#family is forever fanfic
redroses07 · 3 months
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destiel my babies
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confessedlyfannish · 11 months
DP x DC Writing Prompt #8
The day Bruce Wayne knocks on her apartment door Sam knows it's going to be a doozy.
"Mr. Wayne, I really do hope no one saw you," she says, ushering him in. "And for the record, a text ahead of time would be appreciated."
"I parked the car a few streets away," Bruce says, sticking a finger in his heel to peel his polished leather shoes off. Sam raises an eyebrow. "It's a sedan, not a Lamborghini."
"You own a sedan?"
"Taught Dick to drive in it...after he crashed the Lamborghini."
Sam snorts despite herself. The charm Bruce Wayne exhibits would usually rub her the wrong way, too reminiscent of wealthy men that feel comfortable placing a hand on the small of your back at a crowded gala, but Bruce is honest enough about his playacting that she has come to find its insincerity comforting. She's actually sought him out more than once, leading to several annoying headlines that can't seem to decide if she's aiming to date him or one of his eligible sons. None of whom are eligible by the way, as they are a) taken, b) legally dead, c) practically a minor, and d) an actual minor.
Sam's generational wealth is peanuts compared to Wayne Industries, so naturally her parents have been thrilled and rooting for option c.
"I also didn't want Danny to see I'd texted you. Or force you to lie to him."
Sam doesn't quite tense, but it's a near thing. She does slide to the other side of her kitchen island, under the context of finishing prepping her feta fried eggs, laid on a bed of smashed avocado and warm tortilla. She pulls a bottle of crunchy garlic oil out of the fridge and drizzles hot red crisps across the runny yolk. She takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully, not so much as offering him a glass of water.
"You realize, Mr. Wayne, I have no intention of lying to Danny now?"
Bruce sits at the stool on the opposite side of the island. "I understand. And if you want to ask Danny to return home before we continue, I'd understand that as well. I didn't mean to discomfit you--"
"Please do not lie to me now, Mr. Wayne," Sam says, rolling her eyes. "By your own admission you showed up at noon without warning knowing my superhero boyfriend wouldn't be present. If I am discomfited, all the more likely you get your information, right?" Golden yolk runs down her fingers, and she sacrifices it to the napkin rather than lick up her arm in front of her boss, with no small amount of resentment. The yolk is the best part.
"Get to it then," she demands.
Bruce straightens in his stool, chin raising and firming in a jawline she most often sees under a cowl. His eyes attempt to pin her in place, but Sam has stared the Master of Time in the face and demand he reschedule so she is built. different. She takes another bite of egg taco.
"I was not aiming for you to feel threatened, and moreover, I doubt you could be."
Except a smart person should always feel threatened by a threat, no matter their capability of handling one. It keeps them alive.
"Can you tell me how I'm not like all the other girls after lunch? You'll spoil my appetite."
Bruce clears his throat. "I'll get to the point--"
"Thank you."
"--Danny has been exhibiting paranormal behaviors beyond his baseline. We welcome all biologies; human, alien, and paranormal alike, but I have observed actions unlike what he had previously established as his, for lack of a better word, 'normal'
"I want to make sure he is not experiencing any unwelcome outside influence. Or, if this is merely a facet of his evolution, I'd like to know if this is something we or his family should be monitoring."
Sam has been an eco-consultant with Wayne Industries and unofficially, the Batfamily, for half a year now and this is the most she's ever heard the man speak in one sitting.
"Wow," she says. "How long have you been rehearsing that one?"
"A while." Bruce grunts, voice finally taking that final drop into Batman's gravelly rasp. "I see you're not surprised by any of this."
"No, not really," Sam says. She pours him a tall glass of lemon water from the pitcher, freshly sliced that morning, and he takes a polite sip.
"So what can you tell me?"
"Probably a lot. And Danny would probably prefer that I do, knowing him, the big baby," Sam sighs. "Listen Mr. Wayne, I can appreciate that you came here from a place of caution rather than intrusion. And if Danny was undergoing something negative or from an 'unwelcome outside influence' that would be the right call, and I, albeit begrudgingly, encourage you to do so in the future."
"But he's not."
"He's not," Sam confirms. "And in fact, I think he could really use someone to talk to about it. Outside of his family."
"I see..." Bruce says, shifting.
"If you want to tag team this one with one of the higher EQ players, such as Superman, I give you permission." Sam does not think she's imagining that slight sag of relief.
"Thank you," Bruce says, sliding off the stool. "I don't suppose you have material we could consult...?"
"Actually yes, I happen to have a pamphlet right here. 'So your ghostly body is changing, and how.'"
"You're being more sarcastic than usual."
"You interrupted my lunch, Mr. Wayne."
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my-proof-is-you · 6 months
We Can’t Be Friends
Sam x Reader One Shot based on this request!
Summary: You can’t be around someone who broke your heart. You just can’t be friends.
A/N: This is a super long one shot. Sorry, not sorry :)
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Your lips were inches from each other. You could feel Sam’s breath on your face, Your eyes were closed, the anticipation of the moment you’d dreamed of for so long killing you.
Suddenly, you felt his presence gone. You opened your eyes, Sam had stepped back, his hand running through his hair. 
“We can’t do this, Y/N,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut.
”W-What?” You questioned. 
“We can’t be together. It would never work—it’s too risky. You know that.”
You opened your mouth to argue but no words came out. He wasn’t wrong. Hunters dating each other was rough. There was always something out there that could use you against each other. There was always the threat of losing the other person on a hunt. Young death was common. Getting involved with each other would just make it more painful.
You wanted to scream at him that you could make it work. You wanted to beg him to give it a try. 
But all you did was nod. You swallowed, willing the tears stinging at your eyes to go away.
Sam nodded back, also at a loss for words. He turned, heading down the hallway to his room. When you heard his door close, you finally let the tears fall. 
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Three Weeks Later
Your sharp hearing alerted you to someone other than Sam or Dean entering the kitchen. Your back was to the entryway as you had been filling your coffee mug. It was six in the morning, and even Sam who was an early riser was never up that early. 
Besides, you knew what the boys sounded like. They had very distinct sounds to their steps—individual ways of breathing that you knew like the back of your hand. 
This person was not Sam or Dean.
You pulled your gun from your waistband and spun around instantly, training your firearm on the intruder. 
The woman raised her hands in surrender instantly, a look of confusion on her face. She looked to be about your age. She had long, straight blonde hair, and doe-like eyes that were a bright shade of blue. Her long legs seemed to stretch on forever in the pair of boxer shorts she wore that were rolled up at the waist. She had a white ribbed tank top on with a flannel thrown over it. 
“There is no good way to enter a room that contains a hunter when they’re not expecting you,” she said, her hands still raised and a small smile on her face. 
“Who are you?” You demanded, unflinching.
”I’m Danielle. I guess Sam didn’t warn you I was here.”
”You expect me to believe you were invited here?” You had a hard time believing Sam had just “forgotten” to tell you about a guest.
”Well, it was kinda last minute…” she trailed off. You studied her awkward expression before realization hit you. She wasn’t just wearing a flannel and boxers. She was wearing one of Sam’s flannels. You weren’t sure about the boxers, but you had a pretty good guess as to who they belonged to. 
A sharp pain shot straight through you as you realized what that meant. This woman had spent the night.
”Oh,” you said lamely. You lowered your gun. 
“Whoa, Y/N, what’s goin’ on?” Dean asked, coming into the kitchen behind Danielle. “We don’t wanna scare off any chicks that actually like my brother,” he joked. 
Dean hadn’t known about what happened between you and Sam a few weeks before. You were pretty sure he knew about your feelings for his brother, but you hadn’t told him about your near-relationship. So to Dean, Sam having a girl stay overnight was just business as usual. 
He didn’t know it was making you bite the inside of your cheek so hard it bled. 
“Sorry about that,” you mumbled. She put her hands down as you put your gun back in your waistband. You turned to Dean. ”You knew she was here?”
”Yeah, Sammy texted me last night. He didn’t tell you?” Dean asked, confused. 
You feigned nonchalance. “Must’ve forgot,” you shrugged. 
“Huh. Well, Y/N, Danielle’s here,” he said, giving your shoulder a small shove as he went to get himself a cup of coffee. 
You realized that regardless of your feelings for Sam, you were being rude. 
“I’m sorry. I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, Danielle,” you said, striding over to her and reaching out a hand. She shook it, smiling.
”It’s no problem, Y/N. I would have done the same thing,” she said with a chuckle.
”You’re a hunter too, I take it?” You asked, handing her the mug meant for you and going back to get coffee for yourself again. She sat down at the table and you sat across from her, trying your best to hide your shock at her mere presence. 
One-night-stands weren’t new to you. All three of you had them now and again. You just weren’t expecting Sam to have one so soon after your…incident. 
“Yeah, I met Sam at a shifter case nearby. We got a drink to celebrate when it was over and…well, here I am.”
You smiled lightly as Dean came to sit next to you. You could feel how forced it was, and by the way you could feel his eyes on you, Dean knew, too. 
You spent the next ten minutes getting to know Danielle with Dean before Sam finally stumbled into the kitchen. 
“Well, look who decided to show up,” Dean said. Sam didn’t seem that surprised that Danielle was still there. You watched him as he walked in and came to the table, leaning down and giving her a quick kiss. He turned and walked to the coffee pot, not once making eye contact with you.
”So what’s on the docket today?” Dean asked after taking a sip of his coffee. You were about to respond when Danielle spoke up.
”Well, Sammy and I are going to head up to Colorado for a werewolf case. Then we thought we’d rent a place up there, have a little mini ski vacation.”
Realization smacked you in the face. Danielle wasn’t a one-night-stand. 
Sam was dating her. 
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Sam dared a glance at you from behind his mug when Danielle finished speaking. 
He saw realization, shock, and anger flit across your face at an amazing speed before it turned to a blank mask. 
He was a dick, he knew that. He should have told you he was seeing someone. 
He didn’t even really mean to be seeing someone. He’d met Danielle and had a great night of distraction with her. But when morning came, the gaping hole in his heart returned, and he couldn’t stand it. He needed more distraction. 
Danielle was there. Danielle was sweet and beautiful. Danielle was interested in him.
Danielle wasn’t you, though. 
Before he knew it, a couple of weeks had gone by and he had been calling her up fairly often. He couldn’t find it in himself to tell you, and it hadn’t mattered. But Danielle eventually wanted to see the infamous bunker. So he brought her home. Before telling you.
