#fanfic writer wrapped 2022
asirensrage · 2 years
Fanfic Writer 2022 Wrapped
I haven't seen this yet and it's based on this original writing one: Writing Wrapped (which is awesome and you should check it out)
2022 Fanfic Writing Reflections
What fic did you work on the most this year?
Did you have an fic writing goals? Did you meet them?
How many fics did you work on this year?
Do you have a favourite fic you wrote?
What's your favourite passage that you wrote this year?
Favourite line of dialogue this year?
Favourite POV? (or rather what POV did you use the most this year?)
Did you find yourself repeating a word or phrase in your writing this year? If so, what was it?
How did you help other writers this year? (i.e. leaving comments, reviews, beta reading, offering advice, etc)
Did you receive any advice that resonated to you this year?
What did you enjoy most about writing fic this year?
What did you enjoy the least?
Who was your favourite character to write for?
Did you have a song on repeat while writing this year?
Did you make any playlists for your fics this year? What are they?
What's your favourite thing you made for your fic or character this year? (such as pinterest, moodboards, gifs, etc)
What was your most commonly used tag for your fics (on ao3, tumblr, etc)?
Did you participate in any fic writing challenges this year?
What was your favourite comment/review you received this year?
What was your top rated/commented fic this year?
Were there any ideas you wanted to work on this year but you didn't?
Where they any new fandoms or genres you explored this year?
Is there anything you want to write or try to explore in your writing next year?
Do you have a goal for next year? If so, what is it?
What are your hopes and/or desires for yourself and for other fic writers in the next year? Bonus:
Did you discover any new fics or fic authors this year?
What was your favourite fic to read this year?
Who was your favourite fic author this year?
What fics or authors would you recommend for others to discover and read in the next year?
What advice would you have for people who might want to try writing or sharing their writing next year?
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writingwife-83 · 2 years
Sorry to hear that you're sick! All the positive healing vibes! And for the Writing Wrapped ask, I'd like #5, if you please. 😊
5. What's your favourite passage that you wrote this year?
Thank you! This took some thought, and I would only really say it’s one of my faves since I don’t think I can say one passage truly stands out as super special compared to others. This is taken from my one shot Practical About Death and I just love the idea that Sherlock would be completely unable to accept the idea that Molly is actually mortal and would have to make plans for when she’s gone. Despite his scientific brain, that just cannot compute for him! 😆🥹
“Anyway, all the details are on the document, and I included my written permission to use any and all information only when I’m gone.”
Molly paused at the door. “Sorry?”
“If!” Sherlock repeated, more forcefully than he’d intended. “Not when you’re gone! If!”
She froze, eyes widened as she stared back at him. Slowly, she walked from the door back to where he stood, eyes fixed on the offending envelope.
“Sherlock?” Molly prompted gently. “Did I say something wrong?”
Sherlock heaved a tremulous sigh. “No. It’s just…to hear you planning for these things with such ease and certainty.”
Molly tilted her head, peering up at him. “But death is a certainty, Sherlock. You and I both know that, maybe better than most people. It’s not if, it’s when. And it could happen anytime, to any of us.”
“Not to you.”
Molly opened her mouth again, likely to make a further counter argument; more logic and reason which he would surely have agreed with under different circumstances. But in this case, when it came to her, he didn’t want to hear it.
“Not on my watch.”
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natandwandaseries · 2 years
We need Spotify wrapped but for fanfiction
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my AO3 wrapped for 2023
i'm posting this as a tiktok but thought i'd put the actual slides here. note i still haven't finished writing my final fic of 2023 so technically december would be about 8k higher but well, i can't include that.
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mlwritersguild · 1 year
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What wrapped list would be complete without some good stats? As our final category, we asked our members to approximate a few different amounts to give us a glimpse into just how active (and mentally ill) they were last year!
On average, MWG members read roughly 87 fan fics per person. On the high end of the list was an impressive 250 fics, compared to our lowest of one single fic.
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Not all fics are created equal though! Some people definitely read more words than others. The average words was approximately 666,233 words read per person. One particularly voracious reader estimated their count at 3 MILLION words read last year.
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Now, out of these fics, some things we read were just extremely long. Like. Really long. Here are the longest fics that our members read last year!
