#fangirl dot com answers
fangirl-dot-com · 8 months
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Kid and Aurther
no basically (she would still say yes and possibly wear them to the wedding)
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glitterquadricorn · 3 months
My Tears Ricochet - f1 grid x indycar!reader
+summary: after a devastating end of a six-year relationship, she decided a change was needed. a change that ultimately brings her more opportunities, and she even finds love in an unexpected place. +pairing: f1 grid x indycar!driver +warnings: cheating, curse words, pregnancy, betrayal, mentions sexism, mentions misogyny, etc. If I missed something, let me know. face claim: tony breidinger dedicated to @fangirl-dot-com. They helped me so much whenever I got stuck. I highly recommend them. Their fics are so good. I do not give my permission to have my work reposted. I do not give my permission to have my work translated. If I'm notified that you've stolen my work or claim it as your own, you'll be asked to take it down before I'll report you. End of discussion.
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The way Wyatt became possessive over his phone when before he'd always let her use it was concerning, but she brushed it off thinking maybe it was just a one-time thing. Then she noticed whenever she stepped into the room, and he was on the phone, he'd leave or if they were in the room together and his phone rang, he'd get up and answer it in a different room. The thought of him cheating on her crossed her mind at one point, but he wouldn't do that, right?
Right? Wrong.
Stepping into the house after a long flight, all she wanted to do was take a nice hot shower to scrub off the airport griminess and cuddle with Wyatt on the couch, but walking through the house, she noticed articles of clothing strewn about. 'That's weird' she thought to herself. Her ears picked up moaning sounds coming from their shared bedroom. Hearing lewd sounds like that made her blood run cold. Wyatt was cheating on her, but with whom?
Opening the door to their bedroom, she was met with Wyatt having her barely eighteen-year-old sister, Elizabeth, bent over the side of the bed.
"What the hell is going on?!"
Wyatt pushed Elizabeth forward, letting her hit the mattress. "Y/n, babe, this isn't what it looks like."
"Really? Because to me it looks like you were just balls deep in my sister." her eyes darted to said sister who's twirling her hair in-between her fingers and kicking her feet back and forth all with a smug look on her face. "And you! You're my sister. How could you do this to me?"
"I've loved him for years and it wasn't fair that you had him all to yourself."
"So, you thought it was a good idea for you to sleep with him?! Do you hear yourself?"
Elizabeth got up from the bed and walked over to Wyatt, wrapping her arms around his waist. "It's not the first time we've slept together."
"What does she mean, Wyatt?"
"Go ahead, babe. Tell her, or I will," Wyatt looking down at his feet hesitating to tell her was everything she needed to know that whatever's been going on between the two of them has been going on for a while. "Since he won't say anything, we've been together for eight months."
"Eight months?!?! Un-fucking-believable."
"Is now a bad time to say I'm pregnant- wait, what are you doing?" Elizabeth asked, watching as y/n left the bedroom, muttering under her breath about how her own sister was a backstabbing, home wrecking whore.
"I'm picking yours and his clothes up off the floor and throwing them in the trash where they belong."
"You can't do that!"
"Seeing as this is my house, I can do what I want and I'm just cleaning up the mess you left behind as per usual."
Y/n walked over to the front door, opening it and gestured for her to leave. "I don't care where you go, or who you go to, because you are no longer welcomed here."
With no other choice, Elizabeth dug hers and Wyatt's clothes out of the trash and got dressed. Once they were gone, she wasted no time in reaching for her rather expensive tequila and drank it straight from the bottle.
"Who needs boyfriends when you have a sister like Elizabeth."
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liked by josefnewgarden, scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, and 1,239,512 others
yourinstagram italy photo dump.
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josefnewgarden where was my invite?
⤷ yourinstagram it got lost in the mail.
user1 I find it a little weird that she's in Maranello 🤔
⤷user2 everyone takes a vacation to Maranello, so it's not that weird.
⤷user1 maybe but wearing a Ferrari jacket and going to the Ferrari Museum and then taking a picture of the prancing horse? its sus to me.
user3 If you go to formula one, I swear to God I'll scream.
*liked by yourinstagram*
⤷user4 Y/N LIKED?!?
⤷user5 this pretty much confirms she's going to f1.
user6 that jacket is sooooo cute!
ScuderiaFerrari red looks good on you.
*liked by yourinstagram*
user8 there's a reason why there hasn't been a woman in formula one in thirty-three years.
⤷user9 and its because formula one is for men and not women.
⤷user10 if she does to f1, she'll choke under the pressure and go back to indycar.
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She'd be lying if she said listening to the Ferrari higher ups talk about what was expected of her once she signed the contract wasn't lowkey terrifying. Ferrari was the dream team. A team every driver wanted to be a part of because of its past successes and rich history. And who wouldn't want to join the likes of Fangio, Lauda, Prost and Schumacher in the Ferrari Hall of fame?
"You with us, y/n?" her lawyer set his hand on her shoulder, getting her attention.
"I'm sorry, but can you repeat that?"
"As we were saying, Ferrari goes deeper than just a brand of car. Many individuals have joined over the years, but many have also cracked under the pressure. Are you sure you can handle it?"
"Oh! Definitely."
"If you're so sure, then sign away," Fred slid the contract over the sleek oak table and handed her a pen, hurriedly signing her name on the dotted line. As she set the pen down, it hit her. She was, as of that moment, a formula one driver for Scuderia Ferrari.
She stood up, shaking everyone's hand, stopping at Fred. "Thank you for taking a chance on me. I won't let you down."
"I know you won't." The small French man smiled. "Now, would you like a tour?"
Nodding her head, an older Ferrari employee guided them to the door and started going from room to room, talking intensively about anything and everything Ferrari. It was one thing to see pictures of past drivers and read their achievements, but to lay eyes on the multiple rows of championship winning cars was another. It only made the excitement grow.
That same Ferrari employee saw Charles and immediately waved him over. "Charles! Mate, come meet your new teammate!"
When their eyes met, it was like everything slowed down. It felt as if no one else was in the room but them. Just then, a warm, fuzzy feeling washed over her, and a small flutter of butterflies tickled inside her body. Was this love at first sight? But she just met Charles. There's no way she could possibly fall in love with her new teammate Right?
The corners of the Monegasques' mouth curved into a grin. "I'm Charles."
"I'm Y/n."
His trainer and the Ferrari employee exchanged looks and knew something special had happened between the two drivers. No one looks at someone like that and does not end up together.
"As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I got to get going. We should get together sometime and get to know each other since we're going to be teammates."
