pilindiel · 3 months
Hoping fic writing goes smoothly!! I'm going through major writer's block myself, so praying you don't deal with the same struggle 😅
If possible, could we have a sneak peek of what you're working on? 👀👀
Thank you!! And fam it's totally okay - I had severe writer's block for TWO YEARS until I starting reading some of the amazing KyoKao fics being put out right now (shout-out @rocioandthatsall @pumpkinmetaphor and jamieisntgay)
As for a sneak preview...
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Seemingly done with words, Kaoru sweeps Kyoya into a series of languid kisses, humming contentedly against him.  Kaoru is pliant and warm from sleep, his arms wrapping lazily around Kyoya’s shoulders to pull him that much closer.  Kyoya’s hands slide down to their places at Kaoru’s hips, pinching him playfully. Kaoru gasps against Kyoya’s lips and he wastes no time in indulging them both by pressing his tongue inside.  It’s a slow, sweet slide of give and take, remapping the inside of each other’s mouths after such a painful separation.   Knowing Kaoru, however, sweet and slow is replaced by hot and insistent in the blink of an eye.  There’s an underlying desperation and need to be closer, to be connected, that runs through them, and Kyoya refuses to deny either of them the need.  Two weeks is far too long, and Kaoru mewls softly when Kyoya takes advantage of the nearby shelving and presses Kaoru up against it.  One of Kyoya’s knees lands between Kaoru’s legs, and Kaoru immediately begins to grind himself down. Kaoru moans, tilting his head back as his cock rubs against Kyoya’s thigh, the thin fabric of Kaoru’s shorts doing little to hide the wetness of his precum as it rubs up against him.  It is agonizing to watch.  Kyoya is so hard behind the tight line of his slacks it’s nearly painful, but he is well versed in staving off his own needs to feed his insatiable partner. Kaoru deserves only the best, after all. Kyoya’s hands glide lower, slipping beneath the fabric of Kaoru’s far too short and far too soft lounge shorts to squeeze his ass, the muscle tight and twitching against his palms.  He starts kneading until Kaoru whimpers, his head falling back as he greedily drags his clothed erection against Kyoya’s thigh.   Eager fingers delve further, seeking that precious entrance Kyoya knows so well, but Kyoya is stunned to find something blocking his path.  His index finger brushes against hard, tapered metal nestled perfectly in the cleft of Kaoru’s ass, and he lets out a slow, steadying breath.  He rolls it between his fingers experimentally and it’s like Kaoru’s body is a livewire, arching and shuddering against him.  He moans embarrassingly loud.   They both still and Kyoya swears he can hear the flush that crawls up Kaoru’s neck, tinting  his ears red before Kaoru hides his face in the crook of Kyoya’s neck. Not that such a coquettish act will stop Kyoya from knowing exactly what he is currently circling with his thumb and forefinger. A mixture between a growl and a question rumbles through Kyoya’s chest, his voice low and raspy like gravel.  “Kaoru - " Kaoru grinds back down on Kyoya’s knee, rolling his hips into Kyoya’s warm palms.  “You - ” Kaoru hisses, breathless, “You were supposed to be home hours ago.”
I'm still working on some of the scenes and I've got a lot of stress with work these next couple months, but hopefully should be posted soon. :) Gonna give a little guarded (but a lot of fun) it's time in the sun in the meantime!
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shadowdaddies · 10 months
Hi would you write an Gavriel x reader fanfic where they haven’t told anyone they’re together yet because they have an agegap and don’t know how the other will react? Maybe Aedion or Fenrys, a younger fae male asks her out and that’s how everyone finds out?
I love this!💜 Thank you for giving me the self indulgent excuse to write about both Fenrys and Gavriel being interested in reader💅
Gavriel x Reader fluff
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The sound of a door opening downstairs had you jumping away from Gavriel on instinct. You had become used to hiding your relationship - meeting in secret, keeping your distance around others - it was becoming exhausting. It was understandable - Gavriel was being cautious in building a connection with Aedion after their rocky start, and he was self conscious about how much older he was than you. As much as you wanted to be seen with your mate, neither of you wanted to risk the progress he had made with Aedion to bring you being mates into the situation.
With a sigh, Gavriel gave you a quick kiss before you quietly left the room, him staying behind as you made your way downstairs alone so as not to raise any suspicion. You strode into the living room where Fenrys, Aedion, Aelin, and Rowan were gathered, taking your seat on the couch next to Fenrys. “Hi, angel,” Fenrys greeted, giving you a flirty wink as he brought his arm around the back of the couch. “Hey, Fen,” you greeted your friend warmly. Used to Fenrys’s flirtatious nature, you were oblivious to his advances as he asked you about your day. 
Aelin and Rowan were occupied in conversation - curled up on the couch opposite you - as Aedion lounged in the chair to your right, seemingly studying a report from one of the lieutenants. Rowan turned from his conversation with Aelin to Fenrys. “Hey Fen, wasn’t there something you wanted to ask?” he questioned as he nodded his head towards you, a slight smirk playing on his lips. 
Everyone turned at that, eyes on you and Fenrys as you looked at him curiously. “What is it, Fenrys?” you asked, poking his side as you smiled playfully. For the first time since you’d met him, Fenrys looked nervous - running a hand through his long blonde hair as he bit his lip, eyes flicking to yours. “Uh, I’d been thinking about asking you to dinner, if you’d like. Just the two of us.” The pointed look in his eyes told you that he meant as more than friends, but before you could respond, a growl sounded from behind you.
Fenrys’s eyes flashed with alarm as he glanced over your shoulder, everyone turning to see Gavriel standing at the foot of the stairs, anger radiating off him like you’d never seen. You could feel his jealousy through the bond, watching in shock as he stormed across the room to where you were seated. “Get your hands off my mate,” he snarled.
Everyone’s jaws dropped at his words, Fenrys holding up his hands in a placating position as he backed away from the territorial male who towered over you. “Your mate?” Aedion asked, fully setting down the report he was reading, eyes shooting back and forth between you and Gavriel. Gavriel’s expression immediately turned to one of shame as he turned towards his son. You fumbled for words to explain, “Aedion, we didn’t - I just, with the two of you just now bonding, we...” 
You were at a loss for words, but that didn’t matter as Aedion let out an amused laugh, shaking his head as he smiled at you. “We knew you were seeing each other. I just didn’t know you were mates.” 
