#feanorian spouses
undercat-overdog · 1 year
So I think that what we're told of Mrs Curufin implies that she's the opposite of meek and yielding and certainly isn't someone who Curufin barrels over.
Per footnote 7 in Of Dwarves and Men (PoME), Celebrimbor is a man "of wholly different temper" than Curufin, because "his mother had refused to take part in the rebellion of Feanor". (Aka, he inherited her temperament.)
First of all, refusing to go along with what 90% of the people around you are doing isn't something that's easy to do and if anything it implies strength of character. But more importantly, Celebrimbor shares his mother's temperament; she shares his. And Celebrimbor isn't meek or yielding or easily barrelled over. He's a character who is proud and ambitious and is willing to tell people no, including under tremendous duress, a character with more strength of will than Curufin. A character who desires to surpass Feanor himself in skill and fame. A character who welcomed Satan Jr, taught and learned from him, and at the end defied him unto death - Celebrimbor had his own rebellion against the Valar. A character whose ambition wasn't the piddly one of engineering a coup d'etat in a single city but to make the entire world a paradise equal to heaven.
If Celebrimbor's mother is anything like her son, and Jirt says her son is like her, she's one impressive woman.
She married down.
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thesummerestsolstice · 6 months
For Feanorian Week 2024 Day Five: Curufin -> Spouse, Celebrimbor
Curufinwe hadn’t slept in days– not since Tyelkormo had shook him awake while the world burned around them. It had been almost a week since then; a week of fleeing fire and death, scrabbling to take what they could, hoping it would be enough for them to survive somewhere else– if there was a “somewhere else” to get to by the time Morgoth’s forces were done with Beleriand. But the thing that bothered Curufinwe the most wasn’t the heat, or the thirst, or even the way he could almost feel the Doom of Mandos wrapped tight around his ribs. It was the silence...
Read the rest here on a03.
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feanorianweek · 8 months
Feanorian Week Reminder!!
Hello Silmarillion Fandom! This is your reminder that Feanorian week will be taking place next month. Below are updated prompts (you are still allowed to suggest prompts)! When is it?:   March 25th, 2024—March 31st, 2024       
The prompts are as followed:
Day 1- Maedhros - > Childhood, Kingship, Angband, Coping, The Union, Relations with Different Races
Day 2-Maglor -> Childhood, Spouse,  Music & Songs of Power, Elrond & Elros, Kingship, Maglor’s  Gap, Redemption
Day 3- Celegorm - > Childhood, Hunting, Orome & Huan, Strength & Beauty, Luthien, Nargothrond
Day 4- Caranthir - > Childhood, Spouse, Betrayal, Lordship, Dwarves & Humans, Marriage, Appearance
Day  5- Curufin - > Childhood, Spouse, Celebrimbor, Forge Work
Day  6- Ambarussa - > Childhood, Lordship, Regrets, Twin, Hunting, Nandor
Day 7- Nerdanel and Feanor-> Mahtan, Finwe & Indis, Marriage, Reunion, Traveling, Creation, Healing
Rules: You are allowed to post anything fanrelated on the days.  If the prompts are not to your liking, you can do your own thing.  The tracktag is #feanorianweek.  Tag your work accordingly!  Have fun and be nice to others. Disrespect towards others will not be tolerated. 
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tolkienocweek · 4 months
Tolkien OC Week
A fandom event for OCs and underdeveloped characters in Tolkien's world!
This event celebrates both characters of Tolkien's world and our own characters that need more love, by creating and reblogging all kind of fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fanvideos, fancrafts, headcanons, playlists, edits, moodboards etc.
The event is modded by @yellow-faerie, @elamarth-calmagol and @stormxpadme and will take place between 25th August - 31st August 2024 for the fourth year running.
NSFW text entries are allowed and we’ll tag them accordingly when we reblog them, but please put them behind a “read more”.
We'll also be tracking the tag #tolkienocweek during this week!
Event schedule for 2024:
Day 1 (25th August): World Building
Create a fanwork about an original character, and use them as a jumping off point for worldbuilding. Share a dwarf from the far side of Rhun, consider the existence of an Aina before the creation of Arda, explore Rivendell from the point of view of an outsider, or tell us about the underground punk subculture of Gondolin.
Day 2 (26th August): Canon-OC Relationships
This year, it’s not just about romance. Today, explore a relationship between your OC and a canon character. Your character could be a lover or spouse of someone canonical, lf course, but they could also be a friend, sibling, teacher, servant, fan, or even rival!
Day 3 (27th August): Alternate Universes
Share an OC who isn’t canon compliant at all. Maybe you want to add a fourteenth member of Thorin’s company or give a reborn Celebrimbor children with a surviving and reformed Sauron. Or, maybe you want to do a crossover with your Star Wars OC or let your self-insert narrate a coffee shop AU. Go wild!