10. Trickster by @sallertiacallidusacallidus - 131,836 words
9. lucky us by @geek-fashionista - 136,130 words
8. discordant sonata by @edendaphne - 142,083 words
7. one does not love breathing by @wackus-bonkus-maximus - 144,704 words
6. withered wings by @graaythekwami - 198,603 words
5. miraculous dupont by @agrestebug - 199,608 words
4. Come What May by @fettucinne - 211,160 words
3. there's more magic out there by @justanotherpersonsuniverse - 342,272 words
2. baby boom by ShawnaCanon - 401,210 words
1. Adventures of Panthera Noire by @justanotherpersonsuniverse - 431,281 words
While the average guild member did quite a bit of reading, there were a few tags that they just kept coming back to. The graph below shows our most popular (non-ship related) Ao3 tags!
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Of course, the MWG focuses on one thing above all, which is writing. During 2022, our members wrote roughly an average of 83,000 words per person. On the impressively high side, one member estimated they'd written 360,000 words.
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More than just promoting writing and events, the MWG strives to be a community. We hang out with each other, talk about other fandoms we love, share playlists and just get to know the talented writers with whom we share a guild. This year, guild members spent an average of 438 hours chatting, discussing or just lurking in the MWG discord server.
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And we were so happy to haven them! We're continually grateful for all the wonderful and amazing people who join and become part of the guild dynamic. They truly make every single day interesting, to say the least. Thank you to our members and our followers for a wonderful year.
This is the end of our MWG Wrapped 2022! We hope you enjoyed this taste of what goes on in the guild. See you next year!
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violettduchess · 2 years
5, 18, 27!
5 What's your favourite passage that you wrote this year?
From this Keith fic
“You….were gone. He…beat you.” The words burn, leaving your tongue blackened and ashen. “Why have you come back?” There is a tremor in your voice, harbinger of the scream you wish you could release, the fury that this side of him wasn’t banished for good.
“Come back?” He yanks you toward him, lowers his head. His breath is a viperous hiss in your ear. “My love, I never left.”
Horror is a monsoon, washing over you, filling your lungs until they feel like they might explode. Your skin is cold, ashen, corpse-like. You burn and you freeze and one more touch will shatter you like a cracked glass figurine. 
“No…..” The word struggles past a throat choked with revulsion. “We….He….he defeated you. You….he said you….were gone….” Words pour out of you, blood flowing from a gaping wound. 
18 Did you participate in any fic writing challenges this year?
Yes! I took part in a Spring CCC, Summer of Smut, Napoleon Week, the AU CCC, my own Fall CCC, and I am going to do something for Tis the Season for Fluff
27 What was your favourite fic to read this year?
No question, it was @aquagirl1978 and her Chevalier Ballet instructor fic Pas des Deux I love this fic with all my heart and would love to see more people find it!!
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gxrlcinema · 2 years
📈 Were there any recurring trends in your writing? Common themes, tropes, etc.
I already answered this! And the answer is idk man.
😥 Is there a fic you wished would have received more attention?
Um, damnit, janet! flopped hard but honestly it deserved to. I wish give you the moon and seaglass had gotten more attention because I ended up falling in love with that drabble.
😍 What’s one of your favorite lines or exchanges you wrote this year?
genuinely thought this moment of anything for you was hilarious:
Evil villain man smirks and stalks over to the former Captain America. “And your best friend too, Soldat. How could you just sit there and watch as your brother in arms is beaten?”
“Just to be clear,” Bucky spits, “he’s my lover too.”
Villain man seems to be genuinely taken aback. He looks down at Steve. Steve smiles, still just as charming as it was hours ago. Bucky tries not to wince at the blood on his teeth. 
“Are you really going to let-” villain cuts another look at Steve “-both your lovers suffer, Soldat?”
🤩 What’s your favorite fic you posted this year?
I Won't Mind my underrated queen, I love you.
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bg-sparrow · 2 years
5, 7, 25 for the fic writer ask game thing!
Hooray! A Fanfic Writer 2022 Wrapped ask!
5. What's your favorite passage that you wrote this year?
I'd have to say it was Emma's journal entry the day after she and Doc bury the DeLorean in Delgado for Marty to find in There Are No Roads:
August 19, 1885
It's done.
