#fashion copywriter
subversivestyle · 2 years
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godwantsit · 1 year
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
are you concerned about the impact of chatgpt on your chosen career path for copywriting?
Hi love! Good question.
I think, as an industry, the answer is yes and no. I believe ChatGPT will eliminate a considerable amount of work for filler content that brands use to build up an index or to meet a certain work volume quota. Low-paying copywriting gigs will likely be few and far between if AI can write them just as well.
However, high-quality copywriting involves a lot of creative strategy planning, research, thoughtful & tailored word choice, formatting, SEO-optimizing strategies, and cross-platform strategies, etc., which simply cannot be replicated. There's no automatic replacement for human creativity. So, if a brand, person, or large corporation wants its copy/editorial materials to cut through the noise, they know it's in their best interest to hire someone who can bring this human element to their prose.
Hope this helps xx
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dierdigital · 7 months
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Your brand identity on social media is more than just a pretty design It is the voice, personality and essence of your business.
With our specialized brand identity services, we help you create a presence that radiates authority.
From choosing colors that inspire confidence to designing a logo that leaves a lasting impression, each element is carefully selected to build an image that stands out in the consumer's mind.
Do you want your brand to stand out on social networks?
As a Community Manager, I can increase your visibility, interact with your audience and create an engaged community. Together, we will build a strong and authentic online presence that will attract more followers and customers.
Do you want your words to sell?
As a Copywriter, I will transform your ideas into irresistible messages. From product descriptions to blog posts, I'll create content that engages, excites, and converts.
¡Hagamos que tus palabras hablen por ti! Contáctenos: WhatsApp Telegram
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Tu identidad de marca en redes sociales es más que solo un diseño bonito Es la voz, la personalidad y la esencia de tu negocio. Con nuestros servicios especializados en identidad de marca, te ayudamos a crear una presencia que irradia autoridad. Desde la elección de colores que inspiran confianza hasta el diseño de un logotipo que deja una impresión duradera, cada elemento se selecciona cuidadosamente para construir una imagen que destaque en la mente del consumidor. ¿Quieres que tu marca destaque en las redes sociales? Como Community Manager, puedo aumentar tu visibilidad, interactuar con tu audiencia y crear una comunidad comprometida. Juntos, construiremos una presencia en línea sólida y auténtica que atraerá a más seguidores y clientes.
¿Quieres que tus palabras vendan? Como Copywriter, transformaré tus ideas en mensajes irresistibles. Desde descripciones de productos hasta publicaciones de blog, crearé contenido que enganche, emocione y convierta.
¡Hagamos que tus palabras hablen por ti! Contáctenos: WhatsApp Telegram
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manifestopaulo · 1 year
❤️ Dot to Dot
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There are some parallels between the acts of completing a dot-to-dot drawing, following a pre-defined diagram, and living a conventional life outlined by societal or cultural expectations. 
In a dot-to-dot drawing or when following a diagram, there's a set trajectory. The outcome is pre-determined; all you need to do is follow the given steps to connect the dots or match the diagram. It is a form of structure and guidance which can sometimes lead to a predictable or even an exquisite creation.
Living a conventional life often bears similar hallmarks. Society sets some 'dots' or conventional milestones for us, such as going to school, getting a job, getting married, having children, and then retiring. It provides a safety net of guidelines and societal understandings, fostering a sense of belonging and normalcy.
However, the notion of creativity, individuality, and autonomy can face restrictions in both scenarios. Just as a dot-to-dot drawing leaves little room for one to exercise creativity beyond those dots, living a conventional life may limit a person's ability to explore unique paths or express individuality, particularly when these expressions conflict with societal norms.
Yet, it's essential to remember that life, unlike a dot-to-dot drawing, isn't rigid. One has the freedom to create their own 'dots', to define their unique path, and live their authentically unconventional life. It leverages the unpredictability and chaos of life to create something truly unique and personal.  
Ultimately, the choice of whether to follow the dots or create our path reflects the tension between security and autonomy, conformity and creativity, predictability and uncertainty.