“WHAT? I didn’t know! Aedion, you told me I should ask her out,” Fenrys ranted from the corner, red-faced with embarrassment. Aelin and Rowan snickered from where they were sitting, Aelin tossing a chocolate at him. “You were the only one who it wasn’t obvious to, and things were getting boring around here. We had to find some interesting way to get them to admit their relationship.” She turned to grin at you. “I’m happy for you.”
Smiling back, you murmured a “thank you,” as Gavriel came to stand behind you, putting his hands on your shoulders. He gave them a squeeze, turning to Aedion, asking him softly, “you’re not bothered by this?” Aedion smiled, “of course not. I’m happy for you, and even more so that you’re mates.” 
You gave him a bright grin, looking up to where Gavriel stood above you. He leaned down, kissing you passionately - the bond glowing with love and contentment. You pulled apart at a gagging sound from your right, Aedion’s lip curling as he covered his face with the report he held, grumbling, “okay, well I didn’t want to see that.”
You laughed, bringing Gavriel around to sit with you on the couch. He pulled you into his lap, and you wrapped one arm around his neck as you patted the cushion next to you. “Come on Fen, he won’t bite,” you promised with a wink. Fenrys came over to sit with you, rolling his eyes as Gavriel glared at him and pulled you close, and kept you close for the rest of the evening.
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sarahsartistportfolio · 11 months
More self indulgence Genshin impact. I'm going start backing up my Genshin writing on AO3 because I'm really enjoying this lol and want to make more. Please be kind to me, I'm not a "fanfic writer" I'm just sharing this because I find it fun.
Brief synopsis of what this is: Mine/your first meeting with the Fontaine siblings. I just straight up include my name here so if you're also a Sarah you'll get extra enjoyment from this. Lyney suffering from love at first sight lol. A really cute paragraph of Freminet. In my little sagau fantasy this takes place after the game has ended, so just assume Lumine and Aether are reunited and everything major is resolved. OH! And female reader and no smut here, just Lyney being infatuated with you.❤
Sorry I feel like I'm talking too much, I'm new to this🙇‍♀️
love Love LOVE the idea of sagau Lyney...being being like a little nervous/awkward around you God the same could go for Heizou
But love the idea of cool, suave, a bit aloof Lyney stumbling over his words and cheeks dusting pink as soon as he sees you the new goddess of Tayvet. Just love the picture of Lyney getting all shy and nervous around you cause he's so taken aback by your beauty and kindness.
Ok so like picture this. You've been the goddess of Teyvat for like weeks now. You've already visited most of your favorites from Mondstadt, Liyue, Sumeru. So you're like "Furina I wanna visit Fontaine next" and she's super excited, starts planing out your entire schedule for your days there. And you say "I wanna see one of Lyney's famous magic shows :)" and she's like "Of course of course right after we see the trial of a double homicide we'll do that."
But like you would think its a bit rude to just show up to his show without introducing yourself first. So you send Lyney and his siblings a letter telling them in week you'll be in Fontaine seeing one of their shows and that you're going arrive early so you can introduce yourself before the show starts.
(I just love the mental image of the three siblings huddled around each other as Lyney reads off the letter whose sender is the goddess herself.)
So um next scene right. Lyney is fidgeting with putting his gloves on, his right hand a little shaky and his eyes obviously lost in thought. "Nervous?" his sister's voice startles him from his deep thoughts. "I haven't seen you this nervous before a show in many years. Its because she's going be in the audience isn't it?" Lynette bluntly points out. Lyney swiftly tries to regain his usual demur as he smoothly pulls the glove on his hand. "Of course not, I'm more concerned about Lady Furina. You know what happened the last time she was at one of our shows." And after Lynette drops the topic Lyney is low key wondering if he should double check his props, least he make a fool of himself in front of you.
As the minutes tic by you arrive early as promised. You insist Furina doesn't follow you backstage to greet the siblings with you, she dramatically sighs and tells you not to take too long.
And as your eyes meet the three siblings(as you insisted Freminet be there too) they immediately take a low bow before you. Your eyes bright and smile beaming at seeing them together for the first time.
"Its an honor to have you in attendance this evening ma dame" Lyney gracefully speaks first.
"There's no need to be so formal with me. Please call me Sarah." The smile on your face never leaving for a second as your eyes quickly bounce between Lyney and Lynette before saying "Wow you two really do look alike."
You don't forget about Freminet. Turning to him and patting his head gently. Causing poor little shy Freminet to lose his voice. "Ah I have a small gift for you Freminet." you tell him as you pull out a small gift box for the boy. "Open it." And as his shaky hands do its revealed to be a small doll automata. "You like it?" you smile back at him. But Freminet's heart is racing too quickly for him to process what is happening. He glances down at the doll then back at you and repeats this movement again and again. He can not comprehend how he was just handed a personalized gift from the goddess herself, let alone she just touched his head. His cheeks a bright red, he nods, keeping his gaze to the floor. "I'm glad." you say sweetly as you pat his head once more. Freminet continues to gaze at the doll as if he was just gifted a holy relic.
You greet Lynette with a short hug, arms around her shoulders. She doesn't dare push you away and the faintest pink blush on her cheeks is quite endearing to see. "We have to get together for tea sometime." You tell her. "There's still so many tea flavors in Teyvat I haven't tried yet. Promise me you'll brew me your favorite." And with a shy nod she agrees.
As Lyney sees you embrace his sister he assumes(no hopes) you'll do the same with him. And he's not disappointed when you turn to him and wrap him in a brief hug. His hand hovers close to your waist but decides against touching out of respect. When you pull away, but faces still close he gets a clear image of your eyes and oh wow he can see stars in them. Swirling colors of blues and violets mixing together he finds himself staring a little too long. You giggle. "Photos can't do you justice Lyney you're even more handsome in person." Lyney's eyes sparkle at your unexpected compliment, his heart skipping a beat. "Oh on the contrary mon cheri, I could have never have guessed such a stunning beauty was behind your letter." Lyney smoothly retorts, making you bashfully giggle again. And he wonders how many more times he can pull that reaction from you. Your conversation remains short but full of excitement. Lyney's eyes remain shamelessly transfixed on you.
You give the three one last sweet smile and a little wave goodbye before you turn to return to Furina, who is giving you the saddest puppy eyes saying "That took way too long."
