#fast times at peach creek high
hsboo03 · 1 year
Based on Eddbedandeddy's story "Fast Times at Peach Creek High".
Chapter 1/6 (AO3) I made this little drawing, I was aware of the whole series and I liked how Edd and Eddy's relationship was going after Ed's separation, the conflicts, the doubts and how every little decision It has a reason to be. Thanks for keeping the EENE fandom active and for such a wonderful story. 🍓🌸
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So, as it were, Ed had been the only thing keeping them friends. As in, just friends, mind you- Eddy would be his best friend until he was decomposing in the ground and nourishing the worms, three amigos or not. But they found themselves filling the quiet left by Ed’s absence with a series of sloppy make-out sessions- starting with one that Eddy himself had initiated during their late-night viewing of a Dario Argento film.
At one point Double Dee said aloud that he found the story to be unengaging."Intriguing as you find the soundtrack, I fail to see what distinguishes this film from Ed's B-movies."He grabbed the remote- Eddy tried to wrestle it back from him. “Give it back! You have no taste!”
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doubledyke · 8 months
Can you figure a scenary where Edd comes out to his parents as trans/bi/whatever, and his parents barely say something, they're just ''so''. Edd would eargely deceive himself as ''oh they love me whatever I am, they're open-minded, they're supportive of me'', but actually is because they just DON'T CARE about him anyways or his business, or whatever. At all.
i've read at least a couple of fics that touch on this topic. in @eddbedandeddy's fast times at peach creek high, his parents don't seem to care much when they learn about his sexuality. they leave him a pamphlet about safe sex instead of actually speaking to him about it. the most recent chapter of like me still by @owmylasagna-blog has edd's parents being supportive of his transition. i know there are others but i can't remember specifics at the moment.
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just---keep---simming · 3 months
Pancakes - Winter 2
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Welcome back to the Pancakes household, where we find a fairly typical scene - the little family of three at the dining table, Adrienne doing her homework, Eliza playing on her phone, and Bob staring into the middle distance and contemplating the pleasing domestic peace of his life.
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Things continue to be really good for Bob and Eliza. They're affectionate with each other and spending more time together. Despite the rocky patch Eliza in particular went through, I'm happy these two managed to make it work.
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They're not the only ones enjoying a pretty great relationship at the moment, either. Adrienne and Axel head out to the city on the Sunday afternoon for the flea market, where they enjoy each other's company and a spirited game of basketball.
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The next morning, bright and early, Adrienne is off to her job as a barista before school.
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They have a short day at Adrienne's high school this week, with just one morning class to go to.
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Because all the students are off to a career day for the afternoon! Adrienne is deeply unimpressed by both the detective and medical display (the latter was being run by Axel's dad, John!) - she's after something decidedly better paid. I'm thinking law.
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Meanwhile, Eliza's novel writing life continues apace. She writes romance novels exclusively, each one named after a romantic comedy I've enjoyed. I think she might be writing Love Actually here.
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When Peaches invites her over for an afternoon catch up, though, she's happy to put the pen away and head over to Del Sol Valley.
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It's always a treat to see and play with Hendrix, given Eliza's toddler-raising days are behind her.
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Before long, the winter weather has set in properly in Willow Creek, and the Pancakes have decorated for Winterfest.
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Typically wholesome family time followed: the three Pancakes got started in the morning by decorating the tree together.
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Followed by swapping gifts...
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And a meal, cooked by Bob and appreciated enthusiastically by his daughter and wife. Dear Bob never bothered to get out of his dressing gown all day!
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The week rolled on, and Eliza made an effort to spend time with her daughter, who was growing up so fast it was making everyone's heads reel.
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Bob, in need of some alone time, headed out to Sulani for an evening of fishing, followed by a peaceful, solo meal at one of the island restaurants. Seafood, of course.
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Then he enjoyed a rather warm welcome home from Eliza on his return!
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Friday rolled around quickly, with Friday morning finding Adrienne at school early, preparing diligently for the week's exams.
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She aced them again, naturally. I think she should have some success when it comes to applying for scholarships.
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We're not quite there yet, though. A family trip to Mt Komerabi for a festival kicks of the weekend for the Pancakes.
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Bob joins Eliza and Adrienne there after work, where he's now a star chef.
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Finally, the winter ends with the New Year celebration, for which Eliza naturally decorates the house in silver and gold. The snow is still thick on the ground as the winter draws to a close.
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Adrienne heads out for an early jog to make the most of the clear, cold, stunning morning.
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Then, she heads out to the Bluffs in Windenberg with Axel, for their only date for this season. It's a lot of fun, and even includes some "messing around". I have teen pregnancy enabled, but of course Adrienne is meticulously prepared, and will be having no surprise unplanned babies before crushing her university degree.
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The Pancakes finish the winter with toasts to a new year once Adrienne gets home from her date.
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And that brings us to the end of the winter, and the second "year", for the Pancakes. How nice to have it both open and close with family bliss for this lovely trio!
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chiwhorei · 3 years
𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐞𝐬
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paring: kenny ackerman x fem!reader
genre: apocalypse!au, smut, dark content, 18+ mdni [cross-posted to Ao3]
word count: 3k
overview: kenny *i-wouldn’t-fuck-you-if-it-was-the-end-of-the-world* ackerman; but it is and you do . . . and you’ll probably do it again. or, if you read beyond the cut and wind up in hell that is legally not my fault.
tags: dymph does sacrilege once again, post-apocalypse au, blood, violence, zombies (only mentions of gore nothing specific), somnophilia, noncon, dubcon, degradation, smoking, insertion, sloppy oral, big age gap aka kenny is a nasty old man and reader is a sweet little virgin.
a.notes: happy *fucking* easter. this is for the smut pile’s apocalypse collab so go give everyone’s pieces a read, everyone has worked so incredibly hard. this is dedicated to @pleasantanathema​, who was both my beta reader and emotional support while stringing this together. here’s to the old man fuckery, cheers.
hymn: the seven deadly virtues - camelot
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But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man. -Luke 21:36
                                      * * *
A sticky kind of wet. Clinging on like thick clay, splattered across your neck— gore and sinew wrapped in a noose. Shades of decaying reds and browns are all you see these days. 
The seeping, molding kind of wet.
The smell is suffocating, the toll of death deep in your bones. You keep moving, you have to. One foot in front of the other, fingers fretting with the cross hanging between your collarbones. Counting your Hail Mary’s distracts from the ache in your soles and the burning feeling that you’re rotting away.
It was slow at first. The end of the world, the crashing, clattering end felt like a slow decent to hell. Pieces of the modern world falling away, the promise of tomorrow, the assurance of a cure. You refused to believe the dead could walk the earth until they were stumbling straight towards you. 
All of us, you think, are rotting away.
“Pick up the pace, kid. Are you trying to end up like the rest of those fuckers?” His voice rings from a few feet in front of you. The brush under your feet is dry, leaves crunching loudly with every weary step forward. 
Kenny always likes to remind you of your naïveté, insults about your rose tinted glasses barked crudely from around a cigarette. Your youth, your optimism, your beliefs-- useless traits in his opinion. What good is God in a world like this.
“Friends. They were our friends.” Your words come out in a whimper, the tone further irritating the man ahead of you.
He stops, turning around to catch your eyes, gaze piercing through the night like a knife. All that’s left of your composure is used to keep from crashing right into his chest.
“Ain’t no more room for friends in this world, baby doll,” a long pointer finger lifts your chin, the slightest touch still bruising, “thinkin’ like that is what’s going to get ya killed.”
Rose tinted glasses, cracked and splattered with blood, fall off and are lost to a world that no longer exists. Kenny let’s up and turns, pulling you farther into the thick brush. You could swear you feel the lenses as they splinter under your shoe.
                                      * * *
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Kenny is a vile man. He knows his name isn’t on a reservation list at the Pearly Gates, he’s aware that a sinner lives on borrowed time. 
Nowadays, everyone is living on borrowed time. Even you.
You, he thinks, looking back to where you stumble over a tree branch, far to good for a world like this.
He can’t help but laugh, the absolute absurdity of his current situation. Escaping death by the skin of his teeth, watching any familiar faces burning in the remnants of a camp he couldn’t really call home. People that fought to the bone, melting or devoured or both.
And then there was you, standing in front of the flames, tears falling down the apples of your cheeks, stiff in shock and horror. He remembers the way your lips moved, mumbling a quiet prayer instead of trying to run. Stupid little thing.
It’s not the earth the meek inherit; it’s the dirt.
Was it pity that made Kenny pull you away from an infernal gravesite all those months ago? He’s never the hero of any story. No, it must have been something else.
Maybe it was the way you looked up with teary eyes, silently begging for help. Unwittingly making a deal with the devil. His teeth grind at the memory, the vision of how beautiful you look so completely helpless. 
Kenny leads and you follow, he hunts and you flitch at the sound of an arrow piercing flesh. The small squeak and proceeding thumb of meat as it hits the ground never fails to make you sick. When he’s not hunting for food, he’s hunting something else.
The sounds of death are all the same.
Some days you’re lucky, coming across abandoned hideouts or deserted cars. Snagging whatever hasn’t already been picked over; some ammo, the occasional can of peaches or pack of cigarettes. Kenny laughs dryly everytime, chucking the carton into his bag. Always the cigarettes, never the lighter. Most days, not so much.
Every night, you fall asleep to the flicker of a campfire, lulled by the steady sound of Kenny’s knife as it scrapes against a piece of wood. He’s always the last asleep. The woods are a dangerous place, the possibility of monsters circle at every moment. Under the veil of night, anything could happen. And it does.
He wipes his mouth, settling back into the harsh ground below him with a pleased hum. Your whimpers have settled back into a light snore. 
Kenny is a vile man, and you’re too concerned with the lifeless villain in the shadows that you forget about the one sitting on the other side of the fire.
Three months of waking up to aching limbs and misplaced panties can’t be a coincidence, can it?
                                      * * *
“Well ain’t this something.” Kenny pulls on the door, swinging it open with a loud creek. Your neck strains to look up at dark wood and steepled roof, the tall building hidden by dense forest, you two must be the first people to step inside in months. 
“A church.” You’d find comfort within these walls if you weren’t so positive that God had abandoned this world.
Statues of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph are empty behind their stone eyes, shadowed with an unsettling shade of red from the stained-glass windows. The moment is a time capsule, a vision of the congregation of saints bathed in blood.
A chill runs down your back, counting every vertebrae.
You push down the unsettling foreboding, focusing back on the instincts to survive instead of lingering on a religion that you can no longer make sense of.
“Hey kid, over here.” You pick up the pace, quickening footsteps away from holy symbolism and towards Kenny’s voice. You walk into the closest room off a dark hallway and find him leaning against the doorframe. The rooms are getting darker with the vanishing sun, but you make out shelves of cans and boxes, food, blankets, clothes.
“I bet they used this as a food pantry,” Your comment was probably an obvious assumption, but Kenny just hums in response, “there’s enough here to last up months.” 
Good samaritans in the first life are a saving grace is this one. Your cynicism lifts from heavy shoulders for just a moment. The lines between luck and divine intervention are fuzzy at best.
“I saw a well right outside too. Water’s probably cold as ice but it’s better than anything we’ve come across yet.” Kenny’s voice is even, but you swear he cracks a smile.
He was right, the water is cold enough to shatter your bones like ice. You shiver and chatter, teeth threatening to crack, but the feeling of being clean has you dumping bucket after bucket over your head. The grime and grit of your reality running down to seep into the grass below.
There’s no home to run to after the world ends, but water and food is more than you could imagine in recent months. Shuffling through boxes of donated clothes, you find a shirt big enough to sleep in. The fabric smells like moth-balls and dust, but the feeling of clean cotton against your skin is heavenly. 
You find Kenny in the clerical office, rummaging through the priests desk. The sun is replaced with a flight of candles, for the first time in forever, you don’t feel like death is standing right behind you.
“Would you look at that,” Kenny pulls a cigar from the desk, bringing it up to his nose for inspection, “Looks like father had his own little habit.”
Despite yourself, you laugh at his comment, rounding towards the large leather chair he’s settled into.
“Smoking kills you know.” You lean against the desk next to him. Your bare legs brush against his knee, the heat from your skin makes his mouth water.
“I think there’s more pressing concerns than tobacco, kid.”
There’s something different about tonight, even more than just the four walls and roof around you. There’s something about Kenny and the way his stare has followed you all night. You can feel a cord pulling taught, fraying in the middle before it snaps.
The plush of Kenny’s bottom lip is close enough to your cunt to be disastrous.  Friendly banter becomes laughing and swatting at his chest like a teenager. Communion wine and tension pulling you into him. The loneliness of this life becomes more apparent the closer he is to touching your skin. When did the man in front of you make your heart race so fast? 
Maybe you’ve always felt this way.
You feel it, the ghosts of last night, the night before. The ghosts of weeks or maybe even months. The familiarity of a touch you weren’t quite awake for. 
Ass arching off from where it sticks to the cherry wood, you want to feel it again. The laving of tongue and mouth against you. The devouring of your most intimate planes of skin, places no one else has ever touched before, places you were saving for your future husband.
The kiss as hot as hell.
“Awe, c’mon now,” His nose nudges against your clit, the movement pulling another cry from your throat to bounce against the high ceiling, “that’s not my name.”
“I’ve been tracing it into this precious cunt of yours every night,” each word is more unhinged than the last, no longer worried about the doe in his sights running away, “Do I need to spell it out for you again?”
There’s nowhere to run, pressed in between his canines.
Dreams of calloused fingers and a wandering mouth are now cementing as memories. The feeling of rough facial hair. The sounds of desperate moans and how they shake against you. 
The way his tongue curls like a signature. 
His mouth is flush against you again, sucking at your aching clit for only a moment before moving his attention to long lashes against your clenching hole.
“You must remember. You were moaning it so sweetly,” he nips at your puffy lips before drawing back. His chin is sheened in your arousal, slick refracting off the dimly lit space between you, flickering candles outline his features with a dance of orange shadows. Kenny’s eyes hold you captive, giving you one more chance to answer.
“What’s my name, kid?”
His tongue breaches you, a set of large, familiar hands keep your legs spread wide atop the desk. 
You remember— of course you do. You remember everything. The name stuck in your head like a broken record. The name you call for in a sleepy haze as your body is dragged into orgasm.
The name that’s spelled against you like a promise.
“K-Kenny please.”
That’s all that he needs, the only thing, if he’s being honest, that he’s ever needed.
“There’s my sweet little girl. Finally using your manners.” Two fingers come up to swipe against your pussy, stopping right before your clit and collecting slick to bring up to your eye line for inspection. You jump when the warm digits drag against your bottom lip, a silent prompt for your mouth to fall open.
Kenny sticks his fingers in, the intent to make you gag is clear but you take it. You’ll take anything he gives you. Your tongue swirls around the intrusion, running against each joint and suckling loudly. The sound is wet and lewd, the spit collecting at the corners of your mouth makes his head spin.
Your destruction, he decides, will be beautiful. 
