#fear the walking dead 7x06
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booasaur · 3 years ago
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Fear the Walking Dead - 7x06
This is about the best happy ending you can get in “The Walking Dead” universe. -Andrew Chambliss
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taiturner · 2 years ago
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Sydney Lemmon as ISABELLE FEAR THE WALKING DEAD – 7x06 “Reclamation”
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priscilla9993 · 2 years ago
Rogers and Weaver Scenes
I can’t get enough of the tension and comradery these two have so here’s a summary of key moments. @martianbugsbunny I hope this helps you. :D
7x01 Rogers gets promoted to detective and meets Weaver as his partner
7x02 Before Sabine and Jacinda appear in Roni’s bar, Weaver is parked outside the precinct, upset at Rogers for showing up late (early really since his shift is not for another hour) and having an inflated ego. Rogers thinks he got promoted for his hard work but Weaver states that Rogers only became detective bc he chose him. Why? Well, we get riddles as Rogers gets thrown the keys and forced to drive as the new guy. 
In Belfrey Towers, when they are told to destroy Henry with blackmail, Rogers gets mad at Weaver in the elevator about legality and where loyalties lie. Another moment in Roni’s bar where Roni warns Rogers about Weaver’s partners never staying around long. Definitely in Henry’s apartment with the lightbulb that Rogers knows how to turn on bc he’s been there before. During Lucy’s ballet, where Rogers drops the swan keychain into Henry’s apron pocket and then later gets confronted by Weaver for almost throwing away the expensive blackmail bracelet into a gutter. However, in the process, Rogers has restores Weaver’s belief that the rookie detective has a moral code that can’t be sullied by greed or pressure. Absolutely stunning tension and resolution.
7x03 Rogers does some investigating of his own on Michael Griffiths, a guy working for Victoria, and gets caught by Weaver in the police station. Rogers fibs that he’s late for a court date over parking tickets. Weaver spies on him from the overpass and later, about 25 mins in, releases Griffiths in front of Rogers, explaining how some things aren’t black and white, requiring ‘finesse’. I love how Weaver covers up for Rogers’ mistakes, lawful and righteous as they may seem, and turns them into both a teaching moment and an upperhand on complicated things like cold cases and Victoria.
7x04 Nearly 9 mins in, Rogers and Weaver walk through the park as Weaver explains how Tilly, his informant, has managed to make Victoria fearful. Weaver goes looking for Tilly to use her as a pawn to gain leverage, while Rogers gets emotionally protective of her, realizing Weaver doesn’t care about anyone. Then, big key moment, Weaver wakes up in the hospital bed with Rogers by his side clutching a bullet that tore right through the lucky bastard, ‘must be bloody immortal’. Rumple/Weaver lies about who shot him and orders that Tilly can go free, gaining Rogers’s empathy of “Well, perhaps you do care about her” as Rumple pretends to be Weaver with an uncaring attitude and rude remark.
7x06 Cute back and forth in hospital as Weaver decides to leave the medical facility early, walking out and kicking the wheelchair, as Rogers clearly takes joy in seeing the older man be stubborn but not as threatening as before. This takes a sour turn as Weaver makes it clear he’s not nice as he warns Rogers about having errands to run later.
7x07 Rogers finds the dead body of a guy he interviewed and arrested a few days before. Weaver shows up to the crime scene and takes Rogers off the case for emotional attachment and obsession with a cold case, along with investigating without proper procedure or communication between partners. Rogers accuses him of being shady and working with Victoria Belfrey to cover up something in the Heights or regarding Eloise Gardener. Another big key moment: Rogers and Weaver dance the line across each other’s personal space in the evidence room as Rogers gets rightfully upset over Weaver’s lies and sneaky actions, using Tilly as a pawn and a fake painted journal page to trick him into believing the girl from his cold case is dead. Weaver states that ‘obsessions can be dangerous things’ and cryptically admits that he had good reason for being prickly, wanting to protect Rogers from his easily short tempered and stubbornly headstrong self, the person who can’t see that Eloise Gardener isn’t who he is truly looking for. 
7x08 Rogers solved the cold case and Eloise is now free, but Weaver warns him in the police station that he has no idea what he just blew wide open. 
7x09 Ten minutes in, Weaver escorts Victoria out of the police station jail under the notion of Rogers failing to obtain a warrant despite exigent circumstances. Rogers is sure that Weaver made the judge look the other way and that there’s something fishy going on. Weaver advises he keep his head down, not dig for clues, and heed past advice. The episode’s last bit is important and sticks clear in my head XD. Near the end of the episode, Rogers asks Weaver who or what he’s looking for, drawing of dagger in hand. Rogers isn’t going to take any bs and wants the truth since all Weaver has been doing is speaking in riddles or shutting him out. Rogers gives him the chance to be honest and Rumple does him a favor by backing out of his Weaver persona, explaining the best he can without sounding insane about how everything he’s done currently is an attempt to get back to his wife. While the two may be on rocky terms, this creates a solid foundation and understanding based on newfound trust, Rogers insisting to help and Weaver asking him to help find Lucy. (just gonna cry over here from these two finally being partners on equal ground)
7x10 Quite the blink it and miss it kind of scene. At the end of the episode, Rogers and Tilly find Weaver in a messy evidence room, torn ‘all upside down’, ready to tell him about the wagon wheel graffiti symbol found on the streets, behind the Troll. Weaver shows them a coin with the same symbol and Rogers knows the older detective probably has an explanation, but doesn’t want to hear it as he can tell it won’t make sense or be believable.
7x11 Twelve mins in, Weaver tries to tell Rogers the truth about Eloise Gardener, how she’s a cult leader who repeated the actions of what was done to her, leading to the kidnapping of a teenager named Anastasia. Rogers doesn’t want to believe he freed a bad or dangerous person so he leaves the precinct to prove her innocence. 24 minutes in, after Rogers visited Eloise in her apartment, he finds himself doubting Eloise’s innocence, ‘unable to find unassailable proof’. One thing’s for sure, Rogers has a nose for the truth and wants to know what Eloise is hiding, trusting Weaver’s next plan of action, the search for greenhouses. After finding Ivy holding a dead Victoria, Rogers gains an open mind on what is considered good or evil as Weaver says things are about to get darker in Hyperion Heights.
7x12 Sixteen minutes in, Rogers and Weaver are on the case of Andrea Sage’s murder and what connects to it. They meet gingerbread baker with the wagon wheel tattoo. Luckily, they come back to the bakery later and find the passed out baker in the kitchen with turned on gas stoves, saving her life. 
7x13 Unrelated but can someone please give Tilly a hug? Rogers is getting played like a fiddle by Eloise as she emotionally torments him in return for sharing relevant info. Weaver has to sit out and watch through cameras since she won’t speak with him near. They gain info on heart shaped chocolate boxes and talk to flower shop owner to no avail. At the end of the episode, Tilly caught in a compromising murder situation, the two detectives can tell she’s been framed and choose to protect her. Weaver explains what the other police could see as motive, sharing with Rogers her tragic history, and buys him time to go find Tilly and prove her innocence.
7x14 Seven minutes in, Rogers calls the current case ‘The Candy Killer Case’ as Weaver glues a porcelain teacup (iconic chipped cup) back together. Them wishing each other well on some time off or away from the case is so sweet. 
7x16 Rogers and Weaver scout the Belfrey Towers parking lot for the Candy Killer’s trail. The two dads discuss their parenting techniques as Tilly gets a proper job lol. As an analogy, Weaver supplies fish as Rogers teaches Tilly how to fish. Somehow they find the killer’s book of scribbled book margins and relation to story. How? It’s a magical macguffin. 
7x18 They find Hansel/Jack/Nick dead inside of the interrogation room. Separate character moments in this. Not much else to say.
7x20 Twelve mins in, Rogers gets back to the police station after running out from the underground theater. Weaver tries to gently tell and explain to him the truth, why his connection to Tilly and sense of purpose to do good stems from the past life he can’t remember. Then a bit of comedy as they recruit Margot to try and wake up Tilly from the spell casting ritual. Absolutely sweet as Rumple and Killian get to be like old rivals that have gone soft or grown with maturity. 
7x21 and 22 Killian is there for Rumple as he explains the hobbling of himself to avoid war, them saying why they’re friends as they pound against the glass in the magical snowglobe that is blizzarding over, and the heart exchange.
Overall, I’m amazed at how many scenes they had with each other as detective partners (as I had forgotten so many of these) and still happily torn up at how the built up trust led to less tension and more heartfelt scenes. 