Day 4 (28th August): Gaps and Ghosts
Create a fanwork based upon a character that Tolkien either thought up and abandoned, such as Odo Took oe the characters of The New Shadow. Or, create someone he missed creating in the first place, like… um… just about anyone’s mother.
Day 5 (29th August): Non-Humanoid Characters
Middle Earth isn't just elves, Men, hobbits, and dwarves. Today, share a character who is something different entirely: an animal, a dragon, a Maia who doesn't take humanoid form, an ent or huron, or a creature of your own invention.
Day 6 (30th August): Background Characters
This prompt is all about people who are in the background of the action: the low-ranking soldiers, the servants, and the ordinary people living in extraordinary times. Or maybe you want someone who isn't so ordinary, like an advisor in the Council of Elrond who never made it onto the page, or one of the Maiar who sank the Feanorians on the stolen boats. Show us their view of the action!
Day 7 (31st August): Freeform
Did we miss something? Do you have an OC that doesn’t fit into any day, or did you want to do a second fanwork for one of the days? Today, create and share whatever you want, as long as it has to do with original or abandoned characters!
Since we want to celebrate creations about neglected characters all year long, the mods will occasionally reblog posts and fancreations about OCs and underdeveloped characters. If you would like to see your post on our blog, you're very welcome to tag tolkienocweek. Since tumblr's tagging system is often being faulty, don't hesitate to message us, too!
We are looking forward to see and share all the awesome work you come up with!
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carmisse · 8 months
Fëanorians and their offspring.
Basically fairly random headcanons where Fëanor has nine grandchildren and his line does not die out.
Maedhros and Fingon marry and have baby Ereinion. In this AU, Maedhros does manage to find the twins Eluréd and Elurín, whom he kept under his care; he even baptizes them with names in Quenya.
Maglor adopts (kidnaps) the twins. Following canon, for a change. Although it turns out that Daeron and he fathered a child while they were still married. They divorced after Doriath, so Maglor never knew his husband was in waiting.
After the death of her beloved cousin, Celegorm keeps the only memory of her, baby Maeglin, at her request (Tugorn, who is Turgon?).
After a night of wine without measure, the always neat Caranthir spends hours in bed with Turgon, which results in little Erestor.
Curufin simply disappeared for a year and when he returned he had Telperinquar in his arms.
Amrod and Amras are the uncles who spoil their nephews.
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Space is limited, so I did not include the Feanorians' spouses. Husbands, or of course, in this AU they are queer.
These are completely random headcanons that come to mind.
The canon has gone to hell.
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chthonion · 19 days
In Anastasis/The Harrowing is your outline/editing/concept at a point you know what you’re doing with the yet unrevealed Feanorian spouses, that being Maglor, Caranthir and Curufin’s per the text to pick or write out through it was really misinformation claims? I assume Celebrimbor’s second parent will need explained even in a passing statement if it hasn’t been yet (was it in Anastasis?) at the least. The point is I was curious if it’s solid to you yet or a nebulous flexible that’s a tool to help you down the line when and if it becomes relevant.
I’m curious to know what you do or don’t do with your options but can of course wait.
In answering this I kind of went on at length about things that are only sort of related to your question! I'm sorry you happened to be the person who prompted me to expound on this, hope it's interesting, etc...
Celebrimbor's mom, who pretty much has to exist somewhere, has been vaguely mentioned in Anastasis; the others are so utterly absent from any kind of narrative that I may very well ignore them. As I mentioned in my answer to the previous ask, I'm already juggling so many characters that adding more feels like a lot, and I have not read at length, nor do I have regular access to, most of the material outside the Silm/LOTR/the Hobbit. I have, at most, spot checked the material when wiki footnotes pointed me to a particular thing as particularly relevant. I do enough research and language work in my day to day work life; for fanfiction, I make it a policy to only do as much as I'll actually enjoy. This means that characters who do not figure prominently in the main source material don't usually figure prominently in my brain either, unless something about them catches my eye.
Of course, I may decide to do something with one of those unnamed people after all, in the end, if I feel like I need another character to exist in a particular spot. There's one question in particular that one of them might be able to answer...
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the-elusive-soleil · 8 months
Some things that might have happened if the Valar had gone to war with Morgoth immediately after the Silmaril theft, and evacuated the Sindar, Avari, and very first Men to Aman to escape the continental destruction:
Nobody swears any Oaths. Feanor doesn't get the chance to, because the Valar go after Morgoth before he can.
He would have liked to go help with the war, but the Valar have made it clear that the Eruhini need to keep out from underfoot, and Ulmo is actually enforcing this one.