Kenny’s fingers release with a wet pop. He runs callouses down from your cheek, over the curve of your tits and down your abdomen. Two fingers stop at your pubic bone to trace lightly against the skin in random patterns. 
“Your body is just as agreeable when you’re awake.” His words drip in sin, reminding you exactly how familiar he is with you. All of you.
Both thumbs come down to spread your lips, Kenny can’t help but take a moment-- just a beat-- to stare at your swollen, glossy clit and the quiver of your little hole. Your skin is soft, completely untouched by anyone else. He laid claim to almost every inch before you begged him to.
He sinks from the leather chair, kneeling in front of you. You’re the body and blood as far as a sinner like Kenny is concerned.
There’s a plea stuck in your throat. You want to beg him to slow down, it’s too much all at once, but you know if you cried out-- all you would do is beg him for more.
His tongue is long and flat against you, every swipe is punctuated with a growl. The rumbling from his chest is thrown against your clit like a current through cold water. Sharp, shocking, terrifying.
“Kenny, I- I want,” He sucks your throbbing clit into his mouth, rubbing the tip of his tongue against the hood. There’s no words in any language that make sense to you. There’s nothing but his name. 
“Kenny ah, I need, I don’t know how t—”
Your dangling over a fire, trying desperately to jerk away from the lick of the flames. 
“I know, kid, I know exactly what you need.” his breath is heavy and warm in fans across your skin. You're dripping down the sides of his face and onto the cleric’s desk. Kenny is covered in you, open mouthed kisses against the sweetest thing he’s ever had in his mouth. The tangy taste of your pussy mixing with the wine still on his tongue. 
If he spent forever between your thighs, it wouldn’t be nearly long enough.
“Such a sweet little thing, you’re insatiable.” All you can do is nod dumbly, eyes glazing over with a distinct look of teary submission. It’s so new to you, but grinding upwards and catching your clit against his chin seems like second nature.
The primal need for release is much stronger than any prayer of abstinence. 
“What would your little prayer circle think if they knew you spread your legs for a dirty old fucker like me?” Kenny coos against the apex of your thighs. His words knock on the hollow space behind your breastbone.
Your family and friends, the priest from St. Mary’s who baptized you, old man Jaeger from next door— all buried or burned to ash or so much worse.
Anyone you’ve ever loved is dead, maybe that’s why Kenny is still around.
There’s nothing that can hold you back anymore, the control you claw at slips from your fingers like watery silk. There’s no escaping the roughness of his stubble and an evil, serpent tongue.
You cum with a shattering cry, the sound ringing so loud in your ears you swear any enemy of the living in a 10 mile radius could hear you. In reality, what escapes is little more than a broken snivel. 
It hurts, muscles aching from the exertion of trying to keep from falling apart. Your body is a hairpin trigger, the comedown feels more like withdrawal.
“There’s my girl, my good little girl.” His voice is uncharacteristically soft, doting while you fall back to earth. It’s a strange feeling, you’ve never found comfort in Kenny before, he isn’t the shoulder you go to lean on. 
But tonight he’s the chin you buck into.
The aftershocks run across your naked skin, already missing the feeling of his touch as he settles back into the cracked leather chair. 
His cock presses into the denim confines uncomfortably, the ache can wait though. Whether this is his last night alive or has all the time in the world-- he’s going to savor the glistening prize nestled between your thighs. Kenny’s fingers find the cigar where it lies next to your knee, bringing it up to examine while you squirm at the cold night air against your wet cunt.
“No one will ever make you feel as good as I do,” both legs kick out, falling to dangle on either side of his knees in surprise as the cigar comes down to trace your outer lips. He presses the tuck inwards, pulling out slightly so you cry out. The harsh texture of the wrapper mixes with the most minimal of stimulation, causing tears to clump in your waterline. 
“Why don’t you think of a way to repay me, hmm?”
You push past the heaviness in your muscles, sitting up to meet his incredulous stare. Kenny sticks the cigar between his teeth, striking a match from the desk drawer to light the cap. The cigar is stale, cheap tobacco. But every drag now tastes like you.
“I- I could try to--” Words are left unspoken on your tongue, even now, the intonation is poison in your throat. 
You expect Kenny to laugh at your bashfulness, instead, two fingers come up to curl around the Rosary around your neck. He drags you forward, exhaling smoke into your parted, quivering lips. You try your best not to choke. 
He pulls the cigar away, ashing it carelessly on the floor.
“Use your words, kid, tell me what you want.” His words are sleazy but his voice is soft around the edges. Prompting you to shuffle onto his lap. His free hand rests in the small of your back to keep you steady.
“I want--” Fuck, your voice feels like it’ll fail, you take a moment to breathe, “I want you to fuck me, Kenny.” 
Your plea is rushed, so quick to hit his ears he almost misses it. There’s no hiding anymore, there’s nowhere else in this world but the private quarters of a long-dead clergy member. The space between you and Kenny is foggy and tense, only inches between lips.
There’s no more penance in this world, no more time to sit and atone for his sins with prayer. The soft, syrupy feeling of your cunt wrapping around his cock is a slice of heaven, cut out and stolen right from the sky. 
“I thought you’d never ask, doll face.” 
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✞ all writing is dymphnasprose’s original content, please do not repost or modify. do no read my content as asmr.©️
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a-is-for-abel · 2 years
Based on a prompt by @givethispromptatry
"The image of her best friend twirling, ribbons of the dress they had made together trailing behind her, set her heart racing. The serene expression on her face as the music spoke through her had her aching to cup her face in her hands."
It was Reina's first dress.
They'd decided to make it together, in the attic, under the watchful eye of the dust-fogged window and beneath what light wormed its way through the narrowed blinds. She'd bought the fabric with what coin she'd managed to stash beneath her bed. A dime here, a quarter there--anything she managed to snag from the table and the couch and where it wouldn't go missing in any way that mattered.
Her father never seemed to notice.
Eyes always cast over the rim of his glasses, hawkish where they perched over the latest headline blacking out the paper. He didn't notice the fabric she brought home under her arm. Or Reina slipping in through the back window at night to stay well past morning. He certainly didn't notice when the shears went from the kitchen or when the twine and thread fled the drawers. And she was glad he'd forgotten his old waistcoats at the back of the closet as well, where moths made their homes and where she nipped their tarnished buttons.
She knew it would have been easier to work with a thimble, her thumb raw and aching as she pushed the needle through the fabric for the thousandth time. Small dots littered her hands where the needle had caught and stuck fast and made her hiss low and through her teeth. But she was the only one of them with a mother who had taught her to sew. Reina had been shown anything but. And while she chewed the inside of her cheek and pressed the needle through the fabric again, she handed Reina the ribbons to cut down and the buttons to polish and explained the stitches as she worked.
Before the dress was even complete, she realized--as Reina tried her mother's dust-lain Sunday dresses in the low light of the attic--that Reina didn't fit into any of the flats. And the outfit she had planned simply wouldn't do without them. The last of her money went to a pair found in the corner of a dresser's shop, tucked away from the window display and out of the current fashion. They were dull, a bit stained and worn, but perfect in the way Reina collected them in her arms and beamed, wider and brighter than she'd ever seen.
The day she finished the last stitch, her hands were bandaged up to the fingertips and ached fierce enough it bit down to the bone. Reina tied the ribbons onto the shoulders and the bodice for her, and she pointed out where the buttons needed to perch for it to all sit just right. And when the sun had sunk far below its peak, they stepped out into the peach-bathed yard together.
Cicadas cried, high and whining in the limbs of the sagging trees. Reina clutched the dress to her chest, her steps bounced and airy as they made their way to the parched creek bed, where the gnarled rope swing hung off the old bend. It was a secluded little place, one they used to play in as kids until her mother passed and her father deemed it improper to see Reina unaccompanied after.
Reina toed up to the edge of the drop that rolled into the dead riverbed and hummed, whistling a tune that matched the ribbed record stashed in the attic. She joined in, lips puckering as she whistled in time alongside her. Tapping her foot, she settled against the leaning tree and waited for Reina to get ready for the evening.
The dress slid on as easy as a second skin and Reina turned to her with a small smile, before twisting to show where the back of her dress sat opened. She laced up the ties with still aching hands and pulled it tight enough to hold and loose enough to breath. The cicadas screamed in her ears and the sun died out on the horizon, the world turning bruised and purple as she patted Reina's shoulder to let her know she was finished.
Her mother would have seen the heavy clouds and the swollen, violet sky and called the evening an omen. She would have grabbed her by the arm and hoisted her inside, away from the storm only her mother could see brewing. But when she looked up at the beginning of where stars peeked from behind the clouds, she thought about the twilight she could see in Reina's eyes. Where her mother had chased the dark and the night with candle and flame, she had found comfort in it, in the way the trill of crickets and the shadows reached out to hold her...
She mused the ribbon hanging off Reina's shoulder between her fingers. It was smooth, glossed, reflecting the light as she cradled it in her palm. Pulling away, Reina stretched her arms over her head and breathed, deep and long. The kind of comfortable sigh you let out when you rocked back into a chair that cradled your spine and soothed your shoulders in its slatted palms. Reina grinned at her and then twirled in her dress, hands coming up, giddy under her chin. She flapped them and spun again, and laughed. And the laugh crawled, infectious under her skin as she smiled. Her face pulled with it and her chest ached--not in the way it had at the foot of her mother's coffin, but in the way she knew she wouldn't be allowed to hold onto this, onto the way Reina looked like the world had slipped from her shoulders and the way the night dressed her. Her eyes pricked. She blinked away the foolish sting, forcing a breath through her teeth and a grin to her lips. Grabbing Reina's outstretched hand, they spun together.
She couldn't help but wonder what sight they made--
Her and her best friend twirling, the ribbons of the dress they had made together trailing behind Reina, their hands clasped in one anothers. Her face as the music that hummed past both their lips wove through her. She wondered if her father would be able to see the way she wanted to cup Reina's face in her hands. The way she wanted to press her forehead to Reina's and brush her thumbs over the warmth nestled under the smiling dimples of Reina's cheeks. She wondered how much he could--
Reina fell first, tumbling into the grass and she fell after her. Her world spun--from ground to sky to ground--and when she came to a stop she turned her face into Reina's leg beside her and muffled a laugh. Reina punctuated it with her own snorting chortle, the kind of dog-eared outburst that bumped from the chest like a cough and her heart clenched as she hid a grin against Reina's calf.
"Thank you," Reina said, low and against the dark. "For this."
The frogs answered first, in their trills and croaks and high creeks. She swallowed, tongue thick and useless where it sat. Her finger traced over the seam of Reina's shoe and when she smiled it wasn't wide or grand or aching--it was small. It was quiet. It was something she hid as she tucked into herself and let her hair fall across her cheeks and nose.
"I can make you another one."
"Another dress?" Reina asked.
She nodded and propped herself up, looking down at Reina still sprawled in the grass. The dress haloed her, fanned out like clothed moonlight and swathes of pale honey. Reina smiled and she wanted to press her fingertips to the corner of Reina's lips and brush her thumb over where her eyes scrunched up, cradle Reina's jaw like she'd seen her mother hold her father's.
Her palm stung.
She nodded again. "As many as you'd like."
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francis2005not · 4 years
My #NSB Challenge Rules {base game and extended}
Not So Berry Each heir must represent there colour of the generation. { Hair, Eyes etc. } The Colour of the spouses does not matter. Money cheats can be used but not excessively. You may live in any world you want unless told other wise. Every gen has to Complete aspiration and career unless told not to. Lifespan must be on normal.
Gen 1 Mint Traits- Loves Outdoors, Jealous and Materialistic Aspiration- Chief of Mischief Job- Painter Rules- ⦁ Master career and aspiration ⦁ Master mischief and logic skills ⦁ Complete elements collection
Gen 2 Rose Traits- Hot Headed, Snob and Romantic Aspiration- Serial Romantic Job- Business
Rules- ⦁ Have only one child ⦁ Master job and aspiration ⦁ Master charisma skill ⦁ Leave someone at the alter ⦁ Get married as an elder
Gen 3 Yellow Traits- Clumsy, Ambitious and Loner Aspiration- Nerd Brain Job- Astronaut
Rules- ⦁ Master rocket science and handiness skills ⦁ Master job and aspiration ⦁ Visit Sixam ⦁ Enter secret lot in Oasis Springs ⦁ Never have close friends until Gen 1 grandparents die
Gen 4 Grey Traits- Active, Slob and Music Lover Aspiration- Bodybuilder Job- Athlete
Rules- ⦁ Master violin, guitar, piano and active skills ⦁ Master job and aspiration ⦁ Have three failed relationships before finding a spouse, Marry a neat sim ⦁ Be good friends with children ⦁ Have family movie night with your spouse and children every Sunday
Gen 5 Plum Traits- Genius, Noncommittal and Creative Aspiration- Renaissance Sim Job- Fast-food, Culinary and Entertainer
Rules- ⦁ Master 3 skills ⦁ Complete aspiration ⦁ Get divorced and marry the same sim later on ⦁ Live in 3 different worlds through your life
Gen 6 Orange Traits- Evil, Self Assured and Glutton Aspiration- Public Enemy Job- Criminal
Rules- ⦁ Master cooking and charisma skills ⦁ Master job and aspiration ⦁ Live in  a small house under 20k for entire young adult life ⦁ Have twins and only those two children ⦁ Insist on being evil
Gen 7 Pink Traits- Neat, Mean, Creative Aspiration- Best Selling Author Job- Business
Rules- ⦁ Complete postcard collection ⦁ Master writing and gardening skills ⦁ Have a well maintained garden ⦁ Quit job as an adult to pursue dreams
Gen 8 Peach Traits- Foodie, Lazy and Goofball Aspiration- Joke Star Job- Secret Agent
Rules- ⦁ Marry a co-worker ⦁ Master job ⦁ Play am instrument ⦁ Must live in a different world then the one raised in
Gen 9 Green Traits- Outgoing, Geek and Cheerful Aspiration- Computer Whiz Job- Tech Guru
Rules- ⦁ Master mixology, video games and programming skills ⦁ Master job and aspiration ⦁ Must accept all invites from family and friends ⦁ Have 5 friends and 5 enemies
Gen 10 Blue Traits- Gloomy, Perfectionist and Family Oriented Aspiration- Big Happy Family Job- Culinary
Rules- ⦁ Adopt at least one child ⦁ Master job and aspiration ⦁ Marry high school sweetheart ⦁ have one secret affair ⦁ Master gourmet cooking, painting and cooking skills
Gen 11 White Traits- Good, Loner and Foodie Aspiration- Master Chef Job- Culinary {mixologist}
Rules- ⦁ Master cooking, gourmet cooking, charisma and gardening skills ⦁ Master childhood creative aspiration ⦁ Marry an outgoing sim ⦁ Master job and aspiration ⦁ Have only one friend outside of family and spouse ⦁ Have only one biological child - adopt as many children as you want
Gen 12 Black Traits- Mean, Self Assured and Lazy Aspiration- Master Mixologist Job- None
Rules- ⦁ Master mixology and painting skills ⦁ Master aspiration ⦁ Master childhood motor aspiration ⦁ You must only have one child
Gen 13 Brown Traits- Loves Outdoors, Family oriented and Outgoing Aspiration- Collector Job- Babysitter
Rules- ⦁ Move out as a teen on the smallest lot possible ⦁ Master aspiration ⦁ Start with 5000 ⦁ Max out handiness and 2 other skills
Gen 14 Magenta Traits- Outgoing, Self Assured and Cheerful Aspiration- Party Animal Job- Style Influencer
Rules- ⦁ Master mixology and charisma skills ⦁ Master job and aspiration ⦁ Throw at least 5 gold medal parties
Gen 15 Cyan Traits- Materialistic, Romantic and Slob Aspiration- Fabulously Wealthy Job- Fast Food
Rules- ⦁ Master job and aspiration ⦁ Have at last one child as a teen - you can still have children as a young adult and adult (or elder if you are a male and your so is an ya or a) ⦁ Marry five times and have them die mysteriously ⦁ Marry your first child's parent
Gen 16 Rainbow Traits- Childish, Jealous and Snob Aspiration- Grilled Cheese Job- Manual Labourer
Rules- ⦁ Master job and aspiration ⦁ Master handiness, logic, rocked science and mischief skills ⦁ Complete fish collection ⦁ Completely build a rocker ship with all upgrades ⦁ Get married an an elder ⦁ Enter secret lot in Willow Creek ⦁ Have 10 children with 2 different people ⦁ You must only have enemies except family and spouse ⦁ Complete all childhood aspirations ⦁ Must own 5 cow plants
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hexcaught · 4 years
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it’s  been  𝐬𝐢𝐱  𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬  since  the  𝐦𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧  witch,  𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘  𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐃  was  sorted  into  𝐠𝐫𝐲𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫  upon  arriving  at  hogwarts.  i  suppose  over  the  years  we’ve  learnt  that  she  is  𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝,  𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭,  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  &  𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭,  i  guess  that’s  why  they  were  sorted  where  they  were.  (  𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑎  𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟.  )
rose-glossed  lips  sweet  from  peach  schnapps,  wishing  on  a  firefly  when  the  night  is  overcast,  re-organizing  your  room  for  the  third  time  that  week,  the  warm  touch  of  a  hand  when  words  fail,  buttery  croissants  in  a  sun-dappled  cafe,  and  the  realization  you’ve  grown  too  big  for  your childhood  bed.
