#family caravans for sale
freebirdscaravans · 1 month
Caravanning is one of the best ways to make some lifelong memories with your family members while exploring Australia. If you are planning to buy a new family caravan in Melbourne, you can check the vehicle from Freebirds Caravans.
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destinyrvsblog · 15 days
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family caravans for sale adelaide
Family caravans for sale in Adelaide offer a comfortable and convenient way to enjoy outdoor adventures with loved ones. These spacious and well-equipped caravans cater to families of all sizes, providing ample living space, modern amenities, and innovative features. With a wide range of models and brands available, families can choose from various floorplans, interior designs, and exterior finishes to suit their lifestyle and preferences.
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explorercaravan · 20 days
Family Caravans for Sale Adelaide
If you’re ready to take the first step towards unforgettable family adventures, visit Explorer Caravan Sales in Adelaide today. Our friendly team is eager to show you our range of family caravans and help you find the perfect match for your needs. Start your journey with Explorer Caravan Sales and experience the joy of family caravanning like never before.
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officialabortive · 1 year
Barbarian!Bakugou x FoxHybrid!Reader
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Barbarian!Bakugou had already set up camp for the night under a canopy of thick tree branches. Finally finding some semblance of relief within the cool shade, when he was disturbed by jingling of rusted bells and worn out wooden wheels clacking against rough terrain. Of course, he knows before even looking, that it was the tell tale clatter of a wandering merchant. Bakugou makes haste, jogging over to see the available merchandise. Opportunities like this are rare, as merchants who travel so far out are few and far between.
The stallions —who are surprisingly well kept and very clearly well groomed— hauling the small wooden caravan came to a halt as the man holding the reigns gave a tug upon noticing a blonde figure jogging up. Dropping the reigns, the man swiftly hoped to the ground, ready to offer a sales pitch. Clasping his hands together, the merchant gave his best smile. It was obviously forced, far to wide and toothy to be genuine. Katsuki already pinned him as an obnoxious asshole.
"Ah! Hello, hello, good sir! Would you be interested in making a purchase? You've come at a good time, I have quite the selection at the moment!"
Bakugou grunts "maybe. What'd you have?" The cart was ever so slightly too elevated to see inside without needing to jump to look in over the edge
"Oh please do come take a look!"
Bakugou trails behind him to the back of the caravan where they can see in through the open back. Several hybrids sat on the wooden flooring, all of which having their gaze pinned directly back on him.
"I only carry the cutest and most unique hybrids! Even some exotic breeds! Only the best of the best! And I can assure you they are all perfectly family friendly!" He started pointing to them individually. "Here we have a beautiful teddywidder rabbit! This is red tailed deer! Over here is one of my personal favorites, a rare spot-"
"Got any hunters?"
The man began stumbling over his words. Now one ever wanted something like that, a possible threat. People wanted a nice cute hybrid to have around the house and be loved by children.
"I- uh- well, I do have this exotic snowy fox, who I'm sure is an amazing hunter. Foxes are known for their incredible hearing, agility, and stealth! All amazing attribut-"
"I'll take 'em"
There was an audible ting, Bakugou having flicked something to the man who fumbled to catch it, even with using two hands. Greedy eyes bulge at the perfectly circular gold piece in his palm. Gluttony has evidently long had it's unshakable grasp on his greed ridden soul.
You were fairly well behaved. Immediately inspecting the temporary camp, analyzing each item in the worn out bag that lay open on the dirt. Than coming to sniff at bakugou, poking and prodding, curiously tugging at each individual necklaces on his chest. He'd even noticed how you sat exclusively in shaded areas, and squinting whenever you weren't.
Yeah, he regrets not thinking further into the whole 'only liking dark areas' thing. Turns out foxes are fucking nocturnal.
Now, the sun had long gone in to hiding, yet here sits a very much wide awake, agitated barbarian. Slouched with arms crossed over his chest as he glares at nothing in particular.
"Can't believe I spent fuck'n money on this bullshit– QUIT IT!"
The sales basterd was right, you were definitely stealthy. And for Katsuki, it's annoying as shit. He can't even hear your approach when you pounce on him from behind, cackling when you successfully grab on to him mid-jump. Only after several hours worth of attempts to catch you, only for you to slip right out of his grasp, to have you apprehend and tired. Finaly he can get some damn shut ey- why the fuck are you burrowing under his cloak!?
Whatever. At least bakugou is confident in your skills required for hunting. Perfect.
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songsofadelaide · 6 months
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There was a travelling market selling foreign goods in your city. The little corner of festivity was brought along their prince's journey to this land.
Apart from your city's trade, the streets were bustling with activity from the travelling market too, so much so that the kingdom had to station local guards in the area to keep the peace and order. Upon hearing your family's maids' excited chatter about the place and all of the outlandish things for sale there, you couldn't help but want to go, too.
But a lady of a noble house should not be there. It was against your better judgement, but there must be some curiosities there that would sate your growing, thriving pursuit of knowledge— before your parents decide to give you away to some stranger from a strange land.
"My l— I mean, miss! Look over here, they have tomes that might be of interest to you!" One of your maids gently pulled you by the arm, causing you to bump into someone in the crowded street.
