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jalicecookie · 1 day ago
Nap Time
ItÂŽs Time for your Afternoon Nap, but you donÂŽt wanna stop playing with the Circleleys! Luckly the Square Guard has the perfect Idea - giving you and your fussy, whinny State to the Masked Officer!
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it's time for the Circeleys to get back to work. They can't stay here and play with you forever"
The voice of the higher-ranking Square Guard reached your ears, but was drowned out by your whimpering.
"No by by! Circleleys!" - you whimpered unhappily, wanting to run after the Circle Guards, which turned out to be difficult, as your friends made a brief hand gesture that meant something like "Bye, little princess" - which didn't really lift your spirits. You didn't want your friends to have to get back to work just yet!
"There, there
if I'm not mistaken, it's time for you to get ready for your afternoon nap, hm?" - said the Square Guard, and as the Circeleys turned around and threatened to disappear from the very colorful room, fear rose within you.
Before the Square Guard could react, you tore yourself away from his hand and ran as fast as your little feet could carry you.
You hug the left leg of one of the three circle guards tightly, not wanting your friends to leave yet.
"Keep playing! Hide and seek? Slide!" you say tearfully, pointing with one hand toward the large slide in the room.
"Me alone slide like
 big girl," you add, hoping that this convincing argument of your own will achieve your goal. The Circeleys don't have to work anymore, and you can keep playing with them. And maybe you'll dare to go down the big
 very steep slide alone (or maybe not, because you're really afraid of it).
What you didn't notice was the square guard giving the circle guards a nonverbal hand signal not to respond. This was difficult for the Circeleys, because they had taken you into their hearts as quickly as you had them.
"Me, no, no, tired! No, nap! Play!"
The square guard's footsteps approach, and without effort, he releases your clinging grip from the Circeley's leg and picks you up.
"S-Q-U-A-R-Y! wanna play! Circeleys too," you say, the first tears of exhaustion and the urgent need for an afternoon nap clearly evident in your behavior.
Luckily, the square guard has experience dealing with you.
The Square Guard positioned you on his hip and made soothing circular movements on your back, murmuring a few quiet, calming words.
"I get it.....You had fun with the Circeleys, but just as they have to work, your afternoon nap is important to you. Or do you want to be a tired little princess who is in a bad grumpy mood?"
You sniffed loudly and shook your head, leaning a little more into the Square Guard's soothing gestures and words, and looked in the direction where the Circeleys had disappeared.
 Hug before nap!" you demand.
Now it was the Square Guard who let out a sigh. That was a different problem.
"The frontman is in Seoul and will be back this evening. I'm afraid that's not
You gasp, your eyes threatening to fill with thick tears again as your little hands clutch the fabric of the right sleeve of the Squary's pink uniform
 but the next sentence stops you from crying out loud and dramatic about this injustice.
"BUT - can we visit 부대임 budaejang in his office and he can give you a hug?"
You think about it, you also like the Masked Officer with his pink and black uniform
but he is almost as stern and serious as your Daddah when he's wearing the black Front Men mask
was a hug from 부대임 just as good before nap time as from Daddah?
"Big Hug?"
The Square Guard patted you once on the right shoulder and then left the colorful room.
"Maybe if you ask nicely, you could take your nap in the Masked Officer's office? On the big, dark sofa?"
It was an attempt to keep you under the watchful eye of the Masked Officer, even if only for an hour, so that the Square Guard could have a little
 peace. He likes having you around
 but sometimes you can be a little complicated when you're fussy and whinny before nap time.
"Big hug and cuddles!" you replied, and as soon as you entered the Masked Officer's small office, the poor man barely had a chance to look up before you threw a tearful "huuuug and cuddles" in his direction and made grabby hands.
"She really wanted to see you, Sir, before her nap time. My hands were tied!" - the Square Guard said, and you were passed from arm to arm, not noticing the critical look the Masked Officer—what the hell is this stupid Square Guard?—was giving the other guard, because you gave him a huge hug and then snuggled up to the man who was like your father, In-Ho's, right-hand man.
"Pinky me no nap
..no ti
.no sleepy," - you say quietly with a yawn, not noticing the disapproving frown on the Masked Officer's brow at your new nickname.
He instinctively begins to gently rock you back and forth in his arms like a baby.
Soon, you're asleep, even though you're not tired at all and had no intention of keeping your nap time.
And so, you don't hear the warning words the Masked Officer addresses to the Square Guard , as he continues to gently rock you in his arms.
"If you tell anyone about this, I'll make you disappear faster than the dead players at a red light turn green!"
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dailyflicks · 6 months ago
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So, it is a monster. Hey, just a little one. LILO & STITCH (2002), dir. by Chris Sanders & Dean Deblois
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solestella · 11 months ago
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motionpicturesource · 5 months ago
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THE SKELETON DANCE (1929) dir. Walt Disney
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wolfsheart-blog · 18 days ago
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filmgifs · 9 months ago
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THE PRINCESS DIARIES 2001 — dir. Garry Marshall
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marvelwitchergilmore · 7 months ago
Unexpected Surprises
Summary: Logan x Fe!Reader -> Finding out your pregnant is one thing, having Logan know before you is another.