i.  MIRROR  BALL  -  taylor  swift.
ii.  A  LITTLE  BIT  ALEXIS  -  schitt’s  creek  /  annie  murphy.
character  inspo  includes:  tahani  al-jamil  (  the  good  place  ),  alexis  rose  (  schitt’s  creek  )  rachel  green  (  friends  ),  vilde  lien  hellerud  (  skam  ),  elle  woods  (  legally  blonde  ),  ty  lee  (  a:tla  ),  amy  march  (  little  women  ),  charlotte  la  bouff  (  princess  and  the  frog  ),  galinda  upland  (  wicked  )
mary  macdonald  was  brought  up  rich.  rich  in  money  and  rich  in  support  &  love.  she  was  the  only  child  of  charles  and  nancy  macdonald,  a  fairly  wealthy  english  couple.  they  weren’t  like,  obscenely  wealthy.  there  were  no  butlers  ironing  the  morning  paper,  or  private  planes.  but  they  were  the  sort  of  wealthy  that  gets  taken  for  granted  –  growing  up,  mary  never  wanted  for  anything.  she’s  used  to  vacationing  somewhere  warm  and  historic  every  summer.  picture  mcmansions,  suburban  pta  meetings,  disney  princess  movies,  dressing  up  nice  for  sundays  at  church.
her  parents  were  very  much  involved  in  her  childhood,  and  always  supported  her  throughout  every  twist  and  turn  in  her  life.  she’s  always  been  very  open  with  her  parents  and  tells  them  everything.  usually.
she  also  did  child  beauty  pageants  when  she  was  little.  adults  adored  her.  the  word  darling  was  frequently  heard  to  describe  mary  macdonald.  it’s  definitely  shaped  who  she  is  as  a  person  –  frequently  competitive,  a  little  desperate  for  validation,  often  too  concerned  about  appearances,  always  knows  how  to  pull  on  a  winning  smile  even  when  you  just  want  to  go  home  and  cry.  #relatable
but  the  love  and  support  in  her  childhood  has  also  shaped  who  she  is.  her  spoiled  upbringing  has  gifted  her  with  an  indefatigable  sense  of  optimism  and  an  inability  to  take  no  for  an  answer.  she  lives  in  a  world  where  everything  can  be  solved  and  everything  has  its  place.  her  parents’  faith  &  religion  has  taught  her  to  believe  in  the  genuine  good  of  humanity,  and  that  if  you  do  good  things,  you  will  be  rewarded.
fast  forward  to  1971,  when  mary  turned  fourteen,  and  learned  she  was  a  witch.  her  parents  almost  didn’t  want  to  send  her  to  hogwarts,  but  mary  was  so  excited  by  the  idea  that  they  couldn’t  possibly  say  no  to  their  little  girl.  so  off  she  went,  bundled  up  in  a  burberry  jacket  and  scarf,  armed  with  the  best  supplies  diagon  alley  had  to  offer.  she  was  definitely  that  obnoxious  kid  with  the  gold  scales.  mary’s  parents  didn’t  mean  to  spoil  her  rotten,  they  were  just  sending  their  daughter  to  this  place  they  knew  nothing  about  for  several  months  and  this  was  the  best  way  they  knew  to  protect  her.  they  also  sent  her  daily  letters  and  weekly  care  packages  for  her  entire  first  term  in  first  year.  wow
she  was  sorted  into  gryffindor  upon  arriving  &  immediately  began  to  make  friends,  thanks  to  her  chatty  &  cheery  nature.  and  also  thanks  to  her  need  to  have  everyone  she  meets  like  her.  they  didn’t,  of  course  –  i’d  like  to  say  most  people  did,  at  least  after  the  initial  mary  shock  wore  off,  but  of  course  there  were  those  who  found  her  overpowering  and  abrasive.  and  there  were  those  who  disliked  her  simply  because  of  the  blood  running  through  her  veins.
she  approached  hogwarts  with  determination  &  optimism.  and  maybe  a  little  bit  of  competitiveness.  fun  fact:  the  sorting  hat  briefly  considered  slytherin  for  her  because  of  her  ambition  and  charm,  but  when it  comes  down  to  it,  she’s  a  gryffindor  through  and  through.  she  joined  clubs,  she  talked  to  professors  after  class,  she  made  neat,  colour-coordinated  notes.  she  made  her  presence  known  from  day  1  and  took  hogwarts  by  storm.  she  wanted  to  be  popular,  she  wanted  to  be  noticed
and  she  was  –  just  also  by  the  wrong  sort  of  people.  in  her  fifth  year,  she  was  attacked  by  mulciber  (  something  i’ll  plot  out  more  once  we  get  a  mulciber  )
but  uh  yeah  this  caused  a  shitload  of  trauma  !  for  one  thing,  she  was  paranoid  as  fuck  for  a  long  while  after  the  attack.  she  was  terrified  of  being  alone,  and  still  is  to  an  extent.  she  was  haunted  by  nightmares  almost  every  night  for  months.  but  most  of  all  –  the  attack  sparked  an  unidentifiable  doubt  and  sadness  as  she  struggled  to  reconcile  her  optimistic  beliefs  with  the  horrors  she  now  knew  existed  in  the  world.
she  kept  it  all  on  the  down-low,  though,  and  a  lot  of  people  who  were  at  hogwarts  at  the  time  don’t  know  how  bad  the  attack  actually  affected  her.  because  she  just  pulled  on  a  pageant-winning  smile,  and  did  what  she  was  best  at  –  pretending  everything  was  okay.  not  a  great  way  of  coping  with  trauma  !
she  didn’t  even  tell  her  parents.  she  knew  how  worried  they  would  be,  and  she  didn’t  want  them  to  feel  like  they  couldn’t  protect  their  daughter.  they  knew  a  boy  named  mulciber  had  cursed  her,  but  they  thought  it  was  just  an  instance  of  schoolyard  bullying,  and  mary  lied  and  told  them  he  was  expelled  because  of  it.
eventually,  she  started  getting  past  it  –  sometimes  she  still  wakes  up  from  nightmares,  sure,  and  she  still  has  her  bad  days,  but  she’s  surviving  and  growing.  for  now.
so  !  what  kind  of  a  person  is  mary  macdonald  ?  controlling.  idealistic.  uncertain.  perfectionistic.  vain.  tender.  materialistic.  flirtatious.  stubborn.  ambitious.  charming.  conflicted.  spoiled.  impulsive.  yearning.  loving.
she  likes  everything  planned  to  a  tee,  jotted  down  neatly  in  her  favourite  pink  leather  planner.  she  colour  codes  all  her  notes.  her  room  is  always  neat  and  tidy  and  her  makeup  is  always  impeccable.
if  this  were  a  muggle  high  school  au,  she  would  be  the  head  of  the  prom  planning  committee  and  it  would  have  a  1950s  theme.
she  will  give  you  way  too  many  second  chances  and  it  will  break  her  heart.  she  believes  in  the  good  of  humanity  with  a  stubbornness  that’s  almost  naive.
she  is  way  too  dependent  on  validation,  i’m  gonna  tell  you  right  now.  a  total  attention  seeker,  but  she  manages  to  be  just  charming  enough  that  it  isn’t  annoying.  her  good  looks  don’t  hurt,  either.
she  can  be  petty  !  she  can  definitely  be  so  petty  !  and  way  too  used  to  getting  what  she  wants.  i  hate  her
she  is  one  of  the  quidditch  commentators  except  uh  …  girl  knows  nothing  about  quidditch.  mostly  just  gossips  into  the  mic  about  the  players  while  her  partner  commentator  (  wc  !!!!!  )  actually  commentates  on  the  gameplay.  but  she’s  managed  to  keep  the  position  cause  it  entertains  the  audience  and  draws  out  students  who  aren’t  as  interested  in  quidditch
loose  connection  ideas:  ima  be  honest  with  you,  mary  is  a  ho.  gimme  fwb,  hookups,  ex-flings.  the  more  drama  the  betterrr.  also,  girl  squad  wya  ??  OR  EX-FRIENDS.  the  dramaaaa.  again,  would  love  another  quidditch  commentator.  i’d  also  love  a  frenemy  plot,   a  bad  influence,  a  good  influence,  a  one-sided  crush  (  on  either  side  ),  study  buddies,  or  just  straight  up  enemies,  a  bickering  relationship  …  anything  tbh
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rough-n-randy-rando · 5 years
Edd and Flow; First Contact
In the void that comes when one loses consciousness, there are a wide range of possibilities. Depending on what precisely was the trigger for said loss of consciousness, it can be just a black hole, no light, or thought, can escape the pull. In other cases, like exhaustion, dehydration, a mix of the two, there is a level of lucidity, a dreamy space in between the waking world and the void where uninhibited thoughts have the space to play themselves out. Much like falling asleep with the TV on and it having a direct impact on your dreams, what surrounds you filters into your dreamscape.
Kevin chose to put himself in a space of dominance, a literal spotlight bathing him in blinding white light from above, wearing a fluctuating wardrobe of athletic equipment, his confidence unquestionable and his pride unassailable. All around him crowds of faceless, cheering admirers clamored for him in the darkness. They called out his name, again and again, and as he waved at them with his baseball mitt, threw a football, bounced a soccer-ball on his head, they roared and swooned.
"Kevin?" a voice cut through the tumult, filled with affection and concern.
The redhead suddenly lost his balance, the soccer-ball ricocheting off his head and thudding embarrassingly somewhere beyond the cone of light, which began to grow wider, less powerful, less concentrated. The crowd gasped and fell silent on a dime. Kevin looked around, but couldn't find the source of his embarrassment, shaking it off and threw another football, perfectly spiraled, all the way to the endzone, flawless. The crowd roared again.
"Kevin, wake up, you're scaring me." The voice again, that sincere emotion.
The football he'd just thrown came sailing through the air right back at him, thudding hard off of his chest. Again, gasps from the crowd, only instead of silence, murmurs began. Whispers. The light grew even wider, dimmer, and his myriad of athletic attire was replaced by his old JROTC uniform, stripped of what few awards and what little rank he had. He still had his baseball mitt, and looked inside, finding a well-loved baseball. He removed it and threw it repeatedly into the mitt, hard, looking around, searching for the person ruining his reputation. The crowd clapped and whistled with guarded enthusiasm.
A soft breeze wafted over him, slightly warm, scented like toothpaste, and a cool sensation swept over his forehead, like someone was feeling for his temperature with the back of their hand. The light narrowed, leaving him in a beam barely large enough for him to stand in without spilling into the shadows. He began throwing fastball after fastball, his arm tireless, his supply endless. He had to hit something, someone. The crowd. They were wailing in unison, like people waiting for the wave to come to their section of the stadium, only it kept rising, and rising, and rising.
"Kevin, please, open your eyes." That soft breeze again, closer, warmer, on his face, not a breeze, breath, close, the soft wet sounds a mouth makes as someone worriedly grimaces, licks lips.
Kevin dropped the mitt, and reached out into the darkness, grabbing someone by the shoulders, sliding his hands up, a slender neck, silky hair curling down to meet him as they traveled up further, their chin, their cheeks, pulling them closer. There was resistance, but barely any, just surprise, warm, they're blushing, but still that prickly needle feeling. The warm breath, faster, unsure, excited, the soft brush of lips. Slightly colder, just barely, just enough.
"Double-Dee" It was his voice, his own voice, coming from the darkness that surrounded him. He could see the faint outline of the boy's features, his lips still just barely brushing against his own, the warm, minty breath now fusing with his own, spilling into his being.
"It'd be cute if I didn't hate half of the cast." Lee Kanker. The light exploded like the big bang, illuminating the faces of everyone he'd ever known, watching him in horror, in confusion, in disappointment, as he was planting the most grade-school of kisses onto Double-Dee; eyes half-closed, just enough pressure to feel his lips, not enough to part them. Then it all dissolved in a second flash of light and he was back in reality, which still included the kiss only now his audience was a disapproving Lee and a surprised Barb. Just Barb.
When he realized he'd finally been thrust back into the land of the living, he shoved the surprised teen away and skittered backwards like something out of an 80's horror movie, all hands and feet.
"Woah Kev, chill, it wasn't that hot." Lee shrieked with laughter and walked back around the counter, returning to her magazine.
"Red, calm down hon, I'm from San Francisco, no shame, no judgement. Not a bad choice either." Barb tried to break the tension with a motherly, sensible chuckle, looking between the two teens sitting on the floor for some sign of success.
"I'm, ah, I'm glad to see you're a-a-alright… Kevin." Double-Dee got to his feet and played with the hem of his shirt, trying to keep himself from making eye contact with the other teen.
