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tachlys · 6 months ago
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→ i was so young you should've know better than to lean on me; achlys p.o.v.
tw: abuso emocional, mãe narcisista, depressão.
Os olhos amedrontados de Achlys estavam presos no chão, como de costume. Após bater na porta do banheiro onde sua mãe se encontrava por alguns longos minutos, ele desistiu. Sabia que ela não abriria, não o deixaria entrar para tentar consolá-la. Não, ela apenas chorava o mais alto que podia, de maneira que o menino conseguia ouvir seus soluços, embora não pudesse fazer nada para ajudar a quem mais amava aos dez anos de idade sentia o peso do mundo em suas costas.
Detestava quando seu pai, Thanatos, partia. Sem mais nem menos, no meio da noite, ele desaparecia, e Achlys sabia o que vinha a seguir: sua mãe começava a chorar sem parar, dia e noite. O menino não entendia por que seu pai precisava partir. As coisas eram muito mais fáceis quando ele estava presente.
A vida do Whitlock girava em torno disso: alimentar sua mãe - mesmo que com sanduíches mal feitos -, dar-lhe água suficiente, atender a qualquer necessidade que ela tivesse. Muitas vezes, Achlys era o único confidente de Anne, sua progenitora. Ele a ouvia dizer o quão dilacerado seu coração estava e como doía pela incerteza de se Thanatos retornaria. Era um peso muito grande para alguém tão pequeno carregar, mas Achlys o fazia com um sorriso tímido nos lábios. E aos poucos aquele menino sensível, que um dia sonhara com uma família feliz, foi aos poucos perdendo a esperança de que um dia aquilo acontecer, se transformando em alguém que tinha medo de se conectar profundamente com os outros afinal precisava salvar cada milímetro de si para ser o salvador de sua mãe.
“Mommy?” Achlys bateu mais uma vez na porta, decidindo que era o suficiente, não pararia de tentar até ela abrir.
“— mommy doesn’t feel very good, go away achlys.” a voz trêmula do outro lado da porta respondeu pela primeira vez, embora bastante angustiado o semideus ao menos sabia que ela estava viva.
“eu fiz um sanduíche mamãe, manteiga de amendoim e geleia de morangos, a sua favorita.” tamb��m a última porção de sua geleia favorita, mas ele sabia melhor do que comer aquilo a prioridade era sua mãe, sempre era.
“—não estou com fome querido, eu acho que dessa vez ele de fato nos abandonou, ele não vai mais voltar achlys, o que eu vou fazer? como eu…” as palavras de Anne foram interrompidas por um choro violento mas ao menos o menino ouviu o destrancar da porta, sem hesitação ele adentrou o banheiro avistando sua mãe deitada no chão.
O silêncio parecia amaldiçoar aquele ambiente tão minúsculo. Achlys se sentia horrível por não saber o que dizer, por não poder de alguma forma tirar toda a dor que sua mãe sentia. Às vezes, se pegava perguntando se vivia em duas dimensões. Quando Thanatos, seu pai, a personificação da morte, cruzava a porta, ironicamente, era como se a vida voltasse para sua mãe. Ela era perfeita, seu riso contagiava a todos, sua aura era quente, acolhedora, amorosa.
Mas assim que o deus partia, com ele iam embora todas as qualidades de sua mãe. Achlys era obrigado não só a viver, mas também a cuidar do pouco que restava de sua progenitora. Ele se tornava, então, a âncora da mãe, tentando impedir que ela se afundasse por completo em sua dor e desespero. A mudança drástica na personalidade de Anne era algo que ele não conseguia compreender totalmente mas mesmo sem entender o Whitlock tentava expressar compaixão. Deitou-se no chão ao lado de sua mãe e acariciou sua mão. "you have me mommy, i promise i will be good, i will take care of you, everything will be okay."
"—stupid child, do you think you know anything?" era mais uma das mudanças drásticas de humor de sua mãe, uma das quais lhe deixava paralisado, o menino engoliu em seco.
Os momentos de ausência do pai transformavam a casa em um lugar sombrio. O riso e a alegria davam lugar a soluços e desânimo, e Achlys sentia o peso de um fardo muito grande para carregar sozinho. Ele tinha que ser o adulto, o cuidador, o conforto. Não havia espaço para ele ser apenas o que de fato era, uma criança, para ter suas próprias dores e medos, ou até mesmo para chorar por também sentir falta do pai. sentia-se dividido entre o desejo de ser um filho normal e a necessidade de ser forte por sua mãe.
"desculpa, eu não queria te irritar eu só..." sentiu os dedos de sua mãe tocar seus lábios, ela não queria ouvir nada que o menino tinha a dizer, ele sabia o que havia por trás do olhar de sua mãe, ressentimento, Achlys havia roubado sua beleza ao nascer, era por isso que Thanatos já não a visitava tanto, era sua culpa.
"— Achlys querido, sua voz está me dando náuseas e fazendo minha cabeça martelar, quer me ajudar? traga minha garrafa de vinho e vá contar quantas pedrinhas tem no chão ou... só suma da minha frente, agora!" bradou se virando pro lado oposto repentinamente, com medo de provocar algo pior Achlys apenas acatou e sequer teve a coragem de entrar no banheiro, deixou a garrafa de vinho na porta do mesmo para não enfurecer Anne. covarde, como poderia ser tão covarde?
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zmarylou · 6 months ago
the chronicles of carter; baby, you're all that I want when you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe we're in heaven. ((FLASHBACK))
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Nunca era fácil se despedir de Carter, principalmente quando o semideus tentava convencer Mary a ir em menos missões. Embora ela entendesse a preocupação de seu amado, ela não podia virar as costas a seu pai ou ao peso que ser filha dele carregava. Como provaria ser digna de tal bênção se não se voluntariasse prontamente para toda e qualquer missão? Independente de quão perigosa ou longa, a ruiva sempre estava pronta para o desafio e voltava com mais uma honra para o chalé número 1.
