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messedupfan · 11 months ago
The Hope of a Free World: The Prologue
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Summary: It's the last night of the Victory Tour for Katniss and Peeta and you are expected to attend the social event of the year at President Snow's mansion.
A/n: Hello! Sorry that this has taken so long to get out! I had so many ideas when it came to this request. The other two parts aren't quite ready but I hope that y'all enjoy this start!
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You are threading your coin through your fingers and sigh. Things in the districts were beginning to get restless as rumors of an uprising began to spread. Ever since two teenagers from Twelve defied the Capitol and refused to play by the rules of their game. In the name of love, they claimed. It didn’t matter to those in the districts. You found it to be a bold move by the star-crossed lovers of District 12. But anyone paying attention can see that the girl was acting out of survival instincts and defiance. Not out of pure love for the boy she seemed to hardly know. 
“The train to the Capitol will be here soon,” Finnick says as he knocks your feet off of his coffee table as he adjusts his cufflinks. “You need to get ready and preferably stop crashing on my sofa. You have your own house, remember?” He stops at an extravagant mirror that hangs on the wall to adjust his collar. 
You sigh again, “I made a promise to stop drinking excessively. I can’t do that and be alone over there. Besides if I recall, Annie said I can crash here as often as I please.” 
“Wanda is lucky she only has to deal with you a couple of times a year,” he gripes as he double checks his appearance. “Get dressed, now,” he shook his head because you were still sitting on the couch, moving your coin through your fingers. It was your token in the Hunger Games. This was a coin that your father made you when you were a kid. It was a silver medallion meant to be worn on a chain. But you haven’t worn it in years because you rather fiddle with it whenever you are nervous. On the face of the medallion is a trident rising out of thin silver waves. A blue abalone shell provides a naturally patterned ocean blue background. Your father was very skilled with making jewelry. You were excited to return home from your Games to share your wealth with him and buy him all of the material he could only dream of. But, because of your minor rebellious actions in the Games, he was taken from you. By President Snow. 
Not the man himself, of course, but he gave the order. 
“Okay, okay,” you grumble as you stand up from the couch. “You know, I think Annie lets me stay over because I’m the closest thing to a child the two of you will ever have.” 
Finnick shakes his head with a laugh, “You might be right.” Even though you weren’t much younger than Finnick and Annie, they took you under their wing. They knew exactly what you were going through when you lost your father. Finnick knew better than anyone when you turned eighteen and Snow first arranged for you to meet with a customer. The mistake you had made was keeping in touch with your friends and falling for someone. Snow threatened their lives and their families lives if you refused to show the customer a good time. None of them deserved to die for your mistakes. Or worse, be turned into Avoxes. The tongueless slaves to the Capitol. 
In no time at all, you are on the train to the Capitol. For the past couple of years, you were typically giddy about getting a trip to the Capitol. It meant that you could visit with Wanda. But with talks about an uprising, you wanted to focus on that more than anything. A successful uprising could mean freedom from the segregation of the districts and the oppression of President Snow. Freedom from the Games. Most importantly, it could mean the freedom to love. You never saw yourself falling as hard as you have for someone from the Capitol but Wanda has a certain way about her. Beyond the enchanting green eyes and the vibrant red wig, which she wore to blend in with the Capitol culture. She was a person. She had opinions and interesting ideas. She hated the Games as much as anyone in the districts does. 
“Keep your focus, you’ll be able to see your girl tonight,” Finnick whispered into your ear as the train came to a stop. You roll your shoulders and smooth out your clothing as you stand in front of the exit of the train. Katniss and Peeta had been in District 4 only a few days ago for their Victory Tour and tonight was the final night of their tour. It was going to end with a massive party in President Snow’s mansion and every victor that could be sold was expected to be in attendance. Especially since this year’s victors could not be auctioned off as they have been in the past. 
As you are escorted to a vehicle there are screens everywhere airing footage of Peeta on one knee in front of Katniss. You shook your head. They were smart to get engaged so publicly.  You predict that lot of your clients will be so bummed that they can’t have a night with either of them. It could hurt the government and raise a lot of questions if it ever came out that Katniss or Peeta were ever spotted spending time with someone else. Though, you are certain that there are plenty of people that will still try to spend a night with either of them or even both of them once they have turned eighteen. You just hope that the government is overthrown before that can happen. Thankfully, on this trip, you’re not expected to see anyone until the event. So you don’t have to worry about hearing creepy rich guys complain about how they can’t be the ones to deflower the girl on fire. You know exactly where you’ll be spending your night. 
