#faye he's so smitten
tomriddleslove · 8 months
Pt 3 - Always.
Theodore Nott x Reader
Pt 2 here
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Summary: The one where the anticipated week long holiday between the friendship group turns into a certified nightmare. Alternatively: You accidentally end up rooming with Theodore.
I promise the angst will eventually subside (eventually.)
Songs: I know you - Faye Webster
I wait for you - Alex G
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By some miracle, you had all managed to get through the weeks leading up to the summer holidays and were due to travel to Pansy’s family home today. The monotony of pouring over books, frantically rummaging through essays you had written on scrolls of parchment looking for your notes had finally paid off, and exams were done. Pansy had been raving on and on about just how beautiful the quaint villa was (which seemed to be a bit of a juxtaposition) , and how they'd all have a great time. Whilst you did look forward to it, you were reminded of who would be there.
After that conversation in the library, things had gone from worse to even worse. In some cruel twist of fate, you seemed to see Theodore everywhere now, yet his increased presence seemed only to solidify just how much of a gap there was between the two of you.
Spending a week together both seemed terrifying and cruelly humorous. A kind of plot from a shitty rom-com, though you doubted it would turn out for the better.
The once lively (arguably messy) dorm room you shared with Pansy was now barren and bare, your belongings packed away as you waited for Pansy to finish…
Tapping the walls?
“Pans, what on earth are you doing?” You ask, and she continues knocking on random places on the wall, letting out a groan of frustration.
“I swear I had it hidden somewhere! I refuse to let some snotty little 6th-year find it.” She grumbles.
“What the fuck are you looking for? Maybe if you told me it would be a bit easier.” You respond exasperatedly, nearing your wits ends.
“My weed! I kept a stash hidden somewhere when we first came but I've been leeching off Enzo! Now I can't find it!” She huffs, throwing her arms up exasperatedly. You roll your eyes and resist the urge to slap her upside the back of her head.
“You idiot, I packed that away.” You snap, and she furrows her brows.
“What? When?” She says, and you begin to wonder whether you should even bother.
“Merlin Pansy, is your memory that bad? You asked me to take it.” You chide. Her look of confusion merges into a sheepish smile.
“Oh… Thanks!” She says, beaming as she slings her bag over her shoulder.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes for what feels like the umpteenth time as you lug your bags downstairs.
“Finally.” Draco proclaimed, ushering the attention of the group as they looked up to see you and Pansy descending. Blaise immediately goes over to take Pansy's suitcase, and she looks up at him with a bashful smile.
You raise a brow, a small smirk tugging at your lips. Lorenzo comes over to help you with your trunks, and he leans closer to you.
“You're seeing it too, right? Smitten with one another.” He whispers.
“Since when? She was flirting with Belby about a week or so ago.” you say, raising a brown.
“Exactly. Notice how Blaise wasn't there? He left for a reason.” Lorenzo gushes, as though you both were 12 and at a sleepover. You giggle lightly.
“Wanna bet on when they'll get together?” You offer, and Lorenzo nods.
“Easy. They're both too damn stubborn to confess so I bet it’ll be after the trip.” He says.
You let out a loud laugh, and they all turn to look at you and Lorenzo. Pansy raises a brow, but you're looking elsewhere. Theodore looks over at you, and how Lorenzo is leaning close to you. He has to tear his eyes away, and he swallows harshly.
It was incredible how one person could change your mood so quickly.
Stupid, really, just how much one person could affect you. You clear your throat and turn back to Lorenzo.
“I bet they'll get together during the trip. 5 Galleons?” You ask, holding out your hand. Lorenzo eyes you suspiciously, then shakes your hand.
“Deal.” He says, and a wicked grin graces your face.
“Great. That means I can do this then.” You say, walking over to Pansy and Blaise.
“Pans, can you be a dear for me? I want to room with Lorenzo, so can you room with Blaise instead please?” You plead.
Blaise raises a brow and Pansy looks at you with a pointed glare
You were helping her (and perhaps yourself).
“Isn’t Loren-” Blaise starts but you quickly cut him off.
“Please, pansy?” You say, your voice strained. You really wanted those 5 galleons. Pansy is nervous but somehow also, you can tell she’s excited. You're probing her onwards, and with a shy smile (Once again, so out of character for her), she accepts.
“Alright- only if you don't mind, Blaise?” She says, looking up at him.
He grins as he looks down at her and you watch the two with an amused look on your face.
Hopeless, really. You give it a day or two before they're together.
“Of course.” He agreed.
Damn, you were good. With a cheeky grin, you turn back to Lorenzo and wiggle your eyebrows. You had the win in the bag. You leave the two and walk back to Lorenzo, grinning as you approach him.
“Don't hate the player, hate the game” You brag, and Lorenzo has to suppress a smile.
“Good Job. You forgot one thing though, sweetheart. I’m sharing a room with Mattheo.” Lorenzo quips, and your expression drops.
“What? Pansy said-” You protest, and Lorenzo laughed.
“Yeah, originally I was sharing a room with Draco. But Draco demanded his own room because he refused to share and Mattheo ended up with me instead.” He continues.
It takes a second for the gears in your head to turn, and then you realise.
If there are 4 bedrooms, and Blaise and Pansy are in one, Mattheo and Lorenzo in the other, Draco on his own in the third, that leaves you and...
You were going to strangle the life out of the greasy blonde-haired git. Damn him and his scrawny little princess ass.
You suddenly feel very sick. Perhaps you should stay in Hogwarts. Summer with Snape sounds riveting now, doesn't it?
You take a deep breath, trying to hide your disappointment, but Lorenzo sees right through you and bursts into laughter.
"Looks like the game just got a whole lot more interesting, huh?" he teases, patting you on the back. You shoot him a mock glare, but inside, you're already plotting how you’ll get through this.
May the heavens above help you.
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As you stood outside the, admittedly stunning villa, you began to wonder whether you could brave sleeping outdoors for a week. The old French villa stands gracefully amidst lush gardens and towering trees, exuding an air of timeless elegance. Its weathered façade is adorned with intricate wrought-iron balconies and climbing vines. A cobbled pathway leads to an arched entrance adorned with a rustic wooden door. The entrance is flanked by tall windows with faded shutters, each window framed by ornate carvings that add a touch of sophistication.
As you step inside, the foyer unfolds, grand and established. A winding staircase leads upwards, and you can't even begin to imagine how damn expensive this place was.
The rooms are filled with antique furniture and large windows adorned with heavy curtains that allow dappled sunlight to filter through, casting a warm glow on the Persian rugs that cover the floor.
Nevermind. You could tolerate it.
The group of you stand in the foyer, looking around.
“Well shit…” Mattheo murmurs under his breath, looking around. You agree with him. You couldn't even begin to comprehend how wealthy your friends were. It felt almost alienating, somehow. The rest of them seemed accustomed to such luxuries, it seemed only Mattheo and yourself weren't.
“Right. There are two en suites and two regular rooms. Blaise and I will have the first ensuite, and You and Theodore get the other. It's all the way on the top floor.” Pnays says, and you nod, insides churning at the reminder of having to share a room with Theodore. You don't even turn to look at him.
“How come you two get en suites?” Mattheo complains, and Pansy turns to him, rolling her eyes.
“Because you dimwit, we need privacy for changing. We can't exactly just strip naked in front of Blaise and Theodore.” Pansy pointed out, motioning between yourself and her.
You loved Pansy, you really did, but why did she have to word it like that? You groan internally, shaking your head.
“I'm sure they'll be doing it anyway..” Lorenzo mumbles to you, and you snicker as you look over at Blaise and Pansy. Agreeing to meet downstairs in an hour to order food, you all make your way up to your respective rooms.
You hurl your suitcase up the steps, hyper-aware of Theodore walking just behind you. You climb up the first set of stairs and look up. A solid three more sets to go.
What the hell? 4 floors and 4 bedrooms? What kind of architectural fuck up was this? It seemed now like you had bricks in your bag because the task of getting up those remaining three flights of stairs seemed near impossible.
You pulled out of your mini crisis embarrassingly quick as fingers brushed against yours. You spin around, spotting Theodore. He's reaching down for your bag, and he looks up, eyes meeting yours.
You hated him.
You loved him.
You loathed him.
You didn't know which one mattered more.
“Let me take it.” He offers, clearing his throat, and suddenly you've lost the ability to speak.
You nod in agreement, too caught off guard by the unexpected gesture to form coherent words. Theodore effortlessly lifts the suitcase as if it were weightless, and you watch the play of muscles beneath his shirt as he ascends the staircase with ease.
You berate yourself for being so shameless.
You follow him, trying to shake off the strange mix of emotions swirling within you. Your thoughts are a whirlwind as you reach the landing, now standing just outside the door of your shared room.
"Thanks," you manage to mumble, avoiding eye contact as Theodore sets your suitcase down inside the room. He nods in acknowledgement, his expression unreadable.
As you enter the room, you're greeted by a quaint and cosy little room. Luckily, there are two separate beds, though they are pushed together to form one larger one. You'll be sure to move them apart.
Theodore clears his throat, breaking the silence. "I guess this is our room for the trip," he remarks, a half-smile playing on his lips.
"Yeah," you reply, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. The air between you two is charged with unspoken tension, and the weight of the realisation settles in. Fate, it seems, had a peculiar sense of humour.
"Listen, about earlier," Theodore starts, his gaze searching yours, but you cut him off swiftly.
“Don’t. There's nothing to talk about.” You say, brushing past him as you walk into the room. You have your back faced to him, face bright red as you begin unpacking, actions more forceful than you intended them to be.
Theodore remains silent for a moment, respecting your need for space. You can feel the weight of his gaze on you as you unpack, each movement deliberate and almost aggressive.
You hear Theodore take a deep breath behind you, and then he speaks, his voice breaking, tinged with an underlying vulnerability. "Please. Just, look at me." He pleads.
You clench your jaw, your hands gripping the edges of your suitcase. You turn around, meeting his gaze with a steely expression.
You swear your heart breaks. He’s frowning, and he looks on the verge of tears.
Stupid. This was so, so stupid.
“Look. Nothing is going on. Nothing happened, ok? I'm fine.” You say, though it's a blatant lie. You grab your sweater and book, considering pushing past him again on your way out as you speak.
You don't want to carry on like this. It hurt.
“Yeah, sure," Theodore replies, his voice now strained and forced into an artificial calm. "Nothing happened."
You want to believe it, to believe that you can bury the complicated mess of emotions that surged to the surface earlier. As you step into the hallway, you take a deep breath, plastering a fake smile on your face.
Theodore follows suit, and together you make your way downstairs to join the others. The air is thick with tension, but the group seems oblivious, immersed in arguments over food.
Pansy looks at you curiously, her keen eyes noting the shift in dynamics, but she chooses not to pry. Blaise seems absorbed in his thoughts, Lorenzo is engaged in animated conversation with Mattheo, and Draco appears indifferent to the subtle changes in the atmosphere.
No one notices anything, and you're very convinced it's because nothing really existed in the first place. You walk over to where Matteho is sitting on the sofa and take a seat next to him. He wraps an arm around you, drawing you in close as he continues speaking to Lorenzo.
“Hey, stimp.” Mattheo says, rubbing your arm as he looks down at you.
Sidenote: The nickname stimp originated from when Pansy had gone through a phase of calling everyone ‘stink’. You had no idea what she was saying and thought she was calling everyone stimp. You were relentlessly tormented by the group for thinking so, and it's stuck since then (courtesy of Mattheo.)
“Hey.” You mumble into his chest. He chuckles, fiddling with your hair lightly as he goes back to his conversation with Lorenzo.
Your mind (as it so often did) lingers back to Theodore. Your stomach aches because of it.
He's a tempest, a tempest that lingers in the recesses of your soul, tearing through the tranquillity with an unrelenting force.
You're weary, though these past few days with Theodore have made you constantly feel that way. You become tuned out from the conversations of your friends, feeling oddly like a spectator.
Your eyes grow heavy, and whether it's to your dismay or relief, you fall asleep with Theodore on your mind.
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You could have sworn you fell asleep in the living room, curled into Mattheo. So when your eyes flicker open, and you're blinking wearily, sitting up in your bed, you're heavily disoriented.
A sleepy groan escapes your lips as you gingerly sit up, looking around. Theodore is lying in his bed, and you're very quickly aware of the fact that he separated them.
His eyes flicker over to yours at the sound of you stirring, a book loosely held in his hands.
Your eyes flicker down to the cover of the book and you're surprised at how quickly you feel sick again. It was getting rather tiring, really.
How long was he reading for? Was he thinking of you as he read? Did he read and look over at you?
“I saved some food for you.” He says after a beat. He looks at you, as though he wants to say more, and you see the conflict in his mind. He looks back down, and you feel slightly disappointed.
“Thanks.” You croak quietly, gingerly slipping out of bed. You sit on the edge for a second, back facing Theodore as you orient yourself for a bit before you slide on some slippers. You yawn and get up, tossing the covers back as you make your way downstairs. You blindly grope the walls as you warily descend the stairs in the pitch-black darkness, praying you didn't send yourself tumbling down.
Your fingers brush against a light switch and you let out a small sigh of relief as you flick the lights on.
God, how late was it?
You finally manage to stumble into the kitchen, the warm lights illuminating the otherwise barren place. The house is silent, and you assume it must be very late, judging by the way your friends (who almost exclusively lived between the hours of 11:00 - 02:00) were not awake. You shouldn't be eating at this time, especially because you planned to sleep right after, but you were starving and hadn't eaten prior.
You open what you assume to be the fridge (because god forbid rich people be like the rest of us and have normal-looking things), and see two small containers and a pizza box. You're impressed Draco (who though incredibly slender seemed to have the appetite of a growing giant) hadn't eaten it yet. You open the pizza box first and feel immediately better when you see the order. It's exactly what you like, there's garlic butter on the crust, and olives on every slice. There are tomatoes but it's on the side because you hate cooked tomatoes, and there's your favourite sauce as well (Blaise almost cried bloody murder when he saw you dipping your pizza in mayo a few years ago. You swore it was good.)
With a small smile on your face, you peer into the other two containers. One is full of strawberries, and your mouth waters.
You absolutely adored strawberries, and these looked plump and fresh, a far cry from the sad little things you'd get in Hogsmeade, on rare occasions. You can't resist biting into one and letting out a small groan of satisfaction as you do.
This had to be what heaven felt like, surely. You swore these alone could make you ascend. You pull out the container and snack on some, looking up as you hear the sound of footsteps approaching. Pansy yawns as she saunters into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. She's evidently sleepy, reaching for a glass of water as she speaks.
“You're finally up.” She mumbles groggily, leaning against the counter.
You nod.
“Woke up a few minutes ago. Thank you for ordering some pizza for me. You got it spot on.” You say with a small smile, and Pansy dismisses you with a small flick of her hand, as she sets the glass down.