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fagmegumi · 1 year
if i dont get a job within the next month im gonna kill myself on livestream
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skwared · 11 months
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witchwitchglam · 1 year
Perfume captions copywriting is the closest you can get to being a poet who gets paid.
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isbahstudio · 1 year
New Tumblr Blog!
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Hey all! My name is Isbah. I have always had a blog, over on IsbahStudio.com. But, recently I've decided to join Tumblr and share tidbits here as well.
I am professional writer, so I love posting about writing. I also post about lifestyle, books, art, productivity, & self-improvement.
I love everything dark academia, vintage, coquette.
Looking to connect with like-minded people!
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evxyz · 2 years
VINTED, 2022-2023
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Localisation de campagnes digitales et de publicités télévisées pour la plateforme de revente de vêtements et d'articles de maison Vinted pour les marchés canadiens français et anglais.
Localisation of still digital campaigns and TV ads for leading clothing and homeware reselling platform Vinted for the Canadian (French and English) market.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 8 months
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Ex-Wife, published anonymously in 1929, was a succès de scandale. The very title aggressively challenged American mores and morals; divorce was almost unheard of in the middle classes at the time. And Manhattan high life in the 1920s (the novel takes place between 1923 and 1927) gave the prurient everything they could wish: not just divorce, but promiscuity, abortion, smoking, and drinking.
And I had, for an instant, that feeling that New York was an altogether beautiful place to live, no matter what happened to me living in it—a comforting feeling that had come to me sometimes, of late, when I stopped looking to people for comfort.
Narrated by Patricia, it tells of her life after her husband walked out on her. She goes from grief and despair to acceptance to indifference while becoming increasingly successful as an advertising copywriter in fashion, and bedding numerous men. Her friend Lucia, a slightly older and more experienced divorcee, supports and mentors her.
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Surprisingly, the book is vehemently anti-feminist. The 1920s were a time when women could vote and were free of Victorian behavioral constraints, but systemic sexism ran deep and went largely unnoticed—at least by Patricia and Lucia.
The book was filmed in 1930 as The Divorcée, starring Norma Shearer, who won her only Oscar for it.
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Norma Shearer in The Divorcee
In the forward to the 2023 edition (whose cover is shown above), Alissa Bennett writes, "It's easy to get caught in the trap of Ex-Wife's nostalgic charm; there are phonographs and jazz clubs and dresses from Vionnet; there are verboten cocktails and towering new buildings that reach toward a New York skyline so young that it still reveals its stars."
The author's son, Marc Parrott, agreed. "The New York described here," he wrote in an afterward to the 1989 edition, reprinted in the current edition, "and this was true, I think, for 20 years or more—was much smaller, much more intimate, much safer and much cheaper than the city from the '50s on to the present. It was also cleaner. My mother called it 'shining.'"
This is how Patricia and Lucia react to Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue:
"The tune matches New York," Lucia said. "The New York we know. It has gaiety and colour and irrelevancy and futility and glamour as beautifully blended as the ingredients in crêpes suzette." I said, "It makes me think of skyscrapers and Harlem and liners sailing and newsboys calling extras." "It makes me think I’m twenty years old and on the way to owning the city," Lucia said. "Start it over again, will you?"
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Second & fourth photos: NYC Past Third photo: eBay
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(This ask may be sent twice sorry - my wifi is acting up)
Would you ever consider publishing physical comics of the series? I'm not sure about the intricacies of how that's done but I would absolutely love having it as a book, it would be so cool
Also, do you think Steven would have any interest in yarn/crafting hobbies? I think it could fit well with his interest in fashion and would help a bit with all his stress
Unfortunately, since this is technically copywrited content, I have no plans to publish anything and would not be able to if I could.
Even if I did make physical copies, due to the fact that I live in Japan, shopping costs would be through the roof. Y'all would hate me.
As for yarn/crafting... 😂 I suppose I can see WD!Steven getting into it! Maybe he would, in the future. Especially if he could make clothes.
I don't know how much I would be able to write it, though, because the only time I've tried knitting (I think it was technically crocheting?) I became stressed to the point of angry yelling within 5 minutes and vowed to never touch another needle again. Something about the physical texture of doing those yarn crafts sends me spiraling into a mild overstimulation rage immediately. I don't know how people find them relaxing.
