Salvation: Of A Double Minded Man
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"Christian" But Religious, Damned Agents of Darkness:
In the following verse, God speaks directly to Antichrist, who is coming and is now in the world. He is coming, having intimate knowledge of God and Christ; yet, rejecting the way of Christ's discipline. Being deceived, he desires to gain the whole world, at the loss of his own soul. Fool!
Ps 50:16-17 But to the wicked, God says, What is it to you to proclaim My statutes, and to take up My covenant on your mouth? Yes, you hate instruction and toss My Words behind you.
To the Wicked, who in opposition to what they do, proclaim God's word in hypocrisy; and yes, priests and pastors, we're especially talking to you. God does not accept your sacrifice, as a covering for sin. He hates your hypocrisy, even as you have hated his instruction, having conveniently tossed them aside at the slightest hint of elicit gain or pleasure of sin.
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So, if you think that in the end it will be well with you, it will not. You have deceived yourselves and are further deceived by your enemy, the Father of all deception, Satan.
And, though there be, many of our religious leaders who are ignorant or simply undisciplined in the ways of Truth, God foretells ominent judgements against them, nontheless:
BSB'19 Jam 3:1: "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."
Why are those who teach the word of God, judged more strictly strictly? It is because, some teachers stiffle the growth and development of their own discipline, by discouragement of investigation and research on the part of their own students.
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Religion, is one such discipline, rife with oligarchy who will not tolerate those who simply want to know more, and know with greater accuracy. Students, especially want to know, what says the word of God, concerning the issues in life and the relationship between Christ and God.
Again, why would these individuals desire to strangle the advancement of knowledge? It is mostly because, they fear that inquiring minds might prove some of their longheld traditions to be, wrong or outright lies.
And they can't have that. So they construct obstacles to truth, such that all paths lead back to them, their organization, doctrine, and dogma. But again, what does the Word say?
BSB'19 Jer 29:23: "For they have committed an outrage...by...speaking lies in My name, which I did not command them to do. I am He who knows, and I am a witness, declares the LORD.”"
Because many errant religious leaders know the Word of God, even as Satan knows the Word and his own end, they fear their own end (Heb 10:26-27); and thus, a fracture of psychy occurs within; a double mind, owing to a corrupt heart.
BSB'19 Mat 6:24: "No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
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HCSB Is 29:13: "The Lord said: Because these people approach Me with their mouths to honor Me with lip-service — yet their hearts are far from Me, and their worship consists of man-made rules learned by rote —"
All who love this present world or age, does not love or obey God; nor can they. The consequence, is separation from God and fellowship with the world. For that reason, many of us, are "Christian" in name only.
It is for that reason, God cannot consistently heed our requests; because we regard sin, in our hearts, even while we pray.
Why Prayers Fail:
AKJV+ Ps 66:18: "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:"
As we pray, let us not regard iniquity in our heart. Because, all such, oppose the knowledge of God and Christ; and thus, deviate our focus away from our conversation with God. Under those circumstances, Jehovah, will not hear our prayer, because he cannot. We, have cut the connection.
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Jas 1:6-8 But let him ask in faith, doubting nothing. For the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, being driven by wind and being tossed; for do not let that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-souled man, not dependable in all his ways.
He who doubts: ebbs and flows, rises and falls, according to the tide of passions that sway him; according to the beating rhythm of a world passing away. The spirit (or "wind") of error, drives and buffets him, because he is conflicted, in his love of the world and his desire for God.
His double mind, results from his being strongly affected and trying to fulfill two opposing attractions, simultaneously. The pleasures of sin, yields death; while the joy of sanctification, immortality.
Both are at war, in the heart and mind of a man. He yields to one or the other, according to the mind, spiritual or carnal, subconscious or conscious, which he himself (heart) allows dominance.
But, understand this: While loving one, he outwardly feigns love for the other, while in the presence of those who affiliate with like affection; being able to invert, his outward mentality. And as a camilion, he switches between opposing affiliations, affections, and causes; cunningly adapting his words and deeds, to accomodate whatever social circumstance in which he finds himself, as is convenient.
