edwinisms · 2 months
wait yeah hold on how the hell did edwin open a door from hell to earth? like if powerful beings like the night nurse or certain demonic entities are necessary to open and close doors to other planes (especially hell where souls being trapped there is kind of the point) then what the fuck did edwin manage to pull off? did he somehow trick a demon or whatever into opening one? was one opened for one reason or another– maybe upon a demon’s return from retrieving a soul– and he timed it, booked it, and jumped in? there certainly isn’t just some constantly open ever-accessible door at the top of The Endless Staircase considering that would make hell kind of pointless. did edwin payne manage, somehow, over the span of 70 years, to figure out how to open a door from limbo/the staircase to earth by himself? am i just missing something here?
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robertsbarbie · 3 months
no because why are these tomatoes so good i’ve never had roasted tomatoes before but as i grow up i try to be more open to things i am traditionally picky about and these are good!
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lizord-lord · 2 years
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An illustrated moment from my very own Raised By Draxum AU, the Successful Experiment AU.
Quiet moments post-training. Major injuries get healed with magic, but, for the more superficial ones, Leo is there to patch things up.
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Tried my hand at making a hair brush! I was... moderately successful, but I think the end result was nice (especially for a first try)!
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acheronidae-origins · 2 years
Drawings that are (probably) never going to get finished.
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I'm justifying putting this on my side blog with: there's one drawing from an original story here and it is indeed, art.
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Inspired by other tno fan content things ive decided to try my hand at my own.
the ideaologies in the pie chart are as followed
light blue= liberalism new liberal parties beginning to form after the removal of the council and allowance of new political parties
Light grey=Paternlism hardliners of the ole council system still holding a decent chunk of the politcal sway
Dark blue= the new consertive parties born from those willing to adapt to the changing tides in piltover from the ole council system 
Large pinkish chunk= The progressives or aka futurists. The soft coup led by jayce seek to reform the various broken systems of piltover quite literally dragging it into the future, led by a newly formed technocratic mage council no longer made to sit by those just rich and powerful instead pooling from the greatest minds. whilst it is a mage-centric council anyone within the futurist party can rise to council be they poor or rich. dull or a genuis the main goal is a council focused on the reformations of the ole and bringing magic back into the world. 
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Dream Great Comet role to play would be Anatole mainly because of this one Anatole I keep seeing on tiktok and GOD am I envious
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3knecrotic · 8 months
Guys I think I'm gonna get built like a triangle 💀
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shepards-folly · 1 year
ah the age old question do i take a break from serious projects or do i throw myself into another project that will take yesrs off my life because i give myself terrible deadlines
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Who does a (codependent) Camilla Tominey think she is to repeatedly demand that William sacrifice his own family for the (non-heir) traitor brother?
The good news is they actually located the malignancy. This isn't the first time a monarch or senior member of a monarchy has been diagnosed with something life threatening, however they tend to keep it a secret. I think it's a good sign that they've shared details because it suggests the BRF medical team feels confident about the prognosis. If they found a mass, it's possible that the malignant tumor was removed and any adjuvant or holistic treatment is more of a precaution.
I'm so sorry to see the Suck-It duo repeatedly capitalize off of the BRF's suffering:
Sadistic MEgain, licking her chops at the very thought of seeing another Windsor in the ground, while Sparry pays to publish his travel plan with every American celebrity media outlet. What happened to his "security" concerns? It's obvious that Sparry's PR is desperate to bury the African Parks scandal. Will he be forced to rush back to California to rescue the family from the storm?
Sparry is a Crazy Maker and Crazy Makers should not be near cancer patients. If Sparry wants his father to get well, then he should drop all the lawsuits and maintain a quiet, dignified distance.
