#fankid headcanons
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months ago
Fankid Headcanons: Beelzebub the Babysitter!
[text message format]
Levi: Beelzebub... That Guy I Dislike (Beel): Yes??? Levi: You answered me. Good. Now tell me why my son has these? [sends a picture of Cain holding mini bullet vibrators] That Guy I Dislike (Beel): Oh, souvenirs from the sex club. That's all they had. Levi: You took him to a sex club???? ಠ_ಠ That Guy I Dislike (Beel): Don't worry Levi, there was a daycare attached to it. He's not old enough to be in the main part yet. Levi: I let him go with you because no one else was available. And you take him to a sex club. I hate you. That Guy I Hate (Beel): Awwwhhh Levi...the child is fine. Levi: He said was the only one in the daycare and the caretaker was wearing lingerie and gone majority of the time. That Guy I Hate (Beel): Oh. So that's who was in the VIP room with me and kept saying she had to get back to her job. My bad~ Levi: Don't come near me or my son ever again.
Beelzebub sent an apology gift basket to Hades with all of Cain's favorite snacks and a stuffed toy for Levi. It kept Levi from attempting murder, though it's Bael that has to watch Cain from now on in the future.
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pilalaphillip · 1 month ago
First Moments... (1/2)
First moments of Jayce and Viktor with their biological kids.
Brayden (1st born):
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Chloe (2nd born):
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Nikolai (3rd born):
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After nearly 3 years since I created them, I finally show them. At least some of them! (Yes, there's more) (I dare you to take a guess of how many kids they have in total)
This are my interpretations of the meme template of "They look like their stupid other parent!".
I'm also trying to write about this, I have a deeply thought story of how each kid entered into their lifes. I'm just not a writter so I take my sweet time and almost never finish, I'M TRYING I SWEAR!
Small fankid infodump bellow:
I'm coping so this takes in an universe where everything goes better than in the show (and my best friend forbidden me from making them suffer again). It's mostly like League's lore where the use of Hextech doesn't cause the end of the world.
Not going too deep into it because I'm planning on writting this so, here are the basics:
How are they biological? Jayce is trans and carried them.
Brayden was born in between Act 1 and Act 2 of Season 1, about 2 years after their first breakthru.
Chloe was born right around Act 2, Season 1.
With Nikolai I had to break the direction of the universe, because he is 5 years younger than Chloe (give me a break. This ages were thought before Season 2 was out lmao)
They got more kids, working on a similar post with them.
Let's see if I manage to finish them before I go to Brazil next week.
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audiart · 2 months ago
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Toddler Porter!! Nori and Khan are very attentive parents and she's very clingy but happy
It's been at least 3 years since the Solver's defeat and both Khan and Nori are more trusting of the DDs so don't mind when N and Uzi steal her away for an afternoon or babysit. Khan had a near core attack when he caught Uzi flying around with Porter in her arms LOL
While UNN bodies help new networks observe other Drones and learn from what they see, their toddler bodies help them learn to control limbs and interact with the world around them. (their limbs are made of a softer plastic casing rather than metal so they don't damage themselves or others while learning to grab, walk, etc) This is when personality development takes place too!
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handsometimr · 2 months ago
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congratulations 💜
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itz-pandora · 10 months ago
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I like these mentally ill siblings
I tried to portray (what I think are) their biggest flaws (Ego, envy, esteem)
Also, I tried to show more about their flaws with their eye levels
Void believes he's better than everyone, looking down upon them.
Andromeda sees Stellar at eye level, seeing her as an equal, or a reflection of what her life could've been if she was saved.
Polarity is looking down at himself, feeling he's worthless when compared to his more able siblings, despite being the one who tries the hardest.
Here's transparent PNGs
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Void, Andromeda, and Polarity all belong to @emthimofnight
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palskippah · 6 months ago
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Hi! Over the last few months I've made these drawings of my Goldenheart fankid :D
He's Cyrus Goldenheart and he's my newest coolest baby and I love him very much.
Some stuff about them under the cut! And also other things and more drawings sjsj
-First off, know that Cyrus is his English name, because in Spanish he's Ciro Goldenheart- because Ambrosius is Ambrosio in the hispanic dub and that's very cool (also, I'm glad they didn't change Ballister's name to Trabuco and just left it as Ballister askdjsa)
-Also, I love the headcanon that in this universe family names come from the mash-up of last names to whatever sounds coolest. So Ballister and Ambrosius picked the last name Goldenheart (they could've been Boldloin but both were like hell no- And in Nimona's humble opinion, they were cowards)
>ALSO did you know that in the Latin Hispanic dub Ambrosius calls Ballister 'Balli' instead of 'Bal'? It makes it seem much more like a pet name and I love it.
>Also, headcanon that Ballister calls Ambrosius 'Ambrosito' when he's being particularly corny. (It works as a diminutive of his name with the -ito but also, osito means 'little bear' in Spanish, so it's a very cool pet name)
>Also, Ambrosoli, because that's a Chilean candy company, and I think it's funny.
>Now, since they're famous as knights and whatnot, imagine that Goldenheart was the name in which their fans referred to them as a couple- (I know that Balli had been considered a villain and an awful person and stuff after being framed, but I bet his fans came back after the movie ending and whatnot :''v) and then they got married and became the Goldenhearts for real, and people were like YEAH WAHOO bc they love them.