The double-minded man, allows for simultaneous inspiration by opposing spirits, producing opposing motive forces that drive him in drunken fashion.
Niobe Ps 42:7: "Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterspouts; all Your waves and Your billows have gone over me."
"Deep calls to deep": Therefore, as Spirit calls, spirit of like kind answer.
God calls to all. But only they that are his, heed the call. The rest, answers to another spirit that is of their own desire and kind; and even while they may feign obedience to God, their heart is not with him. Therefore God's heart, is not with them.
That is the bad news.
The Cure:
The good news, for all who seek truth and righteousness, is this: In our relationship with God, we can change; from state, to state; from bad, to good; and from good, to better or even perfection.
HCSB Jms 4:8: "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, double-minded people!"
First and foremost, in our daily routine, let's incorporate the following admonition.
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HCSB Dt 22:9: "Do not plant your vineyard with two types of seed; otherwise, the entire harvest, both the crop you plant and the produce of the vineyard, will be defiled."
Our heart, is the "vineyard".
The "two kinds of seed" sown in the heart, are good and evil.
The "crop sown," is the character of the seed planted.
The "harvest" or "yield": We reap what we sow; be it good or evil, life or death; In the end, we are weighed (Judged) and awarded according to all we have said and done. That is the natural law of things. That is not, The Good News or Gospel.
The "produce of the vineyard", is the character of the fruit flowering from the seed, in the interior. It is righteousness or iniquity;
The "produce of the vineyard", also describes the fruit yielded in the exterior, as words and deeds. So that it also defines the character of the individual manifesting said fruit.
NASB+ Mat 7:16: ""You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn [bushes,] nor figs from thistles, are they?"
However, in Christ, we have his shed-blood as our protection, even from the character of our own fruit. Our continual confession of sins, to God, and our repentant lifestyle, ensures that Christ's blood negates our negatives; so that through him, God sees in us, only the perfection that is Christ; that is, if we remain in him, the blood of Christ has already filtered from us, all things that offend God.
HCSB Heb 10:14: "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are sanctified."
That being the case, for all who earnestly seek God through Christ, our sins were washed away, at every point upon each of our individual life timelines; be it relatively past, present, or future to our consciousness. We were made, the Righteousness of God, by Justification, through Christ, more than 2000 years ago. Now, isn't that cool?
Mat 5:8: "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God."
Our job, is to make sure, very sure that what we profess, we also live; or at least, be of willing mind and fighting the good fight, for self-discipline and good conduct. Justification, makes up the rest, of what we lack.
However, to him who, regarding his faithfulness to God, is Double Minded and have diagnosed himself to be such, say and do the following, over and over again, until it becomes your reality:
I love God.
I hate Evil.
I love the light.
I hate the darkness.
God's word says, "Only the pure in heart, will see God". I, therefore, purify my heart by the word of God.
It is not, at all, for mere convenience that I site his commandments and words of wisdom; but, through patient study and self-discipline, I make the word of God, my practice.
I desire to see you, oh God. I, therefore, purify the desires of my heart by your word; I meditate on them, day and night, to make it so.
My faith is that the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago, eradicated all my sins, past, present, and future; your word, has declared it so.
Your word, oh God, has convalidated your promises to me and all who dedicate themselves to your Son, Yeshua, your Christ.
I, being chosen, am willing.
I, therefore, struggle to overcome my old self that I might align my words and deeds to the commandments of Christ the righteous one who serves as our example of faith and trust in you, oh God.
And even as it was with Yeshua, so may it be with me that the word of God becomes flesh, through my life, as I submit and obey him.
BSB'19 Ps 91:14: "“Because he loves Me, I will deliver him; because he knows My name, I will protect him."
Immediately above, God speaks of Yeshua, his Christ who was yet to come in sinful flesh.
Because Yeshua loved God, God delivered him from all of his enemies, even death itself.
Because Yeshua knows God's name, God protected him from all his enemies, even corruption and decay of his body, in the grave.
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If we love God and Christ, Jehovah will deliver us from all our enemies, even death.
