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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
Let the 9am Saturday class do a little butt-boarding. Normally I keep a tighter rein on things, but I loosened it up a bit for week 7, our last week! Here’s 1 uncut minute of all the fun with James, Riley, and Eamon! β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” #skateboarding #skateboardingisfun #skatekids #skaterkids #kidswhoskate #abfskatelessons #abfskateshop #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures #pointpleasant #pointpleasantnj #pointpleasantboro #skatepark #halfpipe #rollin (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
Got a couple of old standbys on the big cruiser at Plainfield Park earlier this evening. Thanks to Coach Jeremy @jpesk8 for skating with me tonight! Unfortunately I didn’t get any clips of you tonight, buddy! Also, I realize I look embarrassingly bad on the no comply impossible but, you know, It’s the best I could do! Fun park, always a nice crew of guys in there. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- #skateboarding #over40andstillskateboarding #over40 #oldmanskatesesh #olddudeskatercrew #odsc #abfskateshop #njskateboarding #madisonskatepark #plainfieldnj #skateboardingover40 #midlife #skateboardingdad #dadswhoskate #dadsthatarerad #plainfield #nj #centralnj #familyskateboardingadventures (at Madison Skate Park)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
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Excited to announce Go Skate Day Festivities are coming to Point Pleasant Skatepark! Demos, Lessons, Give-Aways, Booths! Brought to you by the Point Pleasant Boro Rec Department and our sponsors @bravesurf, @bubbakoosburritos, @pinkpineapplesurf, & of course ABF! Thursday June 21 from 3-5pm! Fun and Family Friendly! Bring the baby πŸ‘Άand your grandma πŸ‘΅! Watch the Brave New World Skate Team Rip the Park & see the ABF Skate Lesson kids show their stuff too! β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” #goskateday #goskateboardingday #goskateboardingday2018 #pointpleasant #pointpleasantnj #pointpleasantboro #pointpleasantrecreation #abfskateshop #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures #skateboarding #bravesurf #pinkpineapplesurf #bubbakoos #jerseyshore #goskate #goskateboarding # (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
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Stoked to see the progress #shrEddie made over the winter! Coming soon: kickflips! He’s got the flick, we just gotta get that front foot off the ground and back on the board...πŸ€” β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” #skateboarding #skatelessons #skaterkids #skatekids #skateordie #skateboardingisfun #dontbotherchildrenwhentheyreskateboarding #rule11 #thankyouskateboarding #jerseyshore #thejerseyshore #jersey #abfskateshop #kidsstyle #kids #getoutside #getmoving #childhoodunplugged #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures #privateskatelessons #passthestoke (at New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
Was showing the skate lesson kids how to ollie last week. Such a great feeling! Thanks to one of them, Riley, for filming with the steady hand! β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” #skateboarding #skateboardingkids #skateboardingisrad #skateboardingisfun #abfskateshop #skateboardinglessons #skateboardingchildren #children #kids #fun #funinthesun #pointpleasant #skatelessons #skaterkids #thejerseyshore #jerseyshore #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures #getoutside #getmoving #getgoing #skateboard #skatepark #oceancounty #familyfun #newjersey #skateboardingnj #njskateboardinglessons #skateboardinglessonsnj #ollie (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
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Maybe just one too many kids in the half pipe....πŸ€”πŸ€£πŸ€™8 am Sunday Crew was πŸ”₯ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” #skateboarding #skateboardingkids #skateboardingisrad #skateboardingisfun #abfskateshop #skateboardinglessons #skateboardingchildren #children #kids #fun #funinthesun #pointpleasant #skatelessons #skaterkids #thejerseyshore #jerseyshore #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures #getoutside #getmoving #getgoing #skateboard #skatepark #oceancounty #familyfun #newjersey #skateboardingnj #njskateboardinglessons #skateboardinglessonsnj (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
πŸ”ˆ10 am Saturday Lesson, Week 2 in Point Pleasant! Please turn the sound on & enjoy the 🎼 by @akirathedon . . . . #skateboarding #skatelessons #skaterkids #skatekids #skateordie #skateboardingisfun #dontbotherchildrenwhentheyreskateboarding #rule11 #thankyouskateboarding #abfskatelessons #abfskatekids #pointpleasant #pointpleasntnj #pointpleasantboro #jerseyshore #thejerseyshore #jersey #abfskateshop #pointpleasantrecreation #skatepark #kidsstyle #kids #getoutside #getmoving #childhoodunplugged #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
πŸ”ŠSummer Lesson Sign-Ups Now Open! Weekend mornings, 7 weeks, $85 at Point Pleasant Skatepark. Link in bio. This is our Spring Saturday Lessons, Week 4! Music by @akirathedon β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” #skateboarding #skateboardingkids #skateboardingisrad #skateboardingisfun #abfskateshop #skateboardinglessons #skateboardingchildren #children #kids #fun #funinthesun #akirathedon #pointpleasant #skatelessons #skaterkids #thejerseyshore #jerseyshore #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures #getoutside #getmoving #getgoing #skateboard #skatepark #oceancounty #familyfun #newjersey #skateboardingnj #njskateboardinglessons #skateboardinglessonsnj (at Ocean County, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