Last night, we entombed the time machine in the silver mine. […]
[W]hen I came out of the side tunnel, I felt my heart shift into a deeper place of mourning. The optimism I had of ever seeing Marty again was being buried with the DeLorean, but hope will not yet be laid to rest. There's a chance. I hear it over and over in some distant part of me I've lost touch with. And though I'm preparing the rest of my life as if this were goodbye, I am still smothering something that refuses to yield. I am suppressing, arguing, scolding. 
This isn't done. I can feel it. I can feel the atoms of my flesh skipping across time as if it were a pond, each of them destined to accompany Marty on the other side. If I am with him, even in spirit, we could do it. We could beat the odds, whatever they are, again and again. 
Why is it so bad to stay hopeful, to stay above the clouds where only stars veil my sight? I am not tall; my feet are on the ground, but the clouds are low, obscuring my path, and I cannot help but to see the limitlessness of my dreams. And there are so many. So far away.
Why is it so bad to hope?
7. Favorite PoV/ most used this year?
I usually rotate between Doc, Marty, and Emma equally throughout the Time Circuits Series in the third person, but I enjoyed trying my hand at giving Emma a voice through journal entries sprinkled throughout There Are No Roads. I try to avoid things like journal entries because they can feel cliche, but I liked revisiting this point of view.
Also, I kind of love writing from depressed Marty's PoV in Once Upon a Time in the West. He's more aggressive, angry, reckless — just a totally different but believable Marty we know after learning he's been stuck in the 1880s for four years. I'm looking forward to continuing his character in the upcoming sequel!
25. What are your hopes and/or desires for yourself and for other fic writers in the next year?
For myself, I want to slow down a bit after throwing every spare minute I had over the last 19 months into finishing the Time Circuits Series. I want to read more fic. But I'm also so thrilled with how much I am putting out that I hope I can write more exploratory stories at a leisurely pace after being a one-trick pony all this time.
For other authors? Stick to it. When you don't want to, when you don't think there's anything in the tank, try for 100 words — or just a few sentences! My biggest problem is getting the scene, the chapter, or the story started. And jump around! Writing linearly ate my soul. Write that scene in your head NOW, even if it doesn't happen for six more chapters! And be kind to yourself when it comes to your writing. If you hear that "I'm a terrible author" voice, punch it in the face because you are not terrible for needing a break, feeling lost in your own plot, or not getting the stats you want.
Thanks so much for the ask! I love doing these. I feel like we can learn so much from each other! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! ❤️🎄
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kittywritesfic · 2 years
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
(only for the ones I published this year)
How many words have you written this year? 229,067
How many works did you publish this year? 23 :(
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? Love Like the Dawn (it was an 86EIGHTYSIX AU for MatchaBlossom and nobody gave a single fuck but me)
What work of yours has the most hits? Obscura (skfs jjk fandom)
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? Flesh Covers Bone (Tokyo Rev DraiMai)
Favorite title you used? Kiss Me Deadly
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? I used song lyrics, but always a different artist lol
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? MatchaBlossom
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? oof... I love them all so much but am afraid to write for some of them more, so I can' really answer
What work was the quickest to write? In Those Hours
What work took you the longest to write? Obscura (still a WIP) or Quirk (I'm still not sure I'll finish it...)
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? I don't wanna talk about it
What’s your longest work of the year? Completed? Break Me Like a Promise (45,758)
What’s your shortest work of the year? In Those Hours (150 words)
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? We're not talking about this. *sips drink*
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? "Not Beta Read"
Your favorite character to write this year? Probably Kaoru (from Sk8)
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Any of my BNHA characters honestly...
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? I wanna write a proper FFXV fic (GladNis) and who knows what else
Which work of yours have you reread the most? I am scared to reread my work I yeet it into the ether
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 3,461
Which work has the most comments? Break Me Like a Promise
Did you do any collaborative works this year? Just 1 (my first writing collab)
Did you write any gifts this year? ... did I? Shit... Yes! Like 2
Did you receive any gifts this year? Nope!
What’s your most common category? I don't understand the question
What do you listen to while writing? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I can before and after, but not during. I'll kill.
Favorite work you wrote this year? Maybe.... Think of Me
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? SKIPPING THIS
Biggest surprise while writing this year? How hard it was. I had a lot of writer's block this year and it was not a good year for me creatively and filling this out realllllly highlights that.
