#fate the winx saga season 2 spoilers
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gaaralover55 · 4 months ago
I just read the Fate: The Winx Saga Comic and it's story is suppose to play out after season 2. So it's season 3 but in comic form.
And I will be honest. I am so happy that this show got cancelled. Because it was a walking dumpster fire, filled with all kinds of bad themes and story ideas that ruined the characters we fell in love with when we were young.
And this comic didn't help either. I have nothing against the artstyle. Because it was the only positive thing in this comic which made characters look way more intressting then their show counterparts.
But sadly I can't say the same thing about their personlities. Because they are the same unlikeable characters like in Fate.
What pissed me off was ehat they did to one of my favourite villians in Winx Club! They turned Lord Darkar! The dark Phoenix! The walking skelleton with armor that is fused to his bones! Into some lame wannabe steampunk bastard! They took away my favourote dark lord charm!
They ruined him just like they ruined Lord Valtor! Or Sebastian Valtor. The lame son of Valtor. (Thank you for telling my mistake @moonli9htsstuffhtsstuff)
And I must say the ending was very brutal and made me really angry. There were so much wasted potential, changes and I won't spoil because it will make more pepole angry.
Oh at hell it with it!
Beatrix and Bloom are sisters, Daohne has been replaced with someone called Briar Terra, her girlfriend and Riven dies at the end in the story by monsters. That was unleased by an evil Stella who has stolen Bloom'd identity. Stella's mother Luna has disowned her and made Stella's cousin her heir insteaf.
This is just some of the few spoilers from the comic. And I know I wrote some information wrong, but I don't care! Because Fate the Winx Saga is trash.
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arte-mis-t · 2 years ago
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coffeecat22 · 2 years ago
Wait I just realised that Farah vanishes in the colour of her element, this is the colour of mind magic.
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I choose to believe it was intentional
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aceofwhump · 3 years ago
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New look at Saul Silva in Fate: The Winx Saga season 2!!! I am so excited!!!
(gif is made from the trailer. still is from this article)
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truffzitas · 2 years ago
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blackwidowsim · 2 years ago
Riven and Musa | Cake By The Ocean
They really are the slow burn of the show... They better give us season 3.
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dayevolunteer · 2 years ago
Fate the Winx Saga Season 2 spoiler ahead….
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“Maybe just a hug…. for old time’s sake”
My heart broke here 💔💔💔💔💔
Of everything I wanted in this season, the only thing I cared about was getting Farah back.
When she reached into stasis and wiped Bloom’s tear away…my heart.
To get her back only to lose her again….
Only an amazing actress like Eve Best could portray this so well.
I hope Bloom finally one day finds the mentor she needs….
I really wanted it to be Farah. I wanted there to be a mother/daughter relationship there to be span the seasons. I wanted Farah to be the person that made Bloom’s nightmares seem less scary. Only fanfics can give that now, but it was so beautifully written.
At least Bloom got to say goodbye and through her…we all did.
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dayas · 2 years ago
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saturnslight · 2 years ago
new stellatrix edit on my twitter, go stream <3
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icecream-junkie · 2 years ago
Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2
Spoilers for FTWS Season 2
I only recently discovered Fate: The Winx Saga and, to be honest, I had not expected to enjoy it as much as I did.
There were many things I liked about season 1, but what really drew me to the show were the adult characters, specifically Farah and Saul. I was intrigued by their shared history and how obviously they cared for each other. Sure, the show focusses on the students, but I had hoped to learn a bit more about the teachers as the story continued.
Despite how season 1 ended, I still went into season 2 somewhat optimistic. After all, it’s a show about fairies and magic, so there could have been a way to bring Farah back to life. I had fully intended to stay away from spoilers, but I think I managed to get to episode 2x04 before I caved and went online to see whether Farah would come back or not. And I’m glad I did, even if it was just to avoid being hit by the full force of the emotional rollercoaster that was her brief return.