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theshipsfirstmate · 5 years ago
Agents of SHIELD Fic: All My Best Kept Secrets Are the Ones I Didn’t Know I Had
post-SHIELD 7x06 and also post-Agent Carter season 2. peggysous -> daisysous.
doing my best to tie up the loose ends that get Daniel from Peggy to Daisy, because I, like many others, could not have imagined shipping him with anyone else and then the last few eps of SHIELD have taken a sledgehammer to my feelings. so, just like this ship, idk where this came from, but here it is.
Title from “Something in Common” by Dawes.
All My Best Kept Secrets Are the Ones I Didn’t Know I Had (AO3 - wc: 3218)
After Peggy went back to New York, Daniel told himself to take it easy.
And he tried, he really did. He even said it in his head, sometimes, the way Jack had: “Take it easy, Danny boy.” The wise-cracking agent had never stopped teasing him, even after they had become something resembling friends. But he was gone now too, left behind in a past that didn’t feel as distant as it should.
They’d had all of one day together, he and Peg, before everything went to hell. She had kissed him -- in his office, of all places -- and he had reveled in it for a few blissful moments before sending her away with a matching grin on her face, so he could pick her up later that evening for a proper date.
He’d planned on Musso and Frank -- had been carrying around the image in his mind for longer than he’d admit to anyone -- but after he picked her up and saw that mischievous flash in her eyes, he’d called an audible, turning the car south on Western, guessing she’d be up for something a little more adventurous. He was right, she was taken with El Coyote from the moment they walked in, wide-eyed and grinning at everything from the margarita glasses to the friendly waitress who’d winked and called him “Blanquito.”
Looking back at it now, he’s almost glad he doesn’t remember too many more of the details. He doesn’t remember what they ordered or exactly how long they’d sat and talked in that booth. He just remembers the warmth of her eyes, her hand in his across the table, the way she seemed more relaxed than he’d ever known her to be. Those were the things to hold onto.
He’d dropped her off with a gentlemanly kiss at her front door -- and a less-than-gentlemanly follow-up when she’d tried to convince him to come in for coffee. His only regret now was not taking her up on the offer. Not so much for the obvious reason, just to give them a few more easy hours before it all came crashing down.
Because when Daniel returned to his own front door that night, there was a patrolman — one of the new guys, whose name he had to read off his badge in the dim porch light — sitting on the stoop, waiting for him. 
“Thompson’s gone,” the kid said. “Never made it on the plane. Signs of a struggle in his room. And a lot of blood.”
The next week was non-stop, chaos and panic and a wild goose chase that had led them everywhere but to Jack. A sinister cloud hung over the entire office, and the spectral whispers of the one name no one wanted to speak aloud echoed in the desperate silences. He and Peggy barely had a chance to look at each other, let alone talk about anything but the latest scraps of evidence, and when it was all over, well, there was no relief there, either.
He’s never gotten used to funerals, and having a hand to hold this time didn’t make it that much easier, not with the weight of failure pressing down on them both.
Thompson had fought hard, that much was clear when they’d finally found him. But it wasn’t enough. That was Daniel’s biggest fear every time he thought about the facts they had been able to gather, every time the unspeakable name echoed in the confines of his restless brain. Cut off one head, and two more take its place -- would they ever be enough to fight it? Would it ever be easier?
“You know it truly is nothing to do with you, don’t you?” Peggy had asked him, eyes turned down to the table between them, to the cups of coffee untouched and growing cold. This time, Daniel didn’t reach out for her hand. He listened to the buzz of the planes taking off at the Lockheed Air Terminal down the road, and wished it were enough to drown out the whole day entirely.
“Peg, you don’t have to do that,” he’d muttered, feeling childish. “Spare me the pity, I-”
“Daniel,” she’d interrupted, in that tone that left no room for questions. “I’ve never pitied you, and I certainly don’t intend to start now.”
He stared back, silent. That was the problem, you see, with the goodness of a heart like hers. There was no artifice, no way to crack back in a moment like this one. As miserable as it was, he was going to have to sit here and take it.
“Please,” she’d continued, softer, still barely looking at him. “I want to say it. I need you to know.”
He’d huffed out a breath through his nose and aimlessly fiddled with the tiny pitcher of milk. “OK.”
“I want to say…” she had started, stopped and gathered herself, then started again. “I want to tell you that you deserve so much more than what I can give you.”
He’d hated hearing the cliche, even as he weighed its truth. He wasn’t sure what exactly it was that he deserved, but hadn’t he known it would be this way from the start? Hadn’t a part of him always worried that there wouldn’t be room in her heart for the kind of life he wanted to share? 
“It’s not for the reason you think,” she’d insisted, before he could come up with something to say in response. “I promised myself….When Steve died, I promised myself I would keep up the fight.”
She hardly ever said his name aloud. It didn’t ruffle Daniel as much as he expected, but it did make him speak up.
“I’m in it with you, Peg. I hope at least you know that.”
She’d nodded, and then she’d finally looked up -- and he immediately wished to God she hadn’t. Because there, behind the sheen of barely-restrained tears, was their ending.
“All we can do is our best,” she told him, not for the first time. “And I think we both know this fight is going to take the best we have.” 
He nodded and swallowed against the lump in his throat he was starting to worry might be permanent. 
“But this... It’s too much for me, Daniel. I can’t lose you too.”
A bitter part of his brain pointed out that it was ironic, to say that as she walked away. But he tamped that down, and told her the only truth he could find that felt like it wouldn’t make things worse.
“I’ll miss you, Peg.”
She had reached out then, squeezed his hand fast and tight, telling him the same before swiping beneath her eyes. And then, she was gone.
Daniel had tried, he really had. In his brief moments of free time as they watched the Hydra trail dry up hopelessly once again, he went on a handful of absolutely mediocre dates with the sunny blonde who worked the front desk at the local library and the brunette waitress who left her number on his receipt at the diner. He even let the guys at the office set him up once with a busty redhead who was so forward he spent the next week trying to suss out whether or not they’d paid her.
But there wasn’t anything there. There wasn’t anything anywhere, it seemed. With every interested woman he met -- and there were a few, he didn’t mind saying -- it was the same as it had been with Violet. Perfectly fine, perfectly nice, perfectly room temperature. In another lifetime, maybe he could have convinced himself that’s what it was supposed to feel like. But not now. 
And then one day, he walked into his office on a top-secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base, and met a girl from the future.
There was something about her, right from the beginning. She was beautiful, there was no denying that, and he saw something familiar in the mischievous glint in her eye — he’d been able to clock her CIA lie on its face, though it was just one part of a larger, much more confusing puzzle.
At first, he thought his reaction to her was just part of the chaos -- excess adrenaline at the prospect of seeing Peggy unexpectedly and the frantic and unexplainable events that followed. But then it didn’t go away.
She kept surprising him, that was familiar too. Comforting, almost, in a bizarre, backwards kind of way. She saved his life on the train — he’s always had extra respect for a woman who could throw a good punch. And he hadn’t missed the shadow that crossed her face when he mentioned all the things that Hydra had taken from him. There was even more to uncover, he was sure of it. Even finally learning her first name, Daisy, had him furrowing his brow at the dichotomy.
But there was hardly time to dwell on it. He’d expected to drive out of that futuristic aircraft and never see her, or any of her compatriots, ever again. He’d deliver his package to Stark, go home to an empty house, and wake up tomorrow to throw himself back into the work.
The next thing he knew, he was staring at the familiar eagle on the wall, and Agent Coulson was telling him he was dead. Like it was that easy.
He tried to throw himself into the fight immediately — he’s always been aware of the liability of dead weight and there wasn’t any time to stumble around and gather his bearings if he was going to be useful in the team’s mission to stop the Chronicoms.
Still, he would catch Daisy watching him, warily, like a timer on a bomb. She teased him in the clothing store, elbowing him playfully when he stopped dead at the “modern” 1970s fashions, but when he met her eyes, there was something more insistent looking back at him. It was like she was asking him a question neither of them could put into words, sizing up whether or not he was going to run, or stay, or fit, or break, or...something.
He tried his best to not to give her more to worry about. So he wouldn’t be the one to extract Hydra from S.H.I.E.L.D. in the ‘50s -- as it turned out, there were plenty of other ways to save the world. That was the core of the mission he’d signed up for from the start, and he felt more at ease the more he realized this was a team devoted to the same cause.
But he wasn’t sure what it was, exactly, that made him step up behind her in that underground bar and call her “sweetheart” -- maybe the same misguided sense of chivalry that got him a dressing down after he made Krzeminski apologize to Peggy in the briefing room back in New York. Mercifully, Daisy had gone along with his ruse, surprising him again with a palm pressed to his chest and a conspiratorial grin in his direction. 
