liv - Wonderful Life (After Hour Remix) 23:41 Vargo - The Meaning Of Life 23:36 Everything But The Girl - Flipside 23:32 Michael E - Don-'t Stop 23:25 Dos Buratinos - Control U Inbox (Take Control Remix) 23:21 Michael E - Be As One (Michael E Remix) 23:16 Schwarz & Funk - Phil Me (Original Mix) 23:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:09 Nils Petter Molvær - Merciful (Herbert's We Mix) 23:02 Schiller - Velvet Aeroplane 22:57 Playton Feat. Julia Blumental - So Many Ways (Downtempo Mix) 22:52 Johannes Huppertz Feat. Twila. Too - To Les Mots 22:46 Jonas Kroon - Her Er Eg (Xerxes Remix) 22:43 Pensees - Intro 22:38 Kaxamalka - Backdrops (Original Mix) 22:31 Albert St. Barth - Aqua Del Mar 22:27 Nightcruzer - Lazy Day 22:21 Nightmares On Wax - Les Nuits 22:16 Jerome Noak Feat. Al Miller - You Got Me - Thomas Lemmer Chillout Remix 22:11 Music Paradise - Clouds 22:07 Mousse T. Feat. Roachford - Pop Muzak (Ian Pooley Remix) 22:03 Groove Spinners - Southside 21:56 Suntheca Prod. - A Drop Of Melancholy 21:53 Ikon - Rosa (Original Mix) 21:49 Etherwood - The Night 21:45 Koresma - Bridges 21:41 Sphere - Is It Sun 21:35 Mark Otten - Tranquility 21:29 Cocogroove - Copa Dos Santos (Brazil Cut) (Brazil Cut) 21:26 Jahzoviy - Memory 21:22 E - Sonic - For What I Want 21:18 Capa - Imperfection 21:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:13 Hawke (And The Lady) - Sad And Blue 21:08 Perfect Sin - Mamadi 21:04 Dj Tiesto - The Tube (Domenico Cascarino Luca Lombardi Acoustic Mix) 21:01 Consoul Trainin Feat Joan Kolova - Beautiful (Kosmopolitans Mix) 20:57 Mazelo Nostra, The Diventa Project - Chill Together On The Beach (Mazelo Nostra Ibiza Mix) 20:54 Robert Manos - With No End 20:49 Bloomfield - Mon Coeur 20:43 La Brisa Del Mar - Session One 20:40 Peter Pearson - Still On My Mind 20:34 Cantoma - Katja 20:30 Everything But The Girl - Single 20:26 Cicada - Elle Et Moi 20:22 Stepo Del Sol - Touch My Soul (Vox Mix) (Vox Mix) 20:17 Area Code 51 - Chanchamayo 20:12 Wookie & Blossom - Night In The Jungle (Original Mix) 20:08 Weathertunes - Take Me Away 20:04 Velvet Lounge Project - Contigo (Dj Sleeptalker Remix) 19:58 Rainfairy - For A Moment (Sunset Kandi Lounge Mix) 19:54 Index Id - Nautik 19:49 Dimentia - You Dont Know (Vision Of Love Mix) 19:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:46 Chillamor - Dancing In The Moonlight (Tropical ) (Ft. Rainfairy) 19:41 Dj Alex Air - Flipside 19:36 Blue Wave - Roots And Wings 19:31 Princess Of Lounge - We Found Love 19:27 Cut Groove - Yedeka 19:23 Florzinho, Barbara Yaa Boahene - Staring At The Stars 19:17 Florito - Konja Tokyo De (Feat. Anna Y) 19:14 Waldeck - Addicted 19:09 Paul Hardcastle - Looking For You 19:04 Enrico Donner - Charade 19:00 Sandra - The Art Of Love 18:56 Spiritual Soul - Green Coffee - Ethereal Mix 18:53 John Legend - Wanna Be Loved 18:47 Bonobo - The Keeper 18:42 Openzone Bar - Night On Park Rouge 18:37 York, Asheni - Mercury Rising (Chillout Mix) 18:37 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:33 Trinah - Let's Stay Together 18:28 Loungeotic - Speechless (Groovy Jazzy Vocal Mix) 18:24 Sebastian Davidson - Freefallin' (Tariq Pijning On Sax Mix) 18:20 Mirage Of Deep - More Than I Can Bear 18:16 Clelia Felix - Dreaming Of You 18:13 Endless Blue - Isiro (Original Mix) 18:09 Openzone Bar - Kiss In The Dark 18:04 Tears - Cicada 17:57 Pnfa - Keating 17:52 Lustral - Everytime (A Man Called Adam Mix) 17:47 Afterlife - Far Away