#fea diary
toyherb · 1 year
ive played enough fire emblem, i can handle hard mode, it'll be a fun challenge! (i proceed to have the worst time imaginable)
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buddyhollyscurls · 1 year
Kinda horrible that Mario is the only one who can reach him when he's in his worst states he's really the only "friend" he has but Mario is a shit ass friend
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armando-triplepapito · 11 months
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God Katya’s words came to kill😭 Ik damn well Betty had sleepless nights thinking about the night Armando first kissed her🤧 the pain😞
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I used to somewhat Betty la Fea growing, as my Colombian side of my family would watch the show a lot.
I grew to appreciate the show now that I'm older as it was very clever when it came to writing, although a bit over the top sometimes, but it's a novela.
I'm watching the sequel series, and I'm a bit lost; maybe I'm an idiot and I'm missing something, idk.
First, Daniel Valencia. I don't doubt that he would be involved in something like money laundering, but I'm not sure why he would do it. Daniel isn't stupid; he's very manipulative and calculating, and while he's not above money laundering, he'd need a decent reason to do it considering the risk. Idk, maybe I'm wrong, but I'd really like to know why he'd did it and how he went about it.
Another thing I'm curious about is Marcela and her connection with the new character, Ignacio. Why does Marcela want him to be president of Ecomoda? What is he to her?
Why is Marcela close to Mila? I mean, obviously, she likes how her being close to Mila bothers Betty, but there are moments in the show where it looks like Marcela somewhat genuinely cares about Mila. I know Marcela isn't completely heartless, and I don't think she's doing it out of love for Armando because she also wants him to pay for what happened to Daniel.
Also, I really hope Mila gets decent development because I want to like her as a character, but right now, she's hard to tolerate.
Your thoughts?
Jajaja I totally relate. I used to dismiss novelas but ysblf with its great characters and fun writing definitely opened my mind to them!
You're for sure not the only one lost regarding the sequel. I am also a bit lost. I must admit I'm not liking most choices, and a part of me is kinde hate-watching and another is very curious about future writing choices.
About Daniel, I'm a bit on the fence. On one hand we know Daniel isn't much for illegal and dirty stuff-- remember how he was disgusted at Olarte's sabotage of Betty's computer. On the other hand, we also know he wasn't as great on businesses as he claimed to be. He lost everything to a growing project, never diversified his income, and worked at the government for a pretty mediocre salary, apparently. He was willing to empty his capital to bet on a barely-growing project, too. So I kind of see how he could end up involved in something shady, perhaps out of need or out of ignorance. We don't yet know very well.
Honestly, about Marcela and Ignacio, my theory is that they're related. Perhaps Daniel's son or something? Idk, I definitely don't think they are romantically or sexually involved.
Marcela's relationship with Mila is one of the biggest misteries to me. I genuinely have no idea. Like... why? How? Mila is very very close to Marce, but I don't understand how. Since when? When did Marcela return to Ecomoda to meet Mila? Was Betty ever okey with them being close? Was Armando okay with that? Why did Marcela even want to be close to Mila, the daughter of her ex and the woman he cheated on her with ??? It makes absolutely no sense to me.
I really can't stand Mila rn. The whole talking in acronyms, especially ones that no one ever uses (it would be tolerable if it were at least something like "O.M.G" or "L.O.L" but with random ass phrases that no one knows???), talking to the camera like it's a diary, and being obsessed with trends just... no. Ik they tried to make her an entitled nepo baby with family issues but it's so badly done it feels fake and like a parody of what a boomer thinks a GenZ is.
Armando, Marcela, Beata and Daniel were all entitled nepo babies with family issues and they feel like actual people, not a Rosa de Guadalupe version of what a 60 yo thinks a 20 yo is. And don't even come to say that Armando, Marce, Daniel, etc were all in their 30s and that's why they don't act like that. I'm in ny early 20s and I have never in my life met anyone who behaves like that. It's so bad and cringy.
Anyways lmao Ik I can't judge much yet and have to wait to see the final product.
Thanks for the questions!
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iwanttobeliv · 2 months
Betty, la fea: la historia continúa
Episode 1 – Reunited (but it doesn’t feel so good)
I can’t begin to explain how excited I was for this. That we would be able not only to see our beloved characters again after so very long, and most of all, that we would be able to see Betty and Armando together again.