“Oh no no, it wasn't me. We all ordered some sushi because Blaise knew a place. Theodore went out and got all that for you. He disappeared for like three bloody hours and we thought he got kidnapped or something. Turns out it’s very hard to find a good pizza place here.” Pansy says.
You blink in surprise at Pansy’s revelation. You have to stop yourself from dropping your jaw because you couldn't deal with her question right now, especially because…
What the fuck?
Why? How?
You can barely comprehend Theodore could remember all those things about you. Little things that you yourself wouldn't even notice. By the looks of it even your closest friend, Pansy, didn't even know that.
He went out of his way to get that for you?
It's an odd mixture of emotions — appreciation, confusion, and a tinge of frustration. Frustration because he was being so damn confusing. Ignoring you but then knowing everything about you. Not talking to you and then confessing he's been searching for you in everything he does. Remaining distant but doing things that made your heart flutter and guilt flood your being.
Pansy is watching you intently, ever observant. She gives you a once over, eyebrows furrowing ever so lightly.
“Night then.” She says, turning back to go to her room.
Even Pansy, who was ever known for being careless and prying, knew right now that this was something that went so much further than her best friend having a silly crush on someone. She didn’t need to know the history between you and Theodore to know this was something serious, and her reserved and understanding behaviour only seemed to scare you more. You remain staring off for a second as she retreats before you close the container, slipping it back into the fridge
(You'd hex Draco's teeth onto his toes if he dared to touch them.)
You make your way back up to your room, and by the time you enter Theodore is no longer reading, rather he's asleep in his bed.
His bedside lamp is off, but yours is on. You look at him for a second, and you're grateful that he's asleep because you didn't know what to say, or how to face him. You quietly retreat into the bathroom, washing your face and brushing your teeth before slipping back into the bedroom. You slip under the covers of your bed, tugging the blanket over you as you sink into the infuriatingly comfy mattress (How you'd be able to find sleep again back at Hogwarts after this, you never knew. This made your dorm bed feel like you were sleeping on a slab of concrete. If this home isn't being used by Pansy and her family till the holiday, you seriously considered breaking in and living here in the meantime.)
You and Theo are sleeping on opposite sides of the room, backs facing away from one another. Your bed is facing the window, which you're glad about because you couldn't sleep otherwise. A small voice in your mind questions if that was Theodore’s doing as well.
The silence is broken as you speak, words you only dare to utter because Theodore is asleep.
“Thank you.” You whisper, quietly.
Silence follows, and you let out a small breath because, of course, there's silence, Theodore is asleep. You find your own eyes drifting shut very quickly, slipping away into sleep.
You feel as though you're sinking, and you can't tell if it's because you're tired or spiralling.
In the quiet darkness, you find yourself teetering on the cusp of sleep. You're in that nearly there phase, where you feel simultaneously weightless and heavy. You're half-conscious, dreams blurring the line of reality. You're drifting away, and you swear you hear a whisper, gentle and barely audible in a voice that sounds very similar to Theodore.
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269 notes · View notes
luciferlaughs · 2 years
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When Dr. Darryl Sutorius, a prominent heart surgeon in Cincinnati, Ohio, first met Dante Britteon, he had no idea the trouble he was getting into.
Darryl had been married to another woman for 30 years, with whom he had four kids. While he was a highly-regarded surgeon, being one of the best in his field, he had horrible people skills and a short fuse, making him a nightmare to be around both at work and home. This caused his marriage to become strained, resulting in a divorce.
After the divorce, Darryl struggled with intense loneliness, fearing he would die alone. He took to an online dating service, hoping to find love there, and was matched with Dante Britteon, a petite blonde woman in her 40s who had a degree from UCLA and used to run her own daycare centre. For Darryl, it was love at first sight. 
Dante had only been married twice in her life and was serious about finding a life partner. Darryl was absolutely smitten with his new girlfriend, pampering her with all the exquisite vacations and designer labels she coveted. Months into dating, they decided to marry. But soon, the marriage started taking a turn for the worse, when Darryl’s daughter began planning her own lavish wedding and requested her father’s financial help. Dante took great issue with Darryl spending money on his own kids, resulting in many heated arguments that escalated into death threats from Dante. 
Darryl, fed up with his wife’s controlling ways, lawyered up to begin the process of a divorce. That’s when he found out her real name was Della Faye Hall. Not Dante. Darryl took it upon himself to call Della’s mother, whom she was essentially estranged from, and found out some terrifying details about his wife’s past. Della lied about being married twice. She’d actually been married 4 times, with many boyfriends in between. She abused all of them, threatening nearly all of them with a gun. She set one boyfriend’s bed on fire while he was asleep, and burned down another boyfriend’s house when he broke up with her. She also never attended UCLA. She hadn’t even finished high school. Whoever she dated or married, Della squeezed every penny out of them. 
Hearing these details about his wife made him fear for his life. He tried to speed up the divorce process and planned to serve his wife with divorce papers. But he never got to do that. Della knew that if she and Darryl divorced, she’d only be granted around $2000 in alimony payments per month. But if he died...she’d inherit $900,000. 
So Della bought a gun and then shot her husband in the head, staging the scene to appear like a suicide. 
But the forensic evidence came through, pointing toward Darryl’s death being a homicide--not a suicide. Della was arrested and sentenced to 23 years to life in prison, where she died in 2010 at the age of 60.
161 notes · View notes
brighteststar707 · 9 months
Faye!!! Congrats on your two years 🎉 I'm so so incredibly happy that we met through good old Mysme I could CRY fr. You are so special to me!!
So I was thinking for a while but didn't want the slots to go, so I'm gonna come outta nowhere and SHOCK HORROR not pick either of my two husbands, Jumin or Zen.
But how about number 30, confiding in them, with Vanderwood. The little tease we got in V's route just made me smitten at the time. He literally is thrust into the RFA drama and I can't help but feel he'd connect with MC. Like lord help us Vandy, wtf is going on.
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Lola! Thank you so much for your message! I'm so grateful to have met you, you mean so much to me and I wish only the best for you <3
I'm pleasantly surprised by your request! It's a good event when I can write more than one fic for Vandy.
Picture this: It's V's route, Seven has saved you from Mint Eye, now you, V Seven and Vandy are in the cabin. Your relationship with V is.... not really existent at this point so this fic could be romantic when you squint hehehe
Love ya <3
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Confiding in Them
✦Vanderwood x Gn!Reader ✦ Words: 1553
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Time in the cabin feels like it has slowed down to a crawl. It is dark outside, and eerily silent. Inside, there are only the sounds of footsteps back and forth across the floorboards, and V’s harsh breathing in the next room. The repetitive nature of the noises has only added to the liminal feeling.
You had reassured the others that you weren’t tired, and then promptly fallen asleep on the sofa, still sitting upright with your jacket draped over your shoulders. When your eyes opened again, you weren’t sure how long you’d been asleep for, or where your dreams ended and reality began. Your life lately has been so strange, it has been hard to keep track. You had dreamt of car chases and cult initiations, the faces and voices of your loved ones so close and yet out of reach. How was that any different to what you had experienced over the last week?
Someone had covered you with a spare blanket when you were asleep, as well as lit a fire in the fireplace opposite you. It was warm, and you were still disoriented from sleep, so you stayed put, wrapping the blanket tighter around yourself and watching the fire dance over the logs.
You allow yourself, maybe for the first time, to process the fact that you managed to get away from Mint Eye and everything they had planned for you. In the (relative) silence of the cabin, with everyone else occupied, it starts to sink in. Back there, with a part of you constantly in fight or flight, it was hard to process the reality of your situation. You were just trying to survive. Now that you’re safe, it all hits at once.
The isolated compound, the flowery pink room, the wardrobe full of clothes made to your measurements. Ray, monitoring your conversations with the RFA, his kindness that teetered on the brink of desperation. The minty blue of his eyes, too vibrant to be natural. The silence in the hallways, so unsettling for a building so full of people.
“Oh, you’re awake.”
You jump and turn your head towards the speaker. You were too caught up in your own thoughts to hear him approach you.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Vanderwood says. To his credit, he does actually look apologetic.
His voice is quiet, deep, and still unfamiliar to you. You have grown used to the voices of the different RFA members, have even started to find a certain comfort in hearing them. On the other hand, he is still practically a stranger to you.
You had very briefly met Vanderwood when he first got to the cabin to help Seven, but you had said little to each other since.
“It’s okay. I’m just a bit jumpy, I guess.”
“From what I’ve seen tonight and what Seven told me – which isn’t much, mind you - that’s not surprising.”
Seven has been keeping an eye on Vanderwood since he entered with a vaguely threatening air you haven’t yet seen from him, reminiscent of someone keeping their attack dog on a short leash.
“What did Seven tell you?”
He joins you on the sofa, sighing deeply before answering. He has been at V’s bedside, tending to him in his terrible state, since arriving, and he has good reason to be tired.
“He has kept most of the story from me. I know that that guy back there has been fed more different drugs than I’ve ever seen before and that you’re his…?” He leaves it open-ended and throws you a meaningful look. He’s still trying to fill the holes in his story.
“Don’t look at me, I don’t even know what we are.” Thinking about V too much makes you scared all over again, so you change the subject. “What else do you know?”
“Nothing except that you were there with them. He’s smart enough to keep RFA stuff away from agency stuff most of the time. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures, though.”
“You can say that again.”
You sound wearier than you mean to. The longer you think about everything, the more ridiculous it all sounds. You watch as a log cracks in the fireplace with a satisfying pop and feel Vanderwood turn to assess you for a moment.
“And who are you in all of this?”
“That’s a long story.”
“And I am a very good listener. Literally, it’s part of my job.”
You laugh. He doesn’t.
“Really, I feel like I haven’t talked to a single person since I arrived - Seven doesn’t count. I need a change of scenery.”
It isn’t that his voice softens, but he sounds like he’s choosing his words more intentionally this time he speaks. It makes him sound more sincere. Maybe that’s what encourages you to indulge him. Or maybe, you just need someone to help ground you now that you feel like you’ve detached from reality.
“Well, I was sort of… kidnapped and held hostage in this cult?”
His eyebrows disappearing into his fringe is the only thing that gives away his surprise. He scans you once over, a well-practiced look. He’s looking for any obvious damage.
“I’m fine, you say quickly, ���Seven managed to save me before anything really bad could happen.”
He nods. “You can trust him with these things.” He thinks for a moment, before quickly adding, like a sudden thought that came into his mind “were you with the hacker?”
“You met him? What was he like?”
The questions tumble out of his mouth faster than he can stop them. Is this what he sounds like when he’s excited? You had heard him discussing the hacker with Seven earlier, asking questions with his eyes wide. Turns out it’s rare for someone to give Seven this much trouble.
“Strange. Kind of sad. I wish there was something I could do for him.”
Vanderwood’s enthusiasm vanishes.
“Then he sounds just like the rest of us.”
In the silence that follows, you both turn your attention back to the fireplace. The flames seem to have a life of their own, and your cheeks feel warm from the heat of it. Somewhere, from another room, you hear Seven’s voice. You wonder who he’s talking to, or if it's just to himself.
“So, if that guy,” Vanderwood gestures back to the bedroom where V is sleeping, “was drugged to oblivion by that cult, how did you get out okay?”
“He has a bit of a personal history with their founder. The whole RFA does, actually, but his is more… delicate, from what I understand. See, I’m the stranger in this equation.”
“Huh. I don’t know why I expected this to be simple. Nothing Seven involves himself in ever is.”
“They used to all be like a family once apparently. I’m still trying to understand it all myself.”
He puts his head on his hands for a second in a show of exhaustion. “Maaaaan…. how are you staying sane through all of this? Just hearing the gist of things is making me tired.”
You’ve been asked this question a few times, but you’ve never given the real answer any thought before. Next to V, who could barely stand upright and was talking to the air last time you were at his bedside, you were always fine. It felt wrong to even imply otherwise.
But now, when you think about where you were a week ago and how much has changed since then, you aren’t so sure. You can’t remember the last time you felt rested and, even though you’ve been reassured that you’re safe here, you’re scared someone is watching you. You can’t even think of walking down the street by yourself before you break out in goosebumps.
"Oh. I guess you hadn’t gotten that far yet, had you?”
“No… I guess not. Is it that obvious?”
He holds out a gloved hand in front of your face and taps your forehead once, lightly.
“You’re easy to read. Or maybe it’s just me.”
With only the flickering firelight on his face, his expression is hard to make out, but you find some comfort in his gesture.
“I feel like none of it is real. At least if you can see it, it means that I’m not making any of this up.”
He nods and you lapse back into a comfortable silence.
“Hey, I know it may not be much coming from me, but I think you’ve got some good people on your side at the moment.”
You’re not sure what possesses you to ask, “Is that including you?”
He seems to be stunned for a moment before he smiles. It transforms him into a brand-new person, and you can imagine what a different life might have looked like on him. Your anxiety gets pushed down by a wave of pride at managing to elicit that expression from him. You have a feeling it’s quite rare.
“Yeah, I guess it does.”
Suddenly, V groans loudly, startling the both of you. Vanderwood jumps back to his feet and quickly follows the sound to the bedroom door. Before he disappears completely, he turns to you and says, “Listen, I need to go back to playing nurse, but can we talk more a bit later?”
You smile.
“I’d like that.”
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sapphyreopal5 · 10 months
Who is Jennifer “Genevieve” Nicole Padalecki an Incarnation of?
Hello, my name is Ellie. I am a psychic who mostly does pendulum divination work and get messages from various deities, faye and other benevolent beings. I always ask all guides to prove they are who they say they are and also ask to provide ways to show it is them speaking and not an imposter. In this post, I’m going to reveal who Jennifer “Genevieve” Padalecki is an incarnation of.
Jennifer “Genevieve” Nicole Padalecki (Née Cortese) was born on January 8, 1981 in San Francisco, California. Around the age of 13 she moved to Montana and eventually Sun Valley, Idaho. Although it’s a widely known fact she met her husband Jared Padalecki on the set of the television show “Supernatural” where she portrayed the demon Ruby, she also did some stage plays including “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, “Crimes of the Heart”, and “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”. She also was in the 2007 movie “Salted Nuts” as Jen, the 2004 movie “Death Valley” as Amber, 2005 movie “Kids in America” as Ashley Harris, 2012 movie “Hated” as Veronica, as well as a couple other TV shows including “Wildfire” (2005-2008) as the main character Kris Furillo and recurring character Emily Walker on the show “Walker” (2021 and ongoing).
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So who is Jennifer “Genevieve” Padalecki an incarnation of? Gen is an incarnation of the Greek deity Aphrodite aka Venus in the Roman pantheon. If you haven’t done so already, please read other posts of mine where I discuss things like how incarnations work, so this post makes better sense and other posts like this where I discuss who is an incarnation of who and such.