“I think I know who I’m bidding on,” Wanda whispered in your ear from behind you. Her warm breath tickled your skin and warmed your heart as you closed your eyes to bask in the feeling for a moment. 
“Now, now, Ms. Maximoff,” you say as you step back and turn around to get a look at her. Most women in the Capitol opted for frilly dresses, something to accentuate their womanly curves, or hide the lack of them under layers and layers of thick fabric with outlandish designs. Wanda, however, succeeded in showing off her attributes in a simple yet stylish red and black suit with a black turtle neck. The black on her suit sat on the notch lapels of her coat. It looked as though there was a darkness from inside that was spilling out onto the solid blood red that made up the rest of her suit. She also wore a gold necklace with a gold coin on it. You’ve never seen this one before. You frown as you pick it up to observe it, she hasn’t bought jewelry for herself in years. She was usually gifted jewelry and it was never as simple as this. As you move it in the light, an image of the Mockingjay appears. “That’s quite a piece right there.” You look around and notice all of the memorabilia and cheap merchandise of that bird that decorated the event on both the walls, tables, and even the guests. 
“Like it?” Wanda asks as she leans in. “It’s one of a kind,” she winks. 
You smirk as you adjust the gold coin on her chest. “Very fitting for you, Ms. Maximoff.” You wink. There was a reason this Mockingjay was hidden in plain sight but you weren’t going to ask standing in a heavily monitored event. 
Wanda blushes, “You flatter me too much.” You’re about to ask where you could get something of your own when music announcing President Snow’s appearance cuts the conversation short. Every person that was inside of the mansion filtered out the back doors to give their full attention to the President as he addressed the attendees. You didn’t care too much for the speech when you noticed Finnick slipping away with the 75th Hunger Games head gamemaker, Plutarch Heavnsbee. You narrowed your eyes as you finished the rest of your mocktail. Wishing that you could’ve had alcohol inside. 
That night, you didn’t follow them. You didn’t ask questions. You simply made polite conversation with the guests of honor as well as the other guests while making a mental note of everyone of your fellow victors that you’ve noticed disappear throughout the event. The absence that worried you the most was Wanda’s. You were certain she would have taken you home with her. Luckily, when you went to find out who did win the bidding war for your company, you were relieved to be informed that Ms. Maximoff was waiting for you at her home. 
You didn’t ask Wanda where she disappeared off to when she finally slipped through the shadows and joined you in the bed. You kept your thoughts to yourself in the morning as you committed the details of being with her to your memory. Every freckle and beauty mark that was spread about on her body. Every kiss she placed on yours. Every taste. Every caress. The way her enchanting green eyes made you dream of a brighter future as you gazed into them. You memorized the way her breath changed as she got closer and closer to her climax. Her light giggles when you made a joke and kissed behind her ear. This wasn’t a meeting that you needed to numb yourself from. You wanted to be here between her warm silk sheets, memorizing the way she fit perfectly in your arms as she sat between your legs. Locking all of it away in a place close to your heart for you to use the next time you have to be with someone else. 
“Wanda I,” you sighed where you sat at the edge of her bed as you got ready to leave her. She crawled up to you and wrapped her body around you as she hushed you.
“Don’t say it,” she whispered against your ear as she kissed your neck. “I know.” You nodded and melted in her embrace for a moment before you finished getting ready. Her time was almost up and the Peacekeepers were very punctual. 
It was noon when you kissed her goodbye just as a Peacekeeper knocked lightly on the door to escort you to the vehicle that is going to deliver you to the train you’ll take home. You hated when Peacekeepers picked you up in the Capitol. They were so polite it made you sick. It was unfair. They were meant to keep the peace but often they could be the opposite in the districts. According to your father, that’s how you lost your mother. She was bartering with a Peacekeeper that was trying to lowball her. She refused and that made the officer unhappy. He had every Peacekeeper in Four keep a close eye on her and when she eventually slipped up, they had her executed. Your father never mentioned what she did that cost her life and you never asked. 
But when you return to District 4, you end your streak of not asking questions and you pull Finnick aside to ask him what the hell is going on.