Clearly, I would have liked her to stay on the show, but if it wasn’t to be at least we got closure and a proper goodbye. I can live with that and I do appreciate the effort that went into making those final scenes possible.
What I do have issues with though, is Saul’s behaviour in season 2. Season 1 established that Farah, Saul and Ben went through a lot together. They are friends. Farah and Saul had a lot of shared scenes in season 1 that showed just how close they are. And suddenly in season 2 Saul doesn’t seem to care anymore. WTF?!
I have a feeling season 2 may not have been what the creators had originally intended. They had to recast some roles because the actors couldn’t return due to scheduling conflicts with other work they were doing and Eve Best got cast in HotD, which probably (understandably) sealed Farah’s fate. I’ve also seen other posts on here saying that they originally announced 8 episodes, rather than the 7 the second season now consists of. So it seems like they had to make some changes that weren’t necessarily planned and that may have impacted the story they were able to tell.
If they had to cut down the number of episodes, they would have had to condense the story. It’s understandable that they would do so where the supporting characters (e.g. the teachers) are concerned. After all, the show isn’t about them. But did they really have to do it to an extent where Saul seems OOC compared to season 1? It wouldn’t have taken much, just one or two lines to show that he actually cares about what happened to Farah. A noticeable reaction to the news of her death… But there was nothing and that really bothers me.
The same goes for why he ended up working for Rosalind btw. I mean, yes, I can come up with all kinds of reasons for all of the above. For example, at first, he was too busy to escape to go look for Farah. After he got captured, he worked with Rosalind to protect Sky. When they finally found out about Farah, Rosalind was dead, he had the Blood Witches to deal with and maybe he tried to keep it together in front of the students. Those are all good reasons that may have worked, but the show didn’t give us a single one of those. Instead, they made him seem very different from the Saul we saw in season 1. And while I’m all for headcanons and fanfics, I don’t like having to come up with them just to make sense of what happens on the show and I don’t think I should have to. That’s the show’s job.
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mxacegrey · 2 years ago
The Masked Part 4
Fandom: Fate the Winx Saga
Pairings: Sky x reader, Riven x reader, Saul Silva x reader (Platonic or otherwise undecided)
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2 FATE THE WINX SAGA UNDER THE CUT!! Descriptions of violence. swearing and hints of child abandonment.
Taglist: @v1naco | @instantplaiddream | @faithm120601 | @bluebear142077 | @holyhumorliteraturelight | @marianaa-mg | @isnt-itstrange​
Series Masterlist
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The sound of your alarm blaring echoed around your room, your hand turning to snooze it as you burrowed your head into your pillow and pulled the duvet cover over your head. Suddenly, your door slammed open, Andreas walking in. 
“Up!” He scolded before he began pulling at your duvet cover. As you felt the tug, you yelled out in outrage.
“Hey!” Your hair was sticking out in all direction and your eyes were blurry with sleep. 
“Do you have formal clothes?”
“Somewhere. Why?”
“You are coming to the Alfea Alumni banquet. I have some people for you to meet.” With a groan, you walked to your bathroom, washing your face before heading to your wardrobe and picking out your outfit for the banquet. You placed it on your mostly made bed, Andreas humming in acceptance.
“Of course. I live for your approval of my choices.” You snarked before leading Andreas out and closing the door behind him.
Outfits: 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4
“We need to talk. Over here. Come on.” Sebastian told Aisha and Flora as he nodded to the side.
“Yeah.” Aisha nodded in response. As they walked to the side, Aisha began checking her phone for a reply from Bloom. Flora looked up at the balcony to see if she could notice any distress. “I've sent her 20 texts. She's not responding.” 
“She hasn't left Rosalind's side.” Flora explained as she got back to the others.
“She isn't going to. She's seated next to Rosalind at the banquet.” Sebastian explained.
“She can't go to the East Wing.” Flora’s eyes widened in shock.
“No. But it's not the end of the world as long as somebody else does.” Sebastian urged, looking between the two fairies in front of him.
“Looks like we're up.” Aisha stated looking at Flora.