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📚💸 Career + Wealth Analysis 💸📚
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One of the most frequent questions astrologers receive from their clients when doing a chart reading is about their career, profession or work.
The labor we do on an everyday basis is essential when it comes to our finances and self fulfillment. It can either be something we enjoy doing that meets all of our needs, or what brings a paycheck yet lacks inner satisfaction.
There are several ways to confirm if the work you are doing is activating your Venus properly, and you may wonder why that planet in particular? Simple! Venus is related to finances, luxury, and comfort. The jobs that align with our Venus sign tend to be the ones that not only fits into our financial needs, but also provides a genuine feeling of contentment.
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So, if you want the straight forward answer to “What career/field/job/hobby can help me create wealth and feel joyful about it?” Then Venus is your short answer. Remember that wealth will look differently for everyone since we all have different perceptions of how much money is truly enough to have the lifestyle we dream of.
Look for the Sidereal sign that your Venus falls in, find below the careers or fields related to it, and confirm for yourself the difference in your wealth accumulation once you incorporate it into your life.
Note: please keep in mind that if your Venus is conj, square or opposite a malefic planet/s (Mars, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu), there will be some natural resistance or challenges that you will experience throughout life with work, job, profession, or financial matters. Venus in Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn to a degree could also experience similar experiences.
The house where this planet is placed also tells a lot about the way your job manifests in your life (places, people, etc). Now, there are many ways to remediate any negative effects, so no need to be concerned or feel doomed.
There are many advanced Vedic Astrologers who mostly focus on remediation of planets that are in difficult or challenged positions, so take a look at the options available if you ever feel like there's an extra difficulty for you in those matters.
♈️➡️ Vocations that require independence, daring and the pioneering spirit: entrepreneurs, pioneers in any field, idea people, those who initiate new projects, troubleshooters, directors, adventurers, executives.
Firemen or fire fighters, forest rangers, engineers (metallurgical), members of the armed forces, firearms experts, police officers, machinists, mechanics, iron and steel workers, locksmiths, welders, athletics that involve speed and daring, race car drivers, contact sports, boxers, dancers, movement therapists, physical education instructors, surgeons.
♉️➡️ Vocations dealing with the earth and substance: farmers, ranchers, agriculture instructors, landscape architects, gardeners, rock collectors (semi-precious gems), builders, carpenters, building contractors, concrete pourers, chiropractors, massage therapists, computer programmers.
Occupations involved with money and finance: bankers, bank tellers, stock brokers, financiers, money managers, investment advisors, security analysts, treasurers, economists.
Artists, sculptors, jewelers, pottery makers, fashion designers, tailors, florists, musicians, singers, voice teachers, throat specialists.
♊️➡️ Vocations involved with communication or transportation: authors, proofreaders, ad copywriters, screenplay writers, editors, reporters, teachers, lecturers, linguists, speech therapists, librarians, bookstore owners, publishers, magazine employees.
Radio operators or disc jockeys, television producers, telephone operators or repair persons, telemarketers, stationery store owners, journalists, salespeople, printers, book distributors, clerks, office workers, secretaries, typists, typesetters.
Messengers, mail carriers, taxi drivers, bus drivers, railway employees, plane pilots, accountants, jacks-of-all-trades. Can engage in two or more occupations at once.
♋️➡️ Vocations that nurture: physically or emotionally (especially through food): caterers, restaurant owners, chefs, cooks, bakers, waiters and waitresses, confectioners, dairy farmers, grocers, food distributors, nutritionists.
Social workers, counselors, psychics, nurses, family therapists, preschool teachers, children's writers, tioners, caretakers, water-related occupations, plumbers, swimmers, lifeguards, fishermen.
All careers dealing with the home: realtors, hotel managers, innkeepers, homemakers, governesses, maids, laundry workers.
♌️➡️ Performers of all types: actors and actresses, playwrights, entertainers, dancers, singers, musicians, movie stars, circus performers, jugglers, clowns, sports figures, teachers (good teachers are entertainers), amuse ment park owners, speculators, gamblers.
