#fan behavior if you ask me!
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firelxdykatara · 2 years ago
it really is genuinely so funny how obsessed zk antis actually are with the ship. like there's a lot of embarrassing shit i'll get up to on main but one thing you'll never catch me dead doing is wasting the energy to create an entire blog and maintain it for over a year, dedicated to nothing but talking about a ship i allegedly hate.
and if i had a nickel for every zutara hate blog i've seen over the years, i might not have a lot of nickels, but i'd definitely have more than a handful, and it's very weird that it happened a lot more than once lmao
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sonknuxadow · 5 days ago
its so frustrating how a lot of scu fans cant handle other sonic fans not having the exact same taste in sonic media that they do. like i feel like you can say something negative about literally any other sonic media on here and people generally wouldnt care that much but the second you say anything less than positive about the movies people start getting all weird about it and trying to argue with you ive had it happen to me and seen it happen to others as well .... like the sonic franchise is very big and has many different media types and writing styles not everyone is going to uncritically love everything. get over it ? im not trying to be mean but idk what else to tell you
#this isnt solely about the person who sent me that ask last night i was actually already thinking abut it before#(though it is very confusing that they did i literally havetn been talking about the movies lately they just yelled at me out of nowhere#i mean they apologized so no big deal i guess but like. huh)#i mean i understand not wanting to see a bunch of hate of something you like and its fine to disagree with peoples criticisms#but people are being VERY unreasonable about it when it comes to sonic 3#cant help but wonder if this sort of behavior is a result of the fact that a lot of people acting this way got into sonic through the movie#after sonic's reputation improved a bit and dont know what constant widespread hate for everything sonic actually looks like#so they dont know how to handle criticism or opinions they disagree with regarding what sonic media is good or bad#and place sonic fans criticizing it because they love sonic and think sonic and its stories and characters deserves better#in the same category as people who just mindlessly hate on sonic for no reason#not that im saying anyone who likes the movies is a new fan or that new fans are fake fans but you get what i mean hopefully#also this is going into hater mode but personally. sonic 3 is one of the least deserving candidates of this type of defensiveness#like. for one its not that goodand actively disrespects the source material in so many ways. but thats more of a subjective opinion i guess#but also its a very popular and successful movie . most people who watched it liked it from what ive seen#randos on tumblr not liking it isnt taking away from that ??????#also paramount doesnt deserve your money anyway#like whats the point in defending it so hard . who cares..
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anto-pops · 6 months ago
you don't have to post this.
I'm just happy you nodded to how destructive that blog is. I'm glad to see some resistance to that blogs fucking existence.
I'm sorry anto. Parts of me is happy you've slightly moved on from HL just so that hopefully didn't barb you as bad as I'm sure "bitch of the blog" wanted it to.
Yes she self-submitted it. She does that with all her worst ones. It's for attention - and blatantly visible in her discord servers. Do not take it to heart.
I will post this because if you and I feel similarly about it, there’s bound to be others.
I’ll say it with my whole chest: that entire blog is a joke and an excuse for insecure, mean spirited people to harp on others. I blocked the entire page basically right at the beginning when I started seeing it pop up in my feed, but from what I gathered when my attention was dragged there by the anons in my own inbox, it’s full of people who:
A. Hate the game and all the characters
B. Are jealous of other creators and their success
C. Are too lazy to write their own stories yet have the gall to criticize other writers’ work
The fucking audacity to make a blog like that and defend the blatant bullying with “well we’re allowed to dislike things and have our own opinions” is so unbelievably lazy it’s not even funny. Nevermind the fact that there’s nothing anonymous about half the asks there— I could clearly tell who certain asks were referring to. Maybe the whole thing started with a few harmless polls (which is what I saw at the start) but it’s transformed into something so nasty that to defend it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Fuck that blog and fuck the people who feed into the toxicity.