A cada despedida, Carter a segurava por mais tempo, tentando, com um olhar intenso e preocupado, fazer com que ela reconsiderasse. Ele sabia que a determinação de Mary era inabalável, mas o medo de perdê-la era constante. Mary, por sua vez, sentia um nó no estômago ao deixar Carter para trás, sabendo que ele sempre estaria esperando por ela, torcendo pelo seu retorno seguro. Naquela noite em especial seus olhos pareciam mais atormentados, a Beckett se deitou na cama do namorado lhe fitando com um pequeno sorriso nos lábios.
"Você sabe que eu sempre volto, eu vou tomar cuidado carinho, você sabe que... parte meu coração te ver assim." mordeu o lábio inferior levemente sabia que ele estava tentando esconder o que sentia, mais ver-lo tão cabisbaixo quase lhe fazia repensar se de fato gostaria de ir.
"- Eu sei, eu sei, eu não to tentando te convencer a ficar eu prometo eu só..." o suspiro cansado escapou dos lábios de Cárter, ele caminhou até a cama repousando sua mão sob o rosto da ruiva. "Você é tudo que conheço, que tenho e que amo Mary, não espere de mim conseguir fingir que a cada segundo que você estiver lá eu vou estar... aqui, eu não posso te proteger daqui, ou te pedir pra ficar, eu sei que não é justo, sei que você faz por seu pai, por seu chalé, mas eu não consigo evitar de pensar que..." a voz do semideus era rouca, continha uma certa hesitação.
"Você não precisa se preocupar, eu vou sempre voltar, nada vai acontecer, você sabe que eu sei lutar muito bem, você me ensinou metade do que sei, eu vou tomar cuidado e vai ficar tudo bem." Mary disse com o intuito de acalmar o coração do outro, Cárter entretanto parecia mais consumido ainda por seus pensamentos.
"-Até quando Mary? Quantas vezes você acha que você vai voltar? Quantas vezes você já não voltou caindo aos pedaços, quando você vai conseguir dizer ok, eu fiz o suficiente e não sei, eu nem sei o que eu to querendo dizer, eu só preciso mais uma vez lhe pedir... implorar, por favor, não me ponha na posição de precisar viver sem você." ela assentiu prontamente, dividia do sentimento que ele falava visto que o conhecia por basicamente toda sua vida.
Mary se sentou na cama e segurou as mãos gélidas de seu namorado, beijando carinhosamente as mesmas tentando lhe dar algum conforto. "Eu prometo que vou voltar carinho, você não vai precisar viver sem mim, eu to aqui." encostou a testa na do outro, perto o bastante para sentir a respiração dele, o amava com cada fibra de seu corpo e sem ele sequer sabia se poderia sobreviver, o conheceu durante seu quarto ano no acampamento e desde aquele dia Cárter havia se tornado como o oxigênio para a Beckett.
"- I love you baby, and i know it might not look like right now but i am so so proud of you, I am sorry." respondeu finalmente um pouco menos tenso roçando os lábios contra o da filha de Zeus.
"I love you so much more, and you don't need to be sorry, if you only knew how much I love you, you'd be sure I will come back, I know it darling." os lábios macios de Mary-Lou selaram-se ao de Cárter. "Hold me before I go?" pediu e viu o outro assentir quase de imediato sentindo a quentura do corpo alheio lhe esquentar; não existia qualquer criatura nos céus, terra ou submundo capaz de lhe manter afastada dele.
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wictory17 · 9 months ago
"Kelebek kadar ömrüm olsaydı yine seni severdim FENERBAHÇE'M.."
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mostlysignssomeportents · 4 months ago
Private equity rips off its investors, too
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I'm coming to DEFCON! TOMORROW (Aug 9), I'm emceeing the EFF POKER TOURNAMENT (noon at the Horseshoe Poker Room), and appearing on the BRICKED AND ABANDONED panel (5PM, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01). On SATURDAY (Aug 10), I'm giving a keynote called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification" (noon, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01).
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It's amazing how many of the scams that have devastated our economy and everyday people owe their success to the fact that we assume that rich people know what they're doing, so if they're doing something, it must be real.
Think of how many people lost everything by gambling on junk bonds, exotic mortgage derivatives, cryptocurrency and web3, because they saw that the largest financial institutions in the world were going all-in on these weird, incomprehensible bets.
Then there are the people who are convinced that online advertising is built around a mind-control ray, because tech companies claim that's what they have ("I am an evil dopamine-loop-hacking wizard and I can sell anything to anyone!"), and because huge, sober blue-chip companies hand billions to these soi dissant svengalis. Sure, online ads are a swamp of clickfraud and garbage, but would these super smart captains of industry spend so much on online advertising if it didn't work super-well?
From our worms'-eye-view here on the ground, it's easy to assume that rich people and the people who sell them stuff are all on the same side. "If you're not paying for the product, you're the product," right? If Facebook is tormenting you with surveillance advertising, it must be doing so on behalf of the surveillance advertisers, for whom Mark Zuckerberg has bottomless reservoirs of honest, forthright impulses.
The reality is simultaneously weirder, and obvious in hindsight. The reason Zuck is tormenting you is that he's a remorseless sociopath who doesn't care who he hurts. He rips off everyone he can rip off, and that includes advertisers, who have seen steady price-hikes and lower-fidelity targeting, even as ad-fraud has skyrocketed while Facebook draws down its anti-fraud spending:
This is not to say that Facebook advertisers have your best interests at heart, that they aren't engaged in active deception in order to better themselves at your expense. Rather, it's to say that there's no honor among thieves, and Zuck is an equal-opportunity predator. Moreover, both Zuck and his advertisers are credulous dolts, so the mere fact that they are pouring money into something (advertisers: FB ads; Zuck: metaverse) it doesn't follow that these are real or important or the coming thing.
