#fear street kate
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moekaneko ¡ 4 months ago
New Fear Street Theories (1/2)
I wanted to mention fear street again since I just rewatched the movies after I heard there's a new one coming out.
I'm definitely excited but also slightly nervous since it's a new director and writers so we'll see how it goes
But I just want to recover some of my original theories and theorise about the new one
Turns out Joan isn't Kate's aunt, Kate's aunt is actually the little girl killed in the match scene and even though it was never explicit the director and actor discussed it when she did the scene.
Someone commented this under my other post but Ryan messes with everyone because the killers keep parts of their personalities like how fucking creepy the milkman is while the others aren't and ruby's singing.
Heather runs for Ryan's shop instead of out of the mall because she doesn't realize it's him and doesn't want him to be killed too, pretty sad.
Nick was at the mall because Heather called the police and the woman sent dispatch, though I don't think that one was hard to figure out I was just dumb.
Sunnyvale is free of crime cause the Goode family wanted it, again I'm just dumb.
People thought Sarah cut off her hand because Solomon probably said so and they all believed him. Probably wouldn't want to admit he did it, not the greatest look.
Peter didn't want Sam out the car because he cared about her. Gotta say, as much as the dude sucked he genuinely liked Sam at least slightly.
Ryan would've killed Deena because of Sam's blood being on her, we see the effect when the killers attack eachother, yet again, I'm an airhead.
Also, Ryan killed the receptionist likely because she would've stopped him from going into the hospital room so she stood in his way.
Simon is employee of the month every month because of the countless overtimes and extra shifts he picked up for more money. Man do I love him more and more every time I learn stuff about him, what a guy.
The bread was on the floor because Kate's head slices pushed it off. Can't believe I thought someone just left it there 😭
And, she has most of her head when underground in the third movie because that's the point where she died, when it would have reached the top of her brain.
Sheila and the others probably just got strikes since the counsellors clearly hate Ziggy.
After careful consideration I am willing to admit that SOMETIMES Nick is kind of cute just not when his eyes are popping out of his skull like that thing from ice age.
Nurse Lane could obviously get out of the witch's mark underground thing because she knew it was a map in the book while Cindy and Alice didn't until they were lost, another case of stupid-itis hit me clearly.
I don't think Cindy and Alice were actually gay anymore, but I do think they seriously loved eachother as friends since they understood eachother like no one else, so I think the actors played them like they were in love because they were that connected even when they hated eachother.
Ruby sings that song because it relates to her and she was a singer, I don't think it does relate to the other killers on purpose since they just killed the people around them and it didn't matter who it was.
Now onto part 2: the theories for the new movie!
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restinslices ¡ 4 months ago
Hi, I wanted to say I loved your Heather x Kate one-shot!!!!! You did such a good job!!!!
So I decided to request another one, always in the AU where they both live.
This time, the two of them cuddling on their bed one morning, telling how much they love each other and other sweet stuff.
Basically, just pure fluff, because they both deserve it.
Ya’ll, I legit don’t know how to write these two as a couple lmao. Also I lowkey deviated from the prompt
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What are you supposed to do after surviving being chased down by undead possessed killers?
No, genuinely, I'm asking. What the hell are you supposed to do? Kate and Heather surely didn't know.
"Go to therapy!". As if! They'd be labeled as crazy and sent away.
"Live life to the fullest now!". Corny!
"Write in a diary!". Ugh, that sounds boring.
So what were they to do?
"Ow, you dick! You scratched me!”
“I did not. You’re just mad you lost again”.
You bother your girlfriend obviously.
Kate blew on the rather small cut, her eyes occasionally shooting daggers at the girl sitting across from her. She didn’t always lose! She was just on a rather impressive losing streak…
“I thought this game was called Spoons, with an s. Not just Spoon”.
“There’s only two of us, so there’s only one spoon. An extra player wouldn’t help you win”. Kate slapped Heather’s arm, before she huffed and let her back hit the soft mattress below her. “You quit already?”.
“We’ve been playing all morning” Kate crossed her arms over her chest, “I’m bored”.
“I have some tapes we could watch”.
Kate scoffed, “shitty ones. Who genuinely likes Friday The 13th?”.