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endlessfuckup · 8 months ago
saw your post about no longer wanting to be a phan blog and i just wanted to say i get you especially the reaction to this tour has been very uncomfortable and i could never figure out exactly why it felt... overbearing ig??? but it has been building and the tour leak and announcement just seemed to put a spotlight on people seem to have learned nothing from the previous years and seem to think that now that they're back it's okay to push their boundaries because they're engaging with us again. and tbh i appreciate you for helping put into words the discomfort ive been feeling and it sucks that it turned out like this that the enjoyment of the thing gets harder because of others
I was so so hoping it wouldn't get like this again
The first 5-6 months of the gaming channel being back were mostly wonderful
Everyone was behaving and respectfully enjoying dnp being back as a duo
I've seen/felt it building up over the past few months but I kept ignoring it because I figured it was just newer phans who didn't know about any of "the lore"
But every time I'd check their page out it would almost always be someone in their mid-late 20s who has been around for 10+ years
I was dumbfounded
I genuinely cannot believe people still treat Dan and Phil like tv characters who exist purely for entertaining the masses
Its really sad
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danieyells · 1 month ago
I cannot stress enough that if you do not make and support the stories and headcanons and fics and interpretations you want to see in the world no amount of complaining that people make things you don't like will help you feel better in the long run
Also consider that just because you don't like more than one interpretation of a thing doesn't mean other people who like a different interpretation don't like others too
#seeing someone's complaint about people making and enjoying things they don't like go by on my dash is like#well now i'm going to enjoy this thing more and louder and more annoying /half joke because i always enjoy things as much as i can#like. try asking people if they like something rather than going 'why don't people enjoy/interpret/headcanon/say things the way i want!!!'#the crazy thing is when people complain about people not enjoying canon relationships/interpretations for what they are like. . . . . .#canon is doing that. . . . .i can definitely go on about the way things are in canon for sure but why would i. . .a fan. . .in fandom. . .#focus completely on what is canon rather than deviations that entertain me. . . . . . . .#idk. fandom is silly. so many people will complain about the absence of something instead of just. seeking to build up more of it#try asking about stuff instead of assuming everyone's got one-track interests and one-track interpretations#'based on your likes' actually tumblr i found that annoying and did not particularly like it 🤣 but the only way to make it stop doing that#is to turn it off completely. which i don't want. i kind of wish it'd learn what i do or don't like lol on the other hand that kind of thing#can be very invasive behavior from a website.#danie yells at existence#like i don't put forth any serious complaints about the absence of my favorite things in fandom! tbf i don't pay a ton of close attention to#fandom output. but the point still stands y'know? i indulge in my own thoughts and share my own things sometimes. i do my own thing#i didn't get much sleep last night which i bet made me a bit more irritated at some dumb fandom post than i really aught to have been#like man why are you complaining about people having fun in a different way than you rather than inviting them to play with you and seeing#if they also like the same game? why are you complaining about people having fun in a way you don't more than having fun in that way?#people are strange and sometimes unpleasant. and i'm sleepy
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dirhwangdaseul-archived · 2 years ago
idk if i have stated in so many words before but kinda weird for people not to care about the brown men of the story on account of them being men
like most people did to javi irl what the yellowjackets did in the show lol, dismissed always, no more than the little kid, he was already dead
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shittyvampire · 4 months ago
You should do the world a favor and stop wasting its oxygen. Please end yourself (in Minecraft) :)
bro thinks i don't know who they are, hiding behind that anon lmao ☠️
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destiny-in-the-universe · 9 months ago
I’m actually extremely annoyed right now.
Sending me asks is supposed to be fun. This is not your space to troll me. I can revoke the right to be getting asks from me, but I don’t because I enjoy interacting with my followers and my mutuals and anyone new who wants to explore my page.
I’m sure this is what they want- to get me riled up, but let me get one thing straight: this is my blog. my rules.
I don’t want to have to turn off anon.
But if you keep disrespecting my boundaries, I will have no other choice. Don’t ruin the experience for those who actually want to have their asks answered under anon.
~ Mod Danny (They/Them); Co-Front: Wolf, Velvette, Lute
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swiftfootedachilles · 10 months ago
The people youre talking about were friends way before you showed up why are you making this such a big thing
i didn't even name anyone y'all don't even know what users i was referring to 💀 "before i showed up" some of the users didn't even join the fandom until long after i did so what are you talking about.... not that you would know that since i was purposefully vague and never named them ☠️☠️☠️
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meg-noel-art · 2 years ago
Hi! So I just want to ask you why you can say that Seyka is disponsable bc she is in a DLC and seyloy shippers can't say they are endgame?
You say that people should be prepare bc she is not coming back but you are so sure that they are going to make multiple romance options. (Is amazing how you are denying CANON feelings while being so sure that all the ships that aren't cannon are going to be a choice but that's your opinion and although i do not share It I respect it and I'm not going to argue it).
We don't know anything yet so at the same time that you theorize about the game and you are so sure that GG is going to have all the characters that Aloy has met (except Seyka ofc bc she is a DLC character and she is not important according to what you are saying) having a romance with her, please stop the whinning when other people are saying that they are endgame bc this is a fandom and people are going to have their own opinions and theories.
