#fashion souls
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tarnussy · 5 months ago
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Silver & blue
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totallytoby22 · 11 months ago
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im not apart of the dark souls community I have never played in my life but my brother is so (he held me at sword point)
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thequeenofthestorm · 6 months ago
How to Use D&D to Make Elden Bling
Part Two is out now! Read it here!
So, I'm sure that my post title doesn't make too much sense, but let me explain myself. So, in D&D there are 12 different types of armor. Three of them are light, five of them are medium, and four of them are heavy. These armor types (plus one more for unarmored) can be used to categorize all Elden Ring clothing and armor, which is what I've used in the past to help me make better fashion. Now, this doesn't fully correlate with weight, although there is a pretty decent trend with heavier kinds of D&D armor being heavier in Elden Ring. Elden Ring has its own separations of armor categories, which I've decided to label as unarmored, robes, ultra light, very light, light, light medium, medium, heavy, very heavy, ultra heavy, and oversized. These are all fairly explanatory, and I mainly bring them up here for categorization purposes later on.
What Are the D&D Armor Types?
Alright, so now that we've talked about the categories, what are each of the D&D armor classes? What do they look like? What is used to distinguish it from other armor types? WHAT THE HELL IS SPLINT? Etc. etc. We'll go over them from lightest to heaviest below.
Padded is the lightest of the twelve armor types: just featuring layers of quilted cloth. This is primarily known as gambeson, and almost looks like a quilt version of one of those blanket hoodies when thick enough. It will keep you alive more than clothing, but not much more. Arrows will still tear through, as well as things like spears of just a sharp sword if the armor is thin enough.
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The armor of rogues and other edgy folk everywhere: this is one of the more popular kinds of armor in D&D. It's just some simple boiled leather, typically fastened into a breastplate. According to roll20, aside from the breastplate the rest of the armor tends to be made of more flexible materials, which can be kind of true, but there's probably a little more than that: with maybe some greaves or forearm protection. Of course, most of your joints are likely going to have fairly breathable materials so that you can move, but you'd be able to get away with the same amount of leather that you would steel on, say, half plate (which I'll get into later)
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Studded Leather
Ok so like apparently this armor never really existed, which I'm not super surprised about. Like, it's just leather with metal studs to help with sturdiness. Not gonna bother talking much about this one
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Ok so we're now in the medium armors. I'll be honest, this feels like it should be under the light armors, but fur and animal hide is heavy so whatever. But yeah, it's armor made by thick animal furs and pelts. Think the kind of stuff that barbarians wear.
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Chain Shirt
Made from interlocking rings, it's just chainmail in shirt form. None or only very little of the arm or leg protection, just the torso.
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Scale Mail
You take a fish and make it into armor. I kid, but that's what it looks like. You take a bunch of metal scales and overlap them on each other. This set tends to mainly just be a coat with maybe greaves, according to roll20.
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A breastplate, cuirass, or whatever you want to call it is very simple: a sheet of metal to cover your torso, with not much else. It's usually not JUST the torso covering (also known as the cuirass), and it may have some pauldrons and tassets, but not much else.
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Half Plate
This is, in my opinion, the most confusing type of armor. According to roll20, it's interlocking plates that cover most of the wearers body, but with only simple greaves. That sounds simple on paper, but it always just sounded too much like plate, until I got this description from online. I unfortunately don't remember where this was, but half plate was described as a "best hits" compilation of full plate armor, which makes sense. Simple shin or thigh protection, a full breastplate with elbow and knee plates, and leather or possibly steel gauntlets.
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Ring Mail
If you've ever played Skyrim: this is what the executioner in Helgen wears. It's a suit of cloth or leather that has rings put on top to help shake off sword or axe blows. It's inferior to chainmail armor (and hell probably half plate as well) but it's not bad. I feel like this should be the heaviest medium set instead of half plate, and that half plate should be the lightest heavy set, but I'm not from WotC and don't have some large following so my opinion doesn't matter much lol.
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Chain Mail
Remember that chain shirt of interlocking metal rings we talked about earlier? Yeah, now make it into a full set of armor. Think the crusaders and a lighter armored paladin (as the heavier ones tend to go for plate). Some historical vikings wore chainmail as well!