-Years after the movie, and after Nimona coming back and all the fixing their relationship thing, they got married and all, and had planned to adopt a kid some years later (because Ballister didn't want to have any babies himself), but then they found out they were expecting and were like 🧍🧍 (maybe my guy got too nervous and made the wettest wet cat eyes ever and that made Ambrosius be like Balli, it's okay, don't worry D: let's talk about this)
>Anyways there was the thing of do we have them or not, and then they had a conversation, like:
(Ballister, still with his puppy-under-the-rain eyes) "...do you want them?" (Ambrosius makes some noncommittally noises) "Do you?" "But do you?" "But do you? You should decide" "Yeah- I just want to know your opinion." "Yeah, but it's your body." "Yeah, but I wouldn't raise them alone, both of us would. Do you want a baby right now?" "But I don't want my opinion to affect your opinion, because you would have the baby and I know how you feel about that and I don't want my decision to affect your decision because it should be your decision... So, what's your dec-?" "For Gloreth's- Stop saying decision! (Ambrosius' stupid attempt at lifting the tension was successful, because Ballister's laughing) Do you want them, yes or no?" "Yes I do, but only if you want them too, and if you don't that's alr-" "I think I do!"
>Then, later that day, there's Ambrosius' like, so... are we going to have a baby? (doubtfully) and Ballister's like I don't know :( (apologetically, because he genuinely doesn't know pipipi)
>So anyways, after some more days of thinking (because he had the final say in it, of course), Ballister's like yeah let's have them and they're both like WOO WE'LL HAVE A BABY :D, and Nimona's like HA! You'll get huge! And congrats too, I guess, when she's told.
>And then like eight months go past and Nimona's like HA! I knew it! and Ballister's like shut the fuck up >:( I'm not in the mood right now and Nimona's like (waving her hands) fine, chill, boss. i'll make the joke later then. And Ballister stares blankly and goes ...thanks (y'know those silent stares he does like three times in the movie?) (I want to write down all the expecting headcanons I got but whwhwh)
-Ambrosius' like we have to name them something with C, so we're A, B and C :D and Ballister's like yeah :D! so they look for names with C, that's their only requirement.
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-Ballister and Ambrosius had a long as hell list with names with C and whenever Balli was like hey we should decide on one soon, no? D: Ambrosius was like yeah let's pick one :D, but it never led to anything because they couldn't decide.
>As a placeholder they called the baby Baby and then forgot about choosing a name, and then they were the same day in the clinic/hospital going through the list while holding their very much already born baby and being like this one? no- or this one? what about-? and the problem with having so many options was that they couldn't decide on one.
>They weren't truly that much of in a hurry, because they could name him later, but still they felt guilty because they had had several months to have that ready (literally everything had been ready for their baby's arrival, except his name)
>Finally Nimona, after taking a small peek at their list, was like, y'know what? he looks like a Cyrus, he reminds me of the sun, (bc he was wearing soft yellows and stuff, maybe, and the bed's sheets in which Ballister was lying were a light blue) and both Ballister and Ambrosius looked at their baby and considered the name. So, he's named Cyrus.
-The news refers to him as Baby Goldenheart though. Very cute baby, the public agrees on.
>Then there's the debate of which dad he looks like the most, and baby pictures are pulled from years back and they're like LOOK (posts a pic of baby Ambrosius with his Gloreth's descendant mom) THEY LOOK ALMOST IDENTICAL (and they actually do, same eyes and nose, same curlier hair and round cheeks)
>Then when he grows up, he actually looks too much like Ambrosius, but also a tad bit like Balli (it's the black hair and eyebrows).
-Even after he's all grown up, his family still calls him Baby instead of his name. And he knows that if either of his dads call him Cyrus is because he probably fucked up.
-I have a headcanon for Ballister's father, he looked almost just like Ballister but had a more hooked nose and curlier hair, but same big eyes, also had a beard and stuff. The thing is that Baby has black, curlier hair too and people think it's just like a combination between Balli's dark hair and Ambrosius' curlier hair BUT NO it's his grandpa's 😭 pipipi
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(Translation) Blackheart (in my head he's Blackheart idk why ashjds maybe Boldheart had been his unmarried name, and Balli changed his to that alongside his name): My love, you're the prettiest girl with that cloak! <3 Kid Ballister: Abba, but I don't want to be the prettiest girl :c Blackheart, grabbing Balli's nose: The handsomest then! Kid Ballister: Hehe! (thinking about Bluey's laughter for this one pipipi)
>Also, know that Ballister's name was an inside joke between the two, were his abba had said he was his 'ballister' (the pillar that kept him upright) (they usually talked in Urdu, not in English, Balli had a better vocabulary than him from watching TV and going to an English-talking school), and Balli had burst out laughing, saying 'abba, it's baluster!' and his dad was like 'nope! I'm pretty sure it's ballister!' just to see his little girl still laughing.