Leaders of all types: executives, managers, government officials, politicians, foremen, judges, athletes, salespeople, the profession of selling, promoters, dia: mond and precious metal brokers, gold workers, heart specialists, all vocations involving children.
♍️➡️ Vocations dealing with analysis, detail and technical expertise: statisticians, accountants, book-keepers, computer programmers, teachers of technical subjects, stenographers, critics, inspectors of all types, draftsmen, graphic artists, technical illustrators, crafts-people, specialists.
Health occupations and the social services, mental health workers, therapists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, social workers, employment counselors, nurses, doctors, massage therapists, respiratory techairians, dental hygienists, dentists, secretaries, office managers, food service worker, nutritionist, waiters and waitresses, dieticians, veterinarians, zoologist, sanitation workers, janitors, public health officials, house cleaners, butlers.
♎️➡️ Vocations that pursue balance, harmony and justice: negotiators and counselors of all types, marriage counselors, wedding related businesses, diplomats, labor arbitrators, judges, lawyers, managers, salespeople.
Occupations dealing with beauty: artists, architects, painters, illustrators, photographers, fashion designers, fashion industry workers, milliners, color consultants, clothing store owners or salespeople, beauticians, hairdressers, cosmeticians, interior and exterior decorators, cosmetic manufacturers and dealers, jewelers, florists, candy makers.
♏️➡️ Vocations that focus on uncovering hidden secrets: researchers, muckraking journalists, investigators, detectives, physicists, occultists, those who work behind the scenes, espionage agents, psychics, astrologers, all matters dealing with death, funeral home directors, morticians, cemetery workers, insurance salespeople, soldiers, those working under the earth, undertakers.
Those who work as healers. all medical practitioners, physicians, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, surgeons, pharmacists, pathologists, past-life investigators, hospice workers, chemists, music therapist, musicians.
♐️➡️ Vocations dealing with exploration, travel and adventure: explorers, astronomers, travel agents, airline employees, flight attendants, astronauts, import-export agents, foreign correspondents, language interpreters, traveling salespeople, promoters, customs officers, athletes of all types, archers, sporting goods manufacturers, horse trainers, breeders and jockeys.
Occupations dealing with higher knowledge: philosophers, college professors, ministers, theologians, missionaries, preachers, orators, publishers, metaphysical writers, philanthropists, lawyers.
♑️➡️ Vocations dealing with administering and organizing: administrators of all types, managers, business owners, executives, government officials, politicians, judges, manufacturers, coordinators, principals at schools, wardens, disciplinarians, buyers, consul-tants, vocational counselors.
Occupations that work with form and structure: architects, contractors, builders, carpenterivil and rivil and get industrial engineers, economists, chiropractors, orthopedic specialists, osteopaths, miners, landowners, mountain climbers.
♒️➡️ Vocations dealing with progress and inven-tion: inventors, scientists, educators, researchers, astrologers, social workers, psychologists, futurists, humanitarians, social reformers, United Nations workers, employees of world relief organizations, future-oriented occupations, astronauts, airplane pilots, aviators, parachutists, hang glider pilots, solar energy researchers, physicists, radio and television technicians, electricians, electrical engineers.
♓️➡️ Vocations of a spiritual, healing or artistic na-ture: religious workers, priests, monks, nuns, sisters of mercy, rabbis, clairvoyants, mediums, charity workers, prison workers.
Physicians, faith healers, psychic healers, nurses, hospital workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, hypnotists, anesthesiologists, podiatrists. Poets, musicians, writers (inspirational, fantasy, metaphysical, science fiction), actors, dancers, painters, artists, entertainers, comedians, singers, filmmakers.
Water-related activities, fishermen, sailors, divers, swimmers, lifeguards, marine scientists, oceanographers, bartenders, oil industry workers.
Is your Venus sign all you need to know to find all the clues and perfect descriptions to tailor your ideal professional life? No, but it is a huge start in a small way and with short information.
If you guys would like to go more in depth with career astrology, then also take your time to check the following, and find the common theme:
•10H sign + where its lord is located
•D10 Lagna (Dasamsa chart)
•Mahadasha planet in your chart, the house its located, and where the lord goes.