Feanor does contribute weapon designs in exchange for the promise of the Silmarils being returned to him ASAP.
(We have the sun and moon, I feel like I should say. The Valar made them when they needed light sources for the war and it was clear they weren't getting the Silmarils back all that soon.)
There's a lot of excitement when the new arrivals show up. Olwe is ecstatic to see his brother again - with a Maiarin wife and a daughter, too!
Thingol is upset about losing his realm and also grieving his friend FInwe, but cautiously intrigued to meet Finwe's family.
Feanor has become High King of the Noldor at least in name, but in practice what's developed is that Fingolfin and Maedhros and Caranthir and Turgon handle a lot of the day-to-day and Feanor is so busy crafting that he never noticed the shift. No one is super interested in telling him.
Thingol very nearly breaks it all open by accident, but they avoid a crisis just in time.
The Avari disappear into the outlands and forests and assimilate as little as possible.
Thingol and Melian start up a new city, but it's...not quite the same.
Luthien is restless. Her parents' new city might not have a girdle, but she feels fenced in anyway - partially with her parents not wanting her to stray too far in this strange new place, and partially because she's the one and only half-Maia and stunningly beautiful and everyone wants a piece of her, so to speak.
Funnily enough, certain of the Feanorians know exactly how those itchy feet feel, and her father doesn't hate them in this timeline.
She's not into hunting to kill things, really, but Celegorm teaches her this neat trick that sometimes you can just say you're 'going hunting' and head off to the woods to do whatever you want, like running just for the sake of it or dancing without anyone watching you, and no one will ask any questions.
She ends up spending a lot of time with him and the twins and Aredhel.
(Celegorm and Luthien eventually get married, because why not.)
(Melian gives her blessing on the condition that their firstborn son marries Nimloth, who goes along with it because she trusts Melian's foresight. Or, alternatively, they might have a daughter who marries Beren when he comes along; that'd be a fun twist.)
(The point is that Elrond and Elros eventually exist. They aren't in need of adoption, but they develop a surprising bond with their uncle Maglor.)
Almost forgot, the dwarves got brought over, too.
Caranthir does a lot of the negotiation with them, since his bluntness meshes best with their ways.
They and the Men keep having new generations be born and die, and it's...an adjustment for the elves.
Finrod, nonetheless, becomes great friends with a Man called Balan and his folk.
Caranthir encounters a Haladin woman named Haleth when she comes to court to arrange for greater independence for her people. He's in love at first sight. It takes her a little longer.
None of Caranthir's family understands why he'd choose to go through the eventual heartbreak of losing a spouse, but he ignores them all, and gets married anyway.
They have an astounding number of children. This is partially because they have better proximity and aren't in survival mode, partially because it takes them a sec to figure out how human conception works, and partially because Caranthir wants there to be as much Haleth in the world as possible before she's inevitably gone.
Hurin Thalion and Morwen have three lovely children. Nienor probably has a different name. Lalaith lives to an astoundingly old age, healthy as a horse.
Tuor and Idril, of course, get together. Turgon is a bit less enthusiastic about it this time, what with Tuor just being A Guy and not Ulmo's champion, but when would that ever stop Idril. Tuor does die eventually, but they have a good life till then.
Feanor ends up liking the Men and dwarves a lot more than anyone thought he would. He learns All The Languages, and loves to swap techniques with the dwarves and bounce off Men's ingenuity.
Also, the Sindar introduce a radical notion called marriage counseling, which is apparently something you invent if you're coping with Arda Marred instead of trying to maintain an assumption of perfection. They've also invented family therapy. Feanor and Nerdanel, and really the whole House of Finwe, benefit hugely from this.
Oh, and elf/dwarf relationships become hugely popular among the Noldor, because when your dwarf spouse dies you can literally go see them at Aule's house still as long as you're discreet about it, so no one bats an eye when Celebrimbor announces his engagement to the craftswoman Narvi some time down the line.
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lamemaster · 9 months
The Soulless One (Part 1)
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Request: Hi 🌷 How are you? Can I request the female human reader, who died in a battle fighting. Being reborn as an elf in Valinor and Maedhros falling in love with her again?
Pairing: Maedhros x Reader
Genre: Angst🤌 and drama🦐 and SOULMATES✨ (And they were soulmates)
Summary: Giving away your soul for a bloody battle? Pfft, you were fucking in for good.
AN: Heyyy sorry for being late but I just love your ask. This was in my brain cooking for months so here is my two-part apology for being late. (Is the reader pick me? Lmk)
Part 2 |
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"Then you can have mine," and just like nothing, the Edain offered her soul. "Whatever parts of you they have stolen, you can lend from me. They aren't flawless like you elven folk, but they've lasted me decades." Your smile was easy and light, unlike your words.
