#fandom has gotten so much more polite or at least the corner of it i'm in. BUT STILL
schwazombie · 3 months
Y'all ever read someone else's work and think damn, I will never write like that and just get so fucking demotivated
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gleefullypolin · 5 months
I agree, I need them all. Good and bad, I don't care I am much better off for them. I don't want the beats of their romantic stuff so much as I want the overall beats for preparing myself if you get my meaning. Seeing what happens in text gives me a peace of mind while watching something with context. My husband hates spoilers but he knows I love them so he only asks me for them if he thinks he's going to get pissed off, ha.
My chaotic brain will both love and hate a huge cliffhanger. Love it because I've written fic for so long that it's just damned fun and hate it because I won't know what's coming and that's rude. I will be right along with you looking for spoilers. I will be ridiculous.
Oh I had dictionaries. Even a thesaurus, paperback style. I explained how a pager used to work to a teenager a few months ago and wanted to die inside the whole time.
Episode 4 is the second scene? You know, that makes a lot of sense actually even though I know most people aren't going to like it. If he has to watch Obi Wan with Penelope for episode 3 and he's already caught feelings by the end of 2, by 4 he's going to be a mess and a half. I heard that he just mopes and sits in a corner during the scene so if he's been pining and thinks all is lost and he can't even escape in a way that's worked for him in the past, he's going to have to do something about it.
With the LOWK of it all and she did not look thrilled during that dance with him in the trailer, adding in chaotic and unhinged Colin because of Kenebling (which is fair, I just see him not as an obstacle but more the physical manifestation of Colin's fear that he might have lost her to someone else in the book), I'm sure a lot is going to happen within that episode that gets us ready for the back half of the season and onto their happily ever after. That episode is going to be insane I'm sure.
Oh oh yes, I have been burned too many times. Let me be insane for one season then settle into just happily watching from then on. A perfect scenario for me really. Yeah, I've seen some nasty things and for people who have consistently accused others of such and such, I have yet to see the such and such, even in the replies on their nastier posts. If even the kindest posts asking for manners are met with vitriol from a ship's fans then maybe not everyone else is wrong about behaviors from certain fans.
My kingdom to hear a My Wife!
Just look at it as being paid to read fic. You've taken on the Man and gotten paid for leisure. And for years? Truly queen behavior right there.
I agree, I just need to know that A happens, then B, which leads them to X by the end of that episode. I don’t know to know how each scene plays out or how they say it, that is the beauty then of watching it play out. But at least I know that I will cringe at B, but I will cry with C and by the time I get to X all is right. Or perhaps I will hate X but by the time episode 3 comes it will be ok by F. Oh my word the way my brain works is terrifying. But my husband is the same as yours. He doesn’t want to know what is coming, he only wants to know if I’m going to be angry beforehand. And then he just laughs and says, oh dear.
I will hate needing to wait another month again, but another part of my brain hates me and will truly love all of it. Because I will sit and create angsty things and dream of scenarios in my head of lovely ways to fix it and isn’t that what fandom is all about anyway? Besides it gives me something to do other than sitting on twitter with my fingers cramping while I get angry over politics and the world. I prefer this to that any day! So, I’ll take the angst of romance, will they or won’t they, carriage rides, and waltz’s, longing looks, and trying to figure out how the story goes.
I think my brain works different as a watcher vs a writer. I think it goes to show writers CAN’T be trusted in some form. As a fic writer I am all about pain. I LOVE cliffhangers and putting my characters through the ringer. I mean I am also a happy ending writer so I trust that I will get my readers there eventually and not all television writers can do that for you. But I guess writers like a bit of a mess! Where is the fun in boy and girl meet, the end, right?
OH MY WORD you explained a pager! To someone from this day and age! That must have been terrifying. I work for a company that acquired a startup, and I have to say, we do not speak the same tech language. LMAO!
It does make sense! Because I’m sure a lot changes from 2 to 4. His brain has mushed from then in how he feels and his confusion has misted over from this BS “my friend Pen is not a woman” to “my whatever Pen is to me sure has plump lips and pert breasts” who is now dancing and giggling with Lord Kenobi all day long and now looking very troubled while speaking with him at that ball. I’m sure seeing her run out of the ball during whatever is happening (I’m assuming either a proposal or a price on LW head is happening)
And I’m sure before this ball is the brothel scene where Colin is all in his feels and not interested in anything else but what is playing in his head about Pen. So, he has gone to this ball with only her in his mind and maybe even realizes he loves her at this point so he’s realizing he’s lost her here. Then whatever happens she runs out and he goes after her, so I figure it has to be LW here because there has to be something that snaps for them both. And then the drama begins, because we pretty much end friends to lovers for part 1 and that is when enemies to lovers starts for part 2.