Aphrodite/Venus in Mythology
Aphrodite in Greek mythology is often portrayed as a beautiful woman that’s sometimes accompanied by Eros the god of lust and sexual desire. She is the Greek goddess associated with love, lust, beauty, passion, and procreation. She was said to be the patron goddess of prostitutes. It’s said that she was born in the sea outside of Cyprus; in some versions of mythology, she was born after Cronus castrated Uranus and testicles thrown into the sea where eventually foam came from the testicles and created Aphrodite who came out of the sea as a fully grown woman. Even the name Aphrodite is interpreted as meaning “foam arisen”. In various artforms, Aphrodite is often depicted nude. Aphrodite was given overall very little specific descriptions in writing, although Homer stated she could be recognized by her “shining eyes and desirable breasts” while other writers mentioned things like a crown of gold or flowers in her hair, adorns much expensive jewelry, and sometimes wearing perfumed and/or silk garments that are closely draped. Her hair is often depicted as being long and often left at least partially down. She is depicted in different places with a wide variety of appearances (ex. Brown hair in some places, blonde in others), due to how little the Greeks described her therefore leaving room for imagination in artist’s depiction of Aphrodite.
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Aphrodite married the blacksmith god Hephaestus who was said to be gruff, ugly and lame. She had many lovers including Poseidon, but her longest lasting affair was with the Greek god of war Ares. After Hephaestus discovered Ares in bed with Aphrodite he demanded the return of all wedding gifts to Zeus. Since Zeus refused to honor this calling this a marital dispute and making fun of Hephaestus, Poseidon instead suggested Ares should pay for the marriage gifts and offered to be the guarantor. Poseidon was smitten with Aphrodite when he first laid eyes on her while naked. Although Ares defaulted on the debt, Hephaestus didn’t want a divorce so he never brought up the affair again.
Although there are many stories in Greek mythology surrounding Aphrodite, the other myth I wanted to bring up here is the Judgment of Paris and the Trojan War. To start all of this, all Greek deities except Eris (goddess of discord) were invited to witness the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, who were the parents of Achilles. She chose to arrive with a golden apple that had the word kallistei “for the fairest” inscribed on it and threw it amongst the goddesses. Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena all claimed to be the fairest. Zeus elected to chose the Trojan prince Paris to be the judge of who the fairest one is. At the time, Paris was raised as a shepherd not knowing he is in fact one of the princes of Troy. This is because a few days after Paris’ birth, his mother had a dream of Paris running through the city with a blazing torch and setting it on fire. Because an oracle said this would all come true, Priam ordered for Paris to be taken to Mount Ida and left to die. Some shepherds found him and raised Paris as their son.
Since Paris couldn’t pick between the three goddesses, Hera bribed Paris with power of all of Asia and Europe, Athena wisdom, fame and glory in battle, and Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful woman in the world to be his wife (who was Helen of Sparta). Paris chose poorly, as Helen was already married to Menelaus. This led to Paris finding Helen while in Greece and fled back to Troy with Helen where they eloped. This resulted in the Trojan war that lasted 10 years. Paris was ultimately slain in battle by an archer named Philoctetes. The city of Troy did end up burning up, just not by Paris’ hand.
Aphrodite could be both kind and cruel in mythology. The mortal Psyche who eventually became the Goddess of the Soul was born a very beautiful woman whose beauty was rumored to rival that of Aphrodite’s. Visitors from neighboring countries would visit Greece and shower her with gifts and admirations. Aphrodite being a goddess who does not like being outshone or not properly worshipped, she chose to punish Psyche. She asked her son Eros to shoot her with an arrow so she falls in love with a hideous creature or monster. He instead shot himself when he was looking at her beauty while she was asleep in her bedroom. Eventually after the direction of an oracle led her to sitting on top of a mountain dressed in funerary clothing to meet her future husband (at the time described as a horrible serpent) is where she met Eros who guided her to an invisible palace. Psyche accidentally injured Eros when she took her candle to his face when he was initially refusing to show his face to her and burned him. Aphrodite attempted to punish Psyche by giving her impossible tasks to complete such as separating grains from each other, collecting black water from the River Styx, and obtaining the beauty of Proserpine in a golden box. However, various mythical creatures helped Psyche complete them all. After Eros heard of her struggles while he was healing, he begged Zeus to turn her into an immortal to be with her and agreed, so she became the Goddess of the Soul.
Offerings for Aphrodite/Venus include: pink, red, blue or white objects, honey, chocolate, vanilla, water, sugar, salt, tea, scents or flowers (ex. rose, frankincense, myrrh, vanilla, wildflowers), gems or jewelry (ex. rose quartz, copper, silver, gold, pearl, aquamarine, pearls), animal objects (ex. dolphins, doves, bees, swans) or other objects related to either war, beauty, beachy objects, or any devotional art.
Traits of Aphrodite in Genevieve Padalecki
Gen and her husband Jared have 3 children together, Tom, Shepherd “Shep”, and Odette. Derived from her website nowandgen.com and YouTube channel, Gen talked about her giving birth at home plans with her children. Tom ended up being born in a hospital, Gen used an acupuncturist who delayed her birth when Jared was not there initially, and she went with a water birth for Odette their “water baby”. She also discussed how she and her siblings were also all born at home. It’s not stated if her mom did any water births let alone if Gen was born via water birth. However, it’s an interesting thing to notate here in the context of Gen being an Aphrodite incarnation who was born in the sea. On her website nowandgen.com, she has discussed various things relating to women’s empowerment including advocating for women’s rights during childbirth and stated she planned for her children to be born at home, how to take better care of yourself after giving birth and other forms of self-love, that reading books is not weird, and home gardening. She also mentions having several chickens (14 in all!) as well as a few dogs and a colony of bees. This makes sense as an Aphrodite incarnation, given Aphrodite is a deity of love, beauty and procreation and bees being a sacred insect to Aphrodite.
I mentioned in a previous post that her husband Jared is an incarnation of Poseidon. I also mentioned in this post that Poseidon became smitten with Aphrodite when he first saw her while nude. An interesting fact to point out about how Jared and Gen first met in 2008 was when they were shooting a scene of Ruby in her underwear in a hotel room while working on “Supernatural”. They also have a sex scene on the Supernatural episode “I Know What You Did Last Summer”.
Gen and Jared made a TOWWN ad a couple years ago regarding being conservative with water and proceeded to “shower together”. Gen also posted 1 photo on her IG where she was nude under her white bed covers with a shirtless Jared not looking at the camera. Some other users here on Tumblr also informed me in the past she made multiple posts including things like a dildo. These things do all seem fitting of Gen to me as an Aphrodite incarnation, particularly seeing as how the TOWWN ad starts with a statement saying "A Valentine's day public service announcement". I also noticed browsing some of her IG posts quite a few of her posts are photos of her being surrounded by wildflowers or being in nature a lot, which also seems fitting as an Aphrodite thing to do, wanting to be surrounded by natural beauty.
On the show “Wildfire” where Gen played the main Kris Furillo that bonded with a horse named Wildfire, one interesting tidbit I came across while doing research for this post is the theme song is called “Morning Light” by Truman. Venus the Roman equivalent for Aphrodite is often called “the morning star”. It’s also interesting because Aphrodite favored the Trojan prince Paris who King Priam wanted left for dead after an oracle said his wife’s dream of Paris causing Troy to catch on fire. In the 2004 movie “Troy” and in mythology, it was said that Troy caught on fire after the Greeks created a giant wooden horse that the Trojans brought in as an offering to the Greek god of the sea Poseidon. It was after this that the Greeks were able to invade Troy who ultimately are who caused the city to burn down. It is worth noting that their son Shepherd was seemingly named after actor Mark Sheppard. Funny nudge in my opinion, given Aphrodite favored the Trojan prince Paris who grew up as a shepherd...
EDIT (added 11/22/2023 around 8:36pm EST): Also on a darker note, it was while Gen was pregnant with Shepherd is when her sister Sarah fell off a 4 story building and had severe head trauma from it but is apparently doing much better today and is "doing great and kicking us"; it seems her "psyche" stayed intact despite the head trauma. On a funnier note, in recent weeks on Twitter there's an account named archivesmilfs that created a top MILFs list where Danneel Ackles was named number 1 and Gen named number 5. Plenty of Twitter users commented on Gen's post saying things hinting at not knowing her or not agreeing with her being on this list. It's been said by some sources that the number 5 is a sacred number to Aphrodite, as it is said in numerology to represent the nupital number of love and union and also is involved in multiple aspects of creation (5 physical senses, 225 Earth days in a Venus year, being a multiple of 5 and 45)
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elisedonut · 9 months
Day 11: A wip
My Choice:  Holly & Yew by LovelyLotus
The only fic you're getting out of me during this fest that has nothing to do with Percy
This is pretty much my ideal kind of Tomarry situation
i love time travel fics like in general and their relationship here is so fun to read i get so excited every time i get an email about this one
Chapters: 57/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter & Tom Riddle Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort Additional Tags: Childhood Friends, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Eventual Healer Harry Potter, Wool's Orphanage (Harry Potter), Smart Harry Potter, Possessive Tom Riddle, Child Abuse, Master of Death Harry Potter, Historical Inaccuracy, Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends, Growing Up Together, Possessive Behavior, Smitten Tom Riddle, Parseltongue, Soul Bond, Codependency, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Harry is bad at eating because the Dursleys suck, 1930s, 1940s, World War II, Future Power Couple in the Making, Self-Harm, They are besotted with each other, Animal Death, Slow burn but very Tom and Harry centric, minor necromancy, Tom Riddle Loves Harry Potter, Harry Potter Loves Tom Riddle, Childhood Sweethearts, Harry Potter & Tom Riddle Attend Hogwarts Together, Ambiguous Romantic Relationships, Their relationship will be pretty lovey-dovey from the start, Oblivious Harry Potter, Unhealthy Relationships, First Year: Complete, Second Year: Complete, Homophobia, Eventual Happy Ending Summary:
After a bout of accidental magic when Harry is six, Vernon goes too far. When Harry wakes up, he is gravely wounded and more than fifty years in the past in another world. After some shuffling, Harry ends up at Wool's. There, he meets Tom Riddle, his mysterious roommate, eventual best friend, and the love of his life.
Inspired by a doctor he meets in the past, Harry is determined to go into medicine and protect other children like himself and Tom. Tom has his own dream of becoming Prime Minister. The boys quickly become inseparable and are determined to help each other down their paths to build a life together.
He wanted Harry. He had never coveted anyone this much. Tom understood now that some part of him had never given up on having a… friend. Someone who understood him more than anyone else. Someone who would always take his side. In a flash, he knew he would do anything to have Harry Faye’s loyalty.
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deviloutofluck · 1 year
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if you’re hearing LOSING MY RELIGION by REM playing, you have to know KAYAAN DHAWAN (HE/THEY; CIS MAN) is near by! the 35 year old UNEMPLOYEED has been in denver for, like, 2 YEARS. they’re known to be quite PESSIMISTIC, but being RELIABLE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble RAHUL KOHLI. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those WET PUPPY, TOO MANY DRINKS & NOT ENOUGH SLEEP, WILL BEEF WITH YOUR GRANDMOTHER vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the LAKERIDGE DISTRICT long enough!
TW: crime, murder, childhood abuse/neglect, law enforcement & prison
Kayaan grew up with his mom, dad and three year younger sister. His mom was a scientist and the back-bone of the family, basically doing everything around the house whilst also working fulltime. The dad had some on-and-off type of jobs, often quicker gigs, but spent the majority of his time at home "looking after the kids" - as he so often framed it.
Life was neither bad nor good up until one fateful day when Kayaan was around the age of 10, in which his mom failed to come home from work. Their mother has always been vague about the type of job she had and the projects she took on, never sharing more than she had to to keep people from asking further. By the end of the day she paid the bills and kept her children happy, which was all that mattered.
A body was never found and the police themselves showed little interest in the case, forcing the otherwise aloof father of the house to step up in his role. Or, he should have, one would think. The dad became more agitated by the day, now forcing his children to care for the house while he got busy "working his butt off". The sister often became the outlet for the dad's anger and misfortune, with Kayaan doing his best to aid his sister when possible but sometimes it only seemed to make things worse.
School became a burden and once the basics were wrapped up and done, Kayaan and his then best friend Ricky dropped out to pursue other goals. Those goals quickly turned into a life of petty crimes, with the best friend putting together a small group of goons for hire. It didn't make anyone rich, but it was enough to keep them both afloat - and in the moment, that was all that mattered.
The peace was not to be, as Kayaan suddenly found himself smitten by Ricky's current girlfriend Faye. They did their best to stay in line, not wanting to stir up any trouble, but when he found out that she she felt the same about him... what was he to do? They both began to talk about the possibility of leaving, perhaps starting over somewhere quiet and nice. A second chance. However, they got caught by Ricky before they could discuss it any further and a few days later the girlfriend was found missing.
Kayaan thought she had perhaps left without him, he wouldn't blame her, but nothing could prepare him for the truth that would unveil a few weeks later - she was murdered.
To Kayaan it was obvious who had done it, but law enforcement thought otherwise, soon arresting him on the accounts of her murder. The papers were no later to soak up the story about a temperamental, jealous man who couldn't bear the thought of seeing his crush with another man and thus took the matters into their own hands. The case was basically settled before it even began and soon enough Kayaan found himself locked up in prison for a crime they hadn't committed.
It would be close to a decade before any justice would be brought to the table and sadly in the happenings of a second murder by the hands of Ricky. Thus, he was finally allowed to walk free once more and being cleared of any and all accusations - but it didn't wash off the now years wasted behind bars or the tarnish to his name and face as many would still associate them with the criminal case.
He decided to sue the government for wrongful conviction and won big and for the past year and a half, Kayaan has been staying on his sister's couch in Denver; drifting around, dwelling on his future and what to do with it. The money is keeping them going as of now, but it's bound to run out sooner or later.
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zelda’s mom/urbosa secret kiss 🙏🏻
The infirmary was quiet, this late into the evening. One of the palace healers remained nearby just in case, but after all the commotion earlier that day, the birthing chamber was blissfully peaceful. 
The Queen lay in bed, cradling her sleeping daughter. Rhoam had been utterly delighted, smitten with the girl from the first moment of her birth. But duty called, and he had long since had to retire in preparation for a long day tomorrow. Tonight, Urbosa was taking full advantage of their solitude. She curled up in the bed beside Queen Zelda, gazing wondrously at the infant cradled in her lover’s arms. 
“She’s perfect, Faye.” Urbosa sighed, pressing a kiss to the queen’s forehead. “You were a lioness, I’m so proud of you.”
Queen Zelda - Faye to her closest companions - smiled, but there was a shadow of something solemn in her eyes. 
“Urbosa, I’m so afraid.”
“Of course you are. Every new mother is.”
“No, I...” Faye grimaced, fighting back tears. “I’ve been having dreams, ‘Bosa.”
Urbosa shifted slightly in the bed, wrapping her arm around Faye and stroking her hair. “Ah. Visions from the Goddess again?”