At first, there was a lot of speculation about the series' plot – and not much information to go on.
And the problem with that is that the longer the wait, the bigger the expectations. And boy, were they big!
Ever since the wave of revivals became a thing, I’ve seen my fair share of them, and I knew that lowering my expectations would probably be for the best. I mean, adjusting it to something better than ‘Ecomoda”, but likely not as great as YSBLF.
Even though there were some very positive aspects such as how much the cast and production team seemed to love this project, or how happy they looked to get back to it, and also how much better JEA looks these days, there were other factors that I couldn’t help but think would likely be an issue.
First of all, the length of it. We all knew we wouldn’t get 335 episodes. That’s not how TV works nowadays, especially streaming services. And then, when I found out there would be only 10, I thought, oh well. At least we get to see them for 10 episodes, that’s something… Better than not all, I guess. 
But then, I didn’t realize just how much this format would affect the story. Which is a lot, something we can feel right out of the gate.
YSBLF was fundamentally what fic readers describe as slow-burn. Which can be great for character development. But that also requires a lot of fillers, subplots, and sharp writing skills so that the audience won’t just get fed up and quit the show before it’s over.
Given how the target audience of the new show was mainly fans from YSBLF, I guess they didn’t have to worry much about that. We already know and love the characters – most of all the protagonists.
But, then again, it has been over 20 years.
So, back to episode 1.
The previously on? Loved it! They did a fairly good job summarizing the main bits, though I’m not sure it would have worked alone hadn’t I watched YSBLF time and time again.
I love that they start with Betty’s voiceover. Having a special insight into what was going through her mind was such a fundamental part of the story in the first place. Through Betty’s diary, we got to know all the vulnerabilities that Betty had learned to keep inside, protected from a world that had been far too cruel to her. While with Nicolas we got to see her using humor to fend for herself, at night, in her strangely decorated room – I think all those dolls were meant to symbolize Betty’s innocence and youth and remind us that she was a young girl, and therefore lacked the experience and malice to understand where she was headed to until it was too late. But it also looked like a grandma’s room, and a very dark one, so, yeah, not great. I get it, it was a low-budget production, but did her room have to look like a place where one would find a captive? My guess is no. – Anyway it was through her precious diary that we got to hear Betty sharing her thoughts and dreams, memories and fears. So, when I heard Betty speaking, it just felt familiar and wistful. And I guess I was too distracted by that to be bothered by the wordplay they did there, trying to create a suspense that would only have worked if we hadn’t watched the promo 150 times, give or take. I never thought I would say I missed Hugo, even in YSBLF I didn’t care much for his character but he had me at the ‘Dead Poet Society’ reference.
I’m still trying to understand Betty’s wardrobe choices there, I mean, even though her ‘current’ style seems like a far cry from wearing Don Hermes’s old sweaters, this one feels like it's too much and nothing like the woman we supposedly knew.
But I digress. 
Betty shows up and we get Armando looking at her with puppy eyes and standing up for ‘su Betty’ right away, and well, I am only human and completely understand why Betty’s knees would go weak and nearly throw her into Roberto’s grave.
So yeah, Roberto is dead, something we were aware of from the promo, but what does it mean to Ecomoda? And why was Betty gone until this moment?
That’s where things start to get messy.
I can’t say I was surprised that Armando and Betty aren’t together. While I hoped they still loved each other after all this time (and I still do), a relationship lasting this long must have a solid foundation. Which they didn’t really have and we never got to see... I think they truly loved (and love) each other, but trust isn’t something easy to gain and it’s even harder to regain after it's lost. The lies, the miscommunication, the tempers, all of it would inevitably create conflict. And there’s no good story without that.
(This reminds me I really want to take a closer look at Armando and Betty as individuals, but I think I might save this for another time)
That being said, we get a bunch of info dumped on us in a very short time, and I had to watch it more than once to make sense of the whole thing. Let’s make a list:
Roberto is dead. (And so is Margarita)
Betty was gone and not by her choice, according to her. But then Armando says they are not together and that *is* her choice, so what then?
I really really like the way Armando looks at Betty when she asks him how he is. It screams familiarity with a hint of fondness (?) Oh these two…
Don Hermes shows up and I’m intrigued. He uses his famous catchphrase while dragging Betty away from Armando and when he stands next to his daughter, it makes me think he too is aware of Betty’s situation with her 'ex', and I don’t know, but whatever happened, it made him forego the sanctity of matrimony, which seems like a big thing to such a traditional man like him.