Disclaimer: Mostly fluff, descriptions of giving birth, Logan's senses are at their full power. He's also read the books. One swear word here and there. Not Proof Read.
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If someone had told you, even yesterday, that you would be sitting inside your bathroom with Logan sitting against your sink counter, waiting for a pregnancy test to show you a result he already knew

You wouldn’t have believed them. 
They could have been cursed to tell the truth their entire lives and you still wouldn’t have believed them. 
Because it was baffling to you. 
And it had all started because Logan - of all people - knew you were pregnant. 
It had all started several weeks ago when you had met the team under the school inside Jean Grey’s lab. The others had been talking when you had arrived and slid in to stand beside Logan. 
After a moment, he sniffed. 
“What is it?”
“Have you changed your shower gel?”
You looked at him with a bewildered look. “No, why?”
“You smell different.”
“I don’t know how comfortable I am knowing you can smell me.” You said, looking up at him. You knew it was a part of his mutation; heightened senses, but it still caught you off guard every now and then. 
Logan shrugged. “I can always smell you.”
From there, you both turned to find out why you’d been called down to the lab. 
Over the next couple of weeks, Logan noticed a change in you. 
You started napping. 
For the average person, taking a nap in the middle of the day wasn’t unheard of. But for you, someone who practically lived off four to five hours a night of sleep, constantly running around the place doing things, unable to sit still long enough to even think about taking a nap
It was unheard of. 
First it had been in the living room on the sofa whilst the kids were either out or in their rooms before they’d get called for dinner. Then in the library, the hallway on the window seat bench, the kitchen. And Logan hadn’t been the only one to find you napping. 
But he was the only one to move you from where you were and into your bedroom. 
And each day your scent was getting stronger. 
For the life of him he couldn’t put his finger on it. He had asked Jean about it but since you hadn’t come to her, or hadn’t seemed unlike your normal self, she didn’t see anything to worry about. 
Maybe your body was just finally making you listen and telling you to rest. 
But as of a week ago, you had been throwing up every meal you had. But you didn’t feel sick. Save for the twenty minutes before and after throwing up. Most of the time you felt hungry and nauseous at the same time. 
Except, you’d kept the fact you kept puking to yourself. Until a morning meeting before classes were about to start. 
“Excuse me, just a second-”
You just about managed to get out of the door and down the hallway before throwing up the toilet lid and emptying your breakfast back into the water. 
Everyone looked around concerned and Jean was about to follow you when Logan caught her by the door. “Let me.”
Logan seemed to know something the others didn’t. 
“Is she okay?”
Logan nodded, looking around before finding Charles. “She’s fine,” he replied, turning back to Jean. 
“I’ll be back in a minute.”
Closing the door behind him, Logan found you in the staff bathroom, the door unlocked. 
Knocking on, he heard you take a breath before flushing the toilet and putting the lid back down. He slowly entered before closing the door behind him and looking at you as you sat on the lid of the toilet seat. 
“Here,” Logan grabbed a fresh flannel and ran it under the tap before handing it to you and crouching on the floor so he could see you. 
“Thanks.” You took the flannel from him and placed it over your face, wiping it down before folding it over and running it down the back of your neck. “Two weeks. Two weeks and I can’t keep a meal down, but I feel normal.”
“There might be an explanation for that.”
Then you felt yourself starting to cry. 
You never cried. 
At least, Logan had never seen you cry. 
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. One minute I’m flushed and wanting to throw up my internal organs, the next I was to sleep for a decade and eat nothing but sugar. Maybe I’m coming onto my period.”
“You’re not.”
You threw the flannel into the sink before looking at Logan. “What?”
“You’re not coming onto your period. You’re pregnant, Y/n.”
“Excuse me?”
Logan sighed. “I can
smell it. Your hormonal changes. And it would explain the tiredness, and the puking your guts up every five seconds. And the emotions.”
You just stared at Logan. “What?”
“If you don’t believe me, take a test. Maybe I’m wrong-”
“You are.” You told him. “I can’t be pregnant. When would I have had-”
Logan raised an eyebrow at you as if to say, “You really don’t remember?”
You looked up, away from him and towards the door, doing the maths in your head. 
“I can’t
.no. No, I can’t be pregnant.”
“Look,” Logan began. “At least take a test. Just to be sure. I could be wrong
but I don’t think I am.”
The next day Logan drove you into the town and towards the local pharmacy. 
Sitting out in the car, you unbuckled your seat belt and looked at the door before turning to Logan. “Will you come in with me?”
And he did. Without question. 
Spending a few minutes searching for the tests, Logan found them and handed one over to you. “Can tell as early as
” He read the box. “Five weeks.”
