#farewell to all the earthly remains no burdens no further debts to be paid
caramelcuppaccino · 2 years
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is that what peace sounds and feels like?
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alkalineleak · 2 years
good riddance from hades
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munchonbrows · 5 months
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•Farewell, To all the earthly remains. No burdens. No further debts to be paid•
I was inspired today by the song Good Riddance. So I needed to make this while the idea was fresh!!
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duchess-kyuupid · 2 years
hi there
can you write idia’s reaction to his fem or gn s/o singing “good riddance” from Hades (the video game) pls? this song and idia both live rent free in my head rn lmao
have a nice day 😸
OMG You literally made my day with this ask, darling <333 I love Hades, and the first time I heard Eurydice singing it I was nearly brought to tears ToT Of course, I'll be more than happy to fulfill your request, and I hope that you enjoy!! For anyone who hasn't played Hades or just wants to listen to the song anon is referring to, here it is! (The audio comes out too loud for me, so I'd recommend lowering your volume a touch just in case! When I was testing it, the sound was just blaring into my ears and I don't know how to make it quieter;;)
~Idia Hears Fem! Reader Singing~
[Tw: Soft angst to comfort] *Don't need to know/play Hades to read*
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To say that today has been a bad day for Idia Shroud would be an understatement. It's been one thing after another, each terrible thing piling up on his shoulders heavier than the last. They say that when it rains, it pours- and Idia feels that this statement could not be closer to the truth. He feels exhausted just thinking about how long this day has been, and it's barely even 3 pm! But he's had enough social interaction in all of today to make up for a lifetime of self-isolation. He's tired, his battery has run out- there's no chance that anyone's going to be seeing him leaving his room at least for the next week, and even when he does leave it'll be with his floating tablet.
At last he makes it back to his room, but he's far too tired to do anything but to crawl into his bed and lie there, doing nothing but hope to start feeling better. He doesn't want to see anyone, doesn't want to hear anyone, he just wants some peace and quiet, away from everything that's making him anxious. But apparently he can't even have that, as a sudden knock on his door pulls him away from his sulking. "Big brother, big brother! I have something to show you!" Ortho says excitedly, "I know you'll just love it! Can I come in?"
'I can't have Ortho seeing me like this,' Idia thinks, 'I'm just a useless Housewarden who can't do anything... Ortho doesn't need to see his brother being so cowardly, so utterly worthless that it'd be better if I'd just go back home to the underworld and never see this place again...'
"If you don't wanna open the door, I'll just play it for you from out here!" Ortho exclaims, and suddenly Idia is pulled from his gloomy thoughts when he hears a golden tune ring out from behind the door.
'Farewell, to all the earthly remains,' wait, Idia knows that voice... 'No burdens, No further debts to be paid,' that's the voice of the one person who could make his day even slightly better.
'Atlas, Can rest his weary bones, The weight of the world, All falls away, In time,' That's right, it's you. You're singing. To him.
'Goodbye, To all the plans that we made,' Wait, are you actually outside of the door with Ortho? You're actually here? To see him?
'No contracts, I’m free to do as I may,' Idia heard your voice continue to sing, to ring out beautifully as if your voice was weaving gold through a spindle.
And he couldn't take it any longer. He wanted to hear your singing, not through the door of his room, but right next to him, and he wanted to hold you and have all of his worries from today melt away with you in his arms. He rushes out of his bed and opens the door, his eyes glimmering with hope of seeing you behind it, only for the small smile that was invisibly growing on his face to extinguish when he realizes that Ortho was the only one there.
Ah, and now he feels even worse. His disappointment was so apparent, he didn't even try to hide it when his eyes met Ortho's big, bright, and innocent ones. He felt bad that he was so disappointed that it was his baby brother, because don't get him wrong, he absolutely adores Ortho, it's just-
It's just that today's been really long. He already felt shitty enough. But he should have known that you weren't going to actually be there, after all you were travelling outside of the college for once to see the world of Twisted Wonderland. You had told him before you left that you were going to be gone for a while, which makes him even more miserable, knowing that he won't be able to be with you when he's already so stressed out.
But is it really so bad that he had even a glimmer of hope? The hope that maybe, just maybe, you had decided to come back early and surprise him with a visit?
"There you are, big brother!" Ortho says, unaffected by Idia's visible disappointment in seeing him, "I know that you've been missing miss (Name) a lot recently, so I've got this recording of her singing for you!"
"U-uhm, thank you, Ortho...Where did you even get this recording from?" Idia asks timidly.