Hugo hasn’t changed a bit.
And Betty is still the clumsy, self-conscious Betty under all that fur.
There is a camera and suspense. Not my cup of tea, but ok.
Marcela seems a bit more civil around Betty, which is to be expected after so long, but still her (by now more than comprehensible) resentment seems to be alive and well.
Don Hermes mentions leaving fresh flowers to Dona Julia, but it’s such a short comment that it barely registers.
Patricia is apparently married to a mummy called Francisco Santamaria (Wasn’t there a lawyer with that name in YSBLF?) which is not particularly surprising given her life aspirations.
I guess when we have only ten episodes there’s no escape but to break the rules of “show and not tell”.
Next: A controversial topic, Mila Mendoza.
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bonjas · 2 months
betty la fea: la historia continua episodes 5&6
Well that was a whole lot of...nothing. With how fun episodes 3&4 were, I was so optimistic about the rest of the show, but damn, they stomped out that hope REAL quick. I don't even know where to start lol, I guess at the beginning...
The opening scenes were so jarring? Firstly, this show LOVES cutting scenes in between entire fucking conversations so we get an awkward 5 second betty scene, then it goes straight to the walking through the jail scene that felt like it was supposed to be a dream, but we never got a "waking up to reality" scene, he was just IN JAIL LMAO like?? We went from confession, straight to jail? There wasn't even an ongoing investigation going on into what was happening at ecomoda or anything like that, so he just went to the nearest jail and said "i did a bad thing! guilty!" and into the slammer? IF WE HAD KNOWN WHAT WAS GOING ON AND THERE WERE AUTHORITIES ACTIVELY INVESTIGATING, IT WOULD MAKE SENSE. but nah, these writers hate explaining ANYTHING lmao. literally, it went: armando and mario nervous about betty finding out, betty becoming prez, armando and mario trying to hide the evidence with guttierez, betty finding out from hugo, confronting armando, him still not saying what happened, failing to fix it, then JAIL? PLEASEeeeeee
i'm finding that this show doesn't know what to do with betty. like, at all. with a show being named betty la fea, it sure doesn't look like it. poor betty only gets to look sad, or look mad 24/7. or if she's briefly happy, she then immediately has to get sad and/or mad. we get so little precious betty time as it is, i wish they would give her more to do! seeing her confront mario was cool in the previous episodes, betty always had a spine and defended herself, what happened to that! she just stands there silent and lets everyone make false accusations against her then walks away?!
i'm seeing a lot of "hugo is the villain again!!" ummmm??? hugo is the one actually helping the entire staff by letting them know what's going on and demanding justice??? everyone would lose their pensions if it wasn't for him, and if it was the real world, uh YEAH lawsuit bitch!!! after all the abuse they all took from armando, to learn that on top of that he stole their retirement funds? ELECTRIC CHAIR.
mila...sigh. i already said idk what to think of her character, we literally don't know a thing about her, but drinking and driving? gurl. armando is her father after all and we all know how he was about that shit, but damn. dont like that at all. her saying that shit to marcela was so out of line since she herself cried to marce about her being the only one who cares about her or w/e and the minute marce shows some parenting traits and worries over her she flips out and said now i know why my dad left you?! yeeesh. and she's obviously a TERRIBLE judge of character, wtf was there ever to see in ignacio? ewwwwwwww. that whole story line just fucking sucks. i dont care about him, even if they told us ANYTHING of what the fuck is going on with him, i just dont care. he's so boring and one note, if he takes down all of ecomoda with his pinky, i couldn't care less. the hacking stuff is stupid. "hackeado" is funny though lol. oh ALSO about mila, i totally expected betty to run into her at the jail and she bails her out and they have more of a bonding moment but nope!!! fuck any potential bonding moments i guess, or even sharing the screen together. could have been such a good "i always help the people i love even when they're doing something wrong" moment!! like a foreshadow for mila for when she finds betty's diary and finds out the truth (cuz of course she is)! please i beg, a scrap of foreshadowing!!!