If we know Yeshua, if we trust in his name, then at his coming, when Christ calls to us by name, we will hear him. Thus, overcoming corruption and decay, we too will awaken to everlasting life. Christ, declares as much:
NOG Jn 5:25: "“I can guarantee this truth: A time is coming (and is now here) when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who respond to it will live."
Say and do the following:
Jehovah, protect me, deliver me. I repent. I do your will, not my own; because, I love you.
May I respond to Christ, now, even as he calls to me in this life; so that I may be able to respond to his voice, when he calls to me, hereafter.
So then, can a double minded man unify his thoughts and purpose, unto single mindedness in dedication to Christ?
Yes, we are now made aware of a mechanism to do just that: Foremost, by continually washing the heart; filtering out or sanctifying the very core of the inner realm, through the word of God; casting out every seed of iniquity, to strangle every wicked motive that gives rise to sin. But, then, we must want to do it. We must want, to change.
Easier said, than done? Oh, yes! But consider that Yeshua entered this life, with the exact same weapons of spiritual warfare as we; and yet, lived a perfectly sinless life, while passing through struggles of flesh and mind, far greater than our own.
RSV Heb 2:17: "Therefore he had to be made like his brethren in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make expiation for the sins of the people."
Yeshua, however, had a secret weapon: Prayer
AKJV+ Luk 6:12: "And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God."
Yes, indeed! Yeshua, prayed to God, all night. That was his custom and preparation, which sharpened the weapons of his warfare; which was, principally, the word of God.
If prayer to God, was instrumental in Yeshua's example of Christ, then so it is, and must be, with the example of Christ that we manifest to the world. Prayer, is how we daily overcome, even our own double mind; even as we implant, God's word, deeply into our hearts.
MLV Mt 21:21-22: "Now Jesus answered and said to them, Assuredly I am saying to you, If you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only be doing the miracle of the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, Be lifted up and cast yourself into the sea, it will happen. And all things, as many things as you may ask in prayer, and believing, you will be receiving."
Yeshua says:
• have faith, do not doubt.
• pray believing, be receiving.
• do it often.
• so that as you say, no power can resist your desire.
• whatever you say, it will happen.
• You will be doing miracles, great and even greater.
• And all things, as many things as you may ask in prayer, and believing, you will be receiving.
Heb 10:22 Iet us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water.
For your consideration
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Nature of Life: As A Dream
OK. So the Holy Spirit, had aspired a young man to walk according to God's Word. From his holy scriptures, He showed the young man things past, present, and future; of things, good and evil, holy and wicked.
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However, observing deep wickedness, the young man marveled at those things, and darkness reached out and found something in him; a weakness, hidden, regarding the nature of flesh, still not yet disciplined by the will of mind, to the power of God's word.
Over the years, the young man enslaved himself to wickedness, incorporating into himself the very things he had previously despised. Yet, by a lust filled symbiotic arrangement, he allowed them entry, insinuation, and emotional substance.
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True agents of wickedness who hold governmental powers in this world and had long desired him for their own purposes, decided that his condition and lifestyle had opened him up to false accusation and imprisonment; and so, they falsely accused and imprisoned him.
While in prison, the word came to him, to encourage and remind him of a dream, from years past.
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The Dream:
Walking, his mind is filled with the word of God. Upon the closed shade of a opened window, dance shadows of a couple vehemently arguing. He says to himself that this household very much needs to hear the gospel of Christ; but continues on.
Almost instantly, he finds himself face-to-face with a familiar individual who asks regarding his life long friends. To which, he recited the illustrious careers and achievements of each one.
But then, the familiar individual asked the young man about his own career and achievements; to which, the young man fell silent in embarrassment. But then, he quickly stated, "I am in Christ. I am the Son of God."
The familiar individual then smiled, as if to say: Indeed that is the greatest achievement of all. He then, motioned that the young man should continue walking the incline.
Upon leaving the familar individual, the man crossed the street to observe the entrance of a cave, but quickly found himself chained to various people, arm and arm, leg and leg; walking a downward path of total darkness and nether gloom. There was also present, the feelings of guilt, condemnation, and punishment.
