#fatal poisoning
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 months
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"MRS. CHAPDELAINE TO APPEAL AGAIN," Montreal Star. July 11, 1934. Page 2. --- Counsel Seeks Dismissal of Judgment Denying Right to New Trial --- SHERBROOKE, Que., July 11. - (C.P.) Notice to the Supreme Court of Canada that Beatrice Bernard Chapdelaine, twice convicted of murdering her husband and at present under sentence of death, will appeal the decision of the Court of King's Bench, appeal side, denying her the right to a new and third trial, was served today by Cesaire Gervais, counsel for the condemned woman.
Following her second conviction in the Court of King's Bench here last fall, Mrs. Chapdelaine, charged with giving her husband, Ludger Chapdelaine, an East Angus taxidriver, a fatal dose of poison, carried her case to the Appeal Court for the second time on June 29. Her appeal was dismissed and she was ordered to be hanged on September 21.
Special reference was made in the judgment to the evidence of Gedeon Bernard, convicted accomplice of his sister and at present serving a five-year sentence in St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary for manslaughter. Mr. Justice Louis Cousineau, it was pointed out, had made a serious statement when he instructed the jury that since the defence wanted Bernard declared an accomplice in a crime involving the principal culprit, the one who actually committed the crime had to exist. However, Justice Cousineau had limited his remarks to an accomplice and did not align Mrs. Chapdelaine in her husband's case as such.
MAJORITY JUDGMENT In the notice of appeal to the Supreme Court given by Mr. Gervais and served upon Hon. L. Α. Taschereau, Attorney-General of the Province of Quebec, the clerk of the Court of King's Bench, appeal side, and Wilfrid Lazure, K.C., prosecutor for the district of St. Francis, it is pointed out that the judgment was a majority judgment of the Hon. Justices Bernier, Galipeault and Walsh, with Chief Justice Sir Matthias Tellier and Justice St. Jacques dissenting in law from the verdict of guilty of murder.
Chief Justice Tellier and Justice St. Jacques dissented, Mr. Gervais remarks, because in their opinion the verdict was unjust and resulted from illegal proof admitted at the woman's trial, such as the declarations of Ludger Chapdelaine. These two justices also labelled Mr. Justice Cousineau's charge to the jury "illegal and unjust:" and remarked that without these alleged illegalities it is impossible to say if the verdict would have been the same.
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phrysic · 2 months
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force it down, swallow it whole
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cloudabserk · 2 months
the more i think about it the more my baby loves windows is also about amadeo. you want to grow up and be a real person? you are delusional. you will be infantilized forever. if you run away or attempt to become mature you will die.
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venacoeurva · 7 months
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Trial and error
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fightgrips · 2 months
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[Poison Portraits from SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos] Poison Laughs at Something Funny
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pixelsproject · 3 months
『SVC Chaos∶ SNK vs. Capcom』 Chun-Li & Kim Kaphwan
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Chun-Li's animations in SVC Chaos - SNK vs. Capcom appear to be based on her animations from Street Fighter III - Third Strike and Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Mark of the Millennium 2001.
SOURCES ↴ SVC Chaos∶ SNK vs. Capcom (NEO•GEO) Power Generation Room uploaded by @the2dstagesfg (Tumblr) SVC Chaos∶ SNK vs. Capcom (NEO•GEO) Chun-Li sprites uploaded by Tenuko Ashimura (Sprite Database) SVC Chaos∶ SNK vs. Capcom (NEO•GEO) Kim Kaphwan sprites uploaded by Tenuko Ashimura (Sprite Database)
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ddaenig · 5 months
𖦹 guess who's back? may is here! femme fatale theme ! ☆
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wonder-vixen · 2 months
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Bri as Poison Ivy
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girlbloggerbby · 2 years
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"a moonlight woman will always be a stargirl"
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jesncin · 1 year
Your Ma'al is like...
ah yes, my devious little scheme is working
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I'm going to keep genderqueer twinkify-ing him until y'all can't see him any other way
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"NO MYSTERY IN SUICIDE, SAYS THE CORONER," Hamilton Spectator. April 2, 1913. Page 1. ---- Mrs. George Warren Swallowed Oil of Cedar ---- Dying She Requested Her Child Be Cared For ---- Said to Have Twice Married, Both Husbands Alive ---- The residents of the Burlington Plains road have been discussing the death of Mrs. George Warren, which occurred about three weeks ago. From reports that have been received, the woman died from the effects of drinking oil of cedar. Dr. Watson, of Burlington, attended the woman, but he was not notified until it was too late to do anything toward saving her life. The matter was only heard of yesterday in the court house, when County Constaole Bolton, from the Plains road, stated me had been experiencing the greatest difficulty in learning any details of the case.