patricia is a stepmom!!!!!!!!!! that made me laugh. and they hate her, omg that's so fucking funny. her sleeping with nicolas again tho, i'm half "why?" and half "i get it" cuz he's the only guy that's ever showed real feelings and respect for her, but it just happened so quick and we didnt really see it develop, they just hit it off again after 20 yrs lol? but the whole "secret tapes" montage was pretty good, that was a highlight for me.
quick fire:
armando's lawyer is still fucking pointless, and still throws herself at him for no fucking reason lmao WHY????
the jail scenes suck, antiquated gay jokes and boring jail tropes. i fast forwarded those scenes, NEXT (if I'm wrong and they're worth watching pls let me know!! I saw Freddy was there and the therapy guy or something?? idk I was so checked out at that point) (edit: I rewatched the episode in its entirety, I was right the jail scenes are pointless! he just ends up leaving after like a fucking day!!!!)
so did nicolas stop working at ecomoda when betty left? did patricia barely get her position in the time betty left? marcela just works full time at ecomoda again, since before or after betty left?? hello??
the timeline still makes no sense, mila was gone 5 yrs, the armando marce kiss was 5 yrs ago, but armando was only president for 2 yrs? but betty left armando that night presumedly, so were they separated for that time until marcela waiting 3 yrs to demand betty be removed as president?????
nothing happened plot wise :( armando went to jail, everyone finds out and has a freak out, hacking and Mario was looking for some shit??? site character shenanigans, armando gets out. nothing happened!! two whole episodes wasted 😔 when you only have 10 episodes, everything needs to be important.
fernando gaitan was a fucking magician cuz i could tell you every single plot point of OG BLF without stuttering. the reboot is a mess yall i'm sorry 😞 i really hope it gets better, cuz now we have a confirmed second season?? bro why
why did Betty fall down the stairs like that?? what was the point? will it be relevant later?
also we just haven't had any good patsy pat and Marce moments :(
please let me eat my words and get better for the last 4 episodes!!!! i beg of you
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neonangelshifting · 8 months
✮ my full DR list !
feel free to ask about any dr !!
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main dr semi main dr's secondary dr's script not yet finished already shifted there
tv shows / movies
Spiderverse (2000's fame) ✮ (shared, main DR)
Wednesday (Netflix)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Rebelde (México)
Yo Soy Betty La Fea
Zoey 101
Hogwarts (storytime)
k-pop / j-pop
SNSD (Girls Generation)
FLAIR (own girl group)
G-NEE (own mixed group)
jpop idol (solo)
idol school
Love Live! School Idol Project
waiting room
exchange student in Japan
post revolutionary Mexico
childhood dr
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Book Of Shadows Index
I see a ton of Witchtoks/people who only give a basic summary of what to research along with a ton of books and I'm more of a bullet point girl. So... Here we go.
A book of shadows was coined by Alaisar Crowley, alongside garnder who was the founder of Wica, then changed to Wicca later on [I will go in depth in history with links/sources and more detail on another post]
So here's the index for a book of shadows, full of all things you the individual want to learn include in your practice and like Pirates of the Caribean, take it more as guidlines and you're free to decide what you like/don't like.
So Include a Book Of shadows Blessing in the begging of your book [or digital document] And a BOS is like a diary, only you can see it or your coven.
Beginner Studies; Introduction to Witchcraft. I.e: What is Paganism, Wicca, Witchcraft? What is the difference? Wicca History: Origins in your country of origin. Salem, etc. Covens and Hierchies and Solitary witches. Basic rundown, you have your first, second, third degree. Like an employee, a suvervisor and a manager. Managers are in charge of their own store, like a third degree can create their own coven.
Lore: Tree of life, Triple goddess, Horned God, Morgan le fey and other mythical lore and research depending on which one your aligned with. Like Norse, Greek, Celtic, Viking, Roman, or any other types. Wiccan Rede, rules of Wicca power of three times three. Etc.
Symbols: Look up certain symbols, or sigils, runes, thats commonly used in Wicca/Paganism or your preffered craft. Cast a circle: Most begin a spell and cast a protection circle before you begin your spell. Pentacle [Star with circle] Pentragram [No circle] *Include the Spirit, fire, earth, water, air. Evil eye. [usually used as protection AGAINST the evil eye]
Witch Tools: Witch tools you use, or place on your altar. Like an Athame, cualdron, wand, etc Tools of Divination: Pendulum, spirit board, tarot, angel cards, scrying mirror, playing cards, etc Additional tools: Candles. Crystals. Elements Herbs Chakras/Meditation Lucid Dreaming Astral projection Milk baths
Year Calender/Sabbets Month Calender Day Calender: Like Moday is MOON. Sunday is SUN, Saturday is Saturn etc. Deities Celtic/ Roman/Norse Other gods to research. etc Astrology.