>Anyways, then he got arrested and stuff and Balli changed his name to that, and then there's this moment a year later where, in jail, he sees his girl (now a boy) for the last time in the news, where they show him as he will start his training as knight and Blackheart's super happy because his son is actually alright (he had been worried sick about him all this time) and y'know, point is that he dies shortly after that and Ballister finds out years later when he tried looking for him D:
>(If you tell me but Kym, ballister is already the correct word, I'll tell you huh because I actually have no idea, you know I speak Spanish :'''v I tried translating Balli's name and it got corrected to baluster each time ajsdka)
>By the way, Ballister's scar over his eye is from when he had been like three and had fell against a sharp end, causing a slash and a lot of bleeding that had almost made Blackheart die from a heart attack. He had hurried to take him to the nearest health center, all while Ballister had been crying with his face all drenched in blood, and his dad had been genuinely thinking that his little girl was about to die from his carelessness (he hadn't been looking when Ballister fell).
>The slash over the eye is the reason he knows for sure that that's his child on TV, standing beside the Queen.
>Anyways, I love angsty headcanons with parents.
>Got another headcanon that Ambrosius got two moms, both don't spend much time with him from being too busy, but they love their son dearly (and y'know that Ambrosius' voice actor said that the Director was his parental figure? Maybe since his moms weren't around much, he started to look up to her as a mother and- wa, IT'S JUST I read a headcanon/theory (?) about the Director grooming Ambrosius for her benefit and it made a lot of sense 100/10).
>Ambrosius' moms are cool, although they did sort of force him to start his training to become a knight when he was of age to go into the Institute (he either went to knighthood or the family business, his knight mom (who's currently retired from knighthood and working at their family company) showed him her cool sword to lure him in, and his businesswoman mom showed him some colorful statistics- of course the sword won), but he ended up loving knighthood (despite everything), so he doesn't hold a grudge against that.
>(wait i remembered that Korean tradition of sitting babies of a certain age in front of objects so they choose one and that dictates how they'll be in the future? pipipi)
>Random headcanon, but Ambrosius is actually a blond and dyes some parts a darker color to achieve the cooler hairstyle. Also, the 'every descendant of Gloreth was/is/gotta be blonde' is interesting and gives place for analysis and stuff, but I've got this one where every descendant of Gloreth has somewhat of bunny teeth or a silly smile, and that's better in this case because I don't have to make Baby a blond- but his smile, when he's older, reminds Nimona of Gloreth's.
-Baby is a sweetheart with absolutely everyone. He smiles and coos nicely whenever people try to entertain him.
>Except with Todd. Whenever he sees him he spits up his milk and Ballister's pretty sure that it's a very weird coincidence, but Ambrosius and Nimona hold up a debate, convinced that the hate for punchable faces must be genetic and untaught, given that Todd had always been nice with Baby. Ballister throws Nimona a look and she says, my trauma, my jokes, Boss. And Ballister has to reluctantly agree and accept that he can't argue with that.
>Headcanon too that Ballister had called his father abba (looked it up and that's a fond way to call fathers in Urdu, if I'm wrong sorry :'v), until he was arrested and eventually died, so he taught Baby to call him abba too, and Ambrosius taught Baby to call him daddy, and even in adulthood he calls them that. And then there's Nimona who tried to teach him to call them Boss and Goldie, but she never succeeded.
(Imagine Nimona and Baby sat in front of eachother on the floor of the living room or something) Nimona, who had turned to look like Ballister, pointing at themself: Who am I? Baby: Abbababa- (he's a lil confused but he got the spirit, he's getting there in understanding askjdsad Ambrosius is currently Dadada) Nimona: No, Baby, Boss! Boss, say boss! :D Baby: Abbababa (happily reaching for him) Nimona: No, Boss! I'm your boss! (a cutesy tone) I'm Boss, Baby! Yeah, who's a cute baby? :D It's you! (then she got distracted and started playing with him)
-Nimona is Baby's sibling/cool aunt/mentor/bad influence/babysitter/something something. She's not a Goldenheart (and she doesn't want to be, she's just Nimona) but she's happy to be a part of their family anyway.
>They're the Goldenhearts + Nimona :''v
>Also yeah, Nimona is Ballister's sidekick/child/lil' sibling/friend/little menace/something something. The point here is that they love and care for each other very much <3
>Also, Nimona is Ambrosius' first ever, #1 hater, and he doesn't blame her for that. (They got a cool relationship though, like they like to bicker and wrestle with each other, and Nimona always wins because Ambrosius isn't very trained in fighting snakes, crocodiles or gorillas or any weird animal for that matter) Both love Ballister and that's sort of their main point in common, among other things.
-For a very long time, Baby had thought that in the world existed several pink creatures named Nimona, just as several adults named Daddy existed, and many kids like himself were named Baby. His Abba's the only one named that though, it seems. Then, when he's like three, he starts to realize that Nimona is just one person, and that apparently his Daddy and Abba's names weren't that. Abba's name wasn't even Boss, like he had suspected, and Daddy's wasn't Goldie. And then, as if that wasn't enough for the day, they tell him your name is Cyrus. Imagine his surprise.
-Baby is a daddy's boy for real and he loves both of his dads so so much :'v He also loves Nimona very dearly.