“Tons of people!”, Heather argued back. The same retort to the same debate they kept having. While Heather loved the series, so much so that her walls were lined with posters of Jason Voorhees, Kate thought the whole series was a waste of time. “It’s a fantastic series with a great villain-“
Kate pushed herself up on her elbows, “they’re the same thing over and over. And when they actually try something new, it goes terrible. Roy Burns- or whatever his name was. Him going to hell?”. She made a point to scoff as dramatically as she could, almost laughing when Heather frowned. “Shit. All of ‘em”.
The game of Spoons had been forgotten now. Why play a game when you could have the same debate you and your girlfriend have had over a million times? “You like the Halloween franchise, Kate. You wanna talk about shit-“.
“Correction! I like the first two and I pretend the others don’t exist. You know what’s another shitty movie?”
“Do not say Prom Night!”
“It’s terrible!”.
“Oh but Black Christmas is good?”
“Black Christmas is an amazing movie and has Olivia Hussey in it!”.
When you can’t talk to a therapist about undead possessed killers almost ending your life, this is what you do on a Saturday morning. You argue with your equally traumatized girlfriend about horror movies, knowing you can’t change their mind.
Heather liked the Friday The 13th films, Prom Night, Sleepaway Camp, Pet Semetary, Hellrasier, shit like that. She didn’t stick to one sub genre. She bounced around and liked whatever she liked.
Kate liked Halloween 1 and 2, Black Christmas, A Nightmare On Elm Street films, Slumber Party Massacre, Carrie, Suspiria, shit like that. Her favorite sub genre was “pretty women”, which was the first of many signs.
The debate ended like it usually did; the two of them cuddling together and talking about horror movies they both enjoyed. Movies like Child’s Play, The Evil Dead and The Lost Boys.
Heather ignored her arm becoming numb under the weight of Kate laying her head on it, “You think we could make a horror movie out of what happened to us?”.
Kate was only half listening by now. She laid with her back pressed against Heather’s chest, her head on Heather’s arm and her eyes closed. The warmth of her partner’s skin felt like the embodiment of a soft lullaby, and she was definitely on her way out. “Sure” she mumbled, “just take out me selling drugs”.
“Because, Heather, selling drugs are illegal”
“We could say it’s to add something to the movie”
“Yeah, sure”
“I don’t know who I want to play me. Or maybe it could be a book. Or a book that’s turned into a movie-”. Kate grabbed the pillow in front of her, and with a little bit of hope and prayer, she hit Heather directly in the face.
“We’re taking a nap now”
“This early?”
“This early”.
Well… there wasn’t much else to do. Plus, she was far too comfortable to get up and force herself be productive. “Alright, alright” her free hand rubbed where the pillow smacked her - either that pillow was made of bricks, or Kate had a hard ass swing - “I love you, I guess”.
The silence she got in return made her lift her head up, “Kate?”. More silence. Kate’s eyes were closed and her breathing was slow. What, did committing assault take all the energy out of her?
Heather let her head fall back down. “You’re an asshole, you know that?”. More silence. “Whatever. I’ll just tell you again when you wake up”.
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just-a-little-frog ¡ 2 years ago
guys ik its not supposed to be realistic but like ?? did the sfx artists on fear street just. forget about kate’s skull? how did she become a pile of mush ?? the girl has bones . i imagine her skull wouldve been cut cleanly and not turned into mush so ig they just didnt think about that?
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bel0ved-heretic ¡ 5 months ago
o mĂĄgico | a imperatriz | os amantes | o tolo
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the magician | the empress | the lovers | the fool
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nightowl050403 ¡ 5 months ago
Fear street saying actually it isn’t that some people are just worse and that’s the way it is instead it’s that the system is rigged and it’s always been rigged and actually maybe the losers are just people trying their best who have always been trying their best even though all the fucking odds are stacked against them. And privilege exists because it is built on the misfortune of other and those who sustain are aware of the suffering and might even feel bad but they know that that is what it takes to maintain their privilege so they do it anyway.