Lynette, with her eyes in a rare soft daze looks at her hands before muttering "...She's nice." Lyney's gaze follows you as you descend the main stage back to an disappointed Furina. His heart racing from just this short interaction with you. If he had any doubts about the divine they were certainty gone by your kind presence. He becomes determined to learn more about you. A slight pink dusts his pale skin and his eyes remain locked on you as he speaks "When Sarah and Furina come backstage after the show we should invite them out to a meal with us."
Lynette's focus is now back on her brother. "What? Why would they do that?"
A mischievous glint shines in Lyney's eyes before he opens up his left palm to reveal a pearl earring.
Ah Lynette shouldn't expect any less of small trickery from her brother. She sighs "That was a bit unnecessary don't you think." And Lyney just laughs proud of himself.
At the end of the show when you and Furina are about to leave the opera house, of course you notice your beloved earring is missing. Furina dramatically gasps "Do you want me to order the staff to turn this whole place upside down for you your Grace?" "No no." You reassure her. "Let's just retrace our steps."
And you're very grateful when Lyney hands the earring back to you claiming to have spotted it on the ground after you walked away. His attention completely on you as soon as you came into view. "Thank you again Lyney, I'll try to see you again later this-"
"Would you like to join us for dinner tonight Sarah?" Lyney confidently asks without missing a beat. "To show our gratitude for attending our show."
Your gaze shifts to Lynette who shows no disagreement to her brother's proposal.
You agree and the four of you(as Furina refuses to leave your side until your head hits the pillow tonight) have a lavish five course meal at one of the most expensive cafes in the city. You try to spread your attention over the three of them equally, even encouraging Lynette to chime in as to not leave her out of the conversation. And as Furina dominates the conversation again you cant help but feel a set of eyes on you. In fact you've been feeling them on you all night. Its Lyney who not so sneakily can't help but be transfixed on you even when you're not the one speaking. Eyes soft and almost coy smile half hidden by him leaning on his hand.
As you mention you plan on spending time with Neuvillette, Lyney is secretly plotting on how to steal you away.
Hmm wonder what happens next...
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itsmuffiiee · 3 months
What are your favorite DCA fics? Some of mine are Solar Lunacy, LDR, and Sleuth Jesters! :D
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OKAY!! so I don’t think I have a favorite? I have fanfics I’m currently excited to see update though!! (Which is.. almost every fic I read but I’ll try to include some I’m ESPECIALLY excited about!!)
Enjoy some silly notes about each Fic Below!! ・・・★
Flaring Rays and Ivory Crescents
By @surrealkunstlerin
- Moon has a silly stupid laugh but let him have it..! he deserves it!
- How y/n spending isn’t giving them anxiety is beyond me- I think you gotta trust the robots to be financially intelligent
- I would just sort of lay in moons arm all day before they both got mad at me for not doing anything 😞
- Self indulgent.. my dream: sun and moon would be helpers that help me live a better life )::
Red sky
By Kettle_fish
- “I want two boyfriends, and I want by boyfriends to be boyfriends”
- 257k my beloved
- I really enjoyed the moments of y/n bonding with sun and moon in the cell ::3c
An Introvert Meets the Devil at the End of the World
By Kassykins
- post apocalyptic time!!
- sun is so traumatized
- Should of listended to y/n smh
- interactions between the bots and y/n … 12/10… the other humans though make me question humanity- I think however that’s is the point to be off put and disgusted by them
- I enjoy moon protecting y/n as their source of life and is trying to get sun not to FUCK IT UP
He’s a little confused but he got the spirit
By @midnight-mourning
- I can’t wait to see sun stare in the mirror and realize “oh god, I like them, oh god, oh no.. THAT THING IS WHAT I FALL FOR? You got to be kidding me!!”
- The Sun is burning out and is stressed )::
- Beloved moon in this fic, I hope he gets everything he wants and more
- Fanart MIGHT be in progress.. I am excited to draw these goobers
There Are Many Benefits (To Rethinking This Career Path)
By @moonliched
- Nessa x Chica was not on my 2024 bingo
- I need to see sun and moon get jealous more often
- Author please, please, let them have a sleep over someway somehow
- “I need to go into the ocean, I need to be in there” - y/n probably
- the little extra bits at the end of each chapter DO make me smile and brighten up my day immensely
If ongoing fics aren’t your style !! And you prefer completed stories I also have: Claw at the Stars by @vivisols !!
- more mermaids.. ::3
- I love all their fics sm.. ‹𝟹
> I have so many more fics to share (to ramble about).. so..so many but I’ll leave it here for now!! Thank you for asking!! Please be mindful of tags before reading! ::)
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delusinaldreamer19 · 2 days
i've been sick and i recently binge read entire of all the unexpected basically in one sitting AND OH MY GOD I'M IN LOVE i'm a big fan of the sebagni & dadbastian duo and i found myself really enjoying the dynamic you put on ciel and sebastian which in many fanfictions i find very unnatural and out of character but even with the completely different scenarios and universes i think you really managed to capture the authentic dynamics between all the characters and i really appreciate that!! rarely do i find myself enjoying au's in general but this one literally got me making up scenarios in my head based on it. words cannot stress enough how quickly of all the unexpected got the 'best sebagni fic' title in my head, i hope you find yourself writing more without any trouble and i can't wait for the next update, thank you so much!!!!!! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
Reading that whole sorry in one sitting? Man you are a much faster reader then I am 😂.
Thank you so much for the kind words!!!
I’m always so glad to know that this self indulgent not-so-little-anymore fanfic of mine hit the spot for others aside from myself. Both sebagni and Dadbastian have debatable levels of popularity among Kuro fans (especially Sebagni), so I suppose putting them together was a bit of a ballsy move when I first decided to write this story lol. Even I have moments where I think “wow, how did I pull that off?”
And don’t you worry, with how long the next chapter is, I assure you I am writing plenty…maybe a little too much🥲. I’ve been hard at work and the next chap should hopefully maybe probably no promises be coming RELATIVELY soon, so stay tuned!
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crguang · 2 months
Hey, it's G
I'm thinking about posting another Kafka fanfic, but sometimes I wonder why I'm so depressed lol
I mean, damn, the idea I have in my head makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and cry for five days straight, but I guess that's just my intensely hungry girl side...
I wanted to send you a song I heard and I was like "is this some kind of Kafka's favorite song?" because the original version also focuses a lot on the violin.
Other than that, I guess I'm also really needy, please don't judge me, I'd just like to see something like, imagine Kafka sitting down and you standing in front of him. Under what circumstances do you think she would let us mere mortals hug her head from above? Or just place it against our abdomen and stroke her hair?