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Then there appeared, to his left, an opening upon the wall of the tunnel. A portal and one standing at a distance behind it, at a registry of some sort.
You say, you are the Son of God? He demanded. To which, the youngman answered, Yes.
The entity on the other side of the portal, however, enquired: Then why are you with all these who are mine?
The young man, in utter embarrassment, gave no answer.
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Moving closer, the entity demanded proof of the young man's claim; hurling cursings and declarations of ownership.
The young man, recalling the power of God, lifted one and then both feet off the ground, such that he hovered mid air. At which, he heard the voice of God loudly yelling, into his right ear: Do not proove anything to him. Preach my word!
Upon the hearing and flying at great speed, out of the darkness of nether gloom, the youngman found himself in daylight, speaking God's word to people of many ethnicities, tongues, and religions.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0cc8f5611da531ef7c09349401445a75/86f99afe78128358-6b/s540x810/db750417721c8ff6d547966d83c537eda32208e3.jpg)
As all were rejoicing in the good word and revelations of God and Christ, the world leaders of such ethnicities, tongues, and religions who at first also rejoiced, became very displeased. Huddling together, they plotted, as how to destroy the young man away from the masses.
The Holy Spirit, revealing all things to him, empowered him to again fly. And looking down at his feet, the young man noticed that long spikes had grown from his soles.
Using his spikes, he began scrapping the cars, houses, money, and luxurious belongings of those in opposition to God’s word; even as God spoke through the young man. This infuriated the religious, political, and economic leaders ever more so, as they plotted his demise.
Nevertheless, people who love truth rejoiced, continually, in God's word; the young man, however, began to look away in the direction of what he was hearing. Upon a distant mountain, he heard and was seeing a mass of people, covering the whole face of it, beautifully attired in brilliance.
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Being drawn to it, he instantly appeared above them, flying overhead. As he did so, the largest most glorious of them all, led them in song and praises; himself, receiving praise and directing all such to God. The most glorious individual, whom the young man knew to be Christ, recognized him with the sign of approval, as the young man was crossing overhead. The backside of the mountain, was completely barren.
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The young man landed at the foot of the mountain, on its backside. Seeing no one and nothing but waste land, he looked upward and called to God, saying: I have done, all that you have given me to do.
At that moment, the young man heard the voice of Christ, as he himself hurtled up, into the clouds; gathered with all who, at that time, heard him.
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The young man awakened, from the dream that day, briefly speaking the heavenly tongue.
The word that came to the imprisoned older man, reminded him of that night vision from his youth; to encourage him, and return him to Life and repentance; to awaken him, to his mission and purpose for which God had originally sent him to earth.
So then, after threatening many years (more than 20), authorities were forced to release the man, in just a few months.
Four year later, the older man, is NOT a righteous man, is NOT the Good Shepherd, but is desperately aspiring to be such. Yet, again the word comes to him, simply saying: Do, Say, and Be. Water the seed.
Do the work of Christ: Gathering others, to him.
Say whatever the word agrees with, no matter how foreign to the listener. If they reject the seed blossoming, which God himself has implanted in such an imperfect earthen vessel, they yolk themselves to the crucible of Anti-Christ that is now in the world, by the seed of deception, administered through a pandemic of delusion.
Be righteous, by continual washing and cleansing of God's word, by the power of his Spirit, as we are willing of mind.
Be justified, in that the blood sacrifice of a perfected, obedient life that has already washed away all sins-past, present, and future-of all who are continually sanctifying themselves in Truth that is, God's word; having this faith, in willing mind.
Be saved, manifesting God's purpose in life that is today, right now.
Be the agent of God, in opposition to ones own sinfully educated mind and imaginations of heart; until Christ be fully formed, seated upon the throne of heart, subjugating mind, unto fleshly obedience to the commanments of Christ.
Walking The Path:
If one must fake it until they make it, then do so; but only to ones self, not to others. Do not be a hypocrite. For ones self, however, fake or mimic the pattern of righteousness. Do that which Christ exhibited, as an imprint upon words and deeds; in contrast to those, regularly practiced, in disobedience and wickedness. Do it, until the real thing, shows up.