>He sees both of his dads being affective with each other and he copies that, as well as other things. Holds Balli's face to look into his eyes directly (he doesn't know that what Ambrosius does is just touch their foreheads together), he smacks his mouth against Ambrosius' face, harshly, and leaving him full of drool as he tries to bite him (doesn't know how to kiss yet, but when he figures that out he's always giving them), smacks Nimona's head with his little hands (he's trying to pet her hair, like he usually sees his abba petting the pink creatures) and all that. He's very sweet I'm telling you waa :'''v
-Ballister and Ambrosius try not to make Nimona take care of Baby too much, but Nimona herself looks for chances to take care of him.
>Also when he had been just born, of course Ballister and Ambrosius were all sleep-deprived and busy, so she would transform to look like either of them and Baby wouldn't tell the difference. If all, he was happy when all of a sudden there were two of either of his dads :''v
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-Dumb headcanon that when Baby cried at night, they usually went 'ro-sham-bo' about it, and every single time they do the same hand gesture, and at the fifth or fourth (depending on how tired he is), Ambrosius will go ah fuck it >:( and just stand up himself to see what Baby needs. This happens way too much, and Ballister knows, and Ambrosius knows too. Baby doesn't but he's glad that every time he cries, it's very likely that his daddy will show up after a while.
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-I'm thinking that Ballister would be that kind of dad that used to be afraid of holding his baby when they were a newborn, and then plays with them roughly when they stop being too fragile.
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(Translation) First part Ballister (walking): Okay- Careful... (First day out of the clinic) Second part: Ballister: Do I throw him your way, Nimona? Nimona: Yeah, throw him!
-Ballister is one for darker clothes and all that, but when they found out about Baby, he started getting the most colorful clothes for them. Whenever he went out for whatever reason during those months, he came back with at least one piece of clothing, be it a onesie, a pair of socks, a hat, or some cute overalls. Baby's clothes drawer had already been overflowing with clothes just a few months before he had been born, and they had to get another one to fit in all the clothes because Ballister refused to stop getting more.
>Something something him only using darker clothes since he was a little kid and his dad not being able to afford him a bigger wardrobe and wanting to give Baby all the stuff he didn't have - thinking about my mom in this sense, she said she had bought me so many cute clothes when I was a baby bc she had had to share all her clothes with her sisters and their clothes had never been that nice bc of money and :'v
-Broskii I got more headcanons from when they were expecting Baby and I want to tell them all to you BUT I gotta make another post exclusively about that pipipi
-I know that the creator of Nimona said that the Institution most likely got dissolved, but I think this thing works as the cops and police of investigations and stuff, so maybe they didn't dissolve it, but rather stated new policies and values to be taught to the current knights and also to the future generations. And this change still takes a lot of time to happen but it does happen so- yippie ?
>Sorry I say this just so Ballister and Ambrosius can still be knights pipipi. Ballister is Sir Goldenheart and Ambrosius is Captain Goldenheart.
>With that, comes this thought that Nimona gave a knife to Baby once and was like, be free, my child! like taping a knife to a roomba, and then Baby used it like a sword and ran happily to show his dads that he too was cool and had a very big knife like they do when they use their shiny clothes.
>(debating this one bc yeah Nimona loves chaos and hurting people and breaking stuff but she definitely wouldn't like Baby hurting himself, but I still drew this waa I love when babies want to be like their parents)
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(Papi means daddy)
-When Baby grows up, he isn't very passionate about becoming a knight (like Ballister had been) and neither of his fathers were keen on forcing him on knighthood (like it happened to Ambrosius), so he dosn't become a knight when he's older, and takes an interest in sciences (blitzmeyer mentioned?? I know her design was used for the queen, but I don't care I'll fit her here one way or another she's my fav scientist) and goes to college and all that, he also likes mechanics and overall stuff that Ballister likes.
>And it's definitely because his abba had been talking to him about this stuff whenever he could (because he loves this stuff, and even before Baby was born, and since they were supposed to talk to the baby so they could recognize their voices, Balli just rambled about this and that, and sometimes even narrated what he was currently working on and stuff :'''v Expecting Headcanons my beloveds)
>And both Nimona and Ambrosius are like: Yeah, see? Even he agrees (about him forgiving Ambrosius a tad bit too quickly, even if both knights had been manipulated and stuff), while Ballister doesn't know if to be exasperated that they don't let the topic go, or laugh because it's pretty amusing how offended Baby is in his behalf over something that happened nearly five years before he was even born.
>Eventually they have to explain everything that surrounded the whole thing and Baby feels actually a tad bit bad for getting as angry as he got at Ambrosius. He's like oops sorry daddy 🧍(I'm still petty though)
>Baby hadn't talked much until he was around three or four, usually just answering things or repeating stuff whenever his dads tried to teach him new words, but then one day he answered a very long rant from Ballister about animals (nerd, had said Nimona) with more animal facts and both Balli and Nimona were like :0 And since then Baby hadn't shut up, and he's always talking.
> Since they share interests, he and Ballister talk a lot about stuff (Balli is like nice, there's two of us now, because Nimona doesn't have it in themself to listen to him talk 23348 hours about one thing, and Baby actually responds with yapping of his own, unlike Ambrosius who is glad to attentively listen to him for hours but doesn't do much more than be receptive of the information most times pipipi) (y'know when someone is talking passionately about something that they like but you don't, but you're happy to hear them talk anyways? that thing sjdj)
(is yapping the correct word? Over at TikTok they use it as talking a lot, so I picked it from context, I hadn't really looked up if it's correctly used sdjksd)
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-Baby is a simultaneous bilingual and learned English, Urdu and Korean from his dads and Nimona.