Like thinking about the way that we were all on Nick Goode’s side even when he was calling Kate and Simon junkies and acting like he could do nothing to spin the story differently despite being the FUCKING SHERIFF. Thinking about Nick Goode framing Martin not because it was part of the ritual but because he fucking could and it was easy.
Thinking about Tommy who was kind, and Cindy who was smart, and Alice who was brave, and Ziggy who was bold, about the children in Union who were innocent and the people who loved them, and the friends of Sarah who loved her despite everything, and every name on the stone that was innocent and will forever be remembered as a monsters. Thinking about Kate and Simon who were not junkies, not just drug dealers, but kind and funny and smart and brave and so so loved.
About how despite all the press and gossip the true monsters always lived in Sunnyvale, not Shadyside.
And like everybody talks about all the queer themes in this movie and yes those are great, but like the themes of privilege and wealth and what actually upholds those beneath all the pomp and polish. What it actually means to be born into poverty, and the useless vigils held by those benefiting from the suffering. Like these themes also should be discussed.
Aight sorry if this is incoherent, it’s late but I was brimming with feelings after rewatching the trilogy.
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mya-cookie-eater ¡ 1 year ago
You’re your comfort characters comfort character 
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C/c=comfort character 
Warning ⚠️:kinda sad at the end but at first kinda cute I also didn’t reread this so it might be rushed and not make sense mb plus it’s short
A/n: send request for stories like these I like writing them.🙃 pick a specific character tho and I’ll tell you if I can do them or not (please send requests)
After a long day of school/work they come home and lay in bed they grab their pillow and began to speak. “hey y/n I had a good day today I almost got into a fight but I didn’t because I thought of you and how you wouldn’t want me to do that how you would want me to be the bigger person so I talked to them about it and I know you fight sometimes but you wouldn’t want me to risk everything by fighting so yeah how was your day??”  In their mind the pillow came to life forming your face and body into it. “I had a good day just chilled on your bed you know” you looked into the eyes of C/C and grabbed the side of their face. “I’m proud of you I’m so proud of you” you hugged them and then you laid on their chest they hugged back and you started to cuddle they you felt something hot and wet they were crying. “what’s wrong??” You asked and put their face into your hands. “I love you but your not real” their world of happiness collapsing with those words. Your.Not.Real you made them happy you made them better but you weren’t real. 
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A/n:Hey I wrote this because I seen dd Osama confront n3on and I was proud of him and I thought of what it would be like if I had his comfort character or if I was any of my other comfort characters comfort character I seen a story similar that’s what this was based on so if you find that send me a link bc I really want to read it again they wrote it better than me 
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mordredisacoolname ¡ 11 months ago
Could you do FEAR STREET characters reacting to male! Reader being a badass in front of others but soft and shy with them?
Love Your contento btw <3
Hey, sorry it took so long, I'm very busy but I try to dedicate as much time as I can to writing, hope you like it
Characters: Kate, Simon, Ziggy, Cindy, Nick
Sorry I ran out of inspiration for tommy and alice
CW: maybe some curse words here and there
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-what made her interested in you in the first place was your strong personality
-she loves how you always stand up for yourself and others and never let anyone walk over you
-you became friends with simon, and sometimes hang out with the rest of the group
-you became close with Deena, which was hard to do
-kate decided to find out why does her friends like you so much
-she invited you to babysit with her, which was odd, but you didn't complain
-she saw how sweet you were with the kids
-it surprised her, given how you act in public
-she decided she likes that part if you too
-when you started dating everyone saw you as a power couple
-never daring to mess with you
-when the two of you hang out alone you were always gentle with her
-wraping your hand around her when cuddling
-playing with her hand
-always complimenting her
-she liked that she was the only one who gets to see this part of you
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-you were the new worker at the pharmacy
-at first he thought you were scary, having resting bitch face
-never tolerating any bullshit from costumers
-of someone made a scene you stayed unphased, answering passive aggressively so said costumers would know how you feel but won't get you fired
-her was attracted to this, to you
-one of the many shifts you worked together were obnoxiously slow
-so he decided to chat you up
-two his surprise you had a great humor, and laughed at all of his jokes
-you were soft spoken with him
-next shift you even complimented him
-you started hanging out outside of work, and one day you just kissed
-you were high, but after you sobered up you told him you still wanted to explore things with him
-you stroked his hair, or gave him a gentle kiss, and he was surprised every single time