You nodded before looking back at the shelf, grabbing a different box of a different brand, just to be safe. At the counter, the cashier rang up both boxes for you. Neither you or Logan missed the light smile on her face as she looked between the two of you. However, the cashier missed the slightly awkward shift from Logan as he realised what she was doing and he somehow moved both closer to you and away from you at the same time. 
“That’ll be seven, ninety five.”
You handed over a ten dollar bill and collected your change. Both yourself and Logan thanked her before shuffling away from the counter, Logan looking behind him as he opened up the door for you, finding the cashier smiling and waving you out. 
By the time you both got home, you found a note on the desk in the hallway from Xavier. They had taken the kids out on a school trip to the museum. They should be back by dinner. 
So that left you and Logan alone to stand inside your bathroom, avoiding looking at the two tests on the counter. 
“I still think it’s weird you can smell the change.” You said out loud, sat on the toilet seat, your hands interlocked with each other. “I mean
what does it even smell like?”
You unlocked your hands and pressed them between your knees, turning to look up at him as he leaned against your sink counter. 
Logan seemed a little out of it, his head somewhere else for a moment as his eyes remained fixed on the skirting board whilst he brushed a hand repeatedly across his face. 
“Huh?” He snapped out of it, brushing his face one last time before moving his hands so they were against the cold counter before crossing his feet and crossing his arms once more. “Oh, uh, I don’t know, It’s just different.”
“Like a bad different?” You asked. 
stronger, I guess. Why do you even want to know? I thought you found it weird?”
You nodded. “I do. But you can’t tell me you’ve got questions for things you find weird.”
Logan looked at you. “What? Like your ability to watch a serial killer documentary before you go to bed, yet you won’t watch horror movies?”
“I knew you found that weird!”
Logan nodded. “That’s because it is. Scott isn’t allowed near you in the month of October because you said he watches too many scary movies.”
“I can see it in his aura. Being near Scott in the month of October is like putting you next to a magnet and hoping you don’t get stuck to it. Horror movies scare me any time of year, it’s just stronger in October. And Scott watches too many.”
“Who knew the woman who used to work for the FBI, doesn’t like horror movies?”
“Technically, I worked in the labs. Not the field.”
“Still. FBI that’s afraid of a couple jumpscares on a set full of actors. Kind of ironic if you ask me.”
“Oh, please.” You replied, turned back to looking at the door. “You’re just as scared of them. Don’t think I didn’t spot the claw shaped holes in the pillow from last Halloween.”
From the corner of your eye, you saw Logan squirm. 
“How long is left on this thing anyway?”
You looked at your phone. “Twenty seconds.”
You both watched as the timer went off before looking at each other. “Ready?”
It took you a second, but you finally nodded and Logan stood back up straight. As did you before pulling the face down tests from the counter. 
Logan stood behind you, his hand absentmindedly coming to your hip as he looked over your shoulder. You closed your eyes before turning them round and took another second before finally opening them. 
It felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. 
Two lines. 
Both tests. 
Two, vibrant, clear from space, lines. 
And despite him being the first to know, everything suddenly felt a lot more real for Logan. 
“Oh my god,” you breathed out before you felt yourself starting to cry again. “Oh my god.”
You looked at Logan through the mirror before turning around and his arms wrapped themselves around you as you stood on your tiptoes to bury your face into his neck. 
“What do you need? Tell me what you need.”
You set yourself back on your feet, your eyes locked on Logan’s chest. “Sleep? I think.”
Logan smiled a little and brushed the hair out of your face, kissing your forehead. “Okay.”
“Will you
” The question disappeared. “Stay with me.”
With his eyes fixed on yours, Logan nodded. 
Laying down beside you, his arms wrapped around you whilst your legs tangled with his. And for a moment, he was transported back almost nine weeks ago when you and him had finally crossed the one line you both swore you’d never cross with each other, in a motel room, just off the highway leading back into New York. 
Neither of you woke up until a few hours later where you found yourself lay on your side, Logan’s arm around your middle with his hand gently pressed to your belly, whilst he remained behind you, a little more on his front, his face half buried in his pillow. 
Having felt you move, Logan stirred awake for a moment to fully turn onto his side. But you just kept looking at him. 
Just like you had done almost ten weeks ago when you watched the sunlight that was beginning to peek through the curtains that never just quite shut all the way, dance across his bed-ridden hair and over the muscles in his back, ghosting over where the sheet was draped over his bottom half.
And just like then, you brushed a few of the stray hairs from his face, watching his too tired muscles unable to fight off the smile on his face whilst his hand came up and held yours against him for a moment before he kissed the centre of your palm. 
“What time is it?”
“A little after four
I think. I don’t think the others are back yet.”
“I think we’d know if they were.” Logan joked a little before gazing at you. “How are you feeling?”
“Better, I think. A little less sick.”