For me, the Ur-example of "rich people are dumb, even when it comes to money" is the private equity sector. I've written a lot about PE, and how destructive it is to the real economy, from Toys R Us to pet grooming:
How they killed Red Lobster:
And how they actually created the death panels that Sarah Palin warned us about (it's OK, though: these death panels are run by the efficient private sector, not government bureaucrats):
The devastating effect of private equity on the real economy is increasingly well understood, and a curious side-effect of this is that people assume that if PE is destroying their lives, they must be doing so on behalf of their investors, who are making bank.
But – like Zuck – PE bosses are just as happy to steal from their investors as they are to to steal from the workers and customers of the businesses they acquire on those investors' behalf. They swaddle this theft in performative complexity and specialized jargon, but when you strip all that away, you find more fraud.
All the misery that PE inflicts on workers, communities and customers are just a convincer in a Big Store con, a bid to make the scam seem credible. For a certain kind of investor, any economic activity that destroys communities and workers' livelihoods must be a good bet. This is the dynamic at work in the pitch of AI image-generator companies, who spend tens of billions on technology that there is no substantial market for:
AI image generators represent a high-profile, extremely visible example of "a job that AI can do." Nevermind that AI illustration went from a novelty to a tired cliche in less than a year. Even if you think that AI illustrations are a perfect substitute for commercial illustrations, that still won't come anywhere near making AI companies a profit. Add up the entire wage bill for every commercial illustrator in the world, hand it to Open AI, and you're not even gonna cover the kombucha budget for Open AI's staff kitchens.
Hell, all the wages of every commercial illustrator that ever lived won't pay back even a fraction of the money the AI companies spent on image generators. The pauperization of an entire class of creative workers is just a canned demo, a way to fool investors into thinking that there is a whole universe of similarly situated workers whose wages can be diverted to AI companies. This is the logic of small-time spammers, scaled up to the scale of the entire S&P 500. Smalltime spammers looked at AI and thought, "OK, I can generate as much botshit as I want on demand for free. Science fiction magazines pay $0.10/word. So if I generate a billion words, I'll get $100 million." But that's not how any of that works: sf magazines don't buy botshit, and even if they did, the entire market for short fiction adds up to what Sam Altman spends on a single designer t-shirt. The point of destroying these beloved, useful things isn't to make a lot of money by taking their markets – it's to convince dopey, panicked rich people to give you lots of money you can steal, because they think you can do this to every market and they don't want to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime:
Take "divi recaps": after a private equity firm acquires a company (by borrowing money against its assets), it typically declares a "special dividend," emptying out the company's cash reserves and pocketing them. A "divi recap" is when PE then takes out another massive loan against the company's (remaining) assets and pockets that:
All of this happens under an opaque cloud, thanks to the light-to-nonexistent disclosure rules for PE. A public company has to open its books for the SEC, its investors, and the world. PE is private – and so are its finances. It is absolutely routine for PE bosses to put their spouses, kids, and pals on the payroll and hand them millions for doing little to nothing, all at the expense of their investors:
PE bosses charge huge fees to their investors – not merely the usual 2-and-20 (2% of the funds under management and 20% of any profits) – but also a wide variety of special one-off fees that pile to the sky. They also dip into their investors' funds to issue themselves massive loans that they use to make side-bets, without telling the investors about it:
PE investors are chickens ripe for the plucking: take "continuation funds," which allow PE bosses to soak the rich people and pension funds who supply them with billions:
Remember 2-and-20? 2% of all the money you manage, every year, and 20% of all the profits. You'd think that these would be somewhat zero sum, right? If you use some of your investors' cash to buy a company, and then sell off that company for a profit, you get the 20%, but now the pot of money you're managing has gone down by the amount you used to buy the company, and so your 2% carry goes down, too.
But what if you sell your portfolio companies to yourself, using your investors' own money? When you do that, you continue to hold the company on your PE firm's books, meaning you continue to get the 2% carry, and you can pocket 20% of the sale price as a "profit":
This is straight-up fraud, wrapped up in so much jargon that it can successfully masquerade as "financial engineering" ("financial engineering" is really just a euphemism for "fraud"). PE bosses keep coming up with new, exotic ways to steal from their investors. The latest scam is "tax receivable agreements":
On its face, this is a tax scam. When a company goes public, early investors generally hold stock in the original partnership or LLC; this company ends up holding a ton of shares in the new, public company. When they sell those non-public shares in the LLC, this creates a (potentially gigantic) tax credit.
A TRA hustle involves tracking down these LLC shareholders and convincing them to sign off on dumping the LLC's shares, which generates a huge tax credit for the public company. The hustler offers to split these credits with the LLC holders.
All of this is especially attractive to PE bosses, who often take a company private, do a bunch of "financial engineering" and then take it public again, leaving the PE firm as the owner of those LLC shares that can be converted to a TRA and a huge windfall – which the PE bosses pocket, because they (not their investors) are holding those credits.
This scam is really doing big numbers. KKR – the monsters who killed Toys R Us – just diverted $650 million in TRA loot, prompting a lawsuit from Steamfitters union pension fund, which had handed these jerks millions of its members' money to gamble with:
This highlights another very weird aspect of the PE scam: they are absolutely dependent on pension funds. To add insult to injury, PE funds are notorious union-busters – they use union money to buy companies and destroy their unions:
People who try to understand the PE business model often give up, because it seems to make no sense, leading many to assume that they're too unsophisticated to grasp the complex financials here. For example, PE is absolutely dependent on massive loans as a way of looting its businesses, but it also often defaults on those loans. Why do banks and investors keep making huge loans to PE deadbeats? Because – like the PE fund investors – they are credulous dolts.