And he hoped it was duty again, not the memory of that smile, that made him insist on accompanying her to hack into the base. After a confrontation with the scruffy kid with the dark circles under his eyes, he was more aware than ever that this team was just barely more adjusted to their circumstances than he was. But that still didn’t quite explain his growing desire to stay at Daisy’s side. 
What he was really looking for, if he’s honest, was a bit of solid ground. What he was wondering was if the feeling in his chest would turn out to be fleeting, if the quaking he’d felt when she touched him was because of her powers — or if it was something else entirely.
Because it seemed like something he never felt with Violet or the librarian or any of the rest. It seemed like it might be something he’s only felt once before. And it’s just his luck that it comes wrapped up in even more danger.
He tagged along just the same, watching her back and trying to learn on his feet about all the things she could do in addition to making the earth shake. She could break into a computer network he can’t even begin to comprehend, she could snap a crystal clear picture of him on that thin screen she said was a telephone, she could quirk an eyebrow at him and make him forget, just for a moment, that his life had descended once again into supernatural chaos.
“You look OK for a guy who just aged 20 years.” She teased him a second time as he marveled at the photo, and his stomach flipped all the way over to melancholy. But he wasn’t totally honest about why.
His heart ached at the thought of Peggy getting the news of his “death,” but the biggest goodbye of all, Daniel had realized, was to the man he used to be. However lonely and lukewarm he thought his life had been, he hadn’t been prepared to lose it so suddenly. There was possibility there, and promise to mourn, and the uncertainty about what lay ahead now had given him a rose-colored rearview mirror to look back at all he had left behind.
But when he told Daisy that this might be his last stop, she had simply turned back to her computer, assuring him their current dilemma was just a minor setback -- “Without us, it’s way worse,” she said.
She said it like she’d already accepted him as part of the team, like another thing she knew that he didn’t was that he hadn’t lost himself to the ether of time travel. She said it like he belonged.
It made the decision seem easy enough.
When the Malick kid’s goons bring her back, when he sees her limp and bloodied, slumped on the floor beside him, he has another flash to his past -- Peggy lying prone, impaled on a mean-looking length of rebar. He had learned that night how strong she really was. Not just because she had survived, but because she had let him see her at her weakest and most terrified, had let him haul her into his arms and onto his couch and into focus for his fiancee, who he knew would be able to see right through it all. 
He had blown up his entire life just for the weak, grateful smile they shared when they realized she was going to be OK. And it had been worth it.
Daisy doesn’t seem the type to let someone stroke her hair either, but Daniel tries to stop himself from drawing any more parallels right then and there. He keeps checking her pulse point like an excuse, and hopes it’s a fair trade-off that he agrees to tell her the story of his rescue. 
He doesn’t like to think about Stevens much, about the way he’s carried the potential of that pesky man's life with him every day since he woke up on that stretcher. That’s what you do when someone dies for you. You have to live for them.
That makes him think of Peggy again -- and then, unbidden, of Steve Rogers. He remembers the stories they used to tell about what Captain America was like before the serum: skinny, frail, half a dozen 4F rejections under various pseudonyms. He thinks of that kid, plucked from the life he was supposed to live and thrust onto a pedestal that must have felt completely untenable at times -- given muscle and then immediately handed the weight of the world.
And now there’s Daisy, with these powers. The kind of strength good men would covet and evil men would kill for. And like him, she’s left behind whatever life she had in order to fight her way through space and time and try to save humanity.
Peggy was a woman who ran headfirst into a storm without giving so much as a thought to an umbrella. Daisy, he’s learning, is the storm itself.
So he talks to her, and he keeps talking. He tells her things he’s never told another living person. In fairness, he thinks, he’s technically known her almost 20 years.
He tells her about survival, certain she already knows. He tells her about warfare, a different type than she’s seen, but with a common enemy. He tells her to fight -- and when she shows him the shard of glass she’s snuck back to him in a bloody palm, he knows the way his heart thuds could be just as dangerous as the psychopath in the other room.
Daniel’s always been good at waiting for his moment, and mercifully, it comes not long after Daisy slips completely into unconsciousness. He shifts away from her on the dirty floor to avoid risking further injury, and he readies himself like he had in the trenches.
When the time comes, he fights, just like he knows Stevens must have fought to get him to safety. They catch a lucky break when the earth-rattling powers prove to be too much for Malick to handle, and he carries her back to the ship, leg aching all the way, remembering the stern nurse in the field hospital who had looked down her glasses at him every time he’d complained about the throbbing.
“It’s the beat of your heart, soldier, remember that,” she had snipped as she doled out his meds. “If nothing else, it means you’re still alive.”
The team meets him at the door to help Daisy into their med bay, and when Agent Simmons mutters something that sounds an awful lot like “Not again,” something else twists inside Daniel’s chest. Shrugging off his own first aid until she’s been attended to, he takes a seat by the door to stay present but out of the way. Maybe some small part of him hopes that when she wakes, he’ll be a familiar face.
If he’s honest, he’s never thought about living to see the end of the 20th century, never even considered it. He was a S.H.I.E.L.D. director with war injuries and more than his fair share of close calls, it would have taken nothing short of a miracle. But he doesn’t think twice when the scruffy kid -- Deke, he remembers this time -- tells them they’re about to jump again. He's not sure when he changed his mind, but it’s been changed, nonetheless. 
“I’m where I need to be,” he says, as the soft beeps of Daisy’s monitor assure him that if nothing else, she’s still alive.
Easy never felt quite right, anyway.
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hailey-halstead · 5 years ago
Oh, and I’ll be there waiting when you get frustrated
here’s a post 7x07 fic! instead of upstead’s usual drinking after work ritual, i had them change it up a bit! as always, i take prompts and i don’t own anything! also this lyric is from the same song as the post 7x06 fic’s title (dog years by maggie rogers) so of course i had to use these parallel lyrics these two !
Voight sent Hailey home after their talk. She ignored the blatant stares of her fellow Intelligence members as she grabbed her things, wanting to get out of the building as quickly as possible.
She couldn’t help but keep an eye on Voight’s office though, where Jay went in right after she left. They must be talking about her, and she wasn’t sure how that made her feel. Because even though Jay was reaching out to Voight out of concern for her, the fact it was being done without her present made her uncomfortable.
Regardless, once she was done getting her stuff situated, she headed downstairs. She wasn’t going to hang around and ask Jay what was discussed. She’d do it later.
What she was refusing to acknowledge was her fear that Jay saw Cam’s death as her fault like Voight did. It was one thing to have Voight’s words on her shoulders, another to have Voight and Jay’s.
She grabbed her hat from her bag and pulled it down over her head, making sure to cover her ears. The sky was now dark, she hadn’t realized that much time had past since they started their paperwork.
Hand on the doorknob, Hailey turned back around as she heard Trudy call her name. The sergeant’s face was full of concern and sympathy that Hailey couldn’t bring herself to walk out the door just yet. She stood there, waiting to hear what Trudy had to say.
“You’re a damn good cop, Upton.” She told her, shuffling through paperwork. “You’ll get through this.”
Hailey nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Trudy Platt was the reason she became a cop, with her current state of vulnerability she just couldn’t talk to her.
When she stepped outside though, she let the words sink it. I’m a good cop. I’ll get through this. Deep breath.
And when was Trudy Platt ever wrong?
The burden was slowly lifting from her shoulders until she remembered why she felt down about herself. Cameron was dead, and no amount of positive self-talk would bring him back. It felt silly to try to make herself feel better, when there was someone in the ground because of her.
The frigid weather brought her some peace. At least mentally, as physically the coldness was a bit much to bear. A part of her felt like she deserved it though, as if freezing was punishment for her mistakes.
Regardless, she zipped her coat all the way up. Getting sick was a bitch, and it wasn’t worth it. She could picture herself now, stuck in bed self-loathing.
The walk to her car took longer than usual because of the ice on the ground. She already had her keys out by the time she got to her car and was about to get in until she heard footsteps behind her.
Her heart thumping with adrenaline, Hailey whirled around with her hand going towards her gun. Once she saw who it was though she let it hang limply against her side.
“You could have said my name instead of spooking me like that.” She said dryly.
Jay at least had the decency to look guilty. “Sorry.”
“You couldn’t have finished your paperwork that quickly.” She pointed out, eyeing the brightly lit Intelligence room on the second floor. Everyone else was still there, bent over their desks.
“I didn’t.” The expression that she had just seen on Trudy’s face was now on Jay’s.