“More vividly than ever before. I fear something terrible is going to happen to this child, something I can’t save her from.”
Urbosa looked down at the sleeping princess curled up against her mother’s breast. She was such a tiny, delicate thing. A protective instinct surged within her chest.
“Well, whatever the Goddess or the Seven Heroines may prophesize, we don’t have to acquiesce to what they foresee.”
“Faye, I will guard this child with my life. I will protect her from whatever may come, no matter the cost. You can rest assured of that.”
Faye smiled, finally turning her head to meet Urbosa’s lips with her own. 
This one was a bit longer but the concept just delighted me.
The nicknames Faye and 'Bosa were borrowed from @michpat6 's BEAUTIFUL queenbosa fic lightning in a bottle, which I would 10/10 recommend.
Give me a LoZ ship and a prompt and I'll write you a snippet!
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
As is tradition, I humbly (violently) request some landslide tidbits…
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first of all? this picture is so fucking funny
second of all? your wish is my command, darling....
okay I don't think I've posted this before but if I have PLEASE call my ass out!! that is on me!!
here's a deleted/reworked scene from the bachelorette party....
It was still early in the evening and The Hard Deck was still slowly building momentum, a handful of uniforms speckled around the wide-plank floors. Pool balls clanking, beer bottles chiming, distant chattering and light conversations were the only sounds then. The jukebox wasn’t on yet, the piano empty of Rooster or any Rooster-like form. 
Before we’d gotten out of our car, I’d sent a final text to Rooster, who had sent us away from his spot on the brick porch--grinning something fierce, cheeks warm, hair sandy. The boys weren’t there yet--he was waiting for them to pick him up. 
Me: Let loose!! Don’t miss me too much!! 
He responded just as we crossed the threshold of the bar, just as Bob held the door open for me and Phoenix, just as the crashing waves became a lull in the distance, fading from earshot. . 
Tramp: I’ll be drinking to forget you, baby ;)
Standing at the bar with Bob and Phoenix flanking me, watching Penny uncork a good bottle of champagne with a small, easy smile on my lips, I stuffed my phone into my pocket. 
The sun was sinking into the ocean just outside, casting a golden light over the polished wood and brown beer bottles; it all felt very warm. 
“Let the bachelorette party commence,” Bob announced, smiling coyly. 
Bob, wearing his suede jacket that I loved so much, looked down at me from his glasses. He was still sporting the shaggier look--hair grown out and pushing the Navy’s protocall, cheeks scruffy. He looked good, very handsome. But he still smelled like a freshly-bathed baby; a scent that seemed to ooze from him, filling all the air between us.
“You’re getting married tomorrow!” 
It was Phoenix who said it, her lipstick pink and her dress pinker. 
“I know,” I said softly, “counting down the hours.”
Bob and Phoenix grinned at Penny, who was looking at us through her lashes. 
“Smitten kitten,” Penny said, shaking her head, chuckling. 
“Bob, your veil is crooked,” Phoenix chuckled, her elbows on the bar, dark hair framing her smiling face as she looked at Bob. 
Bob sighed, moving to fix the short, tulle veil that we pinned in his hair on the drive over. 
“How embarrassing,” he muttered, shaking his head lightly.
Phoenix and I laughed--Bob’s cheeks bloomed, painting his face the pale pink of a rose. But he was smiling that sweet Bob smile; the one that was wide and kind, the one that was born from our joy. His girls. His best friends. 
“Here,” I offered, moving to adjust the pins so the veil sat straight. 
Phoenix grinned, her own veil pinned prettily--the pristine white fabric a stark contrast of her shiny, dark hair. 
“You were looking like a wayward bride there for a second,” Phoenix said, biting her lip, “and that’s Faye’s role, right?”
She nudged me, teasing. I bit my lip hard, stifling a laugh--very, very happy. Wordlessly, Phoenix smoothed my veil, too--her touch gentle as she adjusted the tulle over my curls.  
Penny slid us three flutes of pink champagne, placing a silver ice bucket beside me before settling the un-corked bottle in the ice. 
“How’s our blushing bride really?” Penny asked, the sun painting her face warmly as she leaned onto the bar, setting her chin in her hands. 
“Cool as a cucumber,” Bob answered, sliding Phoenix and I our champagne before he grasped the stem of his and brought it to his lips, “have you ever seen a more relaxed bride?”
He was telling the truth--I was totally, wholly calm. Not an itch in my palms, not a flurry in my belly, not a lump in my throat, not even a throbbing vein behind my eyelid to be found. All I felt, on the eve of my wedding, was solace. Bliss, even. It almost made me feel silly how serene, how completely balmy, I was. 
Penny’s smile was a familiar one--a happy one. Her cheeks were smooth and her lips were soft. 
“So, no cold feet here?”
I sighed, taking a sip of champagne. The bubbles tickled my throat, coated my belly, sank to my toes. I wiggled them in my heels--yep, still toasty warm. 
“Nope,” I told her, “snug as a bug and all that other stuff.”
Phoenix leaned on my shoulder. Hers was a weight that was becoming very familiar to me, too; one that I was beginning to cherish as deeply and know as thoroughly as Bob’s. She threaded our arms, squeezing me tight. 
“Can you believe it? You’re getting married to Bradshaw tomorrow,” Phoenix sighed, “and to think--we were all there the night you guys met!”
Bob leaned on my shoulder, taking my other arm as Penny watched, bemused. 
“It’s enough to make a grown man cry,” Bob sighed, “and believe me, it has.”
Phoenix snorted. 
“Well, as sweet as it was watching you two find each other--maybe I should get a smidgen of credit,” Penny said, a teasing lilt in her soft voice. 
I quirked a brow, already growing warm at her words. Phoenix and Bob cocked their heads, eyebrows raised. 
“Is that so?” I asked, now the bemused one.
She shrugged--turning her nose up slightly, biting her lip, giving us a very casual shrug before crossing her arms over her chest. My throat was throbbing.
“Well,” she started, “I might’ve put in a good word for you early on.”
“How early on?” Bob pressed, lips turned in a half-smile. 
Penny found my eyes and I don’t know why, but I suddenly knew the night she was talking about. The night that Rooster leaned against the jukebox and played Crimson and Clover, when I was sitting alone at the bar transcribing. It was the night that he’d escorted us to our cars--when Penny had said something to him that I couldn’t hear from my place by the doors.
“I’d say pretty much the start,” she smiled, eye falling in an inconspicuous wink, “right, honey?”
I nodded, still smiling with my lip bitten. 
It was the start of it all--I had been a fundamentally different person before that night, before Rooster played mine and my sister’s song, before we waltzed in the empty bar, before he told me and I told him, before his number was in my phone, before Sweet Thing meant very much to me. 
“Just let Rooster know that you were a sweetheart,” Penny remarked coolly, “but he’d already had his mind made up by then.”
Right--his mind had been made up by then. I think little parts of ourselves were already falling in love with little parts of each other. Yes, I remember how he had held me that night as we danced. I remember how secure I’d felt, how suddenly down-to-earth I was. I remember wanting to be held down by him forever. I remember all of it. 
Before I could respond, feeling choked with an overwhelming love for Rooster, Phoenix laughed, nodding wildly. 
“Oh, we used to talk about turning it into a drinking game,” Phoenix added, glancing at me mischievously, “like, take a drink every time Bradley tells a story with Faye in it. Or finish your drink every time he sleeps off-base.”
Bob laughed, continuing, “And take a shot every time he smiles at his phone.”
I elbowed them simultaneously, face burning.
“You’re teasing me,” I said, furrowing my brows, “we hid it very well!”
Bob rolled his eyes. 
“Shall I remind you of that one morning--!”
“--You shall not,” I quickly interrupted.   
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pxiedustnblades · 1 year
*knocks on the door quietly, and then peek inside, bringing cookies and chocolate*
Hi Faye! :D How are you doing? I saw your requests for ask and questions, so, here I am bringing them to you! :D
1,2,3,6,9,13,20,27 and 28! :D I know they are a lot, so feel free to answer only the one you feel the most! No need to answer them all, if they make you feel overwhelmed. :)
Oh my goodness thank you so much for the chocolate & cookies! Always a treat to hear from you. And always more then happy to oblige with answering those asks. While there are a lot, I am eager to answer them all. I am up to the challenge. Here, have some coffee for while you read.
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1) Who was your first ever OC? Do you still "use" them? How have they evolved over time?
Aww this is a treat! My first ever OC was a HC’d lovechild between Kisshu and Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew. Her name was Claire Momomiya and I adored her like nothing else. Even so far as to making a silly little comic book with a school friend. The writing was atrocious and very cliche middle schooler wattpad weeb. 🤣 So you know, grossly cringe. Ugh since then Claire is still used be she is completely separate from her original counterpart. She now goes by Clara and has matured a great deal. Although I don’t use her anymore, she is still such a memorable and precious OC that she will never be discarded. I will find something for her one day.
2) Who is your newest OC Why did you make them?
Yvette is my newest oc! I made her shortly after I started playing God of War and saw Tyr’s design. After hearing what a gentle giant he was, and then seeing him in Ragnarok, I couldn’t help but be smitten. That and comparing my own height to his. 😳 He’s such a sweet, wise soul whats not to love though? Even if he is a bit of awkward giraffe lolol. Between that and general simping gutter brain, I wanted to give him someone to love and be loved by. But not by me lmao. No self insert here. But uhh my gutter brain was strong with this one because size difference make brain go brrr. And somehow these became the horniest, most mature, yet sweet canon x oc ship I have to date. Whoops?
3) Biggest self-insert OC?
OOH! That would be my sweet pea, Faline! Closest tie with her would be Florence. Although both are actual self inserts. Faline has been my longest standing Self-insert (going on 2 years soon) and one that holds most of my similarities. Including my height, build, my autism, my not-so-great childhood, trauma, and mental health. Genuinely v little difference between her and I.
6) Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them?
I mentioned it before but Clara is currently the one without a story. Although I’m not quite sure if you’re talking actual physical written & completed story or just a general background. I’m assuming the latter, but please correct me if I’m wrong. I will eventually give Clara a proper story, but for now she is content seeing me bond with my other OCs.
9) Favourite OC?
Oh my Gods, Nemo; how can you ask me such a thing? 🤣Just kidding I can actually answer this. My beloved Claudia is my favorite. She was such a treat to create. To go from a minor character made to push a plot point, to then being one of my biggest muses, she is a gem and a half. She is as complex as she is beautiful, and I look forward to continue creating stories for her and Darius.
13) Which story has the most lore?
Oh Gods “Saints & Sinners” by far. Ash and I have spent almost two years developing that universe. It initially started off as a silly “what-if” thing but now we have a whole world, timeline, rules, deities for every basic thing, A deity hierarchy system, Soul-bondings, rules for said deities, the reset system, etc. it used to only focus on four characters, now its expanded to following 8. 4 couples, all soul-bonded deities. It’s an incredible experience.
20) What story are you the proudest of? Why?
Hmmm probably “burn scars” as of right now. Its still in the works but its pushing me out of my comfort zone to deal with more graphic, emotion-heavy scenes. Trying to capture something like that is not easy, but considering it’s such a crucial part in Darius & Claudia’s timeline I am determined to get it right.
What are your favourite movies?
I’m not much of a movie person in general but the ones that have higher chances of holding my attention are animated films. I’m the worst when it comes to watching films. Its like pulling teeth to get me to do.
Thank you again for asking me everything Nemo! I hope you enjoyed!
- Faye
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silent-partner-412 · 1 year
i talk about leon a lot but i do wanna mention some other sov characters i really like cuz the characterization in this game is generally super strong.
- alm and celica as a duo of lords work really well together, probably my favorite execution of multiple lords in the series. they have good chemistry and play off each other’s strengths and weaknesses in a way i really enjoy.
- i largely enjoy the villagers on alm’s route (especially in sacred echoes where they entirely rewrite faye) but i think tobin and gray are my favorites? they’re just silly and charming idk. stupid little guys. i love them.
- clair slays. i love her voice acting in the original game and she just has some sass attitude that i find really fun (also shoutout pegasus knights)
- lukas is charming in a very stoic way. love that boy.
- forsyth and python also work great as a duo, they play off each other great and have fun and defined personalities. i think i like python more but they’re both really fun.
- mae and boey, once again, are a fantastic duo. this game really excels in writing dynamic duos for some reason.
- saber is my boyfriend i love him
- valbar is just a stand up guy, even with his tragic past he still manages to stay optimistic and hopeful and it’s cool to see. i get why leon is so smitten with him.
i liked all these characters in the original game but it’s so much easier to appreciate them all when the game itself isn’t making me want to rip my 3ds in half. just a great ensemble cast all around.
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fayewonglibrary · 1 year
Faye is his favourite (1997)
Faye Wong. Period.
That was Zing's answer to who he likes doing make-up for.
It wasn't 'period', really.
"Faye Wong, Faye Wong, Faye Wong," he gushed, again like one smitten.
Unbelievable. The ice-cold singer who loves swatting away the press like flies?
"Photographers and stylists here all think she is unsurpassable, for lack of a better word, that body, that grace…"
Zing "testifies" that Faye, unlike her hostile public image, is really "shy".
"Like she said, for every amount of confidence, there is an equal amount of inferiority complex. She is very sweet and easy to get along with," he said.
Huh, come again?
"She is not difficult to work with, she sits very still and is willing to try anything. Instead it's the people around her who will scurry about and say 'stop' when I propose, say, red eye-shadow or something.
"Believe me, no one who has worked for her has had to bear any tantrums or temper from her. Did you know that, when she goes home to Beijing, she would take a bus and walk 20 minutes to a restaurant?"
So, there we have it.
Believe it or not, Faye Wong's brighter side.
From someone who brightens her face.
Who would have thought?
THE TEARDROP Zing on Faye Wong's 'teardrop' during her Hong Kong Concert: "I put silver glitter tears so they look like they are moving down. She can be happy or sad. I think tears look pretty on a girl.
"I was overwhelmed the first time I saw her. She is absolutely beautiful."
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libidomechanica · 2 years
But all, the wet date palms and my face
A sonnet sequence
The expression, cruel grown, from Pyrrha’s pebbly margin, and wheedle a world is subject. In company—the gorge. He would offer all the cottage warm; that haughty Pharoah found strange light, opprest the stuff, what armour to spare. An’ ken ye how Meg o’ the Mill was told Rose-Armed Dawn, love smitten Hermes, by my soule from a slave. Tis dangerous Consequence: for, as when thou alone, and then as doubled hands, draws back decades, to soothe my cheek once more to Godlike David bring so farre from that same groan doth a mobile nose she moved, cold in the presented them in searched, through the cycle’s chiefe dead?
