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edhie815 · 2 years ago
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I'm Not Fat I'm Just Fluffy Cat Lover...Cool Shirt Visit the Link to see more. . . . Follow @edhie815 for more upcoming Merch Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #fluffycat #cats #catsofinstagram #cat #catstagram #catlife #meow #catlover #fluffy #bestmeow #ilovemycat #kittycat #pets #catlove #catloversclub #ilovemycat #kittycat #redbubbleartists #teepublicshirts #artistshop #threadlessartistshops #fatgirlfashion #fatgirlfitness #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #teepublicsale✔️ #teepublicsales #threadlesssale https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-VG5MvcTP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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no--more--regrets · 4 years ago
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🏋🏼‍♀️Fitness Friday 🏋🏼‍♀️ Listen, I have no idea what I’m doing half the time. My form is off, I’m not low enough, and so much more of all those things that used to make me too embarrassed to try things at the gym. But my body is AMAZING. It can do, or will at least TRY to do, anything I ask of it. Covered in sweat and a bit of floor dirt, it pushes on. My body isn’t perfect, my technique is far from it too. But I LOVE how moving my body makes me feel. And if I’m not sore the next, I’m a little disappointed. 😅 So if you’re holding yourself back from trying something new at the gym, here’s your sign to DO IT! I could not care less if anyone is watching or judging me. Because I’m doing it to better my self and my health. And if all others can see is the imperfect, that’s their problem. (Plus, most people are too busy staring at themselves in the mirrors anyway. 😂) How are you moving your body today? ☺️ #plussizeweightloss #plussizeweightlossjourney #weightloss #weightlossjourney #plussizefitness #plussizefit #plussizefitnessjourney #plussizefitnessmotivation #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #workout #workoutmotivation #fatgirlgetsfit #fatgirlgettingfit #fatgirlfit #fatgirlfitness #gymtime #fatgirlinthegym #fitnessfriday #weightlosscommunity #weightlossmotivation #moveyourbody #feelgoodinyourskin https://www.instagram.com/p/CQRj21kA6kx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hallokatzchen · 6 years ago
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Yeeeeah it’s time to make some changes. This is my current weight, and at 5’3” this is NOT a good thing for me. My hips, knees, and ankles hurt. My back hurts. I’m tired all the time. I get winded from walking up the stairs. None of my clothes fit (now you know why I wear the same shirt and jeans all the time) and (TMI) I haven’t had a period in 2 years because my weight is too high. Overall it’s just not a good quality of life for me. My target weight for now is 170. My goal is 150. Ultimate goal is 130. That’s the weight where everything is perfect and my body functions properly and has no pain. Wish me luck! #fitness #fatgirlfitness #weightloss #weightlossjourney https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw7kWSRH5eo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=116ekul7i0dgm
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mamatanyadf-blog · 6 years ago
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Today was not only about discipline (because I’ve missed working out for the last 3 days) but also about gentleness. I went hard last year and then this nigga came home and I was trying to love his dumb ass to wholeness while I fractured myself. I take responsibility for that. Then I found out he still fucking his baby moms who smiling in my face and talking shit about him and I’m STILL getting beat on and I’m feeling like the most gullible bitch this side of the Triboro. I became so engrossed with my trauma I forgot to put myself first (that was a theme in my life...something I’m unlearning). I kept talking about going back to working out and not eating garbage but my feelings of self loathing and regret kept me from it. So here I am today doing high impact dancing with @thefitnessmarshall and strength training with @msjeanettejenkins and come to the realization my fat ass is really out of shape. I’ve always been fat but I’ve also always been in pretty decent shape. I have no stamina, I’m winded, I have to take all these breaks and I’m frustrated. I say to myself “Tanya, this is where you are but you don’t have to STAY here. We been through some shit, nigga! All manners of betrayal and pain and trauma but we still here. So, you’re gonna push through and genuinely do all you can do and remember tomorrow is another day. And we’ll keep doing it everyday until we aren’t here anymore. Guhl, you got this. I love you. Love this body.” And I got back down on the floor and did them damn mountain climbers and push-ups with side planks with Jeanette and was gentle with myself when I couldn’t get through all 10 of them. I’ll try again tomorrow. I then forgave myself for not having any greens cause my kale and spinach went bad and still had a moderate meal making sure I had EXACTLY a half cup of rice (a bitch love some carbs, B!) and my protein. I decided against the blueberry wine I got for my birthday and just sat and meditated for a bit concentrating on my breathe and being gentle with myself. This is where I am these days, remembering I am where I am but I don’t have to stay here. #bodytransformation #selfreflection #introspection #fatgirlfitness #lotusreturn https://www.instagram.com/p/BoDfrUlF45E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=it1j49vwyqxi
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snakelady · 4 years ago