The reason PE seems like a scam is that it is a scam. It is a fractal scam – every part of it is a scam. You might have heard about the "carried interest" tax loophole that allows PE bosses to avoid billions in taxes on the money they steal from their investors, creditors, workers and customers. Most people assume "carried interest" has something to do with "interest" on a loan. Nope: "carried interest" is a 16th century nautical tax rule designed for mercantalist sea-captains who had an "interest" in the cargo they "carried":
But rich people and other "sophisticated investors" (like pension fund investment managers) are no smarter than the rest of us. They are herd animals. When they see other rich people piling into some scheme or asset class, they rush to join them, which makes the asset price go up, which makes them think they're smart (until the inevitable rug-pull). When one plute jumps off the Empire State Building, the rest of them jump, too.
Which is why there's more money flooding into PE than at any time in history, $2.62T in "dry powder," handed over to greedy, thieving PE bosses in a poker game where everyone is the sucker at the table:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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enkvyu · 1 year ago
two-faced — jjk smau
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in which gojo pisses off a famous streamer (you 🫵) for funsies and unleashes a legion of loyal fans who want him dragged, doxxed, or dead. fortunately for him, you have your own secrets that you’ll take to the grave, perfect for him to take advantage of. when the two of you meet, an unlikely love story for the ages blossoms aka a lighthearted smau abt gojo n the gang!!
pairings: gojo x f!reader
genres: social media au (smau), crack, fluff, strangers to enemies (?) to lovers
warnings: profanities, dark humour, sexual jokes, mentions of death and suicide, very stupid jokes don’t take anything too seriously!! ignore timestamps. will contain jokes / references from the manga !! you will be warned of spoilers on the posts that have them 🤍
this is my first smau so if it’s not funny i Apologise 😨 just for the shits n giggles !! upload schedule will probably be based on how well this is received 🤍 note all characters are in uni (ages 18-20)
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01: hit tweet this, hit tweet that, why don’t you hit the gym?
02: hot girls pay the government 2 b a citizen
03: nanami’s right titty tingle
04: What Ever Major Loser
05: let him in, LET HIM IN
06: it’s “save the turtles” until i drink boba with my hands
07: silence of the lambs
08: god giving me my greatest obstacle and it’s a man
09: would u still love me if i was a chip floating around in ur stomach?
10: deny that instead
11: twitching eyes and clenched fists
12: getou’s bang grease
13: spring loaded penis bomb
14: first date options and gojo picks spit boba (it works?!)
15: lactose intolerance, biggest killer since cancer
16: unknown mysterious reason unravelled
17: i wish i could have at least (1)
18: beautiful princess disorder
20: tba
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nwjnsloona · 24 days ago
@/daniellemarsh: a thread - mo danielle
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arguably the most famous account on tokkitwt, june (@/daniellemarsh) is beloved by all. until they start getting accused of being a sasaeng!
TAGS— fluff, actually the silliest, stantwt au, mentions of sasaengs, croomfs to lovers
FEATURING— newjeans, stantwt
STATUS— coming soon
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profiles: nwjns | hashtagtokkitwt
01. — fb
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taglist (open!): @yerimbrit @trovao-penguins @cceanvvaves @saysirhc @gayforalll
@artrizzler19 @gtfoiydlyj @sixflame438 @electronicluminarycoffee @jendeukz
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izzynichs · 3 months ago
O fato de ser caçadora fazia com que as pessoas sempre conhecessem seu rosto. Alguns sabiam seu nome, sua história, até mesmo sua fama, mas esperava que o filho de Hefesto não fosse um dessas. As pessoas que sabiam costumavam ter medo ou julgá-la. Observou Kaito se virar, notando os gestos precisos e a forma como ele falava. Ao perceber que ele estava utilizando a língua de sinais, levou um instante para compreender. Seus olhos estreitaram por uma fração de segundo, antes de ela rapidamente ajustar sua expressão. Tinha ouvido falar que ele era uma pessoa centrada, calma, e se ele estava ali, pacientemente envolvido em seu trabalho, talvez fosse verdade. — Não se preocupe, eu cheguei há pouco. — Garantiu, falando mais devagar esperando que ele pudesse compreendê-la. — Eu não sabia, me desculpe. Precisa que eu fale mais devagar? — Perguntou, tentando movimentar a boca de uma forma que ele pudesse ler os lábios, se fosse preciso. Infelizmente, linguagem de sinais não era o seu forte, mas ela tentou logo em seguida. — Eu vou ser direta. — Como sempre era, afinal. Movimentava as mãos em asl enquanto falava, embora nem sempre os sinais que fazia tinham algum sentido com o que dizia. — Ouvi dizer que você é uma pessoa tranquila, centrada. — A voz dela saiu um pouco mais dura do que pretendia, mas era sua natureza. Ao menos ele não podia ouvi-la. — O que é muito diferente do que eu. Sou uma cabeça quente. Impulsiva, esquentada e, honestamente, isso não está me ajudando em nada. Tenho problemas com algumas caçadoras, em missões, e... — Suspirou. As mãos ainda se movimentavam enquanto falava, uma palavra ou outra deixando de ser dita com as mãos pela falta de conhecimento, mas esperava que ele pudesse compreendê-la. As palavras saíram com mais suavidade, refletindo a vulnerabilidade que raramente deixava transparecer. Isabella respirou fundo outra vez, desviando o olhar por um momento antes de voltar a encará-lo. — Enfim, ouvi comentários pelo acampamento. Sobre um tal de Kaito, filho de Hefesto, e como ele é centrado, maduro, e como lida bem com conflitos. Queria saber se você pode, sei lá... — Ergueu os ombros, como se não estivesse falando nada demais, embora estivesse prestes a fazer um pedido importante. — Me ajudar? A ser mais tranquila e tal. — Cruzou os braços, completamente incomodada por estar sendo tão aberta. — Preciso ser uma pessoa melhor, para mim e... para a minha filha. — Ela hesitou antes de mencionar sua filha novamente, mas sentiu que era importante ser honesta. Isso era algo que raramente fazia, e estar ali, pedindo ajuda, era algo que a deixava desconfortável. Contudo, era necessário. E, se alguém poderia ajudá-la a mudar, talvez fosse Kaito.