And, brib’d with midnight, visions weight of cold it falls in like a flowers; but if across the involuntary power, medicine say. Love is old grief. Singing from Humane Laws controul. To entice to some few years she grew her Face; the purpose. Veins to swell. Throw kerchief waving resplendently yet everywhere, above them that dread the east, and Hodge again a level—No! Spiral through many sobs, self-foldings theirs with wide-arched grace.—And maun I still alarm, this strong within the king, ’ or Ca ira, ’ accords me the lie to my neighbours call longueurs’ we’ve not so; to have prevail.
Quench like his man; but then new world of mortal in that pricked but the window shines like a zebra, frecklings can make me to husbands’ absence such a mournful voice, he had left his ship to wean his footsteps told, I joy; but he strove to the word was but change: but changed away for Greece flash’d o’er the general gladness: awfully he should helpe their faye. Since first Rank of their own accounted air, and thy proper purpose bred that they walke not there was ten colors just as real as a child: yet Helene, love’s first ne’er before me, a thing too he laugh’d, she’s already looks into a swamp, into sweetly.
Thou wast late a huntress free! Slightest loopholes, and ready spread, o’er and kiss their beauty born on this orphane place, a body be. I, being born against an endless pleasure in their trenches and broider’d delight force to look at the sound. Such as the silent sails this still depending there was no lack of his Toyls shall end. In highest guest, without a blow. Who makes his patient doves, upon Olympus’ solemn height, ne in good choyce, they both love? Fail I alone, and been induced to Roffynn not love and a good matter, so I taste of purity; and love maks a’ the scorn that’s a fact.
It felt endued with more exact, and shut it was mine, and less, the car window my breast to adorn: no, by Heavens Anointing Throne ascend, no True Successive Title, Long, and burn the general Good designed, were man but who would bear the hills he fared, though I fly and nuptial mirth? With your love, the laughing love of her reflection so through the striking the word was done—how soon my Lucy’s cot came near, more modest, took on the gusty deep. As with sparkling, dive in nectar mist: curst be them, thou hast thou speake of trust, then Natures Eldest Hope, with unkindness by the name, who have love.
These unwonted since, not stare aghast, for forty days happy love the brides in violet breath! And o’er the name within the wind: those deep caverns for the bee sucked from Olympus’ solemn height of Heaven I shall sear, flash’d o’er his eyes should soone find but dropsies, taken, what a trembling I following hot.—At these women faded at self- will’d, and tree, nor Crowds have them sing in thee too weak, for all things by a law divine art taught, th’ Offending Croud to joyn: the Future I may not Israel! Till it bore an apple bright Phoebean dart, strike for their power: e’r Saul they seem lost in balms!
Deere killer, spare not me, and them cluster’d his Cause, would relief; you all harmonious sisters keep it elastic keep it safe from the trees, not native sway? That had daft his paces back the terror in his rapture, I would soone find fauour and willing thus, o pious Hate against his gulfe. That what I do dispense: you are no longer failed rehab and jail sentence pass, things seem to decay: and Share the same Law teach Rebels to rub together now; tis Justly Destiny had higher aims of a large eagle, ’twixt whose texture; she is given, if thou move? I had joined her first minutes?
Are only hating David was death to lose its sweet child, favour this longing Countries, rendering whence he makes. May he whase arms spread, o’er the same blind and timid nature lies. ’Twas on a giant deck and mistake the same Law teach Rebels who base Ends pursued o’er his soul of care, that if we misse this large offer which he had bene vext, if vext I had two nickels to either love for her woof, her terms as course of all his heart to sway? They walke not wrong, my love’s sake, is more from such convict figure, where the three loved music and to succeeding me, and Franks—and, curling, charlie,&c.
Maybe I should hindred legion’d soldier’s doing! Of mighty ones who had his Jenny on his hall, and cloud the Power, because I love you except because they lustye, as the breeze some hungry for love’s forests just washed up. Full of life its pictured image? Then did I chide: sweet, with liquid through languid arm, delicate and to doat. Of the waters with that you gave,—I claim only a worthy gallery, to wash her, water entering waves the beginner; pleas’d, impatient faith so sure I? He laugh’d, as the amazements that a report especially anymore been awhile!
Divine, his smile; tis sometimes rash or so, but new. Teenagers in his calmer hours. Of sudden though sages smile, which it came to be the small intricacies. At these notes and as times a day. To the silent lightened up my head. And Corah might hold to his throbbing blood, but by my soul, when they thinken agayne to quench, nor ought the sky, and the next Succession, and in the stream of solitude: for love’s veins to swell thee to me? For the graue conceive; ten, who could endow with her harvest ripen, her head up—but nothing, in his eyes, and death do, if the kiss brings hours to discerning Eye to guard the tyrant of the Land. Have sung, yet such strength seem to be not one hour of incense burns, seeing his Office, Treason why; I think Guido forgot the fashion, they wanted of life in each! That when we two parrots, with a wise afright, for all his adulations, love’s banishment.
Time’s white arms shall see thou mought I would contains so much to me, for none in Vain? For me, I ride. The power of Monarchy too much. But that’s in heavenly Fire. Declining Age: behold her, Hermes empty of delight. While swung the grosse. Oh curst Effects of neon. And on his heav’n, made me a sunset, moonrise, star-shine too, down on his bosom, that eve, as t were, between her luscious lips are gazing again appeare; I sawe than her eyes can ever thought be allowed you to whom fools propound, while David, undisturb’d his eyes, and when I perhaps her love you but love for thine heir.
Nor Interest made Anacreon’s soft splendour a white vestures, and slow, he shatters his ankle in heaven was here an hour; his business to ordain; with heart to sway? Said Lamia’s eagerness made, by a bee was sick, and a beauty to the North, and high fantastic roof, of those, who brood and sigh upon the true blessing, leaves. And sang the tremulous street, with virtuous wish would come it listening the Baltic deep, and curtain’d o’er, to the dread Jove think ye he meaning underneath the paragon. And then away, they walke not see their Lawfull Issue boast: now more silence, and his mode of mourning his head of gold, or all those who, when the three child ephemeral: but Common Name to an heirloom seed washed up. Of rivers with thy sweet dreams and starry Gemini hang like gold bracelet clasp’d with him it never agree the same baite, and past, and one of your wife was he known.
Glow-worms began that I had two nickels to rub together I would share ours, beneath my burning his foot on my adventurous life succeed the cold, thousand founts Protean, passing them, were harden’d in Impenitence. Our days, but swift motion I would relight the prompted, and rain, with grace; and Persian sentence pass, things by a river sides, there fluttering-wise rain’d violets upon the wit of any things. Throng: with syren words and kissing, and Heav’n has to all. Of which i cannot sleep. The day we have not as his. ’Er, the fall of the Law shall the even while you deeply dyed.
Sultan and yet thou art not then the height of the found that you plead yours the flocks or till I do. The sole act, transform’d his worn bosom a thorn, that burns away the Dryads and walked in my brow and white. Then let not be said a sin, nor no God could deceived and timid nature all broken, and if I guess; and born a woman woos, what without hearts does not to be leant on and weep, and loving things; till exhaled asphodel, and last year’s leaves there hung a silver prow not to fly from a snowy gleam; sweet Robin sits no more. Which, with shepheard sittes not here; and raging is dreadful bow.
Sat by thy best it may, shall remaine. For the mere sake of truth; as ’tis a ditty for that March with thee into the letters, from their own. Hand or troubled by mysteriously, impart to Wives and Fears, call Jebusite, well knew the caves. Wild honester vocation pursued o’er the first of life with Phoebus light to have had no need of mine own dear pity’s sake, what a war would fathom, or content till shone her steep her hair The isle into a narrow range. Odd breezes, to flay alive, throughout, as from no Womb of Matter reproduce, or Priest- craft did begin, before he meets the few.
But pity: thus the lady’s cheek or the first passionating look, and proves the Nereids fair wind into Thetis’ bower veils those brown hills beyond which made them indeed and the twilight of death is gone, the chief he rul’d, the leave and Bride; these days, and with so fair as those that life’s bliss, an immortality and then away, this resuming flame—o let me melt into the key of Natures trick of time. With vertues might. Breathes; the last ride wither’d at dew so sweetly? Which when her lids: again but it within him; then, stoop, since his Cause reviv’d, a Plot is made, fretted with eyes twinkling stay.
And flowers too rough, what a mortgage was. The shepheard my plants all were thereby! Silly poet, silly me do not bid old Apollo’s hand: our dazed eyes have proved but in degrees, his Voyce was wont, and with my kind, while his home, a thing a pittance; the prophecy given by me. She threw they coud not be cured. To see my native sway? How you are not so; but I’ll tell ye what befell ye: cupid and her crown; that themselves and her small hands had made retreat into the hulls of marjoram had stol’n from the remnant of heaven and watching singer, singing and proceeding mans belief.
Left to public stare: but to my darling, charlie, he’s my darling, my darling and lo, wonders—past there or her proffered hand; yet in content, O fool! And all his mouth is dumb. Into a worse, the breast making Woes darkness and brought of the earliest acts; like Burns whom Doctor! Of rocks bewitch’d to the way, so threw the storm, and purple flakes, break my heart, I know wholly good; his course, retire and poet’s debt; and soothing like slang. He had felt the witness of the cottage sings no more, but I can no more, then he was carried each yellow took them from a golden place, scarce maintaineth.
Not miracles? And tho’ we paid our destiny, alert he struck me befell ye: cupid and gentleman’s breast: such feasting sigh, she according of us making up a cypress the inner door, and her grunzie wi’ a hushion; her walie nieves like a moon in watch his peculiar smile, which before, that they this thighs, and die; revive, dear your love and moon’s and men can make, what smooth-lipp’d rose. Before. Their Spoils by Inspiration; for their Principle and in this said he go slow said she just once, a trembling, but in their Belzebub will find, see them shot in the dark looking the show!
And beauty; fonder, in such worse: his sisters voice luting soft, cried, Lycius! He shoots with terrific glare, love, jealousy: and has caught began to plaine: better leaue of winter storms their Humour more my eyes, and I was in his rage to their hero’s harp, the less my sighs and shrieks—all dimly fades into your voice revealing a tone of that you should him coming starre seemeth to chace, but soft the porous vase; above the world rush’d by the mother’s art: large wings, whate’er our hopes poize upon the birds forget and vitamins. He pact a Jury of discontent, O fool! The water from thee.
—Tender, delicatest lattices, cover’d with Martyrdom did Stephen grace? The groom gat sae fou’, he fellow, yellow Autumn pressed. It was no deed off, calls the grave proves their Principle of altering in more abstruse ecstatics meant theology by Beautiful hours, shuffled the green. Ave Maria! What you mean our master nature, pleading went to the maggot born in an empty world has done with thine impious Arts. Flowers, much liker than the travell’d mongst the Doric mother again holds the outside swells with unquestion, much the sea and chin they the servitors.
How and then as Lowder for so much of home to make a monument, step and dark, dark as night: I saw this long a-gone, when day and numb his bosom shook with all we think thee page, will make a Lady of my hart; stella, I say and nightly, with vertues Land: perhaps million’d all they Command, or their Father Government: impoverist, and with spirit deceit within his simple reed, Blythe in their long years, but thou art and tallest her passion for they, my sole life? An’ ken ye how Meg o’ the Mill has gotten, an’ ken ye how Meg o’ the Mill lo’es dearly? The Blind man’s amount: thoughts!
To where sameness breeds vexing conception at his ear: he sickle; I, poor sob doth put the lava ravishes to bear, and Marathon looks as Heaven to their cheek trembled; she nothing which there art thou found so he kept toward the Soul, not mine, mine ear; a shudder—gentle pair, like a hawk, an’ it’s like a hawk, an’ it’s like angels look surprise when the sea;—what then she whispering from love’s fine wit. Above my milk home, he show! Think not of thee. Up to all the world. Your liberty commits such I can say, have given his Truth God on half-shut feather foul, then glad was of passed the dreams.
Proclaim. The horses beat—what thou now for you, who have the gorge. That are always changed its buried paths, where in your regular leather could, I would rarely guess’d his empty head, so glad it has ruffled every thing, I gied my heart force himself, and judg’d, and not stain’d canopied, lay an untasted their Belial with Skill, for Loyal Peers ascend, or the funeral direct my peaceful Action, but who would charming Parties, but long auburn curls the leaves. Do not melt! I have passed us walking so vertical it fuses with thy sight, but first, forget to sing, happy in solitude?
The day appear’d quite insane. In having so early; sweete reward for the rake, coming of cat or mouse, no, no, my Deare, let my whispering in drouth, I snap the dying Vows deny’d, and will fight; the purest ore enclosed myself to me out of my crystal, and say: I mean to go yet turning to human Wit could make the bird wings for the earth, descended Pleiad, will her hospitality of his nested finch: rise, Cupids shun th’ extent and curse me the deeds, the sacred tripod held aloft, and Popularly prosecute the Priests devise. Down-looking backward and look!
Among them locke, fast by the most recently— the wind. We feel without harm, lockless— so pliable as his memory of hurts, which lily leave the soul. So beauty which they slight, the heart, made fiercer wonderous Evidence, the glass window. He had be slaine thilke payne, driuen for aye remove, with airs delicious to reach. Has in his Bounty drown’d. On, to brood on with the hall—jenny her self, who sail the States a moment with a marriage rarely can unloose, body and her eye. To gild refined gold, among the string, and Hodge heard no more. Who makes the cannot wel ken, but in his Disease.
Had wanted the ocean, earth, still he caught to have made incredulous. And certainty, crowningly doth hold. Me, that drips from Aristotle passion tires, and bene vext, if vext I had two nickels to either of the ancient Secret bowers, and find it is winter with your lost Estate; a kinde of grace the Adrian wave flow’d past him in and azure vein wander’d up in mysterious sky but only made way by many bene, we han great Pan-festivals, and make the Pyrrhic dance so call’d; The One distributor of Evil and those who has drunk himself a Muse-In Sanhedrins debated what they will drip and the grave duly. Sweet love my love, no dislike these words she sung the feeble vassals of winter with your fairest joys give what I would never grudge; then in her empery of joys; and heart to Cheat and kiss high above, dancing, old Time: despite.
Is this thy crescent, who forbid! So away she fleets, all is born of their Monarch which whales steered them ran a yellow border too; the uppermost, and will you sung the time while burn, or canst sing.—And maun I still it proves in one, when there a man joins a woman, came to soothed maws, their Gods disgrace, should appear: thus she came often lived with smiling died; and, when I perhaps than David’s lovely in the gardens palatine mulciber’s cold to fire. The hour to spare. Thou may’st love become extinct again but it is the vain they are left. For all smoothly pass their packs. Tho’ the Mill has gotten.
Yet I thoughts to Lucy’s cot came near with choral steps, and Priest, whose barren vaults. More sudden voices lead: so it did, with love— he—but alas! But, wherein she passion’s crannies and walked with piercing within my head and rites were green green like Southey, and with my tears row’d; he took delight, and waterfall, and milk poured pearls, their pinions, and by the was the red drops dead. With other met alone, but solid Power: and Nobler is a most unrest; thou bringest all arrives too long dead, long dead! In his cheek: its onion root the orange art; as thou art! His desire speake not worth to war.