Kevin stood and looked around. Lee, Double-Dee, Barb. Just Barb. No one else, no one else saw what'd happened. What he'd done. "Sorry, uh, Double-Dweeb, I thought you were, ah… Nazz, yeah."
"Give smarty some credit he's got a bit more baritone in his voice." Lee dramatically flipped a page of her magazine, leering at Double-Dee.
"I'm sure Kevin was disoriented, the heat is horrendous outside, and he did, ah, exert himself, after all."
Double-Dee was the only one giving Kevin an out, lending any credence to his half-assed explanation. He took it.
"Yeah, I mean, whoo, dizzy, woah." Kevin pressed a hand to his temple and leaned forward, putting a hand on his knee as though catching his breath. "Well I better get going home, gotta… lie down, and… stuff." Still pressing a hand to his temple he walked towards the door and could feel everyone's eyes on him, save for Double-Dee, who found something interesting to stare at behind the counter.
"You need a ride, Red?" Barb was trying to trap him into some awkward car ride, with 'you can talk to me's' and 'nothing leaves this car's' and Kevin knew it.
"No, thanks Barb, I need to clear my head."
"Gotta clear the Double-Dee from his mind." Lee was engrossed in her magazine and so didn't catch the withering look Kevin shot her.
He couldn't think of a retort, and so continued on his way out, stopping next to Double-Dee. "Thanks…" He needed to regain some kind of distance. "Eddward." And he left.
He'd only gone about a yard away before he heard the door to the shop open back up, sans bell, footsteps tapping and padding on the sidewalk. He continued walking, the sound of two car doors opening and closing, an old but well-maintained engine turning over, then a car approaching, and passing him. It was Barb's, Double-Dee in the passenger seat. He watched the car pass by, travel about a block, then stop, Double-Dee getting out. 'Crud' he thought to himself. He was waiting for Kevin, though he showed courtesy by looking at his cell phone, allowing him to approach without eyes on him as Barb had driven away.
He stopped a few feet away and waited.
Double-Dee put away his phone and looked to Kevin, "Barb mentioned some 'work' you had yet to complete. Am I right to assume it is a tattoo?"
Kevin mulled over a response. The dork had let him escape with something like dignity. And he was alone with him, finally. It had been a roundabout way of arriving at this point. "Gift from my Uncle when I turned 16. Top Secret, my old man doesn't know about it."
"May I ask where it is located?" Double-Dee was making eye contact now, though his expression was inscrutable.
Alone. Just the two of them on a Peach Creek sidewalk, baking. Kevin was baking, at least, Double-Dee, beanie and all, was immaculate.
"I'm not wearing anything under this monkey suit, to show ya I'd have to strip and I don't feel like doin it for everyone to see." Sweat. Not nervous, at least. But he did feel rank, cold coffee, grease, several layers of sweat. Was he just making excuses up in his head to let whatever was trying to happen, happen? What even was happening?
"Well, maybe some other time then." Double-Dee had gone from giving Kevin an out to pressing him against a figurative wall. Would there be another time? Could a catastrophe as perfect as what had transpired even possibly repeat itself? The other teen turned to go.
"Come over to my place, I can change and then show ya." Kevin started walking, brushing past Double-Dee without looking back. He heard footsteps and smiled.
The cul de sac was quiet save for the soft rumble and buzz of AC units on high and padmounted transformers working overtime in the heat. Only a couple families were home. Kevin's father was out of town, but due home in the evening. There was a wide window, and Kevin was leaping through it. There was no real plan besides getting indoors. Out of sight. Out of people's mouths.
Double-Dee was still behind him, about three steps behind. He'd glanced back when they turned into the neighborhood and saw that he was being observed by the other teen, his face betraying nothing.
"Heya Kevin, Double-Dee!"
Johnny's voice rang out like a cow-bell, loud and sharp. Kevin imagined it rattling dishes, waking people from midday naps, shaking fillings loose in corpses six feet under the ground. But no, the world remained silent and the cast had only increased by one.
"Why hello Johnny." Eddward Vincent, calm, cool, collected. Double-Dee, Triple-C's.
"Crud." Kevin Barr, stupid. Single S.
"What are you guys up to?" Johnny ambled over, Plank in hand. He'd sprouted during the summer between Freshman and Sophomore year, and now stood just a hair less than Kevin. His head, though, remained the ridiculous melon it'd always been.
Kevin had to think fast. For once he did. "Double-Dee's helping me with stuff for summer school."
"Aw, Kevin, really, summer school?"
"Yeah, you know, math, man, it kills me."
"Why yes Johnny, Kevin came to get me when I got off work, he's been quite diligent."
Kevin looked at Double-Dee. Nothing, just a pleasant smile.
"Plank says he thinks you're full of it. Rude, buddy."
Kevin's head had won a round, now his body would. He reached over and grabbed ahold of Plank. "Johnny, go long, Plank's goin for a long walk!" He tossed it like a very short, very awkward javelin, but the principle worked. Plank sailed off into the distance, across the lane, possibly into Nate's back yard.
"I'm coming for ya buddy!" Johnny took off in a clumsy, loping gait.
Double-Dee began to offer up some kind of objection when Kevin grabbed hold of him by the wrist and took off at a dead sprint, trailing him behind like a ribbon caught in a wind current. They covered the remaining ground to Kevin's house in record time, slamming into the front door, throwing it open and slamming it hard behind them. They were both panting, Kevin leaning on every available surface, his lightheadedness returning.
"I believe…" Double-Dee was slumped against the front door, drawing deep breaths, feeling his pulse. "I was promised… A private… viewing…"
Kevin made his way to his room, leaning on one side of the hallway then the other, his headache calming, his vision clearing. He was shivering by the time he got to his room, the house was like an icebox, his room only slightly warmer because it was facing the sun. He quickly stripped off his coverall and stood in just his underwear collecting himself. He felt gross, his skin tacky, red, a bruise forming on his arm from his fall in the Café.
"What am I doing?" He asked himself aloud, and no answer came. Then there was a knock at the door. Moment of truth. "I'm still changing."
"Does it really matter if you intended to disrobe in the first place?" There was a hint of nervousness in his voice.
There wasn't much he could say to that. Hesitantly he walked to the door and put his hand on the doorknob. He opened the door slightly, looking down at the ground, noticing that Double-Dee had taken off his shoes, curling and uncurling his toes in the carpet. The other boy's eyes were locked on his when he looked up.
Kevin had never known a deeper blue than that which he found in Double-Dee's eyes. It reminded him of the water you'd see in commercials for the Bahamas, pure, shimmering, dark ripples of captured light and shadow. There wasn't fear in them, there was longing, while in Kevin's heart he was afraid, terrified, of this raven-haired kid he'd known for most of his life.
He stepped back from the door and opened it all the way, Double-Dee taking a tentative step forward.
"I… believe I can see part of the design." The dork was sticking to the script, trying to let it happen naturally. Whatever IT was.
"Yeah…" Kevin turned so that the tattoo was clearly visible. It was an uncolored shark's grin in profile, with cartoonish sharp teeth and a furrowed brow, what looked like a multi-barreled cannon coming out of its nose. "It's nose-art, like what my dad had on the plane he flew in the Air Force." He rubbed at the incomplete design. "My 'Uncle' is his closest friend from back then. He said when my dad finally does see it to blame him and only him." A smirk played across his face. "It's dumb, kid stuff…"
Double-Dee stepped closer and reached out, tracing each jagged tooth slowly and deliberately. "It's quite fearsome."
The needles didn't come this time. Instead he felt a warm heaviness at the center of him, something bubbling, threatening to spill over. Before his dam could break, Double-Dee lifted himself slightly on the balls of his feet and pressed his lips to Kevin's. Kevin closed his eyes and savored the moment, small tremors across his body as his heart kicked into overdrive, the needles returning, washing all over.
Double-Dee pulled away, looking deeply into the emerald wells that were Kevin's eyes. This time Kevin leaned down and kissed the other boy, wrapping his arms around his waist while Double-Dee lifted his arms and draped them over his shoulders. Their lips parted, overlapped, Double-Dee biting Kevin softly, a slight moan escaping. They both pulled one another closer, passionate embraces that made their hearts race. The kiss was broken and Double-Dee moved down the jock's neck, a thrill running down his spine as he felt warm breath, then a tongue, play across his skin.
Then like that, it was over, and the two simply held one another, their hearts banging away inside their chests like prisoners in neighboring cells trying to reach the outside world.
"Your neck tastes like coffee." Double-Dee buried his face in Kevin's chest.
Kevin could feel them both vibrating with energy, running like furnaces. "Yeah I'm Gross." The two shared a laugh and grew quiet again.
"Kevin, you home?" Arthur Barr, 48, Retired Air Force Captain, manager of every candy production factory in this part of the state, home early and down the hall from his son half-naked and embracing another boy. Kevin wanted to laugh. Well he wanted to die, but first he'd laugh.
"You have to go." Kevin ran to the window and practically ripped the blinds from their mounts, throwing the window open and grabbing Double-Dee by the collar. "Gogogo!"
Double-Dee clambered out wordlessly, though there was a frantic look across his face.
"Kev, buddy, you left the garage open so I hope you're home." Closer, probably hanging up his keys on the goofy, wall-mounted hook that looked like a WW2 fighter plane.
"Yeah, Dad I'm here, just, felt sick." Kevin turned to see if Double-Dee had escaped yet and was met with another kiss, this one brief but no less passionate.
"Please don't let this be a mistake, Kevin." He was biting his lip and searching Kevin's face for reassurance.
Kevin wondered if that's what this was, if it was something he could bury and let fester till judgement day, deny to anyone and everyone, including himself. He pulled the dork by the collar and planted an equally brief yet equally passionate kiss and then pushed him away. "Tomorrow, The Playground, 8." And with that he closed the window and tried to re-mount the heavily damaged blinds. He saw Double-Dee clear the rear fence through the wreckage just as his father entered.
"What the hell, Kev, put some pants on, and what did you do to the shades?"
"It was hot, I came in to change, and, the, uh, I tripped on my clothes, yeah, sorry, I'll fix it."
"I hope so, I'm not buying new ones." His father was tired, and Kevin thanked whatever corporate asshole had overburdened him for the last year. Arthur vanished from the doorway and retired to his home office, likely to finish off some work on the computer before passing out in his chair.
Kevin gave up trying to reseat the blinds and laid them on the ground, then walked over and closed his door. He put his back to it and slid down till his knees were pressed to his chest. This had been the longest day of his life. And there was still tomorrow yet to survive.
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Arizona Credit Repair
Credit Repair Arizona
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Look at a new direction
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eene-fangirl · 6 years
Stand By Ed Chapter 6 [An Ed, Edd n Eddy/Stand By Me Crossover]
NOTE: Chapter 6 of @camriko-arts collaboration on Stand By Ed!
No less than an hour later the Eds journeyed further into the woods. The more Edd kept saying that he kept thinking about the famous musical.
Ed brought along his ipod. He plugged in and started goofily dancing around. Edd and Eddy could make out the lyrics of the ‘Lolly Pop’ tune. It was Ed’s favorite song. It always cheered him up. The tallest of the Eds danced around in different motions, bobbing his head and humming along. It was quite the entertainment for Edd and Eddy who walked together a short distance behind Ed.
“He’s a riot!” Eddy chuckled.
Edd smiled fondly at Ed. “There are some days I wish I could experience the serenity of Ed’s world.”
“Why?” Eddy asked, intrigued. “I mean, same here! I’d like to know how that big guy’s mind works, too. Sometimes I think its a field full of chickens and Ed’s frolicking through them.”
Edd giggled at the funny image. He continued to look on at Ed. Nobody would ever think he and Ed were friends. They were different. That’s what Edd liked about his friends. He wished others would understand.
“He’s always so happy. I would like to know how Ed stays so positive despite all the negative events that have impacted his life.”
Eddy noticed Edd’s head sadly dip to the ground, watching his feet. Ever since they left the cul-de-sac he looked down. It had to have something to do with that car parked in the driveway. A car was never there.
Eddy remembered again that he and Edd barely spent much of the summer together. In the past they’d see each other every single day. The three of them spent countless hours making up scams, or having sleepovers, and even drinking as many sodas burping aloud the alphabet. Eddy snickered at that fond memory. Why couldn’t life stay that way?
Glancing back up at Edd, he asked, “So, you ready for school?”
Edd’s uncomfortable reaction only made Eddy worry further. School was Edd’s favorite topic. Edd didn’t attend the Peach Creek school system until the fourth grade. Before then he was homeschooled. The poor guy was stuck in his dark room, alone.
Fourth grade was when the three of them finally became friends and started hanging out. It was strange. Considering how close they were you’d think they’d been hanging out since Edd moved into the cul-de-sac when he was five. But, they didn’t. Eddy blamed Edd’s parents, hating them even more for sheltering their gifted son.
“I do admit that I’m more nervous,” Edd replied, hardly looking at Eddy.
“We’re attending high school!” Edd announced as if he was just realizing this fact for the first time.
“You can say that again!”
“We’re attend-”
Edd stopped himself realizing the catch. He eyed Eddy who was biting at his lip, giggling.
“Very funny,” Edd mumbled, though he was smiling.
They were silent once more.
“May I ask you something?” Edd asked timidly.
“Shoot away.”
Edd licked his lips. He took a deep breath. “Am I... peculiar?”
Eddy reacted little to the question. “Everyone’s weird, Double D. Look at Ed and I!”
“Answer me honestly, Eddy,” Edd stated in a sad tone.
Eddy struggled having no idea what sort of answer Edd was looking for. “Well, yeah, but you’re you! I’m surprised you actually still hang out with Ed and I.”
“We’re the Eds, Eddy.” A confused Edd stated.
Something was troubling Eddy. Now he was looking at his feet. “Not when high school comes around.”
“What are you referring to?” Edd asked.
“You know what happens in high school. Friends split ‘cause they find new people and other activities. You fit in more in school then Ed and I. Face it, you’re better off without us.”
“Eddy, that is not true!”
“Yeah, it is! You’re good at so many things! Look, you’re already takin’ AP courses while Ed and I are takin’ all the normal classes that are hardly significant. You’ll join clubs, win awards, probably go on trips with the science team, and deserve the best scholarship to a college which serves all the smartest brainiacs in the world.”
Edd shook his head trying to comprehend all this. This is not the conversation he wanted to have while out here. “Eddy, where is all this coming from? I’m not leaving you and Ed!” Edd firmly stated.
“Well, then you’re bein’ selfish and holding your own skin back!”
“I’m not being selfish! You said yourself! We have to stick together!”
Eddy was silent, rolling his eyes. Though he was happy with Edd’s neverending camaraderie.
“Have you still been writing?” Edd asked changing the subject.
Eddy sulked his shoulders. “Eh,” he grunted in tone of voice which said he did not want to talk about this.
“I really like your writing, Eddy. You produce so many wonderfully touching stories.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddy mumbled.