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Com os novos compromissos, o tempo no bunker 9 vinha se tornado menor do que gostaria. Velhos hábitos nunca morrem, não é? Algo do tipo. O fato é que estava imerso na confecção dos autômatos. Apenas peças sem nenhum comando significativo, pelo menos não por enquanto. Seu objetivo era apresentar à Quíron e Senhor D. seu projeto posteriormente, quando finalmente possuísse a garantia de que não iriam apresentar nenhum defeito. Mais tarde, mostraria também aos irmãos, pois precisava de que todos eles estivessem ali, fosse para desmotivá-lo ou para ajudá-lo e... Aquilo era uma sombra? Não sabe dizer quando percebeu, porque estava imerso no próprio trabalho, entretanto, assim que notou a presença da caçadora, se virou, subindo os óculos protetores, e retirando as luvas. ❛ Pois não? Como eu posso ajudar? ━━━━━ Usou a voz, a princípio. Não sabia muito bem quem era ela, mas já havia a visto vezes o bastante para saber que se tratava de uma caçadora. ❛ Você chegou faz muito tempo? Só percebi sua sombra depois. Eu sou o Kaito, acho que nunca nos falamos. ━━━━━ Continuou, e então, se recordou de um detalhe importante. Por não se conhecerem, ela provavelmente não sabia. ❛ Se tiver, por favor, releve. Eu não escuto. ━━━━━ Utilizou a língua de sinais junto com a fala na última sentença.
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squeakitties · 4 months ago
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comm for @pht-fb-01 !!
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alezeuine · 4 months ago
the wind rises
“kung pwede na, pwede pa?”
filo gojo x fem!reader/oc
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satoru gojo hated losing, he was always the number one in everything he does and he will never quit until he gets what he wants, the classic spoiled brat. mia on the other hand has always been a shadow under the glamour of her family name, and finds sanctuary on the pilot student from UST as they seek what they lack from one another not noticing the change of the wind’s direction.
cw: taglish language, fluff, some profanity, a bit cheesy, pilot, college au, angst in the middle, spoilet brat gojo, understanding protagonist, contains political humor, kanto humor ang author, suggestive innuendos
taglist: open disclaimer.
acknowledgement. playlist.
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spy ng pilipinas. || lalaban ng senador.
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PROLOGUE: lumilipad lipad lang
01: hev abi enjoyer
02: zilong main
03: broken si idol
04: must we? we must not.
05: nonchalant mode
06: luh, bold ata yan
07: naiinlove sa rk
08: my defense ganito...
09: mga thomasian talaga
10: matching dp sa fb
to be added...
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“Araw-araw kitang liligawan, araw-araw kitang mamahalin, let me prove that I am the man for you.”
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pangeasoftware · 1 year ago
i bought a yamaha fb-01 off a guy on craigslist for really cheap today. really good fm synth with multitimbral voicing. i plugged it in to this song i wrote for the sega genesis like 5 years ago. all of the FM voices are playing off the fb01 simultaneously (!!!) and the squarewave and PCM channels are software emulated off genny (good genesis emulation vst).
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jamesherr · 8 months ago
— Ah, deve estar bem ocupado, então. — Brincou, deixando um riso baixo escapar. Não que ele se identificasse muito com isso, porque não fazia parte do grupo que odiava o pai ou mãe olimpiano. James era gentil demais, bobo demais, imaturo demais. Era quase como se não tivesse espaço em sua mente e seu coração para sentimentos complexos como odiar os pais por serem... péssimos pais. Além do mais, pensar na morte e ausência da mãe lhe causava tão mal que ele optava por ignorar qualquer coisa que remetesse ao assunto. — Deve ter falado. Eu estava bêbado demais. Foi mal. Aliás, eu comentei que sou novo nesse lance de bebidas? — Perguntou, franzindo o cenho e coçando a nuca. Deve ter explicado, para que soubesse o motivo de estar tão embriagado com poucas taças. — Ah, você é de Apolo... você... ahm... sinto muito. — Lembrou-se do garoto do chalé sete, falecido nos últimos dias. Não sabia muito bem como lidar com a situação, como acalentar uma pessoa que tinha pouca intimidade. Por sorte, Andrea surgiu com uma garrafa de... alguma coisa. — Mak- o quê? Bom, dependendo do que for, eu quero experimentar. — A curiosidade matou o gato, dizia o ditado.
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O lance de querer se manter ocupado era o fato de nem sempre ter algo para fazer, era instrutor, mas nem sempre tinha aulas ou treinamento para fazer parte, então procurava outros meios de não pensar muito nas coisas que aconteciam ali, por essa razão que acabou não percebendo a presença de James, respondendo ao toque com um soquinho no soquinho dele. “É, eu ando tentando manter a cabeça ocupada com outra coisa que não seja o ódio pelos nossos pais” Falou com toda sinceridade do mundo, terminando de amontoar aquelas caixas da colheita e então se sentou, no chão mesmo, tirando as luvas e suspirando, limpando o suor que deslizava pelo seu rosto antes de voltar o olhar para ele. “Não sou de Deméter, eu sou de Apolo, eu achei que tivesse te falado” E achou que, em bom tom, não precisasse explicar o motivo de se meter em qualquer lugar que fosse para não pensar em qualquer outra coisa. Estava de luto, assim como os seus irmãos, então não tinha como fingir que tava tudo bem. “Ei, eu to com uma garrafa de makgeolli, quer um pouco?”
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srbachchan · 9 months ago
DAY 5856
Jalsa, Mumbai Feb-Mar/29/1 2024 Thu/Fri 10:10AM
🪔 ,
March 01 .. birthday greetings to Ef Asesh Majumdar from Kolkata .. all joys and prayers from the Ef Family .. 🙏🏻🚩❤️
There is a method in the tolerance of the mind and body .. when it decides it decides .. IT DECIDES .. yes .. and that is ever the final ..