The Tribute The Mentor
 Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles
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foxdrawsz · 6 months ago
Maxley Mafia AU (yes there will be art for this too dw)
Lives just below the poverty line - with his dad getting fired and being forced to go back to college, they're struggling for money big time
Max gets a job at a large company (bradley's fathers company to be precise) and starts embezzling funds to help support his father
Its not a lot, only a few hundred here and there - enough to get them by but not too much to be caught
Little does he know that the company he works for is the literal fucking MAFIA
Is employed at his fathers business
His father runs the most successful business in the country, and naturally with a man as powerful as his father they have *lots* of ties to *a lot* of important people (he basically runs an underground mafia to keep other competitors at bay/out of his way)
When they hire Max and Bradley finds out he's annoyed that he has to deal with him both at college and at his fathers work
He absolutely makes it his mission to annoy Max as much as possible
The company itself def know abt Max's embezzlement but its not a large amount so its not a huge concern
Regardless they set Bradley up to "take care of him" (unalive lol), seeing as they're classmates and Bradley already knows him
So with max now on his hitlist he has to get close enough to Max to take him out (on a date? with a sniper? who knows)
Bradley ends up falling in love with him instead
The plot to eliminate Max is essentially getting Bradley to lure him away and dispose of him, but he keeps fucking up - max catches him off guard by being, well- max
Slipping a drug into Max's drink while taking him out to coffee, only for him to "spill" Max's drink last second, as Max tells him about his struggles for money, how everything he does is for his father.
Hiding a knife up his sleeve as he and Max walk through a secluded area of town, preparing to plunge the blade into his back, only for Max to turn around and grin at him, so happy and content to just be there with him, with Bradley, that he fumbles. That kindness, being directed at him of all people- it’s not something he's ever had before.
Bradley feels bad for trying to kill him but tells himself it wont happen again (it does. a lot.)
Eventually the evil plots become less evil and turn into genuine requests to hang out and spend time with Max. Max is clueless to the entire thing, and just thinks Bradley's being nice, albeit a little insistent, by inviting him out so often.
They find themselves star gazing in a field, and Bradley cant help but reach out for Max's hand- he's so close, Max's body mere inches away from his own. Max glances over, his eyes reflecting the stars above and gods he may as well be the galaxy because Bradley can't stop staring.
They don't talk about what happened that night, but they both know that something changed
After that, Max starts to notice things about Bradley - the faint freckles on his face, the way his hair falls in front of his eyes when he reads, the way he tenses up at the mention of his family, how passionate he is when talking about literature and poetry, how he likes rainy weather and hates the boiling hot summers- he notices everything.
And then he notices something he shouldn't.
A paper- multiple papers in fact -fallen out of Bradley's books after they were tossed haphazardly onto a desk. papers detailing his embezzlement and notes about-
his murder.
Bradley was trying to kill him?
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wednesdays-buck · 4 months ago
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. . . a 9-1-1 abc fic rec!
everything (nothing) has changed by bizarrestars
After Eddie gets shot, Buck confesses his love. From there, things get a little out of hand.
Buck breathes for a moment, then sets his shoulders. "Eddie, there's something I have to tell you."
"Do you?" Eddie asks flatly, still alarmed and doing his best to hide it. "I would've never guessed."
Buck swallows. "Eddie, I love you."
"Are you softening the blow, or buttering me up? Because, I've got to tell you, I'm still very worried regardless," Eddie tells him.
"No, you don't understand. I love you. I'm currently in love with you," Buck says as evenly as possible, and even then, his voice wobbles precariously there for a moment. He exhales. "You don't have to worry about it, though, because I've processed it and decided to—to find relief in telling you before moving on and moving forward."
Eddie stares at him. No response at all.
Well, at least he's not freaking out.
what if i can't have us by woodchoc_magnum
In which Eddie is dating Marisol; Buck's dating Tommy, and Eddie has feelings about that, which he simply does. not. understand.
forget a six pack, i need the whole damn keg by bucksbicycle
As soon as the shop was cleared and they started getting the scene cleaned up, Joe reached out to say hello. His light greeting and catch-up small talk is then followed by a “Damn, Buck, I know it’s been a while, but what are you doing? You’re looking big, man.”
With that, Eddie walked away and tried to shut it out.
“You’re looking big, man.”
Why don’t you shut up, man? Why don’t you think about Eddie’s mental health, man? Can’t you see that Eddie is trying not to notice how big Buck is, MAN?
5 times Eddie admires Bulking Season Evan Buckley in the gym + 1 time the attention is reciprocated
title from Big Boy by SZA
c'mon baby, rip it by drh0rrible
(Part 2 of THIS SERIES)
It was only a matter of time before one of Buck's sleeves ripped. Buck knew it, everybody at the 118 knew it. Bystanders on the streets of LA knew it.