You are talking about ship wars and comparing the two sides while Kylie Lyle Page is reciving misoginistic, racist and homophobic insults all over the internet and the game is been review bombing by bigots bc two girls kissed.
Some perspective wouldn't hurt.
Anyone can scroll my page and see that I'm not saying absolutely anything you're accusing me of. So I'm just posting this without responding so everyone can see what a problem you are.
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artofluffy · 1 year ago
How are you going to claim to be an “artist” when the art in your profile isn’t even yours!?!?
hmmm…good question!
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tiredtriedfailures · 1 year ago
also twitter turning HARD on america ferrera when she got a nom but robbie didnt was really horrifying. like i think almost all barbie discourse proves itself irrelevant by nature but holy shit this woman of color bearing the brunt at the very last second is. well problematic. scary for all that talk of feminism. again proving how shallow it all is
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semi-sketchy · 1 year ago
God damn can people learn to use their words already
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morganweir · 1 year ago
seeing your recent ask is like seeing a shark pass by under my tiny fishing boat. I don't know what you've been dealing with but goddamn
god i wish that were me.jpg
People feel entitled to the spaces of other people and somehow that's my problem.
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roobylavender · 2 years ago
the problem with sasusaku is that sakura has no reason whatsoever to love sasuke and retain such feelings for so long, i think kishimoto wrote himself into a corner with her initial characterization and arc that he stuck with for too long
i'm going to have to respectfully disagree lol. i feel like one practice that has become really prevalent within naruto fandom over the years esp the further and further we move away from when part one was originally published or aired on television is this willful memory loss of how the relationships were actually built between team seven when they were a team. the entire point of sakura's part one arc is that she starts out with a very superficial worldview and interests that are gradually fleshed out and weighted per her and the rest of the team's traumatic experiences. sakura's school girl crush on sasuke at the start of part one isn't comparable to the very real care she has for him by the end of part one because he's a teammate she's genuinely come to know and feel protective over. the entire chuunin arc progression is particularly emblematic of that bc she understands even before naruto does the kind of strain sasuke is undergoing due to orochimaru's bite and the harm he risks to himself by giving into its whims. worry over the effects of the bite are a consistent concern for her thereafter esp once he does decide to defect. so i'm not sure what you mean when you say she has no reason whatsoever to retain her feelings for him for so long. by that logic neither does naruto. it doesn't "logically" make sense for either of them to continue caring so much for someone they barely knew for a year and a half and who proceeded to reject them by any violent means possible once he realized he would be powerless to protect them and killing them himself was a better alternative. ultimately they still care about him. they know he's suffering enormous trauma. and that aside he's their teammate and they love him and there doesn't have to be some grand justification for why they continue to keep loving him. that's kind of the whole point. they survive the trauma of their world bc they commit to love. we were alone and starved of love. kids that lived in a world full of hate. it's literally in the thesis statement
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mikeyisbrooklyn · 7 months ago
I think Eddie’s dad, the Buckley’s and Athena’s mom were handled well because even though they hurt their kids, all of those parents made a genuine effort to apologize and make amends. Hen’s mom was handled exceptionally well because we actually saw Hen hold her to the fire and she only forgave her once she did a full 180 and no less.
Chimney’s dad was honestly the only of the main cast’s that we’ve seen that they handled so poorly. His apology feels less like a genuine admission of wrongdoing and more like “we’re family and I want to try to have a relationship with my granddaughter”, which is whatever but it makes Chimney forgiving him suck because that man did NOT make up for literal decades of abandoning his son. What’s sad is that that’s very in character for Chimney though, he’s so forgiving of everyone all the time but that just makes me more mad for him.
Does anyone else hate how forgiving your abusive parent is so pushed in 9-1-1? Like Chimney had every reason to stay pissed at his dad for life, yet he got forced into giving the man a chance by Albert who literally guilt tripped him (no Albert hate).
Then there's the Buckley parents who, admittedly, went through therapy, but I don't think it's fair how Maddie and Buck were just expected to forgive them.
Eddie's parents too. I did kind of like how they handled this situation because it was generational trauma and his dad apologised, but the fact that it adds to the list of abusive parents that were quickly forgiven just annoys me.
There's more instances but I can't think. It's like any child who rightfully puts space between themselves and their parent is in the wrong and must find a way to forgive and forget.
As someone who is non-contact with their father, I wish there was some representation for when the parent is unforgivable.
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