He knew you’d be pissed. You couldn’t hold it against him forever, though, could you? After all, you’d both agreed it was for the best that you don’t pursue a relationship.
As he watched your face return from blank to your normal easy-going one, he felt a little relief. Maybe you had moved on. Maybe it didn’t bother you that much. 
Sam shook his head a little to clear it, listening back in on the conversation. He needed to focus on the upcoming hunt.
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Your phone went to voicemail for the second time. Sam hung up, trying his brother instead.
”Yello?” Dean answered on the second ring.
”Is everything okay?” Sam asked.
”Where’s Y/N?”
”She’s right here, watching Dr. Sexy with me.”
Sam clenched his teeth and felt his jaw tick. You’d ignored his calls. 
“Sammy?” Dean asked after Sam neglected to respond. 
“Yeah, uh, nevermind. I was just checking in. Danielle and I finished the hunt. We’re gonna spend a couple days up here and then I’ll be home.”
”Alright, brother. Enjoy,” Dean said. Sam could almost hear his eyebrows wiggling. He rolled his eyes and hung up without responding. 
“Everything okay?” Danielle asked, putting her arms around Sam’s neck from behind and placing her face against his. He swallowed, pushing aside his annoyance. 
“Yep, all good.” 
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Dean hung up the phone and turned to look at you. 
“What?” You asked, feigning innocence. 
“You wanna tell me what that was about?” He asked, eyeing you. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you huffed, turning back to the TV.
Dean snatched the remote from next to you, turning it off. “Bullshit. You’ve been weird the last two days. What is going on? Did you and Sam have a fight or something?”
“Or something,” you muttered. 
“Y/N,” he said, staring you down. 
“You know how I feel about him, right?” You asked with a sigh. 
“Yeah,” he replied with a shrug.
”Well, that just makes it…hard to be around him right now. Or talk to him.”
Dean nodded slowly. “But, Y/N, this isn’t anything really new, is it?”
You let out a dry chuckle. “Well, it turns out my feelings aren’t so one-sided.”
”Well I coulda told you that,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Sam’s always been crazy about you.”
You nodded, pursing your lips. You gave him a minute to let what he was saying sink in. 
“Wait, if you know you like each other, why aren’t you together?”
”Because dating when you’re a hunter is a bad idea,” you said flatly.
”But…Danielle’s a…” he trailed off. “Oh.”
”Yeah. Oh.”
”I’m so sorry, Y/N/N. I wouldn’t have been so easy-going about her being here if I’d known,” he said, his eyes shining with regret.
”Don’t worry about it, De. I just…I need some space from him. I don’t think I can be his friend right now.” You felt your face crumple a bit as the words left your mouth. You sniffled, and you saw Dean’s eyes flash with a protective anger.
”I’ll knock some sense into him,” he said, his jaw ticking. 
“Dean, no. I’m a big girl. I don’t need you to beat up your brother for me,” you said with a chuckle. Dean really was your best friend outside of Sam, and you felt your heart swell a little at the thought of him siding with you over his own brother.
”Fine,” he sighed. “But Y/N, you say the word, and his ass is grass.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes, Dean’s antics cheering you up a little. “Got it.”
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It was a little harder to avoid Sam when he got back from his “mini-vacation.” He had clearly caught on to the fact that you didn’t want to hang out with him. Not that you were subtle. 
Whenever Sam walked into a room you were in, you mumbled some excuse and left. You could see that it was bothering him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. It’s not like he didn’t deserve it. 
He’d tried to talk to you about it a couple of times. You’d been able to avoid the conversation. 
Until now, that is.
”Y/N, stop.” He grasped your arm as you turned to leave the library. You’d come in from the kitchen and seen him there and immediately tried to escape. He was fast, though, and pulled you to a bookshelf, effectively cornering you.
You pulled your arm away from his hand as if he’d burned you. 
“What, Sam?” You asked with very little patience.
”What do you mean, ‘what’? You’ve been avoiding me for the better part of a month,” he replied, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Yeah, well, you’ve been busy,” you said, emphasizing the last word. 
“I’ve been here almost every day,” he said, clearly not getting what you were saying. “Why don’t you want to hang out with me? I miss you.”
You almost softened your resolve when he said that. But the pain that creeped in when you remembered Danielle put the wall right back up. If he couldn’t see what he’d done, you weren’t going to explain it to him.
”It’s nothing, Sam. I’ve just been busy, too.” You met his eyes but made sure to keep yours blank. He searched them for a moment. “Can I go now?” You asked. 
He nodded, a look of sadness on his face. You slipped past him and out of the library before you could change your mind. 
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A few more weeks went by and you could feel yourself becoming less and less like yourself. You continued to give Sam the cold shoulder, and it seemed he had given up trying to get you to talk, too. You spoke with him when it was essential for hunts, but rarely outside of that. 
Danielle had been joining many of your hunts and hanging around the bunker a lot. It was painful to see them together, but she really was a nice girl and a great hunter. It wasn’t her fault you were heartbroken. 
You breathed a sigh of relief when you heard Danielle wouldn’t be coming on the afternoon’s hunt. You were going to the next town over to take care of a vamp nest, which should have been quick and easy.
It wasn’t.
There were more vampires than any of you had thought. The three you killed easily were only a third of what the nest actually was. You each took on two more when they appeared. You could hear the sounds of Sam and Dean fighting theirs off as you lopped off the head of one of yours. The other one, though, got the jump on you. He threw you against the wall with unbelievable force, knocking the wind out of you. 
You laid crumpled on the floor, trying to get your bearings. You had hit your head, and you reached back to feel the bump, your hand coming back red with blood. Your back was screaming, and you could tell you’d at least bruised a few ribs. 
“Stupid girl,” the vampire said, closing in on you slowly. “You killed my family. That cannot stand.”
Your vision was becoming fuzzy around the edges, unconsciousness pulling at you. As the vamp leaned in, fangs bared, his eyes went wide just before his head was gone. It rolled to the floor and his body fell back with a loud thump on the floor. 
“Y/N! Y/N, are you okay?” Sam shouted. He was kneeling down in front of you where the vampire had just been. He held your shoulders and you blinked hard, trying to get your vision to clear. It was useless, though, and you felt yourself go limp before darkness took over.
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“Y/N. Y/N,” you heard as you opened your eyes. You blinked against the harsh light of the bunker’s kitchen. You were sat in a chair, Dean holding you up by your shoulders and lightly tapping your face.
”Y-Yeah,” you said, your head pounding. “I’m okay.”
”I’ll be the judge of that,” he replied. He checked you over and when you both agreed that you’d just been knocked out and probably had some bruised ribs, he gave you a glass of water and left to go shower. You were still sitting, and realized that Sam was leaning against the counter, staring at you.
“You scared me,” he said quietly.
You pursed your lips, shrugging. “I’m fine.”
”You’re not fine. We’re not fine,” he said, looking away and shaking his head. 
“Sam, don’t,” you said. You stood up and took a moment to steady yourself. 
“Just talk to me, Y/N!” He said, suddenly walking toward you.
”Why don’t you talk to your girlfriend, Sam?” You said, unable to hide the hurt from your voice. 
Sam’s eye met yours, a look of regret taking over.
“I made a mistake,” he said quietly. 
“You—you made a mistake.” You stated sarcastically. 
“Yeah, Y/N. I made a mistake starting a relationship with Danielle. I still have feelings for you,” he said. He lifted a hand like he wanted to touch you, but dropped it when he saw the look on your face.
You felt the rage bubbling up inside as you held back the tears forming the best you could.
”What do you want me to say, Sam?” You said through gritted teeth. “I’m not going to feel sorry for you.”
He swallowed, his soulful eyes meeting yours. 
“You did this to us, Sam. You chose to date her. You chose this.”
”We both agreed it was better not to try!” He argued. 
“No, Sam. You said it was better. I only went along with it because it was what you wanted! And then you decided to try with her!” You sucked in a breath as the tears fell in an attempt to calm yourself. “She is a good person, Sam. She doesn’t deserve less than one-hundred percent of you.”
You stepped forward, gripping his hand. You brought your eyes up to his. “Be the good man I know you are. Be with her.” You squeezed his hand once before dropping it. You brushed past him and down the hall to your room. Closing the door, you collapsed onto your bed and let the sobs escape. Some time later, you felt the bed dip behind you. You hadn’t even heard anyone come in over your sobs. So much for your hunter ears. 
You knew from the scent of whiskey, cologne, and motor oil that it was Dean, though. He put a hand on your shoulder and pulled you toward him, and you let him. You rested your head on his chest and gripped his shirt as you cried. He kept his arms around you and let you, shushing you and kissing the top of your head. After what felt like hours, you fell asleep surrounded by the comfort of your best friend.
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It had been a few hours since he’d seen you or Dean, so Sam decided to go looking for you. After looking in all the common areas of the bunker, he carefully opened the door to your room.
Dean met his eyes from his spot leaning against the headboard of your bed and Sam slid his gaze down, taking in your sleeping form. He could see that the space around your eyes was puffy from crying. He took a deep breath in, letting it out in a pained sigh. 
“She been asleep long?” He asked his brother.
Dean just shook his head. “She’s really out, though.”
”Sam, I don’t want to hear it,” Dean said, cutting him off. “Whatever bullshit reason you have for doing what you did—for doing this,” he said, nodding toward you with his head, “I don’t want to hear it.”
Sam bit the inside of his cheek and looked away, feeling the tears stinging the back of his eyes.
”What am I supposed to do, man?” He asked his big brother, his voice breaking slightly. “I love her.”
Dean’s eyes softened. “You do what’s right. You do what you always should have.”
”I can’t lose her,” Sam said quietly. He worried for a second that Dean wouldn’t know if he meant Danielle or you. 
“I get it,” Dean replied, and Sam wasn’t worried anymore. “But you have to decide what that means for you. Cause you can’t have it both ways.” He looked down at you again, effectively telling Sam that he was done talking. 
Sam left your room, closing the door quietly behind him. 
The right thing. He’d always tried to do the right thing. And look where it’d gotten him.
He knew what he was going to do, right or wrong be damned.
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You’d woken at some point to Dean sliding out from under you and covering you with your comforter. You were already falling back asleep as he kissed your head and said, “Sleep, sweetheart.”
Now you woke again. Your phone on your nightstand told you it was 11 AM. You’d slept for twelve hours. 