Star Sign, Moon sign, Sun Sign, other planetary signs. Planet Retrograde, Mercury retrograde, mars, venus etc Moon Phases. Like hunters moon, pink moon etc.
Animals as omens [Careful with this one, as it links to other occult/cultures/religions and best not to appropriate and lead to indiginous tribes or others. But not all animals as omens is a sign, usually it links to the Fea as animals are fea and fea are animals and other religions like kitsune, tanaki, are shapeshifters or known as spirits in other cultures]
Spells Moon Water Witch bag/bottle Broomsticks Seashell collecting [A practice looked down on now for enviormental effects, but I have bottles/jars of shells I've collected when I was six so I've kept them and included them as I have some] Witch Outfits [this is just my personal interest, it ties in with the history a little] Symbolism of the Hat [Like a Candle] Witch Nudity Haute Couture Bohemian/Grunge goth fashion Media/Pop culture:
Books or movies that have had witch consultants or other ties to witchcraft/wicca etc. Such as practical magic, the Craft and maybe even Neil Gaimans works such as the ocean at the end of the lane. Coraline that had mentions of a dowsing rod, and rock with a hole in the center to find lost things. Music:
Listening to music can also set da mood, so I will compile playlists and songs that made me feel witchy. Anything else to include feel free to ask or reblog :D
*ALSO IMPORTANT! CLOSED/OPEN Practice! Wicca as it is is open, you can buy a wicca book/watch withtok who have you whatever whatever! But a closed practice? Thats a religion or something you CANNOT access too UNLESS you are invited in, or iniated into that group! Indeginous tribes/jewish traditions/hoodoo/voodoo/ etc. A closed practice is a closed door. You cant access that by yourself. Which is why White sage cant be used, theres many alternatives and other incenses/sages to burn. Not the one thats sacred/endangered and used speicifially in indeginous tribes. They've already had enough taken away from them what do witches need white sage for in this current enviromental crisis? so yeah...
Additional last note: I will also include passages alongside the books I have by cunningham and others with the book as well as the passage and page/chapter and try to include web links in any future post I make.
Bear in my mind and I will TRY to be as accurate as I can, but I will make mistakes and end up posting some things thats misinformed even when I post links. But I will try my best to fix any mistakes if I can.
Blessed be.
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Meet me!
My name is Remus Lee! (Not going to say my last name btw)
Im 14!
I use he\they pronouns!
The fandoms I'm in is Harry Potter (marauders and lighting eras mostly but I don't mind cursed child era), (gen 1\2)Monster High and Diary of a Wimpy Kid
favorite bands\artists: slipknot, korn, nirvana, Alice in chains, harry and the potters, cavetown, beetlebug, Cosmo shelldrake, the moaning mertles, paramore, bikini kill, blink 182, sum 41, weezer, dream nails, l7, nova twins, the cramps, the cure, the smiths, the whomping willows, radiohead, hands off Gretel, abba, queen, the beatles, fea, David bowie, my chemical romance, (early) panic at the disco, good Charlotte, lemon demon, will wood, tally hall, the front bottoms, the mountain goats
I like drawing, writing (even if I'm not good at it), reading, baking, sewing, Making friends (even though I only have one :<) and listening to music
Ships I like<3: remus x sirius(wolfstar), james x regulus (jegulus), James x regulus x lily (jegulily), evan x barty (rosekiller), Ginny x Luna, harry x Cedric (one sided!!!), cho x cedric, Percy x oliver, dean x Seamus (deamus), Harry x Ron , Scorpius x Albus (scorbus), teddy x James (one sided!!!),
Requests open! I'll do x readers and ships! Just no smut, angst or weird pedo ass shit, just pure fluff I'll do!