“Are you sure we shouldn't wait?” Flora asked, nervously.
“You have to move quickly. Bloom is powerful. If Rosalind accesses that power, she could vaporize the entire room or control minds...” Sebastian urged further.
“Got it. Rosalind plus Bloom equals bad news.” Aisha deadpanned, causing Sebastian to sigh.
“Yeah.” Sebastian turned, fixing his suit before stepping outside once more. As he walked down the corridor, he bumped into a figure. “Sorry... Little cousin? Is that you?”
“Sebastian. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” You smiled, somewhat coldly but Sebastian ignored it.
“I haven’t seen you for what was it... 10 years?” Sebastian asked.
“17.” You deadpanned, your face neutral.
“You know I’m surprised you even remember me.” Sebastian tilted his head to the side.
“I have a very good memory.” You smiled tightly, before turning to walk away towards the banquet. Andreas watched your interaction with Sebastian with intrigue before walking up to you, leading you to your seat next to him at the end of the head table.
“So... You’re Sebastian’s cousin?” Andreas asked, leaning closer towards you.
“Yes.” You answered, gritting your teeth. You sat next to Andreas for the entirety of the banquet, tense as you heard Arthur, Stella’s uncle, make unveiled insults.
“No, you were just being a royal dick.” Sky exclaimed.
“What did you say to me?” Arthur asked, offended.
“Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to say it louder?” Sky snarked, causing you and Andreas to burst out chuckling before attempting to compose yourselves.
 “You realize you are nothing. Yes? Less than nothing. I have household cleaning staff who are more important than you.” Arthur insulted, causing your eyes to become icy as you coldly responded.
“And you realise that you are nothing with that title of yours.” You stated, leaning back in your chair. Soon, Arthur left and sat on the banquet table, scrolling through your phone. Every so often, you felt eyes on you and when you looked up, Sebastian would be looking straight at you. All of a sudden, Stella burst back into the hall and began her tirade against Rosalind. However, her claims were disproven as Devin walked back inside and Rosalind began talking about the latest reappearance of Blood Witches. With a grimace, you headed back to your dorm before Sebastian quickly stopped before you.
“Do you know something?” He asked.
“Do you?” You retorted before pushing past him and heading to bed. Soon after, your door opened to reveal Silva standing in his specialist uniform.
“Hey, Y/L/N.” Silva nodded.
“Hey.” You replied, the two of you smiling widely at each other.
“So... You and Sebastian?” Silva asked, breaking the comfortable silence you sat in.
“Yeah. His dad was my dad’s brother.” You sighed as you knew it was coming.
“But your surnames? He’s Valtor...” Silva trailed off.
“I go by my mother’s maiden name. I like it better.” Silva nodded in reply before leaving. Meanwhile, Beatrix was attacked by several scrappers when one disappeared. It slid around, unwatched by passers-by before heading through the vents, heading towards your room. With a hiss, it fell from the vent onto your bed, biting into your back. A loud groan of pain you felt fairy magic coursing through your body before the scrapper was shocked dead off your back. Blood began to seep on your bedcovers. As you raised you arm to trying collect the bedcovers, something unexpected happened.
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arte-mis-t · 2 years ago
Saul: Absolutely not!
Terra: *casually drops Farah's name in the conversation
Saul: I changed my mind
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coffeecat22 · 2 years ago
While Farah was always my favorite character by far, I was also very interested in the golden trio, Rosalind and Andreas as well. Their past, their personalities, the relationships between all of them (and between Sky and his 2 dads) were fascinating to me.
Season 2 didn't really deliver on those fronts; I never let myself forget that the adults were not the focus of the show but I'd say they still had a fair amount of screentime in s1, and what we got of them was very good. S2 was focused on the teens a lot more than s1 imo and it's a pity because the older characters had a lot of potential. Maybe they didn't have enough time to explore them while trying to tell the story, after all 7 episodes isn't much, but I'm still sad about it.