Repetition, passes activity as habit, to mind and soul (emotion and Physiology) that seeds the heart.
If what is seeded in the heart, is a pattern of Christ, the Holy Spirit enjoins with it to incubate a mentality of Christ that conforms to the practiced pattern.
The degree to which one allows the power of God's spirit to autopilot ones own development in Christ, is directly related to ones exposure to accurate knowledge and revelation of God's Word; which, in turn, yields a more exacting likeness of Christ, manifesting through a once disobedient life.
LITV 2Cor 4:7: "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the excellence of the power may be of God, and not from us;"
On the Path:
King of Wonders
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Nature of Life: As A Dream
OK. So the Holy Spirit, had aspired a young man to walk according to God's Word. From his holy scriptures, He showed the young man things past, present, and future; of things, good and evil, holy and wicked.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/11331249b17fb68de0291ab76664046c/86f99afe78128358-56/s540x810/261acb30ecb88c366619477f4d292b527c6102e9.jpg)
However, observing deep wickedness, the young man marveled at those things, and darkness reached out and found something in him; a weakness, hidden, regarding the nature of flesh, still not yet disciplined by the will of mind, to the power of God's word.
Over the years, the young man enslaved himself to wickedness, incorporating into himself the very things he had previously despised. Yet, by a lust filled symbiotic arrangement, he allowed them entry, insinuation, and emotional substance.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/cedded53a0ec1875d3a1144d29de7930/86f99afe78128358-4c/s540x810/66ce60ebc02fe2860793122d1f7e786e6297ba4a.jpg)
True agents of wickedness who hold governmental powers in this world and had long desired him for their own purposes, decided that his condition and lifestyle had opened him up to false accusation and imprisonment; and so, they falsely accused and imprisoned him.
While in prison, the word came to him, to encourage and remind him of a dream, from years past.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6ef67d20b449f36bca7b0596c1711f61/86f99afe78128358-a1/s540x810/e65fc19de92637bfbdd687a62d3657491ffa01fe.jpg)
The Dream:
Walking, his mind is filled with the word of God. Upon the closed shade of a opened window, dance shadows of a couple vehemently arguing. He says to himself that this household very much needs to hear the gospel of Christ; but continues on.
Almost instantly, he finds himself face-to-face with a familiar individual who asks regarding his life long friends. To which, he recited the illustrious careers and achievements of each one.
But then, the familiar individual asked the young man about his own career and achievements; to which, the young man fell silent in embarrassment. But then, he quickly stated, "I am in Christ. I am the Son of God."
The familiar individual then smiled, as if to say: Indeed that is the greatest achievement of all. He then, motioned that the young man should continue walking the incline.
Upon leaving the familar individual, the man crossed the street to observe the entrance of a cave, but quickly found himself chained to various people, arm and arm, leg and leg; walking a downward path of total darkness and nether gloom. There was also present, the feelings of guilt, condemnation, and punishment.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9d2cd5a04948d4db925949cfb9b2becf/86f99afe78128358-9c/s540x810/f13c70ea2f7f85010d58b342b23aa152e6a655f6.jpg)
Then there appeared, to his left, an opening upon the cave wall. A portal, and one standing at a distance behind it, at a registry of some sort.
You say, you are the Son of God? He demanded. To which, the youngman answered, Yes.
The entity on the other side of the portal, drew closer, to enquire: Then why are you, with all these who are mine?
The young man, in utter embarrassment, gave no answer.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/bbab1ac3249e6047c3d45aac3b9bd815/86f99afe78128358-a4/s540x810/959bdb68b8ac81a5b24c03dec0a65763ff59fe63.jpg)
Moving ever so close, the entity demanded proof of the young man's claim; hurling cursings and declarations of ownership.
The young man, recalling the power of God, lifted one and then both feet off the ground, such that he hovered mid air. At which, he heard the voice of God loudly yelling, into his right ear: Do not proove anything to him. Preach my word!