The man with the piercingly haunting bright blue eyes turned in your direction, catching you before you could hit the ground.
Even dressed in a more subdued manner, someone with an eye for fine things will notice that you aren't like the ladies who accompanied you.
"Oh, my apologies, good sir, I—" Shoot. Your manner of speech—
"The way you carry yourself gives you away, my lady. What's a noble girl like you doing here?"
The man was dressed in Imperial garb, a lovely fur poncho over his fine clothing, his silver hair tousled by the pleasant breeze that swept through the busy streets. He was a foreigner, but strikingly handsome.
"Shouldn't you be preparing to meet the Imperial Prince Satoru?"
The tender smile that graced your face left so easily following that question. You scoffed at the stranger before allowing a small laugh to leave your lips. "I don't want to try so hard to please someone I've never met."
Oh, there you go again with your mouth. But oddly enough, the smile found its way to the handsome stranger's face. "Is that so? I suppose you'll have all the time in the world to get to know him..."
"Personally, I am more interested in whatever books this caravan brought along with it. If you aren't busy, good sir, might you accompany me and my, um, fellow ladies for the rest of our excursion? Surely you know the best places to purchase items..."
He chuckled, evidently amused by your sudden request. He tenderly took your gloved hand in his larger one and brought it to his lips. "Gladly, my lady."
The man patiently answered your every query. When you passed by a stall selling lovely miniatures of Imperial tourist spots and sceneries, you related to him how you had to pose for an uncomfortable amount of hours to have your own miniature portrait painted, only for it to be shipped off to the foreign Empire without a word of thanks from the Imperial family, or whoever received it. Not that you really cared.
He seemed to be so amused by your every quip judging by his gentle laughter. "I'm sure whoever received your portrait was truly pleased."
The man escorted you and your ladies back to your estate and bid you farewell, but not without a promise of meeting once more. How, you didn't know and did not bother thinking too much about it at all.
And when the day the eligible women of the kingdom were set to meet the Imperial Prince came, every other lady's graceful smile faded the moment he stepped down from the king's side and took your hands in his.
You were right about one thing. The moment your eyes met the silver-haired foreign prince's bright blue eyes.
You didn't have to try so hard at all.
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coreene · 5 months
Places in Faerun: Darkhold
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I don't suppose you've heard of Darkhold. It's been many years since folk whispered the name of the place in fear. After all, the Zhentarim, the organization that gave Darkhold its evil reputation, are by all accounts no longer the cadre of thieves, assassins, and evil wizards they once were. And strangely enough, according to my source among the Zhentarim, that change in character can be traced right back to Darkhold. As it was told to me, it came about like this…
Zhentil Keep was burning. The Citadel of the Ravens lay in ruins. The leadership of the Zhentarim died, were captured by the Shadovar of returned Netheril, or were in flight. The vaunted Black Network was shredded. Cells of Zhentarim agents were cut loose, and without connections or direction, they dissolved or were crushed by rivals. The Zhentarim was no more.
Or so it seemed. There was one stronghold of the Zhents that had not fallen and whose leader never wavered in his dedication to the organization. Darkhold stands deep in the mountains of the Western Heartlands, and there the remnants of the Zhentarim quietly gathered. There they swore allegiance anew to the leader who promised to reforge the organization into something stronger than before.
The man to whom this new Zhentarim owed fealty was a dark knight known only as the Pereghost. The Pereghost had long led the armed forces of the Zhentarim at Darkhold, and his vision for the revival of the organization was along military lines. After a time of recruitment and training, the Zhentarim emerged from Darkhold not as conquerors or as bullying capitalists but as mercenaries willing to serve others instead of forcing them to serve.
In the years that followed, the transformation served the Zhentarim well. They earned a reputation for sterling service, and their ranks swelled. Those who knew of Darkhold thought of it as the headquarters of this new version of the Zhentarim.
Membership in the Zhentarim is difficult to assess, but my source told me they might have greater numbers now than before their organization's fall. New leadership for this larger group has led to a shift in focus. While still a source of capable mercenaries, the Zhentarim have diversified into mercantile pursuits. Zhent guards now ride alongside caravans of their own. And whereas a military organization served it well in the chaotic period after its fall, my source frequently described the Zhentarim as a "family" and leaders as "my good friend."
My source also spoke in awed tones of the Pereghost, as though that figure were still alive and a leader of Darkhold. The Pereghost is never seen without his full armour and a face-covering helm. If it isn't an elf behind the mask, then I suspect a series of humans might have masqueraded as the Pereghost during the past century.
Darkhold Vale
I was curious about my source's tale, and so when I had cause to be in the region, I made my way toward Darkhold. An enormous mountain peak called the Gray Watcher of the Morning looms behind Darkhold to the east, casting a great shadow over the keep from sunrise until nearly midday. Darkhold sits in a cleft in the side of the Gray Watcher, the highest point of permanent occupation in a relatively fiat and defensible valley called Darkhold Vale.