I literally don’t have the attention span for more than this season. I was gung ho for a couple years on Captain Swan and I burned out very hard, writing fics daily and spending hours until I had a literal melt down mentally. So my attention to the pretty will be here for this season and then I will need a head space break again I’m sure. It will be nice to then see them and be happy and not be stressed about the who, what, and where will be happening and just know they are happy. And hopefully the negative fans can crawl back into whatever negative hole they came from as they wish hell on the show they apparently only loved because of 2 people and will burn to the ground now without.
It is sad, when I was on phones, I would sneak a peek at a fic. When I got into leadership, I snuck off to write a few chapters. Once I hit management…I’ve been paid to write full fics. They love me. I have put in more hours than 40 in a week. So I’ve paid my dues, it’s mental health benefits to write on the side! Haha!
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
1/2 I'm sure that Misha thought at this point in his life, he would have moved on from SPN and he resents that he hasn't been able to do that. Surely someone would have taken note of RA and his charitable works and that would be what he's known for. Or his interest in politics would have gotten him notice and he would have asked to work at the White House a la Kal Penn. But instead, he's stuck doing cons and queerbaiting his fans to make money. And he thought pretending to be bi would
2/2 make him a ton of money through bi merchandise sold by his company Stands. And no one outside of some some rabid fans would notice what happened at a con in NJ. But one of the rabid fans videotaped him and spread it all over Twitter w/glee. Then he had to retract his fake coming out. I think that except for his kids and his family, Misha hates his life.
I agree completely. At the very least, he was hoping that being a breakout character on SPN would lead to a much bigger acting career to heighten his profile. Except he let his narcissism, laziness, and ego get in the way. Instead of putting himself out there when he was still fairly popular, he whined that other shows expected him to audition like some peon! When offers didn't pour in without him having to actually do any work to get opportunities, he just slunk back to SPN to become increasingly irrelevant to everyone but the shippers.
My personal pet theory is his pushing for Castiel's death scene to be D/C bait was his last ditch effort to generate a final surge of popularity for himself. I think he was hoping it would blow up into a huge spectacle of a thing that would draw him attention and offers from outside the niche corner of obsessed weirdos he'd increasingly backed himself into pandering to. Except not only did that expectation come from listening to obsessed shippers representing their ship as something way more revolutionary and important than it ever could have been even if it actually was A Thing? The scene they chose to do was such a slapdash pathetic low effort ambiguous clusterfuck of maybe-gay it didn't make a splash outside of the fandom beyond mocking memes. Maybe ten years ago it would have worked.
I think when it failed, he fell back on fleecing the audience he still had. The problem was, the majority of the ones willing to stick around and listen to him continue selling a sunken wreck from a closed canon were increasingly the most obsessed unhinged conspiracy theorists. So when he "joked" about being bi, they not only took the bait, they started regurgitating it at everyone who would listen and suddenly he had a PR nightmare on his hands when legit media got ahold of it. Which can only have upped his resentment, because now not only have his ambitions to promote himself back into being seen as something more than Mr. Halfofafanonship fallen through? He got spanked for not walking a fine enough line in his pandering and has to know it could blow up in his face again if he doesn't strike exactly the right balance between plausible deniability and queerbaiting for profit. Sucks to be him.
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vampish-glamour · 3 years
Hiya! I'm new to your wonderful corner of the internet, and I hope you don't mind if I ask a lot of questions lol. Firstly, what do you think of pan vs bi? The only satisfying answer I have gotten as to the differences (besides subjective stuff like feeeeeeling like you value their gender or whatever) is that a pan person would f*ck intersex/enbies, while bi people wouldn't. I'm curious what you think. Second, do you think that the LGBs are ever going to have a satisfying split from the Ts/the gender fandom? What kind of steps would we take to accomplish that?
Hi, and welcome! I don’t mind questions at all. 😄
I’m strongly against the concept of pansexuality.
I believe that the label is rooted in biphobia and a misunderstanding of bisexuals.
The main arguments for the difference between bi and pan (off the top of my head) are as followed;
Bi means two, pan means all. Bisexuals are only attracted to two genders but pansexuals are attracted to all.
Bisexuals take gender into consideration when it comes to attraction. Pansexuals don’t.
Bisexuals care about parts, pansexuals care more about somebody’s personality. (“Hearts not parts”)
Bisexuals won’t date trans people, pansexuals will.
These are all either based on a misunderstanding of sexuality, or of bisexuals.
For the first one, I do agree that bi means two. But it means the two sexes, because sexuality is based off of sex (hence it being called SEXuality).
In the same way homosexual means same sex attracted, heterosexual means opposite sex attracted, and asexual means attracted to neither sex... bisexual means attracted to two/both sexes. And since there’s only two sexes, “pansexual” meaning “attracted to all sexes” is functionally the exact same thing as bisexuality.