Maglor almost wanted to jump out of the window but his brother's room was too high up to do that without losing a limb and as a matter of fact, the Feanorians are not fond of losing limbs until absolutely necessary.
"You speak of your soul like it matters not a bit," Maedhros huffed shuffling his blankets seemingly unbothered by you a great feat.
"We men may possess weak body but undermine not the strength of our souls." The glimmer of pride in your voice is the only indication of the position that you hold over the rest in the room.
"You..." Words feel awkward on Maedhros' tongue. "You can't just...offer your soul." A raised eyebrow and amused smirk is not the response that Maedhros honestly expected.
Much to everyone present's surprise you rest your feet on his bed leaning back in your chair, "Can't you like do some elven magic or shit," you shrug as if absorbing mannish souls were to be a polite elven practice.
Celegorm scoffed ready to snivel into the conversation before Maedhros delivered him a glare that very much declared to not fuck up the alliance with men.
Fingon, on the other hand, seemed to be possessed by untamable laughter. "Much to our sorrow, there isn't a way to lend souls general." Rolling your eyes, you look up into the sky with a frustrated frown on your forehead. "Let me share my fucking soul so we can fucking fight the damned bane of my people." You challenge the gods themselves.
And the weird assortment of the elven party gathered would have snickered at your antics if not for the miraculous thunder strike that the gods seem to have sent for you.
The next moment, Maedhros clutched his chest as the broken fragments of his soul were pulled together by a force that seemed to glue them together like a completed puzzle.
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"Someone more refined perhaps," the damn elf smirks even as you glare at him. "Someone who restrains from cursing after every other word," he continues with his long list of demands.
"Enchanting eyes, long braided hair, a beauty mark or two placed by their lips, elegant nose, supple lips-"
"Well you might have to fuck yourself then my lord," you interrupt his merry list.
Maedhros chuckles, much to your growing annoyance. "You are right general. After all, I was once the well-formed one once, not much of it now but do not mind my requisites in a spouse."
None of his words sting more than the echoing past tense of his last sentence. "You still are well-formed lord." Your cheeks burn with heat and it is foolish to feel such fervor for mere words. Forcing your eyes to focus on the looming willow swaying in the afternoon heat you muster the courage to spew the words that seem to rush from the crevices of your heart to your lips. "I may not be the one from your long list of wants but you still are yourself. You, to me, are the most radiant one."
Your heart beats louder than it has ever done. Louder than the aftermath of a bloody battle. You contemplate fleeing the scene of this overtly emotional moment before Maedhros scoffs. "What would an unkempt one like you know of radiance." His words are sharp, even in his praise he spares no comfort to you.
It is better than the coying sweetness of his kindness that you have dreamt of. The harshness of his words makes it easier to let go of shame and hold on to him. "Indeed what would a woman blinded by eldest Feanorian know of my lord," had it been any other to mock you with such words, you would have toppled his head from his body but in front of the elf, who has conquered your soul, your words and actions have mellowed into mere longing. "As for all your extensive criteria," you step closer to him, and despite the subtlety of his sharp breath, you notice it, "I will make sure to satisfy you in the next lifetime."
If this was what sharing your soul meant, then you would have done it sooner. You would have given it to him at first glance.
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Maedhros, a ten centuries old elder finds him in quite a predicament. The unruly general by his side was anything but of his preference.
You were brutish. Your hair was a tangled mess on a good day or a bunched-up botched hair bun on worse ones. Your face and body were full of scars. Your laughter was the most un-lady-like thing full of snorts.
He, the eldest Feanorian, was not made for anything less than perfect. Even in his fall, his existence and his fate were destined to be beyond you.
It had to be an effect of sharing your soul, perhaps. Maedhros read countless texts. He even scoured his father's works on fea and hroa all his research to retrieve Miriel's soul.
There had to be something wrong with him to find all wrong with you to be everything right.
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You've been to countless battlefields. Stepped over broken bodies without much of a look back. It had been a challenge to the entire court of your father's kingdom. You were a soldier before a princess.
Yet, today, it feels different. You are aware of the brittle soul trapped in your body. You knew you were fucked the second you realized how little was left of it. The moment you poured your very essence into the elven lord.
Your mortal bones have never felt lighter. With the first steps on the battlefield, you know it is your last. The General from Rhun is destined to die on this very battlefield.
But you mask it well. You grip your sword tight in your hands and steal a last glance at the lord who holds the rest of your soul.
A fraction of the second that you manage to steal feels longer than decades of existence. You knew you would die for the eldest Feanorian. Looking back at your men, you speak words of courage and valor.