Darkhold Vale contains a small settlement of the same name, consisting mostly of shepherds who tend their flocks in the high meadows of the Sunset Mountains, and a few farmers who coax fine crops from the soils that cling to the vale's fields. The settlement's main source of prosperity is the black stone quarry at the south-eastern edge of the vale; the heavy carts groaning with slabs of stone for sale and the large, muscled workhorses that pull them are common sights here. The common folk of Darkhold Vale tend to be surly and suspicious of outsiders, though they are careful to avoid offense.
This settlement of about a hundred or so is utterly under the dominion of Darkhold and has seen some benefit from the situation: the vale folk see a great deal more traffic and trade than the little hamlet would ever expect otherwise. Until recently, all the caravans bound for Darkhold could seek sanctuary only in the shadow of the keep itself. Now the people of the vale have recently built both an inn, called the Wyvern's Rest, and a separate tavern, called the Rookery.
Some of the locals send to market bales of the thick, rich wool they shear from their sheep. Others make a living hawking the dandelion wine that Darkhold Vale has always produced, but only recently begun to sell abroad. The vale has a small militia, technically under the command of the Pereghost, but which answers to a local captain named Sulvarn.
To those who've come into conflict with the Zhentarim, living in a place so firmly in their power seems unthinkable, but the reality is that life is sedate here. Certainly, the soldiers in the castle aren't to be trifled with, but they hardly ever engage in the acts of petty cruelty that one expects from warriors serving a local lord. Those who misunderstand the Zhentarim often do so because they imagine them to be cackling villains in the vein of the Zhents of yore. In reality, they are pragmatic, willing to do whatever necessary to achieve their ends. But they have no need to terrorize the folk of Darkhold Vale, for one simple reason: they already control them.
In years past, these folk lived in fear and suspicion, with a hearty helping of racial prejudice; my first visit to Darkhold nearly a century ago was occasion for me to hear some of the vilest epithets attached to my kind that I've ever heard-even worse than those that fall from the foul lips of ore raiders in the North. The attitudes of the vale folk have changed over the years, however, no doubt due in part to the orders of the Pereghost when he reengaged the Zhentarim with the wider world.
Darkhold Castle
When l first beheld the great black walls of Darkhold, I thought all the legends about it must be true. On my second visit, I thought I'd try to confirm my suspicions.
According to legend, Darkhold's story began more then a millennium ago, when it was known as the Keep of the Far Hills. It was built as a summer capitol for the so-called "giant empires." Situated in the Far Hills, the castle was in a position to dominate trade routes north out of the Iriaebor Valley. It could also dominate river trade down the Yellow Snake Gorge.
The role of the so-called Giant Emperors is still a matter of conjecture and discussion today. However, there are some, scattered among the giant tribes of the North, who claim to be heirs to the ancient thrones. Whatever the truth of the empires might be, the castle itself was definitely built for giants. Its size and construction support no other explanation.
Legend has it that Darkhold was lost to the giants due to internal strife-a pair of brothers quarrelling over their inheritance. Through poison, magic, and mercenaries, the brothers thinned the castle's population until only the brothers themselves were left. The two fought and mortally wounded each other, and each dragged himself off to die alone. The brothers' spirits are still said to stalk the castle, each still seeking his brother's destruction.
The keep was then occupied by a succession of owners, including a dragon of some repute, but it was not until a lich claimed it that the castle came to be known as Darkhold. The lich was called Varalla, and supposedly she conjured all manner of evil creatures to serve her, sending them out to dominate the lands beyond and establish an empire of evil. Varalla ruled Darkhold until the infamous leaders of the old Zhentarim- Manshoon and Fzoul- heard tales of her wealth in magic and gold. Lured by the promise of such rich rewards, the pair defeated her and claimed the castle for themselves.
Upon my arrival at the great gates to the fortress, I found that I was expected, as I must have been watched since entering Darkhold Vale-perhaps even before then. After a short wait, I was met by a seneschal, a forthright woman with a strong handshake, who warmly referred to the person who secretly supplied me with the history of the Zhentarim. I found myself taken aback by this because I had thought my source and I had spoken in confidence. As you no doubt have noticed, I've avoided mentioning the name, gender, or physical description of my source, for I swore an oath of secrecy. Besides my initial shock, my exchange with the seneschal was pleasant, and I was given a tour of some of the mighty castle.
When I asked about the legends of Darkhold's creation and occupation, she told much the same story as I have told, adding a few characters from its history that I hadn't heard of before. When asked about castle hauntings, the seneschal only smiled in reply. Although it seemed a genuine smile, I could wring no truth from it.
Of the castle's defences, I can say little. My tour was limited. But I did note that, while some things on the giants' scale have been modified to suit humans (such as stairs and most doors), other things remain titanic. For instance, I have no idea how they managed to open the gates for my entrance without the use of magic.
Denizens of Darkhold
I didn't see the Pereghost during my visit, so I can't confirm anything about the man. But the seneschal and everyone else with whom I conversed spoke of the Pereghost in awed tones. Whatever the truth of this saviour of the Zhentarim, he is apparently too busy to entertain curious visitors. While at Darkhold, I heard the name of another leader of some importance, Manxam, but my queries about this figure were redirected to other topics, and I didn't feel comfortable pressing the seneschal on the matter.