"I'd love that!"
They swapped phones, putting each other's numbers in. As the tour continued, she looked over her shoulder and watched him walk away, completely ignoring the Ferrari employee. The season couldn't start fast enough.
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liked by yourinstagram, charles_leclerc, josefnewgarden and 4,325,124 others.
scuderiaferrari pushing past expectations and shattering glass ceilings, y/n y/ln makes history by being the first woman since Giovanna Amati in 1992 to race in formula one. Everyone here at Ferrari can't wait to see what you achieve!
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yourinstagram racing for Ferrari has always been a dream of mine since I was a kid and now that's coming to fruition feels amazing. thank you for this opportunity.
⤷scuderiaferrari 🥰❤️
user1 time to stop watching formula one.
⤷user2 if you're going to stop watching formula one all because a woman joined the grid, then that's says a lot about you as a person.
charles_leclerc the season can't start fast enough!
*liked by yourinstagram*
user3 while I'm sad to see her leave IndyCar, I'm excited to see her race in formula one.
lewishamilton this is not only inspirational to me, but many women who want to get into motorsports, or even formula one, but don't because of the rampant sexism and misogyny. I know your career in formula one is going to bright!
⤷yourinstagram you have no idea how much this means to me!
user4 with charles and y/n Ferrari will be unstoppable.
*liked by scuderiaferrari*
user5 Ferrari dominance will bore people.
user6 Ferrari wdc and wcc confirmed!
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part two will have ALL the drama.
@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @patzammit @tinycyberhacker @keenmarvellover @mrspeacem1nusone @lendeluxe @alexxavicry @allenajade-ite @catswag22 @eugene-emt-roe @wcnorris @bibissparkles @cherry-piee @khaylin27 @evie-119
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justjams2003 · 9 months
Fast Pace- 10
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic. Smoking, smut, sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, the word 'daddy', tell me if I missed any
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @s-silk
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @dark-night-sky-99 @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis @carlossainzwho @lordpercevalcharles @topguncultleader @kitixie @serp3ns0rtiae
Word count: 3,1k
Part 9~Part 11(coming soon)
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"Carlos! Carlos! Carlos! Look! Look! Look!” Your excitement is uncontainable. There was a knock on the door early in the morning. You opened the door to a package in the hands of one of your security guards. With the name of one of the lesser-known clothing brands in Milan. You'd slept in the same bed as Carlos, and it’s brought you closer together. You jump on the bed, just barely missing his sleeping form, well, now no longer sleeping. 
He doesn't even groan at your excitement. Instead, he wakes up with a smile. "Goodmorning, mi dulce niña, what has got you so riled up before 7 in the morning?” He asks, picking you up by the waist and placing you in his lap. "I got a package, see?” He rubs his eyes, now really waking up. He takes the box from your hands and reads the letter that came with.  
"Dear, Y/N, we've seen your videos and would love for you to show off some of our best looks on the paddock. Gioia Bini.” He doesn't show much of a reaction, clearly though just a bluff, a wide grin covers his face. He grabs you and then pulls you close to him. His scruff tickles you as he places a thousand small kisses all over. Your neck, your shoulders, your cheeks.  
You can't help but laugh, joy coursing through you. "I'm so proud of you!” His words feel like adrenaline through your bones. You can feel your childhood hopes and dreams spark alive again. This is a moment you'll be saving forever. Like a wallpaper for your mind. Because while he gives you words of praise you feel nothing but pure joy.  
"Let me fit it, and you can help me chose when and which one.” The first one is that classic Ferrari read, never before have you realised how good you look in the colour. Or just how good it feels to see him look at you like that. As if you're worth a million, no, a billion dollars. The second one is a short, white dress.  
"Mmh, a difficult choice. You know I love you in red, but I can't wait to see you in white.” "What?” Did he really just say that? Marriage? Yes, you're crazy about him, but you've only known him a month. But he doesn't answer. At all. He brushes it off as if he never said it. As if he meant to keep it in his mind or say it in Spanish.  
He then checks his watch; he'd already gotten ready in his gym clothes. "We'll decide after the gym.” You smile and go to get ready for your everyday. "Okay, enjoy yourself,” yet before you could go change, he grabs you by the wrist. "Ah, ah, ah. You're joining me. Remember the deal?” The realisation hits you, he must be making a joke, he can't be serious.  
Yet, he was dead serious about the smoking. He was dead serious about the healthy eating; you could see your hips becoming a bit softer and your legs just a bit rounder. His fingers come up to your chin and close your mouth. "You'll catch flies, why is this bothering you so much?” You rip your wrist from his hand.  
"Fine.” You don't mean to sound so harsh, but you can feel the memories surfacing. You can't help but stare at yourself in the mirror. Does he not like your body? Does he want it different? Will he be taking your privilege if you don't go? You thought you were more to him? More than just a body. Is that why he won't touch you? He doesn't think your body is good enough yet? 
"You're killing me,” you're heaving heavily. Squeezing your sides from the stitches as you hang over the treadmill. All while your sugar daddy and your shared personal trainer is laughing at your reaction. "You! This is all your fault. I thought you-” the word love plays on your tongue. No, he can't possibly love you. If he does, there must be something wrong with him.  
"-cared for me! And now? Now you're trying to kill me.” You just barely peer over to him. He hasn't even broken a sweat and yet he's done 3 times more than you. "It's just a 10 minute run, Y/N. I understand you had that classic French diet, but we have to start somewhere.” Rupert explains, trying to encourage you.  
It doesn't help, you can feel your lungs burning. But Carlos knows. He knows what motivates you, he knows what pushes your buttons. He tells Bob to go fill out your water bottle again. Then he does the same as before, lifts your chin and then brings your ear close to his mouth. "Come on, show Daddy you'll be able to keep up with me.” He shoots you a wink and before you know it, Bob is back.  
Your cheeks are bright red, and you just hope and pray that the trainer will think it's from the exercise. "Alright, Rupert, peak health. As good as a high-performance athlete.” You send Carlos a wink, hoping that it has the same effect on him as it has on you. It doesn't he doesn't blush, not once, in fact his smirk grows wider.  
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"Carlos did what?” You bite your lip at Alexandra's reaction. "He gave me his card and told me to go shop.” Kika lets out a laugh. "We heard you; we're just shocked.” You look at the both of them, their opinions matter a lot to you. You want what they have, what they are. You want to join them on their girls-trips and always enjoy the hospitalities with them on the paddock.  