I have to agree with this comment:
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From Technical_Ant_7466 via Reddit
"I am really concerned about Duke of Hazard returning to the UK and visiting Charles. My fear is that Harry will fanagle himself back into the RF, and that he will expect to take on responsibilities or worse that he will but further pressure on the King and Princess Catherine. Just as their vile antics accelerated the death of the late Queen and Prince Philip, I firmly believe that the Harkles have caused a lot of damage, including the health of family members. ***For years I worked in the medical field as a scientist. The research I've read has not proven a definite cause-and-effect relationship between stress and cancer. The connection between emotional (psychological) health and physical health is very complex. Psychological stress can affect your body. Some studies suggest a link between various psychological factors and an increased risk of developing cancer.*** **1.Stress can weaken the immune system. The immune system defends the body against infections and diseases, such as cancer. A weakened immune system plays a role in the development of some types of cancer.** **2. Stress can alter the levels of certain hormones in your body. This may also put you at greater risk of developing cancer.** Stress has a profound impact on how the body’s systems function. Health experts are still sorting out whether stress actually causes cancer. ***There’s little doubt that it promotes the growth and spread of some forms of the disease. Put simply, stress makes your body more hospitable to cancer.*** Long-term/chronic stress is more damaging, and the damages comes from situations that last many weeks/ months/years with no definite end point. ( Ithink we can confidently say that 5+ years of mega mouth and her poodle have been extremely stressful for the RF. This no-end-in-sight stress weakens the immune system, leaving a person prone to diseases, like cancer. It also ups the risk for digestive problems and depression. Chronic stress also can help cancer grow and spread in a number of ways. At this point in time, the last thing the RF needs is Harry in their midst. I can't think of a single advantage their is for him to returning to " his father's side", when he's done nothing but say vile, evil lies about them, divulge members of the RF personal stories and has generally been a human version of POISON. I hope Harry drops in and leaves quickly. THERE'S NO POSITION FOR HIME TO FILL. WILLIAM PROBABLY DOESN'T WANT HIM THERE, AND I APOLOGIZE IF THESE SEEMS CALLOUS, BUT I BELIEVE THE PUBLIC DOESN'T WANT HIM THERE. Harry has proven to be poisinous and toxic. No amount of grovelling will change the perswon he is. His real personality may go into hiding, but make no mistake, he's as eveil as the ILBW. Removing the cause is the clear answer but instead that TREACHEROUS VILLIAN IS BEING ALLOWED BACK, WHICH IS A VERY BAD IDEA. This is a photo op for Harry and a chance to attempt to fleece his father for money/security and whatever else the ILBW has told him to get his grimmy paws on. HARRY CANNOT BE ALLOWED BACK, OR THAT WILL BE END OF THE MONARCHY."
author: Technical_Ant_7466 submitted: 04/02/2024 via r/SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7466429/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7466429/)
Then there's Fergie:
Why would Fergie release her private medical information as the world grappled with the sad news about Charles and Catherine? Fergie was not undergoing adjuvant treatment. There was no risk of anyone spotting her at a daily RTX treatment. I'm certainly thankful she's OK but I wish she would have waited until the working royals were out of the health scare news cycle before shouting "me too."
Fergie is not "battling alongside King Charles" 🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️ Aren't her grandkids just babies---except for a 3 yo?
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kakusu-shipping · 8 months
YOOOO NEW EMILES JUST DROPPED!! Okay okay, so what are the individual ships for your new Pokemon s/is??? And also what are their origins? Is it like a same backstory, different timelines kinda deal or completely different backstories??
Thankyou Devin for being excited for the New Mes I create like monthly kjgksjgk Always a joy.
All 3 of these S/Is are completly separate persons that I had to do some MAJOR fanagling of story to keep from Interacting because I agree with you, writing yourself interacting with yourself is. Weird. And hard. fdkgjfdkj
The main Story S/I doesn't have a major romantic ship, he's more about the Platonics with Arven, Penny, Nemona, and Team Star. Though I do have a crush on my Armarouge Charlos, so I imagine post story they eventually get together.
My Teacher's Pet S/I was originally a NSFW X Reader I'd drafted up for a School Staff polycule concept I had that... Just kind of developed into more of an S/I as I made myself fall in love with the teachers... I could never write NSFW fic anyway so it's better this way in my opinion.
The DLC S/I is self shipped with Kieran and eventually Drayton and I talk about his backstory Here (No DLC spoilers)
I actually made my Main Story Self Insert LAST year around this same time, that post can be found Here, and nothing major has really changed about him I don't think, but I like his story so I'll tell it again in further detail under the cut!
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Emile is the grandson of Director Clavell, and as a child spent all his time either in the lighthouse lab watching his grandfather and Sada work, or scrounging around outside with his brother (not biologically) Arven for any item they could sell for change.
Emile's first Pokemon was a wandering Gimmighoul he had befriended on top of the lighthouse. He was determined to give his Pokemon a chest full of treasure he could be proud of, and put a lot of work into collecting all sorts of coins for his Gimmighoul. He even hand made him a chest to put it all in!