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randonauticrap · 2 years
For the Fanfic Writer questions: 4, 24, 28 please 🥺
Hello lovely anon!! Ooh, I'm getting so many asks for this, it makes me so happy! Thank you!
4. Do you have a favourite fic you wrote?
I have different favorites for different reasons, but I have a really personal connection to my fic, Soothing the Beast Within because I wrote it while coming down from a severe anxiety attack. It's very self soothing, and I love rereading it anytime that pain starts to haunt me.
24. Do you have a goal for next year? If so, what is it?
I have a few goals, yes. But I'm not sure they can be pinned down to a single year; naught but perhaps one. I hope to be a published poet next year.
28. Who was your favourite fic author this year?
This is like making me choose between my favorite child or my favorite cat. LOL As always, @aquagirl1978, @violettduchess, @gilbertvonobsidian, @chaosangel767 and @ikehoe reign at the top of my list, but some newcomers include @atelieredux and @scorchieart! I know I've missed a few (because damn, there are a lot of amazing writers in this fandom) but these are the ones I'm thinking about and rereading now!
Ask me for a Number?
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asirensrage · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Wrapped 2022 asks, please! 1, 2, 3, 10, 19 & 26 :-D
I'm going to be honest, when I wrote out that post...I did not expect it to come back to me in ask form lol. I don't know why, but I assumed I wouldn't have to answer any of the questions hahaha. Ah well. Thanks for asking!! <3
1 . What fic did you work on the most this year?
Um...great question. I supposed probably Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down or This Means War?
2. Did you have an fic writing goals? Did you meet them?
To finish a fic! I did not succeed, lol.
3. How many fics did you work on this year?
Too many. I started new ideas. Worked on my 5 or 6 main fics. Wrote a bunch of one shots and small series.
10. Did you receive any advice that resonated to you this year?
Hmm..I don't think so? Maybe tips of editing and things to look out for in my writing from @vixenofcourse? (like repetition, how to expand on my ideas and descriptions...)
19. What was your favourite comment/review you received this year?
Okay, I got like a novel of a review on The Art of Seclusion at the beginning of the year on Ao3 from henderson28. It was amazing and I absolutely loved it. I also got a novel of a review on Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down from owlzilla. It was so awesome to get and read. I saved both of these reviews in my inbox and tend to reread them when I am unmotivated.
26. Did you discover any new fics or fic authors this year?
Yeah. A lot. I did a lot of fic reading this year. There's so many talented people out there and I felt very lucky to find them and their fics. Check out my bookmarks on ao3 for my faves!
Fanfic Writer 2022 Wrapped
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writingwife-83 · 2 years
6, 19, 27 for the fanfic questions
Thanks for sending some asks! 🥰
6. Favourite line of dialogue this year?
Another impossible choice lol! Here’s one that I liked though, from ch 1 my Edwardian era Reylo fic of Into the Light of Things- Rey nearly swayed on her feet as Ben turned and walked away from her, as if they’d been physically connected for those brief moments, and the separation that followed had upset her very balance.
19. What was your favourite comment/review you received this year?
Are any of these choices going to be easy? I think not. 😆 Hold on, lemme browse… ok I found a super nice one, which is partly super nice since it was left on such an old fic. And I know I’ve ranted about that before lol, but Imma say it again- we writers love to get comments on old fics just as much as the newer ones! This was left on Pleased to Meet You, which is my canon compliant Uni backstory for sherlolly
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27. What was your favourite fic to read this year?
I’m gonna list 3 because I want to lol.
Impromptu by @musicprincess1990
A Question of Honor Redux by @mizjoely
And finally The Sigh of a Far Away Song by darthsydious. Yes this WIP is currently on hiatus but my girl Syd was killing it. It would be amazing to have more, but it’s already great as is. So this is a friendly reminder that even a partial fic can be a gift to readers. ❤️
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melittarilow · 2 years
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I’m so sorry to anyone who ever followed me on AO3 like “wow I enjoy this fandom/pairing, sure hope she writes more of this!” because this is the range of nonsense I published in 2022 alone 😅
(it’s RileyAnnaOlson on AO3, by the by. If any of this, or somehow all of it, is up your alley)
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sca-rian · 2 years
Trafficblr 2022 AO3 Wrapped
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Dive deep into the tags and ships you loved the most this year, brought to you by Tumblr user @sca-rian! (inspired by this bird app thread)
Data collected from both the Hermitcraft SMP and 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series* tags.