Even if you believe in more than two genders (which I don’t), the attraction is still based off of sex characteristics... and on a biological level, there would be no difference in how a pansexual experiences attraction and how a bisexual experiences attraction.
For the second one, there are many bisexuals who don’t care about gender. There are many who have a preference. To say that all bisexuals have a preference is a misunderstanding of bisexuality. And, to say that preferences dictate sexuality is a misunderstanding of sexuality. Preferences or no preferences—it doesn’t change what sex(es) you are attracted to. If you are attracted to both sexes, you are bisexual. Your preferences or lack thereof don’t make or take away from your bisexuality.
For the third one, I just find this argument disgustingly biphobic, and in general an arrogant thing to say—that only one sexuality, pansexuality, cares about one’s personality over their body. Especially when the idea that bisexuals and homosexuals are obsessed with sex is a stereotype that has been fought against for years.
And once again, it’s a misunderstanding of sexuality. A straight woman who is more interested in sex than a guy’s personality isn’t suddenly a different sexuality. So why is this the case for bisexuals?
I believe it’s to escape the negative stereotypes that cloud over bisexuality. The idea that bisexuals are sex crazed and greedy, and only care about genitalia. It’s not a coincidence that pansexuality makes its entire brand off of distancing itself from these negative stereotypes.
It would be like if a bunch of homosexual women started calling themselves “samesexual”, and claimed that they’re different than homosexual women/lesbians because unlike lesbians, samesexuals aren’t predatory.
That sounds insanely homophobic, yes? If we can accept that creating a whole new “sexuality” to distance oneself from negative homosexual stereotypes is homophobic, we have to accept that creating a whole new “sexuality” to distance oneself from negative bisexual stereotypes is biphobic.
And the fourth argument, there’s not much to say here other than that this is plain transphobia. It separates trans people from cis people, placing trans men and women into a separate box away from “man” and “woman”
On top of this, being attracted to or not being attracted to trans people does not make a whole new sexuality, because trans people are not a third sex.
It’s also another misconception about bisexuality—because never have transsexuals not been in the bisexual dating pool.
Onto the next topic;
I don’t support “drop the T”.
This isn’t to say that I don’t think separating LGB and T for certain causes is helpful. For example; fighting for same sex marriage is an LGB issue, while fighting for accessible and affordable medical care for gender dysphoria is a T issue.
To be fair, I’m almost of the opinion that the large grouping itself isn’t really necessary, considering how different the experiences of homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals are. But, I can understand why they’re all lumped together for a rights movement, especially because homophobia impacts everyone in the LGBT acronym. So since it’s here and it’s been here for a while, I’m in support of the full acronym being LGBT.
But as far as completely dropping the T goes... I believe that the push for this comes from a misunderstanding of transgender people, likely from the terrible representation they are given from people who aren’t actually transsexual.
Because the Ts and the gender fandom are two incredibly different groups, and although the distinction isn’t made often... it’s incredibly important for exactly this reason—that they get mixed together and it leads to hatred of trans people.
Transgender people/transsexuals are people who experience gender dysphoria. The goal of most trans people is to live a normal life as the gender their brain recognizes them to be. They have medical and mental health needs that are important to their quality of life. This is the crowd where you’re likely to find people who simply want to live their lives in peace.
The gender fandom, at least who I think you’re referring to, are people who don’t experience gender dysphoria, and often treat gender as an accessory, a performance, a fashion or political statement, etc. This is the crowd where you’ll find the neopronoun users, the obscure labels like “genderfluid”, and are unfortunately typically the people who get the spotlight over actual trans people.
Please do not confuse the two!
Look, I get it. Watching the second group run around and make LGBT people look like a joke is painful. But it is not the fault of transsexuals. Many trans people are just as annoyed as everyone else is, especially because they are directly being misrepresented (shown by how you and many others consider them to be one and the same with things like MOGAI).
So I won’t be advocating for dropping the T.
However, I do fully support from separating from MOGAI (or the “queer community” as many of them like to say), and I think the way to do that is to make a clear distinction between LGBT people, and QIA+ people. And making it clear that the T only includes dysphoric trans men/women.
It’s not about dropping the T. It’s about dropping everything after the T, and restoring the T to its original meaning.
We need more LGBT people to stand up against how the “queer community” is representing us, and to make it clear that the acronym is LGBT, and that the LGBT movement is a civil rights movement, not a “let’s all party and share our pronouns” movement.
Thanks to the “queer community”, LGBT people aren’t taken seriously. Thanks to the “gender fandom”, transsexuals are seen as a joke and a burden to the LGBT community. Both the “queer community” and “gender fandom” need to be separated and made distinct from the LGBT community, and this should be done with all four letters, not just three.
I’m against the pansexual label, and I believe it is inherently biphobic and often transphobic.
It also perpetuates harmful stereotypes about bisexuals and homosexuals.