You nodded for a moment before looking back at Logan. “I think I want to do this.”
Logan gave you a questioning look for a moment. “Are you sure?”
You nodded. “I’m sure. If you don’t want to-”
“I want to.”
It wasn’t ever a second thought for Logan when he had come to terms with you being pregnant, as well as him being the first to know. He would have supported any decision you made, but he couldn’t help but feel a little more than happy when you confirmed his question. 
He had been in love with you ever since you had splattered midnight spaghetti sauce on your face from when you had slurped spaghetti. He had chuckled and wiped a spot from your chin with his thumb. 
Of course, he wasn’t blind.
He had always found you attractive since he first met you, but becoming your friend and falling in love with you two years later over a bowl of spaghetti as you graded papers
that was something he could have only ever dreamed of. 
That night, he thought about kissing you. But promised himself he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. You were both friends. 
And when you both almost kissed after having stepped into him whilst you were both outside looking for logs to put on the fire pit outside, he had a strong feeling you felt what he was feeling, too. 
But fear
stopped you both. 
And Rogue’s voice from shouting for you both since you’d both been gone ten minutes longer than you had planned. 
But that night in the motel room. 
Neither of you could deny it anymore. And there was no one around to interrupt. 
Maybe both of you wished it had happened a lot more smoothly. But neither of you could deny you weren’t not happy about what had happened. 
“You want to?” You rallied his words back to him, trying not to smile too much. 
Logan nodded. “I want to.”
“One thing,” you said. “What do we tell the others?”
“You didn’t tell anyone what happened?”
You shook your head. “No. Work kinda got in the way.”
Which it did. A few hours after the motel, you had both gotten a call to get back to the school as quickly as you could. And work got too busy, neither you or Logan had time to talk about what happened and before you both knew it, it got too late to mention it again.
“Did you?”
Logan shook his head. “No.”
“This is gonna be a shock to their system.”
You nodded in agreement. “Maybe we don’t tell them so soon. At least wait until the twelve week scan.”
“Agreed. Accept-”
“Jean’s got to know.”
Logan nodded and clicked his teeth. 
“But we can trust her. Maybe we’ll just have to corner her in her lab before she and Scott have lunch together.”
Logan nodded. “Good idea. Does the lab even have a sonogram machine?”
You reeled back a little. “Logan
“What? I might have
a couple of books.”
You could help but smile. “You read books? On pregnancy?”
 Logan shrugged, once again trying to hide his smile. “Had to know if I was right about you being pregnant. And if I was, I wanted to know
what to expect. Just because I’m nearly 200 years old doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing.”
“And the entire world takes a sigh of relief. Even the oldest man in the world doesn't know what he’s doing. Maybe we don’t have to have it all figured out right now.”
Logan smiled, his hand pressing gently against the bottom of your back, pulling you closer to him. “Maybe we don’t.”
“But we’re gonna do this together?”
Logan gave you a nod and smiled. “We’re gonna do this together.”
By the time the others got back, Logan was on cooking duty since the smell of everything was sending you into waves of sickness once again, until Logan handed you a small bag of sweets with a couple of pretzels inside that helped curb your cravings and settled the sickness. 
And, just like you had said, you found Jean in her lab just a little after Scott had left and told her what she needed to know. 
Within moments she had you lay on the examination table and Logan wheeled a chair over to be by your side whilst she scanned your stomach to find your uterus. 
“Have to say, you two took your time.”
Jean smiled. “Rogue was sure something had happened that night at the firepit when she went to find you two. When she finds out she’s gonna be thrilled something did finally happen.”
You and Logan looked at each other. “Other than Rogue
how many people think that
“You two would finally stop being idiots and do something about it?” Jean clicked a couple of buttons on the monitor. “Everyone.”
Jean smiled. “Yep. And now they’re gonna be thrilled. Take a look.”
Jean explained what you were looking at. “See, here their head, and their feet. They look pretty comfortable there, tucked up nice and cosy.” 
Jean did a couple other things whilst you and Logan looked at the screen, Logan’s hand taking yours in his before he kissed your palm again. 
she’s so small.”
You looked at Logan with a smile, and tears in your eyes. “What makes you so certain it's a girl?”
Logan shrugged. “I just do.”
Squeezing his hand, you smiled and looked back at the monitor. 
“I’d put you at about a little over nine weeks. We should be able to hear a heartbeat.”
You looked a little shocked, not expecting to hear a heartbeat so soon. But Jean found it and
you breathed. Or maybe you held it. You weren’t quite sure. 
“Stay still,” Jean laughed a little. 
“Sorry,” you apologised. 
Logan held onto your hand, tears forming in his own eyes. But for two reasons. One; finally being close to you, seeing your baby and hearing their heartbeat. And two; the small thumping Logan had heard every time he was around you, almost like an echo of your own – or maybe his – had been your baby. 
The baby you were having together. 
He had been hearing their heartbeat for almost a week. 
that’s our baby.”