Eventually, Sada and Clavell's research took them into the Great Crater, which meant Emile and Arven weren't allowed to visit them as often. To keep the two out of trouble (following them into the crater unsupervised), the two were enrolled in Naranja Academy, and everything was fine.. for a while.
Emile was Arven's rock when the older realized his mom cared more about her research than him, when he noticed Clavell came out of the crater to visit Emile much more often than his mom did for him, when they went into the crater and it was only Clavell there to greet them, to escort them lower, to take a break from work to make sure the strong Pokemon in the crater didn't hurt them.
This made Emile a lot more protective over Arven. So when he got called into the Director's Office and scolded for how long his hair was by the new Student Council President, Emile didn't hesitate to retaliate.
At first, he was just petty. He grew his hair longer, dyed it bright pinks and oranges and blues, switching it up every day. He'd step on the back of Giacomo's shoes at he walked to class, or shoulder check him just hard enough to make him drop his books. He didn't hurt him physically, just defied him and pushed him around a bit.
Then other students got involved. Suddenly there was a whole group of guys around Emile with long deep purple hair and their uniform shirts unbuttoned. When he shoved Giacomo, someone else was there to shove him the other way, passing him around like a game of catch.
Anyone who stood up for Giacomo became a target, tripped in the halls, missing gym clothes, spilled lunches, and eventually.. stolen money.
That pompous president deserved it anyway, Emile had convinced himself as he filled his Gimmighoul chest with more coins than he ever could have gotten on his own. He'd convinced himself he was in the right, that that guy's rules were unfair. He didn't even notice when Arven stopped coming to school, or the looks his Gimmighoul gave him sat upon a throne of thievery
On the day of operation star, Emile's Gimmighoul left him, taking the first coin Emile had even given him, and vanishing overnight. Emile had no Pokemon to battle back against Team Star with. He was one of the first to retreat.
For a full year Emile didn't go back to school. He didn't talk to Arven. He didn't visit his grandfather. He just laid in his room with an empty Gimmighoul chest...
Until Clavell became the new Director.
He urged Emile to come back to school, even going so far as to get him a new Pokemon Partner, a noble loyal knight who wouldn't leave him. Charlos, the Charcadet.
Against his better judgement Emile returned to school with the plan to go as under the radar as possible, and stay out of the way of all the kids he's wronged.. Until Charlos dragged him into Operation Starfall.
And that's about it outside of canon events, which unfold about the same just with a little more resistance by the protagonist. It was hard to work with an S/I who wouldn't wanna play along with the story as is, so I gave him 3 Pokemon that'd drag him along the plot.
Charlos for Starfall Street, Koriadon for Path of Legends, and a Rotom Phone that REALLY loves to fight for Victory Road. He should probably have more teammates but I like these three.
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margindoodles2407 · 5 months
Ahahaaaa Marginnnn!!!
I read your high fantasy Star Wars fic and it’s so goooodddd!! Like the flowery writing (the good kind of flowery) is so pretty and elegant and I feel like there’s a word for it I’m missing but anyways YES
it’s the kind of stuff I’d read when i feel sad or smth bc it’s so comforting and pretty
but anyways XD
I’m curious where you’re planning to take it in the future? Perchance? Also I really wanna draw one of your characters for it but I can’t decide so which one would you want me to draw?
Okay okay SO. I am currently planning on finishing the Heroforge Series (and, MIRACULOUSLY, I'm like 80% done with it! Joy!), drawing- a LOT- and writing this fic, which will adapt the Prequels, The Clone Wars, Rebels, and the Original Trilogy. I might do a few spin-offs of the other series (such as TBB, when I actually start watching it, and maybe The Mandalorian/The Book of Boba Fett/Ahsoka) as well. And also, in addition to this fic, I will be writing three other fics that will be more like reference books or bestiaries and will go with it to form an anthology: one will be about the peoples of the Galactic Archipelago, another will be its geography, and the last one will be kind of a lives-of-the-saints-esque book of character biographies. And then I'll just, y'know, mess around and have fun and do random things. I might do a thing where I let people send in-universe asks for the characters, because I always thought those were fun :)
OKAY for characters to draw- well, I am always down for My Boys The Clones (TM) and also Ahsoka, because she holds a special place in my heart as she was the first character I designed for the AU. But also the Clones have really complicated armor designs so if you're a little intimidated by that I totally get it :) (oh speaking of that. i might put out a helmet reference for each one because you can only do so much on heroforge to replicate their helmet designs. anyway long story short if you do end up drawing them and want to draw them helmeted the gist of it is that they all keep their canon helmet designs just fanagled to fit a crusader's greathelm)
You're the best, Evie. You're the greatest :D
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beechaotic · 5 months
The cat distribution system has arrived.