-he felt proud, that you felt comfortable enough with him to be yourself
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-you became best friends the second you both stepped in the camp
-she Sunnyvales were mocking you
-you opened you mouth and so many insults flew out of it
-even Ziggy was flabbergasted
-she instantly took liking to you
-the same day she approached you and asked you if you want to help her with a prank
-of course you said yes
-you were inseparable
-doing everything together
-even sheila was scared to touch you when you were together
-you were both comfortable with each other, but it took you both a little time to complete open up
-ziggy thought that if she'll show her softness you would laugh at her
-but what she didn't expect was you making soft gestures at her first
-you sat in her cabin on the floor, backs leaning on the bed
-she was still eating the pastry you stall from the kitchen, and her hair stuck to her mouth
-so you gently wiped it away and tucked it behind her ear
-she looked at you shocked, but than smiled and continued eating
-later that night you somehow ended up laying on the floor, opposite to each other
-there was a comfortable silence
-ziggy sat up, scooching closer to you
-you made eye contact for a minute
-and than she kissed you
-its was quick, and Ziggy had a questioning waiting look on her face, waiting to see how you react
-you also sat up, touching your palm to her cheek and kissing her
-you decided to keep it casual on the outside
-no body had to know what you do behind closed doors
-of course Cindy picked up the moment you stepped out of the cabin
-oh how much more trouble will be coming to the camp
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-the first time she noticed you was at breakfast
-the Sunnyvale leaders were announcing something and you boo'd them
-they insulted you, but you didn't stay silent
-you made a snarky comment
-making shadyside laugh
-not just then, but every time you had a comeback
-you didn't let yourself get bullied
-you were strong and witty
-so Cindy had a hate love opinion on you
-she admired how you were never scared
-but also thought you were reckless
-you didn't talk much, but one night you had to do chores together
-she barley spoke to you
-when a younger shadysider came in to ask something
-you were so gentle with them
-you asked them what's wrong and reassured them that's ok
-after helping them you went back to work
-after that Cindy decided she misjudged you
-when made effort to talk to you more, and even defended you sometimes
-one night someone insulted her, and you defended her, making the person look stupid and just plain mean
-she later came to your cabin, thanking you
-you offered her to come in and hang out for a bit
-despite what she thought she actually really enjoyed your time together
-you started hanging out a lot, and after two weeks you decided you were tired of waiting and just confessed to her
-she was silent, and you were afraid you overstepped
-before you had the chance to apologize she leaned forward and kissed you
-a sweet and soft kiss
-she encouraged you to be more "soft" on the outside
-but she secretly enjoys every comeback of yours
-she's proud of you for standing up for yourself and your people
-she would never admit it but it turned her on
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-you were in trouble again
-arguing with his younger brother
-so he tried handling it
-"I don't need your help thank you very much"
-after he came to tell you to behave, or you'll be thrown out
-you just blankly stared at him and walked away, leaving him confused
-he thought you were emotionless
-but than he saw you playing water war with the younger kids, laughing about "losing"
-after a particularly messy dinner, caused by Sunnyvales they forced you to clean it all up by yourself
-so he came to help you
-he were an asshole sure, but he was fair
-you silently cleaned the floor
-"thanks" you said
-not ashamed to accept help this time
-"why do you always get in trouble with my brother, you know if something happens they'll believe him"
-"I can't let you win, you already think we're weak losers, I gotta stand up for myself"
-the next few days you had brief interactions
- acknowledging each other and saying hi
-while you were playing a game, Sunnyvales vs shadysiders, you caught him hiding
-"c'mon sunny boy let's get you to jail"
-he stood up from his hiding place
-you stared at each other, not moving
-you though he's going to attempt to escape but instead he just kissed you hard
-you leaned into the kiss, who slowly turned slow and soft
-he pulled away "you know, I don't think they'll notice us missing for a bit" he smiled at you
-you ended up spending the whole night together
-trying to explain in the morning that you're both just that good at hiding
-you both knew that wasn't true
-you spend almost all the time together
-hiding from others
-snicking glances and touches
-at day you pretended to hate each other, lightly insulting each other
-but at night, when you were all alone, you say together quietly talking
-you were the first person nick could open up to, and he was yours
-you became each other's comfort
-he decided he can never lose you, and he'll do anything to keep you with him
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alliannayuhhh ¡ 1 month ago
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Fear street matching pfps - 2, 3 or all together
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galactiicpup ¡ 5 months ago
i'll say it again and i'll say it forever, kate and simon deserved so much better.