There was no stopping his smile. “That’s our baby.”
With his other hand at the back of your head, his thumb making familiar strokes back and forth, he kissed you and you squeezed his hand a little tighter, never wanting to let go. 
“I’ll set this recording for you and print off a couple of pictures. Congratulations guys. You’ve got a very healthy baby.”
Jean did as she said she would and by the time you were clean of the gel and sat back up with Logan standing by your side, Jean gave you a couple of information booklets. 
“I think Logan’s already got most of it covered,” you said with a smile, catching his slightly sheepish look. “But thank you.”
Jean hugged both of you. “Congrats guys, and don’t worry. They won’t hear anything from me.”
You smiled. “Thank you.”
By the time you both got back to your room, you had one picture, as did Logan however the third one, Logan kept looking at. 
Without saying anything, you both came to an agreement and it wasn’t long before you found who you were looking for. 
Closing the library door, you checked all the spaces before confirming both yourself, Logan and Rogue were alone. 
“What’s going on?”
Coming to a stand, Rogue stood in front of Logan and you rounded the table to stand beside him. 
He held out the picture. “We wanted to give you this. Figured you should be the first to know
apart from Jean.”
Rogue took the photo in her hands from Logan, it taking a minute before it all finally clicked in her head and confirmed what she was looking at. 
Baby Y/L/N HOWLETT printed in bold white ink in the corner. 
Rogue burst into a smile and let out a small laugh before hugging both of you quickly. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!”
“But you can’t tell anyone.” Logan told her. “At least not yet.”
Rogue shook her head. “I-I won’t. I promise. Oh my god!”
She hugged you both again before stepping back. 
“I knew something was going on between you two! Congrats, guys! Oh, my god! This is just
incredible. Insane.” Then she calmed down for a moment. “Thank you for telling me.”
Logan shrugged. “Figured the kid’s Aunt would want to know first.”
Rogue smiled even brighter and then looked down at the picture lovingly. “When do you find out the gender?”
“In a couple of weeks,” you smiled, holding onto Logan’s hand and arm. “But he thinks it’s a girl.”
“You do?” Rogue asked, with a smile still prominent on her face. “You two are gonna make the best parents.”
“Thank you.”
“Thanks, Kid.”
And she was right. 
As was Logan when, only a few weeks later, Jean confirmed that you both were in fact going to be the proud parents of a baby girl. 
And by the time it came round to you giving birth, you may have bruised Logan’s hand as well as scared Scott into never watching a horror movie where a woman gives birth, ever again. 
Bobby had been the first to find you when you went into labour. You were hunched over the counter in the kitchen, holding onto your belly. 
“Y/n, are you okay?”
You managed to shake your head. “No.”
Then your waters broke. 
“Oh, uh, okay. Okay. Rogue!”
Practically sliding around the door, Rogue saw what was happening. “Oh, crap. Okay. Bobby, go and find Logan.”
“Do you know where he is?” 
” you grunted through the pain. Jean had warned you that having a baby with one mutant parent might speed things along, but two? 
As you had gathered from Jean’s easy let down

You were fucked. 
“Ugh.” You grunted. “He’s
he’s out in the gardens
they had trouble
they had trouble moving
“Just breathe.” Rogue assured you. “Bobby, go.”
And he did. 
“Okay, we’re gonna get you downstairs. I’ll call Jean.”
Twenty minutes later, Jean was back from her store run and rushed inside the school only to nearly collide into Logan. 
“Where is she? I can’t find her.”
“Rogue helped her down to the lab.”
When Jean and Logan finally ran inside, they found you bracing yourself on the bed as Rogue rubbed up and down your back and you felt the pain kick up a notch. 
“They’re here! They’re here. Logan.”
Logan was already on it, replacing Rogue’s hand with his own in yours. “Where the hell were you?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“How’s your pain?” Jean asked, walking back inside in her scrubs. 
“Ever been kicked by a horse in your pelvis?”
Another contraction started up and as you held onto Logan’s hand, you braced yourself on his other arm. 
Jean gave a hidden laugh from your comment and started setting everything up. 
“Just tell me when the pain stops and we can get you moved onto the bed.”
It took a moment but eventually it slowed and, with Logan’s help, you got into the hospital bed and Jean checked you over. 
It was a few more hours before you were ready to push. 
“No, I can’t. It hurts.”
“Just a few more pushes. Come on, you can do it.”
Logan held onto your hand whilst his other arm supported you around your shoulders and back. “You can do it. Just a couple more and it’ll be over.”
You groaned. “Why can’t we be seahorses? The males have to push and they’re only pregnant for ten days.”
Logan could help but laugh a little. “We can always get Chuck to come down and narrate this. He’s no David Attenbourogh but he is English.”
“Oh, shut up.” You laughed a little. “Don’t make me laugh. I’m in enough pain as it is.”
Another contraction started up and you began to push again. 