"What? Does Pierre not do that?” You ask, feeling a bit like a deer caught in headlights. "I wish." She scoffs taking a sip from her drink. "Neither does Charles. I mean, he does give me presents and naturally we go on vacation together, but rarely does he just give me his card.” She still looks a bit taken back. "His Black Amex at that too.” Kika interrupts.  
The realisation of just how different your relationship is hits you. You didn't think from the start that they're sugar babies, but you thought at least their boyfriends would treat them the same. Or at least, similarly. Even so, for the most part your behaviour seems more girlfriend than sugar baby. Should you be acting different?  
"And the car too! Kika, did you see her car?” Alex calls out, putting down her drink. "Car?” Portuguese girl asks after swallowing her bite. Alex squeals and then pulls out her phone. At the moment, you feel like an outsider. You feel like they're gossiping about you, even if you're right next to them. She then shows Kika your Instagram, and they both swoon. Has she been watching you? 
 "You follow me?” She chuckles and nods, "Of course, girl, I've been stalking you since Charles told me Carlos got a new girl.” You chuckle, this all feels so schoolgirl. As if you aren't surrounded by some of the riches people on earth. "So, he's had plenty of girlfriends then?” She thinks for a moment, before backtracking on her words. 
"I wouldn't call them girlfriends. They're more like flings than anything. But you... I think you're here to stay.” She takes your hands in her own. "Why do you say so.” Before she even starts speaking, she leers over her sunglasses to Brutis and Otis. "Because they've never been here before." You regret wearing the claw-clip now, because you're so ready to hide.  
Kika finishes her drink, "Yeah, do they follow you everywhere?” She asks while turning back and waving to them. No reaction on their part. You sigh, letting go of Alex's hands and hiding your face. "Ugh, yes, it's Carlos' only fault. His protectiveness." Alex laughs and then shrugs. "It makes sense, the fans can be more dangerous than you realise..." It feels like the same speech he gave you.
"Yeah, didn't you see all those videos at the concerts? People are throwing things these days..." Kika agrees with Alex. If three people think the same, maybe it is logical? You haven't told Ilsa or Jasmine about them, you already know how they'll overreact.  
"I guess he's just worried about me," both of the girls only hum, but like classic good friends they give each other a knowing look. "But they're not much fun, are they?" She reads you like a book, they've been such a drag. A looming figure you just can't get rid of. And you know other people are staring more at them than they are at you. After all, you're not even that famous. "Why don't we ditch them?" Alex asks, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I don't know, I don't want to stress Carlos out. With the practice and all, I don't want him to get hurt..."  
They both groan and boo at your hesitation. "He's not your dad, you don't have to do everything he says." Kika gives a sharp side eye, but she too has the playful aura. "Yeah, all three our boys are busy right now. We won't be bothering them. You can barely reach them when they're caught up in the media like this." She's right, so far you've just been sitting here eating lunch with them. After that, you have no idea. Carlos has so much to do and you honestly don't feel like getting in his hair. "Oh alright, how are we going to do this?"  
"Woohoo! Isn't this so much more fun than sitting around with those old men?" You can barely hear her over the sound of the radio. You're driving down the streets of Milan, again. This time an even bigger budget in mind with your new girl friends.
Even better so that those two boys aren't here to ruin the party, they'd been blowing up your phone and you've been gladly ignoring them. Gucci scarves, Prada heels, Hermés handbags, anything you could dream off. All the while the three of you go crazy on your Instagram. Showing everyone the life.  
"Oo girl, Carlos is going to attack you like some vicious animal when he sees you in that." Kika smirks as you all fit the lingerie on, after all the shopping and treats you all feel much closer together. You can only laugh, too ashamed to truly speak of all that is happening. Alex whines and places her head on your shoulder. "You really have the perfect guy." You can only laugh at her. "And what? Charles Leclerc is a deadbeat?"  
He's getting paid more than Carlos, he's more stable with Ferrari than Carlos and they've been longer together than the two of you. She laughs and admires herself in the changing room mirror. "I really like him, don't get me wrong. But he's not obsessed with me like Carlos is with you."
You blush and begin changing back into your clothes. "I wouldn't say he's obsessed with me." You both leave the changing room at the same time, conveniently with Kika outside still deep in your conversation.  
"Girl, have you seen the way he looks for you? All he does for you? What has it been? 6 Months? I would marry that man already if I were you. Just to make sure he doesn't get away." If you had a drink you would've spit it out. "Kika! It's a bit early, don't you think?" You're glad she shares your shock, otherwise you'd be certain that they're both crazy. "Not at all." You all three laugh at her, now you're really enjoying yourself.  
The ringtone rings, Sade's Smooth Operator plays due to the ringtone. "Speak of the devil." You say, holding up your phone after paying. You answer the phone while walking out the doors. "Where the fuck are you?" You can't help but let a laugh escape. He must be joking or something, you've never heard this time from him. He's never been aggressive towards you, ever. "This is not something to be fucking laughing about. Get back to the hotel, now."  
You fall back, behind the two girls, not wanting them to listen to the conversation. "Why? It's not even," you go to look at the time only to realise free practice has long since ended. Not to mention, it's almost 5. "Oh shit..." You mutter, not realising how long you've been out and about.
"Oh shit is right. Get back to the hotel. Now." His voice is much sterner than you've ever heard him be. Comparable to the rage you've seen in the videos, after he's been let down by his team, again. Have you let him down?  
You open the hotel door. All while taking off your heels and putting them to the side. "Carlos?" You call out, not seeing him lounging around, likely guessing that he's changing. In your mind, he's supposed to go to the gym right around now. The trainer has kept your sessions three times a week for now. However, walking further into the hotel room you see him on the balcony. In his workout clothes, his back faced to you with the setting sun of Italy in the background.  
"Carlos," he doesn't look to be as angry as he sounded on the phone. Then again, you've never really seen him angry. He turns to you, now you can truly gauge his emotions. "Where were you?" You go to answer him but he raises his hand. "More importantly why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" Anger, yes, it's prevalent, but more importantly you see fear. Utter frustration in his eyes, he looks like he's ran a  marathon. 
You shrug, inspecting your still un-pedicured toes. That was one of the many things you plan on doing with your mom next week when you visit. "I didn't want to bother you. You were busy with the media." He scoffs at your words, his dark hair moving with his dramatic reactions. He repeats your words in a mutter. "So you thought it would be better to scare the living shit out of me?" He does look truly terrified. His usually soft eyes are now hard like rock. Like the amber stones his eyes so resemble.  