"I came across her one day when she was singing on her own in the woods! So I used the recording feature you installed in my programming so that I could show it to you," Ortho states, and even though his mouth was covered, you could basically hear his radiating smile. Idia smiles softly and his eyes soften as he replies,
"Thanks Ortho, would you mind sending me the file? I wanna listen to it through my headphones for a while."
"Of course, big brother! I've already sent it to your phone." Ortho 'smiles' brightly as Idia thanks him and closes the door. And without a second thought, Idia pulls up his phone, finds the recording file and starts to play it through his headphones, drowning out the rests of the world in preference to the sound of your voice.
'No hunger, No sleep except to dream, Mild and warm, Safe from all harm, Calm....' As you sing these lyrics in particular, Idia feels pounds of his anxiety and stress wash off of him in waves. As if your voice itself was a spell, Idia was in a trance. And he feels mild, and warm...He feels safe from all harm...and calm.
'Good riddance, To all the thieves, To all the fools that stifled me, They’ve come and gone, And passed me by, Good riddance, To all...' 'Farewell To all the earthly remains...' 'No burdens No further debts to be paid,'
'Atlas, Can rest his weary bones, The weight of the world, All falls away, In time...' And by the time your lovely song is over, he's already manually repeating the recording. It looked like there was probably an extra two or three minutes of empty sound at the end of the recording, and Idia wanted- no, needed to hear your voice right now, he didn't want to wait like 3 minutes before the song automatically looped, after all he could have listened to your whole song again in that timeframe!
It came to no surprise to him that he accidentally fell asleep listening to you sing. Again, it's been a really, really, long day, and just,, being able to listen to you like this was just what he needed to begin to relax and calm down.
What did come to him as a surprise though, was when he woke up early the next morning and your song was still playing through his headphones. And he felt good, he never knew that this is how feeling truly rested feels like. So as he's lounging on his bed, staring at his ceiling as your song continues to ring through his head like silk, and he figures that he'd listen to the rest of your song one last time, and then he'd get up and get something to eat, or perhaps he'd go take a shower or something.
So the song ends, and he's left with the empty sound at the end of the recording. He sighs and stretches out languidly, and then he starts to move to take off the headphones before he's surprised to hear a startled gasp, followed by the sound of you talking.
"Ortho! Geez, you nearly gave me a heart attack there! How long have you been there for?" "Sorry miss (Name)! I heard you singing and I wanted to come and listen!" "My singing? Oh, it's not that good, really." "I disagree! I heard your whole song, your voice is so pretty!" "Why thank you."
Idia hears you chuckle breathlessly. 'Your laugh is beautiful' he thinks.
"Actually miss (Name), do you mind if I keep your song as a recording? I'm sure that big brother would be ecstatic to hear you sing!" "I don't mind. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of him when I was singing it anyway, so it would be nice if you did show it to him. I don't know if I'd be able to sing it in front of him perfectly like that without knowing what his reaction would be.. Oh, but are you going to keep this conversation in?" "Don't worry, I'm not going to!" "Actually, do you think you can leave this in? I wanna leave a message for him, if you don't mind." "Okay, sure thing! I'll make sure that he listens to it."
He hears you walk closer to Ortho, and he's holding his breath as if he wouldn't be able to hear your message if he took even a single breath of air. But what you say, though, knocks the wind right out of him, because he realizes that he's been asleep listening to you talking to his beloved younger brother (and he's so, so happy that you care for Ortho as if he was your own brother too), and that he's been asleep listening to you say these last few words saved for the very end of the recording.
"Idia, I love you."
LITERALLY this was so cute to write TwT I think this might be my favorite so far.... Eurydice is my comfort character ngl and I spent like this whole morning listening to her sing (even singing along myself to get a feel for what kinds of emotions she's trying to convey) and just generally I had so, so much fun with this prompt. Thank you anon for the request, and I hope that you all enjoyed reading!
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a-echo-of-gotham · 8 days
To all the earthly remains
No burdens
No further debts to be paid
Can rest his weary bones
The weight of the world
All falls away
In time
To all the plans that we made
No contracts
I'm free to do as I may
No hunger
No sleep except to dream
Mild and warm
Safe from all harm
Good riddance
To all the thieves
To all the fools that stifled me
They've come and gone
And passed me by
Good riddance
To all
To all the earthly remains
No burdens
No further debts to be paid
Can rest his weary bones
To all the earthly remains
No burdens
No further debts to be paid
Can rest his weary bones
The weight of the world
All falls away
In time
To all the plans that we made
No contracts
I'm free to do as I may
No hunger
No sleep except to dream
Mild and warm
Safe from all harm
Good riddance
To all the thieves
To all the fools that stifled me
They've come and gone
And passed me by
Good riddance
To all
To all the earthly remains
No burdens
No further debts to be paid
Can rest his weary bones
The weight of the world
All falls away
In time
The weight of the world
All falls away
In time🎵
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firstwcman · 3 months
𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 . whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood — pick ten songs that give you the urge, the drive or the creativity to write for your muse!