Why Kafka? Why are you so difficult? I just wish you'd give in for once. 😭😭😭
this is too real LMFAO i hate her sometimes, she can be annoying to write for because it’s hard to picture her reactions to certain situations and wonder what would be going through her head at that moment while also trying to be consistent with her base characterization. like the scenario you’re picturing, i kinda have no idea😭 maybe im not thinking hard enough (or thinking too much into it) but it’s kind of a vulnerable position to be in with you standing above her and her making herself smaller, and she’d have to be leaning on you and not the other way around. she could do it to indulge you, i dont see why she wouldnt, she has her needy moments too. her arms hang loosely around your waist while you play with her hair, forehead resting tiredly against your stomach. she may hum when you scratch her head or just keep talking the whole time. it’s weird to think of her as “small” when thats not how she sees herself or acts, so imagining her actually being vulnerable and seeking physical affection because of it is a bit blurry for me😭
also, you should definitely post that other fic, sometimes we actually needs our comfort characters to comfort us and that’s ok! the nice thing about writing is that you can so whatever you want no matter how self indulgent, you should write for yourself first and foremost. about the song, i can see why the violin instrumental made you think of kafka, i listen to violin often and she’s always on my mind whenever i do. i think she’d loveee fast-paced tempo music a lot judging by the vivaldi in her theme song… i feel like she’d enjoy these other vivaldi as well and probably some Paganini too but im not too good with artists names😭 i think kafka would like haunting melodies as well for when she needs to clear her mind (concerto grosso is so gorgeous and has a sort of wistfulness to it, do we think she’d have a harder time portraying more emotional songs for things she doesnt experience often…? or does she just lock tf in)
Golha is a personal favourite of mine that im super biased towards so i decided she’d enjoy it too hehe
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
chubby!Deku x Baku [no quirks au]
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked in titles are mine.
Some contain mature content. Read tags.
Credit to @somesprucetrees for the fan art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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A Call Away by @mikacrispy
Summary: It doesn't matter that the astronaut Bakugou Katsuki is miles and miles from Earth because he knows his favorite NASA engineer is always just a call away.
Complete | 2 Chapters | NASA AU
Rated - Explicit
Tasty by Mikacrispy
Summary: Chef Bakugou Katsuki meets a regular in his restaurant that is the cutest and sexiest man he's ever seen.Cue for Katsuki pining for his patron every time Izuku comes around for some comfort food.
One Shot | Restaurant AU
Rated - Explicit
Fight Me by Mikacrispy
Summary: Izuku loves dancing. It's his stress relief and hobby. It's too bad his body type isn't one people would generally assume a dancer should have, which brings him a lot of self-consciousness. The fact this annoying Karate fighter decided to make him the target of his bullying doesn't help at all. And yet, Izuku is always rising to Bakugou's taunts about his ass.
Complete | 5 Chapters
Rated - Explicit
The Obeisant Vine by Morpheel
Summary: Izuku was terribly insecure about his body.
Bakugou couldn't imagine the reason why; not when the Omega had a perfectly healthy weight clinging to his more than attractive figure. With all of the surplus food that the warm spring brought fourth, Bakugou definitely noticed when his mate declined the meals he'd brought back. He was determined to prove to Izuku that he was still attracted to him.
What they didn't expect, though, was a surprise along the way.
One Shot | OmegaVerse
Rated - Explicit
One Snowy Night by silentsongbird
Summary: On the night of Christmas Eve, chubby elf Izuku Midoriya is walking home during the beginning of a blizzard. On his journey to the warmth and safety of his cottage, he runs into an injured Krampus. Unable to resist helping the beast, Izuku invites him into his home to tend to his wounds. The two end up snowed in and the poor little elf ends up trapped with the beast who just wants to show his thanks.
One Shot | Fantasy AU | North Pole
Rated - Explicit
Indulgence by silentsongbird
Summary: Katsuki is annoyed that even in his second year of art school, he still has to take classes with stupid Deku. He had hoped to be rid of him after high school, but of course, Deku just had to get accepted into the same college as him. At least it's only one class. Unfortunately for him, it seems Deku has a bit of a reputation and his team mate, Denki, is very fond of him. Katsuki overhears a conversation he really wishes he hadn't because now he can't stop thinking about it. He has to see what Deku's videos are all about.
Incomplete | 8/? Chapters
CamBoy Izuku | College AU
Rated - Explicit
Chair Sex Would Be Hot by thoughtssvt_j
Summary: Chubby "Personal Assistant" Izuku isn't sure that he'd be able to fit into CEO Katsuki's office chair, but Katsuki proves him wrong by showing him all the lovin'.
One Shot | Office AU
Rated - Explicit
A Date With A Vampire by artindistress
Summary: Izuku and her vampire boyfriend go out on a date, and it doesn’t go as planned.
One Shot | Fem Deku | Vampire AU
Rated - Teen & Up
Series: Schizophrenic Bakugou by masteremeraldholder
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki has schizophrenia, and this is how he deals with it in everyday life with the help of chubby Midoriya Izuku.
Complete | 3 Works | SFW
My love for you is bigger than your fears. by aviii_coffee
Summary: When insecurity hit Izuku like a train, suddenly invading his mind and blocking all the happy, lovely feelings he was just feeling a mere second ago...
Good thing Kacchan is there to help him.
One Shot | SFW
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onlyjaeyun · 7 months
Hey girlie I love your fics so much and the way you write. I’m not the person that should tell you how to write your stories. It’s your fanfic and you do what you want with it but I also think that sometimes writers don’t realize what they exactly put in their fanfics. I’ve noticed in your recent fic that you write a lot about how y/n smokes. It gets mentioned so much to the point that I feel you are romanticizing smoking. You sometimes even put aesthetic pictures of it. Idk if it’s really that important to the story. Smoking is really unhealthy and if someone wants to do that then it’s their decision but it shouldn’t be something that should be romanticized at all. It’s not cool or aesthetically pleasing or wtv. I don’t wanna be *that* person and tell you how to write your stories but I’ve just noticed this and wanted to make you aware of it. Ofc it’s completely up to you what you do with this info. Maybe the smoking is important to the story later idk. This is not hate at all just something I wanted to tell you 💞 this is also the only “bad” thing about your fics I absolutely love everything else I can’t wait for Sunghoon and y/n to finally admit their hidden feelings for each other!!!