>With this, I'd think Ambrosius was one too (given that he was exposed to English and Korean since he was a baby), but Balli had had to learn English when he was past three maybe since his dad hadn't been very good at it and had mostly spoken in Urdu? Not sure how languages would work in the kingdom, but I guess it's the same as countries where there are different dialects or languages in different regions. (? La verdad no sé, toy chamuyando skjds)
-When he's 14 he gets a growth spurt as expected but then gets even taller than Ballister, and Nimona finds it hilarious (she got surpassed in height two years ago) And he was expected to be tall anyways because both his dads were tall too, but Ballister was like c'mon >:(
-When he got old enough and learned about the whole Queen's death thing, he spent the whole afternoon throwing Ambrosius angry looks, arms crossed and all. And after a beat of silence, he'd suddenly say: No, and you know what angers me the most? and then would ramble about literally everything the man had done wrong at that moment, all while Ambrosius himself nodded in agreement. Then Baby would say (to Balli): You forgave him way too quickly, abba, I would've burned his house down or- I don't know- but how?! And just like that?!
-Nimona was determined on teaching Baby all she knew, and Ballister was like yeah it's okay if he turns out like you, but turned out that Baby is the most chill kid ever actually, like he lacks this wish for mayhem that many kids have, like Nimona hoped he'd have (like she expected the antichrist/chucky or something). In execution, at least, because he has great ideas, if Nimona's willing to make them true.
Baby, about seven: Nimona, and what if *a plan in excruciating detail of the most deranged nature* Nimona: HEHE YEAH >:D Let's do it! Baby: No, but you do it :) Nimona: huh ??
>And this is because he knows that Nimona can do all this better and he thinks it's funny to watch her wreak havoc, while also not getting in trouble himself. (His dads tell him be a good kid and he's like yup I'll be a good kid c:)
-Nimona draws Baby like a little star because he's small (plus there's Ballister drawing over her drawings, thinking about him picking Nimona's drawing habits of scribbling on top whatever comes to mind)
(Nimona's saying: make your own drawings! while trying to push him away, and Ballister's laughing - their arms are like in a weird position that in my head made sense shdjdh)
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-Plus here's a drawing of Nimona having cat behaviors (becoming a loaf anywhere) (ronroneo means purring).
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>When Baby hadn't been born yet, she'd loaf right over Ballister's belly and simply sleep or make biscuits sometimes, and when he tried to take her off himself, she'd try to not use her claws but she'd grab against his shirt anyways, going BUT BOSS- Baby and me are chilling! And this translated as Nimona loafing on top of Baby whenever he's quiet enough, after he's born.
-I made another post about the comic versions of Ballister and Ambrosius on TikTok, and added a comic version of Baby too, following the logic on his current design (Balli's hair and eyebrows, Ambrosius' nose and eyes, and all that)
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>'Papito Corazón' in other countries means a very good, diligent father (? I think), and at least in Chile is used sarcastically for men that are emotionally or financially neglectful with their children 😭 Comic Ambrosius is one at the beginning, but he becomes a better father later on, promise sdjsjd
>This Baby had a hard time recognizing Ambrosius at the beginning because they didn't spend much time together, and Baby has no object permanence yet.
>Anyway, Ballister and Ambrosius aren't a thing here, it was sort of a enemies-with-benefits kinda situation that led to Baby :'v
>(also know that I haven't read the comic yet, so if this seems ooc I agree with you, because I really don't know these characters askdjsa sorry)
-ALSO here's the first drawings I made of him before settling on this design, also it's from when I was trying to draw Nimona sjjs
>He had brown hair instead of black, but the rest is all almost the same.
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And that's it so far!
If you read till here, I hope you liked it!
Have these sillies kissing, it's from a video I did 🧍 Ambrosius gives Ballister 23783 kisses and Balli gives him one (1)
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Also, the limit for images is 30, which is a shame because I wanted to add more stuff sjdjsd I'll make another post if I compile enough drawings to make a big post, or make that post about them expecting Baby
(I love the Nimona mains so so much, they're 24/7 in my mind)
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meg-noel-art · 15 days ago
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was sent some lovely base poses sooo -- Fankid Family Portraits! Caitlyn with Corinne and Jinx with Cass! 🤩
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kalpeavaris · 4 months ago
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Revelation (there's more context for this lil' comic below the cut)
okay little headcanon time. in my AU when a UNN (untrained neural network) who's parents are Solver Users gets transferred into their initial drone body their code 'shifts' their appearance to resemble something similar to their parents. kinda like human genetics work! since Solver Users are partially organic it wouldn't be *that* far off.
And, well, in Js and Tessa's case... the part of Tessa's code which was copied from Cyn to allow her to occupy a drone body took over, resulting in their child looking eerily close to Cyn. Something Tessa absolutely does not take well to and J even less.
I wrote some more about it on the google doc here lol gl understanding my ramblings 8D
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em-doods · 9 months ago
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John Dory and hickory fankid
also older brozone parents :3
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months ago
if youre okay with it, could you write something about astra having twin girls with satan and mammon (each a father to one of the twins) and them telling cain hes going to be a big brother and later cains interaction with the twins? if not, please just delete this.