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⛧ ribs ; the crane wives. || marrow made a wife of eve, but no one gave up a rib for me and mine. my heart did expose to the elements, calloused and untouched by a man's design. // brick and mortar between my bones, built a kingdom fierce and fortified. // oh my savage empire, how lucky we are, how lucky we are. never to be moved by the words of a liar. // the dark doesn't frighten me, I chose to close my eyes, it is mine, it is mine. the night doesn't frighten me, I chose to let it thrive, it is mine, it is mine.
⛧ good riddance ; cover by annapantsu. || farewell to the earthly remains, no burdens, no further debts to be paid. // goodbye to all the plans that we made, no contracts, I'm free to do as I may. // good riddance to all the thieves, to all the fools that stifled me! they've come and gone and passed me by, good riddance to all!
⛧ dance in the dark ; lady gaga. || baby loves to dance in the dark, 'cause when he's looking she falls apart.
⛧ dead boy's poem ; nightwish. || sing what you can't say, forget what you can't play, hasten to drown into beautiful eyes. // wrote for the eclipse, wrote for the virgin, died for the beauty - the one in the garden. created a kingdom, reached for the wisdom, failed in becoming a god. // a lonely soul, an ocean soul.
⛧ which witch? ; florence + the machine. || and it's my whole heart weighed and measure inside, and it's an old scar trying to bleach it out, and it's my whole heart, deemed and delivered a crime. i'm on trial, waiting 'til the beat comes out. // who's a heretic now? am I making sense? how can you make it stick? waiting 'til the beat comes out. who's a heretic, child? can you make it stick, now? and I'm on trial waiting 'til the beat comes out. // I'm not beat up by this yet, you can't tell me to regret. been in the dark since the day we met. fire, help me to forget.
⛧ howl ; florence + the machine. || if you could only see the beast you've made of me. I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free. screaming in dark, I howl when we're apart. drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart. // my blood is singing with your voice, I want to pour it out. // the fabric of your flesh pure as a wedding dress. until I wrap myself inside your arms I cannot rest. // the saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound, I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground and howl.
⛧ lost carol ; mary elizabeth mcglynn. || 🎶
⛧ mary magdalene ; fka twigs. || a woman's work, a woman's prerogative, a woman's time to embrace she must put herself first. // a woman's touch, a sacred geometry, I know where you start, where you end, how to please, how to curse. // a woman's hands, so dark and provocative, a nurturing breath that could stroke you // divine confidence. a woman's war, unoccupied history // I'm fever for the fire, true as mary magdalene, creature of desire, come just a little bit closer to me - step just a little bit closer to me.
⛧ crystal ; stevie nicks. || do you always trust your first initial feeling? special knowledge holds truth bears believing. i turned around and the water was closing all around like a glove, like the love that had finally found me. // drove me through the mountain, through the crystal like a clear water fountain, drove me like a magnet to the sea.
⛧ don't pray for me ; within temptation. || I'm not lost in the dark, I'm not blind to what I see. I know the river is wide and the water is deep. I feel the cold, my heart skips a beat. // I don't need your absolution, so don't hold that sword over me. // for my confessions I don't need a church, I don't need salt to know where it hurts. // oh I needed a revolution, I never had war in mind. // and now the river's run dry and the fall is deep, the truth is dark and makes us bleed. // in hell is where I stand, it's where I find my inner strength. // don't pray for me.
tagged by: snatched it.
tagging: you. do it if you got the time.