Of the rest of Darkhold I can relate only a little more. The Zhentarim maintain two war units within Darkhold: the Storm Watch, a cadre of veteran Zhentarim soldiers who act as heavy infantry, and the Gray Feathers, archers primarily responsible for the defence of the fortress.
These aren't the only forces Darkhold can bring to bear, however. The years when a contingent of giants lived in Darkhold are long gone, but in their place is an aerie of wyverns, bred and trained to defend Darkhold and to obey the Pereghost. Their trainer is a ranger named Grigarr, whose body is pocked with myriad scars from wyvern stings. The man is a greedy wretch who claims he is now immune to the wyverns' venom, after having been stung so many times. He loves telling stories in the Rookery about how he got his many stings, and thinks himself an entertaining storyteller because people listen and applaud. The truth is that the locals are terrified of him, so they humour him while he is in his cups.
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source: Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide pg. 77-79
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indizombie · 4 months
In the recent past, reputed foreign publications reported three explosive news stories but none of them made it to the pages of Indian newspapers. A follow-up investigation, or questions for the government, is unimaginable. On 12 December, Bloomberg reported that Taiwan's Chang family, which was charged by the Indian government in 2014 of being used by billionaire Gautam Adani's empire to siphon money overseas, has now resurfaced under a new name and is again working with the conglomerate. Two days later, the French newspaper MediaPart reported that the Modi government is refusing to cooperate with French judges who have requested India's assistance in their ongoing investigation into alleged corruption in the sale of 36 Dassault-built Rafale fighter jets to India in 2016 for €7.8 billion. This has been highlighted in a diplomatic note written in July by the French ambassador to India, Emmanuel Lenain. Only last month, The Caravan published an in-depth investigation into kickbacks received in 15 major arms deals which, too, saw no coverage by the Indian media. On 10 December, the Washington Post reported on an organisation set up and run by a serving intelligence officer to research and discredit foreign critics of the Modi government. This blurs the line traditionally observed by the country's security establishment between operations that serve India and those that advance the ruling political party's aims.
Sushant Singh, ‘Fire and Smoke’, Caravan
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lemon-drop-soda · 10 months
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Alright uh so
Fractalis has a wife who he loves very much. She started as just a backstory detail for the dnd campaign he was a part of (before that fell apart), mainly as a reason for why he would want to escape from where he was adventuring.
Now she's an actual character lmao. This is Cirina! Read more about her below.
Cirina's upbringing is in a different category of strife compared to her husband's. She was born and raised in Arabel. Her merchant family was invested in the production and trade of the city's various exports, particularly the Arabel specialty of Bitter Black beer. As a child, she was often part of the caravans to other large cities where goods would regularly be sold and traded. She enjoyed the limited freedom those trips gave her. Even at a young age, the joy of seeing new things in new places was something she held onto for dear life. Familiarity and routine didn't bother her, but she much preferred to take in new information to learn how to adapt to a constantly changing social contract between fellow traders. Her curiosity for the new and exciting was fostered in her formative years in that she would hone her skill in picking other peoples brains and reading their intentions and needs as she grew up. She maintained a sprightly demeanor through her adolescence and into young adulthood, though that's not to say she was always optimistic. The way in which she would voice her frustration was wholehearted and honest, but it was often followed up by a diluted nihilism that kept her moving forward, causing her to push her frustration aside. While that technique helped to ease her momentary despair, reality would prove to test her resolve as time marched on.
Trade in Interior Faerun is highly competitive, and while being involved in the production of the staple drink of their home city was advantageous to an extent, Cirina's family experienced more valleys than peaks in their profits over time. They had to change their sales tactics, diversify their output, learn new trades, do something to provide a safety net when the keep they earned wasn't high enough to make ends meet. Cirina herself shaped up to be en excellent saleswoman every time a change in what was sold and who was being sold to took place. She could sell water to a fish if she knew enough about the fish from their first interaction, helped by her overall active and friendly personality. Despite her adaptability, the ceiling for how much her family could earn was lower than any of them would like to admit.
That is, earning the honest way.
Eventually, a client approached the family with a handsome proposition to ferry powerful magical contraband between Hilsfar and Westgate (with hired mercenaries as suitable protection). Though the journey back an forth was long and taxing, involving roughly 600 miles of land travel and 200 miles of sea travel in one direction, the client was willing and able to give tens of thousands in gold pieces per journey. They never asked what those objects were for, all the family knew is that if they followed through, they would be doing far better than their contemporary competitors. How could they possibly refuse? It didn't matter if the items were to be given to vampire lords or usurper kings in the end.
Cirina then became the face of this questionable operation, using her natural charm to dissuade guards at checkpoints from inspecting the precious cargo too closely. She often had to bite her tongue over the morals of committing to this trade agreement. She knew what she was doing was duplicitous, but compromising the trade meant losing everything, including the family's standing as reputable merchants should the agreement expire at any time. Nobody could know that they were complicit in facilitating potential magical arms dealings with the likes of those that do harm in the realm. Her conscience began collecting guilt with each lie and half-truth she told in the name of escorting the source of her pay. It couldn't be helped. She had a job to do, and she had to keep moving forward like always.
Yet the truth will always make itself known, no matter what.