But when it actually happens, Buck just wants to know why Eddie is so upset.
A Perfectly Normal Reaction by Ailelie
Eddie knows his reactions to each milestone in his or Buck's relationships are not normal, but he can't stop. He needs some way to make the connection he feels with Buck real and untouchable by anyone else.
Basically, Eddie has a lot feelings he doesn't understand. So, instead of thinking about them, he keeps doing more and more to cement Buck's place in his life.
deep inside a gold mine by marviless
Eddie is all fucking over him. He falls asleep with his body sprawled over the broad expanse of Buck’s chest and wakes up with his face buried into the skin of his neck. They watch a movie together on Eddie’s couch and Eddie practically sits in his lap, head tucked under Buck’s chin as he blinks at the screen. When they’re alone, Eddie can’t stop himself from peppering kisses to Buck’s lips and his cheeks and his forehead as Buck giggles and pretends to try and duck. Under the dinner table every night, Eddie will hook his foot around Buck’s ankle and make Buck duck his head into a flushed smile. And Eddie is always, always holding Buck’s hand—running errands and in their own bed and at the grocery store and across the console while Buck’s driving them to work. Maybe he’s just in the honeymoon stage. Or maybe this is how he’ll always feel—like every second he’s not touching Buck is a second wasted.
in which eddie is in love and a bit clingy about it.
squeeze the day by fallingthorns
“You all are delusional,” Buck squawks. Eddie lets out a low giggle and Buck turns to glare at him. “Oh, so now you have something to say?” He directs it at Eddie, and Eddie laughs again.
“I don’t know, Buck,” he teases, gesturing at the orange. “You have been slacking on the bicep curls lately.” He pokes Buck’s bicep and Buck lets out a yelp. “Hm. Soft.”
It is decidedly not soft. Eddie will probably be thinking about that for the next two business days, but that’s between Eddie and Eddie’s thoughts alone. -- Or, the one where Buck squeezes an orange with his bicep and Eddie has some thoughts about it.
up against the wall by orphan_account
In the months that passed, Eddie has been able to carefully work through his trauma from the shooting, with a therapist that he finally clicked with, and slowly but surely, the events of that day become a thing of the past.
Well, almost, because even when he was in excruciating amounts of pain and in and out of consciousness, he was able to register the fact that Buck had lifted him up and shoved him into the truck like a rag doll.
And yeah, maybe it was the adrenaline that gave Buck the strength, but the thought of Buck being able to lift him so easily has firmly planted roots in his mind and refused to let him go.
Or: That gratuitous wall-sex fic.
the soft animal of your body by heygirltimeformorning
It hits him like a bullet, like a tsunami, like lightning: he is in love with Evan Buckley.
Alternatively: The accidental edging of Evan “Buck” Buckley.
Your Touch; Brands and Burns, Heals and Holds by marry_writes
Buck's eyes widen as he realises he’s about to get backhanded. His eyes fall shut involuntarily but the hurt never lands.
He slowly blinks open his eyes to two pairs of wide eyes. The girl’s are mixed with guilt but it’s Eddie’s eyes that have him flinching slightly. He catches the slightly murderous intent that is slowly fading away giving way to pure concern. Buck looks down to where Eddie’s hand is holding onto the girl’s wrist. Oh
“Watch it.”
He’s never heard Eddie use that tone on a patient before.
OR 4 times Buck doesn't question Eddie and the one time he does.
Whumptober - Touch
With Every Touch by buckitallup
5 Times Eddie Couldn't Resist Buck's Tummy (and 1 Time He Didn’t Have To)
caught up in your curls by smilingbuckley
After having been in El Paso for awhile, taking care of his Abuela, Eddie can finally go home to Los Angeles. He fully expected his son to have changed over the past few weeks because he's a teenager, they change every day. What he didn't prepare for was Buck, who suddenly has grown out his curls.
Curls Eddie has a weakness for.
It causes for some... interesting situations, until Eddie reaches his breaking point.
Eddie was already a fan of Buck’s curls whenever they'd escape products or when Buck just came out of the shower. He dreamed about running his fingers through them.
But this is different. They're longer, no products trying to tame or hide them. Buck grew out his hair a little, making the curls even curlier, and it looks so freaking ho- bang .
“Ow!” He drops his bag and reaches for his nose as pain flares through his face.