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Splint is probably the second weirdest armor behind half plate, but it's not super weird to visualize. Take long steel strips and bolt them on top of leather armor. Some types of splint could be brigandine or lamellar armor. I also think of roman legionnaire armor as a lighter form of splint
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Alright, the heaviest suit of armor, and is by far the easiest to visualize as it's so damn customizable. It's the knight in shining armor archetype, the tin man made into armor, etc. etc. Paladins wear it. Fighters wear it. Plate armor is wonderful. You can wear robes over it or even other light armor as long as it's not gonna make you boil in the weather! Also, roll20 states that the boots are normally leather, but it kind of depends tbh. I typically think of plated sabatons, but shorter leather boots work well too!
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Which Elden Ring Armor is Which?
So now that we have a basic understanding of each type of armor, we can now sort the Elden Ring armors into each of these thirteen types of clothing (the twelve types + unarmored). This isn't going to be going over non-set armor, as I'll be honest there is enough armor to go through already. Next to each armor set, I will also show the Elden Ring weight class. This can help if you, say, want to put together a heavy set of leather armor, or if you want to take pieces of plate armor that may be lighter in order to cut down on weight (because the plate armor can get quite light in some cases). I'll stop rambling and just show each armor class now lol. I was going to add images, but I've run out of images I can put on here lol.
Clothing, Most Mage Robes, Lightly Armored Sets with No Fitting Category, ETC.
Alberich's - Robes
Aristocrat - Unarmored
Astrologer - Robes
Azur's Glintstone - Robes
Battlemage - Robes
Bloodsoaked - Unarmored
Blue Festive - Unarmored
Champion (Kind of - It just doesn't have enough armor to go anywhere) - Light
Commoner's - Unarmored
Consort's - Ultra Light
Duelist - Light
Errant Sorcerer - Robe
Festive - Unarmored
Fia's - Robes
Finger Maiden - Robes
House Marais - Very Light
Godskin Apostle - Ultra Light
Goldmask's - Robes
Guardian Garb - Unarmored
Guilty - Unarmored
High Page - Unarmored
Juvenile Scholar - Robes
Lazuli Sorcerer - Robes
Lusat's - Robes
Malenia's - Medium
Mushroom - Unarmored
Noble's - Very Light
Old Aristocrat - Set
Page - Unarmored
Perfumer - Ultra Light
Preceptor's - Robes
Prisoner - Unarmored
Prophet - Robes
Queen of the Full Moon - Robes
Raya Lucarian Sorcerer - Robes
Ronin's - Medium
Rotten Duelist - Light
Ruler's - Ultra Light
Sage - Robes
Sanguine Noble - Ultra Light
Snow Witch - Robes
Spellblade - Robes
Traveler's - Unarmored
Traveling Maiden - Robes
War Surgeon - Very Light
Ansbach's - Ultra Light
Ascetics - Light
Dancer's - Very Light
Dane's - Robes
High Priest - Robes
Hornsent - Unarmored
Thiollier's - Very Light
Gambeson and Particularly Thick Cloth
Depraved Perfumer - Ultra Light
Godrick Foot Soldier - Light
Haligtree Foot Soldier - Light
Highwayman - Light
Godskin Noble - Ultra Light
Leyndell Foot Soldier - Light
Mausoleum Foot Soldier - Light
Omenkiller - Very Light
Perfumer Traveler's - Ultra Light
Radahn Foot Soldier - Light
Raya Lucarian Foot Soldier - Light
Common Soldier - Light
Shadow Militiaman - Light
Armor Made Of... Leather...