Feat. Juanita Grande 17:43 Chase & Status - What Is Right 17:39 Caitlyn Hessell - Always There (Toby Benson Remix) 17:34 Marga Sol - Violet Colors 17:28 Plus Minus - Romeo's Bleeding 17:24 James Farrelli - Can't Get You Out Of My Head 17:20 Soulsonic - My Heart 17:16 Akmusique - Café Noir 17:12 Merge Of Equals - Heart & Mind 17:09 Soulchef - Frequency 17:04 Monique Bon - La Musique 17:00 Marie Therese - Magic Of The Night 16:55 Pier-o Feat. Marga Sol - Air Of Love (Original Mix) 16:49 Aquarius - Clue To A Mystery 16:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:45 Kabanjak - Gypsy Soul (Ancient Astronauts Remix) 16:40 Gary B - A Better Life 16:36 Cous - Careless Whisper (Original Mix) 16:31 S.d.j. - Escape To Campania 16:27 Pascal Dubois - Suitcase To Berlin (Travelers Cut) 16:22 Digital Project - Coming In My Soul 16:16 Mariella Narvaez - All Night 16:11 Hossegor - Sunshine Blues (Golden Sun Remix) 16:05 Dj Pippi & Ann West - On This Island (Feat. Ann West) 15:59 The Man Behind C. Vs. Magica Fe - Words 15:55 Minus 8 Feat. Sharon Harris - Pussycat 15:51 Beth Orton - Daybreaker 15:48 Anthony Island Feat. Lazy Hammock - Never Goin' Back 15:44 Weathertunes - The New Jazz Five (Original Mix) 15:39 Sofa Groovers - Ti Amo (Sunlight Showers Mix) 15:35 Weathertunes - After Dawn 15:35 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:30 Billy Paul Williams - Desert Moon 15:25 Dj Maretimo - Ocean Cruiser (Wavepatcher Cut) 15:21 Monodeluxe - Steel Vibes (Original Mix) 15:16 Liam Van Dyke - Cafe Del Mar (First Class Lounge Cut) 15:10 The Strike Boys - Go Back Home 15:06 Sunburn In Cyprus - Passage Of Time (Original Mix) 15:02 Eskadet - Paradise Reconquered 14:58 Cafe Americaine - Beachcruiser (Del Mar Mix) 14:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:53 Sambox - Locean Cafe 14:49 Suburban Crew - Giada - Original Mix 14:44 V - Sta - Peaceful Day (Original Mix) 14:38 Guenter Haas - Alone But Never Lonely (Original Mix) 14:37 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:33 Jens Buchert - Thx 14:28 Alex Field - Wake Me (Bryan Milton Remix) (Feat. Natune) 14:24 Chris Le Blanc - Glass Reflections 14:18 Sweet Velvet - In My Dreams 14:13 Norman Doray - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 14:07 Jose Delgado - Sal Rossa 14:03 Anoraak - Sunrise To Sunset 13:58 Viggor Lasslo - Fooled 13:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:53 Dj Maretimo - La Mere Du Genie (Funky Waves Mix) 13:49 Darwins Dream - Lonely By The Beach - Cafe And Sand Edit 13:42 Twentyeight - Monday Night 13:37 Smooth Deluxe - Medina 13:33 Jojo Effect - Somewhere In Between 13:27 Good Chillaz - Stoned Love (Jazzomatic Mix) 13:24 Lemongrass - Water People 13:19 Indian Dawn - Predictions (Original Mix) 13:15 Morcheeba - Slow Down 13:13 Sonic Company - Hide (Remix) 13:09 Dj Antoine - I'll Never Let You Down (Soft Mix) 13:03 Briza - Reflections On The Highway 12:59 Nencol - Summer Never Ends 12:55 Rhod - Crazy 12:51 Max Melvin - Event 12:45 Midnight Stroll - Nux 12:40 Gold Lounge - Aegean Summer 12:34 Omnimotion (Feat. Aleah) - Days Of Silence 12:28 Man In A Room - Something 12:23 Dave Ross - Journey In A Space Tube 12:17 Jane Maximova - Morning Bird 12:10 Dzihan & Kamien - Homebase 12:05 Velvet Lounge Project - Why Should I Say No! (Flashbaxx Rmx) 12:01 Marcel - Backseat Blues 11:58 Aiemo - Dreaming Eyes (Vocal Mix) 11:53 Pablo Nouvelle - You Don-'t Understand (Feat. Alx) 11:47 Mo-'jardo - Now & Then 