\/ me :D
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toyherb · 1 year
can't believe they let cordelia have that deep emotional moment when she shows up right after witnessing her friends die and then did nothing with it
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notverywise · 9 months
List 10 of your comfort shows, then tag 10 people
Tagged by the amazing @deadtothebones 🖤
• Yo Soy Betty La Fea (yes, I've watched it like ten times tbh)
• My Mad Fat Diary
• Sense8
• Gilmore Girls
• Doctor Who
• Desenfrenadas
• Valeria
• Narcos 🇨🇴🇲🇽 (whatever, it's called coping)(also Pedro Pascal)
• Grey's Anatomy
• Soy tu fan
No pressure tag: @3rd-conchord @kittydeadbones @littlelunamoon @ethereal27cereal @melocotonconsol ✨
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armando-triplepapito · 11 months
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Fetal position? The poor baby😭 I feel bad for him but he does deserve it🥺
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Using this as my diary once again all I have to say is: Recently my brain went back to one of fixations called La Fea Mas Bella. I just finished once again, I already lost count of how many times I watched.
I know it's not the best soap opera out there. But something in the relationship between Lety and Fernando and especially my love for Fer always make me tear up in the end. I feel such a empty heart every time I finish it, enter such a state of melancholy, nostalgia and longing every time I play the last episode that I don't know what to do with myself.
I miss my teens. I miss being the girl who would go back to school ready to watch my soap opera and cry with Fer and Lety eating some homemade cake by my mom. I miss not knowing how it would end, wating it to be Fernando. This soap opera is super silly but it was such an important part of my life it is so important for me that I don't know how to explain.
I think the only other piece of media that had the same impact on me besides this soap opera was Jane Austen's books and David Bowie's Labyrinth. They always going to be my favorite things in the whole world and I don't care what anyone thinks.
They are my comfort in sad days. They remember me of old days and give hope to the future. Is such a strange feeling, you know? Feeling hopeful for the future and longing for the past.
Anyway, this rumble is long enough.
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Informe Cas 3 - Seminari 30 de novembre
Les persones: 
Lana Hernandez, David Díez, Marc Grau i Enric Garcia
del grup: 
Membres de la Fundació Consell de la Informació de Catalunya,
CERTIFIQUEM: Que en relació a l’expedient núm. 3/2022 els membres del Consell de la Informació de Catalunya van adoptar per unanimitat el següent acord, segons la documentació de l’expedient: 
Expedient núm. 3/2022
Queixa d’Anna Gabriel sobre l’article “¿Por qué las feministas son más feas que las mujeres normales?” de Pablo Escobar que vulnera el Codi Deontològic per ser masclista i sexista
ASSUMPTE:  Escrit de queixa de la diputada de la CUP Anna Gabriel per un article publicat al diari digital Mediterráneo Digital el dia 24 de gener titulat “Por qué las feministas son más feas que la mujeres normales” per considerar que es vulneren diversos principis del Codi Deontològic. 
En data 30 de gener es rep al CIC una queixa online firmada la diputada de la CUP Anna Gabriel que fa referència a una peça publicada a la secció de política del diari digital Mediterráneo Digital. Es tracta d’un article publicat el dia 24 de gener, firmada pel periodista Pablo Escobar (es desconeix si és un nom real) que inclou diverses fotografies on clarament es pot veure la imatge de la diputada de la CUP contraposada a una fotografia de la líder de Ciutadans, Inés Arrimadas. En l’article apareix una altra imatge d’una protesta feminista.  La peça, que està dins la secció de política i sota l’epígraf de ‘notícia’, és un text d’opinió. Es pot veure en aquest enllaç. 
Gabriel denuncia que l’esmentat treball periodístic estigmatitza un les dones, és vexatori i sexista. Per aquests motius considera que incompleix diversos principis del codi deontològic. 
Mediterráneo Digital és un mitjà de comunicació de Castelló que té una clara ideologia feixista. Tots els seus treballadors, com Pablo Escobar, l’autor de l’article, s’han posicionat amb un pensament d’ultradreta. És un diari que critica els polítics d’esquerres i els blanqueja. Per altres professionals del sector, Mediterráneo digital ha sigut definit com un periodisme per neandertals. 
Des del CIC es va demanar a la publicació que fes les seves al·legacions i amb data 10 de febrer es va rebre una comunicació de la direcció de Mediterráneo Digital en els següents termes: “No reconeixem la competència d’un òrgan censurador com el Consell de la Informació. El nostre mitjà i els seus articulistes són lliures de publicar la informació i la opinió que vulguin perquè per sobre de tot hi ha el dret a la llibertat d’expressió. Per tant, considerem que no hem vulnerat cap codi deontològic”. 