"Do you know how it felt? I was in the middle of a drivers meeting. I thought someone took you from me!" You see tears form in his eyes. His backlash has a similar effect on you. You can feel the rock in your throat and the burning in your jaw. Yet still you don't dare say a word, after all you have nothing to say.
"Worse even, I thought you left me. I thought that they had said something that made you leave. That you realise you deserve much more than me." This makes you laugh, or maybe it's just to keep the sobs from escaping.  
But the laugh seems to pierce his heart. "You're laughing? I'm ready to burn the whole of Italy just to find you and you're laughing?" Now, now you see anger. Raging burning anger. Like it's been locked in a cage and now it's free and gulping up oxygen.
"No, Carlos. It's funny to me that you think I deserve better? You quite literally took me in from the streets. Fed me with Caviar, clothed me with Gucci and cared for me like a king his queen, expecting nothing in return. And yet still believe I deserve better?"  
Now it's his turn to laugh. You can see his fighting a battle in his mind. What to say and what not to say. "Can't you see? In five years I'll be washed up. Not a single Championship to my name and my money spent on stupidly expensive watches and cars that don't even hold one shopping bag. But you, you're immortal. Your beauty should be and I'm convinced will be remembered until every last mind withers from this earth.  Every single dime spent on you, is for the betterment of humanity."  
How on earth can you really mean so much to him? What is it about you? How can one glance from an alleyway have this man in tears in front of you. You can't control yourself, you just need to feel his arms around you.
You need to hold him and comfort him. Tell him you'll stay forever. How sorry you are and that it won't ever happen again. And he lets you. He lets the tears fall in the crook your neck. His grip tighter than you thought possible. To the point where it aches. But, that's what love is, right? It aches.  
He combs his fingers through your hair, whispering words that you'll never know what they mean. "Estoy obsesionado contigo. Si no puedo abrazarte por el resto de mi vida, entonces no tengo vida que esperar. Si no es en tus brazos donde muero, será en ese maldito coche de carreras, aunque tenga que asegurarme de ello."  
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pliablehead · 3 months
Heyo, what do you consider the top 5 must-watch EE interviews???
I AM SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS and I think it's because I really don't have a proper answer!! So much of my deep dive into EE was done in one long hyperfixation spiral back when I was first getting fangirl-level into them, a good 6 or 7 years ago, and so I'm running into the problem of most of the interview content I've consumed all sort of homogenizing into one sort of blur of Lore that I've internalized and I am not doing a great job at separating out into its individual components! So, that said, the following list is probably not in line with what I'd actually ultimately believe to be the best, most crucial ones--it's just the ones my brain can call to mind at the moment. lol. BUT HERE ARE SOME:
serious/insightful: • Jon and Alex for Tape Notes podcast. (so not a must-watch so much as a much-listen, but there are a few individual clips from this on youtube in video form as well I believe.) RDF is my favorite EE album and I thought this was a hugely interesting look into their writing process and also had a bunch of cool personal stuff in it! Plus, I think it's a very good look at who the band are, like, "now" -- there's a lot of great content around from MA up through GTH, but by the time they were on album 4 and all like, 30+, and especially once covid hit and sort of changed the trajectory of like.. bands, in general, I feel like it's just been a different animal re: regular interviews etc. • this 2013 3-parter with Jonathan. It's been ages since I watched it but I remembered it almost immediately, and for some reason I'm remembering it as an oddly vulnerable Jon moment. just talking about things. (more good band lore! etc.)
funny/meme-y: • Mike and Jez at Isle of Wight. Unlike many others, I could not possibly count how many times I have rewatched this, and it is funny every time. The interviewer is a buffoon asking totally clueless questions and Jez is having absolutely none of it, he's just chomping his chewing gum the entire time, Mike's doing his best, it destroys me. • Mike and Jez look at memes. Less interview-y and more just #content but whoever edited this video did a TOP NOTCH JOB and it's one I often show to not-in-this-fanbase friends that can still be a fun look at the band and a good laff. • This very sweet one with Alex and Mike being interviewed by a literal child. Contains the infamous "Jeremy, and yes," which is one of my most quoted EE-related sentences ever • this Man Alive track-by-track, also audio only.. the BITS that Jon and Alex are doing. truly incredible stuff
just lads having a nice time :) : • the CAPSLOCK ON talkback - lots of pleasant band and lyric insight, and a great Jez cheese moment at the end • this livestream dot com session is some performing but some Q&Aing, so not really an interview proper, but the energy in the room is delightful alskdghj
other noteworthy bodies of work: • anything with Andy Backhouse. I'll be the first to admit that Andy can grate my nerves sometimes, he often feels annoyingly a little too simp-y or something, but the other side of that coin is that as a huge fan of the band he actually does always ask them questions that are like, Real, he Gets them, so it's guaranteed to be a notch up from just random music journos who are engaging with them on a more surface industry level. Nothing is more frustrating than watching an EE interview where the interviewer just so blatantly doesn't "get" EE's whole deal and doesn't know how to interface. Andy never has that problem ! • any episode of Chips of Chorlton that features them (I think Jon's been on twice and Jeremy once). Dutch Uncles are their friends and hearing them all shoot the shit in an extremely comfortable environment is suuuuch a pleasant and wholly different experience than when the lads are being Professional Music Band guys, even when the latter still consists of them doing fairly goofy things
A VERY LONGWINDED AND NOT ESPECIALLY COMPREHENSIVE ANSWER ?? !!!!! Ultimately I think I was the wrong man for the job. @hellkitepriest has way more of an archivist's nature sort of just intrinsically than I do, he can probably do a better and less ridiculous job akjdshglak
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arkhammaid · 8 months
I followed you for your Genshin fics, I got into Honkai Star Rail because of you and now I'm also into F1, so thank you for introducing me to new fandoms!