कहने की सीमा होती है; सहने की सीमा होती है ; कुछ मेरे भी वश में, कुछ सोच समझ अपमान करो मेरा; अब मत मेरा निर्माण करो ..
And Babuji 's words ring through by the early morn and keep me awake in thought .. to rise and write .. to be aware and write .. to just be brave enough to say what the feel says within .. may not have been in such thought before .. but say it now .. if not now then when .. care less for the effect it shall have on the other ..
Abhishek last night and I , we talk and send time for hours on end .. it is what should have been done much before .. NO , it is not the factor of being busy so could not find the time .. it is that
' is it possible , or it can be possible , that what I proclaim or advise, he may have a better more sensible advice or solution fo it ..'
It is a generational change .. the speed of change and thought, with the ease of immediate information with the 5-6 yr old, gives them the capacity and at times the audacity to take on the older, elder thought .. and they may be right .. THEY MAY BE RIGHT ..
So who are we to interrupt them and their thoughts ..
Just a feel of what is the element that is with this GENz or X or whatever ..
So he says , Abhishek says .. is the talk of the generation today ..
'not' my circus , not my monkey ..'
Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys There's a Polish proverb which millennials often use today: “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” It's a way of saying, “Don't drag me into your drama and your issues—I'm not getting involved.”
And now dear Ef , just watch how the interpretation finds its way on memes and news and interpretations for the world of the socialitatickamedilaticum ..
Life and AI have made life so simple and so complicated .. complicated forus the ones that are the ol'timers .. the NEW does never drag itself into its involvement ..
So .. we started with the strength of the self and its capacity to FIGHT by itself and succeed or WIN .. and the not to be dragged into the issue is the 'monkey' ..
Live and love and be well ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
किसी ने मेरे FB post पे कहा,
"सीधे सीधे बोलिए ना ..... " ,,
मेरा उत्तर ये है -
'सीधे सीधे बोलने की क्षमता आज किसके पास है । और यदि क्षमता है भी, तो क्या वो सही है ?
क्योंकि आजकल, सही को भी सही साबित करने की आवश्यकता पड़ गई है !!!
बोल सिया पति रामचंद्र की जय
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 10 months ago
01/28/2024 Daily Crew Recap
TLDR; Hoist The Ads Charity Donations; Campaign Status Updates; Hunt For the Pirate Home Watch Party; General Morale; Past Renewal Campaign Comparisons; Cast & Crew Sightings; Upcoming Events: Pets for Pirates Jan 29; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
=Hoist The Ads Updates =
Looks like the voting is done, and the results are in! @gingerlyvibing was kind enough to break down how much is going where. Just a reminder-- you all made this happen! Everything over the $10K it cost to get the billboard is going to help out these awesome charities! Links to threads: Tumblr / Twitter
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Funnily enough, apparently one of the trucks still has the ads on it
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== How To Help ==
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US
How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
I'm helping some folks over on FB get similar/ the same updates right now, if anyone would like to help give me feedback I'd appreciate it, please just PM me! I have a couple ideas and I want to run them by folks.
== Status Updates ==
Good news! Wb is still having trouble recovering, as it should. Thanks @btweenhisteeth on twitter
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==Petition Status==
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Over 82K -- going slow, but still ticking up! Takes time all, especially since we're focused on the networks right now. Don't give up!
== Hunt For The Pirate Home Watch Party ==
Had some great turn out all over the world today for the Hunt For the Wilder People watch party. Thank you again to @dandeebakes for getting those coordinated!
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Saw some great trends during it, and a lot of people having fun. If you haven't actually seen the movie, I highly recommend it, it's incredibly good!
==General Morale==
So despite things being fairly quiet today, the general vibe from folks has been that we're just in a holding pattern and we're just gonna keep clowning and polite menacing until we hear more word.
== Other Cancelled Series Comparisons ==
Something cool that I saw more of today was several groups doing comparisons with other cancelled TV Shows. Thank you to @OFMDCrew for these stats on twitter.
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After they were posted, I did hear conflicting feelings on these (some felt it helped raise their mood, some felt it made it worse). So I wanted to point out a few things:
1. We've done a hell of a lot in 3 weeks (and signatures were our priority for most of the first two weeks, but once David Jenkins lit the beacon 8 days ago, we changed our focus). 2. We had a leadership change mid-all of this with Renew As A Crew. 3. Oh and there's other stuff in the world going on (Palestine) 4. As @saltpepperbeard says in their post "David only posted his "call to arms" just a little over a week ago. Eight days ago." So much has changed and we've STILL accomplished so much in that time too.
We are kicking ass, we really are, I promise you!
Across Twitter / IG / and Tumblr, several people have mentioned they feel like something's "in the air". That's totally a second hand "I have a feeling" thing but as you probably remember, quite a few of us had that as a bad feeling the morning before the show got cancelled. Now, if you're not into that kinda thing-- I would like to mention, that could just be because this crew is so fucking awesome, and that's why the vibe is so good-- because we're leaning on each other and take care of each other. Also when lovely people like @saltpepperbeard (as referenced above) write lovely responses to asks that can always help too. This post made ME feel better, I recommend giving it a read for a little perspective :)
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
1. The weekend is still pretty scarce as usual. Our pirate queen Ruibo Qian has been enjoying a lot of everyone's artwork lately. 2. Nathan Foad announced his con dates 3. Renewal Campaign Related: mostly seeing updates again from our boi Erroll Shand supporting the campaign.