Everything from the night before came rushing back to you. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to calm yourself. Your head throbbed and your ribs ached as you got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom. You showered, the hot water stinging your head wound but soothing your sore muscles. You dressed in your leggings and a t-shirt before throwing one of Sam’s flannels over it. You may not have been his girlfriend—or even speaking to him—but you would be damned if you were going to give up the comfiest piece of clothing you’d stolen from him.
You padded down the hall to the kitchen, noticing how quiet the bunker was. You didn’t know where the brothers were, but decided not to worry about it before you’d even had some coffee. 
You walked into the library, intent on sitting in one of the overstuffed leather chairs by the bookshelves. You stopped, though, when you saw Sam sitting at one of the tables. He wasn’t pouring over any old tomes or looking at his laptop like usual. He was just sitting there, staring at his hands. He looked up then, and you knew he’d been waiting for you.
”Sam, please, I can’t do this again,” you said, not wanting to argue with him.
He stood, walking to you in two long strides and taking your mug, setting it down on the table nearest to you. You watched him in confusion as he came back to stand in front of you. 
“You said I was a good man, Y/N.” He grabbed each of your hands with his, his eyes never leaving yours. “But a good man wouldn’t have broken your heart.”
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes. “Sam—“
”Let me just say this, Y/N/N,” he said softly. You nodded for him to continue. 
“I was trying to do the right thing when I said we shouldn’t be together. I thought it would just be too hard, and I didn’t want to lose you. But being without you created this—this hole in me. So I tried to fill it. I distracted myself with Danielle. I didn’t even really want to be in a relationship with her. It’s not like I forgot what I had just said about dating as hunters. But it was different with her. The stakes weren’t as high.”
You watched him as he continued, his grip on your hands staying firm.
”She only eased the ache for a little bit, though. It always came back. It came back because you are what I need.
”When you got hurt on the hunt yesterday, my heart nearly stopped. It didn’t matter that we aren’t together. Losing you would ruin me, whether we’re together or not. 
“I broke up with Danielle this morning. Maybe that makes me a bad person. I don’t know. I don’t care, though. I’m so in love with you, Y/N. And I can’t go another minute without you in my life.”
Your heart thudded in your chest, and you could feel the tears leaking out of your eyes and down your cheeks. Sam lifted his hands to your face, his thumbs wiping the tears away. 
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he said when it was clear you were speechless. You nodded, finding it was the only thing you could manage at the moment. 
Sam smiled lightly and leaned in, bringing his lips to yours. In that moment it was like you had found everything that had ever been missing in your life. You were whole again. You brought your hands up around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair. He moaned, wrapping one arm around your back and pulling you flush to him. 
After a few moments he pulled away, his eyes searching yours. You realized you still hadn’t spoken. 
You smiled. “You are a good person, Sam. And I love you, too.”
His face lit up and he pulled you back in for another kiss. 
“Thank God,” you heard from the bottom of the stairs. Dean stood there holding a few takeout bags. “I couldn’t take any more of y’all’s drama.”
You rolled your eyes at your friend before turning back to Sam. “So, do you want to try this?” You asked cautiously.
”Try? No,” he replied. Your heart sank for a moment before he continued. “We’re doing this. You’re it for me, Y/N,” he said, placing a finger under your chin before bringing his lips to yours again. 
You smiled as he pulled away. “Guess we’re friends again,” you joked. 
“Nuh uh,” he said, pulling you close again. “You’re mine,” he whispered in your ear. It sent a shiver down your spine. 
“Then show me,” you whispered back. Next thing you knew, Sam had thrown you over his shoulder and was marching down the hall. 
“Guess I’ll see you guys later,” you heard Dean call with a chuckle. 
And as Sam tossed you gently on his bed and crawled up, hovering over you, you knew that he finally got it.
Being together was worth the risk.
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Forevers:@divadinag @lynne1993 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​  @onethirstyunicorn @sammykb1994 @lilulo-12 @mellorine-paprika @tranquility-or-chaos @collette04 @hoboal87 @chevyharvelle @miraclesoflove @defenderrosetyler @babypink224221 @calaofnoldor @beatifuldisaster018 @coffeebooksandfandom @supernatural3002 @lainxcas @mylovelydame21 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @lovely-lynns-likes @ppeachygemss @screechingartisancashbailiff @metalfangirl @vicmc624 @polina-93 @hobby27 @sexyvixen7 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @lyarr24 @amelia-song-pond @donnaintx @spnbaby-67 @traceyaudette @gh0stgurl @fiftyshadesgrl @tapedeck-hearts @lacilou @foxyjwls007 @stoneyggirl2 @kr804573 @cumuluscranium
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paperstorm · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand Characters: Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), TK Strand, Nancy Gillian (9-1-1 Lone Star), Mateo Chavez (9-1-1 Lone Star), Paul Strickland (9-1-1 Lone Star) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Romance, Coming Out, POV: Carlos Reyes, Carlos Reyes Needs a Hug (9-1-1 Lone Star), Demisexuality, Demisexual Carlos Reyes Summary:
TK leans in closer and rests his forehead against Carlos’s cheek, understanding that this is hard for him. Carlos is so heart-warmed by the gesture that it gives him the courage to say, “I’ve been reading about demisexuality. It’s this thing where …”
“I know what it means,” TK says softly, and thank God he does because Carlos isn’t sure he would have done justice to an explanation anyway. Not right now.
“I think … maybe I am. That. I didn’t think I was anything other than gay but then I was reading and some stuff started to make sense.”
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clowningaroundmars · 6 months
morales twins hcs
i'm absolutely in love with the idea of miles42 and miles1610 being twins, i'm so glad most of the fandom has basically adopted 42 lmao
some of my own twins headcanons, just random stuff to add onto other ppls hcs ive seen:
☆ 42 loves his mamí absolutely but def acts the most like his dad, and haaaates when anyone points it out. it's the most obvious when 42 gets mad, he sounds EXACTLY like his father then lol
☆ in fact, the twins polar opposite personalities is probs bc 1610 takes after his mom's temperament more, while 42 is as stoic, stubborn and slightly dorky as his dad is
☆ whenever the boys made each other cry (by accident or otherwise) they did the typical little kid thing and tried immediately comforting the other. now that they're older 1610 handles his emotions better and is mature when talking about them, but 42 is the one who comforts 1610 more often
more below ↓
☆ as well as staying on top of his academics, 42 also plays basketball and trains in a couple martial arts studios after school. 1610 is taller than 42 bc of the spider bite but 42 has always been slightly bigger and more muscular than 1610 since he's the athlete. whenever the family attends 42's boxing matches, jeff gets an overwhelming sense of deja vu from back when he attended his own brother's matches before
☆ they both got thru school p okay, not many incidents of bullying mostly bc if anyone did try, 42 would put a stop to that nonsense immediately. 42 loves his bro with his whole heart and was glad to pick a fight with anyone who gave him any trouble at all. the whole neighborhood knew it too bc the only person allowed to bully 1610 is 42 himself!
☆ in fact, 42 doesn't win the lottery to enter visions in the first place, which saddened both brothers when they found out. so because they're at separate schools now, 42 makes sure his twin knows that if any fuckery is afoot at visions that he'd be more than happy to roll up and dogwalk any fool who tries it. 1610 laughs him off but knows his bro has got his back for sure
☆ 42 likes to pretend 1610 is the nerdy one, but they are both very big anime and manga nerds. every time they hit up any bookstore, they both make a beeline for the manga section and argue over who's gonna read the newest one first (they have to share cuz those books cost some moneeyyyy, man)
☆ 1610 and 42 love their uncle to pieces, OFC. they both pick up separate traits from him, even. 42 was inspired to start martial arts and boxing from watching videos on old digital cameras that aaron hung onto thru the years. they were of a much younger aaron back in his boxing days, when his family went to his matches and recorded them from the seats. 1610 was inspired to pick up graffiti and then even started doodling in notebooks bc of aaron
☆ 1610 is def the social butterfly and easily the most popular kid on the block by virtue of how friendly and outgoing he is. 42 is more introverted and keeps a small circle of friends, but everyone is cool with him nonetheless since they fuck with his twin bro
☆ since 42 stays at home the most (lol he a homebody) he picks up cooking much better than 1610 thanks to him staying in the kitchen to help his mom make dinner while they watch telenovelas together. 42 also knows how to dance bachata and salsa much better than 1610 too
☆ both twins love physics and math but 42 is more hardware-inclined. 1610 is about software, data, and formulas. 42 is good at taking things apart, putting things together, building and engineering. he kinda takes after his uncle aaron that way, and drove his parents nuts as a lil kid when he got his hands on radios, computers, clocks, etc
☆ 1610 loves softer brighter music like JID, steve lacy, smino, frank ocean, kid cudi, post malone, and nujabes. 42 is always bumping harder shit like pop smoke, waka flocka, zillakami, three 6 mafia, benny the butcher and some oldies like paul wall, wu tang clan, biggie smalls, MF DOOM and big KRIT. they tease each other's music tastes a lot since they're polar opposites in almost every way
☆ they actually have a shared playlist where they add new music they like (probs on some e-1610 spotify or soundcloud equivalent since everything is slightly skewed on e-1610 tbh). both of them check it periodically, and 42 is the more frequent contributor
☆ they both make art but 1610 is the artsier kid for sure. 42 doodles occasionally but he's not as enthusiastic about it as his twin is. they both go around the city tagging walls whenever they have any free time, though. 1610 loves colors, expressive styles and is good at coming up with cool ways to draw text. 42's lines, accuracy and technical skill can never be beat
☆ 1610 has superpowers, sure, but his fighting skills are trash! 42 was always the scrappy one, not 1610, so he shows his twin how to properly throw punches and other useful fighting knowledge. it def comes in handy in the future
☆ jeff loves his sons to death but he often finds himself butting heads the most with 42 since they're so similar, it kinda drives them both nuts. it def gets worse once aaron starts gossiping abt what jeff used to be like when they were kids, giving 42 plenty of ammo. they love each other but their relationship is just as complicated as it is between jeff and 1610, and 42 would be lying if he said he wasn't affected by the rift between his dad and uncle himself
☆ the minute the twins turn 16, 42 goes out and gets his drivers license on the first try (computer quiz AND road test aced) and rubs it in 1610's face almost constantly. 1610 likes to throw back that there's no parking space for another car on their block, so he can't even get his own car even if he wanted to anyways
☆ whenever the boys really fight, the whole city seems to know. they squabble a lot obvi, they're brothers. but the very few times they've given each other the silent treatment like for real, everyone in the family tries to get them to make up since it's unsettling to see two peas in a pod be so hostile with each other
☆ and since they've always been attached at the hip, 1610 being enrolled into visions felt. weird. everyone thought 1610 was gonna take it the hardest but surprisingly 42 had a harder time adjusting since he always saw his bro in the hallways at school, and was so used to him knowing the latest gossip of anybody in their grade. without 1610 around as often, 42 becomes even more withdrawn than usual
rio looks up from the pot suddenly, glancing at the time. dinner was almost ready and she… hadn't seen not hide nor tail of her son this evening. he returned home from school a couple hours earlier, choosing to skip going to his boxing class to shut himself in his room.
