emeraldazurgirl · 3 hours
Fun fact: having an internal dialogue and overactive imagination doesn’t mean you have alters and DID
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emeraldazurgirl · 21 days
If you’re reading this and is a self proclaimed plural system, congratulations you’re faking!
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emeraldazurgirl · 22 days
Inner monologue
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emeraldazurgirl · 22 days
The philosophy of friendships!
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emeraldazurgirl · 24 days
Art is for everyone – including people with a visual impairment. In fact, some of the most amazing artworks are created by visually impaired artists, who use their unique perspectives to create beautiful pieces that challenge perceptions around art and visual impairment.
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emeraldazurgirl · 24 days
Pronouns page now has LGBT+ products!
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emeraldazurgirl · 25 days
Please support people with real talent guys!
Go to character Ai or old C.Ai. and start looking up any bot that is a character you've made fan art of. Here, I'll show you. (Note: I used to use c.ai before finding out it steals others writing. Hence why I quit. I do not support AI companies like this in any way!)
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Here, I looked up 'fell sans' and 'dream sans'. And I can like, almost guarantee none of the creators of these bots had permission to re-upload others art for the bots '"profile picture", or even DREW it. (note, the people who make the bots ARE real people and accountable for their actions)
Check the like, profile of any of these bots. No credit what so ever.
IF YOU ARE A POPULAR ARTIST like, your fanart has gotten 200+ notes on here, consider checking on c.ai and seeing if anyone has stolen your art.
"Okay so my art is stolen. Now what?" I... don't know. My best bet is to try and address it, get ahold of the bots creator if possible? And tell them to take it down or ask for credit? Maybe post about it, spread awareness?
Reblogs on this post are appreciated, this is a problem I've been wanting to bring up for awhile now. These bots aren't real, but the creators behind that gorgeous art ARE real.
Don't forgot! Don't harass any of these bot creators but ALSO don't be making bots and stealing others art- And don't forget your daily clicks!
(Fell Sans owned by @/underfell. Dream Sans owned by @/jokublog.)
ALSO if you see art you made on one of these screenshots/know the artist, let me know and I'll credit them!! I know on that second fell bot, I'm fairly sure the credit of underfell made that art. And that second dream bot, I think Jakei95 made it??
Edit: the fifth dream was made by
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emeraldazurgirl · 1 month
Digital violence is a broad term that encompasses a range of harmful behaviors that occur online. It can take many forms, including:
**Cyberbullying:** This involves using electronic communication to bully or harass someone. It can include sending mean or threatening messages, spreading rumors, posting embarrassing photos or videos, or impersonating someone online.
**Online harassment:** This is similar to cyberbullying, but it can also include stalking, threats of violence, and hate speech.
**Non-consensual sharing of intimate images (revenge porn):** This involves sharing someone's private photos or videos without their consent, often with the intention of humiliating or harming them.
**Doxing:** This involves publishing private information about someone online, such as their home address, phone number, or place of work, often with the intention of causing them harm.
**Online grooming:** This involves adults using the internet to befriend and build relationships with children, often with the intention of sexually abusing them.
**Cyberstalking:** This involves using electronic communication to repeatedly harass or threaten someone. It can include sending unwanted messages, making phone calls, or following someone online.
**Digital blackmail:** This involves using someone's digital information, such as photos or videos, to extort money or favors from them.
**Online hate speech:** This involves using electronic communication to spread hateful or discriminatory messages, often targeting people based on their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.
**Impacts of Digital Violence:**
Digital violence can have serious consequences for victims, including:
* **Emotional distress:** Victims may experience anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and feelings of isolation.
* **Physical harm:** In some cases, digital violence can lead to physical harm, such as in cases of cyberstalking or online grooming.
* **Damage to reputation:** Victims may experience damage to their reputation, especially if their personal information is shared online without their consent.
* **Financial loss:** Victims may experience financial loss, such as in cases of digital blackmail or identity theft.
**Prevention and Response:**
There are a number of things that can be done to prevent and respond to digital violence:
* **Educate yourself and others about the different forms of digital violence.**
* **Report any incidents of digital violence to the appropriate authorities.**
* **Block or unfriend anyone who is harassing you online.**
* **Save evidence of any harassment or abuse.**
* **Seek support from friends, family, or a mental health professional.**
It's important to remember that you are not alone. If you are experiencing digital violence, there are people who can help.
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emeraldazurgirl · 1 month
friendly reminder that cuddling can be romantic and it can be sexual but is can also me neither and that's ok
If you disagree with me then you are not allowed to cuddle with your pets anymore you monster
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emeraldazurgirl · 1 month
Crazy that people on tumblr want to have DID. I’ve wanted to be diagnosed with it before, but it’s horrible a terrible idea.
And y’all please stop saying you have DID without blackouts and high dissociation
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emeraldazurgirl · 1 month
Let me be very clear:
When I say I want in her bed, I don't mean for sex. I mean for sleeping with her. And not "sleeping with her" aka sex.
ACTUALLY sleeping!
Cuddled up and cozy. Resting together.
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emeraldazurgirl · 1 month
As a sex-repulsed person (fictional is fine, real sex? makes me nauseous just thinking about it) I hate how a lot of queer spaces are solidly focused on sex. Even when blocking tags and turning on the warning for mature content, if I look at any queer related tags I'll see at least 3 dick picks and 5 pics of breasts put in sexual poses because people don't care to tag accordingly or select the mature rating tag. And I don't want that. I feel uncomfortable when seeing that. I don't want to see naked strangers. I'm all for sex positivity, I'm not judging anyone for loving sex, but why does no one care about the people who don't want to see that stuff? Now I need to block queer related tags just to avoid seeing dicks. I hate that even in queer spaces I don't feel comfortable.
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emeraldazurgirl · 1 month
The goal of therapy in DID is the integration
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emeraldazurgirl · 1 month
Hearing voices in DID and having a headspace can be acquired only after a lot of practice in therapy
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emeraldazurgirl · 1 month
Her channel is very good!
give this video a watch
this person is amazing. they truly have DID and share their experience and call out people with factious DID and fakers
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emeraldazurgirl · 1 month
Your subreddit actually helped me a lot as someone with a CDD. I had a lot of denial about my diagnosis at first because my experience was nothing like the “systems” I saw online. Your subreddit made me realize that was because most of the content made about systems online is complete bs. It helped me not be influenced by the online system community. Thank you for helping fight misinformation, and don't listen to anyone calling you ableist.
I’m so happy to hear that! My inbox is flooded with hate and people calling me ableist so it’s refreshing to see a positive ask. :)
Online portrayal of CDDs has been warped into role play and harmful stereotypes. (Movie SPLIT kind of stereotypes). Most online DID creators aren’t diagnosed, fake being diagnosed, or they’re “medically recognized”. A good example of this is DissociaDID, who showed “proof of diagnosis”, simultaneously proving factitious DID. So, please, if anyone reading this believes they suffer from a CDD … Don’t send me an anon asking for my opinion, go see a professional near you. Professionals do know what they’re talking about, I promise. One bad experience shouldn’t deter anyone from reaching out for help.
Factitious DID:
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emeraldazurgirl · 1 month
sysfakers think when i say ‘ramcoa isnt real’ that i am saying ‘rape, sex trafficking, religious trauma and organized abuse aren’t real’ when actually i am saying ‘programming is not real and there is no proof of it existing’
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