Fun stuff anon, thank you for this! ^^ I hope you enjoy~
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As Cain arrived in Gehenna for his monthly visit to Gehenna, there was something in the air that he noticed immediately. He was used to fire, smoke, and debris from the frequent angel attacks. He was expecting the devils of the area to be scrambling, maneuvering around the streets with red lumps flying in the air with tools to fix buildings.
That was not the case today. It was oddly, and uncomfortably (at least to him) still. There was no one on the streets, and the damage seemed minimal as if they're had been time to complete most of the repairs between attacks. Cain had only been gone for three weeks, what could have changed within that time?
What didn't change, was Satan showing up on the dot to pick him up at the meeting point. His smile was wider than usual, his arms outstretched to scoop up the smaller devil into a tight embrace.
"Cain, I'm glad you're here."
"I always come back. It should be no surprise to you." Cain says nonchalantly even though his small hand grips the sleeve of his dad's jumpsuit to complete the hug.
"I tried to contact you, but Levi..." Satan ruffles Cain's hair as he continues speaking and walking toward the palace.
"Papa is papa. He doesn't like it when you call him without a good reason."
It was true. Leviathan had always been this way since Cain's birth. His interactions with Satan were just as they were before, brief, condescending, and empty threats. There was only a time where the envious king would bother to call Satan and that's if it was something to do with the angels, or Astra being needed in Hades.
Astra. The descendant daugther of Solomon. Cain's "stepmom" and new caretaker if he felt like calling her that. It had been a rough couple of months since meeting her, but Cain was born to adjust to change.
And change was indeed about to happen.
They arrived at the palace, Cain jumping down from his dad's shoulders and running through the door only to have Sitri call out to him and remind him to slow down or he'd trip and fall. He ignores him and makes a beeline for the kitchen, hungry for a snack after traveling between Hades and Gehenna.
He runs past someone, nearly knocking them over as he makes it to the fridge and opens it. Sitri again appears at the doorway, his brow furrowed as he bends down to help Astra, who was the one that tumbled to the floor.
"Cain, your Highness...you must watch where you're going. Miss Astra is in delicate condition right now." Sitri says with a firm tone.
"It's okay Sitri! I'm not hurt that badly, though you were right my balance has gone to shit. I should probably sit down." Astra rubs her head, feeling a since of vertigo after standing up.
Cain turns to them, a mouthful of food and swallows before speaking. "Is she sick or something? She normally has more sense to dodge me when I'm running."
"It's different now. Her coordination amongst many other functions are impaired due to her condition. In fact, Miss Astra you shouldn't be up right now. Morax suggested bed rest until this part is over." Sitri directs his words toward Astra, gently handling her as if made of glass.
Cain squints and scans her body trying to pinpoint what felt different about her since he ran in the room. He sensed something was off but his hunger was the dominant factor at first. What was it about her?
He focused, until his ears tuned in to something faint. Sitri was best at hearing, but had taught Cain how to maximize his own and it was starting to pay off. Her breathing pattern was quick and unsteady, her heartbeat a normal steady rhythm off tune. It was familiar to if she were fighting off a virus. And something else, movement inside of her body...
"Astra has a parasite doesn't she?" Cain says.
Sitri looks over at Cain with wide eyes and then they soften, his gaze far away.
"I would call them parasites, your Highness. But I'll allow your father to tell you." Sitri affectionately rubs the back of Astra's waist and gently picks her up to carry her out of the room. Cain rolls his eyes, done with the moment and goes back to focusing on eating more snacks.
Satan shortly enters, laughing as he slaps Cain's back playfully nearly making him choke on his tenth snack.
"Full yet? Let's go see Astra."
"Sure. But no, I'm not full. Have someone make dinner."
The two devils make their way to Astra's room, where Sitri sits to the side of the bed pouring tea. Satan frowns a bit, but he speaks calmly to his subordinate.
"That's not black tea is it?"
"No, your Majesty. It's a special brew that's perfect for relaxation and keeping her vitals steady. I can hear the heartbeats, they are strong, so everything is well."
"Sitri used the plural version of heartbeat. Dad, is that a mistake or does Astra has a parasite like I said before?" Cain asks curiously staring at Satan with blinking eyes.
Satan bends down to pick up Cain and hold him in his arms. This wasn't new to Cain, but he sensed his dad was acting quiet strange even for his usual antics.
"Cain, Astra is pregnant. You're going to be a big brother." Satan gives him a closed eye grin.
The news didn't register at first, until a second later when Cain's teeth sunk into Satan's arm deeply. Satan of course, used to this did not let go of his son, stroking his hair. Cain bit down harder, drawing blood. Being so small, he couldn't tear his father's arm off, but he wanted to.
"Let me go." Cain growls, his mouth dripping with Satan's blood and the wound gushing more blood on the floor.
"Nah. You're going to calm down first. That's why I'm holding you." Satan stares at his son with his glowing red hues. He knew Cain would react poorly to the news, the same exact way that Leviathan cursed him through the phone when he told him. Though, the reason he cared was that he deemed that useless information. For Cain, this was only the envy within him.