fine. teenagers can be moody sometimes and rio would rather keep her moody son at home where she can keep an eye on him, rather than worry about what he's getting up to on the streets.
strange thing is, though... rio hadn't heard a single noise come out of that room all night. 42 usually liked to have at least some music playing, maybe video game noises out of his nintendo... oh, what was it called again? whatever, that nintendo thing he played on sometimes.
rio placed the lid on the pot and lowered the flame a bit before making her way over to her twin sons' bedroom door, hesitating a bit when she noticed no light was filtering out from the bottom either. okay... that was weird, too. neither of her sons ever went to bed before dinner. ever.
the one time rio dared to try and send her sons to bed without dinner years ago-- as punishment for fighting right there in the kitchen that time-- both twins hollered so loud they got concerned knocks on their front door from various different neighbors. never again, rio remembered thinking that time.
now, the bedroom door stands oddly quiet and completely hollow without any signs of life behind it. rio knocked anyways, hoping against hope itself that 42 didn't go ahead and sneak out of the house without her knowledge. if he did sneak out, he's grounded for 3 months, rio thinks to herself mostly as reassurance. she nervously picks at a nail and strains to hear anything behind the wood.
she thinks she hears a groan and decides to try her luck by slowly opening the door. hopefully he's not in there... y'know, doing teenage boy things, either. dios mío.
rio swings the door open to...
...a completely pitch-black room, save for the sliver of streetlight filtering in past a crack in the window curtains and casting an eerie yellow glow on anything it could touch. it is cold, and also deathly quiet.
rio is shocked.
she walks over to the right side of the room where 42's bed is pushed up against the corner, next to the windows. on that bed lies a big lump, buried under several layers of blankets. the lump stirs.
rio crosses her arms. "mijo, mi amor. are you sleeping? …pero qué te pasa, papí?"¹
42 rolls onto his back and glares sleepily at his concerned mother standing at his bedside. it's dark in the room, but rio's face is illuminated by the living room lights pouring in from the open door. she's wearing a tilted smile, but coupled with the worry lines on her forehead, it isn't fooling anyone.
42 slowly closes his eyes, chin still under the covers, and lets out the most world-weary sigh rio has ever heard coming out of someone as young as him. if it weren't coming from her own son, she might have even laughed.
she immediately sits down, lifting the cover off of 42's chin to check his temperature all over his face. he tries to wriggle away.
"maaaaaa, stop..." he grumbles, trying to pull the covers up higher over his head. "'m not sick, mamí, forreal… chill."
rio leans on a hand. "¿si no 'ta enfermó pues qué es?² what's wrong?"
42 doesn't answer for a bit and rio exhales through her nose. " 'moré, what are you doing in this pitch-black room all by yourself? no light, no music, no nothing. what's wrong? you look like you're on a death bed!"
42 finally opens his eyes again, and blinks a few times as he says, "nothing, ma. seriously, i'm just... tired. that's all. i'm fine."
"you don't look 'fine' 42, you look like 2 seconds away from flatlining."
another sigh from the boy. rio rolls her eyes and places her hand on his forehead again, then strokes his cheek.
"is it 1610? hmm?" rio asks 42. she asks so unbelievably gently, as if by only mentioning his brother's name she would shatter something in the room. a mirror or something.
42's heart clenches at the love and care his mother is showing around this particular topic. it was true, and he couldn't even deny it. having 1610 in the house less and less every week, not seeing him in the hallways at their local high school, receiving sparser and shorter replies to his texts... it was all building up in his chest and the dam was pretty close to bursting. especially now as his mom was lovingly stroking his cheek as she checked in with him. how embarassing. rio wouldn't see him cry, not right now. he closed his eyes and willed the tears away, for her sake.
miraculously, 42's voice didn't crack or waver when he said, "yeah. yeah, i miss 'im."
rio crooned something saccharine in spanish and placed a kiss on her son's forehead. she saw right through his cold tough guy act, as expected. with how much of a mama's boy 42 was, it would've been impossible not to. they spent way too much time together for her to miss how he dragged his feet getting ready for school in the mornings, how he's been skipping martial arts and basketball practice more often lately, and how unenthusiastic he's been in general.
rio chuckles as she lays her cheek on 42's forehead for a second before sitting back up. "ay, bendito. 42, you know your brother is just down a few blocks from here. why don't you go visit him soon?"
42 shuffles under the covers. he's unsure if he should even admit this, but he proceeds anyways. "uhm. he's not answering my texts lately, so." he feels strangely guilty about this, like he just snitched on his twin somehow even though he has no reason to suspect that at all.
rio sighs and looks off into the distance, bracing herself for what she's about to say. she looks back down. "yeah. i know. he doesn't answer mine, either. i was hoping he was talking to you, but... well. "
something in 42 stirs a bit. "i bet he thinks he's in some fancy private school, around rich kids, now he's too good for us," it's a weak attempt at a joke, but rio smiles down at him anyways.
"don't worry. the second he gets home this weekend, he's on house arrest. okay? he's gonna be chained to you the whoooole time. and i'm keepin' watch."
it's not much, but 42 still takes that little bit of hope and holds it gently in his mind.
"the second he walks through that door, i'm tackling him. i don't care." 42 smiles at the thought.
rio laughs, kisses his forehead again and stands up. "dinner is almost ready, by the way." she gives him a look. "you better eat with me tonight, because your brother is at school and your dad is doing overtime tonight. okay? okay."
42 sighs deeply to wake himself up a bit more as he sits up and scratches at his durag. "yeah, yeah. 'm comin', ma!"
¹ "but what is going on with you, papí?" (papí being a common term of affection for a boy in spanish, it doesn't always mean "dad" lol)
² "if you're not sick, then what is it?"
☆ until they get "too old" for halloween, the morales twins ALWAYS wear matching costumes. every year. every single year, no matter what. what they usually end up wearing changes every year and they aaaaaalways argue over it, of course. notable costumes so far: batman and superman (age 13), two ninja turtles (age 9) (im thinking mikey and donatello bc of personality but lbr rio most likely forbade either of them to be leonardo bc the twins would deadass get into a fist fight over it), tom and jerry (age 2), mario and luigi (age 7), woody and buzz (age 5), peter pan and captain hook (age 10), and-- rio's favorite-- thing 1 and thing 2 (age 4)
☆ 42 was surprisingly always very popular with the girls at school. in middle school, 1610 was the geeky one with braces and acne. 42 got off relatively easy in that regard and as a result was labeled "a heartbreaker" from the jump, which annoyed him. he has no interest in dating whatsoever and swore to never get into a relationship before graduating high school. he's got his mom and brother to take care of and he's going places after high school, damnit! 1610 on the other hand is a huge romantic and has a crush on a new person almost every year of school, easily
☆ the literal second 1610 set foot in the house after his spider bite, 42 was all over him asking a million questions since they both have that supernatural twintuition, and 42 sussed him out immediately. 1610 obviously had to come clean and tell his brother he was spiderman just like he told ganke, otherwise he was never gonna be able to change into his spider suit at home (plus they share a room, so. there's that)
1610 didn't even get to close their bedroom door all the way before his twin leaped up from his own bed and stalked over.
"óye, bro. what's up? what happened at visions?" 42 circled his brother, squinty-eyed in the exact same way their mom is when she's suspicious. 1610 dropped his bag next to his bed and plopped down on his sheets, trying to put some distance between them.
"uhhhh what're you talkin' about?" he tries casually, and immediately regrets it.
"uhhhhh what're you talkin' about?" 42 mocks. "don't play dumb with me. you KNOW what i'm talkin' about, stupid. first, you answer, like, none of my texts ever. then dad comes home sayin' you never let him talk face-to-face when he visited you a couple days ago. mamí has been texting and calling you nonstop, no answer either. you are a brand new person now, huh? qué te pasa, yo?"
1610 hunched his shoulders as he got up and slumped over to his desk. he was quietly weighing his options, nervously rearranging papers and sketches on the wooden table, wondering how he was going to break it to his brother that he was--
"lemme guess. you have superpowers now," 42 says easily. he crosses his arms triumphantly when big round amber eyes suddenly turn up to his face.
1610 searches his face for any hint of a joke. no... no way. did his brother just...?
"you're playin' with me. no way. how did you--?"
42's eyes widen. "wait, are you being deadass right now?" he threw his head back and crowed with laughter. "that was just a guess!"
1610 leaped forward and pushed his hand onto 42's mouth, shutting him up. "heeyyy hey hey hey hey shhhhh, man. damn, could you possibly be any louder? look," he took his twin by the shoulders and gave him a slight shake, lowering his voice to a near whisper. "mom and dad can never know anything about this. okay? anything. not a word, you understand?"
42 pushes his brother off. "ok-ay man, cool it. i promise. we can shake on it, even."
wordlessly, they did their super secret handshake they came up with and perfected in the 4th grade in lieu of hooking their pinkies together. it was the morales shake, a move that binds them to secrecy and keeping promises til death. this was serious business. 1610 relaxes a bit once they're done.
"... okay. and i mean it, pencil braids. if you even breathe a word about this, or even think about--!"
"if you don't just tell me already, goddamn."
with a meaningful look thrown at his brother's way, 1610 raises an arm silently. 42 looks back expectantly.
1610 shoots a web up. he jumps up, using the web as a bungee rope to help him flip and land feet-first onto the ceiling. once his sneakers touch their ceiling, he stands up... upside-down. he stares at his brother and his brother stares back, mouth agape.
"niiiiiiice," 42 leans back and grins up at his twin brother, spiderman.