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daemon-in-my-head · 1 month
6 Songs Tav-Tag
Thank you @aleksxo for the tag, this was actually hard dhdusksmdbxkdm
1. An event that defines your character's past
I remember the feel of loss in the air Remember the sight of you everywhere Insanity killed me and I never let it go No, I never let it go Like you, nothing's forever Like you, some things just die
2. How your character sees themselves
Maybe l'm a broken man Maybe l'm just out of luck Tell me what they want from me Tell me what they wanna see I'll show you everything The voices calling me Over and over again That's when the rain came Over and over again That's when the pain came Over and over again That's when the hate came
3. How others view them
pre tadpole:
Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me more Than you possibly can It's not that complicated, no matter what they say You'll never meet another me It's not that difficult to put your head around You'll never meet another me
post tadpole:
Alice stayed at home, losing track of time Staring at the ceiling, she escaped into her mind (escaped into her mind) Like the Cheshire Cat, the ceiling fades to black And in her mind, she'll drown As she chased the rabbit down, down, down Alice, Alice, heart and soul, fell into a rabbit hole Dreamers dream until they don't Lost her mind a while ago
4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
They took out my heart to place under lock and key And you were the key The life of me The first one to see the man Beneath the veil of apathy You know me so well It hurts
5. A major fight scene
He thinks it's fun it is his thrill I'm chased by a murderer He's on a hunt and ready to kill He thinks it's fun it is his thrill I'm chased by a murderer Ready to kill He likes a little challenge, it is his choice to let me run With an evil laugh on his face, you can see he's having fun It's just a matter of time, for this place to become a scene of a crime He's on a hunt and ready to kill
6. End credits song
Farewell To all the earthly remains No burdens No further debts to be paid Atlas Can rest his weary bones The weight of the world All falls away In time
Also ik I'm late but have fun fellas if ya haven't done it yet (or whoever else wants, tag me tho so I see those songs 👀) @seofford @jashonja @theannoyingurge @defira85 @elinorbard @himitsuuuy
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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Blade's Journey • A Playlist
link to the youtube playlist
this one has some of my favorite songs on it! this one is even more lyrically accurate. sampo is next yayyy
1. Paint It Black — Hidden Citizens
i look inside myself and see my heart is black, i see my red door i must have it painted black, maybe then, i′ll fade away and not have to face the facts it's not easy facing up when your whole world is black
2. Lovely — Billie Eilish
oh, i hope some day i'll make it out of here even if it takes all night or a hundred years; need a place to hide, but I can't find one near; wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear. isn't it lovely, all alone? heart made of glass, my mind of stone. tear me to pieces, skin to bone.
3. Good Riddance — The Hound + The Fox
farewell to all the earthly remains. no burdens; no further debts to be paid. atlas can rest his weary bones. the weight of the world all falls away in time. goodbye to all the plans that we made...
4. Crawling — Robyn Adele Anderson (Musical Theatre Version)
there's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface. consuming, confusing... this lack of self control i fear is never ending; controlling. i can't seem to find myself again. my walls are closing in
5. I Didn't Ask For This — Beth Crowley
the shadows are creeping in. i didn't ask for this. cold rage hides the shame of images I can't escape. scars that live under the surface. it's strange what I became when part of me was ripped away and replaced with something worthless
6. Aftermath — Mowgli
taking more and more until I burst and then I can't live with the aftermath; i'm cursed. afraid of my light now. got no time for the dark in me. afraid of my light now. afraid of my dark.
7. Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde — Ezra Furman
now, my tender heart has hardened. i'm taking walks in my dead garden. i'm shooting marbles 'cross the floor in the maintenance closet at the grocery store; in my little black apartment i found love's secret compartment and now, I keep my things inside.
8. Island — Kensington
and I'll be an island and the shore were I stand can't be reached by more than waves. i told my sharks that I need an island for I know the violence and I'll make the same mistakes again. i don't want a flame. i don't want to risk a fire that leaves a toxic waste but here we are again.
9. Hellfire — Barns Courtney
down in the forest with the devil in me i remember the looks on their faces through the sycamore trees. ain't no chariots of fire, come to take me home; i'm lost in the woods, and I wander alone. hellfire, hellfire, take my soul. i'm waiting, waiting, I'm ready to go.
10. Monster — Skillet
it's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls. it comes awake and I can't control it. hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head. why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end? i feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin. i must confess that I feel like a monster
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starter-library · 2 years
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Lament of Orpheus
“Hear, o gods, my desperate plea to see my love beside me”
“Sunk below the mortal sea her anchor weighs upon me”
“Don’t look back”
“My doubt betrays the better of me”
“That anguished shade shall haunt me ever on”
“Now the squall’s upon us, we’re foundering, Drowning”
Good Riddance
“Farewell to all the earthly remains”
“No burdens, No further debts to be paid”
“The weight of the world all falls away in time”
“Goodbye to all the plans that we made. No contracts I’m free to do as I may”
“No hunger, no sleep except to dream, mild and warm, safe from all harm”
“Good riddance to all the thieves, to all the fools that stifled me”
“They’ve come and gone and passed me by good riddance to all.”