"I told you I didn't want siblings. Get rid of it." Cain spits and thrashes against his dad's hold but Satan keeps him tight in his arms.
"They're twins. And no, I won't. Unless it is fate that they don't survive in Astra's body, I won't be doing anything like that. Even if he participated in making them."
Although Cain was unaware of Satan's real intent, Mammon's essence also played a role in the budding life within Astra. She was about to give birth to twins, which is regarded as an uncommon occurrence in the human world where two fathers simultaneously impregnate two eggs. But they were in Hell, where an uncommon occurrence happened more often than not.
"Satan, maybe you should speak with Cain alone. I'm not gonna lie the shouting is giving me a headache." Astra calls out to the other devil weakly.
"Shut up, whore. Suffer more." Cain snarls at her, his eyes glowing with envy and rage swirled into one.
"Your Highness! Apologize, that is not something you should say." Sitri demands.
"Go fuck yourself, you Hades reject. Papa should have hung you."
"Okay, time for you to go in your coffin, you little destruction of hellfire." Satan says affectionately, almost patronizing toward the thrashing devil that was out for blood.
As they exit, Astra lays back on her pillow, too weak and tired to protest or give her two cents. As Sitri mumbled to himself about the incident, she couldn't help but overthink about her decision to get pregnant. If this was his reaction before the birth...she could only imagine how he'd be in the future. A few months later....
Fortunately, Astra's pregnancy only lasted six months, during which she was bedridden the entire time. She remained apart from Cain over that period of time, while he made the conscious decision to return to Hades.
On the day when Astra went into labor, though, she was sent to Tartaros, where Buer offered to assist in the safe delivery of the twins using the hospital's high standards and AI robots. Two girls Aelia and Kamaria, were the guests of honor for everyone from Gehenna and Tartaros.
"People of Gehenna and Tartaros, bear witness to the fruit of two strong powers in one. May we guide them to being the future of Hell, and devils that you can respect and love as you do us." Mammon boasts proudly as he holds each twin in his massive arms. The crowd cheers, celebrating as bills and triumphant fists took to the air. Satan didn't like the fact that he didn't get to hold the twins first, but he showed restraint. He could kick the larger devil's ass another time.
Another presence in the crowd went unnoticed for the most part, a child devil dressed in a casual name brand jumpsuit to conceal his appearance to others. The gleam of his mismatched eyes focused on the twins, squinting as he turns away with a scowl plastered on his small face.
There wasn't a celebration for my birth from what I was told. What makes them so special?
Cain moves away from the crowd, making his way into the hospital, asking the front desk politely where Astra's room was located. The front desk devil's were wary until he said who he was, which then they personally escorted him to her room without a fuss. He knew he only had a few minutes before Mammon's nobles were notified of him being there, so he would make it quick. Astra was awake, eating quietly as she spoke without turning her head to see who had walked in.
"Eligos? This soup is a bit too cold...maybe a little more spice too I think I can handle it."
"How about you stop complaining and just eat it? Someone was nice enough to make it for you. Cow." Cain grumbles as he walks forward, surprising Astra.
"Cain, is Leviathan with you?" She asks, sitting down her bowl.
"You'd like that wouldn't you? Flashing your stupid face to Papa. He hates that you know."
"I'm not in the mood to argue Cain, if you haven't noticed I just spent the entire day in labor. Giving birth isn't fucking easy." Astra says with a bit of annoyance to her tone.
For the first time since meeting this woman, Cain's lips tightened as he considered saying something more, but he was at a loss for words. Given that Mammon and his dad were watching after the twins, his initial goal in finding her was to take her down a peg. Simultaneously, he detected the weariness in her tone. If there was one thing he had learned in almost two centuries of living, it was that insulting and arguing with people he cared about was just as tiresome for him.
He exhaled slowly, shoving his hands into his pockets as he let the thought linger in his brain. Although he had a funny way of showing it, he cared for Astra. He had to admit he let his own fear of being replaced by the twins drive him to being insufferable, just like he thought he was being replaced by her in Satan's life. An emotion he was always taught to swallow and pretend it never existed.
"Cain? What are you doing here..." Satan grabbed him by his hood pulling him up in the air, raising an eyebrow as Mammon walks past them with the twins still in his arms tucked neatly in their blankets. Astra reaches out for them, smiling with tired eyes at her babies as Mammon strokes the top of her messy purple tresses.
"Put me down, dad..." Cain protests with a stoic look ignoring the obvious glare that Satan was giving him.
"Not until you tell me why you're in Astra's room, were you being a brat again?"
"You tell me. Why else would I be here?" Cain grins, the sarcasm thick in his voice as Satan grinds his teeth losing his patience. Mammon looks over with a smile, enjoying the scene while Astra rolls her eyes.
"Can you two do that outside? The twins are still asleep." She says bouncing them gently in her embrace.
Satan drops Cain to the floor and walks over to Astra's side more than ready to have his turn at holding the twins until Cain speaks up.
"Let me hold them. They are my siblings. Well...which one is my dad's?"
"Kamaria, the smaller one." Mammon says plainly with a soft smile. "But she's mine too. I can tell by just holding her."