☆ 1610 is glad he has someone besides ganke to talk to about spiderman stuff, though. his brother listens way more attentively than his roommate anyways, and even tries to help sometimes esp when 1610 needs a quick distraction so he can switch from spiderman back into his regular clothes before the parents notice
☆ 42 is surprisingly cool abt his twin bro being spiderman, actually. even when they're texting 42 is careful not to imply 1610 is spiderman, and often calls stuff in to the police station if 1610 webs anyone up and lets him know. he also gets very good at bandaging up wounds quickly
☆ 42 is a hardass on the outside and contains his emotions much better than his twin, but he's kinda different around his family, since he loves them a lot. he jokes around a lot with them, esp around 1610. they also love pranking their parents, and are p creative at coming up with ways to make everyone laugh
☆ i personally picture 42's personality being sort of like huey's from the boondocks, especially around other adults. he becomes withdrawn and speaks very clearly and directly, and is very shy around strangers. some ppl mistake that as him having an attitude problem but his friends and family know better. only difference between huey and 42 is that 42 isn't nearly as woke lmfao
☆ meanwhile, 1610 becomes a motormouth around strangers and is quick to hug and kiss random family members at family reunions. as a lil kid, he'd always be the one up at the counter ordering for the both of them and chatting with the cashiers, or bus drivers, or whoever. as he gets older and used to the spiderman thing, he chats and jokes with randoms a lil less. he has to save the good material for when the mask is on
☆ 42 is a better writer than he is an artist, actually. he has notebooks filled with poetry and lyrics he scribbles down on post-it notes just to stick them in there for safekeeping. he's also been working on a sci-fi story since he was in 6th grade in absolute secrecy; he doesn't want a single soul to see it. he'd be mortified if anyone saw the nerdy shit he comes up with
☆ even tho 1610 has never fought anyone or been scrappy with anyone else, he's very good at wrestling and dodging punches thanks to his brother.
☆ 42 is the more fashion-inclined twin, even tho they're both sneakerheads. 42 just pays more attention to accessories, the fit of his clothing, how to pair the right shoes with the right jacket. 1610 throws on anything comfortable and calls it a day, and it gets even worse after he becomes spiderman. 42 clowns his brother SO HARD after he finds him wearing yellow sweatpants with an oversized red adidas hoodie and a green puffer jacket once (it was when 1610 came home from fighting a shapeshifting lizard that tried to take over cypress hills. the sweatpants were on backwards)
☆ 1610's sense of humor is geeky and he always tries too hard with his quips and jokes. he usually gets "secondhand embarrassment" chuckles from ppl. 42's style of comedy is a mix of dry humor and unintentionally being funny. this dude will say something clever with the straightest face ever and have the ENTIRE room in stitches without even meaning to
☆ just to nail home how different they are, even tho they share a room, you can tell EXACTLY which half of their room begins and ends. 1610's half is cluttered, vibrant, covered in posters and action figures, collages and trinkets on every available surface. 42's is as clean as a hospital room, and he ALWAYS makes his bed every morning. 42 has a poster or 2 hung up but he's not much for decorating in general. he's more into alphabetizing his bookshelf and looking for more efficient storage to put under his bed
☆ when jeff looks at his sons, he sees aaron and himself and sometimes it scares him. when the boys were around 12 (the Evil Year) he made SURE to sign them up for camp trips that summer and keep them close together as much as possible. he hates to see his boys drift apart at all and is the 1st one to call it out if he sees it. he just doesn't want his boys to end up like he and his brother did…
☆ … and then other times? it genuinely makes him feel a combination of irritation and also fondness bc sometimes 1610 and 42 really really remind him of aaron and himself, esp when they were young. ESPECIALLY when they argue. in every playful slap on the shoulder, every arbitrary competition started out of nowhere, every sleepy brother slowly sliding onto the other's shoulder during nighttime car rides, he sees it. he sees them, and then he sees his past. and with every little difference between the boys slowly cracking open like a chasm with each passing day, sometimes he thinks he can even see his future.
☆ 42 is cool or whatever but i also hc he's kinda… weird sometimes. it gets worse when his twin bro goes off to visions, he keeps staring at walls while sitting in dark rooms and eating at weird hours of the day. rio caught him fast asleep practically hanging off the window sill one night, and another time jeff found him having an entire conversation with a brick wall once while on patrol. 42 refuses to answer any questions
☆ after 1610 gets into visions, becomes spiderman, tells his parents abt his plans to go to princeton, etc... 42 eventually starts feeling a type of way (a jealous way…) their parents also seem to pay attention to 1610 more whenever he's home just to add insult to injury. he knows he's not supposed to, but he often finds himself thinking about the prowler gloves and schematics aaron left behind. he managed to grab them and hide them in a gym bag one day while helping his parents clear out aaron's apartment. the tech currently lives under his bed…
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ghost-bxrd · 10 months
Was rereading What you're looking for (you claim to abhor) and I just realized I'm a little confused on whether Jason is aware that Damian is Bruce's kid or not? Does he just think Talia had a child with someone and ended up bonding with Damian, hence he has a little brother? Or is he aware that Talia has been hiding Damian from Bruce and is too preoccupied with the whole "my family thinks i'm my own boyfriend" mess that the thought of mentioning Damian just hasn't come up?
Yes Jason is aware!
Talia never kept it a secret from him. When she took Jason in after some League operatives found him wandering around Gotham following his resurrection she only waited long enough to ascertain that he wouldn’t pose a threat to a vulnerable kid before introducing them to each other.
Jason was still mostly catatonic at the time so his memories of meeting Damian for the first time are a bit foggy, but after he was submerged in the Pit and Talia caught him up on everything she also informed him of Dami’s lineage.
Jason’s wasn’t really intent on spending time with Damian for a while after that (mostly because he didn’t remember his time before the Pit at all for a few months yet and partly because… well, he was afraid that someone looking like Bruce might trigger the Pit rage).
Damian, true to fashion, stayed away from Jason for a solid two days before he snuck away from the heavily protected Al Ghul quarters and marched through Nanda Parbat all by himself to find his self proclaimed brother.
Jason was both appalled and impressed when he found the kid fighting off two would-be assassins just outside his room. (Talia was mildly miffed that the assassins were already dead by the time she caught up to Damian)
Damian and Jason frequently trained together after that, a lot of times even with Talia personally when she wasn’t yet convinced Jason would be capable of protecting both himself and Damian from tutors who would wish them harm.
Soon the two became virtually inseparable and Jason got promoted quickly first to Damian’s personal bodyguard, then to General of the Shadows and eventually got officially adopted by Talia al Ghul in a ceremony where Ra’s also gave his consent.
Oh wow ok that got off topic real quick I’m so sorry. I’ll just leave this here anyway.
But to answer the last question: 50/50
On one hand Jason is pretty preoccupied with the whole Gotham Drama, on the other hand he never had any intention to tell Bruce about Damian in the first place. As far as he’s concerned, Damian is way better off in the safety of Nanda Parbat with a kickass mom and a homicidal grandad, far, FAR away from Bruce’s crusade and his tendency to put kids in suits.
I hope that answers it 💚💚💚
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jalicecookie · 27 days
Spider web Pattern
As the newest Carmine Family member, you wake up from your Nap and meet Zestial for the first Time.
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It was quiet when you opened your red eyes and the only light source in the room gave a little bit of light through the half-drawn curtain on the window.
Why were you lying in your bed? Hadn't you just been playing with your big sisters Odette and Clara? The older girls had brought you a new stuffed animal from one of the shops in town and you excitedly showed the stuffed animal so many rooms in the big house and then... you woke up in your room. How very mysterious.
"Deedee? CeCe?" - you slide closer to the bars of your bed. Mommy said that when you're a little older, you can sleep in a bed for big kids and that the bars will protect you from falling out of bed while you sleep. Sometimes you try to climb over the edge of the bed, but you've never managed it.
It takes a lot of effort. So you hope that Odette or Clara hear your questioning calls. Of course, you don't call them by their real names, but rather come up with more childish nicknames.
And Deedee and CeCe knew that they were meant. Were their sisters nearby? A few moments passed in silence.
You kicked the blanket forward a little, supported yourself with your little hands on the fabric of the mattress and took a few wobbly steps closer to the bars to put your hands around them and cast a sleepy glance into your room. You could see that the door to the room was ajar and the light in the hallway was also on. Did you take a nap?
"Mommy?" - you now try your luck and call your mother's name. Sometimes you call her Mami or Mamá or Mommy.
But this call also went unheard and now that you were a little more awake and didn't want to stay in your bed any longer, you made another attempt to climb over the edge of the bed.
You stand on your tiptoes and try to grab the edge with your hands, slip a few times and land on your bottom. It's a good thing your diaper slowed your impact.
But how do you proceed with this problem? Your gaze goes to the pillows and the blanket in your crib. With effort you move, pull and push everything as close to the bars as possible, build a small tower out of it and climb to the top as best you can and hold on.
You stand on your tiptoes again as best you can, and can now swing one leg over the edge and then, with effort, the other. You land awkwardly on the floor again.
But you did it, and for the very first time! You absolutely had to tell your sisters!
"Raccoon too! Come too. We're looking for CeCe, DeeDee and Mommy!" - you went to the small table in your room, grabbed your raccoon stuffed animal and padded towards the open door.
You're not actually allowed to leave the room if no one from your family is around and near the many steps where there were no safety gates, it was also a thing.
Mommy had always told you that you were still too small to go up and down the stairs alone without adult supervision.
But you were curious and the pride of being able to climb out of your bed alone caused you to generously ignore this rule.
Full of energy, you ran out of your room with your raccoon stuffed animal and wanted to get closer to the stairs on the floor that were not baby-proof when you heard your mother's muffled voice from near her office.
Sometimes when you got a time out , because you tried to hit DeeDee , because she was being really mean or because you threw the food off the small plate of your high chair in a fit of rage, your mother carried you into her office and you had to sit on a stool for exactly 2 minutes and think about what you did wrong.
Often you cry when mommy leaves the office and after you apologize, there are lots of hugs and comforting kisses from your mother and everything is fine again. You knew exactly where Carmilla Carmine's office was.
You approach with clumsy, uncertain steps and are just about to push open the door, which is also only open a bit, when it is ripped open from the inside and a large spider-like demon steps out of the door.
You have to tilt your head back to look up at him. And surprise is reflected in the look of the strange demon.