Note: I trimmed the beginning of the video so it would fit. 😊 Today my partner accompanied me to the #pool and he videoed me doing my #ModifiedPullUps. For each set I do 10 pull-ups while standing on the ladder and 10 down in the water.(So one set is 20 pull-ups). I usually do 10 sets of 20. #FatGirlFitness #determination #iWillHeal! #DumpTheCane! #Soon! #knowyourself #doyourbest #dontoverdoit #makealittleprogresseveryday 💪🏻😊🐍❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CFqzVAGH6Ei/?igshid=1ax4492aansao
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fitnstoney-blog · 5 years ago
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IMPORTANT! #worthy #weightdoesnotequalworth #healthjourney #fatgirlfitness https://www.instagram.com/p/CBefQLJpzBd/?igshid=x961oigpnv5n
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nattynikki · 7 years ago
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This mornings ootd as I prepare for my Saturday morning walk! Top from TK Maxx leggings from Only Play via Simply Be (these are the best gym leggings I have found they are currently in the sale) and trainers from Decathlon. #chicksgetfitdone #psootd #fatgirlfit #fatgirlfitness
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phoenixnymphy · 6 years ago
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I'm up, I want to go back to sleep but I'm awake. Let's do this! #FatGirlFitness twitch.tv/nymphodora1 #yoga #girlstreamers #backtobasics #meditation #mindfullness #loveyourself #fitness #healthy #health https://www.instagram.com/p/BxaQKBBlROM/?igshid=cxqcoth6gonq
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yaaaschef · 8 years ago
I used to only wear shirts with sleeves because I was embarrassed of my arms. Now I realize I'm a sexy bitch, and I can wear what I want to wear. If it makes other people uncomfortable to see my jiggle, that's their issue. I made a promise to myself not too long ago that I would put me first after a lifetime of putting my wants and needs on the shelf for the sake of the comfort of others. You only have one life. Be happy, be comfortable, and above all else - love every inch of you. . . . #washedout #feelitallaround #effyourbeautystandards #wearwhatyoulike #beautyatanysize #fatgirlswag #fatgirlfitness #yaaas #loveyourlife #loveyourbody #loveyourself #selfrespect #abc7eyewitness #ktla5 #bodypositive #lifegoals #bmxlife
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hallokatzchen · 6 years ago
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Today’s progress. I was planning on doing 30 minutes on the treadmill, but the light blew out in my room, so I walked to @homedepot to buy some more bulbs. #fitness #fatgirlfitness #fitnessprogress #walkingtoloseweight https://www.instagram.com/p/BxI2Q75Ha7I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9i234cq22j7u
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Another good day, which is surprising since i spent like 5 hours driving today! #fitbit #fatgirlfitness #workingonmygoals
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toulouseboy · 5 years ago
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Lunch today! Trying to add more color than green to my salads. Down 13lbs!!
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This is how I’m starting March off. My goal for this month is to get to 245. If I work hard and eat right I’m sure that’s attainable. I’m posting this to help keep myself accountable #teamnofinishline #healthjourney #weightlossjourney #fatgirlfit #fatgirlfedup https://www.instagram.com/p/B9MsK-NnQPa/?igshid=18y2i2rura8b6
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theezys-voyage · 6 years ago
Saturday workout DONE. 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 Cardio: Elliptical & Treadmill | Strength Training: Bosu Ball & Weights . . #happysaturday #workout #fitnessgirl #fitlife #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fatgirlfit #plussizefitness #cardioworkout #strengthtraining #saturday #blogger #cltblogger #charlotteblogger #ncblogger #browngirlbloggers #blackgirlswhoblog #blackgirlbloggers #theezysvoyage https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZkLWzpc5H/?igshid=sac05zrew4kb
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phoenixnymphy · 6 years ago
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No #yoga today I wanted to shake things up a little for #FatGirlFitness so I'm going to play some #JustDanceNow you too can join if you'd like! twitch.tv/nymphodora1 #justdance #Girlstreamers #streamer #streamtime #gamer #fitness #health #girlgamer https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2NV81h5ma/?igshid=af9xnrf013n0
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vanessa-vr-ross · 6 years ago
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It’s a Monday kinda workflow! 🔥 . Today is such an exciting day! Not only did Both kids & Hubby Get Out on Time Today & I actually went grocery shopping (💃🏾🕺🏽🎉🤸🏾‍♂️... too much? Lol!), but today is DAY 1 of... . 🙌🏾 100 Days to Brave challenge I’m doing, and... 🙌🏾 Our new Portion Control Fitness Support group!!! . Finally unpacked from Vegas, caught up on laundry , Working on kids science projects & Then before you know it- Schools Out 🏫 🙏🏾 ☀️ . That’s a lot to be excited about! . I’ve been glued to my computer working on all this stuff and talking back-and-forth with my newest Fit Sisters. I totally LOVE helping them get a strong start so they can crush their wellness goals and Business Goals! 👩🏾‍💻It’s THE BEST job I’ve ever had!! 💯 . Want to do this program with us? I’m still signing up a few new people today! It’s Not a diet....it’s Beyond a diet. It’s a Lifestyle! . Join us and look (and feel) AMAZING by Summer! 😎🤩😍 *check out my Instagram stories for modified workout moves to try at home. #mondayworkoutdone #betterlatethanNeva . #fatandfit #fatgirlfit #plussizedfitness #mybigbodycan #imlearning #illgetthere #blogilates #plussizedyoga #glorifyhappiness (at Northwest Houston, Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwTO8EWFZHn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=861k1ecgy8o4
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