“That’s it! Good
just a little longer.”
Fifteen minutes later the room was filled with the cries of a newborn baby girl and you felt yourself cry a sigh of relief, joy and worry. 
“You did it, honey.” Logan kissed your temple. “You did it.”
“Where is she? Is she okay?”
Jean smiled and nodded. “She’s perfect. Dad? Want to do the honours?”
Logan kissed you and walked over towards Jean, his hands trailing away from yours before reaching for the scissors Jean handed him. 
Cutting the cord, Jean hurried to weigh and measure your daughter as quickly as she could before handing her over to you for skin to skin contact. 
“Oh my god, she’s beautiful.”
Logan was crying tears of happiness. “She looks just like her Momma.”
“Congrats, you guys.”
“Thank you.” 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of her. She was
Logan sat beside you on the bed, his arm above your head and the other around both of you. He saw you in her, but you saw him. 
“You guys picked a name yet?” Jean asked, standing on the other side of the bed, the camera by her side from where she’s taken a couple of photos already. 
Both yourself and Logan had been quiet about the names you had picked. 
“We haven’t decided yet.” Logan told her, his eyes never leaving his daughter. 
“But whatever it is, Marie is going to be her middle name.”
Jean smiled and took yet another picture. Everyone had been waiting years for this moment, for you and Logan to finally get together, for you both finally to realise you were both always meant to be, even before either of you knew it.
They were going to want pictures to keep forever of this moment. 
As were you two. 
And the ones Jean took were just the first of many to be taken, from everyone holding her beside you and Logan, to the big family photo with her in Logan’s arms, to the one you would always keep by your bedside of Logan holding his daughter for the first time. To birthday’s, Christmases, Easter, family dinners, first steps, first words. 
The others that made a small collection in your memory box for her, where she’s learning to walk, holding onto Logan’s fingers, climbing up her dad and going over his shoulder, finding easter eggs with Logan and Rogue, sitting in Xavier’s lap at his desk, learning to bake for the first time – a picture you didn’t know existed until you found it in the small box Logan had been keeping. He had taken the picture of you and her when you weren’t looking and had multiple copies. 
There was a picture of every moment and every memory that both of you would always treasure forever. 
And even when the sleepless nights felt endless, neither of you wanted to change it for the world.
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sandushengshou · 7 months ago
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Interview with the Vampire | 1.04 "...The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood with All a Child's Demanding"
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lihiominaa · 10 months ago
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STARGATE SG-1 S05E01 | Enemies
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year ago
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Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024) s01e04 “Everything I need is on this boat.”
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tampire · 5 months ago
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Heidern and Leona have their revenge on Rugal and Goenitz in King of Fighters XV
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fanfictionismyaddiction · 6 months ago
A Growing Family
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Word count: 2.2k
Pairing: Toto Wolff x reader, ft. Jack
summary: Y/n is lovingly protected by Toto, Jack, and Lily as they work together to ensure her and the baby’s safety, each of them — especially Jack — adopting Toto’s caring and cautious nature, forming a strong and supportive family bond.
The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, warming the room with a golden hue. Y/n shifted slightly under the covers, her hand instinctively resting on her small but growing baby bump. A gentle smile crept across her face as she felt the slight curve of her belly — the quiet reminder of the life growing inside her. It had become her morning ritual, waking up and feeling the baby’s presence, knowing her family was expanding.
The sounds of hushed whispers and the occasional giggle echoed from the hallway. It was their usual weekend routine — Jack, Lily, and Toto working together to bring her breakfast in bed. Y/n could picture it clearly: Jack taking charge, guiding little Lily in her clumsy but determined way, and Toto’s quiet supervision, his warm laugh accompanying the children’s excitement.
As she rested, savoring the peaceful moment, the bedroom door creaked open. Jack, her stepson, entered first, balancing a tray filled with tea and breakfast. His face was lit up with pride and excitement as he made his way to the side of the bed.
"Careful, Lily!" Jack whispered urgently over his shoulder, watching his little sister wobble behind him, carrying a small vase with a daisy from the garden.
Lily, with her adorable unsteady steps, toddled towards Y/n, her tiny fingers gripping the vase. "F-flower!" she exclaimed proudly, her wide blue eyes glowing as she reached the bed.
Toto followed behind, his tall frame nearly filling the doorway, smiling at the scene before him. His gaze softened as he watched his children in their roles as little caretakers. "You’re doing great, Jack. Keep going, buddy," he encouraged, his deep voice filled with warmth.
Jack carefully set the tray down on the nightstand, his eyes flicking toward Y/n’s belly before looking back up at her face. "We made you breakfast, Mama Y/n!" he said, beaming. "And your favorite tea!"
Y/n’s heart swelled at the sight of him. Jack, with his gentle nature and caring ways, had really come into his own as a big brother, taking his role seriously. Her smile widened as she reached out to ruffle his hair. "Thank you, sweetheart. It looks perfect."