"You must be the little child that Carmilla just told me about? Did you leave your room or do you already have the gift of teleportation?"  - Zestial said in an old dialect, who was now eyeing you with interest and bend down   a bit,  so that he is  not so scary to you any more.
You hug your raccoon closer to you and look at this stranger with surprise and curiosity.
Why was he here? And did mommy know him? And.....oooooh what a pretty pattern on the lower part of his coat. There were spider web patterns in the colors yellow and red.
"Pretty dress!" -  you said delightedly and you crouched down on the floor and your free hand tried to reach for the spider web pattern on Zestial's coat, fascinated.
¡Bebé no! Ven aqui con mami y deja en paz a Zestial" - Carmilla spoke to you in Spanish.
You could understand a few words.....but from your mommy's strict tone and voice you knew you hadn't done something right.
"It's all right Carmilla, the little creature was interested in the spider web pattern on my coat. If you're careful, little girl, you can touch the fabric", Zestial raised a calming hand and you carefully grabbed the fabric, made a high squeaky noise and gave Zestial a big smile.
"Mommy there! Pretty dress! Wanna same one mommy?"  - you said happily and addressed the words to Carmilla, who had also come out of her office in the meantime and picked you up with a practiced, flowing movement.
"It's a coat Bebé and not a dress. And it would be appropriate,  if you thanked Zestial, normally an Overlord is not so friendly and lets his coat be touched", Carmilla said to you and you looked from your mommy to Zestial, who had now straightened up again and was watching the interaction between mother and child with interest.
"Thank you... raccoon and I like... coat-dress-pretty!" -  you said with a childish laugh.
Zestial nodded briefly and then addressed the following words to Carmilla.
"It was a pleasure, as always, to pay you a visit, old friend. And to meet the newest addition to the family"
"You are welcome anytime, Zestial"
You play with your stuffed animal in your mother's arms , while the adults exchange further short conversations and you think about the name.
It was a nice name. Z-E-S-T-I-A-L. And the demon was nice to her and to your raccoon stuffed animal.
"Bye-bye Zestiaa", you called out friendly , as the spider demon walked towards the stairs that led to the basement.
You look at your mother and remember the great news that she wanted to share.
You didn't hear Zestial's amused, quiet laugh.
But Carmilla promised you , that she would take a few precautions so that your climbing action ,wouldn't happen again.
"....and now you can help mommy prepare dinner, OK? Odette and Clara are still delivering a custom-made weapon... you fell asleep while playing and Odette put you in your bed,  while I spoke to Zestial"
And with these words, your mother made her way to the kitchen with you in her arms, where you were placed in the high chair, which was safe from escape plans for the time being, and so you and your stuffed animal were able to watch as your mother prepared dinner.
¡Bebé no! Ven aqui con mami y deja en paz a Zestial
= Not baby! Come here to mommy and leave Zestial alone
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skepticdoe · 2 months
tell me your fav South Park ship and why you ship it!!
I personally always have and always will be a style shipper but I do dabble in k2 and stenny and cryle and sometimes even stylenny if I really feel like it!!
I do love kenjorine/bunny tho definitely one of my favs (short Kenny tall marj/butters supremacy <3)
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totallyradicalmucky · 3 months
Storytime (fluff)
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Once again I have written this POS at like 2am. So it’s probably completely incomprehensible, but fuck it we ball. There’s not enough ATHF fics anyways.
Shake strained, gripping the door as tightly as he could. Gritting his teeth to nullify his voice, which hardly could qualify as a whisper like he thought it would.
“How. Long. Is he going to just lie there?”
“Quiet boy. He..he said that the doctor said that he needed to get some rest. And ..so we had to be quiet..so- so that. He could get some rest.”
Meatwad looked into the darkened room, standing just underneath Shake to peer in aswell- he lurches back when Shake closes the door suddenly. His face marginally darker, looking angry as usual. If he could cross a pair of arms he would.
“Well- I’m tired of waiting. I’m hungry. And..I’m bored. There’s nothing on the TV. Who’s gonna read ME- a story? Huh? Not you. What’s uh- How long until Frylock gets better?”
The milkshakes tone broke for just a moment, looking at Frylock’s plain door with a pout. Almost upset. Meatwad just stared up at Shake confused by the rapid change in emotion and replied as honestly he could.
“I dunno...uh..Why don’t we go ask Carl? He can read us a story. That boy got all kinda cool stuff.”
Shake seemed to immediately lighten up at the mention of their neighbor. Almost going to yell something, but forcing himself not to in almost a strain. He made his way outside to the lawn, Meatwad in tow. Quietly rolling along as they “walked” to Carls front door and obsessively knocked on it.
“God. How could I forget! Carl- oh great gods Carl. My one true neighbor, Carl! How does one spend a day without CARL. COME OUT HERE!”
He eventually answered, aggravated like always. Shake equally so since the jersey man had taken so long. Carl’s hands on his hips, he sighed as he was ready for whatever they wanted to drag him into for today.
“Whaddya want.”
Meatwad was the first to pipe up. Especially since Shake was too focused on trying to explode Carl with his mind. The stink eye from the cup really having no effect on the human.
“Frylock’s takin’ a nap cuz the uh, the doctor said he’s uh sick so.. he can’t read us a story.”
Carl looked throughly unimpressed, suppressing a snort.
“So..ya want me. To read you guys..a story?”
In unison, they both agreed, multiple times. Then they started to beg, overshadowing what Carl had to say afterwards until he started to quiet the two food items.
“Now, now, I’m not reading anything until- well uh- I’m not reading in the first place! let’s just get that out of the way. But uh-either way. What does Fryman even have? Like uh what’s he sick with?”
The two talked amongst eachother for a moment, with Carl standing there idly. Shake takes a deep breath and moves forward onto the man’s concrete step, looking Carl deep in the eyes.
“…We don’t really know.”
The cup shrugs. Carl pinches the bridge of his nose, frustrated as he caves in. Moving the two out of the way so he can make his way to the side window of their house, having memorized which window leads to what room at this point. Peeping in on Frylock’s room while the two scramble up next to him, not caring much about personal space. Testing Carl’s patience.
“You think he’s got some super mega virus? It would explain his behavior..and why he’s always been so mean.”
“Yeah, mean to you son. Cause…cause you’re a loser.”
“Do you hear this …slander- Carl? I think Frylock got to him. We may have to put him down”
“What! NO!”
Carl shoves the both of them away from the window. Turning to lean against the house’s wall.
“Shuddup. What did the uh.. doctor- tell you? And dont touch me. I don’t know if whateva yous two got there is contagious.”
Shake rolls his eyes, annoyed by the question.
“Doctors are hacks! They scammed us. He was in there for a few minutes, and he came out only for them to tell us he was cold. You don’t need a doctor to tell you that, and-“
Meatwad looks between the two, watching Carl slowly get up and leave to his house and Shake continue confidently ranting to the wall. The Jersey man rifled through a cabinet until he found his cold medicine, causally walking into the always-unlocked front door of his neighbor’s house. Meatwad rolling in behind him as he was about to enter Frylock’s room.
“What’re you doin.”
“Oh. Uh, delivering some medication from the doctor to your friend here.”
“We can’t afford no medication.”
“The uh- medication fairy brought it. Yeah.”
“Boy I know there ain’t no medication fairy. Don’t play around with me, and give it to me straight.”
“I am ..going to give Fryman some medication..from my house. So that yous, and cup out there- leave me alone. Okay?”
“Oh well that’s real sweet of you Carl, thank you.”
The man grimaced at the meatball before slipping into Frylock’s room to flick him awake. Having second thoughts about giving the weird food guy his medication, but these go away as soon as he hears the dry “thank you” come from his throat. Mumbling a “don’t mention it” himself and exiting quickly, but not before pointing out Shake. Who was staring worriedly through the window and scampered away as soon as Frylock looked over.
They all sat in the living room. Frylock still resting quietly in his room, Carl for some reason ..still hanging around. Meatwad spoke up again, as always.
“So..when he wakes up, does uh..does that mean he’s gonna be all better then?”
“Nah, a cold usually takes a couple days to get betta from. But with this crap? Oh he’ll be a new Fryman in like, 3 days max.”
“Three days is still too looooonggg Carl I can’t survive without being read stories…my stories ohhh my stories….Carl.”
“We dunno how t’ cook either.”
“That too. That’s a… good point actually. I do know how to make lasagna..but that’s really it.”
Carl covers his face with his hands. Even though he knows he’ll stay anyways and have sorta a good time, these guys are fuckin idiots. He wonders where they even keep their books..if they even have them. Just to pass the time till Fryman gets up.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Hello there
I would like to request a namor x reader where she is youngest child of the wakandan royal family and they tend to look over her sometimes or A LOT so when attuma n namora ambush the crew on the bridge she volunteers herself to be taken to protect her sibling and Riri as well as come to a diplomatic solution.
When Nakia finally rescues her, namor vows to go retrieve her by any means necessary
Oooh,,, I like this idea!! 👀💞💓
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Pairing: Namor x youngest royal!sibling
You knew the risks of taking this mission, but there was a determination to prove yourself. It seemed simple at first. Get the young scientist, keep her safe, and move on from there.
Despite the risk of encountering Namor on the shore and now escaping those hot on your trail, you couldn’t let that deter you or risk your mother’s nerves.
Seemed simple enough, right?
At least that’s what you thought at first. Lying face down on the asphalt was the irony of this whole situation. You had seen Okoye give it to her last in defending you and Shuri, but you had to think fast.
You could see your sister Shuri’s hand starting to gain movement, but you saw the two elite warriors with their band advancing towards Riri. It had to be quick and now, or else you would regret this.
Coming to a wobbly stance, you faced the ones called Attuma and Namora.
“I’ll go.” You offered to them. “I’ll go with you…,don’t hurt her.”
Both looked at each other inquisitively before the taller one summoned their steed and brought you and Riri forward. Hoping they wouldn’t notice, you left behind the bracelet as means to track you.
Before the darkness of the waters consumed the group, you whispered a small prayer to Bast but you didn’t know what for exactly. Strength? Clarity?
Anything seemed feasible at this point.
Back home, your Queen Mother’s grief knew no bounds. Still, it would not deter her from getting you, youngest of the family, back to safety.
In Talokan, the nerves of your entire being were sharper than any knife. Sure this king and leader of his people was charismatic, but you still couldn’t form an opinion about Namor. Especially when the young girl’s life depended on you.
