cannednoodle · 3 months
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This is what Arven sees before Starlight inevitably make’s his hair his pillow for the night
Also a bit of context, since one of my best friends began to play pokemon scarlet, said that whenever Arven talks he do be doing roblox emotes, and the first time i heard it I couldn’t stop laughing because it somehow fit? So now we both headcanon Arven as a active roblox player, but don’t let the computer in the drawing fool you, his is a phone player 100% no doubt lmao
Originally, the last panel was supposed to be an image of Star, my Pkm scarlet mc oc, because of how i drew the reference for them, but since i did made that cursed image of Starlight, that took heavy inspo from the image i found on Pinterest of the Jirachi with the same face, and couldn’t stop myself from creating this monstrosity, so Starlight won! This art is also like a month or so old if not slightly older so yeah doodles do look like that for me
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francesco-blog-di · 27 days
Altro che voglia di scopare, io ho un bisogno fisico di panzerotti. Tipo ora, adesso.
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
Immaginate (#panico #paura #terrore) se veramente facessero Manuel etero cioè Damiano torna da NuovoOlimpo like io mi sono limonato 4lvise per poi avere questo?
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einhandertower · 11 months
敗者はホラゲー行き!#人生ゲーム 同期ガチバトル!!【#天籠りのん vs #安心院みさ vs #甘楽デイティー 】
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gaiainthejourney · 1 year
Fontane di luci colorate
si espandono
in cielo
come fiori che sbocciano all’improvviso:
un solo istante
poi di nuovo buio.
Un boato sfrigolante
attraversa i cieli del mio quartiere.
Disperati latrati del mio cane.
Mi sveglio di soprassalto.
È ancora festa patronale?
No. E allora
chi cazzo è che spara fuochi d’artificio
nel cuore
della notte?
È una festa privata.
Domani devo alzarmi presto.
Fanculo voi e i vostri botti.
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
saying F U to the regime again and again: a quick update on women vs IR regime
Famous Iranian actresses have been appearing in public without a mandatory hijab. This has been happening since the beginning of the protests. Last month, Kiumars Pourahmad, a well known Iranian screenwriter and director, committed suicide. He had a history of criticizing the regime's political decisions. At his funeral, some of the famous actresses attended without mandatory hijab.
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You can see Fateme Motamedarya, Katayoun Riyahi, and Golab Adineh in these pictures from the funeral. Ms. Riyahi was one of the first celebrities who took her hijab off at the start of the Jina (Mahsa) Amini protest and for that she's been the target of IRGC harassment and has been to court.
Last week, in the ceremony of screening of the final episode of Lion's Skin (a persian crime show), actress Pantea Bahram participated without hijab. The manager of Tehran’s Lotus Cinema, where the ceremony was held, was fired for letting her attend without hijab.
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Other than prosecution, the regime has blocked these celebrities' bank accounts. Basij and IRGC members have also attacked and harassed these women online and in real life.
Students on university campuses take off their hijabs. There's an installed version of morality police in universities that monitor students' styles. Female students must wear "appropriate" hijab and male students must wear "manly" clothes (one of my guy friends once was asked to go back home and change his shoes because they were red casual loafers. Apparently that's gay!). When you enroll in Iranian universities, the first thing you do is to go to the security office and sign an agreement that says you promise to follow the Islamic dress code. There are posters all over the campus that says things like "hijab is security" "respect the islamic hijab" and "not wearing appropriate hijab (tight short clothes, too much hair, makeup, etc) would result in legal action". So not wearing hijab on campus, where a lot of security cameras are installed and it's easy to identify you, is a big deal.
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The regime's response to students taking off their hijabs is sending threatening messages to students' phones and increasing the security people. At the entrance of Universities, these security forces check people's clothes and if it's not proper they won't let you in. Some of the students wear the hijab at the entrance and take it off after they're in. They have warned our professors to not let non hijabi students sit in classes too.
One of my favorite trends in Iran now is when guys wear our hijab. These pictures are from universities. Guys wearing hijab make the security mad. This is a great act of solidarity with women against the obligatory hijab.
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Some men have been doing either this or wearing shorts in public. The former is to ridicule the obligatory dress code and the latter is because wearing shorts in public is forbidden for guys too.
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And women not wearing hijab in general. Though hijab is not our only issue, we want a whole new political system, one that is not theocratic or terroristic, hijab is something the regime won't back down from because it's one of their strongest oppressing tools. If they let us win the fight against obligatory hijab, I quote from a regime head, "people keep demanding more changes"!
So to put people against people to enforce the hijab law again, the regime has closed down many businesses (hotels, cafes, malls, bookstores, etc) for welcoming non hijabi female costumers. They have also warned taxi and bus drivers to not let non hijabi women in their vehicles.
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Although not everyone is disobeying the hijab law (some believe in hijab, some don't want to pay the price), the number of women who take the risk and don't wear hijab in Tehran and many other cities is high enough that you feel encouraged to keep doing it.
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lady--vixen · 3 months
Ore 17.17
Devo andare in farmacia? Vado in farmacia.
Tu che devi fa'? Andare in Comune? Ti accompagno in Comune.
Te? La spesa? Andiamo a far la spesa.
In Posta non ci deve andare nessuno? Strano. Ah, tu ci devi andare, eccerto. E allora sali in macchina.
Altri? Altro? Ah, sto lavoro che non vuole nessuno lo proponi a me? E come no... tanto non c'ho un cazzo da fare, certo.
Questo è terrorismo psicologico verso il mio povero, piccolo ormone. Nemmeno il tempo di svegliarsi che già deve affrontare attentati. Lo rimetto in cassaforte eh!