"We fight for the Earth that feeds us, for the rivers that water our crops, and the winds that soothe summers. We fight to one day free our land of its curse." Your men roar back at your words. Their eyes filled with brimming passion but also acceptance.
Every single soldier on that field was aware of their end. Ulfang had long shown his true colors. Easterlings, as others called your people, were now the enemy.
The entire alliance saw you as nothing more than a thorn in their grand plans. Meager rations, little to no water, rusted weapons, the worst had befallen whatever had left of the forces of the East.
Maedhros was too far gone to even allow an audience. This battlefield would be the end of the last host to Edain from the East. Your sacrifice wouldn't be enough to repair the loss of elven lives on the first few days of battle.
But it would perhaps be the ignition of valor for a generation far into the years of the world.
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Maedhros despises you. More than Easterlings, more than Ulfang whom you once treated as a brother or even the botched form of orcs.
He hates you for your crude humor, your smug smiles, your nasty temper, your ceaseless shameless flirting, he hates the way you give away all of yourself without blinking an eye, how you smile maniacally surrounded by a towering group of enemies, they way your soul hold the fragments of his soul together. The worst is that you bear every unfair mistreatment thrown your way without an ounce of complaint.
The sunken look of circles under your eyes and the hollow of your cheeks was enough to know how poorly the entire camp had treated the remaining Haradrim. Moldy food, uneven sleeping grounds, even the spear in your hand were made out of brittle splintering wood that trembled at the smallest impact.
He knows of his cruelty to you. He also knows of your soft thanks to his guard, who informs you of another rejected audience.
And when you walk away from his tent, he can see the heavy burden on your shoulders that seem to slump under the burden you carry.
But on the battlefield, he sees another version of you. Through stolen glimpses at the farthest corner of the battlefield, he sees you.
Your armor is dented. A new wound bleeds heavily from your back. Your eyes are wide open untouched by the sweat that drips down from your brow to the tip of your nose. Your sweat mixes with the dark blood splattered on your face.
However, most eire is the wide grin on your lips. He feels a thrum of uncontained joy in the parts of your soul. No...it wasn't joy but eagerness. Excitement for what was to come. Death.
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5 arrows, 2 sword wounds, and an array of petal-like bruises blooming all over your body. In the dark of night, he does not struggle to find you as a mortal would have.
Littered amongst the unclaimed bodies of your kin, the forces of Ulfang had left rotting lay you.
No smile greets Maedhros this time. None of your clever words or even an appreciative whistle that was your routine after checking him out. It is awfully quiet.
"I had expected you to betray me. To leave the alliance that promised you nothing," his arms wrap around your cold body, pulling your head into his lap. "Even till the end of it, I could not trust you. Only in your absence have I come to yearn you," he snaps the arrows sticking out of your torso.
His thumbs wipe off his own tears as they fall and slide off your face. "I miss you dearly. I have missed you dearly for all the time we have been apart." He pulls you closer to his heart, where your soul and his rests.
"Your soul that joins mine together like glue seems to be searching for its half. Even without my will, I end up looking for you. The thrumming anticipation in your blood today... I felt it. And for a moment, I had wanted to fall next to you."
Maedhros imagines your snarky remarks to his emotional words, but none of them feel right. How would you have reacted to his confession? He chuckles, imagining an overbearing look of ill-concealed pride. "I wasn't kind to you. I took your soul. Never once treated you the way my heart desired to. I never once told you how much your very presence fills me with love." All the moments of your time with him play before his eyes. Staring into the stars, he continues.
"I another lifetime...you must find me." He whispers into the tight embrace. "Find me in the form you have promised me. And then I will allow myself to love you...please," he begged.
"I will await you, with your soul and mine."
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swanmaids · 5 months
some of my domestic service ocs [cw slavery and abuse including rape in "calithil" section]
lindalie - wet nurse and nanny, tirion
noldo-vanya lindalie entered the service of the house of feanor to nurse the child celegorm when his mother nerdanel did not produce enough milk for him. recommended due to her gentle temperment and experience of child raising, she had recently given birth to a son of her own, whom she left with her own mother before moving in to the crown prince's household.
lindalie and the child celegorm developed a close attachment. lindalie came to love the boy as much as her own, and when she was offered to remain in the household as his nanny once he was weaned, she readily agreed. celegorm loved her very much in return; approaching her first for comfort when his parents were unavailable, begging her for stories and nursery rhymes, playing all manner of children's games, and even sleeping in her bed until he was the equivalent of an eight year old child. as an adult, he would sometimes consider this the happiest time of his life.