11:42 Polished Chrome - Outside 11:37 Triangle Sun - Secret Desire 11:32 Eriq Johnson & Movox Feat. Marga Sol - Noname Story (Original Mix) (Original Mix) 11:27 Merlion - What Can You Do - Bar Cafe Buddha Mix 11:21 Smooth Deluxe - Waterway To Bora Bora (Faris Al-hassoni Mix) 11:18 Beanfield - Chosen (Feat. Ernesto) 11:12 J Boogie's Dubtronic Science - Golden Nectar 11:08 Comatrixx - Champagne & Lobster 11:04 Index - Noon Hour Blues 11:00 Idenline - At Sunset (Original Mix) 10:57 Cataldo - Do It All Night 10:51 Flashbaxx - Movin On 10:45 Cocogroove - Copa Dos Santos (Brazil Cut) 10:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:39 Jayson House - Time To Rest 10:34 Lemongrass - On The Edge Of Time (Feat. Karen Gibson Roc) 10:29 Jens Buchert - Sparkling Mind 10:26 Beanfield - Chosen 10:22 Living Room - Cloud 7 10:18 Bimbotronic - Wherever You Go 10:11 Manyus Joan Eta - Sinful (Original Mix) (Original Mix) 10:07 Gxr - Groove Diving 10:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:02 Keep Shelly In Athens - Flyway 09:57 Billie Marten - Out Of The Black (67th Hour Remix) 09:52 Kool&klean - Reality 09:48 Five Seasons - La Gomera (Lemongrass Gran Rey Remix) 09:44 Fabrices - Nice Dream 09:39 Di Polar - Vertraumt 09:36 Kraak & Smaak - Echo Park 09:30 Bloomfield - Rendez-vous À Paris (Original Mix) 09:25 Chris Le Blanc, Pat Lawson - Beyond The Sunsets (Ibiza Late Night Mix) 09:22 Minty-'s Style - See The Light 09:14 Dj Maretimo Feat. Vladi Strecker - Together In The Rain (Down By The Sea Mix) 09:11 Idenline - At Sunset (Original Mix) 09:11 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:07 Roberto Sol & Florito - Love Finds You (Feat. Martine - Original Mix) 08:59 The Transfers - Buena Garota 08:54 Boot Cut Rockers - Deep In Our Heart 08:48 The Sura Quintet - Linda Tarde 08:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:41 Dj Maretimo - Atmosphere Lovers (Sky Sergeant Mix) 08:37 Thunderball - Dub Science Feat. Zeebo 08:31 Michael E - Ship To America 08:26 Dark Matters - Together (Feat Cathy Burton Album Mix) 08:20 Charles Webster - The Gift Of Freedom (High Skies Mix) 08:16 Felivand - Recollections 08:12 Evolve - Well I Gotta Story 08:06 Dj Riquo - Dancing At Sunrise 08:02 Hiatus - Save Yourself 07:59 Birocratic - Shakedown (Original Mix) 07:53 Marc Hartman - Like The Sunset (Original Mix) 07:49 Krall Bradley - Money Cant You Buy Love (Swing Orchestra Mix) 07:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:44 Everything But The Girl - Single (Brad Wood Memphis Remix) 07:41 Hrrsn - Hi Bob 07:35 Aandra Feat. Ayako Higuchi - Green Tea 07:27 Vincenzo & Language - Merry Go Round 07:23 Lenny Ibizarre - Pretty As You Feel (Original Mix) 07:19 Breathalize - So Come With Me (Spheric Mood Vocal Mix) 07:13 Takt 3 - Cut The Lawn 07:09 Joanes South - The Reason 07:03 Above & Beyond, Zoe Johnston - Falling 06:59 Horizon Line - Moonlight Journey (Original Mix) 06:53 Blank And Jones - Revealed 06:49 Capa - Imperfection 06:45 Living Room - Aqua 06:41 Crystin - The Universe 06:37 Lounge Groove Avenue - Don't Be So Shy 06:33 S.w. - Humans And Gods 06:26 Baghira - Put Your Arms 06:24 Inside Soul - Keyless Gate (Elevate Mind) 06:19 Blue Six - Aquarian Angel 06:14 Michael E - Rainy Thursday 06:09 Mr. Groove Feat. Kerrie Hoskins - Heart To Change (Claes Rosen Lounge Mix) 06:04 Placid Larry - Dew Drops 06:00 Michelle Simonal - Alright 05:57 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun 05:57 