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Sunday 11am Squad. Captured a brief break in the non-stop action! β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” #skateboarding #skaterkids #skatekids #njskatekids #njskaters #njskate #pointpleasant #skatepark #skaterboys #skateboys #abfskateshop #familyskateboardingadventures #spreadtheshred #skateboard #kids #kidsfashion #childhoodunplugged #dontbotherchildrenwhentheyreskateboarding #rule11 #jerseyshore #pointpleasantrecreation #pointpleasantboro #thankyouskateboarding (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
I love watching these kids progress! Here’s Spartanburg Week 5 with Coach Dave and he s Crew of rippers! Lots of milestones! Top of the list, Zoe...no more holding on! Confidence and determination growing! Great job everyone! Special cameo by Coach Dave’s son Dylan at the end. Thank you Dylan for helping out with lessons, it is truly appreciated! Thanks to all the parents for filming and sending us these videos! Great job as usual Coach Dave (@der10696)! Music by Kevin MacLeod! And thanks all of you for watching! πŸ™ . . . #feelingthankful #thankyouskateboarding #thankyou #spartanburg #spartanburgsc #abfskateshop #family #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures #hotspotskatepark #hotspot #greenville #kids #kidstyle #kidsfashion #skaterkids #skatekids #skateboarding #skateboardingforlife #skateboardingforever #passthestoke #skateordie #skateboardingkids #skateboardinggirls #getoutside #skateboardinglessons #kidswhoskate #skatelessons #abfskatelessons (at Spartanburg, South Carolina)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
πŸ”ˆ9 & 10 am, Last Sunday, Skate Lesson, Week 2 in Point Pleasant! 🎼 by @akirathedon. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” #skateboarding #skatelessons #skaterkids #skatekids #skateordie #skateboardingisfun #dontbotherchildrenwhentheyreskateboarding #rule11 #thankyouskateboarding #abfskatelessons #abfskatekids #pointpleasant #pointpleasntnj #pointpleasantboro #jerseyshore #thejerseyshore #jersey #abfskateshop #pointpleasantrecreation #skatepark #kidsstyle #kids #getoutside #getmoving #childhoodunplugged #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures #rainraingoaway (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
πŸ”ˆ8 am Saturday Lesson, Week 3 in Point Pleasant! Please turn the sound on & enjoy the 🎼 by @akirathedon. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- #skateboarding #skatelessons #skaterkids #skatekids #skateordie #skateboardingisfun #dontbotherchildrenwhentheyreskateboarding #rule11 #thankyouskateboarding #abfskatelessons #abfskatekids #pointpleasant #pointpleasntnj #pointpleasantboro #jerseyshore #thejerseyshore #jersey #abfskateshop #pointpleasantrecreation #skatepark #kidsstyle #kids #getoutside #getmoving #childhoodunplugged #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
πŸ”ˆ11 am Saturday Lesson, Week 2 in Point Pleasant! Please turn the sound on & enjoy the 🎼, a remix of The Stone Roses β€œFools Gold.” . . . #skateboarding #skatelessons #skaterkids #skatekids #skateordie #skateboardingisfun #dontbotherchildrenwhentheyreskateboarding #rule11 #thankyouskateboarding #abfskatelessons #abfskatekids #pointpleasant #pointpleasntnj #pointpleasantboro #jerseyshore #thejerseyshore #jersey #abfskateshop #pointpleasantrecreation #skatepark #kidsstyle #kids #getoutside #getmoving #childhoodunplugged #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
πŸ”ˆProductive evening! Built a custom skateboard for Ava, then had a little manny pad fun! Plus had some fun playing with these giphy things too! 🎼 is some YouTube remix Blue Monday by New Order . . . #skateboarding #skateboard #abfskateshop #colorful #rainbow #tiedye #vw #bettle #mannypad #pointpleasant #over40andstillskateboarding #over40 #genx #familyskateboardingadventures #dadswhoskate #dadskate #dadsofinstagram #skatedad #ogmanny #kidsskateboards #kidsskateboard #skatekids #skaterkids #skatelessons #skateboardinglessons #skateboardinglessonsnj #neworder #bluemonday #remix (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
πŸ”ˆ9am Saturday Lesson, Week 2 in Point Pleasant! Check out these nice carves behind the quarter pipe! 🎼 by Revolution Void! . . . . #skateboarding #skatelessons #skaterkids #skatekids #skateordie #skateboardingisfun #dontbotherchildrenwhentheyreskateboarding #rule11 #thankyouskateboarding #abfskatelessons #abfskatekids #pointpleasant #pointpleasntnj #pointpleasantboro #jerseyshore #thejerseyshore #jersey #abfskateshop #pointpleasantrecreation #skatepark #kidsstyle #kids #getoutside #getmoving #childhoodunplugged #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures #revolutionvoid (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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abfskateshop Β· 7 years ago
πŸ”ˆSunday 11am Session! Music by Revolution Void! . . . . #skateboarding #skatelessons #skaterkids #skatekids #skateordie #skateboardingisfun #dontbotherchildrenwhentheyreskateboarding #rule11 #thankyouskateboarding #abfskatelessons #abfskatekids #pointpleasant #pointpleasntnj #pointpleasantboro #jerseyshore #thejerseyshore #jersey #abfskateshop #pointpleasantrecreation #skatepark #kidsstyle #kids #getoutside #getmoving #childhoodunplugged #familyskateboarding #familyskateboardingadventures (at Point Pleasant, New Jersey)
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