however, when celegorm was the equivalent of eight years old, feanor became concerned with what he saw as the over-indulgence and smothering of his son by somebody who was not his parent. upon finding celegorm once again asleep in lindalie's bed one morning, he summararily dismissed her from her position, despite his son's ensuing tantrum, and lindalie returned to her family home.
lindalie remained in aman during the flight of the noldor, and for centuries afterwards found celegorm's later deeds and death too distressing to talk about.
idwen - nanny, sirion/ amon ereb
the eldest of 12 siblings, hadorian idwen considered herself the perfect candidate when she heard that elwing was in need of extra help with her sons while earendil was at sea, as she had already raised most of her siblings from birth. idwen also wished to leave her chaotic and overcrowded family home, especially as some of the elder siblings had begun bringing home spouses and children of their own.
idwen found her position generally agreeable, though the twins could be exhausting at times. her position granted her close access to the silmaril, and she came to have great faith in its powers. idwen imagined herself remaining with the household until the boys’ adolescence.
during the third kinslaying, idwen was tasked with escorting the twins to hide in the shrine of uinen with elemmakil of gondolin acting as their bodyguard when the group was intercepted and elemmakil killed. but the idea of killing an unarmed mortal woman made even these last feanorian retainers uneasy, and so idwen was taken captive along with the twins.
bought to amon ereb, idwen was tasked with assisting maglor in raising the boys and given a small stipend. she considered escaping with them many times, but had no knowledge of the surroundings and did not believe she could keep them safe there, so she remained. before the twins warmed to maglor, they clung to idwen as a familiar comfort, which she had conflicted feelings about - wondering if she was a safe haven to them, or merely another captor. nevertheless, both elrond and elros only spoke fondly of her after her death from illness in 544.
morniel - lady's maid, tirion/hithlum
a classically beautiful and gifted noldo, morniel was born the daughter of the head chambermaid and the groundskeeper of one of finwe’s residences; and raised to the position of lady’s maid of the princess lalwen upon her maturity.
morniel loved her position in tirion. she was able to travel, to study arts, and to and attend many prestigious events while accompanying lalwen, who she found very pleasant and agreeable; and the work of dressing and bathing the princess and performing small repairs on her clothing was not difficult. she also entertained the princess and her companions by reading and playing the harp. as the highest ranking of the servants in lalwen’s employ, her whole family rose in status.
morniel had no desire to leave this life for the uncertainty of middle earth, but she felt that a debt of loyalty was owed to the woman who had raised her whole family’s fortunes, and so she stayed by lalwen’s side. arriving at alqualonde after the first kinslaying but in time to witness the destruction of the ships, morniel followed her mistress onto the ice.
both women survived the journey, but not unscathed, with morniel losing several fingers and part of her ear to frostbite, rendering her unable to perform many of her former duties, as well as unable to play the harp. but lalwen was grateful for her loyalty, and retained morniel in her household in beleriand, in hithlum.
morniel and lalwen were both killed when hithlum fell during the nirnaeth.
calithil - handmaid, dor lomin
calithil of the house of hador was born in dor-lomin, the daughter of a laundress and a sheep farmer, the year before the dagor bragollach. though the family struggled at times, especially during the early years, calithil's early life was generally happy and safe, particularly under hurin's tenure as lord. at the age of fifteen, she entered the house of aerin to become the young woman's personal maid and attendant. at seventeen, she was promised to gruinor, a squire, and the two expected to be married shortly after king fingon's assault on angband.
instead, gruinor was killed in the battle that became the nirnaeth arnoediad, and dor lomin fell to occupation. calithil's mistress aerin was taken by brodda as a wife by force, and her household became his slaves. calithil was enslaved as a maid-of-all-work within brodda's household, performing exhausting and often humiliating chores at all hours, and was beaten and humiliated frequently as punishments. as a slave, calithil also suffered rape at the hands of several occupiers, including brodda himself. at the age of twenty three, she gave birth to a daughter, named her angreneth, and refused to name a father.
before her enslavement calithil had generally enjoyed the company of her mistress, but during her captivity she found herself resenting aerin for her position as a "wife", and for the nights that brodda would leave aerin and come to her instead, though she knew this was unfair. despite living in the same house, the women rarely spoke, and the only friend or source of joy that calithil found in her life was her daughter.
when turin came to brodda's hall, calithil and angreneth were working in the kitchens and hid there as the fighting broke out. the two women fled, without glancing back, as aerin fired the hall. aided by various outlaws along the way, they fled to the havens of sirion. calithil lived the rest of her life there in relative peace, though she carried the physical and mental reminders of her torments until her death in 530 at the age of 76.
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eri-pl · 2 days
So, Nimloth.
She's related to Celeborn. Both are a less important spouses of a more developed character. (Though he is much more developed than her husband still. But anyway.)
You know who would also fit well in this family of background spouses?