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blazingstarrr ¡ 5 months ago
today is the 30th anniversary of the grocery store massacre in fear street 1994, aka 30 years without kate schmidt and simon kalivoda
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fly high guys, i miss you every day!
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yestolizzygrant ¡ 2 years ago
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“She reaches from beyond the grave to make good men her wicked slaves.”
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restinslices ¡ 6 months ago
Hi, since you opened requests again, I wanna ask you something.
Can you write a Heather x Kate from Fear Street oneshot?
Like, in an AU where they both lives.
Basically, Heather wakes up from a nightmare about the night where she was almost killed and about all the horrors she and the others had to endure, but Kate is there to confort her and reassure her it's all over, and that they're all safe.
I need more content about this ship, so I trust you with this.
I have never heard of Heather and Kate being a ship, so I wasn’t really sure how to write their dynamic but I did my best!
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If Heather had to describe how she felt, it'd be a pretty simple description 
Absolute terror. 
She sustained multiple injuries in her struggle, including a sliced belly and stab to her shoulder. What hurt the most however, was feeling the knife go straight through her hand - which she raised in an attempt to defend herself - and enter her chest. Her throat felt like it was being torn open with the loud scream she let out. 
Practically everything hurt. Even areas she hadn't been stabbed in hurt like hell. Her legs felt weak, her veins cold, her head throbbing, her throat dry. Was this the end? Had she worked so hard to save enough money to get out of Shadyside, only to be killed by a masked assailant?
Curiosity clawed at her. If she was gonna die, she at least wanted to know who it was. Her other hand gripped the mask and tugged it off their face. 
What had Heather expected? Someone she knew from class. An ex maybe. Even an old creep who couldn't accept that he was way too old to flirt with her would've been better than who was actually behind the mask. 
“Ryan?” his name left her bloody lips. “Ryan please, it's me! It's me!”. Her best friend just stared down at her, no hint of remorse in his eyes. 
Just as quickly as she was making eye contact with him, a loud shot was heard and blood spurt from his head. 
The blood covered her vision as if all of it was poured directly into her eyes. Everything was covered in crimson. She couldn't even see the outline of Ryan's body. 
Everything slowly started to take shape again. Slowly… slowly… slowly… she sat bolt upright and looking around. Ryan was gone. She was back in the bookstore. 
“What the fuck…” she muttered to herself. What was happening? She stood up and looked down at her hand. No blood. Not even a cut. 
She had to get the fuck out of there. She might lose her job for failing to stock the remaining books, but to hell with that job. She'd find another. She made a bolt for the gate. She lifted the gate up and made her way out the store, only having just stepped out and glanced to her right when she saw the familiar skull mask. She had no time to scream. Her throat was slashed before she could even open her mouth. 
Ryan shoved her against a wall and stabbed her in the belly. Once, twice, three times, four times, five… he kept going and going, becoming more savage as the stab count increased. 
Then the setting changed again and she was free from any wounds. 
It kept happening. Over and over again she'd be killed by Ryan, only to wake in a new location and free from all previous wounds. As the loop continued, more infamous Shadyside killers came. Tommy Slater, Ruby Lane, Harry Rooker, Ed Carson, William Barker, Isaac Milton, Pastor Cyrus Miller, every single killer. 
She had lost count of how many times the loop repeated. She had lost count of who had killed her the most. All she knew was that she felt utter horror. She could never win. It didn't matter how hard she fought back, how fast she ran, where she hid. She would always lose. 
She sat in the furthest corner of the bookstore, her knees to her chest and arms wrapped tightly around her legs. She was shaking too much to move. She had managed to actually close the gate, but she knew they'd get her anyway. They always did. 