“Eddie?” Buck’s voice rings out and quick footsteps jog over to him. “Hey, you okay?”
“Did you just walk into a door?” Chimney asks, coming out of the locker room.
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wishesfromwithin · 3 months ago
when the fanfic is so good you have to decide whether to turn your phone off or stay up all night and be prepared to yawn yourself through the next day
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xxbottlecapx · 2 months ago
Fifth chapter of my steddie fic is out!! It's my pinned post if anyone is interested
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 7 months ago
forgot to drop the link when I posted this last night whoopsies
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oficiallymoony · 2 years ago
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SYNOPSIS: After a few years, Yohan finally see an old friend.
PAIRING: Priest Yohan x Enchantress!Fem!Oc
WARNING: Angstish?
CHARACTERS: Priest Yohan, Moon Enchantress ( Maria Madlock ), Death Enchantress ( Inari Hill, mentioned ), The Elemental Sisters ( mentioned )
FANDOM: Alternative Universe
AUTOR: Yeah it will happen a romance between then, please don’t kill me 😭 — Also, should I make it a series of One-shots or a Book/Fanfic?
For years she disappeared, hiding in the shadows and protecting her COVEN, known as The Elemental Sisteers, however, on a fateful night, when they were in one of her cults, they were attacked by Demons, the bad thing was that they were still weakened due to being On the Waning Moon, Sisters were too weak to fight, which consequently caused them to suffer a huge loss, they were destroyed the Enchantress and their pupils, killed, and only two managed to escape with their Familiars.
The New Moon Enchantress, Maria Madlock and her Familiar Draugolf, a Moon Wolf & The Death Enchantress, Inari Hills with her Three Familiars, The Three Spirit Cats: Macaria, Thanatos and Circe, the Spirts of Death.
In the midst of that chaos they ended up getting lost and following opposite paths, now, the Moon found herself alone somewhere in that forest in the company of her Moon Wolf, a large wild dog that could even serve as a mount if she wanted to.
At that moment, Maria and her familiar were walking through the forest looking for some sign of civilization, the Coven was extremely far from the city so, they would need to follow the road with a certain safe distance so that they would not be seen; especially on account of the huge wild dog with her.
Draugolf huffed.
“ We're too far away.. we won't have a chance to find them, if we go back, we'll surely run into those demons, we have no choice… we have to go on and find a place to stay until the dust settles ” — She sighed as walked, her feet making the dry leaves crunch on the ground.
' We should have followed them... we wouldn't be in this situation if we had done that ' - Drougolf's voice came in her mind.
“ Of course, in the midst of that chaos we would think of following them while all our other two sisters were being ripped to shreds by those demons ” — She spoke in a sarcastic tone as she cast a sharp look in the direction of her familiar who responded with a roll of his eyes — " We can only hope that they are safe somewhere and that they managed to escape from those monsters "
' And wait for some sign from them.. ' - He commented.
“ That too ” — She sighed.
When they finished walking, having reached the end of the trail, which led directly to a highway, as she saw they had no option, she turned to Drougolf.
He knew what he had to do.
In the blink of an eye, from a large wolf, he transformed into a blue-grey dog of the Great Dane breed.
" Thanks, now let's go, I believe we are close to the city " — She said while putting her hands inside the pockets of her blue coat.
Of course when she ran away from the massacre she wasn't wearing that outfit, but using her magic, she managed to change her Coven outfit with more common clothes like a dark jeans, a white shirt and a blue coat and black alls stars sneakers, plus her auburn hair was loose and messy from running so much.
With that, they continued their walk along the side of the road, and at the same time paying attention if they saw any signs indicating where they were going and returning how many kilometers were still left to reach their new destination.
However, instead of spotting a sign, she spots an extremely familiar figure of someone she hasn't seen in over years.
She quickly recognized him from his priest's uniform.
“ Miss Moon, what a surprise to see you here ” — The young priest said with a sweet smile on his lips, clearly pleased to see his old friend.
“Yohan? Why are you here? ” —she said, clearly surprised; stopping her steps on the road.
She hadn't seen him in years, and she hadn't the faintest idea of his whereabouts in recent years.
Drougolf stopped beside her, letting out a small growl.
“ I came to visit my father, but I decided to take a walk in the woods before going there, would you like to come with me? ” —He invited her.
The Familiar looked at its owner as if silently asking her if she would accept the invitation.