Maglor's unnamed wife.
Just imagine: Maglor meeting a lady from Doriath, getting married and she returns home and just is about to ask Thingol to maybe let her Feanorian husband come into Doriath, because she's so in love and then, Beren. And the Silmaril quest. And all that followed.
And since their wedding night they don't see each other until the day when he kills and only too late sees the face under the helmet.
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thesummerestsolstice · 6 months
For Feanorian Week Day Four: Caranthir -> Spouse (Haleth)
Caranthir stared at the message, scowling. Really, the nerve of some elves. He thought that Fingolfin had understood the deal– Caranthir would turn the Noldor’s trading economy into a masterwork of efficiency, and in return, Fingolfin wouldn’t question any of Caranthir’s tax audits. Now, telling Turgon of all people was nowhere in that arrangement. And yet, somehow, that morning, Caranthir had gotten a very strongly worded letter from his cousin about the importance of financial responsibility– which, frankly, Turgon had absolutely no right to lecture him about, Eru knew how much money he’d spent on Gondolin’s fancy new minecart system–
Read the rest here on a03.
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Miriel’s Depression
This is pure speculation.
But what if one of the reasons Miriel was depressed was bc she knew her husband didn’t love her anymore. I mean, with him moving on in 1 valinor year (and even for humans moving on from a dead spouse, one that left an infant behind, within a year is not a sign of things being ok) it really wouldn’t be that surprising if Finwe stopped loving Miriel long before her death.
Furthermore, what if the only reason Miriel even went to Valinor in the first place was because she loved Finwe, and she left the rest of her family (who didn’t want to go) behind?
Heck, what if she did not want to be the queen, but because she loved Finwe she went with it anyways? What if she was a hunter, like celegorm, who prefered to live away from council meetings and society balls? And the reason she started to weave was to escape the golden cage she became trapped in?
What if, all of this misery she persevered through because she loved her husband, because she loved her to-be-born son...
Only for Her to be slapped in the face with the realization that Finwe no longer loved her?
Look, we know nothing about Miriel, other than she was Finwe’s first wife and Feanor’s mother, but, seeing as some traits that the feanorians showcase are clearely not from Finwe (and as far as i know Nerdanel’s side of the family) i’m willing to bet that things like Feanor’s drive , passion and fire, and celegorm’s love of the outdoors and hunting (which ambarussa also share i think?) are all parts of Miriel that are shinning through.
So, if that’s the case, what exactly would cause such a soul to choose to lay down and die?
I will bet you that not everything is what it seems in her and Finwe’s marriage, or her life in aman.
(And, this is even more speculation that’s probably not cannon but food for thought, but what if Finwe and Indis had an affair behind her back? Albeit an emotional one, but one none the less? I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, but Finwe and Indis’s sudden and quick relationship is really sus)
Anyway, these are just some thoughts i had, considering we don’t really know what transpired between Miriel, Finwe, and Indis other than the basics and the end result. But it’s at complete odds with everything we know about elvish behavior, and i am not going to brush Feanor’s reaction to his new step-mother aside because it’s WAY to strong in my opinion, especially since there are cases like Elrond and Elros, where Maedhros and Maglor literally slaughtered Sirion and kidnapped them for a jewel, and yet the two boys still have a positive relationship with M&M. Clearly, there probably is additional things that caused Feanor to be so hostile to Indis and be at odds with his father, despite Finwe apparently favoring Feanor or smth.
It just does not add up.
And, considering that the silmarillion is written from the point of view of an in-verse historian who is biased against the feanorians, it also really would not surprise me if information that would paint Feanor in a more understanding light would be left out, either accidentally or on purpose.
Am i focusing way to much on the Weird af relationship between Miriel, Finwe and Indis and how it affected Feanor, especially considering the little information we are given on it? Some would say yes.
However, i maintain the fact that this weird relationship and the resulting family dynamic between the Finweons is the crucial starting point for everything that happened in the silmarillion, and even stretched all the way through the 3rd age with the One Ring. Therefor, i believe that trying to understand exactly what went wrong, and what we were not told, is worth focusing on as, without this one fucked up relationship drama, the history of the elves would likely have been very different.
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The dream I had last night was very Silmarilion
I was Curufin's wife, a Noldo. I had lived with him in Beleriand and fought by his side, but was reborn in Valinor long before him.
Using the precedent "if your spouse is dead forever, you can remarry" and the Oath and the Doom, I married Lalwen.
I became the leader of the Feanorian followers in Tirion, with Feanor and all his sons dead. (I'm not sure where Celebrimbor was - probably this was before the fall of Eregion as I, his mother, wasn't stressed about it?)