Whimpers left her lips. “Please just leave me alone” she pleaded in her head. She could hear someone shaking the gate. They got angrier and angrier. She buried her face against her knees. Tears fell from her eyes. Every part of her hurt. 
“Heather!” someone called for her. She shook her head frantically. Now they talked?! “Heather!”. 
“No no no” she cried. “No no no no please just leave me alone”. 
“Heather!” The voice said louder. 
“I said leave me alone!”
“Heather, wake up!”. 
She gasped and sat up. She looked around frantically in search of where she was now. “Heather”. She jumped when she heard her name. She looked over at the source, only to see Kate looking at her with concern in her eyes. 
“They're coming!”. 
Kate shook her head at her words. Her hands found Heather's and her thumbs rubbed against her softly. 
“It was just a nightmare”
Kate pinched at her own skin and pulled it, which confused Heather. “There's signs when you're asleep. In your dreams, your skin stretches far as shit. You see this?”. She made a point of showing that her skin hardly stretched at all, “this is how skin is supposed to be. You're awake”. 
She was awake now. 
Thank fuck. 
Heather leaned back against the bedframe and took a deep breath. The nightmare was over. At least for now. Who knew what she'd see when she eventually went back to sleep. “Maybe we should get you a new bandage” Kate and Heather both looked down at her bandaged hand. 
“Yeah. We probably should”. 
The first part of her nightmare was true. Her best friend had tried to take her life, and in an attempt to defend herself, she raised her hand up. The knife went straight through and punctured her chest. Thankfully, it didn't go deep enough to hit her heart or lungs. She'd be a goner if that was the case. Maybe that would've been better. 
Heather helped changed Kate's bandages - Ryan had really fucked them both up -, then Kate helped Heather with hers. First she applied a new one to her torso, then unwrapped the one on her hand. Not much time had passed since they broke the curse, so her hand still looked terrible. She couldn't really use it too much either. 
Healing took for-fucking-ever. 
Her eyes found her reflection in the mirror. Was Ryan the corpse or was she? Her skin had gotten paler, her eyes had bags under them, her hair was frazzled and looked terrible after she cut some of it when she was sad, and her posture had gotten pretty bad. Kate said it was probably because kept avoiding sleep, so her body was always hunched over because it was on the verge of falling asleep. Heather hadn't known if that was true, but she knew one thing-
“I look like shit”. 
Kate looked in the mirror, then up at her girlfriend. “Bullshit. You look exactly how I would expect someone in your shoes to look”. 
“I've put on a few-”
“Who gives a shit?”. Kate checked to make sure her hand was properly bandaged, then put the first aid kit back in the bathroom closet. “We survived undead killers. Who gives a fuck if we've gained weight?”. 
Easy for her to say. Kate still looked gorgeous with her perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect eyes, perfect outfit, perfect everything. Heather felt like she looked like dog shit in comparison to her. She had these thoughts often enough for Kate to be able to respond with “you feel like shit so you think you look like shit, but you don't”. 
Kate sighed. She grabbed her hands, making Heather look at her instead of the mirror. 
“Listen, you and I both know I'm not good at this comforting shit. You look fine. Everytime you say something I think is stupid, I'm just gonna twist your nipple. Okay?”. Kate didn't even wait for a response. She said what she said then walked past Heather and towards her kitchen, leaving Heather feeling comforted by her words but also not exactly knowing how to react to the nipple threat. 
Her feet carried her out the bathroom and to the kitchen, where she watched Kate pull out some snacks from the pantry. “I brought a few tapes. The Lost Boys, The Outsiders, Teen Wolf, some other shit I can't remember”. Heather and Kate had made an agreement that horror movies were no longer on the table. The Lost Boys didn't count because Jami Gertz, whom they both had a crush on, was in it. “I'm also making popcorn. You want some?”. 
“What I want is a few Percocets if you still have them”. 
It was meant to be a joke… somewhat. Half of Heather was joking while the other half desperately wanted anything to help her relax. Joke or not, Kate rushed over and twisted one of her nipples. “Ow!” Heather exclaimed, hand now holding her boob. “That wasn't stupid!”. 