“Why do you look at me like that?” He asked upon your quick introduction.
Poker face may not have been your strong suit but you mastered it on impulse.
“Like what?”
“As if you are afraid. I do not wish to harm you, but I have my loyalties to protect those who rely on me. By any means.”
You sighed heavily. “That’s what I’m afraid of. What if we came to an agreement? Me, in the place of the scientist. But please, let me see my family as well. I know they’ll be worried for me.”
His face seemed unreadable at first but underneath that facade was a growing curiosity. If this was under different circumstances, Namor would have wanted to get to know you. A bright mind with a promise that glimmered in your eyes. He admired your spirit. Maybe there could be a chance still…
In his invitation to explore Talokan, you were amazed. It was beautiful. Intricate architecture and a liveliness that reminded you of home. Such beauty
Namor watched your reaction with softness. Once this was all over, he’d give anything to see that smile of yours again. In gifting you the bracelet of his mother and a necklace personally crafted for you as well, Namor dared to have hope that there could be a future.
You thought the same too. It was a relief to see you and Riri’s savior in Nakia, but it felt sudden to be reunited with your family so swiftly. You were grateful to be back with your family, but it felt jarring to be taken back so soon.
Upon hearing of your rescue, Namor’s heart became caged by its walls again. It felt foolish and naive of him to even think that—
No matter. He would return to have you back again, or if you wised it, to come and go as you pleased. You let him think there could be a possibility for anything and the surface world’s forces would not take that away.
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
Forever has been in the Nether... He doesn't know how long he's been there, to be honest. There's no day and no night, he just eats when he's hungry and digs out a hole to sleep in when he's tired. He fights monsters, he wanders, and he searches for the eggs - he lost Walter Bob some time ago, and hasn't seen a friendly being since.
So he wanders, and he wanders, and he wanders... Until there, at the entrance to a cave, he sees a small boy with a sword.
An egg, a child, not his own child, but one of them! Forever... Forever found Chayanne. And if Chayanne is here, surely the others cannot be far?
"Chayanne!" he calls, running closer. "Chayanne, are you okay? Are you hurt? Where is everyone?"
His response is a growl, and rocks being pelted at his knees. Some are sharp, one is especially heavy. Forever tries to approach, only to end up with tiny fists batting into his legs.
Chayanne seems to have not a sword, but a knife. Maybe blades hidden between fingers; blood drips down Forever's leg.
"Fuck, shit, Chayanne, Chayanne, it's me, stop hitting!" He does his best to plead. "It's Forever!"
He's almost surprised when the repetitive pain stops. The little dragon egg, battered and dirty, stares at him a moment, before grabbing his hand.
"There we go, I-" Forever is cut off as Chayanne yanks him into a cave, down a tunnel, into lava-lit chasm.
He hears Tallulah before he sees her, choked up and wheezing breaths loud and struggling in the heat. Shit, shit, all the dust, all the fire… Her lungs are already weak…
Forever is scrambling for his backpack, looking for the inhalers Phil had forced on him when he first started babysitting. It had seemed excessive at the time, but here in the Nether… he isn't sure there are enough.
Chayanne sees what is in Forever's hand, however, and any doubt he still had seems to flee. Where he had been tugging him along before, Philza's son was now almost desperate in his pulling.
He finds Tallulah curled between three rocks, hidden from almost every angle, and choking on her own throat.
"Tallulah," he drops to his knees beside her, tugging her to sitting and putting her inhaler to her mouth. "Deep breath, Little One. Tio is here."
It takes her a moment, but she manages one breath, then another. She's crying now, tears quickly evaporating in the heat.
Her breath still catches.
He pulls the inhaler away, shakes it, tries again. It has to work, it has to, his Little Princess… It has to.
He ends up tossing the device to one side in frustration. Chayanne goes after it, panicked, until he sees another in Forever's hand.
Maybe… Maybe that one had just been used too much already? Maybe this one would work?
It has to - Forever wouldn't know how to cut her throat open well enough to not kill her/
One puff, two-
Tallulah falls limp against him.
For a terrifying few seconds he thinks he has failed, that he was too late, only for her to squirm, burying her face in his chest. Her breathing is not quite even - if he listens hard, he can still hear a wheeze over the popping of the lava - but she is breathing.
Chayanne, nearby, grabs her hands and presses close.
Forever uses the reprieve to tear up some of the cleaner parts of his shirt. It's not a lot - it's barely anything - but he fashions it into a bandana, and helps the egg get it over her face.
She leans away just long enough to let him put it on, before pulling herself and Chayanne back into his chest. Soon enough his shirt is growing wet from not one but two spots.
"You're okay," Forever shakes as he holds both children tight. "Tio's here, you'll be okay now. We're okay, we're okay."
He rocks them both as he tries to convince himself that is true.
Tries to convince himself he cannot feel his own tears drying up on his cheeks.
Richas is still missing - Leo, Dapper, Pomme and Ramon too - bur for now, he clings to the eggs that are here, and tries to remember to breathe.
--- Forever doesn't find the next of the children - they find him. Or, well, Ramon does, barrelling around the corner in a manic dash. It's Chayanne who Ramon lays eyes on first, the boy finally getting some sleep. Before Forever can either intervene or be noticed, Ramon has shaken him awake.
"Ramon," Forever calls to the boy, already searching for potions and a notebook. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
Ramon snatches the book, quickly writing. Chayanne is trying to force food and water on the other boy, but it doesn't seem to be working. Instead he's brushed aside, the book thrust back to Forever.
"/Richarlyson fell down a hole/," the words catch in Forever's throat. "/His leg broke. Leo stayed, we need a rope to get him and I need the following."
Forever does not bother to read aloud the materials list. Most of it he has on him - he filled his bags, but did not empty them - so he hands a few stacks of each over to Ramon.
"Which way?" He tries not to let the panic seep into his voice.
Ramon points, Chayanne glances between the still sleeping Tallulah and the door.
"I'll go get them," Forever promises. "Ramon, start working on a new leg. Chayanne? I need you to protect Ramon and Tallulah."
He waits for the okay from both before setting off at a sprint. He doesn't want to leave them, three children alone, but the shelter he threw together for the night is reinforced. They can't stay longer than one night - Forever learnt that on his fourth day, just after he lost Walter Bob. The monsters just crowd around to jump you when you leave, and Forever has both more children to find, and parents to return these ones to.
Hopefully Ramon's direction is accurate.
Forever thinks of Richars scared, hurt, with only a surely panicking Leo for company - he runs faster. Faster than he should - he twists an ankle on a rock, throws a potion at it, keeps running.
It's further than he thought to the hole - Ramon must have been searching for some time, and Forever's heart clenches at the idea. He moves potions, water, ladders, and food close to hand.
And then he spots the monster. Just the one ghast, but Leo is fighting it alone, and she has been pushed perilously close to the edge.
Without even considering he runs forward, taking the next hit for her.
The one after he deflects, and the stupid thing goes down.
"Leo!" He grabs the child as he calls to her, still a little wild with adrenaline. "Are you hurt?"
Leo shakes her head, but points desperately at the crevasse.
Forever gives her a potion, a slice of toast, and a water bucket. She near pushes him from the ledge in response.
In the end, laddering down proves too time consuming. Forever wants - needs - his son back in his arms. Safe, protected, okay. So he jumps from the ladder he was building, and lets himself fall a little way. Only once he can see Richarlyson does he open the paraglider, swooping down beside him.
Before he can think, or look, or assess, Forever throws a splash potion at his son, then scoops him into his arms.
"Richars?" He calls. "I'm here, I'm here."
He kisses the top of his head, and finally brings himself to look around. It seems not just a fall but a rockslide - pebbles and rubble are all around. Forever checks Richars over properly; shaken, terrified, thirsty, but the potion has fixed any injuries. If he fell with the rocks, not onto them, perhaps they prevented him from gathering too much speed...
Nothing lost but his prosthetic, detached from his leg and crushed under a boulder. There's a little blood on the clasp and, while the injuries are healed already, he can only imagine his boy scrabbling against rocks, clinging, grasping, desperate even as the skin tears and he falls-
Forever hugs his son, holds him close, and pretends for the moment it will all be okay.
But only for a moment; there are much worse things than ghasts in this Nether. Leo waits for them alone up top, and the other three eggs hidden in the little night bunker he made them.
"Richars?" Forever says. "I'm going to get us out of here. But I need you to hold tight, okay? Really, really tight. Even if your fingers hurt, do not let go."
Richarlyson nods and for once does as he's told, clinging to Forever with all his might. With one arm Forever clings back.
With the other he pulls out his grappling squawk, and gets them back up to Leo.
Leo, who has put on a very brave face, but is a little too still in her terror.
Forever is not willing to let go of Richarlyson, not yet. Instead he just shifts him to a better position, gives him some water to sip on as they walk, and the offers his free hand to Leo.
She takes it, and she clings.
Their walk back is accompanied by the hissing of lava, the grunt of mobs, and Forever's own words as he attempts to soothe the children. Richars hides in the remains of his jacket, while Leo grasps both his sword and his hand and hisses back at any threat.
He hates to see the children so terrified but this is why he's here, no? To get them home and safe and loved, loved so much.
When they reach the shelter, Tallulah is awake again. She is sat with Ramon, watching him work, while Chayanne stands at the doorway, sword drawn.
Leo opens the door, and swords clash for a moment before Leo is pulled into a hug. Forever squeezes in behind them, locking the door as he goes. Adrenaline fading he sits heavily against the wall, and shifts Richars to be cradled against his chest.
Richars might want his siblings, but Forever cannot let go - not now, not yet.
Despite Forever's best efforts, nobody sleeps that night.
The leg Ramon makes for Richarlyson is ugly and heavy, brass and iron beaten into shape in the heat of the Nether, and then doused in some of their limited water. Forever is pretty sure that it is uncomfortable - Richars favours his flesh leg in a way he never has before - but he can run on it, and right now that is all that matters.
It leaves Forever's arms free. One for a weapon, the other to carry a child. They take it in turns to be carried across the hellscape - Tallulah most often, her lungs continuing to struggle in the ash and the heat - only stopping when Forever himself is too tired to go on.
With five children he sneaks, not attacks, keeping to ledges and overhangs and away from danger. Each is given golden boots just in case of piglins, but Forever has seen nothing that normal in... In however long he's been here.
There's no day or night in the Nether. Walter Bob might know, but Forever has not seen Walter Bob again in a long time.