Bandit - Very Light
Blue Cloth - Very Light
Confessor - Very Light
Leather - Very Light
Raptor's - Very Light
Highland Warrior - Light
Studded Leather
Leather Armor With Those Tiny LEGO Bricks
Vulgar Militia - Light
Yes, that is it. The Nox sets MAY fit here, but they look more like a brass-tinted metal than leather to me. You can get away with them, though
Armor Made of Thick Animal Furs and Pelts
Fur - Ultra Light
Shaman - Ultra Light
Iron Rivet (Look I just wanted a third set here, ok?) - Light
Chain Shirt
Shirt Made of Interlocking Rings
Albinauric - Light Medium (Not confirmed as I have the game closed while writing this and isn't considered a set in my full item checklist apparently)
Drake Knight - Very Heavy (Could also go under chainmail or half plate)
Godrick Soldier - Light Medium
Haligtree Soldier - Light Medium
Leyndell Soldier - Light Medium
Mausoleum Soldier - Light Medium
Nomadic Merchant's - Very Light
Radahn Soldier - Light Medium
Raya Lucarian Soldier - Light Medium
Messmer Soldier - Light Medium
Scale Mail
Armor of Metal "Fish Scales"
Black Knife - Medium
Exile - Medium
Iron - Medium
Kaiden - Medium
Night Maiden - Light
Nox Monk - Light
Nox Swordstress - Light
Messmer's - Medium
A Fitted Metal Chestplate, Without Much Extra Protection
Eccentric - Medium
Elden Lord - Medium
Marionette Soldier - Medium
Zamor - Medium
Divine Beast - Heavy
Divine Bird - Heavy
Freyja's - Medium
Gravebird - Very Light
Igon's - Light
Half Plate
The "Greatest Hits" of the Superior Plate Armor. High Torso Protection with Moderate Limb Protection
Blackflame Monk - Medium
Blaidd's - Very Heavy
Bloodhound Knight - Heavy
Carian Knight - Heavy
Fire Monk - Medium
General Radahn - Ultra Heavy
Raging Wolf - Very Heavy
Scaled - Ultra Heavy
Death Knight (Can work with chainmail as well) - Heavy
Horned Warrior - Heavy
Oathseeker Knight - Very Heavy
Young Lion's - Ultra Heavy
Ring Mail
There's no ring mail sets, so I'm just gonna move on without the quick one-two sentence subtitle
Chain Mail
A Suit of Interlocking Metal Rings
Blue Silver - Medium
Briar - Very Heavy
Chain - Light Medium
Metal Strips Riveted Onto a Leather Backing
Land of Reeds - Medium
White Reed - Medium
Gaius's - Ultra Heavy
Full-Body Coverings Made with Shaped, Interlocking Metal Plates
All-Knowing - Very Heavy
Banished Knight - Ultra Heavy
Beast Champion - Ultra Heavy
Bull-Goat - Oversized
Cleanrot - Heavy
Crucible Axe - Ultra Heavy
Crucible Tree - Ultra Heavy
Cuckoo Knight - Heavy
Fingerprint - Very Heavy
Fire Prelate - Oversized
Gelmir Knight - Heavy
Godrick Knight - Heavy
Haligtree knight - Heavy
Hoslow's - Very Heavy
Knight - Heavy
Leyndell Knight - Heavy
Lionel's - Oversized
Malformed Dragon - Ultra Heavy
Maliketh's (Can fit scaled as well) - Very Heavy
Mausoleum Knight - Heavy
Night's Cavalry - Ultra Heavy
Omen - Oversized
Redmane Knight - Heavy
Royal Knight - Very Heavy
Royal Remains - Very Heavy
Tree Sentinel - Ultra Heavy
Twinned Set - Very Heavy
Vagabond Knight - Heavy
Veteran's - Ultra Heavy
Black Knight - Heavy
Fire Knight - Heavy
Night - Medium
Rakshasa - Very Heavy
Rellana's - Very Heavy
Solitude - Ultra Heavy
Verdigris - Oversized
Aaaaaaand that should be it! I may've forgotten a set or two since I'm writing this at 0230, but I got the majority of them done. If this post gets enough eyes on it, I want to do a follow-up post or two with what I couldn't include in this post. I want to show fashion that pertains to each of the thirteen categories, explain ways to use items in different categories to make items in different categories (for example, using a robe over plate armor pieces to make plate armor with a much lighter weight), and show every one of my current characters while explaining what armor category I think they fall into. Hopefully this was entertaining enough to read, but to be fair if you're all the way down here you (may've) read it all, so thanks! :D
Ok yeah I'm gonna go to sleep now. This has been Rachel; y'all have a night lol
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fromsoftbosspoll · 2 years ago
Intermission Poll
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brightlydust · 2 years ago
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🌖Carian Family Drip🌔
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arteriasalad · 4 months ago
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My mushroom outfit collection
1. mushroom head, godskin apostle robe, spellblade’s gloves, battlemage legwraps (weapon: ghiza’s wheel)
2. lionel’s helm, mushroom body, perfumer gloves, black knight greaves (weapon: helphen’s steeple)
3. shining horned headband, gravekeeper cloak, zamor bracelets, mushroom legs
4. vulgar militia helm, fell omen cloak, zamor bracelets, mushroom legs
5. mushroom crown, goldmask’s rags, briar gauntlets, omen greaves (weapon: antspur rapier, winged greathorn)
6. iron kasa, mushroom arms, messmer’s armor, hoslow’s greaves (weapon: dragonscale blade, rivers of blood, antspur rapier)
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nightmaresyrup · 2 years ago
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FOUL TARNISHED! Gelmir Knight armor(altered) fits well with confessor hood.