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manifestopaulo · 1 year
Post-Punk, Reggae, and the Evolution of East London's Music Scene
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The British music scene has a vibrant history of embracing and transforming genres from different cultures, particularly black music. From the Beatles' admiration for American rock 'n' roll in the 1960s to the rise of reggae music, the British have taken these influences and added their own innovative touch. However, it was with the emergence of reggae in Britain that an exciting and transformative journey began. This journey eventually paved the way for genres like rave, jungle, garage, and dubstep.
Moreover, East London played a central role in shaping this musical landscape. This essay aims to uncover the deep connection that East London has with dub and reggae music, as well as the influential East London artists who emerged and played a significant part in transforming British music.
Early days of Reggae in East London.
Reggae has been a part of East London's music scene since the 1960s, and we owe a great debt to the generations before us who not only created this music but also embraced it, making it cool to listen to. As a personal example, my father was part of the first-wave of skinheads and frequented reggae or 'Blues beat' clubs like the Four Ace's in Dalston during his formative years. The Four Ace's, established in 1966, the Wikipedia entry for the Four Ace’s states that ‘in the 1960s and 1970s, the club was one of the first venues to play black music in the United Kingdom and was credited with playing a significant "role in the evolution of reggae into dance music, from ska, to rocksteady, to dub, to lovers, to dancehall and the evolution of jungle.’
The experiences my father had during that time left a lasting impact on his musical taste, which included artists like John Holt and Bob Marley, as well as Tamela Motown Records and sophisticated 70s soul. These musical preferences were shared by many East Londoners during that era.
A Confluence of Influences: Post-Punk and Reggae
When punk arrived, my father's generation might have been considered too old for that scene. However, it was during the emergence of the second wave of British reggae enthusiasts that something truly groundbreaking occurred. This generation not only embraced punk music but also incorporated elements of reggae and punk into their own music. These individuals were visionaries who played integral roles in the music industry and the post-punk scene. Artists such as Jerry Dammers and Terry Hall with The Specials, John Lydon and Jah Wobble with Public Image Limited, Pauline Black and The Selector, Neenah Cherry with Rip Rig & Painic, Adrian Sherwood, The Pop Group, The Clash, The Slits, and even Madness, played a vital role in the cultural fusion of post-punk and reggae.
The connection between post-punk and reggae in the British music scene is a testament to the remarkable diversity that emerged during this period. They took reggae as a starting point and created their own unique punk versions or experimented with unconventional, abstract variations of the genre. The intertwining of post-punk and reggae is an undeniable connection that can be viewed as a breeding ground for the unique British diversity that would resurface and continue in genres like jungle and dubstep These genres can be seen as natural progressions of the groundwork laid by the reggae-inspired post-punk musicians.
It is important to acknowledge the pioneers of reggae and those who stayed true to its traditional roots. Reggae itself deserves immense praise, but this piece focuses on the diverse sounds it has inspired. Reggae did not necessarily require diversification, but it played a pivotal role in encouraging white British individuals to embrace diversity and undergo transformative experiences. Reggae was everywhere while I was growing up in Hackney - resonating from tower blocks, playing at parties of friends with West Indian Caribbean backgrounds, and streaming from radios & stereos of guys I worked with. During my early teens, there was a Dancehall reggae boom, with half of my friends into ‘Dancehall Ragga’ and the other half into either rave or Heavy Metal music. It was just the way things were back then.
The East London Connection: Jah Wobble.
The biggest noteworthy figure from East London who played a pivotal role in this transformation is Jah Wobble. Born John Joseph Wardle of Stepney Green, the bass guitarist and singer known as the original bass player in Public Image Ltd (PiL) in the late 1970s. Jah Wobble perfectly embodies the open-minded and diverse music approach ingrained in certain types of East London residents. He went on to pioneer a plethora of diversity in his music.