I don’t support the “drop the T” movement.
The T gets a lot of misrepresentation, and I believe that misrepresentation is part of where the “drop the T” movement comes from.
It’s important to make a distinction between the LGBT movement and the modern day “queer community” if we ever want LGBT people to be taken seriously again.
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flightfoot · 4 years
I'm not someone who watches Miraculous Ladybug but why are there so many Marinette/Damian fics? I keep seeing them when I scroll through Timsteph fics.
OH HELL. You know, I’ve been wondering what Batman-only fans must think of the flood of Marinette/Damian. It’s uh. Yeah it doesn’t make a ton of sense. 
See, here’s the thing; there’s a LARGE section of the ML fandom devoted to salt, specifically salt towards one particular episode; Chameleon, where Marinette - the main character - has her seat reassigned during class so she has to sit at the back away from all her friends in order to make way for a returning student who *claims* she has a hearing disability so she can sit in the front row. However, said character, Lila, is a notorious liar, as Marinette, Adrien (the deuteragonist and Marinette’s main Love Interest), and the audience know. Adrien actually offers to go sit in the back instead, but Marinette and Lila both shut down that idea and Marinette stews in the back of the classroom for awhile. 
Then at lunch, Lila tells more stories of her fabulous life and gets people to bring a tray of food for her since she claims she hurt her wrist. Marinette tries to tell two of her other friends that Lila’s a liar and a fake, but can’t actually produce any evidence to prove it, so she throws a napkin at Lila to try to prove she’s faking her injury... which Lila then catches, but pretends to have hurt her arm. Her other classmates scold her for throwing a napkin at Lila and causing her to hurt herself, Marinette storms off, and Lila corners her in the bathroom and threatens to turn all her friends against her and stop her from ever getting close to Adrien unless she sides with her.
Adrien actually catches up with Lila soon after that and asks her to please stop lying, that she doesn’t need to do that and she’ll only turn their classmates against her, and offers to help listen if something’s bothering her. He doesn’t  realize that Lila’s targeting Marinette, or that she’s actively malicious in general, just thinking that she’s lonely and is lying to try and make friends.
Lila brushes him off and purposely seeks out an akuma to get herself akumatized, turns into a villain, tries to defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir, the usual jazz.
Anyway, at the end after defeating her, when Marinette’s about to try to publicly call Lila out for switching up which ear Lila has Tinnitus in, Adrien asks her whether she thinks exposing her will actually help anything, and that humiliating her will make her hurt more, and making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy.
So Marinette decides not to do that, and when they go back to the classroom, Adrien goes to the back and sits next to Marinette of his own accord. Then the whole class decides that they liked the old seating arrangement better, and everyone goes back to their old seats and Lila’s left sitting by herself in the back (she’d claimed her tinnitus magically got better, so she didn’t need to sit in the front anymore.)
Salters took that episode and RAN with it, writing fic after fic of epic revenge fantasies that WAY ramped up how bad any of the characters could POSSIBLY be, making the class force her to do commission after commission for them for free, never showing her proper appreciation for all she does for them, and when Lila shows up and starts manipulating people, have the class scorn and shun Marinette for being an awful person, rip up her stuff, and beat her up, often with her (former) best friend Alya leading the charge, and Adrien just standing and the background telling her to take it.
A lot of people writing these hate Adrien’s guts, having decided that he’s a sexual harasser/assaulter/potential rapist, and wanted to ship her with other people - her second canon Love Interest, Luka, and the scrapped first draft for her partner from the original concept for ML, Felix, at the top of the list.
Felix, notably, was generally perceived as being cold, aloof, and no-nonsense, but with a heart of gold. So he was sometimes used to inflict punishment on everyone the salters hated, plus Marinette could be one of the few people to slip past his cold exterior and become someone he cared for.
Then Felix was gonna be made canon. And someone new was needed to fill that role. 
One tumblr user wrote a story where the polite, yet aloof, young man Damien hears a girl screaming in trouble, sees Marinette in Gotham, and instantly falls in love with his Angel, and she ends up staying in Gotham instead of with all the horrible, horrible Everyone Else In Her Life.
Yeah, Damian wasn’t remotely in-character in those early fics at least. His name was often misspelled with an “e”, actually. 
But anyway. A few advantages to this; Damian can be made to be super sweet and a perfect gentleman around Marinette, who can instantly see all the worth that everyone else in her life threw away, and as a bonus, can reap revenge on her classmates who tried to beat her up/destroy her notebook/poison her/whatever the fic writer came up with, since Damian might feasibly be willing to inflict cruel punishment on them (not that being in-character has ever been valued much in these fics), plus Marinette gets the entire Batfamily to dote on her and be her new family and be totally removed from everyone the author doesn’t like, which tends to be most of the ML cast. Except for her canonical bully who made her life miserable both before and during the actual series, Chloe; she’ll often become Marinette’s new best friend. Though I don’t think that’s as common with the crossover.