Frustration got the best of her then. Yes, she she had her CI killed right in front of her. She would fully admit she was struggling right now, but having her co-workers treat her like a piece of glass was not acceptable. “I don’t need a babysitter, Jay.” She snapped, yanking her car door open.
Before she could get in, Jay grabbed ahold of her arm. “No, you don’t.” He agreed. “But I think you need a friend.”
The intensity of his voice had her turn back around to face him. His blue eyes held nothing but sincerity. She must have misjudged him earlier—Jay wasn’t the type to pity her.
“I’m not up for drinking tonight.” She admitted, the words feeling silly as they left her mouth. It seemed like the only activity they did outside of work was drinking and chatting at one of their houses. Turning their typical pastime down made her feel like she was committing a crime.
Jay shrugged, seeming unbothered. “Perfect. I already had plans for us.”
Surprised by his words, Hailey was distracted enough that she had too late of a reaction to Jay reaching out and grabbing her keys.
She started to splutter. The past few minutes seemed like a whirlwind to her. She didn’t expect Jay to show up at all and now he was planning on driving her car!
After he got in the driver’s seat, he gave her a look. “Do you really want to drive?”
She bit her tongue at that, stopping whatever words were about to exit her mouth. He knew her well. Driving was something she always enjoyed, except if it was snowing. She was Chicago born and raised, but driving in the winter was always dreaded by her.
He started up her car. She walked over to the passenger side, wondering where he was taking her. As she got in the car, she asked him. “Where are we going then?”
Jay didn’t reply, instead focusing on backing out of the parking spot with her car. She was tempted to interrogate him, but put her feet up on the dashboard and leaned her head back. Might as well take advantage of Jay driving.
“You shouldn’t have your feet up there.” Jay spoke right as she was closing her eyes.
She opened them back up to glare at him. Despite claiming he was here as a friend he was being incredibly nagging.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He didn’t even have to look at her to know. “Cruz and Herrmann were just talking about last week a woman who had her legs crushed from them being on the dashboard.”
At that reminder Hailey slowly put her feet back down. The story had completely slipped her mind, she was right next to Jay when Cruz and Herrmann were discussing the incident. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jay smirking.
“Is this your plan then?” She questioned, taking notice of their outside surroundings. They weren’t taking either of the familiar routes to their respective homes. “Driving around aimlessly, wasting my gas?”
“Tempting idea, but I’ll stick to my plan.” Jay replied. He finally took a turn onto another road after it seemed like forever going straight.
The distraction of both Jay and their little unknown adventure from her emotions was slowly slipping away. Guilt and grief replaced it, feeling even heavier than before. Letting herself forget about what happened today made her feel worse than the actual event itself. Doing so was like attributing it to something as mundane as forgetting to respond to a text message.
Jay’s voice broke into her thoughts. “Hating yourself won’t bring him back, Hailey.”
Damn did he know her well. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, as if Jay could hear everything she was thinking. It sure seemed like that at times with their relationship.
“I know, it’s just—“ Hailey squinted her eyes at the luminous McDonald’s sign in front of her. Jay must have turned into the fast food restaurant when she was zoned out. “Very funny, Jay.” She rolled her eyes. She has hated McDonald’s ever since she got food poisoning from their chicken nuggets when she was eight. He knew this, so why would he bring her here?
Her belief that he was joking quickly went away as he approached the drive through. “Don’t worry, we aren’t getting chicken nuggets.” Before she could question him further, the McDonald’s employee’s voice came through the intercom.
“I’ll have two cones, please.” Jay said his order, and when the employee confirmed it, drove forward. He didn’t have to go far because there was another car still in front of him waiting for their order.
“Ice cream?” Hailey scrunched up her nose. It was twenty degrees outside, not prime weather for a cold treat.
“The ultimate comfort food.” He told her as they approached the window.
She wasn’t so sure, but kept quiet as he paid. Today’s events had her in a bad mood and despite how tempting it was, she didn’t want to use Jay as a punching bag.
She was trying, but knew she wasn’t great company. Everything Jay had said has been met with an eye roll or a face from her. He didn’t deserve that. “I’m sorry.” She voices aloud as he handed her her cone. “I’ve been a bitch ever since we left the police station—“
“Hailey.” Jay cut her off with a shake of his head. “You’re acting like a saint compared to when I’m in my moments of crisis.”
Well she couldn’t argue against that. Jay was a piece of work when he was in a bad mood. Still, she had to let him know her appreciation. “Thanks for being here with my bitchy ass, though.”
He rolled his eyes, presumably at the derogatory words she called herself, but didn’t comment on them. “Anytime.”
She started to eat her ice cream cone, hesitantly as she was still warming up from being outside. Her car took what it seemed like lifetimes to properly heat up. But as her tongue touched the ice cream and the vanilla sweetness hit her tastebuds, she had to agree with Jay. Ice cream was the ultimate comfort food.
She was focusing on enjoying her cone, but out of the corner of her eye noticed Jay. He wasn’t eating his cone yet. Instead he was watching her with an unreadable expression on his face.
Jay then lifted his cone into the air and held it there. Hailey rose an eyebrow, perplexed at his behavior.
He let out a sigh of exasperation, but the fondness in his eyes said a different story. “We’re raising a toast to Cameron,” He explained. When she rose her own cone, he added, “and you.”
He mimed cheering with her right before she yanked her cone back down. “Celebrating me, the cause of his death?” She said distastefully, looking at the cone in her hand as if it was the gun that shot Cameron.
“No, celebrating a damn good cop who tried her hardest to help Cameron.” He corrected her. “You got Cameron involved because you thought he could help the case. He was the one who put himself at risk, and you tried to get him out.”
Hailey wanted to believe what Jay was saying, but it was hard to. She knew what Cameron was like with cases before she asked him. Ultimately it all led back to her.
“If I didn’t get him involved he would still be alive.” She pointed out.
Jay shook his head, not giving up his argument. “If he didn’t show up at the police station he would still be alive.” He countered back.
Hailey pulled her last card out. “Voight said it’s on me, Jay. He was my CI, I brought him in. Case closed.”
Jay frowned at that. “Screw what Voight said.” He was about to continue eating his cone, but stopped. “Don’t tell him I said that.” He added with a grimace.
Despite her mood Hailey couldn’t help but snort. Jay was Voight’s unofficial second in command and been in Intelligence for years, long before her, and Voight still had a handle on him.
Jay made a face. That only made a full blown laugh escape her. “Okay, I’m not scared of him.” He protested, talking louder over her laughs. “I just know I can’t be on his bad side.”
“Well I can’t disagree with that.” She gave him a smile. It was the first real one she had given ever since Cameron was shot right in front of her.
When he gave her one back, Hailey felt a rush of affection run through her. If she had it her way, she would have already been home self-wallowing. Jay bringing her here didn’t solve her pain and guilt, but made her remember that she was a bad cop or person.
Her cone, now half-eaten, was back in the air again.
This time Jay was the one confused. But unlike her, lifted his cone into the air without being prompted. “Are we toasting me now?” His grin was now a light cocky one. His eyes held curiosity though.
Hailey refrained from giving him both a smart ass response and a meaningful one. Instead, she told him the truth. “No, myself.”
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thclcstgirl · 5 years ago
headcanons. / S7 breakdown. /  
7x03: False Gods - CURIOSITY 
     Hiding out from the craziness of Sanctum, Fox finds solace atop Russell’s prison-container, listening as his people slip in and out to see him and plead with him to force his own freedom. He sounds OFF. Calm. Rational. Reassuring. ODD for a man who’d just lost his entire family of 200 years. Odder still when he requests the PYRE for his death.
                      She’s intrigued. Jordan is sent in and she follows ( curiosity over Russell’s strange behavior hidden behind her equal concern for Monty and Harper’s son ), LISTENS as Jordan tries to reason                                                      “ my people want to do better. ”
          She can’t help the derisive HUFF that slips out, earns the sharp, almost colorless gaze of Russell, filled with more sly calculation than she remembers seeing in him before. Her expression freezes, and she follows Jordan, wondering why that too-familiar sense of PREY INSTINCT was causing the hair on the back of her neck to rise. 
                                 She’s THERE when it happens. He’s rushed out, black blood staining his shoulder. She doesn’t see, doesn’t care- she’s too busy trying to keep anyone from touching the familiar featured boy who seems determined to get involved with these people. It’s the infirmary where INTEREST piques once more. She’s distracted again, Murphy’s hurt, Emori’s fading, panic strangles her heart for a moment before she realizes they’ll be alright. A glance around lands on an unfamiliar woman, her back to the Earthlings in a familiar way to the fox that cocks her head curiously. 