Lily climbed onto the bed with some help from Toto, her chubby hands patting Y/n’s small bump in wonder. "Baby!" she exclaimed with a bright smile, her enthusiasm filling the room. She clung to Y/n’s arm, looking up at her with adoration.
Y/n laughed softly, resting her hand on top of Lily’s. "Yes, baby," she echoed, her eyes sparkling with affection. "You’ll be a big sister soon."
Toto took his place on the edge of the bed, his large hand settling naturally on Y/n’s belly, his thumb brushing gently over her bump. "How are you feeling this morning?" he asked, his deep voice laced with concern but also tenderness.
"I’m good," Y/n replied, leaning into him slightly. "Especially with my little helpers here."
Jack stood tall, a sense of pride radiating from him. He took his role as the big brother to heart, just like he’d done when Lily was born. But this time, it felt different — more serious, more meaningful. Over the past few months, he had started to call Y/n "Mama Y/n" without any prompting, a sign of the deep bond they had built.
Y/n hadn’t expected it. When she first married Toto, she had been careful to respect Jack’s relationship with his biological mother, Susie. Y/n and Susie had always had a good relationship, and they worked together to make sure Jack felt supported and loved by both families. But as time passed, Jack began to see Y/n as more than just his stepmom — she was another source of motherly love in his life. And when he first called her "Mama Y/n," Y/n had nearly teared up with joy.
It had been such a natural moment, as Jack stood by her side in the kitchen, asking for her help with a school project. The words slipped out so easily that it took Y/n a second to realize what he had said. Since that day, "Mama Y/n" became part of their everyday life, a title filled with love and trust.
Jack looked up at Y/n now with the same wide, earnest eyes. "Don’t worry, Mama Y/n," he said seriously. "I’ll help take care of the baby when they come. I’m going to help you just like I helped with Lily."
Toto chuckled, glancing between Y/n and Jack with pride. "That’s my boy," he said, giving Jack’s shoulder a squeeze. "You’re going to be a great big brother, just like you already are."
Lily, not to be left out, gently poked at Y/n’s bump, her tiny finger prodding curiously. "Baby!" she repeated with a giggle, clearly excited by the idea of becoming a big sister too.
Y/n smiled down at her daughter, feeling the warmth of her little family surrounding her. "You’re both going to be amazing big siblings," she said, her voice full of affection. Her hand rested on Toto’s as it cradled her bump, a silent exchange of love between them.
Toto leaned in and kissed Y/n’s temple, his eyes shining with pride. "Looks like you’ve got your own little army taking care of you," he teased softly. "They’ve been watching my every move."
"That’s for sure," Y/n laughed, remembering how both Jack and Lily had started copying Toto’s every gesture. Jack would follow her around the house, telling her to be careful just like his father did, and Lily would toddle behind, repeating whatever Jack said in her tiny voice.
Jack stood a little taller, clearly pleased with himself. "Papa always says you have to be careful with the baby, so I told Lily we need to help too."
Toto grinned, ruffling Jack’s hair affectionately. "You’re right, Jack. We have to take good care of Mama Y/n and the baby."
As Y/n took a sip of the tea Jack had prepared, she looked at her family — Jack, with his earnest love and determination to protect; Lily, full of wonder and excitement; and Toto, the steady anchor in all of their lives. She felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the family they had become.
It wasn’t just the four of them. With Susie, and Toto’s older children, Benedict and Rosa, they had formed a close, extended family. Y/n’s relationship with Toto’s first wives had blossomed into something supportive and warm, creating a loving environment for all of their children. Even with so many different family dynamics, there was nothing but love and respect among them.
"Do you think the baby will look like me or Papa?" Jack asked suddenly, his curiosity bubbling over.
Y/n chuckled softly. "We’ll have to wait and see," she said, patting her bump lightly. "But no matter what, they’ll be so lucky to have you as their big brother."
Lily giggled and clapped her hands, clearly excited about the baby, though she probably didn’t understand exactly what was happening.
Toto leaned closer, placing a hand over Y/n’s bump once again, his eyes shining with joy. "We’ve got everything we need right here," he said softly, his love for their growing family evident in every word.
As the weeks passed, Y/n’s small baby bump continued to grow, becoming more noticeable with each passing day. And with it, the family’s protectiveness over her seemed to grow as well. It started with small gestures — like Jack insisting on carrying things for her or Toto always making sure she sat down before doing anything. But soon, it became almost a mission for all three of them to ensure she was “safe” at all times.
One morning, Y/n was in the kitchen, humming softly as she reached up to grab a plate from the top shelf. Just as her fingers brushed the edge of the plate, Jack darted into the room.
“Mama Y/n, no!” he shouted, startling her for a moment. He raced over, his eyes wide with concern, grabbing the plate from her hands. “Papa said you shouldn’t reach for things! You could hurt the baby!”