Primerament, cal tenir en compte de quin tipus de mitja parlem i quina és la seva línia editorial. Mediterráneo Digital es defineix a ell mateix com un diari "políticament incorrecte" i, per tant, això explica certes expressions que, en qualsevol cas, no fereixen la sensibilitat ni estigmatitzen cap col·lectiu. D'altra banda, si ens fixem en el codi deontològic, podem veure com una de les principals premisses és la diferència entre informació i opinió. En aquest cas, l'article tracta l'opinió del periodista i no és pas per informar. En aquesta línia, en tractar-se d'un article d'opinió és possible que el tema tractat no sigui del gust de tothom, però cal tenir en compte que el principi de llibertat d'expressió és clau a l'hora de tenir un periodisme de qualitat. En conclusió, creiem que aquest article no ofèn a ningú i que en tractar-se de l'opinió d'un periodista no es pot retirar, ja que considerem que això seria un atemptat contra la llibertat d'expressió.
Creiem que en un diari o mitjà de comunicació hauria d'haver-hi un filtre mínim per garantir el respecte i els drets humans abans de publicar qualsevol escrit. Tanmateix, tots els mitjans han de poder escriure tota classe d'opinions en editorials o articles, sempre que es diguin en un to correcte. Precisament, el Codi Deontològic té l'objectiu de permetre la llibertat d'expressió en el món periodístic.
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Rompí el espejo de mí pieza, y no se dan una idea del alivio que siento de no verme más
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lakambinimagph · 5 years
PSA: Your skin care isn’t enough
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      Have you ever searched about skin care routines? Have you ever watched Youtube videos discussing skin care routines of your favorite stars? I bet, even if you never planned to achieve a tedious skin care, most of you reading this already did. The skin care trend has received global attention. From Youtube videos to online shops there is an evident given prime on beauty and skin care products.
      It is interesting to note that the Korean beauty and cosmetic products seem to have invaded —if not the world, I say the Philippines. Well, for reasons like the notion of having white and clear skin is beautiful. I actually have tried some of it, and I can say it is handy and useful. Cost-effective? I’m actually not sure. Obviously, capitalism takes advantage of the craze people give skin care products in this day and age. And again, we consumers gladly patronize it. It is tempting to discuss how capitalism takes advantage of the skin care trend. Like, how pricey each beauty product can get even if they’re just all the same at the end of the day, or even if it does not actually work on your skin type (but you don’t know that until you use the product). So even if it gets pricey as hell, you still buy it. But this article isn’t about that, isn’t it? No.
      What we’re gonna do is dig a little deeper into the role of mass media in molding our confidence and notions of how should we, as women, be beautiful. Even before the Korean beauty trend became the talk of the town, mass media has posited a certain kind of beautiful. In different teleseryes and even in other foreign dramas, a clear line separates the beautiful and ugly —and when I say ugly, it’s either fat, morena, or the one with the face full of acnes. Are you familiar with Betty la Fea? Or the Diary ng Pangit? These are examples of how the media had been putting a line between what is beautiful and ugly. It’s told in a fairytale-like story of an ugly duckling turning into a swan...
The Betty la Fea Effect:
      Originally, “Yo Soy, Betty la Fea,” is a telenovela from Columbia that the Philippines adapted. Bea Alonzo played the role of Betty la Fea here in the Philippines. Big glasses, braces, unclear skin, weird hairstyle and sense of fashion —these basically describe the character of Betty la Fea. Her story pivots when she changes her whole appearance to be accepted by the society she’s in. Well, a lot of TV shows now are like that —somewhere in the beginning the protagonist must be someone with an “unpleasing” appearance, then gets knocked down by others, so she chooses to change or what they call “better” one’s physical appearance and, poof! She’s accepted and loved even more. That’s actually not the case in the real world. Or is it?
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      While it may be seen as a great love story, Betty la Fea and her dream guy Armando, it is problematic. At first, it looked like it was going to revolutionize notions of beauty today. It could have been a teleserye saying that beauty is not just seen from the outside, that it is not skin-deep. Unfortunately, it failed to convey that until the end of the teleserye. The sad thing about it is that the teleserye had remakes all over the world.