I keep a reduvia sidearm just in case the boss has a teeny tiny health left and mercilessly spams their hard to dodge attacks.
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natdafat · 6 months ago
So 2 things about my elden ring playstyle for both pvp and pve.
1) I love using large slow moving hard hitting weapons (so mainly strength weapons)
2) As I've played more, I've begun to view armour less about its stats and more how it looks.
(Which is bad technically as if you use the type of weapons I like for pvp, you have to make sure you can poise through attacks)
Anyway, here are but a small selection of the armour fashion I currently use
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(Each uses a different weapon,gotta make sure the weapon goes with the armour as well)
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tenderlambkin · 7 months ago
Damn Fromsoft was BAKING
There's a whole bakery here
And that's not even getting into the rest of the armor! Iron Rivet, Gravebird, & Ascetic sets:
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Dancer dress (and altered version):
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And the snatched waist on Thiollier & Fire Knight set? Yes, please.
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bettydice · 7 months ago
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the thing I most care about in this DLC
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tarnussy · 7 months ago
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Gravebird's Blackquill Armor
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thequeenofthestorm · 6 months ago
D&D Armor in Elden Ring
A Fashion Showcase & Advice
Read Part One here
Hello! It's me again... already. Yeah I should just make these videos instead of rambling on Tumblr about them. Would you guys watch these as videos? I'm not making much content on my YouTube channel anyway. I can decide that later. Anyways, if you read my post from last night, you would know that I use the twelve different D&D armor types to make my character designs in Elden Ring. Well, I want to go over some different designs I've put together for each of the armor types. I want to use this to show some inspiration to those of you who may not know where to start, and to help show some techniques you can use to make characters with even the lowest endurance wear what looks like plate armor without going overloaded! :D
Before we get into it, I want to introduce our model. This is Tempest:
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She's a copy of my original 100% playthrough that I used for my first DLC playthrough. As such, she has the most DLC armor of all of my characters, so she'll be our model for today! As one last little thing: if you haven't you should totally try other races rather than just standard humans for your tarnished! I've got a half wolf for example. I also have one who lives in death, multiple nightfolk, and Tempest here is a Draconian! It can be a fun way to tie your build to your character's design. Without further ado, let's get into it: starting with padded and ending at plate. We, of course, don't need to do unarmored because I'm sure you know how to do clothing. The image descriptions will have the pieces in each armor set, as well as their Elden Ring weight class (unarmored, robes, ultra light, very light, light, light medium, medium, heavy, very heavy, ultra heavy, and oversized)
Gambeson and Particularly Thick Cloth
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Armor Made Of... Leather...
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Studded Leather
Leather Armor With Those Tiny LEGO Bricks
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Due to there only being one studded leather set, this is the only example I made.