One of the mercenaries charged with protecting the caravan ratted them out to a rival of their benefactor for profit. The rival confronted the family at a checkpoint on the way to Hilsfar, but rather than hand them over to the authorities to be hanged for their crimes, they gave them an ultimatum. They were to either cease all trade and fall into obscurity elsewhere, or be publicly executed to send a message to all traders operating with their prior wealthy partner.
The choice was obvious. Her family took the deal and ran into King's Forest, eventually settling in Mouth O' Gargoyles. They held onto their earned gold in secrecy, knowing full well that if their profits were discovered wherever they ended up, the source would be questioned. Holding onto the truth close to her chest ate away at Cirina more now than it did during the time she was the saleswoman for the operation. She had to do something with her now forcibly idle hands, if only to distract from the shame she was coated in. Why not woodcarving? Of the artisanal trades she'd already learned about out of curiosity, whittling and sculpting were not yet known to her, and she was now surrounded with enough material to last her a lifetime.
The locals were happy to direct her to the tiefling woodcutter for scraps to practice with.
This is how Cirina met her husband, Fractalis.
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Looking for a new book for the weekend?
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Can I maybe interest you in an epic fantasy mystery with a female MC, the beginning of a found family, no focus on romance, a cool steampunk caravan, and a cute dog? 👀
A Searing Faith, book 1 of The Heart Pyre, is on sale until Oct. 5th!
You can get the ebook for 0.99 on most major retailers and the paperback for 8.99 from amazon!
Find your favourite retailer here:
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astramthetaprime · 9 months
Going to the Extremes
The turning, the turning, the turning of the year ... those moments when you hear the creaking of the wheel as it grinds, carrying you even as it plows you under.
My first ChattaCon was ChattaCon 11. I was 16 years old, and the ecstatic joy I felt in those first few moments when I walked in and saw a guy dressed as Nightcrawler from the X-Men, leaping across the Consuite ... that moment has lived within me ever since. I picked up my first sword at that ChattaCon. I met people who delighted in talking about comic books without shame. I saw D&D books for sale like so many magical tomes proudly displayed in the markets of a mystical town. This was home, this gypsy circus village of madmen and tavern wenches.
It's been home ever since. And no more so than when I met the three men who have been my family ever since. My soul family.
Ironically, the fourth man, the man I married who introduced me to the other three, that man I haven't seen in twenty years. But the other three who attended our wedding, those three stooges I have kept firm ties.
We're all old now. They're in their 60's now. I'm not far behind. I know I'll be there when they take the last journey. Someday I'll get The Call for each of them. And I will feel grief for them. Every last one. Every moment.
But this last Friday and Saturday, we staked a claim on a table in the Consuite and we talked and talked and talked. It was about equal time how to game Medicare and so many memories of our imaginary conquests in Dungeons & Dragons. I'd leave only to attend panels, come right back and resume my place among them. My oldest friends.
I was safe, I was supremely happy, surrounded by these dear souls, once more in the heart of our ephemeral caravan home. The turning of our year.
Then Sunday dawned, and the party was over.
I washed, dressed in black, and made the drive to the funeral home.
And there was no greater contrast.
I sat silent and alone in a room with my mother's ashes while my blood family fought a furtive war all around me, faction against faction, my stepfather fighting by his absence and flat refusal to have anything to do with any of them. I was left, alone, silent, speaking to no one, watching the strained conversations. And the hyperactive screaming to two little boys that forced me to get out my ear plugs. Kids who haven't apparently been taught appropriate behavior at a funeral.
No one bothered to talk to me, and I was frankly afraid to talk to any of them. No matter who I spoke to the "other side" would take note of it and use it against me. While my uncle urged me to just take my mom's ashes and bury them where he wanted, though I've told him repeatedly in the last few weeks that I don't have that legal right.
Everyone fighting, everyone trying to use me for their own ends. When they aren't ignoring me for being inconveniently moral.
No one seemed to remember we were there for a funeral.
I know who my real family are now. And it's not the people I share genetics with.
It's those three dear souls who opened their arms to me at ChattaCon. Three great bears of men -- each well over six feet tall! -- with expansive intellects and hilarious good humor and unmatched kindness. My dear ones. My best friends.
The ones who make my life worth living.
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explorercaravan · 3 months
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Family Caravans Adelaide, available at Explorer Caravan Sales, offers a wide range of caravans designed for family adventures. Specializing in top-quality, durable, and spacious caravans, Explorer Caravan Sales ensures comfort and convenience for all family members. With features like bunk beds, ample storage, and modern kitchenettes, these caravans provide a home-away-from-home experience. Explorer Caravan Sales prides itself on exceptional customer service, helping families choose the perfect caravan to suit their needs and budget. Explore the beauty of Adelaide and beyond with confidence and ease in a family caravan from Explorer Caravan Sales.
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aussielandrv · 1 year
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diliwriter · 10 months
Top Van Models Available in Sri Lanka
If you're considering purchasing a van for sale in Sri Lanka, you'll be pleased to know that there are several excellent van models available to meet a variety of needs. Vans are versatile vehicles that are ideal for both personal and commercial use. In this guide, we'll explore some of the top van models you can find for sale in Sri Lanka.