Hymn of Zagreus
“Sing Of Zagreus, oh muse. Slayer of hydras first of his name”
“In spite of Queen Hera, Zagreus came”
“Wrath Of thunder and lightning struck down the Titans burned into sand”
“The model of the gods at once divine and further flawed In twain”
“Endlessly toiling doomed to remain”
In The Blood
“Fates weave their threads our lives are sewn”
“Born to a life all but our own”
“Loves in your life live ever on”
“Home is not where you live but who cares when you’re gone”
“They’ll follow you to the beyond”
“Run all you like from the place you belong”
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"Willow what did you mean by your last post about Good Riddance being j.ingl.uo core"
i'm so glad you asked! if you didn't know, firstly i'm insane
secondly, it's the fact that the song is from both of their perspectives. the way i hear the annapantsu cover, it's far more nihilistic than the original because of the more ominous elements in the remix and the heavier bass emphasis, which is very reflective of both of their attitudes under their gentle masks. they're both singing this song. except, like with everything about them, it's two opposite impressions because while Luocha more or less achieved that "farewell", it's still yet an ideal, a wish for Jing Yuan.
Farewell To all the earthly remains No burdens No further debts to be paid Atlas Can rest his weary bones The weight of the world All falls away In time
:) Jing Yuan is Atlas. Luocha isn't, though. he's singing about someone else. for Luocha, it's a song about the past, for Jing Yuan, the future.
Good riddance To all the thieves To all the fools that stifled me They've come and gone And passed me by Good riddance To all
this is pretty self explanatory i think, especially from Luocha's perspective with his fucked up backstory. good riddance you fucking assholes, now he's burning the world to the ground. for Jing Yuan, it'd have to be reflective of his genuine weariness of living, of the Luofu, of all the whispers and opposition he's had to put up with, of all the people who robbed those that mattered from him, of those who ignorantly break the sacred laws of the Xianzhou and try to steal immortality (looking at you Todd, not Dan Feng)
yea they're just both tired and spiteful it's such a them song
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hot-footed-heir · 8 months
[ID: Video of Zagreus humming to himself as he walks along Route 112 towards Lavaridge Town. The tune is unfamiliar, but after a few bars he starts to sing in earnest…
"Farewell To all the earthly remains
No burdens No further debts to be paid
Atlas Can rest his weary bones The weight of the world All falls away In time
Goodbye To all the plans that we made
No contracts I’m free to do as I may
No hunger No sleep except to dream Mild and warm Safe from all harm Calm
Good riddance To all the thieves To all the fools that stifled me They’ve come and gone And passed me by Good riddance To all
Farewell To all the earthly remains
No burdens No further debts to be paid
Atlas Can rest his weary bones The weight of the world All falls away In time"
As the final bar resolves, a faint static noise can be briefly heard… followed by Zagreus turning around.
"Narrator, what... Wait. Were you recording all that?"
"<ZZT, NO I--"
The video cuts out before he finishes speaking. /ID]
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♪ “Farewell to all the earthly remains No burdens, no further debts to be paid Atlas can rest his weary bones The weight of the world all falls away in time
Goodbye to all the plans that we made No contracts, I’m free to do as I may No hunger, no sleep except to dream Mild and warm, safe from all harm Calm
Good riddance to all the thieves To all the fools who stifled me They’ve come and gone and passed me by Good riddance to all.
Farewell to all the earthly remains No burdens, no further debts to be paid Atlas can rest his weary bones The weight of the world all falls away in time.” ♪
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dreamsofalifeold · 2 years
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She's working on a new song for a service later.
"Farewell, to all the earthly remains...no burdens, no further debts to be paid...Atlas can rest his weary bones...weight of the world, all falls away, in time..."
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tenuuchlegch · 2 years
Farewell To all the earthly remains
No burdens No further debts to be paid
Atlas Can rest his weary bones The weight of the world All falls away In time
Goodbye To all the plans that we made
No contracts I’m free to do as I may
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caeloservare · 2 months
To all the earthly remains
No burdens
No further debts to be paid
Can rest his weary bones
The weight of the world
All falls away
In time
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gctchell · 4 months
-> [ lilith; upon the beaches of red. ] tag/timeline drop.
I see a song of past 'romance', I see the sacrifice of woman, I see portrayals of betrayal and a lover's final stand. I see you on the brink of death, I see you draw your final breath, I see a woman who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you. 🎶
Set in the timeline of Lilith's residence on the Red Sea's beaches after fleeing Eden.
-> [ lilith; it's always prettiest after the fall. ] tag/timeline drop.
Farewell to all the earthly remains, No burdens, no further debts to be paid. Goodbye to all the plans that we made, No contracts, I'm free to do as I may.. Good riddance to all the thieves, To all the fools that stifled me! They've come and gone, and passed me by, Good riddance to all! 🎶
Set in the timeline fresh after the Fall as well as its early years. The Fall was long and broke one's bones, but now it's time to rise and rebuild.
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