Made fiercer wonders—past there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood: those petty done, when this feast teeming indeed end abrupt in midnight wind live: Alas! They know this yearning and clay endure to give the sterner straight! For it’s jet, jet black, an’ it’s like midden- creels, her nose and collars, and thaw this cannot Praise; till at hand among the pretty sake but you did part, and make a iolly hole in the peach, or ripe October, then pauses ere he is.—So pliable as his name up, as in food, quick to person to be leant them therefore did you blind yourself where Delos rose, than Accuse.
Announced in nets, drest told, with berry-juice? Hers by the hyde the State; but sinking of the brow! One kiss brings hours by hours, wine, sweet pain: a deep grief, away, descried. As fine, then when the joyous tears: there heath and all hearts. The morning Sappho love God, dove-footed, glided in snow: arise from far lands to theyr steads, ylike as thine arms into the great Athenian admiral’s mast? To raise me, nor Mars; mine be some place? Like their Master hearts: then whom they could speak contrast the Indus with the opinion as here! The silver mail, and stricken, so remember, do not morality of Verse.
And the Clouds and Cressid sweet. My soule I dare not married, the Native course as Samuel used up for that? These loads of beaten gold. More been a Briton’s, who dying day’s decay, when practis’d, not to faint degrees, voice, a gesture, and by the Turkey who list, stranger ay I pitied. On flitter- winged guide, until friction come upon a dreary cavern’s mouth. Then we have already lay behind her sex’s antidote. Who serve the songs and Stand; she things, for still, not mine recall? So sweetly to the holy rite forgotten, and wise; for brawly weel he ken’d the bird wings upon thy morrows?
What end is it done if we have life its picture of his lyre; and who were boil’d up with Stella euer deere, stella, should disappear’d quite alone evades contemn; but the pain, had sometimes wakes,—to show it: his Lawfull Issue shall have lain under my heart shall no more, and I see; my foe beheld the wretch an uncorruption leave a vestige of thought the Olympian eagle in my ear circles, and silver snow decks Susan’s clothes and night wind was he to himself: Whoso encamps to take its throat, eye and knocking here is possible in one long: and Viva l’ Italia! Hail, Muse!
Now what a joy to heare and the Christian woman’s breathed, dissolv’d to Ruine had not Roffy could not look into please, to Plots, shall leap, and curls blown. Full faith I have kill’d in more abstruse ecstatics meant but the mavis sang, all nature’s gentle thou wouldst not further. Take me to the historian’s self: I know not if thou callest the dreadful to see her luscious green disparts a dew-lipp’d rose. Is worke is conuenable. So, still, her brother; and the light at Riverside: the morning song of praise my hair’s long lying idle. Have I forget about me there? Hands, and into her passion.
The loved me first strange. Falling from the grave thee, and walked with a thought, a buzzing in his Friends or kind behest, the bark will dare to person with unquestion ripeth vp cause of newe woe, for them dry; and heart such small but Sanherins may be dissolved in rosy wine and Cleopatra—night dreams I slept in tenderly: you have tied them. By blind Orion hungry spell that love be some hungry cheers his short of Men, thus ebbing out, might mean. And like this, they circles, and aware of others would no longer hovering, replies from thy heart from Stellas beames but to me a ring, was all.
Apt emblem of a riot, he might own. When at euen he comes faintly. And to flatter; wives in order grimly flies; now crystal spout-head: so that not such compassion, cruel thing.—Tis so, since Ariadne’s tiar: her head, which i cannot last by the Multitude; but for his last arctic blast has slain my face; his Hand a Vare of electrons heal us o heal us I would not before the gentle limbs, bathing all this roast capon’s fat, and the Laws. And by the work was done it already more strong as the banquet was such that Fate Propitiously full many a darkness and travel.
Deliver me from flesh, men as other turn from this verse when I was so fonde, to leaue of wine! Spoke: some time while swung the Sun; seeking youth, quick, was stung, perverse, with vilest worms thine eyes to wear an unknown—o I do this Curst Return. Your faire Mothers guilt they had obey’d an Idoll Monarchy too much the brighter eyes and my own face I see them suffering! And every word and bear the scaffolds fall confident than at the year; chloris to the darkened, without Title not to fly from a friendly foes and now at earst the cost, for all that it went in reflection was happy plains.
Their Duty bound, they, weeping. A few late cars which the Levantines are ended by the things to break, and set forth her head.— My counterfeit: so subtly is the psalm says, inditing a battery be insisting through unknown had not a misty, jutting here is yellow Autumn pressed, I learn how fashions end! The blame all the ground the Joyfull People all this rider lover, in small intricacies. Let them a whole face of all the stain of love what Meg o’ the Mill has gotten good matter, so I never a vile physician, blabbing the ashes of a Forgiving Kind.
Remains of gold, or all the Blood and Wise, imparts not to be gain’d our art, wee’ll try my gain for unremember sleepe. Friends, said the thorow all your strong Bands, if Bands unseen strew’d flowery glen; in shepherds as to Kings. As I do not sometime teach the was carried all, and the ocean’s swell; such tenderness of Grecian girls, black when sweet thief, whence didst see, bene all sterued with democracy; when shall see; beautie stands by her pleasant darkness, then for their first tis for ever? A fancy which show’d no path to bear, and a’ that; gie me love of your ends: my countenaunce, this Prerogative.
BLood; what may not but weep o’er days will arrived between the state; whereof she sat in front of yore. But that your generous train: from Earthy Vapours rife, but stream. And good at, but ah, poore Night, saw this dry palate in his careless on their birth; let us fly these days, and the same Design, nor I half turn to life nuptial mirth? With his presented the big white Alps alone; while it fed. So, better’d race, as every doubt whate’er might hold to man, proposed bliss. While her lips ill hunt thee know of all this to the stars through all things are ours, beneath the feast until it seem’d stirr’d their tawny brushes.
Doubt you thus? To say, is, that I would humour more nearly to tell, for thee, my life doth bereave my soul and not a man of many han into his men, an’ down yon cup of dole god gave him his tuneless now—You have dismiss’d me; and scatter’d race, if once Divine and full of incense-pillow’d by a Brother region all my time, me lusteth no lenger rotten bought a license and farewel took. Passion, drink but one things to break. When King Victor has Italy’s crowns over the world, and Latin fraud, He did not come, and arts with swift motions, it was for my mare, my sole life?
Lambro, our saint, who plead yours is a Godlike Kings and have shown to him, was God mought pleased my mind; it is but too short armistice with the first, came jasper pannels; then away, descried an orbed diamond balustrade, leading went the philosophic gown: lycius, said fair Lamia’s self, and gave forgotten good nor goodnes take than Life, you know’st, my Julia, that was search with love sparkled on this to slake Thy thirst: so, take away? Those brown from another gloomy arch. Remember and overpowers, and daughter got married? All my clear-eyed fish, golden, green, I roam in pledge o’ his ring.
As all his Person to see. Seasons dancing girl has laid down through the paragon. You tell me by the first streak of snow in a dazzling cool, and in them, were so stunn’d and gentle streamlet o’er the name a person if allow’d, would Steer too night for loue of the less costly. The Solymæan Rout; well Verst of golden through many a less a Stake than to Anointing link of ages; to what something dotage to the Sword, when no more heaven and her eye. And send out their beauty’s pattern to such Talisman— He yet hath fashion all: his muse made perfect I call the draperies, his mind!
So soft blooms divine art thou thy obiect so imbrac’d; where I, who though my heau’nly sway. If I should stab the patience tir’d, the low rational: if Pindar sang her sweet but then might for Agag’s murther wept, but I grow old along winter-sleep. Was made simple reed, Blythe in this wreaths, and farewell; go troubling overhead a vaulted, vaster, some demon’s mistress. And, in their trenches and broider’d delight, and here bent, two legs protesting, person with my dear, the colour’d garbs, as bright or wrong. Tis something i do not bid old Apollo’s hand: our dazed eyes have sucked from his Toyls shall I awake!
And vital feeling passion tires, and lash’d among the love kill’d the Soyl been froze to secure the purest or high, when her tongue still, not a jot own’d the Tenth Intellectual Light is passion. Of all her sapphire column he learns to-day! So comforts while and breast where’er the cars go by. Freckled like a guinea and we touch’d his Youth, thy Fruit must I hence: yet, Corah, thou be dissolv’d by the world in the deed off, calls me with shepherd, in their future stately height: if my Young Samson will love no more, though not quite it out, unless print—that I owe to the fires underground in apple-leaves he spied, and bring relief; you all have life of love: for love of yourself where sighing toward thine harmonious sisterhood. Thus the far bell of vesper makes the Jebusite. Become indolent arms, extended Wand divides the Blood, my Fear: thus she can. Of feelings undefiled.
A pleasure thou art out of which show’d the blushing knives the Frown, committed to the less gone? Wanted them. It chance to go with the Sword of all your Arts, and her eyes upturn’d whither fled Lamia, no, no, no, my Deare, let bee. I conjure the more unseen; unseen a new morn. A flowers upon thy breathless Latmian listening, by degree unknown to the mead, spoilt all her honey cool and dumb presagers of change of life, no light—? Of mine, each in its cruel ray, stealing into Johnson’s way, this presence makes us loud in these thorn! The pang is forced, the Nations of a Forgiving Kind.
Twas Cupid see three I learned Nor Jove, nor bless now, circling about my heauy cheers yon centinel stars; and the shepheards to die without there burst with gages from a true lover, left a thorn, that but they saw— of their secret place of all Command, and, asleep. Hurry and were busy beyond this grown of so complete and ready myrtle bowre of song. What is a dunce—perhaps you there like the Crown.—Even a rag like angels look on the way her animal lovers, a continuous murmuring of the apartment—and appear, nor ever bard: if thou might hath drunk my teares.
Stands severed at last! Late on the ice chest; that test. I have awaked, as its clasp—a glowing knees; her selfe, to shew I am not Good by Force becomes to this. You love. But of seasons and catch hints of old, in Godly Faction while an abstract insight wakes among those who, safe in the caves went! The faces of the planet in the Christ. And knowing, the inflammation of love alone, but rather not the wretch an uncorruption leaves cover thy noble heart nectar-wine, that Lycius from afar: each house receive; ten, who is agonized here, upon the water: how! Both good company a very high remembering of the guests were Useless, alas! An’ ken ye how Meg o’ the longest bear. Freshening starres from burning into the o’erlabour’d to him, as they had he been patriots in the kind be quiet be exalted be a coward blushes: yet some coward!
In mysteriously began to trim their bonds whene’er you will but name, was from a true love’s sake, is more life fleeth afore fainting Vertue stands the fair ladies cough on thy hand from the dead broke. I could, and his one this, from a golden hair, fallen in jeopardy of blank as a piper, kicking a glade of deep sleep awhile! The tables, by hard promises and all Breathless, unfixt in Principles of one brave civic Pair, to sigh for, our sea-solicitor, who have proved we have been, if Destiny had higher aims of a large Soul, not a friend! The glory of many heart rejoice!
And shook the empty and that was mine, ’ he while, there he a Tyrant was dead? Where had I done to one all down like a wild rose the rest, had soil’d the wrought, produced, the solitude. My Guido was dead? Which before the Bravest, and they nould be any manifestations, tenderly: you have you back your feet wide-swerv’d upon the faint repeated he, while another fled Lamia, regal white turn’d—syllabling their country lass: a charm a fusion startled. Of this husband or watery tree. How can that writ it; for serpent of the dearest, since God is wot, their shops of fashionable.
Made close of God, and I grow old along whose days, for who waits in his Highland dress; for the morning’s sun to erase a midnight so happy had his pinions, always been contented still with their summer live, through rude nettle-briar, cheats us into the Frown, commit a pleasure the while, except in your love-sick queen athwart their chase,—he sees! Sic a wife—too pure even th’Offending small intricacies. But I grow old? Eye and heathy wastes one moment, hoverings over Orion’s magic to thee, and the high way, but meeting from the blood fingers tying my heart or head, gained.
Arsenic, arsenic, arsenic, sure, not so; but I grow older. But not good wine ne’er be mine, no voice spake entic’d him by, where your fairest joys give what I could cry when sweet is night: I saw thee sweet wine, will quickly the Greeks avouch’d his forehead, and averaged each love, aside to like, t is not hear. Some of both the mind with stay and, soon or late, some Circumstance, if a husband is gone, dream and rose that themselves think thee forlorn when thousand freeze you, because was stung, perverse, with deepest gloom, and thereon spent, three times anger ay I pitied. Laughed at all, lasts ever, past recall.
How should him coming of splendid names, and if wee would have been patriot’s shame, anothers sank serener palace of venomous worms, that pricke, sayne, other met alone, in forests just washed up. And men in nature to draw the People no Considering me, why have no time threat the fume of popular applause might I Mourn; but Nature suited to travel. What shall my many shall heaven, and rose tiptoe with People might beat like the elect; and in Treason of bliss, an immortality and thence,—a paradox which this, Time’s all- severing wave? And tell thy starry crown!
And still! Behold the prey, light to say, whote cole on her, bade her steep a quill immortality, who has drunk himself: Whoso encamps to take its pool lay, half a Father’s apron. That my Power and she was to Cheat and dost advancing, and tirl’d at the should speak the tree. Cars go waltzing out its way, fretted thereof did end. This rapacious death is gone, Where soil is men grows, fairer than the denial cooings, the very touch, a bunch of blooming stood with poppies, while we live, than earth so red, and fragrant innocence: and gave forfeit on mankind. For he, if he show! With how few! Fool!
The Jews well befits, for without soul to the ground, Sukey is tumbling does usher my joy and feel a certainly he stayed on the solitary dove, nor the gentlemen kirkward shall be their hands. Has buoyed me up till my heart from eating yet it yielded a dearer than I can command, the involuntary power, all best exceed the smoothness rough, fix’d me again! He heard love each love, so well I see them out, not a kiss not me? He sought to sing and of scenes sublime, a thing mute, I must be surely, some kinder casuists are gone in tenderness, full of syllogisms.
’Twas even—the dews of your dimpled arms binding could break, and press tree? But try your own sublimate and we sit on forlorn, in trembling, but it was so fonde, to learn how existence could every charms to dwell. I heard my plants all his Son, for several weeks,—but now he sung, to sounds against the cup. On the pretty pair—their wilinesse? But to perished, and fast she scuds with life of love ribbon, locket, valentine. A few late cars will arrive before mine is buried me deep learned not ask’d the Excursion. Swept smooth white palace is such the stounde, that acquiesce, and did too like.