hi! firstly, thank you so much for your sweet words, am really grateful for the support and love and glad you're enjoying CH so far!
in response to your concern, i don't really know what to tell you. in no way am i romanticising anything and if the frequent mention of smoking – which is part of y/n's character – makes it seem like i'm doing that, then the constant mention of everyone partying and getting drunk should also be considered romanticising something that's not good for you.
at this point i just wanna say that this is all just fiction and i'm not responsible for other people's interpretation of certain aspects in my story. it's a college!AU and that's why these aspects seem quite normal to me.
in no way am i trying to dismiss or belittle your worries and i genuinely appreciate you coming to me with this, it's just that in my opinion people need to learn how to handle fictional stories and not let it get to them or affect their lives and choices.
when it comes to the topc of romanticisation, i'd have to cut out most of the warnings in every single one of my stories bc talking about it or incorporating it into my story would be romanticising it and i dont think that's the point of writing. (do you know what i mean?)
i am a smoker myself so i guess im kinda self indulging here and i'm okay with that. i'm not romanticising anything and as a 23 year okd woman i'm very much aware of the dangers and risks smoking comes with.
i dont even know where i was going with this, it's just that i understand your concern and i'll try and not mention it as much (tbh i barely ever mentioned it anyway) but that's it.
i hope you dont take this to heart bc i genuinely understand where you're coming from and 100% respect your opinion. this is mine and i hope you understand what i meant by this, take care of yourself 💞
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greenapricot · 8 months
2023 fic year in review
Doing my 2023 fic year in review in February bc that's how things are going in 2024 so far.
Total number of fic: 5 (1 still in progress)
Total word count: 24,217
Fandoms written in: Lewis (3), Endeavour (1), Our Flag Means Death (1)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? Less. Though I didn't really have any specific expectations about quantity, just that I wanted to write things I enjoyed writing regardless of the reception, as opposed to past years when I was fixated on the idea of writing a certain amount of fic per month. 2023 felt much more relaxed writing-wise and I'm also about halfway through a super self-indulgent fic that is probably going to end up being around 20k and I'm very pleased with that.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? The Names of All the Winds (Lewis, James/Robbie, magical realism au, alternate meeting). The aforementioned fic that's half done. I am having so much fun reliving my own holiday on Lake Garda by sending slightly alternate universe Robbie and James there and also writing magical realism which I hadn't done in a while.
Did you take any writing risks this year? I wouldn't call it a risk exactly, but Patterns Unfamiliar (Lewis, James/Robbie, hurt/comfort) was a fun challenge. My writing is usually very visual and it was interesting to have to describe what was happening in the story when the POV character was in complete darkness.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? Finish TNoAtW, which I'm actively working on and hope to manage by the end of March.
And I've said this the last two years running, but I really do want to finish the sequel to Lead me wild to your dark roads my Lewis/Shetland xover (currently titled The last place we left off). I did do a fair amount of work on it before I entered the fic challenge that spawned TNoAtW, and wrote a good portion of the Shetland fic interlude that I've realized needs to go between the two stories. So both of those are next in line after TNoAtW.
Then there's the Blackbeard's Building & Renovation fic idea that was spawned in discord, in which Ed is a builder and Stede an interior decorator (each with their own crews) and they are both hired to work on the same house at the same time. Some kind of OFMD/Grand Designs-ish fusion. And, as ever, those three Lewis casefics that are mostly plotted and not anywhere close to completion.
Most popular story of the year? One thing at a time (Lewis, James/Robbie). It was spring, I had allergies, so I wrote a fic in which James had allergies. It seems to resonate with folks :D
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Nothing like poetry (Endeavour, post-s6 Ronnie Box angst). It has the least number of comments and kudos, but I don't actually think it's under-appreciated. Ronnie Box ruminating on the terrible mess his life is post-s6 is just very niche.
Most fun story to write: TNoAtW for all the reasons I mentioned above and adding my own photos to it. And it remains fun.
Most unintentionally telling story: I should probably make up another question to go here bc I never have a good answer for this, but The Most Remarkable Thing (OFMD, Ed/Stede, domestic fluff) was basically me putting my love of gardening and living a quiet life in the woods into fic form.
Biggest disappointment: I wouldn't say it was a disappointment, but I really did think I was going to finish the Lead me wild sequel in 2023. I think I'll finally finish it in 2024 though (this time for sure).
Biggest surprise: TNoAtW growing into what looks like it will be the third longest fic I've ever written.
Tagging people just for the fun of it (no pressure though): @bryndeavour, @thankyouforbeingsowrong, @vita-s-west, @mcgstarroar, @mr-iskender, @ronniebox
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 4 months
Just a little A/N so any of you lovely readers of mine know.
(It was longer than I expected in the end, it's now in the undercut 🤣)
(This post is about how I write Ace Alastor, Gender, Sex, Race, and Sexual Orientation (it's longer than I planned as more and more came out as I wrote but hope it explains things for those who want to know a little more about my writing and about how I write and feel about Alastor and his Ace canon orientation)
I do try to make the 'Reader' in my fics as G/N as possible, I will try my best to avoid using pronouns in my fics and I rely heavily on pet names (which I do IRL as I'm an affectionate person 😁) to avoid using things like 'Y/N' or 'Reader' which I personally prefer not using for a smoother (IMO) more immersive read.
I will often use the readers Sex in the fics as it's just a lot sexier (IMO) to describe how it's affecting 'You', which I know so far I'm guilty of only writing from a female perspective (in nsfw, I don't describe sex organs in sfw if I can help it) I do plan on doing some male reader perspective fics once I've gotten my current fem reader WIPs out of the way.
I am a little nervous at writing them as I'm personally cis female and I hope I do the male perspective justice and it isn't a load of hard to read non immersive rubbish, I also hope I write Alastor and Lucifer's experience's well enough that I can develop my skill and transfer it over to a male perspective reader
I've not had any negative feedback so far on the sex scenes so I hope that means I did good male and female wise, and I know it can be nerve wracking to comment on people's work so I'm going from the few positive comments I have and the reblogs and hearts I've gotten, but I do encourage any constructive advice or even if you want to see certain things in the future, I am very friendly and I won't be mean I promise💜💜💜💜💜
Also I am aware of Alastor's sexual orientation in canon and I completely respect him and the Ace community and don't for a moment think he or any Ace person should change.