Ex-Warden Emery, who lives on the Plains road, was able to give a little information. Mrs. Warren was about 35 years of age, and the wife of Geo. Warren. With their little girl they moved out on the Plains road over a month ago, and Warren was employed at one of the brickyards. It was just a month ago when John Hall, a prominent farmer in that neighborhood, asked Warren to work for him, which the latter was willing to do, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren moved into the house set apart for them on the farm. Mr. Hall stated on several occasions that Mr. Warren was an excellent laborer. It is understood that Mrs. Warren's parents reside just outside of Grimsby.
All that can be learned of her actions Just prior to her death was the information from one of the neighbors. who saw her start from the doorway of the little home, and, carrying a pail, made as if to go to the pump. She did not go the full distance, but turned back to the house, and fell upon the doorstep. She was able to get up and go into the house, and nothing more was seen or heard until her husband told Mr. Hall, his employer, that his wife was on the couch in the house, frothing at the mouth and in great pain. Dr. Watson, of Burlington, was called, but before he arrived the woman had passed away.
Dr. Watson, although a coroner in Halton county, was not eligible to act in Wentworth. He called Dr. Hopper, at Waterdown, and after explaining the circumstances to the latter, it was decided that an inquest was unnecessary. Dr. Watson made out the death certificate and did not bother further with the case.
Mrs. Warren died late in the afternoon, and the next afternoon the funeral was held to the Methodist church burying ground, Rev. G. E. Smith conducting the services.
It is alleged that the parents of Mrs. Warren were not notified until it was too late for them to arrive in time for the funeral, they having to come from the other side of Grimsby. It is understood there were some words between the parents and Mr. Warren, and they left that evening, taking their little granddaughter with them. Nothing has been heard as to the probability of their asking for an investigation.
Dr. Watson, of Burlington, the attending physician, spoke quite freely of the case when called on the telephone by the Spectator this morning. He said he had been called by Mr. Hall, Warren's enployer to attend the woman, but she was beyond his aid. As far as he could learn the woman had been despondent.
"I inquired into the particulars surrounding the woman's death," said Dr. Watson, "and there was nothing to warrant the calling of an inquest. I am the coroner for Halton county, but had no jurisdiction in East Flamboro township. I gave the death certificate and Warrden seemed to feel quate bad, as he cried bitterly after the woman had passed away.
The death certificate was made out as suicide. From Mr. Warren I learned that Warren found out a month before that his wife had a husband and three children still living elsewhere. Warren thought a lot of the woman. He had visited with her people and there was never any trouble between them.
REV. MR. SMITH'S STATEMENT Rev. S. E. Smith, pastor of the church on the Plains road, conducted the burial services three go Monday. He said he had been called at noon on the Monday. Dr. Hall, who asked him to conduct the burial service. Mr. Smith did not know the circumstances surrounding the death of Mrs. Warren until he reached the church, and was informed by Mr. William, the undertaker, the the papers has been properly made out, and that the woman had committed suicide.
"Mrs. Warren died on the Sunday evening." said Mr. Smith. "and, was not surprised to hear of her death at the time. On the Friday before I had seen her drawing water from a neighbor's house, and she was coughing and appeared to be be sick. She told me when I inquired of her health that he was very ill. I imagine she was suffering from cnsumption.
"Mrs. Warren called to her husband a few minutes before he died, and told him to take good child, as she was going to die."
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Dear everyone, I decided that the more the merrier, so not only I’m going to recruit two more villains but also extra 9 more! Which makes 11 villains to recruit. I already picked them, some of them, so I need you all to pick some villains and here are the candidates. And don’t forget to ask me and the people who I recruited so far. And I can resurrect the ones that been destroyed as I did with Jafar. A few of them can have their plus ones.
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beckbombergirl · 1 year
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The girls that fight hehe
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pink-evilette · 9 months
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cinedits · 15 days
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poison ivy (1992): ivy icons
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