It mixed up the Chameleon salt formula, which I think even the salters had gotten a little tired of (though it’s still going strong), and gave possibilities for a lot more different character interactions, and just generally breathed new life into it.
At this point it’s kinda become its own thing, and some people are actually stepping away form the salt and bashing that birthed the pairing and just shoving her in with the Batfamily generally, because... honestly I suspect there’s some wish fulfillment going on there. And people seem to have a slightly better idea of how the Batfamily works now? Maybe? From what I’ve seen, I think people may have at least STARTED doing some research.
Anyway, yeah. They’re basically a separate fandom at this point, pretty much just devoted to like. That one episode of ML, the first episode of season 3, that released over a year and a half ago.
But uh. Yeaaaah, don’t judge ML by what you see in those crossover fics. Their relation with canon, especially canon characterization, is tenuous at best.
As you might be able to tell, I don’t ship it. I also hate the OOCness, but actually like the potential for the crossover, and wrote my own ML X Batman crossover fic, “We’re The Same”, that was sticking with the canon ships, characterization, and overall just dropping the two franchises into each other in a more canon compliant way to see what would shake out. Especially since dammit, ADRIEN AND DAMIAN WOULD BE FRIENDS. 
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joannalannister · 6 years
Petyr Baelish once spoke to Sansa about "the players, and the pieces," He thinks of Cersei as one of the latter, and himself, of course, as one of the former. Who else do you believe he thinks of as a player? Vars, I'm sure. But Tywin? Stannis? Robb Stark?
I don’t think Petyr considers anyone else to be a player tho? 
He calls Ned a player (albeit a “hopeless” one) but Ned certainly wasn’t a player to Petyr. Recall the context in which Petyr is speaking; he’s talking to Sansa. And not just talking, but commiserating with her. "You must miss your father terribly, I know. Lord Eddard was a brave man, honest and loyal . . . but quite a hopeless player." He’s trying to get Sansa to trust him, get her to come over to his side. Sansa doesn’t know Petyr’s role in her father’s death. 
Trust nothing Petyr says.
For Petyr to assign someone the distinction of “player” would be to put them on the same level as himself, and imo Petyr doesn’t think anyone is on his level. Petyr is The Player. He’s the conductor of a great Westerosi symphony in his own mind. A puppeteer, if you will, with all of Westeros as his puppets. 
Fandom calls Petyr a chessmaster, using the term as shorthand for his political acumen and his patience and his cunning and his intelligence and everything else, but I’m not sure "chessmaster” is the most apt image to conjure up for Petyr, an image of Petyr sitting across the board from a living, breathing opponent over a game of chess. Chess is a game of elegance, of nobility. (Maybe you’re thinking about ”nobility” as in “lords and ladies” but if you’re thinking about “nobility” as in “integrity” that suits my purposes just as well.) Not the right image to conjure for Petyr Baelish, imo. Not right at all.
Picture, instead, an Atlantic boardwalk in 1980, in a city that saw its heyday forty years before. The paint is chipped and fading, the happy families fled long ago, and the neon lights flicker on the marquees where they haven’t gone out entirely. On that boardwalk you’ll find an arcade. The gaudy, overbright exterior is a sharp contrast to the darkness within. The poor lighting hides the junkies shooting up and the filth on the floor. Don’t ask what happens in the back room, because it is unspeakable. Petyr knows; he has even profited from it. 
In that arcade, there is a game. It is a for people who are hungry. Petyr is insatiable; he plays it every day. It is a game of labyrinths and enemies around every other corner, but mostly it is a game of leveling up. 
An “Out of Order” sign must be taped to the blackened, cracked screen for weeks if he loses. But he rarely loses. When he wins, his score is displayed in brightly flashing lights for all to see, even after he takes his leave. 
No. Not chess at all for Petyr Baelish. I mostly see Petyr playing against a computer, if we’re making game metaphors. 
Think about what Petyr is saying: “The players and the pieces.” What is a piece? It’s an object. It’s a thing. If I may borrow from Terry Pratchett for a moment, “Evil begins when you treat people as things.”
“And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. [...] That's what sin is.""It's a lot more complicated than that--""No. It ain't. [...] People as things, that's where it starts.""Oh, I'm sure there are worse crimes--""But they starts with thinking about people as things..."
Petyr dehumanizes everyone around him. He treats them all as things, to be moved and eventually discarded. They’re like the little dots in Pac-Man, only there to be devoured so that Petyr can move up to a new level in the Game.
Like, lemme talk about ASOIAF villains and villainy for a sec...
A major theme in ASOIAF is humanization / dehumanization. I think what you have to pay attention to if you’re trying to identify the heroes and the villains in ASOIAF is who is working to humanize people and who is working to dehumanize people. 