I really can't help that I have latched onto Alastor in such an intense way (my AuDHD loves him) but I do still try to keep him in the Ace spectrum (with what knowledge I have researched) and not make the sex about his gratification or desire for sex itself, and use it either as a powerplay or manipulation tool (as he knows he's desirable).
Or if the fic is about him in an established relationship with the reader or any other character it will be about seeing his partner come undone for him and/or doing it all for them and their pleasure, he can take it or leave it in regards to sex (I know I don't explicitly say it in the fics, I do try to do things subtly, like little things with him only getting undressed at the last moment or being very dominant and having reader or Lucifer vulnerable for him and the power being a big motivator for him and how it feels to have them begging for him etc) I hope I explained what I mean well enough.
I don't for a second think anyone's sexual orientation should ever be changed nor their gender identity, fictional characters are fictional and I like to play with them, I am personally (Pansexual and hypersexual which means all characters are at risk lol 😂) but as I've seen many times in many fandoms all characters can have sexual orientations, sex's and genders get changed left right and centre.
I do know and understand it's difficult if you're part of a smaller less represented LGBTQ+ community to see a character who in canon is really lovable/amazing and represents your sexual orientation and/or gender identity get portrayed differently in fanfics or changed because of self indulgent writers.
I hope you know now I'm not trying to change Alastor and by no means want to see him like this in canon, I just really love him as a character and it helps my own mental health to play with him too sometimes 💜💜💜
And it will be the same with Velvette when I write her with a male reader (I will also write gender swapped readers for each of my fics or I'll try to if you guys want me too), I don't think her sexual orientation should change in canon and I love that she's lesbian, just as I love Alastor being Ace, I just wanna borrow and play with them for a bit (😉), and I hope that's okay. 💜💜
I also try to be inclusive with race and will often avoid describing specific colours of readers skin, or hair or eye colour but if I do make mistakes in those areas don't be afraid to give me a nudge and point out the error okay 💜💜
(In my last fic I know I described the reader as having a red tail and that's because the animal she had features of that I'd chosen was a red squirrel, hair colour and eye colour I still left ambiguous not all the hair had to be red for example, I'm not a redhead myself which most of you who know me on my main blog or discord will know as I have pictures of myself up)
Also if you're in the Alastor simp sanctuary discord server and follow me just drop me a comment or pm and I'll follow back (as this is my sub account it'll be my main account that follows you)
And if anyone wants me to read their stuff in general I take recommendations just send a link 🫶
(I will add this to the bottom of my pinned post too so anyone in the future can see this little (large) note 💜💜)
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librarylexicon · 3 months
wip asks! Let Me Down Gently and Pumpkin Winter? :D (just bc Pumpkin Winter sounds delightful)
Hi @freyafrida! 🫶
Went a bit ham here, so I'll put it under a cut.
Let Me Down Gently is a self-indulgent Batman fic about TimSteph - Tim Drake (the third Robin, also Red Robin) and Stephanie Brown (Spoiler/Batgirl). I don't often write shipfics, but I love their relationship in canon and wish they were still together. But hey, that's what fanfic is for! It's set in the same continuity as some of my other one-shots, in a hypothetical post-canon world where the family was allowed to remain together and Tim and Steph were able to grow up, instead of being interrupted by the New 52 reboot.
The fic is about them navigating young adulthood and falling back in love, because I see them as endgame. It is, of course, titled after a line from the Adele song "Water Under the Bridge", which is an eternal favourite of mine and encapsulates the TimSteph pairing so well.
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Pumpkin Winter is based on one of my favourite TV shows ever, Road to Avonlea, which is an AoGG spinoff that incorporates characters and storylines from The Story Girl, The Golden Road, Chronicles of Avonlea and Further Chronicles of Avonlea. The show is mainly centred on the lives of the King family (Alec and Janet and their children) and their friends and relations.
Anyway! There's an episode in Season 5 called "Thursday's Child", in which the third King child, Cecily, gets consumption, and she and her family have to decide if she should go stay at a sanitarium. It's a very sad episode, not least because it's the last time we see this particular actress playing Cecily. The character of Cecily is so often neglected by the scriptwriters, to the point that even this episode focused more on the rest of her family than on her! So, as soon as I watched it, I wanted to write a fic about Cecily's thoughts and feelings during it, especially in relation to her father.
The title is partially because her father calls her "pumpkin" in this episode, and partially because of the excellent Tori Amos song "Winter", which is thematically appropriate. Oh, and the episode is set during winter.
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(WIP game here - send me an ask!)
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spyroforlife · 9 months
23.What work of yours would you like to have the biggest impact on the fandom?
Ooh.. tbh that's a tough one because I don't necessarily WANT to have a big impact on fandom at all, I'm just out to write self-indulgent lil things I enjoy and hopefully get feedback from people who come across my writing and also enjoy it, I write for myself but I also love discussing my works with others.
Storytime but I once had a very impactful fanfic, though this was while I was in the Gravity Falls fandom and it was midway through season 2, a VERY active time to be in the fandom. I wrote a BillDip fanfic called Payment in Blood that was pretty much just spawned from me drawing some stereotypical dark!Dipper corrupted by Bill Cipher artwork, and I thought. Hey I could turn this into a story. So I did, and what started out as a needlessly violent and gorey dark fic written for shits and giggles gained a huge following, to the point that you probably couldn't be a BillDip fan in late 2014 to 2015 and not know about it. I had people giving me suggestions to incorporate into the storyline and popular artists were drawing fanart for me, and when I showed up in art livestreams people would get all excited about me being there and want to discuss the story with me
Of course in livestreams I always made sure to gently redirect attention back to the artist, it felt rude to talk about my own stuff while someone else is sharing their art process with us, but it was really overwhelming tbh?? It was a LOT of attention to have on me and I felt a lot of pressure to make sure the story was absolutely perfect, and I think by the end I was really running out of steam and struggling to wrap it up. I DID manage to finish the story, it even got a sequel, and looking back on it I'm satisfied with what it is. And the story inspired a lot of new stories and artwork and I love that so many people got inspired to create because of PiB. But I'll always remember that as a very strange time in my life
So I guess what I'm getting at is that while it's fun to THINK about having a popular work that has a lot of impact on the fandom and everyone knows about it, having experienced that before, I can honestly say I can take it or leave it. I LOVE when I can inspire people to make things, if someone gets an idea from something of mine and wants to spin it into their own story, absolutely! Please! And I love having discussions about the characters and their choices, and about my planning, and ideas that were considered but ultimately abandoned, etc. Having a popular fic is fine. But idk. I don't think I'd like it if a story of mine got so popular that other people who aren't interested are getting bothered about if they've read it. I wouldn't want discussions about it dominating a tag that should be more general. I certainly wouldn't want to get harassed over a story of mine, or worse, someone ELSE getting harassed just because they openly enjoyed it. I can handle rude Internet tough guys. But I would never want other people being attacked because I made something popular and people liked it and other people think that's bad
idk if that makes sense but yeah. Sorry if this is really rambly, it's just that I genuinely am unsure if I want to make an impact on fandom, instead I just kinda like being in my own corner and if other people wanna come into my corner and hang out, that's great! But I don't really need to make anything that EVERYONE knows about. While there's good sides to that, there's negatives as well, so eh. I just don't know.
