#fbau 2
carpetbug · 3 months
been working on fbau chapter 3! almost at 10k words! i’m hopeful it’ll be out before june ends! i’m also really slow and unreliable so who knows!
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fratboykate · 1 year
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Happy Mother's Day! Made some visuals for the MAU. Yesterday I got somewhat lazy with the AI work on the kids for the FBAU, but a friend told me today that MAU is their favorite out of all my ongoing Kate/Yelena AUs, so figured I'd bring out the big guns and actually put effort into it. Since we jump around in time every chapter, I gave you the kids at different ages that way you at least have a general reference no matter where we go.
The very first background image and all the images used for the kids are 100% AI generated by me. Just so there's no confusion. They're not perfect, but they're pretty damn close to how I see them in my head.
[NOTE: Click on the images to see the full res versions. Tumblr makes them look shitty and small if you don't.]
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maxkillertart · 3 years
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jacob my beloved
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carpetbug · 3 months
Feline Blue AU Masterpost
What is FBAU?
FBAU is my own alternate universe where, before the events of origins, Master Fu is hunted down and killed by Hawkmoth. Moments before his death, he transfers guardianship to the first person to cross his path, who ends up being Marinette Dupain Cheng. Marinette learns about the miraculous and what being a guardian means from the kwamis, and eventually decides to wield the black cat ring. After a silly turn of events, Adrien Agreste, famous model and Marinettes new friend/classmate, becomes the wielder of the ladybug earrings.
Update schedule?
The actual fic updates whenever I’m ready to update it (that is to say it has absolutely no schedule), but I tend to draw a fair amount for this au! If you’d like to enjoy the au as I write it (without spoilers) I suggest sticking to the fic!! Most art and almost all ‘extra’ content has to do with later aspects of the story, so avoid those if you don’t want spoilers. (kwami swap pairings, hero names, love square dynamics, etc).
What tags do you/should I use?
I use the tags #ml fbau and #ml feline blue au, but certain characters have their own tags as well (#feline blue, #beetle rouge, etc).
You are welcome to make art of this au!! If you do, please tag me for credit and so I can be sure to see it! I’m also always taking asks/questions/requests for this au! I love to ramble <3.
Fic Chapters
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four [wip]
Feline Blue and Beetle Rouge
Marinette and Adrien go swimming
A single mom who works two jobs, who loves her kids and never stops
Alya redraw
Bee!Alya rough design
Tempore Lapin / Rabbit!Luka
Mini comic 1
Mini comic 2
Kwami and holder interactions 1
Kwami and holder interactions 2
Kwami and holder interactions 3
Kim doodle
Felix and Duusu
Doodles 1
Doodles 2
Finger doodle
Catgirl stares at you
Beetle sketches
Beetle doodles
Beetleline doodle
Marirouge glaciator
Art dump
He’s so fucked
Literally kick her in the head
Trixx 2.0
Miracle Tree
Spotify Playlists Folder [wip]
Song ask 1!
Song ask 2!
Pinterest Boards [always being updated!]
thimbleb3rries Beetleline genderbend!
bbutterflies commission!
wisteriasymphony art!
aeoluuus art!
d011zk1ll art 1!
d011zk1ll art 2!
d011zk1ll art 3!
d011zk1ll art 4!
d011zk1ll art 5!
d011zk1ll art 6!
d011zk1ll cysaw x fbau 1!
d011zk1ll cysaw x fbau 2!
d011zk1ll cysaw x fbau 3!
d011zk1ll cysaw x fbau 4!
d011zk1ll cysaw x fbau 5!
d011zk1ll cysaw x fbau 6!
d011zk1ll cysaw x fbau 7!
d011zk1ll cysaw x fbau 8!
graythegreyt art 1!
graythegreyt art 2!
isabugs art!
friend art!
Ask 1 - favorite things
Ask 2 - difference between canon
Ask 3 - q+a
Ask 4 - chloe and zoe regarding the fox 1
Ask 5 - q+a
Ask 6 - Chloe and Zoe regarding the fox 2
Ask 7 - feline reacting to chloe
Ask 8 - marinettes taste in drinks
Ask 9 - first akuma
Ask 10 - real
Ask 11 - chapter 3 debrief
[last updated: August 16th, 2024]
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fratboykate · 1 year
So with your obvious love of barbie einstein level hair - it's got me wondering how vain FB!Yelena is about picture day with the kiddos and family photos. Is she the terror that has them dressed to the nines by 7am and ensures they stay clean and proper for the 3 hours until their shoot?