The Influence of Post-Punkers on Rave
Among the post-punk artists, it was the industrial music musicians who wholeheartedly embraced change. Hackney resident Genesis P.Orridge of Throbbing Gristle made influential contributions to acid house with his project 'Jack the Tab,' just as Richard H Kirk of Cabaret Voltaire did in the Sheffield scene and early Warp Records. They were not interested in remaining loyal to a single genre but instead chose to move with the current and embrace whatever manifested at the time. Artists like Jah Wobble, along with many likeminded individuals, were already exploring the realms of reggae, hip hop, and electronic music. The combination of these factors sparked an optimistic and forward-thinking attitude towards music, and the post-punk era cultivated a remarkably imaginative and inventive environment during the vibrant decades of the 80s and 90s, which proved to be an optimal period for artistic exploration and groundbreaking innovation.
Mutation, diversity and open-mindedness towards music all idea’s that would find home and be carried forward in Rave. Other influences added to the cultural blend, including the energetic beats of hip hop, house, and techno. As a result, the British Reggae-Rave version of this music emerged. Some of it had an electrifying party energy that gleefully crank-up the insanity level, with an emphasis on multiculturalism much similar to the British Ska movement of the late 70s. Then some of it would be dissonant and otherworldly like a mix of techno and more abstracted post-punk like Public Image Ltd. This thrilling evolution proved to be revolutionary, setting the stage for Jungle, Drum & Bass & Dubstep. This emerging genre of dance music would serve as a platform for even more numerous young individuals, many of who had little music training or equipment, to engage with music. Enabling them to flourish, thrive and capture the spotlight, which, in my opinion, truly epitomises the essence of punk. This indomitable spirit, reminiscent of both British Punks and Jamaican rebels, continued to exert its influence within the rave generation, as a real rebel connection.
Furthermore, when artists from East London who had primarily focused on reggae music began experimenting with abstracted reggae elements and rave-inspired tempos, as exemplified by the likes of 'Shut Up & Dance' and their 'Hackney Hardcore' projects, the rapid development of Jungle music was greatly accelerated.
Since then, East London has consistently been at the forefront of underground dance movements, particularly during the ascent of rave music in the UK. This is not by chance, as at that time, East London's vibrant music scene provided the perfect nurturing ground for experimentation and creativity to flourish. This collective effort resulted in a vibrant underground dance movement that East London has continued to lead ever since.
The journey from post-punk to rave exemplifies music's ability to transcend boundaries and spark creativity. The experimentation and melting pot of ideas in the post-punk era have had a lasting influence on future generations. The contributions of reggae-inspired post-punk musicians will remain a source of pride and inspiration, serving as a constant reminder of the limitless possibilities in both music and life.
In conclusion, the most significant impact of rave was its ability to bring people together and overcome differences. Rave culture was about breaking down divisions and embracing unity. The transition from reggae to rave, jungle, garage, and dubstep is a testament to the coming together of people from different cultures within these shores creating genres that celebrate the cultural mix in music. The enduring legacy of East London's music history reminds us of the importance of unity and transcending differences. The influence of these artists and the love for dub and reggae music in East London continues to shape not only the UK music scene, but also that of the world.
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g5mlp · 8 months
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On Behance, two presentations of scrapped marketing materials possibly for 2022 were found. These were made by Andrés Restrepo, a creative copywriter based in Colombia. Here are some of the details.
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Slides 1-4. My Little Pony x Amazon Alexa. It seems like you would have been able to have Zipp on your Amazon Alexa acting as a guide to Equestria. Kids could travel with Zipp and even help her get through challenges by doing physical actions and saying certain phrases.
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Slides 5-8. "Make Your Own Cutie Mark" would have been an Instagram challenge where users could create their own cutie marks and share them under the hashtag #cutiemark. Throughout five days, a cutie mark based on an element would be shared daily by the official mylittlepony Instagram account. After the five days were done, cutie mark designs shared under the hashtag would then be shared in Instagram stories. The elements and their days were: Monday - Hope Tuesday - Creativity Wednesday - Bravery  Thursday - Confidence Friday - Kindness. 
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Slides 9-10. Over on Pinterest, now that you have your own cutie mark, you would have been able to show off what you think your room would look like in Equestria by using Pinterest boards. Pre-existing boards of the different locations in Equestria would be available to look at for inspiration.