      One example of this Betty la Fea effect also is the 2014 romantic comedy film, “Diary ng Panget.” Not that it was a really bad film… Somehow this movie, starring Nadine Lustre and James Reid, conveyed the idea “true beauty lies inside.” In the movie, you can see that Cross (Reid), a selfish dude, gets comfortable with Eya (Lustre) even if she has an unacceptable face in terms of beauty standards in society. Eya has all sorts of acne in her face, dark brown skin, unmanageable hair, and is poor. Because of her features, she is often discriminated. Even though comfortability and friendship were seen before Eya’s transformation into the beautiful swan she is, it still ended as predicted. The film still had to end with Eya having a “beautiful” transformation which means no more acnes, nice hair, and great skin complexion. Sadly, the said transformation appeared to be a prerequisite for Eya and Cross to be together at the end of the film. And of course, the discrimination stopped when she became what people would say “beautiful” and worthy enough to be beside Cross. I mean, does one’s worth depend on one’s looks? It’s a no for me, how about you?
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What is love?
      If you have watched the 2010 Thai film “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” starring Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul and Mario Maurer, I bet you all had the feels for it. No one could resist the urge to have butterflies flutter in their stomachs as (spoiler alert!) Nam (Luevisadpaibul) and P’Shone (Maurer) found their way to tell each other their true feelings, even if it is in a variety show and through a diary. I must say, the movie is a complete package chick flick. However, let’s look deeper into Nam’s --the protagonist-- character.
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      Nam has a long-time crush with P’Shone and did everything she could to get his attention. Nam did all sorts of transformation --throwing away her eyeglasses for a pair of contact lens, getting whiter skin, had braces-- and all the other stuff you can think about physical transformation (except for surgery, of course). It was all for the hope that P’Shone will be hers if she become the beautiful woman she really is. Amazing how she improved and pushed herself to change for the better. What’s the problem there? The problem is that she did not change for herself but for some guy to look at her beautifully. She despised her ‘old, ugly’ self before the transformation. Although it is actually revealed later in the film that P’Shone liked Nam way before her transformation. Yet, Nam gave the viewers of the film, the wrong meaning of how love really works. Indeed, love pushes you to do all sorts of things for the person you love. That’s the wonderful part of love that Nam showed. But, love does not require you to change yourself for others. Love is unconditional after all. Love accepts all flaws and inadequacies of a person.
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Annyeong beauty!
      K-dramas have invaded the interest of most Filipinos today due to its accessibility in the Internet. Hence, more people witness how their skin glow and how it doesn’t have a mark of acne or anything. The commercial industry of beauty products and cosmetics has taken advantage of this phenomenon. Commercials and advertisements in the Philippines today brand its products as a way to “achieve that Koreana look.” However, Koreans have a different kind of lifestyle, they have a different climate and a different environment from us Filipinos.
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      They have a colder climate than ours, which is actually good for the skin. They do not have to battle a lot with pollution with their advanced public transportation, compared to the Philippines’. Moreover, their products take thousands of money to purchase for an ordinary minimum-wage worker here in the Philippines. Yet, the beauty industry of the Philippines still strives to package “affordable yet effective” Korean-inspired products. Apparently, we still strive to buy those products.
The truth is…
      These kinds of portrayal from the media frustrates and puts a lot of control into what its audience thinks about their physical appearance too. In the real world, not everyone affords to ‘improve’ their physical appearance the way television shows it. In the real world, most people struggle to live by to even care about their physical appearance. The least thing the media should have been doing is to uplift and inspire its audience to embrace what they have and who they are, from head to toe.
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      What I’ve been trying to say in this article is that we must embrace ourselves for who we are. Girl, you don’t have to change your physical appearance to be accepted and loved by people. If they truly want and love you, they will accept all your flaws, all your acnes, and shit. Beauty is not just seen from the outside but what’s really inside you. Truly, it is your preference if you let yourself follow skin care and beauty trends of all sorts, but you have to look good for yourself and not for others. More importantly, remember that no matter how many products you apply to your face, if you don’t truly love yourself first, it doesn’t actually bring much change. Confidence starts from inside you.
Words by Daoden Kate Sarmiento
Graphics by Jannah Lei Junatas
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