Could you recommend any F1 fic writers here on Tumblr?
hello anon! i'm so sorry it took me so long to answer this ask, but i really had to go through the list, since i read all kinds of stuff and i haven't gotten around to read all fics i planned to :// so the people tagged below write anything between smau's or written fics (sfw and nsfw!!), here or on ao3, so please check them out!! (very sorry for tagging so many people but i admire all of you and your works🫶)
@pucksandpower , @lorarri , @leclerc-s , @lovewithmary , @verstarppen , @astonmartinii , @f1version , @leclsrc , @lewisvinga , @arieslost , @mariahcarreyyy , @f1byjessie , @verstppism , @scuderiahoney , @serpenttines , @angsthology , @fangirl-dot-com , @foreveralbon , @drivestraight , @twslug , @planete777 , @sssilverstoned , @hemmingsleclerc , @monzamash , @velvetsainz , @chlerc , @landothemuppet , @landonfour , @landitolover , @norafaye , @nico-di-genova , @everythingne , @enchantecafe , @f0point5 , @solaireverie
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lol-jackles · 2 years
What is your reading on Jensen’s interview with entertainment weekly:
ew -dot- com/tv/jensen-ackles-on-directing-walker-kansas-performance-photos/
(X) lol that immediate The Winchester mention in the first paragraph. Then the part of Jared making that huge introduction for Jensen as a message to cast and crew to treat him right. The set is like a High School cafeteria, except 100x worse on the cattiness. By all accounts, Jared made the Walker set a very good place to work and it wouldn't surprise me if the cast and crew are defensive of him, especially after the prequel announcement debacle. So, Jared set the tone that Jensen is to be treated like any director, and then some because of their shared history. After all Jensen is also credited for how good the SPN set was.
Remember that Entertainment Weekly "End of the Road" article that was a J2 love fest and Misha’s only part sums up to “job interview", as in "what can you bring to the company” and Misha said, “I can bring J2’s legendary team work magic to your set”.
Then this question: You've obviously seen Jared play a number of characters on Supernatural, but what was it like to see him in such a different setting, playing a character he's said is more of a Dean than a Sam?
Jensen's answer was fine though my views will always be colored ever since he publicly took credit for the man Jared became at age 32 compared to when he was 22. I wished I saved the source.
Jensen: It’s been cool to be a part of that and watch him become a man. I like to think I helped him along the way with advice and stuff.  I’m proud of the man he’s become.
Seriously kids, have you ever heard of another celebrity take credit for another celebrity’s adulthood in the same age group?  Made my eye twitch when I read that. Then I remember the convention where a fangirl congratulated Jared on the birth of his son, Thomas, and before Jared could respond, Jensen jumped in with, “Thank you, we’re very proud”.   No wonder J2 tinhatters exist.
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
Tagged by @apurpledheart
First BTS song?— Danger
First Bias? — Jungkook
Current Bias? — Namjoon
Put the members in order of your bias list: — Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin
Favorite BTS song? — Right now, On.
Favorite underrated BTS song? — Hip Hop Lover or Satoori Rap
Favorite song of Wings? — 21st Century Girl
Favorite songs of each LY?
Her — Best of Me
Tear — 134340 and Outro Tear
Answer — Answer - Love Myself
Favorite Music Video — Boy With Luv
Favorite dancer? — Hoseok
Favorite vocalist? — Jimin
Favorite rapper? — Joonie, Hobie and Yoongi
Favorite hair color on each member? - Let’s be real, when they all had black hair - cue fangirl dying
Namjoon: brown or blond
Jin : black or blond - flashbacks to Fire
Yoongi: Blond or Mint Green
Hobi: Dark brown or light brown
Jimin : Pink
Jungkook : black or when he did that, half fried half baked hair color that I love
Favorite choreography? — Either the Epic Mic Drop Full Version Break dance, or the Epic No More Dream Dance Break
Favorite (bromance) ship? — Jimin and Jungkook. I just love how they don’t give a fuck and it’s sweet.
Tagging: @myforeverforlife   @uwugalore @btsbiaswreckedwriting @hobicomeholla29 @brokecollegenerd  @loser-dot-com @jeonsdear @butnamsjoon @apurpledheart@kpopcinnamonswirlroll @eashmo201 @kookswife @soulofatiny @mygsii   @cherryeoo @minniepetals @minniesmarshmallow @yoongi-sugaglider  @crystaljins @taestfully  @jungtaeyoongles  @i-am-delaney @worldwidebt7 @flurrys-creativity
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My dear friends,
Over the past few weeks I have hinted at an announcement and here it is, and it's bittersweet. A couple of you already know, others have guessed at it, and more than a few of you will simply be unsurprised because you've been paying attention to the ebbs and flows around here.
I'm leaving Tumblr.
*deep breath*
There it is, now for the details:
I am not deleting my blog.
As a matter of fact, I can't stop my queue from running and it's full to bursting, so enjoy that for as long as it lasts.
But I will no longer be manning the blog. I am removing the app from my phone and signing out on my laptop. I will receive no notifications for mentions, chats, asks, or replies.
I have no intentions of signing back in.
When I first started my blog, it was an escape. A way to unwind and de-stress during a not-so-awesome time of my life. And it's been fun. So much fun. Sharing, occasionally creating, and generally fangirling over various fandoms and things. Sassing death threat anons. Spamming people with cat pictures and Broadway. Rambling about my day. Ask games. The works.
I want to be clear that nothing and no one is "chasing me away" from the site. The site has problems yes, but I've gotten pretty good at handling or avoiding them. Debates and hateful messages I am ready to answer and brush away, respectively. In fact, the recent controversy my blog saw actually brought me back to activity, rather than drive me from it. So this is not because I'm hurt or upset. On the contrary, I only have the best reasons for going.
My reasons are simple, and the same reasoning I have gone on hiatus (mostly unsuccessfully) several times. This last short absence was because I desperately needed the break in general, but doing a solid disconnect for four days from social media at large was a trial run.
See, for me, Tumblr's become a major time waster. For me, the pros of Tumblr being a delightful distraction no longer outweigh the cons of losing that time. I want to be a wise steward of my time, I want to make the most of my life. I can't do that if I am spending 1-2+ hours scrolling a (very enjoyable) dashboard every day. There are so many other things I can pursue with that time. The things I want to do, the person I want to be, is not helped by this waste of time and thought and energy.
So I'm going to let it go. For good.
I've learned so much, and met so many wonderful people, including one of my best friends on the planet. I've loved almost every minute of it, the summer of 2017 notwithstanding. 😉 I genuinely enjoy Tumblr – it is my favorite social media, if it can be labeled as such, and it's more than a little hard to give up – but I'm also so excited about the opportunities I have to grow and be and do moving forward.
This message is already far longer than I intended, but you know me. XD Being concise is not my forte yet. Working on that.
I will be leaving a contact email in my bio. Anyone is more than welcome to use that to contact me. I don’t want to lose contact with you. You are also welcome to ask for other contact options for me, but I remain a private person and reserve the right to not oblige, however I am most comfortable. This doesn't mean I think any less of you, it just is, and I appreciate your respect for my privacy.
Dear betas: I will be in contact with you about the best way to let you know when Only the Broken gets updated.