“Eddy, you could be a writer!”
“Screw writing!” Eddy barred through his teeth spitting out all the anger investing his insides.
“What turns you off about it? It’s helped you!”
“That’s what everyone says!” Eddy yelled out frustrated. Now they stopped walking, standing in the middle of the woods. “My Dad tells me, ‘you’re just a kid, Eddy,’ and I’m like ‘oh gee, thanks! You know how hard that is?’ I have no freakin’ clue what I want to do! You’re always one step ahead of Ed and I! Like I said, you’re better off!”
Edd placed a hand on his shoulder in order to calm his friend down. He was quite heated. “Eddy, you have a gift. I’m still figuring out my own abilities and even my own future. I’m still unsure and it even frightens me honestly.” Edd’s tone was sad now remembering the conversation he had with his father.
“You musn’t doubt yourself. Ed and I are here for you. You are not alone.”
The friends were quiet staring into each others eyes. They hadn’t shared a deep moment like this in ages.
“Hey, guys, what are you waiting for?” Ed called out. They were just about to exit the woods.
Eddy nervously laughed off their conversation. “Yeah, let’s go. The kid may not even be dead by the time we get there!”
Once the forest ended a valley of water surrounded the Eds. A train trestle stretched on for about a mile to the other side of the land. Edd looked all around trying to see if there was another route they could take.
“When’s the next train, Double D?” Ed asked.
“Well... we could take another route...”
“If we take a shortcut there’s no way we’re gettin’ there tomorrow!” Eddy pointed out again frustrated. “We gotta cross.”
Edd’s eyes bulged. “Cross? Are you out of your mind?”
“Double D, you know that’s been established,” Edd responded with a smirk.
“If the train comes we can’t get out of the way!”
“But, Double D, we can jump in the water.” Ed pointed out.
“It’s a one hundred foot drop, Ed. We could get hurt,” Eddy said to him.
Both Ed and Edd stared off nervously, each contemplating different scenarios. Eddy meanwhile grumbled to himself. An idea popped into his head. “Ed, you guide the front, I’ll be the caboose.”
“We’re crossin’! Don’t worry, Double D! As long as we got each others backs we’ll make it over to the other side.”
“But, I want to be the caboose!” Ed whined.
“I’d rather keep an eye out for you two.”
“You coo at me sockhead and I swear I’m pushin’ you off the trestle!”
The Eds slowly and carefully maneuvered across the trestle. Edd however crawled along the tracks fearing any misstep. His sleeping bag dragged along, getting in the way. Eddy could hear hias little moans of discomfort and felt bad for his friend. He wished that they didn’t have to go this way either. Time was not on their hands. It would be the end of the world if Bro got there first.
The water sloshed below them. Ed moved faster. That was good. He was the slowest.
Eddy practically bumped into Edd who stopped crawling. He was whimpering.
“Move it, sockhead!”
“T-Train...” he murmured.
Eddy felt rumbling under his feet. His heart throbbed. A whistle was heard a short distance behind. Eddy turned around to see a train appearing from behind the maze of trees!
Ed immediately started running.
“Get up, sockhead!” Eddy shouted at Edd practically pushing his dear friend to his feet. His voice squeaked in terror.
Edd was petrified. This was far worse than hanging over a waterfall, witnessing the actions of Edd’s brother, or any other ordeal the Eds have gone through.
Finally Edd stood up on his feet with help from Eddy but his legs were like jello. After tripping up a few times he and Eddy finally ran as fast as their legs could take them. The train’s horn blared, warning them. Trains couldn’t stop in time!
“Run, guys! Run!” Ed shouted at them. He was already on the other side of the trestle a safe distance away. That was good.
Tears ran down Edd’s face. Eddy ordered that he dare not look back. He sounded so terrified. The train was nearing closer and closer until it was right on top of them like... like... a colossal king kong snake. Yup, Edd was definitely watching too much of Ed’s monster movies.
Just when they thought it was the end Edd and Eddy jumped off the side rolling into a ditch kicking dirt in the air.
The train rolled passed never even stopping to make sure if the boys were okay.
Ed ran up to the end of the ditch. “Guys?!” He called out. His heart was pounding out of his chest.
Eddy picked his head up only to come face to face with Edd. Eddy was practically straddling Edd.
“Oh my...” An embarrassed Edd cheeks flushed.
“Uh, you okay?” Eddy asked him.
“Yes. Fine.”
“Are you guys gonna started kissing?” Ed teased making kissing noises.
“Get real, Ed!”
Eddy helped his friend up from the ground. Edd blushed at the chivalry. Without another word they kept movie. The sun was starting to dip beneath the trees.
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Win Me Over
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A/N: Uhh why did I do a moodboard when I’m not good at them? Anyway, this was supposed to be a one shot but I don’t like to write super long stories, so there will be a part two, maybe a three depending on how my brain is working. TheNextPartWillBeSmutHeheheheh
Also, Peach by Zhang Yixing exists??????? How am I actually breathing on this day????? lol
~Admin Allie
Happy 13th to all of my ghoul loving babies!
You knew it was dumb, backpacking in the middle of the woods by yourself with no cellphone. You knew it was dumb, but having a thrilling life was the only way you were still alive. You fed off of the possibility to run into danger, to encounter something so dangerous that you felt that you might actually die. Whenever someone would question you, your response was always the same; “Aren’t we all meant to die in the end? Then why not die doing what I love?”
You packed your one backpack and your one duffle bag. The larger, gray backpack was filled with enough food and snacks to last you well over a week as well as clothes to change into if your smell was beginning to be unbearable. The black duffle bag was packed with water that would last you at least two weeks if you drank it at a pace that would allow you to stretch it enough to do so without getting to the point of dehydration. The bag also held a new compact pop-up tent that you could just shake out and place anywhere along with blankets, a first-aid kit and other things you figured you would need.
Before locking up your car at the center of the woods, you sent a screenshot of your location and the area you would be exploring to your parents, siblings and a few close friends. After all of the messages went through, you turned off the device and tucked the keys into the side pocket of your backpack. You took a camouflage cover out of your trunk and threw it over your car, a new trick you learned from a blog. People tend to get curious if a car is parked in the middle of a damn near abandoned area, but if they see that your car is covered they are aware that someone is there to either hunt or to simply explore.
This area was new to you, but you were well informed of the layout. The ground would be mostly flat with the exception of a few small mountains. Their paths were obvious and easily avoided, you loved to walk but climbing mountains was a much different activity you’d rather not take part in. The weather was supposed to be pretty warm but lots of rain which meant lots of bugs, specifically mosquitos. You opted for a thin hoodie and a tank top underneath as your wardrobe for the escapade. After running your list through your head, you decided that it was time to get on with the exploration.
Six hours in and you were bored off your mind. You hadn’t seen as much as a rabbit cross your path or hear a rustle in the trees at random times. This place was incredibly tranquil, which wasn’t bad if that’s what you were looking for. You wanted more excitement, and just as you wished, you had gotten it.
While the sun as still shining bright and not one cloud dared to show its face, the skies still opened up and poured down on you. You threw on your hood and knelt down to the ground to retrieve your tent from your bag. You pulled it out and unzipped the bag it was in and as soon as you did, it popped open. It was a nice tent but to your surprise, it was entirely too small. You looked at it, confused.
“I thought this was a full-sized tent?” You looked at the bag and clenched your jaw, annoyance building it in you. “Full sized… dog tent… I’m a fucking idiot. A goddamn fucking idiot!” You threw the bag down and gathered your things, abandoning the tent. How you managed to get a tent like that, you didn’t know. You started to scold yourself, knowing full well that you should have went to a store and got on instead of buying on from a shotty seller on eBay.
You walked in the rain, water soaking through every layer of clothing you’d worn. You couldn’t stop cursing at yourself under your breath. Eventually you started to laugh at the situation you had found yourself in.
“You wanted an adventure, Y/N.” As you were walking, the thickness of the trees was starting to thin out. As they spread further from one another, you saw an abandon house. It was of a moderate size, three floors high but not too wide. You wondered to the side and saw the house went pretty far back. You stopped walking, focusing your hearing to see if anything or anyone inside. The rain was starting to die down a bit and you could hear nothing but the soft patter of water droplets hitting leaves and the chirp of crickets and snapping wings of cicadas. You thought on it for a little and shrugged your shoulders. With the look of the house, no one had been here for years, you were sure they wouldn’t mind if you set up camp here for a few days. You pushed open the door, it hadn’t been latched, and it swung with a creek. You peaked in and saw that the living room had a red tint to it because of the way the sun shined through the deep red curtains that hung from ceiling to floor. You pushed the door open further and dropped your bags by the entrance.
As you looked around you noticed that the home wasn’t nearly as run down in the inside as it was in the outside. While it still looked like no one had been there for years, the most offensive part of the inside was the layers of dust and the spider web décor. Every time you ran into of you let out a small yelp and moved your hands over your face until you felt like it wasn’t on you. After running into so many, you went back to the entrance and decided that now would be a good time to change, you were still wet and now you probably had a spider on you. You peeled off your clothes quickly and slid into something warm and dry. After changing you started to explore the upstairs, starting with the second floor. You peaked into every room and noticed that each one had plain white sheets and one pillow on a full-sized bed. There were no decorations, just a bed side table and a lamp. You figured that since the house was generally well kept, it wouldn’t hurt to check if the electricity still worked. You pulled on the metal chain and the light came on. You smiled and let out a huff of a laugh. “Looks like I have a home for the week.”
You went to the bathroom and saw that it still had hot water and a toilet that actually flushed. In your excitement, you hauled your bags upstairs and into one of the bedrooms. You pulled out the small hand towel and a few sheets of this special soap you had made. It was paper thin and dissolved quickly while giving you a nice lather. Three sheets would be enough to clean your entire body. You hung up your towel and started up the shower. You hummed at the feeling of the water on your skin. Your bliss was short lived though. You heard things being thrown around behind the door and you froze. You rinsed off but you still had some soap on you neck when you turned off the shower. You quickly dried off enough to slip into the clothes you had put on not too long ago. You tiptoed toward the bathroom door and opened it slowly. You looked into the hall but all you could see was your things being thrown out of the door you had them in. You furrowed your brows and through to yourself, “Am I being robbed?” You made your way to the room and cautiously inside but the man somehow picked up on your presence. His head whipped to look at the threshold and he caught your eyes. His face contorted into a sick smile and his eyes glowed red…?
You were quick to run, not willing to fight someone you were no match for. But he got you and had a rib crushing hold on you.
“You aren’t leaving darling.” You felt his breath whip past your neck, tickling the small hairs that stood out of the adrenaline that ran through you. He licked the join of your shoulder and neck and breathed in so deeply that his breath turned into a strained growl. You twisted up your face as you tried to fight him back. No matter how many time you stepped on his foot or threw your head into his nose, his grip wouldn’t loosen. “I don’t like food that fights back baby.” After his sickening words, he bit you, hard. You fought back harder though you didn’t think it was possible but you felt your body being drained, your blood being pulled up through your body and into his own. Your body started to give on you and block stops speckled your vision. You chuckled, “So this is how I die?” and with the question you were out cold.
Your eyebrows were the first part of your body to wake up. They twitched and eventually your eyes fluttered open. Your eye lids felt so heavy, it was almost burdensome to peel them open. You hissed at the harsh light that blasted through the two windows in the room. You slowly moved your body, soon gaining enough strength to move into an upright position. You looked around the room and saw your things neatly stacked, where they were before you showered. You shook your head.
“Maybe it was a dream…” you said, doubtfully. Thinking back on the incident, you bought your hand to the spot it had bit you in. The flesh was tender and hot and your shoulder muscle was unbelievably tense. You felt the two puncture holes and you were well aware that it in fact was not a dream. But you were still alive and all of your things were back where they were before.
You stood to your feet, legs shaking. As you were moving, you began to get dizzy from just the smallest movements. When you got to your bags, you dug into your backpack to take out the custom-made hunting knife your father had gifted you a few years ago. You attached the sheath to your belt and kept the strap that keeps the knife in it loose, allowing yourself to quickly unsheathe it if you needed to. You put on your boots and picked up your bags. You ran down the hall and to the stairs as fast as your body would allow but you froze when you saw…him. He was dressed in all black. Black turtleneck, black suit, black shoes, even his hair was as dark as night.
“You didn’t think you would have it so easy, did you?” He walked toward you. Your eyes widened and you wanted so badly to back away but you just stood there, hand secure on your knife. “You walked into this house like it was nothing but I will not allow you to leave just as such.” You looked into his eyes and instead of how they were the previous day, angry and a fiery red, they were playful and a brownish maroon color. Your throat was so dry but you still pushed out words.
“But you didn’t say I couldn’t leave. You just said it wouldn’t be easy.” He looked at you, impressed by how clever you had to be to pick up on the words he implied. He went up one more step, now less than three feet away from you. The grip you had on the handle of you knife tightened but you didn’t allow yourself to show your worry to him. He smiled at you and cocked his head to the side before speaking again.
“Mmm, you are correct. I’ll let you leave if you play a little game with me.” His voice was strangely enticing, you found yourself hanging on every word he said. You also didn’t feel scared anymore, you didn’t know how you felt but fear wasn’t present at the moment.
One more step, less than two feet away. You decided to pull your knife out on him, probably a dumb move considering what he was. But if he wanted a game, you were surly going to be an opponent like no other.
“What kind of game?” You smiled at him, pressing the knife into his throat lightly. He smirked at you.
“Not so fast, baby.” You wanted to vomit, hearing him call you that. It was one of the words he used before he drained you nearly to death. You pressed your weapon closer to his flesh but he didn’t even react. “You’ll find out soon enough. But you have to be willing to do something for me first.” You swallowed but nodded your head to him willing to comply with anything as long as he was going to give you a chance to leave. You slowly took the knife away and put it back into its holder.
“What is it?” Another wicked smile showed on his face.
“Let’s get some food into you first-,” He grasped for your name but realized that you had never given it to him, obviously. Upon your first meeting he was suckling on your life supply.
“Y/N.” You held out you hand to him and he laughed at your lack of fear.
“Yixing.” He took your hand. “Please to have a new opponent such as you. You seem virtually fearless, darling.” You cocked an eyebrow at him.
“Virtually? I’m not scared of anything.” Your voice was firm, surely enough to convince him. But if he could hear your heartbeat, which he most likely could, he would know that you were scared, excited, and confused.
“Oh, but the way you squirmed against me, and so deliciously at that, last night, says something different. Even how you were looking at me just a minute ago was filled with fear.” He flashed you his dark eyes and you chuckled at how he was trying to intimidate you.
“It’s only a natural response to thinking you’re going to die or when you see the face of the person that could have killed you.”
“So, you are scared of something then. You’re scared of dying.”
He threw your bags into the room and held on to your wrist as he led you to the kitchen. You looked at the door and your heart raced at the thought of pulling from him and just making a run for it. As if he was reading your mind, he spoke to you.
“If you try to leave, I’ll kill you on sight.” His voice was totally different from the eerily sweet tone he had been using with you.