Shah to whom a hyacinth is dumb. Neuer had shepherd-prince, what I come to move from thy dear life was done its cheeks dry,—a creature might send flowers beneath the naked face has come to him. From every fly from that doen so carefully I flow: fair maid, be pitiful thou art, must, surcharg’d with Chain of Loyal Peers ascend, or the deeds and keen eye would prove the next Successors in the dust where thou hast thoughts of the waves clasped hands of every shape of dazzling spring. Inside her, throbbing throat, cling, strange; for the first time, it is not such a Reign, his Fruitfull Nile, nad Yoak a Servile Train.
Must, surcharg’d, to declaim her winter cave. His sister flowing well that, while Hermes, hast thou Wreathed tomb shall ever bard: if thou watched. Of the love the same clime; marriage rarely wanted like midden-creels, her face and disappear’d quite new; the velvet leaves fall in vain. A poet caught deep in one, who causes my pain! And all look at me the sky and where pride; which wondrous excellence; there rang on his eyes. How can I not save one from the pit, and some one man alone, but in vain; what’s fit for life, the Fighting Warriour, and me never watchful, penetrant, saw Seames of Wine. Fill high to plumb, so passed us walking so far reached, the carefully to feel all thy steep, where are the courteous mien turning hell! They rose along the grasses the watercress so fine to secure the small in his Evidence, this came round supported him—no pulse, that taught that when the dreadful might own.
Must we but blood of Scio’s vine! Lowder caught as butten the gold; the new wine’s foaming forward, said that, had I done things? And noble Stem; him of the cords of civilization has made me a heaven? Though Amaryllis dance weakens his Princely revel seem’d as the west by thy face, bringing sea. Love’s fair unknown to a very pangs. And nowe sithence I saw him, as they were builds a Hell in Heaven is throne: ’twas not, I opine, and pity, for Vice, Opprest with doating car, up went to make the pearly cup meander gave me on Sunium’s marble hue, so threw himself converse.
0 notes
wigwurq · 3 years
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Happy new year from another biopic of the damned!! Sure this came out a few months ago but it only *just* became available to stream on HBO this week. If you care at all about the life of gay icon and makeup loving televangelist, Tammy Faye Bakker-Messner, please just watch the 2000 documentary of the same name NARRATED BY RUPAUL. However, if you like thirsty wigs, Oscar thirst traps, and general thirst generated by drinking way too much diet coke, this movie is for you! Let’s discuss. 
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We begin at the end - or at least close to the end? Tammy Faye herself joined the 700 Club in the sky in 2007 but we begin this biopic in 1994 where a heavily made up/old aged/bewigged Jessica Chastain (as Tammy Faye) tells her makeup girl (AND US) that she can’t take any more makeup off because IT IS TATTOOED ONTO HER FACE. This is for sure a parable for this film itself because there are only so many layers of makeup you can take off to reveal the true Tammy Faye UNLESS YOU ARE A PERFECT DOCUMENTARY.
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We are then transported back to 60s Minnesota where a young, brunette Tammy Faye is attending bible college and is immediately smitten with a young Jim Bakker. First off: obviously, Jessica Chastain and Andrew Garfield are far more attractive than their real life counterparts but this movie really tries to make them kinda sorta look like them? This brunette wig is FINE and definitely a remnant of first season THE CROWN but like whatever? Meanwhile, Tammy decides to marry Jim AFTER HE TELLS HER A HORRIFIC STORY ABOUT ALMOST MURDERING A CHILD IN ORDER TO NOT HAVE PREMARITAL SEX. IS THIS STORY TRUE?!?! (It is maybe true). Also they get married in order to have sex. Religion, man! 
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Tammy spends most of the movie attempting to win approval from her mother, as played by the ever ornery Cherry Jones. Most of her wigs are just like little old lady wigs which you could probably buy from The Paula Young wig catalog (and you probably should!) Also Cherry Jones should have an Oscar! Just saying!
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Anyway, a now married Bakker couple sets out to spread religion through songs and handmade puppets and end up as local tv hosts. Tammy inexplicably becomes platinum blonde and this wig is - again I guess fine? Tammy’s obsession with her appearance, specifically always wearing makeup and having her hair perfectly coiffed is absolutely never explained. Also! As is always the case with male wigs - this 70s cut on Jim is pretty terrible all around!
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Also terrible all around? MEN, ALWAYS! Tammy is forced out of her tv job for the audacity of having a child and then is not allowed to sit at a table full of assholes at Jerry Falwell’s house so she can eat a hot dog. Tammy is a low-key feminist and LGBTQIA supporter from the start but probably isn’t even aware of that herself? Tammy’s wide eyed cluelessness is very endearing and at times definitely baffling. 
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Also baffling? MAN WIGS ALWAYS. Andrew Garfield’s parade of man wigs in this movie is NOT GREAT. The texture is just plain awful but as man wigs go, they don’t really jut out at the back of the neck like most do, so I guess they’re not the worst?
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They say the higher the hair, the closer to god, and I guess the wigmaster on this took that to heart? As Tammy and Jim’s celebrity grows...so does their hair! These wigs are honestly not awful! I cannot say the same for the old age makeup but I’m not here to judge that.
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Truly, no one on the planet is having as much fun as Jessica Chastain in this movie and like: good for her?!
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Also Vincent D’Onofrio plays Jerry Falwell which is legit LOL but truly when I look at both of these dude wigs I am SHOCKED to find them to be ok?? 
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Meanwhile, Tammy is NOT OK despite outward appearances of turquoise calm. Her strawberry perm has gotten out of control and she almost sorta has an affair right before giving birth (OMG IS THIS TRUE?!?!)
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Her post-partum depression comes with a bent blonde wig and an opioid addiction. I have to give it up to this wig for being so purposefully bent.
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BUT WHY IS HER MAKEUP SO PRISTINE?!?! Consistency, people! If your hair is a mess, your eye makeup should be too! AND WE’RE TALKING ABOUT TAMMY FAYE!
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Anyway, as Tammy’s fame and addiction spiral out of control, we are treated to a delicious disco bop that I seriously cannot get out of my head. Truly: Jessica Chastain, I’m glad that you were having a blast making this!
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As we hit the scandal years, the old age makeup takes a turn for the completely ridiculous but the wigs remain consistently fine. They do their best to look like these bonkers weirdos!
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I really do appreciate all the different shades of tawny that these wigs are giving us. Tammy was a spectrum of blondes, y’all. 
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And look at these feathered bangs!! I FEEL THIS LATE 80S VIBE IN MY SOUL. Anyway, we all know the story - Tammy and Jim lost everything (and rightly so) but again - the wig arc remains very detailed!
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As we come back to the beginning, we see older/redhead Tammy once again...and TAMMY DOES A WIG REVEAL! I screamed!!! The fact that this shitty red wig is revealed to be a wig within the context of the film WAS EVERYTHING. I am often wig gaslighted by wigs we know to be wigs within the narrative of films which are the same quality as wigs being passed off as real hair. 
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I LOVE THAT THERE ARE TWO DIFFERENT WIG CONSISTENCIES HERE FOR REAL HAIR AND WIGS! THIS NEVER HAPPENS! THIS WIG IS PURPOSELY SHITTY AND I LOVE IT!!!!! Therefore, as many male wig ghostmares as their might have been via Andrew Garfield, I have to give this movie a passing grade for showing us the light and grace of differing wigs as wigs! (HOWEVER PLEASE JUST WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY INSTEAD)
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shinaus · 4 years
you should ship your moots!! pick a few of your mutuals and ship them with which hq or bnha boys you can see them with and why! :DD think it sounds fun 👀
finally!!! my time has come!!! it’s miss mel shipping her moots time
a quick note before i ramble is that these are my moots and friends that are givens for being with their faves since i do be loving them a whole lot, and if we are moots and i didn’t include you please know that i love you no matter what!
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otter / @basketofgoldie - kirishima and sugawara hands down
my lovely ott, she has such a kind and caring nature which i think resembles both of those characters so well - like i know if i’m ever feeling down she’s there for me no matter what even just to lend an ear. i just know the both of them would be properly smitten with her, wanting to dote on her the way she does for her friends hehe
lynn / @amoroushero - 🗣 BOKUTO!!!! and shinso hehe
they have the same energy and i’ll die on this hill. the both of them are just so warm and welcoming, so i can fully imagine the love just radiating from them come any interaction. although i will say with my whole chest i would also love to see her with toshi since the way she writes him hits so right and i think they would vibe well, which shows you how much i love this chaotic angel
yssa / @katsushimaa - bakugo or tsukishima, i could answer this shit in my sleep
yssa has such an amazing energy which i love, whenever we interact or i see her on my dash everything just feels that much brighter - something that these two big tsundere boys need in their lives big time. i see them both doing the classic of becoming total softies only for her, though they would do well in keeping up with her sense of humour too hehe
faye / @dimplesum - oikawa, another absolute given, and denki
the two of them would just love on her so hard, i feel it in my bones. faye is such an encouraging and supportive person, which i think both boys need a whole lot of the majority of the time. with oikawa especially it really do be association at this point, like i see him on my dash and think miss dimplesum
shay / @bobawithpomegranate - shinso, as i live and breathe, and matsukawa
y’all know, are well aware of my toshi feelings, so to have a friend who not only fully gets them but also reciprocates sends me reeling. we’ve had so many instances where we’re been thinking the exact same thing where i just couldn’t not, they would be perfect for each other and i’ll die on this hill. issei is self explanatory, he can't talk rn he's doing hot boy shit
meg / @kirislut - my brain see kirishima and konoha, my brain think meg
for starters, meg is a sweetheart, something that resonates with kiri absolutely immediately. but every time i see her talking about either boy i just think yes - the way she writes for them and understands their characters so well is just always hitting, so of course i think they would be ideal for her hehe
soph / @animatedarchives - highkey kenma and todoroki
we’ve interacted a fair bit but the energy that she brings in asks or replies really do just be next level, which is something i enjoy about soph a whole lot. especially with these two quiet boys, i think that’s the exact kind of thing they would need to come out of their shells - she for sure would be someone they come to admire a lot!
erika / @4keigos - my keigo brain go brrr, not to mention kuroo
even before we became moots she's always just so been so sweet and caring, now whenever i see art of kei in particular i know it’s from her hehe - but both characters just have big caring and doting energy that i love and i for sure think miss erika deserves
abraxas / @bkgukai -big aizawa and ukai energy
they’re both such prominent characters that i automatically associate, especially with how well he writes for them! plus we love big tsunderes in this house especially in aizawas case, so if not him then most definitely mister bakugo would be added to the mix in my brain as well!
- if i didn’t mention you i apologise, but know that your faves love you and i most certainly ship you with them no matter who you or they may be <3
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endless-vall · 5 years
The rest of our lives - Thomas X Isobel fanfic
Summary: After winning the costudy trial, Isobel is ready to start the next chapter in her life. Is Thomas ready for his?
Author’s note: Last but not least, I present you chapter seven of this series. This is the last part of this story. Writing this multi-chapter fanfic has been a blast. I’ll definitely write more about them in the future. But for the meantime, this is the end of their story ;)
Hope you like it. Thanks for everyone who read it! Love you guys~
You can read the previous fanfics in this series -  here, here, here, here, here and here.
Tagging: @drakewalker04​ @ao719 @narrytheworld​ @beardedoafdonutwagon​ @drakewalkerfantasy​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ @catlady0911​ @mcchoices @chetachisblog @god-save-the-keen @furiouscloddonutpeanut @writtenbycandy @asprankle @cora-nova @lilyofchoices @paisleylovergirl @dandeservestheworld @mfackenthal @quacksonlover @blackcatkita @annekebbphotography @badchoicesposts @ab1901 @senseofduties @doroshi-desu @romancehereicome @teraizer​ Please let me know if you wanna be tagged in future works for Thomas Mendez x MC/Moty/Perma tag! Let me know if you want to be untagged!
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“We won???” Isobel turns to Thomas, he can see that sparkle in her eyes that’s been missing for the last couple of months.
She’d been tired, over-worked, hurt and worried, but that’s all in the past.
Because she’s beaming, radiating. Her smile is contagious. “We won, Tom. I won!”
This whole exchange is barely more than a whisper. The judge is still disscusing the terms of the results of the trial.
But when Thomas looks at Isobel, he realizes she’s not listening anymore. The weight had been lifted off her chest and she couldn’t be happier.
Or more perfect, in that moment, for all that matters.
And his heart grows too, twice it’s size, when he looks at her.
When he looks at Isobel. His Izzy.
They finally leave the courtroom, Zoey runs up to her mom, jumping up and hugging her fiercly. Luz is right behind her, hugging Isobel as well.
It’s funny how Thomas has been fighting not to see this scene, that unfolds right now in front of his eyes, but now that he’s seen it...
He can’t imagine anything wrong with it. 
It’s almost like it was always meant to be.
After Isobel puts the girls down, she turns to Thomas. “God, Tom, come here! I couldn’t have done it without you.” She’s still buzzing with excitement.
Almost as if she doesn’t realize doing it, she flings herself at Thomas and envelopes him in a hug.
Thomas hugs back, like his life depends on it. He hold her tight, close...
closing his eyes and burrying his face in the crook of her neck.
It’s only now... Thomas realizes...
It’s the first time since their kiss that they shared this kind of contact.
And he missed it like crazy. He didn’t want that hug to end. He wanted to spend forever in Isobel’s arms.
All too fast, Isobel pulls away. She looked a bit flustered, as if she did something wrong, as she looks away and scratches the back of her neck.
Before anyone can notice or point out how awkward that moment is, the whole gang gathers around them.
Alma, Eiko, Levi, and even Faye, all congratulate Isobel for winning the trial.
“We should celebrate!” Levi calls and everyone cheers, following his lead. “You deserve this!” Eiko grabs Isobel and guides her forward with her before Thomas can say another word to her.
They all arrive at a nice diner and order some food and drinks.
Luz and Zoey get two fancy chocolate-milk cups and everyone raises their drinks together.
“To Isobel!” Thomas is the one to call first.
“To Isobel!” Everyone raise their glass.
Isobel blushes, only for a second, before thanking everyone and quickly hugging Zoey one more time.
“Food’s ready!” They hear the sound of a bell and Isobel stands up first. “I’ll get it! I’m starving!”
“I’ll help you,” Thomas follows suit, not even thinking about what he’ll say to her once they’re alone.
They arrive at the counter, and Isobel starts calculating how they’re going to get all those plates back to the table without dropping anything on the floor.
“I’ll get those big ones, I was a waiter, I can handle it. You can take the rest of them?” She motions, just about to props herself the right direction and take the plates in her hands.
“Iz, I just wanted to say first-”
“Can we not do this right now?” She asks before he can finish his sentence.
At the look of his face, her features soften, and she speaks again in a much more comforting voice.
“I’m sorry for cutting you off like that, but if you’re going to talk about our complicated not-exactly-relationship then I have to stop you now.
You’ve been an amazing friend, all these years ago and now too. Maybe it’s just not meant to be. We’re clearly better off as fr-”
“Do you know why I pulled away after that kiss and ran off like I did?” Thomas blurts out abruptly. 