Fateme respira"... 😤😡
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cigarettesaftercofee · 3 months
za chuja nie moge sie zmotywowac do treningow :/// najgorsze jest to ze wiem ze jezeli nie zaczne to bede skinny fatem
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revenant-coining · 1 year
[ pt: Fatematelexic ]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 equally-sized horizontal stripes. colors are in this order from top to bottom: red-pink, light red-pink, pale red-pink, pink, pale red-pink, light red-pink, red-pink. in the middle of the flag is a symbol. the base shape is a square with a vertical line through the middle. the symbol is the color pink. End ID]
Fatematelexic: a gender connected to or best described by the word ‘fatemate’.
Etymology: fatemate, lexic
Pronounced: fate-mate lex-ick (fatemate lexic)
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa , @lexegender-archival
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[ID: a pink line divider with a pink and purple sun in the middle. End ID]
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tomtommy · 1 year
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Cairo fatemic - Moez Street
📍القاهرة - شارع المعز - مسجد سيدنا الحسين
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omarfor-orchestra · 11 months
E anche stasera niente promo
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yesterdayandkarma · 1 year
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Fateme by Mehdi Mokhtari
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dojae-huh · 8 months
so, for the new interview, to jh dy is startmate, ty is soul/fatemate, mark stay as the other half through out the years.
he didn't know sijak was name by Doyoung himself (he assumed it's from the fans) so I'm confident they didn't talk about this. Tbh call me pessimist or petty but that kinda dissappointed me, I thought the name would be important enough for them to bring up in conversation at some point. At least shippers are happy he acknowledge the name!
If I dont have a fuzzy memories, this is more than once jh call ty his soulmate (?) He's not the type to throw the word around without meaning it. I don't follow their relationship, I can tell they're close but they don't stood out to me as extremely close (not taedo level at least), but from the interview he did review the depth of it (say they "save each other a lot").
Well this interview kinda shaken my perspective a little bit
운명즈 - "unmyeongz" = "Fate mates" is the name given by Korean fans. Here Taeyong mentions it during Golden Age era and Jae agrees.
Jaehyun knows 시작즈 - "sijakz" - was coined by Doyoung. A fan told him about the nickname during a fancall, Jae said Do had told him the reason for it the day before.
The pair name for him and Mark 반쪽즈 - banjjokz (other piece/half). It is Mark who said Jaehyun was his "soulmate", while Jaehyun used to call him "my other half".
So far, I've found only one photo of Jae's page for the interview in a Japanese fanbook you mentioned. And the text is not full. Therefore I think the fan who translated made a mistake/filled the gaps. Wait for a full proper translation.
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pizzettauniversale · 2 years
A me dispiace dire una cosa del genere, soprattutto per gli animali: non adottate mai dalle associazioni, sono dei pazzi invasati.
Io ho adottato un gatto, Sheldon, ho messo in sicurezza il balcone con una rete, la finestra del balcone, la finestra della camera e del bagno. Già alla prima visita per loro non era abbastanza, volevano che chiudessi tutto il balcone (tipo voliera per capirsi), io ho detto di no perché la casa è in affitto e perché io dal balcone vorrei affacciarmi. Il balcone in sé è in sicurezza, di sotto il gatto non ci va, oltre al fatto che se lui sta in balcone, io sto con lui. In queste settimane ci hanno chiamato per sapere come stava e avere foto di lui, che abbiamo provveduto a fornire e rispondere alle chiamate. Venerdì mi chiama e mi dice che dovrei chiudere il balcone, con il plexiglass oltretutto, nemmeno la rete. Io ripeto le cose dette sopra, questa si placa poi fa "comunque tu non ci chiami mai, dobbiamo chiamarti noi e dobbiamo chiederti noi le foto" cioè ma stiamo scherzando? Io dovrei chiamare, io dovrei mandare tutti i giorni le foto? Se chiami e chiedi io rispondo e mando, ao ma mica siete i miei genitori.
Oggi mi chiama, continua con sta storia del balcone, mi dice che non sono più gentile, poi mi dice che io non so un cazzo di gatti e tira fuori che lei ha 40 anni più di me (ho 24 anni e i gatti da 26 MA OK e il gatto qui sta bene, è coccolato, è nutrito, gioca, dorme con noi, lettiera pulita fresca ogni giorno, crocchette da 26€ al pacchetto etc etc), poi ricomincia con la storia che io non li chiamo, si lamenta che deve chiamarmi sempre dopo le 18 perché io lavoro e mi fa "poi ti sei presa un gatto e sei sempre a lavoro perché lo hai preso?" l'ho preso per compagnia, per salvarlo visto che era abbandonato e sarebbe finito presto in una gabbia + il mio ragazzo torna prima di me e con loro c'è e ho aggiunto che se loro non fanno un cazzo nella vita mica è colpa mia. Quindi i gatti li possono prendere solo pensionati o i disoccupati o gli inoccupati? Fateme capì, loro come si mantengono? Non lavorano 8 ore al giorno come ogni altro cristo vivente?
Fatto sta che ste invasate del cazzo si riprendono il gatto. Io gli ho detto che possono venire a riprenderselo, sapendo che il male lo fanno al gatto che dorme con me, che mi segue ovunque, non a me.
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teawithout-sugar · 9 months
Niby chce sie zmienić dla D. i dla siebie, chce zacząć się akceptować...
Dlatego wydaje mi sie że jak dojde do niedowagi to mi starczy... bede wtedy już na odpowiednim poziomie, zaczne ćwiczyć żeby to mięśnie tyle ważyły, przez co będę optycznie szczuplejsza.
Także muszę się skupić na niskich limitach i wysokiej podaży białka w diecie, z niskim fatem będzie idealnie.
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mechactually · 1 year
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datematem divinemate, dreammate, fatemate, havenmate, and maremate word emojis
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