“But since you’re a vampire or whatever, won’t you burst into flames at this time of day?” he laughed, actually finding you funny this time.
“No, those are folklores. But if I’m out too long, I’ll get something similar to sunburn. And since I have the ability to heal rapidly, that’s just as small set back.” Plan one was out of the picture.
He picked a seat for you at the table but you stubbornly took the one next to it. He shook his head out of amusement and moved away to bring a plate to you.
“You sure like a protein and vitamin rich breakfast.” It was packed with eggs and all sort of meats. He even gave you a glass of nut milk, which you were actually a fan of. He also had a wide selection of fruit laid across the table. You reached for the bowl of pomegranate seeds and pulled them next to your plate. You picked up a few and hummed at the sweet flavor that bursts in your mouth when you pressed them between the roof of your mouth and your tongue.
“Your blood told me everything I needed to know about your eating habits. You’re pretty healthy aside from the hint of sweetness in your blood.” You glared at him as he licked his lips and swallowed, trying hard to not sink his teeth into you again.
“I don’t eat sweets though.” You stuffed your face and he looked at you confused.
Realization dawned on him. The only people who had sweet were decadents of his own kind. It was probably far down your line which didn’t worry him the least bit since the sweetness was so subtle. But since he knew you had vampire in yourself, he had to be careful when he fed off of you. If you were to die, you would just come back without him even trying to turn you. No matter how you died, your fate would make you become a vampire.
“Enjoy your meal.”
“Mhm.” You ate your food and he watched you the entire time. You started to feel strange in his presence so you decided to pick with him a little. “Do you ever eat human food?”
“I only ever eat human food.” He crossed his arms in front of his body and smirked at you.
“Ah,” you said with your mouth full. “That was a joke, because your food is human, gotcha.” He laughed at you and scrunched his eyebrows together. What an odd person you are, he thought to himself. “Then, why do you have food that humans can eat if you don’t eat it yourself?”
“For the people who wander into my home without permission, which happens more often than you probably think. Now, stop talking and eat up, you need all the strength you can get before tonight.”
“You didn’t even tell me what we were doing tonight.” You finished your last bit of food and drank down your milk.
“I’ll only be willing to play the game of Life or Death with you if you are willing to be my submissive partner.” Jesus, this man got to the point quick. “Just for tonight.”
He was happy that you seemed unaware of your roots and he wanted to keep it that way. Why would you fear death if you knew that you would never really die?
You looked him in the eyes and thought for a little before nodding. He was taken back by how you had hardly put any thought into it. The other women were repulsed by the thought of having sex with him just to have the possibility of death still loom over their heads. “Are you not going to argue?”
“No. I’m willing to have sex with you if my life is on the line. It sounds kinda thrilling, actually.” And he was attractive, you had to admit it. Even if he was the man you could possibly die because of later, why not have one last roll in the sheets before then?
“What are you?” Maybe it was because if the blood you shared but the way you behaved in front of someone so dangerous was somewhat arousing to him.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
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abalonetea · 7 years
Daily Drabble November Knows Best Night Week Day Thirteen - headlights
Prompt – headlights Characters – Mike/Cartman Word Count – 484
Notes – I have no excuse for why I love this pairing so much, but I do. I love them so much and, uh, this takes place during my Vamp Kid AU, where Cartman has been a part of the vamp kid’s group since forever and is totally crushing hard on Mike.
   It’s the middle of the night and Cartman is exhausted. There’s a half empty cup of coffee sitting in the holder, still too dark for his tastes even though he dumped half a dozen little tubs of half ‘n’ half into it before they left the gas station.   “I can’t believe how shitty this is,” grouses Cartman, switching the high beams on.   Mike chuckles. He’s holding his cup, black nails pressing into the cardboard container. “I will admit. This isn’t the best cup of coffee that I have ever had, per say. I think it was sitting there for quite some time before we stopped in. Perhaps midnight is not the best time to try and get coffee there.”  “I don’t think it’s ever a good time to get coffee there.” Cartman doesn’t bother with the turn signal when they hit the split. There’s something about driving around the mountains at night that always makes Cartman feel more at ease, and having someone sitting in the passenger seat just makes it even better.   He knows these roads by heart, from South Park out to Peach Creek, North Park, and Midway. Even the roads that lead out to Denver aren’t that foreign, though Cartman is more leery on them. His seatbelt digs into his shoulder.   Mike smiles, fake fangs sticking out over his lower lip. “I thoroughly enjoyed going out with you today, Cartman. The new wares they had at the mall were quite enjoyable to look at, persay.”   “Yeah. It was a cool day.” Cartman pats the black plastic bag sitting between them on the seats. “These shirts are going to look awesome on you.”   “I would say that your shirt is going to look just as nice, persay. I think that the color is going to match very nicely with your vest.” Mike takes a small sip out of his coffee. He props one arm against the passenger door. The windows are rolled down just a crack, enough to let a bit of cold air into the car. “And I quite liked the choker.”   Cartman smiles. He hits the gas, just a little bit. When he’s the only one in the car, he still goes fast – fast as he can – even after the crash, the hospital – but he tries to be more careful when there are other people in the car. “Yeah?”   “Oh, yes.” Mike takes a bigger sip out of his coffee and grimaces. “I think that the cold air is making our coffee worse. If I were you, I would drink it now, persay.”   “Gotta act fast on things like that,” agrees Cartman.   But he’s good at putting even the most important of things – of questions – off until the last moment, so he leaves the cup of coffee right where it’s at.
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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Kevin and Nazz ride our from Peach Creek on Kevin’s bike.
And so begins their subplot.
I actually really like how we get to spend a longer time with the kids in the movie. Viewers are always following along with the Ed’s. It’s a chance to get to the know the kids more. 
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And just to remind us that there was a school season Peach Creek Junior High has to make an appearance.
As the kids are free for the summer the school has to be looming over them. There was more tension between the characters. They’re not comfortable in the school environment. 
Season 5 is not well liked by fans. I think AKA wanted to add in a school season because we all have our own school stories. Viewers can already relate to the Ed’s so why not in a school season. That care-free summer atmosphere is taken away. Because of school the Ed’s were drifting apart more.
We also got to see different sides to all the kids. Each of them struggle with their own anxiety. It’s a not a topic that they discuss with one another. The kids tend to use school as a way to get back at Eddy for all his scams played on them during the summer.
Season 6 was to be a make up season for putting the trio against one another and giving them all the bad luck. So in the first two episodes the school is half destroyed given its comeuppance. That’s fair.
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And Kevin and Nazz make their exit out from Peach Creek.
Hold on, is that the beach from Hot Buttered Ed?
Or is it... no, it’s not the creek from Thick as an Ed. The Ed’s were surrounded be trees not the school.
They have already gone past the town. We may see parts of it during Jonny’s run later on but we don’t get to see the town location much.
We may never have seen this area before. Big Picture Show gives viewers new locations. That’s what I looked forward to when I saw the trailer for this movie. I wanted to see more of what their world looked like. They feel so trapped always being in the cul-de-sac.
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Nazz makes these baby eyes along with a smile at Kevin.
Since they’re alone she thinks this the best time to talk and laugh around with Kevin.
Kevin means business.
Why isn’t Nazz sitting in the seat behind Kevin? She gets to later in the scene?
Also, the black shirt in which conceals her stomach has disappeared. Nazz is not that kind of girl. She changes herself for Kevin’s sake thinking he takes notice. The cul-de-sac already noticed her but Nazz went ahead and changed herself into a dumb blonde type persona. Seeing how she got a lot of reaction from people she decided to stick with it. 
Nazz made a big mistake because she already made a big impact in the neighborhood. She is a smart person who brings everyone together. The writers did not handle her character very well. Viewers hardly know this blonde girl who stands around laughing in the background who gets chased by all the guys.
I also want to say how much I love the bandanna AND how Nazz’s hair never grows back in the movie. Nazz was never one to take advantage of cartoon physics anyway. She was a more serious person trying to understand the world. Taking advantage of cartoon physics would have confused her like how it did to everyone else. 
That’s the worst part about living in the cartoon world. You have to face reality because you can’t live your life hardly aging, evaporating injuries, and needing a supply in two seconds. No, we all grow and face life issues. That’s what the world is about.
Nazz follows a wonderful message in this as she struggles through her own identity crisis. She learns to move on and be herself.
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Kevin is biking so fast that bugs smash against their faces.
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“Nature is so gross, Kevin! These insects are like FREAKING ME OUT!”
Okay, Nazz would have ignored these bugs like they weren’t even a problem. She’s just trying to get attention.
Her wanting attention makes me think what kind of attention she receives at home.  I head canon her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom. She doesn’t see her father as often. They have a close relationship and Nazz is considered to be her father’s girl. 
I remember having discussion about Nazz’s supposed relationship with her mom during Nazz Appreciation Month. Maybe her relationship isn’t all that great with her mom. Her mom is depressed about the divorce and she is hardly there for Nazz. And what if she insults her about her looks which is why she grows more self conscious.
There is that one moment in season 5 This Won’t Hurt an Ed where Nazz calls her mom on the phone to tell her that she loves her. Nazz is the only character to tell their parent that they love them. Their relationship is up in the air but it does make sense that her mom may not pay a lot of attention to her. Nazz turns to Kevin to fill in for the missing male role from her life.
As does Kevin.
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Kevin tells Nazz to get a grip.
Even he doesn’t like this new personality change from Nazz.
Kevin and Nazz are always seen hanging out together. I think it was mentioned somewhere that Kevin moved into Peach Creak when he was a toddler. Nazz may have lived in the neighborhood her whole life. 
I head canon that Kevin and Nazz met when they were five in kindergarten and bonded over their recent parents divorcing. They’re able to relate to one another.
It’s not until later in the series where they start to have feelings for each other. They tend to be stand offish because they only have one parental figure in their lives. Nazz and Kevin are closed off from the world.
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“This rage train ain’t stoppin’ until I thump those three twerps!”
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An entire fleet of insects fly through Kevin and Nazz’s vision.
They weren’t prepared for this.
Other then Rolf, none of the kids brought any supplies.
They should have known better. Nobody knew where the Ed’s went. Nobody even told their parents if they were going to be gone over night. I wonder if this is the reason why Nazz is also angry during the swamp scene. Nazz has to take care of her due to her mother’s depression.
And do any of the kids have cell phones?
I know AKA is trying to stay away from the use of technology but nobody has a phone.
Maybe that is another reason why the Ed’s are outcasts.
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Kevin and Nazz are steered off the road destroying a peach selling stand in the process.
Finally we see something that relates to the towns name! They’re giving more insight on the Ed’s world.
We do know the origins of Peach Creek from A Town Called Ed. Eddy’s relatives discovered the land but then the deed was passed down to the Kanker’s.
Also, this was really good animation.
It’s nice to see Kevin get his comeuppance.
And the move is the most amount of times where Nazz gets hurt.
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I’ve been hesitant to write down my impressions of the total solar eclipse because I honestly don’t know how to describe it. Talking about direct experience is so difficult, there simply aren’t adequate words to convey those deep levels of sensations outside of the land of poetry. Once you insert a layer of language you’ve created a constructed distance between you and your listener. That said, I want to give it a shot because IT WAS THE MOST AWESOME EXPERIENCE EVER!
We (my bestie, C, and her hubby, P), and I set off from Longmont, Colorado at five am. Normally, it’s about a 2.5 - 3 hour drive into Wyoming, so we planned for five. It took us 4.5 hours, mostly on frontage roads along a rather crowded interstate. With more than a bit of back seat driving from P, we got to Guernsey State Park and got a nice spot. The little town of Guernsey (population 200), did such a great job! They were so helpful and kind and really seemed as if they were enjoying having 50,000 people descend on their town, lol. There were thousands of people there but it was pretty quiet. People were hiking, and adjusting their telescopes, and just hanging out. Lots of dogs.
We were on a grassy, shrubby, hilltop (mountain, I guess at 5,000 feet) so we had a great clear view from horizon to horizon. Not a cloud in the sky. That part of Wyoming is high rolling grasslands with the occasional drift of limestone buttes. Dry, spacious and beautiful, with old, brittle cottonwood trees growing alongside small creeks lost in the tall grass; everything is cast in shades of green, gold and brown. Tons of sky. The smell of chapparell was very strong; the perfume of Wyoming, pine and sage, smelling clean and sharp. I saw a newly dead cow down in a shallow ravine and a picked over dead antelope by the side of the road. In the huge valley behind us was an enormous reservoir.
We set up our little tailgate lunch/party, fiddled with our cameras, affixed our special eclipse glasses to our faces, and looked directly at the sun. I had no idea the sun looked like that! I’ve never seen an eclipse before or used those special glasses. I’ve only seen paper sculptures or computer models of the sun, you know, in school or on tv.
It was just this small orange ball in the sky, but it was comforting to see it up there, boiling away and spewing out all this fabulous, warming, life creating radiation. And because of that little nuclear reactor in the sky, all this planet and all its creatures were made possible. Amazing. A little black nibble started to form on the top right. The moon! It was ungodly black. It looked like Vanta black. In the words of Nigel Tuffnell, “there is none blacker.” The excitement started to build.
So this little nibble starts getting bigger and bigger as the moon slides across the sun. It was about at 60% totality when we started noticing there was a change in the light. There was still plenty of light, daytime feel, but there was a change in the quality. It was grayer, steelier, with an odd, coldish cast to the air. But still perfectly normal, lol.
If you were an ancient person you might think a storm was starting to brew, like the way the sky changes before a Tornado happens. At about 85% totality it started getting noticeably chillier and white people’s skin started looking jaundiced. Actually yellow. Shadows were very sharp. Colors were muted. I expected it to be like twilight, but it really wasn’t. It was and it wasn’t. It was weird and kinda neat.
The moon continued its slide until there were just a few bright white beads of light along the edge. The remaining sliver of our sun winked out. We were standing at the edge of the circular shadow of the moon as it raced across the surface of our planet at 1500 miles per hour. Seventy miles in diameter, and in one minute we’d be at the very center of that circle. It was totality!
We whipped off our glasses and looked up. Somebody had thrown a cosmic switch in the nano second between the sun winking out and me removing my glasses. Suddenly, I was standing on an alien planet looking into the sky at an alien gray/black ball of sun. That was not my sun. It was twilight, but unlike any twilight I’ve experienced anywhere on this planet. A few stars had come out.
All around the horizon it was a rosy peach color that faded up into the dark blue sky. We were looking outside the shadow of the moon to where the sun was still shining, 35 miles away. Incredible!
I had never seen anything like that before. It was astonishing. The diaphanous corona was splayed out around the sun, with a great big swath extending off to the upper right. All around me I could hear people hooting and hollering. C burst into tears. All I could do was stand there, staring, saying, “oh my god,” over and over and, strangely, laughing.
It was beautiful. It was stupendous. My heart was beating so fast! It was wonderful in a way that only the most sacred experiences in life can be. It was like sitting with my mother as she died. It was like holding my niece for the first time. It was like the moment I discovered my own goodness (long thought absent) many years ago.