I was aware that my husband and his brothers had done some bad things, but given how much they had to fight Morgoth I wasn't interested in hearing the arguments again. I had fought beside them and loved Curufin until the end, and the debates about whether he was evil were by now extremely repetitive and I refused to engage.
One day, I got word that Maedhros would soon be reborn. (Some people were returned as infants and some as adults. I had been paying careful attention to any red-headed babies, which had been numerous in the past few years.) I was worried that he would start a riot if the Feanorian followers found out about his return, and they might even advocate for him to be king. I had spent the last several centuries gaining political power and using it to advocate for my people, and I wasn't about to let some charismatic prince take it away in one afternoon. (He would legitimately be worse at it initially, without the context of present day Valinor, and that would lead to the Feanorian contingent getting less benefits from the city council. But also I loved power.)
So I arranged for most of the Feanorian followers to be out of the city that day. I don't remember what the excuse was, but it wasn't a threat, and it worked.
So when Maedhros ride into town accompanied by all his brothers (surprise!), it was to half the houses empty and dark.
I told Maedhros to his face that he couldn't just walk in and expect to be followed. Sure, he had done a lot for people, and many of us owed our lives to him. But he was not king anymore, and just as many of us had died for him.
My wife stood by my side to support me during this.
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
Greetings! It's me again, the annoying person who sends you random imagines. So, imagine the reader being the child of King Oberon and Queen Titania and having a secret affair with Maedhros while being promised to Sauron and imagine the reader being the spouse of Captain Barbossa and both of them ending up in Middle Earth buut Maglor or Celegorm developing a crush on the reader. All jokes aside, I am truly sorry for bothering you with these, I love your opinions😅 Have a wonderful day/night!💖
Oh, I don't think you're annoying. I like these random imagines. They keep me active and on my toes.
Now, I can imagine many scenarios with a fairy royalty reader. Sauron would probably want reader so he could have control over their parents and the fairy people. Reader's parents probably agreed to it so they could avoid conflict and raised reader without telling about the engagement, or maybe send reader away to live with the elves to keep them safe. Now this can end up in a strange romantic Disney plot. I can see Mae and the reader falling for each other upon first sight and it's just fluff for both of them till Sauron comes back and tries to claim what is his. I can see reader being pretty stubborn and trying to avoid him because it's Maedhros they want and then it could end up like classic Good vs Evil, reader and Mae get to live a happy ever after or be destroyed and reader lives in depression for the rest of their life because Sauron killed Mae.
Now for Barbossa one. I'm not certain what I could come up with this. I do know with Barbossa, you could end up anywhere so it would be pretty dang interesting to end up in Middle Earth next. How would they end up meeting Maglor and Celegorm I am not sure, but it would be interesting to have them both crush on you despite being married to your favorite pirate. They better watch out, though, because they might be infamous feanorians, Barbossa is pretty formidable and reader is his wife.
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shrikeseams · 1 year
Okay, I've decided that the original post is more character-bashy than I want on my blog, but I was really happy with the tags I reblogged with, so have some tag-formatted thoughts on parallels between Elwing/Earendil and Finwe/Miriel:
#Hmmm!#This isn't my take but I agree that they can be one of the more… complex/difficult silm relationships#I actually like the idea of them as an echo of finwe and miriel rather than beren and luthien or idril and tuor!#In that they're… the relationship is a Sensible and Obvious Choice for both of them#And they seem close while young#But they grow apart dramatically and I think they WOULD divorce (or at least discuss it) in a society that allows it#Toying with the idea that earendil sailing is akin to miriel's choice to die#(Choosing solitude and isolation freely but under suboptimal and borderline coercive circumstances)#Elwing choosing immortality as akin to Finwe's remarriage#(A sincere and free choice but once again driven by the valar forcing a dichotomy. A well-meant choice that traps one's spouse)#And of course it you want to flip it: earendil forever straining towards Aman for safety (like finwe)#Elwing choosing suicide and abandoning her children and Queenship in a moment of inescapable distress (like miriel)#I don't think they hate or even dislike each other! But I can see them mutually agreeing to divorce with relief#And finding that their post-marriage friendship was actually much stronger than their marriage#(But I also thing that a lot of this is driven by circumstances and trauma#And without the feanorians wrecking havok and the valar forcing choices… idk! Things look very very different.)
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/SncCwVd
by sabcatt
Curufinwë and his wife name their newborn son.
Words: 100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, F/M
Characters: Curufin | Curufinwë, Curufin's Wife
Relationships: Curufin | Curufinwë/Canonical Spouse
Additional Tags: Celebrimbor is there too but he's Baby so he doesn't do anything, Names, foresight, Premonitions, the particular weight of the feanorian legacy, Drabble
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/SncCwVd
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