Armor Made of Thick Animal Furs and Pelts
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Chain Shirt
Shirt Made of Interlocking Rings
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Alright, so if you read my last post you're likely looking at the right set a little weirdly. I've been deliberately using chestpieces from the lists of armor in each type until now, so why did I use a suit of armor from full chainmail (briar) for the chain shirt. Well, if it wasn't already obvious, it's because it still LOOKS like a chain shirt when used in this context. The lists are great for full sets, but it gets a lot more nuanced when you start making your own sets. As you'll see throughout a few more types of armor, I'll be trying to use chest armor that's not in the same category I'm building for. Thinking outside of the box a little really helps, as the armor on the right fits for a Raya Lucarian Battlemage with the coloring and the mask, while also being heavier than the armor on the left.
Scale Mail
Armor of Metal "Fish Scales"
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A Fitted Metal Chestplate, Without Much Extra Protection
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As with the chain shirt, this set's right outfit is using a chestpiece from outside the breastplate category. As with the chain shirt as well, this is to show that you can use sets from other categories to make armor of a desired type. For example, here we used the bloodhound knight chestpiece, which is half plate, but basically any suit of half plate or even full plate can be combined with some light greaves and gloves to make a breastplate with higher defenses! :D
Half Plate
The "Greatest Hits" of the Superior Plate Armor. High Torso Protection with Moderate Limb Protection.
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Just like with the breastplate, I used a heavier chestpiece to make the armor on the right. This time, it's a full plate set of armor to make half plate. Just change out the legs for something with only about half of the legs protected, and you can make the gauntlets lighter too without compromising the type of armor.
Ring Mail
Armor made of large rings on a leather backing
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You need to get very creative to make ring mail, and use armor that can be mistaken for ring mail. There's no ring mail in the game, so I used the shadow militiaman chestpiece for this, as even I'd mistaken it for ring mail originally when writing my first post on this topic.
Chain Mail
A Suit of Interlocking Metal Rings
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So you'll notice that neither of these sets use one of the three chain armor sets in their chestpieces. For the left armor set, it's because the surcoats are individual pieces of armor, which I didn't sort in my last post. For the right, I used the common soldier cloth armor as a tabard, in a similar way the surcoats are used. With the way the armor is laid out, it's implied that chainmail is under the cloth.
Metal Strips Riveted Onto a Leather Backing
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I'll be honest, the Gaius one was a challenge on my part. Gaius's chestpiece kinda sucks to work with lol
Full-Body Coverings Made with Shaped, Interlocking Metal Plates
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Those two armor sets above use chestpieces (and just primarily armor) from the plate armor category. I want to show below two examples where I use robes to make the illusion of plate armor
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Both of these use armor in the first two sections to make armor that gives the illusion of plate armor while being significantly lighter. Sure, you lose out on the poise and defense that a plate cuirass offers, but you still get more defense than if you built an unarmored setup using these. This same technique can be used for basically any armor type, but it tends to have the most effect with plate and chainmail. As a quick tip from me before I wrap this up as well, use Blaidd's or the Young Lion's gauntlets to make plated armor even when the sleeves roll up on the robes you're using, as they have enough reach to hide the majority of your skin. This works even better when playing as a draconian, nightfolk, etc. due to their dark skin tones. I betcha didn't even notice the back part of Tempest's forearm sticking out of the armor on the left.
Welp, I hope that read wasn't nearly as long for you as the last one. If you want to see the first post, click here to see it! I hope to make one last part to show the fashion of all of my characters, which totals to roughly 16. I want to show their armor and explain what type of armor I think they're wearing and why. Just like this post, it'll also contain the armor pieces used for each one in the image descriptions! If you made it here, thank you so much for reading. This time, I WON'T be getting sleep because it's only 1525 and I have the rest of the day ahead of me, but I'll probably relax and play Elden Ring while I wait to see what the feedback is here! Goodbye :D
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sillovn · 9 months ago
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Some experiments with solid colour fashion. Taking the cape off various knight armors exposes the tabard under.
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royaltea000 · 1 year ago
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Damn I ain’t never drawn this bitch in the same outfit twice :/
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eldenseal · 7 months ago
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new fit !! i love it
I'm wearing: GreatJar Ascetics Loincloth Messmers Gauntlets Freyjas Greaves
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torson · 8 months ago
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Progression of my Elden Ring characters fashion throughout my mage playthrough from beginning to end game.
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