Does Kate help? Is she a hindrance? Does she break out Katherine for family photos?
There’s been so much angst lately and I miss our FBAU! Is Yelena particularly cuddly with her kids or is that more of a Kate thing
Okay, this isn't EXACTLY an answer to these two, but it was inspired by them.
Yelena buzzes around the kitchen, clad in one of Kate's old Columbia Archery t-shirts and a pair of satin short shorts. Her long blonde hair is fashioned into a messy, slept-on braid. Kate is a natural late riser, and the kids inherited this trait from her; therefore, Yelena looks forward to having weekend mornings to herself. This time is precious to her, as it's when she can enjoy the peace and quiet before the rest of the house wakes up. These little moments help keep her sane amidst the chaos of life.
Yelena takes her first satisfying sip of coffee and revels in the simple pleasure. However, her tranquil moment is interrupted by the sound of shuffling behind her. She glances at the clock. 7:15 AM. It's much too early for anyone else to be up, especially the grown adult mumbling and dragging their feet.
Kate flops her entire weight against Yelena's back, her head finding a resting place on Yelena's shoulder. After emitting a pathetic moan, Kate's sickly state becomes evident. Yelena is all too familiar with this behavior, as Kate becomes worse than their children when she's under the weather.
Slipping out from under her wife's weight, Yelena turns to get a good look at Kate, confirming her suspicions. Kate looks absolutely dreadful; she's sick.
"No. No. NO. Kate, no. I ask for very little. Just one thing. Family pictures are today. You can't be sick." Yelena exclaims, a gasp escaping her lips as a thought strikes her. "Katherine... you better not have gotten them sick..."
"Why me?! What if they got ME sick?! They're the walking germ bombs!"
"This was the first week all year that one or both of them didn't have some nasty thing going on. They were FINE."
“Nu-uh. Not my fault."
Kate whines, attempting to lean on Yelena once more, but Yelena retreats.
"Contagious! You're contagious." Yelena insists as Kate whimpers pitifully again. "You're not giving me whatever you have."
"I should've known. I knew you were warmer than usual last night."
"I feel yucky. I don't like it."
"Go back to bed, please. I need you to sleep this off in..." Yelena turns to the microwave clock. "...the next six hours. We're not canceling the photographer."
"No 'baby.' Don't 'baby' me. Just do what I tell you. Go. Go, go. I'll check on them, then bring you something warm to drink."
Kate grumbles once more, hanging her head back while grimacing. Yelena rolls her eyes and pushes her wife to the bedroom as she heads in that direction too.
"Can I get kisses?" Kate dramatically pouts her lips.
"Absolutely not. What part of 'I don't want to get sick' is not clear enough?"
Reaching the hallway's turning point, where their paths diverge, Yelena urges Kate toward their bedroom.
"To bed, please. I need you up and ready to leave by 2 PM. We need these photos done today if we want to have them in time for Christmas Cards.  It's their last available slot this month, so I don't want to hear any excuses later." Yelena nudges Kate in the direction of their bedroom. "Bed. Now, please."
Kate huffs histrionically and shuffles down the hallway, disappearing into the room. Exhaling, Yelena turns on her heels and makes her way to two of the bedrooms located at the opposite end of the hall.
Yelena enters the main bedroom, cradling four-and-a-half-year-old Alexia in one arm and one-year-old Maks in the other. The children cling to her, visibly miserable.
"Both of them have a fever. Both." Yelena announces, placing them gently on the bed, where they immediately crawl over to Kate and snuggle up. "You're all quarantined now. We're containing this."
Kate weakly pats the empty space on the bed and mumbles something unintelligible.
"No way. I'm not exposing myself to your mysterious virus breath." Yelena retorts.
"Cuddles." Kate requests with puppy eyes and a pathetic tone.
"You have two perfect cuddle pals right there. I'll make him a bottle and you two some food." Yelena replies, turning to leave the room. As she heads towards the door, Kate leans in and whispers into Alexia's ear.
"Ask mommy for some cuddles."
"Momma, cuddles. Momma." Alexia repeats.
Yelena rolls her eyes, but a smile creeps onto her face as she turns back to face the bed, where three pitiful, snotty faces stare back at her.
"Don't make them do your dirty work." Yelena warns in jest.
"Is giving me love 'dirty work' now?"
"Katherine, you're sick. All of you are."