                     She wonders what they don’t want the Earthlings to hear. Those dangerous eyes flick suddenly to hers once more, gazes steady for a moment before she forces her gaze away, back to Murphy, back to Emori. 
                                                         Back to SAFETY. 
7x05: Welcome To Bardo - SUSPICION
                    A comfort spot, a spying spot, atop the cell Russell is no longer in, watching the tensions rise in Sanctum ( “ we had peace, before you arrived. ” ). An ULTIMATUM is given, a body is burned, a life is gone, in the blink of an eye. She swallows back a scream and scrambles off the prison, retreating- as always- to her safety, the couple she relies on for stability in Monty and Harper’s place. 
     HE’S still there, still healing, cuffed in a room surrounded by the dead. She ignores him, voicing her agreement that if people want to die, who are they to stop them. There’s a part of her that feels guilty, knows HER people caused this- but she only has room to concern herself with so many, and she refuses to give them room in her heart she’d have to take from the two recovering from radiation. HE notices. She doesn’t. Murphy is volunteered to speak to the faithful and she protests. 
                                 He assures her he’ll be fine, tells her to stay with Emori- low blow, using her love for the woman he loves against her to go off and play hero for people that don’t appreciate it - and she obliges him despite her misgivings. She isn’t surprised that she’s served with fear and panic once news comes that he’s taken hostage. RUSSELL. Russell is the key and she’s asking- begging- him to help alongside Emori before Indra can stop her. HE agrees, noting the desperation in her tone that’s mirrored briefly in Emori’s eyes before the false goddess hides it faster than Fox is capable of. 
     Russell is successful. She can BREATHE again as Murphy changes from sacrificial lamb back to god as easily as a change of clothes. 
                    He’s AMAZING. Powerful. Commanding. Charisma bleeds from him despite the bite of STEEL in his voice. It’s like being at the dropship all over again- listening to Bellamy preach to the children standing around him. She fell then, she falls now. Indra claims to have heard him. Fox pays her no mind, she’s watching Russell’s face as he smirks at Indra, not realizing she’s smiling as she watches. 
“ there’s a spider on your shoulder. ” Indra’s talking nonsense, nonsense Fox understands now despite herself, but it’s Russell who turns, Russell who responds in a language he shouldn’t know. “ too bad you can’t kill me. ”
                                 It hits her like a blow to the head: he isn’t Russell. At least, not entirely. Someone is in there with him, lending power, lending charisma, lending trig. She waits, bides her time until Murphy is distracted, Emori is preoccupied, Indra is planning. Her waiting pays off, when she sneaks in to see Russell she stays out of sight of the infirmary, allowing them to talk in private. 
                                                                  A deal is proposed. A deal is STRUCK. 
     By the time Indra arrives, Fox is gone and it’s too late to turn back now. She’ll protect her people. HE will protect her people, the only two left she has to care about. 
7x06: Nakara - QUID PRO QUO
                                 She is TOO FAR down the rabbit hole to be recovered. Her smiles tinge with secrecy, her posture struggles not to straighten, to be proud, she struggles to keep secret the purpose Sheidheda has given her, the power he promises her, the safety he assures her people. 
     Her people’s time is busy- now so is hers. It’s a feeling she’s not familiar with... one she is already used to. Sheidheda doesn’t turn her away when she shows up, is amused by her ability to sneak into his prison, aghast that she doesn’t know chess. you can’t be a strategist if you don’t practice. sit. She sits. She learns. Most importantly, she TALKS. She tells him what he needs to know, she finds out what she doesn’t know and passes it to him, unconcerned about how it undermines Indra. She doesn’t care about Indra, Indra won’t keep her people safe, her OWN people don’t even like her. 
                    She is perched on his bed, reading and listening to his stories ( he gets bored with only her to talk to, she’s learning more than she cares about ) when Nelson walks in. She straightens, ready to run, but HE holds a hand to pause her and she’s permitted to stay despite Nelson’s comments that her people have ordered no one in. 
                                “ Indra is not my people, don’t- ”                                                                             “Enough.”
The single word is enough to silence her mid sentence. HE SMILES, a viper befriending his prey as he turns back to Nelson ( “ young still. learning to mind her tongue still. ” she dare not give into the temptation to challenge that ) and she watches Nelson attack and lose, a CALLOUS giggle slipping from her lips to match the callous smirk on her lips. 
                       Murphy and Emori are let in on the secret she’s kept from them. She’s not there. She’s DISTRACTED. Distracted by the very threat they and Indra are discussing how to stop. 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years ago
Daryl and Carol - S5 Template (Maybe)
As I said in an ask on Sunday, I want to talk more about this Daryl/Carol situation. Because we see them in the trailer a lot riding on his motorcycle together, many people have speculated that at the end of the season, they’ll basically ride off together into the sunset.
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Now, as far as I know that is just speculation. No one has any idea if this will actually going to happen or not. Maybe we’ll see them riding around on his motorcycle in the first episode and then there'll be nothing of the sort for the rest of the season. We simply don't know. 
But I had an epiphany over the last week that made me think about the possibility of them leaving the group together. Counter-intuitive though this may seem, them doing so might be a good thing for us. I think we have evidence that it would lead to them running into Beth. Let me explain.
First, let me reiterate one more time that even if they do take off together, it will be as a mother/son pairing not as a romantic one. Angela Kang recently did an interview where she pretty much confirmed Daryl and Carol aren’t heading for romance, so it’s not something we need to worry about.
So here’s the thing. Last week's Fear episode (5x15) got me thinking about the bridge symbolism. In that episode, a bridge little literally falls apart beneath them. 
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We already know that the bridge represents the community. So, the bridge falling apart beneath them represented the community falling apart. We already kind of knew that at the end of 5x15, but 5x16 confirmed it. Ginny came to “help” them but she split them all up, which means their community is in shambles, much as TF’s was right after the fall the prison. Everyone separated, split up, in different places, and trying to find their way back to each other. So, the bridge falling apart represented that.
I was just turning this over my head and thinking about the bridge symbolism. I mentally ran through the various episodes that have had bridges in them and what they represented. This is when I got my epiphany. I started thinking about when Daryl and Carol went off the bridge together in 5x06 and what it meant.
In the past, I’ve always assumed that it was a foreshadow of Beth’s arc. Falling off a bridge generally means getting separated from the community. But it doesn't always have to be the person who fell off the bridge who is separated.
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For example, there was that time Tara fell off the bridge in 7x06, Swear. Yes, she was separated from her community for a short time while she went and discovered Oceanside, but overall, I'm not sure she really fits the bill. She wasn’t gone very long and nobody presumed she was dead. She simply wasn’t gone long enough for that to be the case. 
So, while her falling off the bridge represented her being away from the community in the short term, I think it also represented Heath disappearing for a long period of time.
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Because Heath, like Beth, has been gone for years. There hasn’t been much talk about him (to be fair, there hasn’t been much talk about Beth either) and I think we can assume TF thinks he's dead because he never came back.
To top it all off, Angela Kane confirmed that Jadis gave him to the helicopter people. So, Heath and Rick at the very least are in the same place and that has been confirmed. But I digress. Once more, I think Tara falling off the bridge represented Heath’s absence more than it did hers.
So, back to Daryl and Carol. Given that template, I always assumed that them going off the bridge in 5x06 was a foreshadow of Beth being separated from the group for a long time. And I still think that’s a valid interpretation, given everything we’ve seen.
But here’s something that occurred to me last week in thinking about the bridge stuff. Because of all this talk of Daryl and Carol taking off together, it occurred to me that if they do leave together, that would be them leaving the community together. Obviously. And…the two of them went off a bridge together in 5x06.
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To see what I mean, you kinda have to take a giant backward. Look not at the specifics, but at the very broad sequences of everything that happened in S5, because I think everything—truly EVERYTHING—that happened in S4 and S5 were foreshadows of bigger things that would happen later. 
We’ve already proven this with quite a few events. This is just another one that, if Daryl and Carol leave the communities together, will end up being true as well. For example, Beth being separated from Daryl in the short term, from 4x13 to 5x08 was a foreshadow of them being separated for much longer time after Coda. 
Similarly, I'm thinking about the fact that in 5x02, Carol tried to leave and Daryl stopped her. Then the two of them took off together to find Beth. Literally, the two of them left the rest of the group at Father Gabriel's church and took off on their own. Only after that did they figure out where Beth was and come face-to-face with her.