Somehow, there is a cat outside of our apartment. It was just sitting there. Staring. We opened the door, it ran in, and now it won’t leave. We asked Jason and he said it was there when he came back from grocery shopping.
I suspect Stabby and the Wayne Kid worked together to do it.
Now we have to buy cat food. Excuse me while I try and fanagle a litter box out of plastic tubs.
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limelocked · 1 year
read so many reincarnated as a fictional character who is abused as a child then adopted by a major character due to fanagling with the plot where the main character is a little girl that im now thinking about the same genre if the main character was a boy
boy who lives his life in the slums and red light district working more or less as a slave until his master kills him by accidentally hitting him too hard, wakes up as a child and seeks the protection of a solitary duke who teaches him how to manage the trauma and anger he has into something not as destructive
guy who lives and dies a disappointment to the low nobles that take care of him because they want him to be a swords master, hes given a second chance where he runs away and ends up the protogee of a high noble who takes interest in the hidden perfection of his sword style and enjoys watching him flourish in political scheming which is his strong suit
viscerally depressed salary man gets reincarnated into a child body sick from Too Much Magic Disease, seeing their child resigned to his fate the royal family spend a disastrous amount of money to save him and when he survives the disease and doesnt get better mentally he cant tell anyone that it was because he was abused in another life and he sure cant complain about his royal siblings blaming him for the state of the treasury
beautiful boy who is kept as a pretty pet by a villainess who does unspeakable things to him manages to run away and dress like a girl so his previous master cant find him, he gets adopted by a duke who can see right thru him but who he doesnt know if he knows and thus come the anxiety of never wanting to be seen naked, being very uncomfortable around women, and oh puberty is starting to kick it so will the duke kick him out if he finds out his daughter is actually a son
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nebulousfishgills · 5 months
Starting a new run on Baldur's Gate 3 was hard since, one, I love my first character so much and it's hard to follow up after her, and two, it took me like an hour staring at my computer fanagling with character creation options to convince myself to do the Resist Dark Urge option.
It's an interesting run and I've already had fun recruiting all the characters I didn't the first time around... but if I'm being totally honest, the primary reason it took me so long to finally sigh and hit start game was because if I resist my urge, I'm letting down my favorite NPC, poor Sceleritas Fel
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You will never meet a bigger hype man, maybe it's an unpopular opinion but I really love this little dude. World's best little fiend butler... and I don't wanna make him sad 😭
To cope I tell myself that I'll maybe get to see him with Airetos again after patch 7 drops those new epilogues, and that in the meantime he's living his best life at her beck and call while she and Astarion bang in the Bhaal temple or in the palace of Astarion's.
But yeah no my current character is gonna disappoint the hell out of him. Sorry, buddy.
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assarivanguard · 5 months
Shadowheart/Kohara/Nocturne, A (nsfw and sfw)?
you legend thank you for asking
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
aftercare for kohara is a whole ritual because she wants to make sure both of her girls are safe and fine (even if they're crying, it can be a good cry like a release), so she's still in domme mode Long After the scene has ended. nocturne tends to cry after submitting (if she chooses to) because she feels like it's the only place she's Allowed to Cry (fuck you, shar). shadowheart is Absolutely a Cuddler, she needs touch and a gentle hand.
domme aftercare for kohara is after any injuries have been tended and post scene emotions are settled, is just some genuine quiet. no prayer, no bothering, just some good quiet. reassurances can help, but after an Entire Scene she just wants to cool down and desensitise a little
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
i think the sole reason they work together as a throuple because they have actually bothered to communicate what their love languages are and how to fanagle it to apply to each other. they're all physically affectionate with each other, nocturne and shadowheart spend so much time untraining so much sharran bullshit they're going to utilise their freedom, damnit
shadowheart loves gifts, both receiving and giving. nocturne's an affirmation and touch girlie, and kohara's acts of service all the way through
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