"EXACTLY why I need my wife to cuddle me. I'm here...languishing."
"Are you?"
Kate leans into Alexia’s ear again and whispers.
"Tell her I'm dying."
"Mommy's dying.”
Yelena's smile widens.
"Stop using them as pawns!"
"You tell her too. Tell her we're dying." Kate whispers into Maks’ ear, eliciting incoherent babbling from the baby. "You heard the man. The situation is DIRE."
"I'm going to make food now." Yelena declares, attempting to walk away.
"Cuddles or death. Are you really willing to risk it?"
"Momma." Maks whimpers.
When Yelena turns, she finds that Kate has recruited the little ones into her shenanigans, and now the trio is reaching out to her with grabby hands, beckoning her to join them in bed. Shaking her head, Yelena groans and steps closer to the bed.
"You're a pain in my butt...and when I'm sick too, there will be no one left to take care of you needy monsters." Yelena grumbles, sliding under the sheets and opening her arms. Kate quickly readjusts the kids, shifting them along with her as she snuggles into Yelena's embrace.
"Hmmmm...cuddles." Kate murmurs, and Yelena can't help but chuckle.
"You're a giant baby, Kate Bishop." Yelena teases, running her hand in soothing circles around Kate's back and tenderly kissing the top of her head.
"Uhum." Kate mumbles against Yelena's chest while their children doze off again, resting atop Kate.
The room falls into peaceful silence for a long moment until...
Yelena sneezes, feeling the congestion suddenly weigh heavy on her chest. Kate smiles faintly against her skin.
"I like it when we do things as a family." Kate whispers.
"I hate you so much." Yelena playfully responds.
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fratboykate · 2 years
Are we doing things we miss from FBAU? I got one: Kate's wife beaters haha. Maybe not the wife beaters themselves (although she looks hot in them and her wife is wrong) but how crazy it would drive Yelena. Kate's lack of adulting powers when it came to not dressing like a rogue toddler in general never failed to get me. Laughed every time.
Can we say Kate's lack of ability to be a functioning human was pretty great in general? Because I feel like the whole "27-in-1" bathroom things, "Oh, I ran out of shampoo/body wash a week ago but I've been showering with dish soap don't worry", and inability to dress appropriately are kind of all symptoms of the same disease lol. I mean, we all know she CAN dress. "Katherine" is the reference. She just doesn't care to and I think that still counts.
Honestly, the times Yelena came the closest to ending it with Kate were obviously the drug fiasco and every time she tried to leave the house in a wife beater after the age of like...22 lol.
"Go change."
"Do we have to have this discussion every time?"
"We do until I get a satisfactory answer as to why I can't wear them. They're clean and they're comfortable. What's the issue?"
"Two main issues: 1) You're an adult and 2) You're an adult not living in a trailer park in Sugar Creek, Alabama. I'm not leaving the house with you looking like that."
It drives Yelena fucking INSANE.
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fratboykate · 1 year
I remember When Alex was born that Kate had been drinking with Yelena’s dad, does she do that with the other 2 kids or when Yelena was about to have baby #2, she was like “if you so much as look at a bottle of beer, I’m leaving you.” And because Kate does not want to upset her wife who’s very pregnant with her baby she’s like “Anything you want light of my life.” Also does she pass out like Alexei did when any of the little hellspawns are born?
Kate's smarter than making that same mistake twice. Her life wouldn't be spared a second time. She barely got away with her head the first.
Honestly, it's so hard to keep the AUs straight anymore because I was like "...but Kate DOES make out with the floor when Yelena is having a beeb. We've covered this!" and then I remembered that's Mom!AU not FBAU lol. Nah, FratBoy is tougher than that. She's got the spirit. She can be a trooper. (Mostly because 100% she would wake up to Yelena killing her if she ever passed out while a baby was popping out of her haha)
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fratboykate · 2 years
Dude I answered that last CFAU question and suddenly something hit me like a ton of bricks and I was like "OH FUCK OH NOOOOOOO". Lexa/Wila goes to Columbia Law in CFAU, Kate canonically went to Columbia in KYAU, AND these two fucking idiots go to Columbia in FBAU.