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== Pets For Pirates ==
Tomorrow, Jan 29, there will be a Pets for Pirates Even! Share your Pet pictures and use the hashtags:
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==Love Notes==
I know, I know "Jeez Abby, Shut Up We Already Know How Awesome We Are" Well good! Cause you should! But that won't stop me from saying so again! I'm serious when I say the vibe is so good right now in general because we have such a great crew. You all take such good care of each other and it shows every single day. You helped raise an extra $11,578 that are now going to charities that are going to help so many families, and kids, and that's just from the extra stuff from the Hoist The Ads Campaign -- not including everything else going on. I'm going to include a picture from one of my favorite people @thelatestkate because she does awesome work, and this one applies significantly to all of you. <3
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Daily Darby/Tonights Taika
Tonights gifs are brought you by the wonderful @celluloidbroomcloset's Posts: Rhys / Taika
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I'm literally watching Green Lanturn this moment because I needed to remember this youngin Taika, so thank you / no thank you for that, but hey I've watched worse for Rhys so I guess I can't complain.
Goodnight Lovelies <3
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skriblee-ksk · 3 months ago
“A party in Halloween Town? I’d be a fool to deny!”
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Cameo of @the-rini-rush’s Carla!!
“It’s shocking I wasn’t chosen as the bride, but It’s alright. A heroine who fights for devotion seems to be my thing nowadays.”
Set to Home Screen: May the best suitor win.
Home Transition:
1: I didn’t bring an offering for the fountain. Not like I need good luck either way, I can fulfill my wishes all on my own.
2: I’m not sure how tight the security is at the Boogie Man’s Palace. I’m confident in my acting, but… Hm, I’ll scope it and then decide.
3: Yuuki looks quite dashing in their suit. Not exactly my definition of prince charming, but they could be a good candidate… I think I’d like to doll them up sometimes.
4: As much as I’d like to go into the graveyard and look for anything spooky, it’d be disrespectful to disrupt it without gifts on hand. Are flowers a little basic?
Home, after Login: Hmm, I quite like the properties of this outfit. Don’t I seem like a ghost? Be careful with your words, or I might haunt you forever…! Ha!
Tap Home:
1: The Esqueleto’s are quite considerate to invite me to their party. If I see them, I’ll be sure to thank them.
2: I seem more upbeat than usual? Well, I won’t deny it to you. A place where both the living and dead reside. Isn’t that exciting?
3: We must go to the Boutique, darling! Their dresses are quite glamorous, in a strange way.
4: Carla’s here too? Oh, and we’re rivals? Alright, let’s see who’s able to win Yuuki’s heart! Although… I’m not sure if her head’s completely in the game with Constance around…
5: Being the special girl picked from a large crowd is wholly romantic, don’t you agree? If I’m not chosen, then well… I always have other chances to get my dream anyway.
Groovification: “I have some flowery lines prepared. And if that doesn’t suit Yuuki, I have a few others.”
Tap Home Groovy: I’m not sure which attitude to put on when I’ll woo Yuuki. Probably nothing too straightforward, right? Don’t want to scare them off.
Home Transition Groovy: I wouldn’t mind living in a place like this. Dark and spooky… Oh, but what if I get bored of it because I experience it so often? It’d make me miserable!
Event by @theolivetree123!!
More under cut!!
putting my daughter kalmia up for sale for love <3333
I didn’t think i could get the groovy out before the end of the due date bc i’m pretty busy these days so it’s included this time!!
doodle of kamiyuuki:
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idk like the general timeframe (book-wise) this event is in, but I think Yuuki and Kalmia would’ve met, perchance?? (She officially gets acquainted with Yuu like basically right after book 3 ends)
I don’t know how Yuuki feels about going home either, but!!! Either way!!! Kalmia would have went on that whole spiel and would’ve tried getting closer to Yuu, and then accidentally ended up becoming pretty closed due to forced (?) proximity. tragic (?)
Anyway. CONGRATS ON 150+ FOLLOWERS!!! 🎉🫶🙏🏻 Ur art is so wonderful (and so are ur characters) so it’s only natural!!! I hope I continue to see them more!! Literally so happy to be moots with u. I found you in the candy crush event and I was literally so flabbergasted when u fb. ANYWAY. Congrats once again!!! I hope u have fun w this event!!!
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops
@lumdays @venaue @jewelulu @thehollowwriter
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michael-svetbird · 4 months ago
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THE BRONZES OF SAN MARIANO Exhibit: A collection of Etruscan bronze artefacts dating 6 BC, discovered in 1812 in the municipality of Corciano, San Mariano, 13 km west of Perugia, combined and displayed together [for the 1st time] in -Museo Archeologico dell'Umbria. The bronzes are from: - Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia - Staatlichen Antikensammlungen, Monaco - The British Museum, London - Staaliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin - Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen - Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris - Musée du Louvre, Paris
Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell’Umbria, Perugia | MANU [Floor 1]
Web : https://www.musei.umbria.beniculturali.it/musei/museo-archeologico-nazionale-dellumbria
FB : https://www.facebook.com/MANUmbria
IG : @ museoarcheologicoumbria
👉 Pic 01: Zeus defats a giant [gigantomachia] Fragment of Etruscan chariot external decorative plate covering, Bronze with paint overlay, 530-520 BC.
👉 Pic 02: Griffin and Leopards-? Fragments of Etruscan furniture or box decorative plate coverings, 550-520 BC.
👉 Pic 03: 2 Leopards [close-up] Fragment of Etruscan furniture or box covering, 550-520 BC.
👉 Pics 04-06 | Fragments | Close-ups: Heracles fights with Ares and his son Cycnus [in presence of Hera-? behind them]. The Amazons, daughters of Ares, arrive at a gallop [on the right]. Another interpretation - Amazonomachy: Heracles fights with 2 Amazons in hoplite armour, other Amazons on approach [the 9th Labour-?]. Fragments a chariot [probably] external decorative plate covering, 520 BC. [Pic 05: ©MANU | The image is not in public domain].
👉 Pic 07: The group of 3 vertical plates with mythological figures: Chimera and Hermes; Artemis-? and Demeter-?; Paris-? and a goddess. Furniture, altar or throne coverings, 520-510 BC.