Random thoughts and takeaways after just finishing the season:
Ben: I expected him to do Rosalind's bidding for the sake of his kids but something about the way he alerted her of Saul being at the school felt weird to me. IIRC Roz didn't know that Saul was there at all, could he have gotten in and out without her knowing if it wasn't for Ben? Did Ben help Saul get inside the school just to turn him over to Roz? It felt more like a betrayal than a situation where Ben had no choice but it also seemed like Saul understood 🤷🏻‍♀️ and then Ben left, even though it meant leaving Terra behind with a headmistress he'd been trying to protect her from.
Andreas: he was as much of an asshole as I thought he'd be lol. Dissapointed we didn't see a confrontation between him and Saul. I saw people theorizing Sky would kill his dad in s2, maybe in a fit of rage, maybe to protect Silva, maybe because mind control was involved... they were right for the most part 😂 I didn't feel like much happened between Andreas and Sky before they killed Andreas off. Sky said a couple of times that he was getting somewhere with his dad but all I saw was a proud look ONCE and that was it. Andreas definitely cared for Beatrix, but he seemed to have no interest in Sky. I think he knew the people of Aster Dell were BW but maybe he thought it wouldn't make a difference if he told Saul because he'd still try to stop Roz. Was Bea really from AD? Or did Andreas lie to her about it?
Rosalind: so she was a total zealot trying to start a war with the BW by stealing the Dragon Flame and destroying AD. I liked this Rosalind more than s1 Roz, idk if it was the writing or the actress but it worked better for me. The scene in front of Andreas' grave was interesting and at first I thought she really cared for him but by the end of the scene I had the impression she cared in the way she would for a possesion, something that was of use to her. And was obviously sorry when she lost it before she was done with it, which is how she feels about Bloom. It was a shock to see her die so soon, but I loved that Luna used her death to justify going to war and getting people to agree with it. There's probably more to say about her but after 7 hours of staring at a screen, is all I can remember now
Saul: funnily enough this is how the show disappointed me the most I think? He just didn't feel like an actual character to me. He's the only one of the adults who is still alive and around at the end but he feels almost 2dimensional. He wasn't allowed to react to anything or it felt a bit superficial. I was laughing by the end of the season: 1) no resolution with Andreas, 2) loved the conflict with Sky but it was kind of forgotten after Andreas' death (it would've been nice to see the immediate aftermath of that for Saul and Sky) and the one scene where they discuss it Saul says some things that sounded weird, but I can't explain why, 3) Saul and Farah seemed close in s1 and yet if you told me that s2 Saul didn't know her I'd have believed it. It was hilarious to see that Saul never asked about her, probably thought she was actually on the run, didn't seem slightly concerned that Sebastian might be telling the truth about her death, etc. I love silrah no matter the nature of their relationship so maybe I'm biased? it seems Bloom told him she saw Farah again, yet it didn't seem to affect him at all. He seems unaffected after losing both Andreas and Farah. I guess it was weird to see him like that all season, almost like he was going through the motions.
Farah: I was fully prepared for anything the writers decided to do with her, so I'm not surprised. I thought I might feel sad but it actually felt like a hole opened up in my chest and sucked in all emotions. So I guess it's a good thing in a way but it also feels empty. The way she died just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, it was really stupid. While I agree that the rules of life and death can't be broken at all or at least not without consequences, this show is not known for making sensible choices in terms of storytelling, but they had to pick this hill to die on 🙄 I'd have happily waited until s3 to bring her back if it meant she could stay but whatever. There's also the possibility that Eve couldn't or didn't want to come back.
I'm kind of mad that they gave us these characters and then took them away like this but I've always enjoyed fanfic and fan theories more than the show itself anyway. This is what I get for getting attached to the adult (side) characters on a show about teenagers 🤦🏻‍♀️
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onlyhereforangst · 3 years ago
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am i insane? probably. moving on.
slide 1: first day(s)??? same fits for terra & flora in that sneak peek, all in the winx suite together and yet at the stone circle musa & bloom have changed but the others haven’t?? and also can’t find flora to save my life in the crowd so maybe that’s beforehand and then we meet flora? also stella is def spying on sky & riv in what is maybe the war room area at some point that day?? idk all this feels like a definite time jump and i am READY to be shown the changes via the girls plotting away.