1. Toyota Hiace: The Toyota Hiace is a popular choice in Sri Lanka, known for its durability and spacious interior. It's a versatile van suitable for various applications, including transporting passengers or goods.
2. Nissan Caravan: The Nissan Caravan is another well-regarded van that offers ample space and a comfortable ride. It's favored by businesses and families alike for its reliability.
3. Toyota Townace: The Toyota Townace is a compact and efficient van, perfect for navigating Sri Lanka's busy streets. It's a reliable choice for small business owners.
4. Hyundai H1 Starex: The Hyundai H1 Starex is a comfortable and spacious van, often chosen for family outings or as a luxury passenger van for tourism.
5. Mitsubishi L300: The Mitsubishi L300 is a workhorse van, well-suited for transporting goods and running daily errands. It's known for its ruggedness and reliability.
6. Suzuki Every: The Suzuki Every is a compact van that's both practical and efficient. It's a preferred choice for urban commuting and light cargo transport.
7. Daihatsu Hijet: The Daihatsu Hijet is a small and economical van, perfect for navigating narrow city roads. It's a popular choice for small businesses and delivery services.
8. Toyota Liteace: The Toyota Liteace is another compact van option known for its reliability and fuel efficiency. It's a practical choice for daily commuting and small cargo transport.
9. Honda Freed: The Honda Freed is a spacious and comfortable van with a focus on passenger comfort. It's a great choice for families and tourism businesses.
For a wide selection of van models in Sri Lanka, consider Indra Traders, a reputable name in the automotive industry. They offer various van options to suit your specific needs, whether you require a van for personal use or for your business.
The availability of top van models in Sri Lanka ensures that you can find the perfect van to meet your requirements. Vans are versatile vehicles that cater to a variety of purposes, and with the right model, you can navigate the beautiful island of Sri Lanka with ease. So, use this guide to explore the top van models and embark on your journey to find the ideal van for sale in Sri Lanka.
Indra Traders
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trash-monkey · 9 months
What The Hell Is This Mess!!
Chapter 6
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"We have decided to take your offer." Draken spoke after we returned to the chiefs office which before we left our temporary room that Kesor got a notification that we can't deny this main quest, Kesor stay in our room to nap.
"Thank you" We can see the relief and hope in in the chiefs eyes at our agreement, he pulls out three hiring contracts from within his desk for us to sign. Hanma takes one to read all the details and even the fine print safety message, the usual stuff about possible injury, dangers and death.
"Everything looks to be inorder." Hanma gives us the light that it's alright to sign the contracts and one by one we sign our own contract with a black feathered quill we passed around.
"When is the caravan leaving?" Sanzu speaks up this time.
"Tomorrow." The Chief pulls out a small wool stringed bag that clinks when sit on the desk.
"This is mine along with the towns thanks and gratitude for what you have done, bringing the girl back and burying our fallen." He scoot the bag to us across the desk which Sanzu grabs and open which he counts 30 gold piece, 10 for each person which we said our thanks before excusing ourselves to pack.
"Sanzu and Hanma go see what they have in the store, I'll get our packs ready to go." Draken said as Sanzu hands Hanma his gold while he keeps Draken's so if he sees something for Draken he can get it, with a nod at that plan they separate. The two steps into one of the very few shops in Bear's Foot and the scent of leather hits the two in the face before seeing that the shop sells mostly leather items but there are a few shiny weapons laying around for sale and after a look around we did find a few things for us. Sanzu found a belted wrist bracers with a knife sheath which comes with the small knife, lather dagger sheath with a 45 degree angle which sits on the back of the hips, and a short blade Katana, the two found leather bracers with iron plating on the and a triple one leg pocket grip belt for Draken, Hanma found himself some lather bracers also and a leather quiver with 25 wooden arrows.
'This leaves us all together 10 gold pieces which Draken and Hanma does need more appropriate traveling attire, well mostly Hanma needs it'
With this the two travel to a clothing shop which Hanma got himself a full simple traveling outfit that's similar to Sanzus current outfit just in different tones of purple and knee high boots, Hanma gets another set for Darken in different tones of blue along with boots also as Sanzu gets another set for himself in case of emergency.
'The three full set of outfits cost us 5 gold pieces which leaves us using the last 5 for food'
The two quickly got what they could with the last 5 gold pieces in food of Bear's Foot food market before heading back to the Chief house, which they can simply hunt if they need to.
"Once again we're penny less." Hanma simply comment to fill the silence as he and Draken change into their new clothes along with their newly bought things once the two return to their temporary room, although I couldn't help but admire their bodies while doing so.
'Damn, we're hot.'
I thought to myself with a laugh as Hanma runs a hand through his hair before helping Draken braid his hair as he just put it into a low ponytail after getting up this morning, suddenly there's knocking on our door.
"Breakfast ready!" Sanzu opens the door to see Yara standing there and tells her we'll be right down which quickly hurry before meeting the family at the dinner table, while eating the dinner we discuss the safety and details of the caravan.
"Thank you for the delicious dinner, Yara." Draken said as him and Hanma do dish wash duty.