My official last day on tumble dot com will be June 30th. That night, I am signing out quite possibly for the last time. July 1st, you will no longer be able to reach me here. I will update my bio to reflect this. I'll very happily respond to any messages I receive between now and then.
Here we are, and I suppose there's only one thing left:
Thank you.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you guys, it's been a real adventure, a real blast. The conversations, content, and camaraderie I've found here will long outlast this site. Enjoy Tumblr, enjoy life, grow in grace.
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~ Rags
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fangirl-dot-com · 7 months
could I request an alternate ending to chapter 28, where y/n and Arthur were the ones to get married at the chapel? Maybe Max and Charles are upset because they weren’t invited? 🥺
hi love, I am sorry but I am not taking requests. I love To Do is To Dare with all my heart - it will be by first baby forever, but this work is much longer than I thought it would ever be and I'm very excited to get to work on more AU short series along with Reputations.
Another reason why is that the epilogue will tell all and reveal all about everything after the 2024 season!
Also, reader is only 21 years old and is super independent. I know that she wants to get married at some point but she's only starting her career just now.
I will say though that Arthur already has a ring picked out tho 🤭
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
[Insert Clever Title Here]
Well, I am back after a forced break of sorts. I'm taking things a bit slower but gods, have I missed role-playing, so here I am on the interwebs again.
So basically, I am here for new RP partners. My mind is starting to flow creatively again and I'm wanting to write.
Before I get into the fun stuff, I unfortunately need to establish the boring, but still important stuff. I just recently got out of school, with a program I didn't really care for. I've got a job that's OK, and eats up my weekends and plenty of my energy.
Of course, that being said, I will let my partners know if I'm busy or won't be able to post. That's an important thing to me. I like to communicate and inform, something I hope to receive in return from my RP partner.
**Also, I am so very sorry to anyone who has contacted me the last few months and had to deal with me dropping off the face of the planet with very little explanation. School and work and life kicked my butt and I just couldn't handle it all.
Now that that is out of the way, I'm Azarak, or Seathina. These are two of the nicknames I go by on the interwebs and well, here's more about me.
I'm a 22 year old female.
I'm an avid OC role-player, who loves fantasy themed role-plays.
Despite issues and such, I am still a fairly active role-player, who uses role-playing to relax and get away from the real world. It's important to me and like to do it every day if I can. On a side note, I am getting back into the swing of things, so I might be a little slow for a bit, especially in the beginning of the story.
I have my phone with me pretty much all the time, though I'm unavailable while I'm at work.
Speaking of time, I live on the East Coast of the USA, so I'm in the Eastern Standard Time Zone.
I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to grammar since role-playing is so important to me. Please at least make an effort to spell things right and use correct punctuation in your posts.
OOC chatting is fine with me, as I enjoy discussing the future of the RP, talking about mutual interests, etc.
I enjoy adding in little subtle hints for my role-playing partners to notice and more or less zone in on, adding in some surprises and helping to build up deep characters.
Now, here's what I'm looking for in my partners.
I'm looking for experienced role-players, not beginners.
Someone who can play a variety of characters (not just one or two!) and can contribute to the story alongside me, since we will be partners and that's how it should go.
Someone at least 19 years old or older. Any younger just seems weird to me, sorry. Please do let me know how old you are, just so I can know. I won't role-play with anyone younger.
A partner who will work with me so that together we can plan events, trouble, and basically all the other drama or whatever will happen to our characters. Twists are fine every now and then to add surprise, though I would like to be informed of any major character deaths before they happen. Thank you! But basically, I'm looking for people capable of creativity.
Someone who can type in complete sentences and give me something to work with in our role-play and not leave me cringing from all the mistakes or confused. A few mistakes are fine, but I shouldn't feel like I'm correcting a paper. I'm tired of the lack of proofreading when people just breeze through with stuff.
People who will let me know of changes in their availability and won't just disappear off of the face of the Earth without warning, leaving me wondering about what happened. I don't want to be annoying and have to ask all the time if you are alright or busy often, but it is something I do sometimes. I can't read minds. Just let me know, please.
An active role-player who can respond multiple times a week, maybe even at least once or twice (or more!) a day. I especially love having active back and forth sessions in a single day, with responses going on for hours. Those are awesome, but seem oh so rare nowadays...
My Likes and Dislikes
Likes -
Fantasy, action, adventure, romance, and some drama themes in my role-plays.
Quick responses.
Correct Grammar.
Planning with my partners.
*cough* Fangirling *cough*
Mythical creatures.
Active partners.
M/F Romance (Nothing against M/M or F/F, just not my thing.)
Dislikes -
Bathroom fetishes
Constant disappearances without explanations
Lack of Communication!
Perverts who try to hit on me
People who won't play more than one character.
One-sided doubling. (Do not expect me to play the guy character to your girl in a couple if you won't play the guy to my girl. I'm tired of it. I won't do it. I want it to be equal or it won't happen.)
God-modding/People who take over the role-play
One-liner responses
Text Talk
Slice of Life
People who try to force me to do things I don't want to do.
Other information:
I role-play in paragraph style, third person, and past tense. I can do long or short posts, depending on what I'm given to work with and the number of characters I have.
I can do smut in my role-plays, given that you are legally able to do so and that I am comfortable with the situation and we've gotten to know each other a little better. I can also fade to black and may occasionally request to do so. I usually do not want my role-plays to be purely smut based.
Again... Please have a decent grasp of grammar, especially in your posts. I can understand mistakes come from occasional slips (I often have them if I'm tired!), but please remember to punctuate to the best of your ability too. Proofreading quickly through a post can be helpful. That's what I do.
I tend to lean more towards M/F romantic pairings because that is what I'm most comfortable with. I can and will double so long as it is kept fair, with both (or more) couples being focused on fairly equal.
When contacting me, please don't just say something along the lines of “Wanna role-play?” to me. I would like you to include some stuff about yourself, like what name you'd like me to call you (not vulgar), your age, availability, years of role-playing experience, time-zone, dislikes/likes when it comes to role-playing, and role-playing style (number of characters you usually play, posting style, if you play males and females, themes/genres you like, etc.)
Also be warned that if you do contact me vaguely like I asked you not to, I will not answer or acknowledge that you messaged me. If contacting me on Skype, because of the text limit, just inform me that you are contacting me for role-playing so that I can add you. That way you can post your information and not have it get lost or ignored for the wrong reasons.
Now, for my contact information. Thank you all who read through my post completely! You are awesome.
Skype: Azarak Om (seathina56 AT yahoo DOT com)
Discord: Azarak#7931
Hope to hear from you soon!