Water and food is passed around intermittently, and Forever only hopes there is enough of it.
Forever is lost, the only adult protecting five beautiful, terrified children. But, two of them are still missing, so why try finding the way home when this is what they have?
Sneaking is not eternally viable, however.
When Forever first sees the distracted hoard of monsters, his first thought is that he is very glad they are distracted and so not looking for him. His second, with significantly more swearing, is that he recognises what they are distracted by.
Between the limbs of the beasts, in the distance, he can just make out the shine of a scythe. He looks between the monsters, the five children with him, and the child - maybe children - being attacked, and he doesn't know what to do.
But... But Chayanne is already bolting forwards to protect, Leo not far behind, and it's all he can do to grab the other three children. He hands them potions of healing and invisibility and orders them to hide and knowing they will not listen he chases after the other two.
The fight is brutal, intense. He knows the eggs are competent, but its terrifying to watch them fight even so. Forever takes hits he should never have taken, desperate to keep the claws and the fire from the children at his side.
He orders them to run.
They do not listen.
A potato slams into a monster's face, and Forever knows he has lost all control of the situation.
Another cut, another slice, throwing a potion at Leo after she misses a flying kick at a monster's head. The miss does not deter her, swinging up and around and stabbing it through the eyes.
No children should fight like this.
They do anyway.
Forever barely notices when Dapper goes down, too busy keeping an eye on the five he can fully see. It's Ramon's potato gun stopping that he notices first; he turns to look at the boy, gets a claw across his back for his efforts, and notices where he has frozen and is looking.
Dapper's scythe has stopped moving, and between the feet Forever can see blood on the floor.
This time he doesn't freeze; he charges. He still screams when he is hit, screams until his throat is raw, but he doesn't stop or even slow. The eggs are smaller, get there faster, are already making do.
Tallulah, dressed like a bandit with the makeshift bandana over her face holds a knife - two handed - infront of her, while Richars and Ramon throws potion at not only Dapper but also Pomme.
Now he looks and sees, it seems Dapper went down first, and it was Pomme they saw fighting, just having stolen the other egg's weapon after her own shattered.
Forever trusts the eggs to help each other up - he has to - as he turns once more, shielding them from the onslaught with his flesh and his weapons. Chayanne and Leo make it over at some point, covering his sides as they fend off the hoard.
In the end, it isn't quite enough; Forever stands his ground, and orders the children to run.
He hopes they do so, he really does, because the next thing he knows a giant blue fist slams into his face.
Forever wakes up to Richars in his arms, and Chayanne crouching at his face. It is quiet now - as quiet as the Nether ever is.
He sits - far too quickly - and makes a count.
Chayanne and Richars, Tallulah and Pomme and Leo huddled up, Dapper at his feet and Ramon behind him. Seven, seven eggs, all seven living children are here and at his side.
It takes him a moment, but he opens his arms.
Six more pairs of arms cling to him and Forever thinks fuck, literally anyone else would have done better at this.
Briefly Forever considers looking for Walter Bob, but with seven children and no lead... He needs to get to the portal. Walter Bob is an adult, the eggs... The eggs are not.
The eggs are children, hungry, hurting children, desperate for their parents and Forever cannot blame them. His vision is still a little blurred from the blow to his head, and his back smarts where claws dragged across it, but... But so long as he gets the eggs home, what does he matter?
He does his best to look uninjured and competent, but from the way even Richars refuses to be carried any more he suspects that he fails.
It's a miracle that they make it to the portal, really.
The portal, the light turned out, and with more hunting monsters on the horizon.
Forever would like to cry.
Forever does cry, but he also grabs obsidian and a flint and steel, and does his best to force it back together.
It works, sort of - the portal turns on for a few seconds, but splutters and dies.
Forever... Forever doesn't know what to do.
Chayanne makes the decision for him, going and standing in the obsidian, and looking back.
Forever gets the idea - send some of the more combat ready eggs first, just in case it isn't home, and hope they all end up in the same place.
He hates it, he hates it so much, but they are out of potions and out of water and the only food left is four slices of avocado toast, so he nods to the plan, and lights the portal again.
Chayanne goes... somewhere.
It worked, it works, for a value of work.
Shakily, hurriedly, Forever directs the eggs to stand in the portal in turn; Pomme second, Ramon and Dapper and Leo all together, Tallulah and Richars...
By then the monsters have reached Forever and he thinks, if he dies there, it won't be so bad.
Except Richarlyson might cry.
His body will barely hold him any more - all the food went to the children, after all - but he drags himself to the portal, and strikes flint on steel.
The flint shatters in his hand, and the portal lights.
Even as he flickers through the portal, Forever's legs collapse. It is to his surprise, then, when strong arms catch him, and hold up his weight. He blinks, and tries to focus, and clings to the shoulder of someone far too tall to be an egg.
He sees Pac, sat on the floor of the Order's Nether Portal Room, Richarlyson bundled in his lap and looking at Forever with concern and terror in his eyes. Fit sits next to him, fussing over Ramon.
BadBoyHalo and the French huddled around Dapper and Pomme, the children safely trapped within. Bad looks terrible - worse than before - and calls over something Forever does not quite understand.
Foolish has Leo on his shoulders, standing near a red sharestone and saluting Forever with one hand. Vegetta, so often missing Vegetta, stands behind them, making sure Leo does not fall.
Tubbo and Missa with Chayanne and Tallulah and a man Forever doesn't recognise, but his beanie matches Tallulah's and she sobs in his arms and so maybe Forever can guess. He briefly wonders where Philza is, until he hears the swipe of a Scythe cutting through a zombie piglin, and the shattering of a portal.
He tries to work out who is holding him, but turning his head makes the pain spike. He cannot help but yell as his knees give in, and he blinks.
When his eyes open, his head is on Felps' lap. The Brazilians are also gathered around him, a physical shield from the panic still going on all around. There's a hole where Mike should be, and through it he can hear the sounds of the other parents comforting their eggs.
He should be comforting Richarlyson, instead he is spread out and on the ground.
Seeing him awake, Bagi and Felps help him sit up, while Pac passes him water and Cellbit rocks Richarlyson, Roier at his side. Forever sips on the water, nearly chokes, and sips again. It's followed by a potion, and dry toast, and his family bundling around. Beyond the cocoon he can hear quiet talking, but it doesn't really matter. Nobody is panicking, nobody is upset - there's some crying, but its quiet, not desperate.
Forever lets himself slump, forcing Felps to take his entire weight. There's a little panic from the huddle, but he just leans over to busy his face in Pac's side.
"Can I sleep now?" is all he asks.
And he doesn't wait for a reply.
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miralunawritez · 5 months
i dont usually share my personal life on this app but i wanna talk about the loss of my best friend, aka my aunt.
she got her life taken from her april 28th at around 10pm est due to a fatal car crash not even 2 miles away from her house. she was on the way to pick up a friend that was left on the side of the road when another teenage boy, 17, swerved into her lane n hit her head on. she wasn't the sweetest girl but she was fun to be around, she spoke her mind n stood her ground. we were glued at the hip during family gatherings, lake days, and other events.
things r gonna be different without u around, i hope ur happy up in heaven. i miss u sm and ill love u always and forever sydney. forever 17. 🕊️
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rest easy gorgeous girl. when i die ur gonna be one of the first people i ask god about. 🪽
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waywardwizzard · 2 months
Gunshots filled the air and Mal dove for the mule's trailer, a spray of bullets churning up the sand where he had stood a few seconds ago. He hit the metal floor with a thud and Wash gunned the engine, the mule taking off in a cloud of dust.
Glancing down at the captain, Zoë grinned, reloading her gun.
"Welcome aboard, sir."
"Y'know Mal," Wash said, swerving to avoid a boulder, "when you said this job would go smooth - "
"Bi zui."
Author's note -
It's that time of year again! Time to flood your dashes with my semi-ew Firefly fics <3
Wishing y'all a happy Yeehawgust and I'll be seein' y'all on the other side (hopefully)
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can all the ao3 authors in my bookmarks update their stories pls and thank u
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polyclonally · 4 months
9-1-1 (TV) • 4003 words • eddie/buck, eddie & chris, eddie & buck & chris • post-7x10
“Thanks,” he says, in a completely bizarre turn of events.
Eddie blinks. Buck’s hand is still in his hair. “What for?”
“Letting me hang out,” Buck says, and Eddie reads right through him. His eyes are warm, and he means: thanks for letting me be here. Thanks for letting me take care of you. It’s hard to breathe around the torrential weight of everything that hits him at that. That he’s barbed wire, that he’s razor sharp, that he’s hurt and he’s hurting and his insides are ugly and painted with his own blood, that his bones keep screaming unlovable irredeemable monster coward unworthy and a litany of other things he thinks might not be real after all, and Buck—he’s still here, and he thinks it’s something worth being grateful for, that Eddie lets him.
“You have a key,” Eddie says, and he means: I’ll let you in anytime.
Eddie, Chris, Buck, and coming home.
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sereia1313 · 5 months
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Life Choices
Happy Happy Birthday @elevenharbor! I always enjoy choosing which ideas to write for you. A few less tears than last year, but angsty all the same (with a happy ending of course).
Summary: This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. He’d never planned on involving himself, but Naraku had undermined his resolve, forcing his hand until he’d had no choice. She would be so angry with him.
Read it on Ao3 and FFnet.
Sneak Peak
This wasn't how it was supposed to go. He'd never planned on involving himself, but Naraku had undermined his resolve, forcing his hand until he'd had no choice.
Sesshoumaru winced as the pain spread throughout his body. It was nothing compared to when Inuyasha cut off his arm, and he was struggling to remember why. Sounds were muted, lights dulled, and then suddenly, the pain was gone, and he could move again.
Blinking, he sat up. A breeze ruffled his hair, silver strands lifting off his shoulders, and he idly wondered where his armour had gone. Everything was brightly coloured, his clothes returning to their usual lustre, and he flexed his hands, knuckles popping.
A frown marred his brow. This wasn't right. He wasn't supposed to be there, but he wasn't supposed to be here either. He spread his hands out on the grass, relying on more than one sense to test its reliability, then slowly rose to his feet. Perhaps it was another illusion. The spider was known for preying on the hope of the weak, using it as a means to—
"Hello, son."
His shoulders stiffened at the low tone before a sigh escaped his lips. Ah, so that was it.
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