Y/n blinked in surprise, then laughed softly. “It’s okay, Jack, I’m fine—”
But Jack was already shaking his head, holding the plate firmly in his small hands. “No, I’ve got it. Papa says you need to be careful all the time now.” He carefully placed the plate on the counter before turning back to her, his expression serious. “I’ll get anything you need, okay?”
Touched by his protectiveness, Y/n crouched down to his level, smiling softly. “Thank you, sweetheart. You’re such a good helper.”
Jack puffed out his chest, clearly proud of himself. “I’m going to protect you and the baby,” he declared. “Papa said I have to look after you.”
Not far behind him, little Lily came toddling into the kitchen, her tiny face lighting up when she saw Y/n. She wobbled over as fast as her short legs would carry her and grabbed Y/n’s leg, hugging it tightly.
“Careful, Mama!” Lily exclaimed, her words slightly garbled but her message clear. “Baby!”
Y/n chuckled, scooping Lily up and resting her on her hip. “You too, huh?”
Lily nodded solemnly, clearly mimicking Jack’s seriousness. She patted Y/n’s belly gently, her tiny hand resting on the bump. “Careful,” she repeated, looking at her with big, wide eyes.
Y/n couldn’t help but smile as she kissed Lily’s forehead. “I promise I’m being careful.”
Later that day, Y/n sat on the couch, folding baby clothes for the nursery when she spotted a toy car on the floor across the room. She started to stand up, but before she could even take a step, Toto appeared out of nowhere, hands gently pressing her back onto the couch.
“Whoa there, love,” he said softly, his brow furrowing. “I’ve told you not to overdo it. I’ll get that for you.” He bent down, swiftly picking up the toy and tucking it away, his tall frame making it seem effortless.
Y/n sighed playfully, giving him a teasing smile. “I’m pregnant, not broken, you know.”
Toto chuckled, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “I know, but we don’t take chances. Especially with this little one on the way.” He rested his hand on her bump, his touch soft and full of love. “We need you both healthy and happy.”
At that moment, Jack came racing into the living room, holding a glass of water. “Papa! I brought Mama Y/n some water, just like you said!”
Toto smiled, nodding approvingly. “Good job, Jack. You’re taking your role very seriously.”
Jack handed the glass to Y/n with great care, his face glowing with pride. “You have to drink lots of water for the baby,” he said earnestly, repeating Toto’s words from earlier in the week. “Papa says it’s important.”
Y/n took the glass from him with a smile, feeling her heart swell. “Thank you, Jack. You’re right, I do.”
“And don’t carry heavy things either!” Jack added, as if suddenly remembering another of Toto’s instructions. “Papa says it’s not good for you or the baby.”
Toto laughed softly, shaking his head. “Looks like you’ve got two extra sets of eyes on you now.”
“And very watchful ones at that,” Y/n teased, taking a sip of water.
As the evening came, Y/n decided to take a walk outside in the garden, needing a bit of fresh air. She loved being surrounded by the greenery and hearing the soft sounds of nature. But no sooner had she stepped out the door when Jack and Lily came rushing up to her, Jack holding her hand tightly and Lily clutching onto the fabric of her dress.
“Where are you going, Mama Y/n?” Jack asked, his eyes wide with concern.
“Just for a little walk,” Y/n said softly, looking down at both of them.
Jack shook his head, his grip tightening slightly. “You shouldn’t go alone. What if you get tired or fall? Papa says we have to make sure you’re always safe.”
Lily mimicked him, hugging Y/n’s leg and repeating, “Safe!” as best as she could.
Y/n smiled, realizing there was no way she could resist their protectiveness. “Alright, alright,” she said, holding out her other hand for Lily to grab. “How about we all go together?”
With Jack on one side and Lily on the other, they walked slowly through the garden, Jack keeping a sharp eye out for anything that could possibly be a hazard — a loose stone, a low-hanging branch, even a tiny puddle that might trip her up.
“Careful, Mama Y/n,” Jack said every few minutes, his voice taking on the same firm but loving tone that Toto used.
Lily would nod along, echoing her big brother. “Careful!”
By the time they returned inside, Y/n was half-laughing, half-melting at the sight of them. Jack had taken on Toto’s protectiveness so naturally, and Lily was doing her very best to copy her big brother’s every move.
As they settled back into the living room, Y/n leaned into Toto’s arms, her heart full of love for the little team that had formed around her.
“You’ve turned them into little guardians,” Y/n whispered, resting her head on Toto’s shoulder, her hands lightly tracing her bump.
Toto smiled, pressing a kiss to her hair. “They just love you,” he said quietly. “We all do. We can’t help it.”
Looking at Jack and Lily, who had nestled themselves next to Y/n on the couch, Y/n felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. They were already an incredible family, and with the new baby on the way, their love and protectiveness would only grow.
And in those quiet moments, surrounded by her loving husband and children, Y/n knew that no matter how much they fussed over her, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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dailyflicks · 4 months ago
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