As always, I probably forgot something, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask them upon contact. Thanks!
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jodiejareau · 7 years
Answer 20 questions and tag 20 people. I was tagged by @whatmakesyouahero thanks pal :)
1) name: Catherine
2) nickname: most of my friends call me Cat. My girlfriend calls me Kitkat sometimes, my sister calls me Catface.
3) zodiac sign: Pisces
4) height: 5′6.5″
5) orientation: pansexuaaaaaaaaal but bi is a good label too. 
6) nationality: English
7) favorite fruit: I mean I’d say my FAVOURITE is strawberries but I definitely have bananas most often.
8) favorite season: I like them all. I’m definitely a summer person, like I am so much more chill and happy when there’s daylight and sunshine and warm temperatures, but autumn and spring are both beautiful and I appreciate the coldness of winter too. 
9) favorite book: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell LOVE. Also Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, and Sabriel by Garth Nix.
10) favorite flower: sunflowers. Special mention to roses.
11) favorite scent: I have this red Yankee candle that’s like, winter berries or something? It’s so good.
12) favorite color: blue or pink or green. Or grey. Hm.
13) favorite animals: cats or elephants.
14) coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate always. I’m trying to develop a taste for green tea cos I know it’s good for you but if I’m honest it still tastes rank to me.
15) average hours of sleep: 7-8. I function better the closer to 8, though.
16) cats or dogs: cats, always. I do like dogs though, which is cool cos I used to be terrified of them. My girlfriend has a cute dog and I love her.
17) number of blankets you sleep with: normally just the quilt. I’ll sleep with an extra blanket if it’s cold.
18) dream trip: I’d like to go to Australia but to be honest I don’t think I could deal with the spiders. I guess I don’t really have a Dream Trip as such.
19) blog created: about three years ago I think.
20) follower count: hahaha 138! I’m not in it for the followers though. Tbh I’m surprised 138 people want to see the inside of my brain.
I’m meant to tag 20 people but I definitely do not know 20 people on tumblr dot com. Let’s go: @touchemonamie @blossombutch @bodypositivityandglitter @thepeople-and-thegovernment @letsdiscoverkitty @cheetobreath96
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A rom-com about a gifted exhibition custodian indoxxi named Sung Duk Mi, who is a symbol fangirl underneath her expert facade. In the interim, her manager Ryan turns into an energetic fanboy of her.
Sung Duk Mi carries on with a twofold life as both an exhibition guardian and a home ace for a fansite about Si An, a symbol bunch part. She’s an expert in the two parts of her life, and on account of her fangirl devotion, Duk Mi has needed to say a final farewell to a few beaus, choosing rather to bet everything for her fangirl exercises as opposed to dating.
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Ryan is another executive at the  indoxxi exhibition  where Duk Mi works. When a painter, Ryan was a sensation in the craftsmanship world from his introduction to his retirement, and is presently observing profession accomplishment as a chief. A maverick totally, Ryan comes to get some answers concerning Duk Mi’s twofold life. This arrangement depends on the web novel "Noona Fan Dot
0 notes
buckybarnesstar · 8 years
Valentine’s Day
Note: Happy Valentine’s Day, my loves! I hope you had a better day than I did! this is short and not that great; my writing juice is low! feedback is welcome! .c
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Valentine’s Day always left the most distasteful flavor in your mouth. You once had someone close to you to spend it with and now, you curse the day in vain because screw love, screw the heartfelt gifts, and screw time wasted on someone who didn’t deserve you. Maybe one day you’ll find someone who does.
You stayed in bed most of the morning so you could avoid seeing the Valentine decorations littering all over the tower. The two lovesick girls and a very head over heels Steve spent all day yesterday, putting them up. They threw foil hearts everywhere, covering the floor, pink and red rose wall decals placed on every inch of the walls.
They even went so far as to hang a rather large baby Cupid from the ceiling in the common room. It made you want to barf. Not to mention, the bedroom doors all except yours and surprisingly Bucky’s, had candy heart decals on them saying some lovesick word or short phrase, only worsening the mood for you.
You used to love this day, spending it with your ex-significant other, showering them with gifts, seeing the love in their eyes. Now, you dreaded the day it came around. You were happy for the couples in the tower, and you were more than thankful they had left to go on their dates. You were alone in the tower, or so you thought.
You grudgingly got out of bed and showered, not bothering to put on nice clothes. You settled for a tank top and leggings, not finding a reason to make yourself look dolled up for another regular day in your book. You made a sound of disgust as you walked through the tower, all the decorations sticking out to you like an eyesore.
You heard faint noise coming from somewhere, sounding like the common room. It was only until you walked into a scene that made your hand fly to your mouth to hold your laughter that you found the source of the grunting. Bucky, who you had no clue was even here, was whacking the hanging baby Cupid with an umbrella, trying to knock it down.
“Mother fu-dammit!” He yelled, barely tipping the end of it’s arrow. It was rather big and high up, even for the tall super soldier. “Fuck it. It’s just you and me, you stupid baby.” Bucky said with a huff, throwing the umbrella to the side. You snorted and he whipped around, his eyes wide. “Shit! I thought I was alone!” Bucky shouted, holding his chest.
You giggled and walked in, crossing your arms. “Chill, old man.” You said, rolling your eyes as he took deep breaths. “You’re not the only one who’s alone. It can be scary, huh?” You added harshly. Bucky shot you a glare and you held your arms up in mock surrender. “What’s got you so mad about today?” You questioned Bucky, pointing at the still swinging Cupid.
Bucky sighed and avoided looking at you until you looked away. “I mean, there’s this girl. I’m too nervous to ask her out or whatever..” Bucky trailed off, his eyes looking at you. You looked up at him, seeing his eyes avert to somewhere else. Your heart sank a tad. “Oh.” You said rather coldly, “I don’t have anyone.” You added sadly.
“So, you don’t have a-” Bucky started, seeing you shaking your head quickly before he could finish his question. “Nope.” You said, popping the p. You sighed and sat in Sam’s chair after tossing the heart shaped pillow to the floor with a grimace. Bucky rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks tinted red in a cute way. 
You always had a thing for Bucky, but you weren’t sure how to deal with it. You always stayed back, let him do his thing, let him heal from his past. You didn’t want to pressure him or make him feel weird by dumping the small feelings you had on him. You guessed it was too late now. He had his eyes on someone else.