(*Note: this data does not take into account that some works contain both tags and therefore would be counted twice when looking at each tag individually)
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First, let's look at the ratings! In total, the tags combined had 3.709 Teen And Up, 3.362 General, 1.293 Not Rated, 756 Explicit and 694 Mature fics.
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In 2022, you loved and made many blorbos suffer! Some, however, were the ones you wrote about the most. Let's look at who those poor souls were!
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Of course, in 2022, you also got attached and wrote about many different duos. Regardless of your preference to writing them as romantic or not, it's clear that two specific block men stole your heart!
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This year, you may have written and read many different things, but looking at the most popular tags, it's clear that we have an established pattern—suffering, first and foremost.
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Your fanfic taste doesn't fit into a single recommendation list, but we want to try anyway—by clicking here, you'll have access to a Google Forms where you can send your favorite fanfics of the year!
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... And that's a wrap! Our very silly, likely inaccurate 2022 retrospective is done. Now, I'd like to use this space to thank every single one of the writers who took their time to write HC/3rd Life/LL/DL fanfic this year; I hope you can feel that your work, passion and creativity is loved and appreciated <3
And, of course, a big thank you as well to all the readers out there! 2022 was the year I got back into writing, and that wouldn't have been possible without the support of such amazing people
(tired of typing with proper capitalization why did i do this. this post was very fun—if not a little annoying—to make, and maybe i will be back in the future? with more silliness? i definitely learned a lot about the silly goofiness of collecting useless data......)
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otterandterrierwrites · 9 months
otterandterrier’s 2023 fanfics
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That's a wrap! Here's a masterlist of all the fics I posted this year. As always, thank you so much to everyone who reads, reblogs, likes, comments, kudos, bookmarks, asks, and does all the lovely things us writers thrive on. On to 2024! 🥂
Under starless skies we are lost [Han/Leia - RotJ, post-Jabba's palace, angst, hurt/comfort, rated T, one-shot]
Courting Princess Leia [Han/Leia - post RotJ, COPL fix-it, fluff, smut, rated E, two chapters]
Not quite dirty talk [Han/Leia - ESB, trip to Bespin, light angst, smut, rated E, one-shot]
wonderful unknown - Ch. 2 and 3 [Han/Leia - post RotJ, sequels fix-it, old married couple, fluff, rated T, multichapter]
To have and to hold [Han/Leia - post RotJ, TPATS missing moment, married couple, fluff, rated T, oneshot]
Pigment in your memory [Han/Leia - post RotJ, slice of life, fluff, rated T, oneshot]
hold me close, don’t ever let me go [Han/Leia - RotJ, missing moment, angst, rated G, oneshot]
Bloodburn [Han/Leia - post RotJ, married couple, light angst, smut, rated E, oneshot]
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in [Han/Leia - pre ESB, pre relationship, rated G, ficlet]
So tell me what I see when I look in your eyes [Han/Leia - pre ESB, secret relationship, rated T, ficlet]
if I stay here [Han/Leia - ESB, trip to Bespin, light angst, emotional hurt/comfort, rated G, one-shot]
Some stats:
In 2023 I posted 28,752 words spread out in 11 fics, against the 30,448 words I posted in 2022 for 13 fics. I estimate to have written a total of 56k, though!
My top time period was post Return of the Jedi with 5 fics.
My top rating was Teen and Up, with only three smut fics.
My top genres/tropes were hurt/comfort and angst.
My average fic length was 2,614 words, with a majority of one-shots.
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violettduchess · 2 years
Hi! 11 & 30 for the writers asks
11 What did you enjoy most about writing fic this year?
I've been writing fanfiction for myself and a very small group of people have ever gotten to see it. Being brave enough to actually post something publicly was a big deal. I was really nervous (ask @aquagirl1978) because writing feels so vulnerable. You are literally taking something you made, something that has some small piece of you in it, and offering it up to the altar of public opinion. I think what I have enjoyed most is the process of writing going from this small, hidden thing I didn't trust myself to share with anyone to a joyful activity that I am now eager and look forward to sharing.
30 What advice would you have for people who might want to try writing or sharing their writing next year?
Grab someone you trust to proofread for you, a big dose of courage and post that first fic. Just read my above answer to see what can happen!
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