"Thank but you make supper as I want see your cooking skills." Draken ask if she want us all to cook or one.
"You, you have cook hands! you hunt and pick for supper today for all, me watch over give tips." Yara gesture to Draken's hands before she points to Hanma when he came back for some for dirty dishes.
"Hanma, have hands for baking and me want him to today for supper also. Sanzu hands only for skinning animals and sewing, they steady and still, good for precision work."
"Thanks Yara, I'll get right on that." Draken smiles at her.
"Glade! Come here!" Yara yells for her son which he immediately comes at his mothers call, Glade is a teen that looks exactly like his father expect he's more thinner but with time he'll also be packing the muscles he's father has.
"Show him the food of nature, what to eat and not." Glade nods grabbing a sack or two before leading Draken into the forest to show him the ropes of a gather and how to step up traps.
Secret Quest, Completed!
- Life of a gather skill level 1
- Trapper skill level 1
"Thanks Glade, you can return home now." Glade nods seeing that Draken want to try his skill on his own now after Draken quickly blink the notification away after giving it a quick glance.
"Kesor?" Draken hissed into the air knowing that she can hear him even when she's with Hanma and Sanzu, she pops into existence at the call knowing one of us will be calling after the notification.
"Secret Quest?" Draken questioned as he look closely at the plant in front of him.
"Your system gets random updates but you won't know it as Agnus likes being complicated like that, it's the chaos he craves." Kesor shrub her shoulders as she bounce in the air.
"Why didn't you tell me this?" Draken picks more herbs and other eatable things but since of the new gather skill his fingers has a easier time pickinvg, she just saids that she wasn't supposed to until now as she floats to the ground to stand on her feet next to Draken.
Back at the house Hanma is kneading dough in the kitchen while wearing Yaras light blue apron which is small on Hanma large frame as Yara is watching from the kitchen island, Ione looks exactly like her mother Yara and a year younger then her brother Glade as she teaches Sanzu how to sew while the youngest child Nox is playing outside with his friends. Hanma puts the dough into a bowl with a clean dish towel over and into the fridge to sit before getting started on making biscuits, by the time the biscuits is done and Hanma just had popped in the bread to bake in the oven Darken comes in with the two sacks filled and two rabbits.
"Ione, thank you for the lesson but I have a dinner to help with." She nods in understanding and smile at me as she continue on with her pattern when I set the one I'm working in the chair I've been sitting in, I have a feeling she's developing a crush on Sanzu. Draken hands the two rabbits over to Sanzu to skin which he takes into the backyard which Yara immediately followings to see how his skinning work is, Draken works on cleaning and cutting everything he picked to cook.
"You don't open this particular fruit like that." Ione hand lays gently over Draken's own hand that is holding the knife which she gently takes from him and show him how to do it properly.
"If you opened it the way you was going to you'll mostly only get seeds." She glances up at Draken before continuing showing me how to open the fruit but I know what's she's doing she's trying her best to attach herself to one of us, any of us that is willing take her.
'She must be desperate to get love that isn't friends or family, she must have been turned down by her crush or something.'
"Thanks." That is all Draken said to her as to not want to give her any false hope that there might be something between them, she give Draken a awkward smile before slowly walking away right as Sanzu comes in with two cleaned skinned rabbits and bloody hands.
Secret Quest, Completed!
- Life of a skinner skill level 1
"He good but not great, with time he will be great in skinning animals." Yara comments as Sanzu hands over the two rabbits to Draken before washing his hands and the knife, once he sure all the blood is completely gone he goes back to his pattern in the living room and isn't surprised when seeing Ione is missing from her chair.
'that must have stung but it needed to happen, she must be in her room sulking'
"Yara, did Ione get rejected?" Draken ask as he prepare to start cooking rabbit stew with bread and biscuits as a side, Yara and Hanma sits at the kitchen island which Hanma checks the bread every so often.
"She has crush on this boy, Pierre. He is framer boy like his dad but don't know if she told him about her feelings, why you ask?" Draken sighed.
"You're going have to talk to her, she's trying to attach to one of us, anyone that is willing to give her love that isn't friends or family, to her it doesn't matter about age and that dangerous." Draken tells bluntly as Yara needs to know before something bad happens to Ione, Yara bows her head in thought.
"Thank you for telling." She says before pushing me aside take over the cooking at seeing Draken cluelessness on how to insert one of the rabbits into the stew .
"Watch closely." She shows me how to cut the meat off the bones and into the stew that's filled with edible plants Draken picked earlier with Glades help.
Secret Quest, Completed!
- Baker skill level 1
The notification pops up right as Hanma sit the finish baked bread onto the kitchen island to cool off which Yara takes a taste test of along with the biscuits.
"Bread hard but will get better with practice and biscuits good on first try." She gesture to the biscuits will be for supper as the side, Draken pops the last rabbit into the oven to bake. While that bakes Yara moves around the kitchen to cook a little more for supper to actually fill eight people.
"Only you three eat this for supper, if eat all then you three can eat good everyday by own hands." Yara is a mother after all so she worries about the people she cares for which I can see she had come to care for us too even if it's only been a few days we've been staying in her home. We set the table once everything is cooked and bring all the food onto the dinning table.