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:52 Don Gorda & Solanos - Festa Do Sol (Funk Edit) 05:46 Openzone Bar - Quality Of Life (Feat. Addex) 05:40 Dj Pippi & Tuccinelli - Artificia 05:35 Giyo - Reach Out Of The Darkness 05:28 Ulrich Schnauss - Between Us And Them 05:24 Magneti C4 - Bebossa 05:19 Nux - Under The Dancing Sun (Bg Mix) 05:14 Jaffa - Be Nude, Baby 05:10 Lemongrass - Roses 05:06 Blank & Jones - Sun Starts Smiling (Eclectic Mix) 05:02 Amber Mark - Conexao 04:56 Florzinho - Like The First Moment (Original Mix) 04:52 Plasma - Spring 04:49 Mark Mars - Ship's Lounge (Downtown Slow Mix) 04:43 Mind Da Beat - Free In The Music 04:38 Pnfa - Water Path (Original Mix) 04:34 Left - Lovesong 04:31 Villablue Feat. Juanita Grande - Leaving The Lights 04:25 Euphonic Traveller - Like The First Moment 04:20 Bliss - Mivahetsek (Feat Lisbeth Scott) 04:16 Ryan Kp & Anthony Hicks Feat. Melody - Chase The Sunshine (Chill-out Remix) 04:12 Dreamhunter - Good Morning 04:07 Paul Hardcastle Feat. Maxine Hardcastle - Soft Rain 04:01 Diario Feat. Entelechia Union - Do You Remember Me 04:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:56 Clelia Felix - A Moment Of Silence 03:51 Vargo - The Moment (Original Mix) 03:46 Two Heroes - Leave Me 03:39 Cantoma - Paloma (Mudds Slender Loris Mix) 03:34 Mandalay - It-'s Enough Now 03:30 The Soulful Sun - Loose It (Original Mix) 03:25 Toby Ernest - Gonna Be Fine (Turbotito Ode To Keni Remix) 03:17 Dimitris Manasidis - Love You For Life - Bobby Deep Sunset Mix 03:13 Smle - Happiness (Feat. Helen Tess) 03:08 Smooth Deluxe - My Sunny Day 03:03 Sigh - Kemi Blues 02:58 Five Seasons - Endlessly 02:54 Eric Driven - Time Passenger (Instrumental) 02:50 Cling - Abandoned 02:46 Alternative Jazz Lounge - All Around 02:41 Submotion Orchestra - All Night 02:35 Faro - Calypso (Original Mix) 02:30 Eriq Johnson & Movox Feat. Marga Sol - Noname Story (Original Mix) 02:25 Chris Zippel Feat. Sophie Tusnelda - Still Love - Klangstein & Chris Zippel Mix 02:21 Vladi Strecker - Night Distance (After Midnight Cut) 02:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:17 Stereomass - Modern Journey To Hawaii (Original Mix) 02:11 Nor Elle - On The Roof 02:08 Keep Shelly In Athens - On The Road 02:02 Thierry David - Song Of Freedom 01:58 Pnfa - She Found Moments 01:53 Jazazamor - Tonight 01:50 Marcel - Love & Desire (Feat. Jen) 01:44 Faro - Shadows (Original Mix) 01:41 Willie Blake - Classical Gas 01:37 El Petit Jardi - Clic Du Mer (Original Mix) 01:31 Over Soul - Universal Unfolding (Original Mix) Feat. Gram'ma Funk 01:26 Max Melvin - Flying High 01:23 Hooverphonic - One 01:18 Approaching Black - Back To Darkness 01:14 Papercut - End Of A Love Affair 01:10 Riccardo Eberspacher - Osiride 01:04 Man In A Room - Night Mail (Feat. Civilian) 00:58 Marc Hartman - Love Can Save The Day (To Roberto Concina) 00:53 Yppah - Pieces 00:49 Naoki Kenji - Hoshi 00:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:44 Ybu - Soul Magic 00:39 Gary B - Love Rain Down 00:33 Velvet Dreamer - Last Kiss Of Summer 00:29 Chris Le Blanc Feat. Liz June - Enjoy Your Life 00:24 351 Lake Shore Drive - Xtc 00:20 Night Cruzer - Timeless 00:14 Miguel Migs - Breakin' It Down 00:10 Gabin Feat. Peggy Lee - Fever (Gabin Remix) 00:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:06 Naomi - Another Bite Of The Apple 00:00 Jeff Bennett's Lounge Experience - Sympathy
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