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slide 2: feels like it’s early after the first slide because bloom is unhappy with controlling her emotions (does she get embarrassed by marco in the stone circle???) also i *think* bloom is wearing the same thing here aaaand musa is still close with the girls (more on this to come)
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slide 3: it’s A Lot but bare with me. this is where i think musa starts to drift apart. highly recommend watching the clip of them all using their magic together because you’ll see aisha give musa a very concerned look and question her (someone who can lip read help me out) and musa is clearly Not Happy about this all, which makes sense considering her little magic beam is practically nonexistent. is this all after the talk with riven and training and totally being like you know what he’s fucking right i don’t want to be a mind fairy look i’m not even good at this fuck it (you know, getting in her *head* about it all and therefore weakening her powers). or is the training with riven after she realizes she’s not as strong as the other girls and she’s like fuck ill go to the one guy who may just get being an outsider/cast and she then gets vulnerable with him???? fuck me either way. NOT TO MENTION bloom is somehow off campus during the day at this diner, back on campus in the room to do magic beam circle, back off campus or at least away from the group when they’re with sky at the barrier??? color me v intrigued.
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slide 4: THE GRAPEVINE PUB AKA THE CLUB. v excited for this one because musa is doing a lot. you can see the green tan under that jacket in the bus, then its the same things shes wearing while dancing with flora and then she’s also running away on stairs that SUSPICIOUSLY look like the ones at the DUBLIN HELLFIRE CLUB???? oh lordy. should be a fun outing fam 👀
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slide 5: the official “musa is off doing her own thing” timeframe. allllll wearing the same outfits we see here and guess what? musa is off training with specialists while the rest of the winx suite is off at the barrier doing little spins and twirls to what? break the reinforced barrier??? and then aisha’s new boo comes in to play here too??? v excited to see how musa denies her powers and the other girls continue to get stronger. GIMME ANGST NOW.
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slide 6: random scenes as of rn where bloom is in the same graphic tee +/- blazer that i *think* may be the same look as where she’s kissing sky here???? so unsure but don’t think it’s bea/riv there because heights as well as bea wears different boots in the one boots + skirt combo we’ve seen (re: slide 1)
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slide 7: the formal/banquet/whatever they looking fancy ok? loving all these looks, very excited for whatever comes of this banquet. mad i can’t see musa, stella & terra’s getup yet.
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slide 8: angry bea gets ragey in an office and lights it UP UP UP fun times.
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slide 9: stella & bea having some lovely one on one time at some point in the series and probably find the stumbling fairy who’s been drained of magic??? while they were chitchatting. also pretty sure this is the same outfit on bea as when we see this threesome? and i’m just??? did you skip out on them bea? did you go there after? did you get interrupted? so lost. and playing “i do not see” because rivusa supremacy lmao
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slide 10 (& 11 not pictured - stella in the lavendar floral print crop top with terra in a denim button down): random AF fits that make no sense with anything else we’ve seen lol. lmk if something comes to you with that halloween nonsense bloom is sporting.
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witchingshcdows · 2 years ago
Not that season 2 gave us any content, but I did what I could with what I had. Also it's crappy because I speedran through it and my skills are limited, sorry, hope you enjoy it, though.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years ago
Honestly, if there’s one pro I’ll give Hocus Pocus 2, its not villainizing all witches. As much as its weirdly handled and really could have used a explanation how the fuck it happened, Becca getting witch magic and then Izzy and Cassie getting witch magic as well and being the heroes still, was pretty good, since most media (namely stuff like Winx Club) just makes witches be evil somehow and therefore, its nice to see Hocus Pocus 2 show some hero witches...even if again, they could have written it a lil better...
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