"They made baked rabbit, rabbit stew, and biscuits! Draken picked and trapped, Hanma baked, and Sanzu skinned rabbits! Can cook for themselves when traveling!" Yara sounds proud as she tells the chief about our achievements like we're their own kids.
"It's all thanks to you, Yara." Yara hears the words Hanma didn't say and nods at us.
"You all fast learners." Yara smiles bright at us.
"You taste test their cooking?" Yara ask her husband while gesturing to our food which he nods.
"Although I put most of the stew together, Yara showed me how to need the rabbit in." Draken sip at his cup of water since him and the other two denied the offered liquor, not knowing how these three bodies can even handle it.
"I'm begging you...." Hanma sings softly as he undos Draken's braid as the two sits on the bed already changed into their borrowed PJs, Sanzu is currently changing into his.
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Find Your Perfect Getaway: Explore Used Static Caravans for Sale in Cumbria
If you're looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse yourself in the serene beauty of Cumbria, owning a static caravan could be the perfect solution. Whether you're seeking a weekend retreat or a long-term getaway, Hanley Caravans offers a wide range of used static caravans for sale in Cumbria. Let's delve into the reasons why purchasing a used static caravan from Hanley Caravans can transform your leisure experience in this stunning region.
Affordable Luxury: Investing in a used static caravan doesn't mean compromising on comfort or quality. Hanley Caravans takes pride in providing pre-owned static caravans that are meticulously inspected and refurbished to meet the highest standards. By purchasing a used caravan, you can enjoy a luxurious holiday home at a fraction of the price of a brand-new model. Hanley Caravans' extensive collection features various sizes, layouts, and specifications to suit every budget and preference.
Stunning Locations in Cumbria: Cumbria is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, picturesque lakes, and charming villages. Imagine having your slice of paradise amidst this stunning region. From the tranquility of the Lake District to the scenic coastal areas, owning a static caravan in Cumbria opens up a world of exploration and adventure. Hanley Caravans offers used static caravans in prime locations, allowing you to immerse yourself in the natural beauty and serenity that Cumbria has to offer.
Flexible Lifestyle: One of the biggest advantages of owning a static caravan is the flexibility it offers. Unlike a traditional holiday home, you have the freedom to choose when and how often you want to visit your caravan. Whether you're looking for a quick weekend getaway or an extended vacation, your static caravan in Cumbria will always be ready to welcome you. With Hanley Caravans' range of used static caravans, you can find the ideal size and layout to accommodate your lifestyle needs and create lasting memories with family and friends.
Family-Friendly Facilities: Hanley Caravans understands the importance of family-friendly amenities and facilities. Many of their static caravans are located within holiday parks that offer a range of recreational activities, including swimming pools, playgrounds, sports facilities, and entertainment options. These facilities ensure that everyone, from young children to adults, can enjoy their time in Cumbria to the fullest. Hanley Caravans can guide you in selecting a used static caravan located in a holiday park that suits your family's preferences and interests.
Investment Potential: Aside from being a delightful holiday retreat, owning a used static caravan in Cumbria can also present an attractive investment opportunity. The region's popularity as a tourist destination ensures a steady stream of potential renters, allowing you to generate income when you're not using your caravan. Hanley Caravans can provide advice and guidance on renting out your static caravan, helping you maximize your investment while also enjoying your own time at this scenic location.
Conclusion: Discover the joy of owning a used static caravan in Cumbria with Hanley Caravans. With their extensive collection of pre-owned models and prime locations, you can find the perfect holiday home tailored to your budget and preferences. Embrace the tranquility and beauty of Cumbria while enjoying the flexibility and comfort of your private retreat. Whether you're seeking a relaxing getaway or an investment opportunity, Hanley Caravans has the expertise and options to make your dreams a reality. Start your journey to a blissful holiday lifestyle in Cumbria today.
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obsidiannebula · 1 year
Alright, that was hands-down one of the wildest nights I've had in Rimworld
*Rainy night right before bed
*Nati goes into labor while her husband Andy is in the field. Time for this deep space miner to scrub in
*Combat supplier arrives! With Nati's sister/Jaylen's aunt in the group!
*Send the four year old out to trade with them bc everybody else is a little busy right now and we're poor
*2300 hours. Jay is on his way out the front door to trade with his aunt's people
*The baby is mere moments from arriving in the world
*Pack of manhunting hares enters the map in search of human flesh
*Baby Malheur is born safe and healthy! Mom passes out, dad wanders off to have a snack while his newborn daughter lays on the fucking stone floor
*Four year old puts his baby sister to sleep in the nursery after successfully negotiating a 200 dollar sale
*The combat supplier caravan engages the two manhunting hares in battle, riddling them with machine pistol bullets and shotgun shells and at least one grenade, starting a fire north of the barricades
*Andy, post-snack and a nap, finally brings the newborn to mom for a feed
*Baby Kiara finishes her first meal, at which point her mother deposits her on the rough stone floor and goes to sleep
*Dawn breaks. Whatever the fuck that night was, it's over now
Alright. Crazy eventful night, but at least this little family of space castaways is all together, safe and sound
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