I fucking SWEARRRRRRRR that I know there's more than one school in NYC lmao. I *know* there was a very specific reason that I chose Columbia for CFAU although I don't remember what it is know but there is an EXTRA ULTRA HELLA specific reason why FBAU hassssss to be at Columbia and it's that it's the only Ivy League in NYC that has 1) a varsity female archery team 2) a varsity female fencing team and 2) a martial arts team/club. There's only like 3 schools in the state (maybe a handful) if I remember correctly that have female archery teams but they're like mid tier/low level schools not Ivys or hella impressive academically and they're also not IN THE CITY. It was slim pickings for schools that had all the stuff I wanted for Kate and that also gave me what I needed for Yelena. Columbia magically had it all. Including the hella competitive business program that Kate is in. It was literally perfect all around.
Sooooo I PROMISE I KNOW OTHER SCHOOLS EXIST IN THE WORLD and Columbia is not the center of the academic universe lol It was serendipity that it happened to work this way.
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fratboykate · 2 years
Initiate operation “make Papi feel better by writing her FBAU scenes!” She’s been pumping out content for us FOREVER! Time to quit being greedy bottom bitches and return the favourrr! Give the dimples a workout. Make the simp smile :)
(Only rule: No killing anyone off. You know how much she loves a well timed death. We can’t take that away from her.)
I’ll go first!
All night Yelena is on Kate; aka Katherine; aka that sexy piece of ass maid of honour; aka bottom bitch Bishop; aka Kate’s knees, meet bathroom floor. Get well acquainted because you’re about to be topped so hard you’ll swear lil mama is seven feet tall by the time she’s done with you.
Kate is fucking CHANNELING Katherine at the rehearsal dinner because 1) she’s looking out for baby sis Suze 2) acting like the perfect elitist daughter Derek and Eleanor always wanted while her stud of a wife is all over her is super fun, and 3) she knows EXACTLY what her alter ego does to her wife. More importantly she knows the longer she spends keying Yelena up, the harder she’s going to get railed in front of that bathroom mirror later. (Absence makes the heart grow fonder; waiting makes the top fuck harder)
When this bitch goes up to give her speech, she takes the attendees through the whole gambit of emotions. People are laughing, people are crying, people are holding their hands over their hearts when she expertly delivers a particularly charming anecdote.
Kate Bishop can be one smooth son of a bitch when she turns it on. Guests will bend the knee, the rest of the bridal parties’ panties will drop, and her parents will look like ass hats for putting gay baby in the corner.
(Fun fact: one of the members of the bridal party is Suze’s friend that thirsted after Kate that one March break)
Kate gets back to the table and Yelena is all like “You didn’t say ‘dude’ even once during that speech! Where’s that sort of diction at home? Get your fine ass over here so I can slide my hand up your thigh just a little bit higher than is socially acceptable at such an uppity event.”
Lololol other people doing the work for a change would be nice 😂
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fratboykate · 2 years
Okay confession time. I just can not get into KYAU. Not because of your writing. For 2 reasos: 1. seeing Hailee and Flo act together in the way that they did with all that chemistry and undertones, it just makes me crave a whole original show with them. The true spiritual successor to Chuck and Charah. Maybe with some Nikita and Alias mixed in. Ah what a gem what would have been! But instead it is marvel and locked contracts and waste of talent. 2. I actually can't see Hailee as Kate from the comics. Does not compute. It is A version of the character sure but it's so far away from how I see Kate. It's like seeing Poirot being played by anyone but David Suchet. Yes, all interpretations deserve a place, but not all work for everyone. So anyways, CO to my point: have you thought of giving K&Y original names? Like Wila and Parker in CFAU? That might help be compartmentalize. Cheers!
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My babies! No one like them. I have a type and I don't deny it. Blonde badass spy and their useless brunette bae who they need to babysit and occasionally kick their ass? SIGN ME UPPPPPPP! Immediate OTP. Own me by the end of the first episode.
Anyway...when you say "KYAU" do you mean *SPECIFICALLY* KYAU or all the Kate/Yelena AUs I have floating around (KYAU, Period AU, FBAU, etc)? Because I'm working on adapting Period outside of this and I do have names for them but not for FB or KYAU. I won't give the names for Period cuz it's just going to get messy and confusing with that one. They already technically have individual names in each timeline lol. I had names for CFAU because that's A Book. I consider all my characters OCs but I haven't thought about standalone names for these either. I *could* but...names are such a big deal for me and I don't see the need for it right now. It takes research and that's a time commitment. I would never consider KYAU to be it's own standalone thing so I would probably never name those characters. And FB... probably down the line once I actually start *writing* the thing properly the names will come to me. But right now I don't have them.
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