👉 Pic 08: Sphinx or Griffin, Furniture Covering-?; Winged Goddess Bronze Statuette [1 of 2], 550-500 BC.
👉 Pic 09: Sphinx, Fragment of a chariot covering, 530-520 BC; Lion's Head, Fragment of a chariot or furniture covering, 560-500 BC; Fragment of a female statuette [Kora-?], 550-540 BC.
👉 Pic 10: Research drawings by Walter Briziarelli [1913-1975], a Perugia-born Architect, Museologist, Illustrator and Designer, study 1953-57 https://www.briziarelli.it/walter-briziarelli/walter-briziarelli-biografia.html ©MANU | The image is not in public domain
MANU | Michael Svetbird phs©msp | 07|07|24 6300X5200 600 [I.-X.] The photographed objects are collection items of MANU and other Museums mentioned above [Non-commercial fair use | No AI | Author rights apply | Sorry for the watermarks]
📸 Part of the "Small-Format Sculpture and Miniature Artifacts" MSP Online Photo-gallery:
👉 D-ART: https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/69450077/small-format-sculpture-and-miniature-artifacts
👉 FB Album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.859777984390780&type=3
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ask-mobile-iterator-project · 11 months ago
Intro Post
still on indefinite hiatus whoops.
This blog focuses on my Rain World OCs involved in the "Mobile Iterator Project" AU. ^_^
The “Mobile Iterator Project” (MIP) is a project created and directed by an Ancient named "No Cost Too Great" (NCTG) with the stated goal of supporting standard iterators in their productivity, maintenance, and longevity, so that they can operate at maximum efficiency, even after the inevitable mass ascension. ‘MIP Units’—iterators under the project—are created puppet-first in the "MIP Development Center" and later assigned to Local Groups, where their structures are built to support the Iterators around them. Uniquely, their personalities are heavily based around singular, specific Architects (Ancients) who donate their memories and qualia. The exception to this is TWR. In total, there are 99 MIP Units, with IDs ranging from 01 to 99.
(This AU strays pretty far from the themes and canon of both Vanilla Rain World and Downpour, so please keep that in mind!)
⚠️Importantly, here are some warnings for sensitive content that may appear in the posts:
depictions of trauma and mental illness
heavy themes of manipulation (including memory manipulation)
depictions of emotional abuse
depictions of dissociation
identity struggles
medical malpractice/abuse, experimentation
child endangerment
generally dark themes
violence, physical abuse
infrequent body horror
When sensitive content comes up, I will leave a warning before the cut and tag as "sensitive content"!
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Starlight Symphony (SLS) she/her, [bio]
Frosted Briar (FB) she/they, [bio]
Glimmering Seafoam In Sunlight (GSIS) she/her, [bio]
Thorns Without Roses (TWR) she/they, [bio]
Perpetual Umbra (PU) they/them, [bio]
Legacy Of Famine (LOF) she/any, [bio]
*These are not all of the characters, just the main 6 that are open to receiving asks.
How it works:
Please specify who you are asking the question to, for example: (to SLS), (to SLS and FB), (to any), (to all), (to admin)
If you don’t specify, I’ll just pick myself. Though, sometimes, I might have another character answer too, if I think it might be interesting.
For admin asks, my friend’s overseer might want to add stuff too, so don’t be surprised if she shows up. For simplicity's sake, assume all admin asks are addressed to potentially both of us.
Additionally, I might add commentary sometimes, which I’ll tag with #admin commentary. My friend might do that too sometimes, so #overseer commentary for her.
I’ll do my best to answer your asks, with varying art quality, though I won’t answer all of them. Jade might answer some of them too, primarily the ones regarding, FB, as she knows them way better than I do.
We will sign off at the end of each post, denoting who handled the “broadcast” (ask.)
[Broadcast handled by admin], [Broadcast handled by overseer], [Broadcast handled by admin and overseer]
There is a light roleplaying/interactive element: The in-universe framing device for the questions is broadcasts being sent to the iterators, hence the ask button’s title. There may also be some occasional meta shenanigans.
I will be answering some questions from curiouscat rather than tumblr, and I will crosspost to twitter, too. This is probably too much work, but whatever. The askblog will be the main source of my attention, though, so posts will come here first.
Please don’t ask questions related to your own OCs, because I don’t know them.
Please try to break up multiple questions into separate asks.
Nothing NSFW or suggestive.
No “magic” asks (like turning the characters into different things)
You can send items if you want, though
Please keep in mind that Frosted Briar is, for all intents and purposes, basically a child.
Rules may change as things go along and we figure stuff out!
Non-Ask Posts:
Occasionally, I may post content related to backstories and worldbuilding and stuff unrelated to asks. This will be tagged with #mip logs.
#silly: for silly stuff
#angst: for angsty stuff
#dubiously canon: usually used in tandem with silly, but for anything that has questionable characterization
#sensitive content: content that may be triggering or upsetting
#mip worldbuilding: asks/posts related to worldbuilding
#mip lore: asks/posts related to lore!
#mip ask: in-universe asks for the ocs.
#admin ask: asks directed towards the admin/overseers
#guest appearance: asks where characters outside of the main 6 appear.
#mip logs: non-ask posts that build upon the lore/worldbuilding
#ooc: update posts, rule posts, etc.
#meta: hehe
#admin commentary: commentary from the admin (luna)
#overseer commentary: commentary from the overseer (jade or clover)
#overseer assistance: for when the overseers help with the process
#fanart: reblogs of fanart!! :D
#admin art: reblogs of luna’s, jade's or clover's art of the characters
#luna art, #jade art, #clover art: self-explanatory
#old: from the sls ask blog, consider it non-canon
#mobile iterator project, #rw mip au: self-explanatory
post is tagged with most of these
Tumblr media
Main Admin: Luna, @mewguca
Overseer: Jade, @fauxbia
Overseer: Clover, @cloverlady
Thank you for reading!
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