I’d never been so aware of the vastness of the universe, how small we are, how organic and elemental everything is, the connectedness of everything, even unto this seemingly simple orange ball hanging in our sky, the amazing events and coincidences that have happened over countless eons so that I could stand there, aware of my own existence and what was going on around me in those precious seconds. It was humbling, awesome, invigorating and every/any other thing you could possibly think of.
All too soon, two of the shortest minutes to ever exist, it was over. The sheer speed of the universe is frightening. But before the moon began to pull away again nature had one last surprise. A jet was coursing across the sky (my bets are that it was a NASA jet chasing the eclipse), and bisected the sun at the very moment totality ended. Lots of good screaming for that one!
The moon slid off the sun, that weird switch was thrown again and we were back on planet Earth. Things had returned to normal. Our sun had returned. I can completely understand how an ancient person might have freaked the fuck out.
What an exhilarating experience! Practically exhausted, slightly sunburnt and satisfied beyond belief, we sat down.
We hung out for a while watching the sun grow stronger and then drove eight hours home in the midst of the mother of all traffic jams with half a million other people all trying to get home, getting into a spectacular fight on the way because my bestie’s husband is a completely abusive asswipe, but that’s a story for another day. We drove through Nebraska, ffs. NEBRASKA! It took me 24 hours to recover, lol.
I highly recommend to anyone if you have a chance to see a total eclipse in your lifetime, take advantage of it! I don’t know if it will change your life or cause you to reflect on the nature of Life, the Universe and Everything, but it might!
Grade A+ Thanks, cosmos! 👋🏼
ps. This is not my photo. It was going around a couple days ago and I saved it. The photographer’s name is Miloslav Druckmüller. He is considered one of the best eclipse photographers in the world. This photo was taken on the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
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wiremagazine · 6 years
By Michael W. Sasser | Photos provided by VisitDallas
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They (as probably defined by locals there) claim that everything is bigger in Texas. And while the truth of the assertion might take a little first-hand investigation, there is this: whatever your interest, exploring Dallas is a lot of fun. It might not be the capital of the state (Austin), nor the largest city in the state (Houston), nor the hipster city in the state (back to Austin). But in terms of quintessential Texas… you got it.
Cue the Dallas theme song. Admit it, you heard it in your head as soon as you read that last sentence if you are even close to old enough to remember who shot J.R.
However, cowboy – and rural – driven Dallas might have once been, today is a huge, thriving metropolis with everything one would expect from a city its size anywhere in the country. It's a driver's town, so don't expect public transportation to help you much and don't think you will be able to get around with just a map. This is one of the cities for which you will need Siri or her ilk. Drivers are fast and aggressive, it's crowded and if you aren't careful, somehow, amazingly, every road you take will get you to the airport. Yes, it's a mystery.
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But settle in somewhere nice, plan your itinerary and you are in for a Texas-size dose of entertainment. 
So, where to settle in? The glitz and glamor of the Ritz Carlton Dallas is appealing to some. More boutique if no less gorgeous is the Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek. The impossibly named  Hotel ZaZa Dallas is a full-service spa setting. The Adolphus is stylish and has long had a reputation for elegance. All of that said, Dallas has many accommodations as it does cowboy hats... well, maybe not that many. Since crossing town during high travel times can be a nightmare, the best bet is to choose somewhere close to the parts of town or attractions in which you plan to spend most of your time. Dallas is best enjoyed when one is not commuting. 
One's itinerary could be quite diverse. You could spend days exploring Dallas culture. Yes, Dallas has culture – and lots of it. The Dallas Museum of Art is spectacular, taking a full day at least to take everything in. The Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center is memorable. The same is true of Winspear Opera House. It is entirely possible to plan an entire week in Dallas around the visual and performing arts calendar. Then, for some fresh air, step out to the spectacular Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Gardens or White Rock Lake Park.
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If history is your thing, it's hard not to first consider The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, one of Texas' most visited historic sites, The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza chronicles the life, death and legacy of President John F. Kennedy. The Museum is in the former Texas School Book Depository building, from which Kennedy was shot. Let's stick with allegedly shot just to keep the peace. There are numerous related tours if you want to experience the whole route of Kennedy that dreadful day in history. Morbid? Maybe, but is also an essential Dallas experience that will impact your view of one of the most historic events in 20th century U.S. history.
All that culture and slightly creepy history might make you hungry and Dallas is a good place to have an appetite. Dallas is a lot more than Texas bbq and steaks. Oh, do understand. The bbq is legendary for a good reason – think brisket in this part of the country. And steaks? Well, those steaks you spend half a paycheck on at home in Miami, in Washington D.C. or New York. Well, search around the Dallas area – or the vicinity of most cities in the orbit of Texas – and you will find a better steak at a fraction of the price crafted by a veteran steak-maker who wastes no time also making quiche and avocado toast. Now, while you remember that, also keep in mind this is a major international city in the West – so from Mexican to Japanese to elegant dining – it's all here.
Try Tex-Mex, great ceviches, and eclectic spins at Jose. Upscale that with international influences at Tulum. Go Asian at Namo and get on the latest hipster train and indulge at the amazing Khao Noodle Shop (a must). Macellaio, a charcuterie-focused spinoff of another local favorite, offers something completely different – a terrific culinary landmark.
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For bbq, it's hard to really go wrong and the competition is fierce. Without leaving Dallas proper and in no particular order (hey, I am no fool...), think Peggy Sue BBQ, Smokey's John's Bar-B-Que (save room for the peach cobbler dessert), and the classic Mac's Bar-B-Que. There are many others, many, many others. Skip the chains and go with Nick & Sam's, Knife Dallas or Pappas Bros. Steakhouse for a nice steakhouse. Or virtually any independent for a more affordable, but more traditional steak experience. It is hard to go wrong. Serve a bad steak in Dallas and well... good luck to you...
After dinner, don't miss Dallas nightlife. It's an energetic, pulsating scene that while isn't as artsy or alternative as Austin or as cutting edge as the Coast, is not to be missed. The ample gay community in Dallas isn't as integrated as it is in Miami – there are distinct gayborhoods, at least for nightlife. Oak Lawn is the upscale district known for Cedar Springs Road, the heart of the city's gay scene. It's lined with lively bars and DJ-driven clubs, country western dancing, drag – and it comes alive particularly on weekends.
Following an eclectic itinerary and weekend nights out in Dallas, you will be well prepared to answer the whole everything is bigger in Texas thing...
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Michael W. Sasser has been a travel writer for more than 20 years, for publishers ranging from Time Out and Frommer's to Miami Herald Custom Publishing and ABARTA Media. He is author of thousands of travel stories and dozens of travel books. Reach him at [email protected].
This was originally published in Wire Magazine Issue 3.2019
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jessdunn18 · 8 years
@drfrankenhyde Dennis was a loner and had too much time on his hands. His thoughts often got the better of him. He was 6'2 pale and built like a plump ham. His parents commented on his biggest insecurities often. His father who was the shape of a tree stump would mock his weight. His mom who was like a mix of a hobit and a tomato would mock his complexion and his stature. His dark hair and eyes made everyone assume he was goth. Nope just depressed. He had a hunched posture that he only fixed when he had to serve up burgers to the ungrateful jackwads that pissed and moaned about "too much mayo" at the "sub slammer" a hoagie shop perched between a subway and a quiznos in his food court. He remembers what he thought the first time he saw the place on his 14th birthday while he was stood between his then friends Jake and Austin. "Is this some kind of a joke" However since then the subway had gotten a few too many bad health inspections. The quiznos had been taken over by sketchy people since it was the only food court area that was open 24-7 and it was virtually made uninhabitable by us normal folks.  Now he shoved out shitty knock off subs at prices that were just a dime or two under the prices and a hair or two below the quality. Literally there was a girl named libby making them whose hair was flying out like it was afraid of her scalp.
Each night Dennis went home, chucked his 4 dollar "SS" cap into the corner and perched himself in the tiny office chair in his room. A room that was meant for a 5ft nothin' highschool home coming queen. The ceilings were low the walls were beige and the door was a tone of peach only described as "Vomit". He'd sit in front of his computer searching and clicking and sometmes jacking off until his eyes were blood shot orbs of disturbed mass histeria. He watched conspiracy theory videos, he watched videos of people being blown to bits by bombs and high powered rifles. He'd go onto the 50/50 page of reddit and hope for the gruesome ones. He even winced in anger when he saw a puppy playing with bubbles once. He would usually wake up after slumping down and feeling the rush of cold drool against his chin stuble. Tonight was no different he stood up slowly and stretched making a shadow on his wall the looked like bruce baner turning into the hulk. "hah, i wish" he thought to himself.  He slumped over to his bed which was a twin. His parents really wanted a girl. He fell asleep as usually painfully heaped into a fetal shaped mess barely covered by his blankets. "God i hate this fucking room" he said and passed out. After 4 hours of something inbetween sleep and an awkward balancing act he woke up to a shouting match going on between his parents in the hall. He shook his head and stood up and hulked over to the door and looked out to see them screaming. "Dennis, will you tell your mother we are not..." "oh gee dad i'd love to bu-" *Door slam* "Fuckin' nuerotic windbags" Dennis sat back down his his chair and rubbed his eyes. He was going to give it another college try. You see he would just fuck around online at night. Trying to see shit taht would mentally scar himself. However during the day he researched ways to actively end his existence. "The sooner i'm dead the sooner these fuckers can either divorce or hate fuck and concieve the little girl they've always wanted" he coughed to clear out his throat and lungs.
"Uh...lets see here" he said talking to no one. "Suicide no pain...no mess..." he typed out those words and pressed enter. His slow computer took ages to load the results. "Oh come the fuck on..another reason to do it" he said and chuckled. "aha!" he saw the screen finish loading and a result came up that was an answer to his prayers. "...Dr. Marve for the psychiatirc college for human on human intervention invites anyone wanting assistane reaching their demise to take part in this ..." he continued reading and clicked on the link. He found a phone number and an address and walked down the street and used a pay phone so his parents wouldn't have any evidence of who was involved. They never wanted him and he didn't really think they loved him but...he new some how they'd be pissed at whoever helped him. He popped a coin into the all but rusted dial. He feverishly mashed the buttons almost missing the last seven with his burly hands.  The phone started ringing and he chewed his lip as the held the reciever to his ear. He smelled like a mix of sausage and B.O. "Uggghh now i know where the homeless sleep...uh..." just then a woman picked up. "Uhmmm...*clears his throat* ...is this Dr. Marves self end assistance office n 91124 bridgetown , washington?" "Why yes it is ,why is it that you're calling, ...?" "..well i...uh" "...just kidding we know why already just a little post post moterm humor" the woman said with a giggle and under any other circumstances this would have freaked him the fuck out. However he had called her. "uuhmmm ...anyway ..i was wondering if i could make an appointment for a consultation..I have the money ...." "Oh no its free the people who pay are the ones who apply to assist the dead" The woman said. "Oh...awesome..i mean...cool" He stammered. "Yes it is.." she said sounding almost evil. "uh..you mean this really doesn't like bug you? to work some where that helps with this sort of thing?" He asked feeling odd now about it himself. "oh no we just ask that the individuals make absolutely sure they have nothing to live for or leave behind. We don't like a lot of loose en--- i mean ...messy paperwork" She answered sounding as if she was smiling. "well thats me, i'm 22, no life, no friends,,nothing..not squat..so uhm when can i come in?" He asked getting back to the point. "walk ins are welcomed" She said seeming to soften up her odd eagerness. "great i'll be there this afternoon..bye" Dennis hung up and started walking to the bus station.
He came upon the bench which was empty. Which was good because the last thing he'd want was some old woman making small talk with him. He imagined the conversation in his head. Her asking him "where ya headed" him saying "to an appointment" and from there she'd either bore him about details about her ever present medical visits which would lead him to either rudely stare forward and ignore her or blow up in her face about how ..thankful he was about being on his way to kill himself. He saw the bus approaching and shook himself internally as to stop spacing out. He whipped out his bus pass and steped onto the bus. He got on and the bus smelled even worse than the phone reciever. Like a mix of pepper farts and garbage juice. "uggghhh now i know where the homeless fuck..." he said under his breath. He picked a seat. It was acrossed from a man wearing headphones and texting. He could make out the messages on the reflexion in the glass behind him.
"vanessa speak to me, its been two days, I know i proposed at lego land. i see that was wrong now i'm so so so so sorry.." *send noise* All Dennis could think to himself was ..glad I'm about to dodge that bullet. He smiled to himself and leaned against the back of the seat and dozed off.
He woke up to the bus jolting and him almost flying off of his seat. "Whoa shit!" he said catching himself against a somewhat sticky pleather seat. That had tears so old they now looked like old war wounds. He stood up and shook his head awake. He saw the clinic sign as he stepped off of the bus.
"Dr. Marve's, Where we make life complete" He rolled his eyes and began walking toward the door. The cliinic was a little hole in the wall. He looked like it used to be a chinese restaurant or something. It barely seemed big enough to do any kind of medical shit. He got closer to the door and looked the place up the down. "Hmm, guess this is as good a place as any to die" he shrugged and reached for the door handle. It creeked and he felt goosebumps rise up on his arms. "Christ!" he said he steped inside and a blinding light sent his pupils into spasms. His vision got a bit blurry "Oh shi-" he said blinking quickly so his eyes were adjust as the door shut behind him. "Welcome, can i have your name and why you want to die" he heard as his eyes regained focus. He recognized the voice from the phone. "Hi, I'm Dennis, people used to call me Denny, my dad calls me Denise!" He said sarcastically and walked up to the counter. "And why do you want to die?" The woman said a small smile that looked painted on stuck fast on her face. "A lot of reason, I'm overweight, my parents resent me, i have no friends, i work in the food court and i can't even make a pastrami on rye right..." he was cut off by the womans interuption. "no no...the most poinient reasoning, ...like...for instance if you were struggling with your sexuality, if you were in some kind of horrible chronic pain, if you were terminally ill and afraid that it would get worse, multiple personality disorder, someones threatened to kill you or maybe multiple someones and you wanna beat them to the punch" she said making a small punching motion inward like friends do in cheesy buddy movies as she smiled at him and tilted her head. "The fuck..? No...i just hate my life, ...don't peopl ever come in here wanting to die for that reason?" He asked almost becoming angry. "Yes...and some of this back out..and we like no mess as i've told you ...so i was just making sure..." she spat back at him and then looked down at some paperwork. "now....uhm lets see here the doctor can see you...." she paused for what felt lie 20 minutes. "Now...." she said perking back up and smiling at him. "...right through that door". She pointed at a large steel door that looked like something out of a psyche ward. "uh..thanks.." Dennis thanked her timidly and started lurching over to the door. There was no hint as to what was behind it...there was a small window but it was boarded up. Whiched seemed more than a little sketchy but Dennis didn't care. He was tired of being alive. He had been depressed and sad and emotionally devoid for too long. He lacked any kind of motivation or want or need out of life. He had nothing to lose and nothing to want. So he oppened the door and thank god it didn't screech at him and there were no blinding lights. Just a sign that said "don't touch wet paint." the sign looked old. He found a door that said "Dr. Marve" He knocked softly. "Uh..doc ya in there" He said feeling his voice crack and realizing how dry his mouth was. "One second suzanne..." he heard from behind the door and a few foot steps later and he was face to face with a man who didn't look like the kind of guy you'd think would want to end lives for a living. "Hello, you must be the young man who called earlier" he said smilng. "i spoke to your receptionists tho-" Dennis started. "i have all the phones tapped, so uhm..whats was your prefered method of...Danny..?" the Doctor asked him. "Its Denny...can i come in or...?" He asked. "Oh yes sure..." the Doctor said and leaped out of the way and two stepped back to his desk and sat down. Come take a seat. "Okay..." Dennis sat down and looked around. "Are you sure you are the right doctor, i mean you don't seem like the kind of person who wants to help people kill themselves" Denny said the doubt showing up in his voice. "What makes ya say that, is it cause i'm a doctor, aren't doctors meant to end suffering, life is suffering so by helping people end their lives i'm ending the leading cause of suffering" Dr. Marve said seeming a bit annoyed but stil too chipper for Dennis's liking. "hmm...Okay..ya talked me into it...You asked me my prefered method...what do you recommend?" Dennis asked sitting back and relaxing a bit in the chair.