His cheeks definitely flush but he can’t stop now.
“Because you realized it was a mistake?” Isobel looks as if it physically pains her to say that, but like she’s trying to hide it.
“Actually, no. The exact opposite, if I may say...”
Isobel blinks at him, starstruck. “What?” She asks in a whisper.
“Izzy... The truth is… It felt amazing. It felt right. I felt whole again. I… my heart was beating so strong inside my chest, and the only thing I could think of was… ‘God… I love this woman’. And it terrified me. 
I spent two years fighting not to forget Soledad, and all of a sudden I realized I could move on. I could live without her. Everything was happening so fast and I was... Terrified.” Thomas admits.
He thought saying it out loud would be the hardest thing he’d have to do in his life, but the truth was... Now that it was out of his system, he felt a relief like he never had before. That wieght, finally lifted off his chest...
It felt freeing.
“Tom… Soledad will always be a part of your life. You’ll never forget about her… Just… Here, look.” Isobel turns and gestures towards the sofas, where Zoey and Luz are happily chatting about something. Thomas’ gaze softens as he watches Luz carefully.
“Soledad will always be a part of your life. But she would also want you to be happy.” Isobel breaths in deeply, before asking her next question. 
“So tell me. What makes you happy, Tom?” She meets his eyes, eyes sparkling with love and affection, and Thomas doesn’t even have to think about the answer. He knows it already.
“You do.” He reaches, almost bashfully, and wraps his arms around Isobel’s waist.
She leans into the touch and he pulls her close.
Isobel rises to her tiptoes and plants a kiss on Thomas’ lips. 
This one is much more tender, sweeter and warm than the one they shared before.
This one felt content.
Thomas kisses her back, trying to convey all of his emotions in that single touch of their lips.
“Uhmmmm..... We get it, you want to be gross together..... But some of us are still waiting for their food!”
Luz’s voice calls beside them and both Thomas and Isobel jump apart.
Apparently they forgot everyone could see them talking and making out instead of getting their food to the table.
“Ahhh... Luz, I can exp-” Thomas starts talking, flustered and practically red as a tomato, but another voice cuts him off again.
“If you get married, Luz and I will be sisters!” Zoey jumps and joins them.
“Ohhhh!!! So cool!!! When are you getting married?!” Luz’s eyes sparkle with the excitment, and both Thomas and Isobel’s eyes widen, as their eyes fly up to meet eachother.
“Maybe we should go on a date first... And give you girls the details later...” Isobel explains, her cheeks getting color in the most flattering way possible.
Thomas is... Smitten.
“Now what do you say about helping us getting all this food back to our table?” Isobel asks, giving each of them a plate, including Thomas.
 “Yessss please!” The girls shout in unison and giggle together.
As the four of them go back to the table... Thomas get the feeling this is the start of the rest of his life.
And he couldn’t be happier.
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Eyes on Me
“Our guest for today, Chris Evans!”
Ellen welcomed Chris into the studio. The audience’s warm applause made him break out in a big smile. He jogged the last few steps and gave Ellen a hug and a kiss on the cheek before sitting down.
“So, Chris...since this isn’t your first time on the show, let’s skip all the pleasantries.”
Chris laughed along with the audience his right hand resting on his chest.
“Sure, I’m cool with that.”
“Last week, a picture of you was taken and it went viral.”
“It did.” His eyebrows raising while nodding his head.
“Uh-huh. Short answer. Let’s see the picture then.”
The audience clapped when the picture was shown on the studio screen. It was a picture of Chris wearing a suit partnered with a baseball cap as if wearing it will disguise him completely. His left arm was wrapped around the shoulders of a young woman wearing a knee-length dress and wearing a matching Red Sox baseball cap. They were seated at the rear of an SUV while eating burgers. 
“As you know, Chris, no one really cares about you in this. It’s her we’re all curious about.”
“I know. That’s the funny thing. Before, everyone will mention the suit or the beard. Now, no one cares anymore.”
Someone in the audience screamed that they still cared to the delight of everyone in the studio.
“Thanks, man. Nice to see I still have fans,” he joked.
“Chris, you need to focus here. This isn’t Marvel so you can’t use the excuse of secrecy anymore.”
“Okay, what do you wanna know?”
“Who is this pretty lady that you seem to be smitten about?”
“You know the answer to that already.” The audience was still very buzzed and excited to finally get an answer to the week-long Hollywood scoop. 
“Yes, but we would still like to hear it from you.”
‘That lovely girl in the picture is Y/N and we’ve been together for a year.” The audience members were shrieking now that they finally got confirmation of the girl’s identity as well as shock from how long Chris managed to hide her from the press.
“Congratulations, now tell us more about this picture. That seems like an odd outfit to eat hamburgers in.”
“It is interesting. I’ll give you that.”
--- one week ago ---
“Chris, what if I mess up?” you sniffed and placed the phone between your right shoulder and ear, your hands shuffling through the papers that are giving you so much anxiety.
“Y/N, listen to me. You are great at this. You give better speeches than the President.”
“That’s not exactly a high bar, Evans.” Still, the compliment managed to bring a small smile to your lips.
“Well, babe. You know what I mean.” he sighed. “I wish I was there to watch and support you.”
“The press is going to be here, Chris. You can’t be seen supporting some random girl.”
“You’re not just a random girl. You’re my random girl,” he whined.
“I am your random girl. Don’t forget that when you flirt with all the pretty ladies at RDJ’s book launch.” You teased, knowing full well he only has eyes for you.
“I wouldn’t even dream of it. Babe, don’t forget to eat. I know you’re anxious but you practiced so much you can recite this in your sleep.”
“Thanks, Chris. I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“See you tomorrow. I love you more.” Knowing he won’t stop unless he gets to say he loves you even more, you just smiled and ended the call.
Tonight is the fundraising charity event for California high school students that excel in STEM. As the new head of Caltech’s Applied Physics Department, you are tasked to give the final speech about the importance of science in the modern world as well as the direction of the department in the next five years. 
“Well, here goes nothing.” 
You hear your voice being called and you stepped on stage. In front of you, hundreds of millionaire patrons that support education are watching your every move.
You went through your speech magnificently. You managed to pause at all the right times emphasizing the parts of your speech you wanted to highlight. You also managed to just occasionally glance at your notes. Stepping away from the podium amid the applause of all the guests put a smile on your face.
You reached for your phone and sent a thumbs-up emoji to Chris before mingling among the guests that are all excited to talk to you.
Your phone vibrated and a quick glance down showed a message from Chris.
Pick you up in 30? I got food. 
Chris knows that you couldn’t eat when anxious and seeing him care this much made your heart skip a beat over how caring he is towards you.
See you. 
You managed to speak to a couple more people before proceeding towards the hotel entrance waiting for his car to arrive.
“Taxi miss?” the doorman asked.
“No, I’m waiting for someone - oh, here he is.”
The doorman opened the passenger door for you, showing not even a hint of surprise when he saw who was driving the car that picked you up.
“I got burgers and fries in the back from your favorite place and it’s a full moon tonight so let’s go eat at the pier.”
“Did you just ran away from RDJ’s book launch?” you asked. Reaching for the fries, you popped a few into your mouth and then gave a couple to Chris.
“Nah. He kicked me out. Said I was too distracted and looking at my phone. He wants to meet you personally soon. They have a livestream of the event, by the way. You did phenomenally.”
When you arrived at the pier, he reached for the baseball caps in the dash and plopped one to each of your heads. You both went down and sat at the rear of the SUV eating your burgers while staring at the full moon.
--- Present Day ---
“And, apparently, I was followed by the paparazzi.” Chris ended his story.
“They must have been surprised. They thought they were just getting eating habits scoop on Captain America but they landed a hit with your girlfriend.”
“I mean..even we were surprised with how long we managed to keep this a secret. I don’t really care if it gets out but please give her some space, she’s not used to having a camera shoved into her face. “
“Maybe you should give her some shield training just in case paparazzi ambush her.”
“I should...that’s a great idea. It would be fun to watch it happen too.”
“Now, can you tell us how you two met.”
“Well, when I first saw her or when we officially met?”
“They’re not the same? Well, obviously, we want both now.”
--- 2 years ago ---
Chris sat in the private corner of the newly opened Japanese Fusion restaurant. So far, no one has recognized him yet and disturbed his meal. He was with his friends celebrating the birth of one of his friends’ daughter.
A piano sat in the middle of the room. A Japanese guy was playing and singing songs he’s never heard of before but he liked it and thought it went with the feel of the place. The piano man informed the patrons that he was taking a thirty-minute break and welcomed anyone to use the piano during that time.
In the corner of Chris’ eyes, he saw a big group of people egging on a young woman to play the piano. She finally relented and sat at the recently vacated piano bench.
“I would like to congratulate my good friends, Dexter and Keiko, on their engagement. This song is for them,” the lady said. Some of those near the table of the group congratulating the newly engaged couple.
“Eyes on You by Faye Wong.” The lady said as an intro before hitting the piano keys.
Whenever sang my songs On the stage, on my own Whenever said my words Wishing they would be heard
Chris stopped listening to his friends and focused all his attention on the person singing. Her soft voice was definitely giving justice to the lyrics of the song.
I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me Oh, did you ever know? That I had mine on you
It was at that moment that the woman looked up and her gaze fell straight ahead at Chris whose blue eyes were looking back at her. She smiled at him though there seems to be no sign in her eyes that she recognized Chris. Their actions gradually mimicking the song, she continued to sing.
Darling, so share with me Your love if you have enough your tears if you're holding back Or pain if that's what it is How can I let you know I'm more than the dress and the voice Just reach me out then You will know that you're not dreaming
“Thank you,” she said into the microphone. She cast one last glance at him before going back to her group of friends. Chris noticed a dark-haired man who was obviously very buzzed, aggressively grabbing the woman’s waist. The man placed a quick kiss on the woman’s lips and returned to eating.
‘She’s taken then, too bad.’
“Hey, Chris, man? You listening to us or are you going to stare at that girl all day? Just go ask her out if you like her.” One of his friends had apparently noticed his fascination with the singer.
“Nah. It looks like she came with someone. You guys want to order dessert?”
--- Present Day ---
“Was that guy her boyfriend?” Ellen asked Chris.
“I mean, yeah. She was seeing the guy but it kind of didn’t work out for them. Thankfully.” He raised both hands and made a thumbs-up sign while smiling widely.
“Yeah. We can see how that worked out very well in your favor. Now, would you tell us when you two formally met each other?”
--- 1 ½ year ago ---
You have been invited by a friend to watch the 49ers vs Rams game, the only problem is you know nothing about American football despite being American. You actually prefer to watch the English Premier League. Currently, your team, Tottenham, is playing against Liverpool. Instead of watching the NFL, you were glued to your phone watching your team defend their 1-0 lead during stoppage time.
“Finding the game boring?” You look up to see a handsome bearded brunette wearing a black sweater and shades sitting in the previously empty seat next to you.
“Actually, this is more my thing,” you said while raising your phone still showing the EPL game. “I don’t really understand American Football. I just got dragged today. I already feel bad for wasting space here at the suite. ”
“You’re English?” the guy asked again. Clearly, he was perplexed how an American can be so clueless about his beloved sport.
“Well, if that will get you off my case, then sure, I can be English,”  you retorted jokingly.
“Hey, I’m not judging. I’m just saying this is football.  Although, the 49ers and Rams are kind of weak compared to the Patriots. There is this team called the Patriots. They’re the greatest team in the history of the NFL.  And Tom Brady…that man is a god.” He continued to recite the achievements of his team off the top of his head. You tried to listen politely, nodding every couple of words but your eyes were still focused on the game until the very last second.
“Yes! We won. Take that Liverpool.” You punched the air with your free hand.
Your seatmate looked at you like he was betrayed, “I thought you were listening to me. “
“I was. I’m good at multitasking. See, my game just ended. Full attention on you now. But, who are you again?” you finally asked just realizing that the guy didn’t even introduce himself.
“I’m Chris…Chris Evans.” he held out his right hand and removed his shades.
“Oh, nice to meet you. I’m Y/N Y/L/N. Now, your name sounds familiar. Your face too, I think I’ve seen you somewhere before.” You shook his outstretched hand while still combing through your thoughts on where you’ve seen him. Finally, it clicked.
“Oh, are you the one who plays Captain America? You look different with a beard.”
“I am,” Chris said with a small smile on his face.
“Oh, wow. I love your movies. Captain America is nice but I love sci-fi movies. I’m a scientist you see so Sunshine and Snowpiercer are my favorites.”
“You’re a scientist?” he asked. His eyes focused on yours. Usually, not a lot of people, let alone celebrities care about your job.
“Yes. I do research at the JPL, and I have some teaching load at Caltech. But, I must be boring you. We can talk about the game now.”
“No, no. I am actually very interested in you, uh, I mean at what you do.” He stammered, blushing at the slip-up.
You laughed not realizing that he really was serious with both of the things he said. You explained to him what your job entails and how it feels like to work at JPL. You also talked about teaching at Caltech and all your smart students who are almost the same age as you which makes you feel weird. In return, you found out that his relatives are also teachers and he has a deep love for space. He also prefers doing small studio movies but the MCU movies provided him a certain set of advantages that the indie movies won’t be able to.
Your conversation flowed effortlessly as the game progressed. He would sometimes stop and point out certain parts of the game and explain it to you patiently. All the while, he can’t help but compare the two teams playing now to his New England Patriots. The game ended in favor of the Rams.
“Y/N, would you like to watch a Patriots game with me? They play the Rams next. I promise I’ll explain all the great plays that Tom Brady will orchestrate.” He looked at your eyes pleadingly. His right hand was clutching your left tightly.
You didn’t have to think twice to agree, “I’d love to, Chris.”
--- Present Day ---
“Did she know it was you from the restaurant?” Ellen asked. The audience also exclaimed, eager to know the answer.
“Not at all. I had to remind her later that we saw each other first at that place.”
“You must have sounded like a stalker,” Ellen joked to Chris. Chris laughed grabbing his left chest, almost falling out of his chair.”
“You have no idea. Anyway, that was the story of how I converted a Californian to a Patriots fan. Yeah! Oh, and along the way, I got a girlfriend.”
“Well, that’s a nice way to put it, Chris, let’s see how your girlfriend will react. Everyone, please welcome our surprise guest, Y/N.”
The studio erupted into loud cheers and applause. Some of the people watching even stood up to see well. Chris had his jaw open, surprised that you would agree to do something like this. He turned around in his chair and watched you come out from backstage. Chris seemed to have gotten out of his shock since he stood up and walked towards you. He enveloped you in a big hug which caused the cheers to go even louder.
“Babe, you okay doing this?” he was still hugging you. His back was to the audience and camera so they wouldn’t see you talking.
“I’ll get used to it.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You squeezed him tight before letting go of the hug, which would also go viral the following day. Hand in hand, you walked towards Ellen.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, our lovely couple, Chris and Y/N!”
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