But it's so much more than that. The more I think about it, the more the parallels lineup. Let's back up and talk about Carol. Why did she try to leave in 5x02? Because she just suffered a major trauma by losing a child. Actually, by losing children (Lizzie and Mika.) She was depressed over the death of a child and was trying to leave the group over it. Daryl stopped her from leaving just before the two of them took off together.
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Now, going into season 10, Carol has been traumatized by the death of Henry, her child. From what I can tell, at the beginning of S10, she’s just returned from being out on a boat. Which means she's leaving the community to go off on her own and deal with her grief. The reason she and Daryl are happy to see each other is simply because they haven't in a while. So, their little reunion in 10x01 will parallel their reunion in 5x01. They’ve been separated for time and are just glad to see each other. BFFs, after all, right?
Do you see why the two of them leaving together might be a big thing a good thing for TD? It won't be a romantic thing anymore than it was in 5x06. I don't know why they would choose to leave the communities together plot-wise, but if they’re following the template of S5, the two of them leaving together will probably lead directly to them running into Beth.
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You could even argue that Tyreese parallels Ezekiel. Even though Carol and Ty weren’t a romantic couple, they were sort of “playing house” in 4x14. They actively talked about staying there and raising the girls together, just as Carol and Ezekiel raised Henry together. In 5x02, Carol had just lost Tyreese. And while Zeke isn’t dead, she’s still lost him, and their relationship by having left him after Henry died. The parallels are strong with this one, my friends.
Another thought that’s been bouncing around in my head lately? My fellow theorists and I have been examining that final scene of Slabtown a lot lately. The one where Beth walks down the hall holding scissors, as though she's about to attack Dawn or Edwards, but then Carol is brought in on a stretcher and she backs off.
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The reasons we’ve been examining this scene are irrelevant to this post (just a few background symbols we've been looking at) but I think it's because I keep looking at that scene lately that this occurred to me.
So, we think Beth is with the helicopter people. And we know Rick is. I had the thought some time ago that maybe Carol being brought in on the stretcher was a foreshadow of something bigger later on.
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I can see Beth being with the helicopter people, trying to stage a coup and get away from them, but then she stops when someone is brought in that she recognizes. In this case, it would be Rick. I mean he was pretty much on stretcher when they took him away in the helicopter, and we know he was badly hurt. If Beth is with the helicopter people, there's a good chance she might be there when they bring Rick in and he needs medical care.
I still think that's a possibility, but if Daryl and Carol take off together in the same way they did in S5, well, maybe it will actually be Carol again who is brought in. Maybe it will be a very specific replay of what happened in S5. Carol getting hit by a car in Atlanta could have a parallel to something in the future that will eventually happen to take Carol to wherever Beth is. Same as S5.
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I have no idea if this will pan out or not. If Daryl and Carol don’t leave the communities together, the entire thing will be moot anyway. But remember that Melissa was seen filming in Texas (presumable for Fear), as was Michonne’s stunt double. Norman was seen at a Texas airport as well, around the same time, but there’s some speculation that might have been for Ride. There just no way to be certain.
But, if I'm right about this template, a lot of the interesting things in Consumed suddenly make more sense. We saw a lot of suspicious symbols like red cars and red + green tents on the sky bridge (BRIDGE!).
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Anyway, I think this has a lot of potential. I can't help but be curious about who will fill Noah's role if they retell this part with Daryl and Carol looking for Beth. There's no telling who will be, but it would have to be someone who's escapes the helicopter group (where Beth is) and somehow tells Daryl and Carol about it.
 I can't help but think it will probably be someone from Morgan's group. Morgan himself? Dwight maybe? We just have some really interesting possibilities and some great ways to connect these story lines. It makes me super excited. Of course, just to reiterate one more time, this is all conjecture right now. But super-fun conjecture to think about! 😉
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holden-norgorov · 6 years ago
Ranking Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes.
A+ [100]
1.     5x16: “The Body” – 100/100. 2.     4x22: “Restless” – 100/100. 3.     6x07: “Once More, with Feeling” – 100/100. 4.     5x22: “The Gift” – 100/100. 5.     2x22: “Becoming, pt. 02” – 100/100. 6.     4x10: “Hush” – 100/100. 7.     5x07: “Fool for Love” – 100/100. 8.     2x17: “Passion” – 100/100. 9.     7x07: “Conversations with Dead People” – 100/100. 10.   7x05: “Selfless” – 100/100. 11.   2x14: “Innocence” – 100/100. 12.   4x16: “Who Are You?” – 100/100.
A [95-99]
13.   3x22: “Graduation Day, pt. 02” – 99/100. 14.   6x17: “Normal Again” – 98/100. 15.   2x19: “I Only Have Eyes for You” – 97/100. 16.   6x13: “Dead Things” – 97/100. 17.   3x09: “The Wish” – 97/100. 18.   7x17: “Lies My Parents Told Me” – 97/100. 19.   6x03: “After Life” – 96/100. 20.   5x05: “No Place Like Home” – 96/100. 21.   3x21: “Graduation Day, pt. 01” – 95/100. 22.   2x13: “Surprise” – 95/100.
A- [90-94]
23.   6x20: “Villains” – 94/100. 24.   3x15: “Consequences” – 94/100. 25.   3x07: “Revelations” – 94/100. 26.   3x08: “Lover’s Walk” – 94/100. 27.   7x22: “Chosen” – 93/100. 28.   6x01: “Bargaining, pt. 01” – 93/100. 29.   2x06: “Halloween” – 93/100. 30.   3x12: “Helpless” – 93/100. 31.   6x22: “Grave” – 92/100. 32.   3x16: “Doppelgangland” – 92/100. 33.   4x09: “Something Blue” – 92/100. 34.   3x06: “Band Candy” – 92/100. 35.   7x16: “Storyteller” – 92/100. 36.   6x19: “Seeing Red” – 91/100. 37.   2x21: “Becoming, pt. 01” – 91/100. 38.   4x20: “The Yoko Factor” – 91/100. 39.   2x03: “School Hard” – 91/100. 40.   6x08: “Tabula Rasa” – 90/100. 41.   5x12: “Checkpoint” – 90/100. 42.   3x03: “Faith, Hope and Trick” – 90/100. 43.   4x08: “Pangs” – 90/100. 44.   2x01: “When She Was Bad” – 90/100. 45.   7x20: “Touched” – 90/100. 46.   5x21: “The Weight of the World” – 90/100.
B+ [85-89]
47.   6x21: “Two to Go” – 89/100. 48.   7x15: “Get It Done” – 89/100. 49.   4x04: “Fear, Itself” – 89/100. 50.   5x17: “Forever” – 89/100. 51.   3x18: “Earshot” – 88/100. 52.   5x18: “Intervention” – 88/100. 53.   6x18: “Entropy” – 88/100. 54.   5x19: “Tough Love” – 87/100. 55.   4x15: “This Year’s Girl” – 87/100. 56.   3x19: “Choices” – 87/100. 57.   5x13: “Blood Ties” – 87/100. 58.   6x09: “Smashed” – 87/100. 59.   2x07: “Lie to Me” – 87/100. 60.   1x12: “Prophecy Girl” – 86/100. 61.   7x18: “Dirty Girls” – 86/100. 62.   6x02: “Bargaining, pt. 02” – 86/100. 63.   4x19: “New Moon Rising” – 86/100. 64.   5x10: “Into the Woods” – 86/100. 65.   3x20: “The Prom” – 85/100. 66.   1x07: “Angel” – 85/100. 67.   4x03: “The Harsh Light of Day” – 85/100. 68.   7x09: “Never Leave Me” – 85/100. 69.   5x03: “The Replacement” – 85/100. 70.   2x15: “Phases” – 85/100.
B [80-84]
71.   4x21: “Primeval” – 84/100. 72.   5x01: “Buffy vs. Dracula” – 84/100. 73.   2x10: “What’s My Line? pt. 02” – 84/100. 74.   4x06: “Wild at Heart” – 84/100. 75.   5x14: “Crush” – 84/100. 76.   7x08: “Sleeper” – 84/100. 77.   6x05: “Life Serial” – 83/100. 78.   1x01: “Welcome to the Hellmouth” – 83/100. 79.   7x02: “Beneath You” – 82/100. 80.   4x01: “The Freshman” – 82/100. 81.   7x10: “Bring on the Night” – 82/100. 82.   4x13: “The I in Team” – 82/100. 83.   3x10: “Amends” – 81/100. 84.   7x01: “Lessons” – 81/100. 85.   3x01: “Anne” – 80/100. 86.   7x14: “First Date” – 80/100. 87.   5x08: “Shadow” – 80/100. 88.   7x03: “Same Time, Same Place” – 80/100. 89.   4x07: “The Initiative” – 80/100.