But as an apology for such a long-winded answer. If I did need to choose one to have an impact. You know what.
Triple Life because omegaverse (sorta) Life series season is SUCH a ridiculous fucking idea and I'm so glad for the post that made me go "haha what if" and then actually write it. I think it'd be funny if people were doing like. Analysis and fanart and shit about this story of mine in particular. Look at my smutty Life series fanfic, boy
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blue-mood-blue · 2 years
Every so often I feel like I need to grab myself by the shoulders, lean in real close, and remind myself that before the creative things I do are for anyone else, they’re for me.
Especially fanfic. I should look forward to what I write! It should be exactly what I want it to be, even if that’s weird, or niche, or following themes and ideas that I’ve already beaten to death with a stick! They should be incredibly and wonderfully self-indulgent! I should love writing them, I should love re-visiting them, because that means their value doesn’t rely on anyone else - just me.
If someone else loves them too, then that is a wonderful gift - that is the reason for sharing them! But they are shared because they’re mine. And yours, for your own endeavors! Let’s unabashedly write what we love, just because with as much work as it is, we deserve to love the creative process.
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roipecheur · 9 months
2023 Fic Year in Review
Total number of completed works: 4
Total word count: 73,447
Fandoms written in: DCU -- they're all sladick fics
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?  Less. Irl was very chaotic this year and it zapped both my time and creative energy.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?  hold on to let go
Did you take any writing risks this year?  Not really, I just didn't have the time.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? I always have fic goals!
Sladick long fics: fantasy/royalty AU I didn't get to write last year, Blüdhaven time travel fix-it fic but not in the way that you think that I also didn't didn't get to write last year, and if I have time, a deeply fucked up apprentice arc inspired fic that I have affectionately nicknamed jumpscare Slade
Sladick shorter fics: no capes AU where Slade uses the GI bill to go to college in his 40s (I want to write something fun), gift for a friend 😉, gift for another friend 😉, possibly a soulmate AU?
Sladetim: Half-finished PWP that I should finish up and post soon to get off my list
HBO Peacemaker: I wrote half of a Leota & Adrian fic last year right before my life went crazy bonkers, and I really should knuckle down and finish it
Fratt: Write and post something for fratt. I do love them, I just wrote a ton for them in 2020-2022 and wanted to give more time to other things.
Jaytim: Maybe write some jaytim. I'm slowly working on a readthrough of their comics appearances.
Most popular story of the year? hold on to let go by kudos
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Honestly, everything I wrote and posted this year got a good amount of kudos/comments based on length and subject matter.
Most fun story to write: I'm gonna go with centripetal because I wrote it quickly and a darker Slade is a very fun vibe to play with. Cranking out something short was a welcome break from everything else this past year.
Most unintentionally telling story: I really don't think I have one this time! hold on to let go was definitely the most self-indulgent.
Biggest disappointment: I wrote a ~25k fratt fic this year that was going to be the third installment in a series, but it was like pulling teeth to write and I'm not sure if I like how it turned out. I finished it months ago and haven't been able to make myself go back to it for edits. Maybe next year. Honorable mention to never having enough time ✌
Biggest surprise: Not that I wrote anything for them, but I was surprised to start getting into jaytim.
My favorite part of fandom this year: Being unhinged with people on tumblr and in discord servers about our faves ♥
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it 💕
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blairsanne · 2 years
Writing Questions Tag Game:
Thanks for tagging me @residentdormouse ♥
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What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
Um, so the two favourite ideas of mine are not things I can link you to because the first one, which is a faerie story about (among other characters) the fae prince of Winter, is a story I'm writing (I guess it's on hiatus) with my irl bff and it's not finished or available to the public. I don't know how much I should share tbh, but I love all the characters and the world we've built so much.
The other is just my special daydream OC character whose story I will never actually write because it's a mashup of various fandom lores and very complicated and while fun to daydream doesn't sound fun to write. She's a priestess who gets murdered on the altar of her world's gods by her bff and they revive her to kill him (he was a priest who took the power of the gods and then proceeded to basically demolish the world around him). She does so, but is essentially left alone in her world and becomes a guardian of sorts. Her role is to link herself to one person (anchor) in every one of the worlds/dimensions/realities that the collection of souls her gods watch over reincarnate into. She can call on power from the other realities to protect them from outside threats (basically, if the gods were creator beings, there are destroyer beings who want to devour the souls/realities). She ends up being kind of a tragic character though, since she's stuck between a bunch of "lives" so to speak and beholden to different people in different worlds but never able to settle down and be done. She keeps getting revived by the gods when she dies (with all her memories, instead of reincarnating), and she struggles with grief. Why is this my favourite idea? IDK but I keep thinking about it.
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you and you still think about sometimes?
Well one time someone on anon complained that I wrote a self-indulgent mary sue oc into my fanfic and asked "who asked for [that]". To which I replied that I did. Because, you know, I write shit for myself first. As a fun hobby. I'm in no way saying that I write anything great, and if you think my writing is cringe, like, okay, you're right? Die mad about it, I guess? Get a life? Idk. I'm just having fun playing pretend with these fictional worlds.
What is your favorite part of being a writer?
Re-reading finished things because I write the type of stories I like to read, so it's really satisfying to get to reread them later. Close second is when someone else likes what I've written, that's pretty cool. ♥
What parts could you take or leave?