(This is GRRM, so these aren’t always neatly ordered, distinct categories (there will always be some who are “a bit of both” like Tyrion), but I think, generally. this is the classification to go by. However, please keep in mind, even someone like Jon does things like steal a woman’s baby and use the baby in his own plans ... so ... not neat categories.)
So. Humanization / dehumanization. 
For example, Tywin refuses to recognize the humanity of pretty much everyone not named Lannister (and once upon a time, Targaryen, probably). 
Randyll Tarly dehumanizes everyone he perceives to be weaker than himself. (That’s why Tywin is morbidly fascinating to me and Randyll is just plain disgusting to me.) 
The Others want to dehumanize everybody, no exceptions. 
And Petyr, imo, dehumanizes everyone except himself. 
Like, if I was making a pyramid diagram of ASOIAF characters, I would put the Others at the top of my pyramid, for wanting to enslave everybody. (Meaning they would want to save ZERO people, putting them at the pinnacle of my pyramid for Number of People Saved/Humanized.) 
Petyr Baelish would be just one tiny step down from the Others, because he would save himself, so that’s like, dehumanizing everybody minus ONE. 
Then I would put Tywin as the next step down on my pyramid, because he wants to protect Lannisters so that’s, like, idk, ~200 people out of the entire population of Terros. 
Then I would put Randyll below Tywin, because he would be fine with, like, all of the hyper-masculine males of Westeros surviving the apocalypse, but all the “weak” people ~~~deserve~~~ what happens to them in the Others’ invasion.
And so on.
So anyways... Petyr ... I think he’s one of the major antagonists of the series because I don’t think he considers anyone else to be, well, human. And if they’re not, well, human, I don’t think they can be a player in the game he’s playing. I think literally everyone else is a piece to him. Everyone else is just another part of the game he’s playing. 
"In King's Landing, there are two sorts of people. The players and the pieces." 
Petyr is telling Sansa a truth, but it’s not a truth she recognizes. There are two sorts of people in King’s Landing, in Petyr’s mind: there is Petyr Baelish, and then there is everyone else. 
Some people, like Varys, are complex yet powerful “pieces” he simply hasn’t “unlocked” yet. Petyr just hasn’t gotten to that level of the Game yet. 
(I strongly believe that Varys will die before Petyr. You don’t kill off your “one step down from the Others” villain until near the end.) 
And the narratively interesting thing, imo, is that Petyr thinks of Sansa as a valuable “piece,” just a pawn that will help him rise drastically, when I think Sansa is going to be instrumental in Petyr’s downfall in ADOS. 
It’s the way GRRM’s villains dehumanize people which is their downfall. 
For example, Tywin repeatedly refused to recognize Tyrion’s humanity. In the end of ASOS, Tywin thought of Tyrion as half a man (half a Lannister? the last and least of the Lannisters), a little child, and as a result, he thought Tyrion would put the crossbow down and do as he bid, and look what happened. 
Petyr thinks everyone is a piece in his game and ... well, future books will tell how that plays out.
Sidenote #1 - I think the chessmaster title is quite good for Varys. I think Varys is actually (usually) (mostly) (sort of) (it’s ASOIAF, everyone is grey) good-intentioned. There is at least some nobility (integrity) in Varys. 
Sidenote #2 - this is just a note for myself, but at a later date I would really like to write down and organize my thoughts on Tywin’s dehumanization of Tyrion and how that makes Tyrion something like ~~half a Lannister~~ in his eyes, and how this connects to Tyrion’s heterochromia/dualism, and connections to A+J=/=T and the “I cannot prove you are not mine.” Not right now tho. Right now is for sleeping. 
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rpbetter · 3 years
Hi Vespertine. Can you offer some advice on how to RP a character that a lot of people think I shouldn't be RPing? I've wanted to RP Hans Landa for years, I like how cunning he is and how he could react to other ideals, how he could grow, especially in modern settings where he would stick out a lot. But I'm afraid because of how people react to muses like him. How do I build up confidence? How do I keep RPing if people bother or threaten to report me? Would people even RP with me? Thank you.
Alright, first thing, I've apologized on the blog already, apologized to people before you, but like I keep saying: it's really important to specifically apologize to individuals when we do something lame like I have. I did not intend to leave the blog unattended for months, but I did. This is an important question, it's right up the alley of why I created this blog, and I left you hanging. I'm deeply sorry, and I hope that my serious delay did not cause you any further worries or to give up on your character/RP!
Okay, we can proceed now!
I'll confess, I seriously spaced on who Hans Landa was for a moment there, but quickly remembered upon Googling! He was an interesting character, and I love that movie! However, I definitely see why you're worried, Anon.