Dr. Marve looked puzzled and also sat back in his chair. He spun around and looked out the window. "Well, that depends, Denny,...do you want pazazz and bang or something quiet...do you want a rush...or something small.." he slowly started turning back around. "..do you want TO BE COMPLETELY OBLITERATED ...OR DONATE THAT SLAB OF FLESH YOU CALL YOU TO SCIENCE?" He said finishing off yelling in Dennys face. Dennis didn't even flinch. "Doc, look i'm starting to think this place isn't legit. Between you and better bozo out there i'd swear this fucking place isn't an office or medical clinic at all, but just you and some bitch who escaped the psyche ward and wanna freak people out" He finished what he was saying and began playing with a loose piece of rubber on the sole of his shoe. Dr. Marve sat back down and brushed the small wrinkled out of his shirt.  "no no...i could see where you'd get that idea but no...i just like to get someons blood pumping one last time before it stops, now...how do you want to die?" He asked again this time quietly but looking Dennis straight in the eyes. He pulled out a syringe and walked over to Dennis. "what the hell are you gonna do with that?" Dennis said tensing up in his chair. "nothing...unless you want me too" The doctor placed the syringe on his desk and leaned on the edge of the desk with his arms crossed. "Hell, i'll even leave and you can do it." He said nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders before walking back to his chair. "okay. I wanna be put down in a decent way. I'll take the injection..but i'm a big dude make sure you've got enough to do the job there doc." Dennis said and pulled up his T-shirt sleeve. "oh it'll do the job." The doc said and picked up the syringe and walked over to Dennis and pushed it into his upper forearm. After that the doctor tossed the syringe in a plastic binned marked "sharps".  At first Dennis didn't feel much. Then he felt his fingers and toes going numb. He felt his nose twitch. He wasn't feeling pain. He felt like he was falling asleep sort of but one of those hidden sleeps. Like you're tired but not tired enough to admit it and before you know it you're waking up and its morning. Dennis felt his mind become less aware which was probably a blessing. He looked around the room one last time the walls were turning into jello and Dr. Marve was knealing down to check his pulse. "Almost there"...He felt nothing and it seemed over. Everything went black and he thought  "so this must be death...Theres a whole lotta nothing"..he said in that dark emptyness for what felt like days. Just then something felt jagged...he could feel himself again. "Damnit, i went to hell...i was afraid of this..." He could hear voices...and he could smell chemicals and feel something like against his skin. Just then it hit him. "i'm not dead..I told them that little syringe full of shit wouldn't do the trick" He was alive but he couldn't open his eyes..he wasn't breathing. Just then he woke up...He was strapped to a bed...He was stuck there. He could feel his head getting foggier. He was losing his memories, his thoughts, his feelngs, his friends, his family, he felt panicked and then all of a sudden he couldn't feel anything. He couldn't remember who he was. "Denny boy!, how is my little patient?" Dr. Marve said walking over in a white lab coat that was covered in God knows what. "whose Denny?" he answered. "Well, my friend, you were,..you wanted to die...i'm sorry, Denny wanted to die..so we killed him, Now you can be whoever you want" Dr. Marve said smiling. "...who are you?" He asked. "i'm a miracle worker, and about to be bloody stinkin rich!"  Dr. Marve exclaimed.   "Are you sure about this Marve, are you sure no ones gonna come looking for him like they did the others?" Suzzane the receptionist asked a hint of sadness and desperation hanging in her words. "Don't be silly, he's just some kid...we'll let him lose and he'll be found by the authorities wondering around Zoosky park in his socks and boxers and they'll take him home where he'll have a new life where everyone loves him cause they've missed him." Dr. Marve said now sounding as if he was desperate to believe his own bullshit. "but he won't be him, not...not after this" she said panicking. "Thats what he wanted, Denny wanted to die, he's dead now, and now ...whoever this sap becomes next will be much happier you'll see." The doctor said stripping off his lab coat and putting on his regular coat and hat and grabbing his briefcase. "you're just gonna leave him here?" Suzzane said looking at Denny's body and stroking his face.   "no we are, now come with me toots we've got plans to make!" He boasted and grabbed Suzzane by the wrist and pulled her out the door. She watched as the empty minded man strapped to the slab dozed off again. She hoped desperately that some of his memories would reform while there were out.
The next day Dennys body awoke and was now free of its restraints. Suzanne was standing over him with a smile. She rubbed his hand. "welcome back Denny, ...how was your nap?" she asked. "Denny,...is that me?" the person asked sounding less sedated and loopy. "Uhm...it was...., do you remember anything..?" She asked him. "I remember a needle...and darkness...and .." He looked up to the ceilng. "low ceilings" He blinked and smiled subtly.  "But our ceilings are 12 ft high...?" Suzanne said feeling puzzled.
She handed him an sausage egg mcmuffin, Denny had hated eggs but she didn't know that.  "Here i got something for you to eat just cause you don't remember food doesn't mean you shouldn't eat some."  He took a bite and made a face...and then stared straight ahead for a few seconds.   "what, what did you feel, ..or see?" She looked deep into his eyes...watching his pupils shift. He started blinking fast and spat the bite he had taken into a napkin. "why'd ya burn the eggs mah?" he said and looked irritated. "I'm not your mother..." she said and realized he could remember small things. She smiled but vowed not to tell the Doctor.
The man stood up and took baby steps around the room. He walked over to the mirror and looked in it. He tilted his eyebrows up and smiled.  "Do...ya...uhm... do you remember yourself?" The woman asked.  "Myself, ...thats me?" he said lookng at Suzanne then back at himself and mussing his hair up.   "Yes, you came in here...and wanted our help and now..you...dont' remember yourself..or anything" She said as her shoulder slumped as she walked up to Bennys body.    "Why did i need your help?" he asked.    "you were...uhm..sad and unhappy..and now you can't remember why so i guess that's a plus" she said nearly cryiing.  "It'll be okay" he said and hugged her.    "How did you know to hug me?" she asked confused.    "i don't know i must have seen it somewhere" The large man looked confused.    "...so it does remember.." she said stroking her chin.    "who is it?" Dennis asked.     "..uh...nothiing....yet" she said looking him up and down. She walked out of the room and came back in with a pencil and paper and wrote down the alphabet.  She held it up in front of him.
"Do you remember any of this?" She said. "Well, Duh, Those are letters, do you have anything besides eggs...i'd rather have pizza" He said. "Yeah i'll go get some pizza you go rest  uhm...i'll be back" she said and sped off out the door lockng it behiind her. She hopped in her car and all the way to the pizza place she was smiling and thinking "shit shit fuck" at the same tme.    She began talking to herself in the middle of traffic. "if he remembers somethings he might remember and be mad, but this is a breakthrough, if it worked...if it doesn't he could end up brain damaged in a week in Zoosk park lke Marve said...but no..shit...Suzzane you've gotta help him" she said and shook herself out of her conversation. She parked and ran in to grab two slice of pepperoni pizza, she paid with a $10 and said keep the change. As she charged back to the car she noticed a couple walking in and over heard their conversation.
"No Drew, he wouldn't just take off like that I know my Denny" The woman collapsed into the mans arms crying loudly. "There there Amy, We'll find him...He probably just passed out on the bus and ended up out of town at Rodgers again"
She watched them enter the pizza shop and sped off in her jeep back to the small clinic. She pulled around back and entered through the lab doors. She walked in to find Dr. Marve waiting with a tablet watching Denny's vitals.
"Oooh for me?" He said grinning. "uhm...no i got it for him..you can have the left over egg mcmuffin overthere though" She said smuggly and walked over and nudged Denny. "He won't wake up what did you do?" She said putting the pizza on a stand. "I'm fixing him, thats what he came here for so thats what i'm going to do!" He said. "You know he's sort of remembering things, and if we can trigger the good memories and keep him from  remembering the bad long enough, he won't have pain attached to them anymore" She said trying not to sound bossy. "That wasn't the plan Suzanne, we were meant to find them a living host, someone who was alive but mentally empty who they could toy with for a bit." The doctor sad almost screaming. "Why not try someone with dementia or something inoperable" She stammered. "Because we need someone young and strong not some brittle old cow with dead brain cells this could be a breakthrough in mind control, it could lead to incredible things Suzie!" He said sounding like a mad scientist. "Don't call me Suzie, I haven't been Suzie since August when you..." she stopped and started scratching intently at her arm.  "Cured you?" He said trying to prove a point.  "You didn't cure shit, i felt empty with those memories, but at least i knew why i felt empty now...i feel nothing...!" she screamed and collapsed in tears. Just then Dennis woke up.  "Why is she crying?" He asked looking slightly mad.  "why do you care you don't even know anything" The doctor said scoffing at his unfunny remark.   "I know enough" Dennis said. Just then he shoved the doctor out of the way and onto a syringe of his solution. He knealt down and looked at Suzanne she was scratching a gash into her forearm. "why are you doing this?" He said pull her hand away and covering her arm with his other hand.     "because i had memories that hurt me...and he took mine,...and sometimes i wish i could remember, and when i can't i just..." she fidgetted trying to reach back and start again.      "No.." He stood up holding her wrists and looking her in the eyes. "i'll help" he hugged her and they both heard the Doctor fall over with a thud.     "Ill help you too." She said and sniffled while she wiped the tears away. The both took a slice of pizza and ate it. Then they lifted the doctor onto the stretcher and strapped him in.
A little back story on suzanne. She was sexually abused as a girl. Her parents left her for dead and the Doctor found her when she was a teen. He tricked her into having the percedure. He reconsidered it for a bit and then thought it would work out better on a male brain. She can't remember the abuse but there is still sadness and pain. Baseless pain and shame...without her minds ability to explain and so she does the scratching thing as a coping mechanism and reaactionary impulse. PTSD without any understandable trauma so the brain must create some kind of trauma or prompt the body to do so.
The walked out locking the door behind them. Suzanne and Dennis got into her car. He hit his head on the arch of the car door. "Yee-ouch damnit happens every time, fuck!" He shook his head and then looked around. "Where am i?, Where's Doc. Marve? Why am i not dead?" He said looking straight into Suzannes eyes, then down at her arm. "Oh god,,..Did i do that to you...f i did i'm sorry i didn't know what that syringe had in iti knew...i shouldn't have let him do...thi-" she put her hand over his mouth. She looked him dead in the eyes. "Stop, you're panicking, Dr. Marve attempted to wipe most of your memories. I dont know how much you remember but i've been trying to revive whats left of your memories...he originally was going to wipe your brain like a harddrive and sell you to some people who were going to use you and mind control you to do bad things Dennis" She said and pulled her hand away. "please call me Denny" He said and looked confused at himself. "do you remember the names Amy and Drew?"She said slowly. "uhm...Amy is...uhm.." He started stuttering and winced hard and was visibly in pain and laid flat against the cramped carseat. "whats ...wha---" Suzanne looked at him feeling horrible. "...she's my mom" he said smiling. "Yes!" Suzanne said starting her car. "Do you know a Drew?" She asked unsure of the result. "i think he's my dad..." He said sounding shakey. "yes!, i saw them and overheard them talking about you at the pizza place i wasn't sure until just now that you were the Denny they were talking about but now i know. I want to take you home to them, they miss you, my parents didn't love me, and in a way i know Dr. Marve saved my life back then but ...i can't remember anything and i only stay with him because i'm scared. its all i know" She said welling up and swallowing hard. "But you're not a little kid you're a grown woman, ...surely you want to do something else" Dennis said as they pulled out of the parking lot and went off to the pizza shop hoping they would catch his parents.
After about 5 minutes they reached the redlight before the pizza shop and A green Subaru was pulling out and Dennis saw it and it triggered his brain. "Thats my parents car!" The light turned green and they pulled out and followed the car until it reached the police station. It pulled in and they followed. After they did Dennys dad go out and walked up to Suzannes car as his mother walked into the police station. "what the he--whaaa...is that...?" he saw Dennis sat there in the passenger seat. "Dad?..." Denny said confused. "what do you mean. Dad?... of course i am come here!" he walked over to give him a hug.   "I think you're my dad, so i'll hug you" Denny said and hugged him. "He thinks, what did you do?" Drew said looking angrily at Suzanne. "I need to tell you and you're not going to believe a word but the man responsible did  the same thing to me only i don't remember anything. Your son still remembers you. The truth will be hard to hear but i save him and brought him to you and he's slowly starting to remember things. He came to the clinic i no longer work for as of today. He came in yesterday he wanted to die. He was tricked into thinking we offered assisted suicides. The man responsible attempted to wipe your sons memory  it didn't work. If it had he'd be having his mnd controlled by someone else right now." She said breaking down into tears. "We gotta tell the cops and take them and go get this fucker!" His dad said. "I know exactly where he is too but we gotta hurry!".
Drew, Denny and Suzanne walked into the police station and poured their guts.  At first the police didn't believe Suzanne until she was fingerprinted and just as she was about to be questioned her finger prints came back. She hadn't been left for dead. Her parents hadn't left her for dead in fact they had been looking for her all this tme. Her parents were contacted as Suzanne told the cops where the man who she now knew had sexually assaulted and kidnapped her was located her parents were contacted.
Denny was reintroduced to his parents, and himself. He learned to appreciate life. His mind was never quite the same though. He now is the manager of the Sub Slammer and invents knew kinds of sandwiches every month.
Suzanne is starting to remember things. Just not the bad parts.
Dr. Marve had his medical license revoked.. 20 yrs ago and is now serving extensive time in a psych ward where they do experiments on him to figure out whats wrong with his brain.
I know the ending wasn't a dark as you may have thought it would be but i hope its still good none the less.
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