"Say one more word...." Satan growls toward Mammon, as Cain approaches Astra on the left. He stares at the infant in her arm, her tuft of pinkish hair and round cheeks visible while the rest of her body was wrapped like a burrito.
Cain holds out his arms, Astra gently lifting Kamaria so he could take her. He continues to stare at the tiny half-devil in his arms, checking for formations of horns or any other feature that didn't look human. As he did, the infant slowly opened her eyes the first thing she sees being her older brother staring intently. They meet gazes, the world standing still as he feels his heart thumping steady and slow. He was calm, his thoughts clear. This new emotion began to bubble up from his stomach, as he pulls her closer to his face.
"Hey. Your eyes aren't red, but they look like dad's. Congrats, you're my little sister." He whispers. Kamaria stares at him with the same expression, until the tiny muscles in her face begin to twitch, a tongue sticking out ever so much. Cain smiles and touches his forehead with hers gently. "Yeah. You're my sister alright."
With the baby in his arms, Cain stood for a while talking to her in a low voice about Hell alongside other topics. While Mammon was making light of Satan due to being the last person to hold the twins, Astra was silently observing Cain's behavior with relief. Aelia, who was significantly fussier because she was hungry, was also held by Cain alternately throughout the rest of the evening.
Later, Leviathan had ended up sending a message to Mammon and Satan in a group chat requesting for Cain to return to Hades. The younger devil's response was to be expected, him fighting the decision for a good thirty minutes before he met a compromise. He was to return home, but he could come back as often as he wanted to spend time with the twins.
"I think I'll like having siblings after all, Papa." Cain says as he excuses himself from the dinner table. Foras stares at the young devil with surprise, but Leviathan continues to eat without much reaction.
"If that's what you want, Cain. But always remember one thing."
"That they are different from you. Part of them are still devils, but they are also human. You are on an entirely different level than them." Leviathan says this without looking up from his plate as if deep in thought.
"That sounds...obvious, Papa. But it's okay. I will protect them. That's what a big brother is for." Cain says confidently with a grin. Leviathan gazed sparingly in his direction, as the young devil's smile reminded him heavily of Satan.
You've always been like him haven't you Cain...how disturbing.
Though Leviathan would never acknowledge it to himself, he secretly hoped Cain would exhibit more of Satan's nature than his own. Now that the twins were born... it was possible that his wish would manifest.
Again thank you so much for this request!! I like writing these a lot. I hope this wasn't too long because I can make them shorter ^^; you also have inspired me to make the twins! I think I'll keep them for this universe to exist in the same time as Cain.
^^ any other ideas involving Cain, this AU or my OC's please keep suggesting!!!
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krislgfox · 4 months ago
That's how sprunkis produce trust
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I hc them all being ace's n not wanting to have any intimidation so, yeah, all the fankids kinda just spawned ><
Orig(found on Pinterest):
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rakiah · 1 year ago
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Daddy is scary but Daddy has the best voice for lullabies ~
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8-dermestid · 1 month ago
spive baby her name is pou
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akiiame-blog · 1 year ago
Mario's teenage daughter asks him if he has experienced any wacky things during his adventures...
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...needless to say, she wasn't prepared for that.
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ninjakitty6252 · 3 months ago
Headcannon: If- im sorry lets be realistic, WHEN Zane and Pixal get married Pixal is going to keep her last name for a few reasons.
1. She thinks the human tradition of wives taking their husband’s last name is sexist and similar to someone putting their  name on an object of their’s.
2. Cyrus Borg wants to have Pixal be the next CEO of Borg Industries.
3. Borg is most likely a very powerful and respected person so having her father’s name could benefit Pixal.
So Pixal took Zane’s last name as a middle name.
(Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Lifeform Borg —> Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Lifeform Julien Borg)
Zane decided to take his wife’s last name as his last name and make his original last name his middle name. Because he wants people to know that he has the BEST wife EVER! And because now he and Echo Zane don’t have the same exact name.
(Zane Julien —> Zane Julien Borg)
Their children however have their mother’s last name and have Julien as a middle name.
(MiniPix Seven Julien Borg, Nin Julien Borg, and Digital Julien Borg)
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scarletphoenix15 · 4 months ago
Love thinking about OP fankids. Zosan would have twins. Their names would be Sora and Kuina. Zoro didn't want to use Kuina at first but Sanji was dead set on Sora for one of them and Zoro felt like they should both be named after someone if one of them is. So Sora and Kuina.
Sora is definitely Zoro's little mini me. She follows him everywhere, shes got his exact personality. If it werent for her swirly eyebrows, Sanji would think Zoro cloned himself. If Luffy has a kid then of course Sora is their best friend and the two are inseparable. The four aren't allowed to go off on their own after an unfortunate incident that involved some Navy recruits getting their asses kicked by kids while Luffy and Zoro laughed. They definitely framed baby's first wanted posters.
Kuina on the other hand is Sanji's little princess. She's always dressed up in pretty dresses and ribbons in her hair, and she'd much rather sit on the ship and read with Robin then get into trouble like her sister. Which is why it shocks everyone when she's the one who gravitated to swords, but she's a natural. She takes up 2 sword style. Zoro eventually passes down Wado to her. He definitely *doesn't cry*. Unlike her sister, Kuina avoids a wanted poster until she's nearly an adult, something Sora teases her endless for.
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