B- [75-79]
90.   6x16: “Hell’s Bells” – 79/100. 91.   3x13: “The Zeppo” – 79/100. 92.   5x15: “I Was Made to Love You” – 79/100. 93.   2x09: “What’s My Line? pt. 01” – 79/100. 94.   5x20: “Spiral” – 78/100. 95.   3x05: “Homecoming” – 78/100. 96.   5x04: “Out of My Mind” – 78/100. 97.   1x11: “Out of Mind, Out of Sight” – 78/100. 98.   5x06: “Family” – 77/100. 99.   7x04: “Help” – 77/100. 100. 1x05: “Never Kill a Boy on the First Date” – 77/100. 101. 6x04: “Flooded” – 77/100. 102. 3x14: “Bad Girls” – 76/100. 103. 5x09: “Listening to Fear” – 76/100. 104. 2x08: “The Dark Age” – 76/100. 105. 4x12: “A New Man” – 76/100. 106. 7x21: “End of Days” – 75/100. 107. 7x12: “Potential” – 75/100. 108. 5x02: “Real Me” – 75/100. 109. 2x16: “Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered” – 75/100. 110. 3x04: “The Beauty and the Beasts” – 75/100.
C+ [70-74]
111. 2x18: “Killed by Death” – 74/100. 112. 1x03: “Witch” – 74/100. 113. 6x06: “All the Way” – 74/100. 114. 6x15: “As You Were” – 73/100. 115. 4x14: “Goodbye Iowa” – 73/100. 116. 3x17: “Enemies” – 72/100. 117. 5x11: “Triangle” – 72/100. 118. 1x10: “Nightmares” – 72/100. 119. 6x14: “Older and Far Away” – 72/100. 120. 7x06: “Him” – 71/100. 121. 2x11: “Ted” – 71/100. 122. 6x11: “Gone” – 71/100. 123. 7x19: “Empty Places” – 70/100. 124. 3x11: “Gingerbread” – 70/100. 125. 4x02: “Living Conditions” – 70/100.
C [65-69]
126. 7x11: “Showtime” – 69/100. 127. 2x12: “Bad Eggs” – 69/100. 128. 4x17: “Superstar” – 68/100. 129. 2x02: “Some Assembly Required” – 67/100. 130. 6x10: “Wrecked” – 67/100. 131. 1x02: “The Harvest” – 66/100. 132. 6x12: “The Doublemeat Palace” – 66/100. 133. 3x02: “Dead Men’s Party” – 65/100.
C- [60-64]
134. 4x11: “Doomed” – 64/100. 135. 2x04: “Inca Mummy Girl” – 64/100. 136. 2x05: “Reptile Boy” – 62/100.
D [50-60]
137. 2x20: “Go Fish” – 59/100. 138. 7x13: “The Killer in Me” – 56/100. 139. 1x09: “The Puppet Show” – 55/100. 140. 4x05: “Beer Bad” – 53/100. 141. 1x06: “The Pack” – 51/100.
F [<50]
142. 1x08: “I, Robot… you, Jane” – 47/100. 143. 1x04: “Teacher’s Pet” – 39/100. 144. 4x18: “Where the Wild Things Are” – 35/100.
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jvlewis77 · 3 years ago
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I'm watching Fear the Walking Dead 7x06 "Reclamation"
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mklopez · 3 years ago
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I'm watching Fear the Walking Dead 7x06 "Reclamation" #FearTWD
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tuseriesdetv · 3 years ago
Crítica: Fear The Walking Dead 7x05 Till Death
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El episodio de esta semana nos deja con buen sabor de boca, nos presentan elementos que nos hacen sonreír a pesar de ser uno de los episodios en los que más muerte hemos tenido que ver esta temporada. Los personajes tienen esperanzas "a pesar de", y eso se contagia al espectador como hacía tiempo que no pasaba. 
Dwight y Sherry se han convertido en los justicieros enmascarados Dark Horses, una pareja de outcasts que siguiendo un código ético: hacen "el mal" para conseguir algo bueno. Una especie de Robin Hoods que, en lugar de robar, simplemente matan a aquellos que hacen la vida más difícil a los demás. Una dinámica que les está permitiendo curarse de las heridas del pasado y presentarse como un frente unido por primera vez en mucho tiempo. Dwight y Sherry no son una pareja tan unida desde que escaparan de Negan en la temporada 6 de The Walking Dead y cruzaran sus pasos con Daryl. 
Son precisamente los paralelismos entre el asentamiento de Victor y el de Negan lo que hacen que los Dark Horses se desmarquen de sus propuestas Que además llame al lugar "Santuario" y que utilice polaroids como prueba de sus víctimas son similitudes suficientes para que primero Sherry y luego Dwight decidan decir que NO. Es sorprendente como gracias a la locura de Strand probablemente estemos siendo testigos de cómo el grupo de Negan se fue convirtiendo en lo que vimos.
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Mickey (Aisha Tyler; Archer, Mentes Criminales) es el nuevo fichaje de la serie y es uno al que damos la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos. Tyler ha sido directora de un episodio en Fear The Walking Dead y de dos en The Walking Dead: World Beyond, pero como cuenta Ian Goldberg, showrunner de la serie, era perfecta para interpretar a Mickey. Una exluchadora profesional (que ha huido de Victor) a la que Dwight admiraba de pequeño. Ella y su marido eran un Tag Team de Wrestling con el gimmick de una pareja cuyo movimiento final se llamaba "Till Death", título del episodio.
Los Dark Horses tratan de reunirles, pero es demasiado tarde. Él se ha convertido en caminante en el gimnasio en el que luchaban, y tienen que cargarse a una horda de caminantes en una de las escenas más divertidas de este estilo. Los tres se convierten en luchadores para cargarse a los zombies: golpes con las sillas, golpes contra el poste y por supuesto, el “Till Death” para finiquitar la matanza.
Mickey se une a Sherry y Dwight en su búsqueda de "Padre", lugar al que parecen dirigirse todos sin saber muy bien dónde está. Como si se tratara de un Terminus secreto. Pero antes de encontrarlo, tendrá que aliarse con el grupo que desnuda caminantes. Tienen el mismo objetivo, y mejor ayudarse que morir antes de empezar.
Promo: 7x06 Reclamation
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booasaur · 3 years ago
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Fear the Walking Dead - 7x06
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testliveherebrow · 3 years ago
https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-8x02-flash-saison-8-episode-2-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-6x02-riverdale-saison-6-episode-2-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-33x08-les-simpson-saison-33-episode-8-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-2x08-the-walking-dead-world-beyond-saison-2-episode-8-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-5x08-the-resident-saison-5-episode-8-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-2x06-hightown-saison-2-episode-6-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-4x05-all-american-saison-4-episode-5-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-1x05-4400-saison-1-episode-5-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-4x10-new-amsterdam-saison-4-episode-10-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-5x07-good-doctor-saison-5-episode-7-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-1x07-chucky-saison-1-episode-7-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-1x01-hawkeye-saison-1-episode-1-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-3x01-hanna-saison-3-episode-1-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/post/-7x06-fear-the-walking-dead-saison-7-episode-6-regarder-en-streaming-vf-vostfr-tv-serie-hd https://tvflixfr.imprint.to/
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pirathotten · 3 years ago
I just watched Fear the Walking Dead 7x06 "Reclamation" https://t.co/X6R6biAoZi #FearTWD #trakt
I just watched Fear the Walking Dead 7x06 "Reclamation" https://t.co/X6R6biAoZi #FearTWD #trakt
— Johan Bergqvist (@h0tten) Nov 14, 2021
via Twitter https://twitter.com/h0tten November 14, 2021 at 05:46PM
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zelroy · 3 years ago
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I'm watching Fear the Walking Dead 7x06 "Reclamation"
0 notes
writingfireandblood-blog · 8 years ago
Home Part Two
Pairing: Theon Greyjoy x Reader
Request:  i beg you to do something about theon x reader, mb home part 2 or something. it was really great, but my heart still broken after readin so please pretty please do part 2. mb something like theon and reader discuss their feelings, and off course it's not perfect, but it's getting better. or mb like she think about what ramsay do to him "robb surely like to see theon dead, but what ramsay did to him is 100 times worse than death."
Wordcount: 2,105
A/N: Takes place between 7x05 and 7x06
Part One
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You were lucky that the dragon mother chose not to press you with questions, though you supposed if she really wanted questions she could go to Jon or Tyrion. You couldn’t help but wonder just how much the Lannister could recall about the two of you from his visit to the north all those years before. A part of you was tempted to ask him, during one of the quieter moments in the castle, but there had been more pressing things on your mind.