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Now that users have cutie marks and have done the other challenges shown, TikTok was possibly going to be used to create new trends for users to participate in.
Below is the second presentation that was posted.
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Slides 2-3. These are about a concept where online users can participate in sports related challenges on TikTok and Instagram. Those who completed their challenges would be able to join a screening of new (possibly My Little Pony: Make Your Mark) episodes as long as they also presented their medal in a Liverpool store in Mexico to buy a toy. Each pony of the mane 5 would have a challenge.  Pipp - Soccer tricks Zipp - Jump rope for a set amount of time Sunny - Get baskets in a pony costume on a basketball court Hitch - Create a dance routine to "The Dance of the Pony" Izzy - Create a medal using your own cutie mark
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Slides 4-6. There could have been another challenge for TikTok called the "Pony Walk Challenge". Influencers would be chosen to spread the challenge and encourage users to participate by creating TikToks. Participants would have to dress up in one of the five fashion styles given: rock, pop, modern, classic, and mix. 
The influencers would then choose the best dressed for each style. The five winners would have gotten a chance to go to Liverpool Fashion Fest Mexico.
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Slides 7-9. It seems like we could have gotten another podcast similar to the "My Little Pony: The Podcast" called "Doubts in Equestria by Sunny." This one would have been hosted by Sunny. 
Each episode would have focused on day-to-day situations children and parents may deal with, offering solutions and lessons to reflect on. Based on the images, it seems like the podcast could have gone on in 2022 alongside the "My Little Pony: The Podcast" podcast.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Master The Written Word & Communicate Like A Queen (Tips For Aspiring Writers)
Communicating your ideas in a clear, comprehensive, and compelling fashion is an essential life skill. Verbal prowess is important. However, mastering the written word is equally (if not often more) powerful. Leveraging this skill is beneficial for everyone who wants to connect with others, cultivate influence, and leave an impact – not only authors, journalists, or copywriters, who require a deep knowledge of this craft by the nature of their work.
Advice like doing your research, editing for proper grammar, and utilizing your thesaurus is tried and true. However, training your brain and reframing how you make logical or textual connections is the ultimate game-changer if you want to leverage words in a way that captivates every audience – from strangers and potential business partners to clients, coworkers, or new friends.
Learning how to think is the first step to elevating your writing – whether it's writing an article, book chapter, essay, or crafting the perfect email, proposal, or message for someone you admire.
As a writer in some capacity – academically or professionally – for the past decade, here are some of the most useful tips I've learned for communicating your ideas and intentions in a clear, compelling way.
Practice your prose until they flow: Embrace wordplay. Explore different variations when editing for syntax.
Create phrases that have you feeling some type of way: Emotional connection to your words is essential to crafting beautiful prose. Place every word, sentence, or turn of a phrase carefully within your copy to arouse a specific emotion.
Seduce The Reader: You need to fall in love with language and the art of allure. Writing is like sex; it requires cultivating a skillset that, with regular practice, titillates the mind and makes the rest of the world stand still, enveloping you in a satisfying cadence.
Engage in Power Play: Write from the purview of the reader. Metatextualize your perspective - write as though you're observing the reader becoming acquainted with the viewpoint of the narrator. This point applies to both fiction and non-fiction writing. In the latter, the narrator acts as the mouthpiece authority.
Read, Study, Steal: The best way to learn how to improve your writing is to read. Study the prose, the syntax, and how the author conveys themes, articulates emotions, and bridges logic gaps. Apply similar frameworks to your prose. Adjust to suit your unique writing style and the subject matter at hand.
Line-Edit For Logic: Ensure that your sentences, scenes, and small takeaways connect and create a logical flow between paragraphs or general ideas.
Get To The Point: Brevity makes your writing more compelling. Cut any unnecessary words. Shorter phrases increase the impact of every word.
Consider your word choice with immense care. Match the intensity to its desired emotional impact or implication. Embrace metaphorical descriptions. Construct a picture of the scene with all the contorting sensations and emotions in the reader's mind. Flex your creative muscles. Remove yourself as the middleman. Encourage them to become the secondary voyeur.
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