“To me it was” Kate argued back. “I'm not giving you any of that shit. Have you lost your mind?”. 
“Why not? Doesn't it help people relax?”
“Ugh!” Kate rolled her eyes and waved her off. She slid the snacks in a big bowl, no longer caring about standing there and making popcorn. “We're watching The Outsiders” she said while walking around Heather and to the living room. Heather stayed on her heels, not willing to let the conversation go. The more she thought about it, the more her joke seemed like a good idea. 
“You're a drug dealer Kate. This should make you happy”. Kate just scoffed in response. “Just one!”. 
“No,” she said firmly. She set the bowl down then turned to face Heather, and to her surprise Kate actually looked serious. Pinched low brows, a frown, hands on her hips. Kate wasn't often serious. She wasn't incapable of being serious, but she was often too busy joking around with Simon to act like that. And she was hardly ever upset with Heather. Especially after the incident. She was full of that “treasure the people around you” shit. 
“Okay, firstly it was meant as a joke”
“A terrible one”
Now it was Heather's turn to roll her eyes. “You sell to everyone, but not me? You see I can't relax”
“So you want me to help you become a fiend? Do you see how people act when they're addicted?” she grabbed Heather's shoulders to keep her in place so they could make eye contact. “I'm not letting that happen to you”. 
Heather pushed her hands off with a groan before flopping down on the couch. She crossed her arms over her chest, which made Kate say “don't pout”. 
“I'm not”. 
Kate stood there, debating on something in her mind. Whatever it was, Heather didn't know. All she knew was that ultimately Kate decided to sit down next to her. “It's over,” she said. “The curse is over. Nick Goode is dead”. 
He was the lucky one. He was dead. He wasn't tormented by nightmares like she was. He didn't live with memories he wanted to forget, or have any scars that would stay his whole life, or have a best friend that everyone thought was a cold blooded killer. 
Heather looked down at her bandaged hand. Yeah. He was the lucky one. “I can't sleep,” she whispered. “I can't eat. I can't relax. I'm just on edge all the time, and my best friend is forever gonna be remembered as a guy that just snapped”. She couldn't make herself look at Kate. She didn't want her pity. “How are you so calm about everything?”. 
Kate thought for a moment, her fingers beating on her knees as she did. Finally, she spoke. “People think the same thing about Tommy. And Ruby. And every other person with their names on that wall. You can't dwell on it”
“Can't dwell on it?”
“You're gonna end up how Ziggy was. Just sitting in your house going crazy. You can't change what happened or how people will think. Heather, look at me”. She forced herself to meet Kate's soft brown perfect eyes. “It's over. They're not being used anymore. And if it's Ryan you're thinking about, I think out of everyone in Shadyside, he'd want you to know the truth”. 
She never really thought of it that way. All of them were free now, no longer slaves for some twisted family with an ironic last name. And if some part of Ryan was still in there, he'd be grateful that he was free and he'd be grateful that Heather knew that he never wanted to hurt her. 
It was still hard to imagine him gone.
“It's a hard pill to swallow”. Kate nodded at Heather's words. 
“Your dreams will get better. And while they're still nightmares-” she carefully grabbed Heather's hand, “I'll be here”. 
“And when they're no longer nightmares?”. 
“I'll still be here”. 
For once out of that entire day, she felt soothed. Calm even. Her nightmare was behind her. 
Mere words wouldn't change their circumstances. Both of them were aware of this. They'd both continue to live with the scars forever. Both mentally and physically. 
They'd continue to wake up in a cold sweat with their hearts beating wildly in their chest. They'd continue to look over their shoulders wherever they went. They'd continue to be quiet about their fears because only a few select people knew the truth about Shadyside and Sunnyvale history. 
But as long as Kate was apart of that select few, 
Heather was sure she'd be fine.  
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raisedbyanother ¡ 2 years ago
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Fear Street 1994: 5/9. “Wanna tell me what happened?”
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feminist-cult-following ¡ 10 months ago
summer’s basically here which means it’s finally fear street season!!!
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thejesterhoyo ¡ 1 year ago
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FEAR STREET PART 1: 1994 (2021) Dir. Leigh Janiak
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