Bran and Arya were alive. The two little siblings you had mourned for for so long were alive, safe and well behind winterfell’s walls. The thought made your head spin. After what happened to Rickon and Ramsey’s hands you had convinced yourself that the two of them must have joined the seven heavens, they would have been better for it rather than leaving them to suffer in this cruel realm alone. You had been wrong, if this letter handed to you was to believed, you couldn’t help but wonder what the two of them had been through, something within you knew that it could not have been easy, the fates had stopped being kind to your family long ago. 
You couldn’t help but envy Sansa, the fact that she was there with them, whilst you once more looked like a fool for leaving your family home. Still there was little you could do about it now Jon needed you here his advisor at his side, a true blooded Stark to ensure that the Targaryen queen took him seriously. 
You promised yourself that when this was all over and the night king was but a legend once more the five of you would be together once more. Still there was plenty strings that seemed to be pulling the lot of you apart.
“I’ll go with you,” you voiced. You were a strong fighter, not so good with a sword but quick on your feet and accurate when you tugged on a bow string.
“No,” Jon spoke silencing your idea. “We can not risk you, if I die then you are the rightful ruler of the north... Besides someone needs to keep eye on the dragon glass,” 
“Jon-” You began to complain but Daenerys beat you to it. 
“You can have full reign of the castle while your here my lady, You can hardly blame Lord Snow for not wanting to send his sister into danger,”
“Then let me at least go the wall, I can help Davos or return to our siblings,” You argued, hating the feeling you were simply being brushed aside once more.
“Forgive me my Lady,” Tyrion interrupted “I believe what your brother is trying to say is that he needs someone he can trust here and if you don’t mind me saying, you do have some unfinished business here,”
You were annoyed to say the least, but you bowed your head and said little else, knowing when to chose your battles.
The beach seemed less enchanting the next time you stood upon it, the routine of bidding brother’s goodbye all too fatiguing by now. He was not alone of course, he had Davos for now at least, and Tormund was not about to let your brother face such horrors alone, but your brother’s had almost all died once now, and you could not shake the feeling that this may well be the last time you laid your eyes on Jon once more. You dug your fingernails into the skin of your palm in an attempt to prevent yourself from crying as you watched the boats begin to be pushed out into the water. you had to keep up a calm exterior, you were still after all a wolf in the dragon’s den.
You took a step towards “Be safe Snow,” you told him as you released him from your embrace and pressed a kiss to his temple. “Get back safely, else Arya is going to kill you when we back home,” There was a slight smile that graced his lips at the comment.
“And you Stark,”
With that you nodded towards Ser Davos and Gendry and took a step back, letting Jon say goodbye to the ruler he seemed to like so much, ignore unsettled feeling within you. Jon was not Robb, he would return to your side. You had never had the chance to tell Robb you loved him, you were smuggled out as Roose Bolton plunged his blade into your brother's chest and your Mother's throat was slit. The sound of Greywind's howls filled your mind and you could not help but long for the feeling of your own wolf by your side, or better yet that Jon was taking the snow white ghost with him. You wanted to yell at him, not to leave you like Theon and Robb before him, and yet you said nothing.
You just prayed to the old gods that he got back safely.
It was poetic really, you should have known that the two of you would have found each other once more. The pull between the two of you was just as strong as it ever was, and without Yara there to guide him Theon was as lost as the sea foam that graced the waves he loved so much.
You were aware that you could have gone anywhere you wanted within Dragonstone’s walls, but after the farewell you were not feeling much like keeping company, so you took yourself to the library hoping you might find something useful within its shelves with the aim of then going back to the guest quarters where you had been sleeping. what you had not been anticipating was Theon travelling in the opposite direction.
The two of you collide ungracefully, your eyes too busy scanning over the books that were currently clutched to your chest, you mouth stumbles out an apology before you even moved to see the others face, though really you should have known it was him.
"I'm sorry-" you blurt out before catching sight of brown hair that was so much shorter than you remember. "Theon," you comment the name slipping off your tongue as easy as the oxygen you breath. Honestly you hadn't been able to give too much thought to the Greyjoy's presence in the castle. Once you knew that it would have been all you could think about, you wouldn't even try to count the number of time you had laid awake thinking solely of what your future might have held in store, the number of children you would have, the grin he would have held on his face at the thought of coming home to you. You had as much power to day dream as Sansa, everyone said, when it came to Theon at least. But now you had other things to take up your mind, even the Night's King seemed like a warmer concept than the kraken boy.
"It was my fault," He responded, swiftly as if you were about to reprimand him. Ramsay's work you presumed, shaping Theon till he was no better than a dog.
Gods there wasn't a day that went by that didn't wish that you had been the one to plunge an arrow into that bastard's heart, for Robb, for Sansa, for Rickon, even for Theon. In some ways you felt guilty for him. You had been there when Robb had received a raven about Theon's betrayal, but you had been too occupied by the tears on your face to intervene when Roose suggested his bastard from the dreadfort. You wondered sometimes if you had been the one to ride back north, how much things might have changed. You would have been able to make Theon listen you were sure of it, maybe you would have been able to save Ser Rodrick, Bran and Rickon would have been safe, and Robb wouldn't have been forced to make such stupid decisions. Still Robb's words ran through your mind, your king's anger scarring you. "They'll be no talk, he will die for this," he had vowed in front of you, your mother and everyone present. Still you couldn't help but wonder what Robb would make of all that Theon had been through, in many ways he wasn't even Theon anymore. Then Theon you and Robb had loved, had left after he kissed you goodbye and simply never came back.
You could curse yourself for simply standing there, so you gather what little strength you have and speak. "We both know that I've always been the clumsy one," There is almost sentiment in your voice it takes you by surprise, but then you supposed there was little else you could do.
"A lot of things have changed since then my Lady," he returns, not glancing up at you even then.
You can't take the awkwardness of the interaction for much longer, so you move around him and prepare to continue walking through the hallway.
"Yes I suppose they have,"
You sat in your quarters till the next day, rejecting even the thought of food due to the fear that had taken such a deep root within you. There had been word from Davos that they had reached Eastwatch, but nothing since. You supposed that was a good thing, after all there was no way to send a raven from beyond the wall, but you knew you were unlikely to settle until you were at Jon's side once more, your mind unable to wander any further now. You busied yourself brushing you red locks, organising what few clothes you had been able to bring with you, until your attention was caught by a sound.
"Y/n," You jumped at the sound of Theon's voice and the knock on the closed door that accompanied it.
"Come in,"
The door creeaked open, revealing the Greyjoy's face from behind it.
"What is it Theon?" You asked, trying not to snap as you knew it would make him uncomfortable and might have even scared him away, not that you cared for his presence very much.
"There's been word from Eastwatch, Jon's in trouble, Danyeris is taking the dragons in the hopes that she might be able to help him,"
The gasp that you let out was audible as you felt yourself fall back onto the bed behind you arms drawn protectively around yourself as your hand comes to cover your mouth. This wasn't part of the plan, Jon assured you that he would have been back safely, now it was down to a girl the pair of you barely knew to save your brother.
"This can't be happening," you said more to yourself than Theon, who was awkwardly standing in the doorway gaze set hard onto the floor.
"Theon... What- What if he doesn't make it back," you choke out. Robb, Rickon, you had already lost Jon once you simply couldn't cope with the thought you might lose him once again. It was odd, but it was only then that you realised how Theon must have been thinking over the past few days, all whilst you yourself dismissed the fate of his sister.
The boy in questions took a few slow, calculated steps before finally crouching down in front of you, your Theon would have reached out and taken your hand, and yet this was not your Theon.
"Don't think like that Y/n," he spoke quietly, in a way he would have never before. The old Theon would have joked away your feelings until you were laughing once more, this one was far more serious. "Jon and Robb would want you to be strong for them," Were you in a different mood you would have cursed him for the mention of the dead Stark, but in that moment the sound of your twin's voice was nothing but a comfort.
You scrambled forward with your arm in that moment, taking Theon's hand in your own, in many ways simply to test that he was real, you knew you would be angry at yourself for seeking such comfort later, unsure of what Robb might or might not have thought, despite the fact your brother was long cold in his grave.
Things between you and Theon weren't fixed, perhaps they would never be but in that moment you allowed yourself to draw comfort from the fact that he was there beside you, that one of the boys you loved so dearly had come home to you.
"Your right," you nodded a fire from somewhere within you. "Jon will return unharmed, you'll see and when he does we will save Yara I swear,"
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