Up until the last decade, taking up a character who was villainous, yes, even a Nazi, was a mark of creative gumption. Almost everyone had a verse for their muse that today would get them anon hate, callouts, reported, and so on. You know what? We had far less drama then. So, I'm not at all in the camp of demonizing your choices, or anyone else's. I saw what worked for a more peaceful RPC for decades and I've seen what is a total nightmare on tumblr.
Unfortunately, it is a total nightmare. So, let's see what you might be looking at, what your options are.
Firstly, you have the right idea; this is a character that appeals to you creatively, and that's really all that should matter. You've got ideas, you want to see your muse grow and change through interactions, and that's very much what the whole RPC needs to be a little more interested in.
I think, based on that alone, you would find people who wanted to write with you. There are quite a few muns out there dying for more interesting interactions with muses who have been taken up because the other mun really wants to write and develop them. Especially in the multi-para and novella communities. It's a bit of bane over there, the way the majority of muses are picked purely to satisfy a fleeting interest in a fandom. They don't come across as the characters they are in canon, are never given the opportunity to develop uniquely, they just exist to fulfill the mun's intense interest that will be gone soon. That works wonderfully and happily for some, but there really are a lot of muns out there who are interested in different approaches.
I will also say that most longer multi-para and novella RPers are less supportive of callout culture and content policing. When the very way that you enjoy RP is easily considered problematic on the grounds that you take it too seriously because you're invested in it, you tend to be against labeling others and giving them a hard time. That portion of the RPC, additionally, tends to be made up of older adults. The RPC kind of despises anyone over 25 who is still RPing, and I think a decent part of that is...this. We don't usually go in on equating fiction to reality, thinking that muse=mun, or that "problematic" material needs to be driven into the darkest void for communal safety. A great deal of that is because we lived through multiple fandom experiences being obliterated by these sorts of ideas, we know this is all detrimental to the community, and are more interested in a live and let live mentality even if we are disturbed by someone's muse or writing topics.
You may wish to specifically seek out RPers who are serious veterans (around for 10+ years), multi-para to novella writers, and/or have things in their rules that imply toleration and support for dark topics, villain muses, etc. (I know I have it in my rules that minors shouldn't interact with this blog due both its content and my age, but I can't exactly verify that with an anonymous message! So, Anon, please be aware I am giving this advice as though you are legally an adult.) Seek out muns who have muses that could also be considered "problematic" or who interact with muses who could be.
Remain away from anyone participating in or supportive of callout culture and purity policing. I know that can be difficult and limiting, and it is also not a 100% safe bet that you will be avoiding problems, but at least you'll know right off that these are not your people. That includes the ever-present callouts that claim the poster "never does this," that the mun being called out is just that much of a danger, and/or those dealing in the major callout-laden muns in your corner of the community. You might agree that one or two of those muns is a legitimate problem, but it's too likely that these people are going to feel like you are too.
Know that you will, inevitably, be called worse than just a "villain apologist." I write a muse that I wanted to write for years as well, and refrained from writing for so long because of the fandom's ideas about them. However, I have never been so happy with any muse choice, it's worth it to me to have some random hatefulness sometimes. I know I'm not a horrible person, the people who matter to me on and offline know that I am not, it doesn't actually matter what someone on tumblr thinks. It doesn't matter what they think about you either, they don't know you and won't give you the opportunity to be known, so pfft to them!
It can still be a little disheartening to hear some of the especially hateful things. While my muse isn't like Hans, the comparison to that is often made. There are a lot of assumptions about my personal character, race, gender, political affiliation, and so on. I'm just going to say it: if you don't think you can handle someone randomly attacking you and labeling you as "actually a Nazi," a genocide supporter, school shooter, "white cishet republican," and so on, do not subject yourself to this. Just write with friends you know are on your side or write some fic where there is some distance and control.
I do not believe, after reviewing them again, that you would be violating tumblr's TOS by writing this muse. You would not be promoting racism, harm to others, or misleading information. Nor would you be harassing anyone. Does that mean no one will try to report you? No, unfortunately. I've gotten reported for politely disagreeing on a post and asking a question! The important thing is that nothing will happen.
I would still make it very clear that this character might be offensive to some. Seriously, I would say, "In the interest of sensitivity, please note that this muse might be offensive to some - do not interact if imagery or topics associated with historical Nazis will be triggering for you. Hans Landa is from the film 2009 Quentin Tarantino film Inglourious Basterds." Pop that into the top of a pinned post, your rules, and your blog's header statement.
Because even if tumblr wasn't a mess, it's still the most responsible thing to do to treat this sensitively. It is a sensitive matter! People should have every opportunity to be aware and make the best choice for them to interact or not.
People almost certainly will threaten to report and block. Particularly when you are still looking for writing partners and having to expose yourself to more of the community in order to do so. It'll get so much better when you start finding them, though, I promise! Once you find a good mun or two, you've kind of unlocked a pocket of potential. Those people who are more accepting, reasonable, and interested in writing and characters are naturally going to be interacting with other like-minded muns.