Bucky let out a sigh and sat down on the sofa, his hands resting on his thighs. His hair was in a messy bun, a few shorter layers framing his face. He had a little bit of stubble growing and his usual Henley was unbuttoned all the way, just enough to let your imagination run free. You quickly looked away when Bucky’s head turned in your direction.
He took a deep breath, as if to prepare himself for what he was about to ask you. “Why?” Bucky asked, his hands joining together as he played with his fingers. He did that when he was nervous, you picked up on it a few weeks after he arrived. You looked at Bucky, biting the inside of your cheek. You sighed and your eyes rose to look at the slightly swaying baby Cupid. “Just an ex.” You said quietly.
Bucky nodded after a moment and sat up straighter. “Did it end badly?” Bucky asked softly, you could tell he was scared he’d offend you. You still felt upset about it, but you didn’t hurt like before. It was easier to talk about, just not on this particular day. 
You sighed again, the memories flooding back. You tucked your knees up against your chest and wrapped your arms around them, as if that would help close the gnawing hole in your heart.
With a shrug, you answered his question. “Pretty much. This was our holiday; we got together on this day. And after two years, we broke up on this day.” You said, avoiding Bucky’s sad expression. Bucky sat there, processing what you said. He took in your saddening eyes and your vulnerable position. He stood to his feet and walked over to you, holding his metal hand out to you.
You looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. “I’m not gonna let you suffer. Will you be my Valentine, Y/N?” Bucky asked, his blue eyes holding your stare. Your eyebrows relaxed and a small smile formed on your lips. You unfolded from your position and grabbed Bucky’s hand, silently telling him yes. He smiled and pulled you along, confusion settling into your mind.
Bucky pulled you into the elevator and you smiled. “Where are we going?”  You asked, looking up at Bucky. His face was red again and it made your heart swell. “Okay, don’t hate me or anything,” Bucky started as the elevator came to a stop, “But it kind of worked out perfectly.” Bucky finished, pulling you down his hallway. Your eyebrows knitted together again and Bucky stood outside of his closed door.
Bucky sighed and grasped both of your hands. “Okay, I’m very nervous.” Bucky said with a breathy chuckle. You blushed though you were still confused. “Bucky, what’s going on?” You asked as you started to get anxious. Bucky sighed, “Cover your eyes.” You did as told, a small smile tugging at your lips.
You heard Bucky open his door and he pulled you inside slowly. Your nose was suddenly filled with smell of a candle burning, or a couple, it was so strong. But you loved it, it was your favorite scent. 
“Candles?” You asked, with a wider smile. Bucky was behind you with his hands on your hips. “Hey, no peeking!” He said with a whine. “I’m not! It’s just strong.” You said, laughing as he walked you forward some more.
You felt Bucky’s hands leave your waist and you kept your hand over your closed eyes. “Alright,” you heard Bucky say, “I like you. I’ve liked you for a while.” Bucky started, his voice shaking. 
Your mouth fell open a tad and you felt your heart start to race. “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I feel happy every time I get to see you.” Bucky carried on and you could hear the smile in his tone.
Bucky took a deep breath before continuing. “You’re sweet, you’re kind, you can kick anybody’s ass and make it look like the perfect way to die, you’re gentle with me, you helped me realize I’m not just a broken man, but a man who can love and maybe be loved in return.” Bucky whispered the last part and your throat formed a lump as tears threatened to spill from your closed eyes.
You could feel Bucky’s hand grasping your wrist. He gently pulled your hand from your eyes and his metal hand caressed your cheek. “Open, Doll.” Bucky whispered, your eyes doing as he said. You looked up at Bucky and his eyes were watery. You noticed a few candles here and there, and a teddy bear with a heart shaped box of chocolates sitting against it.
A gasp fell from your lips and you walked over to the little gifts. “Bucky.” You whispered, picking up the soft bear and box of chocolates. “If you don’t feel the same way and if it’s too much, given your past, I understand.” Bucky said behind you. “I didn’t know until today.” He added quietly.
You turned to face him again and smiled, laughing through your tears. You speed walked towards Bucky and wrapped your arms around him. He held you tightly and kissed your head. “Bucky, I love you.” You breathed, the words spilling from your mouth like an unsaid prayer.
Bucky smiled and lifted your chin up, looking into your eyes. “I’ve waited so long to hear you say that. I love you, Y/N.” Bucky said, leaning down to press his lips to yours. Maybe Valentine’s Day won’t be so terrible after all.
Note: if this sucks or if this is the bomb dot com, let me know because I’m a sucker for feedback. .c
Permanent Tag List: @imgettingmarriedtobuckybarnes, @abloggernamedsecretly, @untrusted-statue, @our-teenwolf-fam, @littlemissacorn, @its-not-a-phase-hux, @dontfuckwithkezolas, @letsrunwithdream, @thyotakukimkim, @aisabel7, @learisa, @heidijames28, @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x, @theassetseyeliner, @thatsportyavengerpower, @fantasticallyabnormal, @jenn0755, @this-blog-belongs-to-v, @lostinspace33, @morganosborn101, @mxye, @diving-down-to-wonderland, @miraisnotavailable, @ballerinafairyprincess , @unluckyybuckyy, @earinafae, @betherz568,@wagatla, @frickin-bats, @fangirl-monarchy, @sparklydestiel, @charlesgrey1875, @potterhead1265, @domcaaa996, @poshspicehaz, @tori1385, @thelifeofadino, @bubblyanarocks3, @jaybird6232 (if you want to be added or removed, please message me! If I missed you, let me know!)
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fangirl-dot-com · 9 months
Hi, just a question, there is a definite nacionality for Y/n?
so, I try to keep her as vague as I can so that a bunch of readers can read comfortably.
a little timeline for her would be:
born in whatever country the reader is from
lived in Texas for almost 5 years (that's why Logan and her get along so well)
moved back to home country
after disownment - moved to Italy for a bit with her godfather
moved to Nice after he died and she signed with Dams
is now moved to Monaco and has an additional apartment in London!
her "home race" will be the Las Vegas Grand Prix since that was her "homecoming" when she found her family that she always wanted
hope this helps!!
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fangirl-dot-com · 8 months
holy shit seb and arthur in porsche??? did not see that coming
porsches are one of my favorite cars! and it’s a german brand so they need THEE german driver and the boyfriend of the girl who’s obsessed with her dark green 9-11’s to represent their endurance racing 😉
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fangirl-dot-com · 8 months
I need the next chapter I physically cannot handle this anymore
so do we want the next chapter in the sequence or a past chapter that was kinda requested and i made it into an actual thing??
cause both are readyyyyy
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