Upon the hearing and flying at great speed, out of the darkness of nether gloom, the youngman found himself in daylight, speaking God's word to people of many ethnicities, tongues, and religions.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0cc8f5611da531ef7c09349401445a75/86f99afe78128358-6b/s540x810/db750417721c8ff6d547966d83c537eda32208e3.jpg)
As all were rejoicing in the good word and revelations of God and Christ, the world leaders of such ethnicities, tongues, and religions who at first also rejoiced, became very displeased. Huddling together, they plotted, as how to destroy the young man away from the masses.
The Holy Spirit, revealing all things to him, empowered him to again fly. And looking down at his feet, the young man noticed that long spikes had grown from his soles.
With those spikes, he began scrapping the cars, houses, money, and luxurious belongings of those in opposition to God’s word; even as God continued speaking through the young man. This infuriated the religious, political, and economic leaders ever more so, as they plotted his demise.
Nevertheless, people who love truth rejoiced, continually, in God's word; the young man, however, began to look away in the direction of what he was hearing. Upon a distant mountain, he heard and was seeing a mass of people, covering the whole face of it, beautifully attired in brilliance.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/bac26d14fd51697b6014e8c677fc8b8f/86f99afe78128358-86/s540x810/fd7d37a83d8f2d0d8bfc380d7676eb09baf187f6.jpg)
Being drawn to it, he instantly appeared above them, flying overhead. As he did so, the largest most glorious of them all, led them in song and praises; himself, receiving praise and directing all such to God. That most glorious individual, whom the young man knew to be Christ, recognized him with the sign of approval, as the young man was crossing overhead.
The backside of the mountain, however, was completely barren.
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The young man landed at the foot of the mountain, on its backside. Seeing no one and nothing but wasteland, he looked upward and called to God, saying: I have done, all that you have given me to do.
At that moment, the young man heard the voice of Christ, as he himself hurtled up, into the clouds; gathered with all who, at that time, heard him.
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The young man awakened, from the dream that day, briefly speaking the heavenly tongue.
The word that came to the imprisoned older man, reminded him of that night vision from his youth; to encourage him, and return him to Life and repentance; to awaken him, to his mission and purpose for which God had originally sent him to earth.
So then, after threatening many years (more than 20), authorities were forced to release the man, in just a few months.
Four year later, the older man, is NOT a righteous man, is NOT the Good Shepherd, but is desperately aspiring to be such. Yet, again the word comes to him, simply saying: Do, Say, and Be. Water the seed.
Do the work of Christ: Gathering others, to him.
Say whatever the word agrees with, no matter how foreign to the listener. If they reject the seed blossoming, which God himself has implanted in such an imperfect earthen vessel, they yolk themselves to the crucible of Anti-Christ that is now in the world, by the seed of deception, administered through a pandemic of delusion.
Be righteous, by continual washing and cleansing of God's word, by the power of his Spirit, as we are willing of mind.
Be justified, in that the blood sacrifice of a perfected, obedient life that has already washed away all sins-past, present, and future-of all who are continually sanctifying themselves in Truth that is, God's word; having this faith, in willing mind.
Be saved, manifesting God's purpose in life that is today, right now.
Be the agent of God, in opposition to ones own sinfully educated mind and imaginations of heart; until Christ be fully formed, seated upon the throne of heart, subjugating mind, unto fleshly obedience to the commanments of Christ.
Walking The Path:
If one must fake it until they make it, then do so; but only to ones self, not to others. Do not be a hypocrite. For ones self, however, fake or mimic the pattern of righteousness. Do that which Christ exhibited, as an imprint upon words and deeds; in contrast to those, regularly practiced, in disobedience and wickedness. Do it, until the real thing, shows up.
Repetition, passes activity as habit, to mind and soul (emotion and Physiology) that seeds the heart.
If what is seeded in the heart, is a pattern of Christ, the Holy Spirit enjoins with it to incubate a mentality of Christ that conforms to the practiced pattern.
The degree to which one allows the power of God's spirit to autopilot ones own development in Christ, is directly related to ones exposure to accurate knowledge and revelation of God's Word; which, in turn, yields a more exacting likeness of Christ, manifesting through a once disobedient life.
LITV 2Cor 4:7: "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the excellence of the power may be of God, and not from us;"
On the Path:
King of Wonders
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