The agony of the time between posting something online and that first bit of feedback on it. Now that I actually have people looking at my stuff there's a little bit of like "well I hope at least one person does end up reading and enjoying this" and like... if not then it feels like why bother posting it online? (Honestly I started posting my BWOC fic in 2013 just so my irl bff could read it. I started posting my newer fics on tumblr in 2021 just so I'd move on and finish the missing parts of the story I had been writing... which hasn't worked, in case anyone wondered haha.)
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
I am constantly coming up with stories in my head. There's something about writing them down and crafting them into something I can read again later that lets me put them down, if that makes sense. Like a brain dump. I don't need to remember just how that scene went or why that was happening in this plot, because it's written down now. I can revisit it later if I like. Or never.
Second-biggest motivation is when I'm writing a fic with someone else in mind, like a request or gift, or for an event, or just something I know that one person in particular will like. In the hopes I contribute something good to their day. (Even if it's smut.)
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
I've honestly been writing since I was a child, so I wish I could tell you. XD
What I would say to someone new to writing is this: You get better at every skill by doing it. So, if you want to write, you're better off writing a ton of stories, badly at first and reworking, refining, revising, etc. than to wait until you're "good enough" to write the story you want to write. You can always write a version two or twenty-five, months or years later. Done is better than perfect, and shitty-first-drafts are better than forgotten ideas.
What is your favorite story you’ve written TO COMPLETION? Link it if you’d like and can!
Probably Homecoming, a smut-fic for Bofur in the Durin's Garage AU. Mostly because I haven't written most of my stories to completion, but also I love that fic.
What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
"If anyone can do it, so can you."
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
In one of my original fiction stories, one of the characters is an emperor who is basically taking over the world bit by bit, and has zero remorse about it. He believes that nobody can love him (for good reason unrelated to his status/warring) and has decided not to love anyone or anything either. At one point, frustrated with how passive his stolen fiancee is, he orders his brother to strangle her to death in front of him and then gets mad at her when she doesn't fight back (he orders the brother to stop, it was just like... a test?). He's very aggressive and believes that everyone only looks out for themselves, etc. so he does the same. (So her passivity sort of challenges him in a way. It's complicated.) It think it's a very toxic but easy-to-fall into worldview when someone thinks that the world is cruel to them, to decide to be cruel back. That's probably the most controversial mindset of my OCs, but that's sort of the point. Obviously I think he's wrong, and eventually things happen to change him.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
She'd probably be confused why we stopped doing forum-RPing and be completely amazed that a single stranger anywhere in the world had read and enjoyed something we wrote all on our own. Honestly I think little me would think I was pretty cool and living the dream. Maybe I should remind myself that more often.
I really value the community in fandom spaces, which I think is why fanfiction is so appealing. We all get to play with the same dolls in different ways and go "ah yes, that's a cool way you played" and learn from each other and grow, and it's all around a shared love of stories. Storytelling is how humans make sense of the world, and community is what makes life feel like it has meaning to me. So this is a pretty cool place to be.
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No pressure tags: @laurfilijames @i-did-not-mean-to @i-am-still-bb @silvermoon-scrolls @sotwk @middleearthpixie @sketch-and-write-lover @enchantzz @lordoftherazzles and OPEN TAG to anyone who wants to do it. :)
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ari--anon · 1 year
Okok another ask. I’m sorry! /lh
Your fanfic, “I am weary with contending!” and the thoughts and details behind it have been playing in my head over and over the last few days. (Im obsessed, in a good way!)
Any advice to get better at plotting, characterization, pacing and execution of details? Currently writing my own fanfic and I am struggling to execute my characters/pacing/plot in a way that I want. /nf
Hi! I'm so happy to hear that you like it :D!
My honest advice? One of the best ways to get better at writing is to read. Not just other fics, but published books as well. Try picking up something you're interested in, or something that has the tone of the story that you're looking for, and see how the author writes it, and get inspired by the way they might describe things. Pay close attention to how their characters interact with each other, or pay attention to how slow/fast they pace their stories. I know my writing has Massively improved since I've started reading books outside of fics on a more regular basis. And right now, I'm reading a really well written book (House of Leaves) and even though I'm not finished reading it, I know that it's been influencing small bits of my writing for the chapter that's coming up!
Reading books I like has also made me very motivated to write as well :]
As for all of the technicalities, it all mostly comes down to outlines for me. I love writing the actual chapters themselves, but behind every chapter is a Heavily detailed outline. I have very brief chapter summaries plotted out (which I keep having to update, lol), and I have more detailed outlines for every chapter coming up- but whenever I get stuck, and find myself in a roadblock, I love sitting down and writing about the characters themselves. Even if its something small, like their name or their age, or something big, like their past (which could heavily influence their decisions made in the future) or their specific feelings towards the other characters. It really helps me to write it when I have it all laid out in front of me. It also helps with execution of details, if you have those details marked down, and you can plan for having those specific details shown in scenes throughout your story. As long as you can look at a situation, and know what your character would do if they were thrown into it, it should be fine. (Also, having it all laid out should make it easier to see what you do and don't want to keep, or if you might just need to switch a couple scenes around to help the story flow better. I used to not write outlines at all with fics, and went with the flow, but all I ended up with were fics that were 2k at most, and no clue on how to continue it. Even if the au or plot was very interesting to me.)
As for pacing, I get really self indulgent. I love slow burns. I make an outline with the more important plot details in it and very brief chapter summaries, and then come up with things that happens in between. Or,, sometimes, I'll leave blanks if I feel like the story is progressing too quickly for my tastes, and I'll brainstorm for ideas to fit in there. There's... not much more I can say with this, I think. I'm just very particular about pacing, and I pay close attention to how I think I'd like the story to flow if I was a reader instead of a writer. (Which is,, absurdly long slowburns. Lol. Love me 100k+ fics)
Also, if you're up for it, some healthy constructive criticism could help you out a lot as well. I ask for it sparingly (from a friend of mine that is a very talented writer) and every time I've asked for it, she's given me something that I've used, and my writing has improved Massively.
I hope you found the answer you were looking for! These tidbits helped a lot, even if some things are tedious... and remember, at the end of the day, fic writing is a hobby. It isn't supposed to be insanely stressful to the point where it feels like a chore! (Even thought I heavily plot everything out for my longer fics to, de-stress but still write, I will just write very short and random ficlits with no plots or preparation that aren't supposed to go anywhere.)
TLDR: Read (fics, sure, but real books as well), outlines are your best friend, and WRITE!! It's like a muscle, you will improve the more you use it.
And have fun :D!
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