Finding a good base of partners might take you some time, but the good news is, the whole process will help you build up the confidence to keep writing. It helps you get in touch with both writing and the muse, what is really important to you as an RPer, and is what isn't. It feels shitty at the time, but in the end, it builds a lot of confidence in yourself, and when you pull confidence from within you, you're never totally without it again!
When you're looking for those people (I'd additionally suggest historical RPers, if there is any existent community for the movie still, and branching out to fandoms that have "problematic" characters in them that you could do crossovers with in modern settings etc.), you can still be writing and developing your muse. Write up headcanons, fleshout the character's backstory, make multiple verses so that you have many options ready to go, do some one-shots.
A great way to do that is to find memes or traditional writing questions specifically for character development, but don't wait for someone to ask you! Go down the meme/list, pick some questions that spark your interest, and base your HC posts on them. Answer questions you immediately have answers to, answer the really hard ones you have no clue about. You don't know until you develop it, after all!
It helps with confidence so much to feel confident about your writing and comfortable with the character. It'll also help non-judgemental RPers who come across your blog or want to follow you back to see your writing and interest in the muse. I know that there are muses I was not interested in from their canon, but seeing the mun's love for them and how they had uniquely developed them, I had to interact!
When you do receive the almost inevitable anon hate, I'm going to suggest something a bit radical here; the idea of not feeding the trolls doesn't always work. That's predicated upon people not already receiving a reward for sending that hate to you. You can't starve what has already eaten lunch! I've found that demonstrating that they're not getting to you is more effective, in all, incredibly controversial honesty.
Put in your rules that anon hate will be addressed only with something like...a gif of a rabbit, a random fact, or a link to a song you recommend. Then, you do exactly that. You get a message calling you derogatory things, but instead of deleting it or going off about it in a way they can just use, you respond with a picture of a bunny cleaning its ears. Block the anon after.
This, again, in all honesty, is a confidence booster. Sometimes, building confidence is about projecting it first. You are projecting an aura of non-hostile confidence that you're not any of those negative things in reality, nor is your life ruined by people who haven't anything better to do with their own lives than bother you as performative "activism" online. It's alright if it really does bother you at first! Eventually, it won't. Eventually, you'll be left in peace with the reasonable muns you've found.
You will find them! There are still muns out there who feel like the most important factors in RP are engaging muses and writing, and how the mun is truly conducting themselves. If that mun is a genuinely decent person who isn't starting problems, harassing people, forcing anything on anyone, that's what matters! Just put your muse out there in a thoughtful way around people who are interested in writing. Be respectful of the sensitive nature of the subject, tag liberally and correctly.
No matter what tumblr's RPC says, you do have the right to write any muse or topic you so desire. People also have the right to not interact, of course, but since you're concerned about it (and truly, the person who is most likely to be made uncomfortable on here), I highly doubt you'll be trying to force interactions or anything.
Unfortunately, when you write any, even vaguely, problematic muse here, you are held to higher standards. You are obliged to be ten times nicer in the face of hatefulness, to be more aware of tagging and other warnings, and so on. It's kind of a practice in acceptance, and it can be frustrating. Again, if the muse is worth it to you, it'll be fine. Just know that you'll need to not be reactive to nastiness, very responsible in how you present yourself in all ways, and that it still won't be enough for some people. And know that's alright as well! They're making a choice to be hostile without knowing you or employing the adult maturity to just not interact with you, not you.
I know it's very easy to say "don't let people get to you." Perhaps especially from someone who will openly say in the tumblr RPC in 2021 that it's 100% fine to write a Nazi muse lol but please know that my confidence was not naturally occurring. It was developed across years of nonsense, and much of it offline, in person. So, I'm not flippantly advising you to have a level of fortitude out of nowhere! I'm honestly telling you that it is a process, but I think that if you want something bad enough to stick to it through the hardest part of it, you kind of expedite that process. It makes it a bit easier if you're still enjoying yourself!
So, on that note, my additional advice is to have another muse or other hobby you can enjoy during the difficult patches, or even slow times before you establish a good group of writing partners. Do things that will keep you feeling positive and motivated to write. That looks different for everyone, but I'm certain you have something. If that does happen to be another muse, or muses, I would strongly suggest you keep it to yourself that you are the mun of this one until you get rolling. While you have exactly nothing to be ashamed of, don't tempt ruining your fun on the other blog(s) until you are established on the new one and confident about it.
If you ever need to vent or further advice, I'm not going to vanish or anything again! Drop by any time you need to, Anon. Sometimes it goes a long way knowing that even a single person out there supports you!
I hope this helped a little, and I do support you! I think you've got this!
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