“ Uhh… sure? I don't see why not.. ” — The redhead replied as she shoved her hands into her coat pockets and with that followed behind him, Drougolf following close behind.
However, she kept a certain distance between the two.
“ So how are you and your sisters? Are you all okay? Are you still serving Lady Selene? ” —He might be a Priest, but that didn't mean he would disrespect their faith and what they served.
She was dead silent, which made him stop walking and with that he turned to her.
“ Moon? ” — He Questioned.
“ They are dead, all of them, killed by demons… well, I think that except one who also managed to escape… Sister Death managed to escape, but I haven't heard from her for days.. ” — She replied, her voice carrying pain and nostalgia.
His eyes slightly widened.
But finally it seemed that the dots connected for him, New Moon was always loyal to Selene, her most loyal pupil and practically the first of all, the one who possessed the most knowledge of Lunar Magic.
Only something horrible like that would make her flee her sanctuary.
" My condolences, Moon, may they be resting in peace " — He said, making the sign of the cross — " I will pray for them tonight before I retire to my bed "
The Enchantress simply nodded in agreement, saying a small 'thank you'.
“ You… you've been alone since then? ” — He questioned.
Drougolf barked, as if to say he was still there.
“ Yes… Me and Drougolf have been wandering the forest since then, we're looking to get to the next town to look for shelter and wait for the dust to settle… ” — She explained while keeping her gaze on the ground.
She was feeling like she was talking to a complete stranger, Johan used to be her closest friend but now that he had become a real priest it left her feeling like she was talking to someone completely different.
After all, she was what his religion considered a 'Witch'.
“ Why don't you come with me to my father's house? I'm sure they'll have a room for you there ” — He asked, stopping in his tracks.
" Johan I don't want to disturb, Drougolf and I can manage, we can reach the next town in a few hours, from the signs I saw we are not very far " - Maria tried to argue.
“ Please, I insist, I won't be able to lay my head in my pillow without feeling guilty for leaving you here at the mercy of the world ” — He said with a sad smile.
Drougolf looked at the redhead, waiting for her answer.
The young woman sighed.
“ Okay, I'll go with you, BUT… I'll only stay for a few days, understand me? ” — She warned.
“ For me that's more than enough time, it will be enough time for us to talk and catch up ” — Johan chuckled.
However, she remained silent.
Her silence was slowly killing him, it was as if she had placed an invisible barrier between the two, even their distance was too much for him.
He wasn't enjoying this.
Yohan knew that she was a witch, not just any witch, but one of the best good witches that ever lived, however, he never thought that his becoming a priest would affect her so much when they saw each other again.
He didn't blame her, the story itself told how women like her had suffered at the hand of the church.
But at the very least, he was grateful that he had finally found her after years.
TAGS: @werelosingdaylight
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whosbex · 7 months ago
Y’all I actually finished my plot planner from the beginning of the fic to the end. I’m so proud of myself 🥹.
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spotsandsocks · 2 years ago
Just locked my ao3 account to registered users only. Don’t really want to but AI is everywhere. If anyone needs an invite to join ao3 to keep reading any fics let me know I have several spare. 💕
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rudamaruda520 · 3 months ago
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me as a writer
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messedupfan · 5 months ago
Zombie Apocalypse
Alright, I'm doing two more polls for this story just to make it more fun and so I can learn what y'all prefer. This one is for the character that will be the love interest to Wanda/Leigh/Jane Banner.
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lost-girl-2021 · 2 years ago
Only way I'm surviving the Land of No Fun (aka small town I'm stuck in until I can move). All I do is read/write, everyday son, every day.
Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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jandjsalmon · 2 months ago
Fun Story to Share.
I got my (now 18-year-old) daughter into Ao3 back in 2021. I taught her she should always comment - even if the fic looks old or abandoned or whatever. She did.
Well - she got this email this morning:
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The fic was written in 2014 and essentially abandoned.
Bethy read and reviewed in 2021 (and was actually the only person who had commented at all).
Today in 2025 - the final chapter was posted by the author and this was her reply to Bethy’s comment.
Never question whether a fic is too old to comment on.
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wishesfromwithin · 2 months ago
nothing more fucking heartbreaking than reading one of ur fav fics ever, it being left on a cliffhanger and then seeing that the author stopped posting years ago so you just have to make it up urself but it doesn’t feel the same💔
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honeybee2807 · 2 months ago
Was scrolling through AO3 and found this gem
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Enemy to parent is a trope we have to popularise lmao
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knebellindemann · 2 months ago
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